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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1915)
r iio fin e lVLadtaLz iti e 3 ..a c$- Smart Frocks for Afternoon Wear -A' Republished by Special Arrangement with Harper's Bazar. :. : : : : : : : The Far Sentry of the Solar System IJ J .If "4! : n- t' The Bid drapery stamps this frock of white soiree or chiffon as a Callot creation, the bias bands being of niolre. Of moire, also, are the long sleeves and pump bow. The white hemp hat is embroidered In beads. . Her garden-party frock is a succession of flounces assembled by the skilful hand of Callot. Through her bluck tulle and creamy lace glimmer tints of bright blue satin. She wears an embroidered chiffon and gourah bat. . By GARRETT P. SERV18S. In these troublous times on the lltllo earth It la refreshing and encouraging to make an Intellectual eonralon among the really great orha that surround tis. and to oherrve with what grand serenity they con tinue undisturbed In the pursuit of their wonderful ways. At the present moment the most distant member of the. nun'a company. the planet Nep tune, I visible, with the aid of a mail telescope. In the evening aky Between the con stellation Gomtnl and Cancer. It la a big world, equal In sIsa to eighty-five eartha. It la the outermost sentinel that "guarrin with solemn round" the bivouac of the aolar system. Where Ita measured paces fall lies ihe planetary frontier. Beginning from Its dark and lonely neat, the awful Raharas of Interstellar spar stretch a ay. Illimitable, though sprin kled with distant anna like diamonda scattered over a tracklesa desert. This sentry world strides slowly on his mighty turn. He has eight thousand elgnt hundred million mllea to go for even' rircla around his campflre. the sun. Ephemeral Incident a occurring In the planetary tents that he guards are noth ing, they do not exist for him. nor he for them. When ha shall have completed another round and returned to his pres ent post between the Twins end the Crab, looking down once more, from the same point, through the pleasant June twilight, not a living soul of all the mil lions now alive will be left upon the earth. The "mystic chords of niemoiy" will, for all these, have long since been broken. Flva "hungry generations" will have trod them down deep Into the dust of forgetfulnuss. A hundred and sixty-five years In tho measure of Neptuno's orbi tal period. Yet hia pace, slow In an astronomical sense. Is seven-fold faster than the swiftest flight of the destroying shell. As is suitable for his position, a wetcher cn the outpost, Neptune possesses a range of vision unrivalled by any other mem ber of the solar system. For him the .parallaxes or the stars are thirty times as great as tor the eerth.v This Is be cause of the giant diameter of his orbit, which la nearly B.flOO.noO.000 mllea. Cven the most distant stars must show some ireasoreable change of place In thi sky when viewed from the opposite ends of a base-line as vast as that. Here on the earth we , cannot, tell how far away mighty Canopus is. We simply know he Is so distant that a base-line IM.OOO.toO mllea long, furnished by the diameter of tho earth's orbit, has no measurtable length viewed from Canopus. The same it, true of all but'a very few of the stars. But In the sentry box of Naptune Canopus' diatance may be accurately ktiown. The records kept there may show the range for every bright star, and even for every star in the Milky Way, so that if a sidereal world war should breok out and the ' sun should - feel compelled to bombard his far off brothers the solar rro.lectllea could be landed with teadly rtiect. There is another visual advantage which the sentinel Neptune enjoys over the rlaneta that circle nearer to the sun. Since he Is thirty times farther from the sun than the earth Is, he receives 900 times less aolaf light, area per area, than our planet gets. Thst Is the eama as saying that daylight on Neptune Is 900 times ires intense man upon the eartn. Thus he la like a sentry paring in the l comparative darkness around the edge of an encampment In tho woods, unbl'nded by too near neighborhood to the ctntral fire. Still, although the sun as seen from Neptune la only about as great In ap parent diameter a an electric arc light, yet It gives an Illumination between SOO and W0 times as bright as that of full moonlight on the earth. tt would ba great to ride the circuit with Neptune to have one's brief trrres trial lifo-apan enlarged by tho aoale of the long Neptunian years, and to I weep "with optic glass" the starry hattle rrnts from the circumference of thst xast orbit. Hut Neptune would ofter a strange, uncertain footing for animals l'ke us. The mean density of the hug planet la hut slightly greater than that of water. It may be a gloho of liquid for all that we can tell. If It has In habitants they may be flsh-Uke creatures, dwelling In a bubble ocean, or thoy may be composed of substances so rare that they resemble living balloona, scintillat ing with prismatic hues as they roll In the diminished sunshine or flash off the sheen of the stars. But It la a long. Ions way to Neptune, and this world may never know what is going on In that one. Engaged to Two Men at Once By BEATRICE FAIRFAX. How happy I could t with either. were t'other dear charmer away!" wrote the poet, and we who read smile with amused tolerance. But the situation Is not amusing at all. . Either It Is a tragedy of Imperfections, a drama of deceit, or a distorted problem play of stolen happiness. "I have two young men frlende." writes roily. "One lives In the sunt town as I, the other out of town. I am desperately In love with both of them. And I am sure they both love me, as they both have proposed, I accepted both. The reason was I loved both so well I wss Afraid I would make a wrong choice. I thought I would be able to decide In a year which I loved the best. But now they both want to marry this fall and I don't know whloh to take. Please ad vise ma quickly as I am In great need of help. I am IS years old, and both the men are over 26 years old." Tolly aged II years what you . are really In need of Is a spanking. Suppose you aorept a verbal one from me. You have done a thing that Is con temptible and dishonorable. Tou have lowered your womanhood by deceiving two men and you are likely to lower their standard of womanhood when they find you out. When you were with either, he became temporarily the one you loved and so,, when you went to the other, you betrayed the man you had Just thought you loved. The standard of lova for decent folk Is to love one only and to cleave to him or her. And since, ymi think you love two men, you love neither but Instead you have a morbid desire to be made love to! You love yourself, my girl; you love to have your precious self courted and worshipped- And so you have supplied yourself with two admirers and stimu lated your own fondness of conquest. What would you think of a man who similarly deceived two women? Chival rous folk would think "cad" too kind a name for him. And even "scoundrel" would seem to gloss over the situation of taking the love and allegiance or two women and of laying up for one (or both) unhapplness when the day of awakening came. The fact that you are a girl makes what you have done no whit more decent than would be the conduct of a man who acted with similar shameleswnesa. In fact It Is worse. Tou have cheapened your own womanllood and all the standards of sweetness and reserve and maidenly modesty that ought to be the loveliest thing In your youth. You are playing fast and looee -with the moat sacred emotion In life. Ahead of you lie wifehood and motherhood and the saoredness. of .home making. Since your promise is divided between two-it Is valueless to either. Theoretically you have violated the principles of home and the sanctity or marriage. You think I am taking a girlish prank pretty seriously, don't youT Well, your "girlish prank" can't fall to cost one man his happiness and illusions about the woman he thought of sacredly.' And the one man who marries you If either Is) so foolish now Is fairly sure always to remember that you are of de celt and duplicity. Make your confession now to each don't wait to be found out-as diaoovered you surely will be; but have the one saving grace ef decency; acknowledge wnat yon nave none, if either man can find It In bis heart to forgive you; If you can feel humility enough to desire to spend your life In making up for one cruel duplicity; If you feel shame at your Ignoble act. then marry. But the safest thing for you to do Is to realise that you are not at all In love with either, but Just fascinated by love. And thee wait humbly for the miracle of real lovs1 to come Into your life. And may all other flighty little girls who play at love and play . with love, profit by your silliness. . In-Shoots Push of the hoggish variety does not al ways promote lasting popularity. ' It la eaav to six tin asnilsm ih.t I. not causing our own skulls to bulge. When out en the bush highway It Is belter to hold your head up whether there Is anything In It or not. Bead It Here See It at the Movies. 1 ' 1 rjrlr By Gouverneur Morris and Charles W. Goddard Csayrlgkt. ISM, Sts Oaatsaay. Synopsis of Pevions Chapters. After the tragic death of John Ames- oury, nu, prwuuva wue, on ui Awr tee's greatest beaulla. dies. At her death Prof. BtliUler. ao agent of tua Interest ItMnape the beautiful S-year-old baby girl uud brings her ui in a paradise where she aees no man. but thlnsa aha Is taught by angels who Instruct her for her fTUalon to reform the world. At the ase of U aha is suddenly thrust Into the world where agents of the Internals are taedy to pretend to find her. The one to leal the loss of the little Ameabury lr most, altar she had been spirited away by tue Interests. was Tommy Barclay. . rifteaa years later Tommy goes to the Adirondack. The interests are responsi ble for th trip. By ecoidant he Is iha first to meet the little Amesbuiy girl, as she oaoaa form from her paradise as CeiesUe the sirl from heaven. Neither Tommy uur Oalvaiia recounl each other. Tommy flnda It an easy matter to rescue CeiaeUa from Prof. Btlliitar and they blue In the mountains, later they are pursued by BUUlter and escape to an Island where tbey atMtiid the nig lit. That night, KUlilter. following his In dian guide, reaches the Island, found Ceieatie and Tommy, but did uot disturb them. la the rooming Tunuuy goes fur a ewtin. During his abseuc BUllitar at tempts to stesvl Celaalla. who runs to Tommy for help, followed by btlliitar. J he latter at one realises Tommy's pre-Ke-ment He takee advantage of It by taking not only Coleatla'a. but Tommy's to tbes. Btllltler reaches Four Corners with Calealla lust in time to catch as apreaa for New York, there ha places Celestla In Beilevue hospital, wnera her sanity Is proven by the authorities. Tommy reaches Beilevue just before btll Uur'i departure. Tommy a rirsi Sim wss to get tximis away from Milliter. After they leave beilevue Tommy Is unsble to get any hotel to. take Oeteetta in owing to her eostums. But Ister he persuades bis father U keep aer. When ha goes out to the taxi he finds her gone. En falls il into the heads of white slavers, but eecapea and goes to live with a poor fs ro ily by the nam of Douglas. W hen their son Freddie returns home be finds right In his own home. Celestta. the girt for which the underworld has offered a re ward that he hoped to get CelesUa secures work In a largo gar ment lactory, where a great many girls are employed. Here she hows her pe culiar power, end makes friends with all her girl companions. Uy her talks to the girls she is able to calm a threatened strike, and the "boss" overhesring her is moved to grant the relief the girls wished, and also to right a great wrong he had done one of them. Just at this point the faotory catches on fire, and the work room is soon a biasing furnaoe. Celestla refuses to escape with tits other girls, and Tommy Barclay rushes In and car ries her out, wrapped in a big roll of cloth. ' After rescuing CelesUa from the fire. Tommy is sought hy Hanaer Ba'-tlay, who undertakes to pars isde lilrn to give up the girl. Tommy ruf-Jses. nd Ct-ivsila wanta htm to wed Vrv-tK-. He ran not do this, ss be has no f jnlc tll!lter and Darcley introduce Clv-l to a co trrle of wealthy mining men. who agree to aend Celestla to the loilt-rs. EIGHTH KPI90DE. A loud chorus ef mockery drowned his voice. But Carson shouted at the top of his lungs, "dive him air," and when he had secured a sort of silence he went on: "Brother Barclay la all right." he shouted; "he thinks the aame as we do. only he don't think' tt tn the same way! aire him air!" Carson got a laugh, and Tommy was given air. And seeing that he was being given air, he smiled a very winning smile fit happened to light first upon Mrs. Ounadorf) and began to speak once morw thlg time with confidence, because by good tuck he had happened upon some thing to say. that- seamed to him worth saying. ' . "Brothers." he said, "your backs are all turned to the door of this hell. Mine isn't" He had : succeeded jR exalting their curiosity. Many turned and had a look at the door, and then loked back at the speaker. One or two smiled and nodded as If thoy knew what was coming, which tliey didn't. Tommy continued: "While you were so loudly applauding my opening remarks (laughter and nudg ings) that door opened and that door closed." Onca more heads turned toward the door. . "And," said Tommy, raising his voice for tho first time, "a man went out "He went out In a hurry. He went out for two reasons. First, because his busi ness here was finished, and second, be cause he knew that I recognised him in spite of his false mustache. Well, you oould have caught him if you hadn't been so busy making noises at me. He was a Plnkerton man." Tommy checked an outburst uf rage with a commanding gesture. "His business was to find out If we are going to attack tha-atockede. or not. He thinks we are. But we are not." "The hell we're not! Why aren't we? Who told your etc., etc "It's for you to decide," cried Tommy, "but I wish you'd let me tell you whst I ssw on the plstform st the freight elation." Again, by.excltlug curloalty, ,ne had secured attention. ' "I saw," said Tommy, "a large wooaVn box. On the box was printed Rotary Air Pump. But on the box under tlfaa words had once been printed the name, Goes and Goss. That conveys no mean ing to you? (Joas snd Gone Is a firm which dog business on Broadwsy, It steals In uniforms, rifles, ammunition and cannon! Brothers, the llotary Air Pump which 1 saw on the vUtform'at the freight station ia a machine gun There was a long and ominoug silence. "Have you ever." continued Tommy cheerfully, "watched si man watering Vila front lawn with a boss? It's easy for the man with the hose to hit every blade of grass on the front lawn. It's Just as easy ( as it is for the man with, the ma chine gun to hit every man In a crowd. "Attack, that stockadet That's . iust what old man Kebr wants you to da He will mow you down' like grass, and the public will say It's your own fsult" Not only did the large crate contain a machine gun, but smaller cases which Tommy had not observed, marked "Picks and hotels." containing high-power rifles and ammunition. But tor thst night, st least, old man Kehr'a deadly preparations for giving the strikers what he considered a well deserved and aalu tary lesson were In vain. Dawn broke. "They're not coming," said the Pinker ton man. "They must have listened to Mr. Barclay after all, But it looked, so help me, as If they were going to tear him to pieces first, snd try and rush us afterward." "Any man with bralne." said Kehr, "Is a menace when he's on ths wrong slda of a question. We must get rid of Mr. Thomas Barclay. Olve me that code book and a telegraph blank." After some labor and a grim smils at tho finished product, old msn Kehr dis patched the following cypher to Gordon BircUy: "Suckers won't bite. . Tour muttering carburettor Tommy has tickled Aphrod ite. Please pound his whiskers quick." "Now. then," he aald to Mr. Plnker ton man, "rush that!" iTo B Continued Monday.) Advice to Lovelorn o Haraa at All. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 14 yeara old and fr'nd of .dancing, ao attend many dances given by the Young Women's Christian aaaoclatlon. Kindly advise me If there la any harm In going to them If I am home by 10:30 p. m. My mother does not object but I have an aunt who Is connantly tolling me that I will be sorry some day. MADGE. The Young Women'a Christian associa tion is- a splendid institution and can hardly fall to be a splendid influence In a girl's life. With your mother's ap proval you may surely go to early dances and if ou want my hearty co-operation tn her sensible opinion, you may have it. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 17 ana kept company with a man of 23, aiid lio told me he loved me. but I do not love him. True, maybe, I could learn to love hiui In time. Do you think I should try? HEU5N G. He ia not-the right mgn. Do i.ot make the mlstke of forcing yourself think he is. Tho Four 4) Shormon & .gGqmiOII OrUg itorGS. JfilQilQ. lnvtU yei to beeom a rearular" easterner either on the cash, or (If ef approve! eredft) sneuthly nettl. Meat plaiL. We effor to the patron of our Drag; 8 tores sack serrlce) aa andriax effort, exteadlas; throifh a period of nearly 6 years, has been able to achieve. Oar stocks as to assortment hare keen selected with a rlew of kefng able to sip ply all the needs la the Dray and Toilet Goods Use of not omlr the people of this city, bat of the Transadsslsslppt Country as well. Wo Invite mall orders from rhyslclans. Hospitals and In dnsirtal Instltatlons as well ai the Family and IndlrldaaL Ilk ns for the rare Drag; or Chemical, or ap to-date Toilet Article. Tea wUl probably flad It la ear stock. Atfteridl ship SatoiPsiay 'Sales You Save Time and Lloncy by Trading :Hhe Rcxall Stores Some Hew Toilet Goods Prices 0c Pompolan Massage Cream, 20? 0e Carmen Face Powder (4 shades), for 294 J5o Houbiganfs Rice Powder, 17 too Aubrr Bisters' Toilet Cream 207 I0c Malvlna Cream for... 29 t5c Mennen's Talcum (4 kinds), oach .12 S6o Rogers and UeUlet Perfumed Rico Powder for .....17e 60c Soctst Hrsenlque Soap (Sans Odeur big cakes In purple wrap per), fi 6c Rubber Set Tooth Brushes, all sites and textures 22 26e Leieirs Maasata Talc for 12? raeur nig csxei in purpie wrap- r). for 20 4711 White Roee 8oap....2? Woodbury's Facial Soap. . 17 Yletor's Tonic Lotion Tho best remedy for Tan, Blackheads, pimples. Barters' Itch and all skin affections BO? Removes FreekUa. Ton "save time and money- by coming to the Roxall stores for toilet (ooda. Kirk's JaTaafle Boap, Satur day 8 Quart Tbermoe bottle Saturday for J51.14 l'lb, pk. Vale Team Borax, Oe DRUGS Bpeom Salts, lb. . Borlo Acid, lb e Witch Basel, pint..., Wood Alcohol, pint Cream Tartar, lb Cream Tartar Sulphur 15 box. 3 for Aspirin Tablets, a dot. for.. Hlnkle Tablets, 100 for Quinine Capsules, doaen... Aromatic Castor Oil Sassafras Bark Se, 100 Blaud's Iron Tonio Tab let. H-lb. can Chloride Lime - 5e? .24 .15 .15 50e? .25 .Tfr .25 iSt 29 ..8 HWi Beet Beer, the tie else, ataklaff five sUeaa, for.. 15 Chcico Fresh Csndits Our Candy Department la becom ing a moat important one and ao it should be, when the Tory high Quality of the "Original Package" Candies we handle, is considered. Special Drive Batarday oat lOo Good-Will Chocolates, in par pie box, for 29 Liggett'! Elect Chocolates (vry Kleoe containing a rfut. Fruit or ougat oenter) lb 807 Dainty Dutch Delight Chocolates. Pr lb OOe Uggett'i Butter and Xllk Bltter- sweets. per lb. 80s?4 Llrtstt's Fruit Cordial Chocolates, In.. 501 X lb 91.00 Photo Supplies W8 Gamsra Needs Oar assortment Is large and com- Elete. We develop Flints FEES, peolal la.60 Pixie Camera, takes ploture else attxS. tor... 81. 98 Tubes M. Q. Developer for.25 tt-ib. Add Hypo for ...'.04 CIGARS Nearly 200 brands ' and sizes. Watch our Saturday sales. 10c Rot Tana for, each 5 10c F. Garcia clear Havana, 4 for 25 lOo Onbanoida, 4 for 25s Box of 60 Manila Media RaalUa for 81.35 Box of tan lie Quality toil wrap ped MaaOa olgar (General Hares else), for .... e...85 Oar Soda Foe shins With Lauseheeaettea ta eotukeetloa, are the nans' so meet, moat sanitary In Omaha. COJIK LU3CH WITH IS. A llttte dm&reat and better than elsewhere DOWJT STAIRS at lSth and Dodge and loth aad Harney I also at the "Harvard aad "Loyal." ITMYTHTirG FOB T0CB TACAT10 TRIP. Get Me J, and J. Utility Bsrgical JUt, eontaralag 1 Useful Xmergeacy 1 Warns for Cats, Bruises aad Barns, Sherman & cGonncll's 4 Hcxall Drug Stores ftheraaa A XeCeaaell Drag C 10th aad Dodge Sta, Leyal Pharmacy, Loyal Betel Block, M7-t If. 16th St. Owl Drag Co, loth aad Barney fits. . Harvard Pharmacy, tlh aad Parnam Sta. 1