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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1915)
T1IK BKK: OMAHA. TIIUKSIUY, .JINK 11)13. e Bees ome Magaz i n e Pa ge ' ' ' i i- ii Read It HereSee : r r ' i nrTsosvcaro EARLE WILLIAMS m Tnmr Sanaa? ANITA STEWART m The written br Gouverneur Morrfi ' (Oae ef tfc KoH aTotetle , wesj to AMrtan Utmtut) Dramatised Into a Fhoto-Play by CWAI.M W. OOXAJU. Author of The VwrUs of VauliM" "Te XxploUs of Xlalae" (Copyright, 1915, oy Star Company.) cc.nyriifht. 1516, by The Btar Co. All Kor lrn Rights Reserved. fr nopal of Pifirlees Chapter. After tho trst1t- death of John Ames hurjr his prostrated wife, one of Ameri ca's greatest beauttss, dies." At her death Prof. Ktilllter. en aent or the interssta. kitfnaps tha beautiful -year-old baby girl and bring her up In a paradise where (the aees no man, but thlnka aha la taught by angels, who instruct her for her mis sion to reform the world. At the ace of IS aha la suddenly thruat Into tha world where arents of the Intereata are ready tu pretend to find her. . Tha one to feel the loss of the little Ameabury girl moat after she had been spirited away by the Interests was Toliimy. In a few days, however, he : found himself living amid .luxurious sur ' rounding as the adopted son of Mr. Bar day. Time in its flight brings manhood to Tommy and great expectations to Bar clay, who has planned to have Tommy marry Into wealth. But Tommy's lack of interest In Barclay's business affairs changes matters. Barclay meets with success In breaking up the match he had really planned. Turned down by tha girl Tommy goes to the Adirondack's to forget the affair. While there he meets by acel i dent Celestia. THIRD EPISODE. "You can't keen on fooling me,'.' he aid. "Come now, whaVa your real name?" "Celestia." she said. - "All right, if you don't want to talLme jet; It will keep, it's bound to. But tell , ma then are ' you" he hesitated and blushed. "I d really like to know. You see I'm rather craiy about you. You're not Mrs.. Somebody or other, are you?" The embarrassed smile frose on his lips.. lie leaped to his feet ana stood lis tening. ' Faint and clear, sounding cheer-1 fat rather. than ominous, there rose to them from the valleys below a baying of dogs. Tommy -had gone once - with a ; posse of deputy sheriffs t6 sea how' a' murderer Js .hunted down wlUt th blood hounds. " Whole scenes of that pursuit flashed through hie mind, and he knew that' tha baying.' which now1 sounded In his eara, was not that of deerhounds running out ' of season, but the blood hounds following a human trad.' He climbed swiftly to the top of the hub and stood listening, his field ' glasses glue: to hie eyes. ...... That there would ever he any difficulty of evading such a man as Btllltter In the North woods hnd never occurred to him. He had pictured Btllllter a man of re source in a laboratory or in a dissecting 'room with an Insensible guinea pig jstabed out on the operating table, but not out of doors. Tha man was fat, un healthily white and. appallingly near isighted. That such', a man could be so I hot. upon their trail had about It a slnls 'ter. quality that brought Tommy's heart Into his mouth. A glimpse of two bloodhounds and four men, one of whom was 8tilllter and an other a full-blooded ' Indian,' crossing an 'pen space, recently crossed by Celestia and himself during their unhurried es cape and In the same direction, brought Tommy down from the Hub In a great hurry-. '. As' for Celestia well, she couldn't be a movlb actress; no movie actress playing 'truant would be hunted down with blood hounds and he felt that she must be ac counted for upon some other hypothesis, but later when there was mora time. " Mesnwhlle there was nothing to be thought of but Instant getting together i of such things as might prove most use ful aud flight. "We've got to beat It. Celestia." he aid. "I'm sorry, because you are tired, but that man." then by encircling hia eyes with his hands ha indicated Prof. i Sumter's eye glasses "is after us." She rose obediently to her feet.- "t don't know why he wants to catch you," fcld Tommy, "and either you don't know or you won't tell'. But you dislike him. snd you're afraid of him. and that's enough." A. kettle, frying pan, salt, tea and matches ' rolled into a blanket and strapped to his shoulders, .his field glasses, axe and fishing tackle were about 'all that Tommy could carry and make speed under. Especially ii he had to help iCeiestia under difficulties. His rifle he abandoned. It would be better, he thought, to be unarmed than to attempt with a light twenty-two to oppose re 'peallng rifles of a heavy caliber. And furthermore. Tommy, though prepared to stand up for CVlestia's right end to figUt for them, was lot prepared to kill anybody In an affair which was entirely a mystery to him. They were soon under way, following the higher ground, where the granite outafoppings neither received any im press from their feet nor long held tha cynt of the leather soles. But ths crests of the ridges wera not all granite, and Tommy knew very well that In places tliry were making what woodmen call a broad trail. A trail of footprints and bent and broken branches wbich an Indian- will read as casually as a com muter reads his newspaper and which, by bloodhounds, he will follow as rainhjr as small boys follow a procession i t rough a city street. Thst broad reaches of unbroken granite aouM occasionally baffle their pursuers sua till that Tommy could hope for. He ruuaird on thene bafflements for making il for the difference i.i speed between urn iind dog, tresclintr light, and a rl already too tired nnd utterly unused In HtC GO'I ile liou kl fust only a ide i its t It at the Movies. just what part of the wllderjiss lis I would take her, but cradually his mind : cleared up on this point and he he I came occupied with the problem of 'get- . ting to that place by a route which their pursuers would find the moat difficulty possible In following. He had hopes. In deed, of throwing them completely off the trail. . They turned a little more to the west I ward, and began to descend from the hlsh ground. The baying of the hound i at this time , seemed If anything a little j closer. j "Where are we going?" she asked sud denly. ' "We'ro going to hide on a little Island in a-deep lske, Celestia, Even If they find out that we are on It they'll have trouble getting to us. Very few sailorK and fewrr woodmen know how to swim. I use, to fish in that lake a tot, and I've an old dugout hidden on the' shore, an l there's the remains of a hut on the Island. And I left an old moth-eaten bi.ffslo lobe and a blanket there only last fall. If there's anything left of them they'll, come In mlghtly handy, 1 can tell you," . , They came to a broad, shallow stream that flowed brightly under an arch of dark foliage. "Here's where we begin to make trouble for them." said Tommy. Holding her elbow with his free hand, to keep her from stumbling and falling, Tommy led Celertla to the middle of the brook, and then they waded down it for upward of a mile, as if it had been a winding road, and only left it when the rocky nature of the country through which it pussed offered them an oppor tunity of so doing end leaving a minimum of trail. ... All at once Tommy realized that a great silence had fallen In the forest. And he knew that at last the bloodhounds were In difficulties, for they had ceased to bay. The oftener Tommy helped Celestia through, over pr under some difficulty of the wilderness, saved her from being torn by tha brambles or eneouraged her with his voice, the more infatuated he became with her. . Mary BlacKstone's image could be re called only by an effort of memory. And yet It was only a few days since ho had fancied himself In love with her. He confessed this to himself more than once, and could but feel ashamed and sheepish. How Ion would It be before he fancied himself in love with Celestia, after how long- a separation would he discover that he dM nut love her In the least?. He had no stability. 'Was he never to. have a serious purpose in life? love 7 Love? Even' hate? v- , ' -v', - , AH of a sudden thy caught glimpses of blue water : between the 'tree stems, and ln(a few. moments they saw. before them- and -below thCTn a Jotety lake wttlv dgnscly wooded shores and in Iter Triidat a densely wooded (eland:. ; "Oh!" exclaimed Celestia. . "But this earth Is beautiful." . - "Remind you' at" all of heaven?" asked Tommy, a little mischievously; Not In the least." said Celestia. and as If she did not wish to discuss the com parative beauties of the two places. "Is that our Island?" she asked "We'll be hard to find," said Tommy, "and now the work is almost all over.". . They descended the narrow strip of land which divided the lake from the forest, and here Tommy told Celestia to sit down and rest while he hunted for tha dugout and got it Into the water. ' ITo Be Conlnued Tomorrow.) .kmd. IBIS The following Omaha and Council Bluffs dealers carry complete lines of Victor Victrolas, and all the late Victor Records as fast as issued. You are cordially invited to inspect the stocks at any of these establishments. SehiQ oiler PIANO COMPANY 1311-1313 Farnam St Omana, Neb. Hear the Newest Records in Our Newly Ilemocfolex 8ound-!roof Demonstrating Koouis on the Main Moor. Corner 15th and P ss.'&srst 'Lyae v ONE OF THE MANY attractive models shown at the Plaza for New York hospital benefits. Made of stripped blue rajah silk combined with embroidered white or . gandie. The hat is of yellow straw, faced with old blue and banded with a blue velvet ribbon. .... In the name 'of charity a Tashlun ex hibition was held ht the ball room of the Plasa hctel, New York, to which exclu sive dressmakers, milliners, furriers am ahoe retailers contributed models that funds might be raised for St Mary's hospital and .Flower hospital. Especially admired was a bridal gown made of white satin embroidered In gold threaded motifs and draped with point applique. The train was formed by a Victor of muLsic i&ey like & Branch at 334 BROADWAY Council Bluffs n PI Mueller split breadth of the fabric, bound with gold tissue and simulating two broad rib bons depending from the center of the shoulders. A costume had-dress -and -corsage of French bluo voile, ' topped by 'a coat of champagne-colored allk flowered in a Chinese design. A garden party frock was of pink chif fon over silk, the upper structure wide and flowing, the un4er p"-tt narrow. la gives Victrolas Sold by A. MOSPE CO., 1513-15 Douglas Street, Omaha, and 407 West Broadway, - Council Bluffs, Ia. teaiids Talking Machine Department in the Pompeian Room Ir- The Odd Forms Ily MAR RETT PKRV1SS. In (If Aitiriicsn Museum of Natural 1 1 1! 1 1 1 ; y tlinn are oni" line xperlmcn of Amerhan "family crests." Thev belong j to th iiHtivo Anierhnns. (V ,eil men, j an.i thev h(iw that family pride, wh. j shd Is. lis Mrnnc smonir the orltrlna peu j pie of this Innd as it has ever been anions the white race that displaced them. I Tho I'uILiii roata-of-arms, ur family rests, re In the form of tsll "totem polos." caned alth face nnd fluurcs, human and animal, rx grotesque' ns any thing the Chinese or Jaimnese Imagina tion ever produced, and ornamented with colors which are often aturlnRly l rllllsnt hon l-cwly exposed to the sunshine, but th weather soon softens their tone, without destroying their picturesque ef fe(. Manv of the totem poles come from Als-Ua. a r.d soinr- of them ar so ohl that the lmll.tnk themselves. It Is said, lnv imi knotted Pr the time when they were mmle. In one form or another totemlMii hits existed from the most a'lclent times in all part of th. world, but t'lo word "totem" I" of American Indinn origin, and It is line. In America, that the institution has Hiirlveil In Its most striking form. In rnlllne. a totem pole ;i family coat of arms we must conceive of the fumlly In a larger sense than that It: which we ordinarily employ the word It means clan, which may Include many families, or domestic units. While plants may be) totems, U Is usually some animal that plays that part. It may he a bear, a wolf, a fox, a beaver, a flh. ttc. In a certain sense the totem By ADA PATTERSON. The crop of men thnt women find Irresistible is large this spring, despite the wsr. If the irresistible ones had been placed In front of the firing line there would have been some con verts to the popu lar theory that war has benefici ent uset. One of the uni versal winners has disappeared after causing a girl who had too much faith in him to charge another man of similar name with breaking b e r heart, a charge which the Innocent man promptly re sented by causing a.- - .r -," her presence In court on a .barge of at-. tempted extortion. A new charge of per jury hangs over her. Another man who has the marrying habit has been inex tricably tangled In the matrimonial net formed by at least four wives, and there are rumblings portondlng others. , One woman In In prison for murdering her two babes because she found a man so fascinating that for a . lime she for got he had two wives to his discredit. Another woman who says she believed h'.m In face of everything, Is waiting In Brooklyn for her male charmer-to dis entangle himself from two current mar riages and wed her. Scrutiny of the .pictured features of I 7 i I The Kind of a Man that Women Like I. i ' J r ' (gvesfyb Hear your favorite music on the Victrola at any Victor dealer's. There are Victors and Victrolas in great variety of styles from $10 to $250. Victor Talking Machine Co. Camden, N. J. St Romance of Totems Which Pride of Family Took to Express Itself v.,:.. tt-y; ..I- X r!,;t v J...kL : nkn.mnm diiof Sliatos'sTotemTole WraiiRle, Alaska. Is reKardeil as the common ancestor of the clan bearing ltn name. Whatever the chosen animal may he, It ia treated aa these men reveal they are not young; or handsome, nor even particularly well dressed. Hut, scanning the printed mat ter that accompanies them, we ' learn that they were all "kind" and "consider ate." "lie was so thoughtful of every one. Vou couldn't help loving him," said one of the procession of vtctlma, that would be comical if it were not so snd. If the men had read this news think Ingly, a great light would-have broken upon their dsrkness. Men profess that women are riddles te them. What a woman thlnka about this, what she wlH do about that, the most Intelligent of Where the Heart Is I' : il By JANIfl M'LKAX. Some make their home In marbl hallg With burnished draperies drifting wide,. With tapestries and silken walls ... And scented nooks and lights inside. Some tell of home with but a room, The singing kettle's tuneful chant, " A candle flickering In the gloom, . A hearthstone and a tired dog's pant. ( But roofs of gold and fluted show Make no abode more safe to me Than the owl's hoot, the stars aglow And earth'g bard pillow shared with thee. n an an th' Victrola XVI, $200 Mahogany or oak e best. lr. I ..! L -" T-. i. .. i Mi! k ." 1 'j 1 -1 -1 !; i-i. . Jit t 9 1 i ; !? - '' ,::ipJr;iijii;rti1:ii. j i ii- '!; t: ii I sacred hy nil members of the clnn. It Is fcrhi.l.icn to kill or to nt the totem ef your cnn. cither clans, having other animals for their totems, of course, ex ercla ro such restraint with n sard o th.i treatment ot your particular totem. Sometime under the pressure of hunger, a savaao may kill the tMem of ,! clan, or tribe, but he first begs the animal's pardon for the unnatural crime which h l compelled to commit. It has been pointed out that the tradi tional symbols of nations, auch as the Itusstnn bear, the English Hon, the French cock, the Siamese elephant, the Ameriean eagle, etc., although they hare been deliberately adopted without any superstitious notions as to their powers, are, nevertheless, indications of the sur Vlvsi of primitive Ideas, and thus may be classed under the head of totems. In addition to the rlan totems there are also family totems In-the narrower aeitae,. find Individual totems. A curious Instance of the survival of an ancient totem worship Is to be found In the cllv of Berne, ftwttserland. As all travelers know. Heme possesses a cele brated bear pit, in which a number of bears ai-e kept at the public: charge. That this custom originated In no mere desire to establish a menagerie for the enter tainment and Instruction of the dtv and their visitors, nnd, that it does not dste, a had often been averred, from the kill ing of a huge bear that ravaged the en virons of Berne In the ninth century, was proven lumo' years ago by the discovery near Heme of an ancient brome votive offering, showing conclusively that a hear was worshiped In antiquity as the totem of a clan which then Inhabited the country where Berne now stands. men assert Is stilt an enigma to them. Allow me t perform a great public service to the groping sex: Let me whisper the secret of how to win a . woman. It will not take long te tsll It. It Is no uncommon trait. Pooner or later any woman can be won by kindness. Juat a' stinxle klndnese. Be thoughtful of a woman. Be con siderate of her. Be kind to her an.l sometime, sa surely as tlie hard,, green,, little plun on the high bough of a tree will ripen under the sun's rays, and fall to tbe ground, she will be yours. n '1