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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1915)
2-0 TIJi: OMAHA SUN DAY J'.KK: MAY 9, 1915. ftKAIi rSTATIV WRCKl.LAEOrJ. (REAL KSTATH MISCTXLANnort Sale II BA t, KST A T E MIHCF.I J ,.t XFOlfl Opening Acres and Half-Acres On account of the Mr demand for ACRES OUT BENSON "WAY, we have decided to plat another part of the Pout Farm into Acres and Hnlf-AeriB, which is being placed on the market. Come out TODAY, if you cannot come during the week, and see for yourself the finest garden and fruit land ever of fered for sale, so close to school, car liue, stores and churcheB, v t be. sold on our easy payment plan of $10 down, $10 a month on One Acre; or $10 cash, $7.50 a month on Half Acres; or $20 cash, $15 a month on Two Acres. Take Benson car to the end of line, then walk six blocks West en Main Street to Benson Gardens or Jitney Auto Bus at end of car line. Or call us up at our of fice, Phone Douglas 1G0G, and one of our salesmen will take you out in an automobile. Our prices are the lowest for Acreage, so close to car, school and paved road, i.-: RE31EMBER1 One acre has as much ground as eight city r e lots 40x120 feet. Figure out yourself, or ask anyone who know, which is the best to invest in, a city lot or an acre. Acreage has proven to be the best investment for. years; Taxes on one lot in the City at the same price as an Acre is a great deal more than one acre, and you get eight times moro land. ' Salesman will be on' the ground every afternoon' and all day Sunday. You can go directly to the ground, if you prefer. There never baa been acreage tracts offered for sale that com pare with Benson Gardens,, as closo to Omaha, that can be bought on such easy terms. Hastings & Hey den 16U HARNEY STREET ' . Camplete in Every Detail. A Combina tion of Beauty and Convenience. A Home You Would Be Proud to Own The lot In large. (146 ft. deep) and en tirely surrounded hy new and modern hoiriM In keeping with this one. High, right Iv and level. The location could not bo better It was sclented for hlnn class homo. The outside appearance of this beautiful home will please yon as iron a ynu see It. It has all the lines and the style of a well-hglan'-eil and carefiilly-dcelgned structure. The cor nice Is extra wide. nvrhanalng. and tn exposed rafters are 2x (not ixir, the frent irahle Is paneled with three aruauc. windows, heavy brackets to rorni'i, htte at 'ir,-o and rock between the panels. The front porch Is estra deep filth heavy-sided ratlin; and 1x12 t'l rail, massive square columns with elec- trlit bracket lamps on the two center Column. Heavy x7 oak door, large liv ing room with pretty colonnade nimng with 10-lnch square columna and b'illt-ln bookrases. a dining room that w'll de I i u h t you; pretty windows, plate rail, tullt-ln seats. Front tedroom finished In oak to match the living room and din ing room, hack bedroom In white enamel t.'i oats. wllh oak doors and trimming. A perfect bath room, all white enamel woodwork and Keen" cstnent enamel tdn walla, a white tile floor and hlah graile porcelain plumbing, medicine cabinet with plate mirror. Large kitchen and pantry ind a full brick and concrete basement with floor drain, hot and cold water and furnace that will heat every room rlxht. Klectrlo lights and gas. Inverted lighting system throughout the house with beau tiful Inverted bowls. The osk woodwork Is all selected material: the floors aru hlhly polished' oak. Here la 'a homo will delight you; lt'a complete from the little socket In the kitchen for your electric lion and the galvanised clothes chute to the fine large attic. iour car penter or contractor friend win say. 'Well built," The construction and tha flrUh Is In this home. My proposition Is this. S&0 cash, tlfl Otn 30 days and S-ifl In 40 daya and monthly payments of l&.'J). The price, $3,S76. I could build vou a larger home, but It rouia not oe mini better. Yea, I am enthusiastic about this home, and you will be. too, when you see It. I want to show It to you: It's liferent. Ha better. Come out today. Take Henson car, get off at filet street and come south to No. 28u6. Or nhonn me and T wilt send auto and careful driver after you. Phone Henson lit Come. Open evenings. K. 8. TKUIjI.NUKK.' R E A I , F.RTA T K M I SC K I.IA N FH'S 1 HAVK a contract of Bale for cov ering Omaha residence property, nay abb ti per ntontn, at good rate of In terest. Am of firing cnr.trert for cash at fine discount and will deed the prop erty unencumbered to secure" tame. Ad drees K a. care Bee. . FOR-RTtTFPvelMseTwTlh large lot at tvcrumdcn Ave. t all Webster 428. lltEAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS. WEST FARNAM five rooms and bath on first floor. Maid's room on second. taxge living room, built-in bookcaees, buffet, etc. Hot water heat. 415 N. Jnth ft. B. H. BFNNER, Dotifrlas 7406. Sholes' Specials EVERY ONE OF THESE HOUSES ARE OFFERED FOR ALE FOR VARIOUS REASONS BUT ALL THE OWNERS HAVE ONE OIUECT JN VIEW. . THEY WANT MONEY ARE DETERMINED TO SELL AND HAVE ASKED US TO SUBMIT OFFERS. DON'T HESITATE TO MAKE US AN OFFER. South West i;.."in On Walnut, near 53d St. nice south front st'icpo house', practically new; larre living room, with fireplace: oak panel dining room, with built-in b'irret: nice, well arranged mtcnen, refrigerator room, run basement, fully eiuiped; three large bedroome and bath; oak floors throughout; fine fixtures; everything A-l. Built by owner for his home. Full lot. garsge. J7,nn-n JUd St., No. J1W, very good 10- room house, hardwood floors throughout; new hot water heating plant; all rooms large, with large closets; front snd rear stairway; good, big barn; everything In flrst-clasa condition. lndv fine piece of ground. Krxl40 'set. For house and one lot, $.".,000; with all the ground. n.fWO. Will make easy terms. $4,750 On Ave.. Just eouth of Leavenworth: the house we will put up against any in construction: muslo room, lsrge living room, colonnade opening Into dining room; big butler a pantry off kitchen, on first floor; three rooms finished In ouarter-eawed oak. with quarter-sawed oak floors; four good bedrooms upstairs, with bath; one big room finished in nuartor-mwed osk. !andy fine basement, coal room, storage room, vegetable room; one ftn 1 Ished room In basement could be used for a bedroom; stationary tubs, ex tra toilet: good lot. House right up In first-class condition. Its a REAL. OEM INB bargain. 1 j,W On SSth St., near Pacific St., a very well built 7-room. strictly modern bourn, 7 rooms, reception -ball, large living room, with fireplace; dining room finished In oak, on first floor; pantry, refrigerator room and kitchen; full cement basement, with outaldo entrance; launrirV room, etc.; four good sleeping rooms, tiled bath on second floor; lot 50x1." ft., east front; pav ing paid. This la a dandy good place for the money. $ 11.17 Poiith 2th Bt. This hoitae la a bargain. Take a look at It: be sure and go Inside; has reception hall, living room, sitting room, dining room, with new quarter-sawed osk floors; fine new plumbing throughout: nicely decorated; electric' light fixtures up-to-the-minute; four bedrooms and - bath on second floor; front and rear stairway; large porch; paving all paid; lot SOxl.V) ft. Owner leaving the city bound to eell. Will make easy payment. Trice asked, H,2. Want an offer. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Home Bargains : $1,650 . Buys a practically new 5-room cottage with full brick foundation and sewer, wster, gas and eloctrte llpht In the house; full lot, 4x1 JO; cement sidewalk; pwirexl street (paving paid); on Evans, near Sth: J-f") cash and monthly payments llite rent w iu nanaie this flcai. $2,000 A 6-room cottage, modern except fur nace, on 18th Street, Ieer Park Boule vard; large lot; several fine cherry and other fruit trees; terms, $JQ cash and easy monthly paymenta. $2,500 A dandv ft-room house, near .TfMh and Emmet, which must be sold In the next fifteen days, as the owner la leaving town. 4 moms and hall on the flrtt floor, 4 bedrooms on the second. This Is a thoroughly modem house and was built by the owner for his home; located only one-half block from 3uth car line, and short distance from Howard Ken nedy school, one of tho best In Omaha. We can make very reasonable terms to SO0 down and monthly payments. $3,650. a large s-room house in Dundee, acroaa the street from the Hoagland residence and overlooking the west part of Omaha, The rooms are large and well arranged, and would make a very comfortable home for someone with a large family. $4,000 A nearly new tt-room modern residence at 1431 Plnkney Pt., just a step from the Bhcrman Avenue car line and a short distance from beautiful Kountse ParU: oak finish In receptloa hall, living room and dining room; hard pine in balance. ICi 1 1 1 Ha j.n-ta.nfr f 1 1 rr, r a httnt cr a m a I r. trear. An attractive home at an attrac tive price. Only tl.BOo cash required, . REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS. For Sale In Poppleton Park, Addition A sl-rom all modern hese M tmv' cathedral district; close to car Irne and public school. Lot suxUO In sis. No. 6 JO N. 41st SC Price W. 000.00. IN IIANSOOM PARK DISTRICT' ; (-room all modern, story and hair house. Ixt 4xl30, Shade trees, paved street. No. tlZt Mason Ft. Prioe M.fuO. IN NORTH OMAHA S-roora bungalow this Is a dandy, well built house; very complete. About a' year and a half old, with a very nice yard and fruit, trees. Close to carllne. An ideal home, near 2"h and Fort Sta. Price W.3W.00. UNIMPROVED LOTS" '. ; ft) feet east front, von 28th Btu, between. Hickory and Shirley Bta. Street paved, close to. Hanscom Park and Park school. '' Price b50.oo. 60 feet front on both fitrn and Kansas Avenues. Just west of tOth Ft. Will gell, on terms. 1 Price tdflO.00. lEOxlU. on tha southwest corner of 4oth and Harney Sta. Owner must sell. Make an offer. Alfred C. Kennedy Co. Tel. D. 722. 509 let Nat. Bk. Bldg. Close In St. John's Parish .On California Bt., near 30th, a very pleto In every detotl, solid brick house: built. large $100 Down And $2fi per month. Including principal snd Interest will buy thla unusual little brm' FIVE ROOMS HOT WATER HEAT Very well located, half block from car, II modern, newly painted. Thla place will not last. Phone ug today or drop in me oince tomorrow. Saunders Co. Doug. 3Ki. 131V1 W. O, W. Bldg New Bungalow Walking Distance $250 Cash ' Balance same as rent, for a ' beauti ful s-room, new, all modern bungalow, full else, cemented cellar, furnace, nice plumbing, oak floora and -built-in book cases and kitchen cabinets; ynu must see It to appreciate It. at 211b-3J, Clark Bt. H. A. Wolf Ware Block. Doug. S06L 'Y '. -. J ' There Is Still an Oppprturiity For You to Buy One of Our WEARNE PARK LOTS On Easy Monthly Pay ments of $5 to $10 Cash and 55 to $10 Per month strictly modern, corn- rooms, well arranged; condition houae nrac- thally new. Owner's family haa all left the city; houae Is going to be sold; It's too good to rent; aome body la going to get a great, big bargain. win mass moil any sina 01 terms 10 a gooo party, want an otter. 1 pleto in every detotl. soiiri brick nouse: 9 lanre hot water heat; lot MxlW ft; everything In first-laee condition hous West Farnam On California, St., lust west of JSth, convenient to car and cathedral; heautiful view, very nice brick home; beautifully arranged, with large living room, quarter-sawed oak finish, with oak floors; kitchen: fine . basement, with all Improvements; hot water heat; four good bedrooms finished In white enamel; hardwood floora: tiled bath; sleeping porch. .House right up in first-class condition In every detail. Owner Is bound Mo sell. It's your opportunity. Want an offer. Price asked, SlP.000. Dundee 7,00-i-Very attractive home, well located on Capitol Ave.; hot water heated, well , arranged; largo living room connected with sun room: fireplace; bullt-ln ' bookcases; handsome dining-room, with built-in buffet; central hall and ves tibule. Good, convenient kitchen. Four large bedrooms on second floor, one arranged for sleeping porch; all finished in white enamel, with mahogany doors; large closets; fine bathroom; large attic, which could be finished off into two gooo rooms. ut us snow you. Vacant Southwest 1.4V) Nice lot on Hanscom Park Boulevard." Just south of Hanscom Park. 1.4. A "peach" of a south front lot on Francis between t'd Ave. and 33d Bt, fine shade, paved front, rear and on each aide and paid fur. 1.109 Fine lot on 34th, between Martha and Arbor, paving paid. 1.600 Choice -of dandy nice lota fronting west on Sfth, just south of Marcy. , West $1.200-lnly nit lot on Dodge Bt., juit wt of 42d St. Ltyi fin in between ffooA avi AA Pi i 1- .41 till. wv m m, " ij.iw-wxijo ii. on otin near isoagv dc ( Dundee Snaps a "peach" of a nine lot on Cumine, lust we tl.nm For a "peach" of a nine lot on Cumine. lust west of 80th I3,w-thri;h choice north FRONT lota on Burt Bt, bewteen 4th and 60th. Owner anxious to sell. Will be in the city In a day er two. Tha best offer gets thuse lota. . Make ug a propos ltlon. . D. V. Sholes Company MS City National Bank Building. Douglas 9. i oaay i -f Many Lots were sold at the beginning of our Clean-up Sole yesterday afternoon. Many jeoplo who attended this Sale and Bought Lots had not been out as far as 48th and Military Avenue since the aviation meet 4 years ago and it did not take them long to see tho wonderful progress that Omaha had made and is making. ' in ibis soction and to rocognize that this is an unusual opportunity at unheard 1 of terms. ' Every Remaining Lot is a Good One ...Street Car Line : Runs Right" j v " ! 1 ' ' ' to' Addition. 1 s AVnter, Gas Tret, Oment Walks and Beautiful Terraces.' . ; Streets all over addition are houlevarded and have cement gutters. ; The above improvements me all iu and paid for. The Prices of Lots Are $475 to $930 These Lots Won't Last Long tP nrn A . H a r 7 Hrn r cr Special Sale We still have a few lots left in Bungalow ' Section of Montclair, Thirty-first, Hamilton i and LaFayette streets, Water, Sewer, Sidewalks and Gas, all in . and paid for, as well as paving" on Hamilton ' street. Price $750.00 each, easy terms. It is our closing out sale of lots in this locality and for a close-in location, you cannot approach it at anything like our prices. Call us up and let us show you. ' Benson & Carmichael, Telephone' Douglas 1722. G42 Paxton Block. V. Take a Benson Car to 50th and Military Avenuo where our man will meet you, or telephone Walnut C82 and 1 will si'iid an automobile to bring you out today . " "V-' " tr . T - i i - t T7 D IUDTPUT WnL f82 Today. -LV . JT. YY JVIVJJJLI Phone I). 2920, Weekdays. $4,100 If you are looking for a new 6-room residence in the West Farnam district we are sure you would be suited with one we have near Sod and Davenport, exceptionally well built, decorated throughout. It Is a little gem and bin value at above price. $6,500 On of the most attractive homea It haa ever been our pleasure to inspect. X rooms, locates one Diocg west 01 .Mr. Joslyn's residence, and In the Cathedral district; haa vestibule, with coat closet; living room, 14x26, with large fireplace and bookcases: extra large dining room, with panel strips and plate rail; built-in window seat; kitchen with built-in work table and cupboards, refrigerator room. I room closets,, etc., 4 large bedrooms and bath room on the second floor one -of the bedrooms having 7 or S windows, making It a beautiful sunroom in winter and sleeping porch in summer; stairway to floored attic. . The finish downstairs is oak and the floors are of quarter sawed oak; upstalrsrflnlshed In birch and maple, floors of oak; bathroom floor la tiled. There , are so many conveniences In this house not found In the ordinary home. It is hard to enumerate them In a small space. Shewn at any time by ap pointment. GETtJA HOME, or If you have the home GKT AN INVESTMENT better than best bank. These must be sold and owners -want offers at once. Small amount drwn and balance to suit. fc& to 1M discount for ensh. See and make off.r. a-room all modern, corner lot, -walking" distance, at price to bring 10 per cent. 6 -room bungalow, one to four lots, cement cellar. In suburbs, almost new, ' 6-rooni all modem, new,- In new addf- : Hon, $2.(75, new school, car, beautiful ' trees, shade and fruit. In Sunnyvale. i-room, big fourth acre lot. electric ' light, near IVB.OW school, parks, car, etc. ' Only $1,886. 6-room modern bungnlow cottage near aoove. must te sold quick, any fair ct Per. price and terms accepted. Asked Price $2,360. , ' 2-room, eojial to 3. one to five lots, 4 hlwilra A ami- rin. .A1I . . - . X w. . . ... r i . , ui 1 1 J foil,, 11 VI 1 1 4 ing 10 numoer or lots, near big, public grounds, like park. , , Corner JTth and Davenport.' t;xl32. 3 houses, rent $Jo. Price only $3,140. Room ior several mora Diiiidtngs. - Bunches of lots and single lots at acra prices to close out Quick. See me or write at once. 9 to 10 or 13 to 1.- CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. ; S07 Paxton Block. Omaha. Nab $8,750 Beautiful home on West Harney, near 3tith. $ rooms, thoroughly modern and up-to-date In every particular. Non-resl. dent owner writes us to sell at abova price--it Is worth more, a The Byron Reed Co 21$ So. 17th St. Douglas 297. Vacant Lot Bargain ItRwIvK ful . n nn.IV e.A "wmi .w., tnri .'in iiui lii ..will, vuiii.i, 43d and Davenport ISts.; high, sightly and desirable building site. Price, ,00. This is less than the low ground on tha op posite siue ot I'avenpon et. reoenuy sola for and it la worth a great deal more money. J. H. Dumont &,Co. m-lS State Bank-Bldg. Phone Doug. 690. SIX-HOLE Queen steel range, first-class condition, cneap ror caan. Uoug. frWL' National Bank Bldg. RUBUKBAN COUNTRY HOME 50T1I AND BROWN HVE ACRES OF LAND; New s-ronin house, oak finish, bath, hot water heat, combination lighting fixtures: elecirlo connection with Omaha Electrlo Light Co.; first-class alr-pre. sure water system; acetylene gaa xer cooking; rmiatiea attic. . Oarage, atabla for cows and horaea, chicken houae all new. Two acrea In grapes. 114 produced $, basket fruit. Other fruit apples. cnerrlea. plums, etc. la aounoanca. t A FIHST-f LAS? PROPOSITION; price reasonabler terms to auit; no trade eonsidered. all ax tsti frC-t.N ly na AfrKauitu. t ail owner. 12th and Jones Sts, II. J. Hughes, Phone Douglas 1334, Benson 741J i $4,400 TERMS , ' Good Wg 7-room bouse: I bedrooms and sleeping; porch, oak and birch finish, floored attic and full cemented basement. This home is very well located, facing parking, and we feel that we can strongly recommend It, Phone for appointment. Saunders Co. Douglas 8g& ms-l W, Q. W. Bldg New Four-Room Bunjralow Near Carline and City Part Faoee east on I lots, bungalow finish, haa dry water, eleetrlo lights and side walk. Prte SftA a Mtill. .l. . w .... $300 cash, balance easy monthly pay ments. Owner leaving city. Shuler & Xarv Dong. 423$. - 808-204 State Bantr- Bldg $ LOTS near 40th and Ames Ave.. 60x130. each $400. . . urn at'sstn ana Martha, WxiJO,. each i lota at 61at and Geoter, 60x133. each i$OV ') ' -V !(....;. - 1 ktr41et and Brown, 00x00. $301.' '' s iota, ia ana npaiaing, muh, earn sua Will make terms to suit buyer. j Rasp BroSe Galkins & Co, Douglas 1313. aty t 7,000 Beautiful new 7-room home, located on the finest block In the Field club district: all bedrooms large and airy, beaidea having beautiful big sleeping ' porch; has heated garago,,and Is the last word in modern up-to-date de signing; has fireplace, and la all oak finished, with oak floora throughout, the house; white enamel finish second floor. If you are interested In a'" real home, don't fall to see this. . , t R EHL.Fl.lit flntt- S . ii rr, ,.4 aluntM - ei-Ant-M. T - , j . ' " " " , - . ..I, Kv,,i, iiiLLu, uJk ' HiDil. fia U.UUJ ' ntee mace' nnlv a hlock from street rm r in H.namm n.rl. inv.Ho.t. i $ 7.000 Dundee. Beautiful new. all mortem ohIc flnlnheri hnm.' h .Wninu rh sun parlor, and Is rluht up to tho minute In every way. It you want some thing in (his district, don't fail to see this. ... GREAT BIO BARdAIN. Here s a chance to steal a home. Seven-room all modern, hot water heat: comparatively close In: beautiful big corner; small ' amount of Cash and $31.60 a month buys it. Get busy. . . . .- Apreage . .All we ask la to show you our selections of acre tracts: ran sell vu ' practically any quantity you desire up to $S acres, and besfdea this yoivy fan liavj, uni.r f-Vi nli r f fruits. II this unA im m 1 1 r nv. r.H with fullw bearing fruit and In fine condition. You don't have to wait (our or five ' years for your returns to come, the crop starts the first year. If you stop io consider this you can redily figure out that this Is a great advantage. This land lies high and sightly and lust a little ways off the West Dodge. '. fit nav.H irsrf KakIHam Ivlnv In the direction tn whlrh the InteritrhMn rnAm will go as soon aa they are built out of Omaha, which will not be very far in the future. It will be a pleasure to show these acres by appointment. Call the office. . Fine Fifty Acres $15,000 Fifty-acre farm, lies within six miles of the center of Omaha and only" one-nan inuo irum mv v cm auiihq .cu nmi, vonimvr mis a mignty good buy and will be glad to show It by appointment. FOR EXCHANGE. Have a $7,000 equity In four 7-room all modern brick flats; owner wants a well located all modern Vmom house or some good acreage close to Omaha. What have you to offer? . , 50 Cents a Week Buys a Lot in West Lawn Hill We have about twenty-five good lots left in West Lawn Hill, most of them covered with alfalfa. Come out today for your last chance to buy n lot for ( - $1.00 Down and Fifty Cents a Week Without Interest or Taxes for Three Years. Take "WEST LEAVENWORTH car to Elmwood Park ad our free auto will carry you and your family or friends to WEST LAWN HILL free of charge. N P TV.H nrp onH fVk 15th and Harney. Phone Dong. f9