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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1915)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 9, 1915. 3 G It K A Li KSTAiK MlSTKLLANFOl S. UKAIj KST.ITE M1SCKIXANFXM-S ItKAti EST ATP MISCKIXASFOrailKAl, KftTATK MISCKM.AXKOn 'RK.W, KSTATK MMCKl.tiANEOl'S, UK.M, KSTATF MTSCELLAXKOU8 I ii tT"l iom ic n7f K-i T ' ll-r. np-tn-rtntf; lil lot; mony mkf for lUNJMUiM; $"'" eauh; balanr Ilka rent. O'KKEFK URAL. ESTATE T , I'll Otnaha Nat l. lona. S71H . I IIAVK. h tn of .file payabl In Inntallntu ami drawing T pr cnt ' Intrrr-rt thaf I will "ll for of taken at one, Addrrop P 412, Hmt. ', ATfl.K ORi'MARK FKKK WITH NKW H- M K. The price l-lnw) I. for hrue and both lot. only rt-mom. f-tirv IuicbhIow. al most now. all modern (pxi-vpt furnace, h.lf Mm k to K-mMt ritr line. tn rxiy with 1 tip to f lota, all with fine her Inif rhnre applo on-hard free. Km term $-'.P7 up - Wo will nhw von on request, i 'nil t to v or 12 to I CHARLM B. Wl I.M AMSl tN CO , Taxton ltlork. 6-Rcom House I rvxmia, up to tn nun.iif , new; and CTJcaico, ouiy trrma. Mury and hai. uxxj.rti, i rooiiv. Suh and iranKlin. M.ttO; term. lii cohrioi r ood l"t on Miner of tbvix-. Dandy lot. 2 tuocfca a. . of I'rel&hlon uaiveraav, ,1jbJ for qil' k euie. I- Lot. gr. l-b and Kowlex; ae-wcr watMi lake .jmikj term. Uave otfcW. WafeeUr x 'ItklH I...II I.. . 'mint imhk niPTJtncr, ninncm, I hiia linn Vln.t I. . . a. HAVE Hot) ..... , i'r? Frii io ! up i-..,.-.., rtlKX p.T ownrr for pn iMtrm. 1'22 H. 2Mh Hi. Tvrr 11:iv U 11-VTI.t'n"..' A. . . ." . . . . Ina proiXTtr. R.xxl downtown In- YOU ' House Bargains -room, 1-atory mortem houa. with good t front lot - ft.: well kpt lard and rarttn: No. S3 8otit! uh tret; houM U I yure old; neighbor hood rood and growing; never offered for before, but owner now removed from the city by'bualoeaa promotion. $4.X) for quick aftle. Not a thing needed to make complete. Another ewver on thla atreet at 1008 South ISth St, built Ma horn I art year and muat aell beoauee of re moral from tha city. Thla borne ha good loo mi and aleeplng porch; haa hard wood tlnlah and la right up to date. Tou can buy thla at aetual ooet-UMO-and that la un uual for thla kind of a home. A 1-atory. ttoom boese, almoat new, but not completely modern, at 4611 Maaon treet.. for n.100. . Ton cannot nearly explicate thla at the price. Can arrange caiy terma, and If not aold at once will leaae to good family. ' ' , A cottage 'ol or 7 rooma, modem ex cept heating, on high ground, north of I'emia Park; paved atreet. good neigh borhood, 1 block from Harney BL " car line. Thla ia a decided bargain at $X.M. on easy terma. It la number 3410 rfeward atreet. . . Harrison & Morton PI 5 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. L. S14. Read This List Carefully The properties deaorlhed below range In prli-e from to tS.IOO and rrp- reaent an me of the beet buya on our Hat. All we ak la that we be lven an opportunity to show how frood they are. Any of liiese pmpertlee nmy bo bought on eaey terms, and ownera of aome would consider a pood vacant lot, mall cottage or good auto as part payment. Dandy four-room cottage with four b'K oily lots, or nearly an acre of ground npnt lii the city. In a desirable locality; Plenty of tearing fruit trees, and ample room for rardenlng and chicken rnlslna. Not nooeasary to ko awnv out into the country for acrvagn, when you can got It In the city, i'rtce H.GOu. Exchange for thla brand new. strlctlr modornS- . for thla brand new. strictly modern - I room bunfralow, living room across front of house. Ilnlng room haa window aeat. plate rail and panol. with bookcases b twaen living room and dlnlrm room. Bun . room finished In oak. haa windows and a clothes press, could be used for i bed room. Large kitchen with pantry and Ice box room. Two larre bedrooms with clothaa presses bath with linetr closet on eoond floor- Living room, dining room and aun room finished In oak, with xik flcora throughout the house, bedroems finished In pine with birch doors. HiKh grade plumbing fixtures and artistic light ing fixtures, complete set of window i shades and anreene. full cemented base ment, with, laundry facilities and floor drain, guaranteed furnace. Dandy corner lot, fxl.a, with streets paved. Close to Wlnciaor school and West Side Park car line. Price reduced to $S,750. about M0 cash and balance monthly, or would consider vscnt lot or smaller house. 1W McCague Pldg. Rasp Bros. Phone Donglaa lTv5. Boulevard Lots S. K. cor. Poppleton avenue and Turner Blvi?.. 62 ft. front. This ia absolutely reittA'ted to first-class residence use and is the only vacant lot on thla boulevard for two blocks. Price, R600. Miller Park Blvd. 66x165 Kast front about OT0 feet south on Kan sas r. ven ue. All Improvements In. Good houses on either side. This la Just op posite that beautiful little park in the center ' of the boulevard east of Miller park, and is one of the choicest lots in Omaha: Only one left. Price. $2,000. AllMSTUONG-WALSII CO. Tyler InM.- . State Bank Bldg. . CLEAN-UP BARGAINS vThe following properties are offered to day jnxthe bargain counter for what thtiy will bring: . - . '!. it -- ' ' o . Five-room cottage, not far out City water. Oood repair. A batxain at 1,S&0. Hniell cash payment, or wHl take uaed ur In trade. Nearly - new g-room cottage. Alweya rented for fio per month. Price only f&o. This is a big anap. . - - Vacant' lot on Bahler Et, Just east of Florence Blvd. Fine new houses going up ail around. . Price only I&7&; 126 cash. ThesV properties will be aold at once for v hat they will brings Oet buay not later than Holiday. . HTRNKST 8WKET, Office C5U Harney tit. Phone Douglas M7l. V For Sale Or Exchange An 8-room strictly modern house with oak Woodwork and oak floors In Jiat story, pine with birch doors upstairs: full cemented basement, floored attic, hot water heat, south front lot 60x120 feet, paved atreet and cement sidewalks. A very desirable borne in a good neighbor hood, convenient to street cars, public and parochial schools, churches and parka. Price, $6,600. Owner leaving the city, will exchange thla property clear for good eastern Nebraska land at Its fair cash value. Strictly modern, up-to-date, -room house, with oak woodwork, .oak floors and all conveniences; three full lota and garage, located on a boulevard fn a quiet neighborhood. Price, S1&.000. Mortgage, 14,000. Owner leaving Omaha, wanta a farm in northeastern Nebraska.' J. H. Dumont & Co. 4J-t State Pank Bldg. Doug. 90 $3,600 Dodge St.. blocks weat of poatofflce. Six-room modern house. In fine condi tion; on south front lot 33x142. 4.?j-DUNDEIi Modern bouse of seven rooms; fine tcorner lot. only two blocks from car. No finer view In Dundee. 15.000-HUNDEF. , Feven rooma, modern; aleeplng porch and un room; fine lot;" close to gchool; location Mgh and stghtly. $6.560 DUNDEE. Complete modern houne, close to school and car; hot water heat; tiled vestibule and bath; sun room and Heeping porch; located on beautiful ' south front Kit; house and grounds In pink of condition. 6.500. On fine Kountze Place corner; new and entirely modern; hardwood throughout; seven rooma and sleeping porch; vapor heat; garage; will sell on easy terras. IaX us show you thla perfect boroe. H. C. Freeman ' tl. B. 17th St.. 1'nder Omaha Nat. Bank. A KE AIj SNAP $4,000 T reoma. strictly modern. 2Mb aed Bris tol; 4 rooms on 1st floor, 1 rooms up stairs; hot air furnace, fine condition. iu4 down. $2 per month. $4,000 ' Near '4"th and Grand Ave.. 7-room houue, atrictly modern; cor. lot 5oxlhO; full cemented basement; Just built: down stairs all oak finliih except kitchen; kitchen hard maple floors: built-in book cm m. Half down, balance on good . $16,500 . On S8th Ave.. Just near Faraam. a beautiful 10-room residence, brick and earr-.j.! flnMt location in Omaha: de scription no good: we muat show it; auto to take you tnere. JV. M. NASI! & CO. ' Rem I Estate, Rentals, Insurance. 3 Bee-Bldg. Sunday Phone IL lllf. office Ked 23i. Oood aix-room entirely modern dwe rooms and bath room upatalra Fine ha mantel and nice kitchen down me Irs. U Nice shade and shrubbery: This Is a g for $3,&iirt. Handy to two good car lino owning people. fling, with furnace heat. Thiee nice be.l II, living room and dining room, with ood elst-d corner lot, on naved street, ood, comfortable home and can be ttouglit s and In a neighborhood of good home Brand new, strictl. modem. m bunanlow, on a "paved street. In one th of Miller park. Just recently finished inlsh In the living rooms; colonnade coon Inlng room. Full sired cement basement ttlc. Built by dftr labor and represents escribe it In detail, but we know it to ungalows In the city. Price $1,000. of the new and beautiVil additions sou up and now ready to move Into. Oak f In, plate rail and panel strips In the d with guaranteed furnace; nice floored a nonem value, we will not attempt to d be one of the prettiest and best built k Fine, strletl modern dwelling consisting of five dandv rooms and two nice bed rooms and store room upstairs. Three rooma finished In oak on the first floor, one of which can be used either aa a library or bed room. It needed, Thla la an especially rood home: onlv three vears old and In A -I con. dition, newly painted outside last fall and prettily decorated Inside. Screened front porch and screens for all window a Nice cemented basement, back yard fenced in and haa fine shade. South front lot on paved street, paving paid. Only 20 minutes' walk and 10 minutes' ride to postofflce, one-half block from Sherman Ave. car and In good neighborhood. Price $4,300. Beautiful brand new two-atorv dwolllnsr In the Field club district. Fntlrelv modern; built by day labor. Ono of th e nest constructed houses In Omaha, Nice reception hall and living room combined, fine dlulng room and kitchen, butler's pantry. Three very nice bed T ootns, spUndtd sleeping porch, and bath room, with tiled floor, upstairs. Oak floors throughout upstairs rooms. Full cemented basement. First class nelghb orhood of choice homes. Nice lot, paved street Price $&,3uo. ' . Scott & Hill Company Douglas 1009. 907 McCague Bldg Beautiful Evanston That high sightly tract of land South of Dodge St., overlooking Happy Hollow Golf Course'and Natural Elmwood Park, is to be known as Evanston. It baa been platted into large beautiful build ing . sites with Winding avenues and boulevard. Trees planted, lots graded and seeded. Modern street improvements are being installed. V , : , " -:. ' 1 We have decided to sell about one- third of the Addition at . bargain prices. As soon as the sales total $100,000 the prices will be Raised. A reasonable cash payment will be required; balance $10 to $25 per month. Build your home in a restricted district. When you build in the Evanston District you are certain that there will be no frame buildings, stores, flats, apartment houses, one-stpry build ings or any undesirable features, Every lot pro tected by adequate building restrictions. $10 Cash ' Tour choice of tw fine home site on the north aide. Water and sldewalVa. Balance only Per month. Price t& and MA These loU are at least W0 cheap. "W. FABNAM BM1TH L CO., You will never have another; oppor tunity to buy in the Evanston District at such low prices. , GUARANTEE The fact that we have al ready sold $40,000 worth of building sites is a. guarantee to you thaf Evanston is being properly handled, and that our prices are right. To reach Evanston take a Dundee car get off at end of the line and walk along Happy Hollow Boulevard to Dodge St. For full information call Douglas 2596 and we will send a salesman to talk with you about Evan stop. Salesmen and automobiles at your service. H. H. Harper & Co. 1013-14 City Nat'l Bank Hldg. Beautiful Evanston SEEN Minne Lusa? If you have not seen this beau tiful piece of ground, you will be missing another OPPORTUNITY We are platting this tract of 126 , acres into the. largest subdivi sion ever put on the market at one time in Omaha. A few words about IMPROVE MENTS: GRADE A hundred mules are working tojbring the Streets ands Lots to the established jgrade. We are spending a great amount of money in order 'that the pur chasers of lots in Minne Lusa will know just how their lots will be for GRADE. DRAINAGE Our engineer says "Minne Lusa" has the finest drainage imaginable and the sewer sys tem will be the BEST in OMAHA. WATER V The plant of the Metropolitan Water District is. ' only a mile north of Minne Lusa, and two mains, one 36-inch and one 48 inch run through the tract. "Minne. Lusa" is at the BEGIN NING, not the end of this great system.. . . SURROUNDINGS "Minne Lusa" is bounded on the west by '"Upland Terrace" a good residence district with car service on 30th street, on the north is Florence, oh the east is PARKWOOD with the beautiful Flor ence Boulevard and all along the south is the finest park in Omaha, with its beautiful lake and Club House, Golf Course, Playgrounds, Tennis Courts, Base Ball Diamonds, 80 acres of beau tiful trees, shrubbery and lawn. . TO YOU it means the last opportunity to buy fine restricted residence lots at ONE HALF their actual value. $400 to $900 ON EASY TERMS' GOME OUT TODAY Salesmen will show you around There is something for you to see in MINNE LUSA Chas.W. Martin &Co. Tyler 187. 742 Omaha National Bank Bldg. W. A. REDICK'S 2ND ADDITION Glose-in Building Lots , We now offer what is probably the last bunch of close-in lots that will be offered for some time. I 46 fine sightly lots between Leaven worth and Jackson streets. South fronts on Leavenworth, east and west fronts on 31st Avenue and32d Avenue. ' WATER, SEWER, SIDEWALKS PAVING. ' UNSURPASSED CAR SERVICE, ADJOINS THE BOULEVARD. REASONABLE BUILDING RESTRICTIONS ASSURE A NEIGHBORHOOD OF, GOOD HOMES. . -ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES Inside Lota ..... . . .$1,200 to $1,500. I-ots fronting on Leavenworth, and corner, up to. ..... .$2,200, Because of the Extreme Low Prices. These Lots Are Sure to Go Fast. j .We will tako you out at any time. . Coll us at otir office during the day. .' ' .' Call Allen Tukpy at Harney 2176, today or evenings. A. P. TUKEY & SON Phoe Douglas 502. 1507-8 W. 0. W. Bldg. t. - 50 Cents a Week Buys a Lot in Morhingside Addition Near Benson and Dundee "VVe have about 100 good lots left in M0RNINGSIDE 'AD DITION, many with good trees on thera. Cbmo out today for, your last chance to buy a lot for $1.00 DOWN AND FTCTYi CENTS A WEEIC WITHOUT INTEREST OR TAXES. Take BENSON car to Orphanage Ave, (now 58th St.y or any street in Benson, walk south to the Addition and. our free. auto will meet you and your friends and take, you to MORN- INGSIDE all day Sunday, ' . N. P. Dodge & Co. 15th and Harney --w-.. PHonai Doug, Bargain if Taken at Once1 i .' Eight Room All Modern House Located at 1312 South 30th AYanua. Hu recepUon hall. Uving room, dining room, den and kitchen on flret floor; mantel In living room and den. . Three large bed rooma, alcove with Urge closeta and bath on eecond floor.. Mahogany tinluh throughout. Lot 00x160, cement walk, fine shade and fruit treea. enclosed gar den; cistern. Terma to euit purchaser; telephoae OWNER. t Harney 1041.