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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1915)
V tiik hi:k: omaiia. w i;iNi;si).v, .wkii, 1 !!.. 11 1 LOCAL ART PATRONS PLAR ORGANIZATION Men to Form Auxiliary Association at Banquet at Hotel Fonte nelle Tuesday. IMTORTANT OMAHA MOVEMENT Omaha nin who formed an auxiliary apjoctatlon to nsai't the Fine Arts' rlalion In rurrhnslnR jiUMirra, will Ni hosts at a dinner 1n tho banuupt room of th Hotel Fontcnrlle next Tuesiluy evening, to whloh their families ami momhers of the Fine Arts atorlatton will be Invited. Invitations are nlretuly helnB mailed. It la existed thut at th'n dinner an ore.anlia.tlon will lx formed under the name of the. "Krlenda of Art A aaoolatlon," and tempornry officers clcotod. Trof. Fred Morrow Fllnu hna armed to ha present and to Fpeuk on "Art and Life." An effort 1 bring mal to have 1. Hopkinsmi Smith also vresent. All frienda of art who desire to iwrtlcljiRle in the ornani7.atlon will be wrliome, John I. Webrter, otw? of the t i lm liml sponsors, annonmed. Mr. Webster said about io prominent men have each BUbHfrlln-d Ui rer year for five years for this cause. Important plans for the advancement of art In Omaha, are understood to be Involved in the movement. A musical art gallery has been suggested. LADY LONDENDERRY, colonel of the women's vol. untcer reserves, t&ught signaling, motor driving and camp cooking. For use only in case of inva sio r.of England. Music ' r ;adakl In Ilecltal. Madame Johunna Oadski, prima donna soprano, ono of the most beloved as well na one of the most famous sinners f tin1 world at the present day, was heard In song recital at the ball room of the Kontenello last evening under the man agement of Miss livclyn Hopper. Madame Gadskl not only possesses n voice of wonderful sweetness, power and range, but also thoso rare artistic quali ties which make the Interpretation of each eong a work of art In Itself, as it radiates the lights and shades of her expressive temperament. There are few Indeed who acquire the exquisite pianu slmos, the warmth and variety of tone color which is found in the work of Madame Gadskl, and) the dramatic firo and intensity with which she clothed several of the larger numbers thrilled even the most indifferent listeners. Tho program was divided into three parts. German Classical Songs, of which tho exquisite "Dee Nusabaum," Schumann, was entrancingly sung; the Nnclitstuck" and "Hark, Hark, the. Lark" by Schubert, the first with its calm beauty of melody and tb second with Its Joyous charm were among the most attractive of the evening. "Hark, Hark, the Lark" was graciously repeated. "Fur Mustek" by Fran showed the broad musicianship of the singer, and "Wlllkomen in Wald" was given with a brilliancy. When Madame Gadeki returned in acknowledgment of the applause, and the first few cords of the Schubert T.lszt "Erlking" were recognised, tho audlenoe applauded again with Joy. Here the art of the singer is given full op portunity, and tho remarkable manner In which she brought out not only the three distinct voices of the father, the fson, and the Erl king, but in which the mood of each was depleted and. the il.-amatic finish was all that could be demanded, A group of English songs followed. Madame Gadskl' s English pronunciation is not yet as clear as one would wish, and sometimes could not be understood. The songs were carefully chosen and pre sented with all the fascination and charm of the singer's art. "The Ilose s Cup," by Ward-Stephens, was a lovely number, sung with fairylike daintiness and grace. 'The Little Gray-Blue Dove," with its btrdlike trills and Intervals, completely captivated the audience and was repeated. "Calm as the Night." by Bohm, was sung with Intensity and musical fervor, and was likewise repeated. The two songs by Gllmour were of exceptional in terest. "Hame to the Highlands," which was fuU of refreshing Scotch atmosphere, and the "aumber Song," presented with tho utmost repose and tenderness, in Which the delicate pianissimo work of the singer was a delight. The encore this time was the well-known "Littlo Irish Girl." Gadskl again proved that her fame In opera Is well deserved, the dramatio fire, the breadth and the brilliancy with which she sang the group of Wagner arias at testing. Of the three the writer especially enjoyed Elsa's admonition to Ortrud: "Du Armrte," from "Lohengrin." "The Spring Song from "The Valkyrie" closed the program and contains a dramatic climax which la most convincing. The enthusiasm of the audience was great, and at the close they would not be content until the prima donna had re turned and sung the famous "Call of the Valkyrie.' which is especially Gadskl's own, not only once, but three times. Madame Gadskl was assisted by Powell Weaver, who accompanied most sympa thetically and who played the Chopin "Scherzo In B minor" and the 'Can zonetta del Salvatore Rosa," by Liszt, in a thoroughly muslcianly manner. The re cital was followed by a reception to the artists, which many of the audience at tended H. M. It. Pi i . -Ml - '--"J! Mm WOODMEN FAIRIS NOWOPEN Crowds Gather at New Home of Druid Camp at Twenty-Fourth and Ame Avenue. MONEY TO FURNISH THE HOME A fair which will continue overv even ing this week opened Monday In the newly completed horn of lruM camp. No. ?4. Woodmen of the World, at Twenty-fourth and Ames avenue. The handsome, building measures tipil!) feet and la two stories high, with a basement besides. It Is In every respect a modern club house with Its large halls and meeting rooms, bowling alleys, li brary, pool and billiard rooms, kitchen, dining rooms, ete. Tho attendance Monday night wia very lame, considering It was the opening night, tt was far greater than the pro moters expected. The big room was beautifully lrorate3 and the many booths were gay with decorations. Them was thrlvlug' business right from the start. Thla la a really big carnival with prizes that are worth striving for, In cluding a round-trip ticket to the l'aimma canal, two bicycles, several gold watchea, etc. (4 4. "Country store." "fishpond" and tho like helped to add to the gaiety of the occa sion. The women had a special booth, where they sold some very vretty fancy work. The directors of the building and of the carnival are Kdward t. Koater, l'hlllp Steyer, M. L. Endrca, II. It. Rodv, and James FX Pa vis. IVuld camp is one of the largest and most enterprising Woodmen camps, hav ing 0 members. The women's. Welcome prove. W oonraen Circle, number upward of anu UNION PACIFIC OFFICIALS IN EAST ON BUSINESS Fo far as officials arp concerned. Union Pacific, headquarters are riwttty well de serted. President Moliler has gone to New York for a conference with Chair man Lovett of the executive committee, while Vice President Munroe, General Passenger Agent JJaslngcr, General So licitor Loomis and General Rich are In Chicago. Tho officials who aro in Chicago are watching, or participating In the hear ings before Interstate Commerce com missioners. There the case wherein the irojlorads aro Beckliiar an advance In freight rates is on hearing, as Is the In vestigation of Pullman car ratea and tips. Ilia Fl re In Monttomrrr. MONTGOMERY, Ala., April 6-Klrw in the wholesale district of Montgomery early today did IAX00u damage. COMPLETE ARRANGEMENTS FOR APPOMATTOX DAY MUSTEROLE QUICK RELIEF! NO BLISTER! It Soothe and Relieve Uke a Mus tard IMaeter Without tho Hum or feting. MTTSTEROLE3 Is a clean, white oint ment, made with the oil of mustard. It does all the work of the old-fashioned mustard plaster does It better and dues not blister. You do not have to bother with a cloth. You simply nib it on and usually tho pain is gone! Doctors and nurses use MUSTEROLE and recommend it to their patients. They will gladly tell you what relief it gives from Sore Throat. Bronchitis, Croup. Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neuralgia, Conges tion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains and Aches of the Back or Joints, Sprains, Sore Muscles, 'Bruises, Chil blains, Frosted Feet, Golds of the Chest (It often prevents Pneumonia). At your druggist's, in 25c and 60c Jars, and a special large hospital size for $2.50. Be sura you get the genuine MUS TEROLE. Refuse Imitations get what you ask for. The Muaterole Company, Cleveland, Ohio. The committee arranging for the celebration of Appomattox day, April 9, announces that complete arrangements have been made. It sent 150 Invitations) to prominent men outsldo of Omaha and Is receiving favorable replies from many of them. Governor Morohead and his staff. Lieutenant Buck and his staff and the Judges of the supreme court will all attend. Tho four companies of the National Guard of Omaha will be present In full uniform. Tho services will be held in court room No. 1 and Judge Fawcett of the supreme court will preside. MURDER IN ABERDEEN; SIX SUSPECTS HELD ARKRDEEN, S. P., April . (Special Telegram.) A dead man found on the Milwaukee track this morning was Iden tified as Edward LV A. Parker of New York City by letters found on hla clothes A pool of blood was found on one side of the track, while the body was on the other side. Indicating he had been Btruck over the head. One arm was crushed by the train. He had been stripped of all belongings except a prayer book and several letters, the last one of which had been addreesnd to hire at Minneapolis. The authorities have some excellent clues relative to the murder, Parker having been seen with a companion In Aberdeen yesterday. The dead man was about 25 years of age. Six men have been arrested on suspicion of being connected with the murder. MAN HELD IN KANSAS CITY ON WHITE SLAVE CHARGE Federal authorities hare received word of the arrest of Ernest Lowe at Kansas City. Mo. He is wanted by the officers of the Nebraska district, being under ltv dlctment at Lincoln on tho charge of transporting a young married woman of Kansas City to Lincoln for immoral pur poses. Ixwe s home 13 said to oe at Kansas City, where he has a wife, but he Is said to have been hunted by federal officers In many atates ever since he was indicted last December. The Bee Want Ada Are Best Business Boosters. BANKRUPTCY PETITION FILED BY OLD LIVERY KEEPER Further evidence of the supplanting of the horse by the automobile Is given by the filing of a voluntary petition of bank ruptcy In federal court by Roy Young, who haa run a horse livery business at 1314 Howard street for many years. He lists his debts at $3,147.1 and hla assets it J2.701.S3. on which he claims exemp tions to the extent of $700. 4 By - Pfodu ct Put Stomach In Fine Condition Says Indigestion Results from an Excess of Hydrochloric Acid. Told that There Wm 10 Care for Him. "After Buffering for over twenty years with Indigestion and having sonic of the best doctors here tell ma there was no eors for me. I think it enly right to tell you for the sake of other sufferers as well as your own satisfaction that a 25 cent bottle of Chamberlain's Tablets not only relief! me but cured me within two months although I am a man of 5 years," whites Jul Qroblen. Houston, Texas. Ob. uinablo e erywbere Advertisement Undigested food delayed In the stomach decays, or rather, ferments the same as food left in the open air, says a noted authority. He also tells us that Indiges tion is caused by Hyper-acldlty. meaning. there Is an excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach which prevents complete digestion and starts food fermntatlon. Thus everything eaten sours in the stom ach much like garbage sours In a can. forming acrid fluids and gases which In flate the stomach like a toy balloon. Then we feci a heavy, lumpy misery In tho chest, we belch up gas, we eructate sour food or have heart-burn, flatulence, water-brash or nausea. He tells us to lay aside all digestive aids and Instead, get from any pharmacy four ounces of Jad Salts and take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast and drink while it Is effervesc ing and furthermore, to continue this for a week. While relief follows the first dose, it Is important to neutralize the acidity, remove the gas-making mass, start the liver, stimulate the kidneys and thus 1 -remote a free flow of pure diges tive Juices. Jad Salts la inexpensive aud la mad from the acid of grapes and lemou Juice, combined with liUila and sodium phos I hate. Tills harmless salts is used by thousands of people for stomach trouble wilh excellent results. Advertisement. is the perfect fuel for Spring as well as Winter use. It kindles quickly and can readily be regulated for a light or heavy fire, as de sired. By trying a ton or so now, you can test its virtues under vary ing conditions and thus be enabled to compare it with the fuel you have been using. There was never a fuel that had so many features of excellence as VULCAN COKE it is free from smoke, clinkers, soot and offen sive odors and has very little ash. It effectively takes the place of hard coal and is 20 cheaper. v Hundreds of satisfied fuel users are finding this out every month. VUL CAN consumers never return to anthracite. Pr sduoedl bf Coal Products Mfg. Co, Jolid. 111. Exclusive Domes Ue Bales Agents Htwin-M.ktmi.B Cul ft Ck Co. MaOwmteti Blag, Caloaf. Order Today Nebraska Fuel Co. DUrftstsn IrsOawat Dssflas 411 SaOwsss Ulfcttt if5 rJmi "FAAMtM Ot THI CONSTtrVTION OF Till Ul A." Nat George Washington " Father of His Country ERY AMERICAN knows that without 'Immortal Wa4iingtor our National Inde-pcndnce uouM haw been impossibla W,hcrever,know that the gneatirst battle of Washington I life was (ought to secure lor hi countrymen, the Corntitution of ie United States. Almost immediately after the Revolution it geernrd that all the great sacrifice of blood and treasure had pen in vain. The original thirteen states refused to work in harmony, either in spirit or in law. The new Republic was tottering ta its foundations. At this critical period in American history the most brilliant men of each state met in crxrverttion and unanimously elected Washington as President undoubtedly the most momentous gathering of the kind the crkl has ever known. Here he displayed' as great ability as law-maker as he had as a warrior. For montlis the Father of die Republic labored, and finally adopted our present' National Law. which forever guarantees Religious, Commercial and IVsonal Liberty. This was In 1787. Seventy years later Anheuser-Busch established their great institution upon the tenets of the Federal law which Washington did so much to create. Like all of the great men of hts time, he was a moderate user of good old barley brews. For tliree generations AnheuscrDusch haw brewed honest malt and hop beers. To-day 7500 people are daily employed to keep pace with the ever-increasing public demand. The great popularity of their famous brand BUDWElStR - due to quality purity, mildness and exquisite flavor, has made its talcs exceed those of any other beer by millions of bottles. ANHUSEa-CUSCH ST LOUIS. U,S. A. Vinton soSt-LouU art courtaouil tnvitaj t impact t Anheuser-Busch Co. of Nebr. Distributors, Omaha, Nebr. Fsmiliei Supplird by 0. K Haniea Dealer Phone Douglas 250S rvi. UUiii.lrili i-v Mi WM- 'III.!- i'r !,,! . i! nit,. ' ,h iif i 11 .III Means Moderation 'in'ili Nliniiiir I ff Semi-floating Rear Axle Dangerous In that the a at ehaft not only hat tn turn thawhaela but alao carrlea the weight ol tha car and takea up the aido-thruata. Dora EXTRA work and endangeretheehaft. In place ol it, Studebaker haa a FULUfloating Raar Ale which carrlea tha car on the axis houalng, haa TWO Tlmken beaHnga In EACH hub to take up alde-thruata and leavea tha ahaft itaalf free merely to turn tha wheels. Safe on any roada at any speeds. Be aura ronrcarhaaaa aate a raaraxle. High-Tension Magneto Aa unneceaaary aa a fifth wheel on a wagon and not aa good for It doesn't give the hot tpark at alow motor apeeda when tha hotteat apark la needed, in place of the back-number magneto, Studebaker uaea an electric eyatein Ignition, like moat 01 tha other higli-gredecara. Doeen't vary with the motor'e apeed elwaye dellvere 1U0 Ignition energy. IneureaSUKE.eieady firing. Thermo-syphon Cooling System Requlrea ao much larger a volume of water that radiator, water-Jacket and header have to he much larger and HEAVIER. Operatea well only when avatem la FULL.. In place of It, Stude baker haaa Force-pump ayatem that allowa the lighteat cooling ayatem poaaiblr, but guaranteaa thorough end efficient cooling alwaya. be aura your car haa the same TKOUbLE-prsvsmtng ayatem of cooling. Drive Thro Springs Make It neceaaary to nee stlffer springe. Hence, car becomeaHARD-riding. Also, dlaturba align ment of drive when car hita a atone or dropainto rut. In pleceof it, Studebaker haa TWO radlua roda and torque erm which relieve eprlnga alto- f ether and free them for the one taakof amother ng lolta and Jara. Be eure your car drivea thro' radlua rode and a torque arm. It means riding ' COMFORT. Pressure or Suction Gasoline Systems Troubleeome liable to leak air with aurh long llnea of piping. Studebaker place tank in cowl mekea it eaaler to fill. And ahortena line of fiiping to carburetor from eight feet to eighteen nchea. Oivea SURE feed on any grade. Cylinders Cast Singly Mikea motor much HEAVIER calla tor HEAVI ER crankcaae to preserve alignment. Cuta down water cooling auriacea. Studebaker uaea a motor ct en bloc which glvea extreme rigidity, more effective cooling, lighter weight and more acceaa Ibla dealgn. Studebaker ROADSTER ... $985 Studebaker LIGHT SIX ... 1385 Studebaker SIX (7-paaaenger) 1450 F. O. B. Detroit Used by other cars s ! but not m a Studebaker And the reason is simply that Studebaker doesn't dare to. For those designs listed over on the side are "old-timers'' in engineering. They aren't the new ideas in building a car. Long ago they gave place to BETTER designs. And while other manufacturers may cling to them, because they don't care to go to the manufacturing expense that exten sive changes in design incur Studebaker CANT. For, you see, when a man comes to look at a Studebaker, he EXPECTS quality. Price is rarely the attraction. He has in mind the QUALITY, the ideals in manufacturing that name of Studebaker has stood for so long. He expects a reasonable price yes I For he knows that Stude baker is one of the largest organizations in existence devoted to the building of cars. And in a series of plants that have a capacity of 1000 cars a week, it is only natural to expect low manufacturing costs and therefore, low prices. But first of all, he looks for QUALITY. And Studebaker, of course, couldn't afford to have a man find a semi-floating rear axle in this FOUR, when everybody knows that type of axle has long since given place to the SAFER, more accessible FULL-fioating Rear Axle. Couldn't afford, for example, to have him find drive thro' the springs when GOOD design calls for drive thro' radius rods so as to free the springs from all possible strains. And so with every detail. It HAS to be the highest quality and the latest design that is approved by engineers. And so the things listed at the side, you WON'T find in a Studebaker because its a four 985 : iteSt Omaha Factory Branch, 2550-2-4 Farnam St. "Studebaker Wilson" Local Dealer, 2429 Farnam St. fill '' ' I jjl Mm 3