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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1915)
10 t-im m:i:: omatta. ukdnksday, a run, :. ioi. Bringing Up "THE RPLE -VOO HAVE VOUR CHOICE OF EITHER THl-b tine pillow THE VAsr i GOOFS TRIMMED BY BREEN'SJEGULARS fnuik Huelsman Starts Two Rallies with Big: Stick and Blodgett Loses, 4 to 3. XRTJEGER STEALS FIRST BASE r1oU.l.,alldotor!'' Marty Kru and hla nohlo athlrtra In their earonit fforta to puraiio the na tlonal pnU'" For Marty and hla crew er out yesterday afternoon and put on a real aeven-round ball same. The Ileit Wlari trimmed the Hoof. 4 to S. after a eleaperateiy contested battle, both physi cal and oral. Tom Blodgett hurled for the tloofa and for four Innlna: retired the Regulars In ven order. The Reitulara put tip a Inrce howl that they were belnjt Mabrayei by Vmpa etyloa, hut the due nil led uinp waa Irm and permitted nothlntr more than Ions and loud arfunienta after each hall pitihed. NJaka Kafora aaid Styles' um T'rtnt was bush league stuff, but Styli retailtated nicely with a similar remark regarding Kafora'i ability aa a ball player. In the midst of considerable excllemnt In tha sixth round, a ncwspaiier serine j appeared on the scene with .half a doien Jitney plea. Styles let the ball game pro ceed of Ita own accord while he made a rush for the commissary. Red Whalcn and Dutch Bchllohner beat him to t. however, and copped the whole supply, leaving Styles nothing to do btit return to Ms Job. Kraearer Mrala Flrat, Ernie Krueger demonstrated some deep Inside ball In the fourth. Ho waa on sec ond basa and decided to steal. So hn lncd first when Crabb wasn't looking. A minute after he copped second, ll demanded two stolen bases In the box core, but hn was refused. Frank Huchiman was the ulsturPInK element for the Regulars. In the fifth nd seventh, when the Regulars made thc.r counts, Frank opened the proceed - r':! thgs, with husky blows. Folio mash ewch time, two count tcred. Haaaos) Plaja ( titer. Oswald Magnes Hanson held down renterfleld for the Regulars. Mister Thomaaon having; Joined the Hoofs, j Oswald strtved hard, but failed to get In ! tha box acore. j Dick: Ereen was on second and cap- tslned tha Regulars and be proved In a' 'ariinuta hla know ledge of the game. He lias at base ball head and he fl. Ids with all tha precision and ease of a machine. After tha combat Krug and Preen coached the pitchers and Whalcn In nip ping runnera at second when they stray off to far. Score: REOCUARS. All. R. it. O. A. 1 6 0 Payne, So a 0 Krvcn, Zo I 0 0 I 1 1 I 0 Alten. If 3 0 Ttuelsman. rf i 2 Fchllebner. lb t I Vhalen, aa S 0 Kafora, c 0 Vabh, p S 0 Hanson, cf I 0 ToUla N 4 . GOOFS. S 21 11 AH. R. 11. o 0 O. A. 7 t F. 0 l 1 0 0 0 0 0 u 0 Conley, lb Krug. aa M int. Sb Thomaaon, cf. TlloaaVI. 2b Krueger, If.... Jsetuian, c Johnson, rf... Jvverdon. rf... BiodgetU p.... U 4 0 1 Totals 24 S i Regulars Huns 0 n 0 Hits 0 0 Gonfs Runs 0 0 Hits I Three-base hit: Krueger. kit: Willis. Stolert ba.cs: 1 I I 0 0 2 a a 3-j Two-base Krueger, Svhalea. 8acritic hit; TiloxkL .Left on bancs: Regulars. 2: Goora. . r-trucK out: Bv Hlodiiett. : by Crabb. 2. Hasea on balls: Utf Crabb, 2; ot Rlodgett. I. Wild pitch Crabb. Time: l:Si. L m pirea: Styles and Closman. jjack Dillon Defeats Murray of Coast HUDSON, Wis., April .-Jack Dillon of ladiaaapolta outfought Hilly Murray of Angrlea In a ten-round no-devls4on bout here tonight, in the opinion of the majority of newspaper nun at the ring aide. The first three rounds were even, and in the fourth Millon had a shade. Murray evcued mutters cp lu the fifth, but after that Millun had the better of tha going, taking the last four rounds by arytsg margins. vgsa U(lr Visa. NEW TORK. April .-8ni Langford. the Uonton heavyweight, outpointed bat tling Jim J.ibnuon of lWveuQ in eiKbt rounds of a lea-round bout here tonight. Glsata Wla Oaaae. fRTJPOBT. Mlse.. April . The New York Nationals donated tho New Or- laans boutiirra association team, 1 to L ktra today. Father A LUCKX ILL TAKE THE Work to Start on Club House at Gun , Club Immediately! Mcnil'crs of tha Omaha C!un club met last nlalit ami rtlsciis-.eii plana for tlie Mil lion of the dull house on tlie grounds Herons tbo river. Work on the house will he started Immediately, no that when the shoot tnit noii opens In earnest the shooter may have a place to rest ami - two atory affair with wide vrranrln. Pirates Lose Two In Row at Atlanta . ATLANTA. Oa.. April -Atlanta Southern association team maile It two atmlftht over thn I'lttaburgh Natlonala, by wliininw tixlay'a name, i to 4. Score: U.H.K. Atlanta i 9 ! rittHburKli 4 10 1 Hatteilea: T'enraon and Jenkins; Har mon and Hinllh. Klfll.MUM". Va.. April .-The nirh mond Intornatlonala defeated the Brook lyn Natlonala todny, 4 to 3. K-ore, It. U.K. Klrhmnnd J S 2 Hrooklyn X 7 1 ItHtterli-a: Morrltte and Hrhniilfe: !rr-n. r. Kurk. r ami Mil'arty. Miller. Cinci Reds Give Tigers a Beating CINCINNATI. U.. April S.-The Cincin nati Natlonala defeated the Detroit American lraicue club her today by a acore of 7 to . Score: It. U K. Met roll 8 12 1 Cincinnati 7 8 4 HhUciIcs: Cnvet and Stanage; 8rhnelder, Iar and l'ooin. Kol'ISVlM.K, Ky April .-Tlie lioula vllle American aaaociatlon team defeated the. llovton Americana here today by the acore of 6 to 2. Score: R II. U Hoaton 5 10 0 I.ouinvIHo 5 N I Katteiica: Cooper, Comatock nni TtiomaH, Northrop. Marka and Clemona. George Chip Nearly Evens Up with McCoy NKW YORK, April . Uerge Chip of NcwcasC.e, l'a., w ho wh knocked out a ear ago by Al McCoy of Brooklyn, nearly evened the score in a return bout In Hrooklyn tonU;lit. Chip, who claimed the middleweight title until hla defeat, did all tho leading after tho second round and In tho ninth round twice dropped his opponent for tho count ol nine. Chip was weary In the tenth round from his exertions and McCoy was able to block hla blows until the finM bell. The weights were: Chip, i:&U; McCoy. 157. NEW YORK AMEhlCANS DEFEAT NORFOLK TEAM NORFOLK. Va.. April . The New JjYork Americans defeated the Norfolk, 0 Va league team here today, 11 to 2. Ccore: R.H.K. Norfolk 5 7 2 New rk 11 It 1 Haltm n Hiinipbi'tc and Stewart; Keating: Fisher and Schwert, Sweeney. toast l.emrue Kaniri, It 11 K , . rt 1 . 1 1 Venire San Francisco iTen Innings ! Ratfrica: lecannlere Killilay i.nd chmiut. and Spencer; R 11 K. 0 C 1 3 1 Oakland lis Angeles Rattrriej: Hrul. tt and Elliott, Role. !ove and REGULAR AND GC0F GAME ENDS IN ROW A seven-inning practice game was played at Reurke park Monday afttr ioon between the Regulars and tloofs. Th game ended In a squahble. The Regulars claimed victoiy 3 to 2, but Manager Marty Krug, who led the Ooofs. averted the combat was a tie. 2 to i. The ques tion of supremat-y lias not been decided yet, although the argument is still urdr way. I'mpire baiting was the chief pas time of the game, each side firing half a dosen umpa and choosing new ones. Mick Breen plsyed second base for the Regulars. It was the first game he has llsycd in this spring. ANTELOPES SHUT OUT . BY WHITF SOX SCRUBS LINCOLN. April . Oleotte of the Chi cago Americans No. 2. pitched in mid Mason form today and tha big leaguers won from Lincoln by a score of 2 to tt. Score: IH.- Chicago J 1 Lincoln Batteries: Cicotte and Mayer; Daw son, Norveaon and Kelly. Wkailra HlratM1. CHICAGO. April Pitchera Guy Board and Harry Asbeofelter have been un conditionally released by tha GbJoago Federals, it waa announced todajr. CopyrlgM International Kewt rvtc. I'M CITTIN HOME, PfETpf LATE BUT MAilE WILL FORGIVE ME WHEM bHE SCE-b THE ft r' ruSo r whfn sue .g fB vrr v . . rf 5as o ' ii v ,, FIGHT MOYIES NOT I Ta titj nr tit n q 1U 111 u- & New Federal Law Prohibits Impor tation of Prize Ring; Pictures Into Country. NO LOOPHOLE IN STATUTE WASHINGTON, April . (Special Trie gram.) Moving pictures of the battle at Havana for the heavyweight fighting champlonxhlp of the world between Jack Johnson and Jess Wlllard will not be shown In the Vntted States. ' A federal law, recently enacted, pro hibits the Importation of films of prlre flghtB Into this country and their Inter state transportation. There Is no loop hole In the law. Prepare to (in. HAVANA. April ( Jess Wlllnrd and Jack Johnaon. the. two heavyweight pugilists whojnade ring history here yes terday, are preparing to depart from Cuba. Wlllard, the new champion, ac companied by a numerous party, will leave for Key West early tomorrow morning, but where he will proceed from there, whether to Jacksonville, New Orleans Or New York had not been de cided late tonight. Wlllard was tendered a dinner and re ception by the fit lions of Havana this evening. The Cubans continue enthusl- i astlc over the new champion and seem- I. 1.. ,. t,f 41, M. f .A -.-.. .1 I Kansas cowboy. Everywhere Wlllard j Dall ut,r was busy all afternoon went today cheering orowda followed romK gmw ballots In which mla-h'm- i takes had been made by the printer. At Keeps In Seelnalon. j some of the precincts It was dlscorervd Johnson remained In seclusion most of j that while there were seventy-three the day. It was reported that he was j names on the ballot, there were seventy packing his belongings, preparatory to i four squnres, so that it will be hard for leaving for Santiago tomorrow and pro-j the Judges to tell for which name marks reeding thence to Jamaica. Johnson, ion the ballots were really Intended, however, denied this and declared that he Duller made a round of the polling would depart Thursday or Friday for the Island of Martinique. He discharged his camp followera today saying he do alrod to I left alone. He also declared that he wanted to go on a long sea voyage to some country where he Is not known. The promoters of the fight today fin ished the counting and dividing of the gate receipts. They announced that the battle drew Into the hoxofflce SlIO.oM and that the attendance was 3?,am. fttlll Klh Mad. ' sanitations. Mrs. Mary Fadll Is the pres- The natives of Cuba are still fight jldent. Mr. W. W. Doten first vice presl mad. Groups of them were in the cafes' dent. Mrs. Ilaysdorfer second vice presl and hotels and on street corners today! dent, XIrs. West secretary. Mrs. Michael and tonight arguing about yesterday's Huller treasurer and Mrs. John Xllllan battle at Marianao or illustrating awk- chairman of the membership committee, wardly the various punches delivered by The Washington boys' club will give Wlllard and Johnson. j their monthly dinner Wednesday evening Photographers who took pictures at the at tho settlement house. Louis Wavrln ringside did a land office business. En larged snapshots of the knockout sold for $5 apiece, while sidewalk venders got rid of thousands of postcard sizes for 10 rents. Bandar Show at Orleans. NEW ORLEANS. April 8. Jess Wlllard will come to New Orleans from Key West arriving here Saturday, according to fight promoters, who announced to night they had received cablegrams to day from Havana in which Wlllard agreed to give a Sunday. boxing exhibition here CHICAGO CUBS BEAT THE CHATTANOOGA TEAM CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., April . The Chicago Nationals defeated the Chat tanooga Southern association team today, 4 to 3. Score: R.H.K. Chicago I1J 1 Chattanooga 3 7 1 Batteries: Cheney and Ilresnahan: Cunningham. Rosa and Kitchens. WASHINGTON. April . By winning today's game by I to 3. the Philadelphia National broke eren In their two-game series with the Washington Americans. S.ore: R.H.F.. Philadelphia S Washington 3 8 S Batteries: lVmsree. 0--hger and Adams; Ayres. Bentley and Henry. CUBS WILL ENJOIN THE HURLER JUMPED TO FEDS CHICAGO. April -n iniunctinn to prevent PiU her George McConnell from playing with the Chicago Federals, with whom ha has Just signed, probably will he sought by the Chicago National league club, aecordlrg to President Thomas. The Cubs' president today consulted law yers to protect the club's Interests. rllrBr Ball (iaaaei Yale. S; Pennavlvania, 2. Chicago, II: Heloit. , Illinois, ft: TMlane. 0. Holy Croaa. 7: Georgetown, . Virginia, i: Cornell. 1. Urates Mis ftwaae. GRF.ENSRORO. N. C April .-Tha Boston Natlonala defeated the Groens boro. N. C, league team her today, 1 to 0. Throat mm I-waar Tn.klH quickly helped by Dr. King's New Dis covery. Iv use over forty years. Kvory hoine a'iould keep a bottle for emer gencies. AU drugrtstiu AdvrrUaecient. 1 WHAT OO YOU MEAN BY COMINC HOMF t KNOW MAIP - LOOK AT THI HOUR'. Strawberries from the South Are to Be Plentiful Here Soon K entiling- la favorable now for a larKcr crop of strawberries in the south than the growers ontlripated up to a few weeks ago. This la Information that has come lo Al. King, head of the gTocery department of Ilavden Brothers, in a U tter lie hna received from the front of the straw berry fields In ioulslana. Spe cial arrangements are being mado With the rallmnUs and express companies for a fast train service to connect with the vailous lines s.) as to make through ser ico to get the berrloe to tho point of consumption with tho least possible delay. Iiiilslana Is the great strawberry pro ducing state, and it Is to that state that the dealers through this section look for their supply largely. The plants In the patches there are reported healthy and the fruit firm. From April 10 to 15 tho southern growers will ship berries In crates less than carload lots. Beginning April 10 It Is expected that twnty-f!ve to forty cara of berries will leave that state da'ly for all parts of the United States. From April 20 to May 10 It la reorted the growers expect to be ship ping from fifty to sixty carloads a day. Bad Mistakes Are Found On Some of the Official Ballots places to coll In all the ballots in which nrrora had twn made. SOCIAL SETTLEMENT HAS v FORMED A WOMAN'S CLUB Tho Woman's club of the Social Settle ment has completed organization with a imrnihrrshlp of thirty-five and plans soon to federate with other local women's or- and Anton and W. 8. Fadll of tha dra matic club will give the program. Tha Dramatic club is rehearsing for its pro duction of the "Merry Wives of Wind sor," which will be given later In the spring. The first Issue of "The Settle ment" will be off the press the middle of, the month. Arrangements for the Social Settle ment's annual summer camp are oelng I completed. It Is also planned to continue :the actlvitiea of the settlement houaa ; drll,c .i,,, .,,mmer months. The tennis courts will be In especially fine condition. NEBRASKA TO BE SHOWN CN LINCOLN HIGHWAY REELS Nebraska is to be represented by I.B00 feet of moving picture reels in the series of reels along the Lincoln highway that are to be shown at the San Francisco exposition. The bureau of publicity nas lust arranged with the special agont of the Lincoln Highway to get 1.800 feet of Nebraska reela, which la a splendid rep resentation for the state. Twelve states are to be shown In these reels. They are: New York. Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana. Illinois. Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyo ming, i tan, .-vevaaa ana laiuorma. In the Nebraska reel about 1,000 feat are to be devoted to scenes along tne Lincoln Highway out- In the state and alut 500 feet to panoramic views in Omaha. The plan is to have the reels shown at the exposition in San Francisco, then shown In nearly every city In the Vnlted States of any importance, and then ex hibited In the schools throughout tha country. THREE PRETTY GIRLS HIKE TO THE COAST Three winsome young lassies from Chi cago are walking to mo rmnajna-t aciiic exposition., with only a dog and three little revolvers for protection. Thay are Ethel Rockwell, Maud Brldaon and Ruth liars ley. Tha dog. "Frisco Jack," thay adopted from tha city pound at Chicago. Yes terday "Jack" and, another canine got into a little mixup, and, tn parting them, Mlaa Haraley was badly bitten on her hands. Police Surgeon C. B. Foils cau terised tha wound and the girla started on tb4r way again. They average twen-ty-at miles each day. iL ' I I 1 1 mil C-llJ. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus U- LOOK XOO TOU HORrf AiND cet to eed: - BOT Domestic Science Expert on Visit; Lectures Friday Miss Anna Barrows, a domestic science xpert of national reputation, will ar rive In Omaha Thursday evening. She will lecture at Iirownell Hall Friday morning, following which she will be entertained at luncheon at the hall, and In tha afternoon will address te domestic science department of the Omaha High school. Miss Barrows Is a lecturer In the Teach ers college at Columbia university nnd at Simmons' collene, Boston. She la also author of several books on domestic science subjects nnd a national director of the Chautauqua School of Cookery. The home economics department of the Omaha Woman's club had planned to en tertain Miss Barrows at luncheon Satur day, but Miss Barrows was unahle to ac cept since she leaves Friday evening. Woman Fined for Using Horsewhip If a fraction of the testimony adduced In police court Is true, then Mrs. Ida Mueth, 1017 Chicago, street, who was ar rested for horse-whipping Mrs. Emma McCarthy, 712 North Twenty-first, is a woman of many fancies. Mrs. Mueth fell in love with the brave uniform of a city fireman named VA Smith, the story has it, and she obtained divorce from her husband. Smith then failed to make good, and she remarried Mueth. Once more the fire laddie won her affection, and again she would have no more of the bonds that held her to her husband. It was Monday night that she heard Smith was at the McCarthy home, and she went there with the whip and com menced her assault upon Mrs. McCarthy at once. LOOK T . . Mju & piluow: i When You're Hunting S for that juicy old tongue tickling tobacco satisfaC' Hon and joy just sink your teeth into a plug of "PIPER" and bite off a good generous chew. Keep some in your southwest pocket; it will always raise you a good crop of tobacco-happiness. H k G1QS1QC CWtritf ToUcca Ckioxptta FLmr The greatest distinction about "PIPER" to a man who likes a smacking good relish to his chew is the famous Champagne Fla vor." The Piper taste mingles on his tongue with the natu ral, mellow sweetness of the ripest, carefully selected tobacco leaf. n yi i a "PIPER" is tha LI i r cheiEg tobacco V1 v in the world wholesome, healthful and satisfying. Sold by aeaJets ntrr bare, im 6c aad 10 ut saBitarr. foU- wiapi. aa mmn Ike TIFER" tUrr. v o V Ail THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. N.Y. ' ma z" SHE DID NOT THINK PISTOL WAS LOADED Will F. Frantz ' Probably Fatally Shot by Wife "Just Fooling With the Gun." MARRIED LESS THAN MONTH Will F. Frantz, 25 years olcf and bellboy at the Paxton hotel, was fa taly shot yesterday by his wife, Blanche, 19, in their room at 2582 Harney street. His death is expected momentarily, at St. Joseph's hospi tal, where police surgeons removed him. Mrs. Frantz declared the shooting wa accidental, and this was corroborated by Frantz during a brief period of con sciousness. She declared that she was Just "fooling" with the gun, which she did not believe was loaded, when It went off. The were married in the court house February 20. She came here from Manilla, la., where her parents live. The bullet entered Frantz' left breast and was very difficult to remove. Mrs. Frantz is being detained at police headquarters pending further inveslga tlon of the shooting. War Horse Buyers at Grand Island The French and English horse buyers who for severnl months have been around the South Omaha market, gather ing tip animals for the cavalry and artil lery In the wnr zone of Europe, have now turned their attention to Grand Island, where. It is asserted, they are making some extensive purchases. The Grand Island horse barns recently 17151717 Send 10c god rKr.r. yur tobacco XJ-IJ dealer's name, and we'll send a full-gixe 10c cut of "PIPER" god a hand gome leather pouch FREE, anywhere in U. S. Also a folder about "PIPER." The tobacco, pouch god mailing will cost us 20c, which we will gladly spend because a trial will make you a tesdy user of " PIPER." IT WHAT A FOOL 1 VOZ. NOT TO TAKE the pillow: dimmed hands, having Item - bought o, cistern nnd southern men ami'Sn atlemp Is being made to build the bora" market Into one of the largest In the country. Grand Circuit Tour of the West Including the Wonderful CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS Wide choice of routes via Min-neapolis-St. Paul to North Pacific Coast Cities, allowing; stopover at Yellowstone or Glacier National Parks and all other important points. View the scenic grandeur of the American or Canadian Rockies. Go by rail or water from Portland to San Francisco to visit tha Panama - Pacific Exposition. Take in Los Angeles (Side trip to San Diego and the Panama-California Exposition), return via Salt Lake City and Denver. A TRIP OF A LIFETIME Let ul plan an attractive trip for you. For particulars, apply to J. MELLEN, G. A. Chicago CSu North Western Ry. 1401-3 Farnam St. (TeL Dmitrlaa 9740k SAFETY FIRST The low percentage of alcohol purposely main tained In the brewing of i this beer is helpful to the system. CHellsmsn Brewing CUCrowe.WiU.S.A. LERCH 8c Vrtri SANOT Wboletato Distributors 1 1 1 S. I Tin St. Omaha. Nebr rnonco: Douglas Z183 and A 179 il lit 111 for $7445 j pROTTH DRO". CO.