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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1915)
v; Tllh MKli: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. APHID 7, 1015, 4 WANT ADS ut ads received at inr time, ttut ta Insure proper riasetiication Tmat be pre sented heroes It o'clock noon for evening edition and T M Tv nv for mo-nlng and urh hour, will be under the beading. 1 loo Late 10 classify. - a i j piTri Seven consecutive times, i cent word ear h Insertion. ThrM tiroes within one week. " word Ni-h Insertion On Unit, f cents a word. fit A. 1(1 R RATF,, even mnaecutive. timrs. t cent un each Insertion. Three t trees within one week. M cents a line ni'h Insertion. One ttnw II cents Ttne. Onnt six sxenwre word to Iln- Minimum charge, cents An advertisement Inserted to "V" tH 1 -continued DUIt be etopped wm ten order. ATI tierms for errors must r ",, within fifteen days after the lest tnser I Km of tho advertisement Too can viae your war, I ad In The Pe telephone. TKI rPMONF. TTt.FnWy. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column' Bimdeee of other answers have tveen railed for end delivered during tho last iwk It M reasonable to suppose II of the people below r.v 11 V OVetred swaps, therefore do " 'Li?I the balance of their answers. Boe PC. Kit Ull 1414 141 1414 141 14.11 I4 14.- 1441 144K 1 !4!4 14 14N 1-1 U 0 1471 141 I . 4 , :. '.o ...A i:.m I..V. IS'm 157i) HT1 i.,; INT. 1W9 1W DR4TIII AMP Ft'SKR AL HOTICK llAKRlS-Mm. Jerimha. Arr" 1. W aed ! yeara. mother of tUillln K. Harrla. North Tentr-aUtb, atrect. Wyom HiK Ja., and viulm-y. III.. paira pleas The lm'ra of Mra. Dot Una (k hlealnaer will ba bold from the realdenca or her .laiiRhter. Mra CliaHea KoaewMer, UA Farnnm Pt.. Wedneadaj', April 7 at o'cloh BIRTIlN AM) I)RATII. nirtha Walter and Oladya Hamilton. tXO South Tenty-nlnth, alii: Morrta Hint Kmm Jtoentcld, huapltaL, liy; Krank and Maude f oatawort Ii, Mandcrson, boy; Hoy and Myrtlo Uenacotor, -1il4 Hurt. (Till. IVathn Myrtle S. S4. hospital; JiHrllne SchleBliiBer, Karnam; Mamie Oiltner, Ii. Mi Hoiith Nineteenth. Itt II.IHNt. I'KHMITS, Ilobeit Kaillk.'ii, fMl North Twenty aorond. frame dwelllnK. 12. :4V; C. 8. Ne. aiui, 5.170 North Twenty-i'lithlh avenue, tr Irhmex dwelllnR, t-'.IXio; C. S. Nelmin. 6.174 North Twentv-'thth avenue,, frame dwelling, fc'.wn'; Jamea Lavmhertaon, :K N'ohrKKka avenue, frame divellliiK. I1"; llaatlnK.i Heyden. 317-!tl! North Twenty-seventh averue, hrlck apart inenta. (.Vi.tkn; C. 11. Werta, Sail- Howaiil. repalia. l,0t; C. tl. CarlherK. 4W1I1 Noilh Thlrty-elKhth. frame dwelling, tl.fitui; c. IJ. Carlhern. IVS Jorth Thirtieth, frame dwelling-. $1,600; National Heflnlnar ttnn . pany. )m:'4 Corby, fllllnai elation. $."i00; Kred IStilea, 4J02 Urowne, frame dwolltng, xw. TODAY'S OOMPLKTB MOV IK PROURAMS Exclualvel in Tho 15c. Do wm Town. CAMERA PIIONK, 14 HOUCM.Art 8T. YVInnlnir Back. 2-reel Kroncho drama. "Your Uaby and Mine. Kel. drama. Ambnnee'a Ultle llntchet. KUITK No. 2. HIS KA UN A M Krom Meadqiiartera. !t-r. Vita, dra., feat Anita, iSiowart ami Karle Wllllama. Ixive and Trouble, Oitanajr comedy. FARNAM TI1KA T KlT, 1 4 Ui KAHNAM HT. Runaway June will lie shown her every Tueaday In connection with our regular program and a Keystone comedy. HIKP THEATER, 16TU ANLt 11AMNKT Homo of Paramount Picture UttlC fHtATuK. Feature program dally. Kevatona Comedle. u n. irm, rARJOR. 14S POUGUiVS. Postponed. Vltagraph comedy. And good drama. FRINCKSS, 1317-19 IKlTTlLAs! iBIUle Ritchie! The Fatal Note. U-Ko. com. Mysterious Contragrav, i-r. Mya. dra. Law of Ive, with Brlnsley Shaw. . ftnrttv. ALAMO. JS4TH AND FORT. Four reels of the best Mutual picture a ALU AM BRA. 1814 N. 34TH. A Pay That Is Gone. S-r. Majestic drama. Hottmn of things. Reliance "rama t'UFTON. Military Ave. and Burdolte. Mother Hulda. Broucho drama. 1 reels. The Kx press Meaaenger, Reliance drama. King Around Rosy, Roy comedy. lIAMONl. 34HI LAKK. Human Menace, J-reel, C)o Madison. The Pinch, LaeninUe drama. Iv Fireworks and the- Janitor. J-'lLAJx'KUIN. 24TH AND FRANKLIN .ared Fairfax's Million. Kalcm drama. The Death Train. Kalcm drama at jnd Paier. Mlna comedy. UU.NP, Theater Beautiful. I6lh-Uinney. The Quest.' 5-reel Mutual Masternteoe. hippodhome:, kth y cum ing. Runaway June. 10th episode, two pans. Bar, Reliance drama. Katty's Restless Filing, Keystone com. ,'T i (RKrlUSI, 1CTH AND UOCL'ST. War, 2-reel Vltagraph comedy. broncho Billy s Brother. Kaaanay W. dra. 1 nq tt-aacaon s. mamonds, x-r. Kal. dra. : yy. istbTand bIJrdkttk n lieaert Sands. S-reel Rig I. tV el!. Joker comedy. Mkter Kex- No. U, t-reei specjal. ' . .OYAU ' 2" CAUDW'BIU aior s ttewara, 3-reei tjciau. uch Is Ijife, Rex drama. Matter of Parentage. Powers. lAyTiiKdip, . J4TH UOTURjOP. "or Ifer Penile, 4-reei drains. featuring r mrrniT i umer. - - , PA1-A K. ail DAVENPORT. uiveiira. .-reel iiialr. MeiTy Marv's Marriage, L. Ko. comedy. .-.ittios .xiagnate. fovvera. HKBrRBAN; : 34TH AND AMES. Harriers Swept Aside, 5-r. Kalein dranii. The Man from Texas, hel. dr. Tlie Jarr l aniily lnawtr Harlem, Vita com. soath. W- XX '? ARBOR, i lie farewell Dinner, two-rwl Majestic. rVrgeant Jim'a Hora. drains. Oramude of Conductor No. 7ni -MoLU. LkiAL.X WORTH. )teart-tMiIlg No. M. Mr. Arr Brings il.mie a Turkey. Vita. c. After the Storm, two-reel Rlugraph dra. COMFORT. . 34TH a!"d"vLNTOX" Million Dollar Myaterv. eissode No. la, The Truth of Fictlnn. Amext an. WiifiU Ambrose. Ke stone. CoLCMIifA. . ; 17l S. ItrrTT t.,wlyn. Ut. Vita. dra. Tba Fable cf Cie .aiiiinptiou utrl. Ess. mm. Coach Driver and the Girl. The Stage dra. FAVORITE, ileaiat -8itg Nn. ?3. fctis Their Cimus C r.t.allriy drafua. 1714 Vl.NlXiN. igi "three-reel -L.VI. ljj, b. I T1L ilr tklwn lfsi'di.-sp. tw ,-ri Uisua. In a Jackpot Club, .Nestor comedy. Aruutfl tin oild lit 14 Minutes, Joker our at raiilta HO. H& fC. C lit m ii M M N IVI tio in ii 17 in r 4i iw r rt i imi rt nt iT i.44 rt ra 4i iui in SB 40 ltM rt iw irt i w m m 4S7 ivt m mi tr it T? M 41 fcj M 9v1 .W K7 K4 K7 J IW Ml l'Xt 1 (H !lr4 IWt 1M M w . ! M aM W4 14T rorVH ii)mpi.!:tk mo ik rmx.KMs KIuIti-I) In The- Hen aih. x LYRIC, IMT VINTON. W ti'r'n Fling Imp Mixup nt Mnmt Nestor conic, 1v T" IvVdrrm an oath. 2 reel I. mnili' dra. pastime. .n ami i,i'A i:n n rn. TaMni; llir Mi'nir. Nestor ii'molv . Incii Hint pled. Victor. Blood of llir Children, two-re-I 1 I Soul vek kzia! Liis6T inu'st Four Mi of Mutual picture, W eat. monroe. ::-': uaknam Ep of Finnic No it. The I Nil W or lnpor Tin' lnni'r nt .Mi ' k l-'onlnln- I Tlio fort mil in ll o A 1 1 , n Ii loin I mi.-i. Draaoa. IIKNS'IN M I N ST. Tim Kin. k Irnil. ?i 1 1 1. nli'V-Nrlnoti i. Th" 1'liMiiloin mulim I Urn WIImiiiI lirn .-nut wnn Mm i niKfil. Slfflma '"tiv 4 uanoll lllnfla 1 .1.1 TV' No. J. f..S I Ki I iWA T Ttift Vluht llncrnlnr n t ltlllii. Kill Pril. illrr Mm-tvril'-ni. ,1-r l."l l"B. Vint II tin' Ti-ntl), l'.p- oin. Nil HOI. H TlfKATKK. &7 UroiulWB.v. llitiM Si Ms No. W T lin W ooii .'.' 2-,' I'm ii'iil p ' oliinm. ltii. i '"in. hiiPKKTM'KATKH,' SXTi KO.l W A V? H n cnly Punt. Nrnttir oinnly. Iovo of tlir I'Mrfnt. l'orr l.r)in.n from thi F'nr V'am. I'-rwl !. oatai tiiiada, MSK. HTM N. l.lliliiir tlio Knn of fovi-ntiv, "-r. All. Mil rlrntnn It llnpnrn'il on V:ih Iy. I.hMii com. M AUK", urn i o. Tho 1 nichr-.i. ;i n-el (o'hl Sent. adevlll. LMT I f ANH M PTS. :imnira'M, XT Olrl nnrl Mine, lirania In T rt I.nt rplKiiiln of .mlora Weilnenlny. A N NOV N (.'KM KN'TH MAllTT-ril.l "!b'V crTT ll7 CumlnK IoiiKlna 2417. Renovatea feathera and iiiattreaae of all klnda. makea 0 feather innitreaaea and down cover IK Y I 1 ! ate going t'1 decorato, Phone Ponging 1M for name of first class deconlor In your neighborhood. Wedding announcements. I'oug. Ptg Co. SPItlN'd CI.KA NT?tyi T1MK Is here. Your windows cleaned and atorm windows taken down at reasonable ratei-. For first cuss service cull lmuglaa ..41. AMKItlCAN WIM10W CMJANIXO CO. l.TVKY wedding rings at Hrodegaard'a. V ACTUM cleaners for aaio Vacuum cleaning done In the home. Sanitary Servlc.i Co.. Kcejildg l fKl: ENROLL now. T. M7 C- A. night school. K rent, repair, sell needles and parts ror all sewing machines. i Vj BH ASK A OYt'l.R CO., "Mlokel'e." 1Mb and Harney. roUKlaa V2. Miss Kthel Solomon. I. N. aith St., will sing for Madame Oadskl at noon today. rr , " 1 1 ; - a At'TOMODILES C. KIAA8SKH, eapert radiator and larag repairs. Ty. 7(B. 101 Leavanworth. 1 1 1 A V F. a -cyl 0 h.-p. White car that I will trade for a modern home of equal or greater value. H. relton. IM Farnain. OreenoUgiToinaba Had. Rp. Co.. Isijo Far. A I 'TO Clearing House, Z Karnam. buys and aella used care. Phone IHiuglaa EJ10, KTiIt SAUK Or what have you to trade for two delivery antes and one N-pas-senger touting car, all In flrat-clnsa con dition; will sell or trivde seiarately. 402 N 24lh Ht. too ItEWAHO for any magneto we can't repair. Co'ls ropd. Bnygdurfer.210 M 1. o Overton's for leaky radiator, a4c, dealers. BhT valuea In the city In used care. A. Ahlmnn, I0t4 Karnam 8t. Rl-X", iki-horsepower touring car, gooj, condition. I4.W. Call at 6134 Klorenoe Blvd. Want an auto. C. J. C'anan. McCague bldg. Motoroyeiea. 1S15 INDIAN MOTORCTCMC now ready, bargalna In used machlnea. OMAHA IIICYi.'UK CO.. Hit h and Chti ago. D. 372S. KOR 8AUH I'wln cylinder 1H13 Indian moton ycle, overhauled and re-enameled llils year. Owner must sacrifice. Lee Ata man. Telephone Red. 4410. HAIILKY-PAV 1PSON MOTOHCYCUKB. Bargains In iired machines. Victor Rooa, "The Motorcycle Man. ' LWI Leavenworth. Ul'ILDINii MATKRIAL RAILS. 2.i per kig. Fence, sheet root ing, etc. in prop, i tluii. General Mer cantile v o., Omnhu Kieal mail order hou-e HI'SINKSS CHANCES A LArt'iK. and well-equipped garage for talc; have other liuslnem and unable to operate botH. If you want a good estab lished busims. this is xour chance. "Ii," Omnha Bee Council Bluffs la. IONKl,fiON do.s more than list your bualneaa. he sells It. 301 Omaha Nat'l Bk. FOR SA I.K--Prosperous retail business In the heart ef business district of Lin coln. Owner Is going into wholesale business. Will Invol -o about $'. Kred P. Cornell, 123 N. lit rt. Lincoln. N eb. KOK KALE Have other busliieHa, will sell auto suuulles and leaso 01 laiii,' flreiiroof garage In good lively town. Ad dress Y 4hv, Bee. HAVK ON OUR LIST SKA'KRAL MKV WHO CAN 1NVKST KK TO fc.OUO WITH THEIR SKTRVICF.S. CO-OPKRATIVK REFF.RKNCE CO. 1016-16 CITY NATIONAL. 6IONS. show cards Clark Hon. l. 1STV COt'NTRY store building and small stock of general merchandise lor saic. Aaureos Y-4.g. Bee. j LIST TOUR BTSlNEtW with Us for Quick action and sauara treatment QUICK BALiSI COM PANT. 418 Ban Bldg. Phone Red SKI. (HEATERS Buy. lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., I4ui Karnam tt. Douglas lfciff. TO GET in or out of business call on OANGESTAP. 404 Ree Bldg. JPoug. S177. AN EXCEPTIONAL chance Is offered ac tive party with tl.veo to invest, together with common sense and energy enough to conduct a respectable, permanent cash bualneaa that a easily managed, tree from competition and get-rlck-qulck schemes, where, with ordinary labor, from to $i.(kai ahould be cleared yearly. Owner of this business invites the very closest investigation tn every way. Full partic ulars will have to be given at personal Interview only, by addreasing Y-4i, Bee. HAVE an opening for office man and salesman who can invest at leant tl.uOO. There should be for a hustler $3,000 to $."1,000 in thl CO-OPERATIVE REF. CO.. 1(115-1 Oty National. ' RKSTAl'RANT to dealrahle lvK-.tlon cheap: also exhaat fan for sale. Apple OH N. isth St. VfHV .-wiitr Will roH t-acre farms in Red Ri.vsr v.-Uej-. Mi.-.A., .irect buildings, supply cows . ..ii hogs on first payment of Mi and 11 per acre and Interest at ( per cent each year thereafter. W. Q. Tenipleton. HftA Bee Bldg.. Omaha TOUR business or -eal estate quickly old. Write Jim Wray. Sioux City. Is. I RHAIestale Busineas Pisces supplied or handled; all states. F. V. Knleat, Omaha. Invest naval. Our NbriiliA farm mort 7 gages are not affected by I European wars or raules Amounts $400 to $20.(. We collect all interest -nnd principal free of charge: at years In the Nebraska farm loan field without a les Is our record KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANT. tOI Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Omaha o Rnnmlng Hnneea for nnle. ROOMING bouse for sale. Douglas )K ItCnRCKlMS full of roomers; best location la .'ma ha Will sell reasuuabte. .Vl Howard. Doug. ho. ELECTRIC SlI'PUES t'LtvCTRB' waabers. $40 76 electric Irons. $-.15, with General Mer-antil Co, Omaha's Ureal Mail order House Kll rTIOAI, M'ltlNcI TKIlM ?! TV I V-H Ci l I.KOK Momlny. April Mil I'ny School. Miit School, ooninlrt" hii?lnrpn rour.'M', comp'rlc nhnrthnmt or l'iiiiy(i cnui-pf. coinplrir tilrraphy oiiisc. rlvll vrUc( lunnrlirH hini i:n llfh Sni.lcnts Hilntltti'd lit any V rllr, plump or .nil for l:M."i crUIhriio. I'DYI.I s I ul. I KiiK. m n hiivi.ii. rroni.icnt TpI I I 'V. II .v1c 111,1k , I'limi a. Nrh. The Van fSant School Stenography Vny amonl, I im to 4.0. NlKht m hiwl. 1 IS to U. ill ami Fa. ram Sl '.'gill'll t47. KMTUT ladv ffniBUipher will tnk iiuolla SlliiltTll NI. tou.-h typewrit- Ini,- pellitiK, piim tuHtlon. tic taught I ami complete trHininit glvn for huameaa ' career Private lii'-itMciion ir uairu. e.i liouglaa St Vc! Walnut Hi'. K"H alelln following aciioiaranlpa ,n flrat cliiaa Omaha Hualiirjni College: One unlimited rombmutlon and ahortliand eourae. One unlimited bualneaa eourae. On rnllmlted stenographic eourae. line three months' tutinens cr atano gi-iphle ecurse. Will be aold at a dlacouat at tba office of the oinnha llee. FOIl HALE Karnltnre, llonaebold l.ooila, K.te. New rd-liatid fumlturo, cash or torma; reasnnahle. Amur. Kutn. Co.. t06 N. 18th i l.ilTrcfrlgei ator. kooiI us new, used one aeason, ."i Webster (. PIN I Nil tnlic bn tuirner. , refiiEi'iator. Acorn ratigo, Iresser bed. Ctnnlnk. mi'lv'". bought Bnd sold. J. C ,nun IM7 Karuiui St. D. 1 Reed. 11 4lt llnraea and Vehlrlea. BMIP live atock to Bouth Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion, -v FARM wagons, Jrt and up. harneae, $40. Johnson-1 'anforth Cb . Ulth Clark Bta. FOB 8Al.KTTnlu ofmarea. lba each for $IS0 , 1121 HARRISON BTRETET. I'lioiie Souin rj KOCH jiood farm iiihivs, two lumher wiigoim, three, collie pups. 2111 N. 154 1 h . OCR winter work Is over and I want to sell aonie of my horses, 15 gool e.ork horses. 11 L. LlKhtfoot. 2102 Cuming St. HAltNKSS, bupgles, ilellvery. spring and fnrm uagona at a s'tvlng of 110 tn ; at iicnersl Murcnntlln Co., Omalia'g tireat Mall unlcr House. TI'AM of S-year-old mures, well matched. weiuiii 2,suo; K-yrH r-old work horse, weluht 1,4110. and haml-'ome black and white Shetland pony heavy In foil, gen tle for children: liarmilii; HBrlV going to Ban KranclBco April 10. '.'421 Podge St. Horse, wagon, harness: sain cheap. P. 44S2. live Mtork. TH)R()l'GIIRRi:r) Jeraey cow, givea IS quarta a day. t all Walnut l.v.. Lire Stock ( ommU.Uia Merrhanta. MARTIN BROS A CO.. ISionaruie Bldg. Musical Inetromvate. Roaewood square grand piano, good tone, good condition. go-cart. M H. 1ik-4. VIOLIN, cost t-10, will sell cheap. II. 4i.ll. Poultry, Kin anil supplies. 8TERICOTYPIQ matiicee make the beat and cheapest lining for poultry houaee They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7bo a hundred at The Mee offlca WHIT BW Y A N. cock e rela. Benson 666 VV. Mixed grain. h lhai.. tL75. Wagner 801 N.l. BUFF RpTnGTO.N egga, tl.ttil for fif teen. Urand layera. High vitality. L. W. I-ewis, Shenandoah. la. Typewrrltrra. TYPKVA'RITKRS sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exc. 1!KX Farnam. M lacrlla aeona. FOR SAUK New and aecond-hand carom and packet billiard tables and bowling alleys and acceasoiies; bar fiiturna of all klnda; eaay payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.. 4U7-40D S. 13th St. RKSTAl'RANT dishes; large (office urn and caah register. 607H N. Ifith. FOR SAUK A 10x18 refrigerator meat box. Must be sold at once. A barguln. Central Ma rket. Council Bluffs 15 SECOND HAND penny -tn-slot ma chines of various kinds, ulso coal range and 4 gas ranges. J. C. Ish, Executor 03 8. .Hat Ave. Phono Harney '543 UUlt BALK Kcllpae electric sweeper. good as new, cheap; also Oliver visible typewriter. No. 3. Tel. Web. 3071. FOR SAUK One stock membership Happy Hollow at a consideration. Walnut 4171. N EAV and jd-tiand motors, dynamos, magnetos, etc, and mech. repairs. Ue Bron Elect. Works, SIS-20 S. Utb, CUOS1NO Off SALK3 Irrigated farmsT stock, machinery, etc. As I Intend to close out my fa fining Interests I will ucll my three farms, a tig lot of stock, ma chinery, implements, automobile, etc., at public auction at my home, i miles from Wheatland, Wyo., on Thursday, April 15. IMS. DESCRIPTION OF FARMS. SO acres a miles trom county seat, 70 acre in alfalfa; good Improvements; 7 rnoni house, barn for 'J head of horses: garage, sheds ami sheep corrals. All buildings nearly new no acres b'v miles from town; 40 acres In alfalfa. 30 acres grain land; 5-room house; barn for 10 head of homes; buildings all new. 120 acres 4 miles from town; no acres broken. 6i acres seeded to alfalfa: no buildings. This la a good piece or revel land, and Is dose to school. Above farms are on the celebrated Wheatland Flats and perpetual water right goes with each place. Terms mada known on dav of sale. For further par ticulars address unaersvgnen or v. 01s Reed & St reed. Auctioneers. S P. COOK, owner. 1, KAIt'T white llumond ting, snap, 1275. Address B 275, Ree. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. SOLICITOR, clly. 112 and com. $im. stenog.. . Ktenog., $46. Stcnog , I WATTS REF. Cv . 40-ia Hran The. BtvoKKKKPFR $) Cl IMITVLW 1-ri'KR OPERATOR- $. vsti:nographer $& TYPIST $" THE CANO AGENCY, (WO RKE BLPvl. NO FIIJNG FEE. BEST roMMERCIAI, lDSITTOXS ROGERS REF. CO.. 626-JI State Bank. Ksi'tvrr and Trndva. I. EARN ha'rdreaslng. Opiienhelrn Parlor WANTED 1 'ress makers. t4 S. 2". til St Honaekeepera all Domestlce. - THE Servauit Girl Irroblem Solved. TbS Bee will run a Servant Girl W anted' AJ FREE until you get the desired results This applies to resioents of Omaha, South Omaha and council Piuira Bring ad to The Bee otrico or telephone i yler louu. WANTED White girl for general houae work. Three tn family. WhI. MJO. WANTED Help for general liousowc-k on farm: wages $4 for woman with mall child, t without child. Mrs. John S. Johnson. Underwood, 1a., R. R. I. WANTED Girl for general housework. Must le goxid cook and furnish refer ences. Small family, private home; good wages. Call Mrs. T. V. Redmond, Har- ' ney 177 I -.,TTi,TT WHITE girl for general housework small ti. ua.' 3223 Casa. Harney 6732. MAID for general housework; three In family. Mrs. J. J. Mr.M'illen. S17 Drwev Ave.. Apartment No. 1 Harney 1222 W VNTE1V-A middle-aged lady: good hi me and good wage, tirjl pacific St. HOUSEKEEPER Refined and experi enced woman or gtri to cook and help with work In private iamlly; regulai laundry done by extra help; references required: good wages. A L atrtV. WANTED Cook, good wages, no naeli ing Mm. Joseph Barker. Douglas 7.V AA 'ANTED White maid t. do laurTdiy work and assist with housework. H 47. 123 X 7fitii st W ANTr P-A competent while airl fixe general housework; no wash ng H f AV A N T 1-7 1 A girl l . work for r.xom and tvoard; S'bi. girl pictured .'T N -"3d Sit I'. 4.24 IIKLP WAXTKI) KKMAI.K llimrlirf rr. nd iiamratlra. (1ii)i rrMll arlrl for (iriirrnl honc wirV fannlv of tlitv. Mrm. A. K. Klein ing. I i S iMh St. W "I'lr.l I- K m l.-ncnt hltr Itlrl flt oner for llirht li.u kcri'lnn f h ui 1 1 y 'if thlfc; rhhI Hrtiffn W'ch, f'TTrfi, H'AXTKIi-A aooil while jiirl for vi-nrr.! hminrwork; no naKhlnK Tel WhI. My V A N T !: I -miiniiii to uih on Mini- rtn. Walnut It.S. W AN I'1 .1 -tint 117H. A Kill for housework. WhI- W A NTK I A mi. I, Ih :., I for hoiiH ork i".D Hurt hllc Oman t WANTKIi -A nl:l for .fiicvl, "m ill fiimiiv. ri f rciiuin I II VI- .VTl. li . ' i -ill T ' I l I . . i i.i' . P4"'u ki ri i or k i i ' " i rt i omiv wol'k. Apply ll."i So L'Mh St. II. W A NTl:l Helmhlr. while ml hiniawmk. II Klti for .'en- MUrrllntirniik. j cnvrnxMr.NT jops i on womkn- I r? month, l.lst tree. Franklin Insti tute. 1'ept. Kit C Uochtdter. N.T. j YOI'NO women t-jtnini; to i.ouBhi a atrangeia Hie Invileil to visit tl- Young M omen a Chrltlati nMc i.ulo.i building at St Mary'a Ave and :;th St. where they will ba directed to rultahle boarding I larea or otherwise asslnted. Look for our tiaveier a.gii'do a: V nlon etntlnn iiKi.p vaxti;d--maiji; 4 lerleal nml lilficc fUlOKKKKPKIt. IIWilXN'KIt ' .i,t Iilxf'., I ; I'KKI Ki K '.mi HII.I.INi; CI.KRK. W IIOI.i:s M.K. K.i."0 STKNi HiK.MilKH, IIHllNNIil! ... $V. (M HI'SINKSS MKX'S RKK. ASSN., i:il-2 WOoli.MKV ti' HOUMi. Solicitors, c 1 1 y7. 7. '7. '. . "". . 1 2n n ,f ( 'o m . Htnnoniapher $4.1 to $.1 (if flee hov $'.', WATTS Kt:i'. CO . S.'.V-IO 42 HrHn.Thea. .1ALKSMAX fur" city territory. .pilyat once ;:rj lire lilds- S A I . KS A fA N im BUOKKKKPKR OKI'H'K CI.KRK IK. R.I $7.i THK CANO AUKXCV. t,') RKK HI, I I. II Ii ill -OKA PK 1 otnmrrcml positions. W KST. RKKKRKNCK K I'.ONIi A SSN. 7ii2 Omaha Nat. Hank Bldg. Agents, alremrn nnd SoHcltora. TIIK first payment now rovers insurance til July 1, l'.tlB. This makes our policy easy to sell. Cnll or write. Mutual Ben efit, Health :nd Accident Assti, 4LS--3 ny cm unnk nidg.. (ini'ilia. Neb SALK.SAIAN wanted for tho Im-hi article ever been tie role nubile. Must know something about steam boilers. Good man will make t40U.iai or moi-e irumtb $JJ reiiulrod on goods. No other need apply. Cnll Joe Meyers, Shi N. 17th St., OmniiH, Neb, WANTKP. I'V a WClI-ealabllsheri sod lenotohl,, -mails firm, traveling salesmen to sell oal nnd hulldlnor material: miint bo nn- der 3t year of age, unmarried and will ing to work hard nix days every week. No one without a Kood common siiool education nod apply. AddresH S 28."i, Bee. WANTKP Salesnian; $2"i daily guaran teed, lmnerlal con'nnnv a V Uul,, ui Council Bluffs. WANTKD Ten hlgh-clasa farm specla'.ty Bnietuicn. Appiy immeiiiatelv. Bain Bros. Mfg. Co.. Cedar Rapids. Iowa. o YtiU'LL never get rich working for others. Whv not stnrt n ,.ioDniv .,,1 dyeing business? AVe start vou right! No previous experience necessarv; hut small cnpltnl required Big profits In tins great re-order business! Pull details free. AVhlte Wonder Company, Na tional Safety Vault Bldg., Denver, Colo W ANTED Neat appearing man to travel as manager; muat have sales ability and bo prepared to leave city today Apply P:30 this morning. Mr. Wilson' iiotei ronienene. Factory .nnd trades. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE WRITE FOR FREK CATALOGUE. SPECIAL SPRING RATi.4 110 So. 14th St. Desk R, Omaha, Neb. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition $16, ion account of big trade. Wages for 6 and 10 cent work Electric maaaage taught. Hydraulic chairs. Catalog free. 114 OoinrLiu a Omaha. , FIRST-CLASS, miher painter: season work. M. L. Summltt. Mai-edonla. la. o Drug stqre snaps; joha. Knelst, Bee Bldg. TO IT MUST THINK We give you expert auto training: earn a real aalarv hi money for our trained men. Come right now and get our free course In Elec. Ltg. & Start'K systems; free catalogue. Anier whip i 01 ieg., znxt f nrnwm St., Omaha. TWO good lathe men wanted; write or phone at once. Heldcr Manufacturing Co , Carrol), la. M lacellaueoit, GET WISE A thorough, practical automobile edu cation st minimum cost. Ask for cata logue "C" and explanation of our get results method. NEBRASKA AUTOMORILE SCMOOU. itia-11 I'oae streer. umana, rxeo. GOVERNMENT wants clerks; $70 nonth; Omaha cxamlnutionu April 28; common education sufficient; particulars free. Apply immediately, Y 3!i9, Bee. WANTED 1,000 men to eat harn and eggs, lio. Coffee John, 14th and Capitol. RAILWAY' mall clerks wanted. $76 month; piill unnecessary. Write immedi ately for full partciulara. Franklin insti tute. Dept. Kl D.. Rochester. N. Y". EXPERIENCED chocolate dipper. Applv at once. Furnam Candy Kitchen, 1302 Fitrnam St. Be an Auto Mechanic and draw a large salary, or go into the auto business for yourself. Our com pletely equipped school and shops will bring this result for you. Write fur free booklet. Nat I Auto Training Aesn, !4 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neo. PERMANENT PLACE. SPLENDID FU TURE. KOR BOOKKEEPER AND STEM), STARTING AT $.0 OR $. CO-OPERATI K REFERENCE CO., JOli-KCITY NATION A U WANTED Ambitious man over 21, to study law. Need not give up present position. Addresn. A 274. Bee. WANTED Man to wolk on form; must be experienced and willing to work; Swed preferred. "A," Omaha Bee, Coun cil Bluffs. la. SITUATION'S WANTED HOTEL and restaurant man. experi enced, aged 23, wants work , either as dishwasher, porter, bellboy or any other kind; honest, sober ami willing. I'hone Douglaa 4'.xX John, 2r.'4 Douglas St. EXPERIENCED comptometer. t'letiU't wants position at $40 per month Ad dress F-J7S. Be. PAT work wanted. V'.'eit. 66.V.. UulaT" " FIRST 'l, '. is gardener wanla position as garriciu-r or taklmr r, of lawns. trees, etc. A I 'EM AR, 1115 BrigKS St wmuna. CHAUFKKUI; ttunis position; five years' experience; private or commercial. F. Fltiore. Urn. Dtl . Council Bluffs, la. YOUNG Ihdi 14. wHshes iKisitkm a.i steiiographer; fr.lao experienced P. R. X. operator: clerical work. Address, M 2s". txee. or can w coster (WJ. K-XPERIENCED iTcTk. dry goods or gri ceiy. 1 years old. desires poeltlon: had eipciicn.-u as collector also. Address, J Jx. Bee. PERKECT home wachlng. Lcv cuitaina a specialty. AV ebster 42m. COIAJRKD woman wants general house work or cooking in private bearding, with good referen'VS. Douglas H 0. POSITION desired as meat cutler by young oerman man. experienced; can furntxh refereiic,-. Address P 4, Bee. YVANTED Position In harness ahop. Anyone desiring the services of an In dustrious young man in a harness shop should write the lieree County Call. Pierce. Neb. Party lias worked . alt months at the trade. FOR WINDOW washing, house clean ing, rug heating, rail Webster .AW. W A STEl Position as cre.ut man; 14 years- exprrlrnev; can furnish ttie best of referencs Addreae Y 4i. Bee. YOUNG k nuts position a tmiK laph.r xail ssJl.-l un books. Addlesn '--;. BtfC BITl'ATIONR WANT K.I) t:I.IK?iiY laily ilin-a iopltion an houn koeprr. ahoit ilmtancc tn country or city. For Interview. I'hone Well. :nr.5 HAY ik wnnic.l wils. I.npla I.X I'l Kl KN Kl i youna iiihii. it, hiivlim fltilKhcil trnlnlnn an rhler and hill nnil otrico i h rk. Ilia em-ellent irnniBii- hlp anil In ooiIcko ur.i litutc. Iienlres litIon In iniinha or rl"WlR-rc. Louitlas KIT, or Milil"'!.a J-2-A Hcc I.OT AM) lOl ND 1 osf t.i Xl.lT II V. I "H Ml K C XTA I Sf IM1 NAMI'M iy H KM. KSTATK lKAI.Kf. I.ISTK.K A VI UUHNIS T( i IU Il.IUNi;S KlNDKIt I'l.K.ARK I'ltOXIC 1:1.1 1 C.'T lt CAM. IHHTHLAS :'.ij. . ' I' t erf, ii ii ho pi, Kel up a fur enrf ul the 'iiuslciili' lit IHhiiiIcIh Htorc Sutui- liiv iftciiiooii will re tin n it to lilt W. (. W . Wili:, thev will receive reward. LOST Kv c glrtsaea In old frninr Willi Initmli "S K. L ." between Piixton h'k. anil 17th and Ikuiglaa. llcwanl If rrtuened to Mri. Lewis. K011111 iH'l l''ontiticlle hotel. Li (ST Ui.ll,. II" Inilile watch, nionournm "A. 1.. -c. Liberal rcwaril 11. lm.s. OMAHA I'Ot'NCIL til .UTS STREET I RAILWAY" COMPANY. . 1 Persons having lost some artlcls would do well to cnll tin the office of the Omaha aV Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles ench day are turned In nd the company la anxious to restore tl cm to the rlghL'al owner. Call Doug. 43. MEDICAL Piles and Fistula Cured without St'ROK'AL OPERATION or PAIN. NO DKTKNTION trom HI'SI NKSS. PAY when CURED. A written GI'ARANTKK given in every case treated. Patients muat come to tho of lice, 4HH-9-10 Omaha National bank,' 17th and Farniitit Ms. DR. WJLLIAM CTiEIGii'JON MAXWELL, Tw cntv-elfiht years In Omaha. Graditnti of Rellevue Hospital Medical College. New York City. N. Y o ESTABLISHED 1I. RUPTURE Rupture trouted guccessfully by all safo, sclentifie methoda. The ma jority are cured without a surgical operation. We have treated many hundreds of men, Avomen and chil dren. The cost Is determined after ex amination, and time required to cure tvo or three weeks. Call or write for further particulars. Frank H. Wray, Suite 306, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. DKl'G hubtts succeeai'uliy treated. 5-day guarantee; harmless and painless method; full itock; you can be treated at Lome. AddreRB Dr. C. ('. Altkcn, S2S Parle Ave. Pnone Harney 33JW 1 Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. K. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without auiglcal op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money pa'd until cured. Wrlto for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. MAIL ORDER RUSIXESS SAVE 2.irto 60 per cent on furniture by trading with General Mercantile Co.. Omaha's Great Mall Order House, 715 8. 9th iH. Nl'RSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS. ORNAMENTAL trees, fruit hedge, plant, roses, concord grape, 800 dozen Home sah ground, tHst i!i Rlggs, BeTtson. Omaha sales ground. 2tth and Cuming. Benson-Omaha Nursery. Benson 634. M. P. BYRl) NURSERY CO Bargain prices at our old location, 17th and Dodge. Phones: D. 4498 and Web. 4TS1. BEAUTIFY jour home with the finest of tiurserv stock ever grown. See for your self. Gate City Nursery. Phone D. 2060. Pales ground, lilt Dodge St. CHOICE, complete lino of shrubs, ever greens, ornamental and fruit trees; aave agents' commission. J. Westrom Nursery Co., at old location, 20th and Harney Sta. ALFALFA SEED, $6. Farms for sale on crop payments. J. Mulhall, Soo City, la. 200 DUN LAP atrawberry plants, $1; 1.000 4; postpaid; W. O. Hebdon. Blair. Neb. PERSONAL Sr7,0OU TO PENSION INVALIDS Unless we receive riuo subscriptions to the L. H. Journal, $150; S. E. Post. $1.50; or Country Gentleman, $1, in April talso 7)00 bv Sepr.l that $7,000 for THE IN VALIDS' PENSION ASSOCIATION can not be earned. Your renewals contribute 50 cents. Phone Douglas 713, or mall, l.Jonlon, The .Magazine Man OMAHA. THE Salvation Army Industrial borne so llctte your olo clothing, furniture, mags sines. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglas 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodgebt TOUNoT women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian assocl .tlon building at I7th St and 8t Mary's Ave., where they ...ill 1.. ,h.-Im1 tn 1 1 1 1 n hl hAarillnv 1,1 u4. ! er otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers aid at me union sulliuo. --irrra LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA Accountants. E A. DAAORAK, C. P. A.. Address 431 Ramie Bldg.. Phone Douglas 7406. Adding Machines. Dalton Adding Machlnea. 411 S. 16. D. 144. AdderMcU. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. D. 613a Amateur Finishing. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. Hi Bte Bldg. Dept D. Architects. Everett S. Dodds. 413 Paxton Blk. P. 2SSL j Auto and Mngneto Hepnlrlna. I UaaMeto repair work a pecit.:ty. D Hit. Anc-tiloneera. ltdwd Auction Co.. 1115-16 W. O. W. It S2&5. Dowd Auction Co.. 1116-16 W. O. AV. R. 32S6, Bakeries. S. H. REEPER. Ij-W No. lEth. AVeb. 3297. Bine Printing. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO.. 304 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Brass foundries. Paxton-Mltehell Co.. If7tli and Ylart'. Sts. , tnrpentcra nnd laaincmn, STEVENSON, S. itd. Douglas 64. 1 C'nllfnrnl- lands. W. T. Biniui xjo., in' viiy na i tin. ti.3.i 4 hi an Painting. Ruth Letchford. dscorattng. firing. R. 441 rltl Knatnerra- M. J. LACY. 018 BEE BLDO. DOUO 4711, ream gepnrntors. Th Sharpies Separator Co.. 12th Ac Farn. Cistern nnd Well Ittgglnar. NEED well or cistern .leaned or dug? SCHAFKER does It Phone Web. 6431. iTHaV-RICKERTT Well ConsUuctToVco. , nothing too big or Impossible, estimates furnished. 610 N. fist frt. Omaha. Daarias Academies. CHAMBERS" Academy. ctasstc. D. IS 71 Trv Mark tea first. 1SI4 Harney Doug Mni bcatlita. Dr. Bradbury. Ko pain. 21 W. O. W.Rldg. DrTodds alveolar dentistry. 4d Brandtis bailey, (iie l ei,lit 7ta Cll Nat I Baaa. Taft t tal Rooms, 17.17 Douglas. DasV ' lyorrtca. Dr. Kuka, 7:4 Uty Mat ttauk. ijvk uinr. ni JIKS Or' OMAHA etret I ves. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of L niteU States, l anada or Mexico, log paxton Blk. Pong, l.rra. Walnut lj20. J.'MKs"aLLa"N, j'.'' Neville Block. K.vP deuce secured in all cases. Ti ler HIK. llrmamaklsg. Terry PiesMniuk'g college. 20th V Farnatn. Drnara. Pltl'US at cut prices: trcltiht paid on $10 nnlcrs'. i-Htiilogui's trie. Shermiin & Mc Connell I 'rug Co., oiiihuh. Neb. Krrr) thin for Woaara. ACCORI'IO.V. side, knlle. sunbursf. bo pleating; covered buttons, all slxoe and aivles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal l'Uatlng Co., 2i0 Pougiaa Dlock. !). I'.xerj llilna for Women. NEW YORK sample gtore. Muat vacate, building con-ilnR; down: cloaks, si ills and iIm sm s hH, rlliced Lli N. l'ith St. I H A I R I R ESSING n t your home. R. 6931. I'.let'lrlc Snppllea. LKBRON Kleo. Wks,, 3H S. 12th. D. 2174. l-'lorlata. BATH'S, florists. IS!" Fninaiit ft. D. 3o0". L. HENDERSON. IM'J Karnam. Member Florist Telegraph Pel. D. 127.8. Ass'n. 1 1 ESS SW'ollODA, 1417. Karnam St. A. PoNAGlH'E. M22 Harney. Poug. 1001. (.nOerlna.and Spontlng;. STOVE repairing, ir'iro Prevention Co. Poiiglna 4,',S4. tint Ilyera, Straw hats dyed. Dora Elsele, 1136 C. Nat. llnir Dreaalng. Harper method, n- t. BftUd Bldg. D. Sill. Llgntlnar Klstnres nnd Wlrinn. THOMAS DURKIN Electtio fixtures nnd gupplies. contract ing ami repair work done rensotinble. 241) CUMING. DOUGLAS ! l.lTe atoi'Vx Heiiiedlrs. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 4507 S 13th. Red 4Z1t. Measenaer nnd Tenmaier. I WHITE LINE. 910 N. IRth St. Dong 3312. 1 sTKEr.E range, good condition, will trade Mnak, tiniie 101,1 k. oil ice Mnpplles. 1 for rocking chairs or one good eliHlr. MFG. of lodce regalia and costumes. I Address S. C. S7I. Bee. Theo. Uleben & Son, 1614 Howard. P. 411B. Mnwnri. j 1 Y IT? A mr I T VI JV Eastern arrl- v.ou.i 1 val. Trv mv Rood, reatful Magnetic. Other satlafai torv Irealments. Vapor batliH. open 10 n. in to 10 p. m., including Sundays. 17 S. 17th St., near Douglas. Notice: En trance downstairs, Basement, Cor. Podge. MISS STAPLES, maas. 713. Open eve.. 9 p. m.: , elec. bath. D Sundays. 12 to 5. H ATI Iffi 1 mass, alcohol rub. ljnira lson, 1S02 Kainani. room .'. IloiiK. R7"i1 open evenings fun roinuny. MASSAGE. 1721 Podge. Mis. Steele. MA SPA 1 IK 620 Bee Bldg. Pong. 0372. MISS W aTtTON. mass. H. 221 Neville BU(. VISIT Miss Venlta, new massage parlors; alcohol nibs and scalp 'realmcnts. l'W S. 17th St M. BRUOMAN. Bk. R. 2727. mass R. 203 Karbach Clara Lee, balh and mawnage. Doug. 877.1, BATHS. 214 Ba jrri B 1 dg.. 17th and Doug. Motion Plctnree. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th nnd Doug. Motion picture machine and f'lni bargains, Moving, Storage nnd ( leaning. W. C. KKRR1N. and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Printings. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., nuallty printing. Tel. Doug. 21!V 524 S. 13th St. COREY M'KKXfflK PTG CENTRAL PRINTING CO DOUG. 11754. Oateopntliic physicians. Mr Rerucha. 20S-4 MeCngue Ming. I'. Dr. Peterson. 603 Brandels Bldg.. D. 2144. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 615 Beo Bldg Patents. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117 H. A. Sturges, 636 Brandela Theater B.dg. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. UP S. 11th St Palntlns nnd rapcrlno. HUGH M'MAKtm, 417 N. 40th. H. 67211. Omaha Paate Co. Snow-flake paste. D. 3760. Pinnies Renovated. PLUMES & HATS made over, cleaned dyed. Bertha Krugar, 429 Paxton. D. &334. Printing;. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. Roach PJxteriulnAtoi. B B B Roach powder, Merrit's Pharm. Sate and Time Lock Experts. SAFES Opened, repaired, como. changed, b. E. Daven port. 14QS Dodge. D. 1S2L Shoe Repairing. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. ?11 S. 14. feigns nnd Show cards. E. M CLARK & SON. 113 S. 16TH ST. Steel Ceilings. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 S. 10. Store and iifflee Fixtures. DESKS, sufes, ncales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-I6-1S S. 12th. D. 2724. Tovxri Suppltra. OMAHA Towel Supply. 2m S. 11th. D. 62a. Tnllora. CHAS. C. LAN'DERTOt". 10H V. IBth St. OLSEN & ROUKCHE. loix Harney. U. King. Trunks nnd snltcnsea FUELING & STEIXLE, 1806 Farnam St. Tlntvnrk. CENTRAL TIN SHOP, U17 Dodge. Doug las 4,'iM. Veterlnarlnne. DR. O. R. YOUNG. 4602 Center. Wal. 302i Wines nnd Liquors. ALEX JETES. 201-3 S. 13th St. Wines, lbnlorsj cigars. Plate dinners, 11 t ) 3. We. Globe liquor house. 424 N. 16th; California wine. $1.25 per gal. AVrlte for price list HK..VRY POLLOCK . IJQUOR HOUSE, 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor House. K2 N. itttn. Doucias Wil SWAPPER'S CXJLUMN AUTO Overland auto, fine shape, tires new, 30 II. 1. nifty roadster, with trunk. also detachable toneau. Worth $40. Will 'rade for diamonds worth the money. S. C. 7H, Bee. Al.'l )S 1H14 model. -cyllnder, 7-iiass., almost new; will trade for vacant lot or what have you? Address S. C. 870, Bee. AUTOS 5-passenger touting car In first clous condition, top, windshield. Presto lite, chains, etc.; wo-th $iio0, and would exchange for good building lot in Omaha of the same value. Address S. C. 827. AUTOMOBILES Fei other automobile bargains sea the ''Automobile" viasalfl ratlou. BRUSH AUTO Crank shaft is broke; also 2 tires gone. What will you tradi for It? AVDI make good little car. Ad dress S. C. SSil, Bee. BUS. CHANCE JauO stock of clothing and furnishings, new fixtures to ex change for residence or car. Address S. C. S75. Be. BUSINESS CHA.NCE-$2,t0 stork grocer ies and ruaeensware In wholesale house to exchange for residence or merchandise Address K C. 871, Bee. BULL rii r. PUP. male, to trade for fox ter State particulars. S. C. SW0. Rh. CIAITHES Four g'Kid suits of clothes. Have been worn but are In fine shape. Will trade for good auto tires, slxe 34x4', or what have you? Addrehs S. C. kx. n,.e,' C.OOK STOVE Four holes, good conili tlon. Make me offer, what have yuu' Address S. C. 8v,. Bee. CORN POPPER-A $. No. II Rotary corn popier. rapacity 12 bu. per hour; a large candy furnace, with copper candy kettle: all aboxe have both gas and gasoline attachments All as good as new Also complete set of candy recipes, to swap for piano or what have you? Ad dreas S. C. 7:. Hw. DEFIANCE me offer. C. M7. Be. lsy roil el.eck writer. Make what have yuu. Addreba S. DESK - Would to ex hange in-, a,,, roomy roller top desk In condition for lyiiewriler desk, or second hand type r,,' r.'i? "'""j? ''"'"'"Ion. Add K C 7 Bee Fl I.MS- i 'H ft of film "pBiheujkish troops In Palestine; ij. f, Lut.m comedy : ulo aong and odd slid-t Ad urves, S. c. Ski. Bee SWAPPERS' nilAMN FAN-1 hae a fine Vlneh fan. house slue. 1 will trade for bicycle. A-l condlj Hon; also a fine nickel chsc 17-Jewel watch In fine tunning order. Will trade either for bleyrle. Ariilr 8. C. gi-4. Bee GUN Stevens llgauge liammerlrsa pump gun for a Colt's Hiitomatlc pistol nnd cash Address P. C. Bee. OASOUiSB ENGINE. IS horne-power. Will trade tor electric motor or goo if auto tires, stxe 344'T, S. C. SiW, Ben. LU.MHElt for small cottage. Including doors, windows, sah. etc. AVhnt am I offered? Value $1271. Address S. 1'. 81. Bee. MOTORCYCLE Will swap motorcycle for a sewing machine; muRt be a good one. W alnut 13 2. ORGAN Kimball organ: aleo sanitary cot, davenport style, for chairs or other parlor and dining room furniture. Ad dress II 87x0. llee. PIANO Fine plnno. auto. Address S. C. Want diamond 1, Pre. or PIANO Who has a young driving team about 2.200 lbs. for one of tho highest grade, sweetest toned pianos manufac tured? Address S C. Kta. Bee. PIANO Will exchange a hlgh-grada standard piano for young, sound farm mares Address S. C. S4l, Bee. PIANO What new Lyon .4 C. Mi, Bee. you for Mealy piano? a virtually AcTT.ress, F. PAINT 2i; Kal. of Sherwln Wllllama paint to trade for jewelry. What have you to offer? Address S. ('. SS2. Bee. TABLE One dining room table, 6 ft. ma hogany finish. What am 1 offered? Ad dress S. 0. s.",7, Itee. ST E NOT VI ' E 11 a ve a practically -new stenolype, uscrl one month; must dlsposn of It at on, e. W hat have you? Address S. C. M77. Lee. KIOXS. showeardy (Mark & 3on. D. 137s. WT LU TRADE a diamond ring for two 36x4 Q. P. casings. S C, S0i Pee. T V P e:vitTfKRW hit have you that's useful for a Hammond Typewriter in gori, condition? Address. P. C. sW, Bee THOROI'lJHRKKO Ansora cat. to trad for fox' terrier or Boston terrier or what have Address. S. C. M2. Bee (six, ,Vi BLDG.-Itix22, new store building flt 'nr. 41 h and lieflmoud. to exchange for indue, or stock. Add. S. ('. K74. Bee. VACUUM W ASHERi.-' What have yon for .1.(100 vacuum washers, latest model, retailing at $3.7,0 each. Address S. C. 8S7. Pra Slaft WORTH of meal tickets; a good .V menl. for diamond or plnno. or what have you? Address, S. C. SiM. Ree. FOR RENT AiinrtiiieJi ta and' Flats. J10"iO, THREE large rooms part mod. flat for small family, ll'ln Elm St. D. 7!3. CLOSE-IN APARTMENT. 6 ROOMS AND BATH. IN THE CALI FORNIA. SEE JANITOR. DOUG. 5237. i I FOR RENT 5 rooms with toilet and i bath, easy walking distance and closo to car. $12.d0 per month. T. SULLIVAN, 215 Bra n dels Theater Bids. Doug. 441. FOR RENT Most beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-date 3. 4 and 5-room apartments in city. Building just fin ished. Flora Apartments. 2SKI Jones St. o 8 rooms, mod., $:10 month. 1414 Chicago. ' MAPLE APARTMENTS. OTH AVENUE AND HARNEY' ST., Beautiful 4-room apartment, with large rrlvuto porches; elegantly furnished In fumed oak; no children: summer rate, $42.50. I'hone Douglas 7S64. CENTRAL No equal n price or quality; 7-room house; 4-room flat. 220 N. 23d. FIDE LIT if RENTAL SERVICE rivrjj.j Phone Douglas 1128 for complete list of all vacant houses and apartments, also for storage, moving, packing, shipping. STEAM heated apartments of 4 rooms; everv improvement; gas range In each; best Janitor service: $18.60 to $22.50. Ap ply to janitor In boiler room. 2666 Cum ing St. Tel. Douglas 8743. THOMAS XV. HAZEN, 207 MeCaguo BUlg; Douglaa 1300. gT GEORGE Apartments, located in select West Farnam district; one 5-room suite to let. Phon? Web. I74. o HIGH CLASS APARTMENTS, CLOSE IN. THE ANGELES APARTMENTS, 25T H AVE AN D DOUG UVS ST. Threo and four rooms, with disappearing- beds, electric elevators and other fiist class equipment. Janitor will show you through at any time. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, 6K Omaha National Bank Bldg. Fnrnlnbed Apartment. ("-room brick furnished flat, 1331 Park ave. Board and Room. LARGE furnished or unfurnished room, exceptional closet room, ideal summer Place tti West Farnam district with splendid board to young men or couple. Harney 40t!. ROOM and board at 324 S. 2Sth. distance. Walking Desirable rins., excellent board. 61 S. Huh. Fnrnlahen Rooms. MADISON 21st and Chicago; steam heat; $10 mo. and up: cafo Ib connection D.59M SITTING room and bedroom for two or three business women, in modern, pri vate home; every convenience. Harney 66710. 1035 So. 31st St. BTEAM heated rooms, $2 week. Ogden Hotel. Council Bluffs. 2507 FARNAM Neatly furnished for gentleman, $1" month. room. Tvl. 22D, 321 Elegant, clean rooms; newly furnished: all modern conveniences; garage. Douglas 6761. LADY' lor modern room, private family. park. Kant or west park Car. 296 Harris. Tel. Harney 8337. Housekeeping Ytoonta. FARNAM, 2822 Nice housekeeping rooms. Newly papered, electricity, gas range. FARNAM. Three nice housekeeping rooms; electricity, gas range. Light Housekeeping Rooms. TWO gunny southeaat front rooms and bath- electricity and gus for cooking, at $71.7... in:0 S. 24th Pt. Douglas 7568. STEAM healed rooms, with alcove, kitchenette, furnished. Ogden Hotel Council Bluffs. llousra and Cuttagea. 36, NEAR FARNAM. $-r . east iront, only $35. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO . t''16 Onialiq Nat. Doug. 2715 2tW CALDAv'KLL 6 rooma, partly mod i rn, $16; adults only; walking distance. Webster 3726, FOR RENT $05.00 Dwelling, 414 So. 38th St.; tiled vestibule, reception hall, front and back parlors, dining room and kitchen, 5 bed rooms, 2 lath rooms, hot water heat, garage. All in first class con dition. Location A-l. Bcnj. S. Baker. Phones D482, H317, BI-.M1S PARK-;' )4 Hawthorne. 8 rooluT Mrtctly modern; lot and location moat desirable: good value at For $W. A ebuter 3.26 or Douglas 2017. FOR RENT We have a complete list of all housrs apartments and flats that ar tnr Tins Hat can be en free of charge at. Omaha V an A Storage Co . ia s. loth St 6-Roo.M all m.rt1 rnrottage. :i; s. 23d" BEMIS PARK -3104 JliWiX. ,""Urn'. . ' 'inn most' ii.twinome. II rms lor W ebster 3T.'6, or I muglas 2"17. - . .a... e m , smi Ki. ALL ,. U i r month up itr Haitost. A llARi.AI.N, fc its, iii cottage modem. I x lilUlrt.llul.. H..1.... .... . " -, ...... ..iri..ii lOCSimil ul-ix n I . papered. 4 v .'41 Ii St. rooms upstj,,. jn,1Ur. 34," , .. ,., u', , . ,0,Jr' except heat. ifirsl-irUs,