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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1915)
TIIK W1K: iTSTMlA, SATTIfDAY. MAKUM 1.1. i:u.). TAYLOR OF CUSTER AEXIOUSTO FIGHT Takes Exception to Article in The Bee and cn Floor of House As saults the Correspondent FAILS TO LAND WITH BLOW fTYotti a Ptaff CorflKil''nt 1 LINCOLN. Mnrrh U-Spf rlnl.Th Iowm- branrh of the Nra1a lrirlslattirs thrown Into a atate of exctmnt Ihtii forenoon whpn naprasMitatlve W. J. Taylor of Ctmter county, taktna; rxrt-jy-llonii to an article apjwartna: n The Bee this mortiln; written hjr It Lincoln cnr rrapoiKlTit, P. A. Barrow, who Is cov ertnn the legislature, assaulted the latter on the floor of the rfius. Taylor had obJertH to tha way the article had been written and told the re porter tha, he would a he the tnaer up be fore he- hmiae and hare him barred from the floor. Barnrme reepotided by - Mllna; Taylor that he would be pleaaed to hare him try It. Taylor objected to tbo criticism, of his action yesterday and waa told by the newspaperman' that- hla,. Taylor crltl rtam of a formar artlnle.-crtUcIsm of the dairy ppara aa a whole, criticism of Hepreaentatlva Rclsner and hla ronneot tloa with the mlnlirtry, huA put In a poal llon where ha should not object to criti cism r his action aa a Jeylelator. lavsraaalmv Makea Threat. Tarytrjr then tried to aoara tha reporter Or SualOia that ha would mad the artl ols to the nous and haw the reporter fhjed. Barrows told Taylor that relther ha nor no other man ooold bondoaa him, or yraut htm from wrlflnr the tiewa for hla (tapar aa ha aaar H and demanded that traitor pot hla threat Into xeontlon, - I datoojid that you read that article to (Ms hntaekexvl call for my expulsion from ha flooa, retorted "Barosra, and Taylor Pi en drew back and atrnck a farlnna blow, iRarowa dodged a llttla and the blow trade Ma shoulder. Taylor then bunted "Parow with hla' bead and the reporter m pad him about tha tteok wfth one arm wwie with, tha other band he bald thai bemcaraot atateman'a frea bend until tuadatanoa arrtvwd. maktar Bo tfott ta fctrtfe tha f rifarf atmf man. I IToasa la lltMa ' ' Tba "honea wna In an uproar, at one Mid th msmbsra cnabed the arena o( txmtUet. Hnwwvar, no damaca wma dona pxoept to th feelino of tho Caatar ootmty tnan and the houaa avion re Su road bust baa. Blr years airo when Taylor WMa nmv, bnr of th lower bouaa ha bad a similar expertenca with another member, W. a fThoatnaker of tha Douglas county dela Ration. EOioamalcar waa tallrlnr on a Mil and Taylor not Aklna; what ha amid, truck at Mm, tha blow just rraatna hla forehead. Taylor afterward apoloticed to tha bouaa, PAY CHECKS HANDED OUT; MEMBERS FREE TO LEAVE From a Ptaff Correapondant) UKCOLN, March 11 ((Special.) Fear Ins; that mombers of tha legislature tnlprht hike for home after they draw their last pay check at tha end of tha alxty legls latura days, Mr. Malteaon mmi up a' motion to the deak thla afternoon eaUlrur for a withholdlnir of the checka until after the session waa over. Tha motion failed to carry by a rota at JW to 44. GOVERNOR URGES CONYICT-MADE ROADS (Continued from Page One. Waal Glre Meat Bar. LIKCOliN, March It (BpeolaXV-A reao lutlon wma- offered by tha elatma and da flcienclea committee- of the- annate thla momma; proposing; to aire to- tha Commonwealth-Power copipany leave to aue the elate for tha return of tha, 13.436 Xeo It paid ln"Qctober, lV IU application for a water power, rlrtt oa tha Loup having been, turned down. ' ' . . . . ., Legislative Proceedings' I have Rrt confidence that Nehraeka can, In a fw years ha'e many hundred of mllre of aood, pevel, roafln. "I ur(rn upon you, the Importance of Klvinir thla your earnel coniil'lcratlon. The Importance of It will be readily eeen at the preeent time In many part of Nebraska. Tlie farmer have been unable to move thelr etock and tlielr ptHln end have euffered great Inconvenience on ac count of bnd roada. In part of the rtate, they will be unable to uae the publlo hlRhmaya lefore late In the erring when their farm work In demanding their time. A dlaruwtlon of the material to be Uaed la of vital Importance In b'jlldlna the- hla-hwaya, aome of th etate have mailu a mlHta'te, which hne coat them linae euma of muney. 1 am of the c pinion that the material to be lined ahmild be riealKnatel 'n the law. eo that n mlatake may occur In Nebraaka, pro rvldei! we undertake t0 build eome good ron'ia. Kery automobile uaer In thle atate oould well afford to ray a tax of $tn per annum, to be apent on the public hlahwaya of our etate, and It would not only te a eource of pleasure to have roada we cnuld uae all aetiaona of the yeor, but would. In the long run, be a great eavlng In a financial way. font and Moat a Uleeaae. There la another mater, whlob I de alre to call to your attention. I will make no recommendation at thla time but truat that you will give It your cuii- alileratlon mo that you will be able to act in a well mfuruied way before thla Melon cloaca. . It la the matter of the foot and mouth dlaeaaa among our cattle hog and eheep, which haa put In lt appearance In dif ferent eta tea of the union. Never In the hlatory of thla country baa there been an epidemic of a more mnllgnent nature, or one which baa been more detrimental to biiatnaea Intereata of the country. It baa been a very destructive dlaeaaq, en lining a loaa of million of dollar In foreign oountrle and baa al ready caused Insane reaching up In the millions. In thla country. Nebraska has been fortunate, up to tha present tlfe, and tha Sanitary Uve Htook board of our state I using every means poaatbla to prevent the Infection of any of the herds of thla state. Hut It la of auch a contagions' form that we have grave fear of bolng able to escape. My object m calling your attention to this matter, la an you can dlscuae the advisability of making an appropriation, to bo left In tha hands of the Hanltary 1 Jve Stock board, or some atate official, to reimburse anyone who might have a loan, caused by thla disease. I am Informed that the only way to control the disease ta to Immediately de stroy tha herd, which ha been Infented. Jt la unfair to destroy a man' prop erty, wniaji would be a menace' to tho entire etate, without paying him for hi took, in some of tha other atatea, the government has been titandlng half of tha lose and tha iU. where tha loaa ooottrred. tha other half. If you adjourn without making anme provision, whereby this toes can be looked after, should we have an out break, it would be impossible to reim burse anyone sustaining a loaa. At the ewnt time, for fear that an emlriemlc of thla kind will hreeJi out In Nebraska, tha owners of cattle are unable to get loans on cettle, heretofore considered the beet security In our state. hope you will give this vour eon. Ideratlon, and If you deem It advisable. mane an emergency appropriation berore you adjourn. i SEMOTIRS ADJOURN UNTIL NEXT MONDAY (Worn a Ctaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March 11 Spacial. Tha enato adjourned thla noon until Hon day forenoon, while tha bouaa quit bualnesa thla evening until 10 o'clock Monday. while tha member are paying tha last Ylatt home of tha Beast on those wtio bare no homes or have been placed on tha sift ing oommlttaa, which means the sum thing, will be working away In an" effort to get tha files In shape so that moat of th undealrabla and less Important bills will be aent to tha aora heap. The senate baa not yet found It neces sary to appoint a sifting committee, as over 300 bllla of tho tt Introduced In tha upper body have bean disposed of. in one way or the other, but It la possible th it a caucus may be called Monday evening, and among other things the matter of a sifting committee may ooma up in order to get away with the- least Important of ha meaauraa. mon of IVuigla county, who Introduced the bill two year ago and secured It paeaage. came In for a lot of praise from different members. The Mil of two year ago was knocked out by the courts be cause of Its unconstitutionality, but the featuree which caused It downfall In the court-have been eliminated and the bill I expected to atand the teat. A amended the Interest I prorated per month at the annuel rate of V) per cent. A brokerage charge of one-tenth of the amount of the loan and H extra for ex amination fee. Negloy wanted to reduce the Interest to per cent, but was unsuccessful. Mining for Hay is. New Industry 1MKRRE, ft. V., March It Stclal.)- 'Mining' for hay la aalu to be one of the nneds of the occasion among rinchers north of this city. They drive up to th location of a hay stark, and open It from the top, and soon are compelled to pitch the hay out of a deep hole before It can be loaded on their) aleeds, many of the stacks being drifted under entirely, and others merely showing as small rround about the surrounding snow. The result Is a present scarcity of feed. There Is plenty of hay In the country, but It I lmpoatle to get the atock either to the location of the stack or haul the hay In any quantities to where the toclt I lo cated, and the stock rwners in pray ing for a break In the weather condi tions to allow the snow to settle o they can get their atock and feed together. Department Orders. WABHI.VOTON, March 12.-(Speclal Tel egram.) Mouth Dakota postinaatnra p Iwilnted: Italic. Haakon count v, Mr. Orace Henthln. vice K. f. Kltnson, re signed; Stamford, Jackann countv, Mrs. Mlnda C. Castle, ivlcm A H. Oray. A poatofflce has been eatabllahed at Fulton, Ooahen countv, Wyoming, with Mr. (ale Miller aa postmaster. Nebraska pension rranted: Julln A Jennlngn. Phadron, $12.' The poatofflce at Koll. Lyman county, Pouth Ihtkota, hag been discontinued Mall to Highland. The United Rtatft National hank nf Omeiia his been apnrovnd aa a reserve agent for tho Central National bank of Kearney. HUM Passed Ky eaa. 8. F. 04, Mattes of Otoe Amends law relating' to nnusJ-reporta.of caraorme llona and fees and fixes same, H. If. 228. Wilson of Dodge Pelnea tha Word "week" aa regards legal notice. Makes aawan aonaeouUvo daya count aa a ''week," 8. r" ttL Howell of Pougrse Provide for' oonanlidatlon of school districts In , Omaha and adjacent cities If consolidated. - H.- K, im), Maesner of Webstar I ocreaaa Iherlf fs milage on trips within tha county (rm t to W osnta a mile, . r. V Ktechel of Nemaha Amanda law, ao aa to tnalie negotiable notea glraa for fire Insurance befure the Isauanoa of lb Jiolrcy. BlUa Paaad la Kama. H. R. 7U OPrearldlnsT for inalntenanea and general expense of state Institution nt department. Carries total of el,O0o, H. Jv '755 The general claim bill paued tha hcMise. AppropHaiea t&OGo. II, K. 441. Kelsner Adds penalties of fin and Imprisonment tor violation of law by proprietors of pool and billiard balla. II. K. 2T8, Ralsner A dope Dixon and A ult survey to determine legal hound- ri- of lands In . Mrant and Hooker . L'OlinilKB. II. R. 309, Scott Author1iea second rissa cirvs la levy a anecuU tai h three-fourth vote Ait council, to provide iiunii hmu uuq i-unttrui expansa umlled to ILbQ per year. 11. R. !. atteana Otvea mA ,i lern diKgers a -Una on land to Insure pay. inent for thlr work. H. It. SU, Lanlgan Permits owner of I'roptrty lvUd .upon tor execution to xlve bond and retain possession of It pending Judicial determination, . It It, 44. Mocketl Relieves bank of liability fur damsgea where payment upon a valid check la refused by mistake, un y leas actual damage Is proven, il. R. g.l, Lasgett I'rohtUts a school board from employing a teacher after being formally notified that she la under contract In another district. H. K. 7. I.albey Provides for a mu liU Ijial reglstrallun In the spring of ll'ld and every six years thereafter In litU-s uf S.VUW ta S.uuO population. Hrcosasseaded Pass by lloas ('sasBlttM tt hole. H R. &4 Carrying sn appropriation of tn.U)0 for Improvements sod new equip ment st the South Brd and Valentine fiah hatchwles. ' Hlief bill fr Csssle Dyer, the Phelps gul who lost her right arm In a laundry an ij.-ut at the (Miiaha Plate bchool for Ie. ' H. K. lW-Approprlates for Mrs. June Kiory, Injured In sn accident at the llialrioe Institute for r'evtile-Minded. 11. R. 1 Appropriates ti.uuo for Mrs. E. I). Dilvis. widow ef deputy warden "at the penitentiary, who was stabbed to death by Albert Prince, a colored convict. 11. H. - 1V3 A bill fore the relief of fiarpy county because of expense con- wiiii tim oiioriy ur.y prison up- i rUlng and the litigation following was jeea iir some ajacuaaion, the amount allowed being V.U12. il. R. i-or the relief of Luc A Tfcloert. whose bi.sband was killed In an automobile Ao-ldent caused by the negli. Si ft an employe of the Hasting In sane asylum, was recommended in th amount of li 000. II. It. fc74 To reimburse C. F. Bucholi for horses killed by th state on account tl glanuera In the sum of $713. 11. K. t-Telephone utay eondemn giuuad for right-of-way. LEGISLATIVE? LEAGUE ' . ' . DINNER ON THURSDAY Srom a Ktaff Oorreapondent.l UNCOLN, March M.-(SpecUl)-The fourth annual gathering of tha Nebraska Legislative league will be held Thursday. Tha meeting will be called a usual In Representative hall right after edjoujar- roent at I o'clock and tha officers will be elected for tha ensuing year. In tha even ing at o'clock, tha banquet will, be held at tha Undoll hotel. W. J.. Taylor of Custer county will preside and a pro gram of fun, frollo and reminiscent talk will be enjoyed. , LOAN SHARK BILL IS : RECOMMENDED TO PASS (From a Blaff Correspondent.! I4NCOIJ4, March l!.-(Bpecla1.)-lf. K. 44, the bill known a the loan shark bill, waa recommended fur passage at the lea st on last night over the vigorous protest or Soott of Hamilton, who aald that the Interest waa too high. In the discussion ex-Representative 1 THE HOUSE OF MENAGH Announces a ' rt a Saturday sale of 8 I I X ST TITS COATS Y . and DRESSES AT Thla will be . a sale; of ; real for the rea son that not one of tha garments offered . 1 woftli less than 130. 0u and soma are worth as much aa $40.00. MILLINERY . SHOWING For Saturday at $5.00 $7.50 and $10.00 Tou will find only very - smart, xclualv model. A comparlaon la Invited. ' The HjDiise hi Menagh "The Store for Gentlewomen" 1613 Farnam St. MOP'S AT BE 35c and 40u Tooth Drusbea, every on guaranteed, Saturday epeclal, at. 21c ft .00 rtoaud'g MUc Vtgetale. . ....ri 75c Rubber Gloves 37? J5c Sanltol Tooih Powder. 1.t 60c Pebeoo Tooth Parte. . .Jj-i t? 85c Oeculhe Ideal Hair Bruhea, Tor -tS 76c Oenuin Ideal llalr Bruslte. or 4. 76c Pompeltn Muasaca frem, , ' 41 50e Pompelaa Night Cream 30 26c l.yon's Tooth Powder. . "f- $1.00 Duffy'g Malt Whisky, ff S6c Genuine Caatorla 12 fcCht Rromo Seltier llfa? 60c Cantnroi 20 10c Uaterlne 29 3&c Mentholatuin 14c f 8.75 liorlltk's Malted Mils. tot .-$2.71 &0c Sal llepatira ;t t S0c Carman Pace Powder .;t 76c Tlvoll Face Powder. . .45 $1.25 Uoutoibea Fare Powder. tor 85 25c Menuen'a Talcum Powder. lor 100 25c Colgate Talcum Poweer 13c 65c Geijtlemen'g All Leather Pocket Bill Book 390 fl.00 Hood SaraaiarUU.t37c $1.008. 8. 8 J7 IJ.76 8. a 8. LBeaton Orug 15th and Farnom Gts. O- THOMPSON, BELDEN & COMPANY - Neckwear Military and Flare Collars, of lace, net and other sheer materials, with supports to hold them in shape. High and Ixm Itoll Col lars, V cat ere. Collar and Cuff Ht and fSulmpea; the, front nf the jrultnpea are ad justable for high or low neck. A laric aaaortment of col lars at 25 "1 50. New Laces Novelties in Orientals, Chontilly and Filet Flouncings ; narrow widths to match. 1 Valenciennes, Torchon and NoveJlT Lacee In all widths; IdKht Vrnlae edges) and In sertion. New Embroideries Organdie, HwIns, Nainsook, V'ollea, Crepe and Cam bric, A Hovers, Kdte and fTonnclnjr. Convent Fdgea and Insertions. line Seta and Yokes for In fanta' Wear. Spring Fashions Like the later spying lowers in the garden, they are pop ping up here, there, and everywhere all over the store. Spring Suit Styles Are Alluring Prices Are Very Reasonable In our everlasting search through the fashion centers we have chosen here and there choice models, always with a view to pleasing the particular women of this city who demand distinction in dress. Our Display of Spring Suits Contains an abundance of moderately priced styles, every one of which is a greater value than the price mark indicates. $19.50, $24.50, $29.50, $35 New Trimmed Hats Adapted From the French Each a beautiful, distinctive model, emphasizing the latest approved shapes and colorings $8.75, $10, $12.50 and $15 Saturday We Will Feature The New White and Black Hats, The New Georgette Sailor, The New Gage Sailor.1 . Special at $10, $12.50 and $15 A visit entails no obligations' to purchase. We are always glad to show what we have to any interested buyer. t . Second Floor. A Special Sale of Tooth Brushes Regular price 19c, Sat urday -9c- Other Specials 25c White Ivory Combs, Special . . . .19 35c Orange Flower Skin Food ... . 19 Powder Papers . 5$ 60c Candy, 39c Fine Assorted Chocolates, i : 80a quality 1-pound box.ef .39? v 2-pound box " - - 78j? TableCenter Aisle. . Stationery, 25c A good quality linen paper, BO sheet of paper and &0 en velopes to the bo - 25(f Separate boxes of 100 en velope ..... 35 Separate boxea of 100 sheets of paper - -. . - - ; 25 A Glove Special - At a time you need it. So exceptional that you ,v,; can, hardly .permit-the opportunity. .to pass. , 50c Chamoisette Gloves 39c Saturday ONE THOUSAND pairs of fino Chamois ette Gloves, one' of the most popular fabric gloves. Regular 50c quality, in white only Saturday, for One Day, 39c a Pair The Store for Shirtwaists (Original) P r e s e n t s for Saturday twenty-five NEW Mod els of Charming Spring Blouses, for - - $6.50 Second Floor. Exclusive Agents for McCall Patterns ahviemfhti. AHtlEMRNTI. DRAHDE1S THEATER aSS: Tho Fun Haricot Cornorod Six Months in New . York Five Months in Chicago CHARLEY CHAPLIN THE KINO OF LAUQHLAND" "liiiie's Punctured Oornanee" Praaouaead 7 tha Vrasa aaa Fnblla Svarrwhara "The Oraataat ComaAj Xr rroaooad."1 wit a '''' ,maaarg.!t'.l''i-iuij :, " ffisa ' MAULL.NOUMAND A Ili-SMl Ksrsteaa Coaaear Oraat4 Solalr fa Iauma Baclae Wlva a Tmat - . JBada Wtta a BWac IFYOU COTTUntlTto LAUGH STAYat NOME NktlisM, a ana S:M aU aaata 10 esate. kiata, TW aaa aaasa 10 aad aa ea. ' ENTIRE ORANDCIG ORCHESTRA AMVICME5TI. . iUVSEHEIITS. " Telephone Douglas 3100 y iihsu an. i j t '.' sin 'I in" - -j . -.' --. 1 -- . . i in. mi i nil.. lu, mini. a.tinl.U! Grand Opening Tonight Showing tho World's Best Motion Pic tures. Featuring for the Opening: Irs. Leslie . M Her Greatest Success, Complete Symphony Orchestra Every Afternoon and Evening And a Host of Other Surprises. tower Floor, 25c and Iftc. First Bal ron), 15c and 10r. al lUlcony, loc. ID DOYD oxmi KUdh Todar. t:SOi Toaia-M. I.aat rsrtomaaoa at MERELY MARY Mil ltata. WsA, TUar., Bat aSat slla-kts, ao and aoo. Barla. Sua. Kal, "KAroOST." Taaa-. airlU, sraa Oh Qnartstta asslst4 by rontsaaUs Olsa Clu. ao Toloaa, la awlaetioaat avia-ollsMa, X.aala lutilu Iduabis). 0 Xiatttun. : J HIPP THEATER 0W(IS 0 15th and Harnay XJLST TUII TODAT. "RULE G" ' A ThiOla raraaaaaat rtotarlaasia of iMUlroaa XiUa, THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPER f bens Doasias 494. Advanced Vaudeville OtniTaZaT TOBTIOMT 8:10 Prices: Oallary 10c: Best Saata I S-59-7 J e onwk rtm emma." Sallr Mat, lt-ae-BOa. Xraa, lft-aS-6C-76. UST TIMES TODAY A a CtlBMUr Puach aaarsaUs ras BILLY WATSON'S Hw laAAl-tV turn Mat1 WMk Xay. tu 4 Waak: itnMk al-aMv iN ' 'Treo.iKu. " 2:15 8:15 DIOGEXE8 asd a lantern bat tha i4o-dXa baaiaeaa man In OaoAh mmern th adTrtiatn( col mnna of Th Boo.