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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1915)
THE BEE: OMAHA. SATriCPAV. MAKCTT W, 1 Nebraska Nebraska ( YflFE CONFESSES ' TO SAYEHOSBAHD Mn. Hattie Vance, on Witne Stand, Tells of Relations with Man Husband Killed. INSANITY WILL BE DEFENSE O'Connor Will Case Goes to the Jury HASTINGS, Neb., Watch U.-M Special Telegram. Aft t an eleven-da v grind I the John O'Connor will cAiitest was given ; to the Jury at 1: o'olo.-k today. Sixty ;fuur witnesses had b?cn examined. It la expected that the raae will be appealed to the supreme court. i WEST POINT, Neb., Marrh 12. (8peclal Telegram.) Mrs. Battle Vance, wife of Joseph EJ. Vance, on trial here for the murder of Aman dut J. KraiiBO. Fartember 11, 1914, today told the story of her relations with the man her husband "killed. The recital supplies the motive for the murder. She admitted having unstained illicit relations with Krause on numerous occasions and that he tad urged her to pet a divorce and marry him. It lg apparent from the tone of the examination by the defense, that Justification will be pleaded. Vance ion the stand In the afternoon swore that when he discovered his wife's Tinfaithfu&ees, he became temporar ily deranged. Vance Is a man of 60 years, while SCraose was 34 years of age, the eon of a lately deceased pioneer citizen pt much local prominence. Mn. Taaee Hares I.I f e. Mra Vane testified to numerous ln lartanee of illicit relation with Krauae 1 'between August. IMS. and' September, 9104, at Wait Point, at Fremont and at two hotels In Omaha and other plaoea. tfce Paxton hotel in Omaha they 'war registered aa A. T. Fort and wife jaal occupied a room together for four :4ar Bha received tat per month from (Krauae rag-alari?; that Krauae urged her 'to marry him ppon her divorcing Vance; Ifthat he asked her through an Omaha Wteollvo agenoy for assistance In pro--urLrig testimony sufficient or him to tttvoroa him own wlfa and that ha kept "tup a oorneapondenoa with bar at all Seven Votes Lacking lor Water Extension CKNTK.U. C ITY. Neb., March .-(Special.) Proposed bonds for the extension of the water system was defeated in a special election today by seven vote. A total of 311 voles were caat. 179 for and 132 agalnat. A three-fiftha majority was required to carry. The woman evidence . was tn the ftmtnre of a oomplete confusion and waa fcivsa with little, amotion, Two Sou Rear Btora. The ouastiona of Attorney Cain, direct evnd searching, brought clear and poaitive anawera Her two little boya. Dean and Ray vara seated near their father dur ing the recital. From the ton of the examination by the defense tt la evident that it will be sought to ahow that Vance had Justifica tion. In the afternoon Vance testified. His evidence tended to ahow that when ha discovered hla wife's unfalthfulneaa he became temporarily insane. He disclaims! and denies any knowledge of what he was doing when the shooting waa done. Omaha detectives bore oat the evidence of Urs. Vaaoa. Marnr llaa o Opposition. REATRICK. Neb., .March 12. (Special.) From all appearances Adam McMullen will have no opposition for the office of mayor of Wymore, aa lie la the only can dldate entering the field. Mayor Cut.hall baa refused to be a candidate for re election. The candidates for the other offices are aa follows: City clerk. Clar ence Freeborn and Oeorge Ashley; treas urer. H. Weltemeyer and John Kn dleman; rouncllmen, First ward, Stephen Hadeehek and Anton Schelbler; Kecond ward. Dr. a H. Toder and Joseph Ela chire; Board of Kduoatlon. Frank Norrli and J. Ed Jones. Ranqnet at Friend. FRIEND, Neb., March U.-(Speclal.)-The fifth annual banquet of the Friend Commercial club waa held at the Hotol Corona do last evening. Upwards of li platea were laid for the occasion. The Friend cornet band furnished music. II. K. Burket, president of the Uncoln Commercial elub, delivered the address of the evening. Mrs. W. H. Simons gave a reading. C. E. Bowlby was toastmaster. Dr. J. E. Whltcomb. Alex McFarlanif. Charles F. Barthand and Frank Hacker responded to toasts. TURKS DISMOUNT GUNS AT CAPITAL Bacharest Dispatch Says in Case of Capture Allies Must Kegard It at Undefended Town.' aswaaaaaa-si ' BULGARIA BRINGS UP BIG GUNS eral hjdroaeroplanea of the allies ap- we-k agr., i hargcl with complicity in peered and made a reennnotasanc. To the the robberv of II.;-n worth ..r from observers it waa apparent that they dropped bombs on a village on the Eu ropean aid ef the straits. The airships retired when fired upon. Marvin's Suburban Home is Burned BEATRICE. Neb., March U. Bpeoial Telegram.) The suburban home of the late G. P. Marvin, founder ef the Beatrice Daily Sun, waa destroyed by fire today, lioas tS.000, with &,000 Insurance. Tho fire started from a defective flue. X ij.J. O'BRIEN OF KEARNEY DEAD IN NEW ORLEANS KEARNEY. Netv. March IX Speclal Telegram.) T. J. O'Brien, a mining en gineer whose home is at Kearney, "but -who waa on Ida way to South America after spending the last month in Kearney, died at New Orleans today, at which jlaoe he waa taken ill severed daya ago. Mrs. O'Brien and son, Bryan, were at 4 he father's bedside. Mr. O'Brien was extensively interested in gold mining; at Colombo having: been located there the 3ast few years. Mr. O'Brien waa actively 'engaged in buaineaa in Kearney and waa one of the original engineers to aid in the development of this community, being m conspicuous figure here darrog the "boom days. , STATES' EVIDENCE IN RATE CASE BEGINS NEXT MONTH (From a Staff Cteri eapondeniL) TiTNCOliN. March 11 (Speclal.V-RaO-Tway Commissioner - Clarke and Attorney k Oeneral Reed returned yesterday after noon from Chicago, where they have been attending the western advance rate hear ing before Commisetoner Daniels f the Interstate Commeroe commission. Mr. Clarke is well aatlsfled with the progress the accountants of the allied state commissions, who have been work ing in Chicago for months preparing their case, have made. The commissions will start to put in their ease about the first ct next month. LoaUvllle Bank Incorporated. PIjATTSMOUTH, . Neb.. March It, (Special.) Artlclea ' incorporating the Farmers' State bank of Louisville have been filed with County Clerk Ubershall. The capital stock will be ,000. The in corporators are J. H. Arends, Frim Nick lee and H. U Arends. The new bank will open its doors for buaineaa on March 16. Louisville will then have two banka the other being the Bank of Commerce, owned oy lom s. Farmele. Freight Cars ia Ditch. BEATRICE. Neb., March ISWSpeclal Telegram.) Four freight cars rolled Into the ditch on the Rock Island between EliU and Jensen this morning, blocking traf fic for about five houra It ia not known what caused the accident. , FRENCH VESSEL SUNK ' BY KR0NPRJNZ WILHELM BUENOB1 ATR3SS, March It. The Diarlo announces that the British steamer Churchill : arrived today at Pernanibuco with the crew and 14 paisengara of the steamer Guadeloupe. The Guadeloupe waa sunk near the Island of Fernando da Noronha, in the south Atlantic, 15B mfles off the eaaf extremity of .rfraaU, to which - country It belongs, by the Ger man auxiliary cruiser Kronprtnx Wil- helm. The Guadeloupe Bailed from. Buenos Ayres, February IS. for Bordeaux. The steamer Guadeloupe was a Vessel of 2.974 tons and waa tHiilt In 1907. It was owned by the French line. It was commanded by Captain Jasseau. HI'1.1.KTW. LONDON, March 12. It is learned through diplomatic sources . In Lon don'that the Russian Black sea fleet Is exported to start a bombardment o.' the Dotrphorus ports tn active co operation with the allied fleet, which le attempting to force lis way to Con stantinople throttgh the Dardanelles, from the south. LONDOJC, Marcn12. "The Turks ate dismounting; the guns defending Constantinople, . the Intention being that In case of a defeat, the allies should regard Constantinople as in undefended town," says the Times' Bucharest correspondent. Bulgaria la transporting heavy ar tillery to Janthe, near , the Greek frontier, according to Salontkl dis patches to the Dally Mall. Allies Proceed Cnntlonalr. CONSTANTINOPLE). Monday, March S (Via Berlin, March 11. and "London, March li The fire of Brltlah werhlpe on Turkish positions In the Dardanelles has been well directed on the wtiole, but at times Inefficlaclous. The Turkish on their aide have shown a fair degree of ac curacy In their marksmanship and have compelled British vessels to exercise great caution :n approaching their battcrlen. A correapondent of the Associated Tress witnessed the bombardment of March II directed against. the oosttlons'at Kllld Eahr on the European side of the straits. He could see the fire of either mlde and note how all the shots fell. The vessels engaged were British ships., of the Agamemnon type. The firing started at U.60 a m. and loated until 4:25 p. m., when the British withdrew; Their fire had been rather scattered. Some of It waa directed against Da Mantis snd other points on the Kuropean side of the strait, but damage Inflicted was alight. At Kllld Bahr the British fire , waa well directed on the whole, but It waa not very effective. Of about thirty heavy shells ten fell close to the Turkish' batteries, while the others mostly fell short. Many of them struck the water's edge.' Twrklah Fir Effertlre. One British vessel whloh ventured In range of the Kllld Bahr batteries was aubjected to well aimed fire from them. It retreated hastily. The vicinity of these partloular batteries waa then avoided the reet of the day. Jn the afternoon two other British vessels came within range of a hidden Turkish battery and had narrow ee apes from the thore rise. Dun ing all the afternoon the Brltiah veasets Inside the straits .were obliged - to man euver actively, because as soon as any one of them atopped It Invariably drew a firry accurate Turklah fire. , It waa evi dent that the British were exercising the greatest caution. Abwt o'elodc In the afternoon ser- M ITCH EL WILL VOTE FOR WOMAN SUFFRAGE NEW TORK. Mareh 11 Mayor Mltchet premised In an address he delivered at a meeting under the ausplcea of the woman suffrage party In Brooklyn last night that he would vote for woman suffrage In November. The mayor aald he was con vinced that It was only a matter of time before women would vote In this stste. Some of those present recalled that last May Mayor Mltelirl had asserted In an address that he believed women did not need suffrage lo bring them Into publlo fe. ' titled Star la Jail. BKATUICE. Neb.. Marrh 11 (Special Telogram.'t Henry I'nticd, a German tailor at DeWitt, who was arrested some the store of tlnnebrlght Hunts at foil land, January ?n. atTaliincd todtiy In county Court on the charge of voncenllni; stolen property. He waived preliminary hearing' and waa bound over to the din trict eoert. Ia default of $-W bond, he waa remanded to the county Jail. Jurors Served With Cake Made With Eggs Decade in Storago NEW TORK, March ll.-Cako made of eggs len years old was served to Jurors In tho federal district court yes terday during a hearing In the suit brought against the former collector of the port by Robert llerbst. an importer, to recover tlS.OOft because a consignment of preserved Chinese egga In which be was Interested was destroyed as unfit for consumption. The egga had been preserved in a solution of borcc scld.,i Dr. Ki-nest I,. Smith, formerly professor of M'llogiral chemistry of the Fordham Me li(sl s hool. test H ied It was pooeibl to keep rsss a hundred yeara ' by thla method without Impairing their quality. Wool, Leather, Tin and Dyes Placed on the Contraband List tXWDON. March ll.-The llrltlsli gov eminent. It was annoum ed today, has addod the following attlclea to the ab solue contrshant list: Wool, woolen and Worsted arn, wool tops and noils, tin, chloride of tin, tin ore, castor oil, paraflne wax, copper, Iodine, lubricant, hides and all kinds of leather suitable for military equipment, amonla and Its salts, urea, anlllnaand Its compounds. Get competent help through The Bee. WOMAN SEVERELY 'BURNED IN EXPLOSION W ERST BR CTTT. Ia.. March fJ. (Spe cial Telegram.) Miss Etta Brewer was probahly fatally burned tonight, when the slxty-flve-lnaf gas even In her b It er v exploded. The whole Interior of the building waa wrecked and Miss Brewer, mho was trying to light the oven st the time was hurled backward onto a red hot stove. Mrs. Fill Millard, her assist ant, rescued her and, was also badly burned, while doing it. Miss Brewer Is fearfully burned about the head. DEATH RECORD Klllah l.ates. BHATRICE. Neb., March U'.-Ppeclal Telegram.) Elijah Lutes, a Veteran of the Mexican and civil wars, died suddenly restesla sfUlrnoon st his -'humo at Cortland, aged Sfi years. Mr. arvl Mrs. l.ittee recently celebrated their a'xly fifth wedding anniversary. m 1 A rirr s SL llKOIla VaXKM.llt'tnaeruaut. rIBJL - .First Lviif m-lnnm- S4lMbH 77..-- " -. rnmivfir eTL..." 'vvrifcv BUTYOU SlIOtliAMrtUt-SMC rmins WAf.TKEfOrwlHWiflHWrixWr sLi'lSFiwa Announcing Our Preparedness to Serve You With Better Spring Wearables--- We're putting the Spring Clothes proposition before Omaha men in an out-of-the-ordinary manner You're bound to be interested so read and heed these facts The greatest stock of all new Sprinpr Suite and Top Coats in tho middle west are here Every Kunnent is of the unrivaled KING-FECK Standard in styh--fabric fit mid finish and every garment has been xnarkud to sell at from $3 to $10 leps than -what similar quality merchandise can be obtained else where this is no idle claim but a live fact which can be sat ifified in your own mind by a careful conipariHon of KING PECK'S ordinary values with tho best featured elsewhere. New Spring Suit $10 to $4X Smart Top Coats $10 to $25 We direct your tpecial attention to our wonderful values in Suits and Top Coats at The Store of the Town swm "H' if "("'ijllr. Many, will buy their new Spring Hat Saturday Why not you? ' Remember the story of the early bird - and aot ac cordingly ia buyjng your new hat. Satisfaction here at any price you care to pay, from $2 to $5 t?1 "At Your Service With Complete Stocks" Is the meaaaga sent out by every department The greatest showing we've ever mad of Boys' and Youths' Sprint Clothes. Footwear for men and young men of all tastes. Complete shipment of Spring Trousers just unpacked now ready. Haberdasher Department crowded with the newest things for men. m i6 tb aT HOwAktrm wimwjmBrMmm, v Kta from Beatre. BEATRICE). Neb.. March 11 (Special.) number of local, capitalists are ne- sTotlatlna for the purehaaa of tha driving tark in tha southwestern part of tha city. A stock company with a capital atock of 110.000 will be organised. In county court Thursday a petition rarae (tied by Clarence O. Bwarti. Iva M. Jifurgatroyd, ETthel V. B warts, aole heirs to the estate of Kllxabeth A. Bwarts. ask ing that Daniel Tother ha appointed ad ministrator for aald estate. Margaret Cook, a pioneer of Oage county, died Wednesday evening at her thome at Adams, aged M yeara The re "matns will be taken to her old home in Massachusetts for Interment Cltlseas aara at MsSIms, MADISON, Neb., March 11 Special ) fhe cltlxens of Madison met in caucus at the city hall Wednesday nlftht, and nominated the following citizens' ticket: Tor mayor, W. H. Field; clerk, F. J. bankers; treasurer. C. J. Kortman: city engineer, A. J. Thatch; members of the Board of .Education. R. U. Mossman and; John Dirkey; rouncilnien, Thomas I-s- j tlna and F. A. Peterson. All are renomi-I rated. Young Men's Hats! ' TTHAT'S our busmesir&Rd the whole story. For just so long as a man can feel the difference in hats, he can look the calendar square in the eye . and tell it to mind its own business! - SPRING STYLES NOW Derbies and Soft Felts in such, a variety of sizes shapes and colors that you can pick yours out. quick. $3.00 to $12.00 World's Largest Distributers of Famous John B. Stetson Hats BROWNING, KING & CO. GEO. T. WILSON, Hr. 13; f man y i ' !" I 'iHjiii';!!! wins ii i n n u ,nmn. mi iri,,liiii.j ,;j .'!.' i'. . ' - - ' . ' - . Mardrrea la Kl Kena. IOWA t'lTV, la.. Marcn Ji'-iSpeclsl Telegram.) J. H. N'cill. father of Mrs. R. T. Phiuney. )fe of IJ utnar.t phin ney, commandant of tho L'uivrralty of Jowi cadet, is reported mur- ' tiered at El Reno. Okl (TO F U PAY VJtlEfJ CURED The PEOPLES MflDRET CiRAfOD OPENING SATURDAY, MARCH 13th The Know White and Most Sanitary Grocery and Market weat of Chicago. To tlalt this Sanitary store you will find It to be a credit to your (ity and the trading store la quality and price. We aim to aare the public .18 to BO ppr cent on all tbeir parrbaaea In our departments. We bare displayed In our store tn plain ftimrew lower In prloe than erer Httnesaed lefore. Our motto We bny for cash and sell for cash, and g1re the pnblic the benefit. The following artirlns are only a few of our special-' priced for this event! - MKAT llEPARTMKVT We are rutting the very finest com fed steers. Choice chucV steak, per pound lUe Choice cuts sirloin or porterhouse steak, pound 19Hc Choice rut round steak, vpr pound 12 4 c 10 pounds pure leaf lard for Sl.OO 10 pounds fresh poik neck bones for Sum: 5,000 pounds pig pork loins, 7 to 10 pounds average, pound . . . .lOttc 2.000 lbs. pig pork roast . .T Vo Lean boiling meat, lb. . . : . . .7 He Choice cut bee roast, lb. ...10o 1,000 lbs. Wienies, per lb. . . .10c Treah Hirer, lb Be Fresh home made hanbu'r, lb. 10c Freeh home made sausage, lb. 10c No. 1 California sugar cured hams, per lb N4c No. 1 California sugar cured skin ned hams, per lb ISfio tlROt'EUY DEPARTMENT 17 Mi pounds Tine granulated sugar for fl.OO 48-lb. sack Sunklst flour for SI .03 48-lb. sack Victor flour for $1.05 Strictly fresh candled eggs, per dosen ITttc Kxtra fancy tub creamery butter, pound 27Vc Horse Shoe tobacco or Star chewing tobacco, regular selling price per lb. 6O0, on sale, lb ' &,ic Thin t'limsx or trick, regular pries toe, id as .t0 .SS aaa ced Prleea. ioc cans Kweet I'otaloes To 16c cans fancy Peara IS He 4 cans 10c slr.e MiJHlard Rardlna85 Bweet FlrUles. per quart loo X bunches fresh Hadlshes for..,10o t bunches frash Onions for So Celery, per atalk fi0 lfto So Mas aad A.U aoal Boa sues eared wttaaat tha kalla. Versaaaeat te fraraatawl. Wrtt fo rrea Ukart4 Hok am Bsstal Pastaa aatg. Iwilw.s. tais ot aaaOrada of eiuaa pauaata ia Mabraeae aad Ivwa. OR. E. R. TARRY - - 240 Dee Olds.. Omaha; Neb. Natural leaf, regular price Tff, lb Square Heal, reaular price 46c, lb Standard Navy or rlls: 4, rerular price 4Sc, lb Peachy Tlnsley'e Natural Leal", fliprer all at Reduce C entral I nlou r.picure. iu' tin, smoKinc, for r resh home rnade bread 3 loaves loo 16c pka. r-'esnut Wafera SO Kxtra large Prune, lb ? Arab selected dates, 6c pkgn., S for 6e Evnuirate- Apricots, lb 7V40 10c cans Corn Hvrup. 5o lf.c cans Borshum for To Extra fMjicy Hweet uranaea. per ilunon. Kxfrn fancy. Urns Idaho A.pvles, in boxea, for rM.nm. rs.JB. bvery person vi.mna tne store win receive . 1 n -u Iehydro Houp free for aaklng. and every child will receive a ha of candy if ac.-onuxld by parents. Free deinonstrallon by Hmi Biscuit Co with Fancr-Tiwklea and 1'axton A r,allaher Co. Kamo .ro1u, tH ,nd Hnlder Pra eervlr.a Co. brsnd of aoots. Bpectul price for araiul opening, Hnlder'a Chill bauca, I5c seller, for lc; t'nider'a Pork and Beans. 16. el., ixuc- Rnider's Pork and Means, 10c size, 7c; Knlder's Tomato hucs 10c size le lVetween the hours of 10 and 11 a. m., and 3 and 4 p. m.,'and 9 and 10 p. m., we will place on sale a nhole waon load of toilet soap we bought from a Nebraeks City firm. Some are a little melted. Con sists of Tar. Glycerine and Castile. 5c and 10c bars, for only 1 t t Msil orders will receive prompt attention. Free delivery THE PEOPLES MARKET AU Pbonee 1). 1580. . 21th and (Turning Ms. 10.000 Pig Pork Loins, Fresh, Kot Frozen . . . 91c 1914 Forequarter lmb .04c 1014 Hlndqaarter Iamb Freeh Ilreaarxl Chickens (dreaaed to your order) 11 He young veal Koaat nui Youna Veal Chops laiie Round Steak l&a Choice Steer Pot Roast 10 II a- Pork Roast S Pla Pork Butta llto Mutton Chopa lim Thraa SaUvartes a Bay S, 11 aad F, Cildahy'a Diamond C and Swift's Premium Hams ISHa Kxtra Iean Breakfast Bacon., lti Husrar Cured Baoon 140 Sua-ar Cured Hams Oyatera. per quart 40o TsfL gpootal AU.ntloa to Kail Orders. 18 POUNDS BEST GRANULATED SUGAR f or. . . . $1.00 48-lb. nu k Emiraaa Prlda flour Sl.TS J6o cans of Peachea..v ,,.lSo 20c cana of Peaa loe 16c Bweet Potatoes, per oan....THo rgo raiva of Tomatoes sao Htrlotly freeh Ksss, per dos SOa t large raiva of Tomatoes.... Country Kll Butter, lb Boo i pkgs. Fresh liates , Se 16c Salmon, per can 10 Lars;eat Urapa Fruit, eacn So Un Orangea. lit alsa, dozen tSe Fancy Eating- or Oooklna Apples, per peck 38a Fancy Head Lettuce, each Sa iJtrge Cucumbers, each IBo Pntatoea, per peck, 10c, or bu....T0e 2 bun. Carrots, Turnips or Beets 100 Cabbasre, Beets or Turnips, lb., to 2 heada Endlva for Bo THE EMPRESS MARKET Opy. Wool worth Be and 10c Store. 113 South 16th St. Tel. D. S307. Ask (Cj Your Grocer d) TTTfpf Ask Tf snTT TfTXTTl? MACARONI PRODUCTS Largest Macaroni Factory in America 15,000 Pig Pork Loins. Fresh, Not Frozen. . .91. Fresh Dressed Chickens (Our Own Dressing) 113c Choice Btser Pot Roaat...... .10e Pla Pork Roaat..,. . o Pla Pork Butta 11 He Young Veal Boast 11H Touug Veal Chop M..lSVe Round Steak ...... .w. ........ .16 lamb Leas 1940 Mutton Chops 1H Cudab-fo Diamond C and Bwlft'a Premium Hun. lBHa Extra Uaan Breakfast Bacon.. 1H Sugar Cured Bacon 1890 Sugar Cured llama rBciJLi.a rrom I to I ML, l4ak Caops. .So rroxa tn 14 r. H, Vark Chopo 10a nurse DeUvorUa a Zar giao. 1190 SiSO. Prontpt AUea&Ua to SaaU Ordsra. PUBLIC M ARKET 'VSSMESSgb Swap Anything in the "Swapper V Column'