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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1915)
he Omaha Daily Bee MOGEXTS rumA m lransrn trot th ap-to-dnta bosiaeas mma la Omaha the adrerttalnc ooi nmns of Tt Dm, TFE WEATHER. Fair ' VOL. XLIV NO. 229. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 12. 1913-TKX PAOES. m&I2?E3&u. SINGLE COPY TOO CENTS. GREATER OMAHA BILL HAS CLEAR . WAY AHEAD NOW House ia Committee of the Whole Recommends the Bill for Pass age After an Exciting Debate. SEVERAL TEST VOTES TAKEN Amendments for Submission to Vote and to Kill Are Voted Down After Argument FINAL ROLL CALL IS DECISION (From a btaft Correspondent.) LINCOLN. eNb., March 11. (Spe cial 'Telegram.) It will be Greater Omaha very soon. If the houge ac cepts the recommendations of Us committee of the whole, made today, and passes senate file No. N 2, the Howell measure, which provide for the consolidation of South Omaha, llonson, Dundee and Florence with the city of Imaha. The bill went through the commit tee of the whole only after a hard battlo and a stubborn resistance marie by its opponents. Amendment after amendment was offered for the purpose of submittinz the consolida tion proposition at a special election, but. they were of little avail, .the friends of the measure, under the leadership of Henry Richmond, ably assisted by Miner, Chambers, How ard, Larsen and others of the Doug las county delegation, holding their forces well In hand and refusing to budge an inch. II enter Away for One Vote. Hunter stray ed from the reservation long enough to get behind an amendment offered by Broome, giving the people of all the territory affected, Including Omaha Itself, a chance to vote upon the proposition, but when . that went ('own with only five vote to supportl. he got back in line again and voted for the bill on all other propositions. Barrett stood out against the bill to the end and, though beaten at every point, took his defeat good-naturedly. The house went into committee of the whole immediately ater caled to order by the speaker, this afternoon, and on motion of Richmond, Cronin went to the chair. The first amendment offered was by e'oott of Hamilton, calling- for a spe cial election to be participated in by the people of the territory to be annexed, bu Kcott withdrew It for an amendment covering the same proposition, offered by Barren, calling the' election two weeks after the passage of the bill. Breome's Amendment Killed. Then Broome got in an ameddment, cal-ing for the election to be participated in by- ail the people to be held at the next regular election. This was defeated by a vote of 93 to 6. The Barrett amend ment came In for a general discussion, the proposition of force being the point at Issue. n Barrett Speaks Against Bill. Barrett was the main speaker iti sup port of hla amendment, though Green wait got In one of his characteristic, speeches, which brought down the houne. Peterson of Lancaster, mad the prln ripal address in support of the bill, though about a dosen others Joined with Mm. The addresses appeared , to be along the same lines, the speakers believed that it vn only a question of time, when the consolidation would come to pass and that the quicker it was settled the bet ter. The Barrett amendment was de feated, 31 to 62. C'onloy of Gage urged the Indefinite postponement of the bill, and the roll call showed the bill In danger of tlcfeat down to the lart' six, but these voted solidly for the bill and against indefinite postponement, snd then the! changes began to be inaJe. which flnallly I landed the measure high and dry with twelve votes to spare, the vote stand- ing, 43 nays to 05 ayes, on the Indefinite postponement of the measure. The only amendment which materially affects the bill la one dealing with, the saloon licenses of the smaller towns for (Continued on Page Two, Column Three.) The WeUther Forecast till 7 p. m. Friday: For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity Fair; not much change In temperature. Temperatures at Omaha Yesterday. I fours. a. m.. a. ra.. 7 a. m. . t a. m.. 9 a. m. . De To 31 U H 34 33 . XI t,' , 31 SO 10 a.. It a. 12 m. 1 P. 2 p. J p. 6 p. p. I P. in.... m. ... m.... m.... m... m.... m.... m.... in.... m.... Comparative Loral Record. IMS. 1914. I91J. 1912. 3 richest yesterday M 37 66 M . lowest yesterday 26 18 34 24 Mean temperature 28 45 26 I'reclpttation .00 .00 .00 .it Temperature and precipitation depar tures (rum the normal: , Normal temperature S3 Kx-ess for the day 3 Total deficiency since March L. 44 Xoi'innl precipitation 04 Inch -lieflrlency for the day , .04 Inch Total rainfall since March 1.... 1.67 Inches Kxi-cta since March 1 1.14 Inches I -flciericy for cor. period, lf14. .48 Inch . 1,'ellclency for cor. period, 1MJ. .43 inch Reports from Ctatleaa at T P. M. Station and State Temp. High- Rain- of Weather. 1p.m. et fall. Cheyenne, clear M 44 .00 Uevunport, clear & 34 .00 tln nvrr. part cloudy.,..., 41 46 .at Itr Moines, clear 8ft 32 .SO Nurth Flatte. PC cloudy.. iM 30 .so Omaha, cloudy 21 ' 34 .00 Itapld City, clear 32 .00 Hloux City, clear A U M Valentine, clear Ml Mi U A. VVJiLBH. Local Forecaster. 5 if k- BRITISH TROOPS CAPTDRE POINT AfC! Srll SSEE forward Thrust Said to Be Strate gically Important, a it Com mands the Road to the Town of Lille. ' BIG BATTLE AT OSTROLENKA Berlin Report Says Russian Attempt to Break Line at Au gusto wa is Failhre. ALLIES' SHIPS IN THE NARROWS The Day's War New8 FRBKCII WAR OKFICK announces that a boat one and a kalf mile of Oermaa trenches In Flanders were raptared br the British Wednesday. The tiermaa state ment says merely that the Brltlah made adraneea at amine points. BRITISIt PL AX for attempting. In co-operation with France, to atop trade to and from tiermnny haa been derided apon and embodied In an neder In eonnell. King tieorae signed the order, which will Moon he gaaetted . FIELD MARSHAL VOPf HINDFN BIRU haa made another of the swift and nnexpeeted Strokes which have marked his rampalga aglnst the Rasalans. Gathering a la me . toree along the Prussian border In norther Poland, he has began n new mo-remet nonjth ward, apparently Intending to strike again at Prsaanyss. GERMAN MILITARY authorities as sert that the allies have nattered a complete defeat In Champagne after undertaking an offensive movement believed In Berlin to have been deslnned to relieve pressare on the Russians. PARIS RK PORTS tell of the re sumption of the Dardanelles bom bardment yesterday. . It Is said that the fire of some of the Turk ish batteries nnder attack slack ened perceptibly during the en gagement. NEWPORT NEWS AND WASHING TON dispatches Indicate that the . German auxiliary . cruiser Prlns Eltel Frtedrlch, which took refuge yesterday la Hampton Roads, will be interned. . LONDON, March 11 Under cov ering of the fire of heavy French ar tillery, British troops have captured Neuve Chappelle, three and a half miles north of La Baseee. ' . This success, Including the taking of 1,000 prisoners and several ma chine gunCmakg it the mat -considerable advance reported .. from" the north of France for. several months. If made In force, It Is strategically of great Importance, ' aa the position commands the road between La Baa see and Lille. Furthermore, It makes the German hold on La Bassee inse cure, , and gives, a base for opera tions for the straightening of the al lied lines in front of Lille. Move Was Unexpected. The movement was unexpected, as lately tha principal activity reported from the British front has been in the direc tion of tha other and of the line near Yprea The British now are within two miles of the furthermost point gained by General Sir Horace L. Bmlth-Dorrlen last October, when, with one army corps, in Ipetween Ls Bassee and. Lille, he forced his nav as far as Abuera, two miles to the northeast of Neuve Chappelle, but after desperate fighting against tre mendous odds was forced to retire. News dispatches reaching here from Berlin report the failure of the Russlsn attempt to break through the German lines at Auguatowa, whUa the battle of OetrolenJca continues. According to this I information, w fitch is from official sources, the fighting to tha northwest and west of Prsasnyss is developing favorably for the Germans. The British admiralty continues silent concerning the operations In the Darda nelles, but reports given out in France set forth that armored ships have pene trated the narrows of the straits. It Is not considered likely, however, that the attack will be pressed until land forces occupy Aoth sides of the straits. That such land forces are almost ready for this task is indicated by the report that a great French fleet has been reported off Malts German Trenches Captured. PARIS. March U.-Vla Lonaon.)-The capture of a long trench of German po sitions in Flanders is announced la tha official report given out this afternoon at the war office. The report follows: "A British attack yesterday resulted tn the capture of 2.GU0 meters (nearly one and a half miles) of trenches before Neuve Chspeile (Flandera), and off the village itself. It progressed in the di rection of Aubers aa far as Pletre Mill, and in a southeasterly direction as far as tha northern border of bots Du Lu bles;that is to say a distance of about two kllllmeters beyond Nuevo Chspeile. The German artillery fired only a few shots. "As regards the rest of the front, there is nothing to add to yesterday evening's communication," Pleads Not Guilty to Killing Babies NEW TORK. March 11. -Mrs. Ida Snif fen Walters, arraigned In the supreme court, pleaded not guilty today to an in dictment charging her with the murder of her babies, Lorettg and John, by poison. Lorlys Elton Rogers, father of the children, pleaded not guilty to aa indictment charging him with compelling Mrs. Walters te Uve with him. Rogers' bail of 87,60 was continued. Mrs. Wal ters wag led back to her otli. KEEPING KAISER'S SOLDIERS IN GOOD .FIGHTING FORM Dentist at work amon German soldiers in the trenches in Poland. 1 J t.. i .;. ;:.. :..asXi ::.....:.:; : , ; . , 4 -W " y - -- --:iJf"' . . ". -'a-SP .: v .s . i - ;v; Neutral Military Attaches Are Under Fire of German Battery (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) PARIS, Feb. 23. -The military attaches from neutral governments have returned from a week's study of operations at the front from the sea to Arras. The Ameri can army, had four observers Major Spencer Cosby, Major J. A. Logan, Cap tain Nelson E. Margetts and Captain John John W. Barker. . French staff officers explained the situation In each part of the sone traversed.' The neutrsl military men 'were fre quently in the front line of French trench es '.under firs. ''.They, visited Arras with seven-French ytaff -officers-German Icok puts probably observed the entry into" the citjr of their ten automobiles traveling three-quarters of a mile apart, for they began ' to bombard the place violently. Shells big and Uule fell all around the ROVER POTS-INTO DOCK F0R REPAIRS German Cruiser Prinr Eitel Fried- rich Weight Anchor and Limps ' . Into Shipyard. CAPTAIN SURE HE DID RIGHT NEWPORT NEWS, Va. March 11. The German converted cruiser Prinz Eitel Fiedrich weighed anchor late today and limped into the New port News ship yard preparatory to going Into dry dock for repairs. Of ficers of British, French and Russian navies v have prepared to take the crews of sunken ships from the war vessel. Immigration officials have decreed that more than seventy passengers taken from the French steamer Flor ida are undesirable aliens and cannot enter the United States. The French line officials have declined to take care of them and they will remain under German charge on board the Eitel Frledrlch until cared for by rep resentatives of their governments. Collector Hamilton said be had re ceived a sworn statement from the com mander of the German cruiser concern ing the sinking of the American ship Frys and that he was communicating it to Washington. Captain Bol-Bd, naval attache of the German embassy, arrived this afternoon and went aboard the Eitel. View of ttermaa Captain. The German commander seems to feel he wss acting within his rights when he jettisoned tha wheat cargo of the Frye and then sent the big sailer to the boltom. Captain Klchne of the Frye, however, says that his wheat was consigned to Queenstown, that he does not know to whom It belonged and that it wai not contraband of war. - Ia addition to the list of eight prizes, all sunk la the .Atlantic - by the Prlns Kite, which Commander Thlerlcruiea gave lfcst night to Customs Collector Hamil ton, It was said here today that three more vessels had been-sunk in the. Pa cific by, the . German raider snd their crews landed at other ports. Heading the list of the other three Is the steamer Chare as of British reglstr. which la said to have been soak in the South Pacific In December. Tbe British bark Klldaton. from IJrce pool to Callao, is also said to lfUve been sunk and Its crew . landed on Easter Island.. The French bark Jean, wlt!t 1.400 tons of coal, ia said to have been taken to Easter island, and after Its cargo had been transferred to the Prlns Eitel was sunk by a bomb. ej vSK s attaches for a quarter of an hour, but no one wss hit. Some of, the shells dlu not burst. . The neutral officers found everywhere along the French lines a cheerful spirit. The number on the sick list Is only about half as much ss In times of peace, owing doubtless to regular hour of open-air life, with plenty of simple food and com fortable clothing.- The French soldiers, who havs been relieved . from the- trenches -are resting far, hels nest -period in the . front line, drill and. exercise for several hours each day. They are described as disposed to be overconfident. The effort of the French commanders appears to be not to allow the French soldier to undervalue his op ponent, snd to temper French enthusi asm and 'confidence. " TROTH ABOUT THE HAL BRADY MIXDP Young- Man's "Going the Limit" Drives His Newly Wed Wife to Leave Town. WILL SHE RETURN SHORTLY! Mrs. Hal T. Brady, the actresa wife of the scion of one of Omaha's prominent families, 'has left Omaha And her husband behind her. . That much Is stem fact, underly ing great gobs of Juicy gossip cir culating among the society set,- but there is a decided question whether her departure Is permanent or only temporary. When she left last Sat urday she told Intimates' that Bhe would be back in a couple of weeks and said it in a way that impressed them she meant it. Wife Katltled to Brmnathv. : "For the sake of Mrs. Brady the truth should be known, because she Is entitlsd to sympathy instead of blame," explained one of her close friends. "You see, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Brady have been away on. a vacation trip, leaving the young folks in possession of the house, and in the absence of his parents young Hal has proved . himself absolutely unman ageable. , lie has been going the limit. He got : Into., convivial , company . down town last Friday, and began to tank up, and when he reached home he was al most a raving maniac. He just raised sil sorts of caln, and there was no stopping (Continud on Page Two. Column Five.) Omaha is one of the wonder cities of the western world. Sixty years ago Omaha was nothing but a' wind-swept Indian camping ground without a white inhabitant where today is centered a community (including ad joining suburbs) of approxi mately' 200,000 progress ive people in happy homes with all the modern twen tieth century conveniences. THEGATECtTYOfTHfcWeST HARRY THAW TELLS ST0RY0F ESCAPE Slayer of Stanford White Begin. Re cital of Experiences in Flight from Matteawan. TALKS IN LOUD, CLEAR VOICE NEW YORK. March 11. Harry K. Than- took the stand in his own behalf, this afternoon at his trial charged with conpiracy in escaping from Matteawan asylum and gave the Jurors opportunity to judge for them selves as to whether he was rational. His Attorney. Mr. Ptanrhfleld, placed him In the witness chair after re peated attempts to get evidence into the record concerning Thaw's sanity had failed. Justice Page 4iad ruled out all testimony of this character as improper. Talks la l.oud Voice. Thaw testified tn a loud, clear voice and kept his eyes directly upon Mr. Stanch field. In reply to questions he said: "There were three writs of habeas corpus on which I appeared In court None of the write had a Jury trial. I was told, however. I might have had a Jury trial the last time, had my counael requested then told of the times he had left Matteawan and where he had gone. "What was the Insane population ot Matteawan In 1!13." asked Mr. Stanch field. "About 800 or "(.". replied Thaw. In reply to other questions Thsw said; "Hv August. 113. I had come to bettevo that It would be an impossibility tor me to get out by legal means. I was informed that the methods by which people usually gut out would be unsuccessful In my case." Thaw Grilled. The direct examination ended. Thaw was cross examined by Deputy Attorney General Franklin Cook. "Do you remember when you pleaded not guilty on the ground of insanity T" asked Mr. Cook. "Yes. 1 remember that," Thaw replied. "The pica was made by Martin I.lttls ton, my counsel, but I did not authorise It. It wss made without my permis sion." Mr. Cook started to ssk further ques tions about the Insanity plea, ' when Mr. tStanchflcld objected. The objection was sustained. Thaw was then questioned st length about tho writs of habeas corpus he has sued out. He said former Governor Stone of Pennsylvania was among the persons, who had told him he could not hope to gain his liberty by habeas cor pus writs. Never Made Application. Thaw said he had inquired as to the possibility of obtaining frem the various superintendents a certiflcste of recovery, but that he had never actually made au application for one. "Where , did yo first meet a Jawyw named Anhuir asked Mr. Cook. - -. "At Matteawsn," replied Thaw. ' "Did you have a business relation with Anhurtf" Mr. Stanchfjeld's objections to the question wss sustained. Justice Page excluded any reference to Anhut's at tempt st bribery the Idea behind the next several questions, ., Thaw ssid any number of people beside Mr. Lewis had advised , him that there was nothing illegal about his walking out of Matteawan provided he cared to do so snd did not "employ violence or corrupt anyone." "Who were the five men who came with the automobile?" asked Mr. Cook. "I didn't know them." replied Thaw. 'Instructions to Hoffman. Thaw said he had Instructed Hoffman, hla agent, to have the landaulet at the gate and the big machine "at the bottom of the hill.' "How much did you pay, and what did you pay for thla job?" asked Mr. Cook. "I paid Mr. Butler S6.0W, with the under standing that ho was to pay all the others for the trip from Matteawan to Connecti cut," Thsw replied. "How much did you Roger Thompson for the trip to CanadaT" . "I paid him a salary and, gave htm a present," Thaw said. "How much was 'the present?" An objection by Thompson's attorney was sustained. Germans Lose Eleven Submarines . Since Start of Blockade LONDON, March 11. A Copenhagen dispatch to th Dally Mall says: "It Is reported In German naval cir cles that eleven submarines havs been lost since February It The loss of four of these has been officially admitted, while seven have been missing for nearly three weeks." Suburbs Rejoice at Merger Bill News All South Omaha business, professional and working folk apparently rejoiced yes terday when news came . that the Ne braska house had recommended the an nexation bill for pasaage. according to talk heard In streets and stores and on cars. The bill was the general topic of conversation. Newspaper offices received hundreds of telephone calls from persons desiring to learn the fste of the measure. The re sponse almost unanimously expressed sat isfaction and often rejoicing. In Dundee,. Benson snd Florence, it was said, the general talk of the majority of the residents was to the effect that the astlon of the house was approved. LOBECK AND KINKAID LEAVE FOR THE WEST . .(From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, starch lU-Bpecta) Tel-sgrarar-Congressman Lobeck, accompa nied by Ms secretary, D. J. Hanley, left tor Omaha tonight. Judge Klnkaid of the Sixth Nebraska district left this afternoon for California, where he will spend some time before re- ' turning to CNolU, 0. S. AGAIN WARNS HEXICANJHIEFTAIN Carranca Told to Xeep Railway Communication Between Vera Crux and Capital Open. TRAINS MUST CARRY SUPPLIES WASHINGTON. March 11. An other note was sent by the Totted States government today to General Carranra in reply to his response last night to the notice that Carranza and Obrejon would be held responsible for the safety of Americans and other foreigners In Mexico City. It Is un derstood to have emphasised the Im portance ot keeping railway com munications between the capital and Vera Crui. Determined la Adranre. The second communication was dispatched so quickly after the re ceipt ot Carranta'a reply that the Impression prevailed In diplomatic quarters that the United States had determined In advance to make repre sentations for the unrestricted pas sage of Americans and other foreign ers from Mexico City to Vera Crus. . Trains Demaadeg. General Carransu's denial that General Obregon had Intended to Incite the popu lation of Mexico City to riot or to pre vent the entrance to the capital of food, strppltes was followed In today's note by a request that If this were true, train should be furnished to carry freight into the city. No word hsd been received late today of any change In the. situation In Mexico City, though routine messages came through from th eBraslllan minister. In today's note to Carransa, It Is be)leve sttentlon was called to the reports of an early evacuation of Mexico City and the request again made for arrangements to police the city before the forces of Obre gon withdraw. Orders laejulrr. - - Secretary Bryan - also ' directed an in quiry to be made by tbe Brasilia min ister concerning the report furnished by (tenor Riano, the Spanish ambsasaor here. that lour Spaniards had bee a killed in Mexico City. It had been reported also, but without confirmation, that a Swed ish subject had ben killed On the whole officials, thought the Car ranca onte relieved a critical situation. but the warships ordered to Vera Crus were not recalled on the strength of tha favorable developments and the opinion prevails that they will be kept there In definitely, possibly to take away such Americans and foreigners ss havs no other mesns ot msking their departure. Panic Starts fcu. , Constantinople 2 Wt ih Opegin Qun GENEVA, March ll.-t'Via Paris.)-Th first gun fired by the allied fleet la the Dardanelles stopped all business In Constantinople and was. the' signal for a panic, accoraing to bwiss travelers who arrived here from the Turkish capital by way of B' '"idisL They' declare many wealthy fanu.s are leaving for abroad. Constantinople is said to be fvili of of ficers, including Germans. Comparatively few troops, most of them artillery mea. are going to the front.. There are per sistent reports In the ' capital that ' a large army soon will arrive from Adrtan- ople. . . . . Wilson is in Charge Of Negotiations Now WASHINGTON, March ll.-Announoe ment was made at the White House to day because of the pressing character of the Mexican and other International ques tions President Wilson will see no callers other than government officers for tbe next three weeks. The president wants to take personal charge of the negotia tions over neutral shipping snd with the Mexican factions. The sinking of the Frys on the ground that Its wheat was destined for a hostile port was understood to be considered as having an Important bearing on the sub ject of contrahlna. NEBRASKA POSTMASTERS WILL BE NAMED TODAY (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. March 1L ffpeclal Telegram.) Of flclals connected with the Fostofflce department etate today that a number of recent appointments for post masters In several states would In all probability be announced tomorrow. Ne braska, it Is expected, wll be Included In the list. - - Fre6 Tickets ; . . . To the Movies The Bco will shortly publish a com-, bination coupon good for admittance . to various Omaha moving , picture palaces. Watch for Them and enjoy the .shows through tha; joint enterprise of V THE OMAHA BEE " and these theaters. WILSON ORDERS INVESTIGATION OF FRYE SINKING President Says Moit Searching:, In quiry Will Be Made Into Ger man Act and GoYenunent to Act Accordingly. PUTS KAISER IN A DILEMMA Action of Captain of Prim Eitel is, Directly Opposite the Position , Taken by Germany. NO RIGHT TO HOLD PRISONERS WASHINGTON. March 11 Presi dent Wilson announced today, that "a searching inquiry will be made". Into th sinking of the American sailing ship William P. Fry by the. German auxiliary cruiser Prlns Eltel Frledrlch. This statement wag it sued at tha White House; ' "The president, when asked . re garding the sinking of the American ship William P. rrye by tha 0rman auxiliary cruiser Prlns Eltel Fried rich, said: ' , ' .' ; "A most searching Inquiry will be made and whatever action la taken will b based upoa the result of that inuior., . 1 . ' rats Kaiser la Dilemma. Whether', the aotlon of -the captain oE tha Prince' Bite has placed hla govern ment In a dilemma by sinking the Amer ican grain ship, William P. Frye, was much discussed In official quarters today. Assuming that the Frye's cargo was -net consigned to the British government; 'otte view Is that tha German goverameat must either repudiate the action of Cap tain Thlertchsen and pay for tha Fry and Its cargo, or withdraw 1U protest, to the Btr.te department against - the British assumption to the right to secure at sea food cargoes bound tram a neu tral country, like the United Mates, to the olvlllaa population of Germany. It was believed possible .that . Germany might seek a middle course by adopting the British view that goods shipped "to order" are not entitled to tha same ex emption from seisure or detention ' aa those consigned to soma Individual or firm. That, however. Is directly, opposed to the American contention, strongly .set out la a number of notes exchanged -with the British government early. Is tha war In relation to copper shipments end still maintained. . 4 ,j , Discussion of the affair in official quar ters was, taken, to foreshadow a strong protest to German? against tha finking of the American easel. , ; .r The eenssnthm mt ths -SJerman- ambas sador that tha American snip had contra band ef war. aboard and .therefore de struction was Justified, has been: eet up as a plea Jn other cases, but never has. been, recognised by the United Btates as Justification for such action on tbe pert of a belligerent' ; , 'f t Will Ask Dasiasta ' The fact that the Prtns trial Friedrich (Continued on 1'age Five, Column Five ) Eggs . There is - a 'better market this year for iwultry. and eggs than ever before. , , i k. Those who are adver-1 ' tising tell us they can , hardly fill the orders. If-yon -want to sell your' chickens and eggs quickly, at cost of a few oentR, write out an ad for Tbe Bee's "Poultry column. : . ... i Telephone Tyler J000 '.' THE. OMAHA BEE Eetrybody Rtadt Be Want Ait. -re Poultry