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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1912)
THE: BEE: OMAHA, FKIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 191; BRIEF CITY NEWS Stsek-rslconer Co., Undertakers. lighting rUtarwBarg-Oraada Co asts Soot Prist tt Now Peacon Presa BalUr ta Demtwt, City Nat. D. 2S. Omaaa Platta Co. Estab, 189S. D. 2535. Bollar Skating, lower room Chamber Acad tray, open Saturday, September 21, 7:45 p, m. Douglas 1871 . ! XcXatosh la Transferred A. M. Me Intosh, for nine years elevator conductor at the Union station, lias been trans ferred to the Union Pacific headquarter building, where he will occupy a similar position. Englnr to Picnic Omaha stationary engineers will hold their annual plente at Nielsen's park, Forty-ninth and Leavenworth streets, ' Sunday afternoon and evening. Music, dancing and athletic sports will be features. Wtw Berries West Beginning Sep- iuiut inc jwwiv lamnu is lit give Omaha travelers new sleeping car service to Los Xngeles and (he south Pacific coast country. On that oate sleeping car service will be established by way yf El Paso,. Tex. , Indian Suaaway Caught -Joe Mc Kenzle, a charge at the Bonds School for Indian at Lawrence, i Kan., has been taken back to that institution by J. W. Flyna, assistant superintendent of the school. McKehzle escaped from the school several weeks ago. " Adam son Bound Over Oscar C. Adam son ha? been bound over to the district court by Police Magistrate Foster on the , charge of grand larceny. His bond was fixed at $500. Adamson was arrested by Jailor Bill Herald, accused of stealing a ar. v.. , -.!. ; -,v Exhibit of Appliances The Meyer Safety Guard company of this city is ar ranging to make an exhibit at th expo sition of street railway appliances In con nection wjth a street railway convention at Ghicagb next month of the device which 1t is promoting to prevent board ing and alighting accidents. Stanton (Clties- Xere County Judge Cowan and Pete Best, an prchardist of Stanton, are In the city purchasing e!sc Vlcal equipment for number, of con cessions that they will put on as features at county fair and street shows In Ne braska counties and cities. .They re port a bumper corn crop up through the Elkhorn valley, saying that U is the best ever. ' ,-'. x - . Saoka Taking nigbt Dave Johnson, an old-time Omaha boy, but now banker, merchant, grain dealer and lumber man of Brady Island. Nb Is In town for a couple of day. He brings word that the flight of ducks has started toward the south and that the sloughs along the Platte ' ar filled with them. There are some geese coming in, but the flight ha not commenced In earnest Airtoou en Old Satat The steam shovel has started to work removing the embankment on, Farnam Just above Twenty-fourth street, where the Alrdoro has been located. This property, which recently changed hands, was held for nearly fifty1 years by William Pitt Kel logg, who once resided here, and later became United States senator from Lou isiana, now still living in Washington. Dentists to CUv Panes The Crelghton College of Dentistry will hold the lrst of a series of dances this evening at ' the . Omaha Rod : and Gun club, and as the college has Its largest enrollment In its history, a large crowd Is looked for. Refreshments will be served In the cafe and the hill will be decorated for the occasion. An earnest Invitation is extended to all the alumnae and other professional branches of the university. Tinf Tall weather Prevail The re ports to the railroads Indicate fine fall weather all over the country east of the mountains, there having been s. material rise In temperature since Wednesday morning, temperatures this morning at I o'clock ranging from 40 to to degrees above cero., At no place in Nebraska Wednesday night was there a frost The coldest point on the railroad weather map was up In the Black Hills, where the temperature got down to X degrees above. 1 . ' . . ; - i "It Is a pleasure to tell you that Cham berlain' Cough Remedy I the best cough medicine I have ever used," writes Mrs. Hugh Campbell of Lavonla, Oa. "I have used .It with all my children and the result have been highly, satis factory. For sale by all dealer. Burlington's Work v Near Powder River " ' Suddenly Ceases Wednesday It looked as It the Burlington might be running trains from Seattle to Galveston Inside tt sixty days, "using the Northwestern' tracks from Powder river te Orln Junction Wyo, Thursday Indica tion were that there .Is no telling when these trains may be put into the service. - Wednesday there were several hundred men and teams working on the grade west Of Powder River. Thursday there was not a man at work, all Operations having eeased. The cause of the cessation of work on the Burlington' line Is not known here, but there Is a report that it 1 due to a break In the heretofore friendly relations existing between - the ' Northwestern and the Hill system that controls the Bur lington. ! r ' The agreement whereby the Northwest em wa to give the Burlington trackage rights over its line from Powder River to Orln Juration has not been signed and it Is said that the indication ar that perhaps' there never will be an agreement .reached. The same report Is to the effect that the Burlington was not willing to pay the toll exacted by the Northwestern and as a result there will be no train service Installed until after the Hill line has its own tracks from Powder River to the connection with the Colorado & Southern at Orln Junc tion. - . JEWISH VOTERS CANNOT GO TO ROOSEVELT MEETING A large element In the voting popula tion of Omaha will be entirely unrepre sented at the reception to Colonel Roose velt at hi Auditorium meeting. All the Jewish voters are barred from attending by the fact that Friday Is known as Tom KIppur on their religious calendar, being the day of atonement, which Is celebrated by fasting and prayer, and the Jewish people will be in their temples and syna gogue for their Friday night services while the colonel Is speaking. ", ' By MELLIFICIA. Thursday, Sept. 19, INTEREST, in the autorooWI flower float for Ak-Sar-Bea week rivals that of the. ball,, for the young women who are to, take part in the flower parade will have to have gowns which will harmoniae with J the trimmings of the motor car' in which they will ride! - , ,',. ; Then the women who enter their cars will have to invite their friends in time to plan their costumes, and, as one young woman said, I must ask three "other" good looking girls to ride in my' car. ' Tm At LI id. i r : iuu,wo xo mai we paraae wm De we most interesting event of Ak-Sar-Ben week." ' Flower Parade Patron mips The patronesses for the Ak-Sar-Ben j floral parade Tuesday afternoon, October 4, tuv m luuowa; .. Mesdames J. A. McShane. E. M. Fairfield. 'C. H. Pickens, Joseph Barker, uouia uiet. Mesdames-r " A. B .McConnell, C, W. Turner, J. Clark Colt Palmer Flndley, marie Met, C. Fj McGrew, ua .Victor Roe&water. C. M. Wtlhelm, . . Pavld Colw K Buckingham, O, Eastman, , i j. u. Fostei D, J., O'Brien, ' C. EBlack. ' I W. U Yetter, , iG. a HaverBtlck. jM. C. Peters, C. T; Kountxe, 'J. T. Stewart, IJ. M. Baldrige.' (Mosher Colpetzer, I E W. Dixon, Me; uni, , E. C: Henry, r J. S. Baldwin. Z- T. Llndsey, ti. U Cuming s, Fred Met, ' H. C. Sumney, , T. M. Orr, F. P. Klrkendall, Bl W. Nash, J. S. Brady, F. H. Davis, Will Millard, Luther Kountse, -Frank Colpetzer, E. P. Peck. iJ. DeF. Richards, C. C. Allison,' iC. N. Dietz, -Ben Gallagher, J. E. Baum. I John R, Webster, . , 'Nathan Merriam, ' F. A. Nash, J. M.' Daugherty, - G. W. Megeath, I F. Crofoot, ... h i 'Fred Hamilton, , i Victor Caldwell, Coit Campbell, Adolph Storz, " iE. N. Sprague, ' O. C. Kedtck. iA. J. Ive, ICIarke Powell, ' .Thomas A. Fry, W. A. Shafer, 'Arthur C. Smith, .m u. coiling. J. ; Cowiiw Ri C. Howe, . ,W. 8. Jardine, ,kH.- W-'Tate. : T., C. Byrne, -John BourRe, i v Gv.I Hammer, ' .J. R Webster,. ; c. a smith, Arthur Guiou, i . A. U Reed, . G. H. Kelly, C. J. 8myth, H. Gifford, : ' A. V. Kinsler, 1 R. W, Breckinridge, B. B. Davis, B. U. Graff, J. J. Hantghen, j ' G. A. Joslyn, Charles Harding, J.- Ij. Kennedy, John' Latenser, 1 George H. Lee, ' J. P. Lord, "WU J. McCrann, Frank McGinn, " W. D. McHugh, James Richardson, R. Rosenswelg, William Stull, W. A. Redick, Harry Ixiwrie, .'. W. H. MoCord, W. H. Buchol. ' Edgar Allen, ' Denlse Barkalow, W. J. Coad. F. N. Connor, W. Q. Crounse, s.N. .A. Spiesberger, JAjidrew Murphy, Ralph Kitchen, T. J. O'Brien, " G. W. Noble, Rome Miller, ' F. J, Taggart, George Rogers, B. 8. Baker, t J. J. Deright i H. B. Fredriekson, Guy L. Smith, lee Hurt, , SOUTH OMAHA. U M. Lord. jj. B. Watkins, COUNCIL BLUFFS. C. R. Hannan, Jr., G. A. Keellne, iLeonard Everett, C. T. Stewart, G. W. Van Brunt. Misses Stella Hamilton, Jessie Millard, . a . vjr, iuo.1 mi, - R. E. Bchindel." Donald Macrae, Eirnest Hart 'Misses , Ida Sharp. Weddings. A '.aulet ' weddina was Celebrated Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock at the noma oi nr. ana Jure, narry imwiw, Emmet street, .'when their daughter, Miss Amy Helen Lawrle, became the bride of Edgar Victor Armstrong, Rev, Edwin II. Jenks officiating. The bride wor her traveling gown of light gray, with hat to matoh. Her only attendane was her sis ter,, Mrs. W. H. Guild. Daniel Beal served a8 best man.' Only the Immediate families were present Mr. and Mrs. Arm strong have gone to Kansas City, for their wedding trip and will be at home in Omaa after October 16 at HIS Emmlt street .'..-,- Mr- Henry E. Souls of Toronto, Canada, and Mis Ef fie B. Jeffrie of Omaha were united In marriage In the presence of Mr. O. J. Jeffrie, brother of the bride, and Miss Crystal GilflUan of Fairfield, Neb., at the residence of tha TanT nt Castellar Street Presbyterian church, Rev. C. C. Meek, ,MS9 South , Sixteenth street, at t o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Soule left Wednesday even ing for their future horn In Toronto, Onada. Mr. Soule is a brother of Mr. Corus F. Hopper of this city. Mr. Carl O. Wilson and Mis Eva May Jewell wer married at the home of the bride's sister, Mr. Southard, 128 North Twtnty-flrat street Rev. Milton B. Wil liams, pastor fit the Firs Methodist, officiated. , ; j The wedding of Lysle 3. Greed and Miss Emily 8. Butler was celebrated Wednes day at .the horn of the bride's parents, J18 'North Twenty-fifth street Rev. M. B. Williams read the marriage lines. Wednesday David Driesser and Miss Iha Rentfrow were married at the F.rsi Methodist church parlors. Rev. M,. B. Williams, pastorof the church, officiated. A wedding , Thursday , morning which came as quite a surprise to all but a few intimate friends, was that of Mis Adelaide Roehrig and Mr. Frederick Kent The ceremony took place Thursday morn ing at St Peter's church, Rev. Father McCarthy officiating.; The bride wore her. traveling suit of gray and a small French hat of black and white. Mrs. Kent has been residing at the Colonial and th groom I In the automobile business. Mr. and Mrs. Kent left for Kansas City and will be at home after October 16 at th Uintah. ; At Happy Hollow. Mrs. H. B. Lemere was - hostess at one of the Thursday luncheon parties at the club. Covers were placed for: Mesdames Joseph Polcar; 1 S. R. Rush. J. W. Hamilton, W. T. Robinson, - G. W, Wlckersham, Harry Reed, William Colfax, H. B. Lemere. .. At Seymour Lake Country Club. Mrs. , a. Rose aa Mrs. James Trumbl entertained the Tug of War Card dub Wednesday afternoon at Sey mour Lake Country club. ThV guests yieoem were; Mesdames,' George Paddock. ' Byron Hart, Newton Bryson, Arthur Fowler, '" John Smith, ' Theodore Helgren, 'Misses : Hortense Eads, Hannah Page, Mesdames Claud Orchard. Allen Dudley, Thomas Parker, Cecil Franclso, William Tagg. Harry Trumbl, Misses Gretchen Burdio of Herman, Neb. At the Bod and Gun Club. An Informal party was given Tueaday evening at the Rod and Gun club. Those present were: , Misses Stella Beselln, Alfia Johnson, Messrs. H. R. Cronk, -Edward Hawley, Misses Irene Hlgby, Nettle Schooley. . Messrs. Freeman Bradford, Claude Rife. Miscellaneous Shower. : A miscellaneous shower wa given by Miss Anna Stary in honor of Miss Anna 81oup, Monday evening, at ner home, 1901 South .Fourteenth . street. Thos present were:.,.', , ,. ' i ;v.. . NEW PLAYHOUSE FOR OMAHA Omaha Men to Erect Theater for Re- , production of RlmieT . . STEUCTTTRE TO BE OP GLASS So Cntmc4 for Stj 4 Tak ing Motion Pirtow Plays Foremost Actor to Re- , hearse Here, A new theater In which a-stock com pany will rehearse plays and act them for the production of movie films is to be built in Omaha t' this fall far away from the business and factory district of th city. The public will not be ad mitted to It. - Plans fof such a theater have been drawn and as soon as the company which 1 to build it can find a site answering th requirement the erection will begin. Some of the best actors In the country will (be employed to perform In ,lt and th 'plays will be the very newest, writ ten by a playwright employed by the company ' . S Seat r Orchestra. ; Omaha theater goers cannot buy a seat In, this' new playhouse for love nor money, As a matter of fact there will be no seats In it. There, will be no or chestrar no boxes, parquet,- galleries r balconies, and yet . the theater will,: be the largest in Omaha. The plans give the dimensions as 76x160 feet. It will be forty feet high and another odd thin about It will be that almost the whole structure will be made of glass., The Indu Motion picture company recently organ ised and capitalised by Omaha men will build the structure. It will cost about 25,009 and will probably be built In Flor ence. Western Picture; Th company .will produce educational and scenic film to supply the big, de mand of th west Indan and western picture will be taken tor the eastern theaters. The company has been operating a short time In Omaha and ha been pro ducing what Is called an "animated weekly." When In full : operation In Omaha cltlsena need not be surprised on occasonally seeing a crowd of people running down the main street, climbing In window of private residence, running through private lawns and cutting other uch didoes, for after It is established the company probably will branchrout Into this kind of picture production."" The officers of th new concern are: I, C. Buell, president; Charles M. Plain, vice president; F. G. Hartman, general manager; ,W. H. Church, secretary, and A. C Hartman. treasurer. " ' i These men are nowlhtefrested in the OmahakFlim company. ; ; ' Omaha MaU Carrier Gets Fiti'e Promotion George J. Kleffner, who has bee In the postotroe service here as cajrier and clerk' for a number of years, han Just been appointed assistant superin tendent of malls. Some time ago Tostmaster Wharton asked to have him transferred from the force of carriers to clerical work in or der that he might use him for the work of assistant superintendent This was granted. The tllte of assistant superin tendent has Just been' bestowed on him by order from Washington. The postmaster speaks In hlKbest term of the work of Mr. Kleffner, and says that after coming In contact with him for three months in this new capacity, he feels he has made no mistake In se lecting him a one of hi o;;iu!al family. District Judge Day Returns Beardless Judge George A. Day of the district court who ha ben sojourning at Los Angeles and Long Beach, is back in the court house Introducing himself to scores of friend. ho didn't know him. In a Los Angeles barber shop the Judge left the full beard which he hud worn for nearly thirty years. ma A Beautiful Complexion May St Yr$ In Ttn Dayi N a din n la ' CREAM The CcmplMdon Beautifler ., ' - ' I" V Vndaud Endorttd By Tktiuditds NAD1NOLA' banishes tan, tallown, freckles, pimples, liver -spots, etc. Extretna cues twenty day. Rids pore and tissues oi iniiurUies, leaves the kin clear, soft, healthy. Direction and uarantit in package By toilet counters or mail. Two sizes, 50 rents and $1.00. " ' NATIONAL TOILIT COUrANY. tmrti. Tmm, v " . ...--oCtmj.i! vnt C.. owl Ur to"'ui harmacr. Hrvar4 Pbmtr. ettA . -.. ..'. i ''.'' .!' Mesdames George Tunnicliff, F. W. Carmichael. Roy Ross, unaries o. Kicn. Dodds, w. tj. nnoaaes, . A. W. Hunt. G. W. Johnston. E. E. Klmberley, Mr. W. O. Henry entertained twenty guests at luncheon Thursday at the club. The Harvest Home dinner at Happy Hollow Thursday evening will be one of the most popular events at the club this fall and about 209 reservation nave been made for dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Uhl will entertain the largest dinner party. Their guest wlU be:- . ' - Mr. and Mrs. Miltm Uhl. " ' - , ' Mr. and Mr. David Cole.- 1 Mr.'and Mrs. Charles Wright. ' Mr. and Mr.. F.. R. Streight, Mr. and Mr. D. E. McCulley, Mr. and Mr. Thomas A. Fry 1 Mr. and Mr. J. H. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rlsson. ' -Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Mllroy. - : - , Mrs. Herbert Hay of Stella, Nb. . Miss Katherine Miiroy. Mr. Harry Roger. , - Mr. Mel Uhl, jr.. .;'. , At the Reld Club. :; V Mr. F, E. Sanborn was hostess at a whist luncheon at the Field elub xnura- day. Play started 'at W o'elock and luncheon was served at 1 o'doca . Tnoee present were: Mesdames C. K. Coutant. j. W. Chadwlck,' Mary I. Creigh. T. M. Orr. John N. Baldwin. L. A. Gamer, E.,W, Gunther, E W. Yates.' 1 Mesdames ' F. W. FHsgereld, Frank Colpetser, 8. S. Gibson, t Daniel Sargent A. H. Fuller, George Haverstlck, . V. Sholes. F. E. Sanborn. un J. J. Sullivan had eleven- guests at luncheon and Mrs. J. Kelly four guests. Misses. Anna, SIoup. Margaret Hruby, Anna Hruby, Rose Lank, -Mayme Lank. Maria Ostronlc, Misses Kitty Hynek." Frances Kryeek, ! Katherine Btary, Anna Stary, Agnes Sloup. Mamie Sloup, " : Mrs. EmU Verdlk For the Future. Mr. and Mrs. H. Rachman will be at home Sunday evening at their home, 163 Lothrop street in honor of Msr. N. Raohman and her daughters. MIsse Dorothy and Esther Raohman, who leave soon for California to reside. Personal Gossip. - Mr. and Mrs. Knut Lundberg announce the arrival of a son, who wa born Wed nesday. "..'( In and Out of the Bee Hire. Mr. and Mrs Jerome Magee left this week for their ranch In Wyoming. Mr. M. T. Patrick ha returned from Europe, where she spent the summer. Mr. . Charles ; H. Brown has returned from Wyoming, where he spent the um msr. . . '. Miss Portia Sweet ha returned from Europe, where she spent the cummer in Pari and Berlin. Mr, J. G. McBride is back from a month spent at Glenwood . Springs and other Colorado resorts. Mis Ella Mae Brown has returned from a visit with Mrs. M. T. Evans at Teepee (Lodge, Wyoming. Mrs.' Catherine Rahn Heyden has re turned home from Minneapolis, where she spent the summer visiting friends. ; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Llndell and Mr, and Mr. Ernstrom of near West Point Neb., are visiting 1 with Mr, and Mr. C. H. Krelle for the week-end. : Studies Commence ; 'at BrownellHall Bownell Hall opened yesterday with over 100 pupils, more than ever before In the history of the ohool. Chapel exercise were held In St Matthias' church by Rev, George- South worth, after which classes were called and the girls, big and small, settled down to the year's work." Pupils received their books and registered for classes Wednesday. f ' .'' Th new Instructor ar: Alio Pain, Wellesley college, assistant instructor In English; Helen Brugger, Mount Holyoke college, violin, botany and soology; Caro lina Glenck, German , schools, German. Eunice Pilchard, Wellesley, secretary to th principal, Mis Johnson, IS also a new comer. : Are the Authoritative Corset Styles Commercial Club v to Have Call Boys ' An Innovation In convenience for . mem ber of th Commercial club will be th Installation in th new quarters of a club directory, by which It may be told whether a member Is In or out of the club rooms. A -device at the side of each name In this roster may be adjusted by the member so that a person looking for him mar be able to tell at a glance at the board whether or not he 1 In the club room. Call boy also will be em ployed at the new quarters.' FRECKLES Don't Xld TluO 'With a Tell; BaaoT 3rttm With th Vtw Drug, i An eminent kln specialist recently Discovered a new drug, othlne doubl strength, which is so . uniformly suc cessful in removing freckles and giving a clar, beautiful complexion that It 1 sold by Beaton Drug Company under an absolute guarantea to refund th money If it fails. Don't hide your freckles under a veil; get an ounce of othlne and remov them. Kven the first night's us will show a wonderful improvement, some of th tighter freckles vanishing entirely. It Is absolutely harmless, and cannot,) In jure th most tender skin. Be sure to ask Beaton Drug Company for the double strength othlne: It la this that is sold on the money back guarantea TH OMXKA SAXXT BBS, ' Wednesday, September 18, ma. 7 Clothing Theft System ' is Probably Stopped in r Bogus Cleaner's Arrest , Clothe thefts accomplished by a method of confidence are believed to hav been stopped in the arrest of M. Lj Bowman who conducted what wa purported to have been a tailoring and cleaning establishment at 1708 Leaven worth atreet. - Bowman is believed to be the man who haa been making a thorough and sys tematic canvas of th city, oljcltlng pressing and cleaning work, and In this way he. ha secured hundreds of dollar' worth of wearing apparel. A far as 1 known, none of th cloth ing thus secured has been returned. Bow man arrest wa accomplished by De tective Rich, who only recently became . a member of the force and who was de tailed to catch th culprit Call Douglas 2966 Or th for our identifi cation card, and you will not b among the unfortunate ' . Tailoring We Dye for You. ' NOTHING WB CAN'T DO A XEW FIRM. ; ; A NEW WAIT A New Firm A New Way modern equipment, moderate prices PROMPT, PRACTICAL. E You Have Tried the Rest, Now Try the Bett Success chemical Dry Cleaners We Call and Deliver Phone 2966 14th and Dodge i D T the the HE correct corset styles for Autumn and Winter dress can now he seen in every store. ' Be Sure You See the Warner Models. 1 Originated to accord with latest dress tendencies of coming season. New features and designs for every figure. Low hust and longer , skirts than ever; ' t ; The Height of Corset Excellence - 1 , You can form some idea of the style from the illustrations, hut you must see the corsets them selves to fully appreciate them. Then wear the proper model for your , figure 1 and, feel the Warner , standard of quality and comfort. ; 'i,ri-'i-'1::: ' Par :;i Pair A A . h f V n Sold Everywhere WW tO 0,UU Every Pair Guaranteed . Jrt''' "47 fit'' i. i U I I . G)sts less Bakes Better CA1JJMET DAKING POWDER ECONOMY"that one thing you are looKine ior in tneso oay$ of hieh living cost Calumet insure$ a wonder ful saving in your baking. But it does more. It imnrei wholesome food, tasty food uniformly railed food. Calamat it roadht right-to sell right to bak right. Ask oat of tbf million d women who us it-or ask your grocer. RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS I J , ' - ,' World Par Poo4 ExposIUoa. Chlcsata, HL ' r fuit Eipmltion, Fraoca, Msrch, 1812. wmSmkMlfSmS mnmwx xxxxxxxxxxxr xxxxxxxxxxx yvvvvvvvvvvvvv Make one plate of soup and use the rest when you want it. ;':;'- ::: DIAMOND n CONDENSED SOUP : It comes in the form of a powder, so you can use a part of a package and sava the rest any length of time. It is eay to make; just dissolve. in boiling water.; Order it today from your grocer. - "Omaha' Creatttt Hat Shop' "Italiano An extremely Hat of smart light weight appearance. having a heavy roll brim and wide band: of characteristic " ' Italian quality. Shown mixed . and slightly rough finish silver, Oxford and oyster grays, bronze anJ ttmtrlx and ollv. 90 and 96 Orderlni? by mall state are, height, weight and head size. CS7 9 d Auto Gloves $3 and $4 values ) Best .Quality Cape and Buckskin, made with . Ex tra Wide Gauntlets On -9 MR On Sale ; 919 - Sale4 Saturday Saturday, : Every Palr Guaranteed A Big Factory Stock Pur-; chase enables m to offer , this ' most extraordinary bargain. ' . ; See Them Satardaj Kayden's SAGE TEA WILL DARKEN FADED AND GRAY HAIR: Thr I nothing- new about the Idea of' u9ng Eage for restoring the color of the hair. Our grandmothers kept their hair dark, glossy and abundant by the use of a simple. -"Sage Tea." Whenever their hair fell out or took on a dull, faded or streaked appearance, they mad a brew of Sage leaves, and applied It to their hair with wonderfully beneficial effect. Nowadays we don't have to resort to the old-time tiresome method of gather lng the herbs and making the tea. This x Is done by skillful chemists better than w could do It ourselves; and all we have to do Is to call for the ready-made pro duct, Wyeth's Bag and Sulphur Half Remedy;' containing Sage In the proper strength ' with th addition of Sulphur. another nld-tlmo scalp remedy, . This preparation give youthful color and bsauty to th hair, and is one of th best remedies you can use for dandruff, 1 dry, feverish, Itching scalp, and falling hair. Get a fifty cent bottle from your druggist today, and you will be surprises at th quick results. All druggist aell It, under guarantee that the money will b refunded if th remedy, la not exactly aa represented. ' Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 102 So. Mth; 821 8o. 16th; 207 N. lth;. Mth and Farnam Sts. -! INSTANT RELIEF FOR GOLD IN THE HEAD AND CATARRH . - You furniththewa'tr end f fwrnieh th$ toup. - .-.: OMAHA SALES CO., DIOTRIB67tEL;.DOUGUS3686 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4 AAaX a 1 1 XX X YY i YY A AAAAAAAi , Ko. matter how miserable you ar wltb' catarrh or a cold in the head, noee stop ped up, throat aore, eyes running, dull pain In the head, dry cough, fever, foul breath,' Ely' Cream Balm wtll glv you Instant relief. ' It gets right at the root of the trouble, cleanses, heals and strengthens the raw, . ore membranes, stops the , nasty dis charge so that you are not constantly blowing the nose and spitting. In a few minutes after applied you can just feel It doing Its work of clearing the head, tha pain and soreness are relieved, th breathing becomes natural and the stuff ed up feeling is gone. This cleansing, healing, antlseptio .Balm' contains nO mercury, cocaine or other harmful drugsJ It 1 easy to apply, pleasant to use, and. never fall to give relief, even In the worst case. . " Never neglect a cold, and don't suffer th miseries of catarrh nor disgust your friends with your hawking,, spitting and' 'oui breath. Get a 0 cent bottle of Ely's' Cream ' Balm from your . druggist, and. start the treatment at once. You will find that It will be th best investment you: ev?r made, m '.' ", 32c This Coupon and good for tVj next number of ALL the lollowlngr magailneg; ' v Bznrzzw or betowi COBMOPOIITAK ; . : VZOTOSIaX BETIEW 1 4 . Address; Magazine Conpon Dept. Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb. v ; s 1