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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1912)
Map The Omaha Daily Looking Backward This Day in Omaha WEATHER FORECAST Fair; Cooler Tun An 41torll rags of each Uni VOL. XLI XO. 275. OMAHA, FRIDAY MUltXINO, MAY ;.. WU-TWELVK PAUKS. SIXliLK COl'V TWO CENTS. Bee TITANIC INQUIRY BEGINS IN LONDON Wreck Commissioner, Assisted by Five Assessors, Starts Investiga tion of Sinking of Ship. SWEEPING IN IIS EXTENT Twenty-Six Questions, Involving All Phases of Disaster Outlined. ALL INTERESTS REPRESENTED Hundred Lawyers and at Many Newspaper Ken in Attendance. SURVIVORS CALLED FIRST Who Retnraed om Laplaad Arc EmbIhI Model ol Tltaalc aad Maay Oaarte Are Among; Ike Exhibits. LONDON. May t-Lord Mersey, In hi capacity as wreck commissioner, and five assessor who will advise him In his ques tioning on the technicalities of nautical affairs, held this morning the first sea slon of the Board of Trade Inquiry into the loss of the White Star steamer Ti tanic. In point of interest to the public and the importance of Its resets on the laws governing the mercantile marine the In vesication promises to overshadow all previous tribunals of a similar character. From the series of twenty-six question- which the attorney general announced would be taken up It became evident that the Inquiry would cover practically the sama (round as the Investigation by the committee of the American senate, bu woold be conducted more In accordance with the procedure of a court of law and deal definitely with stated cases Eight questions. Sir Rufus Daniel Isaacs said, would relate to happenings before the casualty; six to warnings given to the Titsnic and the resulting precaution taken: ten to the casualty itself and con sequent events; one to the equipment and construction of the vessel, and the last to tin rules of the merchant shipping act. Model of Tltaalc. A twenty-foot model of the Titanic car. rylng sixteen miniature lifeboats and a big chart of the north Atlantic wers prominently displayed by the navigators. In front of the platform ahlch they oc cupied were seated 100 members of th bar, representing various Interests in volved, and 100 newspaper men. Tha only reference to the American In vestigation was Sir Rufus' announcement that owing to the detention of many wit nesses for the senatorial Inquiry In the United States the testimony would not be presented in a logical order. The seamen who arrived from New Tork on the Lapland were called first as witnesses to tha construction and aqulp- merit of the Titanic p Lord Mersey reee-rn Hee-T ho mas goan Ian, member of Parliament lor the North division of Wlgo, who appeared for the seamen's and firemen's union, and an at torney for the Merchants tarries Guild, and took under consideration the applica tion for representation of the Seafarers' union, the Ship Constructors' association and the mercantile officers' union. An adjournment was then taken. Proposed Scale for Anthracite Miners Rejected NEW TORK, May -Th full commu te of anthracite operators and miners this afternoon voted down the asrec ment that was mbmltted to them by the subcommittee of the operators and miners to settle the controversy over the ques tion of Increased wages and other ques tions in the anthracite region. The proposed agreement provided for fa-four-year contract, an Increase of H per cent, abolition of the sliding scale. In-: direct recognition of the union and other concessions to the miners, but contains no mention of a shorter working, day. NEW YOHK. Hay l-Wltllam Green acted as spokesman for the miners in place of President White, who Is 111. He said the miners were not prepared to ratify the plan. The operators Indicated that the agreement was acceptable to them and further stated that the whole controversy could be referred again to the surviving members of the anthracite commission. This proposition probably will be acted upon by the miners later. After adjournment of the Joint confer ence, Mr. Green and his associates hur ried away for a conference. 1 have nothing to nay now." Mr. Green said, "although there may be a statement later In the day " No date. It Is said, has been agreed on for a future conference of the two committee. The agreement, which has been approved by the sub-committee of miners, was signed by John P. White, president of the United Mine Workers; John T. Pempeey, John Fahy and Thomas Kennedy, while the members of the operators' committee who signed the report were 8. 1. Warriner, W. J. Rich ards, R A. Phillips and Morris William. BISHOPS ASSERT PBOGRESS SLOW Episcopal Address to Methodist Gen eral Conference Complains of Membership Gain. REASONS FOR MEAGER ADVANCE Less Than Two Per Cent of Addi tions During Period, CHURCH PRESS IS AT FAULT Lends Ear to Those Who Spread disaffection. DOCTRINES ARE NOT DISTINCTIVE Taw Little Kuipha.ia Betas Placed tpoe Thraa I se of Kvaagrllata and t'alllua- Pastors Bot a Condcmnee). Meaata lasjalry Hailed. NEW YORK. May l-Senator William Alden Smith of Michigan, chairman ef the aenate committee investigating ths Titanic dlaaster, announoed today that he would hold no public hearing during the two days he will spend In New Tork, but expects to Investigate chleliy the re port that news of the Titanic disaster reached New Tork Monday morning. April IS. The fact that the Titanic had sunk was announced Monday evening by P. A. 8. Franklin, vice president of the White Star line, who has testified that he did not learn of the vessel's fate untli a few minutes beiore the announcement was made. Mlala Finds Flfteea Hodlra. Th Western L'nlon cable steamer Mlnla. which hss been searching the scene of the Titanic wreck for bodies, is returning to Halifax with fifteen bodies and will dock Monday, according to a wireless message received here this afternoon by the White Star line. This means, offi cials of the line state, that the search for bodies has been abandoned for the present and may be postponed Indefinitely. s The Weather Italian Battleship Driven on Rocks by Storm and is Sunk CONSTANT 1NORI.E, May 2. -A dis patch has Iteen received here from Tunis saying that the Italian battleship Re 'mberto has been driven by a storm on the rocka and sunk at a point on the coast near Zuara. 4 The foregoing dispatch from Constan tinople has not been confirmed from any other source. The battleship Re I 'mberto has been engaged In convoying landing expeditions undertaken by Italian troops to Tripoli, j Built in 1887, the Re Vmberto carried 709 men. It was 400 feet lung seventy seven feet wide and drew tweuty-elght feet of water. Its armament included four 12-inch guns. Zuara la on the norttiweat coast of Tripoli near the Tunisian border. The coast in that vicinity Is dangerous. ChicagoJPap.ers Are "Delayed by Strike of Web Pressmen CHICAGO. May t-Early editions of Chicago afternoon newspapers were not printed today because of a dispute be tween the pressmen of Chicago Ntwa- paper Web Pressmen's union N . 7 and the Chicago local of the America 1 paper Publisher association. The difference arose on (he expi.-aflon of the pressmen's contract with the Hearst newspapers and the failure to agree on terms of renewals. Meetings of the executive committer of the Pressmen's union and Publisher. as sociation were held throughout the morning and hope was expressed that t!'e difficulty would be adjusted In .ir the later editions of the afternoon jis'-eis. Hole Torn in Warship by a Sailing Vessel LONDON. May 1-The British battle ship Empress of India was In collision with a German sailing vessel early today at Spltshead. The battleship received a gaping hole it Its side above the main deck, while the merchantman lost head gear and fore top mast. The K m press of I ndia was In m is - channnel In tow of the cruiser Warrior at the time of the cravh. The Empress of India was launched In 18N and la now classed as obsolete. It kept In the special reserve for emer gency use. It has about I4.0O9 tons. a displacement of Homer Davenport, Cartoonist, is Dead NKW TORK. May i Homer Daven port, the cartoonist, died today For Nebraaka Generally fair and cooler. For loaa Tnwtlled, with probably showers: cooler Friday In west and cen tral portions. Teatperatarce at Oataaa lesterday. Hour. Peg. a. m $2 a. m a 7 a. m. a. m. a. m. a. m 7; II a. m 71! 11 m 71 . 1 p. m. S p. m. X p. m. 4 p. m. dm. p. m. 7 p. m. 5 p. m. laeaparatlTa Lex-el K U1Z Highest yesterday at lowest yesterday 42 Mean temperature... Preripttatloa .us Temperature and precii-i&ucn tur-s from the normal: Normal temperature F.xcess for the day Total deficiency miky March I Normal precipitation rvftcleiK-y for the day Total rainfall since March 1... l-eficlency since March I Urflcleacr for cor. per, 5w. a 5 Zi MARION, IND- GOES "w " as t r. si iiiv.KAroi.IS. May t-Oltklsm of the condition which enabled the church to gain "less than S per cent in Its mem bership In the last year," and charges that the church press was being used "as a free forum by the promoters of disaffection," ware made In tha bishops' report to the quadrennial general con ference of the Methodist Episcopal church today. The report, known as the ''Episcopal Address,'' was signed by eighteen bish ops In this, and six bishops in foreign countries and Is regarded as the most important document to come before the conference, as it contains the bishops' recommendations for the future guidance and policy of the church. The report was read by Bishop Earl Cranston of Washington. D. C. Another section upon which the bishops have been at work since the Isst general conference at Baltimore four years ago will be de livered tomorrow. Net Ualn Only Two Per feat. j "In the last year." said tha report, "the church has made a net gain of but 65.000 which Is less than 1 per cent as the outcome of the year's activities and the outlay of many millions of dollars. The statistical paradox glares us out of countenunoe. It shames and humiliates us. What are honors of office worth In any army that does not win battles? No marvel that some are proposing to reduce the major generals to post duty and let the army dlssole Into antiquated tcelee- tsatlcal camps." This was s reference to a proposed limiting of the activities to a local dis trict of the bishops whose jurisdiction now Is uni.eraal. Some of the ressons for the meager growth, as set forth, were laid to a too strict application of the law of the churcn demanding that all member wno re move from a -given commun.ty without their church letters be dropped from membership, for tine year. "A fs'r calculation," tha report mid, "reveals the astounding fact flint prob ably not less than MO.OOo m-'mhers dis appeared from our rolls by recxlesa use of the 'dropping' process. Old Morlrlnre Partly Abandoned. "Nevertheless we still face patent fact that our distinctive doclilnes are not being emphasised as they were once. or, where preached, are discredited for tha time by a galnssylng world drunk with vain philosophies and saled with gluttlnnus Indulgences." Pleading for an emphasis on th) tlm tlve Wetleyan doctrines, the report said they were the only power to save the nation against vice. "Where Is the evidence thst science has ever regenerated one soul, or that culture has redeemed one I'lwrtine, or taken envy, malice, pride, Jealous or greed out of any heart. These utterances are not reactionary unlesa this wotlo has outgrown Jesus Christ. "Our second lapse la that our system Is not being worked aa It formerly was Certain distinctive parta have been aban doned, others modified. Innovations, nox. Ions to our pastoral aa well aa to our supervisions! methods, have intervene) to the .hurt of both." The report condemned the practice that was said to have grown ud in certain churches of calling In evangelists to carry on revival services as against the former custom which placed tha local pastor In charge of that work. "Calling" Pa.lor. la t'eadrmaed. Turning from this the report condemned the so-called congregational system of calling pastors for local churches, which was said to have become general In Methodism. Referring to discussions in the church publications the report said: "We understand the church maintain a press for the advocacy of her doctrines and the defense of her polity when as sailed, not as a free forum for the vagar. les of writers who measure all problems by their own dooryards, or to officially His First Uniform From the Cleveland Plain Dealer. RACTION BONDS ON MARKET Officer of Interboro Company Go East to Sell Them. BRANCH HIGHWAYS SUEVEYED Aa Soon aa Ike Honda Are l la nosed Of It la Raid Active Work M ill Be Htarlrd aa llolld laa Road. With a view of placing the bonds of the Nebraska Traction company President Peter Mangold and Oeneral Manager .: W. Baker leave for New York tomorrow Should Ihe bonds be sold building will begin soon. The Nebraska Traction company la th concern that has surveyed from Sioux City to Omaha for an Inierurban lln-. From a point north of Blair a branch line has been surveyed Into Fremont and another to Norfolk. Along these surveys most of the right-of-way has been se cured. I'p to this time all of the work has been done by the Baker Construction com. pany, which Is an auxiliary of the Ne braaka Traction company, and according to many of the leading railroad man bot'i are auxlllariea of the Milwaukee, which has adopted thia plan ot gettlna Into Omaha from tha north and out to thi northwest. Taft Speaks at the Butt Memorial Service at Augusta Al'Ol'BTA. Oa May J.-Preldent Taft and the City of Augusta paid tribute to day to Major Archibald Hull. I lie presi dent's personal aide, who was lost in the wreck of the Titanic. Augusta waa Major Hint s home and for several hours today business was prac tically suspended while memorial servlrea were conducted In a theater, flags were at half maat on most of tha public build ings and thousands of persons crowded around the theater anxious to hear i'reM dent Taft apeak. Senate Adds Eight Millions to Rivers and Harbors Bill WASHINGTON. May 7 -Carrying SMftM.OtO In addition to the apr-mpriHtlon provided for by the house, the rivers and harbor approw tatlm. bill, ajrcregttlrig X,rl..V. has been iir.fMl to by the sen ate rommlttt; on mi mere and will be reported In a few days. The lamest single Ingram- in the house mean u re was $::'V,Ui fT the MumIsmIppI river, making $t.0rtUHW for thai wnterwiy. Ammig the uppioprinllMns a Increased by the en.M committee: Missouri river, betMe.n Sioux City and Kort Benton. $,VUM; opposite Slnug t'lty, SfSAiiOO. Tht nppmptlatlon if $.UUm fur Chl cagti'a hiiibor v. Ill Ik available for use this year. pruxMH the eity ftoen its part In the preparation nf the harbor. It la regatdifd a the forerunner of a greatly Inn-eased appropriation for hivuk witter eonxti ui'llon to proiet t the proposed .WtiW I'hl- ago harbor. LOOKING UP CITY CHARTER South Omaha Officials Investigate Records at Lincoln. TERMINAL RAILWAY FIGURES House Passes Bill For Parcels Post On Rural Routes alatliH of Properly fur Taiatloa In Dtiwalaa C'oanlr erwea PrtKlv Pee Aaova Last ear. (From a Htaff Correspondent. l.l SCOi ,N, M y I -( Speelat. V- K. E. Hldaeway and A MM ant lty Attorney 8 U Winters of Booth Omaha were at the lapftol toduy looking up the record of the HnMih Omaha charter. The verdict of the rilstrlrt rotirt declaring Invalid the nectit.n nf the charter eitendlng the terms of city official,, haa cast a rtnud over the entire charter and there la a uuestlon whether the name retiaona which operated to render this section Invalid operate against the entire Instrument. Messrs. Itlewav nd Winters are going over the ret urd from the Introduction to the final jtafeag of the Instrument to aacertaln th fact, but as yet have not progressed far enough to be willing to express an opinion. It Is Imperative that the qties- tlon should le aettled at once aa the un certainty In hatting all public Improve metita and In various ways proving em barrasslnf to the city government. The city of Kearney achool district has i "sired tVi.0W worth of funding bond a. As the original Ismis Is tha property of the state the new on Is simply being el changed for Ihe old. fleeretary Mellor n ft he state fair board WASHINGTON. ar l.r-Iha .UtMoffece appropriation bill carrying approxlmaralyj K7fi,Ot. nou. was paNed by the noun f day, til to S. The measure carried ih addition to the appropriations neocenarv for the conduct of the department . num. her of radical additions. Among theaeiw,,,, '-.gaged today talking over matter! were federal aid for aood ruada. the mm. w,lh " lwo viatnri wno gave ex pulsory publication b newspapers, maga n""n at me rair last year, ina ooaro sines and periodical of the no me of!" "lanagera lias authorised contracting their owners and the eslahllMhmcM of a parcels poet In connection with the rural free delivery aervh. The good n:ad provision added bet w en f hi a n l SU.OnD.4mo to the appropriation and thU amount It I expected will be materially Increafcd In Ihe next poMoffiie mcaaure. Stabs Girl to Death and Cuts His Throat Tl'LSA. Okla.. May t-Arthur J. Col llean of rtttaburs;. Pa., lata today stab bed and killed Miss Belle Hopkins uf Tulsa and after culling his throat, lumped from a second story window and Is said to be dying. ColllCHn' csme here 10 accept a position as cashier of the local gas company. Colllaan, who haa been attentive to Miss Hopkins, Is said to have quarreled with her Just prior t his deed. Federal Sugar is Sued for Back Duties Boat Strikes Mine in Dardanelles and ' is Blown to Pieces CONSTA NTINOPI.K, Mar i.-A email tus; boat which was enK'taed In InffpectlnK I Ihe channel btinya In the liardanetles last nlKht fouled a mine and was blown to ple-e. Kour officers, twelve solllrs snd all the members nf the crew of the tug perished. this "one'lon the promoters of disaffection. ! city of pneumonia. Mr. Davenport had w h" woul1 not reatraia dignified ' 73! been working on the Hearst newspapers In this city. He waa M years of age. WINNEBAGO CITT, MINN.. May 1- s?: WINNEBAGO CITY BANK S, CLOSED BY EXAMINER at Kl mi The Hank of Commerce of this dty was it closed today by tha state bank examiner I and accountants are at wrork na the "b""! '- w- Parker, vice president of 2) M the Institution, la said at have left the 44 city on Friday, after having cashed. It iia reported, a Bank of Commerce draft ja this city. Vntll tha accountants retort I; It will not be known whether a shortage i Igsei? i The hank Is canl tallied at $2.. Ulach 'hu surplus of U.' and deposits of . J 1 Inches ria.tTSX ilnch t ' .M inch , Temp, High- Rain. J P m. eat. fall. u Station aad Ktata of Weather. Cheyenne. rioidy... tavvenport. eiear Iienver. at. cloudy.. Ita Molnea. clear., Imige City, cloudy.. I-ander snow North Platte; dear Omaha, clear Puehlo. clear Rapid CHy. clear.... Salt Laka City, cloudy... 44 Baata r e. cHr (4 Nhendan. clcudy a Sloex city, clejr Vaieatiiie. clear n T iodicatea trace ot predpttarlow. U AV WtLiU. lca jroracasti and legitimate dlscuaslon of proposed amendments .or reforms, wa deprecate the admission of Ill-considered and Intem perate criticisms tf our polity or churcl agencies." One of the proposals before this con ference Is that the bishops be placed In definite charge of the work In the terrf lory adjacent to their episcopal resi dences. On this point the report said: "We ask the fixing of two or three more episcopal residence in this country at strategic centers. With these addi tions we believe that areas for Episcopal supervision can be so related to the resi dence cities as to meet the express de sire for continuous oversight by resident bishops without any Infroltion of the restrlitive rule." NEW YORK. May t-Sult agaln't he Federal Fugar Refining f-omiany for III. 000 was filed by the government In the federal district court here tod y. Tl e amount represents alleged back duties on Importation of sugar entered at tl.e customs house between IVC snd luu.. a difference due to the recently it. ov red errors in the original liquldat-d welgit'.s. Through an error In Ihe drafting i f a paper It appeared tfiat the suit was tor full value Instead of back duties. NEBRASKA Wll.l. ASK CHASGEf rlaas . T4 . 4 . 7 . 1 . K . 7 . C . X . c .aid la Hare Ft esees Mrraed ( Oar. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. May l.-ic pa rte! Correspondence. I The Oeneral con ference nt t ), U.ikn. i- , . , Hvtav In vain tried the Annrm nt k I . r.wroiau DRY IN SINGLE NIGHT! MARION. Ind . May t-The thirsty I 4 m K M 2 73 e. ; ty-one saloons of this city. They were -J; j cloned t,y recret vttunury sg'eement fil- oi Iw,nf ' deC.rl.jn by the Indiana supreme 's court by which the "drys'' of Kokomo .to (shut up twenty-one saloons there. This - ruling wag thst an option election board .'go . eouM Dot legally recount the vote and T bad power only to tabulate returns. Tha . Marlon situation u similar to that ta . Kokomo and the saloon keepers here de- Homestake Mine Boss Killed by a Cave-In LEAD. g. IX. May t-ln a rave-in on the TOJ-foot level of the Homestake mine last night. Jack Sheridan, one of the old- time shift bosses of the company, waa killed, and A. L. Ryan, a miner, sertoualy Injured. Bhertdaa waa M years old and naa oeen employed try tne company thirty years. He leaves a widow and several children. Ismay Sails for Home on Adriatic NEW YORK. May 2,-J. managing dt ret tor uf tiie International Mercantile Marine, failed for hia home In KnKlatu! todiy on the Wliitc Htar liner, Adriatic Mr. Inmay aatd he hhm out an' I that there K,a tiotliim; to add t hlK teistfniony rcardiiiE ttie Titanic riinaatfr that he pae the senile Inveathsatinir eommltlct-. CINCINNATI BANKER IS PLACED UNDER ARREST CINCINNATI. O,. May 2.-E. K. Gal. breath, fm mer prenldent uf the Gerund National hank of thta city. a arieated here today by a Cnlicd States marshal ii with a in torn, hut Mr. Mellnr has net yet ehweil. with any nf thofte who wlah to come here. I nut plain aa I'bnne Hate. The stale Halfway eommtaaton and Ivea of the I Hind y County Ti-lt nhune cunitwny were In conaultatlon today roiicernlnx complatnta from pub ftcrlhera. It haa been charged that dlf feient ratea for almllar service. The com pany la preeentlng a plan to equalise I hem. Water for Iretaatlna. RfpfrtM from the weatern portion of the Mate mhere there are Irrigation dltrhe indicate there will he plenty of water In Hie Ml ream to supply the needa of Irrigators. The anow haa been very heavy In the mountain which form the source of supply of the Platte river, and tn other d tat rids which obtain water from streams which rise In the pratii s country and depend on springs to main tain the ftow the heavy Hnowfalt of th Utte stprlng Is depended on to keep up the Mijjply, In the southwestern portion nf the state, which has been the greatest sufferer from jKwir rnfpa last year and a I no In mmie previous seuaonw, aJI re Urine Iinay. Jpfirts from the nonlrrlgaled portion Indi cate a bountiful harvest. Former Secre tary cf State Junk In waa at the capltol today and reports that In all hla experi ence he nevr saw a better proa pert !n that s-ilon of the ntute. oM H atcerd liysiera. C. V Thornl -n of Falls City pleaded iButlty to selling oysters which had been watered, atnl iaid a fine of M and costs. .vrrsr to Break. fivernor Aldiich goes to Nellgh to morrow where he delivers an address before the teachers. Severn! additional dates have been bonked for him recently, aa follows: Kearney. June to dedi cate the new building at the normal cho.l: July I, lUndoloh, address before BBEAK IN LEFEE PBODCCES PANIC jlnhabiUnU of Tomis, La., Make wild Bush for Safety from Mississippi. ALABM COMES AS SITBPEISE Domeitic Animali in Stampede. When Turned loose. WOMEN AJTD CHILDREN ON TRAIN No Lost of Life Keported. but Some Fatalities Probable. STEEETS ARE SOON INUNDATED Law trea Will Be Flooded wit Water froaa .Neve I ret iw aad aa Uamaae will Aawaal I Illtlla. a. TORRAS. La.. May l-WomeB screaming and men shoullng as they hur rlel Into their hoinea and seised their children and valuables In their mad effort to reach places of safety, and tha stain, iwdlng of animals turned lonse by their owner, to seek aafo places, were snmv of ina ctiaotlo conditions tliat prevailed In Torras last night when the alarm waa sounded tliat the levee at tha Junction of Old and Mississippi rivers had given way. Aitnougn It had been known that av. eral weak spots had developed. IllUe at tention had been paid to this by tha clti- sens of Torres and they were caught un prepared. Within a few minutes after . the break had become known tha towns people were In panic. Maturity Hearh gafrtr. Before the streets wsia entirely sub-, merged a majority ot tha inhabitant) -eiad reached placea of safety. Three hundred women and children wens placed aboard a freight train which had Just arrived In Torraa Theaa were taken to a point lielow here. No loaa of life haa been reported, but It la feared some fatalities may occur la the Interior, aa the water la rushlne through tha country so rapidly that guffl. rlrni aarnlng may not have reached those living In districts remote from wire communication. food supplies hsve been massed near Torraa hy tha government In anticipa tion of a break here and those In char.. of the work are preparing to five relief to eu.wi people In this vicinity. I oat let raraa Ploeded. The second line of levee protecting th hlg state convict plantation from the Mississippi river at Angola, La., broke this arternooa 'and within a short time the (.oro-gere plantation was inundated. The slste recently completed a sugar refinery on tha Angola plantation and this will be flooded. News that the engineers had given up all hope of rinsing tha Torraa flashed to every town on Ihe west side of tha Mississippi river within,. ' ny innes or me break. It means tha abandonment of thousands of homes In th territory smith of Torraa and property damage that will run Into tha millions. second Flood at (aire. CAIRO. III., u.y ..-Although many families have been driven from their homes during lha last week br th. a-. ond flood within a month, th churches of ralro will devote nrit Sunday's serv. Ices lo thanksgiving for the escana of in.. city from last month's flood. The MlMlsslppl was .! feet rfn .t Ihls point this morning, having risen on and two-tenths foet during lha last twen-ty-four hours. All residents of ihe drains, dl.irlri have left their homes and farmers of the lowlands have taken their famine. and stock to the hills. CONNECTICUT DEMOS INSTRUCT FOR BALDWIN BRIDGEPORT. Conn.. M,.v leut a four delegatea-at-large to the dchi ocratlc national convention were ekctc-l today and were Instructed to "use all honorable meaua" to sc ore the nomina tion for president of tlovrrnnr ibiM. In resolutions passed at the .late conven tion. An amendment maklnir liwilin Clark the dch-gatlon'a second choice was voted down. The five district conveii. lions also elect.-d delegate and uaiawin their first choice. made GERMAN AVIATOR KILLED BY FALL FROM HIS CAR UKRUX, Vlay !.-ordian lloesll. tht aviator, died here early today of In juries received lat evening In a fall fanm his monoplane. He was trying out hi machine and aa ninety feet from tha ground when he dropped. According u spectator lloesll was Jarred from hi seat when he turned a curve sharply. JUDGE BENNETT DIES SUDDENLY AT BOULDER ehini- .if mtiuinnlvirtif In fund ,f ihe tli N'drlhwi.,! VtaMnu i . ' ' JUOKB LnnM bank. The bank was rcvntly .llecovered ! elation; July 1 dedication of new build- i l,".' member to be in an rmbarra"! condition and Is j Inc at noimal school: July 4 at CurtK now being opetated hy members of the Willis K. Keed. deinm-rat. admits that Cincinnati Clearing House association. he expended Stlsi-7J lo further his ambl- After the bank was taken over by Ihe Hon lo he Tnlted Htatea senator from 1 cldtd not to go tcu court. nlrwr. May 1 In the Auditorium, with solemn I snd Inspiring eervi.-es. Blahoa Henry : White Warren, the oldest of the active bishops, pres ded. A table, gavel and chair were presented the bishop for use In the conference, the construct'oo of which was by t.'.e students of Morrison Normal and Induatrtal college, a colored retool at Morrlston. Tenn. The wood for the iContlniMd sa face TwoO The National Capital Taai-fttdar- Mar B t12. The ScbaU. Mt at noon- Rivera and harbor aiDrotrletion bill. fnereatted by over the houee tUf ur-a, aa aipeed to by commer'-e eom mittee and will be reported In a tw liaya. The House. MM at noon. Keaumed eonaideratlon nf pottf: office atv propiiatlon Mil mhkh naa amended .o provide S2.0QO for the neareet relative of each of the three AmrU-an ae poet mail cierka -n ta the JltMaic wrerly clearing bouae a new set of offleera waa placed In control. The warrant for (ialbreath'a arrest charged him with hjv in misappropriated funds of the hank te the amount of . Before beromlnic president of the Imc ond National bunk Oalhreath wae a fed eral bank examiner. OPERATION PERFORMED ON KIMMEL'S SKULL CHICAGO. May 1-The operation per formed yeaterdar on Andrew J. White, who Insists that he I the ml Mire George A. Krmmel of Nile, Mich.. Intended t relieve what wa thcught to be a bone pressure on his brain, was a success from medical viewpoint, the do-tors saH toda, but whether tt give to the man the memory he says he lacks to prove bit contention la et to be determined. The payment at JTXeTO fife Insurant e hinge on Lha Identity of White, wbi Klmmei'a mother and sister aaert la no, their reunite. Nebraska. Fred Volpp. who already had filed an expense account, writes to ask the secretary of stnte to add 96T.3) to the amount of a belated advertising bill. Wilber S. Walt, republican, land ram niiasmner, exiiended p. Kan V. Stevens, democrat, congress. Third district, noth Inw. Waraa Hotel Mea. Etale Hotel Commissioner McFadden haa lesued a circular to hotel proprietors ot the state warning them to get busy. If they have not already done so. and do soma spring cleaning and renovaUng. Hrlaara Salt. I. 8. Milllken. a nose wife and daugh ter were killed on a crossing of the Rock land road south of this city February i last, ha brought suit against the com pany for damages placed at S5.MO. The petition alleges that the child's foot waa caught In a cattle guard, which wa a part of the highway, and that tha child and the mother were run down and killed before the mother could extricate the child. It la asserted the place wa danger ous by reason of a curve la tha road of the Colorado bar. died at bl horn here today from apoplexy. Judge Bennett wa 71 year old. He waa born at Fort Washington. WU. He was elected to tot tate legislature In Missouri In 187a. In ISJ he came to Colorado. (Continued on Pace Two.) If you have a house or room for r en t, let the thousands of Bee readers know. Tyler 1000 4. av&sa&a.