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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1912)
The Omaha Daily Bee NEWS SECTION PAGIS flNE TO TEN. WEATHZB FORECAST Unsettled VOL XLI-XO. 276. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORXIXG . MAY 4. 19lL'-TWEXTV PA(iKS. ivurv mmv .r. ,vrx. TITANIC'S SPEED -BASIS OFjNQCIRY British Attorney General Outline Scope of Investigation to Be Conducted Into Disaster. SEAMEN'S UNION REPRESENTED lord Mersey Grants' Permission for Attorney to Take Part ' COURT TAKES GREAT INTEREST Precautions Against Wreck-Will Be Taken Note Of. WERE ICE WARNINGS RECEIVED f N amber of Lifeboats mm ( eaetrac lioa at Watertight Balkhrsda . Will Be (iaae lata Care-fall). LONDON. .My .-The attorney gen eral, sir Rufus Isaacs, today addressed The wreck commission which Is Investi gating the loss of the White Ktar liner Titanic, setting forth the facta as under stood by the government and laying -Kcisl emthajln on the evidence that a !eed of twenty-one knots was main tained after the warnings of Ice ahead had been received, right up to the mo ment of collision. When the court opened Lord Mersey, who heads the commission, granted per mission to President Lewis of tha Sea men's union and to an attorney for tha iminf Mercantile guild to participate in the proceedings. Tha union is a new organisation com- .rosed of I.OiiO Southampton sailors. Two hundred and twenty-eight of Ita members were employed on the Titanic and of 1hee only seventy-seven survived. The offict-rs of the Titanic were. members of t he guild. The Inquiry Is likely to ex tend over several weeks and will be dS' nted largely lo technical details. The court today displayed the greatest inierett In the warnings of lea which the Omanl liner C'aronla and the White tar steamer Baltic sent to the Titanic i n the day of tha disaster, April II. Lord .Mersey asked: "Am 1 right In supposing that It ran Into tha Ice region "Yea." replied the attorney general. Sir Rufua said that the Titanlc's cans city was 1,547 persons and that it car ried fourteen lifeboats, two cutters, four collapsible lifeboats, accommodating a total of 1.117 persona and l.&6 life belts. The vessel carried 1.31 paasengers and fl persona In Its craw. I It waa fitted with fifteen bulkheads and a number of water-tight doors, be ing designed to float In the event of any two adjoining- compartments being flooded, under which condition tha top of the bulkheads would be two. and one-half , 0T three fe.i above water. - i.nlmm at Trreaty-Oae'Kaaia. Tha Titanlc's speed,, the attorney gen eral said on April .14 was twenty-nni knots sit hour, which speed was never lessened up to the time of the collision. During that day the, Caronla and the Baltic had sent wireless messages to the Titanic slslltut thst li-ebergs. "growlers" and "fielders" were in Ita track. "Nevertheless." continued Sir Rufus, "after dark the Titanic ran right ahead at twenty-one knota an hour, the night being clear, but with no moon." He aald ha had served notice upon Kir Robert Ftnlay, chtrf counsel for the White Star Steamship company, who Is representing the line at tbe present In quiry, that the government considered this fact of extreme Importance so that Sir Robert might bring evidence to the contrary If he had It. Three Mala laaaes. Sir Rufus announced" that particular attention would be given to these three points: The Titanlc's speed after the warnings of Ice had been received; an Insufficient number of lifeboats for the persons car ried by the steamer; the construction of the water tight compartments, lie gave a detailed analysts of the num bers of saved and loat by classes and sexos. and indicated that he considered the dixportlonate number of first class passengers rescued should be a matter of Inquiry. - "One striking figure," he said, "la that all except five women of the first-class were saved or had an opportunity of being saved, some refusing to leave thetr hufbands. One fact that atanda out Is that a very large number or men of the first class were saved. It may be neces sary liter to analyse these figures more closely." Mr Rufus' statement took up the early session. The court has arranged to ad journ next Tuesday. Stars Boiler Exploded. NEW YORK. May t-Uanlel Buckley, who was a steerage passenger on the Titanic testifiedtoday before Senator William Aider Smith, chairman of the Initrd States senate committee Investi gating the cause of the Wreck, that a fireman who waa on the steamer, told him that the Titanic did, not. he believed hit an Iceberg, but that while trying to (Continued on Page Two ) The Weather Official Forecaels Forecast till T p. in. Saturday: For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity Unsettled, with probable showers to night or Saturday; cooler tonight and t rday. . Trseaesatws Hours. Deg. S a. m a a. m n a. m 47 a. m - " u - m 1 day welcomed the new apostolic delegate B - ito tne United States, Archbishop Gievaajii 1 9- SI i - P. m gj J P- m 44 Lecal Weather Hccstrd. mi- bil an, am Lowest lest sugM J ei S a Preclpttauoa 0 T . ) Normal temperature far todayj at de- Deficiency ta preclprtatloai since March L at si lach. Deficiency corresponding period, Ita. jt of aa Inch. Pefldeaey earraapeadlnf period, Ifta Mexico Deports Two Russians Accused of Trafficking in Arms MEXICO CITT. Mexico. May I -A sen sation was caused in the capital today bv the deportation from Mexico of A. Z. and Joseph Rattner, Russian subjects, presi dent and manager, respectively, of the Tampico News company and dealers in general merchandise, by application of the famous article SI providing for the banishment of "pernicious foreigners." The FUttners were accused of traffick ing In arma whh Zapatistas who are said to have been captured In some instances with arms and ammunition bearing the narks of the Tampico company. The Rattners were taken by a sub terfuge, without court process of any sort. It is said, and their families and associates of the two men were Ignorant for twenty-tour hours of the Rattners' whereabouts. Both men were called to police headquarters under the pretext of business transaction and as soon as they arrived were placed under arrest. They were given no opportunity to com municate with anybody and two hours later were escorted under guard to Vera Crux. Yesteiday the prisoners were pieced with the utmost secrecy on board the Grman steamer Oorcovado. which had arrived at Vera Crux from Hamburg by way of Hsvkiii, and the news of the de portations leaked out only w hen the. men were on the high seas. A. Z. Rattner, whose wife is an A men can. lived for some time in New York. Web Pressmen in nil inarm nn Sfvilroi uutvugu vu ajl1 irttji Papers Are Late CHICAGO. May t-The differences be tween the pressmen and the publishers of the principal Chicago daJllea today assumed the aspect of a determined con teat, although the prospect for a settle ment waa believed by some to be not distant. ' Limited editions of the afternoon pa pers were printed and carried from the newspaper offices by wagons under guard. The Newsboys' union sided with the pressmen and none 'of the papers ap peared on the usual street stands. The wagon drivers also took up the cause of the pressmen and difficulty was found In delivering the papers which were printed. One afternoon paper found Its motor delivery wag-one unfit for service, neces sary parte saving been taken from the mechanism, and hone-drawn vehicles were pressed Inte service. Humors of minor disturbances in the prsea rooms of different Papers were cur rent, but without exception were denied. Burning of Negro .., . in Pennsylvania ' ' Goes tlnpunisljed WESTCHESTER. Pa.. May t-The burning alive by a mob of Zach Walker, a negro at Coeteevllle. last August, after he had been arrested for killing a po liceman, probably will go unpunished. despite the unusual efforts made by the I state of Pennsylvania. j jury toauy orougnc in a verdict of not guilty In the case of l,ewla Oenl-. thorn, accused In connection with the lynching, and the commonwealth there upon naked for the acquittal of the five defendants yet untried, who were then dlacharged. Among them were Chief of Polled L' meted and Stanley Howe, a po liceman, charged with manslaughter and neglect of their duties. The commonwealth asked the acquit tals on the ground that It Was unable to obtain convictions because of the state of mind of the people of the county. Last fall six men ware acquitted by Juries. House Refuses to Cut Mileage Rates WASHINGTON, May 1-The house of representatives today declined by an overwhelming majority to cut down the mileage allowance lo members. During a debate on the economy program upon which the bouse has entered Representa tive Page of North Carolina Introduced an amendment to the pending legislative bill to reduce the mileage from cents mile to S cents, former Speager Can non led the fight against the reduction, declaring the existing rate was barely sufficient to pay the traveling expenses of a representative and his family, on vrva voce vote there were very tew "area" for the amendment, but ' an abounding chorus of "noes." MRS. CARGILL CHARGED WITH HUSBAND'S MURDER MEMPH1S, Tenn...May J. -An Indict ment charging murder In the first degree waa returned against Mrs. Olive Cargill here today after Investigation of tbe death of Bailey T. Carglll, whose body waa found In hla bedroom last Monday. Both Cargill and his wife come of ' wealthy Collierrllle. Tenn . families. What mo tlve tbe prosecution will alkge the woman to have had to slay her husband has not been explained. In a statement issued through her law. yer Mrs. Cargill declares her husband said he would kill her and himself and commanded her to bring a pistol. She says she secured the weapon and shot Cargill to death. APOSTOLIC DELEGATE WELCOMED TO NEW YORK NEW YORK. May 1-A notable gain ertng of Catholic clergy and laymen to- BoBxanL when the steamer Koenia Albert reached Ita pier. - Archblahep Bonxanl waa greeted en b haif of Cardinal Farley, to whose reel denee he waa taken from the dock, bv Mgre, Hayes and Lavelle. who were ac companied by Arehbtehep Prendergaat of Philadelphia. AirhbteBoa McCeart and Mgr. Bonaventara Zerrlttt auditor of Papal legation at Washington, who has been acting aa papal delegate since the departure of Cardinal Falconio, WOULD ABOLISH STRINGENT RULE Methodist Bishops in Supplementary Address Recommend Important Change in Church Discipline. JOHN WESLEY'S PLAN BETTER Matter Should Be Left to Con tciensea of Individual Christians. AMERICANS TOO ADVANCED Churches Cannot Enforce Bules Restricting Amusements, TURF AND TEE STOCK MARKET Address Says 4 harcb Has Never At tempted ta Fix Point Where . 4-aashler Beraasea Reepeet able Bsaiaeaa Mai, MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. May S,-"The American people are too far advanced longer to be restricted by church rulea aa to w-hat their amusements shsll be. The rule piohiblting dancing, card playing, gambling and going to theaters, circuses and horse races therefore should be abol ished." This Is the gist of a report presented today to the general conference of the Methodist Episcopal church todsy by the Board of Bishops. In recommending this radical change, the twenty-four active bishops stipulated that the church, however, should not be indifferent on these subjects, but that the people ahould be left to Judge for themselves what J right or wrong amusements, having before them only the injunction of John Wesley, which forbids "the taking of such diversions as can not be taken In the name of the Lord Jesus.' ne bishops declared the church reiter ated Its opposition to theater going and gambling, but tha rule In force since 1ST: could not fix a point between "the turt and the stock market." The bishops' report was delivered Bishop Earl Cranston of Washington, O. C, and It formed the second section of the episcopal address, the first half of which had been given the day before. Wesley's nan la Belter. "We would Joyfully acclaim the day when every Christian would abstain from the amusements which have been prohib Ited, but we cen't repress our conviction that Wesley dealt more wisely with the danger. "The bishops therefore recommended g return to the consistent treatment this subject by Wealey- and the mar earnestly kevause we are dealing with, the American people and the lnteillfsaca of tne twentieth tgijtury, j "Aa a church we cannot approve dan cing and theater going. - They ant dues tlonable amusements Te us. as to eat eral-of our sister churches, they who Jus tify these amusements aa consistent with the spiritual life, seem to manifest a de plorable lack of spiritual perception. Again we stand unitedly against gambling and we recognise clearly that It Is the same sin In Wall street that-Jt la In the lowest resort, but we have never ventured legislatively to fix the point where the race track gambler, passing from the turf . to the stork market be comes a respectable business man eligible to church membership and the chairman vf the board of trustees. "In our absolute helplessness before this question we must continue to allow the World to suspect that the larger the stake and the more reckless of public wealth the gain, the less the victim's crime, provided the winner pays tithea to religion or benevolence. tAlfcE Or" BLACK MAS COMF.H IP 'saaslsaloa A p Rotated te Ceaalder ' Keeda of Near I kerrkea. MINNEAPOLIS). Minn.. May l-(lne-clal Correspondence. -The order of busi ness at the opening of the second day of the Methodist beneral conference war the calling of the roll of conferences to give opportunity to report Items of bust neea to be acted upon Immediately or to be referred to committees. When Mis- slsslppl conference waa reached !ing. Began to happen. " This la a colored con- terence. Rev. William W. Lucas (col ored) of that conference Introduced resolution asking that a commission be appointed to look-into the needs and note of progress of the 3M.O90 colored members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and to formulate some plan for their better episcopal supervision. This comm eslon to report to the general conference a week from today. Instantly everyone knew that the cause of the black man was be fore the conference. The Rev. Mr. Lucss spoke eloquently for his resolution aa did Rev. I. Garland Penn (colored) and others. The main contention In support of the resolution waa that with white bishops to oversee colored work, the bishop does not come Into direct con tact with the real life of the negro. It Is urged that a colored, man who can share the humble home of hla black brother and who will tide In the "Jim crow" cnarh with Mm. la needed. The white bishop dislikes to mingle freely with colored people and even if he were entirely willing he would be severely criticised by the southern white people. Bishop Thomas' B Neery la the 'only Methodist bishop now stationed in the black - belt. His episcopal residence !s New Orleans, but he has been there ven- little because of the effect of the climate on hia wife's health. Mrs. Neely died in ew orleana a few months ago. ( There la undoubtedly ' strong aaitatlan for a colored bishop and aa tbe resolu tion Introduced by Dr. Lucas prevailed It la thought by many that the negro Methodists are about to win their battle of years. It waa noticeaMe haf th colored leaders advocating tbe measure were men or no mean order and some of them would rank .with the beet eralors In the conference. Bishop Scott (colored). missionary bishop to Africa, was osoted i loamy aa saying that unless the colored people were granted a bishop of their own race here In America be favored their withdrawal from the Methodist Episcopal church and tbe uniting of ail ranches of colored Methodism Into one church with their own leaders. EpUeepel Address aeaertwaiary. At 11 O'clock today Bishop Karl cran- (Continued on Fifth Pagcj Squash Cer sses the Political Situation From the Washingtoa Star, EIGHT. .PERSONS 'DROWNED Levee Breaks Rear Morganza, La'., , , and Floods Town. 4N0THEB BBAX AT BAYOU SABA Water la l a ta the Telegraph Wlree at Terrae and t ossasaefratloa wltk the Tews la Neve Cat Off. NEW ORLEANS. May S.-Elght persons were drowned this afternoon when Mississippi river levee near Moraansa. La., broke, flooding tha aurroundiaa mini. try. Bayos Kara FloodeM. BATON RtiLuK. La.. May l-The Ml- slsstppi river protection levee in front of Bayou Sara, La., broke today.. According to the report here tl)ere is no chance I? save tne town from Inundation. Torres l-ader Water. NEW ROADS, La.. May l-The yellow waters of the Mississippi river todsy are sweeping througs a 1000-foot breach In the levee at Torres In ever x Increasing torrent. It Is difficult to estimate th financial loss which must come to the whole of one paiish-polnte Coupe-and parts of severel others, but It is certain it will be hundreds of thousands of dol lars. The sugsr cane, cotton, rice and corn crops, which were well advanced will be a total loss, and the loss of live stock will be heavy. -rorraa was practically cut off from wire communication last night, the water having buried the cross-arms on the tele graph poles. Special trains were. run between New Roada to a point near Torres last night to bring out refugees. Hundreds of peo ple forced from their homes by the water were picked up at several stations and brought to New Roads, but many re fused to leave, preferring to take chances with th water. In every direction farm ers could be seen herding live stock to the levees. Ne loss of life has been reported In the new if flooded area, but many stories of thrilling escapee are coming In. and Is known that ecoree of persons still are In danger. talians Say They . Killed 300 Turks PARIS. May 1 -General Relroll. com- mending the Italian forces to the east of the city -of Tripoli, according to !n formation received here through an lta. n source, hss raptured the TurkWi po sitions at I .eon's, after a lively combat. The Turks resisted fiercely and Inst mn men killed. Eight Italians were klllc! and fifty-seven wounded. TOMORROW The Me$t Colored Comics . iikhTht Sunday Bee ' "Y, . , y 1 J J I .11 1 - I teX.W .. sl,h.. l I The National' Capital Friday, May a, 11, Tne Senate. Met at 11 M a. m. Resumed debate on workmen's com pensation bill. Hetiator Reed continuing i. n avMinei ine measure. Henresentatlvea of indenenrtent Infer. ests before internreanlc canals committee vignroiieiv oppneen railroad-owned ships uaina raimma canal. Tne House. Met at II a m. Beeumed consideration of legislative executive and tudirtal annrWnHminti kin I'rtrins bill to rieate a Porto Rlcan de. paruncm oi agriculture and labor, San tlaao iKleelas told Insular nrfalis com millee that Porto Hicn'e welfare had nvanran more since American acqulal tlon than in previous years. Representative Hull inlitMlin-ed bill tn prevent government employes from par ll'll'Sllns n presidential campaigns. Representative Mann criticised demo cratic economic policy. Kentilcklans llraed hill tn annrnnrtate for purchase of timber lan.l over Mammoth cave and advocated Its acquisition as a government nark. Skeletons of Men of Prehistoric Race Found in Wisconsin MADISON, Wis., Msy l-Kxamlnallon of a score of skeletons discovered fn mounds at Luke Delavan and Lake Lawnfaim was declared today to Indi cate that a hitherto unknown race of men Inhabited southern 'Wisconsin ages ago. Informstion of the characteristics of the skeletons was brought to Madison todayj , oy. Attorney Maurice Morrlssey of Dela van and Charles E. Brown, curator of the State Historical museum, will make a further Investigation. The heads are very much larger than those of sny people which Inhibit Amer ica today. From directly over the eye aorkets, however. the head slopes straight back and the nasal bones pro trude fsr shove the cheek bones. Tho jaw bones are long and pointed, re sembling those of en ape. Skeletons, supposed to be those of women, had smaller heads, which were similar In facial characteristics. The skeletons are Imbedded In char coal, from four to ten feet deep, and covered over with layers of baked clay? designed. It is believed, to ahed water from the sepukher. Jack Knife Used to Amputate Thumb siorx FALi,s. s A Jackxnife served as a surgical in- strument when Joseph Olson, s home steader living in Tripp county, had the misfortune to have the thumb of his right hand badly mangled by being accidentally struck by a sledge hammer. A small por tion of the thumb was so nearly taken off that amputation -waa completed' with Is Jackknlfe In the hand of Bernt Peder. I son. a neighbor. Olson then was hurried to a ' physician, who found It necessary . to amputate the injured thumb Just above ! the first Joint. Cison and Pederson were j engaged In building a fence when Olson without noticing whst he jras doing let ' the thumb slip to the top of a post Just ' aa Pederson struck with the sledge ham ' mer. Peiss-aer Jamas le Death. GLOBK. Aril . Msy I While crossing the "Bridge of Sighs" between the county Jell and the court house to receive sen tence for murderous assault todsy, Frank Ballant leaped over the ratling and Brassed forty feet to the ground below. CAMPAIGNING IN MARYLAND Colonel Roosevelt Making; Speeches from Special Train. . TAFT WILL SPEAK SATURDAY President Will ftpead nay 1st Tear f the ktate and A as rose Tere Maht Heellnaa la 4 lly ef Had I laser. 8ALI81II nv, Md., May 3-Colon-l Roosevelt carried his fight for the pros! dential nomination Into Maryland today, beginning at Hallsbury. - Ha apoke here this morning to several thousand persons at an outdoor meeting and received a cordial greeting. Colonel rtnoaeevit sajd he felt he had the right to come to this pert of the country lo make his appeal, aa he be lieved the present contest to be greater than a mere paity struggle and that tt waa one In which he waa entitled to the support of men of all parties. He re peated hla statement that the present campaign was a "straight line-up" be tween the political bosses and the people. The colonel left Salisbury by special train for the remainder of the dayt tour, which will take him through east ern Maryland . anil Wilmington. Del. From Wilmington he waa to go to Havre De Grace for a speech, and thence te Baltimore to make an addreaa tonight. He le to remain over night In Baltimore. "The man who pava a bribe for a vote and the man who takes a bribe are both of thrin guilty of high treason to the republic." said Colonel Roosevelt In his speech here. , Vote Hellers llewewnred. "The man who sells his vote." aald Colonel Roosevelt, "Is. not only a traitor to himself, but he Is a traitor to the cause of safe government. I wish thst all good citizens would Join together to see that there la no corruption at the primaries. I ssk every decent color! man In this stste to see to It that ho colored man aells his vote In this pri mary. I'nscrupulous white men are will ing to debauch the colored man. taking advantage of his needs. The colored man who sella his vote Is doing Immeasurable harm to his own race. "If any men attempts to purchase vote in my Interest. I'll take more trouble to 'cinch' him than anyone else. I don't want to win unless by straight methods, but I'm bound to see that our opponents don't win by crooked measures." Taft Will speak Katsrdsy. WASHINGTON. May i-Presldent j Taft. nt unilne frum Savannah and j Augusta. tia. . reached Washington i shortly after o'clock thla morning. Ha j will spend the day In hla offices and to D May S. (Special ) j morrow go Into Maryland for a day's campaign prior to the primaries on Mon day. President Taft will apend a busy day tomorrow campaigning In advance of th Maryland presidential primary. He will leave Washington early, In the morntnc and make speeches at Havre De Grace. Aberdeen and one or' two other points, returning to Baltimore to make addresses before two meetings there Jn the evenmr. SAYS ATTORNEYS TAKE FEDERAL JUDGES FISHING WASHINGTON. May X "Federal I Judges are under suspicion of being in league with big business." said Senator Aehurst of Arizona during a debate on the workmen's compensation bill In the senate today. "That la because railroad attorneys and presidents take them fish ing. Let me take tbe judges fishing and I cars sot who makes the laws." PEACE EXPECTED IN COALJISPUTE Mitchell Confers with Representa tive of President White of Union is New York. AGREEMENT LIKELY TO COME Will Decide What Action to Be Taken at Once. MINOR POINTS NOW IN ISSUE Baer Says Committee Now Holds Different Position. CONVENTION MAY BE CALLED, Operators Will Rrfsse ta Cesstder Mailer Farther latll Mea vlte Direct ea Artlaa af Their ' aahceisBsslltee. ' NEW YORK. May J-John Mitchell, former president of the United Mine Workers of America and now vice presi dent of the American Federation of Labor, st Uciivted today In the denb rratlons of the anthracite mine workera, represents! tvee over the course to pur sued In dealing further with the oper ators for Increased pay, recognition of " Ihe union and other changes not Included In the tentative agreement rejected yes terday by the Joint conference of oper ators and miners. . Mitchell ( eaters with .rea. Mr. Mitchell conferred with William Oreen of Ohio, who represents President John P. White of the miners, and with the district presidents. None of the con ferees would discuss the deliberations, but each expressed the opinion that an agreement would be reached. Immediately upon the adjournment of this conference executive boards of ths miners' organisations In the three anthra cite districts' committee, comprising thirty-two members present held a meeting. Mr. Oreen said Ihe object of thla meet ing was to decide whether the miners would hold a conventon lo pres upon the tenlatve agreement or aak for another conference with the operators It waa expected thst the meeting would last well Into the afternoon, , Mr. Baer told the miners yesterday thai he considered the full committee of miners were morally bound to aland by the action of a subcommittee and that until the matter had been submitted to a referendum vote of the miners the full committee Is In no position to. ssk further concessions from the operators. Meanwhile the suspension of mining lo the hard coal region is continued. fWreeentatlves. ef the anthracite mine 'workers Issued a call her this afternoon to locate unions In the three) anthracite districts for a Convention at Wllkaberra on May J to take- actma upon the ten' taliva agretnent turned diwn at yester day's conference with tha operators, , It waa also announced that the miners In thla convention will decide whether or not to take a referendum vote upon tha question of a strike. William Green, representing President White of the miners, kanounced thla alt- srnonn that he had anmtd vrflfr, th coal operators for another Joint confer ence, to be hold subsequent to the Wllkea. bsrre convention, and expected to reach an agreement at the conference which would be entirely satisfactory to boll parties. ' ' ' - OMAHA AND LINCOLN GIRLS HONORED AT BRYN MAWR PHILADELPHIA. May l- Special Tel- egram.r-Mlsa Adah B. Roe of Omaha, waa awarded the resident fellowship In German by President- M. Carey Thomas ef Rryn Mawr college here today. Tha fellowship Is In recognition of special work done In that branch. It la for tha college year of iaii-1U and la valued at In all fifty awards were announced by President Thorns of Bryn Mawr today. These Include resident fellowships la all branchee of atudy and research In the curriculum, of the Institution, graduate acholarahlps for excellence In the dif ferent studies and prize scholarships awarded to undergraduates for high marks In examinations. . Among Ihe other graduates In all parts of Ihe country who received awards la Constance M. Syford of Lincoln, who on the Germen graduate acholarahlp. IOWA POSTMASTERS ARE FOR PARCELS POST OTTITMWA. la.. May l-Postmaster General Hitchcock's plans for a limited parcels poet was given. vigorous Indorse ment In the course- of a general discus sion st the Presidential Postmasters' state convention her today. It Is ex pected resolutions will be adopted favor ing thla reform. Postmaster Frank Nlmocks of uttumwa probably will bet elected president. The convention will close tonight . .1 II you were looking lor a house or an apartment you -would turn to the classified columns of The Bee first. . The Bee -would come first to j our mind. Why! Because yon know that the best class of people read The Bee and that the best rooms ' and booses are - advertised . in tbis paper, for .people want tbe best , tenants. So If you ' 'whb tbe finest rooms and bouses la the city you only need to turn to tbe "For Kent" columns of thise, paper. There are listed every good house and room that is for rent in the city. ; Tyler 1000 .1 1 : ,-