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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1911)
22 HIE BEE; OMAHA. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 28, 1911 WANTED SITUATIONS FOR a first class practical nurse, call aars. iioyntnn. ii. 1473, a-;4. ooon colored sir I wants petition at ngni nouMorK or laundry Iv the day In private family. Call Webster 2472. YOUNU lady, with high school educa lion, wliliM a poittlon. O lit. Bee. MAN anta position as Janitor; giod references. Add rasa U-22v, car Ilea. MAN and wile, very capable, ilnirn employment; experienced as manager ami housekeeper Address. 11-296, ijm. HANK clerk and bookkeeper desires position; quick, accurate, reliable; ralary reasonable; bent references. L. Hclilen. Box 61. Umtm.' rosiTION by experienced bookkeeper. Addrer V 21, Bee,. SITUATION by thoroughly experience waitress or second girl. References. Ad dress K. E.. 623 N. 19th St. WANTED Place on laim for boy It teals old. S V6. Bee. YOUNG man wants a position In garage as repair man or chauffeur for prlvato party. Tel. Doug. 3953. WANTED-PoslUon aa 1,4 Ch'ceao St- cook. Call at UOOD penman wish Cress K 444 He. aa position. Ad- BUNDLE washing wanted. Har. 6374, WASHING and curtains done. T. II 4J0 AN experienced cook wlshaa position as housekeeper In eltner a Danish or Ger man home. Address Thomas Jensen, Beatrice, Neb, Route 3. WANTED- Laundry work; work de livered. Phone, Harney 6374. SITUATION WANTED Man and wife aa oook and helper or second, can bake; wuuiu IBM tsdiM. Aoorwu uurton, uen Del., Council Bluffs. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Both Futures and Cash Values Are Shattered in Wheat Mart STUma WHEAT IS FAVORABLE ora Price Takes Tsnhle Aloac with Wheat Despite Generally Inl Tcrsat Dullish Feeling Weather la lletter. TOUNO lady wants position aa tn 1'irsimn; nign acnooi graauata; com- iieica course in atenngrapnv and book keeping at colloge. W. 49 Bee. OMAHATHE MARKET TOWN WEEKS OKAIN CO., grain merchant, tonslgnrostits aollolted. 793 Urandeia. Nebraska -Iowa Grain Co. 744 Brandeta, TUB UPDIKE ORA IN CO. COnslga. menus carefully handled. Omaha, Natl. CAVEH8 ELKVATOK CO.. who.eaaie dealers in grata, bay, cbop feed. 11 airanawla Bids!. ROBERTS GRAIN CO., grain consign, men is solicited, grain bougat to arrive. 78 Urandsls. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship your stock to South OmAha; hti mlleK hhrlnkaget your conalgnrocnt rcceiva irouipt mid careful attention. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS Byeea Bros. It Co. Strong and reiponsibls. WOOD PR(jj8. 334-38 Exchange BldgT Oraat WaeL Join. Co., Omaha A Donvar. W, R. SMITH fc BON Just handle sheep. W. F. PEN NT & CO.. 133 Each. Bldg. TAQO BROS, handle cattle, bogs, aheep. CLIFTON Com. Co., 822 Kxohange Bidg. Donahue it Kendall Co., 203 Each. Bldg. Clay, Robinson at Co., 900 Exoh. Bldg. The Standard Com. Co.. 116 Each. Bid Interstate Co. Better results, blilp to us. BUnKE-RICKLY CO.. Ml Exch. Bldg. Allen Dudley U Co.. 386-37 Each. Bldg. L. E. ROOERT8 & CO., 223 Exch. Bldg. Cox A Jcnos Com. Co., bunch of bustlers. Farmers L. fi. Com. Co., 203 Exchange, Deposit proceeds of shipments In Block Varus Nat l bank. Unijr ontik at arUi. WINN BRQ8, & CO., Exchange Bldg. LAVERT, Y BROS.. 138-40 Each. Bldg. Martin Bros. & Co., HM-T Each. Bldg. Alex O. Buchanan ft Bon, 1M-H E. Bldg. Paxton-Eckman Chem. Co. st'k remedies. ;alston 4 Fonda, live tock com. mcr v OMAHA, Oct. 27, Ull. The bent opinions on tne wheat market were badly shattered today when both Ihe future anil each values broke Ktiarply under the unexpected rush of eeliliuit fiorn all quiirtem. Reports from the spring wheat belt were more tavotable, starling the de cline and when New York stocks weak-n-fd tho whole list emtieiy lost. Its sup port, tin re being nothing to check the decline. Tho com market took a price tumh'e alun with wheat depito the genoially universal bullish feeling. Weather Is some better ami the muvem'-nt of new corn will probably be of sufficient values 10 time tare of all contracts. Wheat took the downward elide today. startitiK on bearlfh northwest news, and finished on weak cables and a sharp break In New fork stocks. Cash whoal soid IftUVgc lower today. The break in corn while sharp waa less vlolant loan the drop wheul values took. Tiadn from ell quarters wai on the In side. Ca.Hh coin sold Walo lower. 1'rllrmrV Whnuf recolnta wr I 149 dm bu. and shipments were 4'J!t,O0O bu., against rernlnta liint veur of U42 0U0 bu. and shipments of 1.1W.UW bu. i-rirnary corn receipt a wet o 47,O00 bu. and Hhlumenfa were 117 OHO nirlUnxt rt-celpts lant year of fll.UUU bu. and aliip monts of ' uuo bu. L'learancis 271 o0 l.n nt rnrn inrio bu. of outs and whnut and flmir eoual to !ki,, bu. Liverpool closed lower on wheat and 'ud lwor on corn. I'he follow Inn cash rales were reported: WHEAT No. 2 hard. 2 cars, lloo,; 1 jar, $1.(11; 4 cars, Sl.ui; No. it hnrd. 7 cars, $1.00; No. 4 hard, t cars, lc; No. 2 mixed, car"1'01" S' mlxelJ 2 Cttr,, ,10u; ;ORN-No. 2 while, 1 car, W.ic; No. 3 color. I car, Wc; No. i yellow, 1 car. "c; No. S yellow, 3 cars, (c; No. 2 mixed. I car, dic; 3 cars, svt,c; No. i nuxea, tears, 6hc; 1 car (new), 614c; No. 4 mixed, J car, 6Sc. OATS-No. white, 17 cara, i5cj No. 4 white, t cars, 464c. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, Wcfc$l.0:!i; No. I hard, 0(H1cj$1.0iyj; No. 4 hard. Mj$l.W. t'GRN No. 2 white, !U4M'ac; No. 3 white, Cl4KVio: No. 4 white. cu-uter: No. 2 color. 6MW;.e; No. 2 yellow, bK'tftac; No. I ynllow, CVi'a'Kc; No. 4 yellow, SM" Sc; No. 2. 6S'vuliHc; No. , 6Vai8Vic; No. 4, 67AiifcU8c. OATSrNo. 2 whlto, 4fif4Vic; standard, 5i(y4c; No. S white, 46"a4uV; No. 4 white, 45Hi?l04c; No. 3 yellow, 46Vu4ittc; No. 4 yellow, 4f(46S4c. HA Rl. ICY Malting, fl.14fll.24: No. 1 feed. Kktfrfl.OS. RYE No. 2, 7S38c; No. 3, Wfi97c. Carlot Ilecelpls. Wheat, Corn. Oats. I 137 141) 3Utf )t7 47 34 104 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET hort short ribs. slles (!oos-), r.7Ttr.26 clear sides (hoxed), It.IttllV1). KKKDS Timothy, $ia.r''rl5.A; clover, $M(1(I9.). 'lolal learaners of wheat end flo-ir were e'lual to 6i7,t0 bu. F.xports for the ek, aa shown by Hrndstrect s, were e.jual to l.iuilii bu. primary receipts were 1.149,0() bu., compared with 1H2.0UO bu. the correspondina day a year aro. I'stimated rereipts tor tomorrow: Wheat, 74 cars; com. 18J cars; oats, 14 cars; hoaa. ll.coo head. Otlcaxo Cann 1 'rices A heat : No. 2 red, !t'(,r.l.(M; No. 3 red, fecufl.OO; No. 2 hard, l.oil 06; No. 2 hard. $1.0iKrl.04; No. 1 nor(hem. fl imi 14; No. 2 northern, fLW 4L12; No. 2 northern. f1.OTul.10; No. 2 sprlnir. flWSjl Hi; No. 3 spring, fl.avfrl.08; No. 4 spring, 9ie.''jl flf,; velvet chaff, 9"K (if fl.10; durum, Wm-4i$.05. Corn: No. 2, 74'4c; No. 2 whlto, 75V4'?t75Hc; No. 3 yel low, 74'4J7(c; No. 3. 72'tf"74e; No. 3 white, (4'mTr; No. 3 yellow, 74-"i744c; No. 4 Vit'(inc; No. 4 white, 7W74o; No. 4 white, new, Six-; No. 4 yellow, 72V2c; No. 4 yellow, new, CMic. Oats. No 2 white, 4V4Kc; No. 3, 4d'o; No. 3 white, 4VcM7V4c; No. 4. 4.V-; No. 4 white, 1iWt 47c; standard, 47 'disc. Rye: No. 2, Barley, KOe0f1.2O. Timothy. fia.iycijIR.DO. Clover, fM.AOfi 19 FiO BUTTER-Hteady; creameries, i4'v31c; dairies, l!2i?1c. 1K.iS hteady; receipts, t.VA rases; at mark, cases Included, lVlSc; firsts, 21c; prime firsts, 2Uc. I'HEKHE Stendy ; daisies. 14V.fll4'4e; twins, 14iil44e; young Americas, 14'ti 14.e; long horn. 14V0l4'-c. ItiTATGEM-KIrm; choice to fancy, (4 '; fair to good, 2'(rfac. PUULTRY-Hteady; turkeys, 14c; chlcjt ens, 9c; springs, lVic VKAL Sternly; U to 60 lbs., $(9c; GO to 85 lbs., BH10Uc; S3 to 110 lbs., 110. Dally movements of produce: Articles. KerelptK. Shfpm'ts. I'lour. bids ifi.MO i2,7no Wheat, bu 107,1") 119,0m Corn, bu "no.ono f.400.) oats, hu IBO.UOO l.v, 0i Hye. bu 7, OK) 140 000 Barley, bu 8S,0;O 11.000 arlot Receipts Wheat. 105 cars: corn i:r7 cars, with 49 of contract grade: oats. 149 ears. Total receipts of wheat at Chi cago, Minneapolis and Dtilutli today were CL8 ears, compared with 7Iii cars last week and lili cars the corresponding day a your ago Chicago .... Minneapolis Omaha Duluth GOVERNMENT NOTICES GOVERNMENT BALE INDIAN LANDS Absolute Tit la Ulven The unallotted lands of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Na V Mone of the Five Clvlilxed Tribes In Okla lionia, and not Including the ooai and tioi ber segregations, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at the fol lowing terms, times and places at not less than the minimum price stated In tho ad vertisement: Urady county, Chickasaw, fVi tiacm. nl.tmw acres, ftovemuar t, 6, , btephena county, Duncan. 720 tracts, 60,304 acree, Ni ember , 7, I; Jefferson county, Ryan, 7x tracts 4,400 acres; November, 10. 11; Luve county. Marietta, KM tracts, arrea. November 13. 14. 16, W; Carter rounty, Ardmore, 1.1,1 tracts, Ui.M acres. November 17, Is, 21. U, S3; Murray rounty, tiulpbur, iil tracts, M.U0O acres, Noveaiber 24, 2b; Uarvln county, Pauls Valley, (tfl tracts, 39,fci0 acres. Nuvember 27, 28, 2; McClaln county, Purcell, toj tracla. 14, W0 sow, Deceuiucr 1, 2; Ponto toc county, Ada, etnj travta. 4&.SuO acres, December 4. a, ; Jonnson county, Tisho nUngo, bt4 tracts. acrer, Decemter 7 t, t; Marshall county, Madlll, 27k tracts' 11. M) acres, lec-ember 11; Bryan county' Durant, tot) tracts, 8,1U) acres, lecember li. 11; Atoka county, Atoka. l.Av tracts lil.Ouo acres, Deceuibei, i. lj, ltf is, jv Coal county Coalgate. w tracts, W.owi xrsa. Deoember M, 21. 22. Ungues couuiy aivin, trai-ls, aei., osveniuer I. 27; Pittsburg county, McAlestsr. 1 , tracts. 167,100 acres, December i. 29 1VU. January 1. 3; llakll county, bugle 414 tracts, Ju.fcu acies. January 2, 4 Lat'I nier county, Wilbui iun, m tracts In mm acres, January I. Luflure county, Polcau 234 iraAta. 21.MI acies, Januaiy ; j uh inaUba county, Anliers, Mi tracts, siwo acres, Jauuary . a. lo; itouoly Hugo, 6LI tracts, 37,ooO acres, January 01, 11, 11; McCmta-u county, IdaOvi i,i tracts, U.Um acres, January 14. u, 1 1 lit Not more liisu luu acies of auri cuauiai ai,u wj uuei 01 oinnrr lands TT.ui be aoid to one priauu In any one nation Agricultural Ixi.U. are those having miitituuiu valuation of tvuy or more per ere. ieruia are -a per tvui at the tuns ! sale, ia per ceul in twelve mounts ant,' Ui per oem In t.o yeis, with . par cent Interest. Payments inuki be inaue in tue form of draft or cettilied check, payable lo J. Q. W right. iuiiHjiiioiu r. t'pun fail payment being r.uiun at any tune dead will lwu. iniuieuiatuiy alter approval f sale .ertlfictu vi puicl.u wnl, suid posMaMou be glvau, but cutting of timber or drilling or nuulug fur iiunsruls iiicion will nut o pui 11.1,1.1 uiim payment of purchase pi let. Unlit is 1,,' served to reject an, or ail bids, k or Infor- i tuaUon sppiy to tiie Couiiiiisaioncr of the J ive Clviliitd 'lribea, Ala.koune, okla,- ( liema, or any of the Dutric. . ' i luide wiiuiii their ripitivo districts Usia of these lands Una beb prepaicti by counUes, showing the teiuie of aaln. tii description of the various tracts ai.J luir.linuui prios. It will be Impraoucable to furnish each Imiuuvr all of these luts azid It la SUKguslcd that persons uirm4 such Iniuriitiioa secily tn locality m which they are Interested. Blueprints of It. various counties, showing uia loca tion of the laud to be soid will !. fur i.ubed uioo application to the unuer slkced upon the payment of $ Ui for euuii county, la tae fuiia of oraft or -osi; money order. J. U. VMtlUliT, e.oocr to the Five Civilised TriUs. Mus kove. Oklanoma, August $. 'Mil. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feat a res pt the Trading; and Closln Prices ss Boar 4 of Trade. CHICAGO, C t. 27,-Almost panic condi tions took a clutch today on the market lor wheat, Demoralrxed stock dealings imu mo iiine-i 10 00 wun tno scare, but there waa also talk that tho government would Investigate tho aliened manipula tion of grain, closing prh-es were weak at a decline of l4o to 24r2t', compared with twenty-four hours before. mh staples fell, but not marly ao much as wheal. Corn, Vb?i-Sc to e; oats. So to He, and hog products 00 to l&li17'4c lower. Peir aa to the unsettling of court action against tho United Htatea rltecl corpora tion made holders of wheat nervous from the stin t. Prices crumbled xrailuully ut first, but later In the iluv mill. during tho advance Ihsi week tamo tum bling down heller skelter on stop loss ordera to sell. It was In vnln hull l..ii,i. era pointed out that tho government would have no case against human digestive plants and that 9,o.i0,oo0 people would con tinue to need just so much dally bread. Attention In the nit could not be shaken away from the fact that a hugn amount of local and eastern wheat was being urgently pressed for solo, and that In a relative sense buying had praetlciilly vanished. A dcpresulng feature waa that the drop In the market failed to stimulate any cash wheat demand from the mills, whereas receipts here today were four times aa large aa a yenr ago. On top of all the other woea for the bulla, disquieting rumors flew about that supposed manipulators of wheat as well s steel might expect goon to be racked oy me stern nana of uncle Bam. As a direct outcome the market closed at al most the lowest point of the session. Ex treme limit touched by December were tl.OiS and 9Vli9c. with last sales DlUc, a net loss of KSIti-'iC. Cold weatiier aa well aa the demoralised security market and tho wheat decline put a Weight on (lie price of corn. De cember varied from 83VrttU Hut to l?c and ciored steady, c down at G.ilirt,1ri,,c. Cash grades were In slow demand. No, 3 yel low was quoted at 74Vft74Sc Covering by shorts helped partly to overcome In the oats trade, the Influence of the bears In other commodities. Upper and lower levels touched by Itacember proved to be 47Vo and 47c, with the close at the last named figures, a fall of Ho from last night. Provisions found little support. At the close pork waa down 10c to li'u"17H', lard 7 Ho to 12ValiJ and ribs bo to 12H-. - Uuotatlous of leading producia ware: I Open. I High. . Low. I Close. Yes'y. Wheat) I Dec.. 1 054HU OOH May.ll or,Ui1 0M, July.lW i9S Corn 1 I lee..jKlSfiVl May. lifidi'1 to' July.luVvuitii'1 Oats 1 Dec..47H 1471, May.j41V(fT '' July.44S i4tl), rork Jan..llB 70 II TT4 May. lift 86 li Si'H Lard I I Nov.. S 714 M Jan. .18 . 8 96 ' Muy.. 10 iSt Ribs. I Jsn. ls 12H 8 IfVi Way. 8 8 2j I '4 98 1 0ns4 1 oa4 1 ol ioj 7H 971 99 4tlHOsHl4j !-' Itii's 1 47 147 47H 4a'4j 4!iH t.n ' 4ti'. 4 15 't IS H IB TTH 16 77, 16 77 la 80 I S7V4 7?H76 S 7?H 8 90 8 9.) 8 97U OS jo 06 19 15 8 05 8 C6 8 l?m5 S W i 22V4 U 27H NEW YORK GICNERAL MARKET Qaolatloaa of (be Day on Varloas Commodities. NEW TORK, Oct. 27. FTOUR Quiet spring; patents. tT).3Vff6.u0; winter Straight. U.SUlitt.M: winter nnteflta U .IS V iv. spring clears. $4.8dfi4.20: Kanas straights. It. 73S4 90. Rye flour, steRdy; isir to ITOOII. X.'. IN?(fi 7n: ehnlee IA fini'V. CORNMEAI-Klrm; fine white or yel low, tl.mvl.i; kiln dried. S3.6TMti3.7S. IIIK UUlet: No. 2 Uli 1111m nn . e I. f.. Ituifolo, to arrive. WHEAT Spot market weak; No. 2 red. ra4o einvator, export basis, and fl.MU& f, (. Ii. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. fl.lMi 1. o. o. anoai. r utures market was weak under heavy liquidation on the break In siocks as wen us bearish ro reign news, Increasing stocks at interior points and poor export demand, cloning at ZWJfhv. net lower. December, fl.O-JVtil. ,(,; cloned at $1,033-11!; May, fl.0 t-lii'ul.lOM,. closed at $1.08.1-10. Receipts, lS4,ou0 bu.; ship, ments. 330.442 bu. CORN Spot murkct weak; export No. 2, HOc, nominal f. o. b. afloat. Futures mar ket was nominal; receipts, 1,12a bu.; slilp ments, 90,490 bu. OATH Spot market easy; standard white, Kl'Hc elevator; No. 2, 63c; No. 3, 62Sc; No. 4. t.2c; natural white and white clipped, filHli&Hc. on track. Futures mar ket nominal. Receipts, 46,800 bu.; ship ments, 1,750 bu. . ''AY-Bteady: prime, tl.20; No. 1. fl.25ft If.N". 2, fl.20Ul.26; No. 3, $1.10. HIDES-FIrm; Central America, 21c; Bogota, 21M2'c. LEATHKR Firm; hemlock firsts. 2Tjl ..1; seeomls. 2;,iJ:,4c; thirds, 19't21c; re jects, j ;k ' PROVISIONR-Pork. steady; fl.7.Va I7.M; family, fl9.00ff21.00; clears, $K;.75fi 17.00. Beef, steady; .112 0t r, CO; fumlly, $l3.50ir4.00; hums. $j9.ri3o.iiii. Cut meats, i'iieu neiues, lu to 14 Pounds. mess, short tness, beef easy; tin 7rj! i-.-r, imiiirii name, i.uo. laru. easy; middle west, prime, $9.001(0. lo; refined, firm; continent. 59S.V, South American, flo.iiil; compountl, f7.SiVff7.7Ti. TALI)W Hteudy; prime city, lihds., Ge. nominal; country, GHti0!c. BUTTKll Firm; creapiery, specials. K(22Hc; extras. Sl(fi31Vc; firsts, 27 HW 39c; creamery, held speclula, 3Htc; extrns. 2D'. 2!)Hc ; firsts, 27iSc; proccna. sr'ecla!, 241(1 2Sc; extras, 21c; firsts, iM jiL'.V; factory, current make, firsts. 21Hc clIKKSK-KIrm; skims, siflSHe. EGGH-nrm; fresh gathered, per dos.. ao;:.V; extra firsts, iifaanc; firsts, ivuKk;; held, fresh, poor to fair, l.ViilJc' fresh gutherrd dirties. No. 1. 17ifilSo frenli gathered cheeks, prime, 16c; fresh gathered checks, poor to good, 10wl5o; refrigerator, first. season's aloragu chaises paid, 20u2lc. POl LTRY-Allve, dull; Western chick ens, 12il3c; fowls. 12dl3M:c; turkeys. lc. Dresred. Irregular; western chickens, 7'tf lia-; fowls, 7tilS(4jc; turkeys, broiling, 23c; Cash quotations were aa follows: I-LOUll steady; whiter patents, $l.2f.(f. 4: winter straight, H .Smr4.t; spring ftrulrthts, ft-bOti.Tli; bakers. f.l.TUo'S 00; iprinir putents. bit winter, M.SO'O'O.JS. ItViNn. 2. INIV. BARLEY Feed or mixing. (WcfiiJlW; fair to choice malting, fl 1iul.M. PP.ovisiiNS-Mesa pork, per bbl., fl6.C2HVI-76; lord, per 10) lbs., 33.72H; OCEAN STEAMSHIPS The Poyal Miil Steam Paket Co. Carrying tho Went India Mails alnce 1J9 without Interruption. 1 Beventy-Jecond successful year. Dry Goods Market. NEW TORK. Oct. 27. DRY OO0D3 otiun gods markets are juiet and buy rs are timid about long future prios. lot trsdinx continues steady. Jx.ial ol nurli.ti are souiewbat easier but eouiestio gisrirs ai firm. Varus are duct and steady. "The American Riviera" Cuba Jamaica Panama Ancient rlties. rulna of temples, silia of great battle, (junint 1 us tuiua. gorKeoua iiioinitnliiH, won derful fiuwets. tropical ncunerv und the greutent engineering feat of modern time-.' the Panama Canal. Kee the ltg IMtch be fore the water Is turned Into It. l ortnlI:tly bervlce " Trent Not. 11 I Oruda Not. 25 SAVSJUaOM fe BOW. Ceneral .-gents it Po Laalla Bt, nu4V J. O. Linton. C. P. T. A. Ill Cent I R. St W. H Bock. 113 1-amain 6t II. C. ililslds, 1314 Karnam Ft Louis Ncese. csre Flrat Nat l Bank. Ouiaiia. t. I. owls General Market. BT. IUI8, Oct. CT.-WHUAT-Cash. I , . a r .rani. Wa u r.i. . . . n,, . . Jhard, fl.0aal.10H; December, &Ha; May. LORN Iiwer; track. No. 2. 71HHT724C! No. white. 72H'u7,c: December. . . OATS-Iiowfri truck. No. 2. 4iiiff47c; No. 2 white. 4Sa4S'ic; lircember, 47c. HYK Unchanged, at 99c. FLOUR Lower: red winter f4.60U4.90; extra fancy and straight, f3.9l)4 HKKt Timothy. fi;.0O4fl4.50, CO KN M F L $3.30. BRAN Firm: sacked (east fr.rkl tlHllTi. HAY Firmer: timothy. I30.00(Ir;4.50: prairie, flS.OOii 16.00. llAUtllMMI,". H KM P TWIN E-7HC PROVISIONS Pork. lower: lohhlnv tlii.Ou. Iju-d, lower; prime steam, fS.ootf $.60. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, fs.87H; clear ribs, ts.87: short clears, fU.OO. Bacon unchanged; boxed, extra shorts. $9.87V4: clear ril, $.87HL short clear rlba, fl0.12H. POCLTrvY Firm: chickens. Uo: springs, 9c; turkeys, 14trlic; ducks, 12o; geese, SHe. m n Kit steady; creamery, ttfiSOc. . KUUS Firm, at 10xtr22c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, Mils 7,100 ll.'XK) Wheat, bu lOl.OuO 22.000 Corn, bu , 67.000 24. OW Oats, bu 66,000 24,000 Kaasaa City Grala bad Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 27.-WHKAT-Caah, 1c lower; No. 2 hard, fl.OlHi&l 08 No. 8. fl.Outul.tW; No. 2 red. $1 OO.jl.oi; No 3. SMiWo; December, 99l;99!c: tliy $1 on vn 1 .os'4 : July. 4Hc. CORN Unchanged to We lower; No. 2 mixed, 72V: No. 3, 72rtr72Hc; No. 3 white H'Hc; No. 3. 72a72Hc; Icember. 63Hc; Way. 63e. OATS Cunchanged: No. white, 48H 49-: No. 2 mixed, 46H017HC RYK 07c. HAY steady; choice timothy, f!9.603 WOO; choice pralrlo, tnt.OOif u.60. - Creameries, 28Hc; firsts, 26Vtc; seconds. Uc; packing stock. 19c. FOGsi-Kxtras. 2c; firsts, 23c; seconds, lie. Receipts. Shipments. SI, into 29,000 37.000 is.utio 12,000 14.UC0 Wheat, bu. Corn, bu.,.. Oats, bu Mtaneapolla Grala Market. MINNKAPOLIS. Oct. 27. WHEAT December, fl O.,ol.0'.'; Muy, fl.l0; .t l.ll; July closed fl.ll. nominal. Cash: No. l hard. Il.ltli; No. 1 northern, $1 07,u l.o;': No. 3 northern, fl.04wj 1.06'; No. 3, fl.oVul M. BAKI.KY tiOeitttl lg. CORN No. 3 yellow, 71Ufl7Jc. OATS-No. 3 while, 4T.Hy 40. It VK No. 2. !-c. BRAN $31 6oi2i U). KIAUR First patents, $T. JOflVSO; sec end patents. 4mvni.l0: first cleurs. f3.70 5,4 0.'; second clears, lU.i'njl.OO. I hJIndelpbla PreUsr Market. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 27. BUTTER Firm; extra western creamery, 34o; neurby prints, 3.'k K(JlS-Flrm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firt, free caaea, $ 40 per rase; current receipts, free taaea, f 7 80 per case; western firsts, free cases, $V40 per caae: current receipts flee caaea, $7.&uo7.80 per t HEEBE-Steedy; New Tork full cieama fancy, Uc; fair to good. fl44jl4Hc. Peoria Market. PEOntA. Oct. 27 CORN-Hlgher; No. 1 yellow, ",ic; No. 3 yellow. 73'i;iSc: No United SUtes Steel, Common, Falls Eight and One-Half Points HUGE SELLING MOVEMENT reraieat larest la Wall Street Probably TSot Increased by Got ernment's Action Salt Gen erally Inspected. nr.w iohk, Oct. 27 -United Ktates S " common ten KV, points to 60 on the Stock exchange today. That movement n most striking effect upon the ' . n", marari or the government s dis solution suit against the United States Hteel corporation. Owners of United Slates Bteel securities n all parts of tho country and In foreign lands, alarmed at the suit, throw their holdings UIM.n the nurk.l mnA . r-,,.1.., these securities ran to enormous projior tlons. During the day 890.OI0 shares of c ..uu niaien ntoei were sold. lh general list developed pronounced weakness on account of this movement, but there was no demoralization except in the market for i'nit,i u.d. a..... J - ......... .,LUVV ii- Vltlent aa were the fluctuations, the ef fect of the suit on Ilia m.rki.1 i.n.t....i.. edly was lessened cr.mlv h ih. ,hi. sale liquidation of steel stocks which cul- iiiiiiniru. m tne upn.uval of nst month 1 he market as a whole was less turbulent than during the height i.r i-.i nmnth-. disturbance. Innon prices save m.tlca t,f..r- ,. market opened here of what was to he expected. Speculation abroad had been influenced by heavy selling orders placed there over nicht bv New Vnrk Tho lo sell whs so great that the market wus thrown Into confusion and sales at prices ranging all the way from 60 to C'4 were mode at the same time. Determined efforts were made to pre vent United Flutes Steel from breaking through W. They were Rticcessful and In the early afternoon the market rose slowlv. Trading became much quieter and by the close stibstantlnl recoveries hail been made. United States Steel ended the day at 6314. a net loss of 64. The preferred stock closed at a net loss of & points. The 6 per cent sinking fund bonds closed at 10-. In spite of today's events In the stock market. It Is doubtful whether the gov ernment's Action has greatly Increased the unrest which has been prevalent In Wall street for some time. It -has been generally expected that the suit would be brought sooner or later. In Wall street the value behind the various Issues of Lnlted States Steel securities has been well known. In a general wav. it was pointed out moreover that during the period of Its existence the corporation has been expending an average of about $40. ootl.OtO a year upon Improvements. In fact, it Is estltnsted that nearly $450.iOD,ooo nos oeen expended In tils manner, wh'ch acts as a substantial offset to the ftaiO, OoO.OOO of Inflated value alleged by the government. Wall street gave Hi undivided attention today to the affairs of the United States Steel corporation and even the favorable September reports of the Hnrrlman roads receiveri little attent'on. Although both union cacmc and Southern Pacific re ported heavv decreases In .rr... pBi,.ra. both ronds reduced expenses substantially and net earnings were larger. Kxtreme weakness was manifested bv many of the speculative bonds. Blocks of from tlOO.OOO to fOOO.OOO of American Tobacco 4s were sold, driving them down 1H to ny, with a rally to 91. The 6s were weaaeneu to aiiout the same extent and remained heavv. Losses In other (.. reached a point or more in many cases. Total sales, par value, $.'i,3"rt,0t.o. United .States bonds were unchanged on call. i umner or sales snd leading quotations on stocks were as follows: 'a. tri.v f nnii'inilliiiri pin AinslRamtted Copper ... Amsrlrtn Agricultural .. Am. flMt Sugar American Can Amarlran C. ft F Am. ration oil Amarlran H. A I,. pM... Am. Ice Hei-urltlra American Mna.rd Amarlran 1HOinotWa ... Amarlran g. at H Am. s. A It, pfa Am. Hteel Foundries Am. Siifa'r Refining Amarlran T. A T Amarlran Tobacco efd... Amarlran Woolen Anaconda Mlnlna Co Atchlaon At"hlaon pfd Atlantic Coaat Lin lalirnora A Ohio llrtlilehain Bteel Itrooklrn rtapld Tr Canadian Paclflo ("antral l.eathar Central leather pfil Central ot Now Jaraey... Chataprake A Ohio Chicago A Alton Chicago O. W.. naw (tilca.o (J. W. ptd Chicago i N. W Chicago, M. St. P r.. C. C. A 8t. L Colorado F. A I Colorado A Bouthara Conaolldata4 Oaa (rn lra4ucU iMIawara Hndaon DaoTer A Rla (Iranda ... fatiT A R. Q. pti tilatlllan' gaeurltlaa .... Brla Erie lat pfd Krla Id pfd tlenaral blectrlo Oraat Northern pfd Great Northern Ore ctfa.. Illinois Central interborough Mat Int. Mat. s(4 International Harvaatar.. Int. Marina pM International Paper International Pump Iowa Ontral Kanaaa City 80 K. C. So pfd Laelada Oaa Loulavllla A Naahvllls... Mlno A It. toula M . St. P. A 8. s. M. ... Mlaaeurl. K A T M.. K. A T. pfd Mlaaourl Pacific National Blacnlt National Lad N R. B of M. Id pfd., Naw Tork Cantrtl N. Y., O, A W Norfolk A Weatara Korth Amartcan Northarn Tactile Paeltle Mall PennayWanla , People's Caa P . C, C. Bt. L Pittsburgh ial Praaa Steal Car Pullman Palace Car Itallway meal Spring. Heading Kapuhlla Btaal H. public Steal pfd Hrnl laland Cs Hock laiaod Co. pfd... St. I A 8. F td ptd St. Mul S. W SI. U K W. pfd Sloea-Shafftald I. A I Bouthara Pacific Suutharn HallwaT Oo Hallway pfd Tannaaaaa t'Vppar .... Taiai Pacific T. ft. U A W T . HI. b. W. pfd.. l"nln Pacific tnlon Pacific pfd t'nlted Statea KhIIi.. t'nlted States Rubber, t nltad Statea Steel.... V. 8. Steal pfd t'tak Cuppar Va -Carolina Chemical ... W abaak Wahaah pfd Waaiern Maryland Wm:tnghousa tlactiie ... Weirters Pnlnn Wliaeltns A U E Lahiah Vailay Tutal aalaa for tha day, 'is H 7S. r7t, 1 74 actual business In bonkers' bills at $4 Sl7u (or sixty days and at H Sl'V SfTOi for de (nsnd; romm-rrlal bill, $4.870. PRIMK MKRCANTILK l'APEU-4HS 4 'a Per cent. SILVER Bar, 64'ic; Mexican dollars, 4!c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, weak. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follOWS! i.- 8. rcf ti. rag... toos Int. M. M. 4H ... do coupon l"0',J.pan 4a t'. 8. 3a, reg im, oo 44a do coupon imK. C. Ho. lat l... v. 8. 4. rcg inU 8. ileb. 4a 1S31 . do coupon lllt N nl. 4a... Allls-Chal. Pt ... ITM. K. A T. lit 4a. Amar. Ag i. lm do gen. 4Sa A. T. A T. c. 4a..lw.Mo. Paclflo 4a ... Am. Tobacco 4a si N. R K. of M. 41 1 Ill .v y. C. g Ja... Mi, Armour A Co. 4Vt. Iij do deb. 4 Airiiivia gn. a.... y r., N. II. ft H. do cv. iiku, rT. aa ito . a ct. Di lrv,N. A W. lit c. 4a.. A. C. L. It 4a fi't do ct. 4a 107U. ac cinio .a a ;vo l'aclttc 41 in"'1 ? 52H do Sm fdV. ito 8. W. S'ja ... tfiiiO 8. L. rMR. 4a ... !, Brook. Tr cv, 4a... 44renn. cv. VbS 118.. H ro. vi vm. ok I'- "0O con. ..a 103 ea. Leather ua SlP.cadlng gtn. 4i H14 r ot N. 1. g a..Ul 8. L. A 8. F. (g. 4a 79' . t onio a'a..nil'a do gen. t.t a do fr. (U. 11:1 fii I a c M r. Chicago A A. 3',i. c d3 1st gold 4 ... C D. (J j. 4a... !i48. b. adj. 4a... do gen. 4 utiafto. rfc. ml. 4a.... C. M. A 8. P. d. 4a ."4 do ct. 4i C. K. I. A P. e. 4a 7. V do 1st raf. 4a do rfg 4a '.8o. Itallwar aa. Colo. Ind. .. HVt do gen. 4a.... "(.olo. Mid. 4a so tnlon Pacific 4a. ...101 1 . a 8. r a tin 7t do 0 . ii.iri .. " do lit ft ret. 4a... n; ... M t'. 8. Rnhber 6a....l0Jii ... "1114V 8. Steel 2d H...IW' ... u t-n.-ur. ( Bern. aa. ... S7'4aw,heh l.t f.j in do lat A ex. 4a.. f4 A. Il Wealern Md. 4a e7'4 ... 7."'Welt. Klac. e. (a.. 2'4 .14l"4Wla. Central 4 92Vi 14 ell ..107S 71114 n. ft H. c. 4a 1). A R. O. 4a. do ref. &a DlJtlllera' S ... Krla p. I. 4a do gen. 41 do ct. 4a. aer. do aeriea D Oeu. Klec. ct. Ga 111. Cen. lat ref. li HkMn Par 11 r, t7l Int. Mat. 4'a 7k'I'anama 3a 102L. ti , . a.,,, m London Stock Market. 1X1NDON. Oct. 27 Ilnlted Pfntes Rto.l snares declined Kliarply on the tstock ex change today. Tho common stock onened at 60. compared with 01 H. the closing of yesteroay un small transactions the prices rapidly fell to M'4, and then rallied to 16 U oil covering. The preferred, which closed at 112H last night, touched 108 during thu Tirst hour. Tho rest of the list opened wenk In sympathy with tho break in the steel shares. First prices were 4 to 2H points lower, but the market hardened fractionally when steel ad vanced. At noon the tono was steady and prices were from higher to 3"4 ower man yesieraay s rsew rork closing. i,o"oon closing tocK ntiotatiom Conaola, money ..71 1-n boulsrllle A Naih.lSOH a ciuin , Kn. ft Ta... sis .. 3 Naw York central. .107V. ... 7 Norfolk A ...107H do pld 84 ,i" uniario a wcatern. ssu S St. M0 urn 13,100 l.IlK) 1,0X0 2.SO0 ton no loo BI.8C0 rn 400 i.Mii loo '4110 17.700 KM 1.100 1.700 F0 1.700 4.700 1.300 400 T.eoo lno I11O :i IKH) ll.ltlO HO 0 duo 10 62 lj ' 4 67H ' 47 H 44 ii" m u I0ti :o iitt, as 'j4" lOf-S inm4 12it4 ' 'i 71 Ml '4 19 '4 S3 4 'ii" i 14 37 14.1 1074 mi, it 4KV. to U4 a.aj iii toe 100 loo am H.3ne) l.tuO l.Mxi 9.800 t.OOO KB : 474 loi, 30-v uiit lit 4144 900 138 l.b)o 1414 too 1.000 me 100 48S 104 100 M0 104U, TOO 147 "0 17.000 134 31 10 47 t. H 44 4H1 'iii "a iS 10044 2 Us fit '.is" 104 1.134 K4 tir.14 Hi 7. '4 0 1H4 2 To'4 it It 37 14514 1044 ftlT v 47 130 H 1 13 47 Ml, :n;4 40', 14(114 133 41 13714 !' 43 V 10 14 17 'si" 10414 145 14 ih" ton lno an 3.000 40 i 124 44U II 104 U. 38 14 1071, '4 1.100 1144 11414 11' 1$. 300 tiiO 121 4214 I214 103I4 3'Z aa 10 M 48 M'4 'a 4.-. 43 20 174 8 la 8214 l lno ii rm 116", 134 4414 .70 nj ion nut4 124 K14 17Vi 73 S 23 ltd 1'4 :uj j'j.i 71 H14 II 87 143 HKIS f, 2ft 4 4S 13U, 143 J?14 7t 1914 31114 4 40 147t4 1:214 41 1; 1384 14 4114 I.13.4 14 "i 14 17 :tt H lot 4f4 81 l;i X Mt4 39 14 1:2 c, 4.1 8314 Wi 3414 107'4 4, too ens ii (.on 300 it 107 Vi to 17t4 it4 100 tt .138.30.) U914 . S.too 1114 . 4.1.W . t.700 . 1,800 4.0 7i; 100 10 700 7. l.n 1.400 2,800 MO Jirt TOO 143.100 1.000 I ftio tW) t.M 11 (00 JO 100 1.400 300 101 1 00 1.100 1 rv 88 in. 14 9-'I 36 T4 184 4tt4 11 Va 1- "aivi H 103 43 '( 4H 1-14 14 k". c?4 T714 I1IV4 Pi4 6 17-4 ti 'ii" 11714 it 7414 14 44S M14 38 10:14 28 t 84 I I8U, 4lJ tl '4 '.it, ro 103 4J4 4M, 12", J4 3i &4 tt't :.W 1444, 141 l.JtJ 100 ahaiaa. 121 liwu. 4Vi 174 7',k lf i:.t4 1374a 13 75 1414 4714 St so jjH 107 MS f.814 S4ia 234 41 lo4 t H 4I4 1.2V, 10-' V 43 44 1I4 244 Ml, 41V, 1 ' 3'4 lfclv. do account Amal. Coppar Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio.. 94 rentnylvanla Canadian metric ...i4P.and Mlnea Chraaneaka fc Ohio. 73 Keadlna Chi. Croat Weatern. 1844 Southern Ry Chi., Mil. A St. P.imu. do pfd ... II1 Southern Paclflo 2414 tnlon Pacino .. .. 4s do pfd ... 81V4U. 8. Steal , .. M do pfd .. 45 Wabash .. :7H do pfd ..142'4 ::5i .. T3 ..111 ..K4VI .. HI .. r.2A . .inn T neera . DanTar tc Rio O.. do pfd Erie do lat pfd do 2.1 pfd Crand Trunk Illinois Central . Kxcept Dlv. ten, vi-ii liur, dull ut 2od per ounce. MuMvf-lrs(l:i per cent. '1 he rate 01 aiscount in the open mar ket lor snort bills Is 3Vu3i per cent; tor inrce montna puis, a-wota per cent. New York Mining; Stocks, NEW YORK, Oct. 27.-Closin(f quota- nous on milliner hlocks were: Alice 160 Com. Tunnel stock.. 18 do bonda Con. Cel. A Vs. Iiurn Dover Iron Silver Leadvllls Coo. , 18 ,t . 4 j 10 Little Chief Mexican Ontario (iphtr Slaudard Vullow Jacket ... ...SM ...loo . . . lis) .. .luu ... ta Imports at New York. NEW YORK, Oct. 27.-lmports of mer chandise hnu dry kooob a too port of ixew york lor the week ending October xi were vaiuea at sio,ait).9io. Imports of specie tor the port of New Yoik tor the week ending today were .o,o4i Bhver. ana yttl.zvj aoid. Lxporta ot apeclo were f'JJo.MO silver and 4lti,IOO golQ. 4331A11A 4J1S.M-.11A.4. 31ARKET llatatea 74 tock Market. BOSTON. Oct. r. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds: M Allonea ,1. Copper A i k A .. Arlauns Com. . B A C. C A a. Putu Coalltl.m .... Cat. A Arteuna Cal ft Hecla I'aatrnnial C011. Vtanga C Faat Hull. C. XI .. Vraiikl.n (llroua Con (Iranbr Con (Iraane Canaaaa lale Knrale Cappar Karr 1-ika Lake (Nipper I .a Sella Oipper.... Mlaial Copper 27 Mohawk , 41 Navada Con HwNlplaaing Mlnea.. 41 Norte Hull. 4, North Lake H(Md Doiaitlos .... 47V,(i.oaula 3TS t'arr.Hl 8. A C O.ilntT ''i Shannon , H Suovrlor Switunerlor ft B. M.. slamarack 23 I. a ti R. A M. S do ptd lHa t tah (s t liah 4ippr Co... tmwiaona 4... HWvlvarlse I.. .. 40 . . UH TI 1-14 .. 24 .. IV. .. ITt, . . .. I .. 41 .. 714 .. V4 21 .. M .. Jtt4 .. 44 .. I4H .. i! .. 31, .. ti New York Moaey Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 27.-MONEY-OTI call, steady at IfiJS per cent: ruling rata, I-S per cent; closing bid. 1 per cent; of fered at ier cent. 11ms loane. steady; sixty days. tQ3V4 per cent: ninety days. :'.iriS4 per cent; lit months, JU4 per CVTEItUrta rXCBANOB-sMeady. wit a CHEESE Imported Swiss, 32c; Ameri can bwlss, 2'c; biock Swiss, Use; twins, lo-o; daisies, lie; trip.ets, 17c. blue label brick, l.c; limberucr, 3-ib., loc; lim burter, 1-lb., IDc. PuL'LTKJf ivrollcis, 18u; springs, 12c; hens, 13c; coks. Do; ducks, lie; geese. flisc; turkeys, Zuc; pigeons, per Ooz., fl.oO. Alive; bioileis, 1-c; hens, Do. old roosters and stage., oc; oid ducas, fuU leaineied, lie; tetso. toll leathered, loc; turkeys, lie; uuincu, fowls, loc each; pigeons, per don., uc; homers, per dot., .'.uu; suuabn. No. 1, $1.60 ; No. 2, 6oc. r'lSli PicKcrul, lie; white, lwUc;pike, lie; trout, lnui3c; large cruppies. Iixujuic; Spanish macKcral, lUc; eel. Lie. haddocks, 13c; liouaums, 13c; green cattish, 13uluc; roe uliau. tl.uo each; baud roe. tier ualr. hlc; salmon, 13c; liai.bui, vc; yellow perch, be; buiraio, b:; bunheaus, 14c. URUli Apples varieties, per bbl., e3.ii; Jonuinan, per bul., $4-00; Cali fornia ilellellower, per box. fl.a6; Colo, raoo Jonathan, extra, fancy, per box, .&; hen UavlB, per bbl., $3,60. R. nanas rancy select, per buch, f3.25S7i.oy; jumbo, per bunco, 3.7.(yj. .5. (Jaiita loupts Colorado, standard as count, $1.73 per crate; pony crates, 64 count, $l.oo; Coloiado Usage, 13 But, per crate, l.oo. Cranberries--vv lsconsin fancy, per bbl., fs.Oo; per box. 43. oo. Oatea Anchor brand new, io 1-lti. pkgs. in boxes, per box, f &', 1-las Caiitoruid. per case of 13 13-oa. pkga., hoc; per case ot 30 13-01. pkgs., $3.uo; per case ot oO O-oi. pkgs., tu-uo; New Vurklsh, 6-crown In 2u-io. boxes, per lb loc; b-ctown In ID-lb. boxes, per ib., lbc; 7-crown lu 30-lb. boxes, per lb., lie. Orapes New Vork and Miciugan Concords, per J-ib. basket, IDc; California Tokaa, per 4-basket crate, $1.26. Lemons Limoneira biand, extra toncy, 3uu-4o0 slses, per box, 4b.7u; Loma Limoneira, lancy, 3wO-3uO alzcs, per box, $b.uu; liu and 4-'0 sixes, 6uc per oox less. Oiangea Niagara Redlands Vaiencias, U6-l.t sizes, per box, a.'i: luu-17ti-2i4)-31u-3i0 sizes, per oox, 40-u0- Peaches Calllornla and Colo rado, per box, )l.W. Peats California Duchesa, U. Hardy and H. Clarigeau. per 60-lb. box, 32.i0; lots ui lo boxes or tnoia. $3.40; Lawrouco, per box, $3.ou. (Jiilncea Alicmgan. jer baakci, 43-. V tjCi AbLdJd lieans hiring and wax, per market basket, 4l.0miuVi.36. Cabbage Wiacunsln, per lb., IVUlw. Celerv An.-h. Igaii, per uos., 3oc; Coloiado Jumbo, per uua., iiv, vuLuii.uM-iiui iiuuah, per Uoz., $l.i. LkkPluni Kancy Florida, tier doz., $1.00. (Jul lie Extra fancy, white, per lb., 15c. Lettuce txtra fancy leaf, per dog., 40c. unions Home grown, white, per date, $1.7a; pelluw, per crate,; red globe, per Id., 2fcc; vlscunsin. yellow, in sacks, per 10., 3Sc: Spanish. per crate, 31. 16. Parsley Fancy home grown, per doz. bunches, 46c. Potatoes- Minnesota tariy unio, per LU., fcc; Wis consin white stock, per bu.. Sue: In 11. aack tots, 6c less. Sweet Potatoes vtr K.iiia, per bbl., 3.E0; per bu., bk.. $1 36. Rutabagas In sacks, per lb., 1'ac lo-tnulj.a-ilouio growu, per market basket, Ki .01 AllSCELIANEOUS Almonds Califor nia soft shell, per lb., ;Vc; In sock lots, lc lesa. Brazil nuts Per lb., 13c; In sack lots, lc less. Chestnuts Per lb., lin. Co- coanuta per sack, $o.2o. 1 Uberts Per lb., 14c; In sack lots, lu lesa. Peanuts Roasted, per lb., 4-'; law, per lb., Trtc. Pecans Large, per lb., loo; in sack lot. lc luss. Walnuts New crop, UUI, Caii tornia, pep U... l.'jc; In sack luts, lo less. Cider New, per lu-gal. H bbl., $35; per 3e-y.ul. bbl., 15 60. Honey New, 21 frames, $ Krout Per 16-gul. keg, $2.76; par 6-gal. keg. $1.10. Kvaporated Apples aad Dried Fruits NEW YORK. Oct. 27. EVAPORATED APPLES (Juiet. but prices were steady; on the spot fancy are q"oied at lovjltttc; choice. niijy)e; prime. MtfitDc. liHIEO FRUITS Prunes, steady with a fair Jobbing demand: quotations range from 7o to ljo for Cullfornias up to 4o-oOs and II1: to 13c for uregons. Apricots. Inactive, but prices are steady; choice, loti liVjc; extra choice. p'.'filG.; fancy, 17 til'.. Pea. hen. firmer, with a letter in ouiry; choice, llii 1 IS'; extra choice, 114 ftl.'c; fancy, VJ'jK 124c Raisins, nervous and buiely steady; loose. Muscatels, t,V) ti'7'c; choice to fancy seeded, 7V, 11 Ntr; seedless, loTc. London luyers, ll.4jil.4i (.rata Market. VllLWAUKEK. Oct. 27. WHEAT No. 1 northern, $1. 13vii 1.14 : No. 3 northern. $1 12 ti 113; No. 3 bard winter, fl.04ul.08; Iie cember. f 1.4a): May, tl.03. OAT3 Slundard. 4Sc. DA RLE Y Malting. fliailU Ilalath Grala Market. DULUTH, Oct. 17-WIIEAT-No. 1 hard, IL'jSV No. 1 northern. $107; No. t northern. $1 do-,; IXceuiber, UotiA. May. $1 lu-. kl4 OAT 4WSJ44, OMAHA L1TEJT0CK MARKET Cattle Receipts Light and Trade Slow, but Steady. HOGS STRONGER. CLOSLNO LOWER Sheep and Larabs Good Sellers 1 Prices Not Materially Dlffereat from the Flgares that Pre. railed oa Thareday. SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 27. 1911. Jieeeipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheet .f4 ls 4 17H vo let 1 I7v 9t ... 4 I7U. ..:... ... ni. t:... 49... '... tt. 2t5 K0 t r. .174 4K0 "a .24 40 4 ii ..171 1J0 111 7. urriciai Monday 13.037 iiinciai Tuesday 8,708 Official Wednesdiiy.... 8.044 Offlclsl Thursday 3,759 Edtimate Friday 1,400 67.U 44.41 fW.flO 12.02 ,t)0 155.379 170.708 1H7.319 151,047 Five days tills week. .34.948 Same days last week..S6.m fame days 3 weeks ago. SI. 679 Came days 8 weeks ago.40.400 fame days 4 weeks ago.37,771 26,649 146.14t Same days l"st year. .37,132 18,219 U0,4s0 The folio. table sTiaws tho receipts of cattle, ho,, und sheep at South Omaha ior me year to date, as compared with -ast year: mi. 1010. Inc. Dec. i attle U74.223 1.013.G41 89,408 ""lis 1,V7.!)1 l,(v!7,141 SuO.uTiO "eep 2,491,724 2,401,267 30,467 The following table shows the average prices paid for hogs at South Omaha for tne last lew days, with comparisons: Date I 1911. LH.1909.1908.!1907.1908.1905 Oct. 19.. Oct. 20.. Oct. 21.. Oct. 22.. Oct. 23.. Oct 24.. Oct. 25.. Oct. 28.. Oct. 27.. 37 I g 611 7 391 6 21 6 30941 8 3.1 7 41 i 6 22 6 3u I 8 311 7 61 16 2U I 8 441 7 62 5 43 3a! 7 52 6 43 8-50 6 41 23W 8 47 7 B6 6 IS'! 8 26 7 691 6 54 i 8 36 7 6l 6 001 f OS 6 20 6 15 6 18 5 14 6 PS 6 20 6 87 6 10 6 70 f 1.1 6 14 6 47 6 12 6 10 6 39 6 IS 6 01 6 45 6 16 4 94 6 13 4 68 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live atock at the Union stock yards, South Omaha, ur iweniy-iour hours endinj at 3 p. m, j coici ua; RECEIPTS CARLOADS, fattlA Uo. Bh..n r a -: v.-, wx. OS O. X... vvaoash Missouri Pacific Union Pacific C. ft N. W. east C. tk N. W.. west C-. SL P.. M. A O C-. B. A Q., east C, U. & Q.4 west C. R. J. p. east C, R. I. & p., west Illinois Central C. O. W 8 10 1 9 33 2 1 21 14 18 Total receipts 67 DISPOSITION HEAD. 34 Omaha Packing Oo. Swift and Company.... Cudahy packing Co.... Armour Ai Co urn. Pkg. Co.. K .c Cudahy, Denver nenion. Yanstant & L. Hill &. Son J. 15. Root & Co J. If. Bulla Mccreary & Kellogg.... Wortheimer & Degen.. .Mo. ei Kan. Calf i n Ciine & Christie Sol Degen Other buyers Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, 168 . 93 678 228 67 237 27 15 M 36 19 19 - 3 71 4 303 607 1,343 SI9 1,476 1.647 2 834 708 0,044 rra. . r;": 2.040 4.144 8,623 LA U bE ReceiDts u... .m.n .. aw. " M ?.V.. B CMO on Friday, oniy fifty-seven cars being reported In. This was not enough to attract very much at- uiuiiB ouyers, ana what Is still more to the point buyers have all taken on a good many cattle this week and were real) v not in mut e .. !'!,dLt!0Hal fatUe-. Tha resuIt w9 ail kinds of cattle were more or less of aho?raB' ,wlt" Pces not materially ii,.8!. "Jwa " ft one of those slow, dull and uninteresting markets that occur with great frequency on a Frluay. in Jr e11 . 1'fetty much everything in eight both killers and feeders, waa dls- 01, out. mere waa no life or en thusiasm to the trade. wuotauons on jsatlve Cattle Good to u"i ateers, 0.iMa7.B0: lair to oooil "J sieers, .o.WHii.,5; common to fair " "'"""i : 'laiiwii good to choice ...... m. aa. iwlio.mj: noon ro niin n, ...... u 4.2a4.90; fair to good cows, 3. 7644. Zi; common to fair cows. u.Ai,. v Cttlvea. $3.60(87.60. muotaiionu on Range Cattle Good to unci steers, lair to srood ucci sieers. 44.taJSXn.fa0: commnn in lr beef steers. u-zh,,,ii- nH , ....... 1 a . a.ouiAi.uii: urn ,i , r. .h...... tl.3ou4.ir0; fair to good cow S.1 ui- gooa to choice stockers and feeders. $4.75 46..5; roir lo good Blockers and feeders 4.2w(4,4. 10; common to fair stockors and leeders, $3.4oi,4.26; stoca heilers, .; 4,2o; bulls, stags, etc., $J. 25&4. 90 imiiiuiuiiuva sales: cuws. At. Pr. No. ... 143 10 ... SM (86 I .. 120 I 14 10 ... 44 a 4 rtElFhiKB ... 43 t 04 t ,.. (20 IN I ..6(3 I 60 .. 461 1 40 I BULLS. ,..1164 1(0 J .,1370 74 1 CALVES. .. 70 I 00 1 No. I t 4 4 11 4 I 3 1 At. Pr. -. 10 14 ..loai 1 71 ..14 t 14 ..1M4 4 0 .. 471 3 II ..444 t TO .. 440 I 70 .. 141 I So .. IM ..1210 4 75 4 2i 1... 4... I... .1.... 120 T :t ai, . aa. a 4WV T bTOCiCLRd AND FEEDERS, ..... am a au 43 I1J I 74 11 Ml 10 II MO IN 4 IH0 4 OS 17 I7 4 14 34 AV. Pr. No. M 4 14 400 4 10 441 4 34 t4 4 40 ' 4 tO M4 4 44 No, li feeders.. 604 13 calves... 157 4 cows 962 o feeders. .104(1 8. W. 17 steers.... 900 9 helfera... 7;7 Av. 16 heifers... &08 13 cows 8u2 40 cows 1130 Pr. 3 60 8 20 4 16 5 23 8 Li R. 24 steers.... 21 cows..... 25 cows 17 cows S heifers.., 5 cows 12 feeders. M. llsO 6 15 1100 4 45 L'lO 4 80 3 75 3 40 C$5 t 40 958 3 6 4 10 7 25 3 80 6 15 Pi per Nebraska. 4 60 6 calves... 600 4 40 lii cows ions r. 4J. 1 riorriDSOn Nahraaka is leeaers.. a.o 4 40 J. W. Oood Nebraska. cows loss s 66 E. W. Read Nebraska v nailers... 775 3 30 A. Wilkinson NehraKkit. u steers. ...i.'io 6 60 Terrlll-Nebrazka. 27 steers. ...1016 7 cows 990 8 26 3 bulls Iu73 WYOMING. 792 3 10 1 heifers f.26 3 65 HDL'TH DAKOTA. 966 3 60 20 cows. 918 4 40 HOJS Aside from a good shinnlna- Am. mand the hog market was given r.onr aim. c-aiiy ut iiia. eeiioii, out in Spite Of mis tact tne eariy traae was the h. ijao.s mat found an outlet before 10 u tiocK usuauy urougnt figures strong to poBsioiv a niciiei nigner in spots. De mand became almost lifeless after out lae ouyers retired, now. ever, and the lat ter part of the trade was anvthlnir bur satisfactory to selling Interests. Values ettiea to levels weaK as compared with esieiuay s duix, tne market closing dull nd meun- Supply figures called for aBniit ihrv loads In all and of this estimate shippers and speculators purchased over a dozen loads of various weights. Butcher and pucklng grades inado up the big end of receipts, aa usual, nut relative scarcity ot bacon animals did not stimulate the emand for underweights and the nr.. inlum allowed was of little consequence. c-aies were not Duncnea quite so clot-ely a on recent oajs ior tne reason that neveiuiess tended toward wider snreads. Bulk ranged from $6. IH16 4 and the hlgn price ior iuu loaus uioppea to stxA). 1, PIGS. ODDS AND KNDri. Ill ... I 30 44 17 ... 4 Ti oiioLu-.,,,!,,,, l.Uv peueu 111 the nisi ket Ior sheep and lambs to matensil change the general coiiiiitloili of tiaat prices remaining just about steady a along the line. The run had limited sis and over half of the total consisted 0 is inmos. included in the 6,500 head ei ilmate were only a few small strings c sheep, resulting In a very modest arnoun of wether, ewe and yeaning business. . large part of the run waa late In show in. up, but after offerings were all yardo tire demand became reasonably acilvt both from packers and country buyers. For the first time In several wcekt barring Saturdays, sorters were throng work early yesterday, as the clearanc was easy and complete. Buying was fca tured by freedom In all quarters, desptt the fact that receipts on previous day had plenty of aize. All points have bee getting liberal supplies, South Omaha re calving about 150,000 head In the five dayi The big bulk of this aggregate came t the feeder, flesh and that part of th trade In which unfinished classes he! forth waa naturally the busiest. Fat va rletles usually showed god form, how ever, and good kinds of rheep and lamb are closing at figures shout a dime aboi vaiues a wok ago. Desirable fat lamb 1 ara now selling around $5.60, and a $5.1 'Va-' top was claimed by choice western, a Vw well aa toppy fed natives. Anything mnv Ing under $5.00 was not very attractivt warmed-up stuff being avoided at nl times. Prime lM-pound wethers fron Montana closed at $370, and good, fa ewes are wanted at $3.fijS.25. j Dally feeder clearances were much mnr. satisfactory than lost week, but price, fulled to show much Improvement, closini generally steady. If nnv exception I made. It applies to the feeder ewes, a this class of stock has scored modernt advances. Weighty lambs, suitable fo dry lots, drew better Inquiry than light common grades, the former selling a $4.00 and better, while plain little classo were rather Flow sale under $4 00 Feed ewes are quotable from $?.50!fi2.65 dowi to tl.25 for poorest culls. Four days' pur chase of feeders on country accoun amounts to about 117.000 head. Quotations on sheen and lambs: Iarr.b good to choice, f5.3,Vrt5.75: fair to good $5.00fif5.3o: feeders. jrj.2r.fi4.7S. Yearllnirs good to choice, t3.25H4.15; feeders, f.T15H 3.05. Wethers, good fo choice, H.40W3.7O fair to good, $3.103.40; feeders. $2.90o3.2i Ewea, good to choice. $3.001713.35: l'al- tt good. $2.7R3.00; breoders, ti. 252 A. 00; feed ers, $2.10-2.50; culls. $1.50(2.10. Representative sales- No. 340 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 139 Wyoming lambs, feeders... tw Wyoming iambs, feeders... 93 Wvomine Inmhx fa..H.r. 601 Wyoming lambs, feeders!,! 10 vvyoming lambs 125 Nebraska, vearllnes ewea 2001 Wyoming lambs, feeders.. 47 liS Wromlnsr lnmh Mrs utia '51 436 Wyoming lambs. Ms., culls. 42 II S,yom,n" yearlings, fdrs... 64 43 Wyoming ewes 12(4 w vvyomine ewes, culls 6K1 Wyoming lambs 4S0 native lambs 18 nativo lambs 3 native ewes 2 native buck 'lambs .... Av, M 52 62 SI 44 45 7 113 77 S2 JO 150 120 Price 1 4 50 t is, J 4 00 4 on '. 3 25 . IS i 2 00 V-. 3 00 . V 2 TR w 3 10 2 40 5 Ki o 50 r. 00 a no 5 00 P CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MAHKE1 Demand for Cattle and Sheep Stendj Ho as Streak. CHICAfiO. Oet T. C A TTT TT" X .Aalnl m 2,000 head; market, slow and stead v' beeves, f4.55.75; Texas steers, t4.00&5.80: western, f4.15fl7.00: stockers and feedere, f2.90ti5.75: cows and heifers, tl.904j3.8n calves. fS.OOifi 8.75. HOGS Receipts. 17.000 bead: mrlrn strong, 7c higher for bent irrurien other. steady. Light, t5.7iya6.40; mixed, $fi.7.V!T 6.50: heavy. 6.70iifl.45: rotteh. S5.70oi.ino cholco to heavv. Iti.OOffr'fi.l.v iilv tj nvm 6.90; bulk of Kales, $6.1035. . anr.i.1- aiu L.A MRS Receipts. 12.fKif head; market, steady; native, f2.25VoM.7o; western. t2.40ii3.80: vearllnss t:t fi.tfii 0,1 native lambs, f3.50fj6.00; western. f3.75y Kansaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Rto.. Oct wctti Receipts, 2.300 head, lncludlnir 500 smuii. erns; market, uteady; opened slow, closed active; dressed beef kind export steeis. f7.004tS.75; fair to good. $r..00r(i.76; west ern steers. f4.O0tii6.5O; stockers and feed ers, $3.7iirg.,5; southern steers. $X75(i5.00; southern cows, $2.75-114.25; native cows. $2.40r(M.75; nntlve heifers. 34.0u&0.75; bull $3.0154.00; calves, $4.00ftV7.25. HOGS Receipts, $8, WO head: market steady; bulk of sales. $5.85f(58.30; heavy, $ii.a69i6.35; packers and butchers iii .i.-,a 6.36; lights. $5.65i&0.25: ules. t4.25ia-3.2li. SHEEP AND LAM11S Rerelnta 1 (V head; market, steady; lambs, $4.257t55; yearlings, f.l50fi4.25; wethers. $3.003171; stockers and feeders, $2.25'g3.75. St. I.oals Lire Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 27.-CATTLE-Reccipts. Texas and Indian steers. t4.Ooiar7.oo: rows and heifers, f4.6oa7.00. HOOS Receipts. 8.963 head: marL-.i steady; pigs and lights, f4.603i.35; pack ers. $i!.15ig.30; butchers and beet heuvv. $6.25fH.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnfs 5 2m head; market, strong; native muttons. $3.3ufa3.76; lambs, t4.0OS5.75: etills and bucks, $1.25ra3.50; stockers, $1.5033.00. S(. Joseph Live stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Oct. 27 PATTI R- Recelpts. 300 head: market steady, steer. $4.60(68.00; cows and heifers. $3.0007.00: calves. $4.O0&7.50. HOOS Receipts. 3.500 head: market steady to strong; top. $0.40; bulk of sales. $6.1nCl.30. i SHEEP AND I.AMRS Recelnts. tKV) head; market steady; lambs, $6.085.6S. Stock In Slitht. Receipts of live stock at the five Prin cipal markets yesterday: Cattle. South Omaha 1.400 Joseph 300 Kansas City 2.300 ft. Louis 7.700 Chicago 2,000 Totals 13,700 Hogs. Sheen. 6.1ii0 9000 3.500- !f) 8.SO0 1.001 9 04) 2i 17,000 12,000 43.4'X) , 100 Ueprscntatlve sales; Nc. At. as. Pr. No. At. la. Pt. 14.....14 ... 4 10 M NT 130 I 17U, 34 loO 110 4 14 tl !1 M IS .7 371 H 4 II 41 V3 M I 20 t - 171 I 11 Tl 134 ... I -0 70 3ul HI I IS 17 1.'O 40 I to (4 3M I til I li Tl 31 l. t in 10 374 1-0 4 IS t.' 31J M III it SCI ... 4 li 40 341 It IX I. ' 344 IbK I IS I IV4 ... I :t I 370 M I II li tti SO I lu & Ill ISO II II li tl tK tl 13 ... 11714 40 271 4(1 4 20 (.. 314 ao I I7va 11 a 40 I : 41 34 ton I 1714 71 1.7 ... 4 14 t 2a BO 4 I71j L3 134 44 I 34 S4 ri 10 I 11 ii a in 44 23 10 I 17 4 17T lua I le IK HI too I 17l 13 Ill we I to fi 311 34) I 17. 14 170 40 4 lo i tt.7 u I 11 tl 171 110 4 l.'U, 44 KI 30 4 171, t 31 ... tl: u ni 1M I 17', aa ki 1I I rn, II H4 130 4 I1' 0 143 144 I t:i, SI M 4 1714 41 37 ... I 111. SI lit 44) I IT(4 II Kt MIS II M . . 4 41 14 III 4...... A. m fUaj 4a. Oat ... 4 a) Metal Market. NEW TORK.' Oct. 27. METALS Stan dard copper, weak; spot, October. No- ember. December and January. $12'00'iJ 12 20. London market, weak: spot, (66 6s; utures, 50. Arrivals reported at New- fork today, 15 tons. Custom house re turns show exports so far this month of 18.814 tons. Lake copper. $12.37Hi3 12 .60: electrolytic, $12 60yi2.S7-; casting. $12.0U 4(12.26. Tin, weak; spot. $41.00ar41 0: Oc tober. $40.9041 45: November, $40.851.40: December, $40 SOtHl 35; January and Februarv, $40.7541.35; soles, five tons spot at $40.0214; fifteen tons at $40.96; five tons at 841.00. London market, steady; spot. l.K 17s 6d: futures, 1S7. Lead, eauy; t4.25tf4.30. New York; ft. lord 4. 12V,, East St. Louis. London. 15 &s 9d. Spelter, dull ami nominal; tii.20atj.30. New Tork; t6.104T'C.2O Tast St. Ixuis. London. f26 7s 6d. Anti, mor.y. dull; Cookson's. f fr.12V4.. Iron, Cleveland warrants. 46 4d In London. Locally Iron waa quiet; No. 1 foundry northern. fli.OOy 15.60: No. 2. H4.751625; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft. $16 0015 60. ST. LOUIS. Mo., Oct. 27.-METAL8-Lead. dull, unsettled, at $4.HVt; spelter, usettled at $fi.l21a 15- Cottoa Market. NEW TORK. Oct. 27-COTTON-Spot closed dull. 10 points higher; middling up lands. 9.60c: middling gulf, (76c; sale, 4l bales. Futures closed verv steady Closing bids. October. 9.16c; November. 15c: December, $.30c: January. 9 10c: February, 9 lac; March. 23c: April. .ai i May, 9 S4c: June. 9 7c; July, 9.41c; Augusl f.36c; September.' 9.80c. I l.arneel Grala Market. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 27.-WHEAT-Srot nominal: futures weak: December, 7s 6d-Ma-eh. 7s 4d: May. 7 44. CORN Spot steadv : American mixed. s td; futures easy; January, 6s Feb ruary, 6a 8U(1- Sasrar Market. NEW TORK. Oct. t7.6UaAR-Qult-muscovado. 89 teat, l.23c; eentrtfuyal. Ki test. 873; molasses augar. test, 4-97Hc Refined, quiet. Hoal Market. ST. I -OO 3 Mo.. Oct. 27. WOOL Doll: territory and western mediums. ITJOe; fuse, saedliims. totilto; Baa, lbtflao. 7,i0I head. Including 1.151 Texans; market. ' I steady; native shipping and export V I steers, $5.007.5O; steers under 1,000 pounds. X. 1 $4.0Ofg,8.25; stockers and feeders. $3.25gv5.75; I cows and heifers. $3.00(87.00; canners, $1.0.) X 3.00; bulla. 83.754i5.2S: calves. 14 ofKa on (