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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1911)
unday Bee NEWS SECTION PAGES 1 TO 12 WEATHER FORECAST. Generally Fair VOL. XLI-XO. 19. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOliNING, OCTOnUli L'i 1DU F1VK MIXTIONS-FOWTV PA (IKS. SINdLK COPY FIVE CENTS. IMPERIAL ARMY DRIVES REBELS Coming aud Going in Omaha ALDRICH SCORES HARD HITS FROM BRYAN'S SPEECH Governor Riddles Pretenses of Peer FROM HANKOW Ifotive City is Recaptured by Gov ernment Troops After Two San guinary Strujjjles. The Omaha Jill ie:s Leaaer in Mousing Aaaress at Falls City. INSURGENTS' LOSS IS HEAVY Toor Hundred and Thirty Hen Killed and Wounded. SHARP FIGHT AT THE BRIDGE Fleet Supports Army in Attack Upon Position at Lichia Tetpple. GOVERNMENT TAKES RAILROAD It Now Controls Line All Way from Peking to Hankow. CITY OF CANTON IS INDEPENDENT Demand of Government for Men and Money to Proaecnte War ia Flatly Refused by tha Gentry. ' 8IAOKAN. China, Oct. 28.-From a Cor respondent with the Imperial Army Under General Yin Tchang) The native city of Hankow wus recaptured from the rebela after a day of sanguinary fighting. The Imperialists captured lurge quanti ties of guns and ammunlttlon. Two engagements were fought. The first began at 6 o'clock a. m. south of Sheoku, at Suotao bridge, towards Llu chlamlao. Supported by the warships the imperial troops forced the rebels from their position at Lichia temple, which was captured at 11 o'clock. The fighting recommenoed in the direc tion of the Tachlh gate of Hankow. The rebels were strongly entrenched west of the race course. The imperialists forced their way acros Saotau bridge and seized the town of Liuchla. Driving the enemy before them the loyal troops entered the native city of Hankow. . , The Imperialists lost about forty klllad, including a captain and two lieutenants, while 150 others were .wounded. The rebels lost 430 men. PEKING, Oct. 28.-The, 4mlniter of war, General Ylnc Tcliang, 'in a report to the government today thus 'describes a victory over the rebel forces la the vicinity of Hankow: The first division of tha Imperial army advanced from Bhekou yesterday, at tacking the -fesUlon-of the rebelsrTfcB imperialists crossed Suotao bridge, de feating the enemy with much slaughter and capturing large quantities of guns and ammunition.' Lleuchla was seized and the army advanced and ; occupied the Chinese city of Hankow. . . . - , General Yin Tcl'idiig is now at Slao kan, otherwise- Imowv as Kilometer Twenty. He further reports that he has sent troops to How and Ying Chong in which district It is reported the rebels are assembling. Theso troops will also protect the railway communication which ,1s threatened by the rebels. Yesterday's fighting 'took place during a heavy rain. The troops fought. with treat valor. ' Cnuton Refuses Fnnds. Canton is practically in a state of Independence. The city has .declined to contribute' men or money for the sup port of the government in the present crisis. The central government demanded large sums as a 'special military contribution but the viceroy of Kuan Tung, after consultation with the gentry, curtly re plied that H was. Impossible to supply the funds, as at a meeting of gentry it had been determined to refuse the de mand and that Canton should look after Its own interests. The business of the city Is proceeding peacefully. The government has succeeded. In ob taining a large loan from a French and Belgian syndicate. The amount is not divulged but the Issue price is nlnety Bix with 6 per cent interest. The board of foreign affairs announces that service on the Peking-Hankow rail way will be resumed next Monday. Tha foreign bourd also states that S.000 loyal troops are marching on Chang Sha, now in possession of the rebels. The troops are proceeding from . Tu Chow. The recaptuie of Tin Slen. a city In Sze Chuen province, by the govern ment forces Is officially confirmed. The adherents of Yuan Shi Kal, who Continued on Second Page.) The Weather For Nebraska Generall fair, probably tain or snow in west portion. For Iowa Fair; not much change in temperature. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday. Hours. ,' Deg. 5 a. m sa ( a. m 33 ; 7 a. m so I S a. in , to 'i a, in,.,.. S3 I 10 a. m M 11 a. m ay t- m 44 1 p. m 46 2 P- m 47 3 P. m 48 4 p. m 48 5 p. m 47 p. m s 7 P ra 44 ' l0 moral . V . I reralrti.t I Advrllos I I It tk Road to I IBIS JUturM. louiparuilve Local Reeord. ' ' 1911. 1910. 13C. 1JOS. Highest yesterday 4S 40 U 63 Lowest y.wterday. ....... 30 ZT tt SI Mean temperature tu M 44 60 Precipitation 40 - .00 .00 .W Temperature and precipitation depart ures from the normal: Normal temperature , 48 iH-ficlrncy for the day ( Total deficiency since March 1 747 Normal precipitation 07 inch Deficiency for the day 07 inch Total rainfall since March 1 .... 1 3 . 74 Inches Deficiency klnce March 1 14 33 Inuhrs deficiency for cor. period. 1!10..13 37 Inches deficiency fur cor. period. 1.. 1.3V inches U A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Wit i land" show departs KULES AGAINST TWO CHALLENGES McNamara Court Holds Jurors Winter and Framptom Com petent DEFENSE ENTERS OBJECTION Federal Grand Jury in Indiana May Injllet McXaniarae tor Illegal Transportation of Ex plosives. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Oct. 2S.-Judgo Walter L. Bordwell today decided a four days' controversy over Talesman A. C. Winter in the McNatnara murder trial by refusing to excuso him from Jury service. The defense challenged Winter after he had said that he had a fixed opinion as to the guilt or Innocence of the defendant, but told attorneys for the state that he could give a fair trial. Further examined by the defense, he said It w'ould take evidence to remove his. opinion. The Judge also retained Talesman Wal ter N. Frampton, who was challenged by the defense because he said he believed that 'labor unions. blew up the Times building and that John J., and James B. McNatnara, were guilty ofthe deed. "l -have ' examtned "in ' record very eJoselyr said the court, "both as to Win ter .and Frampton and have given spe cial attention to the testimony that Mr. Winter gave here day before yesterday, and I am going to ask Mr. Winter a few questions with reference to that "matter again. Did'you make a speech two yenra ago at the Merchants' exchange about the time of a strike here on tho labor question 7" 'I may have talked on the subject, but made no speech," answered Winter. "I don't remember any speech." Attorney Darrow entered objections to the ruling on Winter and Frampton. Talesman T. J. Lee was excused after he had said he would not convict In a capital case on circumstantial evidence. May Face Otber Charges. INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 28.-Thaf, ac cording to information Jn .the possession of the United States district attorney, a conspiracy unlawfully to transport dyna mite from state to state has existed with headquarters in the offices of John Mc Natnara here is the statement of a peti tion filed, in ibe .county, cdoilnal court today praying for possession of evidence in the case fo be used In a federal grand Jury Investigation. ' John J. McNamara, James B. McNa- mara, Ortle E. McManlgal "and others working In concert ' with them" are the persons alleged by the United States at torney for this district, Charles W. Miller, to have' engaged in' the conspiracy, dyna mite and nitroglycerine were unlawfully transported on passenger trains in Inter state commerce through Indiana, Illinois, Pennsylvania. Missouri und California, ac cording to the petitioner. Admissions, incriminating letters and other evidence, the petition recites, are contained in books, papers and boxes of explosives and weapons seized by the police in a raid on the offices In this cltypf the International Association 'of Bridge' and Structural Iron Workers, of which John J. McNatnara is secretary and found in a box at the home of D. Jones, an iron worker, and at the lodging of John J. McNamara. All this evidence is now In charge of Judge Joseph Murkey of the criminal court and it is desired for a federal grand Jury inquiry to be opened on November 7. It was partly on the evidence described that the grand jury here returned an indictment against John J. McNamara, charging conspiracy to destroy property by dynamite. Judge Markey denied a petition that .the . evidence be taken to California for . use in the trials of the McNamaras there. Mabray and Morse Will Be Returned to Council Bluffs TOPEKA, Kan., Oct M.-II. A. Wad dington, sheriff, and Frank J. Capell, county attorney of Council Bluffs, la., ap peared before Governor Btubbs today and obtained requisition for John C. Mabray and E. K. Morse. Mabray and Morse, were were convicted of swindling by means of fake foot races, will be released from the federal prison at Leavenworth tomorrow, when they will have served five year sentences. They will be met by 8herlff Waddlngton at the prison door with warrents and will be taken to Council Bluffs, where they will be tried on additional charges. There are twenty-one .additional counts agaiaal Mabray and four agaiuat Uurse. iiSY: www Ji ill ' -3 xS TTO.DCCTIE.WmLYETAYPUT 1 mTAKOPPHOSISW' TEACHER 2 ' C0TTW4 TAFT FAILSJO REGISTER President Cannot Vote Because For mality is Neglected. CERTIFICATE IS NOT ATTESTED He Is Notified by Mall and Letter Does Xot Iteaeh Hint Promptly Second C'erttfieate Is Too l.ate. CHICAGO, Oct.. JS.-rresldetit Taft to day again changed his plans for his truvels after leaving Pittsburg on Tues day and Incidentally learned that he had failed to qualify as a voter at the, elec tions to be held on November 7. He failed failed to register and received word from Cincinnati today while entering on arduous dltles of his first day In Chicago, that he will not be eligible to vote this fall. The president's new Itinerary will take him from Pittsburg to Morgantown, W. Va., instead of direct to Hot Hprlngs, Va. From Morgantown Mr. Taft wll go direct to New York City to review the Atlantic fleet on November 2. After inspecting the fleet, tha president .will go to Hot Springs to stay until November- 6. when he will proceed to his home In Cincinnati, despite the fact that he cannot vote. . Mr. Taft was muoh disappointed over the fact that, he had failed ,to" register andv was also "chagrined to lenrn that Ignorance of the registration laws hud been his undoing primarily and that the luck of necessary speed by the postal Service bad finally -barred the chief ex ecutive of the land from voting. The president sent his registration papers from the west a couple of weeks ago, but did not have them attested by a notary. He later received word that his unsealed signature would not be ac ceptable under the law. He then made a new affidavit at Newcastle, Wyo., swore to his signature before a notary and for warded It to Cincinnati. The postofflce department did not deliver It In time and the president cannot vote until next spring. Secretary of State Will Decide. CINCINNATI, O., Oct. ' 2S. According to members of tho Cincinnati board of elections it has not been definitely deter mined that President Taft Is barred from voting for city and county officers here on Tuesday, November 7. Secretary of State Graves will, it Is .expected, render hid decision early next week. MacFarland and Wife Had-Agreed to Live Apart NEWARK, N. J., Oct. 8The unhappy domestic relations of Allison MacFarland and the wlfo he Is accused of murdering, were described In a written statement made by MacFarland through his attor ney today. 'For about five years my wife and my self had been considering a separation Which we realized as inevitable," says MacFarland. "Neither could enter into pleasures or pursuits of the other. We did not consider either of us at fault; It was simply our misfortune that we were badly mlsinated; wo lived our lives largely apart. "While our affairs were unsettled, she had the choice of remaining with me and taking one-half of the things, as I hail them, or going to Maine until It blew over. She chose Maine and refused to come buck until things were more pros perous, as her letters will show." Mrs, Dora E.Doxey is Reported Dying ST. LOUIS, Oct. 28,-Mrs. Dora E. Doxey, charged in St. Louis county with a bigamous marriage with W. J. Erder, for whose death she was acquitted after a murder trial, will never face a criminal Judge again becauxe of Illness, according to Prosecuting Attorney Mills of St. Louis county. Mills returned today from Savan nah, Term., where fie obtained statements from physicians. The charge against Mrs. Doxey bos been continued Indefinitely, SUIT TO ENJOIN COMPLETION OF BIG DAM AT KEOKUK SPRINGFIELD. III., Oct. 2S.-Sult for an Injunction against the Keokuk and Hamilton Water Power company was filed today In tho United States circuit court by the Mills-Ellsworth company of Keo kuk, la. The concern asked that the power company be restrained from con tinuing the construction of a dam across the Mississippi river from Keokuk to Hamilton. The Mills-Ellsworth company claimed that when the dam is completed water will back up, resulting in great t damage to real, astata aloug the river, FOUR ARE KILLED IN A JA WJiECK Brakeman Throws Switch Just in Time to Send Atlantic Express Into Freight Train. TWENTY OTHERS ARE INJURED Fatal Wreck at Hock Hlver, Wyo., When Fnst Pnuriigfr Train Itnns Into Freight Minuting on a Siding. The dead: HANS T. BANGS, I.nramle, enRlnocr. WILLIAM H. CHKHKIN, Laramie, fireman. TWO UNIDENTIFIED ITALIAN LA BultEKS. Seriously Injured: Twenty passengers on train No. 4. Train No. 4, the Aatlantlc express, one of the fast trains on the Union Pacific, while passing thiough the town of Rock River, Wyo., Suturday morning, crashed Into a freight train standing on a sid ing, Instantly killing two, the fireman and engineer on No. 4, and neriously In juring twenty-two others, two of whom died a short time afterwards. No. 4 was passing through the town and had a clear track. A freight train iVa standing on tha siding awaiting tor the passenger to pass. The breakman, stationed at the rear of the freight, In some way became confuted and threw the switch, Just as No, 4 approached so that It crashed into the rear of the relght train. The engineer and fireman of the 'pas senger train were killed almost Instantly and tho other two who are dead were unidentified Italian laborers who were in the caboose at the rear of the freight train. UinLI.NUTO.V K 1 I'M) V K INJIHKU Charles II. Young Fatally Hart at Lincoln. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Oct. 23.-tSpeclal.)-Charlcs II. Young, for years an employe at the local Burlington passenger station, wan run down nnd probably fatally injured by a switch etiKlno here today. The at tending physicians four that ho cannot recover. Young did not notice the ap proaching locomotive when he started to cross the tracks at the north end of the depot. The engine was running slowly M the time of the accident. Steamer Multnomah Cut in Two by the Iroquois at Seattle SEATTLE, Oct. 2S. During dense fog at midnight the steamship Iroquois, out bound from Seattle with pasnengers for Victoria, struck the freight steamer Multnomah from Tacomu. for Seattle and cut It lu two. Tho Multnomah was sunk In very deep water. All the persons on board were saved. Fifteen head of rattle went down with the Multnomah. The Iroquois proceeded apparently uninjured. Old Settlers' Club of Sheridan Meets SHERIDAN, Wyo.. Oct. 2f. (Special Telegram.) Fifty members, of the Old Settlers' club of Sheridan and Johnson counties compoNfd of pioneers who settled in northern Wyoming prior to lKxJ, held a banquet und social session in Sheridan today. Among those who attended were Stephen George, a prominent and wealthy rancher of the Sheridan country, who saw the first roofed house built lu Denver and P. A- Duncan also a ram her who claims the distinction of being the oldest living white child born in the city of Denver. Others came west with tho first gold rush more than half a century ao. The majority have attained wealth und prom inence und are now ruled as the most substantial citizens of Sheridan and the Sheridan country. CHICAGO LABOR LEADER -IS CHARGED WITH MURDER CHICAGO, Oct. William J. Hoerner, former organiser of the Chicago Typo graphical Union, No. 14, was Indicted to day by the grand Jury for the murder of Rush V. Denon, a nonunion printer who was killed January 10. by sluggers said to have been employed under the direc tion of Boerner. The testimony showed that Boerner employed "Chicago Jack" Daly, a pugilist, to assault Denon and other nonunion printers and that he In turn hired Daniel Cassldy, "Mummy" Wilson, John White and T. A. Garrlty to do the work. ALL BOOST FOUAND SHOW Merchants, Jobbers and Hotel Men See Its Good Results. HELPS TO SETTLE THE WEST Joseph Ha rim Is Impressed with the MiHTrlty and genuineness of the Show, Which Works for tirrnt Uood. Business men say the Land show, by locating easterners In' the agricultural territory went of Omaha, will be a big factor in building up Omaha. Here are the opinions of a few of them: Koine Miller, speaking of the Land show, tald: "My opinion of the Land show, cannot be expressed In a few words. It is so far reachinK" In an educational way, and val uablo as a means of Inducing Increased Immigration to this western country, and so valuable to Omaha and Nebraska In particular, that the whole proposition Is worthy of a more than passing .com ment. "Population, never recedes from the Pa clflo coast states, or tho statoa lying between Nebraska and the coast. . Ne braska and the west must look to the cast for its growth. Anything that tends to build the west builds Omaha and Ne braska. I care not where an easterner lands, so that It is west of the Mis sourl river. The wholesale trade of Omalm mitst look to the west for Its patronngn and Its future development, therefore too much pralsw or .ooinmenda. tion cannot be placed upon the manage ment of this great enterprise, and 1 sin cerely trust It will become an annual Institution for Omaha. s a director for several years of the National Corn ex position, I have: somo knowledge of the vast amount of labor and expense con nected with this undertaking. The ex hibits themselves were fine, they were artlstlcully assembled and splendidly housed. From tho publicity standpoint, there lias never anything taken place thut lias given the widespread publicity to Omaha that the Land show has given It." Joseph llayilen I, Ikes Kliow, "The. Land show Is an exhibition of real merit," said Joseph llayden of Hay den Bros, "There Is a sincerity and genuineness about It that makes one feel good. It shows people how little they have known about their own country, about Its possibilities. It ought to make us a little ashamed thut we have known so little. It ought to have the effect of awukenlng people to greater realisation of the extreme good fortune of living in the west. The show is one of the blg enterprlscs of Omaha and the west anl as such It has my sincere approval and good wishes." "Speaking not only as a private In- (Contlnuod on Second l'nge.) Escape of Alleged Hustler Causes Stir Among the Officers PIERRE. 8. D Oct. 28. (Speclal.)-The eucupe of Tom Moore, the alleged horse rustler, from the Jail In this city Wednes day night has stirred trouble for several people. It was alleged that the Janllor at tho Jail said ho was offend ;,,W0 to help Moore escape. This coming to JudKe ilUKliei, Sheriff LauKhll'i, Jailer McMulWn, Janitor Relsdoi fer of the Jail force of "this county, and several other witnesses were called into court at Fort Pierre to make what explanation they could In regard to tho matter. All told, evidently all they knew In regard the matter, the Janitor denying that he nald he had ever been made such an offer, only suylng that lie believed that others west of tho liver would give S-',,000 to have Moore get away, or words to that effect. Jailer McMullen told of the manner In which Moore made his escape, and the matter was allowed to rest until Friday morning, when other witnesses were culled, among them Tolbert Muupin, an old-time resident of Stanley county, now living at Dupree. He told too much at tho start and failed to go fur enough to satisfy the curiosity of Judge Hughes after he started. Ills testimony was to the effect that he attempted to see Moore after coming here, and tho sheriff would not allow him to communicate with the prisoner. That he had a verbal metsuge from a woman for Moore, but did not de liver It. When asked who sent the mes sage and what It was he refused to tell, and h was committed to Jail until he saw fit to divulge the Information de manded, or until the Judge saw fit to authorize his release. Moore was suposed to hold the key to many who have been iteparaled of rustling operations, which was onei of the' rea sons for wanting- tilin so badly. LAND SHOW NOW T1IING OF PAST Big Exposition Ends with Whistles of Midnight. the DECLARED A MAMMOTH SUCCESS Children and KulajhU of Ak-Sar-llen Swell Crowds on Last Day Workers Soon Clear Away the Exhibits. With the blowing of the midnight whis tle, tho scuond Omaha Land Show, the most successful of any ever attempted, or held, became a pleasant memory. The ml mining crowds left the Coliseum relect antly and where for two weeks order had held full sway, chaos became supreme. Following the exit of the crowds, an army of workmen entered and within an hour, the beautiful exhibits had al most ccmpletely disappeared, Swift and experienced hands had packed away In specially prepared boxes and cases the delicate and attractive sheaves of grain: the-freen and canned products had been taken from their stations and had been carefully placed In their cases and many were on their way tu the cars tc be sunt iiuiuo, ur ig inner expositions, ' . , Ulaurst liny of Show. ..... Saturday was by all odds tha greatest day of the Land Show. There were peo pie present and In attendance than dur ing any former day, but they were not farmers seeking lands or. new locations; nor were they city people out to see and be seen, but Instead, . they were those who ar to curva out the future dutlnles of this and the great states to the north and south, the east and the west. They were the boys and slrls of Omaha, the surrounding towns and Douglas county. Many Children There, It was. children' day at tho Omaha Land Show and the children were there thousands of them, and bf all ages and all colors. They swarmed the gates and as they passed, each was given a tube filled with O'Brien's choicest candy, the gift of tho Land Show management. Dur ing the day they trooped through the bullrilnir, admiring the exhibits and listen ing to Ferullu's bund and the Hawallans, but not once did they attempt to pick the fruit, or disturb the flowers that Were on exhibition. While the children had their day. there were othera who had their night, and evi dently they constituted the greater popu lation of the city, for It seemed that everybody was In attendance. They com prised the men and women of all walks of life, the rich and poor, for once meet ing on the aume level and all enjoying the one program that had been prepared for all alike. Tho Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben comprised tho largest organization attending on tho last night of the Ind Show. Of thnnV there were at least 1,200, and the Coli seum being their regular meeting place during the lust sixteen years, they felt perfectly at home, as was apparent. They appluuiled the music and cheered the Land Show until the lights high In the culling trembled and flickered. There was no hilarity, but Instead, ev erybody present had a good time. Extra musical selections were rendered and spe cially composed songs were sung. This program routlnud until midnight and then the second Omaha' Land Show passed Into history. Will of Louisille Millionaire Attacked IXH'IMVILLK. Kir'. Oct "S.-Clalnilna that the late 1-oula P. Kwald, who left an estate of Io.OiJ.OoO, was of unsound mind, Harry F. Kwald and Rosa K. Damon of St. Louis, brother and sister of the testator today brought suit here for the annulment of the will and asking that the udoptlon by the testator of Philip Golden, Helen Golden and Sterling Golden of St. Louis, be set aside. The petitioners charge that Mr. Kwald was unduly In fluenced by the principal beneficiaries of the will. Mr. Kwald was for many years a steel manufacturer of western Ken tucky. Actor Shoots His Wife and Himself WICHITA, Oct. .-Bert Rodney, an actor In a stock company which Is play ing here this winter, fired two shots at ills wife yesterday and then shot himself through tha heart, dying Instantly. Mrs. Rodney Is dangerously wounded, but will probably recover. Mrs. Rodney Is a mem ber of the company. Jealousy Is given as a probable causa of the shooting. t DEMOCRATIC CLAIMS EXPLODE! Hollowness of Party's Promises t the Voters Exposed. ADVICE TO THE INSURGENT! Electing Democrats Will Not Helj La Follette in Nebraska, REPUBLICAN PARTY'S REC0RI What it Has Accomplished When ii Power in the State. DEMOCRATS DESERVE DEFEAT Nebraska Can Only Make rroajresi by Tarnlna Down Crowd that ia Mow "eeklttK to tialn Con trol of tha State. FALLS CITY. Neb., Oct. 2. -(Special.) Governor Aldrich spoke here tonight tt a . one of the largest gatherings that evei assembled In tills town to listen to l political speech. He addressed his- re marks largely to W. J. Bryan, his speed being something In the nature of a replj to the address recently delivered her b) the Peerless Leader. Mr. Bryan urged tht progressive republicans tq vote the demo cratic ticket this fall;' Governor Aldrlct pointed out very clearly that the courst advised would only help the democrati and would not be cf any benefit to thi progressives, and especially not to th causa of Senator La, Follette. He wai loudly applauded aa one after another ol lila tolling shots went home. What tha Governor Maid. , Governor, Aldrlch spoke carefully, bul inphatlcally, and aald: "A short time ago democracy's dis tinguished leader spoke la this city and with hla usual graceful, plausible fluency advised depubllcans to vote the democral ticket on November T, next. "This Is not ar. unusual course fot Colonel nryan to take, In fact It I quits ' the usual thins for him to do for ha lias . not In twenty years failed to do this sell same thing. It had become a fixed habit with our friend to annually, In the xiionth of October, ltd out over the state bf Ne braska and advise and prophesy, but there Is nothing to be alarmed about from a republican standpoint In this matter, be cause no calamity has ever overtaken the state or the republican party by reason of Mr. Bryan's advice. Why should the republican party be alarmed as to his prophesies for none of them has come ' true. Mr. 'Bryan could not help going over thi slate and thus talking oven It ho wanted to, and we should not prevent his going even if we could, for he says a great many Inspiring things and one " and all, without regard to party affilia tions, we are al.vsys glad to lienr him. ' Ills splendid abilities, his fine diction, his luxurious Imagination and beautiful word paintings make him an attractive, pleas ing entertainer. Question Before Voters. "Theory and prophecy are always Inter esting and now and thin Impel tnvestlga- tion and experiment which may lead to the discovery of some great truth; but at this time there Is no occasion for tha voters of this state to be regaled with Mr. Bryan's beautiful wjrd pictures or to listen to hla prophecies because we hava j mora serious business on hand. What tho voter on November 1 next wants to know Is, How and in what way can I cast my ballot thut will work for the best Interest and the greatest good of nation? What man or men should"! vote for to best conserve the interests of good government and common decency in my beloved state? "Here is a man running for supreme Judge: First, what uro his legal attain- . rncnts? What oj his record on the bench? What of his moral character? What of Ms ublllty? Wliut of his integrity? What of his honor? Is ho free from all entang ling ulllances? Is hla rundldacy belmr supported aud financed by some special Interest, which from the naturo of thing will have mutters of vust Importance In Its relution to the people to be decided ; upon by this court? ' Mnvreme luiiH of Importance. "It is of vust Importance to the people of this state to know that our supreme court maintains its present state of ef ficiency. I have been practicing before tiie supreme court of NebrusKa fur twenty years, and I am here to say now, open and above bourd, thut the Nebraska supreme court never had more blllty, more character uKin Its supreme bench than it has at the present time, and. let us see to it in spite of the advice ' (Continued from First Page.) Tickets to Ameri can Theater. Boxes of 0'13rieu'8 Candy. I3alzeU'8 Ico Crenm Bricks. All ar rivet away frea ta l6os who find thalr names U U want ada. : Head to want aaa aver day, jcur cam will appear tons Um, mayo more tlian once. ; No pussies to solve cor sab crtptlons q get Just read tat went ads. Tnra to the want ad paxesa there you will find nearly evert feuslneaa bouse la to cJt rey . tei&ted.