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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1911)
) s A 21 V V 1 LOST AND FOUND- (Conn nurd ) PERSONS Imvint ln m artle would Ii well to rail uo th oific of th Omaha A Council Bluff 8tret Railway compaoy to tm-onno whether they left tt In tb tret ran. Many articles cach day art turned la and tb company la anxlou to restore them to to rightful owucr. Call Doug laa U. bMAUA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CUM PANT. LOST Tan kid glove, nearly new; re turn to 640 6th Ave., Council Bluffs, la.; reward. LOST Wednesday evening lady's gold watch, Ulnois works, ailk. let). Leave at l3ee office. Reward. EVERY person know who D. J. O'Brien la. If J O'Keefe. 41 Daven port Bt., will come to The Dee office within three days we will give him an order for a 0-cent box ot O'Brien's candy free. MONEY TO LOAN alary and Chattel. 11,000.000. H.OvOOOO. WE HAVE H.OOu.tiCu TO LOAN OUT to the people of Omaha before Christmas n FURNITURE, PIANOS. WARE HOUKK RECEIPTS. FIXTURES, REAL ESTATE, HORSES. WAGONS, eto.. Of on YOUR PLAIN NOTE if steadily em ployed. Same old low rates and each transaction strictly private. We make mora loans than all of tht others. There s a reason. If you can use a piece of this MONEY wny. ul call on the largest, biggest and beau RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Third Floor, 8uS Paxton Dlock, 217 S. lth 8U Phones Douglas 1411 and A-1411. WE LOAN MONEY to any woraing man or woman on 5it a personal note; no security or Indorser required. Wny mortgage your persona, belongings when YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERE? All transactions confidential. Coin tn And see or phune us. OMAHA TRUST CO.. 437 Board of Trade Bldg. Fourth Fiour. Bell Pnoue Douglas 3111 CHATTEL LOANS AT iu....'.)..iliLf; K.-.iL.. NEBKASKA LOAN CO., 230 Bee Biu. Dougia UM. A-U54 Bank Bldg.. formerly N. Y. Life Bldg. MONEY loaned salaried people, womeq keeping house and others; wltnout se curity; easy payment. Offices in (17 prin cipal cltlua. Tolnian. 60S Omaha Natl DIAMOND loans at 2V and 6 per cent. W. C. Flatau. 1514 Dodge. Red CvlD. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalzell's Ice cream. It Mrs. De ault, 7U2 N. luth SU, will come to The Bee ofuce within three days we will give her an order tor a quart brick of tnls fine Ice cream. ' OFFERED FOR RENT litmrti suit ituutua. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 811. A-26U. LARGE front room for four men with board. t euch per week. 614 S. 2dih St. PRIVATE family, close In, gentlemen preferred. Plione Hainey c20i LARGE furnished alcove front room, also other rooms, with board; references. la bouih 26th Ave. Portoia, family hotel, Zsth Av. & Har. Tha bhrlner. 28 ic Hainey. room & board. THE HOTEL BERKLEY, 24TH AND Harney, two tooina with boaid, nuuaoie for two couples. SEE Miss Lang In "The Mills of the Gods" at tne American theater, it Mrs, O. Von Onnan, 7U lark Ave., will come to The Bee oil'ice within tnree days we will give her an order lor a pair oi tick ets. Furuiabed Kooma, 61( N. 19lh St., nicely' furnished, mod ern roemj. NICELY furnished room for a lady with a traveling man's wife. Call Har ney 67S3. NEWLY furnished front room. 25th St. Doug. 37. 218 So. GOOD rooms, reasonable. IM1 Douglas. Dewey European Hotel, 13th & Farnam. 220 NORTH 23d; neatly furnished, mod em, bieaiu lita.ed rouuia. MODERN, furnished room for one or .two youiitf ladies, near Brownell Hall, with family oi two. Addrcaa il it, care Bee. 131 N. 21st Ave., desirable room, strictly mouein; near Farnam car. 411 N. 11th. furnished rooa.s tor rent. 2040 FARNAM, south front room, for 2, by aay or weeu. FOR RENT One or two rooms. Ladles preferred, only small family. S. 24th, 214 NORTH 25X11 Modern, warm; on car Una; wulklug distance. NICELY furnibhed rooms private fam ily;' hot water licai. Suul N. 10th. Phone Web. 29(3. HARNEY 3992 Large, newly furnished room In modern house; two ladies with downtown positions; light housekeeping If desired. lOuB Park Ave. 216 N. 17TII ST. Front rooms, steam heat, one block from post off ice; gentle men preferred. THREE lovely rooms, In new flat, pri vate family. Electric lights, hot water heat, ciose In, reasonable. 626 S. 17th Ave. CLEAN, newly furnished rooms; heat, bath, hot and cold water, nice neighbor hood, between two ear lines, walking dis tance; $2 50 to $3.50 per week; meals If desired. 704 N. 3ith St. NICELY furnished room for a lady with i traveling man's wife. Call Harney 6783. THE best treat for your wife and baby 1s a dish of Dalsell's ice cream. If A. V. Klpp. 318 N. lfith St.. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give Mm an order for a quart brick of this fine ice cream. Faralabed If onu-Uee pmir Knoma. TWO modern light housekeeping rooms, 2921 Mason. 3)i6 N. 40th, four completely furnished rooms on Farnam car line, to couple without children; references required. TWO furnlined rooms for Hurt hous keeplng. 724 N. 21st- The Manuel and Howard. 21 A Howard, t aud 4-rm. dkpg. apta., tii to $40. YOUNG widow, Z. wishes to share part of a 6-room steam heated apartment; references required: within walking dis tance. Addreas. N 369. Bee. LARGE roomy parlor, two beds, Dooga. Reasonable. Ult LARGE unfurnished front parlor In all modern houae fur housekeeping. luu Park Ave. Harney awe. FURNISHED, unfurnldhed or partly furnished rooma, modern, ina. A-:o,9. TWO or three nicely furnished house keeping rooms, 201 Davenport. FRONT rooms and alcove, $3 week. & 24th Ave 34 Nicely furnished nod ern house. D. 8477. ON Farnam car line; all or part: all furnished house for winter. Call Har ney 2M1. Hotels ad A partmvBte, KTCELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemro. THE CHATHAM. 110 si. Uta at PALM HOTEL. 1K Douglas, newly furnished rooms. 60 ceute; weaker, W up; team beat. OFFERED FOR RENT Hotels itil Apartment -t'ontlaaed. Elk hotel, rooms c and 50c. S17 N. 16th. Hub hotel, steam heated. IMS Doug. St THE FCHLITZ HOTEL. Our Z&) plate tinner the beat in the eliy. excellent meals, am N. Kth. Bo. Omaha, DODUa) HOTEL, 131Q and Dodgt; all coul ouiaido roonm. special acta rate. HU'l'KL. ALbAM ; tuu.-l eiegant rooms bot and cold watar; fireproof; prices taso'.HOle; uoth puune. mi t' Howard Hotel, elegant rs. 10U2 Howard. Grand Hotel, rooms Jbo up. (20 3. lJta. Vienna, mod., reasonable. 1011-16 Kara. THE IRVING, 2108 Leavenworth; tuaf daaa loom and board. OXFORD and Arcade, apeclal wkly rate. Nh.U YuHiw hotel, Niia, guv. lus uuii.n Hotel Antler, a.egant rooms. 6101 S. 10th. Hotel Lyons, rooms Sue up. HI N. ma. nffilpri Hntpl Counc" Bluffs. Rooms Burlington, nice rooms, 1 block to depot. CASS HOTEL, nice rooms, Cass 1 L WINDSOR HOTEL Rooms 60c to $Lj. Aparlutvuia aad Flats. room flat on Sherman Ave. Web. 67m. STEAM HEAT. ONE ti-rooiu up-to-date apartment. No, 111. N. ioth SU Tel. D. 4UA. 'I HKEE and six-room biocK. mill and WrlMlcr. fiats. Marti FULLY modei n, 6-roiim, heated apart ment In the exc.uslve eat 1 amain dis- net; very choice. JUUN W. RuBUINS, 1S02 Farnam St. loir? North 29th; "-room, all modern, flat; - fine repair; ea.sily heuted, .'.w). nice 4 room cuttage, 2 lots; 4024 cainuen Ave.; electric it desired. t. E. TURltlNUi'UN, liUS Heo Bldg. BEAUTIFUL LORRAINE. 3 and 6-room apartments, steam heatod and all modern in every respect, ltjii to l'kiu. Maple street, see these. MENUkDOHT Doug. 4402. Web. 371S. DUNDEE. 6-room flat, 49i5 Vebstcr St. Furnace, porceialn bath, electric lights, winuow shades, small family, $18. Harney Wwl. GEORGIA APARTMENTS. Five rooms each, steam heat, Janitor service; new throughout; located at 1040-42-44 8. 2th St.; a few left. Janitor can show you or call Doug. 898. PETERS TRUST CO. STEAM-HEATED CHICAGO FLATS, "THE STANDARD." SEPARATE HOMES. 6 finely decorated, large, full modern rooms, Inside hall, bath, shades, gas range, free hot water all year, Janitor, walking distance: references required. Winter, one at another $.13, another $3o: summer, $10 lesa. More for money than elsewhere. Special Inducements If taken at once. PAYNE & SLATER CO.. Sole Agents, lith Floor Omaha Nat. Bk. STEAM-HEATED FLATS, THE STANDARD. The high standards, fine decorations. 6 large rooms, free not water an year, walking distance. GIVE more for money than tound anywhere else. An outsido corner. $35 winter. $2u summer. Refer1 encea required. Special Inducements if taken at once. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Sole Agents, tith Floor Omaha Nat. Bk 1 of nrniahed Rooms. THREE or four unfurnished rooms or apartments. Walking distance preterrad. Dougias 7791. .658 BOUTH 26TH AVE. Lower 'flat, 6 rooms and reception hall Call Douglas 0461. ON E larae unfurnished room; all mod ern; walking distance. Phone Doug. (Ml. Jlonaea and Cottacrs, FOR RENT Seven-room house at 2414 Onldwell Bt. ftiouern except furnace. Uood cellar and cistern puiup In kitcneu kink. Near scnuoi. xeiepnono tiarney iuMj or enulie at sua v comer &i. MOD. 6-room cottage, rep r. H. W44. MODERN S-room brick, hardwood floors throughout; 3 nice mantles; fine n.i:tibornoou. on car line, uniy $a.uu. s riKht & Lasbury, OOu 6. lbtn. Pnona Doug. U2. 6-ROOM cottage Just west of 20th St., on Harney; no street car iare; modern except heat, rent $j;.6v. bee Neville, Neville Block. Ucii,.sLhULU GOODS packed, tor warued; cheap freight rales; moving and tturlng. Expresameu a ueuvery Co. 'is.. Duug. sin, -lli oiin-o u o. xitu oi us Bldg. for RENT The twenty-room brlcV bouse, with brick stable and about fiv kciea Itiipioved giuuuda, at ouinuat corner of Sherman avenue and oviuca sueeU inquire ruuiu ai rirat rat t au Biag. leiephoue tuugiaa uu 672 So. 2htb bt., rooma. completely niooein, $o2.W. nan, namga. v. i A-4404. Om. Van at Storage Co., packa, movu, tores houaeuold guoda. uevruof stor age. 004 B. mm. urancii, awv a. MODERN 4-room bouaa, 271 Capitol Ave. 1 bone uarney itut. Five-room cottage, modern but heat, warm, fine repair, iiaruey . ln.RdOM modern, strictly uD-to-data rea.uente. bot water beat; eaat (rout Hat Ave., and Doug la bt., tippoaiu 'iurucr HAua a. iiAiioa.ii UcCagua Bldg. Douglas U81 BRICK house, 3618 Dewey Ave., seven rooms, inouerii. isov. i. jwoyer bta. Co., UiH B arnaul m. FOR RENT S-room cottage, close In. modern except luruaco. sju. Apply uui w lth. Tel. Rd 4S04. Hn-room cottaue. modern except heat. in good repaii, located at No. HJ Nulla will bt.. $-m per iiioiiiu. VINCENT D. DERMODY. Tel. Doug. 7 So. 1614 City Nai l Bank Bldg, ABOUT Nov. 16. nearly new 7-rooin buck house, tntlrely mouern and strictly lliBi-cluss. Located 1411 bo. lutn HI. Tel, Doug. 4tii or apply to 1414 to. lutu at.' SEVEN-ROOM house, modern except beat, good ntighbothood. Tel. Web. Uii. NEW 6-room house near new cathed ral. Phone Harney iM. . - jout Parker St., 7-r. mod. ex. heat..$JU.U dtill Jones, -r., all modern du.Ou bul S. Z-d St., 10-r., a.l modern 40.0M Caldwell St., -r,. mod. ex. Iitat . lo.tM trii . bt., i-r , all uiouei n m it. 4k Ames Ave., S r., mod. ex. heal.. lu.O; VI2 N. 4,th Ave.. 6-r., mud. ex. heal.. lli.Ou 3.15 N. 2d tsV. -r., mod. ex. heat.... Hu.Ou Uu N. a. Ill St., C-r., mod. ex. heat.. 14. ou New 6-room house and barn, with 9 acrea of ground, i blocks to car line 20.00 BIRKETT & TKBBEN.S. iZi Bee Bldg. 'Phones: D. 4704; A-17o4, $13.00 diii N. 6-r., part modem. 14 oo 2115 N. fcSih, 6-room, part modern. Ij.iiO IMM Miami, e-room, part modern. 1S.00 1NW t'orby, 7-rooin, part modern. 2i:7 Dodge, w-room. part modern JEFF W. BEDFORD RON. r0n Trandels Theater. Douglaa 8376. CHEAP RENT. Fine, large modern. 6-room houae, bull for home, No. 1611 No. 20th ft : newl dirorated Inside and out, walking die tance, ). If tenant does his part, takes and rare of property. $25 will be ducted from last month of year. T. HOOK, office 1101 No. 1Mb St. PAYNE c eLATEK CO., Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg, OFFERED FOR RbNT lloaara and t ottanes -Coatlaae SIX and ven-rot.ui aier heat, for $40. To modern fiat. hot Webster 19S HOUSES FOR RENT. $20 Five looms. 1M1 N. lshh St., modern except heat. i:2 i SO r our rooms, 4S13 cnaerwooa a , mociern. J."-: Eight rooms. 1M0 Madison Ave., modern except heat. Hi) Six rooms, .mo orant c-i.; mourm. Eight rooms. 21!1 Capitol Ave., modern except heat. fcfi.FiO Six rooms, 21J farnam him; ern except heat. ii!7.fu iva rooms, w ithcj .e. . modern. $.io-Six rooms, 601 B. lMh r-t.; mouern xoept heat. .TO Six looms. 809 t. 31st Ft.; moneru. Icely decorated. $.la Seven room. 1407 N. SKI bt.; mod ern; hot water heat. $42 i0 Seven rooms, W17 Dodge m.. modern flat. I.AKA YKTTF. APAKlMf 1 Three rooms and bath. Including: re- narration, vacuum cleaning, launary and Janitor service. Rental $3.-oO pei month. . rsv.npnrc ruMfA.M. 902 City National Bank BUlg. K.f nin rpiuilr. 22:, Aleredllh Ave. &-T.'. 2 lots, 1118 N. 47ih Ave., $10 6-r., c. w.. wlil repair, 1J1 Maitha, $15. 6-r., part mod., 2if uiani. 8-r., mod., choice, 29i Franklin, $'25. Also several others, 1 up. D. Sii. RUSSELL MOKI IIIU.K w., 4:2 Kamge Bldg.. l.'uh and Harney. 4-ROOM Gas and water. 1914 Bancroft 1C21 S. 27TH 10 rooms, all modern. D. NEARLY NEW ALL MODERN 6-RM. IDUSi:, FIRST-CLASS I'l l iii.-n VALK1N( DISTANCE. 'PHONE HAH. NEY DUNDEE Seven rooms, strictly mod- rn; near car; pavea street; enrau w permanent tenant. I'hona Hrney OMAHA KXP, CO., moving vans and storaiie. Trunks, baggage aeu v. mw 411 N. Kth. FOR RENT Modern apartment. rooms, two batn rooms, apartment Tlie Clarinda, ami ana amaiu. 8-ROOM mouern house, except heat, 2101 Miami. . B-room, strictly modern. 74i jones. j. I. KEMP, 2612 Leavenworth. 'Phones: Douglaa 988; lnd. A-19S8. Blx-room house, modern except furnace, located at No. 94; North itn aire". Paved atreoet and one block to cur. $.0.00 per month. ,.v V IINI. 11,I 1 l. ir.ii.pi.' i . Tel. Doug. 786. 1614 City Nat I Bunk Bldg. 7-room' house. $24; 8-room house. $32. lanscoin park district. All modern. hone Harney ItMy. MODERN 10-room house, 631 So. Od 6t. Inquire next door soutn. rnncn. In all parts of the city. Creigu lOUSeS -i,.,,. L p. Ha Bide. SEVEN-ROOM modern house, fine lo cation: Paved street, corner lot; Phone Webster 2b0. 4-ROOM house for sale or rent. 2412 . 42d St. Inquire 2109 S. 46th St. Harney aa- . . . .. .. . NICE, large. 6-room cottage, an mou ern except heat. 2930 N. 25th St. 4-ROOM modern brick. 1108 N. 22d, $16. Houses, Ins. Rlngwalt, Brandels Tb. Bldt FIVE rooms upstairs. 1401 So. 6th St. 6-ROOM cottage; modern except heat. $20 00 per month. 2412 Decatur St. Phone Red liKW. Modern elaht-room furnished house. West Farnam district. 83600. Phone Harney 4S39. 6 ROOMS, modern except furnace. 940 N. 2fitth St., $1 and water rent. lei. Red 4122. Stares and Offices. wrtPTnt Ptitur. Co.. high grade mill work; storm sash. Webster 2677. 1317 No. :4th St. LARGE store room with new front. 1707 No. 24th. Tel. Webster 12,w. OFFICE to rent. Mulligan, 210 S. 13 to. wi.h m aublet suite of five rooms In City National Bank Bldg. Call D. 4128. OFFICE and reception. 404 Bee Bldg. Halls. WASHINGTON" HALL Lodges, dances. banquets. C. C. 6orenen. D. 2J25. A-IJZi. FOR RENT At 2.V3 Dodge St.. a good barn, to be used for garage, leiepnouo Harney 1161. Darns. wvrnv n.runn knows who D. J. O'Brien la because he lias made Omaha famous with ma canuy. ," ' Cox, 2014 Farnam bt., wiu tome i The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 6D-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. OFFERED FOR SALE Formltare. wteuTKr. to leave the city will sacri fice furniture of o-rooui house for $100; bouse modern except lurnaua; M rani; easy walking Oisiunce; good place iw roomers, j ui. xic-w rsustav-Stlckley library table and electrolier, cheap. Doug. 1917. lutuer davenport and rocker. labtee. etc, pracuca-ly uew. cneap. u u.l. M RANGE, used very lltl.e; will soil fcr $22. can iw u.c-. ater 618. ITIwwrlters. RENT an Oliver typewriter from tb Oliwr Typewriter v-u- FOX typewriter, lsut Farnam bt. SMITH PUb.MIEK ' or No. 4, In ekceiieut aidiiU "rll-illER TYPEWR1TEB CO ...... .. .. .( ImuulIiL TYPEWRITERS bptclal sale for a short time on all uiakea. bee wiudu f ... i. reductions B. F. bttaniua Co.. 13W Farnam St.. Omaha. TUB ROYAL la king of typewrUors-tdA. Typewriter, $l6u. liAlf Farnam. D-gua. i touch Monarch Vtaibloa for rent. The Monarch Tprur Co., all d. laia at. Phone Doug. 409. - Mulcal iMttasieali, PIANO bargains. 106 N. lith. D. UOt MAHOOAN Y piano and piano player. Very cneap. llai ney-uoug. imi. LEAVlNU THE CITY-WILL, bEH, AT SACRIFICE, a bieiuway olano. 14A1 LciUrop. Webster tn. pianos, wbolcaaltia or. Wl Boston blur a PIANO, slightly ua. l a barg.a fctkriirom tuaia Mtg. CO., Ism aua far gam sis. VIOLIN repairing; all work promptly Couo and guaianitxcd. naot mo. 1410 tu Mlellacoaa. FA FES Overstocked with second han4 aafea, all aisaa ana inaaea; ixtrg oia American bupp.y CO., um aarnani at. FOR HALE volume I. C. 8. refer ence library, 4 volume Drake Republic, by master hiatorlana. sua No. 17lta fit., bouth Omaha. BTORE, office, restaurant fixtures bouaht and sold. Levy a, 2al0 N Bt., bo. Omaha. t REDUCTION ON THESE RENTALS. r., mod., Cose In, 1U24 N. 2-ih. I-H). -r. mod., closa In. 2M2 Caldwell. J3. 5- r.. city w.. l.arn. 4hd N. :th Ay., A 6- r., c. w will lepair, 721 Ban.roft. Hi 6. B.r mnrf i.rxi r.-iiulr. 100 t.'orby. . J16 OFFERED FOR SALE -Continued. SIX-FOOT per a di-kk, oak flv Kb, lor aaie at Appl, Ueuige v. Miglit, le k ulinainng Co. TWO good secunu-uaiid Natiopal casa itgUlura lor ta at a buiaaiii mu Uu ta laruia. 11. U. V buji.'u, v4 a, kuin St. BARGAINS In store fixtures at less cot of material, small lot ol nearly new store shelving and store encloauia. tix-diaMt'r luuului esffciau au.tatue lui giocoiy bus mesa. Central Supply i o., Uli larnam. EVERYBODY enjoys an evening with the Woodward Mock company at the American theater. If Mrs. F. W. Steed, li02 N. 34th St., will come to The Hee office within three days we will give her an order for a pair ot tickets. FAMILY leaving for Texas will sell recently purchased beautiful black lynx fur set .worth $im.0ii, for $16.00; eastern .milk limit lor 4.i and blue wolf set .ur 12.0. G 4'.3. Bee. APPLES. For sale at Arlington, Noh., six car loads of ajond bulk apples, five carloada of good barrel apples, ail varieties; bulk apples loaded In refrigerator cars ready .or Immediate shipment. Arlington Fruit k'o., Arlington, Neb. Write or wire at noe. $16 BUYS almost now dress suit, only worn a few tunes; tall and slim. Addrax 16 DIAMONDS, horseshon pin, solltair diemuiiu ring; will sacruice at a big ua. gam. Address. 8 216. Bee. NEW and old lumber, and houses to move, cheap. Dworak Lumber C? ,1-6 o 13. SEVERAL Mamlnrd makes o ,iano wi.l be disposed of lor Moiatie and ra ,,ir .haifc's: will fell or tiade. Call mornings, Chas. 11. Thatcher, p.auo lac lory. Vi's Harney St. FOR SALE New and second-hand bil liard and pool ladles. W lend the world In cheap bar fixtures; tasy paymrnis. brunawick-lalke-cohendei, b lcth tit. Kindling. $4 load. 11 Gross Wrecking. W. iC64. 100 STEAM RADIATlR9. ROME PIPE, tome cast. N. Steinberg, li l.i Harney. FOR SALE Two nrholarahlps In the Omaha commercial college and two In Boylea college. Business office, Omaha Boo. CHEAT, or.e electric piano, mualo boxes and U vending machines. 2124 Leavenworth. H. Hi, lnd. A-ilJJ. TICKET to Little Rock. Ark., via Chicago and Memphis, Tenn. Phone V 1173. SHOW enfes, counters, tables and fix tures from the O'Connell siore In Coun cil Bluff all on sale Tuesdav, Oct. 81st, at the O'Connell store. PERSONAL MAXWELL cures piles. 403 Om. Nat bk. Automatlo Phone Una's. $2; residence. $1 KAR3TON TONSETH, Swedish move ment and massage; graduate of Dr. Kell berg Inst, Stockholm Sweden; day phone D. 71!; night, D. 6404; 40a Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. 6S-DA Y BLOOD REMEDY. Oladdlsh Pharmacy, 12tb and Dodge. MASSAGE uth "lt to" romatic lUAOijauu treatment. , Mme. Allen ol Chicago. 1W9 b. lith bt., flrat floor. D. 1666. FOR cases of Blats Beer Tel. Doug. lotl. Mechano Therapy maasaaa IrutnunL Nervous Debility. Dr. Margaret Hanoi an, fievu, uih, v. iiiu. upon alter a. FOR ELECTRIC CARPET CLEANING PHONE D. 6293. PRICES W KAUUNABLJH. Eleo. Vac. Cleaner, rent, $L76 day; W. 2958 MRS. C. W. CHAPMAN, H. 6240. Hair good, all deacrlpuona; combings made up. Massage, Rlttenbcuae. lui Old Boston Bid. Dr. Burke, Women's Diseases, 41 Dgls. Blk JAMES CORK ELECTRIC COMPANY klovu to M a, mu m. Duug.aa uil LAUNDRY rough dried. 1919 Clark BL Adelight hair tood grows hair. Mine. Flavor, Alegeaih but. Co., lulu aud aaia, Mrs. Pierce, shampoo, halrdretising ana manicuring. 2j1 farnam. 11. iki, a-1u YuUiNU vvojiu-.n coming to Omaha a (tiangeis aie uivueu 10 v.a.t tim loung Uuuioi a Cllllrlian aauoiai.oli ouodoig at beojuionia bt. and bl. Aiary a Ava, Vtnei tney win be uiieuluu 10 suuaoi bearding piacea ur oiucrwise aaaiaiaa. Look lor our uavciera' aid at the uuiua station. HINDOO TABLE 1 H wld build, biau, Uletigilleu, Uic. &U.L.U pltliu tU, Wlod bNYDEU out ot city until No vember 1. WE rvnt and repair all kinds of sewing machine, inu. a-umA, Duugiaa tuaa. lolh aim ilainoy bta. MAiSSAUE ',mt. Mr, bleele. 1Utu bALVAlK'M ARM If solicit ct oli ciuui.iig, in lact, an tumg you uo uoi bed. W a conecl, repair aua u, at ii N. lith bt., tor cost ot (xiiiecuuo, u Uia wonuy pour. Cait puuuu iJuugiaa aua atiu v.aguiia will call. MASSAGE Battl ,ow 'ommtlo JUiiOkjttUU ireaunsni. Jam. Allen u. Chicago. 1UV b. Inn bl., 1st Hour. U. JMa, MAUNE'J'l(Juealm,nu.11'- l laAbnALiE-rbwedish movement; nothing Bauer tor rneuuiausui. iauiea, 4I; ganna r.uu. Apt. i, UtJi tauuiu. u. uiL DRUGS at cut prlcea: fralaht tiaid on llu oiueia; cataiugu fro, bhenuaa McCunuei Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. ETTA OOLDBBURY has ooaned naar hairuiesaing punur at 304 Neville. D. aaaX Dr. Burke, nervous diaeaaa. 41 Doug. Big. bllAMPOU "'. Mr, bieei. ax- TO WHOM It may concern: I am not responsible lor any dobla of Mr. J. K. Nickels alter October 25. Mr. J. E ilc km a. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalsell's Ice cream. If Mrs. 11. N. Wood, 1UI4 H. TJiU hi., will come to The. Bee office wltnin three duya we will give her an order fur a quart brick, of this fine ice cream. P 0 U LT RYAN D PET SiOCK FLOOR sweepings, good cn.ckeu iced. $l.ou per hundred. Wagner. Mil No. Ittn. THOROCOHBRED U. C. Rhode lalaiu lieu cincaeua. 01U and young; take Atuat Av. car 10 turn aua Cliana. can at jti. BEAUTIFUL Bcotch Colli puppiea. Harney 1447. REAL ESTATE aUI IHAt'l Uf 'I ITLE. Frank J Norton, Hi 8. 17th, Be Bldg "1 here a a Ration. "1 iiiutnmxe uui title troubles. Uolh phuiiea. Midland Uuar. 'Jrual Co., 1714 Far. H 11 .aie, lit.; 4- Campbell, aec. u. 2mw Peter Jensen, it., Co., Tel. Doug. tui. Betd Abstract Co.. oldest abstract eli.i, in .tw..M- us liiauOeU Tbuaiar. GUARANTEE AUblRAlT CO., rouia I, 1 aueiaua Lia. Hl'ILDKMS INtURlltHOg, Electric, gaa fixture. Omaha Silver Co Platte Gravel 4k Washed band Co., 44 Bs Ideal Cement btoae Co., lith and Cuming Amer. bply. Co., rM g. paint, llu Nicu. t ucb. boa Blind, pa.ntir.g decorauog . REAL ESTATE WAMThll TO UtY. I.IPT our rlty property tor sal wlt! Vccel. 400 Karbnch Bldg. CITY I'llOPEHTY FOU ALU. (it III AND EAST rKOXT Lot 74x124, Jn KounUe TUce; 8 fooj 1 1 v i n k r oo inn with Httlo over pntlre third Ktory; houso strictly modern Including; tile bath room; toll(t In basement; hardwood finish, pood barn or garage, w'h driveway; everything In flrst-elHss condition; varnnt at present and la well worth $7, 500. 00. hut you can buy this prop erty riRht and trade In a smaller property, too. r. r. nosTWicK. 1225 City Natlonat Hunk Nldg. BARO AT N Choice lot en California Ft. close to 3Sth St. Address, M 600. Bee 38th 8r Marcy Choice of new dwellings, no two alike, oak finish, a and electric tlffht. 5 to S rooms, paved street, excellent nelKhborhiwwI. close to school. I'rlce. $.1,f'"0 to $..0n0, terms. $,"K cash, balance a trifle more than rent. Bcmis-Carlberg Co. SlO-311 Brandels Theater. They Are Going Fast The 20 lots that we offered for sale this ae.k for the first time, located on Fowler Ave., Ijtrlinore Ave. and Mst Ae, In Collier 1'iace. have been sellin much fisier than wo expected. These lots e are otfeilng from inw to $.KJ loss than inv lots are offered for sale, on the tiorih side that are so well located and can be purchased on such easy terms. HUCES $475 TO $500 Except corners, which are a trifle higher. TEH MS, $10 DOWN, $10 A MONTH Cement walks will be put In at once If you want to get one ot these lots you must not wait too long. Re sure to go and see how well these lots are located. IIASTINOS & HEYDKN. 1614 liarney t. NEARLY new 8-room mortem home for snle In good residence district In South umiihu. Walking distance. Phone South 1717. BUNGALOW AND TWO ACRES. At $7th ad Newport Ave. we hav a brand new 6-room bungalow, beautifully located, overlooking the surrounding country In all direcilona; plenty of young Irult ta.ted, and Just the place for a man who wants to farm a Utile and oun tinue his work downtown. Price, ouiy "'"l'AYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. SOUTH FRONT IMPROVED lot In Dundee; also 7-room partly mod ern house on a beautiful lot In Cathedial district. Tel. H-34a8, Evening or C-610 Bee. Completely Modern fipacloua home, 11 rooms, complete In every way; double parlora, with fireplace, large library with fireplace and lavatory, hall, dining room, two pantrlea; upstair has five bedroom beside linen room; servant's room on third floor; new oak floor both up and down; new combina tion fixtures; excellent cellar; complete laundry; large heating plant; lot 6)1x140, with driveway and alley approach. All paving paid. Close to Park Ave. and Leavenworth: best school and churches. Owner about to go on farm near Omaha and must sell now. Wrle of phone now. O'Keefe Real Estate Co. 1010 Omaha National. Doughm or A-21&2. 6 ACRES, well Improved, near Florence, m Beo Bldg. FINE close In corner. (WxlV). with one large and two small flumes, for quick sain at $12, UX). Cleun exchungo consld bied. fee J. W. RASP CO.. 69 Brandcl Bldg. BRICK factory building, with or with out power plant, with i or 6 lots, on trackage. Sea J. V.'. lUnp Co., 6hu Bran dcia Bldg. BY OWNER Htrlctly modern live-room cottage, two and one-half blocks from Farnam Bt.; only 13 minutes' walk from ltith and Farnam. Utalrs leading up to second story; enough space for two lurg rooms and cioseia. ine i.a.n. loiiih.nitiion fix- "i XfSlZi! lah throughout House I only three year uld and a perieci gem inaiae. eo n you want an Ideal home drop out and look It over. Rent for At C3 Capitol Ave. Only $3,400, part cash en term to suit. Investment Ontiortunltv to lnveat $13,000 to earn IS per cent per annum in a finely Improved real eatalo properly; leaacd to A 1 parllea. Particular at thl office. $13,50u-Three attached brick dwelling, hardwood finish, hot water heat, very deaj-ably located, near Farnam car line. Income i,bw. run lean, uuiauce on mortgage at 6V per cent. $16,0uu Three large aiiucneii nnca .tree"; .".ace for more houses or stores, of Tamplco. Where climate Is health loae in on car line. ful. Where we ran sell you good. lot W! Thomas Brennan E. W. GANNETT Mgr., Real Estate Dep. Tel. Douglaa 1-6C 60ti-Ml City Nat. Bank. MUST GO DANDY 10-rooin, all mod., fine repair, choice homo, near NEW CATHEDRAL. A REAL KNAP. HALF VALUE. D. V. Sholes Co. Phone Doug. 43. Itli City Nai l Bunk. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. U ROOMa, ALL MODERN $6,000. We hau a two apunmuni nouao, con taining U rooma, twu baih ruuina. aeven bed rooma, wliU paiior, dining inula and kitchen in each apartment, wub n piuinuing and auod 1. eating planL 'ini piuperly la lou laigu fur present owner and It la a spKndli prupuaiuon ful Sunie one who will buy It aud divide 11 lulu lour ihree-iouin aparliueni. Owing tu the ari-uugeinaai of tne mla ttu.a cjld be uune at a very small expense and wnen cuiupieluu the apiu iincdia win real tor 4 ou. The buyr tan nvu in uue apariiutiil. rant I ho real a.ia iiia&u a guud laveiuinl out cf your bums. Ilia building well bunt and In good lenuhiuii. only llittieen luinutaa' ride tu tba 011 lar of in city; one uiuca, from iu Duuaa aiieal cat tui and lu guwd iM. ganva oiairicL , irini NL'UHER 13 201$ N. 20 ill ur. It I Just norm oi olno on th Florence Blvd. A good aia or aavao-iocm luodera houa wilt be lakau Ui tachang at u,a ligul pries, Tb pruvolUlou la ctu,iuy uiib luoklos at NoRR14 4k afARTIN, 00 Bee Bldg Duuuiaj A 427) EVERY plumber la not a robber; If any thing happen phone DoJg. iuU, OuuU plumbing Co REAL ESTATE A H IMIl I. AMI FOIt SALE F II M Colorado. IF TOU want to buy irood farm land at $10 ii to Hi' 09 per acre, or want a good hoincFtrad n liihiiiiMhniriit write tu ur tali on The Mutteson-l'urdy Company. Otis, Colo. land hare;slns. Intermountain Uii Farnam. I'hona l. 4U.4. Baigaina-Frult laiid, 63 Brandels Mdg FOR sale at a hsrualn, the rellnquish HKiita on a beautiful section of tnrni land in 1 he Arkansas vallev, only a few ni,i(s from 1 good town an. I 11 short distance fiom R01 ky Font, the center of the great melon district of Colorado. The land la under the "Tlinpas" ditch ami the watar stock, which will be sold with the re linquishments, tarries with It certain water rights under that Irrigation sys tem. 11. F. F.lckhoff. Tlmpna. Colo. Oemrela. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA T'aveised bv the ATLANTA. H 1 R M I N O It A M 4) ATLANTIC RAILROAD, l ands adaptable to the widest rang ol crops. All the money crops of the Souti plentifully produced. For literature tieat. Ing with coming country, Ha soil, cli mate, church ana achool advantage writ W. II. LEAHY. DEPT. K. Ueurrai Passenger Ageut, ATLANTA OA Canada. We wnnt to scud to every man who eon templates tlio pur chase of a farm our circulars describing the wonderful resources und possibilities of the Neehnco nnd Eraser Vulleys in Western Canada. "Everything" looklna: well In Nechaco this year. I had 70 bushels of oat to the ane on land bought from you." The above Is extract from a letter of W. P. McAllen, government Indlnn agent of Fort tleorge District. Biltlsh Co lumbia, and refer to wild land sold to him by this company two year mo. Grand Trunk Pacific Land Co., .109-12 New York Life Bldg., Omaha. Neb, MILD CLIMATE-NO EXTREMES. LAND CLOSE TO Bl't.FN I H D MAR KET. In V.U2 the ORAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY will be completed opening up the rich nKilcullural districts Of CENTRAL WH1TIHI1 COLUMBIA Thousands are now buying land In the fertile valleys or the FORT OEOROE 1 .1 (j'l-o 1 l. . wrcuiMfi ml t ir v .. Win 1 lil,. 1 , llin -,-. t,w..v. . r kl -.!' t the BUCKLEY VALLEY. This land will double and treble In value a soon aa th UltA.Nl TRUNK PACIFIC provide transportation facilities. Write tod'. for booklet describing this wonderful country. B. MEYKL, DISTRICT SALES AOENT, filO-ll PAXTON BLOCK. OMAHA, NEU. tawa, 1 THE easiest way to find buyer fof your farm Is to insert a small want el In the De Moines Capital. Largest cir culation In the tat of Iowa. 43.000 dally. Tb Capital I read by and believed In by th tndpattera of Iowa, who inply re ua in iiarmlt anv other uanae In thetf homes. Rates, I rent a word a. day; 1 U nr Una per month: count six ordinary words to the line. Addr Da Moinel Capital. I'e Molnea. la Shelby County Farm A Dandy 400 Acres one mile north of Corley. miles south ot Harlan, In the Nlshna bctna valley, the finest land on earth. and thl farm I equal to the best any where: guarnntee'lt In every particular, plat and description with picture of bul'dlngs on application. Price $160 per aero. D. V; Sholes Co. 913 City National Bank Building, Omaha. Mexico. MEXICO The blizzards are coming, cold weather will toon be here The Why not take a trip with us down to the gulf coast of Mexico, where there Is no cold weather? Where the gentle cult breezes equalize the temperature, malting It pleasant and delightful winter and summer. Where you cau grow the finest oranges, lemons, grapefruit, ban anas, pineapples and other citrus fruits. Where you can grow big crops of corn, wnere one crop 01 corn pays for the land. Where they grow big . rnttnn cans th flbar crP8 r cotton, cmne. in UDer Iplant, from which binding twine Is irnade and from which fortunes have been made. Where the rainfall Is 'abundant In the growing season, but little In the winter months, Where the tame grasses grow from four to six feet high. Where rattle, bogs and horses are grown with little expense. Where poultry Is produced In all seasons of the year. Where bees make honey every month. Where vegetables grow to perfection. Where there are miiny Americans now located. Where you will have American neighbors In an American colony. Where no Mexicans own land. Where you wll be close to railroad, and near the great harbor rich, blgck land at 912 per acre on very easy terms. Write for litera ture. Our next excursion November 7. Railroad fare from Omaha -to Tam plco and return, $49.25. Chocoy Land Co. 684 Brandels Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Florida. $1,000 ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS $1009 MONEY OCR til.' A II AN TEE M ON EY Just a little money down, a little money euch month, buy an Ideal home In an Ideal climate, near Palm Beach Floildu. Count In an let ua tell you about It, and on Investigation. If you do not find It as good, or Imtter 1I1 in represented you mill receive $1.0nO. Call on or write Wood ward A Cumiauy, 714 Omaha Nul l Bank. Nebraska. 109-ACRK farm near Bnon for aala cheap. owuar ha Incuiable aicknaaa lu-uulr ruoiu tOi, Bruwn bluck. EASTERN Neo,, and Iowa, farm tu exchange fur Dakota land. W alker & Cu., liiaudlua tnealer. Omaha. WtlA improved 1'rontler county, Ne biarkii. faiinu lor aate or Hade; U to too; albo town 1'iopertlt in tuwna of ceiUlu I It a. D. F. Joluiaton. Bok 1, Curtis. Neb. Free list of Improved Howard, Greeley, Valley, bherinan and Custer county farina, for people cf limited mean want ing homes on eaay terms. C. Bradley, Wulbach, Neb. HOMESTEAD S20 acres for $17T.; about 20 miles out. Net. farm land, not land Waa an old entry n iw cancelled. Worth 12 io. J. A. Tracy, Kimball, Neb. M I'.RAbKA and Oregon laod. 6 up, l4 Braudcls Blag. Oklnhnnia. I FROM 20 to S-Hl acre tract from $'1 to u per acre, fcee Vogel, 409 Karbaca bik. 4rraroa VI3IT the Willamette Valley exhibit at the Land Show and see what we grow then come and see us and let us tell yo j all about the country. We are her to serve ou. The World Investment Co K4 Brandels Bldg., Omaha, Neo. Albany. Eugene, Corvallls and Salem sre center of construction of two trunk trolley systems and two new steam rail ways, opening up spiendld rich country NO IRRIGATION here. Gardening ouliry, fruit, dairies and general farm. nit. Call at Willamette Vallev isplay and ask us. Nothing for ale. We this country the land value re rising. Detail literature for the ask. :g. W rite secretary Commercial eluba n towns named. OREGON APPLE ORCHARD IN WILLAMETTE VAl.t.lCT Developed and taken car of for 6 years. No extia costs. NO Interest. .No inn A tellable investment that can be handled n mommy payments convenient to you. rice advance $. PE:R ACRE Nov. 1 iregon bearing orchards net from $404 to 1...WJ per acre. BAIN11AA1 rnuiT 1'OL.ONT, act. and Oenl. . Sales Manager Tempo rarily, omiiiori iiotai. Texas. BARGAINS In Texas land. In ahallow water belt. Clos In. Prices right. W. J. an Oorder, Hereford, Texas. Wyoming. VISIT Pin Bluffs, Wyo.. exhibit at I .and Hhow and see th grain that arrow on LAND you can buy from $16 to $.6 per acre. ua itu you aooui 11. vj. L Beatty. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 'arm and It a neb Land, m acrea Irrigated. 4 mile from Wheat. land, Wyo.; all In alfalfa; 1 section It mile from Kimball, Neb.; mo acrea broken; fine land; and 100 acrea 1$ ratla from Atklnaon, Neb. H. Uroaa. 601 6V Ud. REAL tblAlt LuhnS a.oui-ii loan and arrant. W. arnau biulih at Co., Luv Farnain at," UMAiiA property and Nauiaaaa Lands, O Ka.a.u khal aaiaiii cu., Iul6 New omaJm Nat l batik Bandlog. MONEY TO LOAN Pay n lav. Co. WANTkJJ City loan. PaUra 'trust Co. tiuu to atvi.uuu tuau prompuy, V, D. v ra. vv au stiug., tu atvi a MoNavY to luao on buauiaaa or real. deiiue tiupeiuaa, l,wuK to MW.uiM, W, xi. ItioaiAo, oi auai fsau nana fctidg. UlWiU iU, blLMia-CAlU.uaKU CO. alu-tli Biaiiueia Tbeaior toiug. FARM LOANS; no commission; optional payments, uuaap money ; u.uiuk. aervtoa, unn b. Marrili. 1114 ClLy Nat I Bk, Bldg. Vv A.N1H.D ! AKM LOANS. JMoka la. veatiuaiii couipa.n. Omaha. tlilST TUUbT cos 3AUV1N lJii6na C,Mtoinif- LA R QIC LOAN A, munluipal bonda. utaru gagaa bougni and sold. aU ULii UHUA. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE EXcllANUiUr A. c'. Ju award el liau. 11. lotl. 1 HAVE one section of Wiauonain tim ber iaua thai 1 wuuld ilka ui axouang tur guod inuoiii pioperijr; land 1 oiear and any pi oyer ly taaan luuai b 01 tax of aiiouniurauue; would consider acreage property near Omaha. Address T 16, car uiiialia He. ,. I HANDLE exchange everywhere. For 1 ruil in. Dean. 17 Baa Bldg. L LUi. WE exchange propertle of merit. C. W. Wlb, 81i-U O N. Blk Bldg. Doug. 7$6o. I HAVE for trad near good town In Dodge county, Nebraaaa, uloaa to Omaha, 40 acre ol aa good coru land aa thai is in tba slat, want 1 or room modem house; must be wail located ana ciear of oouinbranues. Charles tianley, Agu, lot b. lain bt., Omaha. Nab. $12,000 EQUITY In tin, loo-aor farm near Maryvu., Mo., to trad lor mda. or hard ttara; a lung Urn will be aivan on balance, income ihla year 2,6uu, Prio. 6uo Par acre. Aaorasa x 14, ear aa. FOR BALE OH TRADE Fin stock and grain num. oJ) aciaa. Two mlia trom onawa, la. bheruian Nelson, owner, 1UH Piaic bu, bioux City, ia. I GOOD lot in Ralaton for aale: will ax, for rooming house, clos In. D. 626. A SECTION of Und In UoPherson county for ral aatai. TL slarnay 1216. TRADE; It you hav anything t trad, writ ma. a. JC Wait, all Bee Bldg. FOR BALE OR TRADE-Thlrty-flva roomed mouern hotel, county seat- Beat at location. Rented for two year, .'0 per moiiin. Want land, glva pnoe. Full ueacriptlon In first letter. John Heyer, Liuara, la. CITY property for land. If prioa right. 1616 Dodg bt. Exchanges Jewell, B d ot Trad, D. 16S7. IF YOU ar looking for an axchang of properties and have something worth while, you shoulu not mi toe oppor tunity of visiting bouth No. 1 at the Lund bhow tills weak. Th great Ban Lui Val ley exhibit I on there and th men in charge ar llv wires. Tory will conaldcr any property of value, priced right, a part payment on their land. Don't fall to grasp this golden opportunity. I'i i Vol US TODAY. THE RIO GRANDE HOME CO., Wood River. Neb. Alamosa, Colo. WANTED TO BUY Id-band goods. Kleaer. 1020 Center. D-06W. WE PAY highest price for men's td hand clothing. U. Nathan, log ft. Uto. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalsell's Ice cream. If Mr. H. T. Fteeman, 43 Un derwood Av., will com ts Th Bea of fice rflthln Hire day we will glva her an order for a quart brick of tin tine Ice cream. JWANTEPJTORENT. COUPLE dedrlng room for light housekeeping, wltn pnvata fanuly who lurnian lirat-claaa outfit. E 1A Bu. WANTED To rout 4 -room bouaa, part inoueru, in any patt wf wty. Addraaa A. till De. WANTED At once, room with alcove r- two room; fain.iy ot thra; close 1,1 1 id close lo goou buard. Gentleman ai I uie oiny bunuaya Addiesa W uol. Bee. BY young married couple, three or four room tiai ur aparliiient. Muat ba steam Ucated and have private baih, eio. Runt not iu exceed ju. Audiuaa 11. iiJ. Bee. bEE 611ns Eva Lang with th Wood ward Block company at the American theater. It Mr a. F. Field, 3U2 lui tot., will cuina to T'h Bee o.tico vtltlnu three duya vt will give her au order for u pair of tickets. STEAMSHIPS Anchor Line Steamships New York, Londonderry and Glasgow. New York, Palermo and Naplea. Attractive rate tor ticket between New York and all Scotch, English, Irish, Continental und Mediterranean pomta. Cupt-rlor Accommodation, Excellent Cui sine, tfflclent cervice. Apply promptly for Kee.-rvatlon to local agent ot Author Lin or Henderson Broibci. General Agents, Chicago, 111. r,