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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1911)
LAND SHOW PAGES NINE TO SIXTEEN VOL. XLI-XO. 107 The Omaha Daily Bee. 0st Sporting News The Bee prints full box cores of all big league ramek in oo other Omaha newspaper. OMAIIA. FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 20. SINGLE COFY TWO CENTS. f 1 " "' N 18,CC0 ACRES IRRI GATED LAND IN THE CAUFOBQIA Famous San Joaquin Uailoy In no port of that great state hns nature done so much as at Patterson, Stanislaus County. There you "nave soil, water, sunshine and climate. The man who cannot make good under such conditions would tail anywhere. We look for the man w ho can make good. PATTERSON A New Town and New Colony Patterson never wore swaddling clothes. 6,000 acres of Patterson Irrigated Farms are being planted to trees and vines and alfalfa. They need you to help make a paradise of the San Joaquin valley. This is not a pioneer proposition; it is in the midst of a splendid community. Facts in the Case: Most Fertile Roil 4 to 20 feet deep. Abundance of Water No Irrigating system In the U , 3. any better constructed. The land owns the water a share with each acre. The Crops Anything eros that la produced elsewhere in California. Patterson Is In the heart of the Dairy dis trict of the state 6 or 7 cuttings of Alfalfa; closn to fcau Francisco. Near Markets Patterson is only 97 miles from San Francisco and Oak land, where there are nearly a million people to be ted. Patterson la on the Southern Pacific and the San Joaquin river affords chenp transportation. Take no one's word Oo and see. NEXT EXCURSION NOV. !. Ask for particulars at our office or at our Land Show booth. Payno Investment Co. Iftth and Far nam, Omaha, Neb. MILLER'S Must Bs Good' If It Come? From A New, Cluan. Modern Family Li quor Store. 1.809 Farnam Street, Omaha Established 1889. A valuable Fouvcnlr with every purchase during- the Land Show. TO DAY AT THE LAMP SHOW 1 I ,1 I II I l i I I THEATER Home of Family Burlesque. Cater ing to Polite Audiences. ALL THIti WEEK Matinee, 2:30. Evening, 8.30. PAT WHITE (Funniest Fellow in Burlesque) and liis Gayety Girls A Showy Show of Show Girls Who Show Lpta of Fun--Lots of Girls Lots of Scenery The Show you'll want to sea again. No seats hlghe- than B0 cents. Land Show Visitors are Invited to Sea the latest Paris styles in millin ery at this store. The most fascinating creations of the (amous designers are here. A particular hat for every partlo alar woman, and all modestly priced Mrs. Richards Second Floor City National Bank Building. Trusses Shoulder Braces - Trus.jc, SI. OO to $15.00 each. Kpe:t Bhouldcr Eiicii tl to $3 each. La.l.v .attendant in these depart ments if desired. ShormanSb McGcnnell Drug Co. Cor. 16th and Sodre. Cor. lota and Huu;. Ccr. 84 tl and I aruaiii. SOT-9 91 leth Bt., (Loyal Hotel.) No Weed Seeds Go With It. No Weed Seeds In It. This means Trans-'MjssIcsipri Lawn grass Is clean from any and all ingredients that will be harmful In any way to yodr lawns. THE NEBRASKA SEED COMPANY Doug. J 201. 1613 Howard St. Open Saturday Evenings. . Ls Five Dollars Three Dollars Owing to the cumber of people desiring our best plates and crown at above price, who could not be waited on, I have extended the time limit to November 1st. DOR WARD, Dentist War Block, 15th and Tarnanv. Phone Dong. 874 MOVING m$ PIAKO MOVING - FURNITURE PACKING Gordon Fireproof Warehouse & Van Co. (EXrBXSBMIIT'B DXX.XVZBY CO.) SIS South 17th Street. Tel. Douglas 394 1 Xad. A1S14 Omaha Reed & Rattan Co. Manufacturers of Keed and Bat tan ruriUtUfe, Oo-Carts, Baby Carriages, Etc. Repairing a Bp, olalty. 119 N. 16th Bt. Heat to Hew U. P. Headquarters. Telephone V. 105. Ind. A-Mll The Largest Mall Order Boose la Omaha Importer and Dealer la Pine Whlaales, Wines, Lienors, Xto. MEYER KLEIN , Wholesale Liquor Dealer. Saa Morth 16th ItruL Telephones I Doug. 1809 i Ind. B 180a. I Penne!! Millinery Go. PAXTON BLOCK BALCONY FLOOR LAND OWNERS Desiring to sell their farms or land will find an ad In The) Bee Farm and Ranch Land Co'unins most successful. MOTHER: Yes, Unuic about Ethel t vxd ding and uii He J don't like losing out, toaif r her get a dandy pmen h'u-i lumity, and I'll lukettu S '... ou xnt and add tnouok i- . , j a fine Rock Crys tal Kit'jr-o-cd and Stirling Silver DitAv t ' Muter S t at COMBS The Jeweler's J i ii mlteir wiwiiw last nigkt : .a wlit until i0' t., .j. TOM LAND SHOW VISITORS ! ! ! We have s ppwinl dis play of GAS AND ELEC TRIO FIXTURES at attractive price which we urge you to inspect while in the city. BURGESS-GRANDEN COMPANY, Lareeht Fixture House in the West. 151 1 HOWARD STREET. Afternoon Program Oct. 20 J00 to B;0 8:00 to 6:00 2:00 to 6:00 3:00 te J J9 J: it to 1:00 8.00 to 8:8 S;JG to 4:00 4.00 to 4:80 4:30 to 6:00 3:00 to 2:80 Main Ball ' Csptaln Tlebor's fieal Circus Hawaiian Singers. Ortell. Ttje Bee Wlsard. : ' ' Amusement Hall "A" J. Edw. Taylor. "Special Agricultural Features Of Utah." W. B. Lefflr.gwell, Traveler and Lecturer, Union Pacific pioneer Days in the West." J. A, Jaspir. Special. Commissioner, San Diego Co., Cal. "From Sheep Range to Orange Grove." Wilber Walker., Sec'y Alameda Co. Chamber of Commerce. "Resources of Alameda County." ' D. C Freeman fieo'y Chamber of Commerce, Eugene. Oregon. "Oregon." B. C. Crocker, Oen. Mgr. Portneuf-Marsh Valley Immigration. "Marsh Valley." Amusement nail "B" Edw. tewla, Expert on S3ploeiyss - The Du Poni Neumenrs Powder Ce, ft. Louis . ,.ng.-. - ' ' - C B. Morrison. "Fruit Growing In the Northwest." W. F. French, Prof. University Nebraska. "Farm Work J. .W. Jpnes, A ae't Immigration, State of Idaho. 'The Development of an Irrigated Empire" Prof.' Taylor, Soil Expert. 'oil Improvement" ft. -ff. Moigan, Orchardlst. "Valleys of the Yakima" Trap Shoot- n U tFeeit-Atair service TO THE LAND SHOW ,,JJBSbSL3 Visitors to the Land Show can reach the Coliseum, where tho show is held, by the "Dodge and North 30th" cars, which run direct to the grounds. Also by the "North 24th," "Florence' and "Forest Lawn" cars, getting off at Burdette St., and walk ing four blocks cast, or, by the "42d and Grand," "24th and Ames" and "16th and Locust" cars to Burdette St., and walk ing four blocks west. Omaha &.Council Bhif is Street Railway Co. U 0 feat u n H. E. HUBERMANN, Furrier Reliable Fur Sets at Reasonable. Prices Room 0. Second Floor, Continental Block. N. E. COKNEK FIFTEENTH AND DOUGLAS STS., OALlIA h' :30 to 3:00 1:00 to S:30 8-Jftto.4:00 . -'V 4:P0 (e 4: Sv30 In K-1 I ' ' , . Evening Program Amusement Hall "A" . T 30 te 3:00 A. E Mlot, Agricultural and Horticultural Resources ot ' J Tulare County." K 8 00 to 8:30 D. C Freeman. "The Willamette Valley, Oregon." 8 -SO to 8:00 J. X Jasper. "Ixts Angelea with Moving Pictures of the Pes- dena Rose Carnival. New Tear"a Day." 8:00 to 9:30 W. V. Leffingwell. "TeUowstone National Park " ' ( :3- to 10.00 Wilber Walker, "Resources of AJamsda County " Amusement Hall "B" ' r ii ii I,, 7:30 to 8:00 A. Thompson, Expert on Machinery. Vi i i. iJ-V Nl "Th Aver Tractor on the Farm." . S'jUPLjX -AW 8:00 to 8:30 Jas. A. King. Traveling Lecturer, Hart-Parr Co. I hi tfJffrA iaVnvlfl' " 4:80 10 9:00 c- E- Morrison, "Agricultural." UrT vva2K PsSWWi mji 09 to 9:80 E. Von Foiell, Specialist on Sociology. Yzp-!Ql, iS, "Produou of the North Platte Valley." )AV OTfOJ : to 10.00. O. y. Baker. Orchardlst. "Colorado Fruit, Hotebldss." tSk&M 'IMF ;1 Special Tent , 'lK Jfik 8:00 to 8:30 L. M- Brown, Publicity Mgr. Walla Walla Commercial Club. tV UViT? Waahlrgton" (1.75 'Ijt'Sjr ;') te 1 H H. Hays. Gen. Tassenger Agent Wylte Permanent Camping IV V Vei jfjr jivMi - Co "Yellowstone National Park." iJL S H . : : 2 f L V Our years of experience has taught us that to in sure your success on an IRRIGATED FARM it is essential that it be cultivated two years be. fore you move out or that you be financed for two years of smaller harvest. See us at the Utah Booth or our Omaha Sales Office 813-14 City National Bank 'Building. Spalding I' Kingston inv.flo. alt Lake (Jity OBOAB fc. OOX, Oeaeral Manager. Omaha Rales Offte, 018-14 City National Bank lililtf., Oinalus. I tab. llKth--Lanl Show In the Heart of the Business District Within easy scress ot ever? point of interest we fasve es tablished a place to dine that should appeal to you. Food-Service-Cooking of the quality that Will win your permsnent patronage. Sewd k la Crte er Tenia .Hotn.XQeftl tPCjft-anv, ,, Little tablet at pleasant windows. 17th) and Ponglas Bta. Egyptian Chocolates Our Latest Creation None Better at Any1 Price. &old In 1 and 2 Pound Boxes Only. Price 80c and $1.80. If By Mall fl.OO and $2.00. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., 16th and Farnam Sts., Omaha. A Variety of good things to eat ran be found nere. ' Our ulsre Is near lth tk Dodge Sts. Just where you will get off or on the car to or from the Land fchuw. BELMONT RESTAURANT ISIS Dodge Btreet. O. M. Ball, Vrep. EBflEE Tho Land of Opportunity! For Descriptive Literature and Prlco Llate, Writ IVIclvin Hansen 474D. Willi metta S treat, Eugcno - Orego ,f'-iwi Very Btst Set ker $9; illsai- BSffl S10 DR. CLARK, IsiVAMO.aXftCl Free Land Information The Twentieth Century Fanner, to meet the'demand of its readers for land information, has. gathered and compiled data on soil climate andvfarming conditions in all parts of the country. It is willing to give out this information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry. - Do You Want to Know About government land laws, location of land of fices, eta How to get irrigation lands, location of projects, laws governing same, etc. Best sections for fruit .growing, general farming, 6tock raising or dairying. Your questions will get prompt-attention. State plainly and specifically what you want to know. Write, Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century Farmer Omaha. Nebraska --- - v in