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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1911)
Daily Bee NEWB SECTION PAGES ONL 10 LIGHT WEATHER FORECAST. . Fair, Colder VOI XLI-NO. 101!-. OMAHA. . THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 19, 1911-SIXTEEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Ml MAHi CONDUCTOR SAYS ROAD IS TO BLAME Tells Coroner's Jury that He Had Been Signaled t Clear Track. GROSS DISCLAIMS " ALL " BLAME Says Missouri Pacific Failed to Provide Him a Schedule. CREWS TELL OF THE - WRECK Recite Incidents Leading Up to the . Fort Crook Fatalities. HEARING IS 0 AT : PAPILLION Miraonrl Pacific Officials' oh' Hand to Take Part In the Pror.eedtnsa, Qaestlontna- Wllnfmoi While oa the Mend. Conductor L. C Oross, In chars of the freight train that 'collided with. patsenger tralri No. 105 on the Missouri Pacific. Sunday morning, vu put on the, stand at the, Inquest held at Pa pillion Wednes day and testified that he bad received po orders at Gllmore Or pouth Omaha to the effect that a passenger had the right of way. He disclaimed responsibility for tite wreck on this ground and the further fact that the tower man at Gllmore had signaled the track clear. . " "7 Conductor Gross testified that he had checked off. but did not look very care fully at the register. . No. 155 ho taw. wag cheoked In. and he. said he might have thought this was No. 105. Ho placed the blume -for the wreck on the railroad be cause it failed to give him a schedule. The superintendent of the Missouri Pa cific, A. PeBernardy of. Kansas. City, was present at the inquest, which waa conducted by County Attorney W. J. Jamleson, and repeatedly Interposed dur ing the examination of Mr. Gross to ask questions'. ...... Engineer E. C. Crawford of the freight was also put on the stand and shifted the responsibility to his conductor. John Scott, engineer of the passenger, waa also put on the stand, but 'his testimony had little bearing on the cause of the disas ter. Conductor Gross la, small of stature, and has grown gray in the service of the company. He Is 43 years old, and has been with the 'Missouri Pacific for the last twenty-two year. " Odd Fellows Open , New Home at York :TORK. Neb., Oct 18.-The first home for aged Odd Fellows, widows and ' or phan for the State of Nebraska waa dedicated here today. Dedication waa conducted ' under the auspices of the grand lodge of Nebraska and was at tended by prominent membera of the Odd Fellows. from every part of the state. Congressman George V.-'; Norris. past grand master, delivered the dedication address. The home, la located on a 100 acre tract near' the city and cost $130,000. MARKHAM ELECTED TO . ILLINOIS CENTRAL BOARD CHICAGO, Oct. 18-President Charles H. Markham was elected a director of the Illinois Central railroad In. the place of former President James Harahan at : the annual stockholders' meeting today. The other directors named were Robert 8. LdVett, John Jacog As tor, and J. Og den Armour. As only six of the directors were present the usual meeting was post poned. EMPLOYES OF DETROIT OVERALL FACTORY STRIKE tiETROIT, Oct.- lS.Eight hundred and fifty employes of W. H-Flnck & Co., locaj overall manufacturers, went out on strike today. Their reason waa that the company refused to discharge- a girl employe- whose dismissal the shop com mittee demanded. The -strikers ' Include 800 women and girls and fifty men and boys. The plant Immediately ceased oper- tions. THE WEATHER, For Nebraska Unsettled. . . For' Iowa Rain. Temperature at OmaJKa Yesterday- Hour. Degree "5 a m .' 62 Bakar land 1 u4 ika 1 t 1 a. nl 7 a. m 8 a. in 9 a. m 10 m. ........ 11 a. m... 12 m. ..... ; p. m.. ...I... 2 p. m .. 3 p. m. . ... . .4 p. ,m. 6 p, m. ........ 6 p. m. .-. 1 p. m 8-p. m, oo that ball hail enough to mikt It a Alitor iht Land Shew Local -Becoru,-' 1911. 1911..19O0. m Highest ye&terday. .. Lowest yesterday Mean - temperature.., precipitation Teinoeiuture and .a . . . W 62 3 55 - 60 42 00 .07 .00 45 51 T de- precipitation : ri&rturfeK from the normal: Normal temperature 5 Excess for the day 1 Total excesa since March 1 '. '.-809 INormal precipitation -OS inch reficlency for the day ' .08 inch Total rainfall since March 1. . 12. 74 Inches deficiency aince March 1 18.65 Inches peflcieqcy for cor. period 1410..12 67 inches deficiency for cor. period li9.. 1.83 Inches IU-l;la fiuiu stations at T 1. M. Station and Temp High- Raln- fctate of W'.-atiier. J p.m. eet lall Cheyenne, snowing Tavenpoit. clear.. Inver, fanowing Ie Moines, cloudy podge City, clear Jajidr, clear Omaha, clear ifueblo, cloudy Rapid City, pt. cloudy.. Fait Lake, clear ranta Fa, clear I V -,' a 4i t .Si; T s's i .00 W .36 3-; .w .60 6ft .00 .44 "6 .00 ,.84 4-5 T .a t'i .oo .58 0 . .00 .Vi 44 8S .4 &J .00 .43 M M c heriaan, clear. f ioux City, cloudy a lentlne. clear. X lii'Ucatta trace of precliiltatlon l A. WLLSH. ltcl i'orecuater. St.P.nh prison Tnnnirv I Committee Sends ForWirt Cook DULL'TH. Mm;-... o-t IS. -Wirt H. Cook, wanted uj a. tfitnejs before the committee of United P'atea senators in vestigating the electlm of Senator Steph enson, was erved with a subpoena late last night and will lea's Puluth for Mil. waukee today. Milwaukee. Oct is Further in. qutry into the testimony of Thomas Mor ris, lieutenant governor of Wisconsin, tht he had been told that Edward Hlnee. the lumberman, helped to "put over" the election of Senator Isaac Stephenson waa deferred by the senatorial Investigating committee todav Lieutenant Cjvernor Morris resumed the stand and repeated his ast-ertlon that he met Wirt II Cook of Duluth In the office of an attorney of the name of McCoordlck In Chicago, and that while there Cook told him that Hlnes and Stephenson each "put up" J53.(mo to e- cure the election and that Jtobert J. Shields was paid $7.&fl0 to handle the deal. Aa Senator Stephenson's counsel was cross-examining the witness Senator Hey burn interrupted, saying. We win not continue this line of in quiry at this time, but win resume our examination of the primaries The testi mony of Lieutenant Governor Morris was not new to. the committee. The commit tee bad 'heard of It before leaving Wash ington. "Mr. Morris haa given only secondary testimony. - Unless It can be substantiated by, primary testimony it is probable the committee will disregard it altogether. The persons from whom Mr. Morris says he obtained the Information will be heard later." Wool Warehouse Gets Higher Prices for the Growers RAWLCCfi, Wyo . Oct 18 (Special.) At a meeting of the stockholders of the National 'Wool Warehouse and Storage company; held here today, It was de cided to continue -the business of hand ling the wool of western members, and stockholders will be asked to sign con tracts for another three-year period. The movement has been very successful to date, and while there Is talk of making a change in management, the present of ficials being -elected to fill out an unex pired term, which will end on March 1, the business of the company Is in splen did condition. Wyoming wool growers.' headed by J. A. Delfelder and George S. Walker. president . and secretary of the Wyoming Wool Growers' association, are the fath ers of the movement, and after estab lishing a warehouse at Omaha for Wyoming wools, were active in getting the Chicago house started. ' Mr. Delfelder la-one of the director -and Tetimrig spirits In the movement, wh'eh promises to grow rapidly in the near .future. The rtWkholdefs "" have not "only ob tained the highest prices for their wools, but the Chicago warebouae haa' obtained for its stockholders from 3 to 6 and 7 cents per pound mora for. wool than the same wool, brought where owners sold it on ' the ' range to-the middle men Or consigned it to eastern comraltislon. Will Ask Receiver to Wind Up Affairs ' of Tobacco Trust NEW " YORK, Oct 18, The United States circuit court will be asked to ex ercise Its alternative la the tobacco trust case, order a complete dissolution of .the American Tobacco company and appoint a receiver therefor, according to an nouncement made today by Charles R. Carruth, counsel for R. P. . Richardson, Jr., & Co., one of the defendants in the original federal anti-trust suit. ' Felix . Levy and Louis D. Brandela of counsel for the Independents, filed a pe tition today with the circuit court, asking leave to Intervene in the proceedings. "We believe the plan of disintegration is fundamentally defective," ' the petition reads, "In that it fails in substance and effect to conform with the requirements of the decree of the United States su preme court, inasmuch as its adoption would .not remove the domination of the Independent), industry which haa been aired by the tobacco company. Nonunion Boiler Maker is Slugged CHICAGO, .Oct. 18. George Growther, 27 years old, a "nonunion boiler maker 9 who says ne earns 10 t-uii-ao irom icw 59 York a week ago to work in the Burnalde 67 1 (hopa of the - Illinois ' Central railroad 67 'during the present -strike was lured to a resort on the south elde today, assaulted by four men and robbed of (42. He Is In a serious condition at a hos pital and the police are searching for his assailants. Whether -Growther was slugged by strikers or by others has not been de termined. SUPREME COURT TO SAY WHETHER LICENSE TAXABLE 'From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN.- -Oct 18 (Special.) The question .whether a-license to operate a saloon forwhlch $1,000 was paid able waa submitted to the state supreme court here today when the action of the county board of equalisation of Duui county against David Harding came up The county assessor listed the license at fTW. while Harding protested that It wn not a thin of property and therefor not assessable. The board and the district court auttalned the saloon keeper and the appeal waa brought to the supreme court by the board of equalisation. Hard nga ' attorneys contend that the state law doea not contemplate paying taxes on llqnor licenses In thot It Is not a fran chise, but a permit to do something oth erwise forbidden by law. CHINESE REBELS ENCrAGETUEARMY Effort of Imperial Troops to Fetikr Hankow is Stoutly Resisted by Insurgent. RESULT IS NOT DECISIVE Regulars Driven Back, but Rebels Retreat Later. j AMMUNITION IS EXHAUSTED Rebels Run Out of Material and Are Forced to Withdraw. FOUR THOUSAND MEN ENGAGED Bnttlo Begin at U3 break by Fleet Uorabardlns; the City and Lu Jus; Troops Under Cover of Heavy Fire. BULLETIN. SHANGHAI, China, Oct. 1? -It-Is re ported here that the rebels have captured both Nanking and Klu Klaiig, but of ficial confirmation is lacking It Is stated that there have been a number of sr-ej-slons from the government troop-. HANKOW, China, Oct." IS.-The first battle since the arrival of the Imperial troops from the north was fought today on the north bank of the Han river Just west of this city. ! It waa indecisive. The revolutionists j temporarily drovo the Imperial troops j back from their position, but In doing so j they exhausted their rifle ammunition and were compelled to retire on their base at Wu Chang. v - Tho revolutionists with Infantry and artillery attacked the government troops which were reinforced from the Chinese warships In the river and supported by the guns of the fleet. 'While the fighting was In prorress the thirteen foreign vest-els In the river landed a Joint force under command of Vice Admiral Sir Alfred L. Wlnsloe, com mander of the British fleet, who, because of his seniority, has been given the direc tion of the men engaged in the protection of the foreign concessions. The Red Cross neutral camp. In charge of Dr. McWlUie of the American mission, received and cared for the rebel wounded. Four Thousand Men avngaaed. . About 2,00b revolutionists were pitted against an equal number of royal sol diers and it was a fair fight. Early, re ports that the rebels outnumbered the enemy S to 1 were Incorrect. Only a part of the revolutionary army participated and they are claiming tonight that they would have routed completely the sol diers from the nortmMf their ammunition had held out. ' " . Two thousand rebels who-, occupy .Wu Chang, Hankow; awl. Hoh Vang during last night crossed the Yang Tho Klang from Wu-Chang and at daybreak fell on the imperial camp. They attacked with dashes and the government troops, taken somewhat at a . disadvantage, responded loyally. Hie fighting as severe, put It t is Impossible to estimate the casualties, as the correspondents were not permitted near tho firing; 'line 'and th'osa who wit- j nessed the battle from the river were fired on. , Fight Sert. at Daybreak. ' It was Just daybreak when Admiral j Sah ordered his cruisers to disembark their soldiers near Chang Piao's position. I The revolutionists on the'Wu Chang 1 fortifications Immediately detected the movement and opened a hot fire with ! their artlllerv. ' The crulsors and gun boats In the river replied with a raiu of bhells, which diverted the attention of the Wu Chang artillerymen and effectually covered the landing of the troops. ... . Scattered bodies of revolutionists on both aides of the river Joined in the fighting, and by mid-forenoon it waa es timated that 3.000 imperial troops and nearly 10,400 rebels were ensaaed. The warships uted up .a largo quantity ! of ammunition but the e(fvctens of their fire as' hampered by fear of en dangerlng the foreign concessions. All the foreign warships iu the river sent landing parties ashore for, the pro tection of the foreign interests. At the first sound of firing Admiral Sah Chen Ping, In oommand of the Chinese warships, ordered men landed to support General Chang Plao. formerly commander of the troops of the Wu-Chang district, wh'had assumed command cf the im perial troops. The rebolK had anticipated this move by the fleet and directed a hot fire on the warships and the landing par ties from the Wu-Chang, bank of. the river. Admiral Sah In turn ordered - the war ships to fire on the rebel field pieces, and for a time shells fell thick among the rebel gunners. The warship officers, however, were seiiously handicapped by the danger to the foreign eoncevdona in. volved in their fire. Fire ou For I en Reporters. The foreign newepaper correspondents narrowly escaped with their lives. They had been oruUlng on the river In expec tation of the battle and stationed their launch along Admiral Pah's flagship and between the fire of the two forces. Admiral a.h ordered tbera out of the firing liner. The launch and lte crew with drew, and a they did so thejT were fired on by men who had been landed from the warahlpa. Tortunately the correspond ents escaped unhurt. Ti engagement continued several hours, while thu c ombined land and ship forces of the Imperials were driven some distance back and the rebels retiring re crossed the river to Wu-Cnang The situation has not been greatly changed by the battle and continues grave. . Fipht for Railway statloa. - Deaultory firing continued this' evening at the rear of fhe Hankow railway sta tion, the poisebsion of which la contm- (Continued on Second Page ) All kinds of fruits and vegetables have poured in this season In ouch quantities that, the manufacturer In over whelmed, his. factory and force disorganized canned goods will be a little higher In conneiuenee. From the MtflneapollH Journal. TAFT WILL EXTEND HIS TRIP Two Weeks to Be Spent in West Vir .,. ginia, Ohio and Kentucky. TO REACH WASHINGTON NOV. 15 Will Co to Morgantowa from Pitta bnrgh and Then to riuelnnatt to Vote Train Deleted by Ac cident to Leavenworth. LA9 VTiOAS. Nev Oct. is'-Prestdent Tsft's notable "swing around the circuit." now ending its fifth week, will not end in Washington on November 1, aa first contemplated, but will be extended until November 15 or IS. The president will travel some .TO" or 4.0fiu mllefc more than at flrt intended, bringing the t"tal mileage of his tour up to between KudO and li.tttt miles and breaking all rei OrUs'oi presidential travel. The tegular Itinerary of the original trip will be followed to Pittsburgh, where President Taft will spend the entire day of Tuesday, October 31. Then, instead of keeping on toward Washington. Mr. Taft will go direct to Morgantown, W. Va, to spend Wednesday, November 1, From Morgantown he will go to Hot Springs, Va., to rest for five days, starting west aeam In time to vote at Cincinnati at the local election to be held there November 7. The president will remain in his old home town for a day or two and will be tendered a banquet. , -. Kentucky and Tenneeaee. Following the Cincinnati trip Mr. Taft probably will go to HodgenavUle, Ky.. to participate in the dedication of the Lin coln farm memorial. There are two or three dates in Tennejrsee following this and then it is expected Mr. Taft -vt ill re turn to Washington In time to prepare his message to congress, which meets the first Monday In December.' The dates of the supplemental trip have not been fixed beyond Cincinnati aa yet, but probably will be announced within the next few days. According to President Taffa plana he will dlitcard his special train either at Chicago or Pittsburgh and will make the supplemental tour In h;s private car at tached to regular train Mr. Taft has stood the wear and tear of constant travel thus far better than any of the members of his party and does not view the additional trip with any physical misglvlnga. Major Archibald W. Butt, his military aid. has been on the sick list now for several days, but la rapidly recovering and will go through to the finish. The president haa been promising for two years to visit certain cities in Ten nescue and is anxious to keep his word. He was due to visit HoUgansvllle. Ky., eariy In the i'all, but. waa advised to re main out of the aiate while a bitter po litical campaign wau on. Locomotive Mips Tire. An unusual coincidence In connection with the 'announcement of an extension of the trip waa the fact that a serious accident to the president's train waa nar rowly averted on the desert west of here laat night. Twenty miles west of Kelso the train waa stopped ao that the engine might take water. The engineer, making g casual Inspection to detect hot bear ings, discovered to his auiasement that the tire on the right trailer wheel of the ponderous locomotive had slipped an Inch or more from ita proper place. A aharp curve if taken at high speed. It is said, might have thrown the tire com pletely off and thrn It would have been little lee than an oven break as to whether the engine and several of the cars following would have been thrown into the ditch. A. bury call waa sent to (Continued on becond Page) The Reason Why HE IS TAKING AN ACIIVE PART AT THE PRISON CONGREfcS. ,j 3. K KODDINO, Warden of the Kansas State Penitentiary at Ianslng. Former Convict is Wanted for the Murder of Five ELLSWORTH. Kan., Oct. 1 -County authorities today began a search tor Charlvs Marzyek, an ex-convlct, In con nection with the murder here Sunday of William 'Showman, Mrs. Showman and their three children. Governor W. K. Btubba baa offered a 1600 reward tor the slayer. Marsyek waa released from the penitentiary a year ago, after serving a sentence for grand larceny for stealing wheat from a farmer by whom be waa employed. Mariyek's former wife, who obtained a divorce and remarried fol lowing his sentence to the penitentiary, la a slater of Mrs. Bhowman. Phe .Is said to have made a statement to the author ities today that testimony by Mr. and Mrs. Bhowman was largely responsible for Marsyek's conviction and that before be wont to prison he swore vengeance. It la said Marzyek haa been seen about Ellsworth within a week. The finding last night of a blood -stained shirt and a pair of prison shoes in a local hotel room whose occupant has disappeared, encouraged the authorities In the search for the ex-eonvlct. . ein.-e the discovery of tho Bhowman trsgedy tho former Mrs. Marsyek, now employed on a farm near here, haa kept a shotgun ever near her. Hhe said she feared her. former husband might kill her. Nine persona who have been threatened with death by the ex:convlct live in thla neighborhood. These persons were .all concerned In his oonvlction at the time he was sentenced to the penitentiary. They are panic-stricken and have armed themselves. IRISH SAYS HE SAW ENRIGHT SHOOT ALTMAN CHICAGO, Oct IS.-Fred Irish, on whorn the atata depends to get a conviction In the trial of Maurice Enrlght, union or ganizer, ' charged with the murder of Vincent Altman. today tea tl fled that he aaw Enrlgiit commit the crime. Irish tratifled that he was In the bar of the Briggs house and saw Enrlght shoot Altman and then run from the room. -rX V WILSON TALKS TO BREWERS International Association Welcomed to United States. HE DISREGARDS CRITICISMS Secretary Hays They Are Made by tVf.ll Meunluas Men and Women '. n lth - lioiu He Iloea Vot Aitree. CHICAGO, Oct. is. Secretary of Agri culture Wilson on hia arrival lier tuday to address tho International Brewers' congress expressed hlmsolf In legard to the criticism that had been made agalnat hid participating In the affair and Inter delivered bin speech before the congresK They on honest, cmiHclentlous. well- Uieanlng people, probably with the bust of rnotlven, but the American gov ernment cannot he run upon theories they hold." was the reply of Secretary Wilson to the proivtila and objectlona that had been made by scores of prohibi tion societies and church organizations. I Jon twant to talk about the cam paign that haa been waged agalnat nie since the announcement that 1 was going to ..eak before the brewers. I do not want lo l)n In the ' light of criticising them. 1 am simply going ahead and do ing what I think la right. - "The majority of the people who have attacked me are churoh people. I con sider that I am a good church man my self. Our points of view differ, that la all" Asks Abont Progressives. Secretary Wilton seemed more Inter ested In tlie progressive republican con ference here He Ufcked several questions about the meeting. Asked if he thought It a certainty that President Taft would be renominated he said: "It would appear to be aa. The repub lican party never baa refused a renoral nation to a president who has made as creditable a record as he haa. There really la no Interest In politics yet. What ever talk there Is la forced and the Inter est manifest Is largely manufactured. " Hundreds of protests had been sent to President Taft and to the secretary him self calling upon-him to refuse to appear at the congress, but Mr. Wilson never theless welcomed the members of the organisation- To the nonexpert auditor his speech consisted merely In assuring the international visitors the same courtesy the United States has received from the European countries from , which some of them come. A few words went to explaining how the crop ylels have been increasing by importations from Europe snd a few more described the enforcement of the United Pistes pure food law. Then he turned to the brewers. What la Beerr "I called our American ' brewers to gether a few months ago," ha said, "to learn from them what elements might enter into the manufacture of their pro duct, ao that Its purity, might be con sidered and told them that government official were about to enter on the con sideration of their product and that wa were disposed to deal fairly with all In duhtrles rncognlied by law that enter Interstate and Internal commerce. We made progress toward an under standing that they must not mitbrend nor adulterate. "You come amongst ua to discuss your business Interests and the asms welcome Is extended to you that the people of your countries have tendered Invariably to Americans a ho sojourn in your lands for bualnera, educstlonsl or scientific purposes." CROWDS LARGER AT LAND SHOW Numerous Visitors Fill the Big Coliseum Morning, Afternoon and Evening. MACHINERY EXHIBIT INTERESTS Farmers in large Numbers View the Latest Devices to Save Labor. AMUSEMENT FEATURES PLEASE Tisined Seals Interest Both Young and Old with Their Antics. BEE TRAINER IS TEARLESS Enters the Illy of the A a err Bees ad There dnbdaea Them by Klndnrsa and Conies Oat la "efety. Wednesday ss the banner day St the Omaha Land how and while there were nn ppeclal events on the day program there a en lmm"iie crowd In attend ance. InMead of naltlng until afternoon the people took advantage of the earlv morning hours and many were at the sates before ! o'clock. An hour later the street cars began to discharge their loads at the Twentieth street entrance and bv noon there was a Jam In the afternoon the crowd was much greater than during the morning. Trains from out. In the state and from Iowa brought large crowds of farmers and their wives. Wjth them the special at traction was Machinery hall, where crit ically they Inspected' the latest things in agricultural and horticultural device The dairy machinery exhibits came in for a largo ahare of the attention, aa well as those things Intended to aid In the raising snd csre of poultry. Tn the msln building . the sdmtrlng throngs wended their may through the slalea, seeking Information relative to the raising of fruit., endless quantities of which are on display. In the galleries Oreen's band and the Hawaiian singers entertained, alternating In furnishing music. There were several performances given by the seal circus, while Prof. Pdell three times during, the afternoon entered the cage that was filled with sngry bees snd by kind treatment brought them under aubjectlon. In the evening the members of the Omaha Ad club, the retail merchants and thf Ir clerks to the number of nearly l.wo visited the show and were royally entertained. The Ad club band, the Ka ioos, furnished some of the music, which while not clssslcai was of a vsrlety that pleased all. Being university night the students of the University of Omeha attended in large numbera, stirring up things with their college yella and presence all over the building. In one of the tents a party of the university boys put on a burlesque foot bsll game that drew a full house Mrs. C. A. McDougsli has arrived from Idaho and Is now making her headquar ters at the Coliseum, where she Is as sisting in singing the praises of the state from which she comes. Mrs. McDougsli wss not always a resi dent of Idaho. She located there three years ago and after having lived in Ne braska for twenty-five years, residing in Krlend and Lincoln. She la and slwavs Iihh burn a booster for the Land show. In fact. he was the first one to secure spare for an exhibit at the present show. She happened to be In Omaha the day when the space plat was opened and being at the office of the management remarked : "Idaho wants to be at that show, for it is going to be a good one and will re sult in great good in the way of develop ing the country." Without more sdo, she took a pencil snd marked a cross on the space- where the Idaho exhibit now stands. Returning to her home state, she laid the matter before her people and it was given hearty approval, with the result that all bsnds went to work and now Idaho has one of ths largest and most attractive as well, as comprehensive exhibits tn the building. Forty Persons Are , Overcome by Smoke CHICAGO, Oct.' 1A Forty persons were overcome by smoks and a company of firemen nsrrowly escaped Injury by fly ing glass in a fire which caused 115.000 damage to a five story brlok building at U and W East Klnsle street today. .The structure was occupied by three manu facturing concerns. Thirty-five men lodgers of a rooming house next door to the burning building were overcome by smoke and were carried out by firemen. The family of John Doerhoefer, who lived on the second floor of an adjoining building,, also were overcome by smoke snd rescued by firemen. Eight firemen were cut by flying glass following an explosion of oil on the first floor of the building. The fire started In the base ment snd rapidly spread to the upper floors through an elevator shaft. Boxes of O'Brien i Candy. Dakell's Ice Cream Brick.; Tickets to the American Theater. All are glvew away fres u those who rmd their names la the want ads. Ke4 ths want aac every daj, your name will appear some time, maybe more than once. No puszlea to solve nor sub scriptions to get- Just read the want ads Tarn to the want ad pages there you will find nearly every business bouse la the at represented. When You Learn How Big the Land Show is You Will Go Many Times