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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1911)
The Omaha Sunday Bee Not Complete Without Colored Comic Lection WEATHER FORECAST. Unsettled; Colder VOL. XI A NO. 14. OMAHA, SUXDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER '2h 1011-SIX SECTIONS FORTY-FOUR PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. UNCOVER PLOT . TO LURE DOCTOR Coming and Going in Omaha TAFT SPEAKS OF WORK DONE BY TARIFF BOARD President, in Address at St. Louis, Points Out Necessity for Impar tial Inquiry Into Facts. r IU umtANoUM Chicago Police Find Motive Back of Killing of Emil Dignos by Dr. Falker. ALLOW TvLE, HOW MEMBERS WERE SELECTED CALLED TO ACT AS PHYSICIAN Brought to Remote Place on Plea of Serving Man's Uncle. MET WITH ORDER TO PAY MONEY tmggle Follows in Which Falker Kills Assailant. PRISON CHAMBER IN THE HOUSE Place Fully Prepared to Hold Person Under Duress. DETAILS OF PLAN PREPARED Man Killed, Former Forelgu forre I'oniUnl of Stock Yards Firm, Found to De Low In Kan da. CHICAGO. Sept. 23. -A plot to hire Pr. William II. Falker lo an unoccupied bouse, tie him down with ropes fastened to staples driven in the floor and hold him prisoner In a small clothe closet. - - ' " ' p .j , auouim uy I n P wealthy parents of the physician. Is now believed by the police to cover the killing yesterday of Emil Dignos, former foreign correspondent of a stock yards packing firm. Dignos was shot and killed by Dr. Falker In the vacant house, following a trugglo. The doctor says he was lured to the house by Dignos on the pretense that Dignos' uncle needed medical attention. Dr. Falker declares when he reached the building Dignos pointed a revolver at him and compelled him to give up his watch and some money and that after a struggle he (Talker) obtained possession of the weapon and shot his assailant. Two other young men are believed by the police to have been connected with the alleged plot and are now being sought. The theory that Dr. Falker'e assailant bad planned to hold him for ransom was DIVmmt lT n arou - " 1 avanced by the police after detectives ad searched the house where the killing occurred and discovered in imnmvio-, bed of excelsior iiirrnuniiri hv .. i driven Intn h- .1 ...... J U .vw, V1IU LUICOUtU W 1 1 II a stout rope, in a small closet under a stairway. In a corner of the closet was en axe and a small roll of black cloth. , Dignos has been identified as the man who rented the unocoupled house several days ago. The police have discovered that Dignos waa without funds and owed Mrs. Harry Hogue. at whose house he roomed. tMO borrowed money. He and a strange man are said to have spent sev eral hours at the unoccupied house the flay before Xr. Falker was lured to the place, according to the police. Health Commissioner pended Pr. Falker. who has been an In spector In the public schools since Janu ary 22. 3907. pending the outcome of the police Investigation of the. killing. overnor Aldrich Says East is Years Behind the West (Tram a staff Correspondent.) ILTNCOLN. Sept. 23.-(Speclal Telegram.) Governor Aldrich arrived home from hla trip to the east this morning. The executive waa highly elated over his trip and declared that it had been well pent.' "The staid and dignified east is ready." be said, "for all the progressive move meats that we have In the west. The people back there need a leader, some one who is capable or arousing their dormant energies and making them come out of the lethargical state into which they have fallen for years. The spirit of let the people rule is becoming more and more an actual fact. The spirit that we have had for years In the west Is per vading the east, and when the leader tepa out to claim a following be- will (lnd thousands of the rank and file' who will flock instantly to his standards, la ambitions, hopes and achievements the west la from ten to twenty years ahead of the east. In my opinion." Referring to the work, purposes and spects of the gathering which he at tended, the governor said: "The houte of governors can and will be one of the most powerful factors for representative government that hae ever beea devUtd. Roosevelt made a great step forward when he originated such a movement. Out of these gatherings there will ultimately eome to this country uniform laws with regard to negotiable Instruments, contracts, marriage, divorce and corporations. The accomplishment of these things will be a great advance for the people and will have a deep seated effect on the country at large. The Weather. FOR NEHRASKA-Unsettled weather, with probably showers. FOR lOVt'A Unsetled weather, with probably showers, colder. Tenia rati Oninen Yesterday. Highest yesterduy.. Lowest yfcfcteniav Mean temperature.. Piwlpltatlun I ttnperalui tuicii froi i the norma!: Nurmal letup, rtt ui e Excess (or the day U.OIS4 SJUaas Sine . 1 1 Mourn. Deg. I f " 1 " " a. m w j I THil it 4 a. m mi I MIGHTY NTCt. T a. m CI 1 MK. WRUH. I a m M V- , a. m aj C V'"u 10 - . 70 1 . 11 u- " 3 is m n 1 tifw , " 1 n. in M -zr ' p m jSj" 1 Tv a p. iu titi 1 l. I M , 1 p. n u iuiuJ.i..iu' Local Record. J 1911. 1910. ISflt. IX. ... 77 61 t8 (o ... 4 w 47 e ... 7t : a 75 ... .00 1.; . .uu pi ec',ititiun d.pjr- V y v ON PARAHS GREAT FIGHTING SHIP LAUNCHED Argentine Battleship Moreno is Placed in the Water at Camden, N. J. ONE OF LARGEST IN WORLD Vessel Will Carry Tnfhe 12-Inch Gone and Has Displacement of early 10,000 Tons Greater Tbnn First Dreadnanght. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 23The great Argentine battleship, Moreno, planned to be one of the most formidable dread noughts In the world, was launched at 2:33 o'clock true afternoon from the yards of the New Tork Ship Building com pany at Camden, N. J. The only other vessel Its equal now afloat. Is Ha suiter ship, the Rtvadavla, recently launched by the Fore River Ship Building Company at Quincy, Mass. The Moreno was christened by Senora Isabel Betbeder, wife of .Rear Admiral Onofre Betbeder. president of the naval com- tisslon as proxy for Penora Josefa Fignr-oa Aleorta, wife of - the former president of the ArMntlne republtt, who had been selected as the sponsor, but was unabe to come to thl country. . DiKtlvamlshed Company Present. . A large company of Invited guests saw the giant ship take Its first plunge Into the Delaware river, the birthplace of many other ' warships. Among the guests were Benor Dr. Romulo 8. Naon, the Argentine minister at Washington, and his staff. Rear Admiral Betbeder and the members of the Argentine naval commission, high officers in the Ameri can navy, representatives of shipyards and steel companies In the east. The Moreno, named after Mariano Mor eno, a famous figure in the history of the South American republic, represents the last word in the present day develop ment of the tblrteen-lnch gun battleship, tt Is greater in point of length, and dis placement than the Utah and Florida, the greatest ships now in the service of the United States government and theae two giant American fighters outrank any ship afloat in any other foreign navy. The Utah and Florida have a displace ment of 23,000 tons, whereas the Moreno when completed will have 27,600. According to the figures given oiii by the builders the Moreno and Rivadavia are even larger than the super-dreadnought New York, the keel of which was lecently laid In New York and which will have a displacement of 27.000 tons. British designers are working to outstrip any of theae buge fighting ma chines, planning the Queen Mary with a displacement of 29,000 tons. The great strides made in battleship building will be realized when it Is re membered that the original dreadnought built by England and which is the unit for the modern fighting ship had a dis placement of only IS.000 tona. Armament te Heavy. The Moreno wlU carry twelve 13-tach guns. Its contemporaries In this respect are the Arkansas, built In Camden and Wyomlng.constructed by the Cramps In Philadelphia, neither of which is yet in commission; the Austrian Vlrlbus Unitus. the German Hurlnger, the Jap anese Kuwachi. the Russian Sevastopol, the Brazilian Sao Paulo, the Italian Dams Alighlerl and the French Courbet and Jean Bart. The Jean Bart was launched yesterday. The' next step forward In battleships so far as armament is concerned Is a reduction of two in the number of main guns, at the same time increasing the caliber to U Inches. The super-dreadnought New York will have ten M-tncb guns and a ship of the same class Is under construction in Great Britain. The Moreno under its contract will have to develop 22Va knots speed. The Moreno and Rivadavia are 696 feet long over aU, the Utah and Florida are 6JIS1 feet. The Argentine ships have a breadth of 88 feet and will have a nor mal draft of feet. NEW YORK MEN CHARGED .WITH MISUSE OF MAILS NEW TORK. Sept. S.-Federa and -state officers this afternoon raided the headquarters of Jared Flagg't stock mar ket concern on West Fortieth street and maUe a dosen arrests of persons charged with using the mails in a scheme to de fraud. The complainant says that Flagg and others had a scheme to defraud ilci tha L. Beutly of Corry. Pa., and Otis uy faisely representing that they would invest all moneys sent them In New York stocks which would pay large returns. Gardner Snceeede Fry. . PORTLAND. Me.. Sept. 23. Obedlah Gardner of Rockland was appointed T'nlted States senator today to succeed the late Senator William P. Fryc. Mr. Gardner was democratic candidate fur governor pi-ALsinSKln. J30t, ' TWO OF A FAILS TO CR0SS THE RANGE Engine Not Strong Enough to Lift Fowler Over Summit. FLIES AROUND CAPE HORN Aviator Reaches Height of Twenty Five Hundred Feet, bnt te Forced to net urn Again to Colfax. COLFAX. Cal., Sept. 23. A rampart of mountains shouldering up through the mists this morning beat back Aviator Robert G. Fowler, who made an un successful attempt to scale the Sierras, In resuming his trans-continental aero plane flight. Fowler left the ground at 6:43 o'clock, flew twenty-four miles to Blue Canyon, and after half hour's battle with the mountain winds, returned to Colfax, alighting at 8:65. He says his engine was not strong enough to carry him over the summit and that he would put in a stronger engine and start again Monday. Fowler covered about 7S miles, going and returning, and attained a height of 2.500 ' feet. Hoda-era Kesnmee Flight. ELMiRA. N. T-. Sept. J3 Aviator Rod gers, whose departure from Elmira in his coast to cot flight was . delayed this morning by n accident In getting a start, repaired hie machine and left thla city at 218 o'clock, following the Erie ragrxad. He hopes to make Olean before njuVPtni. . J v Raymond Dies of Injuries. : ST. LOUIS. Mo., Sept. 23. -Raymond J. Raymond, who was injured in cranking an aeroplane at the Klnlock aviation field yesterday, died today. His skull waa fractured when the propellor hit him. Attempt to Identify Ring Exhibit in the Cammora Case VTTERBO. Sept. 23. More experts were called In the Camorra trial today In the attempt of the Jury to determine whethei the finger ring alleged by the Carabineers to have been found In the possession of the alleged murderers of Gennaro Cuoc colo was Identical with that which Cuoc colo la known to have worn. The defense has asserted that the Carabineer pur chased a new ring to exhibit in court with the deliberate purpose of making evidence. Giusseppe de Marinis, one of the defen dants, who is himself an expert on Jew elry, saya the ring was quite new and that its worn appearance was due to much handling In court by witnesses and Jurors. "I propose," said De Marinis, "that ten Identical rings be purchased and be brought Into court and be handled as this ring has been handled. If this Is done, I will wager that in a few days all of them will be reduced to the same condition a the exhibit. It they are not and I lose my forfeit I will admit I am a murderer and will go to prison for life." The experts agree that a chemical ex amination failed to reveal blood stains or traces of ashes on the ring. The body of Cuoccolo was found 1n the ashes from Mount Vesuvius. Two Bombs Exploded Near Chicago Factory CHICAGO. Sept. 23. Police art Investi gating the explosion of two bombs near the home of Christopher McGuern. a democratic leader In the Fourteenth ward, within the last three days. Mo Quern declared he did not believe the explosions were caused by political enemlee. He believes bombs may have been used to frighten workmen in a nearby factory, where a strike Is In progress. Neither bomb caused damage. PATROL ALONG BORDER OF MEXICO TO BE RESUMED EL PASO, Tex.. Sept. 23. Border patrol at Columbus. N. M., by United States cavalry Is to be resumed as a result of the visit of General Duncan, commander of the Department of Texas, to El Psso. A report that an armed body of Maaon- lats would cross from the American tide at Columbus to Mexico Sunday and the threats of Magonlsts to attack J us res baa resulted. It Is said, in General Duncan asking that the patrol be renewed. M'NAMARA'S ATTORNEYS TO DEMAND TWO WEEKS' DELAY LOS ANGELES. Sept 23. -Clarence Dr row announced today that be would de mand of Judge Bordwell on Monday a two weeks' delay In starting' the trial of the McNamara brothers, which is sched uled for October tt. Darrow said the delay hal been made necessary because of harassment for which he held the KIND HARRIMAN SHOP MEN MAY STRIKE Statement by Official that Employes May Be Called Out at Any Moment. KATY EMPLOYES ARE OUT Men Demand Joint Conference for the Two Systems and More Pay Sedalla Shops Close. LOS ANGELES. Sept. 23.-A strike Of the shopmen employed on the Harriman linea may be called at any time, occord lng to a statement made today by Wil liam Atkinson of Los Angeles, one of the vice presidents of the National Boiler Markers' union. He said the officials of the national organization were now holding a meeting with the railroad offi cials somewhere in the east and that the calling of a strike is dependent upon the action taken there. Atkinson said that a strike waa the last resort and that he and other union offi cials still hoped to be able, to avert It. "Whether a strike la called," he as serted, "depends upon the result of the conference now being held In the east be tween the union officers and officials of the Harriman lines. v "I am In communication with J. H. Franklin, president of the Boilermakers' national organization. A strike may be called at any minute, but I cannot now name the exact time." Koty Shopmen Are Oat. BED ALIA, Mo.. Sept. 23. Car shopmen on the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railway, throughout the entire system struck today because the company re fused to graDt a joint conference with the men of two systems north and south of - the Red River, regarding working conditions. Fifteen hundred men in all are said to be out. Vour hundred are out at the local shops. ' The local shops closed down last night and "general retrenchment", was an nounced as the reason for an indefinite suspension. This action it Is now be lieved was taken by the company in anticipation of a strike. In addition to better general working conditions the shopmen demand higher wages. HOUSTON, Tex., Sept. 23. It is de clared here that car shopmen on the Missouri. Kansas A Texas railway struck for more money and better work ing conditions at 11 o'clock today. Twenty-five men are out here. At Denlson, Tex.. 600 are reported out and At Smlthvllle, Tex., seventy-five re ported on strike. Meeting at Davenport. DAVENPORT, la.. Sept 23. The In ternational Association of Machinists to day called a meeting to be held In Dav enport Monday of the national executive officers of the sheet metal workete, boiler makers, blacksmiths and pipe makers Interested In the proposed strike on tha Illinois Central railroad and other Harriman lines. Miss Anne Parnell Drowned in the Sea X LONDON, bept. J.-The Pall Mall Ga zette states that the woman who was drowned on Wednesday at Ilfracombe, tha bathing resort on the north coast of Devon, where she was known as Miss Palmer, was Anne Parnell, a sister of the great Irish leader. Though nearly GO years old, she was a powerful swimmer and accustomed to going out In the roughest weather. It is thought that she was seized with cramps. Enoch Ardea Revised to Date. DAVENPORT, la,, Sept. 23. Having heard that her hut band, Lemuel Goodwin, was dead, and after mourning for htm for nlns years, Mrs. Emma Goodwin married Matthew Oh lor. Recently Goodwin re turned and his wife Is asking for a di vorce from her second husband. HERE! The Only MUTT and JEFF See Sport Page. p WALL STREET MARKET CALM Trading Shows Little Trace of Wild Scenes of Friday. RECIPROCITY SCARE PASSES Chicago Wheat Market Does "Hot Show a. Glimmer of the Flre Works Folowlng News of Canadian Election. NEW YORK, Sept. 23. Comparative calm prevailed at the opening of the stock market today after the wild scenes of yesterday. Trading was on a much smaller scale and advances were general. United States Steel, the storm center of yesterday's slump, opened 1'4 higher, 3.600 shares selling at 7'i- The next transaction was 4.60O shares at the same price. The preferred stock, which closed yesterday at 105, opened at 1064. On the next tale its gain was Increased to a full point, The market showed no signs of the ex treme nervousness of yesterday, although no developments had occurred over night to dispel the uncertainty regarding the status of the United States Steel cor poration. The buoyancy of the London market, where American shares advanced generally before the opening here, was to some extent responsible for the better tone. The general market held fairly steady throughout the early trading, although the copper and steel stocks reacted frac tionally. .Trading throughout the session w4 on a normal basis and fluctuations were not large. United 6tates Steel fell from 67. its high price of the day, to 6S'4. but later recovered in part, closing at 66H. a net advance of H- The preferred closed at lOMi, unchanged on the day. Speculation In the copper stocks for a time attracted more attention than the movement of the steel shares. Amalga mated Copper and American Smelting fell to the lowest point since 1908 under the Influence of a severe bear attack. The railroad stocks held fairly steady throughout the session. Wheat Market le Steady. CHICAGO, Sept. 23. Reciprocity fire works In the wheat market did not show today as much as even a glimmer. A gallery full of spectators on 'change here saw only excitement as an ordinary week end session affords. In sharp contrast wlth yesterday, when millions of bushels changed hands with prices fluctuating rapidly, the market this morning acted as steady as a dray horse and appeared to have no more memory of reciprocity than of Julius Caesar. In the last half hour of trading, scar city of sellers ca-sed prices to make a moderate advance, so that the market touched the highest of the season, !)9c for December delivery. The close though was a bit lower. 9999Hc. making the net gain for the day fiS'i Wheat Lower la Dolnth. DULUTH, Sept. 23. There was some slight reaction In wheat early today from the spasmodic bulges of yesterday, oilowlng the defeat of reciprocity, but .he declines were small, indicating the traders thought that wheat la up to stay up for some time. Duluth. Septem ber closed at tl lOH, having gained Shi cents in one day, opened at 11.10 and was later quoted at t1.09i. asked, and later went to SL094 and tl.OBH. asked. Tha close was at II. WH, bid. Northwest Bankers to Talk of Agriculture ST. PAUL, Minn., Sept. 23.-A con ference on agriculture between represen tatives of the banking associations of the middle west states will be held here next month. The Missouri bankers were the first to Interest themselves in agriculture In relation to banking. Banking assocla-' ttons of other states have Joined in the movement and it Is reported that the northwestern states as well as Wiscon sin, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Illinois will be represented at tha conference. The date wUl be announced later. SAFE IN LUMBER OFFICE IN WEBSTERCITY ROBBED WEBSTER CITY. la., Sept. 23. Spe cial Telegram.) The Shahn Rose Lum ber company's office here was robbed last night by yrggmen, who secured only about 1 100. They forced the safe combina tion. The police are searching for sus picious characters seen yesterday about the outskirts of the city. ENGINEER CRAIG TALKS TO MUNICIPAL CONGRESS CHICAGO, Sept. 23 Women were given a hearing at today's session of the International Municipal congress. Miss Julia Lathrop of Rock ford. III., deliv ered an address on "Charities." Street paving was discussed by George V. Craig, city . engineer of Omaha, and olbss, v Let r 1 . WELCOME THE VEST REGULATION PLAN FOR THETRUSTS System of Commission is Proposed by the Famous Attorney from St Paul. PLANNED BY FRANK B. KELLOGG Before Palimpeeat Clnb Trnst Bnster Ontltnes His Scheme for Mak ing Monopolistie Com. bines Harmless. A federal commission to regulate all large corporations Is advocated by Frank B. Kellogg, famous trust bupter of St. Paul. The Palimpsest club gave a dinner at the Omaha club Saturday evening In honor of the Minnesota lawyer, and t was called upon to speak on the relations of the government to the very large and monopolistic combines of capital. Mr. Kellogg, famous for bis work on behalf of the government In several trust dis solution suits. Including the Standard Oil case and the merger suit against the Union Pacific and the Southern Pacific, outlined a policy of constructive reform which would give the government a sys tem of machinery capable of mastering" the difficulties of corporation control. The members of the Palimpsest club, an organization of business and professional men interested n Intellectual and govern mental affair, was his only audience. The club numbert many of Mr. Kel- logg's personal friends, at he was often a visitor to Omaha when he was con nected with the legal department of the Chicago Great Western railroad. He voiced his suggestions as follows: "I think congress should pass a law containing, among Other things, the fol lowing regulations and provisions: "First It should provide for a volun tary system of federal Incorporation and license. I do 'not believe In making this compulsory, for the reason that many large industrial corporations are now In corporated under state laws in such manner that It might be difficult te re incorporated unier a federal law. These corporations which have been dissolved under federal decisions like the Standard Oil, Tobacco and powder trusts and other similar concerns could easily relncor- J porate or form several corporations tak- lng over branches of their business. Con gress should place a limit upon the elie of such corporations and the amount of the business of the country they may control. Second I would provide for a compul sory license, which shall be the alter native of federal incorporation, requiring corporations engaged In Interstate com merce othtfr than railways and purely transportation companies to take out license containing substantially the same restrictions and provisions which I shall suggest as to federal Incorporation. The object of the federal license or incorpora' Hons Is that great aggregations of capi tal which may threaten the Independence of other industries, may control prices, transportation and the finances of th country, shall be reasonably regulated to as to prevent Injury te the public by such vast accumulations or wealth, wnen g corporation seeks a legislative charter un der which It may amass the great indus tries and wealth of the country. It should be subject to searching examination to tee If these powers are abused, and It should be subject to restrictions and control. Third I would compel each separate federal corporation or licensed company te engage ia but one business and would not allow it to hold stock In corporations conducting other business and enterprises. Another important provision would be a clause prohibiting common directors and officers of separately owned and natur ally competitive corporations. Prohibit Control of Money. FourUi I would also provide that no corporations formed pursuant to this act or so licensed shall have power to use Its surplus for any purpose other than for the transaction of Its business for which It waa organised, but not to pro hibit it from depositing Its money In banks, subject to check, as ordinary de posits are made. It Is common knowl edge that these trusts amass great sums of money as surplus. They egn, through these vest sums, control the banking business, the circulating medium through which the people of thla country must do business. Such concentration ef wealth Is dangerous. It would be very easy for a .corporation with a great surplus to create a panic or to unduly raise or de press the price of securities The circu lating medium of the country on which every one must do business, should not be subject to the whim or caprice or the greed of any set of men. The should be prohibited from using other moneys through stock ownership for any of these purposes, or from controlling railway transportation lines, financial Institu tions or other industries. I deem this one of the most important feature of a fed eral lncorposatlon and a federal license ..J. APoat limed, to, SawJA-jgaja Men Chosen Who Are Trained to Analyie Evidence. PULP REPORT IS A MODEL Complete Comparison of Cost of Pro duction in Two Countries. PLEADS FOR US CONTINUANCE Reports on Two More Schedules Will Be Ready Soon. RECEPTION IS NONPARTISAN Governor Medley Presides and Three) Ex-Governors, Who Are Demo crats, Are on Committee Boy Scoots for Escorts. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 23. Paying his third visit to this city since entering the White House. President Taft today was received by larger ciowds and with more applause and cheering from the sidewalk throngt than on any previous occasion. He was the guest throughout the day of the Million Population club, and his hosts made an endeavor to show the chief executive how far along toward a million the city had climbed. Following break fast at the Mercantile club, where the president frankly admitted that the de feat of Canadian reciprocity had hit him "between the eyes," there came a forty mile automobile ride through St. Louis and out into the suburbs. The residents of the various communi ties turned out as a body to wave a greeting to the presidential car as tt whizsed by at a speed that reached a maximum of thirty miles at times. Foot ball and base ball claimed part of the president's time. He opened a col lege game of the former sport by tossing the ball onto the field and saw a Na tional league game of base ball during the afternoon. At the foot ball field the president was Introduced by Archbishop Glennon as "the best president the United States had ever had." Mr. Taft simlllngly replied that he had always bad great faith in the good Judgment of the archbishop, but he thought hit sense of proportion as to presidents might be a little awry. During the automobile parade there were two runaways of horses belonging to th mounted police escort. One of the unmanageable animals dashed up to the rear of the. president' t car and was only stopped by a saber blow from on of th policemen. The president seemed not to notice the Incident. . Reception is Nonpartisan. The president's reception here was non partisan. At the Mercantile club three former governors of Missouri, Stephens, Francis and Folk, democrats, were on the reception committee. At the Union station five companies of boy scouts were given a place of honor despite the pro test of the union labor men, who had protested against the scouts participat ing. A union band will furnish muslo at the Coliseum. The Central Trades and Labor union recently passed a resolution prohibiting any union musicians from playing in any of the entertainments given to President Taft if the boy scouts participated in th ntertalnlng in any way. The objection of the union labor men was based on the theory that the boy scouts' organization is a budding militia movement that will later be used to sup press strikes. A compromise, however, was reached, which permitted participa tion of the boy scouts and the union men, but the unions' resolution wat not reconsidered. Governor Hadley Presides. Governor Hadley introduced President Taft at the breakfast by saying that aU parties and all factions Joined in th cordial greeting to him. In Introducing Governor Hadley, Preal dent A. O. Rule of the club alluded to the governor as "the Mlsouri paradox, a republican governor who had been preaching the democrat! o doctrine of states' rights to tbs wise men of the east." President Taft replied briefly, saying he felt absolutely at home in St. Louis, and then referred to reciprocity. "1 sup pose you have heard the policy of rec iprocity Is not going through," said Mr. Taft. "I tee Speaker Champ Clark has been speculating as to who is responsible. I can't say who Is responsible, but I do know that I am content to abide by th result. "I have been on th bench long enough to know that when you get a decision that hits you between the eyes, the best thing to do Is to sit still. I regret that it is not going through, for it would have caused benefit to both coun tries." The president then referred to the re cent governors' conference at Spring Lake, N. J., which named a committee to follow the decision of Judge Sanborn through the United States supreme court. Boxes of O'Briens Candy. Dalzell'a Ice Cream Bricks. Base Ball Tickets. All ar given away fre to thote who tlnd tbelr names In U want ads. Read tn want ads every day, your name will appear some time, maybe more than once. No puzzles to solve nor sub scription to get Just read the want a4s, Turn to the want ad pages there you will find nearly every business house la the city rein feeeaiejl, - -