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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1911)
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, StTlttB.K IT.', ijii. SOME BECOfflBTOO ANXIOUS Coatettanta in Bookloren' Want to Bead In Their Answers Now. rLEJTT OF TDCE FOIL BIO GAME Half af Ties la Ceetest STes. Gaae ul Theee vVae Entr !faw WIU Staaa Exeelleat Ckaaee at Wllllif. Contestant in the Booklovers' game J'ipt remember that no answer to the pujsl picture are to be mailed until the close of the eonleet. Soma have wanted to send In their solution now. Further particulars regarding the re turn of answers will be irlven later In the contest All question that eonteitan wish to have answered hould be mailed to the contest editor of The Bee. Replies will be made through a question column In thl paper. It should be kept In mind that It Is Tivr too late to enter the contest "Enter the eonteet any time." Partictianta have plenty of time In which to eolve the puizles. a none of the coupon will be accepted until the period ha expired for the publication of all picture. Be euro to eave the coupons every day and If you want extra onee call at The Bee business office this week. Phould you have anv trouble In getting the correct answer The Fee will furnish you a catalogue of E.O00 book titles, from which lint the titles for the seventy-five pictures have been taken This catalogue la sold for 25 cents at the business office or will ba sent by mall for 30 cent. First A White Steamer automobile, a beautiful five-passenger car. celebrated for Its durability and speed, valued at Fecond A ten-acre ranch In beautiful Tehama county. California. delightful climate, rich fruit land; value. H.250. Full lr formation concerning this land may be had at the office of the Trowbrldge Bolster company In the City National bank building. Omaha. Third A beautiful Krell Auto-Grand player piano (have the music of the mas ters in your own home): value. $900. Thi prize la exhibited at tha Bennett (tore. Sixteenth and Harney street. Fourth One lot In the business district of Ralston, a lot 25x110 feet, on Maywood treet; value, g-TS. Full Information may b? had at the office of the Ralston Town site company, South Seventeenth treet. Omaha. Fifth In the beautiful suburban town of Ralston, one lot In the residence por tion. 5 ixl30 feet; this lot la valued at $225. Full information may he had at the of fices of the Ralston Townaite company, 300 South Seventeenth street. Omaha. Sixth. Peventh and Eighth Three et (twelve volumes) of Nelson's Loose-Leaf Encyloped a, tha encyclopedia that can not grow old: each set valued at M. These book are exhibited at the store of W. A. Hlxenbaugh Co., 1814 St Mary's avenue. Ninth and Tenth The Book of Knowl edge, or Child Encyclopedia, a univers al work for chool children; twenty-four volumes; each set $36. These book are exhibited at the store of W. A. Hixen baugh A Co.. 1814 St Mary' avenue. Add to this forty-five cash prlxe. aa follows. Five 10 00 prize, ten 15.00 prise, ten I2.i) prise, twenty tl prise. Missouri Pacific Rebuilds Its Omaha Kansas City Line "By the first of next year the Missouri Pacific will have the best line of road between Omaha and Kansaa City." Such la the statement of General Superinten dent DeBernardJ of St. Louie, who 1 In charge of the western linea of the com pany and who la In the city after having made an Inspection of the lines and the Improvement that are being rushed to completion before winter ets in. According to Superintendent DeBernardU the Missouri Pacific road between Omaha and Kansas City, has been prac tically rebuilt since the Election of Presl dent Bush. When President Bush took charge of the road last July, ai first order was to put the Omaha-Kansas City Una In the beat possible condition, re gardleas of cost. He gave Superintendent DeBernardl free hand and the work be gan. Since then all of the grades have been or are being reduced to a minimum, curve have been taken out bridges have been rebuilt and new track of standard steel has been laid. At the present time there remains about ano.ono cubic yards to be removed to reduce the grades, but five large steam shovel are employed on the work. As to the annual report of the Missouri Pacific, showing a deficit of almost 12.500.000 during the last fiscal year. Superintendent DeBernardl expresses the opinion that it does not come about by reason of poor business, but by reason of charging off a lot of old claim that heretofore have been carried along, but have now been disposed of under the change In methods Inaugurated by Presi dent Bush. Plead Guilty to Get Away from the Dope Ecape from the clutchea of "dope" will be sought behind prison bar by Ed Cherrlngton and John Ell, two young men who pleaded guilty to a charge of breaking and entering- before Judge Willis O. Sears. Thurday. Since their arreat, September It, for breaking into a Northwestern railroad box car and stealing fifty-four bottles of beer they hava been in the county Jail awaiting trial. Thursday they beggd Jailor Osborn to get them Into court at once, that they might plead guilty and be sent to the penitentiary. Count Scarampi : Studies Farming ; Conditions Here The Count Carlo Scarampi Del Carlo of Torino, Italy, t visiting In Omaha for tew day with Harold Bolster, whom he met while Mr. Bolster was on a trip to another country. The count is on this side of the Atlantic studying colonization possibilities for his countrymen a well a commercial, manufacturing and munic ipal problems. He made a special trip her from Winnipeg, Canada, to sea Mr. Bolster and learn more of the Trowbridge- Bolster land offerings in the west and will return again to Canada within a few day. Tuesday the count visited the South Omaha stock yards aa the guest of Gen eral Manager Everett Buckingham and was shown everything to be en by J. ; A. Shoemaker. The count was deeply In terested In the wonderful facilities for handling live stock and at the enormity af ' the enterprise. After the stock yards trip Count Scarampi was the guest of R. C. Howe of Armour's. The two found many thinga of mutual Interest to talk of, for each has spent considerable time In Argentina and other South American countries. Mr. Howe having established the Armour plant in the far south. "It Is difficult to conceive that your business is so enormous and yet abso lutely cleanly. and sanitary and I could never believe It were I not seeing- it with my own eyes," remarked the count. Count Scarampi visited' Ak-Sar-Ben Monday and freely admitted having on this occasion spent one of the most en joyable evenings of his trip. "No country has the wonderful cities aa has the United States, and no other part of the world la abreast of It In ac complishments and opportunities for ad vancement on every hand." FLANAGAN FINDS NO TRACE OF MISSING MAN Deputy Sheriff Ira Flanagan, who spent Wednesday and Wednesday night in and around Springfield. Sarpy county, work ing on the Overton murder mystery, re. turned to Omaha Thursday and spent an hour in private conference with Byron Overton, nephew of the murdered man, in Sheriff Bralley' office. Flanagan was unabla to find any trace of Edward Lemma, the man who diss; peared imultaneously with Overton, bi his trip to Sarpy county was not devoid o: result. Flanagan, Sheriff Bralley and other were reluctant to discus the deputy's journey Thursday. It was evi dent they believe publicity would do mora harm than good at this time. Deputy Sheriff Flanagan will return to Springfield. BIG REALTY DEAL IS CLOSED eBBSHeasaasBBi Union Stock Tardi Company Buy f Sixty South Omaha Lota. TO EBECT TARGE STOCK BAEN Site Casta la w elakharkaod af OOA iti tae Herts aaa. Mala Bars Will fteejalra aa Oat. lay af A boat SIOO.OOO. Negotiations for the purchase of sixty lota on which the Union Stock Tard company will erect a tlOO.ono horse and mule barn have been cloaed by tbst con cern through Its agent Joeeph Mallander. The purchase price are not given out. but It Is estimated that at least tw.OTO was spent to acquire the property. Tha sixty lots form a triangle, the base of which parallels the north and of the atock yard. The parcel were ac quired from Individual and much tlma has been consumed In the negotiations. Thirty-two of the lot were bought In the nam of Mary Botke, who Ls a rela tive of Mallander. The proposed construction of the barn was published some time ago in The Bee. It probably will be the largest structure of its kind in the United States The barn will be built of concrete and brick and there will be two floors. Beaten and Robbed on Wagon Bridge John Nelson of Council Bluffs report to the police that while he was returning across the Douglas street bridge Wednes day night he wa robbed of K1B. The police say he was found unconaclous ny two boys and was later taken to Council Bluffs for surgical attention, having been severely beaten by the hold-up men. Samson Has Chosen Some Maids of Honor Among the out-of-twa young women who are to be summoned to ba present maids of honor at the coronatlotj ball of Ak-Sar-Ben are: Constsnre Adams. Hast'ngs, Neb; Flue Bartels. Denver. Colo.; Ruth Frandels, New York; June Brown, Kearney; Luc-11 Brown. Kearney: Juliette Brown, Buena Vista, Colo.; Haiel te weeee, Canon Cltv. Colo.: May Doyle, Fort Omaha; Oiadys Elliott, Lawrence, Kan.; Aille Hecket. Chicago, 111.: Vlr. gjnla Hammond. Washington, D. C. ; M. C. Hughes. Battle Creek. Neb.; Louise Kllpatrick. Aahland: Rachel Klncade. Kansas City. Mo.; Lillian Lane, ealt Lake; Marguerite More, Kansas City; Catherine Murray. Orand Rapids. Mich.; Sue O'DonnelU O'Neill: Alice Sullivan. Cincinnati. O. ; Myrel Sullivan. Spaldir.g; Laura Tund. Amsterdam. N. T. If you hava young children you have perhaps noticed that disorder of the stomach are their most common ailment. To correct this you will find Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablet ex cellent. They are easy and pleasant to take, and mild and gentle In effect For sale by all dealers. C-nisimyadlHQl ilaimoc, yk Natural Laxative Water , Recommended by Physicians Refuse Substitutes Best remedy for 1 CONST! PAT IP Ev Munra'd c a The Beat " riflACAROMl M. A St 1111. 1 a - , . w No Need to Argue With Good Cooks -They Know Skinner's is the Best The fact tbat It is manufactured, where cleanliness la supreme and taken to the con Burner la sanitary, dustproot package give It preference over other brands, Skinnar'a la the kind you buy again. Large package only inc. Write for Mre. MacMurphy'g book of 100 best, recipes Free. Skinner Manufacturing Company, Omaha. B"aaWBsBBw-ijBB -sjsafjBisV SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. r BELLEVUE COLLEGE Located In Omaha' Beautiful Suburb. THIRTIETH YEAR OPENS SEPTEMBER 12TH, 1911 College. Normal School, Musical Conservatory and Academy. Strong: faculty, representing graduate atudy In Harvard, Johna i Hopkin, Columbia, Princeton, Chicago, Wisconsin, Iowa, Leipsic, Edin burgh and Oxford. Strata Teacner'a Certificates granted. Successful Athletics De bating. Oratory and College Journalism. Expense moderate. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. i i B KEARNEY MILL TARY ACADEMY afimaey Vsedaiaf Mned w?n earieaus and Bueinesa eeuree MVJ" en 'he ldls and mlta of 9"y ! t", u- tin a nr, h.Mta that mak Boy tna aHiy Our elesiicen.i .oleniuie rare for all eol)ea, Ou sommerUa ,-r,nr.- nr,iuiFK fos business lira Write fur illustrated eetalugue. KABBT XT. IVIIUii Mutes, Xteasaey, ete, ACTRESS PAYS FOR SILK BY WfflTINGOUT A CHECK Tall, wlllowly and aTaceful, Miss W1U N'ell Lavender, leading lady with "The Girls from Reno," stood at the silk coun ter In Hsyden Bros., while waiting to pose foe fashion pictures to be run in The Bee next Sunday. Will Nell Lavender likes nice things. Where Is there an actress who does not? A certain pfece of silk struck her artistic fancy and she asked the clerk to wrap up several yards of it. Will Nell Lavender's pink-tipped digits stole deftly into a delicately-scented hand-bag that dangled from a long silken cord. 8he mithdrew a bank book and wrote out a check for the deaired amount. Will Nell Lavender keeps her money in the Milwaukee National bank. SIGNAL CORPS TALKS ACROSS THE COUNTRY Direct wireless communication was established between Weeping Water and Tekamah. Neb., an air line distance of sixty-two miles, by two wireless pack sections of Company A, Signal corpa. stationed at Tort Omaha. This Is probably the greatest distance messages have been exchanged with these sets overland, except along the Rio Grande during the lata Mexican trouble where this company maintained direct communication between Miners and Eagle Pass, Tex., an air line distance of about ninety-two miles, with these seta 'There could ba no better medicine than Chamberlain Cough Remedy. My chil drea were all sick with whooping cough. One of them wa In bed, had a high fever and was coughing up blood. Our doctor gave them Chamberlain Cough Remedy and the first dosa eased them, and three bottles cured them." says Mrs. R. A. Don ' aid ao n of Lexington, Miss. Tor sal by ail dealers PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Mrs. Albert King has received word of tha death of her mother in London. Ens Her mother and stater were visitors in Omaha at on tlma. Lina P. Campbell of the Byron Reed company haa written home that he la teVine the eifhts of Cleveiand-v He will vit-it uuuaio betore returning. Jacob Krats arrived Thursday morning from tvhepberd, Mich., and is the guest of his brotner. Prof. Lea O. Kxsta. The brothers have not seen each other for twenty-seven yars. Thomas McCacue of the McCacue tn veotment company hae returned to Omaha lnm tvoturora. in., where he tocom ' ranted his daughter. Miki Henrietta Mf t ague who entered Rockford college lust Friday evening Thomas J O'Brien, for mer ambaasador to Japan, will pats through Omaha on his wsy east He will arrive at T o cock over the Lnlon Fa. title and remaining here twenty-five mm kvtea. wUI leave ever the Northwestern. COMMERCIAL CLUB NEEDS MAN OF MANY TONGUES If the Commercial club's correspond ence with foreign countries continue at the present rate the club may have to engage a linguist to serve as translator. Monday Commissioner Guild received a letter from Mexico City that he couldn't read until it was translated. Todav Manager E. V. Parrlsh of the publicity burean received from Havana a letter of which be cannot understand a word. . The club frequently gets letters from Mexico, Germany. Franc and Japan. The Japanese are the only ones of these sufficiently enterprising to have their letters translated into English be fore mailing them. RETURNS TO BIRTHPLACE AFTER FORTY YEARS "When I left Omaha forty years ago to seek my fortune elsewhere, the old town looked different by far than it now does," said Edward J. Wilcox, represen tative of a New York cutlery firm, who Is a guest at the Millard, and who re turned to the place of his irth for 'be first time since he left heie In U7. at the age of IS. I was born on Harney street, 'nar Tenth, but the house has long since been destroyed. There were tew big buildings snd Omaha was lltle more than a thrlv Ing 'burg.' as I remember It. Now it is such a bustling place that 'it hardly seems poesible that it Is the Omtha n which I used to live. All of ra eld playmates are gone and there are lew old landmarks tbat I recognise." MANY TO PASS THROUGH OMAHA TO LAND OPENING Omaha toads are figuring on carrying 30.000 to eO.OUO to Bennett and Mellette counties. 6outh Dakota, bet wean October and 21, the dates set for registering for the land formerly a part of the Sioux Ind:an reservation that l to be thrown open to settlement. During each of these days the Northwestern will run two passenger trains from Omaha to Gregory and Dallas, points of registration. Many of these will stop over In Omaha to se the Omaha Land show going and coming. HORSEMEN FOR PARADE WILL REHEARSE MONDAY FVvarmen and horsemen who will ride In the electrical parade the night of Oc tober 4, are ordered to be at Ak-Sar-Ben den for rehearsal at I o'clock Monday nlg-ht. without fail. Officials of the pa rade say It Is essential that all tha riders sttend this rehearsal and the success of the parade depends upon their earning eut Monday sight. Key to the SMtuaUonr-JJee Advertising. 1 SQL f tA sr I 'Hi X I skirt zC V Coming! Coming! Coming! THE WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS The Katzenjammer Kids Mutt and Jeff Foxy Grandpa Happy Hooligan Silk Hat Harry Dottie Dimples Sherlocko the Monk Buck Nix Daffydils Joys and Glooms Hallroom Boys Desperate Desmond xclusivc in The Bee Our New Colored Comics Next Sunday