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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1910)
Tin: r.Ki;: omaha. TiirnsiuY. iKCKMri;ii 8, loin. 9 A I " " 'i r I OFFERED FOR RENT llftralikH Rowans Doatlaeed. FOR PKNT-Un modern front ri" round floor, unfurnished or partly tur ned, good location. Hi 8 24th A"- FOR RENT-Tre unfurnished house keeping roo.-. 1&36 Park Ave FOR R K N T Th ree unfurnished room. I lot Jaokson St. FOR RF.NT Three unfurnished rooms; good locstloo. UJ P. th St. FOR RENT Five nnfurnlhed rooms, modern except heat. 2Z3 California rt. FOR RENT Three southeast rooms, bath, hot water, near car line, good loca tion; reference. $210 Cass St. FOR RENT Three nice, unfurnished rooms; food location. J411 N. ITth St. FOR RF.NT-Two unf umlshed rooma for light housekeeping. 2tl N. 2"th St FOUR, moms for housekeeping, with or without heat and light. 2.22 N. ISth St. FOR RENT Two rooms, steam heated, good location. 201 8. llth St FOR RENT Two large. unfurnished room, south root. Farnam St. Farnlshed Hoaees. NICELT furnished noma. 130 8. 36th Ave. i Hewsa aael Cetas;e. FOlfttENT 8 roorris and bath. $30 per mo., at 3220 iJurt St. Modern except heat, 'i block from two car line, Harney and Cuming. Asphalt St. See owner at 3216 Burt St., or Phone Harney 2496. EXCEPTIONALLY convenient, modern, compact, t-roora brick; fmlahed on year ago; choicest neighborhood. 11 and Pop piston, H. Include water, care of lawn, now, ate. Peters Trust Co.. N. T. Life bldg. NICK corny ev en-room houae, all mod- r n ...Ll...t ....... ... Ul.kl Ka . 1 . V. Ft. car Una, No. N. Hth Bt. Will rent ior or win aen wu mjr tenue. Harney (M 7-ROOM, all modern cottage, nlc loca tion; paved street; one block from car. 1444 6palilnr. Phone Web. UM. 4-ROOM houae. strictly modern. In first claaa repair, splendid neighborhood. 3OJ0 Mercy Bt. Call phon Harney 27u6. -ROOM houw. modern, eaey walking distance; always rented for friJ; will reduce rent for winter. Call 174 Brandels Bldg. Tyler 1671. . (-ROOM oottaxe; modern, except furnace: beautiful lawn and trees. No. 2?OH South !d Ave. Rent only let per no. Telephone Douglas 4040, , , NICK (-room modern cottage. 30th Bt. ' , 1431 N SIX-ROOM houae. 838 B. But, . Phone Harney 3704. . g-r., mod., beautifully located; easily heated; $X; water pd. 71 S. (7th. Web. H'A 7-ROOM houae ' strictly modern, with laundry and cistern; water in basement. 2402 S. 24th 6, . . In all ' parts' of the Hty. Crelgk Cons Co- Bee Bid. ouKea CLOSE IN. All modern a-ronm house, well lorated: paved utreet; half block from car; walking distance from town: close to high school. tbil Capitol Ave. HO. 00 per month. See owner. F. H. Turney. I6BS Capitol Ave. K't Maple St.. -room, modern, $17. CINCHES. Two all modern, eight-room houses. iilS Cass and 1025 N. 32d Ht. Rent la reduced very low. Telephone Harney 60. Harrv Putnam, SI 4 Burt St. FOR RENT Two l-rcom brick bouses, all newly remodeled, all modern, north, part of city, 2. A nice 8-room cottage, all modern ezoept furnace, 4S06 Hamilton Bt., 1 15. 4-room apartment flat, 15Z3, No. 18th St. SUM. 1 rooms, 191 Clark St- ,10. C. M. SACHMANN. paxton Blk. Office. R. 2S. Ues., D. eOCs. (-PvOOM, two-story, U modern brick house at 423 South 24th St., good furnaoe, rood location for keeping roomers; lio.oo y oer month. All modern 4-room brick house St xaoe Iewey Ave., s.w.uu per munin. ji epaldlng, 114 Farnam. Tyler lulO. PEVEN-ROOM modern, new brick flat; taslly heated. 140. 14 Dodge St. Phone Uouglas 440. COTTAOE. 1405 N. ISth St Tel. Harney MM. X XXUOLAS street, 8 rooms, S27.&0. 2017 Howard St., -R- Special reduction If laken at once. Modern. PUTNAM CO.. ). 17. Ind. A -167. U Brandels Theater. SRANI) new, 7 rooms, tiled bath, oak finished, laundry basement, two block to three car lines, nice walk down town. Act vulck It you want this fine home. 1W 8. Mh Ave. Phone H. S11. iTot Farnam, I rooma. modern, $45. rj4 Webster, IX rooms, mwlern, $t, 'M N. 40th, rooms, modern. J. KINUWALT BROH.. Braudels Theater Bldg. 140C N. 25TH BT.; rlarney fiObe. five rooms. Phone III) AND POPPLETON AVR.-Elght room modern brick flat; on car line; H0 to good tenant. wngnt & Ltubury'. MM S. lolh Bt. Phone It. 1LO. $bA0l!Ct N. Kth St., 4 rooms, toilet, gas inn water. $17.(10 3J S N. 28th St., t rooms and bath. 17 W 2f.."i0 8ahler, I rooms and bath. l?.SO 1HW N. S4th Ht., b roofiis. all modern la.60 ijib S. XTth He. T rooms, gas and aster. PAINE INV. CO.. Id Fluor Ware Block. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; rhap freight retaa; moving and storing. I-xpieatmen's rellvarr Co Tel. Doug. fc4 Om. Van 4 Storage Co. packs. moves, stores bouaenuid goods. Mreproor storage, feot . itlth. Branch. 3u & 17th. Tel, D. 410. A-IS& HOl'SK" FOR RENT NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite CM New York Llf Bldg. Red IM, S-ROOM,' modern brick, Hurt. H Symea nearly new. 321$ 4 ROOMS modern, good repatra 2tkl S. Cd Ave.. IM. 1. Harney Iom. 1 NEW, 4 rooma, all modern except heat. 41 S Vih Ave.. I block aouth of Central boulevard and Vinton achool. 'let. Tyler 162.'. SEVEN rooms, all modern; parlor, living room, kitchen, dlnin room, three sleeping rooms: quarter-i-awrd oak floors; in pei fect oondltion; full cement basement, paved street, permanent walk; one block to car Inc. Northwest corner of 2th A Webster Sts. $. per month. W. J DKRMoDY INVESTMENT CO., 15K City National Pank. Tel.- D. 7!i. NEW six-room house, all modern aj rUi Hid Hanillton Sts . $. per month W J DKHMODY INVESTMENT CO, 1514 City National Hank. Tel. D. 7ki. IX-ROlM etae, city water and sewer, 'u goKl trpalr. Hit Michigan Ave.. $i4 per tiionth W J KHOHV INVESTMENT CO, 1514 City National Back. Tel. D. Mk "Please find enclosed 30 cents for advertisement inserted in the Lost and Found columns of The B e. The two lines found the article quickly. 1 had at least .") inquiries about the little ad. MRS. JOHN SUIaLlVAN, Jr., ' 4211 Harney St." There you are. OFFERED FOri RENT Meaeee Cottages festlaseJ. NLW Al'AUT.MKNT HOUSE i!Mh and Faruaui THE COLONIAL We have three apartments remaining In the completed building. 5 ronni and hath, HA and 4i. This includes decorations to suit trnant. hot and cold water, eteam heat, eluulea. curtain roils, latutor service. everything fttat-caes. new and up to date, liuiniing open every oay Ior Insp-ction. lajok at these apartments before they are ill taken. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Sole Agents, 6th Floor N. Y. Ufa Pldg. Phone, Douglas luln. KENTEluS, KEAJ) THIS! W e have V) vacant houses, 3 to rooms; 1 U) tu, close In and suburban loce Hons; modern and part moilern, 2 with hail acres. These muKt be rented at niia, and we will make most llbertU reductions In rents; rIho any reasonable repairs or improvements required. Phone us. L. 8m. Also home fnr sale on rental terms. ltrrtSKl.1 A MKIT1UCK to.. 432 Kamge Hldg. lath and Harney Cozy 5-lloom Cottages All of the following are new and are all modern except heat, some of them have neer been occupied. Now Is your chance to net what you have been looking for. 34 Franklin ftt., bungalow, e.a. so. ft., tsi f. 'ait tvi. m., $j2.m. 3J. Taylor St., 12 to. 4A Iiodge ht., 12 ."K. 4iJt No. i'Tth ft., $21. PaV.NE & ISIATER CO, Hole AgeuiH, bth Floor N. V. l.lfo lildg l'hone Douglas loJO. 9 Kooms, Close In ioS No. 21st Bt., a J-room, strlrtly modern brick dnolllng, within easy walking dis tance, lee us for special price. PAYNE Bl-Th.H CO.. Sole Agents. ttth Floor N. Y. Life Illdg. Phone Douglas lul& F Kit KIN Exp. & atorage. Kill Cap. i. 21o. Stores and Offices. FOR RENT Office room. 623, loc.ited oa top floor, facing court, 370 square feet. In cluding vault; rents for per month. THE fcEK BUILDING COMPANI NO eual In city; grocery and mar ket with fiTtuiep anplv rn s Wd OFFERED F0H SALE 'arnltare. STEEL RANGE, -bole. wood heating stove, iron bed with eprtng. Cheap for cash. U. 233. Bee. BASK BURNER, steel range, gas range, furniture and carpet, cheap. M3 N. 2llh. TWO Radiant Home baseburners; cheap. Doug. 2187. FURNITURE for sale very reasonable. 622V, Bo. lSUl. Maslcal Instraments. ( PIANO New. high grade; 20 per cent discount H-fciH, bee. Tj pew rlters. Birr an L. C. Smith & Bros, typewriter, ft. F. Bwanson Co.. Distributers, UI s'ar tini St. TYPEWRITERS, ell makes, large atock Standard Vlaible Writing Machines and ethers hi 3-5 mfrs.' prices, for sale or rent: rent applied. Ask for list and offer. B. F. Swanson Co.. 1311 Farnam. YOU can rent an Oliver typewriter with oak stand, $i monthly, from manufacturers, most Interested in satisfaction given. Oliver Typewriter Co., D!n,u. SECOND-hand typewriters sold, repaired. Cential Typewriter Exchange, 1607 Farnam. TYPEWRITER Easily worth 135. for tUU cash'. 2775 Burt St, ' MONARCH Typewriter, perfect- condi tion, fur sale cheap. 623 Bee Bldg. Mlooellaaeoee, WW HAVR o nand a number of Ink barrels which we wil. sell for M cents each. Ttey are fine for rain water or ashes, call at press room. Bee Publishing Co. "V1 T, Reeder Cooking; housewife's de Kjjiu C. A. Westerfleld. D. 15S3. 9(lfi OVERCOATS, slightly used, at a bar iuu gain. A, B. bINUKH, 414 N. Ifitn. FOR SALE New and second-hand bil liard and pool tables. Ws lead the world la cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. ttrune wIck-Balke-Collender. 407 S. Ioia BL SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all sixes and makes; bargains American Supply Co., Ul Farnam 8L About 40 feet of IX-lnch diameter No. M (ruage. galvanised pipe, with four 4&-oea elbows and T. This was used for ventilat ing purposes, and pipe is In good eotvjltloa. The Bee Publishing Co.. 17th and Karnaia, CALENDAR pad a. Burkley Printing Co. CO AT .Furnace lump, a ton. ( An UUmi Harmon & W eath. Web. MS. $O.UU FOR SALE Ten shares United Wireless Telegraph, preferred, transferable stock. fur 112a. Box Ix Little Huck. Ark. ADDINQ MACHINES Our own and other makes, second-hand, rebuilt. Bur roughs Adding Machine Co., Soy South Uth street, Omaha. $12.60 takes practically new black lynx fur set: latest style; best shirred satin linlog; worth $55. F 472 Bee. THY our own mined Klnsas coal, $4.75 ton. Southern Coal Co.. 21st and Paul; WVb. 2.. CRACKER sweepings for hog feed, $7.6S per barrel. Loose-W ilea Biscuit Co., 12tn and Davenport. DRY kindling, $l per load delivered. Webster f4, Ind. B-51il. OSTEOPATHY A Boe Johnson J Brandels Theater Bldg. KATHERYN NIKOI.AS, 631-4 Brandels Theater. PATENTS WILLARD EPDY. registered practltlonsr In U. B. Pat otflce. 618 Paxtou Blk. H. t. P.O. BARNSLL PutoD Hlk. Tel Red 7U1. PERSONAL MECHANO THEliAPY Drugless iie.,tintnt of kiiiMiiaLii trouble. Dr. Maigaiel liallorau. ZX Neville Ulk. V'1A. IWVAl'L niatirnity homo. Mix Ir King. 1324 N. 34tu Bt Web. 3553. Ind. D-l-3. STRICTLY piivaie home for confine ments; excellent caru; babies for adupuou IIH Davenport. TOCNO WOMEN eomjng to Omaha at strangers are invited to vieit ibe Young Women's Christian Association building al feienlrenia street and Bt. Mary s avenue h'rr they will be directed lo suitable board ng places or otherwise assisted 1 oo lor our treveier e aid at the Lniou sisiioa f nWTTn treatment. Mma Smltk Third Floor. jl.-ni.iimv u, a 14th PERSONAL tt. ontlnued.i en IT ) rnasease a specialty, sure curs OVjl-tt. ))P i,.i,ines facial maeae. rnanlcunng and shampoo work; satisfac tory work guaranteed. 41S raxrou Ulook. PRIVATE HOME during confinement; tables l'-r adoption. Good Samaritan Kaai tarlum. 7 1st Ave.. Council Uluffa, la. JOttlB WASHBURN'S book. 'The Under world Bewer." at all book storja Price. Hi OMAHA tutmmerera' Ins. Ramge Pldg THE 8ALVATIOH ARMT solicits cast-off Clothing In fact, anything you do not need. VSe collect, rrpelr a id sett at l.4 N. lit a Ct . for cost or collection, to the worthy poor. Call phone ljouglaa 4Xia and wagons will call. my -kTrj View Maternity home, private kal' home for women during confine ment. Address Hox 117, Florence. XeL Florence S'i MRa A. HU6TER, Millinery. t21 N. lSth. E L. liOVEJOT repslrs sewing machines and warranu them. N. 21st. Web. fcs. TTTrrrTn?V Pile, etc, cured; no knife; ItUt J- CliiJj booK fw German loctora. 470 Broadway, Council llluffa. la. tvllnliai frm combines 11 0. Mrs DWllClieS Mathewa 104 Neville blk. 12&J tt'inq and toupea for men. Orlffltk, W 1UO -nd FRENZER blOCla. BUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently re moved, no pain, no Ioks of time, no Injury te the skin; work guaranteed; lady attend ant 110 MoCague illdg., loth and Dodge. "HINraDO TABLETS will build, braoa. Strength en. Mc bEU DHUIl CO. M flVI"Pll Treatment. K. Rrott, 723 S. ISth Su Tel. Red 4itHi. DR. KOGER8. Private confinement home. !il( Martha St.. Omaha. Tel. Douglas tun. THE OMAHA HOl'BK snd WINDOW CLEANING Co.. furnaces fired and base ment kept clean, storm windows washed and put up. 'Phone Red 1211. Birj-rriy. pait glow and massage, 1016 LI1 0 Dodge, fld floor, opp. post office, lime. Allen of Chicago. Doug, "iitii. WE KENT and repair all kinds of sew ing machines. Ind. A-l(i'3; Douglas 1663. lith and Harney Sis. MASK SUITS to rent at LIEBEN S. VIBRATORY MASSAC E Dr. Rlttenhouso, 80S Old Poston Store. 4th floor, elevator entrance. 1AI B. lotlj. Open Sundays from 9 a. m. to 12 p. m DR. BURKE iZlTn TVJ 16th and Douglas, Omaha. Call or write. I A SiK A IIP1, treatment. Mrs. Steele. Ill JIAOO.WIU s 1Tln j, floori room 5. M LMt A l At Liberty, string hass, aounie R B bass In band. Cornet double, violin. pianlNte. theater or dance woik. Reference (A. F. Ml A. T. De-Ke, Omaha, Neb. Gen. Ieliver'. i ioi. n.ianPrRnrt(.lBThoa i.h. n POULTRY S. C. W. and S. and R. C. Brown Leghorn cockerels for sale cheap. Barker Bros.. Inmanola, la. LAST week for free trial Conkey's I.v Inir Tonic aJid Poultry Book. Call before rney're gon. Nebraska beed Company, 1K13 Howard St PURE-BRED S. C. Rhods Island Reds, (exclusively). 100 cockerels of the well known "Cottage Place" strains for sale at 12 and S3 apiece, or 2 or 3 for $o; hens and pullets at fl.oO each. George W. Dixon, Cottage Place, Watertown, . D. . FINE Black Minorca cockerels and pulleta for sals. Frank A, Agnew, South Omaha, Neb. MAMMOTH Bronxe Tu-keys Toms. 33 50; hens. 32.00; pairs and trios. Thoroughbred Totousn geese, either sex, 12. Miss E. Bchlndler. Nebraska Cltv. Neb. mKVT'S Vrw-l-itMA ilMnfAiitinl mlM with water and is chean and affective. Use It' and prevent - diaeese.' - Nebraska eed Company,' 1613 Howard Bt HONNIE VIEW White Wyandottes and Bourbon Red turkeys. Mrs. N. W. Bur bank. Bonnie View Poultry Yards. New Sharon, la. BARGAINS now In all varieties Orping tons, Wyandottes, Leghorns, R. I. Reds, Rocks. Minorca, ducks, gsese. turkeys. William Koell A Co., Bog W. Hampton. Is, DUCK! Duck! Tee. Buff Orpington great layers. For prices, etc., writs Clartnda Duck Farm. Clarinda. la PRINTING Lew W. Kaber, Printer Mi. Bee Bldg. Entrance on Court. "PHONE IND. A-2420 for good printing Lj Bgstad Printing Co., 14tb and Capitol Aft MILLER A JsJaUESON. 1Z1! Douglas SL Both phones. RIV-a-H T.L Ptg. Co. 10" si 14, h. I"d A--!l REAL ESTATE ABITK 4CTH P TITI.sL Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracters. 1714 Farnam St PETER JESSEN, Jr.. Co. Tel. Doug. I2S3. HEAL ESTATB Do.ACF.RS. HEED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. llf; prompt service; get our prices. 304 Brau4els theater. PEN I AM IN H E. CO.. 477 Brsndels Hldg REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO.. Fif teenth Floor City National Bank Building. . CITY PROPERTY FOK SALK Squires' Property At 1M0 Cuming street we have for sale a large n.o-8tory house, with full 66-foot lot, fronting south on Cuming. We can sell this for a short time for $4,j00. We think It good value for the money. A. P. Tukey & Son Phone Doug. 21S1. 444-445 Rd. of Tr. Bldg. $4,000 buys 8 rooms and bath at 3220 Burt St. In fine condition. Very desirable tor a home. Half block from two car lines, Harney and Cuming. Asphalt street. See ow ner at 3216 Burt street or Phone Ilarnev 24. ' 4-Room Cottage in growing eeotion of Omaha, convenient to school, one block from Sherman Ave. ear. Large lot, nice lawn and gar den, rruit trees, grapes and strawberries. This is a new place and the price is right $100 Down will handle it. Address L 3S0, Bee. $2." , 3 beautiful lota, high and sightly, ne- Miller Park and on car line 1-vUMi. Doog SEAL ESTATE CITT l'HOPK.RTV FOR S1.F.. (Continued-) FOR AI.B-Two lots, lxl40, en soata fth fit near Vinton; all special taxes pais. Will sell as one piece or divide. Willing to sell at sacrifice. Apply at a3 Bents Lit at. FOR PALK House f roomi water, sewae tn'.let. etc.; nice trees and shrubbery. j fcoulb Hat St- 3730 N. 36TII AVE. Peven-roitn. new; fruit; small house In rear; very larce piece of ground. Look at It and make offer. NOWATA UNI) A LOT I'll, IM N T. Life ll1g. Phones Red l. A im. TEN-ACRE fruit farms for sale on easy teuns yl-!d from $D to $W0 an acre wneo developed. Adilrens W. H. Dorcherdlng. all-U City Nau Bank Bldg. ti0 CASH, g rooms, modern, balance easy monthly payments. House new on boutU 12to. Good location. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO.. Tv New York Ufe Hldg. Phone Red 199. FRAIRIB PARK-Ht rooms, all modern; easy terms. Owner. Tel. Web. 543. SIX-ROOM modern cottape. for sale on easy terms by owner. 21J4 Miami St, REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LA.11I FOR 8 ALB Arkaneas ARKANSAS FARM! Big llstf special bargains; sent free. Write today. Captala higgs. Fayetteville. Ark. Florida. T. VT. BLACKBURN. c Taxton block, govs to Floiida on the ISth to select sev eral 40.acre liact: in RTvervlew Farms near Palatka, for himself and friends. He stands readv to Dick out 20 to 40 acres each for ten other on request. The prloe of thene lands la $.j per acre, and sir. Blackburn believes they will be worth l'0 per acre by the time they are paid for at 12.00 per acre cash and f) cents per acre per month. Persons desiring Mr. Black burn to select tracts for thorn should wilte him at once, enclosing $10 as evidence of tood faith, to be applied when purchase Is made. liensrm & Carmiehael of Omaha will acuuaint Inquirers with full details. FLORIDA LAND. Florida You cannot lose on any well se lected property in Florida. '"t re sure ot aulck snd substantial proms. Ws have many good properties for colonisation, fruit and vegetable lands and Improved larms. Pope A North, vol Atlantio Na tloual Bank Bldg.. acksonvlile. 'la. Georgia. FOR KALE How Is this: A lot 60x140 feet In a DroKress ve city, and 40 acres farming land, all for J20U, on terms of $10 ciuili and 110 monthly. Address, r. u. Thomas, 826u River road, Columbus, Ga TEN Improved farms for rent or eale on crop payments. . MulhalU Sioux City, la. UBEAT SOUTH GEORGIA TRAVERSED BT THE) ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM A ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Lands adaptable to the widest range of crops; all the money crops or tne Souta plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coming country. Its soil, cli mate, church and school advantages, write W. H. ln.ix, Gen'l Passenger Agt Dept hi. Atlanta. Oa. llllnuU. FOR BALE 9,100 acres In Cheyenne Co Colorado; i level, 'x gently rolling; ad joins two towns, U. I".. It; R.'frontage; 4 surveyed for irrigation; own my own water rights; all alfalfa, wheat iand potato land shallow water; country aotlling fast; 2,00(1 acres valley land;- great -ranch or colonic- 1 11 K proposition; all fenced and crossfenced; greatest bargain In eastern Colorado, at $10 for quick sale; liberal terms, low in terest, inquire owner..; Jaa. U. Bailey, Delavan, 111. FOR SALE Or exchange a. splendid 330 acre wheat farm In Manitoba's most fav ored district, iii ur joaUt School.' What have yuu tu offer! .-Wlli'iirguon,-.La Orange, 111.. -- . FOR BALE Corn farm;. 21 acres In Bu reau county, illuiols. $Alia0, ho .acres, ogle couhty, $y. O. A. iiolconb. Aurora, 111. FOR BALE Beat Soo-acre stock grain farm In state; R. R. station, store and elevator on farm: gravel road; will bear closest Investigation. Price fluu.OOO. M. A. Brock, Clssna Park. Hi. . lows. IOWA FARMS. Write for my large Illustrated Bet of Madison county farms from fci acres up to 440 acres, all prices; good liberal terms. bee Madisoa county beiore buying. Best all around county In the state. Adrees J. (3. SHR1VKR. WlntereaU la. NEW IOW A FARM. , 160 acres, ' miles from. Council Bluffs P. O., 3 miles from city limits and 4 mila from new electric line. Use In 1H10 was 20 acres oats. Vi alfalfa, 63 corn, 40 timothy and clover, lti hardwood timber and pas ture, 3 orchard and vineyard, 4 natural (.-rasa. House first class, but small; good Lain, cow barn and hog sheds; . new ma chinery shed, cemented cave, corn cribs, etc. Price $', some terms. Farm never previ ously offered for sale or advertised. Owner wants to go to Idaho and can't do so nnUI he sells out here, hence this extremely low price. Botneoody is going to make a lot of money out of this when they get those electric cars going, and it may as well be you. Will K. Biedentopf. Council Bluffs, la. 35 Baldwin lilk. licll phone Red 774, Ind. S4S Red. . Kaasaa. IM ACRES in Andersou cdunty. Kan.; M acres pasture, balance new land; price. $14 per acre. Neal-ttuwuiao Imuu tu, Gar- AuMbl land, farm landa in Werners. Kansas I auote. subject to previous I- w. 14-tO-SX. shallow water alfalfa land, tt $2S per acre: 3H woes from UcCue. N. K U-17-iX good wheat or broom corn land, I J par acre, 4 mile from Manning wu ii l ao. G D. Card. Scott C4ty. Kan. BARGAINS. I fan acres choice land. 1.000 acres o? it In wheat: well located, well Improved; $1.54 per acre; will exchange for smaller. A fine plantation of nearly z.wx acres. ll located and well uuproted; Louis, aua. ih per acre. uade. Modern luO-barrel Tour mill and elevator, doing good business: central Kansas; Zi ' arid cash for ranch. avo acres good btu etc.. land, central Kansas. S-u Per acre; for rental. 1 hav some choice fvrtoe and ranches In eastern Kansas snd western Missouri, any sue snd pr.i e you want: some wilt ex change When you want to buy. sell or exchange land, merchandise or anything else nl value. 1 wouid ik lo luar irom I eu. FRANK GE5S. Lawrence k-'aa Me sleet. LANDS lii-vic,i- i ho. for sal ei'r'-a.' rins tracts of tropical lands and transportation rtpeclallv suitable lor fruit and stock rais lug. Cheap on sale Live correspond ing wanted. None out -responsible tirinl r partiei need anwer Keferencee gives and rcrored Addles J Perrln KenL Tlscotalpam. Ver Mexico. aiU-lilKaa. MU HIOAN FARMS IN FRUIT BELT. No. 1. 40-A., all cleared, log huuse, barn, nice creek. $- So ' 4-A.. la acres clearnl. new house, ' level, g od soil. $'.: .No. 3. VJ acie. all chared, buildings, 4 I miles town. ;m p-h. Ii. outer fruli. $1(60. I No. 4. o-A.. 5 acr.-s cleared, balance cut ' over, house, fine sin-ain. Il.vui. ' No f 4o-A. unimproved, 4 town, , good' land. I4O0 i Xo - . 40-A.. unimproved, level, can be 1 ea.-lly cleared, t'- ' , , I ;o. 7. -. uniiupi ov.-d. level, li. asy I black land. Uvo. No. y. 170-A., unimproved, letel,. loavy ! black aoil tl.'.'M. i A.I oil ra.-v terms, others, list frte. I THE EVANB-liuLT t'1 . Fremont. Mich. F'lK B. I -K 12 ') acres of iinluiprnved fruil aioi furm lands in tifchl to n -hips ' in Lake. osi oiIh and Masori tounth-s. Mich jisn. foiiu-il lit.rd ood ttiuher luiidti MlUUll'I IT Weil B'-Hir-I .l-L..,,., ,r,,r ,r, , - ab-tracl furnish'd Representatives al l and .-'iov and nt lintel N v. Buuttiern. vh.-ie Fainp'es of sill and product at. sh. n 11. W. alaren, uauer, Maii-l:-it. . Micii " 1 1 l w i n i u 1'IHM AMI H ( II I. AMI FOR SA1.K llrhlBaa- eatlaard. FARM BARGAIN. Pest 0-acre farm in Mich . black sandy loam; 14 bhlgs; 1 mils from town; net yearly earnings $o,000. R. At bogast, liiooin- leld, N. J. Loalataaa. TllllEE CAUUJADS Our second excursion to Ixniislana Is now on the road with three carloads of inter ested people They want to get sway from this snow and northern winter. 10 a mini of sunshine i'hey want to see our proposi tion and Investigate the land that win produce 100 BUSHELS OF COltN TO TILL ACRE Thev ar anxious to urove to their own satisfaction that they can live out of doors about ten months of the year; that they can pay for their land with cane if tney want to grow cane; thai they can raise iu or three crops of venetables every year. and they want to Investigate the cheap coat of living that prevails in Louisiana. WHAT YOU CAN GllOW Here are a few of the things that can be produced on Adeline Plantation: ane, corn, clover, cotton, oats, rye, cow peas, leapedeza, eweec potatoes, Irish potatoes, peanuts, pecans, asparagus, beans, peas, cabbaMe. cauliflower, cucumbers, onions, lettuce, mangoes, egg piant. ochre, figs, peaches, plums, pears, all the berries you ever heard of, w atermelims, cantaloupes, and. In fact almost anything you plant will grow. tlASLEST POSSIBLE TERALS The terms upon which this laud Is being sold are the easiest Imaginable, one-fifth cash ahd the balance one to ten years and a guarantee to take the cane crop from one-sixth of the land in payment eacn year We will sell a large tract tlus trip, but if you want to see the laud and investigate for yourself, come with us on our next trip, Tuesday, December 20. Make your plans to do that now. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Fifteenth and Farnam Bts. Minnesota. FORECIX8URE SALE OF LAND We have over acres Minnesota land to offer at foreclosure prices; about one-halt value; liberal terms; part or whole; grand opportunity for retailer, hi W. Taylor A Hon., Nat. Ger.-Amer. Bank Bldg., Bt. Paul, Minn. FOR SALE Best cut-over land In north ern Minnesota and Wisconsin; $2.75 per acre and up; farm, timber and iron lands. John Q. A. Crosby, aui Palladlo Bldg., Dulutta, Minn. Blleanarl. IM ACRES 4 miles to town; good, level, well drained land; on mall route and school house on one corner of the farm; i-roora house, new; barn iOxdO; hog and sow bouse, windmill, plenty water, about I acres Umber.- This Is good place priced at $ai per acre. D. E. CHUTCHER. DrexeU Mo. tm ACRES AND et ACRES IN OOOO Id Cass county; te miles from Kansas City; both well Improved: tine blaog limestone land; bargain; choice iJS per acre; good Isrnav &!. V. Burdett. Garden City, Ma. A SNAP If taken in m days Fine valley. 40 acres. Improved. In the heart of Ca4 county. Mlaaourl; g tulle from county seat 4eal with owner; save oommlsalon. AddreH Bos 74. K. F. D. No. 4. UarrteoavlUe. Cass tountx. Ua MIESOCRI LAND for salt, M acres to I OM) acres: terme and prices to auit pur chaser. Writs for particulars. W. U. snevena Clinton. Bmur Co.. Mo. BAROA1N-9-ecre farm' 4 miles fro to Warsaw, Me.; 16 acrea cultivated, balanet laatara, a ear aatwol aad aha eh; aatiasj 11,000; terms easy. Address T. u. Oweu. Warsaw, lit. HALF INTEREST, 40-aora farm under laid with aino and lead. T. Chapman. rtb city. Mo. THREE high class Improved northwest Missouri farms for sale; corn, clovor aad blue grass laud; your choice, $74 par acre. Write for pu-Uculars. Baxel J. Mees. ewuer. v o. box to;. cfcillJ cuius. U Montana. FARM laANDS. We own 4.000 acres of the best orchard land in the Litter Hoot valley. Will sell entire tract or will divide to suit. An ex cellent proposition on which to form a syn dicate. Will make liberal terms; small cash payment, balance ten years. We alao have a healing orchard, well Improved, containing 60 acres. We want to get in touch with some live ones who can handle some of this. Write for further particulars. O. W. K ERR, 2o0 Andrus Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Nebraska. . "GOOD LAND CHEAP" $7 Per Acre, Central Nebraska, 040 acres, all of sec. 1. twp. 10, range $1. Lincoln county, Nebraska, about half good cultivation land, balance pasture and bay land, five and one-haif miles lo Somerset, tureu viuaJltf of a mile from school. J. G. Lone, Council Bluffs, la., tu Bhugart Blk. Phone 814. FOR SALE Located 1n one of tire rich est valleys in Holt county, Neb., a SJO acru farm, 140 acres under cultivation, the rest In pasture and hay meadow; ail fenced and ciuas-fenced; 40 acres of winter wheal; a fine large orchard; good Improvements; bam to hoid 40 tons of hay; 4 miles from a good business town, with good schools and churches; one mile to school; ten miles from county seal; price, $', easy terms. For further .particulars call on or write to L K. SOUKL'P, Page. Neb. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Quarter he. lion choice level land four miles from Money. Nebraska, only $J0 per acio for quick sale. A real bargain. Ad dress C 4i, Boe. IMPROVED farm ol about 300 acrea la Colfax county. Nebraska; all good levrl land, new hulldlnga. bO acres in wheat, lays close to town. U P. R. R. runs through the farm. Price !i par Sc.-a, aouid take some city property. L N. Haiuiiiono. Hi hoard of 'Had a. Oklahoma. OKLAHOMA. For oil. farm or prating land addresg rare of Roberts Realty Co., Nowata, okl., or Nowata Land A Lot Co , 6511 New York Life Bldg., phone Red V.Vi. A-1721 Orearoa. FREE TRIP TO OREGON. If you Intend buying an apple orchard In the famous Willamette Valie-y of Oregon. r.. ..... ..lf..w ..t . i iir "i " ..,.. ( r-r- B ui. ,i 1 10:1 both ways to purchaser Prices are right, wanted. B J. .....,, a lll,.,.l A Ors-hmn. -::t2 Chainl er tif Coininerce Bldg Portland. reg n Penna It aula. FXlR SAI.K-1-JI ACRES A LI. EQUIPPED. $!.). Income $45 iesides produce consjiited by owners family; M acres tillaife; Juicy pasture for 11 rows; !. cu. hard wood can be marketed in Center at $5 per cord: oichard jiriMlucen Mo bbls. in aeason: at tra'Mive .-room painted iiouae witti spriiiK water; ills' barn. waKon shed, poultry anj suar houses; owner, having other busi ness, will i-a'Taf ce for ijuick sale and will include pjir hoi m-s. 2 cows. HiiKar-niaklng an l farming equipment, ior only $1 Juu. part cali, here's i-i'lecdlil chance for a man with a little monev I vi-t out Into God s country. be happy. Independent niak money and keep tila familv in comfort anl lilentv. lead all the retana of tlua and an oth.r of 47 acres for $!. page ID. "Btrout's II ijei-t 1'al'M H. ng mis" 'oi free E. A S'loit Station Union lomk bldg, Pittsburg. Pa. AS VOl lead OUI lead this ad, so will thou.-ands want ad If it is iu The lice. RFAI PIT ATP FARM (Ml H ll I. AMI FOIt 1.F (al Iterate. I ' saafa Dafcetaw wrr at man rientt STr Farmer, come lo outh Dakota- atna paying high roots, ova your cwa faros, spend the mot,ey for your Improvements that you are paying la iowa In high rent. We " twenty quarters of iand here that we can sell you for l to $M per acre ea arms yen can't beat; $1 to $i.5uu down balance ca-payu'enta at 4 per cent. Cum, bre before, the snape are all gone For full Information write Dixon Proa, or baas SI aeaeca. sauia ooaaiy. a. u. TH H IDEAL HOa!Sj OF 4 ACRFS. situated In the Hlg tMoug valley, four miles south of Castle wood, the county seat ol Hauihn couniy. Bourn Dakota. 440 acres of deep Slack ioavin, under yearly cultivation.. lee acres in pasture and lov In the beauti ful eprlng-fea lsk I lo' eoce, with Its elven ecene. and spatkilng waters, deeg and pure and filled with flsn and game la season, and nearby is the borne, a 14- roots bouse, large barn, two granaries, chicken bouse, beg bouse and w.n-wlie pasture; rrt alio, machine beuee. small bero and aumerous small buildings, ail lu good con ditloa. with windmill, tbree welle and cis tern, all surrounded by a beautiful grove. pTtoe, $.ouu, oa good teriua, by at. J. u us ee U. CaaUswp 1?. . double Your mo.nkt Da you want to buy a gawd towuslte We rave It lust fresh from fee government, with perfect title. UJ) lots now surveyvd sod shout 30 of them sold with ebout it build Ibgs dow completed In the lows on a ran. rued that las six dally trains, wna ex. eellent service. This townaite luciuaea let ariee of Uie very beet et second bottom acd wtth 'ins timber for pa a and a fine stream of water running through it. line openings for almost ell kinds ot bust bars especially a bank, bote! and eievator. A grand bargain If sold lu uurty Ad dress Powell Land A Loan Co. 1'uaa.i, Stanly county. a T). ECTluN ot Gregory couniy i South Da kota) Isnd lor sale. This section has Um ber, running Water fed by springs, lota ol bay; SO acres broken; ISO acres can be slowed, all fenced, one-half mile frria school, three mllee from one r'lrd lews sad six miles from another; good soil and tii a very best ail-around farming and stock raising section In Gregory county, bouts Dakota. Call oa or write tu CAuariea Miliar, owner. Fairfax. eV U Texas. WELL IMPROVED ranch of seven sec tions for sale by owner; In center of Gray county, Texas; well watered; priced right Apply to 11. B. Lovett Pampa, Tex. TEXAS. For 6 to 100.000 acres call or address 307 Bcanlon Bldg., Houston, Tex., or Nowata Land and Lot Co., tw New York Life Bldg., Phone Red If.n. A-17Z1. 1 H'sibisgtos, TEN ACRES CLOSH TO SPOKANE. On elecUli! line, suhliTlKaled. near $7ii0 land. Cheap. Part cash, balance 6 years. 11. T. ROBERTS. Box 1XW. Spokane, W ash. Wisconela, COMB TO VILAS COUNTY. WISCONSIN. Good land cheap and on very easy term form $10 to $15 an acre. 40 acrea for $10 DOWN AND $10 A MONTH. No Interest, no taxes. Insurance clause In the contract. Fertile soil, plenty of rain, good roads, good markets, good schools and churches. Send for map and book to Dept. 2, Q. F. SANBORN CO., Eagls River, Wis. TO exchange 120 seres good level farm land, Oneida county, Wisconsin; near railroad and town; country rapidly settling up aJid prices advntirltig; price $1. clear; want good, in)iiKl young registered l'erch eron or Belgian stalion, to weigh no less thiin l.fcoo pounds and a sure foal getter. Address I.ock Box 5o3, Rhlnelander, Wis. BEST land In Wisconsin; any nixed tract; wholesale prices. Grimmer Land Co., Marl, neete. Wis. FOR SALE CheaD. n-ood imoroved farm. $4,000; half down, balance easy terms. Geo. Ives, Mauston, Wis., K. 4. A BARGAIN, loft-ucre farm, atock machinery and all for $3,200; small payment down; 6(1 acres under plow; new modern seven-room house; two miles from Mauston Wis.; act qulcjc. Ad dress K. M. GRIMSRUD, Westby. Wig. 0 ACRES LEVEL LAND. 34 cultivated, balance pasture, 6-room bouse, large bars, chicken house, spring and trout brook oa farm, I miles from station, school on land, $1.M0, easy terms Tom O. Mason. Island City State bank. Cumberland, Wis. M lace llaueooa. Successful Fruitdale IS THE PLACE FOIi YOU Land in this established gulf coast colony Is the best Investment now being offered In the entire south; good land,' not white sand; no negroes; fine marsets; big profit country; not a new thing, but established for 14 years and success proven; healthful climate and beautiful winters; water puie; rUnlall ample, no Irrigation required; $4 per month buys a taim In this district, where ten acres can be made to produce $5,0u0 a year; price low now and makes splendid investment, as land Is rapidly In creasing In value; nothing exactly like It anywhere; send for our big book of pan orama views. Agents wanted. Fruitdale Development Company, 047, 4J3 Chestnut St., Bt. Louis, Mo. AV ANTED TO BUY There are thousands ct people In Iowa that want to buy farms improved and un improved In settled and unsettled districts. The way to best reach them Is through the classified pages of THE DEB MOINES CAPITAL. Aveiage circulaUon last monta 44,445 copies. Published fur twenty years at Pes Moines, la., by I.afe Young. REAL ESTATE LOANS $500 to $6,000 on Omaha homes. O'Keef Real Estate Co., 101s N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-21S2. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith It Co.. li.v Farnam St. LOW RATES. BEMlS-CARLBs.RO CO.. IU-3I3 Brandels Theater Lldg. LOANS to home owners and home build ore, wtih privilege of making partial tar incut semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS. 408 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Ce. MONET TO LOAN -Payne Investment Co. OARVIN BROS.. 2d floor N. T. Ufa $joi le 4iuO.OOO on Improved property. No delay. $10o to $10,000 made promptly. F D. Waa d W esd Hi g . lliti and Ksrnam REAL ESTATE WANTED WE have CASH BUYERS for GooKbliT Iness and residence properties. W E CAN hLLL your property If worth the money. O'NElL'3 KLAL EST A i'E LGLNCV. Tel. Tier lo24. ind. A-JJli. 15u4 Farnam street, Omana. 12 North it ill street. Bouili omatio SWAPS WE exchange proiertlea of merit. H. it Culver. M.-su N. V. Life. Dout'aa 7wii. 6.01.0 acres clear land In Nebraska. Trade for omana uiki at-suine reaeonal le amount; incuiuhi ance. Will trade all iui!ethr or .llvlde. NOWATA UMl IXT CO, 08 N.Y. Life Hldg. Phones Red 1WJ. A-17U. FO't BALE OK EXCHANGE. One brand iieiv ft'xsv vie win camera one carrying cane, convertible ietiaes, naif dozen double piate noideia and compote linishlng outfit Will trade for good second-hand Dover or Ueimiigiun typewriter or 2-h. p 4-iyile ga.-olnie engine. Also have one hipiaul n.u.i. strong and well made. T he lul ihetk for $j tak it. c. P. Markov, L.i Greene Bl., lioor.e. la. ONE biand new No. .u Coils acetylene gas machine and gas range lo Hade tor good hoga. co or i hickma. low Grand Ave. l'hone Web. i.Di. KXCHANdL Have you an eu.iiit In your property? Why not exchange that equity In part puy n ent for good Irrigated larm in Scotu Hlutf County, Western Nebraska? We have several good enthtns ami ijiaiiu at in, to $1' per acie. mar town, f.n t i la.-s In every rfsiv-ct. We would i oi si.ler ' ii thee ,'aniis. H.-tter fee i. aoout this PAYNK LWKSTMLNT COMJ'ANY, Fiflernlh and larouin Btreets. - . SWAPS (Continued I Ten rcms all modern house, street; cur al door; lot x!rv ftp location. Price $7. niv Double brlirk apartment Ivmse; r-'oina on each aide. 1-axe lot. lYice. $UttXi. NOWATA LAND t.oT CO. S.-8 N.Y. Life Pldg. Ph.nies RrJ w, A-172L WANTED To TRAlE-lirigste.l and nonii ngatiil land for income property, stock, merchandise, etc. T. A. Smith, Julesbtlrg. Colo. 1 lOil SIIAIIKS copper stock for trade What have )u Hog L'P. Grand Island, Neb. WANTED TO BUY PE.IT price paid for M-hand furniture, oarpeta. clothing and shoes. Tel D. 3fL PIX'OND-HAND clothing; party after.' noon dresses. John Feldtnan, D. 31JsV A-JS. WANTED Medium sire hotel range. Herrh k Hotel Co.. llBftn, Neb. WANTED TO RENT YOUNG man desires board and room with, private Catholic family. 44J, Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG man desires place to work for board and room la private family while attending col leg Boy lee College. aUu phones. AN experienced bookkeeper and offlca man wants work to do evening. Jl 4&L Hee. . MIDDLF. AGED mn.n, , German, single, handy with tools; reliable nd strictly tern petste; wishes position a houseman or caretaker on private place- V 45a, Bee. LA DY would like diiy work of any kind. Call or ikMicrs 8113 It 5U., Bout 1 Omaha, Neb. l'hone F. S'44. RAILWAY TIME CARD IN ION ITATIOH Teata aad Many Calea roclfle Iava, Ar Pan Fran. Overland L. .a 414 am China and Jnpan F. M..a 4:10 pm all po 4 44 pns a 4 44 an a 4 10 pta a IM pm Atlantic Express Oregon Express a 4 "W pm Los Angeles Limited. ...all:4S pm Colorado Special all 44 pm t u am Lssnver Special a 4 47 all st) ana Colorado Kxnress a IH pm a 4:M pro a 1:30 pra Oregon-Wash. Limited.. all W pm North Platte Local a 4:14 am, i 4:46 Dm Grand Island Local a 6.M pm Lincoln Beatrice Local.. bl2:40 pm a 10 SO ant b 1:30 pm fa lea go, Mllnsskss at (. Paal Overland Limited all fl pm a T: am Omaba-ChlcaKO Ex.....b 7:14 ara " am Omaha Savannah EX....0 7:14 am e 3:30 am Colo.-Cal. Ex a 4:W pin a I I pm Colorado Special a 7:47 am tuiH pm Perry-Omaha Local b SO pm 01i:U4 pm Chicago, Hack Inland as Paclfle EAST. Rockv Mountain Ltd...al2 Mam al0'43 pm Chicago Day Ex press., a o am a 4:30 pin Chicago Local Pars ...blO fc am bio I pin Des Moines Local Puss. a 4:00 pin al2 M prd Chicago Express a 4:40 pm a 1:14 pm Chicago Limited a 4.0s put a 4.u3 am WEST. Chi. -Neb. Ltd., Llncoi.. t:30 am "a 4:47 pm Colo, ft Cal. Exp a 1:X pm a 4:30 pm OkL & Texas Express, .a 3.H pm a 1:20 pm Rocky Mountain Lld....alO;ei pm aUaVtam (blcagv (.rest W Hlrra Chicago Limited a S 4K pra Twin City Urn (ex Run)a A pm a 7:U am Twin C Lim (Sun only). a UnO pm alOKJ am Twin City Kaoresa a 4,M ana a 4:30 pm Chicago Express a 3.4 pm Mlsswarl Pacific K- C. bl L Ex a tJO am a I:lf am k. C. a tit. L Kx.. ex- cept Ba turd ay all:U pm ft IM pm K. C. 4e St. L Ex.. Saturdays only 11:00 pa lillaei Ceatral Chicago kjxpreea ....a T.0S am a l:4 pm Chicago Juulted a 4:04 pm a 34 am Minn. Bt. Psul Express, b 7 : am Uinu.-St. Paul Lluuted.a .00 pm ft (.40 am Wabash Omaba-Sl Louis Ex.... 4:30 4u a :34 am Mail and Lxpress a 7:30 am 4.11:14 pm clanb'y Lci-Grom C.B.I. P-4:00 pm bli:U am Cstxcawa dt North waters. .. N0HTUUOUND. Twin City BUpieaa a 7av0 am al0: pm Bloux City Local a 3 44 pm a 3:14 pm Minn. 4k Dakota Ex a 7 uO pra a s-,14 am Twin City Ltd (ex bat-a 4:46 pm a 7:40 am Twin City Ltd tax Ball U:tai put ft 7u am EAjSTHOUND. . Omaha Express Chicago Local Colorado-Chicago ..... Chicago bpeclal Pacific Coast-Chicago Los Angeles Luruteo. a 7:00 am aJ7;SS am al:u pm a .i pm a 4:10 pm a t:M pm a .oi pm 7:o4 am a 4:04 pm a I:xg pm ...a a mi pui XUav pm pm a 7:46 am Overland Li in I ted Denver Bpeclal. Carroll Local... ...eli:0 am a $M am ...a t:sv pm aio.uo am Faat Mall a a:ss pm ft I M pm WESTBOUND. Llncoln-Chadron a 7 .40 am Norfolk-Dallas a Leo am Long Plne-Bo. Platte.. .b 3:14 pm Hastings-Superior b 2.1a pm Dead wood-iio: Bprings.a 4:ba pu. Casper-Lander -a 3.4b pu) k reiuont-Aibion u k.w pui aU:00 am ai0:4 pm b 4:30 pm b 4:110 pm a 4. mi pm ftU:ou am a IM pm parllactoa ( Aw th eva Mas a D..lln . h Denver dc California... Puget Sound Express.. Nebraska points ...... Black Hills - Lincoln Mall Northwest Express ... Nebraska points Nebraska Express ..... Lincoln Local ........ fcchuyler-Pleiw-mouth . Lincoln Local plattamouih-lowa ti.lUunPlilUlinUIUtll .ft 4:10 pm .a 4:14 pm .a bJU am .a 4..0 piu -b l.'M pm .aU.a pm .a t.U tiu -a U.ii aui. .b'ViP'a -a T:2a pin -a g:lt am .ai2.W pm -all :Jt pui .a 7:16 am .a 4 'Zj pm .a t.M pm .a 4:14 am -ft 3:30 pm .a 4. jo pm .elll:4u pui .a am .a 4 Jst pui a I 4 pra ft l:4t pm a 1:10 pm ft I pu al3:14 pm a ; :v4) am ft 1:10 pm a 4 id pm b 4 4 am C10:M am a 7 JsT pm a $M am $:4 pm a 7:04 am eJJ:j pm ft I 44 put a 4 00 pm 14:30 am 10:34 am 11:46 am 4 44 ana ft l it pm Colorado Liuuted Chicago rpeciai Chicago fcxprtss Chicago Faai Express. Iowa Local Creston la.. Local EL Iouis Express ... K C. At Bt- JofcepU K. C. At St. Joseph K- C. ac BU Joseph....: Wehater gtatloa Ibth aad WtkMtr, Mlaaoarl Paelflo Auburn LouaJ... ......b 40 pm bit IS pm Cbieaft. PwaJ, MlaaeagkaSia ax Omaha' Depart. Am re. Sioux City Express b 3:14 pm bll:44 am Omaha Local c 4:14 pm t-ioux City PaKaenger. .......... b 4-34 pm Twin City Passenger. ...b 4:34 am rioux city Local .- c I I am ....... Emerson Local b 4-ut pm k 4:14 am tbi Daily except Sunday. tej ' Sunday only. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS BtTtnoda Cuba Junalcx ui, laltae dp Alosruatr K.uiMT t'T Wrat ln,l; sImU eiaamcn ant li ittv.uliig asibr,ta,a b, lae R.M.S.P. "TRENT" 4ANlL4tON x SON. 2l-t$ State Street, B T. L bails 04. Chicago. L. Uu' K. 1.. I 1'u.iuam ot SOOTH S-SiBIuecherVl.? I eaeee PL V. J4, 1W1 1. Viailla. all l lUMn-stll.f (Tcmib- trKe to i. ktralia f M-ll.ii. a lao I'm i t.. lb I). I.til. i a :. aad Aceuad tne W i.rld HA MBl RG-A WKFW. ICASJ usm. ij ltamlul.ti At n I . iiirnni AMtniUA Sljl T4llVi M' $350 up ihnW. It!., r Itst-tU A, K'UIS. ' New Trial iaked for Wrlahera. NI-.W YORK. i)te. 4 -A . mot iou tit I'liado today for a imn' trial in the case of Charles 'j. Diew ai d Charles II W ardell. the loss cus oui weighers convicted last Beptember of having taken suoney fruui At buckle Bros. I tr ths f ke weighing ol sugar. L3 Qulsts oe Luxe , iRM.stP "AVON" iijmtbeS lPnmlhfl"!'m0r I," is..'a.,' Trvptrmt fVt'ioaf w rat., h. oao frbx f ar 11.11 R , N T.