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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1910)
1 Want Ads Want ade received al aar lime, fa taeare mrmmrr elasalf leatloa aaaal a areseatea brlor 13 the trcilai edltlaa aa4 fcefare Ti3 r'elaek al tka ejreTlaae main far Marala 4ir ealtloaa. Waal ads received altrr lata hnara HI have their flrat laeerlloai aalff tka bradlaaT "Taa Lata ta Claealfr." Ratee apalf ta either Tka DaMr ar aaaar Baa. Alw aye eaaat al wards la Ua. CAH MA TIC FOR WANT ADl. Rtfll'Mn CLAiSiriCATIO Oaa taeertlna. 1 1-S reate er war aad I real arr oral for aa aakaeqat lixrlUa. Eark laaartlaa a44 4a r a, t 1-S swats ar ard. $. per llaa rr aaoatk. W..t .4. far TiiTVlea T at aa tka folia last drat; etaree aa la rr "corarr drasmlat" - ra all araark affleee tor Tka ! aa4 yoar ad will ka laeerte ! aa promptly aa4 tka aaaaa ralea aa al ka aaala o'flu la Tka Be fcall4la, 'alala aa4 FtraaM alreelei Albach. W. C aflth anil Farnam. Reranek. H. A., 1402 B. 16th St. Benson Pharmacy, Reneon, Nab. Bemla Park Pharmacy, '3d and Cumin. Blake-BredUh, 2M8 Khrmn Ave. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2213 Military Ava. Caughlln. C. R., 6th and Pierce Bis. Crlaeey Pharmacy, 24th and ! Cooney Pharmacy, 2223 S. lth SL Cermak, fcmll, 124- 8. 13th St. Khler. P. U., 2S02 IKvenworth St. Foster ft Arnold!. 213 N. 2oth ft. Freytag. J. J., 1914 N. 24th HI. Fregger Drug Co.. 11 N. 16th Bt. Florence Drug Co.. Florence, Neb Ureens Pharmacy, Park Ave. and i acmo. Ureenough, O. A., 1 B. 10th St. Ureenouxh, O. A., loth and Hickory. Golden Pharmacy. 24th and Iavenworth. Hayden. William, ZiM Farnam St. Hansrom l'ark Pharmacy, 15til S. 2Mh Ava. lilnterlong Drug Co.. list Ave. and tar bam alt. Hoist. John. 24 N. lth 6t. Huff, A. L.. 2M4 l,eavenworth ft. Johsnsnn Drug Co., 24th and Spalding King. H. S., ?.l Farnam ft. Kountze Place Pharmacy, 3S04 N. 24tn. lAthrop. Charles K., 13-4 N. 24th St. Mares, Fred L.. Central Blvd. Patrick Irug Co., iml N. :4th St. Peyton Pharmacy. Tit K. 16th Bt. Saratoga Drug Co...2th and Ames Ave. bclmefer's Cut Price Drug Store, loth ana Chicago Sts. Schaefer, Aug. nwi N. 1th. Schmidt, J. If., 24th and Cuming Sta Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 4WU und Cuming. M AH 111 A UK MIKSSES Th following marriage license! were Issued today: Name and Residence. ' Age. Ltto Schroeder, T.ll.lard. Neb Anna VVrage, Chslco. Neb Archibald B. Griffith, Omaha 22 Mary L. Mcdenathan. Omaha '4 Blmnn P.. Snell. Omaha 26 Montrose Akullnd. Omaha " Ray K. Statnlnger. Denlson, Ia 26 Louise Berge, Kennebec, tj. 1) Harry L.. laMont. HIMInKH, Mont 32 Planche Fish. Heed city, Mich 31 Lealla P. Roger, Omaha 27 Anna Grady, Omaha. O. Oleye Townaend, Fremont, Neb 21 Kdna Neafua. Fremont. Neb U Jean A. Coffey. Beatrice. Neb M Lillian B. Howell, Parkertiburg, W. Va.. 23 BIKTIIS .U DKAIIIS. Births -Theodore Evert, 1?,1S South Twen-ty-flrt, toy; Fiank OutHchnewskl. 219 feouth Tweniy-thlrd. Kill; B. U. llargadlne. Beni-on, Klrl; Buhttier baburvk, ltiv Boutu 'i wontv-aevonth. Kirl.' Ut-atna Anna Klirainek. If., 405 Pine; Lilly M. hchrantemler. 44, HtmlnBfoid. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., .nibaluieia. .. 1U gUKago. U. 1u,j. M-liiS. pamMtMatEr H1UH CLASS AL l'i. iLUu r OK liK:; matiuveD, 00. Vou will 1101 iitu a accuiid In vitation after you have win uur tiiuw unca. COAL At JUt.prlcea. ALL KINL, V iivi ,. k Uij to II W a luu, quantity and mlmiu uar ulveJ. hujL, ...... . w .'v"i' PiilCfcJ COAL CO., I4 .M'.i.v, ....' .11., JJOi'll 'i'llUN lii. MONEY 1f LOA.N 1XW KAll. iu aunia to (U.l, ill) lit mil. ..Siv. LOAN Co. TONUH Flrat-ciasa tailor, ti, lad.aa' ana g u rtpaiiiii. Loulaa Mi. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH fnnta Jbiua lt iouglua btieeL V-lll3 U. F. Wum. Optician. 443 Urandeia Uldg. H. H. Cola blgn Co.. D. 173s. U'.t Karuain. V. H. HOOS & CO.. keys and lockwork. 27U Ltavriiuortii. Uolh phonea. CHAT, bv tn or taaKet dellvi '-"" iU' 1- 'Plion lyiar luUt; ered any A -1A.M. VOIR magaslne order will earn (5,000 for charily; evuy bleased order or itnctvil eatna boc. Write lor particulars and cata logue, or use any. t duplicate any printed ullei; oUO ullead.y rained; keup 11 going. Addreaa Gordon, The Magazine Mao, Omaha. . Louglas 7161. AHStlMU and IRON complexion water make ciear, wlme aklna. By mall Mm and 11. buerman 6: MrCynnaU Drug Co.. oiuaaa. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa SI 4. MOTORS N'w Bnd e-ondhand Dy lumoi and Moiora; alao alt Kind of electrical repairing. Lellron KUculcail Work.. 311 a. 12th. butn 'Phonei. HORNBT B!ue Print Co.. 615 Bea Bld. CH MUNSON. 2S14 Sherman Ave. W. HOW IS YOUR COAL BIN T Tel. D. 412S, Web. S103. Coal all kind. It. 11. MOREHOUSE CU, ' PRACTICAL nuratng, uut N. llat. D. 1789. JOHN HlMubi, alilrta. (30 Paiton BU. and Davenport Tel. Dou. Uud; B-&UJ. DAVID COLL; CRK.AMJSnV ClJ ILEli GRAND HOTEL Finest In the west, lota and Howard Sta Turkish Baths TWLNTV itt cent leis than Omaha prlctj HOME KUK.N11UKB CO. Taenty-loui tu S"1 1. bis., cut.i.-, Oman L lies' ami gents' shine pariurs. 220 S. U. i:AT KOSHER III'MK CKK1XgT ARK1NS. ilii S. lil ll, t I S l AlRb. V. C. CATTi:;. piumUitie ami heating; raw and irpair uork. sun No: -i 11. D. iw.'. EIMIOTI 1E1J V schiit " xo."''T"i-7i line of lii.uois and cigars. Cafe in connect-un. 11V S. nth ft. LYCTI BUOS VIA' M B IN i AN 1 ',1WU . HEATlNa. REPAIR WORKS. J?0 Jacl:ou Si. l. Jn MAk'.HARli Van c btorsj. Pack, move lute and ship H. H. guada. I h:hi. H ;:. HARRY W. MllOL. Engineer. Deslener. l.'latlKilijti. Brandeis '1 heater. D. :"j1. ELi:"ATtH ttKHAiRED. f-eigntTpj ttngtr. J. It Keunady. M li. lit b. U. 2J', ANCHOR FENCE C. Iron and ttie rente Cheaper Tuan Wood. - lsstt a 1 lletinie. -;V7 N. Ktli si. . 'Phone Red $14. . I.OYAL MIOE REPAIR Co. &ole seed. t-; heel. at.c. ltimi Capitol Ave. IIARIIY W. VK'KKUS, civil entfluiar, f.1 Paxton Blk. Doug. 741... lnd. 4US. UH TOU paradise: Rouno g'Kid. doean t It? ilaipine-s su preut when yoi. bum our PARVDISE i DAI., 'lo cut don our coal bill take sur advice and b'jrn Paradla. Will sa tou 1160 to t-' uu tin Botn phuoea 1. W. Ut.DtOlllk iZvi Cuinlug St. J niters, filter repairs. 1310 Howard. D. 3U13 ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued. COAI. Public Market Special, nut. I0. vwuj )unip it,btk l'reuilum with cah crder. Partrldge-'i'homaon Co.. 110 Haroey treat. Doug laa d4i. lnd. A-4J. MISS LUTIE BRTANT wishes to an nouitM to ladles that she has added ta her halrdreeelng manicuring, hatha, salt glow, body maasace. Kwediah movement, bf Battle Creek graduate. Mlsa Bryant tiianks her patrons for their generous support 10 the past and solicits their patronage for the future. Rooms 31 sod " Bee RWlg AUTOMOBILES "Smash up" your auto. "SKID" Into a post. "TLAR" your top. And bring It to the best place In Omaha for all kinds of repairing DRUMM0ND Corner isth and Harney BU. Auto Repairing "JJS CALLS DAY OR NIGHT. The Paiton Mitchell Co.. 2010-ls Harney. D. 7SJ4. A-Mll. Auto Pointing "JS"" VK? - ANDREW MIRPHY ft SON. 1411 Jackson. WRITK for list of automobile barsalna. H. E. Fredrlckson Auto Co.. Omaha. FOR SALE Model 10 Bulck roadster, equipped with Pres to-lite tank and exhaust whistle. Call Harney Kt FINE new automobile tires cheap; not trust made goods; save you 60 per cent on tire cost; any atyle bead; 28x1 1120; M3', ir. Si, 3f.x3, $11. To; 30x.V, ,17.80; 83-, I1H.SW; 34x3, 119.90; 30x4, 121.70; 31x4. 122 70; 32x4. $2300; x4, $24.7B; 34x4, $3 JO; 36x4, 34X4H, $.11.70; txi. $33.20; 80x5, 13440. Dunlopa 16 per cent additional. Tubes 16 per cent ls than standard prices. No shoddy goods. Prompt ship ment C. O. D., allowing examination. Five per cent discount for cash with order. Goer gales Co.. Daytnn, O. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or out of business csll aa OANGSTAD. 404 Bea Bldg. Tei. D. 136T. $500.00 or $1,000.00 for sn Investment, dividends 12 per cent. Address L-401 Bee. FOR SALE $3,000 stock of general mdse. Good farming community and good town. Write Box 2. Ayr, Neb. LAUfiFFIRK INSURANCE COM LUU.i i. -U.VXI PAN Y Jus: entering Nebraska. We have a limited amount of stock for sale. DIVIDENDS. Agent wanted. Cassady Co.,- Fiscal Agents, S. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas. Omaha. Tel. D. UM. FOR SALE Small grocery; good loca tion; rent cheap, M cash takes It. W. 6186. FOR SALE A well established Pnylng business. Millinery and Ladles Furnlklilnx Goods. The leading one of :ts kind In a good town of 2,000 In Central Net. Ad dress Box 74, St. Paul, Neb. T fllVE P'rsonal attention to fcolleo tlons; no collection no com mission; 12 years' expetlence. Jensen, 2vl NEVILLK BLOCK. PHONK DOUG. 4SM. liASI)Y Co- re' loans and uaoAWi Insurance. List your prop erty lor sale or rent. Quick returns. S. W. corner 14th and Douglas. Tel. Doug. HJti. I- FOR BALK Ice plant In one of the best towns In Nebraska. Three acres srtlflt'ial lske. Storage for 2,600 tons. Undershot ele vator. hJvei ything new and complete. No competition. 000a reason fur Belling. Ad dress Stacy Sc Clements, Ord. Neb. . FOR SALE Furniture In 60-room hotel with lease. City of 2,50o; doing good busi ness. Box 33i, David City, .Neb. . , POOL hall and barber shop for sale. 1 taoies. jui w. uroaaway, council Blurts. FOR SALE One x 60-foot bowling alley. In good shape, very rheap. Address Y 74, care Omaha Dally' Bee. O. D. C. CODDINGTON, 2 Board of Trade Bldg., business chances, loans. In surance and real estate. 1 . CIGAR store, pool hall, at 410H V. 24th St.; a good place for the right party. Call soon. PARTNER WANTED A man with some business experience, who can Invest at least $1,000 In a new thriving manufacturing ousiness. itaaress u tiu, tfee. SEE the OMAHA LAND AND INVEST MENT COMPANY for big bargains in farm or ranch lands. Llat your property inr saie nun us. ah kinds of exchanges. no in. 1. uie teiug FOH SALE Pool hall: threw tnhlea arM barber outfit; central location. Call at 1314 uowara. toiler. . CAPITAL controlled for commercial projects. Entire stock and bond Issues taken and placed with Investors by prominent brokerage house Straight commission. Highest re fere me. Eastern Investment Co., ifi State St., Bos ton, Mass. Ituotalaac lloases for Bala. IF TOU want to buy or sell a rooming house, any price, any location, see HAN SEN, 32 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Doug. 2697. $o0 cash, balance easy monthly payments; price. $3u0, and tills Includes a fins piano. We can show ony kind looming house you want. Terms to suit. NOWATA LAND t LOT CO., 663 New York Life Bldg. Phones: Red UW. A-1721. A DESIRABLE 4-room apartment, new. 2a 174Ji 27th (it. Harney 2V. There Is no better investments than a wvll-located rooming house. Wa have them any price and most any terms. ' NOWATA LAND A LOT CO 658 N.Y. Life Bldg. phones Red 1999. A-1721. BOARDING house for sale, furniture of g-room flat, good as new, complete, for housekeeping; table linen, bedding, dishes lace curtains: have held at fiftt; anxious to leave city; will sacrifice for $4.); goods In sured for $1,200; paid up fcr three years roomers inoro than pay rent, fli N. 2ith St" CHIROPODISTS MONHEIT. Chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. Ivll Farca.-n. D. 2.133. DH. HOY. IMi Farnam St. Douglas 6jt, DENTISTS BAILEY A- I'ACH. Id floor. Pax ton. D 10u DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service Detective ago.. Inc., bonded. it-$ Paxton blk. D. 1110; lnu. A CAPV. V. i-OUUACK. M7 KAKBACH BLK. DRESSMAKERS CHILDREN'S dressmaking. 4 Lafay tt Ave. , FIRPT-CLAS rtressmaklnj and tailnr Mip Malnne. 2.U 1,-uuxlaa. 'lei. Dong. 4i'3j Mlt.l.l.VKr.Y ar.d dressmaking, lnd A.T;'. DRESSMAKING, by day. Web. S71$l MISS STI'ltlir, fi ?4lh ft Tel. iTvai'T EDUCATIONAL THE FIHHT WINTER TERM Of . Boyles College Is now open in both the day and night ses sions, let It l not tou lute to enter. Ila pin now and receive lhat. mental discipline that will double your taming capacity. Hur.tnrS. Houkkeeplng, Stenography, 1 eeg raphy, Civil r'ervlie and Sa lesiiiaiislno. , Tne catshgue Is fi e. Addreas H. B. jhovles. Pieni.-iit. Boyles Building, Omal.a. Neb. . , , jofflclal Tiaiiilng 'SthLol irnlon Pacific K I 1L Telegraph Department. Mosber Lamptnan ' ll.g" ' Unexcelled rourse In Business. Bh'-.rt-lisnd Peniuaikhik, Fng'uh. None but exiiertenced teacher. Day and nigiu ses sions Mo.t !nteiting au;if j published Iu omshs Send for one today WINTKK TKRM N(. . ipEN ENROLL AT OVt'K. UOJ-liklt A LAM I'M AN. ITlh and Farnam Sis.. Oinaaa. Nsa. FLORISTS Bennett's Flower Dept.. East entrance. A. tON AH I' E. ism Fsrnam. D. l"0l; A-1001. J. F. WILCOX. Council Bluffs. Ia . larget greenhouse In west; beautiful flowera for any occasion shipped anywhere la Li. S. HESS 4k 6WOBODA. 14 U Farnam SL BRANDEIS' cut flower aept.. new itore. L. Henderson, l< Farnam. Douglaa 1213. J. H. BATH. 123 Haraey. Douglas 3A FOR CHRISTMAS $100 TYPEWRITERS yn Send us $0 for a slarter and we will send you an Oliver at $3J. a Remington at VJ, tlmilh triiiir In nr ijenatlluia at lj or an Underwood at 137.60. every one guar anteed for a year. If satisfied, pay tne balance. If not, we refund money. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANUts, 16n7 Farnam. My Back' Is Broken Your magazine orders earned $1 000 for Inf.nli- h,.m mmt fmtl our order and rnwl . I fall will urn In. (100 for charily. ;The Interest of this money will provide for an invana s maintenance iur llf& m I. la, r,m r nurul' waves or S0- dow a hospital cot forever. Every order or renewal earns 60 cents. Also any pub lication wnatever at mt oiner itu price. Write for catalogue and particu lars. $l,0 In sight. FOR MERCY SAKE, GET THEM INI GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN. OMAHA. Write or phone Douglaa 7163. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING; Christ mas articles. TYLER 1414. 621 8. fcth Ava. MRS. I. A. SMITil andalnted China for Christmas. Phono Doug. 424; Bea., Doug. 3711. Room 107. 1614 Howard. XXl MTlVTJ CUT FLOWER DEPT. IXVxlrjXO A larta supply of holiday needs. Cut flowers, blooming plants and evergreen at special prices. 1 OWVRY'S" tr Xmas. Saratoga 1A7 1MJ-.J. O Vrug C(J 24th & Amet). FRAMTNO BBt work- iowosi riWlUlllIU prices. Omaha Art and Frame Co., 707 So. lath. D. 1U94; A-2&0L NEW''l)EXlCA'ESE us quiet and homelike. lso6 Farnam St. GOOD Eye-sight la mankind's greatest blessing. Consult us. Columbian Optical Co., 209-11 S. 16th St. Eyes examined. Glasses Fitted. VIRGINIA DARE wine. 76o a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House. KU N. I1UI1 St. 75 DIAMOND RINGS .V $90 per karat. Metropolitan Loan and Jewelry Co., 1124 Douglas St. KLPLINGER'S Xm" clgttrs- p'p- CHRISTMAS candles In sealed boxes, 60 to $j. blierman-Mc'Jonnel Drug Co., 16th and Dodge; Owl Drug Co., 16th and Harney. TEN days special prices on tailored and fancy wslhts. 2U6 North 23d St. B-2481. CHRISTMAS perfumes, dainty packages, I5o to $10. Sherman-McConnell Drug co:, loth & Dodge; Owl Drug Co., loth & Harney. V' f P A membership mai;es a present A.JU. V for every dAy In the year. linRSflVS Beauty Shop, 15US Doug- iiw&vjn v jas Bee our lne of hair goods for Xmas. . We make doli wigs. FENNELL'S fcave you 40. Let us make Your Fur Hat. AGENTS Xmas goods coming in every day. Coma and get busy. S. 16th. automobil"glovts . . MADE BY Burleigh Qlove Co. Give Her a Membership In the Young Women's Christian Ass'n. DRESSMAKING and alteration, first class work; prices seasonable. Miss Elixa bein O'Connor, 2012 N. lMh. Webster 1410. -IITXT A Hand painted. Orders taken. x-liJ-i,lik reasonable. 2703 Cuming. H-iKI. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. Doug. 4750. lnd. A 3S.1. 1609V, Farnam fit. STENCIL outfits; 6 styles; suitable for presents; pivtuie framing at moderate prices; glass, wall paper and a full line of Sherwin-Williams paints, brass polish, liquid veneer and all brands of floor wax. ,A I HS' cobib rennea. miss Chase. uauxejio 34, f..xton i,lk Tyler 13l,3 Zimmerman & Crow Furniture Co.. UlJ Leavenworth. Get our plan. Nuf sa.d! BU.yACAMEBA5nSy.iw:. adv. nd iret $ per cent discount. Megeath Stat'y Co. -i FOR XMAS present have your photo S. taken at Stutsman's. The Bansett Studio. MM E. FRAYER Adellght hair food; does grow hair. Megesth'e, 15th & Farnam. GOOD THINGS tha, "nd dr,nk Fa'.ltlaff Buffet, Board of Trade Bldg. ABE'S ILER GRAND PHARMACY. Ymil' friffa moprnnln Full a to M Leather novelties, all kinds. Xmas candies periumra. - ciaara unu pij9. TRY our 10c cream bread; always fresh llworth St. Bakery, 2707 llworth. H. Mo. The Mickey Music Co. Wa are now located In our new home at SOg S. 16th St. with a splendid line of Xmas presents, Let us show you. FRANK H. GIBSON CO. Is furnishing tho coffee for the church bazaar in the Bea Bldg. TRY IT. Phone Doug. 1320 VIRGINIA DARE wine, 75c a large bot tle. Klein Liquor Hou.'e. E22 N. 16th St. AVhat Better Christmas gift could you ma lie a son, a daughter or a frlind than the resent of a scholarship In tho Busine.s. Bookkeeping, Stenography, Tcleeraphv, Civil Service or Salesmanililp Deitartme-nw of Boyles College'.' FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnace and stove re pairs. New furnaces anil combination hot water lies'rrs. Thermostats and tank heat er.. Omat.a ttove Repair Work. U:-1V lvugia. St. Both phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE lerlt-al aul Office. YVAXTED 1 dy I;oo;;kei pel : refr. rre required. Rapheal Fred Co.. '3lh and Far nam. I - 6 STENOGRAPHERS. Hi-tTJ f Booltkeer. experienced. f'.c. DON'T WAIT. bfcE t o AT ONCE. BUSINESS SttlVICE '.'OMI'AN'V, '615-514 City Nat. Bank Bldg. ! STENt t 1RAPHEH. private secretary, $i,. CASHIER. Kj to . Hi luKKH.Kl'liK. good peniran. $50. COOPERATIVE KEFEKENCI. CO., . lou City National Bank Bldg. J aetsrr and Trades. ' 11 (t 1.8 to learn halrdresslng. Oppenheim Parlois. 23o--h i.'ity Natl BjiiI;. D. WANTEI Experienced bindery girl at once. I. A. Mdiar Co., 414 So. Hth St. I auar teeners aad Dome. I lea. EXPERIENCED girl for seneral house work: small famllv. Call Wednesday. Ill N. JSlh Ave. WANTED A cook. 3L12 Harney St Tan Harney SHI HELP WANTED FEMALE llaaaekreaers nil Donseetlce Vumt'4. WANTED An exirlenced second girl at once. Airs, llartuian, l;wn 6. i-'-d St. GIRL lor seneral housework. H. WUin- sky, l..ii N. Mill, WA NTE1 Competent girl for hous Wolk; no laundry, lib 8. iih St. WANTED An experienced nurse maid; referm es required. 117 S. JVth St. . WANTED A girl for general house work. 26J S. 7th St. WANTED Competent girl for house work; no cooking. 61 S. J4th Ave. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; small family. 106 S. 36tii St. WANTED Nurse girl over 1 who will do some second work. 14 N. 40th St. Harney 173. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 616 N. 26th St. WANTED A strong womsn for general housework; good wages. 434V Seward St. WANTED An exjierlenced girl for gen eral housework. 11 (c Brlggs. A WIlMJWER with four children desires a housekeeper, 'middle-aged preferred; good home. Charles H. Fluent., Ravenna, Neb WANTED Girl for general housework; must be competent; no laundry work. C. G. Powell, Jlb7 Davenport St. 1 WANTED A woman for general house work; ChrlHUan science preferred. . iUH Davenport St. WANTED A neat nuree girl, over 1. 1304 8. 36th St. Harney 74L WANTED Competent girl for general housework. 254S Chicago St. Tel. Red SM!5. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. IK S. 16th. WANTED A glrj for general housework; must be cook; good wsges. William Stuil, IU S. 39th St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; small family. 2103 Cass St. WANTED Good girl for general house work. 61a S. 2!Hh St WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Jt4 Pacific fat. Harney 20u4 1 WANTED Experienced girl for second work. 620 N. 3tn St. -4 WANTED A good housekeeper; one who cares to get a good home. George 11. Greer, Florence, Neb. WANTED A good girl to help with housework; good home. 2609 Lake St. WANTED Experienced girl to do cook ing and laundry. 403 S. 33th Ave WANTED Experienced girl for gen housework; smai: family. 3174 Fan eral arnam St.- WANTED A girl for general housework, good was-es, no washing. 210 S. 37th St. Harney 6314. COOK'S helper. Apply Manager, Omaha General hospital. WANTED Kitchen girl for Clarkson hospital, 21st and Howard 6ts. WANTED Experienced girl to cook and do general housework; small family; no washing. 2102 Douglas SL WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; no washing; small family; good wages. 101 8. S3d St. Mlacellaneoaa. TO UNO WOMEN coming to Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit the Young omen's Christian Association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's aid at the Union station. WANTED Errand girl. 205 Paxton blook. - HELP WANTED MALE . Agents, SalesiaeB aad Solicitors. WANTED City salesman for fruit lands In the best fruit section In the United Mates; position good for 1700 to $500 per month. Call at once Co-operative Or chard Co.. sll-12 City Nat. Bank Bldg. I- YOUNG man well acquainted In Omaha: must ba Intelligent, industrious and of good appearance; exceptionally good open ing for man who has determination to make good on the job. Give age, experience, married, employed, etc. H. 46$ Bee. WANTED Experienced dress goods sales men. Apply to superintendent, Brandeis Stores. A BIG, strong, ag-gresalve life Insurance company In the northwest wants an agent for Nebraska. Must be man who has ex perience with old line company; must have good acquaintance In Nebraska and be capable of selecting and managing a force of sub-agents. The company will pay such a man good salary or commission and will back' him up with strong advertising cam paign. Adtliess. 1. T. I)., care Bee Pub lishing Company, Omaha, for further In formation. Beya. WANTED Several reliable boye West rn Union- Telegraph Co., 212 S. 13th SL Clerical aad Offlea. GENERAL Mdse. Clerk, $65. Advertising Solicitor, . Experienced Drug Clerk, $t0. Experienced Railway Clerk, $60. Collector. $H6. Call or write W ESTERN REF, M BOND ASS'N, INC., Omaha Eetab. 8 years. Kansas City. 76J-3-4-6 New York U(e Bldg. WANTED 3 young men who have had experience In handling boots and shoes to work In stock In a wholesale house: state age. whether married or single and give references. Address O 2S3, care Bee. BOOKKEEPER, experienced, $t5-$75. LEDGER CLERK, $50. SPECIALTY SALESMAN, $2,400. LUMBER sale: nan. $",500. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 1015 City National Bank Bldg. Factory aad Tratlra. Drug Stores isnapsi. Jobs. Knleat. Bee Bldg TWO exper.enced special edition men' none other need apply. Suite &', Sanford hctel. WANTED $70 month, rusiomi, Internal levenue. railway ins It clerks. List at .prlng examinations in Oinana now ready l iepaiation free. Franklin Institute. deoL WA. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Blacksmith, at once. Fine opening. No opposition. If ne.-e.-.ary will artist lellJblo man In getting ttols. lnman S ate I ai.k, lninmi, Neli. WANTE1 A competent operator for Jun ior lli.olie. Will pay in .r week. Au ures at once. The Tribune, McCuok. Neb. VI la.f M nmu . WANTED Two experienced men to grade trees ana make gratis at 1'rriimni nurei .s. Inquire o: B. E. Fieids & .Son. Fro rnont. Neb. . j WANTED Men to learn rarber trade i pi AC lice furnished by lieu work; careful I l..,l ILll I.V .'I,.., t- -I,- .. - "j ' -. 1 v com plete; loi! K'n. board seemed; experi ence In shops before completing ; catalogue mailed free. Molt-r Barber College, llu bj Hth St. Ml.N WANTED, sge 1S-S." for firemen $.'i0 montlil. and brekemen. $So. on nearb' lailroatit:; expti'ience unnecessary; no unite, position tjoaranteed competcni men: promotion. Itailroxd E;nplolng I uiliuui lei s. 0er CiO mn sent to p il licit. a iiionthlv. ttste ugt ; send stamp. Au trtil V iHJ. tare Hee. MAN uanted with nr lo take chare ,,r j ta e cf our inedielnes. extracts. r. foai'i. ii lull-en. ic.:et articles, stock and pjiiltry pteparjlions. etc . In our counev. Stcsdy ora g'lai arteeil. Work heallliful, pleasant, very profitable. References re oulred. W rite ua. W e inmin busluefm. Si-.oiee-Mutller Ccmpany. Dept. 2, Tripoli, la LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Harare aad Waaaaa. WE buy and sell all kinds of horses; Blue barn, rear MittVrd Hotel. D. eOae. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Wagons -Coatlnaed. FIVE mares with foal and eight cheap horses for sale or trade; barn back of Millard hotel. 13th and Dougias. YOU CAN BUY HARNESS horse blsnketa. lap robes, etc., ar.d surely get your mnnev's worth. If vou buy from JOHNSON-DAN FORTH CO.. Southwest Corner Tenth and Jonrs Sis. Casta. FOR 8 ALE Jersey cow. 13 So. 12th. LOST AND FOUND IXIST-Rat Terrier, black and white. Re ward. 1614 N. 27th St. LOST Money sack, containing $10 48. Lib eral reward, llnrney 3149. LOST-Black lamb muff, on N. 23d St. near Webster. Return to 704 N. 23d and get reward. WILL PARTY that picked up lynx muff on Capitol Ave., between 16th arid 17th, please return same to Stewart's Seed Store and receive reward 7 The TedoV Boar Expert rlenners and Alio leuuv Dtar uyer, mH Harney. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Daven port Sta, special attention paid to confine ment cases; all treatment supervised by college professor. 'Phone Douglas U4i. Calls answered day and night. MONEY TO LOAN IsLAHY AND CHATTELS. $KWWJUi5W4MJWUWJMJMS5S55! W $ $4 CHEAP MONTPV irnn CHRISTMAS It $$ 11 . HO TO $1,000 n LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD $ $? $ M FURNITURE. PIANOS. SALARIES. 4 $ $1 THIS IS A NEW FIRM, It It Organized bv the REPUTABLE BUSINESS MEN of this city to pro- $4 1$ tect honest working people In need U $$ of temporary help trom the exorbi- $3 $$ tant charges of the so-called lonn 15 II companies. We will loan you all the $t $ money you want and charge you only M $5 per cent a year. W M THIS MEANS YOU PAY $4 t$ For f 10 6 mo. payments $1.70-$ 10.20 11 M For $ 25 6 mo. payments $4.23-$ 25.38 $3 $$ For $ 60 mo. payments $s.4-$ 60.76 IS $4 For $10012 mo. payments $S.M-$110.o4 U $ And all other aiinis in proportion. t$ It Easy Weekly or Monthly Payments. $$ $t Reasonable Appraisement Charges. $t tt A glance at the above rates will It t$ convince you how much you save by $S It dealing with us. M It NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. U $$ MONEY IN YOUR POCKET $$ M WITHIN AN HOUR. t $$ tt INDEPENDENT LOAN CO . t$ tt ROOM 204, WITHNELL BUILDING. $J tt Doug. 6046. N. E. Cor. 15th and Harney. It It ttst$$t$t$$ttmitttustui$m$$uttttnttttt$t. Could You use $50 to a Good Advantage! Don't go to a friend. Coma to us. When you borrow money you want the lowest rata, and we give It Wa will loan you from $6.0o to $lu0.00 on furniture, pianos or teams, without removal; small and easy payments. $1.20 la the weekly payment ua a $60 loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts In the same proportion. Wa give liberal dis counts on all loans paid off before due. Mall or phons applications receive our prompt attention. Strictly confidential. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room 1! Arlington Blk., lEHVi Dodge St Phones: Douglaa Jtfi A-14. CimiSTMAS MONEY We are prepared to make loans to those needing funds for CHRISTMAS. As low rates aa any advertised. Easy payment., square deal and every transaction confi dential. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 80S Paxton Block. Phones: Doug. 1411. A-7411. it$tt$$t$$t$$t$ittttttti wutms!Jwt;nwisi $1 CHEAP LOANS. $$ 1$ an Furniture, Pianos or Salary. M $i AT PER CENT A YEARt tt Can Tou Beat These Ratesr u I 1 for 8 months 15o M I 3ft for I months 7&o I 60 for month 76 for months yi.Zi $100 for months $3. us airoall charge for appraising. OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. tt Room 310 Brown Blk., 207 b. loth "t M II opposite eraoasis. uui. cm. ji-suse. , l4WtwtiiHWnHIWHtl'"HlW) DO YOU NEED MONEY ! We, will loan you money on your furni ture, piano, live stock or any other se curity t LOWER RATES THAN OTHERS ADVERTISE. Courteous treatment and strict privacy. Call or pnone and convince yourself. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., D 135S. Ind. A-1X6. 220 Bee Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 ft W. C. FLATAU, 1514 Dodga Tel. RED all MONET LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTHERS, without security; easy payments. Offices In W principal cities. 1'olman. room 103 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO. Mov ing; furniture packing; fireproof atorage. Telephones Douglas Si4. Independent B-134L OMAHA VAN ft STORAGE CO. cleans your csrpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleaner. 804 8. ICth; 309 S. 17th. D. 41G3. MUSIC. ART, LANGUAGES MRS. J. ALBERT BECKER, teacher artistic piano playing. ll'Xi bpencer. JAMES S. COLVIN. piano studio. Boyd Theater Bldg.. 6u6-. D. 499S. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoard aad Raaosa. MCE ilngle room with board; also large front iouiii fur two; walking distance. Ijli Lais M Tel. Douglas 1C. ST. JAMES steam heat L ath. Eur., rules. I1..6. up. vveckiy. . up, double. DESIRABLE rooms; board. Si. uuuias .i).. 212 a. 2Jta LARGE beautiful fuinlaleo rooms en buile or auifcle, n itn lavuiory. laijje clt'sets. excellent bcaid. 7J-J Gvoitiia Ave - .nil hoarH ilpii.tlv ,..L. . v w v., i. ....... I'litvir, iiume i j cooking, 'lei. Led t3V7. 3j N. l"Jd St. I : - - I CHOICE ni...d.-rn room, southern ex- Iposuie; bettn- te it; excellent hnuie cook-I in-. Phone Doug as :'i. - - ' , I ROOM and board in strictly modern. Mary's. i EXCELLENT rarlor f r two men, home I cooking and privileges. Reasonable, M S. : 2ith tt. j NEWLY furnl.-hd rooms uh hoard; ; sli'.rtly modem. I'j blo-Ks from Farnunt i street car. !fi f'o. iStli St. TABLE HOARD, meals $1 on. I'M Cat. forma. FOR RENT-Two nice team-heated rt-e'inv, loard if dfiied. Jo'.l L!a.veiiuorih i St. l' FOR RENT Natly furnished room; I home t oking. 64) S. Ijlih St hDll RFN'T-L-irge room an I Loaid for two. 221.'; DouhIss St FOR RENT-Neatly furnished room, with or without board. 11' N. tli l FOR RENT Large fic.nt room desirable frr four, steam healed, nicely furnished. 17a Dodge at OFFERED FOR RENT Hoard aad Itonnis (stlaaea. ROOM and board fee couple of men In private family. S. 31st. FINK boa id and room; good location. 17J4 Spring t-t. NICELY furnished rooms: private family; excellent board. (Ul S. 1'Jth St. UTOPIA, board with or without rooms. NICELY furnished room, with alcove, for two; modern, pilvate family, good board. 1IV09 S. 2sth. Famished Roonea. FOR RENT Nloel? furnished front room t!7 8. 16th St. Very convenient to business NICELY furnished roorax. 633 S 22d St. CHOICE front room, suitable for two; srm: trictly modern and well kept; pri vate family; phone: walking distance: alao convenient to goou car Una; raasonabla 110 N. ?tth St. DEWEY European Hotel. 13th Farnam. 210 N. 17th, steam heated rooms, to cents and up. NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod em: clo.e In; home-like surroundings. 19u3 Capitol Ave. VERY DESIRABLE ateam hented front rrorn; walking distance. ro N. tld. FURNISHED, aieam heated room: private family, for gentleman; walking distance. 603 S. 23th St. STRICTLY modern room to gentle man; private family. 2409 Harney St. NEWLY furnished modern rooms; these are all outside rooms and have the best of light, heat and gas and very convenient to business district. 2612 Dodge. NICELY furnished rooms, electric light and bsth; near car line. 2618 Captltol Ave. Phone Tyler 1426. NICELY furnished, strlct'y modern , rooms; close In. 19L'2 California St. ROOMS, strictly modern; mesls If de shed. 2T16 Jackson or Harney ISM. NEWLY furnished front rooms, strictly modern; close to Crelghton college and High school. 2512 Chicago St. Tel. Red 6195. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, modern, frcnt room; breakfast If desired. 3J2I Davenport St. Harney 3778. f- NICELY furnished room, with board. convenient to business district. 2005 St. Mary's Ave. MODERN furnished front room with al cove, also smaller one. 2423 Dodge. NICELY FURNISHED front room, suit able for man and wife or three or four young men, 618 So. 26th Ave. Phone Har ney 46S8. STRICTLY modern south room, suitable for two; bath room floor; $2.50 per week. 2575 Harney SL TWO rooms, furnished or unfurnished Tel. Ind. A. 1060. Reasonable. THE BEST heated rooms In the city. 2221 Dodge St. 2. 3 OR 4-room suite of modern furnished or unfurnished rooms; private family; walking dlstanc; references. Tel. Ind., B 2466. 2- Burt St. NICELY furnished front rooms; modern; close In. 1506 St. Mary's Ave. MODERN south room; also on on bath room floor. 2677 Harney. . NEWLY furnished, modern, front room for lady; Be. mis Park. Harney 3287. SLEEPING ROOMS, $1 per week. 418 S. 24th Ave. FURNISHED ROOMS, furnace heat $1.50 per week. '1914 California St. NICELY furnished front room; close In. 2025 Howard St. NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern; walking distance. 2411 Capitol Ave. LARGE! south room, nicely furnished; suitable for two, use t bath. 2209 Douglaa St. Tel. Douglas 7246. STRICTLY modern front parlor for two gentlemen. 1713 Leavenworth, upstairs. NICBLY furnished, well heated room. 403 No. 19th St. Phone, Red 7892. TWO FRONT rooms, strictly modern, elextrlo light and telephone. 2405 Harney or phone Tyler 1089. NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern; gentlemen preferred. 211 N. 19th. FURNISHED rooms, strictly modern; suitable for two. 820 N. 2Sd. 'Phone R 5671. FIRST-CLASS furnished rooms; modern. 1610 Chicago. NICELY furnished room, good location. 628 S. 17th Ave. ALL modern room, bath and heat rood location. 2302 N. 37th Ave. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, good location, walking distance. 107 S. 20th St. FOR RENT Steam heated rooms, stairs. 1708 Jackson St. up- FOR RENT One nicely furnished sleep ing room. 202 N. 19th St. NICE east front room, modern, well heated, to refined gentlemen. 603 8. i4th St. 2tB8 CAPITOL AVE Nicely furnished room for two; heat ood location. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms. 191$ Capitol Ave. TOR RENT-Nicely furnlahed room for couple. 191 Caas St TWO extra fine front rooms; flna furni ture; modern; walking distance. 130 N. 20th. No sign on house. NICE, clean south front room, private family. 114 8. 19th St. NICE, clean room, good location. Harney St. tat TWO nicely furnished rooms, with run ning water. 406 S. 24th Ave. NICELY furnished rooms, sultabls for two gentlemen. 632 S. 28th St FOR RKIV 1 ice miuiii iiuui twin. private, suitable for two. reasonable. 114 N. 27th Ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished private family. 219 8. 29th Ave. FOR RENT Nice, large room, nicely fur nUhed, stationary wash stand. D003 Burt St. FOR RENT Two nice rooms, furnlshsd or unfurnished. 818 N. 17th St. FOR RENT Nice front south parlor for two. Douglas St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room in modern home. Z"I2 M. mary s Ave FOR RENT Modern room, pood location, completely furnished. 1?0 N. 25th St. ' ' I vor RENT-Steam hested room, nicely 1 - . ... , ,-(U tit furnlshefl niuurin. i.n ii uwm for RENT -Nicely furnished sleeping ro CIS S. 1!th St. ... FOR RENT Four nice rooms, modern, Mum heated. Rood condlt on: references. - s 20th Ave. ' j-fij? RENT Two nlcelv furnished rooms, pood location. 1107 N. 17th St. The Omaha Bee gained 651 inches in want ad businesl last month over November last year. Its nearest eomietitor lost one-half page a tlay every day of the month. ' '1 he Hee moves forward, gaining all of the time, because it pays advertisers. Jn iuaporlaut bubiues clatsificatiozu it ledj iU competitor-. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Room Dsilstpa. FOR RENT Nlce'.y furnlsheil rema. light, heat, bath, good location. t"t8 Cpl tol Ave. FOR RENT Nice front parlor and sleep ing room. 112 8. 2Mh St.-l FOR RKNT-l.nrKO front room and al cove; private family. 2671 Dod; St FtlR RENT Two front rooms, fitm tshed for light housekeeping. 2M2 Irf-avenworth St TO LADY ONLT Front mom, steam heated fiat. chse In. Call Rid 6:41 II FATED, furnlsl rd or housekeeping rooms. Webster, liar. FURNISHED rooms In slrlctly modern home, south of Burlington station. D. 4-M. NIC1JLY furnlwhed rooms, r ) to busl netii district, mourn heat, ii Harney. rhone Harney 3li3. I FOR RENT Four rooms on ground floor; fire location. Inquire 2701 Cuming Hotels and Apart eats. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gsn Dr.n.o J llr. CHATHAM. 110 S. I3th St DODGE HOTEL l.'tth and Dodge All out aide cool rooms; special rates by the week. eTEAM heated ronma. $2 to $7 par week. OkOiii hotel. Council Bluffs. BUITES-$f$ up; meal bonk. $6 80. Gentle men preferred. Tel. liar. 6U. 1012 Gso. Ave. Apirlmrili and Flata. FLAT for tent 6 nt. Mary'a Avaw. $48. Chrla Boyer. 32d and Cuming. Douglaa kMl cr B 2049 FIVE-ROOM St. Louis flat, modern. Ill M, also 4-room, $21. 1740 S. 27th St. Harney MODERN 6-room flat, irround floor, walk ing distance. 2 blocks from thre car llnea 21s N. 2-'d St. Inquire 2:'0 N. 22d St 118 00 i-room modern fist. 1"4 N. Jtn "t. i I'Halm. Ingulro vM i. loth 3(, Call Web. I'JTJ. CHEAP WINTER RENT 4-room flat 614V4 N. 22d St., close In, very choice. $L'2 6f. 7-room cottage, 8017 Jackson tit . edge of West Farnam district, only $20. Telephone owner. Red 6204. THREE rooms, heat and light furnished; $25 per month. 2070 Mason. Phone II. 8Nt. 5-ROOM brick flat, new, walking dis tance. Gas stove, shaiieu,: Phone Harney 2254. . BEAUTIFULLY furnished apartment lu one of tho best apartment houses to parti e5 without children. S 4it Bee. UNEXPIRED lease in new Hamilton apartments; very deslrnhle; can give posses sion Dec. 15. Apply 803 Hamilton apart ments, i . . , a . Farolshed HoosekeeplnaT Rooms. FOR RENT Six rurutstied rooms fof light housekeeping: a!o sleeping rooroa i.J Dodge .-5t. 'lyler iw'j. TWO front rooms with alcOve for light housekeeping, also other rooms. 60u S. 2:nb. FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms lo couple without children. . iieterences te quired. 366 N. 40th. WARM, coxy housekeeping rooms; ail modern; gas furnished for cooking and laundry; also double parlor nicely tur nlshed, for three or four persona. 603 S. 27th St MODERN light housekeeping room at 1814 Chicago St. TWO or three front rooms, partly fur nished for light housekeeping; rent reason able. HVA N. 26th St. . THE MANUEL, four-room apartments. $"8. The Howard, two-room apartments bed In wall, $6. Heat, lea and Janitor free. 21st and Howard Sts. FOR RENT Rooms for light housekeep ing, furnished or unfurnished. In strictly modern home, within walking distance, or will rent home furnished complete. Har ney J613. ' NICELY furnished rooms for light house keeping; walking distance. 130 S. 26th Ave. APARTMENT, four rooms front? cheap; main floor, complete for housekeeping, aupj Davenport St LIGHT housekeeping rooms; cooking gas and laundry privileges. Prloe reason able. 2671 St. Mary Ave. FRONT and back parlor completely fur nished for housekeeping; also housekeeping room, for man and wlfa who will attend furnace. (60 a. 26th Ava. FOR RENT Modern room for light housekeeping. Douglaa St FOR RENT Nicely heated front Sftrtor for housekeeping. 2100 Douglaa St FOR RENT NlceJy furnlahed good location. 2618 Davenport FOR RENT Modern rooms for light housekeeping, laundry privileges. 821 Har ney St FOR RENT Rooms for housaksaidML good location. 1713 Jackson Bt FOR RENT Nicely furaiabad raoana for housekeeping. 808 S. Uth tit 4 FURNISHED rooms for light boekai tng. 1116 Chicago tit NICE front parlor for light boakak. lng. 2425 Dodga Bt- eap- NICB housekeeping rooms. 30H Cali fornia St. , FOR RENT Two rooms for light hsuao keeplng, good location. 8670 Leavenworth Bt. NICELY furnlahed rooms for houaekeaa lng. good location. 113 B. 4th St. FOR RENT Three-room cottage, mod forala St furnl"h4 'ma. al3iV4 Call- FOR RENT Rooms for housekaenf n everythlng furnished, good location. Kui Harney St TWO heated and nicely furnished roams for housekeeping. 2578 Hanney St TWO large front rooms, furnished bath, gas, good location. 8t07 N. 3oth St. FOR RENT Rooms for light housefceoa !ng. 811 8. 20th St.- FOR RENT Nice front parlor for n tries keeping. 1S19 Chicago St. FOR RENT Three nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, steam heated. 118 N 23d St- TWO neatly furnished rooms far amiss keeping. 1220 Grace St. Uafaralshed Raoaaa. FOR RENT Four rooms and bath, M floor. 153 N. Mat St. FOR RENT Three or four unfurnished rooms. 2212 N. 19th St. Web. 1767. FOR RENT Three Isrge rooms, single or ensulte. 2501 Spalding St. Web. 86)4. FOR RENT Four rooms, modern exeept heat. 2213 California St. Douglas 4224. FOR RENT Two nice unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. 2211 Burt St. S i 1 f - r -4