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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1910)
10 TITR REE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER R, 1010. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Trader Expect Bullish Report from Government. CORN MOVEMENT' IS STRONGER 1 onntry elllnej and Heeelpt Improve 4 taentlnai Now enrtlna; Out Bearish XtiVt Declln l Held roMlblf. OMAHA. Two. T, 1910. Sentiment mnn(! wheat traders favored th bull Bide of the-market preparing for a bullish itnvnrnmrnt report today at nwn. Export trade la not nippoNlng our market and the domestic conditions do not warrant anv advance In price. Seasonable weather Is making steady im provement in the condition and quality oi corn arrivals, ..-Receipts and country sell li.g la better and proserts are Rood for a large movement. The edge la off the rash demand and a market Is expected. S heat marted ' lower on weak foreign imitket.. anil bearish news from Argentina. The government report had very little er-fe.-i and while cavih prices ruled about Vc higher, the trend of the market was iowr Corn ruled dull and ltn very utile Chang In price, with the tendency to case lower. With everything- tavorlng the mar keting nf sew coin tul an sler tone ,n iifh conditlnnii. tire sennmetit favors a decline. - ' Prlmarv wheat receipts were 612.000 bu. and shipments were r.OOO bu. against re ceipts lnnt ear of b6, bu. and shipments of 549.000 bu. . . Primary torn receipts were tWO.OnO bu ana shipments were 4':i,ii bu.. against receipts last year of f2,W0 bu. and shipments ol 224 000 bu. . Clearances were 67.0V.O bu. of corn. 95 oil. of oats and wheat and flour equal to-, IJverpool closed -4d to 4d lower on wheat and 'd lower on, corn. . The following, .rash sales were reported on the floor toflaV. Omaha Cash Prtrrt. WIIKATV lit. 1 hard. Wific; No. t hard, (t.'rJc; No. 4 hard. 834i9tic; rejected bard, Tiidxjo; Nn, 2 spring, HlMc; No. 3 spring, KT"ORjf No. 2 white, 42H'S43c; new. 40it 41c; No. white. 42Vu42e; ow- WV'a"0o; No. 4 white, 4l'42'c; new, S81i3-Vi; No 2 yellow, 42V'"4.J'c; new, 40Vl'c; No. 3 yellow, 4IVi41e;' few, tOVrMlc; No. 4 vellow. 41'42 4c-, new, SS-Vua&Wc; No -, 4"i42'v; new, fVrji'.jCi N. 3, 42ii42vc; new. 4o44tOVxc; No. 4, 41&414C; new, 3i)'(f 3n'c. . . i.TS-No: 2 white. W31Vc; standard. 30V'iHc: No 3 ' white, 3o'fi:tOc; No. 4 whit. amusii'Sc; "S'o. 3 yellow, 30Va3ihc; No. 4 yellow. 2;tVa3o'e. , BARI.EV No. 3. 7tK "ftti ; No. 4. 64(5 iOC, No. 1 feed, Miifilc; rejected, 64tfOc. RYB No. 2. iaSo; No. 3, 74(U75c. - Cavrlot Receipt. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago , 25' 191 Minneapolis Omaha. 14 21 Utiluth .......... W7 22 CHICAGO fillAI AND PKOVISIoNS Features .of the Trading and C loalna; Prleea on the Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Pen. 7. With the irove.rnme.nt report tslay showing Uje targest acreage ever seeded to winter wheat in the I nltert State.' the market her took a decided, bend downwards. The close wu weak at a net lo of V"- Corn finished Wia off; oats at Vy',c decline end hog prod ucts unchanged to ITHc up. Although the government figures put the condition of wheat 13.3 points lower thmn a year ago. the fact that 829.000 more acres bad heen seeded than were estimated proved too moon' of & shock for many owners. It apjea'ed that notwlthauin'iing me conmuou In all the leading states, except In the Pa cific northwest, was lower than a year ago, the acreage w-a larger In every one. Com mission houses Immediately began selling. Kaviy In the day the market had a bearish tinge, due to favorable weather for har vesting In the Argentine. Depression resulting from this cause, how ever wm overcome. May ranged from 9H to 97c, with Inst eale MiC down at )a. Continued selling in a moderate way gave corn a bearish turn. May fluctuated be tween 47n and 4oVn148,c, closing easy at 47,c, a net loss of He. Cash corn was weHk. No. 2 vellow finished at b2c. The oats market wrent off under hedging. May old from 344o to 34e and In the end was Vt.'S'iio net lower at 34o, Purchase by packers !ed to a material advance in provisions, but much of the grain disappeared through realizing and be cause of weakness In com. Pork showed a IMfilTHfl rtse, lard was unchanged to 2Ho higher, and ribs were dearer by 2Vi to 2H Leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. High., Low. Close. Yeay. Wheat I I v Dec... yfi93 93i 2V, 92' 93 May... H7ra. W 7H July... Wit 93ti'M 94 94& Corn Pee..; . 47. ' 4W, 464 4S(ff'4 mi May... 4SfA4 .iW' 47 47 4S4 July... 4SVa- 4S'fc 48H''ffWI 48' 4S-4 Oats I I I Pec.:.. 3U4fri 17431Vi?i4!31i'aNiI 3V May..-. .14Vic MSiMUft Si M 34H47H July... 34'snif Wt 34 34i4l&' 34 V4 Pork I 1 Jan.... IS 0Oii 1 OiS 18 40 18 00 18 1R 18 00 .May.. irUO-W 17 iVM 17 00 17 22V4 17 05 Lard ( I I Jan.... S7 10 (KV 87M, 9 87V4I 874 May...! 72V . 77' 9 87 90 721.4 77 ( 75 Ribs 1 I I I .lan... WS 7S " 19 00-21 57H May... 9 304 35 1 Vx 9 30 9 35 9 32V4 No. I. Cash quotations were a follows: FIX)lMl hteady; winter patents, $4.00iW K70; winter straights. 3.7f.4i 4.55; spring straights, 4 3Mi4.ti0; baker. 1:1.504(4.86. HY K No. 2. Mc. 1WRI.KY-Feed and mixing, KKgTCc; fair to cholc malting, S4)s8c. ' SEKDS Flax, No. 1 southwestern, $2.43; No. 1 northwestern, 2.56. Timothy. $10.00. Clover, $14.75. PKoVlSlON'S-Mess pork, per bbl., $18.00 Hi 18 .25.. I.ard, per 100 lbs., $9 .87. 8hort ribs, sides (loose, t9.50iyio.00; short clear sides (hoxedl. $9.75S 10.00. Total .clearances of wheat and flour were equal to &ti.uu0 bu. Primary receipts were 612,0m) bu;. compared with 556,000 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 11 oars; corn, 353 cars; oats, 234 cars; hogs, 27, 000 head.' 1 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat, No. 2 red, WWSt''Sc; No. 3 red, 941itr4e; No. I hard. gHVuVV". Nil.. 5 hard, 4(tf5c; No. 1 north crn. tl071.0; No. S northern, $1.06 (fl.Oti; No. "S northern. 1.04f 1.U7 : No. 2 spring, 9Xo Sill 04; No. 1 ring, t)4cii$1.03; velvet chaff, 1.1.'$1.02; durum, W.):ic. Coin; No. 2. 4Vii 4e; No. I white, 4Vci49c; No. 2 yellow, 52 (tl"i2'...c; No. 1.' 4S(if4Wc: No. 3, new, 4,r.oi 4iv"; o. white. 47',14S14C; No. II white, new. to'v'tHi'aoi No. 3 yellow, 6ui.i51e; No. S yellow, new, 4oia47c; No. 4 white, new, 4."'4a4c; No. 4 yellow, 4(x(T4'.c; No. 4 yellow, new, 44TN5C. Oats. No. 2. 3IUC; No. 2 white. SaUaiW'.c; No. 3 white, 22li32c; No. 4 white, 3)Wi32lc; BLandard. 32,'gS3'c. Hl'TTE R steady ; creameries, 23g28c; dairies. 2.1127c. KilOS- .Steady! receipts. t.OTvt cases; at mark, cases included. 19221; firsts, Jlc; prime firsts. 3:lc. i'H lOKShl Weak; dairies, 14iir.c;' twins, HbIIV; young Americas, 14'sry 14c; long bonis, 14Mil5c. POTATOES Stead v, choice to fancy, 43 4,-,c: fair to good. Ssc. POPLTKY-Urm; turkeys, allvt. ciiessed. 21So; fowls, alive, .12c; springs, alive, tic: d i eased. 12c. VF.AL Steady: 50 to 60-pound weights. SilOc; t to KVpoimd weights, 11ij11Sc; bo to Ho-puund weights, 12c. K.W VOItK (iKJKERAL MARKET ttuolBllons of the Day on Vtrluai Commodities. NEW YORK", Dec. 7. FIjOL'R Steady ; Minns patents. $5.15415.50; winter patents, 14 4(i-4.7; wnw ellrM No. 1. $a.4u3-70; lvanas BUaiKhts. $4.60iu4.75; winter ktraiKhls, t4 1on4 2T,; spring clears. $4 1 -it 4 40, winter extras. No. 2, $3.25ui.t0. R flour, firm. $2 2 per 100 Iba. ft RN M EA1 Finn; fine white and vel low. tl-l;(l-Jo; .cwum, $1.10'1.15; kiln dried, 12 Ki WHEAT tiot market easy; No. J red. 97V, elevator, and Wc, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northei-H Duluth. (1 . 19V. f. o. b. afloat. Futures market iu lower on weak rabies, favorable Argentina new and liquidation on the government report, ,closli.g Sd-c net Unr. December closed at .'c; May, ti n.(V4 : .July, tl.Mi'V CoHN-oi-ol market firm: new No. !. 5c. 1 levator! d.inientic, to arrive, and No. 2 Unit. iKjc, f. fi. b. Futures market waa with out tiaiuiactlolia, rloaing Vf'lIc net lower; December cIujmJ at 56; May, 66c OATii-Spot uiarket steady; futures closed i '-' il dts line; IVrember, Sc; May. ",,-; July, h; all bid. HAY Vtulet: prime. $1. KVrr 1 1?i; No. 1. fl.10; No. 2. $L0u4l.U6; No. 3, fcftijsk;. UlUi.. 4ali, CtuUal Aniertoa, . JJC; lioeota. :."';;c. I.KA'I'HI-l'.-flrm: hemlock firsts. 23V 2."i!c; seconds, thirds. i'."ac; re- jectM. p.'rrlTc PIL'iViSKiNS -Pork, steady; mess, '; family. IJ1 0,1 24 oft, short clears. I r "t runt. H.-ef. ' steady; nress. tl.T.OCV-i 11 '; family, tlx ..'Vu m ot); beef hnmr. J4 i'l.w. Cut meats, steady; pickled Iwlltes, l'l to 14 Ins., 114 0jl.o; pickled hams. 112. Mi. Iird, steady; middle west, prime. :0 'Jo'alO .; refined. firm: continent.; South America, Ill.iO; compound. t.;..i 00. TAL.IAJVV yulet; prime city, hhds, 7'ic; country. 7''&7Sc. IH'TTKU t-teadv; creamery specials, 30V-; extra, 15'c; third to firt.2S-.c. CM KK.-'K Steady; skims, 12c. KrSH rirm; western, gathered white, 17ci 4.c; fresh gathered, extra first. lsac; fresh gathered, first. 3.Vi37c; fresh gath ered, seconds, SWiiltc; refrigerator, special marks, fancy. In local storage, 2c; refrig erator, first, 2442&c; refrigerator, eec onds, 2;!4'(i24c. . . 1'Ol'I.THY Alive, easy; western chlcK ens, HV'il-'c; fowls, Uui:"-; turkeys. 1-9 lti;. Iiressed, quiet; western chickens, 17c; fowls, 12'ul7c; turkeys, lti2c. WF.ATHKH I THE iRAIJi BKI.T Inereaslna; Clondlness, wltfc No I"s nortajit f hana: In Temperatnre. OMAHA. Dec. 7. 1910. - No Important change In temperature has occurred in the central or west err portions of the country since th preceding report. A change to colder weather has occurred along the Atlantic coast and In the soutn ern states and temperatures closely ap pioachlng freezing prevail along tne,1"'1 .cast this morning. Temperatures well t' low sero still continue In the upper Missouri and upper Mississippi valley, but a slight and general rise In temperature is shown throughout the west, the change being most marked In he sou th west. Snow flur ries rontinue In the upper Mississippi val ley, the lake region and New Kngland states and the weather Is unsettled on the north 1'aclflc coast; elsewhere' the weather Is fair. Pressure conditions are very unevenly distributed over the west and the indications are for Increasing cloudiness in this vicinity Thursday, wltn no Important change In temperature to night or Thursday. Temperature and precipitation at Omaha during the last twenty-four hours, com pared with th corresponding period for the three precedlns; years: 1910. 1909. 190. 1UW. Minimum temperature.... 19 -3 3 St Precipitation 00 .00 .00 T Normal temperature for today, 30 degrees. Deficiency 4n precipitation since March 1, 14.34 In. lies. hxce corresponding period In 1909, 4.49 Indies. Deficiency corresponding period In 190B, i 86 Inches. U A. AVFISH. Local Forecaster. St. I, outs General Market. ST. JH'IS. Pec. 7. WHEAT Futures, lower; December, MHc; May, lT4c Cash, firni; track No. 2 red, ll.OOai.ul; No. 1 hard. !f.c'(i$1.02. CORN Ixjwer: Decero.ber, 45V4c; May, 4tic. Cash, lower; track, No. 2, 47c; No. 2 white, 47c. OATS lxwer; December, 32V4c; May, 34c. Cash, lower; track. No. 2, 32V4c; No. 2 white, 34c. KYE Higher at 81Hc KLOrR Hteady; red winter patents, t4.40it4.HO; extra fancy and straight, $3-500? 4.; hard wlntr clears, $3.30(ci3.W). SKKD Timothy. $8.rjXu.2o. CORN MEAL $3.40. KUAN yulet; sacked east track, fl.OO 1.03. HAY-Steady; timothy, Jlfi.OO'fl 20.00; prai rie, $12.0041 15.00. P1U VIS IONS Pork, unchanged; Job bing, $17.75. Lard, unchanged; prime steam, $.".i7Wi(((.77V4. Dry salt meats lower; boxed extra shorts. 10V4c; clear ribs, 10c; short clears, 11c. Hacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, 12c; clear ribs, 12c; short clears, 12Vc. POULTRY Higher; chickens, 9Hc; springs, lOVac; turkeys, ISc; ducks, 13c; geese, 10c. HITTTKK Quiet; creamery, 2Ty&29C. EGOS Firm, at 29c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls. 6.HO0 17.000 Wheat, bu 34.000 61.0O0 Corn, bu 52,000 37.0OJ Oats, bu. 44,000 45,000 Kansas City Grain and Provision. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 7.-WHKAT De cember, 91fg91Mic; May, 94(11 !i4c, bid; July, WH'(iyo4c, bid; cash, unchanged; No. 2 hard, iiMMifWo; No. 3, 94tc; No. 2 red, 95'.ic; No. 3, 9:(Sc. CORN December, 43e, bid; May, 46Vic. srllers; July, 47Vk347c sellers; cash, In higher; No. 2 mixed. 44c; No. 3, 43ly,fi 44c; No. 2 white, 43Vfcf46c; No. 3, 42Vii 4414c. OATS Unchanged to He higher; No. 2 white, 33Vu34V4c; No. 2 mixed, 31V4&33C. RYE No. 2. 7i'74c. HAY Unchanged ; choice timothy, $14.00 14.50; choice prairie, $11. SOijj 12.00. BUTTER Creamery. 2Xc; firsts, 26c; sec onds. 23c; packing stock, lc. EGGS Extra, 31c; firsts, 29c; seconds, 20c Receipts Shipments Wheat, bu 55,000 65.000 Corn, bu 2U.000 31,000 OaUs bu 7,0o0 8,000 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Pec. 7. WH BAT De cember, tl.olVsffil.OlS; May. $1.047: July, $1.0fA4-'tl.O574; cash, No. 1 hard. $1.04; No. 1 northern, tl tXiiQ 1.0414; No. 2 northern, $1.00V4"fl02H; No. 3, 9f4c$1.014. FLAX Closed at $2.54. CORN No. 3 yellow, 42Ht743c. OATS No. 3 white, .W-jaic. RYE No. 2, 76i4flT7Hc. BRAN In 100 pound sacks, $20.50821.00. FlitlUR- Firm: first patents. 14.85itt4V.35; second patents, $4.75(t5.2r; first clears, $3.30 ii3.G5; second clears, t2.2btU2.85. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Dec. 7. FlJOVB. Steady. WHEAT No. 1 northern. tl.07V4Srl.08; No. 2 northern, tl.OBI WW: May, 9f.4c. OATS Standard, 33V4c liARLEY Samples, 7V480c. I.t-rerpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 7. WHEAT Spot, Btrong; No. 2 red western winter, 7s 3d; futures, quia'.; December, 6s 9d; March, 7s Vd; May 7s d. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, 6s 4d; futures, steady; January, 4a 4d; Feb ruary, 4s 3V4d. Peoria Market. PEORIA, Dec. 7.-CORN Lower; No. 2 yellow, 4Gc; No. S mixed, 45c; No. 4 mixed, 43c; sample, 41c. OATS Easy ; No. 2 white, 33V4c; standard, 32tc; No. 3 white. $2140: No. 4 white, 3lc. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 7. METALS Standard copper easy; siot, December, January, Feb ruary and March, $12,354) 12.45. London, quiet; spot, 5i 16a 3d; futures, 57 12s 6d. Arrivals reported at New York today 15 tons. Custom house returns show exports of 4.027 tons far this month. I .oca I deal ers quote lake copier at 113.004) 13.25: ele trolvtlc at 112 85S; 13.00. and casting at $12 51 12 75. Tin. quiet: spot and December, $37.7.Vtj;W.05; January February and March, $37.7.Vn'37.87V. Indon, firm; spot and fu tures, 172 5s. Lead, quiet; $4.4oj4.55. New York; $4 30ffi 4 37Mi, East St. Louis; London, 13 3s 9i. Spelter, $7.M'(iti.!0 New York; $5.70 (iiS.S0 East St. Louia, lxiniKin, 24 2s 6d. Iron, Cleveland warrants 4Ss 7V4d in Lon don. Locally Iron was steady. No. 1 foundry northern. No. 1 foundry southern and No, 1 foundry southern soft. $15.7." IS '; No. 2 foundry northern. $15.5v(! I6.00. ST. IriS, Dec, 7. METALS Lead, higher at $4.40. Spelter, lower, at $5.80. Kvaporaeed Apple and Dried Fratta. NKW YORK. . Dec. 7. BV'APORATKI) APl'LKS-yulet, but prices hold firm. On the iot, fancy Is quoted at 12c; choice. 10'vfiloV; prime tv(iloo; common to fair, 8c. DRIED FRUITS I'rune. firm In sym pathy with the west Quotations range from 6V to loc for California up to 30-4OH. and sUirlOu for Uregona from So to .''la. Aprlcol. quiet, but stocks are small and luices firmer; chsce, l:a!3ic; extra choice. 1.1Vui:ic; fancy, 13'rtn4c: I'eache firm, but quiet; choice. 7!'(iTc; extra choice. K' '(i sHc ; fancy, V44rto. Rals ins, firm reports of strong markets on the coaat; loose, muwatels, fn'ttfl'sc; choice to fancy needed. 61fc,'u7lc; stHlless, 54jc; Xn (ion layers, $ 1.36. Tirnritlaa and Roaln. . SAVANNAH. Oa., Dec. 7. TURPE.V-TINK-Flrm; 74'te; sale. 430 bbls.; re ceipts. fi2 bbls.; shipments, 14 bbls; stock, 17 417 bbls ROSIN Firm: sales, 2.911 bbls.; receipts, 3 :M bbls.; bhlpments. UM bbls.; stocks, li 0.5 bbls. Ouote: H. $5.SiiS.i!v: D. $n 57 Vr 5 K, $Vbo :6 o7: F.'Mta.W: U, $.. W ut:, H. $5.;;att5.s: I. t36; k. $.&; M. $'; N. 7 10; WO, $7.20; WW, $7.30. snaar Market. NKW YORK. Dec. 7 Sl'OA R Raw, film; muscovado. 89 test, SoOv; centrifugal, ssi teet. 4O0c; molaases, 89 test. 1 25e. Re fined suttar steady. , ' Vt'ool Market. ST IjOUIS. I'ec. T.-WOu-l-nchanaeJ; Urntory and wtern inditims. tinic, flu mediums, 17ylc; fine, jiiisc NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS1 Price More Irregular in Market with Holiday Undertone. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE SATISFIES Recommendations Considered In Af ford with Coner-rn4ln Prevlonalr Expressed hr Administration for Best Interest of All. NEW YORK. Pec. 7. Prices moved Ir regularly In the stock market today and while net change were unimportant, the halting undertone reflected a condition born largely of an absence of Investment demand. A heavy opening was followed Immediately bv a smart rally, but before noon the list was again under pressure and prices made new low records for the move ment. In the later sessions practically all the lost ground was recovered fully, but the market then relapsed Into extreme dullness, which continued to the end. Fur ther digestion of th president's message appears to hve convinced Wall street's sober element that the recommendations contained therein are entirely in accord with the conservatism so often expressed by the administration and for the best In terests of the financial, commercial and In dustrial worlds. Bullion amounting to almost 100,000 wai received by the Rank of England from an undisclosed source. Foreign exchange here Indicated a further transfer of loans to Ixindon. Ixical trading for that market was Insignificant with some buying of United States Steel and Amalgamated Copper. The bond market was easy. Total sales, par value, $2.020,ono. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were a follows: alts. Hlctt. bow. Cine. AllU-OiaJmeri pfd 27V, Amalgamated Copper U.6m M 1'4 Amsrlran Axrteultural .... ton 4.1i 47Vi 43 Am. Beet Sugar 1,200 t all Amertrsn On ion i S American C. A P l.too 4 474 49 Ameriran (tton Oil 1.C00 M 61 fiWj American H. A 1. pfd..... so Am. Ice Securities 800 17 W ltS Amerlnsn L.lnseed IIS American LocomotlTs ..... 1,000 RT-i M 1? 1 American B A R t!,9") "H . 7n'i 7S74 Am. 8 A R. pfd IVIO 104 10W 1 I Am. Bteel Foundries loo 40H 40, 4H4 Am. Sugar Refining ) 114 114 114 American T. A T 1.IX0 1.1S14 11 1W Amerlnsn Tnbaoeo pfd 4"0 4 9Vi AmeHcan Woolen W " 2W Anaconda Mining Co 1.3no S J Alclilaon 7,40") 19 , 89'4 Atclilaon pfd 101 Atlantic Coast Una TOO 113 11J 113L, . Baltimore A Ohio i.m) 104 104 PHT, ! Belhleliem Steel 1.200 2M, 24 2'a 1 Bro.ljrn Kapld Tr 4,() 74S 7314 (nadlan Pacific 11 191 191', Central Uesther 200 31 30V4 to '4 1 antral iMther pfd lo4', Ontral of New Jersey 2W Cheaapease A Ohio 10,500 J!'4 71 794, Chicago A Alton SO Chlcso O. W., new........ 00 tl tl 21 ('. O. W. pfd 44 railcago A N. W 700 1414 143 14314 C. M. A St. P lO.ftlO 13'4 11!"4 120 f. '.. C A St. L (U 624 62 Colorado F. A 1 1,410 xn4 2S 4 Colorado A So lor) M 664 6 Cnneolldated Oaa 1 13Z4 13014 1324 Corn Product 700 1514 16 1474 Delaware A Hudson loD IttlS WS U2 Denver A R. O X0O 74 274 Denver A R. O. pfd f"0 W4 714 Olallllcn' Securlllea 700 SH, 11 31 14 Erie t.WK) tf 3fi4 26 Krle lat pfd 400 434 4314 44 Brie 2d pfd W 84 3 34 General Blecrtrlc ..." 1,000 U U 161 (Jreat Nortbsrn pfd t.700 121 ISO 1204 Great Northern Ore otfs.... 700 6414 64 64'fc llllnoia Central 12 Interborough Met 7.600 J014 Wi 14 Int. Met. pfd 7.601) 66 6Ji 64 4 Internstlnnsl Harreater .. 600 low 14 10814 104 Int. Marine pM 15V International Paper 1,000 11 13 It International Pump 1,200 404 tB4 4014 Iowa Ontral 17 Kansas CJty So 200 S.V4 24 K. C. 80. pfd 100 4 64 3'4 Lscleda Oaa 400 1034 103 1034 bnulsrllls ft N S00 14014 140 140 Minn A St. Louis 27 M , St. P. A 8. 8. M.... 400 12 12XV4 12 '4 M.. K. A T t,00 04 2S4 304 M., K. A T. pfd S Mlsaourt Pacific 1,700 46V4 46 4 National Ulacult 1074 National Lead 00 60V4 60 60, N. R. B. of 14. 2d pfd.... 100 85 36 8514 New Tors. Central 6,309 110V4 109V4 Uov, N. y.. O. A W 600 40 Sit, 40 Norfolk A Western.'. ' t.600 KI14 M t North American SN) 614 114 14 Noruhem Paclfle 1.600 IIS14 11214 1124 Pacific Mall 700 304 1914 101, Pennsylvania .2O0 12744 12" 1274 Paopla-s Oaa ..v 400 10414 108V4 l.H'4 P.. C.. C. A Bt, L ' 6 Pittsburg Coal 700 17 114 174 Preassd Bteel Car 900 20 28 2 Pullman Palace Car 100 169T4 W1174 16 Railway Bteel Spring 100 1014 30 Heading 152,700 144JXN 14214 144V4 Republlo Steal 4,100 T14 28 '4 3014 ltpubllc Steel pfd 200 W 24 93 Rock Island Co 1,00 2!T4 28. 2914 Kock Island Co. pfd 200 61 il 01 St. L. A 8. F. 26 pfd 100 37 37 374 S.I. Louis S. W..: 22V, St. U S. W. pfd 600 MV4 664 6 Sloas-Sheftlerd 8. A I... . 200 49 4 4Ki Southern Pac.lMc 17.4O0 1134 110!4 11S1, Southrn Railway 1,7 2.14 2314 23-4 So. Railway pfd 700 Ml 6 674 Tenneases Copper 1.000 84 ' 334 34 Texas A Pacific 200 26 24 4 244 T., St. U A W 6. 214 20V, 20 T t. U A W. pfd 0 624 61 62 tinlon Psclflc 127,900 17'4 164 l7i Union Pacific pfd 3w 14 !li 1 Inltod States Realty 100 7 7 66 Inlted Slates Rubber 1.100 3214 32 2214 Vnlted States Steal 229.600 7114 704 721, I! ft. Steal pfd 1 116V, 116 ' 116 t'tah Copper 4.JO0 4614 44 46Vj Va. -Carolina Chemical .... 1.900 60 69V4 694 Wabash'.-.-. - H0 1 164 16 Wsbaah ptd 1.200 M 32V4 33V, Western Maryland 10 444 444 444 Westlnghouss Blectrte 1.300 Ct to S Western fnlon 300 70 tV4 94 Wheeling A U B 4 Lehigh Valley 43.000 : in 17314 17'A Toul sales for th day, 76,200 stiars. London Stock Market. LONDON, . Dec. 7. American securities opened about unchanged today. Prices ad vanced a fraction, but realizing caused the market to sag before the end of th first hour. At noon the ton waa easy, with values ranging from H above to Vi below yesterday's New York closing. London closing stock quotations: Console, money ..71 11-1 Louisville A Nash. ..144 do acount 71 16-lt Mo., Kan. A Texas. 314 Amal. Copper t34 New York Central. .118 Anaconda I1 Norfolk A Western.. 91 Atchlaon 10114 do pfd M do pfd 104 Vi Ontario 4k Western.. 4114 Bsltunor A Ohio.. .107 Pennsylvania tilt, Canadian Paclflo 1M4 Rand Mines .. .. 73V4 .. H. ... M ..114H ..17V', .. 94 ...7J4 ..1144 .. 1V, .. 35V, Uieasoesks A Ohio. .11 Reading Chi. Oraat Weatsrn. 21 Southern Rallvray do ptd till., Mil. A St. P.liJ De Beers Denver A Rio 0... do pfd Brls do let pfd do 3d pfd flrend Trunk Illinois Central ... 17 eVoutbara Paclflo . 21 Union Psoitis ... , ;o do ptd . 27V4 V. S. Stssl 4J do pfd , 35 Wabaani 23 4 do pfd 114 Spanish 4s SILVER Bar. steady at 2d per ounce. MONEY-2a-i per cent. The rate of discount In th open market for short bills is 3S per cent; for three months' bills, SV4 per cent. New York Cnrb Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan, members New York Stock, exchange, 315 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Bay Stat Oaa 36 Inspiration 114 buston Cons 4, I .arose 4 Butt Coalition .... 114 NaT. Consolidated .. 1'4 ( actus ?! Newhouss 3V4 Chlrs 4 Ohio t opper IV, Chief Cons 1 t-UHawhlde Coalition .. 4 Fraction It Ray Ontral 1'4 Havta-lisly 1 Bslft Pkg. Co lift Kir Ontral 13 Bears-Hoebuck Co 179V4 Kly Consolidated .. 3fc'4 silver Pick 7 Kly Witch 11 Superior A Pittsburg 1SH Franklin s. Tonopah Mining .... , (llroux 67, Trinity Copper 4', Ooldfteld Florence .. 11, North Lake Uoldtleld lialsv .... t Bohemia 3'4 Clresna Car.anea .... 4i. OJllway 64 Boatoa Stock and Bond. BOSTON. Dec. 7. Closing quotations on storks were s follows: Allouei Amal. Copper ; A Z . L. A Art ions tVin Atlantic B C. C. A 8. ti.. Butte Coalition Cel. A Ariiona St', Mohawk tViV, Nevada Con 26 Nlplaslng Mlns . North Butts 6V, Noih Lsk 124 old LKHiilnlon . .. 44 .. US', .. ms .. 27'j .. .. 37 ..130 .. It .. 74 .. 11 .. 41 .. 6S .. 13V, 17 Osceols 4V, Psrrolt 8, A C... 6J5 vulney . IT Shajinoa 1114 Superior , 41, Superior A B. M. t'., Sjperlor a P. C. . 37v, Tamarack Cal. A Heels Orvsnntsl 4'oiipsr Hangs C. M. Franklin Clrtnix Con Orsnby Con. Greene (intrm lal Royals Copper. Kerr Lake Leke Copper l.s Sails (Copper 47 A M... 3014 4i.-4 , 4", V. S. 8. R . ltu do pfd .. . t'tah 'on , 1 I tat Copper Co - 13. 44 V, -71, W lllOSS ... H ...116 Mis nil Copper It Wolverine ...... Hid. ei-dlv. Nfw York Money Market. NKW YORK. Iec. 7 MONEY-On call, firm at 2Vo3S per rent; ruling rate, 3' 4 per cent; rloaing bid, "7, per cent; offered at t per cent. Time loans quiet and steady; sixty and ninety days. 4 per cent; six months. 4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER oo1 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE At tn decline with actual business In banker' bill at $4 .tJi&tft 6-5O for sixty-day bill and at "TV MLER Bar. 54'4c. ommerclal bills. $4 8P Mexican dollars. 4c. NDS Government steady; railroad easy Closing quotation on bond wer follows; li. . nt bv !.... tnt. M. M. 4W M to eoiipa l(v jnpan 4 M 1 I a. re 1"3 do 4H " in coupon li.J K. C. to. lt ts.... 7T T. S. tt. r US'-i u S. ilfh. 4a 1s.1l... ."- do roiipnn 1J., I,. 4V N. unl. 4 Allis-Chsl. lPt ts.... :t U.K. T. 1st 4.. ;'t Am. As. ts 1ui no n. 4Hs 1 Am. T T. c. 4.."a t Mo Psrltlc 4 7't Api. Tobscco 4s "N. R. R. of M. 4ts f do ts in fj. Y. '. X. tvs Armntn- A Oo. 44. H ao deb. 4s H1 Ar.-hJswn xn. 4s M N. T.. N. H. A It. no c. 4s iu ct. (a I"1 do ot. 6a., lit N. A W. 1st e. 4s.. M do ct. 4 M No. Pacinc 4a tia, do Ss 7U W O. 8 U T'An. 4a ! prnn. cv. !-, 1915... 1 ''. do con 4a l'' " Pesdlnx gen. 4 M la-k 81. U 8. P. fx. 4s l A. C. L. lat 4s Bal. A Ohio 4s.... do S'a do . W. tSs Brtos. Tr. cv. 4s... Oan. of Oa. ta 'n. LmUist bn ... V. ot N. J. a. la. tlica. Ohio 4Ss... lot Mo sen. 5a 00 rr. f gt, 1,. . w. c. 4s... t lro A, la . 70 Mo 1st gold 4s 1 C. B. A g. J. 4s SftH S A. U 4s 7f" do xen. 4s 7 apo. Psc. col. 4a H3 M. A 8. P. 1 lti 2H do CT. 4a i C R. I. A P. o. 4a. 714 do lat rf. 4s 4 do rfx. 4s as go Railwar to WSH Colo. Inrt. 6s 76 do pn. 4s 7ft Uolo. Mid. 4a t Vnion Psriflo 4s 1i" C. A fl. r. A a 4Hs 7 do c. 4s. l' D. A H. ct, 4s sa. do lat A ref. 4a.... Mi do raf. 6s ai'4 V. 8. Hubbar a 102', Piatlllertf as 7T V. . Btasl 6S....11RS Erts p. I, 4s (4 v.--sro. Cham, ia do n. 4a 7J Wsbash 1st 6s I'11 "do c. 4s. asr. A. 7t do 1st A ex. 4s.... do sarlra B 14 W aatern Md. 4s IW'i Ofn. Kloc. ct. to.... 145 'West. Rlac. ct. to.. 'i 111. ( an. lot rat. 4( 7 Wis. Ontral 4s .' Int. Met. S SO Mo. Pac. or. to 2 Bid. tHtered. l.ncal Seenrltle. Quotations furnished by flurn. Br!nker A Co., 449 New Omaha National Bank building: Alms, Neb., municipal is City of Omaha ta. l'U City of Omaha 4a 12 City of Omaha 4a. 193 , Bid. AaVe-l tt 100 101.91 101 1011, 03'4 1034 103 '4 95 97 '4 1 9114 121 65 65 It 99 100 99 100 84 16 97 M 86 8714 It M 100 94V4 97 91 93 97V4 7i 91 9814 it 100V, 95 97 V 3 ,4 IS 140 1M 4IV4 4.SV4 97V4 97V4j 60 MV4 6 9t 100 City Nat. Bk. 8l.1g. s. 1910 Cudshy Packing Co. to, I Columbus. Nab., B. L. ts, 124 Chicago Telephone V Colorado Tel. Co. (par 60) Fairmont Crsamery 1st f. t per cant 99 Hardy, Neb. (municipal) Hydraulic Pressed Brick pfd .v.. Inwa Portlasd Oment lat ta Ksnaas City Home Tel. Co. 6. 1923.. Metropolitan St. Ry. Co. 6s, 1913 Michigan Stale Tel. ts. 1934 Michigan Ststs Tel. Co. pfd New England T. A T. Co. 4a. 1930... Omaha Gas to, 1917 Omaha Water 6a. 1944 Omaha St. Ry. 6a, 1914 Omaha A C. B. 8. R. 6a, lt2. Omaha A C. B. Bt. Ry. pfd f per at Omaha A C. B. Bt. Ry.. com Packers Nat. Bk. stock. South Omaha Paclflo T. A T. Com Paclflo T. A T. to. 1037. Rocky Mountain Bell Tel. Co Union Stock Yarda atock. sx-6.1t Western Electric Co. 6s, 1931 New York Mining Stock. NKW YOIIK, Deo. 7. Closing quotations on mining stocks were Alice 125 Com. Tunnel stock.. It do bonds 19 Con. ol. A Va 0 Horn Sliver 30 Iron Silver . 1M) eLeadvllle Con.' Ill Offered. l.lttls Chief 10 Mexican 75 Ontario 200 Ophtr 106 Standard 46 Yellow Jacket 20 - -Cotton Market. New York cotton market, aa furnished by Logan A Bryan, member New York Cotton exchange, SI South Sixteenth street, Omaha: ' ,. Month I High. I Open. Low. Close. Yes'y. Iec . Jan. Mar. May July 14 68 14 77 15 13 15 13 15 10 Permits to wed have been granted the following couples: Name and Residence. Age. George W. Von Scoy, South Omaha 30 Agnes M. Henkel, Bouth Omaha 25 ST. LOUIS, Dec. 7. COTTOfN-Actlvc; middling, 15Vc. . Bales, 227 bales; receipts, 5,530 bales; Bhlpments, 6,304 bales; stock, 18,824 bales. , , 1 " Coffee Market. NEW YORK Dec 7. COFFEE Futures closed barely steady with a net gain of 64t 17 point. Sales, 86,000 bags. December. 11.15c; January, 11.10c; February, 11.18c; March ll.lOciiApi. 40.96c; May, lO.DOe; June, 10.85c; July, 10.8SV, August, 10.85c; Septem ber. V'lO.SOc OcU)l4jr and November, 10.70c Spot, firm; Rio Ko. 7, 13V4t) 13c ; No, 4 San tos, 14c; mild, firm; Cordova, 139(&T4, nom inal. t , 0 . Board nf Trade Statement. LONDON, Dec.vT. The November state ment of the board of trade shows Increases of $12,3U9.500 in Imports and $17,879,500 In ex ports. The Imports of foodstuffs decreased but there were gams (J $7.fV00.o00 In Ameri can cotton and $8,750,000 In Egyptian cotton. Manufactured goods made the largest In crease in exports. Dry Good, Market. NEW YORK. Dec; 7. DRY GOODS The cottrun good market was quiet and steady during the day. The holiday trade in spec ialties and Jobbing houses is fair. Silk pieoe goods continue to Improve In the de mand. Underwear and hosiery are in stestdy and moderate demand for the fall of 1911. ; OMAHA WltOL&jAl,12 PRICES. BUTTER Creamery, No. 2, delivered to the retail trade In- 1-lb. cartons. 12c; No. 2. In 0-lb. tubs, 31c; No. i In 1-lb. carton, tOc; packing stock, solid pack, 20o; dairy, in 60-lb. tubs, 23HJ240. Market changes very Tuesday. CHEESE Twins, lfSV17Hc; young Amer ica. 18c; dalslo, 18s; triplets, 18c; Urn burger, 18c; No. 1 brick, 18c; Imported Bwla. S2c; domestic Swiss, 24c; clock Swiss. JOc. POULTRY Dressed broilers, under I Iba, $5.00 dox. ; over 2 lbs., 14c; bens, 13Vil&c; cocks, IOV40; ducks, 17c; gees, 16c; turkeys, 25c; pigeons, per do., $1.20; homer squabs, per dox., $4.00; fancy squab, per do., tJ.60; No. 1 per dox.', $3.00. Alive, broilers, 14'4c; over 2 lbs., 9Hc; hens, 10c; old rooster, 7c; old ducks, full feathered, 10c; geese, full feathered, Oc; turkey 1, lijil8c; guinea fowls, 2oo each; pigeons, per dot., 60c; homers, per dox., $3.00; squabs. No. 1, per dox.. $1.60; No. 2, per dox., too. FISH (all froxen) Pickerel, He; whit 18c; plk. 14c; trout, 14c; Jar erapples. 20c; Spanish mackerel, 18o- eel. 18o; had dock, 13c; flounder, 13o; green catfish, Suc re shad, $1.00 each; shad ia, par 'pair' 65c; frog legs, per do.. 50c; salmon. Ua: halibut, lie. ' ' BEiiF CUTS-Rlb: No. 1, lc: No. I. WSc: No. 3. 8V4C Loin: No. 1. 17c; No. 1, 13140 No. . V4- Chuck: No. i. 7Ho; No. 2. 7?c No. 3, 'ic. Round: No 1. 9c; No. 2 7Co: no: 1 4;c.Mt"s No- Vo: iNo- FRUITS. ETC-Oranges: California na vel, 9-Uti sizes, per box, $2.75u3.00; small sixes, per box. t3.5.i'3.75: Floi-i.iu Un per box, $3.60. Lemons: Laurel brand ex tra fancy 300 afse. per box, tti.OO; 3uy size. ! 7. : """ ""'cw. a sue, per box. ta.&O; SoO sue, per box, to.OO; i40 size, 50c per box less. Grape fruit: Florida. 46-64-04-80 sixes, pr box, t4.2iVij4 60. Bananas tancy select, per, iJ.i(2.50; Jambo bunch, $2.753.76. Pears: California Win ter Nellls, per box, ti.St.; New York Kifer per bbl., $3.75(&4.O0. Apples: Home-grown" cooking, per bbl., $3.5ijj 4.00: Missouri Jona than, per bbl., $.-).0U; Missouri Ben Davis per bbl., $3.7i; Missouri Wlnesups, per bbl., $4.25; Miseourt (lano, per bbls., $4 uO other varieties, per bbl., $4.00; New York Greening and Baldwin, per bbl., $4.50; Col orado Jonathan, per box, $2.10; Washing ton Gravenstein, per box. $1.60; California Belleflower, per box. $1.60; Washington Grimes Golden and Jonathan, extra fancy 88-126 sizes, per box, $2.26. Pineapple: Per cane, 4.&0. Grape: California Emperor per mate, $1.7u; New York Catawba, per &-lb. basket, 20c; Malaga, SOJitio lbs. gross per keg, $7-Ouj8.00. Cranberries: Per box) .2.75; Bell and Cherry brand, per bbl., $S.O0; WibConHla Bell and Bugle and Late How brands, per bbl., $850. Date: An chor brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkgs. in boxes, per box, $2.oO; bulk. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.) 6Vjo- Figs: New California, 12 12-ox. pkga.) 85c; 86 12-oz. pkgs., $2.40; 50 s-oz. pkgs., $2.00. Figs: Turkish. 7-crown, per lb., loc; 6-crown, per lb., 14c; 4-crown, per lb, 13c VEGETABLES Potatoes: Early Ohio', In sacks, per bu., 90c; Iowa and Wiscon sin, white stock, per bu., 7.vy ,".c. Sweet potatoes: Virginia, per bbl., $2.5o; Kansas, per bbl.; $2 00. Onions: Iowa, red and yel low, per lb., 2c; Indiana, white, per lb., 3c; Spanish, per crate, $1.40. Garlic: Ex tra fancy, white, per lb., ljc; red, per lb., 16c. Eng plant: Fancy Florida, per doz.. 12 00. Olery: Michigan, per dox. hunches, 35c; California Jumbo, per dox. bunches, ioc. Rutabagas: 1'er lb., l',c. Cucum bers: Hothouse, IVi and I doz., per box, t2 CO. Tomatoes: California, per 4 basket crate, $J 50. Cabbage: New, per lb., l'io. String and wax beans: Per market bas ket, $1 M. Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf, per dox., tuc. paisley: Fancy home-grown, per dox. bunches, 40c. Beets: Per mar ket basket, 35a. MitH.ELLAN EOU8 WalnuU: Black, Per lo.. 2u. Hickoryuuta: Uilte. pe.' lb., tc; small, per lb., 6c. Cocoanuts: per sack, to. 60: per dox. sue. Honey: New, j fraiudi, 63. ;0. Cider: Mutt's. New lotk, txf 4-bbi., $3.74; per bbl., to.75. ..... 14 6g 14 72 14 63 14 68 .... 14 73 ... 14 W 15 00 14 94 14 98 .... 15 15 15 17 15 11 15 16 ... 15 U 15 14 15 08 15 13 OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Slow at a Lower Range of Prices. HOGS FIVE TO FIFTEEN L0WEE Fat heep and. l ambs More Aetlw nd Ten to Thirty Cent lllaher Thn Ihe t'nrrent Price of Tnesday. POl'TH OMAHA. Dec. 7, Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Official Monday 8.4M 2.S04 tt ficial Tuesday i.2 4S.. Estimate Wednesday.... 1510. ShrrP- 3.!S8 11. aw 10,120 Three days this week. .21 4' V2. Same days last week. . .13.37 It) Same dnys 2 weeks ago..ln.7t'i 11' '."'t Same days 3 weeks ago.. 25. 773 1 0R' Same riHjs 4 weeks ago.. 14. 115 l Same ilni-n last vear. . . .IS. 738 7,!M 2.1.325 31.1.4! a,..11 100, 200 bii.1.3 22,351 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep t South Omaha for the year to date, a compared with last year: 1910 1911. II"- U0- Cattle l.1fV.ll4 1.054.7P4 110,320 Hogs 1.780.300 2.015.fJ 236,60 Sheep 2.!Jl,57J 2,9.728 841,744 The following table shows the average prices of hogs at South Omaha for th last several days, with comparisons: Dates. I 1910. 1!Kj9.1.1!I07.I!i.1906.1"4. Nov. Dec. I'ec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. SO.. I.... I... a.... 4.... 5.... .... 7. . . . 6 WVii 8 121 6 SI 4 501 6 04 1 I 4 41 7 13'J 8 02 0 791 I 4 06! 4 92 4 43 7 124 8 0ti 5 ii 4 61' I 4 8J 4 48 1 UV 8 l S 4 64. 6 08 I 4 48 8 03 6 h'A 4 G3 6 13 4 8l 7 2V I n 58 1 4 67 6 12 4 4 42 7 4i".',t 8 12 I 4 7l 6 1HI 4 S3 4 40 7 4iv, 8 22, 5 41 4 r3 21 4 S2. 4 3o Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock ards. South Omsha,, for twenty-four hours ending at 8 p. m.; RECEIPTS-CARS. C. M. St. P... 7 5 3 2 1 19 3 5 6 e '5 2 8 1 13 15 4 8 1 4 2 8 92 48 Wabash 4 Missouri I'Hclflo 2 Union Pacific fit C. &. S. W., east 11 C. N. W.. west 57 C, St. P.. M. A 0 13 C R. ft Q., east 12 H. Ai CJ , w est 28 R. I. & P., east 15 R. I. & P.. west 2 C, C. C Illinois IVntrnl . 4 Chicago G. W 4 Total receipts 223 lllS L'OSITION H K-A II. Cattle. Hogs, sn eep. Omaha Packinir Co. '85 1.0..9 1.281 1.617 2.7:48 l,4.'ii Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co .1.123 .1.2H2 1,421 1.479 .'8 Armour Ac Co W. B. Vansant Co Benton, Vansant & Lush Hill v Sou J. B. Root & Co 34 175 237 2M 90 68 J. H. Bulla L. F. Husz 105 S. Werthelmer 4 M. Hagerty 18 itotnscniia ireos., Smith At Polsley Mo. Kan. Calf Co 81 13 89 45 5 24 851 Sol Degan , McConnaughty , Kline & Christy .... Other buyers 788 Totals 6.356 4.437 7,859 CATTLE Thera was a liberal run of cattle hete today, 218 cars being reported. This brings the total for the three days up to 21,408 head, as against 13,37 head for the same period last week and 19.73M head for tho same time a year ago. While the receipts consisted very largely of half fat or warmed-up native cattle, with a sprinkling of butcher stock, the same a has been the case every cay, there was quite a showing of cattle from the range couutry and quite a number of them at least on the beef order. The market on beef steer waa rather dull all the morning, but still buyer kept picking up a bunch here and there, so that by mid-day a large proportion of the receipts had changed hands. Prices were In most cases around 10c lower than yes terday, or 15ij26o lower for the three days this week. Cows and heifers felt about the same de cline aa beef steers, being anywhere from weak to 10c lower and loifr26c lower than last week.. Cannera did not feeb as much decline as the medium to better grades. Ifae best feeders were pos.ilhly hot much different from yesterday, but the common to medium grade were certainly lower, and wh.le the market has not shown as much change as have fat cattle, still they are a little lower than last week. Quotations on native rattle: Good to choice beef steers, f.Xa.6.75; fair to good beef steers, $5.40t(6.20; common to fair beef steers $4 oO'.i6.40; good to choice cows and heifer, $4,504(5.25; fair to good cows and heifers, $3.75n4.50; common to fair cows ana heifers, $3.0Vij3.75; good to choice stock ers and feeders, $4.5oti5.60; fair to good stock ers and feeders, $3.8(K(i4.50; common to fair stockera and feeders, $3.25tt3.80; stock heifers, $3.00ii4.16; veal calves, $3.508.25; bulls, stags, etc., $3.2543.00. Quotations on range cattle: Choice to prime beeves, $5.50TitS.25; good to choice beeves, tTi.0bij5.50; fair to good beeves, $4.40 ti4.80; common to fair beeves, $3.704.40; choice cows, $3.804.40; fair to good cows. t3.3trii3.B5; eanners, t2.7M33.60. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. At. Pr. 4 715 4 26 20 1274 t 46 I e- 4 86 . 29 1Z52 t 46 t 106.) 4 Si 21 ll!- 6 60 t. 1144 4 M It 13U0 6 66 10 74 IK list t S 46 HOD 6 06 62 ?8 t 46 11 lull t 10 It H I 6 70 10 -...117 I 15 18 1065 t TS 41 12S6 6 25 It 11 t 66 77 114 i 40 tt 1X87 I 64. 1272 6 46 COWS. 11 W0 t SO I IM t 6 1 t6 t 00 t 44 I 70 24 alO 1 16 14 M9 IK 7 t 25 10 lust t DO i 101! 3 36 4 lu;t 4 uo vM) J 4'. 10 lost 4 00 4 10H7 t 60 20 1(144! 4 10 7 7K2 I 60 6 lu4 4 10 7 1017 t 80 I lint 4 10 4. 1040 I Co It 1064 4 2o 10 i 65 1 1130 4 40 t 1064 1 45 HEIFERS. 4.. 627 t 60 M 4 W 1 6 t 66 14 T.i7 4 10 t 64 I 76 4 760 4 16 t. 625 I 60 It 71 4 26 6 (41 4 nn it 71.4 4 to 1 MO 4 10 1 ms tit 4 (10 4 10 11 kl 4 (0 20 t7 4 16 I (40 4 71 BULLS. 1.. 170 t 80 1 1210 4 10 1 12D0 t 60 1 1870 4 20 1 1260 4 00 t 1470 4 tt) 1 1260 4 00 CALVES. 1 160 4 2-i t 100 I 2 t 2at 4 SO t tit t 60 o O 4 -n 4 fro 4 se 4 ; ( on a m t . I I . 1 . 1.. AND 7 : 7 r. T :i l 1 , no 1! STOCK KRS FEKDKTtS. 741 4 a '.V 4 7,1 747 4 7.1 W! t fl C5 810 l 714 710 Ill 4 O 4 ro 4 :s 4 4 4 4 6" 4 6.". 11. . 4 . f!.. t . t . i; . 7 IK! ' 4 76 4 ! 6 fl r, t AM .STERNS. Vinton Lumber and Live Stock Co. Colo. No. Av. Pr N"o. A v. Pr. 4 feeders. .1033 3 70 I.. C. Co. Colo. 30 feeders.. !'71 4 55 C. Co. -Colo 5 feeder. . I0."S 8 70 8 Co. Colo 72 feeders.. 1033 4 70 Denver A P. O. 69 feeders. . Pvl 4 65 Grundy L. 72 feeders. .1058 4 70 Iowa L. I 71 feeders.. 1057 4 70 8 feeder. .1057 S 70 C. C. Hurnham Wo. 18 cows 905 4 15 '1 heifers... filt H. II. MoOee Wvo. 13 feeders.. 94R 470 10 feeders. .1037 feeders.. 926 4 20 Steve Snyder Wyo. 16 feeders.. K4 4 75 S. P. Abplanalk Wj o. S hulls 1344 8 21 cows 80 32 cows 979 4 15 (1 feeder.. 979 4 00 4 !0 4 TO 33 feeders.. 1038 4 75 HOGS The hog run continue! light at this point, only eighty cars being reported In the yards this morning. The total re ceipts for th week to date fnot up only 12.600 head a against 16.300 head for the name day last week and 19.900 head for the same period three weeks ago. While receipts at Hit point wer light, some other markets had a great plenty and were re xrted lower. 1'nder the Influence of the unfavorable advices received early from other markets as well a from the fact that this market made a wild advance yefterday while others did not show so much gain, buyers started out bidding lower. The first hogs sold .'.it 10c lower than the good time yesterday, but the trade was slow and buyers bearish, so that It was not long until the market fettled down to a 10c decline. A good many tif the hog sold on that basis, but buyers were Indifferent and the market raised eff until seller were reporting some of their bids at least 15c lower than yesterday's best time. The close was very dull, hogs that came In late being neglected, buyers not ap pearing to care for them unless they could take off 15c. It will be noted that a con siderable proportion of the hogs sold todav at $7.35fr7.45. while the bulk yesterday was $7.407.60. Quite a sprinkling of tho light hogs sold up to $7.50. Representative sales: No. 11 1 34 iw .... 68 68 22 47 67 46 4 J 2 29 4S 74 40 68 0 IU 8 61 4t 64 64 61 60 7 11 16 (7 38 to 62 64 2 64 AV. . S24 ..3S ..Sfrs . .814 ...0 ..tot ..J2 ,.tS7 ..340 ..27. ..20 ..30 ..1M ..163 . .3(15 . .248 ..2H1 ..315 ..808 ..28 . .326 ..S16 ..311 ..294 ..20 ..276 ..324 ,.SU ...233 ..2.10 ..till ...181 ..228 ..215 ..144 ..320 ..603 ..264 ,..20 ..278 8h. Pr. 7 26 7 SO 7 0 7 .10 7 0 7 3(1 1 30 7 30 7 30 7 30 7 36 7 36 7 35 7 85 7 Sfl 7 35 7 36 7 86 1 3S 7 36 7 35 7 S 7 36 7 SS 7 36 7 36 7 S7V4 7 8714 7 40 7 10 T 40 7 40 7 44) 7 4 7 40 7 40 7 40 7 40 7 40 7 40 7 40 No. ! 68 70 67 63... 63 67 63 3 60 18... 102... 71 88.... 70.... 71... 68... 85... tr.... 78.... 4.... 47.... 42... IT.... 78.... 73.... 74... 44.... 70.... 16.... 67.... (0 88.... 62... 60.... 40.... 61.... 78.... 69.... ').... (2.... Av. . .:? ..2W . .24 ..277 ..27 ..IX ..226 ..297 ..211 . .137 ..17t ..144 ..26.1 ..144 ..If ..r.s ..2t.7 . .819 ..2e'7 ..237 ..285 ..268 ..203 .242 ..23 ..204 . .238 ...243 ..124 ..2!8 .. ..866 ..30 ..811 . ,?8 ..213 ..216 ..211 Sh. 40 240 120 10 9)0 40 '46 Pr. 7 40 7 41 7 40 7 40 7 424 7 4214 7 46 7 46 7 45 7 46 7 46 7 43 7 46 7 45 7 46 7 45 7 46 7 45 7 41 7 46 1 45 7 4S 7 45 7 46 7 47V, 7 60 7 60 7 60 7 60 7 60 1 60 7 60 7 50 7 60 7 3J 7 34 7 40 7 40 7 4t 7 50 7 64 80 40 mn 1M 80 80 40 240 im 240 40 80 too to in to 26.. 16.. 74.. 44 7 40 FIOS. tt 1M ... T 25 SHEEP There waa a fair run of sheep this morning, forty-six cars being reported In, bringing the total for the three days up to 25,82o head a against 81,000 head for th same days last week. The feeling on the market was decidedjy better thi morning and they put back all that they took off in price yesterday and in some cases more, too. In other words fat sheep and lambs sold 104'15c higher and In soma cases a much as 30c higher. Lambs on the weighty order, both natives and westerns, aold up to $5.50, there being no choice light weights to make a top on the market. Right good yearlings brought $4.90, while very choice ewes sold aa high aa $3.70, which was 30c higher than anything brought yesterday or th tauy before. A cut-off of the am ewes that brought $3.35 yesterday sold at $3.05 today, also showlag an advance of 30c, Tho market opened active and th early ar rivals changed hands in good season. There were very few feeders In sight, but what few there were could not be called very good. The feeling on feeders was fully steady, there being buying order for a good many more than ara coming. A feature of the market at practically all point that shippers should bear in mind is th very good demand for light or handy weight killers, both sheep and lambs. There are very few of that kind coming while buyer are all anxious for them. For that reason it happen that light sheep and lambs are selling way above the ex tremely heavy grades, although the heavy weights may be of very choice quality. Quotations on aheep and lambs: Good to choice light lambs, $5.60g.00; good to choice heavy lambs, $5.006,6.40; fair to good lamhs, $5.00iii6.6O; good feeding lambs, $4.60r((6.16; fair feeding lambs, $4.00)4.60; light common lambs, $3.Ot&4.00; handywelght yearling, $4.7&a5.0O; heavy yearlings, $3.8O4.60; feeder yearlings, $3.76&4.35; good to choice wethers, $3.5053.90; good to choice heavy wethers, $3.0o3.50; feeding wethers, $3.153.50;' good to choice light ewe. $3.608,3.85; good heavy ewu, $3.2.cft3.50; feeding ewe. $2.25(2.65; eanners. $1.5Off(2.00. Representative sales: No. Av. 255 fed lambs 64 Pr. 6 25 8 10 6 70 4 80 2 66 2 66 6 00 6 25 3 86 8 65 3 65 8 25 6 60 2 35 4 65 4 00 a 50 4 65 8 86 fi 15 5 15 4 25 8 25 4 76 5 40 8 15 2 00 4 00 3 00 5o fed ewes 118 47 fed lambs 94 345 Wyoming lambs, feeders 45 358 Wyoming ewes 85 0o7 Wyoming ewes 86 109 Wyoming lambs 99 64 fed lambs 96 IS fed ewes 173 880 fed wethers 129 VJl fed wethers 129 400 fed ewes 112 47 fed lambs 84 85 fed ewes .' 108 404 fed yearlings 86 M fed wethers 94 24 fed ewes 81 331 Wyoming lambs, feeders 41 85 Wyoming lambs feeders 80 30 Wyoming lambs, feeders 67 802 Wyoming lambs, feeders 65 40 Wyoming lambs, feeders 48 42 Wyoming lambs, feeders 44 121 fed yearlings 94 98 fed owes 121 423 fed ewes 104 63 fed ewes, culls 91 106 fed wethers 122 73 fed lambs, culls 56 -. MS o5 -n 141 !. Today is Home Day. 1 Look over the Bargains in real estate. Dealers have prepared specially fine lots. 'Invest your rent money Instead of spending it, and you are spending it when you pay rent it never comet back to you at no time can you show its value. While on the other hand, every dollar put into a home of your own represents an investment that is increasing every day The easy term plan allows you to purchase a home and pay for It with the rent money. You will find a large list to select from in today's Bee, advertised for sale on the easiest terms. Buy now. OOO ' 2.-8 fed la tn he . M I 12 f-.1 la nib W I Ml . r. fe.l ewe 17 50 T- fe.l ewes l " V! fe.l lambs I "4 5 S"1 '.01 fed yrtrling 9' W 42 fed rwes 17 " n 1". fed Inmbs 7.1 5 00 10 fed ecs VI I:'' 13 fed lamb ' '. :iv f,.l ewes HI S 75 110 fed wethers, culls ! 2 414 fi-d ewe , ?3 S S 34.J fed la in ha 52 5 30 Clllt Kun I. lit: "TIM'K MtllKKT Prmaml f4r Cattle Slew Hon Mor rtve hern Lower. CMICAU4V Dec. 7. 1 'ATT! ,E - Receipt. 2S.! head. Market, slow and weak; beeves. $4.4M7 1;.; Texas steers. $1 PMifi.W: weetern steers. tlhy'r2n: stockers and feeders. $3 25 :.'.'; cows and he fcrs, $"! 20jti.l0; calve. ti'.OO' lS 00. HOGS Receipts. ;W.O head. M:rket, more active; strong to 5c hlKher than earrv. LlKht. t: ?or7 '2S: mlrcd. 7.20f7.2'; heavv, $7 20V7.W: rmight. $7.-2V'.r7.35: good to choice heavv. $7 Sen i 7. pits. $S; bulk of sales. $7. Hf 7 .0. SHKF.P M I.AMIIS-Recelpts. SO 000 head. Mtrkel, lOli l.'.c lower. Native, $.:'J if 4 10: yearling. $1 (Wr .0": lambs, native, $4 00(jin10; western, $4.3.Vni.lO. t. l.iKtls l ive ocV Market. BT LOI IS, Dec. 7. t'ATTI ,K Receipt. 6.600 head. Including 400 Texans. Market, steady to 10c lower. Native shipping and export steers, $.'. WiT.?.'.; dressed beef and butcher steers, t0ifi.fl0; steers under l.onn lbs., to flO'ut; 50; h tuckers and feeders, $3 .MV .4 3.25: cows and heifers. $3.7r.Jii'..75; eanners. $?.7iVit3.25: Hulls. $.1.2...i5.tW; calve. f. iv.f 9.50; Texas nnd Indian steers. $t.8tXa6.nO; cows and hrlfcrs $.Ov4.r0. HOGS Receipt. 8.7l head. Market. 10c lower. Piga nnd light, $7.50'(f7.70; packer. $,' fV(t7 .60, butcher and best heavv, $7.50 r(, 7 on SHEEP AND LA M RS Receipts. 3.900 head. Market, strong. Native mutton, $3 5tv,i3 90: lambs. $5.5''iiii 50: culls and buck, $2 IV(i ,'t.i.RI; stockers. t2.2.".it'.'12;. tsaBs-' .a. - -1 , . - 1 - ln . . asasaBslafc Kansas (II) Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 7 CATTl.K Re ceipts, 9,600 head. Including 200 southerns. Market, steady; dressed beef and export steers. $5.5(V i 6 SO; fair to good. $4.65it 4.75; weBtern steers. $4 KtS.oO; stockers and feeders. $4.tH'S.35; nuthern steers, $4 Oivjl 5.50; southern cows. $2 .75514.75; native cows. $2 750i 5.00; nntlve heifers. 4.00ti.00; bulls, $3.rViM00: calves, $4.25't;8.35. HOGS Receipts. 9,i0 head. Market. W 10c lower;; bulk of salesj $7.40fT7.55; benvy, r.4IV(7.Wi; packers and butchers, $7.44X(f7.5o; light. $7.S7V"7 W). SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts. 5of head. Market, 10(fil5c higher; lambs. V' 25 r.lR; yearlings. $4.l.00; wethers, $3 .tt'i 4.00; ewes, J3.0oy-3.7fi; stockers and feeder. $2. 7547 3.75. itopk In Slaht. Receipts of live stock at the flva princi pal western markets yrsirrduy: Cattle Hog. 2.800 4,500 9.0X) 8.700 36,000 Pheep. 3.9l 2.600 1,6(10 8.900 so.otn South Omaha St. Joseph ... Kansas City St. Ixiuls Chicago ... 8.448) ... I.91 ) ... 9.000 ... 6,600 ...28.(K10 Total 54.500 61,000 41,900 Philadelphia Prodnce Market. PHILADELrillX. Dee. 7. BTJTTIOW Firm; extra western creameryt JIHc; same, nearby prints, S3c. EGG8 Firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby first, free caaes. Sue at mark; current receipts In returnable case, 37c at mark; western firsts, free cases, 9o at mark; current receipts, free caaes, 87c at mark. CHEESB Firm', "New York full cream, fancy September. 15c; October, 144jjilo; fair to good, lU'Uc. Area Sown to Winter v THTl J. T 1 vvueai is increased Condition of Crop Firit of December About Nine Points Below the Ten Year Average. WASHINGTON, Dec. 6. The area In th United States sown to winter wheat thi fall Is estimated by the crop reporting board of tha United State Department of Agri culture to be 2.5 per cent more than tha revised estimated area in the fall of 1909, equivalent to an Increase of 828,000 acre, the Indicated total being S4,485,000 acre). Th condition of winter wheat on rJe cember 1 was 82.5, compared with 96.8 in 1909, 85.2 in 1908 and 81.8 the ten-year aver age. The area sown this fall to rye ta etl matnd at 1.2 per cent less, equivalent to a decretase of 25.000 acres, the Indicated total area being 2,138,000 acres. The condition on December 1 of rye 92.6, against 94.1 In 1909, 87.8 In 1908 and 93.5 thu ten-year average. Area and condition of oertaln state fol low: Wheat. State. Wisconsin Iowa Missouri . Nebraska Kansas ... Oklahoma State. Wisconsin Nebraska , Acreage. Condition 76,000 270,000 2.251,000 2.850,000 6.426.0110 1,652,000 92 '83 90 7:1 68 Rye. Acreage. Condition. ... 34S.OOO 98 ... 84.000 88 Keelnse Bnrned to Death. CALDWELU O.. Dec. 7. Mrs. Minerva Williams, 85, a recluse, was burned to death in a fire that consumed her home near here today. It was rumored that sh had $5,000 secreted In the house, and It 1 believed robbers started the fire. Shot in Month by Hunter. PIERRE, a D., Dee. 7. (Special.) Whil South Dakota has no record among those killed In hunting this year, Paul Kemper of Capa thinks the state has some careless shooters Just the same. While doing chores at his home a few days ago he heard the distant report of a rifle, and went down with a smash in his mouth. After he had time to take stock, he found that a bullet had cut his Hps and knocked out several of his teeth. The shot was evidently fired at a long distance from a high power rffl. A Bnrnlna- Shame is not to hav Bucklen's Arnica Salve to cure burns, sores, plies, cuts, wounds and ulcers. 25c. For sale by licaton Drug Co. 4K u o o O s VIA! . wa MB 96