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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1910)
TIII7 OMAHA KTNDAT TOT,: PTi-ii-.Mnnrv 11, 1010. m EV EK.Y- O D Y r. y "ij" vyi a ikiLk.vf READS WANT O 5 J U REAL ESTATE I RH Afro RANCH LAN D FOH BALK i . I Oklahoma Coattaae4. NORTHEASTERN Oklahoma lends; ata yield 40 to 100 bu. per acre; wheat yields 18 to 30 bu. per acre; corn yield 30 to 76 bu. per acre; alfalfa, 4 cuttings; write for list. Roberta Realty Co., No wata, Okla. lit a a. 3Tou 'ARE Coming to Utah Then YOU MUST ARK US where and In rhat section ynu had better settle. I'LAST TREES THAT WILL OROW; WHERE they will grow. Our NURER8Y BUSI NESS puts lis In touch. LETTER OF 1N JTiRMATION I'KEH Davis County Nur series, Roy, near Ogden, Utah. 7 7 Per Cent 7 Wo guarantee' you SEVEN PER CENT NET on any amount of money you may have to Invest. Farmere need money for need, building purposes. Write today for FREE letter of Information. Rank refer ences, plats. We serve you well. Garrison & Garrison INVESTMENTS OODEN, UTAH. Opportunities for Farmers I can Invest your surplus cash where It mill bring you greater returns that It will be roes! bin for you to secure elsewhere. end me your name today and I'll keep you In touch with western opportunities ma they arise. I Will Guarantee 3 Net . GEO. T. KELLY, Ogden State Bank Bldg. Ogden, Utah. REAL ESTATE KAIIM AND UASCH LAXU FOR SALB Soata Dakotn Continued. FA It 11 9 IN THE CORN BELT An Improved quarter section In Gregory county, . V., 4 Si miles from Burke. H miles from Gregory; all fenced; small set of Improvements; M acres under cultiva tion. li ice tiu per acre. 180 acres, one mile from town, Tripp county; price $39 per acre. A half section, (ti miles from Wlttea; price $ per acre. A bait section 4 miles from Carter; prlo 130 per a ore. A nice bait section miles from Dallas. $ miles from Colomb; price $ per sere, T. F. HARR1NUTON, Bell U4J Iowa Bide Sioux City. la. WHT PAT HIGH RENTT Mr. Farmer, some to South Dakota; stos paying high rents; own your own farm; spend the money for your Improvements that you are paying In Iowa In blgh rent Wa own twenty quarters of land here that we can sell you for 125 to $30 per acre on terms you can't beat; 11.00 to $1,600 do a. balance on payments at I per cent. Come here before the snaps are all gont. For full Information write Dixon Bros, or Bank of beneca. Faulk 'ounty. a, it. MONET MAKINU 400-aore corn farm out from Bioux Falls; nine-room bouse, two stories, hardwood finish; barn 11 by 46; other buildings; large grove, orchard with spplea, black walnut trees; ail can be cul tivated; fenoed and cross fenced; telephone; rural mall; $i0 per acre under price for quick sale; crops never were better. Write me at ones, H. A. fcUlvius, owner, blovut trails, a. D. I Booth Dakota. DOUBLE TOUR MONET. Do you want to buy a good townslteT We ' kave It Just fresb from tbe government With perfect title. 1ZV lots now surveyed and about $0 of them sold with about W buldlngs now completed In the town on a railroad that bas six dally trains, with ex cellent service. This townslte Includes 1C4 acres of the very best of second bottom land with fine timber for parks and also a fine stream of water running through it; fine openings for almost all kinds of bust' Bess, especially a bank, hotel and elerator. A grand bargain If sold In thirty days. Ad dress Powell Land & Loan Co.. Powell. Stanley county, 8. D. I "THE IDEAL HOME" Or 40 ACRES, i situated In the Big Sioux valley, four miles I south of Csstlewood. tbs county seat of Hamlin county. South Dakota. 440 acres of deep black loam, under yearly cultivation; 100 acres in pasture and 100 In the beautiful spring-fed Lake Florence, with Ita sylvan scenes and sparkling waters, deep and pur and filled with fish and game in season and nearby Is the home. fourteen-room ' bouse, large barn, two granaries, chicken bouse, nog nouse ana woven wire pasture, corn silo, machine house, small barn anil numerous small buildings, all In good con dition, with windmill, three wells and cis tern, all surrounded by a beautiful grove price, 126,000, on good terms, by M. J, Rus sell, Castlewood, 8. p. SECTION of Oregor) county. South Da kota, land for sale. This section bss tim ber, running water fed by springs, lots e( bay, 00 acrss broken, ISO acres csa be plowed, all fenced, one-balf mile from school, three miles from ons railroad town aud six miles from aactber; gooel soil and ti.e very best all around farming and stock raising section In Gregory couuty, Moutii Dakota. Call on or write to Charles MUnei, owner, Fairfax. sV . WlOMlSg. 10.000 ACRES J UST OPENED. Carsy Act lands st Wheatland, Wyo. Obtain a home now that's suie to produce and double In value before paid for. Plenty of water now on tbe land. Also selling choicest farm landa in Iowa colony, near Cheyenne. Great alfalfa and grain crops grown here every year. Healthiest climate, purest water, good niarketa For exoursloq latea, valuable maps, laws, write Hartung Lanu Co., special rslale Agents. Cheyeua Wyo 1 Miscellaneous. HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SALE OR TRADE? Or do you want to buy one? Make your wants known through THE DES MOINES CAPITAL,, the want medium of Iowa. Rates: 1 cent a word for each Inser tion, 6 cents a line, 70 cents an Inch. Cir culation, 41,u00; largest of any Iowa daily. Give us a trirtl. Address The Capital Land Dept., Des Moines, la. 960 ACRES In the Lawrence Fork Creek Valley, west of Dalton, Neb.; nearly 700 acres smooth valley land; good black soil; only 15 to 30 feet to water. Will make fine grain and stock farm, alfalfa and hogs. Only $14.60 per acre. HICKS, 219 Board of Trade Bldg.; Omaha. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR SALS (Continued.) Wisconsin. SO ACRES LEVEL LAND, 29 cultivated, balance pasture, 6-room house, large barn, chicken nouse, spring and trout brook on f.irm. t miles from station, school on land, fJ.AOO, easy terms. Tom O. Mason, Island City State bank, Cumberland. Wis. FINE FARM LANDS Wisconsin, timber or clear; nice lakes and rivers; best market In America; $1 per acre cash; large or small tracts. Ernest A. Arnold, Shperior, Wis, WANTED SITUATIONS POSITION as housekeeper by refined Catholic lady In city. Phone South 17063. LACE curtains hand laundered, 25c pair. Call Douglas 3723. YOUNO MAN desires place to work for board and room in private family while at tending school. Boyles College. Both phones. Mrs. J. R, Pertln, 4424 Cuming. YOUNO lady wants work In prlvatei fam ily for husband's board and room. Address I 72, Bee. WANTED Ladles' clothes to launder by first-class laundress. Call Douglas 5501. JOB WANTED By strictly first class plumber and fitter; out of town preferred. State wages. C 02, Bee. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Real estate transfers for September 10. furnished by the Midland Ouarantee and TruHt Co., bonded abstracters, 1714 Far nam St. TeL Doug. 2S65. Charles Voes and wife to George Stol- tenberg. e23 ft. of lot 23. block 23. Benson $ SCO Harry IJ. Reed and wife to C. George Carlberg, lots 8 and 9, block 15, Clif ton Hill I James H. Sherwood to George T. Mor ton, lot 5, block 7, Brlggs' Place 850 Joseph Pa v Ilk to Antonie Pavllk, eV4 of lot 8. block 7, Potter A Cobb's.... 1 George Hubacek and wife to Louis Swoboda. lot 7. block A. Morrison's add 300 Ella J. M. Cake and husband to Alma J. Spethmann. lot 8. block 7. West Side 250 Luclnda C. English to Alma J. Speth mann, lot 1, block 7. West Side Luclnda C. English to George A. Speth mann, lot 2. block 7, West Side ,250 Melissa J. Howlnnd and husband to Clavton A. Pratt. e35 ft. of lot 24. block 2, Han scorn Place 500 Nebraska National bank et al. to Ellen Belle Slabaugh, lot 7, block 2. Sunset $00 Ann Starkev to Albert H. Starkev. lot 214. Kenwood 700 Joseph M. Tobias and wife to Anna Harris, lot 15. block -9. First add. to South Omaha 3,500 Daniel W. Mickey and wife to'F. D. Stephens, wtt of lot 4. block 11. Reed's 1st add o'O LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received up to 11 o'clock a. m. on the liiith day or September. HMO, at North Bend, Neb., by Haul R. Howard, secretary of benool Hoard of School District No. 8. Dodge county, Ne braska, for the erection and completion of a ten-room brick school building in isorth Bend, Nebraska, according to plans and specifications prepared by A. H. !yer Co., architects, and now on file at their office In Fremont, Nebraska. Separate bids will be received for the heating and plumbing at same time and place. All bids must be accompanied by a cer tified check for & per cent of bid. The rlghl la reserved to reject any and all bids HAUL R- HOWARD, Secretary, Norm Bend. Nebraska. Sd7t NOTICE TO DELINQUENTS NOTICE IS heieby given that the rental upon the lease contract to the following described school lands In Douglas county, Nebraska, an set opposite the name of the holder, thereof, is delinquent, and if the amount which Is due is not paid within sixty days from the date of this notice said contract will be declared forfeited by the Board of Educational Land and Funds and said for feiture will be entered on record in the manner provided by law. Fr. sw4 neH swV4 sec. 16, tp. 16, r. 13. Ida A. Jorgenson, August 23. 1910. E. B COWLES. Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings. A-28. 8.4-11. RAILWAY TIME CARD II yoor oeds tre sold to women jos mut reach then in their homes through a home paper. IK ION STATION Tenth and Hirer. L'nloa Faelflc Leave. Arrive. San Fran. Overland L. .a 8:15 am all :30 pm China A Japan F. M...a 4:10 pm a 6:45 pm Atlantic Express a 6:45 am Oregon-Wash Limited ..a 4:00 pm a 6:10 pm Los Angeles Limited. ...al2:4S pm a 8:30 pm Denver Special a 6:47 am al2:30 am Colorado Special all:48 pm a 7:42 am Colorado Express a 3:50 pm a 4:50 pm Chicago-Portland Spe...al2:50 pm a 8:20 pm North Platte Local.. ..a 8:15 am a 4:45 pm Grand Island Local a 6:30 pm al0:30 am Lincoln-Beatrice Local. bl2 :40 pm b 1:20 pn Chicago Northwestern. NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express a 7:50 am Sioux City Local a 3:45 pm Minn. A Dakota Ex a 7:00 pm Twin City Ltd (ex Sat). a 8:45 pm Twin City Lt (Sat only). 11:40 pm EASTBOUND. Omaha Express a 7:00 am Chicago Local 12:(IS pm Colorado-Chicago a 5:10 pm Chicago Special a 6:02 pm Pacific Coast-Chicago... a 6:05 pm Los Angeles Limited. ...a 8:50 pm Overland Limited all: 45 pm Denver Special al2:40 am Carroll Local a 4:30 pm Fast Mail a 8:30 pm WESTBOUND. Llncoln-Chadroi, a 7:60 am Norfolk-Dallas a 7:50 am Long Plne-Su. Platte. ...b 2:15 pm Hastings-superior b Z:lo pm Deadwood-Hot Springs. a 8:56 pm Cat-per-Lander a 3:66 pm l-'riu cnt-Alblon b 5:30 pm Chicago Great "Western Chicago Limited.. .a 8:48 pm Twin City Limited a 8:30 pm Twin Cltv Express a 9:00 am Chicago Express Missouri Pnclfic - K. C. A St. L. Ex ..a 9:20 am iv. C. St. L. Ex...., ...all:16 pm al0:20 pm a 3:28 pm a W : In am a 7:30 am a 7:30 am al2;3o am a rtm a 8:28 pm 7 -AS a 3:28 hl2::D a 7:45 H19 alO:UO am pm pm am am am RAILWAY TIME CARD' t'onttnaed. ad I'ac-ilK- tkicsse, Hock Island a EAST. Rocky Mot-ntsln Ltd....al2:3S am Iowa Local Pass a 6:35 am CMcsgo Daily Ex a 7:42 am ChicaKu Local I'ass Diu J- am lies Moines Local Pass. a 4:0V pm Chicago Express a 4 40 pm Chicago Limited a :oe pin WEST. The Mountaineer a 1:60 am Chi. -Neb. Ltd.. Ltncoin.a :-'5 am Colo. t Cal. Ex a 12" pm Okl. Tex. fcxptes....a 3:30 pm Rocky Mountain Ltd....al0:40 pin Cblcamo, fc St. I1 Overland Limited all:4l pm Omaha-Chicago Ex. ... b 7:15 am Omaha-Savanah Ex. ...c7:Uam Colo.-Calif. Ex a 6:lW pm Colorado Special a 7:67 am Perry-Oinana Local ....b 61 pm Illinois trstral Chicago fcxprest a 7:00 am Chlcsgo Limited a 6:00 pm Minn. -St. Paul Er b 7:00 am Mlnn.-St. Paul Ltd a 6:00 pm v a Unsh orn. -at. Louis Eg, Mail and Express. slO Ji pm a 4:30 pm a 2:4o am bl0:lt pm al2: pm a 1:15 piu a ;iu am a 7:05 am a 5:4." p .1 a 4:3u pm a 1:20 pm al2:31 pm aal a 7:6 am b V:JV am c K:,K) am a 3:25 pm all:33 pin oll:Uj pm a 3:45 pm a 8:00 am a 8:00 am a 6:: a 7: :30 pm M am Stanb'y Lcl (from C.B.).b 6:00 pm Bnrllagtoa Station Tent h A Masoa, a 9:25 am all l.i pm b!0:l5 am Uorllngton Leave. Denver and California. a 4:10 pm Puget Sound Express.. a 4:10 pin Neuraska points t H:M am Black Hills a 4:lu pm Lincoln Mail b 1:20 Northwest Express all :2a pm Nebraska points a 8:20 am Nebraska Express a 9:15 am Lincoln Local l,u coin Local a 7:2a pm Soliuyler-Plattamouth..b 8:06 pm PUtUmtuth-lowa 9:18 am Bellevue-PlatismoLth ..al2:30 pm Colorado Limited all:2i pm Chicago Special a 7:15 am t Express a 4:20 pm Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:30 pm Iowa Local a 9:15 am Creston-Iowa Local ... a 3:30 pm St. Louis Express a 4:30 pm K C. & St. Joseph al0:4o pm K. C. St. Joseph a 9:15 am W. t. l- uncoil m " - f.... (a) Dally. (b Daily except Su Sunday oniy. Arrive, a 3:45 pm a 3:4j pm a to : 10 pin a 3:45 pm al-I.u pm a i':UV am a 6:10 pm a 6:10 pm b 9:08 am a 7:,'0 pm bl0:20 am a 8:50 am a 2:40 pin a 7:00 am all:06 pm a 3:55 pm a 8:00 am alo:3J am 810:3') am all:45 am a 6:45 am a 6:10 pm nday. to New Books Fiction. THE WINDOW AT THE WHITE CAT, by Mary Roberts Rlnchart; 379 pp.; $150; Bobbs-Menill company. v This story Is told In the first person, by a lawyer verging toward middle age. to whom a young woman comes who want advice about her father, a politician and state official of bad odor who has sud denly sunk out of sight. The lawyer falls in love at once and endeavors to play detec tive. The "White Cat'" of the title Is a political club. NEW FACES, by Myra Kl1y: 278 pp.; $1.5u; .G. W. Dillingham company. Eight stories which are not entirely con fined to east side life as were many of Miss Kelly's former sketches. These stories were first published In periodicals and ap pear now In book form for the first time. F.T'CKY O'CONNOR, by William Mao Iod Ralne; 315 pp.; $1.50; O. W. Dillingham company. This story Is sot In the brown sunbaked southwest. Its hero is an officer of the Arizona rangers. Confronted with a double mystery Involving a train hold-up, the dis covery of a child abducted many years be fore, and the release of an American held in Mexican prison tfils debonair and com petent youth solves both, with the as sistance of his friend Val Collins, a sheriff, who had clipped the word "fear" from his vocabulary. - a 3:35 pm all .00 am al0:46 pm b 6:20 pm b 6:20 pm a 6:20 pm all:o0 am a l .oi pu Webster Station 15th and Webster. Missouri Pacific Auburn Local b 8:50 pm bl2:;s pm Chlcuuo, St. Paul, Mlnuenpolle A Omnha Slcux City Expresv umana loeai Slcux City Passenger Twin Cltv Passenser h 6:30 am Sioux City Local c 8:35 am Emerson Local b o.oj pm n v i'i am b 2:00 pm bll:45 am ,20 pin 20 pm b 9:2 DEEP IN PINE Y WOODS, by M. Power OMalley; 354 pp.; $1.20; Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. The scene of this Btory Is laid In the plney woods of southern Georgia, and the hero is called to take charge of a tur pentlne 'plantation. Incidentally much In formation is conveyed about the turpentine Industry, about the llttle-kuown Voodoo worship among the negroes, and about the present-day relations between the white men and the blacks In the far south. Ily JeiXel, known as "The Peacock oi Jewels," which disappeared at the time ol Hie tragedy. The tracking of the murderct and the search for the fnmous Jewel Is toll! with all the skill of this famous writer ol detective stories. JOHN MARSH'S MILLIONS, bv CMnrle Klein nnd Arthut Horniilow; S42 pp ; $1.50; U. W. Dillingham company. John Marsh dk-s leaving millions. His brother, a scoundrel and spendthrift, be lieves he Is sole heir, but unknown to him, John hns married secretly and inado A, new will, leaving all to his daughter. The girl comes to claim her Inheritance and the tinc!e succeeds In getting himself appointed guardian. Her efforts to gain control of her father's fortune make a thrilling and dramatic talo. WESTOVER OF WANALAH. by Oiwcre Cary Eggleston; .".51 pp.; $1.50; Iothrop, Lee & Shcpard company. This story deals with social and political conditions as they existed In ante-bollura Viiginia. An Important part is plyaed by "Judy Peters," a singular female politic t boss In the mountain dlMrtcts, who hns ap peared In a previous book, and Is one of the most tinliui" diameters ever created in American fiction. Of course, there Is v love story and a very rrmrmlnif one. THE PEACOCK OF JEWELS, by Fer gust Hume; 325 pp.; $1.25; G. W. Dillingham company. The story opens with the discovery of a murder. Prior to the crime the victim was known to be in possession of a stolen fam- THE HOUSE ON STILTS', by R. H. Hazard; I'M pp.; $1.50; U. W. DIlllnRham company. This story la about an Island, a tueer house In the middle of It, a defaulting bank president," a detective, a reporter, a pretty girl, a Yellow Queen, and a lot of other people and things. There Is plenty of vim and go In the story and something doing all the time. ' THE CASTLE BUILDERS, by Charles Clark Munn; 512 pp.; $1.50; Lothrop, Lee & Shepard company. The chief "castle builder" is a young man who dreams of a city where the story find but a sleepy coast village. He joins forces with "Uncle Asa" Webster, a rural phil osopher, and the father of the heroine, the winning of whom bids fair to be a harder matter than securing power to turn his million spindles of the future. Persistent advertising In The Bee Is the ruad to Big Returns. a 7:53 am a 8:30 pm a 3:45 pm a 7:15 am a 6:50 pm THE SUNDAY BEE Is anxiously awaited by those who are specially interested in lands, the sort that buy and sell and encourage others to do likewise. Here is what a real estate man said: , "The Bee is paying me. Continue my ad. JNO. D. BAKER, Waldon, Ark. ' smli. IK 1 l1 Everybody Mead. s Bee Want Ids f To go into business Many a man who has been in business, and who has accumulated a competency, is often willing to retire. He will sell out if he gets the right kind of offer. The only way to reach him is through The Bee. He reads The Bee and watches the Business chances from day to day. A line, saying that you want to enter the field, naming the kind of business you prefer and the section most desirable, together with your resources and available capital, will bring him out. He will tell you what he has, and what is neces sary for you to acquire his property. It is worth while. If you can't come to the office, phone Tyler 1000, Want Ad department, and a cheerful staff will write your ad and place it for you. Or, address a letter to the Want Ad Depart ment, giving necessary information which may be used in an ad for you. To go out o business Not every man can succeed. It may be that another can make your business go better than you. The chances are that you are fitted for some . thing else. Maybe' your fortune lies in undertaking an en tirely different proposition. It may be the time now to try. Sell your business. Go into something else. There are purchasers for every business. People with available funds are reading The Bee daily with this identical idea in view. If you can't come to the office, call Tyler 1000, the Want Ad Department, and a cheerful staff will write your ad and place it for you. Or, address a letter to the Want Ad Department, giving necessary information which may be used in an ad for you. .J as an investment Huy it Buy ery foot of it that looks good to you. Many people in Nebraska are rich today be cause they bought land. It is the safest investment on earth. The country is growing. Land is advancing. x The day will come when the man with moderate means can't buy land. Now is the chance of a lifetime for every man,' young or old. In The Bee people have learned to look for land sales, land bargains, and real estate deals of all kinds. They have made money out of it. They are making money today. In the Land and Real Estate column of The Bee today you will find many tempting offers. Read them. If you have anything to offer the other man, phone Tyler 1000, or write the Want Ad Department, and a cheerful staff will write your ad and place it. , V- i ; Lv fa -iJ r f x J 1