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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1910)
TIIK OMAHA SUNDAY BKE: SEPTEMBER 11, 1010. CHAIN AND I'liUDuic MktT Wheat Values Still on Decline, with Poor Demand. CORN PRICES ARE ALSO DOW5 Rearlah ratlsaeal laflaearee the Market -aiecka dive Preealoe ef Beleg Urratrr Thea Last Year. uturea, omst. iether. Jl",ll Iseasmher, fsd. atari h, ; u,d. CiKN-eimt. eeay; old Amst-tr-an mil'!, Fotnrea, quint; S ptembe r, 4sssd; .k tober. 4 tvi- . OMAHA. Sept. 1. WIO- WheAt values tortay followed th decline ' which hss been steady during the lat week. Ihii net loon In cah value for n week hu been 2jla liomesllc and foreign i'mtncl has shoan very littla activity. The com iltuatlon l bearish, considering stocks atlll In reserve, a"d present tndica ;iona for a larger crvp than iat year, bar Mr. severe frost damage. Cash demand la more active fur the last two daya. Primary wheat receipts were 1.2W.00O bu. and cnii.niwiis ware W.oO bu.. against re ceipts last year of 1.24.00 bu. and anip iiicuU of 7U1 ("O bu. Primary corn receipts were tX.OW bu. end shipments were V..U00 hu.. against le- reipts last year of 61i,wo0 bu. and snipments of pTl.uuu bu. Clearances wara IS 000 bu. of corn. LOW bu. of at and wheat and flour equal to a.1 uw ou. Liverpool closed unchanged to sd lower on wneat and 'm'J-.d lower on corn. rhe weakness in wheat waa marked again today and samples offered weie bid In Vc lower. Tradets are Inclined to think J lie break haa been sufficient and that values will firm uii from these levels. The forested frost did not materialise and early corn tradea wera sharply lower. Offerings were not burdensome, however, and clusfng cash puces wara about 70 under yeeurday. Oauka Caak l"Ht. KHtAT-No. 1 hard. 94N,ii!iic; No. IirxJ. 9esf7c; No. 4 hero. s";v(r1 re jected hard. etv9c; No. 2 spring, sosnt-M-vu; No. spin.g, M'vilc; No. 4 spring. He. CORN No. 2 white. UVkfroec; No. a white, U'Atl.'e: No. 4 while. l:Wi.: No. X yel low, otiose: No. 2 yellow. lVj"'2Hc; No yellow. No. 2. i2i,;;4c; No. , tlS'uUc; No. 4, j''u.W-c; no giade, 47 60S!. OATS No. it white 21Mi31Vc; standard. 31-&31W; No. I white. SOVti 3lsc; No. 4 whit. aocJOSc; No. t yellow, ioGJuV; No. 4 yel low, SSVilH0c. . BARLEY 33c; Ko. 1 feed, MfcoSc; re- Jected. kJijimc. RYE No. 2. 755r7Sc; No. 1, 74875c Cartel Receipts. . Wheat. Corn. Oata. Chicago 1U its ITS MlnneaDolta 411 Omaha 3 17 Jjuluth va HEtTIICR 11 TIIK KRAI BtXT Tkla VlelaMr Taalakt. OMAHA. Nek, rpt. 10. 1110. The wave of pool weather .that spread ever the upper Missouri and upper Mio- sippl valleys ThurMsy ti ght nas con tinued eaat and south, and now being It In the lower valievs. and throughout the east and south. 'reslng temperature occurred again last night at polnta in the astrema upper valleys, and ilgnt frosts are reported at pMnts In the upper laka region nd the middle Mlwrisalppl villey. lm- peraturea are higher this morning In the pper MiRsisvippI and upper Missouri val leys, the northwest, throughout the moun tain region and west to th ooasU Shorn - era occurred within the last tmenty-iour hours In eastern Tarmensi-e, North C aro lina, and on tba west gulf coast; elsewhere the Weather haa remained fair during the act twt-nty-four hours. It is generally leer this morning In the central vsueys nd throughout tne west, sua conditions re favorable for continued fair In vicinity tonight and Sunday, with slowly aing tempeiature. 1S10. 1. 19t. 17. Minimum temperature 1 K fc nl Precipitation .w .W .u Normal temperature for today, es oegreea. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, 13 Ineiiea Lmflcirncy. corresponding period In ivm. W Inches. Leflcincjr ooi rebponding period In IM. .J Inches. U A. WtU!H, Local Forecaster. (era a ad Wheat Regrtoa Balletla. For Omaha. Nab., fci tne twenty-foiir hours anduig it I a n.. TCth meridian tints. baturday, 8eptember 10. ISIS: OMAHA DISTRICT. Tamp. Kaia Piatlon. Max. Jain. fall. IHICAUO GRAIN AH D PBOV HIOSI Kea tares af the Trad la aad CToalag; Prlcea oa tke Board ef Trade. CHICAGO. Sept. 10.-Uquidation, said to be largely lor a prominent speculator, who waa a big factor in the July wheat v trade and who changed his July holdings r" to December, weakened prices today. A ' scarcely leaa Important cause waa sym pathetic depreosion with cuin, predicted frofet having failod to da anv. serious dam age. Tne finleh in wheat mil SaSc under ittKt nint a rigures; corn showed a net loss of c to IStlVrC. and oats. c. Ltet Buoiatlons tor htg products were at Tne advance to z4C dt-cllne. Raiding by elevator concern and by amniier proiAasionai speculators had a hare in pulling down wheat prlcea. Al together the trade waa quite an active one, and epecially so for Saturday. Bulla were aomewhat taken off their feet tem porarily by private cable dispatches to the erieoi uiax ttussia waa ottering wheat at iiKUres u,uai to v4jtw under Chicago. 1 waa not until some time later that there wua an adequate explanation exception ally poor quality or tne Ruaaian grain some further reassurance came In the shape of a report that twenty boatloads nan Dean sola ror export at tne Atlantic seaboard. December ranged from Sftic te l.Ui1, with final sales at Hsc to WV3Vka. a net losa of Vs9Sc to ,c. Indications that frost danger had been pasaed for the time heme took the props jrom unaer tne com market. Xhe BCD' . tember option, which was the weakest of "the list yesterday, waa relatively the strongst today.; December fluctuations were between 64e and fc, with the close steady at Ho to 64ti4T4ci with a net loss et I'M to 1S&1Vc. The caah markf t was' weak. No. 1 yollow closed at uoiiac. . The week' receipts of oats were the smallest In . four reare for this dallverv December varied from 4Vs4"C closing Ttvic uown at .)c. Dealers in provisions were slow to fol low any advance. Prices aee-sawed. fin. lehlng tlViii;'o up for pork, I'Vo-ic higher tor lard and at ike loaa to 2Wc gain for as pDa. F leading future ranged as follows: Articles. Open.j High. Low. Close.) Tesy. Wheat-H ept...I S&14 lec... IW May. .11 otai- Corn i Kept...l5 4 Dec....54-61 May...,& ev, Oats 1 I rpL.. S2S lec...!34-a''. May...i37t!lfcj f nra 1 Oct... Jan.... Lard Oct.... Nov Jan.... Oct.... Jan.... 30 U72H' It 11 71H lu m n 96 U 75 a 1 O0 I (Mi MSI S, 9a K 41 "h S1KWjH 1 06s 1 ti 1 0SV,V4 MS.MSeSMSt(4 7T 57',fr68 e6V4 s;S! KJV ttt 4S4SlSl 36 7Si xWigmw I I J1S 22V4I 30 m 19 liti UN 1 is IZt u 1 a 11 70 10 M IS U 80 12 X7H! 1! SO 11 77m U 70 10 10 V t 11 M I 11 MSI 11 S5 11 7 11 11 75 10 77H U 95 11 77H u No. 2. Cah quotations were aa follows: f lAJl. It bteady; winter patents. $4 40 on ,iui, n.iivi p;, spfiiig straignta. RVK No. 2. 73c. BAKLET Feed or mixing old 1. 5T(j3c good to choice msltinu innl. cvnw- SEEDS Flax. No. 1 southwestern, ttij no. 1 northweetem. K.74. Timothy, 27.504 5fl. Clover. UO.LMii li-bv. . , rKO liON8 Meaa pork, per bN., 13075 ti-ii-VO. Lrd. per MO Iba.. tU.r.'t. t-hort riba, idra (loose). $ll.iau.ii0; abort clear sides tboxed). Ill 2S4J U i. Total clearances ef wheat and flour were equal to Xdl.wiu bu. Primary receipts -vere 1,ji,a) bu.. compared with l,3M.uuu bu, the corresponding day a year aao. Krlimated receipts for Monday: Wheat. M vo... emu, n inri; oais. uo cars; hogs. t'lilcitgo Cash Prices Wbeat: No, 2 red suii,ic; No. S red, k'.fciw.yr; No. 2 hard. "U's'v. iv. iiiiu, ni(i.c; rso. 1 north em spring, U14(1 14; No 2 northern sprin 41liul.ll; No. 1 spring, ionjli ot 'orn: N .1 cu.h. KV,UUV; No. 1 cash. Sac; No. white, MVM.itc: No. I white, iSiiuic -o. a yrnow, &.u.Stc; no. t yellow, hi-m o-c. uais: ao. x own, sc; jno. i white, U1VUS4c; No. I while. t-jSV; No. 4 while, ilnjiv; standard. ii(ivc. lUTTLk- Eaiyi ci-anierles. 2tSt(c; dairies. Zieji7c. KUUS-bleady, at mark, cases Included, MuKc; receipts, 4.tii oases; firsts, 21c; prime firsts 23 I'HEbiiE-Steady; daisies. l.c; Iwlns, 1'J 1S"; young Americas. 16'u"lic; long horns. lolSk4c. lKiTATuE.S Firm: choice to fancy. 8. .: fsir to good, TSQiOc. POVLTkT Firm; turkeys, ISc; fowls, 14c: iirln(t, VKAl Firm; :0 to 60-lb. weights, WHc; CO to 0-ih. weights. WjS'tc; si to 110-lb. aelKhts. 10flDV,o. Chicago Heceipte-Whest. 142 csrs:' eora. I carf; oats. 17 cars. Estlmsted Tomorrow-Wheat, to cars; corn, cars; oats. 110 csrs. 4 41 41 45 60 4J M 45 40 4a 4o 40 4S 40 40 3a 3a 34 .00 .4W .u .00 .00 00 .00 .U) .00 .ou .ou .MU .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 for 8ky. Clear Clear PL cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear twelve-hour Aihlend, Neb.... a Auburn, Neb te Broken B w. Neo. e Columbus, Neb... 47 Culbertson, Neb.. 4 rairbury. Neb... 71 Fairmont, Neb... b4 1 Jr. Island. Neb.. 6s Hartlngton, Neb. ml WMtiUKa, Neb... Si Hoidreve. Neb... takdale. Neb to Omaha, Neb S3 iekamaJi. Neb... 61 Alia, la 6 Carroll, la t4 Ciarinda. la 86 Sibley, la 4 aioux City, la.. M 'Minimum temperature period ending at I a, m. DISTRICT AVERAGE. No, of District. Btatiooa. Culua-.bus, 0 17 Louisville, Ky 1 Indianapolis, Ind.. 1 Coicago. Ill - M BL LaU1S, MO 11 les Moines, la... 14 Minneapolis, Minn, SO Kaiisaa City, Mo.. 24 Omaha, Neo 1 The weather Is warmer In Nebraska, the Dakotas and Minnesota this morning, but mucn cooler in otner portions of the corn and wheat region. Frosts occurred at three stations In the Chicago district. one station in tne ioiuinbus district, three stations In tlie Des Moines district, one sta tion in the ht Louis district and freexinx temperatures occurred at four stations in the Minneapolis district. L A. WELSH, Local Forecaster, Weather bureau. HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Temp.- Rain Max. Mia. fall. . 70 44 .00 SO 52 .uw 72 40 .00 42 .00 72 46 .00 M Sa .00 6 .00 68 49 .00 42 .00 4aoatlaa ef the Day oa Yarloae Cenmaodltlea. NEW YORK, Sept. 10. FLOUR-Qulet; spring patents, l.4oHjt 75; spring clears. t4K b-t 00; winter extras No. 1. S2.75&S.1IO; winter extras No. 2. 13.5uti2.i5; Kanaaa straights. Rye flour, quiet; lair to gooO, M.2o(!4.2&; choice to fancy, t4.204.4'J. CORNMEAXi Steady: fine white and yel low, I1.4uxL4; coarse, fl.35Ul.40: kiln dried. 13.45. WHEAT Spot market. eaiy; No. 2 red. 1.13H; elevator and $1.03V f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duiutn. ilzl i. o. d. Futures: Liberal offerings by commission houses, a break In corn and heavy world's shipments senta wheat prices off Vc this morning and the close wss , to H net lower. September closed, liar; December, S1.071; Msy. (1.11 V Reoeipts, 14,400 bu. CORN t pot market easy: No 2 oorO. oc;t elevator, dorneetto basis, to arrive; No. 2. etc f. o. b. afloat. Futures market waa without transactions, closing Ho lower to Ho higher. . September closed. 6sc; December, etc; May, fcc Receipts, 4,aO0 bu. Shipments. 1UHM bu. OATS Spot market, steady; new standard 'hlte. 37c; No. 2 white, 3Wc; No. 2, J7,xc; No. 4. 27c Futures market was with out transactions, closing He to lc net lower. September closed, &c; December, 54c; May, 6VC Receipts, 67.IMJ bu. HAY Steady; prime, flUiLla; No. 1. II M: No. 2. S1.00; No. 2, 86c. HIDIS Wuiet; Central America, Vuc; Bogvta, 2021Vo. HOPS DulU state, common to choice. lfeet, wolic; 1. nominal; Pacific coast. 11M0, locj lac; IDOs, nominal. PROVISIONS rora, steaay, mess, 424.(10; family, I2o.tfiji.0o; snort clear, S!.oo t(44.&0. Beef. firm; mesa, $15.00615.50 laniuy, iiv.umai w tiems. s.wu4.uu. lui meata. steady; pickled bellies, lv to 11 lbs.. Iodise; pickied nam a, 14SJle Lard, steady; middle west pnme. iu.couiz.7U; rerined, steady; continent,; south America, 112.75; compound. UH611c TALXA)V wuiet; prime city, hhds., 7c; country. 7H66C 1 CHtKSE Steady: state, whole milk, special. liH117c; state. nole mlik. fancy, lHc; state, whole milk, choice, 15c; state, whole milk, good to prime. lW14c; state, whole milk, common to bur b<ci skims, full to special. 2&12Hc BL'TTER pleady, crtamery specials, I2i;sc; extras, 31c; uiird to firsts, U-oOc; extras, 2HsMlc; uiird to firaia, ui..aUi!: atate dairy, oomiuun 10 23i&c; procesa seconds to specials, 23(027c; weetern factory, June make. 224c; west ern I ml tattoo creamery, KGOS Steady; state. Pennsylvania and aeatby hennery, wbita, tkiM.. atate. Penn sylvania and hear by hennery, gathered white, ztaosoc; aiaie. rennayivarua and aearby hennery, brown, 2ti3uc; state, Penn sylvania and nearby gatherad brown. aWr Ike; fresh gainered. extra first, ajrjsc, list. 234c; second. tK23o. POULTRY Alltre. quiet; swingcie, H ei7c; fowls, 17c; turkeys, 12Bl5c; dressed, quiet; western broileis. lTouc; fowls, 14 17'.ic; spring turkeys. J&tfc St. Leiats Cicsieral 'Market. FT. LOUIS. Sept. lOi-WHEAT Futures, lower: September, WHe; ' December, $1.00H: May, 1 OoHlul.O; cash, weak: track. No. t red.-11 o0 1.04; No. 2 hard, JUmijlo. CORN Futures, Lower; December, K34c; May, 57c; cash, lower; track. No. 2, 67V:; whlre. 580 ac. OATS Futures, lower; December, 23i3 SHo: May. Sb-c. Cash, lower; Tiack, No. 2, SO'AtjSlc; No. 2 white. 3tc. RY F, L'nchanRed. Tsc. TLOCR Steady, red winter patents. 25 00 f6.5u; extra fancy and straight, Hw&-4 W; hard winter clears. S2.40r3.. SEED Tlmothv, S3 .iVtfK.5. CORN MEAL J li BRAN Unchanged; sacked least track). I'ROVISIONS-Pork. unchanged; Jobblne SEWYORILSroCESASDBllSDS Politics Fail to Brin; About IteU'ng cf Apprehension. EXCORD-BREAKI50 CORN CROP Meveaaeat ef tirmla la Kaseeted to Help the Traaawwrtatlea LI see te Reeaaerate frea Effeete ef 1 errased Cet f Oweratlea, NEW YORK, Sent- 18 (Bpecial Tele gram.) Dullness is barely broad enough to cl.aractense the stock market this week. PoUtict- hsve perhspe had some part in tne stsgnation. but the relusal of the public to act in the gams is really where me trouble lies. Altn.'ugh It cannot be said there was any pronounced disturbance of conf ideix-e, nevertheless there was Increased timidity snd conservstlm on tne part of merchant anrt manufacturers, which resulted tit s-me i-neck to the improving tendency of ti-ade in the recent pant. And the end of this political excitement Is not yet st hand, as tne Maine election will occur Monday and after that will come contests in varioua states lor the control of nominating con ventions and finally there iil follow the November elections, which will decide Uie complexion of the next house of represen tatives, a matter upon which great public mieretit converges at the moment. There might be just apprehension In a'l this as to tne future of tne country's trsde. If the nation did not hsve behind it In llutnces of a commanding nature that must eventually override whatever political results of the November election. Big; fsra I'roa, These Influences are to be found In the year's harvests, which are now rapidly ap proaching consummation. A careiul study of the products of the soil will reveal a proi-pecuve outturn that assumes the Highest choice at the present Juncture. .1 lie government crop reports of tne week, with the preceding ones Issued, form a basis for calculation In the premises. There is now every indication tnat the corn yield will be s.utKi.Oou.OOO busheis. which will be a record harvest, and which will be felt throughout the ramifications of trade, and v.hich will enable the larmers to prepare their cattle for the market, something tnat is greatly needed to- bring down tne coat of living. Furtnermore, tne movement of this immense crop will nive much employ ment to transportation lines and assist tlieni to recuperate from the effect of the Increased operating growing out of an ad vance in a ages. It Is now generally conceded that the late Improvement n spring whet will bring the combined harvests of winter and spring wht up to ;u,Ou0,O0O bushels. Already, the farmers are rushlruj this wheat to market, arid storage fatilmoe are being overtaxed. The crop or oats will rise above l.Ouu.OOO.OOO bushels, and the barvext of hay will be a large one, with a quality of fciS per cent, and a yield per acre of L34 tons. Kstlmate u C'ettsa. Estimates of the cotton crop have recently risen to 12.0uj.0W bales. There are numerous otner crops that are usually re garded aa of minor importance, but, which reach an aggregate value of hundreds of millions of ooliara. It Is said, of course, that It is too early as yet to figure ac curately upon tne value of the final harvests of the year, but Just now the populnr estimate Is f9.0uu.iMi.oiu. It may posfcibiy go above that total. In this con nection tne New- Orleans fig-ures of last year s comparatively small cotton crop 0 10.000.0u0 bales are very interesting. The value of that crop, not Including cotton seed products, amounted to 77,&H,0a6. the largest amount ever realised for any crop of the southern staple. Adding cotton seed, the total value was brought up to liii.Kit.(rii. an enormous amount fur a single uroduct of the country. Tula great muss of agricultural wealth cannot be -duplicated by any other nation of the world, and certainly forms a very solid foundation for the restoration of the prosperity to the country, such aa was witnessed In liMML and also in lw'7, previous to the memorable panic near the dose of tnat year. It will be clear from the figures printed that the situation possesses the requisite elements for encouragement on the part of the financiers, merchants and manu facturers. What the country needs to further the process of rehabilitation Is rest from political excitement and wrangles, but If this rest is not secured after the com pletion of the harvests there is every rea son to believe that the brilliant baxls tor prosperity will arouse the latent spirit of American energy and then the country will recuperate rapidly under a sentiment of optimism, 'just as It did in the last half of 1909. Number or sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: salsa. Bigk. Low. Cicae. Kimi Otr ftr Li. h. 1U . Iiuii cur sioek Tar, , km nr.. C. la. !' vu w.tae ts. m. Uirjl Ou t. Mil ... OmU 4V C. v Oniaua A -". B St. Bf , .. (muha 4 C. I. s, Kr at. 1KB. mat H. f. la, 114..... P.rin t. I T. k, 1 , ftrkane m iniaet sma. tm. irm ... turn stock ttnla tort. ?mk Ibiu4 R f4.. Lls , trt-Ciu aallwsy a iki , M Ml Ml lis s k st New Yevk Meaey Market. NEW YORK. rVpt. 10 MONET On rail, nominal; time loans, very dull and soft: sixty days. I54 per cent; ninety daya. 4 fi4H Pr cent; six months. 4Vt'U per cnt. PRIME MERCANTILE PALK-44 per cent. BTEULINQ EXCHANOB-Easy, with se tual business In bankers' bills at 14 (W'tt 4 ki0 for sixty-day bills and it MM for demand: commercial Mils, t4.r$4.UH 6ILVER liar. 54c; Mexican dollars. 44c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Ir regular. Closing quotations ea bonds toe ay were ts follows: m Int. St. M slH .11 ita s M .11 ae IS, hs .llK- C. so. 1st ts.... n .111 U. Wk. ltl.... U .114 u N. anl. 4a TM . twM. k. A T. 1st 4.. 7 f'l es 4Ss ilV Am. t t. . ,iv" fflo. renno 71 Am. Tobarcw t N. R. R. t M. SM si 4 4a KS N. T. . Ina M Armmr Co. 4Hs.. Mk 4 4rk. Is si a g eoasea t. I ta. reg es eeuson tl. . 4. ne 4 eoupon AllttOsl. 1st 5. Am. Ax. S . K. T.. N. H. H 1i r la ltfV. .! N. w. at a, 4s.. Wit . 4e eon. a, . HKi. Pcin ltl . f 4e as n4 . O. g. U tMf. 4s ... . t rvnn. ct. Iki Ult.. M . 0o m, nt 54IIairit m. 4, St. U A a. r. (g. 4a sm .! 4o an. t, m . St. U g. W. a. 4 Cklise A A .. 4o 1st goli 4s.. C. 8. 4 I- 4a.... M fteakxars a. U 4m. 4o gen. 4 " Bn. Pacific toL 4s C. M. A g. P. g IH, 1 4 scv. C. R. I. A P. e, 4s.. 7I4 l.t ft. 4s... io rrg. 4s..'. ie to. Riiwr la.... Coin. Ind is 4o (ea. 40 Colo. M l. 4 I'nion Pwriiie 4a.. 1. 4 I. 1. t 4 ea ev. 4a Aubuwi ca do rv. 4s da e. a. c U in at... Bui. A Ohio 4s... do Jv, o s. w. ass... Bra. Tr. c. 4s 'a. of ba. ta... Cen. Leathor is... C. st N. J. g is. Cb. A Otila 4H 4o D. A H. ev. 1. a R. O. 4s do r(. I Ditlllm' ta Erl p. 1. 4s flo s. 4s do . U. ssr. A. 4o srriM B. .. Bt .. TV( .. SMi .. ; .. .. T4 ..1' .. f .I'm 1114 t4 do 1st A ret. K C. B. Robber . 1W V t. Staet td ia 4Va.OPo. Chem. ta. umtuii im ta 10 71 i, do in 4s.... w T Wnttem Md. 4s H4j tt Woau Blec. tr. 4... W ln. Kiec. ev. ta...l. ontnl III. Out. lit rat. 4s. M Mo. PaciMe r Int. Mt. 4a Til Ultt. Onero. is. riearlasr Hawse Bank Stateneat. KEW YORK. Sept. 10 The following le the New York clearing house summary of the weekly statement of banks for the week ending beptember 10: Loang , :. .T.Sl,7eS.0M DenualU l.Zi-.47.o0j Circulation 44.. WOO Specie 28j.7-.W . Legal tender th,iD7j Reserve S4VSk2.0uO Reserve required .... iy.Hii.0.0 Surplus 2I.M2.0 4 Ex. V. S. deposits.... SO.fcA.OJO Clearing house banks' actual this day: . Loans ,..J,zbi.iwoo OilAdA LIVE SlQCtv 1-ARiLET Good Cattle Stead?. Common ' Kinds Lower for the Week. HOGS TWIXTY HIGHEE TOS WEEK Rets)ts ef sheep aad Leases fer tke Week Largest Hrrard, kat Steady Price Are Gener ally .Malalalaed. HOUTH OMAHA. Pept. 10. 1110. Hogs. Hheep. 2'o 2.ltt RecelDtS were. Oatlla. Official Monday li.M Offlrlal Tuesday u.0.4 Official Wednesday 4v Official Thursday 4. Official Friday 2.0-J Estimated baturday luO Wx days this week 39 Mi Same days lut week....40.Hj Same days S weeks ago.. Is 3 Same days 2 weeks ago. . Seme days 4 Week ago..2i.!4 Same days last year... .110.4 The loiiowlnt: tatle shows th rectipls t cattle, bogs and sheep at rxiuth Omaha tor the year te date, as compared with Ust rear: lid lnut . Inc. Dec. CatUe 7J7.rri K67.3P7 So.rS Hogs J,4.7.M 1,741. V21 ....... 25.li0 Sheep L401,0;j 1.0M;2 J0.Sa "v foiioainu table tirnsi the averags prkea of hogs at south Omaha for lb ' everal aya. with comparisons: ( l.n 4.MI 4Ki 2l.01l 2i U.1K1 2.1W0 iTmi 141.4:1 11.7s; 101.475 .:: m 4..0 5.1M Vs.wti lei. 717 1.I.U4 b.53t Dates. 1 isi:. im.iuoa.iiM.iii(u.ira 1104. tt. L.. Sept. J... bepu I... Sept. ... Sept. S... Sepc .. Sept. 7.. Sept. S... fcept. ... Sept. 10.. S 7H I 82 4S s m I svi a 3 S T S7I 521 I 4tl 5 CI 5 U s of 1 m, S 17H Jli 00). I W, i I 1 VI t 47 5 47. I 27 I U pecislly broad, feeder tuyera taking strings I ss ttiev caiiie, I "is tug all, Ftntg aright fe1rr (stubs "l1 ar.nnd kt at. 4(1. nh good ot, sorted for t-M-e, at s xi and b.t ter. Uxtit weight lambe wre ver- plr,Mru and dosed a little lower, lo i 40 buying go.Ml Kleahy feeler ewes were wanted a( P jf IM. but thin, common grade were ng le ted somewlist, moving aa low It Vi y.Arr wethers went at 01 near S4v4i5 Feeder yfsrlmgs wer rather scarce, p. dvi 5 ?S buying good light ones, with rough. wiinklr grade as low aa M so. The oiarkel tor rat stork haa also been In splendid condition. Oood fat lambs sold around witn prime grades quot able at 75. Fat ewes of good quality ranced from 22 v 90, and good fat weth er sold around H lr64 . only a little higher than prices on feeder grades. Prime yeat lings wer quotable at IA 4fti5 U. but prim kinds were lacking and top re mained untested. Hulk 04 fat yearlings went to the sralra at M Thtji 2ft. In a gr-neral way, all classes of stork. both feeder and fat. are closing on a good, firm baxte. Old thin ernes and thin, light lambs developed some weakness, but th big end of reoelpts held steady, desirable feedirg grades cloning a shade higher Quotations cn grass sto-k: ooou te choice lambs. 2t5"tj7l: fsir to gw4 lambs. KK-ll (.50: feeding lambs, $& 7M 50; hsndy-walght yearlings. fe.ltia.W; heavy yearltnga 4 00: feeder yearlings. lVOtMn.20; good to choice wethers. 54.1M 'i 'air to good wethers. S4 0O&4 1S: feeding wethera. U rtt 4 20; breeding ewes. 14 2a4 i5: fat ewes, $5 64 15: feeding ewes. 12 76150. Kepresentatlve sales: No. Ifil Idaho lambs 142 Idaho lambs . J7 Idaho lamba 404 Idaho lambs Xto Idaho ewes Sb4 liia ho lambs M Idaho lambs, feeders... St4 Idaho lambs El Idaho lambs 12 Idaho lamba , 535 Idaho lambs SUPPLY OF COLD IS GREAT 5 I5j 5 7 5 Hi J 5 HI i- o J. 1 a a fc Mi 5 M 5 5 22 1 lu IM all s 1H t svl ( b S S2! I l f S 7 S; ss; 1 K 5 Mi I ' 6Dday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the I. nion Block tarus. fouth oniaiia, for twenty-tour hours ending at i o'clock yes terday: v RECK1PTS-CARS. Cattle H ogs. Horses. Deposit .... Circulation Specie Legal tenders Reserve Reserve required .... Surplus Ex I'. 8. deposits.... State banks and Greater New York clearing bouse: Loans -Specie Legal tenders Total deposits Increase. 1.272, fcs.tOO 44.S15 001 2.-S.3J9.0U0 t.7,KlU,0Oj 84S.2irtl.wO 218 1 2. 01 247YOuO trust companies not reported to C, M. St. P Vvaoasn I nion pacific C. 4k N. to., east C. Ox N. W west C, M P., at. O..... C, B. A east C, W. A Vi , west C, R. 1. k P., easl C. R. 1. as p., west Decreass. 110,4 .1 iO 1,416 000 i74, 00 ' 1 M 0 I Omaha Packing Co.. 2 0.0 uO 1 switt and comiany. lxisoouoi t-uuany Packing Co. ji j.u 1 Armour oc Co juurpny isnippers... to. 11. Vansaut Co... Hill 4k Son 4. n. Uuna L. F. Husx Other buyers - 4 12 i 12 .4 Total receipt 4 -61 1 JJlBPOSiTlON HEAD. Cattle. Hogs, bhecp. lI.g2nftJ0 U.f2 ,0J conaitlo.i t 2 90S 000 2.7r4, 00 4;,jo 4,M.iO0 -OS.O 0 l.iia 000 2 7sf.OO 2.7S..0 O of tne .U.0M,80).000 . 120 20.000 l.J8.0i . L2uL 407.000 S3 l.000 I 4&.'.0 MS.vOO S,.7.i0 .... 5 ... 51 10 '.2s '74 l.iw 5 8 10 5 5ui !'C Idaho lambs 17 Idaho lambs, feeders. 14 Idaho lambs, feeders 1"7 Idaho lambs, feeders. JS Idaho ewes , IHi Idaho ewe Idaho ewes, feeder...., 168 Utah ewe 55 Ctah yearling 147 Utah Iambs, yearlings 60 western lambs, feeders 75 western lambs, feeders. "0 western lambs, cull ' J 24a western ewes, culi '. t.i Montana m et hers . 17a Montana wether . 177 Montana wether . 30 Montana wethera . A. 50 45 40 K 4S M 57 w 67 S3 63 52 .r culi.. 51 104 hi I 7 H ....T... 6s .4.. 44 4r. .14 ...104 ...l- ...105 Pr. 10 S V V I on 40 40 J'J 40 70 70 V 35 w 7 J 1 00 2 "0 2 S M 4 to 1 00 . 4 75 I 50 4 IS 4 15 4 U 3 ki Nerer Before Has There Been Such Accumulation. ALMOST DOUBLED 15 TEN YEARS s . lerk Haaks lead tiff svltk Meaaarkakle aken lag Fl eree tkat Tell Ike Stery la Detail. BY TRESTtN C. ADAMS. NEW YOKK. Slept. M.-(Sit- si to Th Ree ) Neter In the world s history has there been surh an accumulation of gold aa has been witnessed within the lat tea years In 1900 the gold held by the Viilied H ates treasury, the New York clearing bouse banks and the principal banks and govern ments of Europe, totalled 1,1W.35U 1. This amount ia almost doubled since llieu,. tne figure now Si 115.472. .V. an increase of the enormous sum of I1.7.W.1.U. In the decade. The rnlted States Treasury leads both In the amount held and the Increase during the decade. The gain has been 77i, bringing the total to Sl.t7vfc2!.o.3. while the New 1 ork banks report an 1 nor ease of 127.S?1 Hi making an aggregate gain of 7c.Ml.:'75. Abroatl the most phenomenrtl accumula tion of gold iiaa been made by the Hues. an government, which has parsed even the bank of Fiance In the competition for the metal. I he increase has reached no less than I, Ki.0mi, or almost N rx-r cent. The Hank of France has succeeded In building up its stock of the metal by Ji!.7'.fl. The 1m pertnl Hank of tiermany has gained only .l.7ty.?T, while the hank of K.ngiand shows n addition of only I lsxiSji!. us reserve being very Fomll in comparison with other con ii ties, although, of i-ourse. the hanking conditions prevailing In London do not exist elsewhere. Increase la Tea Iran. Since I5W th world's production of gold has reached the value of S3.5S7.0M.O, or almost exactly twice t' e increase recorded by the leading banks .if Lumps, by New York institutions and by our own treasury. The following table shows the amount 01 gold held In different countries: 1 Kaasa City Grata aad Prevlsleaa. KANSAS CITT. Sept. 10-WHEAT-8ep-tembt-r. Mc sellers; December. 7St97ixc. sellers; May, $1 02. Casta wheat unchanged to lc lower; No. 2 hard. 7ti$1.0I- No 1 MMitlOl; No. S red. SMiflfti; No. 2,'ec CORN December. ;,t' "?Hc. bid; Mny' 55i-c, sellers. Cssh. WtlWe lower: No S mixed. 5fA,c: No. S mixed. 54H4j5c" No 2 white 57; No. 3, 67c. OATS Cnchsnged to ve lower; No 2 wl Ite. ST.fJo; N. 2 mixed, 25 8 He. RYK-No. 5. Mo. HAY I'nchangeJ to S0c lower. Choice tlmotbv. I I rni4n; choice prairie tula) PCTTEU Creamery ST: rirsta. 27cj kc ond c; packing stock. 2IHc. FDO. Extras, lie; firsts. 2?i-c; seconda. 1SS. Hecelpta. Shlpmn Wheat hu p-sorw 14'. fi Torn, bu T flat, bu S0W1 1J.000 Allla-Caalmars pnt Amaitamaia uoppar Amanraa AcHcsltsrsl Am. Boat sugar American Can Amaricu C. A r Am. cotton Oil American H. A L. pfd Am. Ioa groamies.1 Arnarlcan Lansaed AnierloBn Looomotlvo Am. g. K Am. . R. Hi Am. gtaal Poun4ria Am. Bvcer Rarinlng. Amarlcaa T. A T Amartcaa Tobacco pfi Amaricas Wooioa Anaconda Mining Co....... Alelilaon Atchison fd AilanUe Ooaat Lin Saltimors A Ohio Bolhlobaai gtaei Brook Ira Rapid Tr Canadisa Pacific Central Laaatior ('antra! Laattaor p(4 C rural si Now Jaraay Chosapaako A Ohio ( hlcaiu Alton Chtcaxa Oroat Weatsrn C. O. W. pfd. Oileaco ft N. W C, M. A St. P C, C C. A St. L. Colora'ao Fwal A Iron Colorado A Southern. Consolidated Oss Corn produeta , IMawsro A Hudson Denver A Rio Grands D. A R O. pli inatlllors aanuiUas Erla trla 1st pfd fcrte sd Md Goarel Elartrlc Geaat Nan bora pfs Uraat Northers Ore cits. . Illinois Contra I Inierbosougb Mat. Int. Mai. M Intarfuitlonal Harraster .. Int. Marino pfd Intanutluaal ra(ior Iowa Csilnl Kansas City S K. C So. pfd tAclada Oaa Uouumlla Kaaovilia....'. Minn. A Louia 14., St. P. A g. S. M M.. K. A T M. K. A T. pti. Mlaaoart racltie National Blacait National Load N R K. o M. ti pfd... Now York Central N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A Waatara North Amenrajl Northern Pacific Pacific Mail i ronaarlvarila I Paopla's fJs I P.. C C A . L PUtaburg Coal 1 Prarord Steal Car Pullman Pause i ar " t 41 '4 w 4 4S o r r. 7 1714 10 41 41 64 ..... 4) n e su ltvi ist its 12 4 hit U 4St 103 a 1J7 SO 1M4 14 1H t2e tr n nn lOuu 109 lH lot )03 M H 84 SM( IIS Tl4 ?S4 ltt I2 12V " 10J 0 200 7tV4 72 Tt HU ..... X21 4oSs PS) 144 144 14 sue uvi lu'A liiv, s 1" tn u l0 124 12Hh U U io 141 1 lw ir 2 :::::: ::::: ::::: 26 41' 1401, I IW 44 lit 1.SJ8 U 1 IT 41- S4t H4 t M 1 X... 2fe 42 tot m tv i' jiii 3 irr o n iv a ii loo 52H U hXu 112 61 41 41 u ll ll 1 M lllw UIV 111 KM M S4 4 Si r ni nivt ms smi rs w t"1 l.l-e U U ! t. II K'i -us 14 14 Loadom CloslatT Stacks.' LONDON, Sept. 10, On th stock ex change here today American securities opened quiet and about unchanged. Light covering carried prices from to to H higher during the short session and made the closing steady. Consols, money smiMimiw at N.... o account at hi., K T AmaL Copaar 4wN. T. Central AnaconAa Norfolk A W Atchison 474 do pfd do ptd... lots Ontario A W Baltimore A 0hl....u4s Penuayloanla Canadiaa paxlflo IX Rand Mines. Cboaapaaka A O TMi Reading Chicago Q. W gavtgouthorn Ry Cht., Mil. A St. 2.. .11 do pfd Da Beera v.. Us SouOiarn aclfte.. Denver A Rls O 5s Untoa PasUlc do st tl 4a pfd Erla 24 U. g. Stool so lot ptd. 44S do pfd do 2d pfd Wabash Grand Trunk IT do pfd Illinois cantral 112 Spanish 4s SILVER Bar, quiet at 24 J-ld per ounce MONKY V4j1 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills I 2133 per cent; for three month bills, per cent. ..l5s .. ..11144 .r.5 ... 41 .. 4 .. ... tls ... n ... u ,..111 ... 44 ... ...11S ... ITS ... MS II Boston Miming; Stocks. BOSTON, Sept. 10. Closing quotation on as follows: 42 Mohawk 43s Nevada Con S N-plaalng Minos 14 North Butts .... North Lass 12 01 Donunloa .. 14 Old DonUMoa ,. M ueoeola HI Parrot t . A C on stock were Allouas Amal. Copper A. S. L. A S Arlxona Com. AUanuc B. A C. C. A A M Butte Coalltloa .... CaL A ansana..... Cal. A Hocla. Ontonnlal 14 (twiner Ooppar Hang C. C-. shannoa East Batia C M.... t gupsrior Franklin Ks auparlur A B. Clroux Con. 4 Buportor A P. Oranbf Coa :. 22 Tamaraek .... Oraeas Caaaawa .... 4 V. g. C. A O U)a Roralo Ooppar... Is V. a. 8. R. Kerr Lakok 4s do pfd ... Laka Ooppsr 2s rtah Oon. . La Baile (Nwpar 1 Winona .... Miami Copper 1 44 Wot Tail ns . A M. 10', is s S4S 124 i4 ns .US 44 Si's s 27s 1 Ul Bssk Clearlaa-s. OMAHA, Sept. 10. Bank clearings for to day were S2.fcA.414.v4 and for the corresuind. lng date last year S2.274.51t.77. Clearing for the weeg snow tne -largest gain seen In Omaha bank for some time. A . gain of S2,5M.0.'2.4e over the same week last year and 536017.06 over List week, in spite of the fact that this week was one day short on account of Labor day breaking In. . The figures ror tne weeg are as iouows: lyut. ' 1810 ..Labor Day Labor Daw .1 2.S3.4.43 S S. 466, SOI 54 . 2sS3.OU4.24 2,12,23. . 2.5S4.24A14 . 2,276.23.a . 2,4.l 4 . 2,274.514.77 2.oM.414-M Monday .... Tuesday ... Wednesday Thursday .. Friday Saturday .. Total .... Totals 635 3,034 7.5U CAi 1'Lb' There were no fresu cali.a of uny consequence in signt una inorn- tl uod l.ow.un lu make lllaiXi'U l-v Ceipts of cattle thia week have ten vet' liberal, allowing a gam ot aooul 10,o.iu nead ta compaieu with a year ajo, out. tailing oil from last week record oroak nitf run. ' i'he market on the best cornfed beeves has often n vary good condition through out the week, witn prlcea showing com paratively little change. The uieaium and lea desirable kinds, on the other nand, have been mora or less uneven. owing to the Tact Hint packers tne preference to Uie good range beet Instead or tne medium minis oi cornieas. uutio range steers have, also been steaay throughout in week ana guuu. active eiler, with Interior grades lulu i So lower. The suPDly of cow and rieirer was large practically every day of the week ana wnlie the more aestraole kind con tinued about steady. Inferior kind are around lutplte lower, W4UI the leellng weak. i . An enormous- buslneae haa been done In feeders and stock cattle this week. Th country haa been a free buyer of -desirable cattle of all weights, and prices have been well sustained on mat account. Common light And medium weight cattle eased off and at the close of the week are ltJ6o lower than a wek ago, owing to the large supply of that kind of cstue and to the fact that buyeia have given the 'preference, to the" better grades. considering tne large receipts ot cattle (he market has been lu ep-enuid condition throughout the week and as good as any one could reasonably expect. A will be noted from tne anove, tne inferior and commoner kind of cattle are the only ones that have suffered any material de crease In prices. quotation on 'native cattle: uootl to choice beef steers, f7.0ufe.uu; fair to good beef steers, 4o.004'00; common to fair beef steers, 54 at'& (; good to choice cornfed heifers, S3.50V4.50; common to fair cows and belfers, S25o350; good to choice stockcrs and feeders, 44 .7500; fair to good siockers and feeders. I4.0ojj4.75; common to fair Blockers and feeders, SS.SotJt.Ov; stock heif ers. 12.25414.25; veal calves,; bulls, f Lag a. etc., S32&fASC Quotations on rang cattle: Choice te prime beeves, 56.004.80; good to choice beeves, S5.Ptz.00; fair to good beeves. 54 01 65.30; common to fair beeves, f3.75434.e0 good to choice heifers, S4.2d7t5.O0; good to choice cows. HWib; fair to good grade. fg.50tj-4.00; canners and cutters, 12.WKji3.40; good to ohoice feeder, f4.iu25.4v; fair te good feeders. 24 304. DO; common to fair breeder. S3.2Hr4.2a. Representative sales: WESTERNS NEBRASKA. CHICAGO LI YK STOCK MARKET Itrmssd for tattle aad Cheep) Steady Hove Hlher. CHICAGO. Seirt. 10 CATTLE Receipts estimated at 2 head; market steady; beeves, ft soSiHtO, Texas steers, f3.7w4uu; western steers, l.Oy7.S0; stockers and feeders, f4.OtX0.2O; cows and heifeia, S2.40O .50; cslves. I7.ts.ia 9 25. HOOS Receipts estimated at I W0 head; market 10c higher; light. f9.35t10.OU; mixed. I 7ofe.i5; heavy.; rough, S 608 H : good to choice heavy, S&.feo&s.aO; pigs, t-.tio.iiii 70; bulk of sales, Ss-eHl 50. SHEEP AND LA.MB!-Recelpts, estlr mated at 1,000 head; market steady; native. 12 85i4 5f; western, SL2sg4 50; yeArllnga, H75i 75; lamba, native, 25.257.10; western, t6.25S7.OJ. . Kansas City Grata aad rrs-laleas. KANSAS CITT, Sept. 10. CATTLE .4e tclpis, Hl head, ii.'lurtliin iM s.t ,il.-t ,t market, steady; native sfeers. f l.'Jucjt.'5; southern steers. IS 7l5-: southern cows, S2.7o4 25; native cows and heifers, t2.76 1.00; stockers and feeders, H.ifc5u.i&; bulls, H.251J4.26; calves, 24.ouii8.wi; western steer.. S4. 75B 7.40; western cows, HOGS Receipts. Law neaa; market, ioc higher; bulk of sales, SS.S5fcs.70; heavy, ft 3(1 S.j0; packers and buetchars, S.404jS70; Ught, W 60ti-7. Dflb,r..r Anv ja xj.j fwwijita, o.m head; market, steady; mutton, S4.004J4.75; lamba, ti.nij7.00; fed wethers and year ling,, S4 00iA.2a; led. western ewes, S3.7m3 1.50.' St. Laala Live Stock Market. st LOUI8. 8ept. Ml CATTLE RecelDti 2.200 head, including 1.400 Texans; market, steady; native beet steers, i.oisjb.ij cow and heifers. S2.5o(jA75; stockers and feeders. S3.76l5.75; Texas and Indian steers, S4.2dQ 100; cows and heifer. Sc 00-I.50; calves, q carload lots. .3"t8 uu. HOGS Receipts. 1.500 head; market, 5c higher; pigs and lights. S.0u4j So; packers. S.uoa-9.lsu; butcher and best heavy, 2s.i;j 9. So. . SHEEP AND ub-receipts, KB head; market, steady; naUv muttons, 14 10; lamba, K5Oiiy7.00. ft. Joseph Live Stack Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Sept, 10.-CATTLE Receipts, 500 head; market, steady; steers, S4.7&tV7.oO; cows and heifers, SJ-0iX5.00; calves, S4.0C4ti.O. ' HOGS Receipt, Is" head;- market, steady; lambs, 26.254) o. 90. t cows sTis S 15 19 cow S3J S SO 21 cow 97J 2 70 27 feeder.. 610 S SO 14 feeders.. 638 S 75 10 steer. ...1011 4 60 7 cow cW4 S 15 8 feeders.. Ill 5 00 S heifers... Ul 171 S feeders.. I 90 19 feeder.. 63S 4 50 15 feeders.. 270 4 50 13 belfers... KV4 S 70 10 cows HIS S 10 S cows 775 S 50 5 Heifers... 611 4 15 V. L. Kern Neb. 2 cows ;& 2 5C IS cows SM t 60 i feeder.. 711 4 to 8 feeder.. S75 4 20 SOUTH DAKOTA. Scow 8i 2 15- 6 steers.. ..1152 4 75 10 cows r-S4 3 25 1$ feeders.. 10.72 4 5 15 feeder.. s5 4 15 13 feeder. .1029 4 26 E. YYagstaff Wyo. 22 steers.. ..1079 4 70 15 steers.... 871 4 50 24 heifers... Su2 4 10 , S heifer... 754 4 IS S steer.... 740 4 15 2 cow 8J0 2 25 1 bull 1000 4 45 2 calves... 17 I 60 Hank of Kngl&nd France Germany Russia Austria-Hungary Italy ; Spain Netherlands National Belgium Sweden Switzerland Norway Total N. Y'. Clearing House banks. L'nlted States Treasury Grand Total 110 ,.f . . 67S. 4'C'XV) .. M.iY4.7 . . 7O4.04O n .. 17.S.H1 .. ISO StA.OOil .. 4.;i&.o(" .. 22.24v.ox0 .. 30.S16.O 8.5'70,ti(K . .22.4S5.S15 VVS .. 371. fL. 010 .. l.o;S.6-l.(i3 Aiore than one-fifth of all the gold uuiea nuring tne last ten years has gone 4 stock la Bight. Receipts of live stock at the five principal western markets yesterday: cattie.llogs. Sheep. South Omaha Sr. Joseph .... Kansas City .. St. Louis Chicago Total loO 500 .. 400 ..Z.3U0 ..1500 1.30 20 1.609 1.500 S.OU0 509 100 l.OuO 83.915.472.508 pro- to swell tiie stirk hold hv ih, I'hii.j States treasury and the New York bank, the gross increase having been 878iM1.275. of almost exartly the amount mined In tha Lnlted States during the same period. France led Russia at this time last veap with r41.07U.MKi, against the x letter's Se7. SW.OOn. but In the Interval Frknce has lost 8"2.6.tO.IiO. when-as Kussia haa accumulated no less than 8tW.15ft.000, this change being In deed the irost remarkable of anv that has taken place during the last twelve months snd one that might be profitably inquired into. The thrifty character of the French, combined with the ultra-conservatism of the Rank of France, satisfactorily explains the Increase in that Institution's supply of ?tJ'?m M,-627.0 ten years ago to 8741. O76.RO0 last year. Twenty year ago tha total was only SX3.340.0ti0. Aaatrla Stands Third. Austria-Hungary I today third in the European list with a total of SJ7t.IW0.000. a gain in ten years of 888.3!5,O0O; twenty yeara ago the same country could boast of only 822.375.000. London contrives to carry on Its functions as the leading financial center of vnm wona witn a gold reserve InMts cen tral hank of less than S30Q.Ono.000; the exact total today is S1H9 tOi Uii comnar .Ilk Sl.77.9i4i In i:. and IH3,2t3.13 In 1S14L Italy, next to Russia and France, has prac ticed accumulation moxt effectivelv. its gross gain having in the decade amount.! to 811n,526,O00. Germany, notwithstanding its amaxlng Industrial expansion, has found It necessary to augment Its reserve by only It Is predicted that the traffic alliance be tween the Western Pacific and the Tova Kison Kaisha Steamship company will bring on an International freight rate war. The Southern Pacific traffic agreement with the steamship company terminates In January next when the one with the West ern Pacific goes- into effect. It is asserted) to be the Intention of the Gould line to make things hot for the Harrlman road. It la appreciated thst for a few years the expenditures for maintenance of equipment and way will be light on the Western Pa cific and this prompts the belief thst It means to start a rate war with a view of capturmg a large share of tra nscnntinentoJ and oriental business, seeking traffic not only ror Japan, but for Chinese and Philip pine ports. If such a contest begins the union r-acuic, Canadian Pacific, the Hill roads and the St, Paul naturally would be drawn Into it. ..6.700 14.200 LSOO OMAHA CaCaSbltaV. ailRKEt. U3.l7t.671.2S IIB.056,592.74 Neve Yark Carh Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan A Bryan, members New York Stock exchange, 315 South Sixteenth street Omaha: . aVSCeaono Cs senaa. . Inspiration is . 1 Lnoae . U Nevada Oni pjs IS Nawhouaa a . 42s Ohio Copper 1 . lskay Canuwl Is aa sunn rag. us lots 7H Soars-Raoouck Co.. .164s SCI TO. 1-ard. higher; prime steam. 111. TVa ' Rnr Sisal gpnn i.i.4j. irry sail, meats steaay; noxea, extra short. 812 25; clear libs, SU25; short clears. 813 50. Bacon, steady; boxed extra short, 814 75; clesr ribs. 814 75; short clears. fl6.00. POl'LTRT Weaker: chicken. i;c; springs, Uc; turkeys, lc; ducks, lie; geese, fjftec. HI TTER-Klrm; creamery, rtjsmc. EGGS Higher, BV. Receipt a Shipments. Flour, bbla 9 0) 17. ha) Wheat, bu S7,. - 41. TO Corn, bu - 431u 41.0ml Oats, bu o5.0Xi tn.iiuO l.lrerreal larala Market. I.IVFRPOOL. Sept. H WH EAT Spot, dull; No- I red wesiera wlnlr, n stovk. Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Sept 10.-FLOUR- ruii. WHEAT No. 1 northern. 81 1461 15; No. I northern. 81 121)114; December, 90e. OATS BARLET-NO. t 70HgTlc learla Market. PEORIA. 111.. Sept. 10. -CORN Lower; No. 2 yellow. 64r: No. 8 yellow. toHc; No. 3, 5&Hc; No. 4. S4lsg64Vc OATS Steady; No. f white. XSc; No. 8 while. U'sc. Dalalh Orala Market. DT.XVTH. Sept M.-WHX AT September. II US. December, 81. 13s: No 1 northern, 81 .lis: No 2 oorlhora. SLsVStfjl.tO. OATS rrse. Raadlnc kaput ic al RapuMK Stool pf4 Hock island Co Rock Island Co. pfd t. L A . F. 3d ptd Su Le4.ia W St. L. s- W. pfd tleaa-Sbniald k. A I toatharn Pactfla .mthorw k4loay r pid Tocn Ooroer Taiat A Paitfic T.. S4. L A w T.. ht. L A W. pf4 I'niun Pacific I dim Pacific pfd t nltod Kutoa huufcer InKad ttata tsal f. gtaol pfd Itah Oaae Va -t'arolina Chemical W ahaah w ansae V aaaiorw Mary land Waslingnoose Kloctrle Wealern Liooa . Whaolmg A L K Twtai aaioa tor tta day, Asked, Offered, wo -S 4JS lb . . i I.6J IBS 13 13"S s , tS 41 17 24 s4 l ie 111s in in ?e s Us & ofS M Kit S4. Ti lu iss s a IS t 4S U.U 14 S 14s laa4 J HIS ls 'S US ll.e 4s 4S 20 lias 114 )l fb 14tks 44 at, '. MS 4?S 4S i 4s U.lus aiaraa. Bay ttata Oaa Butts Coalition Cactus Chlno Chief Cons Fraction ISTla-DaJr Ely Oarnral. ........ Bir Oona Kir witch rranalla Glroux tioldlield Cooa Oolat.ald Ploroncs. Coiafisld lulir 11S Suponoc Pitta i WsTouopaA Mining 4s 4STrW.Ur Copper ... ?S ISNurth Laka s IS Bohemia 4 HOGS Th bog market was a short ses sion affair this morning. Receipts were light with demand reasonably active' at higher prices. Advances of iifil5c bought most of the hogs, everything selling within two hour after the opening. Shippers beught sparingly, but outside order were not necessary to effect a clearance. Heavy hogs moved at 84 96 and better with good mixed or medium weiuhr around 8-15. Light bacon grade brought IUO ins" uguica. reiiing as nign a :'-0 and Indicating the full advance. For tha week receipts have been lle-ht and the general trend of value higher. Net advance are pretty close to 20c. ! Tresaar Btatesaeat. WASHINGTON. D. C, SepL lO.-The con ditlon of the treasury at the beginning of business today was a follow: Trust fund Cold coin. 11, 213.463; diver dollars. 84.317.100; silver dollars of IkAi, 8J.4ouOUO; silver certificates outstanding, S4(s5,217.Oj0. General fund Standard silver dollars lu general fund, St.S34.9uO; current liabilities. 4m7.877,477; storking balance in treasury of fices, 8712.152.675; in banks to credit of treas urer of the United States, S35.s04.n; sub sidiary silver coin. 8-0.107.187; minor coin, 6i.loa.l30: total balance in general fund, 81.715.725. New Yark tt eetat teas. NEW YORK. Sept 10. Closing Quotations on stocks were aa iouows: . Waal Market. ST. LOCIS. Sept. M WOOL Unchanged; teiriUiy and western meUiume, . lowc; fine mediums, I.Jlc; fine, ltt I.e. Loal See art Ilea. Quotations furnished by Burns. Blinker A Co.. 441 Omaha National bank bulltlnx: Bid. Askod. Alasa. Nak., U. as. t la Coaakr Pocklag Co. to V Ml Cltr Nat, bans 4a. la M V9 Calumhua. Kioc. U 4a, IMS.... l C. R. L A P ro. . U4 st M FaJranont Craamerf 4 la Kalrnoat I roamary o l5 , ... Mraulia hiail Bnca. soot 11 us loo fsrUaal Camaat lot 4a M brt AUcs brunaVck Con Com. Tuanal aock. e i rn.Rda Coo. Cal. A Va Hotw SiItot trow Stiver Kx-i. Jttars. .171 . t . M . II .1 . a 1 Laadvillo Coa. "L11U0 Chief . MaxlAon Ontario Ophu- ta,sear Yslluar Jacket -. 2 .. I .11 .at, ..14 .in BUTTER Creamery, No. L d silvered to the retail trade In 1-10. cartons, ua No. in 3o-lb. tubs. Sic; No. 2, in 1-1 b. cartons, sue; No, 2, in ao-lb. tubs. 2sc; povckiog suck, eoliu pack, tic; daury, in 0-lh. tuba. aHuMc. isaraei cnauges every I'utiaay. critEhii-i wine, lc; young Americas, llrVac; aaiuies, lsSjc; triplets, ISvxu; lunoerger, lac; No. 1 Click. lVrC, linporied swtas, 410, ooJiieauo Swiss, 3c; block bwias. tin. r-OL.L'1'Rk aresaea bi oners unar S lbs., Soc; over 3 lbs., Isc; hens' lao; cocks, luc; aucks, ioc; geeoe, li; luikeys, 2oc; pigeons, ini doi., Lu; ooiiir auAus, nr doa., H-Uv, iancy squaoo, per uos., 44. 00; No. 1, per oox., a4.iw. Alive: rollers, loc: over X lbs.. 12c: ucoi, 11c; olu rooster, sci old uucas, full leauieteu. Ivc; geese, luil leamered, ac, turkeys. 20c; guinea fowls, avc eaco; pigeons, per ooz.. sw., uouieis. per oua., ti.uu; squabs, No. 1, per aox., 4i o; No. t uos.. sou. i loll tall ffoxent Pickcsti, lie; wnite flsh, 17c; pike, 15c; trout, im; large srap. plea. Sue; ovaudsu mackerel, lac; eel, lc; nadilock, Uv, liounasis. lc. green catfish, lsc; buffalo, he; halibut, c; wnue perch, he; bullbedA li roeanad, Lu each; shad roeo, per pair, out; Uuf tsga. per dux., sue; saliuou. Um beef Cute Rib: No. L 14c; No. i. USc; No. t, 6c Loin: No. L 16c; No. 2. 14c; No. 2, sc. Chuck: No. L (rkc; No. S. tc; So. S. 6c Round: No. L Sv; Ne. 2, st. No. 1. g'late: No. 1, c; No. 2, 41c; No. 3. -.if- FRUITS Oranges: California Valencies, all aixee, sat oox, fu.ojif.ja. Lemons: Limonieia, extra, fsuicy, due sixe, per box. I7.0U; 3u0 sixe, per box. 17. Ju, cnoice, uO alae per box,; 300 sue, per box, fi.w; l oixe, tax: per box leM. Bananas. Fancy se- Caffea Market. V NEW YORK. Sect. 10 -The market f or - coffee futures opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of five polnta, owing to firmness In Braxil, a steadier market at -Havre, where after opening V4O lower (irlces recovered their loss, and to the official weather reports showing that rain had oc curred only In one district of Sao Paulo. There seemed to be a very fair demand following the sharp break of yesterday, but offerings continued rather heavy and In the late morning the market eased off under realizing and foreign selling. Tha close wss steady, net unchanged to S points lower. Sales were reported of 42.750 bag. Closing bids: September, October, S.ktfic; November, 8.30c; December, 8.40c; January, 42c; February, 4V: March. K?c; Ar-'!!. S.S2c; May. 8.55c; June. 8 57c; July. I Bsc; August, 8.60c Satrar 3arkef. NEW YORK. Sept. lC-SUGAR-Raw, steadv; Muscovado, 89 test, SBc; centrifu gal. 94 test, 4.Ssc; molasses sugar. 89 test, 3.11c: refined, steady; crushed, 5.S5c; gran ulated. 5.15c; powdered, 8.25c. A BARGAIN IN 0 an weigni. snaring in ine improvement. ., .., ...,. Ali!.. l.rr.Ko "' oays; in u , 1171 a ...noaro. l; it.,. a , 1 . r . 111x1, lirr new. J onu lie.., n. iMwaa nave made a-, A TS I'.nl.lmn,..- rlr.t,. Uv srlns-a nt. wi.tat - ' , fact, the proportion of good light hogs has oeen very smau. Representative sales: No. A. th. Pr. No. A h. Pr. 17 151 40 I t 41 IM .. 111 tl 414 t I 4 ( M 4 14 al m SI I 4 44 4-1 I 14 41 14 1? I 0 44 ... lu ac rM a I o 44 mi h I u 44 la) ... I u Tl Z4 Ml 11 la! ... I 4 44 1S4 IM I 11 41 SKI ... 4i Ed 12-J 4 U 14 SO I 4 41 tut ... 114 41 114 11 9 02 S 44 XU ... lit 14 Ill ... 9 Tl pu ... J M r ... Oi 44 l.-J M 71 tl ... 1 04 74 til ... m 41 ST7 ... 44 71 U 0 I M 44 Wl ... IS 2 r ... Ill 41 l.7 ... I Ci 44 141 ... x 71 sa ... 4 14 ta s is 41 Wf 140 I 44 It x.4 aft xi 41 01 4 4 4" 141 N 111 64 14 14 I 14 41 Mf ... 4 I tit ... 9 14 44 214 ... 1 44 4 PM M I 14 T7 lil ... m 44 141 . . 14 71 r U III 41 17 44 I 14 46 SI ... N Miaaeaaalla tlrala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 10.-WHEAT-September. 81 0S; December, 81.11 W; Msy. 81 WS- Caan. No. 1 bard, SL12; No. 1 northern. SlloVbLim; No. 2 northern, 81tlT.: No. 2 northern, 8L04,tjl r.4. KLAX Closed at 8171 CORN-No. S yeliow. 5Js(iMc. OAT No. S white. 81-U:SA. RYE No. 2. T1J71S. Bli-AN In HO pound sacks, f. o. b. Aim. neat-oils. I'.S 40. 9"LOi:R---lrst patents tin wood f. o. b. MturieAbullsl 8551uS 70: second patents. 85 M ii.a. first clears. S3.iMt20 secuiid clears. 81.6ts.t90. ... ...... SHEEP Nothing arrived In the way of sheep or lsmba today and the market re mained nominally steady. The week's trade ha been a remarkable one In many respects. Over 142 OtO bead were received, the heaviest supply on rec ord at this point. On Tuesday 61.24K head tMue prune; Washington, per crate. 11.3..; in lots, per crate, 1.16. Peat-nee: Cal ifornia Suiwaya. per 20-iw. box, lie; in Kia jot or moie, s.r box. 7Vhc; Coloiado El I bt rtas,-jH-r 3U-Ib. box. sw. Penrs: New York Jbaiueu, ptr bu. bak., ti.VAji'ii. Califoinia b. Clairague, per box. iN; In lota, per box, l-5. Apples: Home-grown ouoking, I In bbla., I4.oiu4.a0; Mitaoyn Jonathan, in iAnla. 44.26414 so; now Oregon, per box, 816; T alif jrn;a Uraventein, per box, Si 10. uraies: CailKirnia Malagas, per 4-bak. crate, 8150; California Tokay, per crate, 11.50: Concords, home-grown, per 4-lb. bsk., rii2.'S,c Watermelons, Texas. IV per lb. Uates: Anchor brand, now, M 1-lb. pkga. in box,-per box. 87100. VEGETABLES potatoes: Early Ohio, in sacks, per bu., tlOCi'iLlu; New Jersey white stock, extra fine guallty, per bu., 81 15. Sweet PoLatoea: Virginia, per bbl , 83.00. Unions: lrge yellow In sacks, per lb .Scj Iowa, small red and yellow, per lb. 2c; Sinlsh, per crate. 81Si. Oarllc: Extra fancy, white, per lb., 15c; red. per lb., 14c. Egg flant: Fancy Florida, per dog, 81.00. 1,'eie.ry: Michigan, per dox. bunchea. 36c. home-grown vegetable cab- bage: New, per lb., 8c Tomatoes: per bsk., 6uuv0c. String aad wax beana: Per pike bsk., 75c. Cucumbers: Per mkt. bsk., boot lettuce: l-.xlia fancy leaf, per dox. An old establlihed boose, handling over 5000 d iff,-rent Industrial stork and bondi, being the largest dealers in our line on the rvlfl Coast, I surely eapabla of giving reliable inionmailoa (and advice if requested) oa the best oil Invest, tnents in our Slate. We oflor lor sole BAKoAIM LOTS ONLY. Ai a leader we are offering, w bile It raits, any part of fajuO aha res of on ol the most ubfxanual euinpeniesin the Ventura fieldjtcld lng Die highest grade oil in Call (ore ta. Moe producing Weill now. mora drilling, l.ic. a t! are regular price Aw. Particular and regulsr Mar ket Letter on request, ( orre-poudeuc Invilod legarduig auy Vi uaurn socuiity. Chester B. Ellis & Co., Stock & Bond Brokers 11 Fl4r Rain Sosdusj, 8 friMlM, Ulnwiit arrived, also a record breaker. In' spit of I4- nry, ","n-rrown. Per d-sv these marumota receipts the market has Seen In very heaitny condition throuvhuut Tuesday's trade was steady to a little lower in spots, but mid-week demand waa very broad and prices strengthened. , Feeder demand piovoa to be the moat notable feature of the trade. Excepting the last coup! day. Its volume was enor mous. Almost everything sold oa the dsv of arrival and the week is cloalng with only a small supply ui tmoi aim er.aa still In speculators' hsnds. Prices were well sus tained at all times, closing sales a j. peart ma st root as. coDiiared with those of laet seek cioee. Inquiry for Lamb waa ee- Per bunchra, 3uc. Turnip: per mkt- bsk Carrots: Per mkt. bsk., too. Beets mkt- bk., Soc MISCELLANEOt Walnuts: Black, per lb., 2c; California No. L per lb.. 17c; Cali fornia No. 8, per lb., 14c lllckorynuis: Large, per lb., 4c; small, per lb., 6c Cocoev nuts: Per SauJc. 85 Ou; per dog.. Six. Honey: New, 21 frames, S3 45. Oaaaha Hay Market. OMAHA. Sept. 10-HAT-No. 1 upland, 1S ou; Kansaa. 114. OU; No. 8 upland, 112 00; parking, 8 0 00; alfalfa. 814(a). Strew; Wheat. 84 0u. r. S v; otvu. Si 90. CD PC Tha Bis 4 California I l IE-Be. Cil Poblicatiom 1 Monthly Journal "California Oil Fields" t Oil Booklet, "(questions snd Answer about California Oil. 8 Msp showing all th California Oil Fields. 4 Special Map Ventura County Field California OH Stocks are paying dlvi- d ... .4 . m-. p tl AA rmill a month fin. TM.P cent a month i the average dividend paid. Everybody should know about this won derful Industry. Tou are under no obligation to us when you send for these big four oil publications free. Our object Is to advertise to the world the wonderful opportunities Califor nia presents Investors. U6EH-L00MII CO., "aL XSTTZSTOM A2TD SrSCULATOKa. Avoid the risk of trading In stotk or bond on margin. Write for booklet "A explaining our investment plan which in sures vou against margin calls. E. F. Petry Ca 184 La Salle St-, Chicago. Herbert &Gooch Go Broker and Dealer. aVtriAU02la ItOOU psaaas Orfvec, It Beasd e Trade BlAa . aali giaaa, Saac. Mil IwoV a-a4 aa asAXtSV AA4 A HOS42 XVOIS . A4f USAVa,