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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1910)
THE OMATTA RUN DAY BEE: SEITEMBER 11, 1010. The Bee makes a specialty of Farm and Ranch ad vertising, and valuable lands everywhere. The Bee has established its position as' the leading Real Estate t Paper of Nebraska, 1 ,W"-MW fil If .... 'V ' & ft &. I n 1 - , J I (. m 1 V ' W . 1 - T. I'l'i X VJlUli A AH VtJ vrrl 0 , . -J him wr7 a sr a t i i j m I .4. 1)1 ' II LAUJ01 T J I Ugt'DWl 'l ' C-mi i i REAL ESTATE CITY PHOI-1CBTV FOR BALM. (Continued.) D. V. Sholes Company 9th Floor City Natl. Bank Bldg. Telephones: Douglas 49 t tMO 2617 Rees St, & rooms, modem sorcpt heat; lot 27Hx5 ft. $,100-&17 N. Wh St., new, B rooma, modern except heat: $44 cash, balance monthly. I I.Ono jaiO N. lvta St., new, room, all modern; lot 40x126 ft 1,0104229 Franklin St, new, modern a-rooim bungalow, with garage; lot 48xl5 ft 1 1,100 New 6-room buniralow, modern; oak finish. 141S Spemcer St 3,lso 4421 North Central Blvd., new 5-roora bungalow; all modern J oak. finish,; lot 44x04 ft $4,000 $701 AmM Ave,, ground 14fixl07 ft, with T-room house, modern except heat; nearly new; fine shade and shrubs; b eautlful view; good barn. 4,000 Eight room, all modern, on Slst and Marcy tits.; paving paid; a cracker-Jack of a place. $600 cash will buy It. I 4,2f0 Frettlest a-room modern stucco dwelllnK In the elty, on Walnut Hill car line; shade, decorations and fixtures extra tine; bullt-tn furniture; lot 60x130 ft $1,000 , cash, balance monthly. ' ,M0 Three lota and an 8-room modern dwelling; barn; fruit and beautiful view. located at 3008 Vinton St. 6,200 New, modern, hot water heated 7-room dwelling, 110 N. 4:id St.; oak finish and -floors below; full floored attic; lot 50x125 ft Tip-top In every respect f 7,200 Eight-room modem residence In the Field clutj district; nearly new; oak finish; paving paid. One of the very choicest In the district Investments 1,&00 Two new flat buildings near Turner Park and Farnam car; monthly rental . $100; paving paid. Sell separately. . M,C09-Three-story brick storos and flats on corner near Auditorium; monthly rental $&5. Tenants niako own repairs. $40.0u0 Corner 14th and Dodge 8ts., three-story brick building, 44x66 ft, thoroughly modern; can lease for $400 per month on terra lease. About half cash, balance 6 per cent ' LOTS ; Creighton's Second Addition $M down and $10 per month; best lotB In the city; all Improvements In and paid for. Prlo $5o0 to $750. Every lot high and sightly. Handsome residences now, building. Creighton's First Addition Twenty-five lots left $2S down and $10 per month. Prices $350 to $450. You can't beat these lots at these terms. They are far( ahead of anything that has ever been offered on such terms before. $ , $00-60x100 ft, southwest corner 28th Ave. and Spragiia St Room for two houses. 86047x152 ft, northeast corner 23d and Spring Hts. t WO 40x130 ft, east front on 19th, between Sprague and Laird SU. Payne Investment Co There is no doubt about the wisdom of buying a home, and that valuea In Omaha are lower than they will ever be again. The time to buy, therefore, la NOW. Come in and talk the matter over with us. $4,000 Near 30th and Marcy, well built 8-room house, closo In. , $3,700 Brand new 8-room house at 3206 Charles St. Owner says, "Get me an offer." $3,600 2963 Dodge, first-class house of six rooms, strictly modern and in walking distance; $600 cash, balance easy terms, will buy it. $3,750 In south part of town, 12th and Castellar, good 6-room cottage and floored attic; mod ern except heat; sightly loca- tlon. $1,100 18th and Corby, . rooms and bath, nicely locate', convenient to two car lines. $2,700 33d and Sprague, splendid 7 room house, all modern, with two lots; good barn. A beau tiful home. $1,350 Good 4-room house and two . . full lota; barn, buggy Bhed, chicken houses, all kinds of fruit, beautiful large shade trees. Just the place for an elderly couple who want a nice quiet home. Payne Investment Company Entire Third Floor Ware Ulk., 8. E. Corner 15th & Farnam Sts. 'Phones: Douglas 1781; A-1188. W. 11. OATE8. Room U44 New York Life Building. Phones: Douglas 1294, Web. 2tiSS. $2,000 Six-room new house, two-story, at 4,21 Parker street, south front lot GOxlW. Small building on rear. $2.i30 'New six-room house on northwest coiner 2StU and Grant, on small payments. ive-room Moinm.N cottage near near juin and lapilol Ave.; lot lays nice, overlooking the Boulevard. $3,000 Kix-room modern, two-story house at 3H North lath utruet east front lot 40xli6. $3,360 Hve-rooir. cottage at 1415 Wirt St., modtrn, lot 60xlJ4. Fine location. 13,600 That 8-room. modern, tine place at 2210 Emmet street, lot 60x124, fine location, DAKQAIN la vacant so look at it. That flue large home at Wit Wlit street; house hs two fireplaces, la oak finish on first floor, has twelve rooms in all; large bamnt, lurge bant, corner lot 100x14, with paving all paid for. Price is reduced to $ii.000. Two nice lying acres west of Miller park for $l,6o0. Twacrts farther out for $100. One aura DECIDE TO LIVE IN YOUR OWN HOME THIS COMING WINTER We can sell you, on very easy terms, the to brand new, 6-ryorn ixittages. Juat com pleted, at and JtoS Taylor ..St., strictly modern except hef t, beautiful combination plumbing, full cellars. Urge attics, 6o-i'oi lots, auuth fronts, one block to car. Price, li.liSO ca'h. See the property ut ones I. bvtici than paying rent Payne, Bostwiclc & Slater Solo Audits, 0th Floor N. Y. Life. I Choice lots in diflercnt parts of city, $1.00 cash and 50 cnts per week. W. J. DERMODY INVEST MENT CO., 1512 City Nat. Bunk Bldg. Tel. D. 786 JtKj-WIO l)oy Ave., SM0 rental. t-room In U k bouse, tuu rental. $4 Out). S near P. O., $;jo rental. $7.duu. SI 18 Ca. 'J rooms, full lot. $7,6uu. 1312 Dodwe Bt-. ?xl. 8.V6.IO. f briek houses, Uxt tiSuu. :'4t0 Hoiith th, 8 rooms. 81 4A. SiO arrcs. 9 miles WK8T SoL'TH OMAHA STOOlv YAKliS, fine stork end general farm; 1!. P. tuickage. ADJOINS TOWN. $r.'." per acre, 2' 4. se ie, room, paved. $2.5IU. JOHN N. FttKK2l. BOlli PHONICS. REAL ESTATE CITY IMUM'KHIV FOIt IALB (Continued.) Ind. A 2049 Good Bargains $5,200 Kountze Place 8 rooma, hot water heat, lot 50x128 ft., en Spencer St near 18th St; House Dullt ie than one year, finished in oak and birch combination lighting fixtures, full basement and modern in every way. a very attrac tive boms in a most desirable neighbor hood. , " , Dundee Special $5,200 8-room bouse, practically new, on Cali fornia St near 48th St:, two toilets, outside sleeping porch, fully modern, large lot This Is priced at a very fair figure. $4,300 1 rooms, finished throughout In maple, on paved street, new, modern in every de tail. This was built for a home. Front and side porcnes with nice reception hail, located on 88th Ave. near Mason. $1,000 cash, balance easy. This is a beautiful home and priced right Close In $4,000 10-room modern house In fine condition, on 17th St, only 6 minutes' walk from 16th and Howard bts. This is right down town and at the above figure Is a great snap. $3,100 8-room modern home on California Bt near 34th, paved street, convenient to car. This is a bargain for a home in this lo cality. Terms. ED JOHN8TON & CO., 306 So. 17th Bt. .Phone Douglas USS. Field Club Homes Have you investigated this fine district of numus' One of the finest .additions in the city. Close to Hatiscom park and Field club. uu STith St. we are offering a choice 8 room, all mod. home; fine large rooms; east front lot. Only $7,250. On 3,4 h Ave., Just north of Woolworth Avu., a fine 8-room, thoroughly mod. house; has large living room with angle nook; also sleeping porch, cistern, electrlo lights In clothes closets, large attic, fine base ment, lawn, etc. Owner wants to leave the city and will make the prloe right. It you want a good close In home we can offer you a good 8-room mod. house on MUi Ave. near Howard for H,im that ia a good buy. , Investment Two 6-room, 8-story houses, mod. ex. heat, always rente.!, $fc) and watw per month. Cuu sell tnis week for $3,700. SELBY U. 1M0. board of Trade Bldg. Nobby 5-Room Bungalow All. go, Hi sized looms; parlor and dining room, oak floors; kitchen, two bed rooms and batn room, maple floors, living rooms are lurge and cheerful, kitchen has enamel sink and thirty gallon hot water tank. Oood sised punlry ami back porch, nice ca ineiUod basement ujii! very complete and sanitary bath room with medicine cabinet lied rooms have roomy closets. Nice lot iUxldO, in a neighborhood of sood aubstmi. Hal homes; half block to Sherman Avenue car. Altogether me coxiest home In town. fr"rlce .',.mi. Kusy terms. Tins bouse will be open for Inspection Monday and Tues day, 3 to 6 p. in., or coll office a.nv Mm, and make appointment. House number Is ins iuiin inn Bt. come aim see It. . SHIMEK CHA8E CO.. South 17lh. Both Phones. Vacant Bargains We offer 15 lots one block from car, our oiocgs soutn of crelgnton g First uumon. trices. I4U0 to 1550 Terrag, $50 cah; balance $10 per mo W. PA If YAM MMIIUT Jfv J - ......... , j,i4.xax VX. .KJ.f ooie Ageuu FA H.N AM ST. Tela. Uoug. 1064. ind. A 10tf4 Best Deal In Dundee. 8-room modern-to-the minute bungalow. O-k. walnut biroh, tilo. white enamel end hurd plno finish. Beamed ceil ings and panelled wli; two bnthroums; laur.dry; furnace and fireplace and nice sun prtilor. This is my homo and it goes on : payments at a low prico. Harry H Putnam. Mm Hurt St. Phone Humey 6u.i n:vi new -room houne near east sida llanscoui park car, $i.uO. Uaruey &. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPK.nTV r'OH I4LD. (Continued.) GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE 1219-22 City National Bank Bldg. WE WANT AN rhirlaa R a rnnA kronin. all modern arranged and well built; full lot; good shade. now take $3.a. It's easy worth the Myrtle Ave., right In BKMIS PARK, modnrn; handy to car. Now offered for $4,000. HANHCOM PARK district, a good 8-room, all modern home, near Park Ave. and Leavenworth St.; four living rooms and hall first floor and four good bedrooms; pav ing all psid. Price, $4,000. CUEIfiHTON FIRST ADDITION, on the Quarter-oawer oak flnlah; hot water heat for WEST FARNAM DISTRICT and handy to hot water heat; oak finish; nice street Only TiTTMia piRif-a' Va v m-nt &n jt-fnnm all thorne Ave; oak finish; hot water heat; very $6,000. Owner compelled to leave otty. hftmih PARK Have another, a little larger house, and large lot wltb frontage on two bot'levarde and paved street In rear; duced pnee or ij.zuo. SOME GOOD DUNDEE HOMES . 83,900 A very good 8-room all modern home on Underwood Ave.; oak finish. $&,ikiO 6004 Capitol Ave.; good 8-room modern, new house, oonvenlntly arranged; Oak finish. Easy terms. $n.fi0 Just listed Saturday, a new house, well located; built for a home, and com nlliwl a Molt r.r annnunt nf trnnafAr: hua hiillwiv in renter nf houne With parlor and library on one side and dining room Snd kitchen on other side; with four good bed rooms on second floor. Has an excellent furnace that cost $240. You've got to hurry it you want this house. tK9fATJHi! MFIW WOTTfiTH at 4fith and Douclax. the east one: BUNGALOW style, but three good bedrooms and bath second floor; large closets; living room entire width of house, with brick fireplace; all oak finish; beem ceilings; tinted walls, Easy terms. $8,250 THE STUCCO HOUSE light next door; most attractive nouae insiue inu uui for the money; similar arrangement to above, but larger; both houses hot water heat, but this one his In addition a Ruud Instantaneous hot water heater, an auto gar age, gravity coal chute and a library off the TERMS. IF YOU'VE GOT $1,000 CASH We can give you' an Investment, location and Tents assured, that will net you easy 15 per cent on your Investment Glover Realty Syndicate Happy SITUATED Just east of HanDV Hollow Club, and beauties of this addition, together with this one of the beet and most attractive around Omaha. Large lots and substantial an exclusive residence district. Cement sewers and water mains in and paid for. The prices are low and terms reason us up at once, ana we will snow you tne BEMIS I7,7E0 Two-story, eight-room, strictly modern house, well built, first class repair, double front lot One of the cholo est locations to Bemis Park. A good home at a low price. Very reasonable terms. - FIELJ) CLUB DISTRICT ' " : $8,800 Nine-room, modern house, oak ' fin Ish, fire place' In living room, large sleep ing porch. Beautiful grounds, with fruit, shrubbery and plenty of shade. Ex- ceptionaJly well built, but recently reduced from $9,000, as owner desires to leave city. ' $9,300 Befc.i-room, two-story, frame house, modern; very attractive, and well ar ranged. Built by owner for a home. South front on Boulevard. Investigate at once. EUCLID PLACE LOTS EASY TERMS Four fifty foot lota, city water, sewer, cement sidewalk, gas and paving In and paid for. Surrounded by first-class residences. Located at the, corner of 32d and Pacific streets. Convenient to stores, churches and schools. Reasonable terms. GEORGE & COMPANY City National Some Real Snaps $6,500 Elegant 8-room house a little west of lllgn school on corner tot, pavea ui. on both sides. $3,2608 rooms, located on Franklin St., 1 block to. Z4th St. car, corner tot, Dotn streets paved, ornamental Iron fence, everything In first-class repair, mod ern, except heat. $4,100 Near Field club, strictly modern dwelling, with 8 bedrooms and batn upstairs, parlor, reception hall, dining room and kitchen on first floor, ele gant finish, maple floors. This fine home is located on 38th Ave. on cor ner lot with paved street. $2,600 6-room new cottage, modern, except heut, on nn St., near tuke, l block to oar, east front, cement oellar, room In attlo tor two additional rooms, a snau. easy payments. $1,8004 rooms on 28th Ave., a little north or Cuming Ht, modern, except neat paved street, cement walk, a bargain, small payment down, balance prac tically the same as rent. $1,3004 rooms on Huggles, lot 60x128. This Is a snap. $1,9008 rooms, modern, on Kort St., just west of 24th St. $1,050 4 rooms, brand new, partly modern. located on Boulevard, a little east of West Side Ilanscom park car, easy payments. BEMLS-CAKLBERG CO., 812 Brandels Theater.' Fine Farm Cheap 200 acrea on paved road. Only four miles from postoffice. Two acta of improvements. Price, 1200 per aerr W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St.. Tela. Doug. 1064. Ind. A 1064. $4,250 Kountze Plaws Jlomo 1809 Kmmet, 7 rooms, strictly all modern, furnace heat, full cemented basement. This house Is nicely arranged on the tiv side. lias parlor, dining room, den and kitchen on the first floor; three nice bed rooms and bath on the second floor. This is located in the newest part of Kountse Place addition, one tlick from Shermun Ave. car line. I-ot M)xU4 feet on paved street, paving all paid. This is a modern priced home and the best you can buy in KMuntxe Place. HASTINGS & HEYDKN. 1614 Harney St. 2617 WIRT ST., new, modern bun galow, fine large lot, dirt cheap at $2,750; $500 cash. You should gee this bargain at once. J. W. RASP CO., GS9-91 Brandeia Bldg.- BUY OF OWNER A T-room, all modern house, quarter saaed oak, hot water heat, east front, rlbgant view, one block from Ilanscom purk; built for a home; on account of chairge of position must sell. iha block east of jat side oar. zai 6. KU tit REAL ESTATE flTY FHOPBRTY FOIt IALB. (Continued.) Douglas 39G3. OFFER FOR home, on a rood Davod street; nicely We have been asking $4,000, but can so get ousy ana see it a very neat horns, six rooms and hall, all POTTLEVAUD, a 7-room modern home? $5,000. Cathedral, a good 7-room modern hoine; $5,260 and on very easy terms. modern home, south front, on Haw nicely decorated; an excellent home for every convenience and auto garage, at re dining room. VERY REASONABLE) Hollow IN DUNDEE south of Underwood Avenue. The natural the scientific treatment of the land, makes addition ever offered for sale In or building restrictions assure Its future as sidewalks, cement park curb and gutter, No stores, flats or apartments permitted, able. Plats with prices now ready. Call property at your convenience. PARK Bank Building. Worth Investigating $2,200 Buys 6-room, modern cottage, 21st and Spring, $300 cash. $2,800 3oth and Ohio; brand new, modern cottage; 6 rooms, line arrangement, lot 60x127: terms. $3.300 CASS ST.: close to St. John's church. Crelghton college and high school; 6 , rooms; modern except heat; can ' finish 3 more rooms; room for an other house. TERMS. $3.100-PnATT ST.; practically new, 6- room; modern; lot 39x118; paved street TERMS. $3,650 WEBSTER ST.; 6 rooms and hall, modern; paved and parked street; 1 walking distance; close to car. TERMS. KOOO-djOSK IN ON BOULEVARD: prac tically new, built for home; 7 rooms and hall; strictly modern. BETTEit SEE IT. $1,600 BEMIS PARK; substantial 8-rooin home; every modern convenience; 4 large bedrooms: beautiful location; paved street; close to car. TERMS. $4,860-S. 3tTH St.; YOU CAN'T DUPLI CATE IT FOR THE MONEY; well built;, brand new; modern; 7 rooms; 3 large bedrooms; oak and gum fin ish; i-panel oak and birch doors; corner lot. TERMS. INVESTMENTS. $10,600-Double St. Louis brick flat building; - 4 apartments of 6 rooms each; well located; always rented; annual rental $l,?00. TERMS. $12,000 Brick, stone and slate constructed flat building; 3 apartments suitable for rooming house purposes; hard . wood finish. TERMS. $14,000 Ti Iple flat building, 3 apartments of 7 looms euch; close to postoffice, high school and Crelghton college; always rented at $l,tUu annually; TERMS. $16,000 Two St. Louis brick tiat buildings and frame garage In exclusive resi dence district; lot 7Dxlu0; annual rental, $1,630; TERMS. V A C A NT. J 750 3T.TH CALIFORNIA; water, sewer and gas. $1,300-30TH AVE AND JONES 40x121, water sewer, gas, cement walks. $4,150 40TH AND DAVENPORT; fine corner for apartment house or fluta. Walkup Real Estate Company, 876-79 Brandels Bldg. Douglas 298. A-Sm. Gilt Edge Investment We have two brand new strictly modern, well built houses In a highly desiruble lo cality. On of ( rooms' and reception hall, the other 7 rooms and reception hall which wlU rent for $70 to $b per month, or an annual Income of between iMi and $'J. A cash payment of tl.OuO to $1.6o0 will buy both and the rent will take care of the balunce. We will collect the rent and look afr the houses. This method has been success fully followed by careful Investors through out the country and Is a very safe and sane way to accumulate money. We Invite your closer investigation of this pi-oposltion Bin. nun t chase co., 309 South 17th. Both Phones. West Farnam Street Only $3,650 Wi have a good (-room cottage, all mod ern, south front on Farnam, paved street, fine shade, very desirable nelghbortrood ; oan show property any time. Payne, Bostwick & Slater Sole Agents, 8th Fdoor, N. Y. Life. Mr.iRi.v virw iL,. k,,.. ItV T - " ' , . " -" ... , . " w mm , . 1 1 lllltll ern; good neighborhood, close to JHla ML tine. Webster LM, , I REAL ESTATE CITY PHOI'HRTY KOlt 8 A IK. Continued.) Our Leaders , , ' $1,400 ill c ii i n m. ui I At n a i, , , " ' , , i cottage, modern, except heat, well located In the north part of town. $2,000 Eight rooma with gas, city water, sower, bath, good lot. Just west of new omuha university grounds. $2,300 An 8-room house with every modern con venience, except heat, only one block north 24th street cur line. Oood barn In rear. Churches, public and parochial schools Pwlthln a radius of 3 blocks. $2,800 Clifton Hill district; five rooms, modern, except heat Excellent condition a cosy, comfortable home with a pleasant outlook. $3,500 Five rooma, strictly modern, near lath and Paclflo streets. Has latest style plumb ing, fine hot water heating plant. Large lot 66x132, with room In front for houses or flats. $3,000 A 6-room house finished In hard pine, only 7 blocks west of High school. Modern throughout, hot water heat. Full lot fiox 132; newly paved street; paving paid In full. $4,000 A 7-room all modern home, only 3 blocks from 16th and Howard, hot water heat. Owner would consider trading above In part payment for good business property. Lots $300 N. W. Corner 34th and Sahler. $4f0 On 28th St., south of Pratt $650 Good lots fronting on Boulevard south of Creighton's First Addition. $So0 On Burdette St, near 24th. $1,000 On Chicago St., near 30th. $1,200 On 20th St., south of Locust. The Byron Reed Co. Phone Doug. 297. 212 So. 17th St. List of Money Makers CLOSE-IN DOUBLE BRICK S. E. Corner 29th and Jackson St., new and modern In every respect choice home and In vestment combined. If you want something choice see this. Owner might consider some trade on this. 2813-15-17-19 Jackson St.. the best and most up-to-date flat building In the city. Annual rental $1,680, all specials In and paid for, the wUe Investor can can get a bargain. See us about this property, do not bother the 'tenants. COTTAGE ON EASY TERMS t 8024 So. 19th St., good 6-room cottage, modern, except fur- nace, $2,000. MODERN HOME IN BENSON ' ON EASY TERMS , . 232 Bo. Haycyon Ave., 6-room ' and bath, modern, large east front lot, nearly new, owner will sell on easy terms or consider trade. Only $3,100. SOME CHEAP LOTS CLOSE TO CAR 27th uid Fort St., choice lot, ' 4 block to oar; only $160; . terms to suit S. W. Corner 33d and Taylor St., $500. R. H, Landeryou Tel. Doug. 2151. Ind. A-2161. 443 Board of Trade. WEST FARNAM We have three, nice, well built, strictly modern homes In above district. Within two blocks of car line. We can sell cheup on reasonable terms during this month only. Each has eight rooms and attic. Paving all paid. Call us up and we will arrange to show you through. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT We have several In above district, four worth seeing. Priced very lovfc 7 and 8 room each. Should you want to locate before winter, call us up and we will give you full particulars. Two new cottages on 41st and Corby. Priced at $1,700 each. Terms $300 down and $20 a month with Interest. Three almost new cottages just east of Dodge car line, on Pratt, Manderson and Pinkney stree . Priced low and terms to Besides the above menioned, we have lO homes on our list which we will gladly show you If you call at the office. International Land & Investment Co. 210-212-214 Bee Bldg. D. 31X1; A-2376. 2 Acres- 1MPROVED In Florence Located along the Calhoun macadam road, within fifteen minutes walk from end of car line In Florence; has a good 4-roorl house, flue large plastered chicken house, stable and oilier outbuildings. About acre of 4-year-old grapes, fine cherry trees, blackberries and other fruit. The land lies nearly all level. Good rich soil. A place where a person could make a guod living. Will sell for $3,0U0. HASTINGS HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. GOOD CHEAP BUILDING LOTS Seven good lots near 4 2d. and Grand Ave. at $100 and $150 each. One at 3 4th and Ft. Omaha Ave. at $165. Two at 36th and Curtis Ave. at $165 each. , $5 down and $5 per month buys any of the above. J. W. RASP CO.; 68i) Braudeis Bldg. 9 Rooms $7,000 Hot water heated, delightfully located ksk us. (Easy terms.) Harrison & Morton GOOD 6-room cottage, with bath, gas and electrlo light; south front lot 40x127; lays nice, well located, near Harney car, for only $l,lu0. 6-room new cottage, with upstairs unfin ished, at 4ll2 Capitol Ave . $:,4tjO; $4.10 casii. W. 11. GATES, 644 N .Y. Ufa. Phones; D. UHi, W. iUU RFAI FSTATC CITV PROPERTY FOR SALE. (Continued.) NORWOOD THE ADDITION ON THE "PRETTIEST MILE" OF OMAHA'S BOULEVARD SYSTEM Take the Ames avenue ear, get off at 20th street and walk along the "Prettiest Mile" to MILLER PARK. It would be time rell spent NORWOOD ADJOINS MILLER PARK ON TILE EAST Some of the features of NORWOOD: Beautiful Shade Trees, Splendid view of the Lakes and River, Boulevards 120 to 150 feet wide, Broad Cement Walks (5 feet wide, Beautiful Surround ings, Natural Advantages, Building Restrictions. NORWOOD NORWOOD is in a class by itself. COME OUT TODAY and I see this beautiful addition. NORRIS & MARTIN Doug. .4270; WTeb. 4638. 400 Bee Building' One Dollar Down and Fifty Cents a Week , Creighton Park Addition We have a number of choice residence lota in this beautiful addition which we are offering on the popular terms of One Dollar Down and Fifty Cents Per WTeek. Become a property owner and secure the ' profits from' a safe investment. Remember the dates Sunday and Monday, September 11th and 12th. Take a Dundee car to 51st and Underwood Ave. and walk north to Hamilton street Salesmen on the ground all day. W. J. DERMODY Investment Co, Tel. Doug. 78G. 1514 City Nat'l Bank Bldg G. W. GARLOCH Bemis Park Homes $6,600 $.r22 Lincoln boulevard, just com , pleted, $ rooms, finished In hard wood, with large attic and full base ment; combination fixtures; hot water heating; large shade trees; beautiful south frontage, overlooking Bemls park. $6,8003514 IJnooln Blvd., new 9-room house, Just being completed this week; has kitchen, refrigerator room, large . pantry, fine dining room, a living room i6 feet long with beamed cell ing, parlor and large reception room j on first floor; finished In oak except ' kitchen; with four large bedrooms and bath on second floor, finished ' In birch and maple; also sleeping porch and extra large room on third floor, suitable for two or three ad ditional bedrooms; entire house heated with hot water; will have very fine lighting fixtures. The loca tion Is Ideal, overlooking the boule vard and has plenty of shade and everything that, goes to- make an ideal home. $7,200-3620 Lincoln Blvd., 11 rooms, new and strictly modern, with oak finish on first floor, birch and maple on sec ond floor, with three fine bedrooms on third floor, finished in pine; all rooms large and nicely located; hot water heating; right in the center of Horn Is park; with a very fine south front view. G. W. GARLOCH 3704 Hawthorne Ave. 'J'hones Harney 3079, Independent, B-2671. Residence Property New Houses Three 6-room, fully modern houses, south front on paved street, one block north of Hansoom park; price, $4,000. Terms, $1,000 cash; balance like rent. Situated at 30th and Poppleton Ave. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 FARNAM ST. Tels. Doug. 1064. Ind. A 1064. . Real Bargain In New Bungalow Must be sold at once. A 2-story bunga low, has 6 rooms, strictly all modern, new, large reception hall, with colonade open ing and seat; lurge living room, Z,xl; din ing room has beam celling, paneled walls, filate rail and larne window seat, all fin Hhed In oak; kitchen has maple floors snd pine finish: second floor has two bed rooms and bath, with front and rear stair way to same: has full basement. lJrli I:!xi0; will make terms. I'on't fall to see this. Ixicutsd at 1D22 Manderson. Will be open Sunday p. m. for Inspection, i'hone Drug. lbOii, Ind. A. 160U. On Your Investment Over 10 Per ant Net Close In new cottages, modern, leased by year. Inquire Douglas 41:4, or W0 N. t L. lildtf. REAL ESTATE CITY I'HUI'ERTl' FOB IALB. (Continued.) $500 DOWN On a new 7-room, modern house, finished In oak and gum mahogany; built-in bookcases, sideboard, seats, etc.; completely and handsomely deco rated; handsome combination gas and electric fixtures; white enamel hath room, with medicine cabinet and towel closet; three large bed rooms, floored attic; downstairs there is a library, living room, dining room and kitchen, besides pantry and back vestibule; full cemented cellar, with best fur nace; lot 50x130 ft; south front; half block to street car. $500 cash and $50 per month buy it; or, if you want to pay a little mora cash and less monthly we can arrange it; possession immediately; everything Just as you want it to move Into shades on the windows and all. Price $4,200, and you will say it la cheap when you look at it. 4332 Parker St. Open all day today. Or call at 4314 Decatur St. for the key, on Monday. Call us up for full particulars. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, Ninth Floor City National Bank Bldg. Telephones: Doug. 49; Ind. A-U049. Eight Room New North Part Easy Terms Downstairs In oak. Elegant reception hall and parlor combined across the entire width of the house; very complete kltohen. Including entry for refrigerator and pantry with enclosed cupboard and drawers. Four good sized sleeping rooms on second floor with two large windows In each room and plenty of closet space. Complete sanitary bathroom. Full cemented basement wltu good hot air furnace; closet, also hot and cold water in basement. Nice lot In a de sirable neighborhood of modern homes. This Is a good, big comfortable horns for Uttla money. House No. is &Jo North lHth Bt., Just north of Kountze Flare; handy to hlierman Avenue car; 11 minutes' rids down town. Fries only $4,0o0. Very reasonable terms. Salesman at 411$ No. 17 8t () blocks away), Monday and Tuesday 2 to 5 p. in. , dm IM< & CHABK CO.. South 17th. Both Phones. 1431 Pinkney St. $3,850 This Is a new full 2-story house, has f rooms and reception hall. Has reception hail parlor, dining room and kitchen on the fust floor and three bod rooms and bath on the second floor. Open stairway from reception ha: to second floor; full cemented basement; furnace heat: bes of plumbing throughout; located on lot 60x U4, half block from Hhermnn Avs. car line. Terms, $soo to $l,uu0 cash, balance monthly payments. HAHTINQ3 & 11KYDEN. 114 Harney Bt. RARE BARGAINS $3,760 An alj modern, two-story, eight r oni bouse In Helms Park. $J.O0U for an all modern, six-room cot tage at fc'.th and Corby. This Is very olassy. I liese houses both go on easy terms,.' Harry 11 Futnam, 6140 Hurt Bt. Telephone. Harney 00. AM moving to Field club rMstrlct; will sell my Kountze Flare home, 221s Emmet, cheap; good rooms, furnace heat, modern. If I can't sell It will rent It. O. W. KH1 KI.DH, Office;, D. Ittrt. lies. Fhona W. Ut 1 J