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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1910)
r THE OMAHA SUNDAY ItKK: SEPTEMBER It. 1010. 3 I Q p : I I , i Ev' ry - bo dy Reads Bee Want Ads 'V r- - r OFFERED FOR RENlT KarnUKrd Rooms Continued. NICE all modern furnished rooms, within easy walking distance of posioffice. Inquire 2236 Farnam, flat 4. ' TWO unfurnished room; alo one fur nished room for man who works nlgnts. 2220 Leavenworth St. ' $-ROOM cottage, furnished complete, J15 a month. Call morning. .Savage, 44th and Cumins. MS 8. SOTH 8T elegant room for lady: Iew home; two In family. Harney 4994. NICELY furnished, room, private family. Close In. Call 2512 HI. Mary's Ave. NICE room for gentlemen only, atrlctly private family, new home. Will give break fast; references. Phone Web. 2445. ., . .,-"; I'libABANT SOUin I row. ruiuo, """"" " r.oue. furnace heat. private family. Kountxe place, on 24th St. car line.. Home like and terms reasonable. Breakfast and dinner If desired. Two gentlemen oi man and wife preferred. Inferences required Phone Webster 991. f O. M. HI. hauls trunks. Phone I. 611, A-28U. i.iuc-.P! rrnnt room, suitable for one or two gentlemen, In private family. Refer ences.' 112 South 20th Ave. $30 per month 4 rooms, all modern, 4813 Underwood Ave., Dundee. " $W0 per month 10 rooms, all modern, Soli IFarnam St. GEORGE COMPANY. ' City National Bank Bldg. CLEAN housekeeping; and sleeping rooms.' 1411 Jons. NBAT and comfortable housekeeping and Sleeping rooms; fclose In. 710 8. 14th. BEAUTIFUL large front, all newly fur nished, modern, easy walking. Other mailer rooms. 616 JJ. 23d. D. 4864. NICELY furnished room In private resi dence. 70S 8. 30th St. ' NICELY furnished rooms, $2.00 up. 2M08 Dewey Ave. 60S N. 17TH. two front east rooms; also single rooms; modern. Tel. Douglas 6603. FURNISHED room for rent; all modern. 2615 Blondo. Phone Webster 3490. GOOD, modem rooms, in good location; walking distance; new . furniture. 631 S. 22d St. ; $0 N. 19th St.. large front room, gentleman; modern; private. for GOOD sleeping rooms within walking dis tance. 21$ N. 19th St. 2 comer aunny rooms, private family; no children: block from 2 car lines; gentle, men preferred. 2404 North 22d. Tel. W. 5420, WEST FarnanT" district, very desirable well furnished room for lady with satis factory references, in modern home with every convenience. This is Just two blocks from Farnam car, near 36th street. No other roomers. Phone Harney 4543. Hotels and Apartments, NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen- tlemen. THE CHATHAM, 110 8. 13th St "OKOROIA lioTEL-1042 8. 29TH ST. DODGE HOTEL 11th and Dodge. All out side cool looms; special rates by th week. MADISON HOTEL, thoroughly modern; t close In; quite and homelike. Doug. 1713 or sss list and Chicago. HonaekeeprlnsT Rooms. TWO nice rooms furnished complete for houtakeeDlii. No children. 614 South tilth. Phone Harney 8906. ' FOR RENT Two large, cool rooms for I ilit housekeeping-: modern. kit bouui 28th St. ' TW nish. new TWO front rooms for housekeeping, fur ished complete, gas for cooking and light; building. 2223 Leavenworth oi. TWO comDletely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Bath room floor. Private family. Telephone Douglas 6354. 6S South 24th St. TWO or three housekeeping rooms; mod ern: wa king distance. zua Dodge si. Phone A 1975. PARLOR floor, four handsomely fur nished rooms, all modern; walking dis tance; also two front rooms, $20. 602 6. 2Stn, FURNISH F.D rooms for light housekeep ing. 612 S. 16th bt UNFURNISHED housekeeping 1026 St. Mary's avenue. FOR RENT Furnished apartment for two or four. Reliable gentlemen. Refer ence required. 812 Park Ave. ONE large modern room furnished com plete for housekeeping, zm uougtas. TWO nice basement rooms for family. $ week. 618 8. 22d. HANDSOMELY furnished front parlor , and kitchen: walking distance; modern 'ever thing complete, $30. 6u4 8. 26th.. TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms housekeeping; tmidern; reasonable. 2119 (Irani. SUITE of front rooms, modern, walking iuance. '2S Dortgd St. CLEAN front suite, fine modern resi dence, electric light, pnone, close in, to de sirable parties. 2101 Webster St. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, worth St. Call evenings. 1605 Leaven 1 LIGHT housekeeping room, 933 N. X4tli St." FOUR large modern rooms, hot wate heat. ill. !.: 8. lh Ave. 6 rooms, ni ieaveuworth, $17; references exchanged. Tel. evenings. Doug. 69u9. A-4.4 NICELY furnished light housekeeping rooms; strictly modern. 2210 Harney St. r- FRONT room, u II modern, with house keeping and laundry; will rent unfurnished or furnished to suit. 603 s. 27th tst r TWO larae front rooms for light house keeping. S16 North 19th street. Apartment and Flats. SX8 OR 2313 DEWF.Y AVE.. 5 rooms, all modern, close walking distanre, . Glover Iteaity bynoicate, uiV-Zl City Nat. Bank wmg. MIX rooms, new, modern, hot water heat. walking aisianca. i, Howard. A IESIRAHLB 4-room apartment, new I" W fju. iiarney oso. FOUR-itX)M modem apartment. Tel. Webster 628. FOR RENT and 7-room, modern fats, Tel. Websler 14S6. I K.N IK A U AI-AKIMtaiJ, six r- nis. private hull, bath, etc., on one floor. Steam heat. Free hot water. Their privacy, fin d lah. sis, cleanllnvaa, price, appeal to those who know, walking distance, rlerert-nce required. BEM1S-CAKLBEKU,. 312 Brandels Theater. 5-ROOM heated apartment, modem. 4-ROOM healed apartment, modern. Posaesaton Oct. L Enquire of J. N. Marsh, 1923 Locust St. SIST AND Dodge St., four new steam heated apartments, finished In oak and fir; 1 rooms each; heat. Janitor service, gas Stove, refrigerator, telephone ervlce; one block from Farnam vavr; $ per month; an nual leases. OFFERED FOR RENT A pa rime a la and riata Coal tamed. LA KA Y ETT E "aPA RT M K.N TS. lah Ave. and Jackson His. Only 4 block Hum business center. 3 and 4-loom apartments, with laundry fttonis, large bath, wuirirobe, retrlgeialloii, heat, gas range, tillered water. Janitor service and vacuum Cleaning. Most com- plele apartment In Omaha. rlveiy thing new, ci an and attractive. OKOKGIi & COMPANY. City National Bank Uldg. CORNISH APARTMENTS 8. W. Corner 10th and William Sts. This location is one of the best In the city. eui rounding very pleasant. free from noise and traffic, making; it a very desir able place to live. Convenient to wholesale district. All Fnrnnm cars pass. Fine finish and every modern convenience, Including steam heat, Janitor service and auto gar age. One 3-room apartment left for $2j, and one 6-room apartment for $50. w. rarnam smith & Co., 1330 Famam bt. Tela. Doug. 1064 Ind. A-1064. PARK AVE. and Wool worth, six new -room apartments finished In nak and fir: heat. Janitor service, gas stove, refriger ator, telephone service; $45 per month; an nual leases. $26.004229 Franklin St... 6-room modern bungalow. $..00-2'.U6 Dewey Ave., 6-room mod. fiat. $ns.00 4:2!1 Parker ft., brand new 7-room house, modern. $42.a0 1010 Glen wood Ave., S rooms, mod ern. $45.00 (008 Hsrney St., t rooms, modern. D. V. SHOL.ES & COMPANY, th Floor City Nat. Bank Bldg Telephones: Doug. 49, Ind. A-2049 1005 SOUTH 80TH AVE. A fine, strictly modern and up-to-date 5-room flat. In Hanscoin Dark district. rent $37.60. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & SLATER. Sole Agents, th Floor, N. Y. Life. COLO .VIAL APARTMENTS 8.' W. Corner 38th. and Farnura Sts. Located in the heart of Omaha's moat exclusive residence district, these apart ments have every rriodern convenience, are finely tinlahed and arranged very con veniently, and moat demrahla in everv wav. We are making reservations for apartments In the south part of the bulldinz. facimr on Farnam street, which is near completion and will be finished this fall. Arranged in three to eight room Hpartmenta, and prices ranging from $40 up. Make reservations now. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam Street. STEAM HEATED. Central Apartments, two hlsh-a-rade six- room Chicago flats (the plan); modern; hardwood, steam heat, shades, range;1 free hot water all vear: fireor.iof iilmn. Janitor. No better built. Permanent ten ants. Walking distance. Summer, one $25, other $28; winter, $8 more. See these your self. Will save $20 on more. Reference re quired. BEMIS-CARLBERG, 312 Brandels Theater. i TWO now flats. 1st and 2d floor, fi room. each, all modern. 1037 S. 34th St. TWO 8-room flats, hot water and at earn heat, $23, Martls Blk., 16th and Webster. FOR RENT 7-room flat. 904 Farn&m. Apply at J. Baatlan. 2908 Farnam. FOR RENT Five room flat. 1141 North 17th St. S. Hawver, 1814 Emmett. , x . . , , NEW J-room, apartment In -the Almn. at 27th Ave.' and Harney $30, and $37.50 per month. Tel Harney 202J. arnc orn NEW five-room brick flat: modem, walk. nix uiBience. rnsne Harney zsyt.' CENTRAL APARTMENTS at MS. 127 an $28, summer: $8 more winter. Six high grade rooms. Steam .heated.. Free hot water. Equal any in city at 820 to 125 more. See them yourself. Reference required. BUMIS-CARLBERO. 312 Brandels Theater VERY' cosy 4-room flat. 122. RO at lfin North 34th St. . FOUR-roon flat. 1129 North 17th atreet. Call Douglas 1762. FIVE and six-room flats for rent: verv cosy home. Douglas 5666; 13th and Caa- tellur atreets. ... Vmt aralshed Knows. PARLOR floor, unfurnished, for hnuaa- aeeping; water ana gas.- ztua uodg St. ONE room for lady, with board. 2408 Cass, FOUR unfurnished rooms, strictly modern close in. references exchanged: private ramify, tsi nun hi. Famished Bsawi aad Flats. ELEGANTLY furnished (-room- home bent of West Farnam district, $65 per uiunin. lei. jiarney iuus. $-ROOM, furnished 'house. West Farnam district, tbst per montn. Tel. Harney 1002. FOR RENT A handsome house, well furnished. In choicest locality; to private family ror seven months. Tel. Harney JU'i FIVE furnished rooms for housekeeping. 1325 S. 32d. Hanscom Park. FOR RENT rooms Davenport. ind bath. 8 FOR RENT Furnished house. West' Far nam district. Phone, Harney 155. Hoaaa and Cottnaes. FOR RENT Office rooms 218 and 220; nice suit of offices, located in northwest corner uf building. The larger room Is partitioned so as to afford two private offices and reception room and is pro vided with a vault. This miikes a good combination of rooms and has been occu pied by insurance company. May be rented for l'i per month. ' THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. FOR RENT SEVEN-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN HOUSE. U0 SOUTH CENTRAL BLVD. CALL TYLER 12W MODERN l-room bouse. Caldwell St. Inquire 2614 FERRIN Exp. & Storage. 1611 Cap. p. 213 FOR RENT l-room modern house, new; combination fixtures: east front, 23d and Webtltr Sti., per month. $13 C. M. BACHMANN. 406 Paxton Block. HOUSES FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 124 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. -room modern brick hotut, north part of city. $25. 4- room apartment, city water, $1$. 5- room apartment, 1917 Clark. (10. One store building. 1919 Clark St.. $20. C. M. BACHMANN, 4,16 Paxton Blk. Phones: Office R-2693. Residence D. 5066. SIX rooms; modern; walking distance. Inuulre 2223 Burt St IlUUOJjUrjdgi, Hons Jc Co., Bee Bids. NEW l-room modern house, 2411 8. 12tu St., H0. Reference required. Inquire 11 U Martha St. 'Phone Doug. 6708. FOR RENT Seven-room, modern, except heat. 2211 Kurt St. $23. Inquire first door east $ ROOMS, very nice. 16th and Lothrop. $ rooms. 2501 Spauldlng. W. H. GATES. N. Y. Life. . D. 1294. EIGHT-ROOM I ouae. all modern. S910 N. t2d St Call one door south or Phone Webster 322. FOR REN'T-Slx-room cottage: modern except heat, $18. 2712 Decatur St. Phone Webster ML OFFERED FOR RENT ! nitil Vnt tnatei-. .tinned. 3154 Ames Ave., 6-R. partly mod., $10. 141(1 N. 17th, 8-R. partly mod., W. 9X3 S. 27th Ave . 6-R., partly mod.. $lfi. 1415 N. 4nth. 6-R. mod. except heat, $18. 84i Charles 5-K. partly mod., $15. 4M5 N. iHth. D-R. mod. except heal, $20. a.o Decatur, 7-R. partly mod., $:0. 2021 Ixcust. 8-R. all mod.. $20. i:M Fturiiette, 9-H. mod. except heat, good barn, $2.60. 1618 Yates, 7-R. all mod. except heat. $2'.'."0. iM Meredith Ave., 6-B, strictly mod., $25. 3403 Jackson, 6-R. all mod. will decorate to suit tenant, $26. 402 Seward. 8-R. all mod. $25. 4004 Charles, 6-R. all mod. $27.50. House open today. 502 8. 3oth Ave., 8-R. all mod. $30. 32i N. 26th, 6-R. strictly mod., $32.50. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & SLATER. Sole Agents, 6th floor. N. Y. Life Bldg For Rent Nice eight-room home on S5th St., near Farnam; fine lawn; newly decorated; everything Al; rent only $42.50. For key apply International Land and Investment Co., 210-212-214 Bee Bldg. D. 3133-A.2376. FOR RENT. $60.00221 8. 25th St.. 1 rooms, hot water heat; 1st or 2d floor. 4b.00 New double hrtck. hot water heat. tile balh; Hanscom Park district. 147.50621 Park Ave.. 8-room detached house, hardwood finish, hot water heat, desirable location. $35.002550 Jones St.: walking distance; 7 rooms, modern. , $32.602552 Jones St.. 7 rooms, modern: good condition. 132.003316 Burt St., 8-room modern house, hot water heat, steel range. 121.00 iso. 10 Shelby Court 22i near Leav enworth), 6-room cottage, modern except heat. Jt.00 2S07 8. 32d. 6-room modern cottage. on car line. $16.001106 Miller St., 8-room house; well and ciBtern, bam. PETERS TRUST CO., .New Omaha National Bank Bldg. 5-ROOM modern flat, 2614 Woolworth, $25. 9-room modem house, 613 N. 23d, $30. Harrison & Morton, 916 N. Y. Life. 3008 Hamilton, 6 rooms, barn, $13.00. 2568 Douglas, 8 rooms, $27.50. 3047 California, 5 rooms. $22.50. 3622 Hawthorne Ave.. 9 modern, $30.00. JOHN N. FRENZER, BOTH PHONES REDUCED RENTALS FOR QUICK TENANTS. 8-room fully modem house, with hard wood finish throughout. West Farnam dis trict, on y 840. 7-room modern house, close In, 541 8. zitn St.. only $30. 8-room modern brick houso. right kina for winter. 1128 8. 31st St.. only $30. 8-room house, modem, except turance, near tilth school, 2642 Davenport St., only 823. SEE ME FOR OTHER GOOD HOUSES. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM Ol. $37.60 A nice new modern 8-room flat, close to Dostofflce. 715 N. 20th SU 1 or a iwo-siory, -room, moaern home on nice paved street, 796 N. 20th St.; will fix up for good tenant. , $20.00 5-room, modern, lower iiai, luot a. 10th St. Phone Dous. 8418. ROBINSON & WOLF, 435 Paxton Block. 1109 8. 22d St., S-r., mod. ex. heat (new) $22.60. 1084 8. 18th St., 3-r., C. W. & gas, V. 2213 LeHvenworth, 4-r., mod. ex. heat, $19. BIRKETT & TEBBENS. 423 Bee Bldg. Phones D. 4754, A-1754 -4 $30.00 Six rooms, strictly modern, gnu . astii st- $22.50 Seven rooms, strictly modern, 4132 lzard. GALLAGHER & NEL80N. 490 Brandels Bldg. Doug. 3382 COZY COTTAGE HOME. Only one left No. 1725 Sprague St., a brand new. 5-rodtn. strictly all modern cot tage: hardwood floors, fine plumbing, com bination lights; comer 101; omy aii.uu. PAYNE. BOSTWICK c SLATER, Sole Agents, 6th Floor N. Y. Life. NICE five-room house, all mod.u-n, $27.50 per month. In fine residence district. 3S27 Florence Boulevard. Key at 2801 North 32d St. W. J. Dermody Investment Co., 1614 City National Bank Bldg. Tel., D. 7S6. 1 FOR RENT 6-room nouse, partly mou ern. 4009 S. St. - v . NINE-ROOM, modern, house: walking distance; $25 and board of owner. Snap. 5-room, 26th and Caldwell, $14. TURJC1NGTON. Bee Bldg. CLOSE IK. ' 2316 Howard St., a 6-room, strictly mod ern and up-to-date "Duplex" flat, within eaBv walking distance. Price $35. PAYNE, BOdTWICK & SLATER. 8ole Agents, th Floor, N. V. Life Bids. ' STRICTLY modem flat near Hanscom park; large light rooms, hot water heat. Ctall at northwest corner 28th and Hickory streets. FINE 11-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. POS SESSION NOW OR OCTOBER 1; FURNI 'Bl'RE IF DESIRED. CAN BE IN SPECTED AT ANYTIME. BEST DOWN TOWN LOCATION. FIVE BLOCKS FROM BUSINESS CENTER. REFERENCES RE QUIRED. SEE US MONDAY. PUTNAM CO.. S26 BRANDIS THEATER BLDG., PHONE DOUGLAS 9N7.' WEST FARNAM SPECIAL 108 So. 36th St., an 8-room, strictly mod ern, brick house, price $45. PAYNE. "BOSTWICK & SLATER. Sole Agents. 6th Floor, N. Y. Life. $32.50 STRICTLY modern. 8-room house. Very fine. 1305 South 2Kth. FOR RENT- lVr-tory house. rooms; strictly modern: good place to keep room erk and boarders. 319 N. 23d. South Omaha. HF.VEN-ROOM strictly modern house. 3010 S. Central Blvd. Call Tyler Vo. $45.00 Poppleton Ave. & 9th St., 8 rooms, new and modern. 30.003622 Hawthorn Ave.. In Bemls Park, 1 rooms modern and new. 25.004132 Izard St., 8 rooms, modern. 15.0-1556 N. 16th St.. 3-rooin flat. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Third Floor Ware Block. Phones: Douglas 1781. A-11U1. 6- r. mod., ex. heal. 1115 So. 27th. $2600 7- r. mod., ex. heat. 3219 Ieavenworth, $28.5J 7- r. mod.. S222 South 23d St.. $27.50. 8- r mod.. 3840 Hamilton, barn. $30.00." S-r. 2522 Rees St., $7.00 Bemis-Carlberg Co., 312 Brandels Theater. 1 REDUCED RENTAL 4103 Lafayette Ave., an 8-rooin. strictly modern, detached house: a bargain at $40. PAYNE. BOSTWICK SLATER. Sole Agents. 6th Floor. N. Y. Life. m. No. I7th Vt.. 7 rooms. $18.00. 1808 Grace St.. 10 rooms, modern, $27.50. W. Fnrnm Smith Col 1.120 Farnam St. Tela. Doug. 1064 Ind. A-1064. Klsht-rnom house. 1423 Fmmet street; al' modern. Call Douglas 1762. FOR RENT 1219 So. 2th St.. 5-room com pletely modem flat, every convenience; I2S per month. William Walker. 2308 So. XM St. Phone Harney 5344 HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. Look at 2969 Pacific St. it ;r'Mim. strictly modern, brick house' hai -3n newly iltc nrated and Is In fine ship'. A bargain at $:rt 60. PAYNE. BOtrrWK'K 8I.ATK11. Sole Agenta, ih Floor, N. V. Llro Bid-. OFFERED FOR RENT Ilonaea and Coltaicee Continued FLATS $352717 JackBon St. 9 rooms, mod. Brick. $12 2009 1-ake St. 4 rooms, gus bath, toilet. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. $.15 2124 DotiKlas. 6 rooms modern except furnace. ' $25 ?.KU) Sew aril. 7 rooms modern except furnace. $-34140 Burdette. 7 rooms, city water, gas. 125 823 S. 22ri. 6 room, modern except furnace. 122 1 13 8. 22d St.. 7 rooms, modern except furnace. $20 :K10 N. 25th St.. 6 rooms, modern ex cept furnace. 125 SKS N. 22d, 8 rooms, modern. $18 ;20 Dodae St.. 8 rooms, modern ex cept furnace. io 2.60 Grant. 6 rooms, cltyiwater, gas. toilet. $14 oiu 8. 84th, 6 rooms, city water. $9 4204 S. 13th St., 5 rooms, city water. GARVIN BKOS., 3d floor N. Y. Life- SEVEN rooms, modern except heat. 2129 Farnam St., $30. wight rooms, modern except heat, Z164 s. 34th St., $26. Seven rooms, all modern. 1541 N. 19th St.. $25. Nine rooms, all modern. 4212 Farnam St., also good barn, $35. Mx rooiiiH, all modern, 4ln6 Cass St., Jt. Seven rooms, all modern. 1924 Emmet. $40; or $26 and reserve one room. Eight rooms, all modern. 3111 Pacific St.. $40. GEORGE & COMPANY. City National Bank Bldg. SMALL cottaare. conveniently located at 920 N. 18th St.; near business center; $10 per montn. Key next door north. OMAHA Van & Storace Co.. pack, move. store household goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th; office, 309 S. 17th St. Tel. Douglaa 1569. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and stoiinK- c.xprcssmen s Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 394. 7-ROOM MODERN, NEW.. Dodge St., close In. NOWATA LAND 8c LOT CO.. 658 New York Life . Bldg. Tel. Red 1999. FOa RENT. 510 S. 22d St., 12 rooms, modern, $75. 3223 Harney St., 7 rooms, modern, $35. 240U S. 17th St., 5 rooms, modern, $22.60.. ' 93 N. 2;th St.. 6 rooms, $15. ' HADRA. 660 N. Y. Life. ' Phone Douglas 4334. Evenings, Douglas 4430. SEVEN-ROOM, all modern brick house; good repair. 29th and Izard. $20. Turklng- ton, 602 Bee Bldg. TWO 6-room, modern cottages, very nice, beautifully located. 719 South 37th street Phone Webster 2590. 8-ROOM house, suitable for two families; electric lights, gas. 3030 Evans; close to Dodge car. Key next door east. Phone S-712. Council Bluffs. Ia. 123.50 rent. -4 FOR RENT 7 rooms, modern, In good repair. Large corner lot. Io02 Ohio at, Apply 181S Lathrop St. Phone B-3244. MODERN 9-ROOM house In first class re pair. Barn. Large shade trees. Desirable location hall . block iroro car in uunaea, Price 160.00. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, 642 Paxton Block. Houses, flats. Usrvln Bros Id 'loor N. Y. U 6-ROOM bouse, modern, furnace heat. 2222 Fowler Ave. Paved St. Call Web. 51S7, BOUSES. Ins. Rlngwalt. Brandels Th. Bldg. MODERN 6-room flat, 1550 N. 20th St., $18. CONRAD YOU.NU, Doug. 1571. 408 Brandels Annex, 6-room cottalf5. modern, 527 So.' 27th St. WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE. 322 North 25th St., 6-room, strictlv modern "St. Louis" flat, price $35. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & SLATER, Sole Agents. 6th Floor, N. Y. Life l 6-ROOM flat, also 4-room; strictly mod ern; best location; $18. Inquire 1411-Vinton. ,' Ham and Offices. MOST desirable offices; larjrest window area per square foot of office space of any building In Omaha; electric light, rewiy decorated, thoroughly modern, re'nt moder ate. National Fidelity & Casualty Company, Lith' and Farnam. Sts. -I TRACKAGE PROPERTY We offer for rent the one story and basement brick store room at 914 Farnam. This prop erty has trackage facilities in rear. Apply BEE BUILDING CO, -17th and Farnam. Store room, 524 8. 16th St., corner 16th and Jackson Sis., fine show windows, good basement with freight hoist. Heat furnished. Prlc."Jn application. Store room 61. 8. 16th St., 22x60 feet, good baxement. $55- GEORGE & CO.. City National Bank Bldg. FOR RENT. STORK building 26x66 feet with basement, counters and shelving. Corner location in town of 900. Reasonable rent. Address Lock Box 21, Bancroft. Neb. STOREROOM FOR RENT. Southeast corner 16th and Douglas Sts. ; room 28x70 feel. Possession given about September 1, 1910. CITY NATIONAL BANK. FOR RENT Office rooms, 318 and 320; de- Biiauie suite ui uuivrr uii tuiiu uuur, wun ,i north and west exposure. A wide corridor extends arounu the attractive court to these offices affording easy access to this place of huslnes. Rent for suite $52. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. Unequalled Opportunity Grocery and meat market, with fixtures complete; no equal. Tizard Block. Apply 220 N 233 St. 600 S. 13th St., large store room with base ment, $40. BIRKETT & TEBBENS, jot u... ph.inM. n L-.r A-irr.1 1 OFFICE space? 600 suiiare foet, 2d floor, I new building. 316 So. 19th St.. oak finish. steam hent and toilets, electric lights. GARVIN BROS.. 354 N. Y. Life Bid DESIRABLE office (O'-m In Wehse.. Stinderlan I IVdK. Klh and Howard Sts.. at reasonable prices. GEORGE & CO.. Cit- N'at'l Bunk Bldg OFFERED FOR SALE Fnrnltarr. DOWD-M1LLER Commission Auction House. 216 and 218 8. 18th St. Sell high gradu furniture on commission. If you have furnltuie to s?!l conslKii to us. If you want to buy, attend our auction eacn p. ra. Full SALE Cheap: parties movina Intj smaller quarters: iron beds dressers, rock ers, bookcases, davenport and ruga Phone Doug. 4912. . 2025 Dodge SL SIX fchowcases. 1608 Farnam. EVERYTHING almost new. 6-h le range, large oak heater, mission plate rack, drop leaf table, clcti.rshoriie. SlnKer tewing machine, best window shades. Tel. D. 2453. SIX fine leather upholstered, oak frame dining room chairs for sale. Price 82U.0O. OitgiiuU cost $o0.00. It 0. 2d Ave. OFFERED FOR SALE Fnrnlla ontlnned. DROP HEAD Singer sewing machine: good as new. 909 8. 27th. HOUSEHOLD goods and stoves. 205 8. 25th Ave. NEARLY new Faultless Malleable range. used aboat a year, cheap, $25. Harney &U27. AS YOU read this ad. so will thousands read your want ad. If It Is In The Bee, NICE bedroom suit at 1619 Lothrop. FOR SALE Base burner: used one sea son; cheap. 2612 Burt. PRIVATE oartv has for sale: One buf fet and six dining room chairs, colonial pack, box seats, golden oak, 12". one Gem Monitor steel range, $20. One baby carriage, $8.00. , All In good condition. Telephone Harney 292. STEEL range with hot water front: used three months; also hard coal burner, $15. Phone Harney 3760. - i HARD coal stove, used one winter: fine condition. 2715 Hamilton. BASH BURNER, steel range, buffet, china closet, table chairs, sideboard, par lor set, music cabinet, dressing table, gas range, wardrobe, rugs, carpet, hall tree, washing machine, couches and many other piece of furniture. 939 N. 24th. BASE BURNER, pst as good as new; call at once. 2618 Burt. FOR SALE Solid oak, fancy brlcabrac mantle. Cost $30, will sell for $5. Very handsome, old parlor chair and settee, to gether or separate. Large and small rug, sideboard, gas stove, Jardlnere stand, ter- resee marble top, horn feet. 3101 Davenport ot. NEARLY new base burner, "'Howe Ven tilator.' Phone, H. 4334. v Musical Instruments. FINE upright piano; latest style, Owner leaving cltv. 1911 Cass. $115. A GOOD, high class upright piano, cheap. Party leaving the city. Call mornings, 2102 Wirt street. BIG BARGAIN Piano player, $25; cost new, si.t). 3us in. i&tn. Rooming? Houses. FURNISHED flat of seven rooms for tle cheap for cash. 717 South 18th St. FIFTEEN - ROOM FLAT; bargain taken at once. Phone Douglas 6633. FOURTEEN rooms, modern, close In, full oi roomers. Harney 6328. , ELEGANTLY furnished rooming house. nest location; close in. 115 IN., zotn bt. TEN ROOM flat for sale. Rent $35. l Fnll of roomers, 118 North 26th St.. Harney 3S75. BEAUTIFUL furnished 5-room, steam heated flat. Davldge block. Tel D. 2498. FURNITURE In boacd and rooming house; close in; always full. Cheap. 2021 Howard. TEN rooms, strictly tnodern, best loca tion, full of roomers. Douglas 6318. Typewriter. Typewriter, $25, an excellent rebuilt Oliver. Be quick. Central Typewriter Exchange. BUY an L. C. Smith & Bros, typewriter B. F. Swanson Co., Distributers, 1312 Farnam St SECOND-hand typewriters sold, repaired Central Typewriter Exchange. 1607 Farnam. Typewriter, $17.50, Densmore rebuilt, f xtra good. Central Typewriter Exchange. Typewriters for Hent; 1316 f arnam St., Omaha. SECOND-hand typewriters sold, repairing Central Typwrlter Exchange. 16o7 Farnam. Typewriter, $12.50 for fine Remington. Central Typewriter Exchange. Miscellaneous. About 40 feet of 29 inch diameter No. 20 gauge, galvanized pipe, with four 4o-lnch elbows and T. This was used for ventilat ing purposes, and pipe is in gooa conuition. The Bee Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam. DRUGS a.i cut prices, freicht paid on all $10 orders, catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co , Omaha Neb. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures', easy payments, urunswicn Balke-Collender. 407 S. 10th St. SAFES Overstocked wllth second-hand safes, all sizes and makes; bargains, American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St. WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink barrels which we will sell for 50 cents each. Theey are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at press room. Bee Publishing uo, HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam Filters, filter repairs.' 1310 Howard. D3913. FOR SALE Secondhand Cwokson heater, 200 horse power. Apply Bee Building Co., Omaha. . . . FOR SALE Frame dwelling house, south east corner 17th and Capitol Ave. Apply E. H. Westerfleld, 615 First Nat'I Bank. SECOND HAND BUGGY for rale cheap. Dr. C. E. Sapp. South Omaha. "Phone, 8, 217. ONE houae. 1715 California St.. must be removed by Oct. 15. C. C. Kendall. j24 No 17th St. Phone Doug. 6659 FOR SALE A fine 'Radiant Hume haite huuier. 1524 Wirt street. Telephone Web ster 5748. DIAMOND ring, perrect wnite, z Karats. Sacill ce. B '.!, Bee. FOR SALE Cannon photo button ma chine. Good as new. Good money-making proposition. A sw, uee. OSTEOPATHY Kathryn Nikolas, 634-6 Brandels Theater. Alice Johnson. s6-S Brandels Theater Bldg. PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. WILIARD EDDY, registered practitioner In V. S. Pat. office, 618 Paxlon Bik R. 2991. PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY. Massage treatment nernus debility. Dr. Margarita Haiioran. 2rf Neville Blk.. D. 7761. NOTICE. Jarnea A. Healev of Emmett. St. Clair county. Mich., desires Information regaid inv lils brother Austin or Austle Henley. Anvone knowing him please inform J. A. Healey. , MANICURING, shampooing, chiropodist Phone Webster 4897. , SWITCHES $160. Msll orders promptly filled. L. B. Poeliot. r4 Harney. D. 5176. Vlwitnlinu from combings, $150. E V 1 it lit a Mathews, 304 Neville ! Mrs. K. blk. D 624. JOSIE WASHBURN'S book. "The Under- ,J world Sewer," at all book stores; price $1.60. PERSONAL (Continued.) MRS. KiiflKRS. private confinement home. 1516 Marti- St., Omaha, Neb. Telc- hone IHrngtas R230. Whitnnm't! CANDIES Always fresh. UlllllilU h j. . ,. SwH,,., Maii Order (1 A Mulohpr RDUO CO., Service. v m K " 1 17th A Farnam. MAGNETIC tnlth loor. STRICTLY private home for confine ments: excellent care; babies for adoption. 2518 Davenport St. Look for School and College Advertising In theSchool and College Page Monday . ; INSTITUTE OPENED Room 20. Douglas Blk. Oriental Massage, Gymnastics, Swedish Movements, Facial and Scalp Treatment Prof. Axel Nelaon, Scientific graduate Masseur. American Colletre, 1908. Pupil Nils Posse, medico-gymnast, Boston, 1895. Spe cial clinical work 1909-10. Office Room 20, Douglas Blk., opposite Havdens. Hours 9:30 to 1, 2 to 5, 7 to 9. YOI'NO WOMEN comrng to Omaha as sti angers are Invited to visit the Young Women s Christian association building at Seventeenth St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's aid at the Union station. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing. In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St.. for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call phone Douglas 4135 and wagons will call. HINDOO TABLETS will build. brace, strengthen. 50c. BELL DRUG CO. OMAHA stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. , 1 WTfiS nd toupes for men. Griffith, vfxvjkj ,9'u- ' WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing- machines. Ind. A-1663. Doug. 1663. NEBRASKA CYCLE L'OMfANI, . 15th and Harney Sts. . GROW hair by using; Mme. -Frayer's Adelight Hair Food. . Megeath Stationery Co. MME. ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt glow and massage. 1605 Dodge St.. opposite uoetoffice, 8d floor. Tel. Doug. 7665. OMAHA 8tammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. MASSAGE AND BATHS Dr. Rittenhouse, Room 308 Old Boston Store Bldg., 4th floor, elevator entrance. 120 S. 16th. PRIVATE HOME during confinement: babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 740 1st Ave., council Bluffs, la. A HOME foi women during confinement. We find homes for babies whose mothers cannot care for them. Babies boarded. For terms address Mrs. Martha L. Lee, 401 Bancroft St., Omaha, Neb 'Phone Douglas 1921. A PXTTTTTr Treatments. E. Brott, 2224 JJlA.UJNJlii.lV' a. 16th St Tel. D. 7860. SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 624 Bee Bldg. $10,000 FOR A SONG recently paid. Send us your song poems, complete song, etc. We publish, copyright. advertise and pay vou- 50 per cent. H. Klrkus Dugdale Co.. Dept. 237, Washington, D. C WILL the persons, who witnessed tlu street car accident at 9th and Pierce or the morning of September 9, In which r man was seriously Injured, please coin, munleate with members of his family. n write to L-80, Bee. MISS Bell wll pell her shampoo, manl cure parlor. 1609 Howard St. REAL ESTATE LOANS I.tfANS'to home owners and home build ers, with privilege of rnakinc- partial pay- ments semi-annually. Jl . . x.,, 603 First National Bank BldK, MONEY TO LOAN Pavne Investment Co. Good 6 Farm Mortgages always ou hand and for sale amounts from $300 to $3,000. BENSON & MYERS, 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. at $4,500 to $5,000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keefe. ate Co., 1002 N. Y. Life. Doutflas or A-2152: GARVIN BROS.. 3d floor N. Y. Life. $50u to $100,000 on Improved property. No delay. , rOr,c to G'c PRIVATE" MONEY NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS., Third Floor New York Life. 'Phone Douglas 952. Peters Trust Co. WANTED City loans WANT EI Ity loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1:120 Farnam St A Business House on No. 16th St. has this to sayof The Bee's want ads: "1 got all the solicitors I wanted by running one i.4 in your payer. The Bee Is good enough for me," REAL ESTATE LOANS ' Continued.) , "f $i to $10.0ti0 made promptly. F. D. Wead, ; Weail llldg.. ISth and Farnam. POULTRY FINK Buff Orplna-ton Cockerls 81 eaoh. Fullels $1.25 each. Phone Harney 478. PRINTING LEW W. RAHKK, Printer Bee Bldg. Entrance on Court. 1UKS-HALL Ptg. Co., 108 8. 14th. Ind,, ' 'PHONE IND. A-2020 for goo! printing. Lyngstad Printing Co., 16th and Capitol Ave. MILLER & JAMIESON. 1212 Doug. Botlv phones. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co. 109 8. 14th. Ind. A-2624 REAL ESTATE-WANTED Cl'STOMER for a good ranch of 1,000 to ; 8.0(10 acres in northeastern Nebraska. A. H, Lathrop, 421 Bee Bldg. SWAPS ' IMPROVED AND UNIM PROVED LANDS In North Dakota, Montana, Nebraska, Colo rado and Iowa. Municipal Bonds and Farm) Mortgages. All flrst-claxs tor good Omahai property. What have you? SMITH INVESTMENT CO., 840 Brandels Theater Bldg. Larue strictlv modern Hanscom Park residence, want a good farm of about liiO acres. 4S0 acre improved western Nebraska ranch! all first clans land, not one foot of wastn land on the place, level and smooth; want Omaha residence. 100 acre Iowa Improved farm equity $6.(100, want stock of general merchandise to $7,000. $7,600 stock - general merchandise, store building and residence $7,000, want a good 160 acre farm. 40 town lots In a coast resort town. These were bought for a home, but circumstances prevents going there, want Omaha cottage. W. W. MITCIIELL, Board of Trade Building, Omaha, Neb. A STRICTLY modem. 9-room residence in Davenport, la., four blocks north ot court house; neighborhood first clans; for good Oklahoma or eastern Texas land. H. J. Nicholas, owner. Via W. Main, Okla homa City. TO 6ELL OR EXCHANGE Corner loU 50x100, near car line. Call 1518 Harney St WHAT have you In southern California, to exchange for Omaha property T J-26. Bee. ONE of the best paying hotels In Omaha, centrally located, 68 rooms, well estab lished business. Price $10.(100. Will take Improved farm and sortie cash. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO. 658 New York Life Bldg. Phone Red 1999. FOR EXCHANGE Property of all kinds. Write, Acme Exchange Co., Cherokee, la. FOR EXCHANGE Eighty acres of fine land near Bralnard, ' Minn., price $18 per acre; mortgage $500; equity for good autn or merchandise. A. H. B., Hawkeye, la. WANTED To exchungo an improved South Dakota farm - for a merchandise stock. Address, Box 135, Lincoln, Neb. PHAETON or harness for phonograph, gun or p)ano. J -78, Bee. WILL exchange half section ImDroved. farm, at cash value, for Oklahoma farm: also feme good city property for Oklahoma properly. ' Address, Box 473, Alma, Neb. ONE of the finest residences In Omaha, beautiful in every respect, leaving city and will exchange my equity of $,000 for clear land worth the money. Address Y 49, care of Bee. TWO autos, first-class makes; one seven passenger; one f ive-puasenger; practically new; halt cash,, balance trade; big burgnin. Sm'tli Investment Co., 810 Brandies T'lea- ler tuag.-- TO EXCHANGE. Double frame building, renting for $18.50 per month; paved street, pavement all paid for, nice large level lot. within walking distance, located near loth and Grace St.; price 16.000, encumbrance, $3,600; will trade equity for vacant lots or small improved, property. Address 8 85. Bee, BUSINESS leased for $150 per month,' regular payments, no opportunity for loss, owner will exchange fur land worth $25,000. Address 812 N. Y. Life, Omaha. SAFETY RAZORS G'LLETTE blsdes resharpened, 26o dosen. 16c balf doxen. SVic each. Mail them to Harvey & Co.. Box 767, Omaha. Neb. WANTEDTO B00W .. $2,400 AT 7 PER CENT. i011 ne,v Dundee home worth double till Umount, Address. M 81, care Bee. , WANTED-TO BUY BEST PRICE paid ror aeoond-hand fur niture, carpeia, doming and atooea. 'Pboot Douglas $971. SECOND HAND clothing anil shoes. John, the Buyer, 218, N. 17th St. Both Phones. WANTED To buv. I or I room modern house, north part of city, give full de tails. Atrdreis F. 22, Bee. TRANS-MISSISSIPPI LADIES' CLOTH ING STORE pays highest prices for party, . afternoon and evening dress. Kd 4410. ' WANTED Roller top desk, good condi tion. P. O. Box 527. WANTEDTO RENT WANTED Close In furnished modern house of 6 or 7 rooms for 6 to 12 months. Three adults. Give location and rental. Best of care mid reference. K-79. Bee YOUNG couple want board and room In private family; north or west. Address, O K3. care Bee. THREE or four nicely furnished rooms jl'v five young men; walking distance. W-8$ . Bee. ' AH VOU read this ad. so will thousands read your wnnt ad, If It la In The Bee. i 4