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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1910)
THE OMATIA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 11. 1010. n VICE TfflELj I ft Vj-M W.h?!1 ;:?r raj . llliillllilKNtf -A- p M l i U IJ m . - 1- 4 r 'I LV ' II wnnn W-V..5 . I I jfljiWl ii ir,: bMsWsWs txnrw, tmmmmmm 4m,mmv&mmammmMmmmmmA l SSBEE WANT ADS -gfe-- HELP WANTEDFEMALE Housekeepers Daastlee GIRL for general houxe work. 1305 South 8Mb Avenue, Harney 'ilM. EXPERIENCED Klrl for house work. No wuhlnf. Mrs. Cowdry, 1326 Bo. 36 St MlMni TOITNO WOMEN earning to Omaha as strangers ar Invited to visit th Young Women's Christian Association building at St. Mary's avenue and Seventeenth street, wbers they will be directed to suitable, boarding places or otherwise assisted; Icok for our traveler's aid at the Union station. GIRLS For overlooking, checking and folding; must be It years or older. Apply Bemls Omaha Bag Co. WANTED Makers and preparers In the millinery departments of F. M. Schadell & Co., 1623 Douglas St. WANTED Transfer girls and cash girls; must be 16 years of age or over. Apply Superintendent Brandels Stores. WANTED A LIMITED NUMBER OP GIRLS FOR TELEPHONE: WORK. AP PLY OPERATING DEPT. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. WANTED Competent young women of IS years or more as cashiers. Apply Super intendent, Brandels Btores. WANTED Cashier and dining room girl; wages, ; bnard. C. N. W. Lunch lloom, Missouri Valley, Iowa. WANTED Competent dyer for feathers and hat trimmings. Apply superintendent, Brandels Btores.' WA NTKH Ladles over U to prepare for fall noetofflee clerk examination: high sal ary. Write for trial lesson and free scholarship plan. Ozinent , St. Louis. HELP WANTED MALE Aaeats, Salcaawca ani gollcltora. AGENTS WANTED Automatic Blgnal and Lock Mall Bus; no keys; burglar proof; free delivery towns; exclusive. Urban Co., Marietta, O. REPRESENTATIVES to solicit on coin mlHsion exclusively or side line, the saloon, drug and liquor trade for a straight Ken tucky whiskey adopted by the Government for hospital purpones. An easy seller. Write quick for territory, wooaiana o., iwpt 40, Covington, ny." AQENTS-If you want a clean, legltl mate busint-s of your own, which pays from U to 110 dally, send lor our tree too let. whilst tells all about how to start In business; special offer to those who write at once; a postal will bring it. jacasonian Optical College, Dept. F, Dearborn St., Chicago, III. AGENTS This will get the money. The world's most Ingenious Invention. Our gents making 145 to 275 a week without experience. The four-ln-on siik necnue. No framework. Necktie all ready to wear. Invisible button does the work. Absolutely new. Worn by rich and poor, young and old. The chance of a lifetime. It's revo lutionising the manufacturing world. Bend the to cover postage for free sample. The S'th Century Universal Economy Co., Slat ana Throop St., Chicago. AGENTS The biggest money maker ever known; the Improved 1811 Canchester in' Kerosene LamB will revolution Ise lighting methods; burns air Instead of money; six times brighter then electricity, gss or acetylene, at one-tenth cost; burns with or without mantle; burner fits any lamp, saves 7& per cent oil; no trimming wicks; showing means selling; territory folng fast; write today; particulars free; antuome outfit furnlnned; beware of 1ml tstlfms. Canchester Light Co., Dept. sF, ' State street, Chicago, 111. AGENTS Sell Mexican fire opals; Oct Is the opal month; send for our opal prop osition, it's free. Rom Curio Co., Laredo, Tex. (Mexican border.) 156.00 WEEKLY ENOUGH! $40 a week and more la what an agent in your territory can make. We have an article which Is almost as necessary to very office as Ink. A demonstration gen era!', makes a sale. The article is becom ing well known through a national adver tising rampaign and agents that get In now will coin money. Crew managers write quick lor an exceptional proposition. MAXIM SPECIALTY CO.. DEPT. K. 17-21. (julncy St, Chicago. 111. FOUNTAIN PENS FOR AGENTS. DKMONSTATORS AND PREMIUMS. GOLD, SILVER at PEARL, $9 DOZEN. Send for samples at $1.00 each for examin ation and will refund difference on first order. German silver filagree, $6.00 dosen; sample 76c. All pens fitted with 14-kt. gold nibs and fully guaranteed. Large, showy holders at very low prices. Diamond Point Pen Co.. 8A-88 Fulton St., New York; larg est manufacturers In United States. BIG money to men of ability by securing subscriptions to publication all merchant mi manufacturers want. No competition. Write for particulars. The Trafflo Service Bureau, tit Market Street, Chicago. DROP all other lines and sell our men's Imported silk, four-in-hand neckties; quick sellers; big profit; send 2Sc for sample. Marks, 762 Broadway, New York. SALESMAN Experienced In any line to sell general trade In Nebraska; unexcelled specially proposition with brand new fea ture; commission with $3i.0O weekly for ex penses. Tha Continental Jewelry Co., Cleve land. Q. ' AGENTS Listen Our "substitute for slot machines," sells like wild fire. No capital required. Exclusive territory. Anderson Gam Co., Anderson, Ind. AOENTS-Sow Is the time. Improved , Ironing shoe, self-shsrpenlng shears, Daisy kitchen set fast sellers Big money, sam- fles sent prepaid. Address Manager St oil, 11 Caxton Bldg. Chicago. WANTED An experienced, successful specialty salexman for this territory who Is not satisfied In niakln glees than ITS to $100 per week. If you are a worker and know how to sell a specialty, you can make big money with our proposition. Send tbe iroofa of your ability with first letter, 'oitabla Mirror Co.. 8t Louis SALESMEN to rail on grocers, confec tioners, general stores, $160 monthly and expenses; yearly contract. Frisco Cider Co., St. Louis. Mo. ANSON. Tex Quarter million dollars Improvement; two railroads: lot and M acies up to 1.2S0. $1; moithiv payments: salesmen wanted. Wichita Valley Land Company. AGENT to take orders In this vicinity for a high class tailoring house: bit: line of samples; must have knowledge of meas urement; correspond with us. Tiehner A Jacob, Rochester. N. Y AGENTS make from tl to $15 per day on our new Toilet Combinations. Hlnht quality; lowest prices; most attractive packages. Write today and become a live Pierce agnt. Pierce Chemical Co.. 4i Ita Ava. Chicago BIG MONEY selling our gold sign let ters. One agent made $-5.00 In one day. You can do as well. Write txiav for free sample and full particulars. Metallic Sign Co.. 437 N. Clark. Chicago CHEWINO GCM-Sell to dealers In your town; clean, profitable business built up quickly with our hrsnds: fuur flavors; novel parkaces Write today Helmet Co.. Cincinnati. O WP1 HAVE A OOOD SIDE LINE. STAPLE ARTICLE. POCKET SAMPLE; OtH.D COMMISSION. ADDRESS M-210 8ALRSMEN I.ocal or traveling, to sell fireproof safes to business men. Experience unnecessary. Quick ssles. Big commission. Alptne Safe Co.. Cincinnati. HELP WANTED MALE Agreata and Salesmea Coatlsiaed. Do You Want to Earn $10,000 a Year? If so, write or call on us at onca. Wa want men of large earning capacity to soli land contracts. Good men caa uiuka up to SIO.OOO a year; mediocre men cannot sell our proposition; so unless you are a high class salesman do not look mto this. Wt pay more liberally and back our men up more fully than any other land firm operating In Florida. Every salesman we now have is making big money. We want more men of the same caliber. If you think you are the right man, wa want you, so call or writ at once. BRYANT A GREENWOOD, 1410 REPUBIJC! KI.r4 trHICAGO. ILL. LOCAL MANAGER WANTiiD As reu renentxtive In exclusive territory for strong manufacturing house; prefer man capable earning to.OuO yearly, with sales and detail experience, calling on physicians; o,im bond required. Must be able and main tain self for trial experlenc; give experi ence and referencea In confidence. P. O. Box 7V2, St. Louis. 0ALE8MI4N with experience on the road, who cam be out f r m sixty to ninety days at a time, seeing the dry goods trade In tue medium towns, to represent a maunfacturcr'a line of laces, embroid eries and ladies' neckwear; all traveling expenses will be paid and a commission on goods sold; state fully whether you want to handle our line exclusively, or In con nection with another line. J. M. Meyers at Co., 434 to 438 Broadway, N. Y. $250 DAILY, DEMONSTRATOR Re fined lady or gentleman of good appear ance to act as demonstrator; experience unnecessary; liberal pay and steady env pioymeni. ment. Write Adv. Dept. Central Mfg. Iowa City, la. T Co. WA NTH D High class SPECIALTY salesman for Nebraska, to begin .work about September 20. Best season now ppen. Stapla line on NEW and EXCEP TIONAL terms. Commission contract that will pay the right man 100 weekly above expenses. References required. r. oixier lo., Cleveland, u. inmrira M - . . . . . . 1 iiu.i,io-wrji mr irrnrory to nanaie entirely new article needed every .home. Bells on sight Pays 100 per cent (TORK CO., 220 Boyd St. Los Angeles, Cal. AGENTS Write for territory today. Big gest seller , ever Invented. No experience necessary. New chemical fire extinguisher. Absolutely gusxanteed. A ohild can use It. Sella Itself. Edw. McOough says: "Made $160 last week. Easiest thing in the world. Everybody buys." K. J. Dlrr took IB orders one day, profit $21.60. No trick at all. Just show and take the orders. Free samples to agents. Investigate. Write today. Territory going fast. Send your name on a postal. The United Mfg. Co., 217 Mill St, Leipslc, SALESMEN WANTED We want a few strong, ambitious, determined salesmen to sell Popular Accident and Health Insurance Policies. Our line Is the biggest seller in Nebraska, and there are a few choice op portunities In Omaha and In the state. Call at offices of the National Fidelity and Casualty company. 12th and Farnam 6ts., and ask for Mr. George W. Wolfe. AGENTS Quick seller; reduces cost of living; two to six In each family: new proposition; nothing like- It. Central Sup ply Co., 8ta. A. Evansvllle. Ind. MONEY makkw mail order books; circu lars furnished. Mutual Exchange, Colum bus, Ohio. 6PECIALTY salesman for established line with Increasing demand. Personal inter view. 407 Karbach Blk. AGENTS Both sexes, get busy; gesjet neuter; great demand; low retail price; big nrnfit' a ... .1 m j,,,,!, . i ' jl wMinv bujtjjiicu, ponittiB un answered. E. B. Stocking, 18 Reade. New York. AGENTS to handle fat Uln spcUlty,7 limt Ollf ' flftA anrou wti . -at matches; a now Idea; lights every kind of gas Instantly; big monev for agents; don't "'w ?wt,a ivjwgt, i ui inn iPKriiuuinrs. xtiac- nAlll A- CV . Ann IT! 'Msi Hina 1 t,anls T)n ton, Mass. a.w nauy easily made selling specialties. 500 to 1,000 per cent profit. Agents wanted; no experience necessary; wholesale cata logue free. Truslght Spectacle Co., Whole sale Dept. 4, Kansas City, Mo. SALESMEN, make S00 per cent proriTsell Inar nur rinM w in.. i ... - - hl,n, ami PK,nir...l. aim : . . , n aw VUIEUBB, enormous demand; catalogue free. Sullivan n ouren oi., cnieago, iu. WANTED Ona Wil mnA tm man to sell bakers and grocers. Men that can speak German and having an estab lished trade given preference. National Mo- -o. , iv. ljuum, jao. SA LE8MAN WANTED Experienced ad vertlaing novelty man, best selling line cal endars; combination bank books; leather goods and novelties on the market; trade slva territory; apply quick. Economy Adver- SALESMAN as local manager to handle complete line of Formaldehyde fumigatora. liquid soap, floor oil, liquid wax, dlsln fectants and sanitary supplies. Goods used by IT. B. Gov., New York Central and Penn sylvania R. R. The Formaoone Co.. 60 Ctiurcta St.. N Y. ' SALESMAN WANTED Sell grocers, druggists, confectioners; $128 monthly and expenses. California Cider A Extract Co.. Lcffingwell, 8t Louis, Mo. WANTED Agents; legitimate substitute for slot machines; patented; sella on sight for $1.08. Particulars, Glsha Co.. Anderson. Ind. Bora. WANTED Several reliable boys. Western t'niou Tel. Co.. 212 8. Uth St. BOY wanted to learn sheet music busi ness. A. Hospe. LICENSED elevator boy. Call 151i How ard St. wAjmi-mnir boys; must be If years of age. The Bennett Company. Clerical aa.4 Office. TRAVELING- salesman. $125. TRAVELING SALESMAN, prefer young man, who can invest some money In the business. $100. . 'j rw r. I r.i, .oo, LNOUKAPhe'h & bookkeeper. M. BANK clerk, $6. Order clerk, $u. Stenographer, $60. Experienced Hardware clerk, $66. We als.1 have niim,mn, n, . i , , ; . vmwiiwvo. call or write for complete list. to i B-niM tit.f It BOND ASS'N, INC , 7j2-4 N. Y. Life Bldg. (Established I years.) K want a man who is able to take charge of a small office force and assist in the management of the business, at lib eral salary. Must be able to invest from $U00 to $5,000, which will give you suffi cient Interest in the business to guarantee yuerhandsom. yearly Income. Au- THREE BOOKKEEPERS fr to $76 00 1 our office clerks f:0 to $70(10 Three office clerks (.16 to UXOu Ledger clerk f,w w Flye stenographers 60 to $75 00 Salesman $5.00 and Kxp. btenographer and bookkeeper it no new Vacancies every day no CHARQE UNLESS WE PLACE YOU THE CANO AGENCY. S2 Bee bldg YOUNG man with some knowledge of bookkeeping, who Is able te Invest $4 HO for position with a large corporation The book work is very simpls, more a matter f keeping an accural. reoor(, of ,. ' from several different blanch offices. UoJi salary- Addrets li-JJ Bee. Cv,d HELP WANTED MALE Clerical avad Office -t'OBtlaae. WANTED! WANTED! WANTED! RATE AND CLAIM- CLEIRK, expert need, $K5. 6 BOOKKEEPERS, $75-$K. 10 OFFICE CLERKS. 4f.-fi5. BANK CLERK, experienced, good salary. 2 BRIGHT BOYB for bank, IS to yrs. old, $40. . 5 STENOGRAPHERS, 175. 6 8ALESMRN, experienced, good salaries. APPLY EARLY MONDAY MORNING., CARSON REFER ENCE BUREAU 674-576 Brandels BMg TOUNO MEN STUDY LAW. Omaha School of Law; evening session only. For further Information, address, Secretary, 701 N. Y. Life. Tel. Douglas S67. ANYONE, anywhere, can earn big Day copying addresses at home evenings. Book, 4o stamps. C. H. Rowan, Chicago, I1L - Factory and Trades. Drug Stores fsnaps). Jobs. Kniest, Bee bldg. BRICKLAYERS wanted Immediately on new Worrell Packing plant at Sioux Falls, S. D. Wanes, 66 cents per hour. Apply on Job immediately to Collins Bros., general contractors at Slouz Falls, S. D. WANTED A boy desirous of learning tha printing business to start in holding copy. Apply composing room. Omaha Bee. WANTED Men . pressers and tailors in women's cloak alteration room. Apply Su perintendent Brandels Stores. CARPENTERS wanted on the new Mor rell Packing Plant at Sioux Falls, S. D. Wages, $4 per day of tea hours. Steady work until February. Report immediately on Job with tools to Collins Bros., general contractors at Sioux Falls. 8. D. TAILOR WANTED H. Livingston, lot So. 14th St WANTED A good Granite Letterer. Good wagea and steady Job for a good, general workman. Address, J. C. Larkln, Norfolk, Neb. WANTED Young men with experience In drapery department Apply Superintend ent Brandels Stores. TOUNO man to learn drug business. State age, experience and salary expected, W. A. Piel, 18th and Farnam. WANTED PoultrV grader; must have experience. 74. Bee. WANTED Young man with experience as floorman. Apply Superintendent, Brandels Stores. PRINTER wanted at once; steady posi tion to right party; write stating wages ex pected in first letter. The Frontier, O'Neill, MOD. BRIGHT young man to run router and learn stereotyping; one with experience preferred; must be a hustler and well rec ommended; state age and wages expected. Address A-89 Be. WANTED -Stove repairer and blackener. ion uougias. WANTED lA first-class machinist-op erator on all classes of work. Must be able to set clean proof. Married man pre ferred. Steady. York Blank Book Co., York. Neb. IHinnammtt. WANTED Railway mall clerks Omaha. Examination November 12th. $800 to $1.60. Preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept ltt T, Rochester, N. T. CHAUFFEURS n,ak ,10 to w&0 Per t-LLtYUX r XiUXVO roo , lwirn automobile business; practical instruction. Nat'l Auto Training Assn., W Brandels Theater Bldg. WANTED Drug clerk. Address. E. H. Dort Auburn. Neb. YOUNG man of some experience In drug store, for t or 8 hours a day. 2402 Cuming. WANTED Men to learn barber trade, practice furnished by tree work; careful instructions by experts. Few weeks com pletes. Tools given, board secured. Ex perience In shops before completing. Cata logue mailed free. Moler Barber College, 110 8. Uth St, Omaha., Neb. FOUR men to carry circulars. Call room 204 Whltnell Bldg. Monday morning at 8 o'clock. -4 $100 monthly and exoensea to travel and distribute samples for big manufacturer; steady work. S. Bcheffor, Treasurer, ' O 66. Chicago. ANYBODY can add $8 to $30 weekly to their Income, growing mushrooms in cel lars, sheds, boxes, etc. Big market Free booklet Hiram Barton, West 4ttn St.. New York. - MEN WANTED, age 18 to 8fi. for firemen $100 monthly, and brakemen $80, on nearby railroads; experience unnecessary; no strike. Promotion to engineers, conductors. Rail road employing headquarters over 600 men sent to positions monthly. State age; send stamp. Address Y 238,, care Bee. WANTED dinning car conductors. $7& $125. No experience necessary; we teach you. Write Correspondence School Conduc tors, Chicago, UL WANTED several first class, experienced, road salesmen; most popular line on the market; sells readily to, country alores; pro fit sharing coupon, premium proposition; every merchant glad to buy. Write for particulars; old, reliable, well established, wholesale house; our best salesmen are making big money. Address 1110 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. BOO MEN, 20 to 40 years old, wanted at once for electric railway motormen and conductors; $'i0 to $100 a month; n'o ex perience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write immediately for application blank. Address, Y 2al, car Omaha Bee. li WEEKLY and expenses, either sex, to put out catalogues and advertise. Large mail order house. C. H. Emery, U Chicago. GOOD pay, cash weekly made. $10 earned iiarv unio, ciivckiiik, copying iorm letters, sttendlng advertising material for each locality. Pandora Mfg. Co., London, Ont WANTED A Cathollo man nr woman to represent us In Omaha to sell stock In a large and strictly Catholic enterprise Ap plicants must send with application such reference as win satisfy us of their ability to render tatisfaetory service and be able to furnish bond. This enterprise will bear the rloient investigation as to stability and merit Address all communications 'to Y i. care Bee. MEN Learn automobile business. We teach by mail. Get you $25 weekly Job. Rochester Auto School, 46, Rochester, N. Y NINR Odd Fellowa given pleasant, profit able employment near home: whole or nur time. Fraternal, Thames Bldg.. New York. I WANT to talk with about twenty hon est, active, live young or middle-aged men who can take an established line of busi ness and go out and sell It. Call on or address O. H. M.. 837 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. GOVERNMENT portions. Chances never better to secure one. Full particulars as to salaries, poeltlons. dales of examinations soon to be held In Omaha, sample questions etc., sent free In clrcu'ar Ell. Nat l. Cor. Institute. Washington, D. C PINING CAR CONDUCTORS-Salary $75 $12&; experience not required. Railway In stitute, Los Angeles, Cat. DO you uant to make big money Hr. la your opportunity, vepreaentlng In yesr locality large rentable etauui.ieu l,ui ness house; no experience or capital en quired; write for free particulars. DaiiUl U. lUtler Cut. Cnloago, Illinois. HELP WANTED MALE Mlacellaaeens Coatimaed, aeropLvnes Representatives In each locality to learn how to build and operate our aeroplane; simple In construction, cheap In cost. This new field offers men of Intelligence the opportunity to wto fame and fortune, lt us tell you how. N. Y Aeroplane Works, Main Office 115 Broadway, New York HELP WANTED MALK AND FEMALE) WANTED Lady or gentleman, fair edu cation, travel for firm of largo capital; sal ary $1,072 per vear. payable weekly; ex penses advanced. Address Geo. C. Clows, Philadelphia, Pa., Dept "D." MEN AND WOMEN of all ages In all parts of the United States (City or County) to become successful private Investigators secretly. Excellent opportunities. Very In teresting, congenial and lucrative employ ment Free particulars. Address F. A. Turner, 914 Taylor Ave., Alameda, Califor nia. , WANTED Quick people, both sex, to work In stock at Clurlnda, la. Answer quick. A. E. Humeston, Clarlnda, Iowa. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Wagons. WAnntJS Buggies, etc. Will sell you liauuO better grade of work and for less money than anyone else In Omaha or Council Bluffs. 1117 Farnam street. GENUINE Eskimo dogs. St 2213 Charles HORSES, mures, vehicles, barness. Burt (Rear.) 2021 CARRIAGE and top buggy, good condi tion; almost your own price. Go see Johnson-Danforth Co.. loth and Jones Sis. PONY, harness, rubber-tire runabout; pony fearless of motors or street cars; any child can ride or drive him. Can bs seen at 1407 Yates St Wagon Umbrellas Wagner. 8C1 N. 16th. COAL wagons, coal beds, farm wagons, for sale, .uctory to consumer. 8troud & Co., 20th & Ames Ave., Omuhu, Nob. TWO full-galted combination Kentucky saddle horses for sale. These may be bouKht right; owner going abroad. A. Wellman, station II, Omaha, Neb. LOST AND FOUND The Teddy Bear 5?' KLEAN WELL Pantorlum; satisfaction or no charges. 718 Ruggles. Web. 2603. LOST Fox terrier dog, white, with two black spots on back and one on each side of face and ears; tag 2914. Reward for re turn to 2634 California. Tel. D. 632. -4 LOST Case with two tools; return to 1431 N. 20th St. LOST Wednesday a cameo brooch be tween public library and Capitol Ave. and 24th St. Reward by returning to 116 No. 24th St )- WILL the finder kindly return to 12 8. 35th Bt, the medal and rings and keep the money as reward. Wallet with keys re ceived.. ' ' - , 1 LOST A 'small gold bracelet; . sentence engraved Inside. Liberal reward. Phone Douglas 716. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem. edy for itching, bleeding or protrudin PILES. Wo postpaid; samples free. Sher man McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creghton Medical college, 14th and Daven port fits. ; special attention paid to confine ment cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. Phone Douglas Usf Calls answered day and night BEST nerve bracer for man. Gra Nerve Food Pills. $1 a box. postpaid. Sher man A McCRncli Drug Co.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. $$$$$$$siw$$$mm$m$mtmm$$$$$$$$$$s$xm$t $$ NO MORE HIGH RA1EA $$ $$ CHEAP MONEY II $$ NEW COMPANY. NEW PLANS. $$ II This is a new firm organised ty tha $$ UUAXIjnU BUHlNtbti HUr Uf $1 OMAHA TO LOAN $1 M $$ $$ $10 to $500 $$ to any honest person owning HOUSE 1$ HOLD GOODS. PIANOS, etc.. or hold- $$ lng a salaried position at the rata of $$ 10 PER CENT PER YEAR. $t $$ JUST THINK YOU PAY $$ $$ $1.00 Interest on $10 for one year. $$ $$ $2.60 interest on $26 for one year. ' $$ $$ $5.00 Interest on $60 for one year. $$ $$ ALL OTHER SUMS IN PROPORTION $$ $$ EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. $$ $$ Reasonable Appraisement Charges. tl $$ INDEPENDENT LOAN CO.. $$ $$ Room 204 Withnell Block. $$ $$ N. K. Cor. loth tc Harney Sts., 2d Floor, li $$ Phones Douglas 604S; A-1306. $$ $WOW$et1$$Wm3$U$WWtW$t$4$WlI$ Cash Quick on Easy Terms Loans made on furniture, pianos and teams without removal; small and easy payments; $1.20 is the weekly payment on a $50 loan for B0 weeks; other amounts In the same protortlon. Mall or 'phone ap plications receive our prompt attention. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room 12, Arlington Blk., lulllfc Dodge St. 'Phones Douglas 'MM or A-2466. U I'HCAP I.(U' .4 $$ on Furniture, Pianos or 6alary. $$ You Borrow $$ $1000 you pay back $11 00 $$ fr,.00 you pay back $:7 .00 It $00.00 you pay back $s4.00 It No other charss. li rt.vtAMA iriNivvut. rn tt Prvin. bit llrnwn Kllr Y7 a lc'i. c uur. I'oiigiaH ni..uouKiaa zusn, x$ CHATTEL LOANS AT BANKABLE RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., Room 7. Crounse Block, Corner lth and Capitol Ave. Opposite Postofflee. Both Phones Doug. 13&8, A-1&4. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without aeeurlty; sasy payments. Offices In principal cities. Tohnan. room $12 New York Life Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. Come In and let us explain our low rates to you. ReliahlA Crlli 508 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1411. A-14U." DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. C. FLATAU, U14 Dodge. Tel. Hed Ml AN OLD FIRM A NEW ADDRESS OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN Co 115 HOARD OF THADK BL1XJ. Second Floor. "Phone. Doug. ;'2 C11ATTEI, loans, salary loans, every kind of loan from private party. &j N York Life Bldg. , MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE Co7 cleans carpets on your floor. Electric vacuum system. 30 sk 17th. Tel. D. liel. I EXP. Delivery Co.. offices Uth and r. t onport Sta, Warehouse, tMJA taaia fti. EDUCATIONAL THE FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN DAY AND NIGHT YET IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO ENTER. "Why delay another day! We give each and every beginning student individual at tention. There are no herd-like classes in Boyles College. Your individual ability and readily D-E-V-E-L-O-P-E-D. So, DON'T DELAY A DAY! There is absolutely no need of it! Just simply make up your mind that you will make the next thirty days worth $50.00 or $60.00 or $75.00 to you! You will do that if you enter Boyles College now! Yes you will! Let us tell you why: A good position is awaiting each Boyle College student just as soon as he or she graduates from the Busi ness and Shorthand Department, or as a Telegrapher. We offer you the chance right now to prepare yourself to fill a well paid position as Stenographer, Bookkeeper, Tele grapher or U. S. Civil Service Appointee. We do not ask you to wait over until a new term opens. We are ready for you today ready to assign you a desk in the largest, most elaborately equipped, most successful business college in all the United States west of Chicago, if you are ready and if you have made up your mind that you WILL succeed. It is really up to you. You have facing you the opportunity of being prepared for a position that is practically waiting for you to step into. Don't procrastinate! Don't hesitate! Don't waste a golden moment! Just say earnestly to yourself "I will be a SUCCESS! I will enter Boyles College RIGHT AWAY!" Won't you do that for your own saket At least send for our catalogue at once. BOYLES COLLEGE BOYLES BUILDING. II. B. BOYLES, PRESIDENT, OMAHA Official Training School for Telegraphers Union Pacific R. R. Telegraph Department. What Draws the Students TO TILE Mosher-Lampman College? It la not the result of many years of advertising, for the " Mosher-Lampman College has just passed its third birthday. It is because the Mosher-Lampman College Is the college that gets results. It will pay you to attend this school, because it Is rapidly becoming known that this institution is turning out the best Stenographers, Bookkkeepers and Penmen. If you do not choose the Mosher-Lampman College it will be because yon do not Investigate it. The splendid and unpresldented enrollment of new stu dents is good proof that the MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE is supplying the demand for a modern high grade, Business Training School. . . , We give thorough courses and furnish expert teachers in both day and evening sessions. You want the best Business Training that it is possible to secure; a training that will enable i you to get the largest salary. There is but one place to secure this training-The MOSHER-LAMPMAN College. It's not' too late to enter. Fine illustrated caltalogue, containing full information about the College, and some of the finest specimens of Pen manship ever published, will be mailed free on request. MOSHER & LAMPMAN Seventeenth and Farnam Streets. Omaha Commer cial College 19th and Farnam Streets PRACTICAL PROGRESSIVE PERSISTENT POPULAR Douglas 1289; A 2189 E. A. ZARTMAN President IMS FALL, TERM BOYI.K9 COLLEQK now open in ths Day and Nifc-hl srnMiuns. Ctudmits admitted any day. Complete business Course Including; bank ing. Complete Shorthand Slid Typewriting Course. Complete Civil Service Course. Complete Telegraphy Course and all Eng lish branches. The Year Honk Is ready. Apply for It. II. U IJOYLEH. Pre.. Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Mosher-Lampman f,; Unexcelled courses in Business, Short hand. Penmanship and Kni(Msh. None but esperk-ncrd teachers. Day and nlKlit ses sions. Most Interesting catalug publlslisd la Omaha, he ml fur one today. MOSHKH KAMPMAN'. 17th and farnam Streets, Omaha, Neb. AS TOU read this ad. so will thousands read your ut ad, it it la la Tbe Bee. EDUCATIONAL personal success-possibilities are Ys M. G Night School Opens Monday, September 12 Course in Architecture and Mechani cal Drawing, Arithmetic and Rapid Calculation, Bookkeeping, Commer cial Law, Dictation, Electricity, Eng lish, German, Penmanship, Plan Read ing and Estimating, Public Speaking, Shorthand, Showcard Writing, Span ish, Spelling, Typewriting, Vocal Mu sic, Boys' School, English for men who cannot read English. Rates Very Reasonable Big Rally Monday 8:00 P. M. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Ksema. CHOICE rooms with board. "The Tem plars." IMS Cspltol Ava. 'I filled my furnished rooms and secured the help I wished in one little ad in The Bee" Thla la what a Jady said on Davenport atrwt OFFERED FOR RENT Board sad nooma Ceatlnaed. BEAUTIFUL room with board; fur nlshed. S7K7 Capitol Ave. LAN DON Newly opened. 6U 8. Mta Bti uougias !Mt. THM Livengood; rooms and board, HM and fo.W. 630 South 17th Bt. FINH rooms and board; bom cooking ftlO Dewey Ave. , NICELY furnished front room and good home cooking. (IS South imh street. PARLOR for lady, with board. UOt Caas, FL'RNISHKD room In private family, lo gentlemen. UbiH Capitol avenue. TWO furnished rooms with or without board on cut line. Address liSH N. 30th. Phone Wob. 8468. SINGLE and double rooms, with or with, out board; Just opened. 2ti26 Dewey Ave. ONE large front room with bay wlndow( 311 So. 20th St., between Kama in anil liar ney. 1 NICELY furnished, steam heated rooms for gentlemen. 110 month for one or twq people, liood board If desired. 2009 Harney street. Location close In. ROOMS, with excellent board; bom cook- ( lng. 'i:U Douglas. LA ROE front room with bath; horn corn forts; home cooking; ratea very reasonable, 811 South 23th St. OOOD elean, modern rooms, with board. !70a Farnam St. , 1437 No. 20th St. 2626 Dewey Ave. 314 So. 20th. 2009 Harney St. 2214 DoukIss St. 81H Bo. 25th 8U 2702 Farnam St MOtJERN rooms with board in prlvat family, 2212 Mason St. NEWLY started up, board and room; home cooking. 2o3 Harney. DESIRABLE board and room; 123 8. 25th Ave. Famished Room. ELEOANT front room, nicely furnished. walking distance, modern; reasonable price, 120 North 20th. No sign on house. ! CLEAN, strictly modern furnished rooms. Also suite light housekeeping rooms; good location. 2106 Cass street FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, 217 S. 26th St. Very convenient to business. 4 CLEAN, furnished rooms, wall cared for. 220 North 19th St $ IS LAUGH, well furnished roomsi choice neighborhood: bay windows and use of goud piano. If you will be perma nent and want a nice homelike place In walking distance, with furnace heat, gas, bath, hot arid ice water, both 'phones, com to 256S St Mary's Ave., on block from Leavenworth car. Smaller rooms, 10. No housekeeping or children. TWO EXQUISITE ROOM3, EN30ITH OR SINGLE, for gentlemen, in the West Farnam home; every convenience; mut b seen to be appreciated. 0-465, Bee. WELL FURNISHED rooms, strictly mod. ern, 2417 J one 8t - ' If. EAST front parlor; modern; prlvat home; clean bed; to quiet gentleman; 2.0 a week. 8224 B. 20th. Red 6227. NICELY furnished rooms; close In; mpd ern. Telephone; hot water. 706 S. 18th St ' SLEEPING rooms, clean, cool, and mod ern, lbll Cass. HOUSEKEEPING: rooms, cheap rent, till Douglas St ' ONE large, modern room furnished com- e'" plete for housekeeping. 2112 Douglns. jf TWO nice basement rooms for family, SI a week. 618 South U2d. t.idrr frnnt naxlor. suitable for 2 ran. tlemen; also other rooms; newly furnished. I 410 South 24th St Douglas 19H. 1 ; two front rooms, furnished or unfu. nlehed, suitable for man and wife or twel ladlos. 1407 ueaa-iur. FURNISHED room, 909 N. 2flth St. With telephone and bath. No other roomers, ONE large front room with bay window. 314 South 20th st, between Farnam and' Harney. NICELY furnished, steam heated rooms for gentlemen. 10 month for one or tw people. Oood board If desired. 2009 Har- ney eli ccv. -j ... THREE furnished rooms, housekeeplpg; 1 modern. Close In. V19 North 17th Ht V CLOSE In, 2 nice furnished rooms, 110.00. 217 North 27th Ave. Call between 9 a. m., and 2 p. m. STRICTLY modern furnished rooms, sln- &le or double; walking distance. 2642 Dodge. -3302. i LA ROE alcove front room and other rooms, modern with board. 2108 Douglas. . LARGE front room with bath; home comforts; home cooking; rates very reason- able. SIS South 26th St i NICELY furnished, steam heat, south, front room, suitable for two gentlemen. 2238 Farnam. Flat 2. ELEGANTLY furnished single room fer b one gentleman; prlvat family; 12.60 week. 410 South 25th Ave. Douglas WO. MODERN room, private family, walking distance. 610 South 27th St. PARLORS Double or single, suitable for 8 or 6 gentlemen; also single room, J3.50; hot and cold water. .77 Harney. FURNISHED rooms for men, 11.00. Charles St. 3SO0 TWO nice lartce front rooms furnished for light houekeeplng; all modern. 2221 Willis Ave. Telephone Webster 1607. LARGE room, modvrn, new bouse. 2418 Vslley street, near car. NICE front room, private family, modern near Went Farnam car line. 131 North 31.-1 Ave. LARGE, clesn east front room, close In, suitable for two. Rent 84.00 per week. 61t South 18th Bt. LARGE east and south front rooms, flrnt floor, separate entrance. .117 S. 2Tith Ave. NICE sleeping rooms, close In, parlor room for two. 424 North 17ih street. TWO large, modern front rooms, detached houne; hoi water heat, baths; msn and wire or four men preferred. Call Douglas bV.K. bii r. 2-a nt. NICELY furnished rooms, 12 and up steam neat, not watnr. 712 Is. ltitrt. t s1