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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1910)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 11." 1910. mm r' n illf.l I JiI 1 i Mir St.yAr I ' 1 I -C -1 "1 s ii Want - Ads Want Ida received at any timet bnt to lunar proper classification be. preaeated before 12 o'elork m. for the Tnlni edition and before TiaO o'clock of previous evenlnd tor Morning and Monday edUloaa. ad received after inck boora will hare their flrt Inaertlon nnder tb beading "Too Late to Cal'r." natea apply to either Tha Daily or Sunday Bee. Always eonnt al word to a line. CAIII RATES FOR WANT ADS. - a: KB VJ gja ao n aj a J m a - - rd and 1 inaertlon, 1 1-a cents per w cent per word for enclt tr.t. i..rtlon made dd days, 1 1-3 cents par word, 1.50 per Una per month. ' Want ads for Tha Dm may be lett at any of the following drag lor"""" on la roar "corner drniiBl"" ter are all branch offices for Th and yonr ad will b Inserted ist as n.nn.ntlv .nil an th Bam X" " the main olflc In Tha Bee balldlng, Seventeenth and Farnam streeiat I Albach. W. C. 40th atvl Farnam. r Beranek, B. A.. 1103 S. ltith St Peyton Pharmacy, 720 S. 16lh St lie neon Pharmacy. Henion. et , Benin Park Pharmacy, and Cumins-Blake-Bradlsh, 2818 Sherman Av. . ... .1 u c.u ttrcA HU. . Clifton H1U Pharmacy. 213 Military SI'; Hlnterlor.g JJrug wo., ui . cam bt . Crlssey Pharmacy Mth and l-1- Cooney Pharmacy, 3223 8. ltn Cermack. Errtll. 1264- 8. Wth St. , Khler. P. H., 2S02 Lavenworth. Foster & Arnoldl, 213 N. 26th BU FreyUS, J. J.. 1914 N. 24th 8t. , Freniter Drug Cc. 1S0J N. 16th Bt r Florence ituk v,u., iji.. o-rfflo. Green s Pharmacy. Park Aye. and PacJIlo. GreenouBh, U. A.. IU6 o. Greenough, O. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden, William, 2920 Farnam bt. Hanscom Park Pharmacy, laOl W Hoist. John, 624 N. lth Bt. Huff, A. L... 2S24 Lav'nwor.thc.Tain Johanson Dmpc Co.. 24th and Spalding. Kin. H. 8.. 2238 Farnam St. Kountze Place Pharmacy, Z4in. Mare. Fred It.. 2019 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. !4th St. Lathrop, Charles fc., 1324 N. 24th St. Goldman Pharmacy. 24th and Lavn WUI III Oil. , Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. a,h..fV,r'. ri Prlc t)ru Store, Mth ana Chicago Sis. A. Schaefer, Aug.. Wttl N. 16th. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. lodge: notices. a. n. ir. w.. Attention. Members of Ak-Sar-Ben lodge No. 822 A. O. U. W.. are requeirted to meet at Mueller's hall Sunday, eItemrw"-thS'r V:l.i p. m. to attend the funeral ProUjer Olover Jonea. Burial irom nou, ; n tr.t: sister lodges Invited., By order if T. R WFJGHT, M. W tl. SWANSON, HecorJer. p. 111. Bimil't ". . . 1 1 era! of our late Brother uwver jn i - . A. . .1 iniiHten to come in uniform by order of captain of team. All sister lodges of Degree of Honor ar Invited to attena. y or"", . . MilS. EMMA JUW. vniei i nii.. Jt8. lvATK 8HANAHAN, Recorder. CARD OF THANKS. I We desire to express our most sincere hanks to all our friend and neighbors and. 'he W. O. W.. N. A. S. K., Degree of Honor No. 1TJ and employes of J. R. Lehmer who so kindly assisted us in our i oe ...m.n, in the death of our beloved ...k.. .t.i.r a.nd for the beautiful einrai offerinos. Mr. C. E. Palmer. Leslie n.i.. x.rv P,lnr. A. K. Peterson, A. Peterson, G. F. Peterson. Mrs. H. Harris. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. m.h.Mv Tt.m.leltv KZl CorbV. girl Morris Brande. 1S33 North Twenty-third C. i.u Fihi-W.e. W1 North fwenfv. v. ifth. bor: Wllmer L. King, 2015 . Fowler 4 svenue, girl; Kdward McDonnell, boy 7 .-I i.. imt I.raven worth, girl Herman Eugelke. liilB Oak. girl; Roland H cn,inD.- 111 North Fortv-flrst. arlrl. Deaths' Maria M. Peterson. 9007 South Trifinth sa vears: Cajl J. Kngqulst, Sil3 r-aiifnrnia. S months; Anton Petersen Thinv.(,.,irth and Mnredlth. 60 years; Wll Ham ' Hn.irr. 1'iU North Twenty-second 7 ..or... v.nia ilnniien. 4220 North Thirty third. 24 venr?: Kay it. Chase. S16 South Twenty-sixth, 76 years MinltlAGB LICENSES. Th following couples wer granted mar r4mmm 11rnnM tnHllv: Name and Rexidence. Richard Ottlrk. Lincoln Carolina Hester. Lincoln ".TVwttt k. RuMell. Lincoln .." Kay I.ampman, Omaha Tofll Nowak. South Omaha , Mary Zujowskl, South Omaha Herman H. Schneider. Omaha Nellie P. l.amson, Uminn, H. D , Tern H. McCampbell. Fontanel'.. Ia.... Myrtle I'ory. Fontanellc, la flulKeppe Morello, Omaha Gulxeppa Coslantlno, Omaha Frank B. Harmon. Teeumseh Margaret Wilbura. Menominee Clarence C. McKlhlnry. Council Bluffs WUhelmlna Brewer, Jacksonville. 111... fleorge A. Paplnena, Omaha Marten Graham. Omaha Harry .'ill. Fort Dodge, la Mllllccnt Wuthsofter. Omaha Fred LudKlg. Omaha Frieda Kochlt-r, Omaha ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN CO. tTkehs; mbalmers, Dili Chicago. D. Iiv9. B-16.9. WE wish to acquaint the puhlle with th following facts: There are Imitation sap phires of quality superior lo .ordinary glass, but having no relation whatever to the natural or Mexican while sapphire which Is appesrlng In the market. To dlktinguUh these from our Mexican white Kapphires. 1 we suggeat hydrofluoric acid tent. This I reacts en glaaa. but has no effect on Mex .VJibji white sapphires. To Introduce this grin vt ai aelllng for 30 davs at $3 per ct im'ii"I 10c years. Delong Jew. Iry Co.. 203 Mccaa-u Bldg. Robertson's Restaurant "l,"; (basement): cool, light. sanitary, quick L service, popular prlcca. For ladl. a and gen- tlemen. Table d hole ninner runaay. ELEVATORS REPAIRED, freight. pa engvr. J. R. Kennedy. M 8. 13th. D. 2v97. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. Arklns. 314 8. 16th. upstalra. . VIRGINIA DARE wine. 75c a lsrg bottle. KLEIN LIQUOR HOUSE. 623 N. 16th fit iugls j70. prvrjM jrt St or moved to 116 8 1Mb: KUBfj w, Wil da your framing at half price; WE CAKKT A fu'l Una of art goods. . All officers and members of Alt-Bar-Ben Lodge No. 173. Degree of Honor are, re Viuaald to meet on BundM. Bept. U. at 1 O CIOCI ANNOUNCEMENTS iC'tlllUiUtu.i Special Notice I wish to publicly thank the Omaha De tective department for Its pplendid rvlce In apprt-heniling the thieves who entered my tullor chop last week. 1 Iiih Ih tiie hlrd time that the uliop lia ueen roooea. nd each tune the department has arrcica le thieve and located the dtolen property. Win. 'fhoiimen, Merchant Tailor. 2U9 L.eav- nworth St. PUBLIC AUCTION Dowd Miller Auction Co.. will sell to the highest bldd r Monday, 2 p. in., the following: Complete furnlahinKS of tteven room home, complete fuinlMtiliigs of nine room home, complete f urniHlitngs of dining room, parlor ami bed room, three high grade planON, 400 high grade paintings from the Hose art store, .',0U0 new furniture con- Igned hy bankrupt- house, and various nr- tirlp. Four automobiles next Saturday. .18 So. ISth St. Look for School and College Advertising In the School and College Page Monday MONEY W TO LOAN LOW ATE. In sums to 310 Bee Bids. 'Phone Doug. 2901. UNION LOAN CO. B. H. Cola Sign Co.. D. 3768. 1318 Farnam. OLIVER A. HALL. ACHITECT. announces removal of his office to 625 City Mauonai tsang tag. i-none uoug. iai. DAVID COLE Creamry Co. LYNCH BROS, PLUMBINO AND HEATING. REPAIR WORKS. 1708 Jackson St D. 1477. JOHN NITTLER Hon&?t?hZ.n' T.TTYTTS B BEER YOU LIKE. Douglas 1899. Red 1932; Independent, A-1120. MAOGARD Van Btorage. Pack. move, atora and ship U. H. Goods. D. 1464, B-2428. THE HOME FURNITURE CO.. 20 ner eent less than Omaha price. 24th and L Bis., South Omaha. LADIES' PARASOLS recovered and re- paired; all kinds of supplies. Western Um brella Co., 1822 Farnam. Red 7478. Ladles' and gents' shine parlors. 230 S. 15th ILER GRAND HOTEL Finest In the west. rpi,;c, l, T)4V.n .o.K Un.rt H BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., 1606H FARNAM ST.. BOTH PHONES. ' Rhorwln-Wllllama oalnt. S1.S3 a gal; Var nishes from $1.60 to $4 60 a gal., all brands of whit lead, $7.50 per WW lbs. lxw prices in wall paper, glass, giasing ana framing. ICE FOR SALE w ..n furnish rood, dean lea In car load lots. f. o. b. Omaha. Call Bhacklaford ft Dickey for price. Douglaa 278. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tsl. Douglaa (44. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and Wire Fence Cheaper Than Wood. Laata a Lifetime. 107 N. 17th Bt. Phone. Red 14. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH. A. JET liS. 1302 Douglaa St. 5CT. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amee. w. IIS. B-101i. RAPflATKS " watches,, Jewelry, eto. XJAJ.VVTAJ.1I O Friedman's Loan Bank. South 18th St.. cor. Douglas, Tel. D. 6325. tr" tested: glasses, glass eyes fitted. J-iJcoB. F. Wurn, 443-5 Brandiea Bldg. FOR RENT Offlo room. 623, located on top floor, facing court, 370 square feet. In cluding vault: rents for $?6 per month. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY, ED. ROTHERY ft? cigars. Cat In connection. 1U 8. 14th St. $.-0 REWARD. The above reward will be' paid by Doug las County for any Information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons engaged in th theft of hogs, chick ens, etc., Jn the farming community of Douglas County.- E. F. BRAILF.Y. Sheriff of Douglas County. Nebraska WANTED Merrygo-round, Ferris wheel and other amusement concessions for the North Bend Corn Show. October 11. 12 and it. Address C. L. Kelley, North Bend, Neb. AUTOMOBILES DRUMMOND Makes the Best Auto Tops for the price. All kinds of auto work. Re pairing in woud work. Iron work. Best painting In the city. Send in your cars. 18th and Harney Sts. WRITE for list of automobile bargaina 11. E. Fredt-rlckson Auto Co.. Omaha. ir:irswrr r.L.r.1 ifwi" noAi'Picn, Model L, together with General Electric Co. thlrt" ampere rectifier panel, lnoa car, run 1.400 miles and In flrt-claa condition; this is one of the finest town cars made; car and rectifier cost $1.i0: for sale, or will trade for n four or five-passenger gasoline car in first-class condition. Rea son for disposing of this c r it is not large enough for my use. Address Y 2M, care Be. Aiitr Ponnirinrr Moat complete plant AUlO repairing thwest. Diamond Tire. Id-hand cars, ttorag. The Paxton Mitchell Co.. 2010-lt Harney. D. 72M; A-20U. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS. CRANK CASES snd CASTINGS promptly repaired. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY. Council Bluffs. Ia. Auto Paintimr "MURPHY DID IT." AUI ' L HUlllUK Get our prices now. ANDREW MURPHY SON. 1412 Jackson. 1907 FIVE PASSENGER four cylinder Franklin touring ear; cost new fcr.Sutf without glass front or top. which ar Included, at $1.20. Will trade for clear reorganisation of companies. For partlcu tMiiaha property or Kimball county land, i lars. Johnson Co., Bankers, Jdadison lul Omaha National Bank Bldg. J La Sail. Chicago. AUTOMOBILES (Continued.) White Steamers 3 Bargains 3 Different Models Ask for Demonstration DRUMMOND 18th and Harney For Sale Cheap One new touring car 36 H. P.. 6 pansenger, 3 speeds selective., for $860. One second hand roadster 2 NH. P.; good condition jio. mat these prices If you can. OMAHA AUTOMOBILE CO., 1910 Farnam St. Run Your Auto Into a Telegraph Post? Bump against a street car; smash up your auto "All repairing and Painting at no-KicK prices. DRUMMOND 18TH AND HARNEY STREETS. 66-HORSEPOWER automobile: going abroad. Address E 73, Bee. AUTOMOBILE OOCSGLES. 25o to 1.1 SO. COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.. 209-211 a 16th. AUTO and carriage painting, repairing and trimming; dead storage. Wm. Pfelffer carriage works, Zuth and leavenwortn. BARGAINS in Used Cars 8e"? 'or Council Bluffs Auto Co., 610 Pearl. Motorcycles. Writa 'or list of used motorcycles. "1UD We carry a full line of motor cycle parts. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or out of business call on GANGESTAD. 401 Be Bldg. Tel. D. 8367. THE only Ice business and Ice cream plant In a county seat town Is southeastern Web. ice nous noias j.iuu tons; horses wagons, and all tools that go with the business. Ice cream department Is 20x60, cement floor, ireeiers and everything ud to-date, $5,600 cash or will trade for good town or country property. Want a good clean stock of 'groceries or general merchandise In towi or country, Worth $3,000 to $4,000. Will trada two houses on North 18th St., Omaha. This party means business, let us hear from you at once, with full description of what you have. Small stock of millnery goods can be bought cheap; spring, summer and fall goods: for cash or trade. Have party with $4,000 to $10,000 to Invest In some good line of established business located on lbtn St., Omaha, or in some good business In good country town; ptefers doming, general merchandise or hard ware, but does not care, so long aa you can show him that It ia worth his money. No partnership wanted. Wa have all kinds of business chances for you; parties who want to buy you out will trade you real estate, farms. We have groceries, confeotionaries, drug: stores, manufacturing, hardware. We can get you into or out of business. These are only a few from our lists. Call at our office and go over our lists. If we have not what you want we will set It. O. D. C. CODDINGTO'N, 220 Board of Trade Bldg. LARGE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Just entering Nebraska. W have a limited amount oi stock lor sale. DIVIDENDS. Agents wanted, uasady Co.. Fiscal Aaenta. 8. W. Corner 14th and Douglaa, Omaha. Tel. Doug, lb JO. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for high Class, iniiuemiai, capaoie representative. A capital required. State references and oc cupation. Write for proposition. Herbert C Aiken Company, Architects, Baltimore, Md. HASADY Co- real tat loans and u.iu.if a. insurance. List your prop erty for sal or rent. Quick return. 8. W corner 14th and Douglaa. Tel Doug. 162a FOR RENT Office room. 622, large room on fifth floor, N. W. corner of bulldinc. especially 'itted for architect. There Is 432 square feet in tnis space; $40 per month. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. RESTAURANT doing a good pavinar hnul ness; excellent location; good fixtures. The place ia worm ii.auu, out owner must leav city ajia win sen ror iow. aiso nave an other spienniu place lor ll.uw. Act quick. UAiMuLM ai, noom tut, uee Bldg.' I SOMETHING NEW Best paying nroDOs! tlon on the market. Salesmen now making ironi iiu io .w per uay. eeasun on. Wan office managers tor this and surroundlu territory, bmau investment required, full protected. Office Just opened. See Sales Manager. The "Twin Volcano" Burner Co., 710 W'eirt Broadway, Council Bluffs, la., where demonstration is now going on. WE want an honest, sober young man with $1,000 as manager for Omaha and Council Bluffs. You should mske from $150 to 3I0 per month. No risk. Money secured. AJdress Y-247, car Bee. I HAVE placed three men In a business within the last few days that pays them from $i0D to $1,000 net each month. There Is yet a chance for you If you have from $ctiu to $. O. C. Melton, Merchant Hotel. GOOD coal and building material business doing $15u.uti0 to l-ui.uuu a year. Yards well located; good equipment. For further In formation, Write B. 70 Bee. FOR SALE or trade stock of hardware, $2.0U0. and building $3,000. Prefer cash, hut will consider trade for small farm. Stock new, building as good as new. Y 47. Bee. FOR SALE D Haven's drug store; good stand, stock and sales; terms easy. Council Bluffs. A WHOLESALE grocer (D-H) do-Ires an energetio man for an important position. Must bo financially Interested. References exchanged. 1225 City National Bank Bldg., On aha. Neb. "HOW RICH MEN BECAME R1CH" The earning power of money. Tells of I per cent pi el erred investment in fifty-six years old staple goods manufactory, which will eventually pay 100 per cent annually. Thln of DOUBLING your money EVERY YEAR. Postofflc box 4.13, New York CAPITAL furnished for meritorious en terprlsea, stocks and bonds sold on com mission. Facilities for incorporating and BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) Look for School and College Advertising In the School and College Page Monday FOR SALE Restaurant nnd confection ery; good town of 1,200, doing good busi ness. Reason for gelling, other business. Address Y 242, care Bee. LET me Incorporate your business; good ones easily obtain money selling their shares: am helnlntr others, wny noi your Prools, what has been done, j-romoier, oiv Faxton block. A BUSINESS clearing from $j to $7 a lay. Easy to handle; splendid opportunity for some one. Price, $300. OANGESTAD, Room 404, Bee Bldg. HARDWOOD LUMBER ONE PIECE OR A CARLOAD OAK. POPLAR. ASH. HRKUHT, MArLr. DABOWUOll LONG FIR TIMBERS. 30 to 70 FT. WAGON, SLED & IMPLEMENT STOCK. ALL SIZES. ALL GRADES. OMAHA HARDWOOD LUMBER CO., OMAHA, NEB. PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND PAY Books, Advice, Search and VRKR T l.t e 1 Inn. Wml,l -L J-Vi-UJ Send sketch or model for search. Highest references. Best results. Promptness as ft JI CT L. IIL J II T IIIIVMP Ulvu sured. Watson E. Coleman, Pat. Law 'r, C22 F Bt., N. W. Washington, D C CORPORATIONS organized, capital fur nlshed. electric railroads built and bonds negotiated. Highly profitable odorless gar. bage plants and other utilities built and financed. Correspondence tnvitea. kus- sell & Co., 125 La Salle St., Chicago. RESIDENT sales manager wanted in your home territory with $300 to Salary $100 to $125 monthly, r . u. Jann, 614 First Nat l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. BUSINESS leased for $160 per month regular payments, no opportunity for loss owner will exchange for land worth $26,000. Address 813 N. Y. Life. Omaha. CAPITAL furnished for manufacturing and mining enterprises; established cllen tlel: facilities for quick results. The r D. Mlnard Co., Brokers, First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati. WANTED Large, well known manufac turing and Importing company, established twenty years, staple line, can offer opening for competent man with $6.uoq cash to es tabllsh and carry on exclusive high class store, both wholesale and retail In this city Will furnish complete stock of goods and allow $200 a month and all expenses, also share of profits. Attractive Investment aftd ntoe. clean business; sufficiently good man can make $8,000 a year or better; excellent future. Address Y-243, care Bee. Notice is hereby given of the Incorpora tion of the Tom Kelley company for the carrying on of shirt making, selling men furnishings. Principal office in Omaha. Neb., 315 S. 16th St Capital stock $10,000, to be paid In cash and property. Corporat existence to begin August 8, 1910, and to continue 20 years. Indebtedness or liability not to exceed 70 per cent of the capital stock. Business and arrairs to be con ducted by president, secretary, treasurer and board of directors. WALTER R. FERGUSON. Incorporating Agent, Paxton Blk., Omaha. AN UNUSUAL BUSINESS opportunity Small general merchandise store for sale In northeast Colorado, thriving town; tow has good schools and churches, three banks, four general stores, good farm In country, good crops even this dry year stock well selected; good merchandise stock and fixtures; will Invoice about $5,600. Address Y 262, care Bee. NICE little grocery and confectionery more witn living rooms, rnce, 5.-o. OANGESTAD. Room 404. Bee Bldg. WE MANUFACTURE gas for 20 cents per 1,000 feet; demand unlimited for ca and water plants in towns of 600 to 25.W0 population; 300 per cent margin; want state manager with $3,000; guaranteeing over $6,000 yearly. Tuttle Cosmopolitan Bank, l5 Washington St., Chicago. THE NEWS of San Juan should be read before making an Investment In oil stocks. Get a copy. Its free. Address B. E. Piiem 960 Phelan Bldg., San Francisco. THOUSANDS HAVE MADE GOOD I the Great Southwest wtiere uniform cli mate, rich soil, good markets and prices make crops and business grow as nowhere elte. Isn't this a better field for you? Look Into this. Write me for a copy of "The Coming Country." Then go and see it. Special round trip rates on first and third Tuesdays of each month, good for twenty five days, stopover both ways. W. S. St. George. G. P. A., M. K. & T. Ry., 134 Waln- wright Bldg., St. Louis. PATENTS secured or fee returned. Il lustrated guide book and list of Inventions wanted sent free to any address. Patents secured by us advertised free in World's Progress. Sample copy free. Victor J. Evans & Co., 124 Ninth St., Washington, D. C STOCK, bond offering, mining, industrial railway or electric wanted for sale; com mission basts. Address full particulars, Clientele, P. O. Box 976, New York. FOR SALE One of the best paying busi nesses In Iowa. Ice cream, confectionery and fresh fruits. Located in one of the best business town In the state. Reason for sell ing, poor health. For full particulars ad dress Y-246. car Bee. FOR SALE Small restaurant doing fin business; good location; a bargain if taken at once; poor health reason for selling. T. L. Auld, Hampton, Ia. $2,000 STOCK general merchandise, best of reason. Address today, Interetat Land & Inv. Co.. Marmarth, N. D. MEAT market for sale on easy terms, or will rent same with slaughter house and pasture for one year. Get busy if you want a good business cheap. Address Box 221. Jeffer n. Ia. STEAM LAUNDRT for sale, poor health only reason. Address today, Interstate Land and Inv. Co.. Marmarth. N. D. FINEST butcher shop In western Iowa, killing from eight to ten beeves per week, ?oor health reason for selling. Address -248. car Omaha Be. NINE per cent Interest on your money, long time, $100 to too. Unusual opportunity. Particulars, Address Box 1068, Waco, Tax. BUSINESS CHANCES IContlnued.l FOR RALE HOTEL Owing to poo. health. I will sell my equity I" an nil mod ern European Hotel In the second largest Ity In NebniHka, fw.wo population. i nis otel has Electric Lights, Electric Elevator, learn Heiit, 1 Sleeping Rooms, loo Herts mostly all new. 11 rooms with bath. Rates, 60c to $1.50 per day. Una large office with marhle floor, fine mrge care witn uincn counter: pool and Millard hall In connrc- ion. This is a money maker. Price li.iwj cush. For further particulars, address Oeo. O. Farmer, New Windsor Hotel, Lincoln, Neb. -I WE COLLECT claims for loss, damage or overcharge on freight shipments against 11 railroads. Write us. Freight claims Co., Metropolitan Bldg., Minneapolis. WANTED location for a drug store In Omnha or some good city In Nebraska. Address Y-I45, care BeeT FOR PALE Halrdresslnr narlor. well es- tabllxhed: good paving business; must sell on account of health. Mrs. Whlttam, Ne braska City. Neb. nut kai.c itenerai nusincss in lown oi 1.000; Invoice about $2,000. Good location. L. Beckman, Manilla. Ia. FOR 8ALE Drug store, doing fine busi ness, big prescription trade, no fountain; If you are looking for a snap. Investigate, B. W. Smethhurst, Manilla, la." $) 000 We ''nrt you -'000 tinder ' certain reftsonrtole conditions, and agree that you may repay the loan from the dividends on an Investment which we will suggest. Continental Commercial Co., St. Louis. Mo. IX) vou want to sell, exchange or buy something? Advertise your farm, store, mdse. or household goods by our nulck sale and trade plan. Particulars FREE. The Buyers' Guide Pub. Co., 225 Dearborn St.. Chicago. TIIE MONEY that vou URe to make the first payment on installment furniture will pay for the same furniture at the Auction House. Auction Monday, 2 p. m., 218 S. 18th St. WILL sell or exchange for real estate controlling Interest in an old established, dividend paying corporation, headquarters In Chicago, branches In principal eastern cities. Good opening tor active man. vaiue $60,000. Address D 93, Bee. FOR SALE Cheap ; one rectifier; will charge two storage batteries at once, from any alternating electric current. Box 20. Fort Crook, tieD. FOR SALE Confectionery, cigar store. newaiand and light groceries; a bargain; parties leaving city. Call 2412 Cuming. O. D. C. CODDINGTON, 220 Board of Trade Bldg.. business chances, loans. In surance and real estate. A DANDY good paying rooming house clearing $200 a month, owner leetving city and will sacrifice. Micnt exenange ror city Income property or land of about equal value; UrtW. GANGESTAJJ. Koom twt, xieej nvag.- OGDEN HOTEL for rent; furniture for sale; HO rooms, 60 roomers. C. E. Kimball, Council Bluffs, Ia. DRUG STOCK In Craig, Mo., at a sacri fice. Nice, clean stock, will Invoice $1,600. A bargain for someone. Will trade for good) piece or real estate, jura. w.,m. smun. Craig, Mo. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, 1606 Farnam Bt. Douglas 6497. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS THE SOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL STONE COMPANY. Our waterproof concrete blocks are guar anteed. Phone, factory, 8. 01; office phon W. 2930. OLD ROOFS Slate. Til. Schroeder-Hum- phrey Roofing Co., 627 Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 6023. VAN VALKENBERG Bros., plumbing, heating and gaa fitting. Web. 867. 1709 N. 24th St. DANCING ill VlvAi' (9 i' iiisj ui'iiuvi lut ii at 1 1 cM - nay. Lesaons Mon. and FrL, 9 p. m. Phone wad a v t' a nr.nin C.i.aaI t r u . u. Pong. private leasona flany. DENTISTS BAILEY ft MACK. $d floor, Paxton. D. 1035. DETECTIVES Omaha Secret Service Detective age. Inc.. bonded. 428-9 Paxton blk. D. 1319; Ind. A-1319. CAPT, T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACH BLK DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY, 821 8. 24th 8L Tel. Doug. 7S14. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make clear, white skin. By mall 60o and $1.00. Sherman Mcconneil Drug Co. Omaha. tj A MTT'ATfV HAIRDRES8INO parlors ....-. Marlnello massage for good complexion, tsui raxton lilk. D. 4671. TRY Magic Roach Powder. Douglas 1370. VACUUM CLEANERS rented. Tel. Web ster 3771. CHINA and water color studies for rent. 819 City National Bank. Phone D. 7259. FLORISTS HESS & 6WOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. A. DONAHUE. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-NXU. L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam. Doug. 1258. J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. Douglas 8006. BRANDEIS Cut Flower Dept.; new store; new shop at left of Foyer In theater Bldg. FURNACES AND REPAIRS LAWN VASES. Marvel Coal Chutes. Fur naces. Combination Warm Air and Hot Water Heating. Water Fronts. OMAHA STOVE REPAIH WORKS, 1206-8 Douglas St Both Phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Salesladies. EXPERIENCED salesladies wanted. Raphael Pred Co., 13th and Farnam. WANTED Lady solicitors can mak $3 to $ a day; experience unnecessary. Room 3cl Karbach Bldg. WANTED Tw.' xperlenred saleswomen In women's and children's shoe department. Apply Superintendent, Brandels Stores. WANTED Experienced saleswomen In women's waist department Apply Superin tendent, Brandels Stores. HELP WANTED FEMALE i (Continued.! Clerical and Office. WANTED! ' WANTED! WANTED! 3 ST KM H)R APH KKS. $.V0-$i. STENOGRAPHER AND B1LLER, $10 a week. 2 OFFICE CLERKS, $40-$4.-.. 3 SALESLADIES, experienced, $12-$1S wk. APPLY EARLY MONDAY MORNING. CARSON REFER ENCE BUREAU 674-576 Brandels Bldg. CO-OPKRATIVB OPPORTUNITIES. Grocery clerk. $ii.". Shipping clerk, $-"0. Office clerk, good penman, $4.". Stenographer and collector, $.10. Four office boys, $25 to $30. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 1402 City National Bank Bldg. Four stenographers $35.00 to $m.O0 Stenogranher and bookkeeper.... $40.00-$.'i0.00 Good typewriter operator $,". 00 NO CHARGE UNLESS WE PLACE VOL' THE CANO AGENCY, 432 Bee Bldg ANYONE, anywhere, can earn big pay copying addresses at home evenings. Book, 4o stamps. C. 11. Rowan, Chicago, III. ' STENOGRAPHER. Lincoln, Neb.. $r0. Stenographer and private secretary, $6. Co-Operatlve Reference Co., 1402 City Na tional Bank Bldg. W AW 1 fil i-oif noKniiJnpr a-i unce; inusi secure us, as position is one or responsi bility; salary'. $00. Address A-88 Bee. Factorr aad Trade. GIRLS to learn halrdressing; prices reason. able. Oppenheim Parlors. 313 McCague Bidg. WANTED Experienced talloresses and seamstresses for cioaK alteration room. Apply Superintendent, Brandels Stores. WANTED A few girls to work In cracker packing and cake icing department. Anolv 7 a. m. Monday morning. i5ose- Wlles Biscuit Co., 12th and Davenport St. 1 IVArt lf.u cxperi overall nrirurs, .Hl:y at once. Byrne-Hammer Dry Uoous Co. s fuetnrv Ninth and Howard EXPERIENCED cook for small hotel in countrv town, goon wages, steaay wore for right party, write at once. K. M. Zlmmer, Neola, Ia. llooaekeepers aad Domestics. WANTED Girl to help with baking. 1808 Farnam St WANTED At once, a good cook; highest wages1 paid. Tel. Doug. 7775. WANTED Experienced housemaid tor general work. 1341 8. 28th. WANTED Experienced dining room girl. $20 per month; board and room. Sanford uotei, itn ana arnm bis. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Phon Harney 970. Call 119 South 37th street WANTED A good girl for general house work; no washing. 3229 Harney St WANTED Experienced housemaid. Mrs. Barton. Millard. 123 N. 38tu St Tel. Har ney 36. COMPETENT girl; no laundry work. S3U Burt St H. 1026. LADIES WANTED to take work home; stamping holiday novelties. $1 to $4 dozen. Work guaranteed. Trlebera. 315 Brandels Theater Bldg WANTED A girl for general housework. 106 8. 36th St WANTED a good girl for general house work. No washing, good wages. 3521 Far nam. WANTED Competent second girl; small family; best wages. Mrs. W. T. Page, 101 N. 39th St WANTED-A good plain cook; references. Call at 2507 Cass St. WANTED Girl for general housework; must understand cooking. Apply P. Schwartg, 3326 Harney St or Nebraska Clothing Co. WANTEDt-Good strong girl or woman to help ma generally with housework and care of small children; no laundry work; must be of good disposition and reliable; no objection to colored girl If satisfactory references ar given; $8 a week. Tel. Benson 318. EXPERIENCED second girl In small family. Mrs. Frank T. Hamilton, 210 8. 32d Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing; good wages. 616 Georgia Ave. GIRL to assist with housework. 2580 Man- derson St. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; three grown people In family; one who can go home at night preferred; good wages. 4MJ( uoage. Tel. It H. GIRL for general housework in small family; good wages. 1326 8. 30th Ave. WANTED Girl to do second work. 137 8 35th St WANTED Elderly woman for house keeper on a nearby farm; two adults; Im mediately. Address 4M2 uoage St., Tel Harney 349. GIRL for general housework, no (sundry work. Appiy alter io a. m. Tuesday, sept. 6. Mrs. Vlnsonhaler, 3546 Harney. Tel. II. 1037. GIRL for general housework. 2515 Dodge. Tel. Red 65.' 2. WANTED Girl for genera) housework; three In family. 2236 S. 16th St. VANTED-Competent Dodge St., Tel. H. 1419. nurse girl. 3002 GIRL for general housework; good wages; 4 In family. 320 N. 20th. WANTED Woman to work for husband's board. 2406 N street, South Omaha. Tel ephone South 1454. WANTED A girl that Is able and willing to do the work In a family of three grown ups snd one child. 534 South 40th street. Telephone Harney 4335. COOKS, housemaid and girls for general housework. Mrs. Stubbs, 1811 Farnam. WANTED Ctrl for housework. 3510 Far- nam street. WANTED Girl for general housework: lace permanent and good wages. Refer ences. Mis. E. F. Howe, 1063 Georgia avenue. A lady on 16th and Spencer street said: "I run an ad In The Bee Sunday morning and rented my cottage before evening." HELP WANTED FEMALE Moasckerper aad Poaieatlca Coat'd COOK wanted. Mrs. Frank Colpetier. Ui South 26th avenue. MIDDLE aged woman, housekeeper (no Incumbrance). Good home for the right party. Call after 6 p. m. at 3319 Burt St. WANTED Woman to do washing. 14 North 22d street. South Omaha. WANTED immediately, a middle aged lady for housekeeper; no letters answered, N. N. Edwards, 619 Hickory street. GOOD, strong girl for general housework. Apply 4103 Davenport fit. Tel. Harney 201.2. WANT girl or woman for general house work: no washing; wages $4 a week. Call or address 1210 Park Wild avenue. MIDDLE aged lady for Hunt housework. T. Pendergaat, 3012 Avenue II, Council Bluffs, ia. WANTEIt Girl for general housework: small family. 1510 Notth 20th street. I : . wniiiii maid for general housework, must be a good cook. Mrs. Ann Men lam, -1- S. S9th St., Hamey 100. EXPERIENCED girl Air reneral hr.ii... work; good wages; no washing. Mrs. Chas. iiaraing, in o. SMIl Ave. WANTED Whit girl for general house work. 3820 Harney St. Telephone Harney 662. WANTED A first class gfrl for general housework; must be good cook. Best of wages. 116 8. 32d Ave. GOOD girl for general housework, lse, 8nencer street. . , WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 1341 Suuth 20th street. GIRL for general housework. 6135 Daven uort street. NURSE wanted. Mrs. Harry F. Wllkina. 118 South 26th avenue. WANTED Second girl; no washing; good wages. Mrs. J. T. McGee, Harney 674. 432 South 38th avenue. WANTED A fcood girl for general house work; good pay; family of three. AddIv 304 North 22d street. WANTED A housekeeper for two In family. For particulars address Box 28. Hooper, Neb. MAID for general housework: two In family; no washing; city references re aulred. 141 N. 38th Ave. 'Phone Harney 669. GIRL for general housework; no cooking. 2849 Capitol Ave. 'Phon H. 6163. WANTED A nurse maid to take car of child 2 years of age. 104 South 36th Bt WANTED Competent girl for general housework; good wages; small family. Mrs. C. B. Rustln, 205 8. 37th St. Tel. Harney 2035.' GIRL for general housework; no washing. Mrs. J. W. Squires, 203 Story Bt, Council Bluffs, la. WANTED Cook and second maid; refer ences. Call H. 1764. lit S. 38th Ave. "WANTED Girl to assist with housework: one who can go home at night preferred. 641 8. 31st 'Phone H. 8881. WANTED Good, reliable girl or woman. 2034 Blnney St., or call Webster 62. WANTED A cook and second girl: good wages. 624 8. 20th St "HOUSEKEEPER, three In family; apply Sunday any time or week days after p, m.. John H. Martin, 1811 Missouri Av South Omaha. WANTED Competent cook, 411 8. 88th Bt. GIRL for general housework In small family; good wages. 422 N. 81st Bt GIRL for general housework. Mary's Ave. 2007 St GIRL for general housework, family of three; highest wages. 8567 Howard St. GOOD competent girl to do cooking and general housework. Apply 206 8. 32d Av., or 'phone Harney 206. GIRL to help with housework. 110 8. $lth St EXPERIENCED chambermaid; wages $T per week. 123 S. 25th Ave. GIRL for general housework, family of two; nice place. 6113 Dodg. 'Phon Har ney 1781. WOMAN for general housework, small home, two In family. Apply 2510 Franklin. WANTED-An experienced whit cook In private family. 224 N. 18th Bt WANTED Girl or woman for general housework at 2017 Manderson Bt. Easy place; reasonable rates; no children. Tel. Webster 1951. I- ..w.ANTEI-al, 10 h'P housework. 110 8. 34th St WANTED Girl for general housework, f In family. Mrs. Thoma W. Haien. 105 8o. 16th. 'Phone W. 3203. WANTED-GIrl for general housework, small family: easy place. Apply 118 N. 23i 8t, South Omaha. 'Phone South 107L YOUNG girl to assist Apply 2014 N. 22d Bt. with housework1. ,,MEfiTNT cook ,n famlly of ' 14 B. 39 ( n ct. WANTED-Good girl for general house" work. Apply K8 8. 10th. Tel. R-6967. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Widower on farm, two In family, wants neat, refined, competent. American housekeeper. Protes tant, age 26 to 35 years. Good references re quested and furnished: call at Merchant hotel, Omaha, September 14, 10 to 8 o'clock. WANTED Good girl for general house work; n laundry; references required. $7 tt right party. 4822 Cass. Tel. Harney 1710. WANTED Olrl for general housework 2919 Webster. WANTED 16-year-old girl to help take car of 2-year-old boy and assist with house work. 1446 North 17th St. Phon Web. 4040. W ANTED School girl to work for room and board. Iniiulr at 1129 S. 2Sth St. Tel. H. 606. COMPETENT girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 112 North 38th Ave. Phone liar. 2C32. V NTKD Middle-aged woman for house work In famlly of four. Douglas 1044.