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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1910)
TTTR fMATTA KITNPAT L 1 JiH-H IU -, -B - ff BFX: SEITOmETl 11. 1010. Tiie Omaiia Sunday But FOUNDED UT EDWARD ROB KW AT E II. VICTOR ROBS WAT E R EDITOR. Entered at Omaha poatoffic class matter. ' econd- TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. rlly Be (Including Sunday!, Pr week.. lta Dally He (without Sunday), pr wk. .10" Ielry We (wlthovit Sundayi. on year. . 14 w Dally Br and Sunday. on year DEUVERSD BT CARRIER. Evening B (without Sunday). per wS'S.Sc Krenlng Be (with Sunday), par w"v Sunday Boa, on year J j Haturday Baa, on year Addraaa all oomplalnta of Irregularities in Salivary to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha Tha Baa Building. South Omaha Twenty-fourth and N. ' Council Bluffs 1 Srott airaat. Lincoln 618 Little Building. I'hloaio 1MI Marquelt Building. Naw Tork-Rooma 1101-1108 No. M Waal Thirty-third trt. ... Washington- 724 fourteenth Street. N. w. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to new and ad ItorlaJ mattrr ahould ba addressed: Omana Baa, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Ramlt by draft, express or postal order payabla to Tha Baa Publishing Company Only 8-cent atampa received In payment 01 mall account. Personal cnecss arin. Omaha and aaatern exchange not accepted. STATEMENT -OF ciRrtJt,ATION. BUU K...raHVa riniilaS COUntV, '. George B. Taachuck, treasurer of Tha Be Publishing Company, being ouiy ""'" ay that the actual numoet vt full and r Tha Uallv. Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during tha month of Auiuil 11U. waa a tvniow: 44,670 l....H....2.0 .........,4T0 .4 ,ftlO $ aa.aoo 49,540' T 40,000 S 49,800 . ' I ....45,930 14 49,790 II 49,790 It 49,440 It 49,790 14 ...99,900 II '....44,900 II 43.100 Total ...1.949.7SO Returned eopUa 14,997 11 44,700 II ,...43,480 ja, .43,350 S 43,404 II 40,104 l.........t43,540 .....43,880 ( 43,464 ti .....43,304 It 43,480 17 43,490 II .140,100 II 44,980 4 ...48.440 II :.. 49,90 :r totai ;. .1.414.449 OaUr awac .. 49,433 QEOROB B. TZSCHUCK. v i Treasurer. Subaertbed In my nfeaenr-e and eworn te before ma thla lat day of September, 18W. ,- At. IS. WALKHK, . i Notary PuhuC. Sabaerlbers leaving; ta city taaa rarllr aboald have' Tha Be malted to them. Addraaa will ha ehamaredl a aftem a requested. We bare this consolation about cot ton, though: It will shrink. plain, unmistakable purpose of various preachments 1b also clearly apparent. He is still the champion of the square deal. From his opening address at I The Roosevelt Trip. but the Hrltlsh courts have ruled obscured In the fog of oratory during nna rnrtn.inn i i.navnMahia at tha aaatnat the validity of this tax. a very the week, that of saving the farm end of the IloooSevelt trip. Mr. natural view for me uritisn courts to lanos. or securing tneir neurr usee ana Roosevelt is still a vitally potent Influ- take, protection from waste by erosion and ence In American national affairs. His In the United States, or anywhere soil exhaustion. It must be solved by porsonal. views are as definite and his else whore representative government the individual. The farmer must be - 1 1 . . pronouncement of them as vigorous as lis thought of, such a system as Eng- taugbt how to manage the affairs or at any time In his active life. The land has all these years naalntainea nis rarm, 90 aa to secure its greatest would not be tolerated. Not paying the efficiency, not only In point or im- memhera of a national lawmaking mediate return, but in the more ea- body can mean but one thing, that sentlal matter of its continuity of use that national lawmaking bodv must be The topics related to this aspect of Utica uo to his speech at the Hamilton made up of men rich enough to give conservation were presented at St I . . I . aa. a . club banquet In Chicago he did toot their time without pay ana since tne paui ny aoie men, jusi aa iney nave evade or avoid the frank and charm- days of Adam there baa been a feel- been presented elsewhere. This is the Ingly direct discussion of any of the Ing that the rich man and the poor really practical aide or conservation. great questions that are pressing for man have divergent interests which from which attention Is too frequently solution. Many of these were before are vitally affected by laws. It is but diverted oyinn ciamor 01 tnose wno him while he was yet president of the -natural that the poorer classes of profess to see great evils portending United States, and as a consequence Britain, dominated by laws made by in other directions. Yet It touches the much that he said during his recent their landlords, have had rather hard present generation rar more cioseiy trip was but the echo of what he had sledding. The new order will mean and is as vital to tne ruture as eitner said or written In his official capacity, new liberties, new rights and far more of the other factors in the general n,, h. h.rk 'm.- At. oDnortunitica than have ever been problem. Whenever the leaders In the known before across the sea. would not be surprising If, despite the wo failures to convict him in Chicago, things went a little harder for him at Springfield, and yet his attorneys ex press supreme confidence aa to the out come, itcgaraiess 01 mm, itubwuiui W'ayman probably Is right In affirming that the people ot the state have reaped, and will yet reap, good from the course of this prosecution. The committee at Montreal which decided that no one not garbed In con ventional evening costume should be permitted to enter at the reception en to Cardinal Vanutellt should ave served at Jerusalem some l.flOO years ago. Its menioers migni nave then learned something of the value placed on mere outward show by the man whose teachings the cardinal Is trying to Inculcate. It la comforting to think that the cardinal himself was not a party to the snobbery. tinct. Regardless of the personal factor in the equation, the trip roust have a dis tinct Influence for good. If Theodore At to Merry Del Val Reports that Austria, "the most Roosevelt has accomplished anything Catholic of all countries," Is preparing at all of service to the people of his to exert its great influence toward se country it Is In the line of awakening curing the removal of Cardinal Merry the public conscience. He came into prominence at a time when a lethargy and supplanting seemed to overcome the people, and Rampolla are discredited by many when corruption In politics and busl- conservative American Catholics, who ness was rife. The Influences that nolnt out that but for Austria's influ were dominant were not those that ence Rampolla might have become boded most' good for the nation, pope Instead of Pius X. Against this condition he hurled his This view is entitled to much con personality and the vigor of hU assault slderation. It may even be doubted if broke down the outer barriers, at Rampolla. himself, would welcome conservation movement cease to as sume the attitude of Impeccability, and devote less time to denouncing those who differ with their views, and more to the real work of teaching the farmer how to save his soil, the Ques tion of conservation will have re- del Val as papal secretary of the state celved a genuine impetus. The dia- him with Cardinal position or tne coai, tne oil ana tne timber lands is of much less real Im portance than the care of the farm lands. It might help some if the director of the census were to cease telling us what he is going to do, and do some of It. Time enough has surely elapsed since the last of the reports were sent in to accomplish the simple task of addition necessary to announce the population of the United States, and yet the figures are coming out by piecemeal and so widely scattered that no one can even give a guess at the probable total. Dr. Cook la now a resident of Chile He cannot get away from the Idea of cold. . ' ' In discarding the hobble skirt women are taking a long stride for; ward. ;'' A $60,000 bulldog has been lost In England. How did they determine the valuation? Profession of Diplomacy. Second Assistant Secretary ot State A. A. Adee, who has Just completed forty years' In the diplomatic service least, and the persistence that marked such a change even if it were In the of his country, stands aa a striking ex- hls attack aroused the people to the mind of the holy father to make it, ample of the possibilities of govern- sltuatlon.. His course has been direct which is extremely doubtful. The ment employment, . too often decried along the lines of his beginning. At policy of the Cathollo church la to re- or discounted by persona ot less un- no time has he assailed the rights of move high officials and dignitaries selfish Impulses. He has gone from anyone, but at all times has he been from ' office only for remarkable an obscure clerkship to thla high pobI- against the wrong that any might do- breaches of conduct, and those who Uon, one In which he is a most valua- The honest man, no matter what his discount this agitation about Merrylble instrument in furthering the in rank, has nothing to fear from Roose- del Val contend that no such charge I terests of his country. Secretariea ot velt; the . dishonest man, no matter may be alleged against him. When state come and go, but this man stays where he may be hidden, has no. hoDe one considers what the pope's re-1 at the post His knowledge of the in anything Roosevelt says or does. moval of his papal secretary of state Intricate details, his experience with And this is the summing up of the would really mean he is inclined to the delicate methods, his skill in the Roosevelt trip: --He Is still the 'man share the view of these, American fine amenities of diplomacy, are lnval directing his power against the evil I Catholics. It would be a violent dls-luable to his nation, and so his nation that threatens national life. It ia un- turbance of the official family of the refuses to part with him. fair to accuse him of insincerity; it is Holy See and whatever good might be I It is a great thing for an individual equally unfair to accuse him of seek-1 ascribed to such a move it un doubt- citisen to make himself such an im ing personal advantage, in his course, edly would have a counteracting influ- portant cog of the vast, complicated He has been denounced as a dema-1 ence for harm. ' machinery of the greatest government gogue and extolled as a deml-god, and Another very interesting contention the world haB ever known. Such through It all he has been a fearless, Its made by American Catholics. It is service cannot be measured In dollars frank; holiest American. Ills presence that much of the criticism directed at and cents. That Is why when sinister and his 'influence alike are . necessary Merry ,del Val Is Inspired by Italians, critics point with taunting finger at a government whose-existence de- who have always begrudged the in- the lack of opportunity In government penda on the intelligence and con- cumbency of this office to any but an service they show that they do not Italian. While Americans have no know what they are talking about and special reason for taking the Span- are incapable of approbating the real lard 'a side of the cttBe, they aa a rule merit, the actual greufjees of such believe that Italy has her ahare of the service. era, solicitor general of. the United1 controlling Influences now and that But even from a monetary stand- States, is a severe blow to his country! the beet Interests of the ' Catholic I point government service ls.9ubstap?- and a, personal and publfe. affliction to church, or the Vatican, do not demand tial and will run ahead of the average, 'I thank my attorneys from the depths of my heart," exclaimed Lee O'Nell Browne on his acquittal. That is nice, but he will have to go a little deeper down than his heart to get the kind of "thanks" his attorneys really want. .- ... 1 l,ettlnar In tha Ma;ht. Chicago News. New York's impression that there is nothing- west of the New Jersey marshes must be rendered Indelible by the census report on lta population. No Haltlnaj Hera. Baltimore American.. Importation of ' diamonds for August amounted to !4,ai6.8uO, an Increase nf 11,000 000 over last year. Plainly, the cost of liv ing Is not resulting In any economising In the luxuries. sclentlous effort of Its citizens. Bowers' Death a Blow. The sudden death of Lloyd W. Bow- Picking up the strings of that con servation congress, whlch way would you atart to hit the right trail T . The one good thing about getting mall in Alaska la that monthly state ments are bound to come In late. Sibley says his secretary did It What Is a private secretary for if not to be blamed with the mistakes of the boss?, The St. Louis woman of 60 who swam the river In a raging storm was! probably trying to get away from East 8t. Louis. Uncle Joe, they say, has taken to the tall, uncut. Better' look out, then, tor he may be putting in all bis time saw ing wood. It ia a grand lesson on brotherly love some churches set the world and then split on the least suggestion ot creedal difference. , Speaking of the need for a new na tionallsm, what in the matter with this old one that has been in use for borne thing over a century? A magasine has an article on the "Passing of New England." It has been passing In an unbroken proces alon out here to the west for fifty ye. Aietnoaisia, norm ana aouta, are still unwilling to get together, Wouldn't it be awful If some. of each faction should happen ,to meet in heaven? At Cincinnati, the home of the pres ident, Colonel Roosevelt took another occasion of praising him for his offl clal acta. Does that help satisfy the clamor, of the ghost dancers? Hoke Smith promises the people of Georgia that he will not bo a candidate for re-election as governor, but they must have known that when they nom lasted him also tor the presidency in 1818. A St. Louis paper, in reporting the result of a church trial, says "the mln lster was unfrocked." That was cer tainly a very coarae thing to do to minister, even though he were guilty of some offense. President Taft, who was his life-long friend, and -admirer. The president's tribute la all the' proof necessary of his high estimate of the man as a friend. and an official His death removes a strong support from under the president and the ad ministration. Not - only was he a great lawyer, whose skill and learning had been invaluable to his nation as solicitor general, but he had been de cided Upon by the president tor one of the vacancies in the supreme court and might, Indeed, have been made chief Justice. This now makes It necessary for the president to alter all his plans and begin over again the difficult task of looking for the right man for this gravely Important posi tion. It Is probable that Mr. Bowers death leaves Governor wlih out a rival in the president's consider anoa ror me cnier 'justiceship; at least that is the popular view, which may, of course, be entirely wrong. President Taft has had a task which comes to few men in the president's chair in the appointing of members of the supreme court, and bis own high, del Val'B supplanting prelate. by an ' Italian giving a good living to those who fol low It It must not, however, be com promised by such a comparison, for Conservation . money cannot measure the usefulness Out of all the wilderness of words of work that goe ' the upbuild- I I n anil nnAiai m.4V 4Va x that surround as a mist the proceed- m"u",J"utD VL -u master ings of the conservation congress at repuniic. roung men neea have no St Paul, one fact shines aa brightly as 1WBro va euter.uaj .tueir governments the single star on a cloudy night. Tie " VUB' " W"BH e-peciauy champions of neither view succeeded uow, ial ine meri1 y"em "a: civil in convincing the other. This fact if nrovlna that the work of "conserva- 01 opportunity, ana wnen tney have n.4,.. ,. v, ttn tn that at Kven " great and long service to where it can be rationally considered by any. ; The advocates of one horn of the dilemma are. just as earnest and Just as sure of their position as are those of the other side, and the result their country as has Mr. Adee will be somewhat Its creditors. they The Stork Exalted. Tulsa, Okl., defies - the "world to Is that any good that may eventually outdo it in patriotism, and yet Tulsa has adopted the stork as Its official emblem of liberty and battle cry of freedom. It is erecting an heroic statue of this grand old bird-upon the facade of its new court bouse, so that come from a comprehensive plan of work for the better management ot the country's natural resources must wait on further discussion. The need of conservation is ad mltted; the resulta of wasteful use of me woria may not mistaae us position lands, waters, mines and forests are on this burning question of the des too apparent to admit of denial.' But tiny of the race. ...ii.. tt,n .,.c.r,.t ..t mill Thfcn rhppri frr Tnlaa snH thru tnr almost .acred, regard for the sanctity L n th, adoptlon of r.dical the bird I Down with the eagle and fir this siArv4rtA rti I A a v l . I r w I . resolutions, nor the Insistence upon up with the stork! Long may it live a task diffl-Lny one man being recognixed aa ab- and thrive forever! We would invite solutely essential to the accomplish-the benediction of Colonel Roosevelt ment of the ends for which the policy upon the destiny and fortunes of this is to be Instituted. If the people are little city, nestling snugly ia the lap to be served by the proper care and of this rich, fertile, plain-state of the use of the natural resources that re-1 fair southwest and bid all faithful dis- main, the affairs of administration ciples of the doctrine of anti-race aui must be handled wisely and with such cide to come with their gifts of frank prudence aa will fulfill the purpose, incense and myrrh to this cradle of This cannot be achieved through any their faith. From Tulsa the very agency that doea not carry with it at sound of Its soft; sibilant name sug- least the faith that rests ia the gen- gests it all must hereafter flow the eral government. It will not do to al- stream of their inspiration. Others lege that all the misfortunes that have may follow, but TulBa will lead. overtaken us are due to the lnsuffl- And why not? Why should not clency of methods: nor will It better Tulsa take the stork aa lta shibboleth? of this service would naturally make the performance of such cult. He is not willing to mak a .in. b5 Bciruuuu wuuuui tne most com plete weighing of every element of consideration. This is a good thin for the court and for the nation it is to serve and ought not to be lost sight of by the people. Jeff Davis of Arkansas Is a big hit in Texas, where one of the newspapers says: "Jeff Davis has no more Influ ence for good or evil la the senate than a gnat," They do tell plain, blunt truths In Texas sometimes. Paying Its Lawmaker. Great Britain gives promise of get ting away finally from the old tradl tion or not paying its law-makers. Of course, this had to tome in time. It is but one or the natural results of progress and the dying attempt to pre serve the ancient custom, put forth by secure the public's interests to merely When you come to the mere matter of the old guard conservatives, is futile, change methods. growth in population, it has gone from As the days of extreme landlordism To merely rail at corporations be- about 3,000 to upward of 18,000 in and the othur attrlbutea of the gentry cause they have developed Interests ten years. Not all the new ones na- parliament had to give way before the that would otherwise have lain dor- Uvea, perhapa, but many, maybe most oncoming of a more representative mant and unproductive is not to aid in At any rate, the inspiration is there rorm or government, so this faulty solving the questions Involved. The there is the example and Influence, custom must go, and if it goes Just natural resources that remain unde- The people are old-fashioned in their after the contest over the lords' veto veloped must yet be exploited in some simplicity and steadfast in their devo power Is settled, it will not be too, soon measure at least for private profit; it tion. They are ever mindful of a duty to give much surprise, for the ele-lis not conceivable that the general enjoined by ments that have brought about Us ap- government will enter into the busl- poral. proacbing doom are working fast and ness of mining, or lumbering, or any earnestly. of the several lines concerned. Thus, To the Irish and laboritea in Parlia- the only thing to be settled, is on what ment may be largely ascribed the terms will the lands, the timber, the a law higher than tern Krlly'a Slide Ontclaaaed. Cleveland Leader. The Frenchman who has proved that It i possible for an expert to coast down to the earth without smashing himself or his machine, from the height pf 8,000 feet has given aviation a bigger boost than most of the record breakers. Sid Lilaea Cat Oat. Boston Transcript. The accounting officers of the treasury. in holding that "transportation of the army and its supplies" does not cover the ex pense for auto rides and taxi fares, are within tha letter of the. law, and in this Instance it Is the letter that keeps an ap propriation balance alive. SECULAR SHOTS AT THE PULPIT. Boston Herald: The churches of . New York report that their membership la grow-' Ing even faster than Is the population of the city. Who would have thought that? Harper's Weekly: The Rov. Harvey Johnson, colored, of Baltimore says: "Teach tha coIorAl children how to box and they won't carry rasora." 8o he deprecatea shutting out tha fight pictures from Baltimore. Boston Transcript: Bishop Brent of the Philippines Is being regarded with much favor as a successor to the late Bishop McVlckar ot Rhode Island. The only ob jection la that It would be difficult to find man to carry on the work In his present field, which he has conduoted so admirably, Topeka Capital: "If certain event related In the Bible had been covered by men like the newspaper reporter of today," says a Bt, Louis preacher, "how eagerly we would read them." Maybe so. But if the average newspaper reporter of today could write Ilka, some of tha Bible authors, h would not be a newspaper reporter. ' Philadelphia Ledger: The Massachusetts paator, a friend of the late Prof. William James, the psychologist, who declares that he has established communication with the spirit of the explorer of psych lo pheno mena, carries no conviction by making such an assertion. An emotional- man, who develops retrospection and bends a brood ing spirit to the task of summoning spirits, will certainly In time become conscious of presences and "see things." Nothing Is quite so dangerous for ordinary minds as the attempt to pierce the unfathomable. A aother Iiinraaee Gamble. Brooklyn .Eagle, ' A special.- Insurance, company to take risks on aviators has been formed. While a man If falling 6,000 feet La. will have time to' reflect with self-approval on the Insur ance policy in bis safe. . The premiums will ba as high aa tha flights. The policies will be mora heavily loaded than the cars. CAUSES OF UNIIEST. Moat ot tha Country's Ilia Traced to ' Selfishness. , Brooklyn Eagle, , Very few students of social conditions in America will be inclined to doubt the Judg ment of CardtaaJ Gibbons in ascribing much of the discontent to the effect' of squandering the resources of the Individual or family on luxuries which could ba dis pensed with aa well as not We suppose. however, that many pessimists will differ with the cardinal in his Idea that the con flict between employer and employ la not Irrepressible. . He said In his Interview, be fore starting for Montreal: There Is continued unrest between the employed and the employer, and it would be most" beneficial if this condition could be overcome. There Bhould not be any need of conflict between labor and capl tat, since both are necessary for the pub lie good, and the one depends, on the co operation of the other. Whoever strives to Improve the friendly relation between the proprietors and the laboring men, by suggesttaig the most effectual means of dl mlnlshlng and even removing the cause of the discontent, is a benefactor to the com munlty," Tha cause of the discontent Is universal selfishness. To diminish and even to re move It Is tha function of tha church, which teaches that It la more blessed to give than to receive. Optimists persist in believing that, governed by the golden rule, workmen and captains ot Industry would produce such results that the markets of the world would belong to th United State. It la pleasant to note that Cardinal Gibbons rather favors the optimists. Our Birthday Book ".'lit M II L 'U. i SI. SERMONS BOILED DOWN. Praying may be a costly thing wlu-n It Is a refuge lrm paying. To be rtd our of tun many thins Is a atal kind of certainly. That religion Is a sad failure which uc- fwdn only In making un sad. Platitude are popular hersusa their edgps re worn too smooth to hurt. II who worries over his words to men mn loses his. word for men. The more of a bora the church I th lrs hoi It make In the world. When a man make his faith Into a fort e quarantines himself from truth. When the preacher Is trying to make a lilt he often comes to with a bruise. The tent ot life Is not In great thlnp. but in taking ail things In a great spirit. Saying amen loud In the meeting soenis to rip some to forget what It was all about. Men who are at war with Iniquities may well be willing to b at peac with opinions. A man often thinks ha Is a saint when he bt-glns to exercise discretion In the choice of Jils sins. i , . He who regards the world as his orange finds that the universe hands him an en tirely different variety of cltrus.-Chli-ago Tribune. "AiJ Eves -W There's nothing that will help "sick" eyes more than glasses, and there's nothing that will harm them more than glasses that don't suit. Eye glasses are Intended to remedy defects In vision. Any glass that falls to do this is harm ful and should not be worn. All our lenses are specially' ground, to suit your eyes. Let us make a scientific examination of your eyes f ree.. ; lluioson Optical Co, v 918 Ho, 18th Street. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. ' ' "Why did you snill when I to-ld you Oussle Was going to celebrate her Woodeil - "I couldn't help thinking bow well Ous sle's huahand would matoli the occasion." Baltimore American. "Has' her marriage to the count really been Indefinitely postponed?" "Yes; there whs eome Ultl misunder standing, I believe." "But does the misunderstanding amount to much 7" . . "Only to about TiOO.O0O, I think." Cathollo Standard and Times. Mrs. Newly Don't you Ilk my naw hat,, deareatf Newly Yes-s. It's all rtirht. Mrs. Newly Well, 1 bought It on your account, dear! i Newly Yea, you usually do. Uf. . ... "Poor Bill walked ten mllea to propose to his aii-L and she turned htm down after.' all." "What did he sayT" - "'Well,' he said, 'to think I'v footed 1t all this way only to have It handed to , nisi' " Indianapolis News. " "If you please, sir," aald the new con?., vlct. addressing th governor of th prison, "I should like to be put to my own trade.'' v. trrituiuy, mvua me eiern uui mnaiy Official. "I'll that It l itnne. What . la your trader"- . . "I'm an aviator, sir," murmured th Uu : est arrival. London Globe. HOME. M. Lewis In Houston Post. a little old house on a lltti old PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. Truly, these be melancholy days for the straw lid. New Tork's editorial wrath grows hotter as Roosevelt nears home. Besides making a hit aa a reigning, mon arch, King George of England accidentally put a charge of bird shot In the rear ele vation ot a peer's trousers. United States Ben at or Lorlmer haa lived In Illinois long enough to know that when a cyclons approaches th wis thing to do Is duok into tha cellar and pull down th lid. The convention of the American Bankers' association will be held at Los Angeles, October X to 7..,. Advance notices of the event promise a variety ' t)f exhilaration besides . ozone. . To .stffteif the poignancy' of .his grief a Nutmeg state farmer at tha funeral ot his third wife carried in his pocket a license to wed number, four. From gray to gaiety was but an hour's drive of old Dobbin. In his recent reviewing ot th west th New York World computes that Colonel Roosevelt spilled 125,000 words .in fourteen speeches between Cheyenne and Sioux Falls. Besides the World throws a fit be tween each day's output. J There's street In a little old bit of a town ' Wher the honeysuckle is breathing sweat. And nights as th sun goes down A childish treble la raised in song . That fits In tha perfumed aloam: And, oh, the days they are hot and long'. . When 1 am away from home. There's a little white bed In a little whit room In that little old house, upstairs, - aiiu uiruuHn mo winuow uie aweei per film - That the summer breexe Upbears Drifts In and stopa where two little girls ' Kneel white In the nurtile aloam And pray and the wind stirs their yellow curis For daddy to com aaf horn. There's a little yard 'round the little cot,': And the rose trees grow un high. And th porch Is coo!,- and when days are hot The eye of th passer-by Look Into the nook where th ' children With hearts like the light sea foam, . . And th stranger smiles as he goes his way With a whisper whose end la "Hornet" There's a lltti woman whose cheeks ar red .. , With th roses of daya gone by, And you woald know by the bending head And the -red line cnrvlnar whv Hqw far In the world be fares, i The man's heart turns when th daya recede '' .'.To th woman and babes upstairs. u'l . - ..'-. . ' ' There' a bis soft place, in th. daddy 'a heart 'That aches when the night come down. When the woman and ha are whole mile apart, ; And far from th dear old town. ' ' J. He knows the babies are by their bed .' t witn tneir motner near oy, ana then The whisper comes from each curly head: "Bring daddy horn safe, Amen." Coutant Squlfoo' Cool Offlco Removed to 210 South 17th Street ajj si a M m Waf vwva w im ilk w a B Koff Is the Time ta Boy. Telephones Doug. 930; hi. A-1 830 The on thing that keeps Mr. Bryan's prediction of democratic vic tory from being ominous to the repub licans Is th record for th last four teen years, which shows that he has bees predicting the same thing at each recurring election, local and national. average man doea not Irk the "squealer," and while such feelings The difficulty in securing a convic tion in a bribery case has always been apparent to those Who have watched credit for this change in conditiona as minerals, the oils or the water oower tn workings of human nature. The to paying the members. These parties be granted to the uses of private eon are financially unable to maintain cerns? The righta of the public are to seats in the lawmaking body of the be given du consideration, and the ahould not deter any man in rendering nation entirely on a non-remunerative proper return on money invested by his honest and fair judgment, it un basis; their membera, as a rule, are the operators must alo be assured, doubtediy does in such cases as that poor men, dependent upon their own This leaves the main Question of con- ' Le O'Nell Browne. If there has time for tbelr means of livelihood. Of Nervation In the hands of congress, the been guilt it ought to be condemned course, then, they could not spend congress that meets st Washington nl punished, but it ia a task, Just the their time In Parliament very much and not the one just assembled at 8t longer without being pal J for It. The Paul. Irish have been able, by levying a spe- As to the greater problem of con ciai tax, to keep their members there, servation, which waa unfortunately same. The democratic legislative leader if only half through with bis court troubles, as he now faces a sim ilar charge In Sangamon county. It September-11, 1810. John ' Ireland, archbishop of St. Paul, waa born September 11, 1838. - He U a native of Ireland, and one of the fight ing chaplains on tha union side in the civil war. He has been in Omaha fre quently In connection with hla duties u prelate of the Roman church. N. p. Nelson, the big Cincinnati manu facturer who Is an authority on prolit Sharing, la ft years old today. He was born In Norway, and has written a great deal on economic subjects, and particu larly the labor Question. Robert Z. Drake, th bridge contractor, was born September 11, 1 848 at Holton, Mass. He started out a a contractor In Wrought Iron work In 1882, and ta now connected with a large number of bridge and lumber companies, the principal one being the Standard Bridge company. In Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri and Houth Dakota. . Z. T. Lindsay, wholesale rubber goods, la alxtv-three. lie waa born In Cedar county, la,, and has been in buslnesa In Omaha since 1(8$, at preaent as president anu manager of the Interatate Rubber company. He was also on of the Hoard of Managers of th successful Trans Mlsslsslppi exposition. Dr. Stacy R. Hall, physician and sur geon In the t'axton block, was born Sep tember 11. 1877, at Bishop Hilt.. III., and educated In science and medicine at 'the University of Chicago and th medical department of th University of Me brash a. Arthur Met, vie president of the Mets Brewing company,- Is forty-one. He was born In Omaha and educated in tha schools her and th St. Louis EduoatlusaJ Institute. .era T OUCH liniLLMG Art (ha Charactirlstlei of tha PIAN OS The Baby Grand Mason & Hamlin Piano sells for $800. Can you heat it? HOSPE CO. 1513-1515 Douglas Street. is SHE. ENGRAVED STATIONERY WEDDING INVITATIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS VISITING CARDS All correct forms In curreni social usage engraved In the best manner and punctually delivered when promised. . EMBOSSED MONOGRAM STATIONERY and other work executed at prices lower than usually prevail elsewhere. A. I. ROOT. Incorporated 1210-1212 HOWARD T. PHONC D. 104