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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1910)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BKE: AUGUST U, 1910. ; -I ! , : ; ; ; ; t url n : ma n mm I ... .... I . I t i J r X v i ncur hfmdi.u MALt HELP WANTED WALE , ' EDUCATIONAL . EDUCATIONAL . MEDICAL - - OFFERED FOR RENT As;etaad , tele. ,r lontlnaetl. AOFNT II you are earning leu thnn i. -f-ekl', and for our latent proposition. E,rtL7",r . Council Crest. Mfg. Co, -wv ---ie, XVail.- m td l.ono fcr tnt profit. Ant wanted. - - r"-r" ....,.. v n-Jieseie cam 'J.' iiupigm npectacle ;o., ate Dept. 4, Kansas City, -Mo. Whole- NO-BPL.A8H-B.mple fra.. Agents, both Eureka Anti-8plaah water strainer if : "I"'1'-. Get sample. Be convinced. Send Jo postage. 1 H. Seed, W Reade, New York. TWO live salesmen for stock proposition. Omaha company. Gilt edge. Salary and commission. Call Monday morning. 400 New York Life., AOENTfrV-The "CANr,HESTER'' la the biggest money maker ever known; the Im proved 1W1 Cancheater Incandescent kero sene lamp will revolutionise lighting meth burns air Instead of money; six times . ?.L'r tnan electricity, gas or acetylene at 1-19 cost; burna with or without mantle; burner fits any lamp; saves 75 per cent oil; no trimmhi wicks; showing means selling; territory going fast; write today; particu lars free; handsome oatflt furnished; be ware of Imitations. Cancheater Light Co., Dept.' 49B, 26 State street, Chicago, III. TWO high-grade traveling salesmen for p Nebraska and Iowa territory. 844 Bran dels Theater Bldg. Clerical aad Office. WANTED Young man of experience In collections and general correspondence with country- accounts, to take position with advancement. In collection department of large jobbing house. Must have ability and qualifications for bond and be ready to befcln work Immediately. Address, H 820, caree. WANTED -A YOUNG MAN. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE PREFERRED. APPLY, MONDAY MORNING OMAHA OA8 WORKS, TWENTIETH AND CEN TER .STREET8. . WANTED Flratclass dress goods man who haa had experience In large depart ment store. Hay den Bros. WANTED Young man as stenographer and clerk for Montana coal .mine: give ref erences, age, experience and salary ex peeled. W 829, Bee.' KEW BRIGHT young men, starting sal ay 1800; ' rapid advancement as deserved. Gov't service as railway mall clerks. Im mediate action necessary aa entrance exam inations have iust been announced. Tx ceptional opportunity best In years, hoe Mr. Hoff Monday, 201 Old Omaha National Bank Bldg. ' YOUNG MAN Bricht for nermanont nn.i. tlon as Hallway Mall gierk. Start utf at $800 per year, few months. Advancement and lar promotion thereafter. Mint ho regu bustler and willing to devote couple of iinirs per aay lor inree montns in evening study- preparing. Most exceptional oppor tunity right now. See Mr. Hoff. Monday, 201 Old Omaha National Bank Bldg. EXPERIENCED business man wants work In .the United States congress; com petent and trustworthy. Will guarantee a ;Sluare deal to all If elected. Primaries Au ,ksttl, V. F. Stoecker. Bookkeeper, IrtS. ' , 'Order clerk, 10. ' General office clerk, JtiO. . Stenographer, $ii0. Call or write for complete, list of vacan cies. WESTERN REF. BOND ASS N. INC., ; 762-1 N. Y. Life Bldg. tEst yrs.) TRAVELING SALFSMAN, WOO and ex penses. TRAVELING' SALESMAN.1 specialties, BOOKK'KEPER, IftS, I.r. IX Jl R CLERK, H0. l.l.Hxilt ClJiKlv, TO. OV'Fll'K CLLrlKrfHO.' assistant bookkeeper and time- KEKPt-Jll. H0. UBNHKAL OFS'ICK ASSISTANT; roust DiHTute t) pewrlter, $45. MTV" SALESMAN ; must be acqualneed H .oigar trade; $100 per mouth and ex. t'; JBNOGRAPHER, 175. TrNOORAPHER, $A, .OKDER CLERK. ). ASSISTANT HHI1PING CLERK, 0. EXPERIENCED UROCERY CLERK. tS. The abova Is a partial list of positions which we must fill at once. If you are open for a position see us without delay or write for complete list. We have placed thous ands of others In good paying positions ana we .can certainly place you. It costs nothing o Invexttifate. v WKSTKHN REF. A: BOND ASSN.. INC.. 7M-4.X. Y. LlfaBldg. (Etab. 8 Years.) WATED-CleiU or bright young nun for railway mall clerk; you must act Im mediately to be redy lor examina tions; salary HKXi per year, starting; rapid protfiotlon. rtee ir.. lioli' before noon, 301 old Oliinha Nat l ltnk Uklg. YoCNU men for government service; best oppoiltliiities in veara. See Mr. Hoff before nourt. 201 Old Xmaha National bank Bldg. hImepiately! "" Railway mail clerks wanted. Entrance xamlnatlona Jutt announced; best oppor tunity In years; beginning salary. t0 per year. For Information and preparation see Mr. Hoff, 201 Old Omaha National Bldg. Immediate action necessary. POSITIONS) f-r several good bookkeeper od Stenographers. See ua at onca PAR BONp EMPLOYMENT CO.. 1J Be Blita raet.rr a. a Trade. f . M Drug atoraa fsnapa). Joba Knleat. Be mat. WA.NTED Brickyard men. 13th and Fred erick. Monday morning. F. P. Gould Son. GORDON press feeder wsnted at Raber'a, Hee. Bldg. WANTED-Working men who wish their . .imlltlon to vote for W. F. Stoecker, dem x ratio candidate for congress. Primaries August Hi. WANTED 40 union carpenters. Moline, I i ill., .at Dc per hour; four months' work. Leonard Construction Co., care Deere Co. WANTED Experienced JanltorTmarriert nan preferred; steady Job; must furnish aoud references. Western Electric Co., 802 rarnani pi. WANTED Machine blacks, car carpen ters, and car repairers. Experienced men only need, apply. Cudahy Packing Co. Si uth Omaha. lllsevllaaeaaa. BRIGHT young man 14 to 18 years of age for primary office work, wholesale house. Mention salary desired, schooling and parentaga Address F 818. Bee. MY ambition will be to serve this con stituency so nooe will ever regret voting f r me. W. . lot- k t WANTTD-Manager, by Rev. James Alexander Dowte. the famous Chlcago-Klon healer, and Rv. Francis Schlatter." the Denver healer of world renown. Call 131 4th St., Council Bluffs Mlsrrllnnroas ( ont Ineed. I 1 Board aad Hooai Cantlai I W. F. 8TOKCK En. vote for him at the I W. F. STOECKER, vote for him at the ..rlmartes. If elected I am free and unfet tered by any Influence except to benefit the masses. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; practice furnished by free work; careful In structions hy experts; few' weeks completes; tools given; hoarr1 secured; experience in shops before completing; catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber College, 110 S, 14th St. WANTED A young man to travel with the sales manager o( it large manufactur ing concern. Salary to begin. 140 per month and expenses. Rare opportunity, to learn manufacturers' distributing business. Must have : $200 cash security. Address "A," Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs. MAN under 35 to fit for railway mail clerk. Good starting salary; rapid advance ment. Best opportunity In government service. Demands Immediate action. Must be physically sound and not afraid to work. See Mr. Hoff, Monday. 201 Old Omaha Na tional Bldg. ,v VOTEH for W. F. Btoeckor mean a square deal for the working men. Remem ber Stoecker for congress. Primaries Au gust lti. 600 men 20 to. 40 years old wanted at once for Electric Railway Motormen and Con ductors. $00 to $100 a month; no experience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write immediately for application blank. Adress Y-612 care of Bee. LABORERS wanted on building construc tion work on the new Morrell Packing Plant at Sioux Falls. S. D. Wages $2.25 per day for the first two weeks' employ ment and 0.40 per day after tne first two weeks. Steady work until February. Re port Immediately on Job to Collins Bros.. General Contractors. vunul ojvjxvo mo Pmrn gutomoblle business; practical Instruction. Nat l Auto Ttalnlng Assn. 628 Brandeia Theater Bldg. IM MEDIATELY RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED Entrance examinations already announced; best opportunity in year.. Start $.S00 per year after couple months $900 and within a year $1,000 or more If capable. For Infor mation and preparation see Mr. Hoff, Mon day, 201 Old Omaha National Bank Bldg. DAVIDSON BROS. CO., of Sioux City, Iu., - , desire the services of an expert linen man as assistant In the department, but who will be expected to sell. Apply by letter only,' giving full experience, salary desired, etc. Good position for the right party. CAN YOU WRITE INSURANCE? IF SO you can make good money selling the policies of the Western Life and Accident company; ' health, accident, burial and dividend-paying features all in one con tract; liberal renewal commissions. Con tinental Bldg., Denver, Colo. $25 WEEKLY and ' expenses to trust worthy people to travel and distribute sam ples for big wholesale house. C. H. Kmery, P. 268, Chicago. . MEN WANTED Ages 18 to 35 years, for firemen, $100 monthly; and brakemen, 0 on nearby railroads. Experience unneces sary; no strike. Promotion to engineers, conductors. Railroad employing head quart ers. Over 500 men sent to positions monthlv. State age; send stamp. Address Y-219, care Bee. PICTURE FRAMER Young ' man who can Join , and fit, for small shop; steady employment; advancement to right man; give age, reference and aalary expected. Address, Y lt5, care Bee. i Y V Rl II IV ..on .. H .1 cl H mtn 1. 1 .. . . v . ...... mv l.J .Hr W VTVK 1 y LA I their income, growing mushrooms In cellars, sheds, boxes, etc. Hlf market. Free Hook let. Hiram Barton. W. 48th St.. New York WANTED Railway mall clerka, post office clerks, carriers; examinations In this district In November. Bureau of Instruc tion, box , Rochester, N. Y. tlOO UAVTtlT V . 7 . rxiirunn, iu travel .... uinuinuio miu7i iur ui g manuiao turer; stesdy work. S. Scheffer, Treasurer, W o - ni,i. m . a1N V. 1 1 11. am.U, , STUDENTS and others make $5 dally upward on endless chain sales of startling new book. "Downfall of the Great Re- 1 .1 1 . 1 1 r All U...a 1 n t . i 1 1 " iiiiciirami. V.7 11 1 1 1 1 , J 1 - structions free. Northwest Publishing Co., W. Summit Ave.. St. Paul. Minn. DO you want to make big money? Here is your opportunity, representing In your locality large, reliable, established business house; no experience or capital required. Write for free particulars. Daniel H. Rlttor Co., Chicago, 111. GOVERNMENT Poaitlons-Chaneea never better to secure one. Full particulars as to salaries, positions, dates of exsmlna tlons soon to be held in Omaha. 3 1 mole questions, etc.t sent free In circular 231, National Correspondence Institute, Wasii Inglon, D. C WANTEI-Several flrst-clasa. experienced road salesmen; most popular line on the market; sella readily to country stores; profit shoring coupon premium proposi tion; every merchant glad to buy. Write for particulars. Old reliable, well estab lished wholesale house. Our best sales men are making big money. Address, 1110 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. ".EVEN Freemasons given pleasant, profitable employment near home, whole or part time. Fraternal, Thames Bldg.. New York. RAILWAY mall clerk examinations will be held November 12. Scores of other ex aminations during September and October. Information free. Columma Correspond ence College, Washington, I). C HELP WANTED alALK AND KKHALB We Want You Men and Women Without giving up your present position we will prove to you that you can greatly Increase your weekly earn'ngs. Our goods are known the country over. . It Is con ceded thst no finer grade of underwear a-nd knit goods ran be found. WE WANT YOU to represent us In your home territory selling direct to your .... - ... wm.u,.,., mi must iiDeral ! uummlsslons. One letter from ua will prove to you that we are placing before you a golden oppor tunity. Others have succeeded, you can We will show you how to build up a lu crative business. Don't deiay. Write ua and learn for yourself. R, S. 8upply Co City National Bank Bldg., Utlca, N. j'i PRINTING LEW W. RAISER, Printer,"" Bee Bldg. Entrance on Court. ' RI ES-H ALL Ptg. Co.. lot) 8. Hth. A-3M4. Ind. MILLER at JAUIESOX, 12 Doug. Both Puones. " "PHONE IND. A-MM Mi good prlatlaa Lyogalea Priuliag Co. Itta Capitol Avi. THE BUSINESS WORLD HAS VERY LITTLE USE FOR FANCY PENMANSHIP or the usual bird-like pen "pictures" that some business colleges seem to think so Important. Perhaps the reason these business colleges think aaudlly flourished and elaborately shaded penmanship Is Important. Is that they are not In totich with the business world and do not know what employers res II y want. They hold their te-t book, between their eyes and the business world. No wonder their graduates think elaborate penmanship Is the open sesame to a position in the business world. No wonder these graduates do not know that fancv penmanship Is a positive drawback a handicap In the business world. It w,(-tes time, both for the writer and the read.r, and the business world has no use for anything or anybody that wastes tlm.?. The average business house In Omaha would almost as soon have Its accousts written In French or German as In fancy blrd'8-tall English penmanship. B0YLES knows this. It keeps in constant touch with the- business world. It doesn't hide itself behind old text books. It designs to, claims to, and does endow Its students with practical business ability that will enable them to gain and retain splendid business positions. It produces penmen whose writing Is clear, legible, rapid, and yet business-like. It doesn't waste Its students' time In long drawn-out, useless blrd's-tall, ornamental, penmanship exercises. Every business house in Omaha knows this. They know that our graduates are able to write swiftly, clearly and legibly. That Is why Boyles college graduates are in such great demand that we cannot be gin to supply half the demand. That's the reason why we positively promise to obtain a position for everv competent graduate of Boyles college! SEND FOR A FREE COPY OF OUR BIG YEAR BOOK FOR 1910 AND 1911. BOYLES COLLEGE II. B. BOYLES, PRESIDENT. 18th and Harney Sts. Boyles Building, OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 19 tli and Faniam Sts. , OMAHA. NEB., AUGUST 7. 19x"7. To the Parents of Omaha : Did you ever Btop to consider that your boy or girl, whom you may wish to enter commercial life, has but two paths to follow? "Long Service" or "Special Preparation." ' , You are vitally Interested in the success of your children and therefore have decided to have them enter one of the various business pursuits, realiz ing that commercial life is much more remunerative than the so-called pro fessions. The next thing you must decide is the kind of training you wish your boy or girl to secure, taking it for granted that you agree that a special training course means the saving of time and money. The world is crying out for specialists- men and women who can do some one thing better than someone else can, and If you will only look about you, you will find abundant proof of the demand for young people vTuo are equipped by means of a thorough business Training Course. , If you will Investigate the merits of the Omaha Commercial College, you will become convinced that there Is no Institution that gives a more prac tical and thorough course of training. Our courses of study are modern, prac tical and popular; our teachers, earnest, experienced and enthusiastic, and our equipment second to none. We do not believe In short courses, and emphasize thoroughness in all of our work, thus Insuring that degree of confidence and ability which Is ne cessary to success. '' We are always glad to show visitors through our school that they may observe the quality of work that is being done in the various departments, and note the intense interest and enthusiasm of our students. Assuring you of my personal interest in the success of your son or daughter, and pledging our best efforts in promoting their welfare, I am, Cordially yours, E. A. ZAltTMAN, President Shorthand That Wins Success MOStfER & LAMPMAN positively know that the training they are giving their shorthand students IS THE BEST THERE IS TO BE HAD. If you were to travel from 'Maine to California It would be impossible for vou to find a school where you could secure a BETTER SHORTHAND TRAINING THAN YOU CAN GET RIGHT HERE IN OMAHA AT THE MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE MOSHER & LAMPMAN teach the MO SHER SYSTEM OF SHORTHAND because MOSHER & LAMPMAN have demonstrated it to be the most lapld system of short hand in the world. There are no shaded strokes, as in the Pitman, to retard speed. It Is written right along on the line the aame aa longhand, and not above the line, on the line, through the line and under the tine as Pitman shorthand la written. It has no long, cumbersome strokes and conflicting words as found In the Gregg. The fact that MOSHER & LAMPMAN teach Mosher Shorthand is one of the rea sons why MOSHER & LAMPMAN graduates CAN WRITE SO MUCH FASTER than the students who come from the average business colleges. It Is one of the reasons why MOSHER tc LAMPMAN graduates can read their notes better than the Pitman and Gregg writer. It is one of the reasons why MOSHER & LAlMPMAN graduates can WRITE SO MUCH FASTER THAN THE WRITER'S OF THE GREGG SYSTEM. It is one of the reasons why MOSHER Ac LAMPMAN graduates can be found In nearly etery large business house In Omaha. It Is one of the reasons why MOSHER & LAMPMAN graduates have been able to go direct from the college INTO THE CO CRT ROOM AND MAKE GOOD AS RE PORTERS. It Is one of the reasons why you can gt a better stenographic training In the MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE than you can get In any other school In Nebraska. It Is one of the reasons why you should write, 'phone or call for our FREE CAT ALOGUE and SEE FOR YOURSELF THE MANY ADVANTAGES MOSHER & LAMPMAN are offering young people. It gives full information about our courses In Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping. Penmanship, Salesmanship, etc. Address, MOSHER & LAMPMAN 17th and Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.' 1910 Fall Term Boyles College Opens Monday, September 5, in the. DAY and NIGHT Sessions Complete Banking. Complete Course. Business Course, Including Shorthand and Typewriting Complete Civil Service Course. Complete Telegraphy course, and all English Branches. The Year Book Is ready. Apply for It. H. B. BOYLES, President B'sJtuHding0aha.Njbraska. LOST AND FOUND The Teddy Bear n'"d LOST Bunch of keys, between Revare hotel and city hall. Finder please teturn to 416 city Hall and receive reward. IXSTA gold nugget pin, between Cass and Davenport on 5oth St. Reward return to 6001 Cass. FOUND An honest business man who guarantees a square deal if elected to con gress. Vote for W. F. Stoecker. Primaries August la IXJST The cause of Cannonism and gang rule if W. F. Stoecker Is elected to congress. COLLEGE Omaha. Neb. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 41ST AND CHARLES. Rev. F. D. Tyner. 3MS Cr.arJes. liar, m Mosher-Lampman Co Unexcelled courses tn fiusln-. Short hand. Penmanship and English. .None but experienced teachers. Day and night ses sions. Most interesting cataiog published Id Omaha. Send fur one today. MOSHER LAMPMAN. lUh and Farnam streets. Omaha. Net WILSON-GREEN school of Music and Languages. Gera. Oratorio, Concert, Pi ano. Violin. Lo.trding pupils, superb new house. Catalogue 2'A1. Connecticut Ave., Washington, D. C LOST AND FOUND (Continued! FOUND A men who If -lected will stick by his party and the common people. Vote for W. F. Storcker, democratic candidate for congress. Primaries August 16. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; toe postpaid; samples free. Sher man t McConneil Drug Co., Omaha. BEST tierve bracer far man. 6ray's Nerve Food pills. II a box, postpaid. Sher wau McCoonell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and iirriral at Crelghton Medical college. Hth and Daven port Sts.; special attention paid to con I moment cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. Phone Douglas 1W7. Calls answered, day and night Dr. McGrew Has given his entire professional life to the treatment of all fonr.e of chronlo and spe cial diseases of men. . For H5 years he has been known and trusted by all. 18 years la Omaha Charges low. If you have no money, call or write, anyway. Dr. McGrew Co.. ?1K S. 14th Ht.. Omaha. Neb MONEY TO LOAN MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. money. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY MONEY. MONEY MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY MONEY MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY to LOAN RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY, 308 Pax ton Block , LOANS I10-TO-I500 On FURNITURE. PIANOS. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS, FIXTURES. HORSES. WAGONS, or on YOUR SALARY, if you are steadily employed. BEST TERMS and CHEAPEST RATES If you need MONEY for your vacation, to pay grocer, land lord or butcher do not fall to PLACE YOUR LOAN with us, an old established and reliable firm, where you are absolutely certain to receive a SQUARE DEAL. We arc here to do business and If equitable ratee. courteous treatment, privacy and - prompt service are Inducements worthy of consideration, place your loan with us If you are already car rying a loan with another con cern, you can transfer it to ua at a cheaper rate. TRY IT RELIABLE CREDIT: COMPANY, : 308 Paxton Block. N. E. Cor. 16th and Farnam Sts. Phone Dorg. 1411 and A1411. . SALARY AMD CM ATI LS. . It NO MOR Hiun KAia. M It CHEAP MON-Y FOR YOUR U ft SUMMER VACATION. M H NEW COMPANY. NEW PLANS. This is a new firm organixed by the ii I LEADING BUSINESS Mislh O' tl ef OMAHA fO LOAN U UU to taOu t H to any honest person owning HO US - t4 HUL.U tiuuua, flANUo, etc., or hold- ft If lug a aalariua position at' tne rate ul m M 10 PER CENT PER YEAH Q J boX THINK YOU PAX It 11.00 Interest on 10 tor, one year. ft tf t.aU Interest on for one year tt It ii.V) Interest tn fjU tor one year! it t ALL OTHER SUMS IN PROPORTION tt t EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. U tt Reasonable Appraisement Chargea it tt INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., . ft Room MM Wlthnell Block. ( It N. E. Cor. 15th & Harney Sts., 2d Floor tt 'Phone Douglas Mi. ff ittttmiti.t.fotmtitmitmtftttt5tttttttt! Cash Quick on Easy Terms. We loan money n household "goods, pianos and teams without removal, for long or short time, ' small and easy pay ments, tl.30 to the weekly payment on a MOO loan for 6V weeks, other amounts In the same proportion. Call on us and let us explain our plan for loaning money. Strictly private and reliable. Courteous treatment at ail times. Mall or "phone, ap plication receive our prompt attention.' State Mortgage Loan Co., ' Room U. Arlington Block, 151 1V Dodge St. Phoiie Douglas 24. IF hard luck Is coming your way voto for W. F. Sluecker lor i-.u. i-.i; , ., .. you In the future. Legislation for the money power will take place in the next congress. Have a friend there to pull for the poor man. , tt$mttimwtwttttttttttttKtmttiwttittii Vt CHEAP LOANS t tt on Furniture, Pianos or Salary. l IS You borrow If tt 110.00 you pay back 111.00 tt tt 2i.t0 you pay back 2.'.00 II tuO.oo you pay back M.0U ft II No other charge. tt It OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. II If Room 601. Brown Blk., 207 S. 16th St.. If It Cor. Doug. St. Douglas 20M; A-MM. It ttWttWWW$WUWtWWW?WtftWKtf UO.N-Y: NEED AN VI UO TO Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., UK Board of Tiade bldg.. fouthwesl Corner Kith and Farnam ia Telephone Douglas tt. v Rates . cheaper than any advertised We can prove It . CHATTEL LOANS AT BANKABLE RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO. Room 7, Crounse Block. Corner lbtn and Capital Ave. "Opposite Postofflre. Both Phones Doug. 1356; A-1&4. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPUh WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AX1) OTH I.Ks. without security; usy payments, i 'ffi. es in mi principal rltles. Tplmaa, room 111 New York L1M Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. Come In and let us explain our low rates to you. Reliable Credit Co.. ' Paxton Blk. Phone Doug Hit; .wti. DIAMOND LOANS AT Ji? ' W. C FLATAU, InU Dodxa Tel. Red Mil MOVING AND HOUSE CLCANINC. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. cleans carpels on your floor Electrx acuum yiein 10 K. nth. Tel. D. 1M EXP. Delivery Co.. office Ittb and Die upon warehouse. tXl-im Ixard U OFFERED F0RENJ Hoard anil lloiim, CHOICE rooms with board. "The Tea plsra." IKI Capitol Ave. SOUTH front parlor: also one other room. w. ,i.iivn vr saarriea , eoupie, wi vlt vsiii. jv vage. ELEGANT rooms and board. 3 Cali fornia St. Tel. Doug. U5L CLEAN furnished rooms and board, wits Oerman (Cr.ristlan) family. UTI Capital Ave, STUDENT, lady or gentleman, to wait table for board and room. 714 N. lata su ' MODERN rooms, with board. 4M a t4ta ft Douglas HM. BOARD and room, M M per week. 142 Dm. eatur St Tel. B-aML TABLB board and rooms for two. m Chicago. ROOM and board In private family: home oukllig. alt N. 23d. LARGE room ' with board; suitable for two; private. 114 8. 19th. BOARD ant. rooms. U07 St Mary's Ava LARGE, cool, beautiful front room, two large closets and lavatory; also another smaller room, with excellest board; near car line or walking distance. 701 Georgia Ave. WHEN writing to advertisers klndll say you saw their "ad." In The Bea ROOMS and board, private family, close to cara 2112 Miami. rnone weo. W64. ROOM AND BOARD. Douglas 3048. 311 N. 25th. TWO furnished rooms with board. 101 Blnney St., telephone Webster 394. A BEAUTIFUL ' room, furnished. Capitol Ave. 2787 Famished Hoema. t At? C. ..In. a . . n . . 1 1 . . '.-i. " " J . "' .7 i uuiii., cdic Ulttliy desirable for quiet people. Doug. awl. U'M Harney. COOL outside rooms, 11 to 17 per week. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. NICELY furnished modern house; private family; gentlemen. 2407 Davenport FURNISHED rooms. 2628 Capitol Ave. Tel. Harney 6667. WALKING' distance; elegantly furnished, cool front parlor; modern;, reasonable. 2506 Capitol Ave. FRONT room; modern home; 5 minutes' walk from new City . National bank. 603 S. 23d St., , . FURNISHED rooms; block to car; gen tlemen. 2712 Meredith Ave. . COOL and pleasant rooms. 101 N. 18th. NICELY furnished modern rooms; reason able. 2328 Farnam, Flat 2. NICELY furnished - modern rooms. 1806 Chicago. NICELY furnished rooms; modern flat large and cool. 1821 Cass. ' FOUR partly furnished rooms 1st floor t20. 2433 Parker St. - ' NICELY FURNISHED rooms, at The Redden, 419 S. 20th St. - FURNISHED rooms for light house keep ing; modern. 2315 Douglas. TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping. 606 N. 17th. NEWLY furnished modern .joms. 626 8. 17th Ava NICELY furnished room; In private fam ily; walking dlstarce. 2012 California St. . SINGLE or double rooms, nicely fur nished; .modern. isOK Capitol Ave. - '' FURNISHED basement room for gentle man. 1814) Capitol PLEASANT front room; very cool and comfortable; private family; every mod ern convenience; walking distance; suit able for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 828 S. 24th St. - MODERN rooms. 2210 Harney. Red 6426. STRICTLY, modern single room for gen tleman. 215 S. 26tA St Douglas 6626. IF you are looking for a bright, ' nicely furnished room, close In, you. need further; 112 a month. -Tel. H. 66 or address 53!) 8. ,27th St. 1724 DAVENPORT; newly furnished, all moucrn uumioe rooms; targe lawn; n sign. CLEAN, cool housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 710 S. 14th St. NICE, modern front rooms, 12 and up. 618 N. ISth St. . VERY modern, pleasant rooms. Call even ings. 2210 Chicago St. . 606 N. 17th; east front room; also single room; modern. NICE ,front room with alcove, suitable for two or three gentlemen. Also single room. 607 Bo. 20th St SMALL room, modern, private family. Cheap. 712 N. 19th. TWO-' nicely furnished rooms; strictly itouseaeeping. o. em Bl. 2202- notTOI.An- .in.iu. r...niuK.,i rooms; one parlor, with piano. TWO rooms, refrigerator, gas, rangr, laundry anu gas. 614 . 22d St ' FRONT alcove -room for three young men. Also roommate for young man. Piano, if -desired. Modern house, walking uis tance. 4W 8. 26tli Ave. Red NICE furnished front room with bath. ?12j California St TWO beautifully furnished, steam heated rooms on Farnam car line, w.tlking dis tance; private family; suitable (or two oung men; can be seen Sunday afternoon and Monday. 220 Farnam, 2nd floor. Phone Harney 22ii. NEWLY furnished, modern, front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; private home in one of Onvaha s best neighbor hoods. 3923 N. 17th St. Phone ebcter Ivki. WANT two or three gentlemen for steady roomers; good location ami handy to car; references exchanged. Call Sunday or evenings. 2611 N, Huh Ave.. SINGLE or double furnished rooms. 614 S. 16th, 3d floor. FURNISHED rooms for rent, 2012 No. 18th. Web. 1410. ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished. 110 .PT11UI AVE. j That lady on South 27th street believes in The Bee. She says: I advertised the flat in Sunday morning's Bee and rented it before noon. These ads are wonderful Oetterg'of whatever you Real treasurer. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Httttmi NICELY furnished, large, front room, suitable for two. 201 So. 26th Ave. ROOMS and board. 613 N. 20th St Doug las 5268. FRONT room, use of parlor, room for piano, also large room for three or four gentlemen with or without board. 80S So. lid. Red778. BEAUTIFUL large, cool front rooms with big closets; walking dlstanoa 2025 Dodge. NICE front room; modern. 2403 Harney. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room; suitable for two gentlemen. 2671 Dodge. FRONT parlor, also one furnished room. 2427 Dodge. 1 FRONT room, modern, suitable for on or two. Telephone Douglas 6SS6. 2038 Far nam St. WELL furnished rooms; modern, 817 ft. 18th street NICELY furnished, modern front room; private family; suitable for two. 1914 Chi cago. FURNISHED rooms, modern, suitable fo gentlemen. 408 N. 23; board If desired. NICELY furnished rooms; gentlemen only. 622 S. 10th St; 3d floor Flat 1L SINGLE room, suitable for two; private family. Modern. 813S4 8. 20th. NICE, cool, furnished sleeping rooms, modern. 1811 Cass. NICE cool room; modern; private family; walking dlstanca 2608 Dodge. Harney 2365. MODERN, large rooms, suitable for one or more people. 1919 Cass. LARGE, cool room, modern; private fam ily; cheap. 712 N. 19th. FURNISHED room, modern; walking dis tance. 612 N. 20th. Tyler 1128. COOL, furnished rooms, modern. 314 N. 23d. FURNISHED room, with breakfast, hard wood polished, floor; new home; modern, cheap. 2787 Capitol Ave. . . SINGLE room .$2; double room 33. 2310 Douglas. FRONT room for 'sleeping for two. 7tt South 18th ROOM, with alcove, modern. 820 8. J2d. NICELY furnished room In private family; modern home. 2308 Capitol Ave. LARGE furnished rooms; en suite or single. 117 No. 20th. NEAT, modern room, close in, reasonable, private family. 209 N. 20th. 4 ROOMS furnished and four unfurnished, reasonnble price', all modern. Inquire 1701 Clark St. FURNISHED sleeping rooms, modern. 1813 Capitol Ave. NEWLY furnished rooms, modern. 1811 Dodge. NICELY furnished single rooms, $8; gen tlemen;. In private family. 2407 Davenport. NICELY furnished modern room. 714 8. 17th Ave. NICELY furnished rooms. 2419 California St. . FOUR nicely furnished modern rooms, private floor., gas range, water In kitchen, gas furnished for lights. 12 Webster. Call Sunday morning. FURNISHED rooms, suitable for two. 613 N. 22d. ?220' Emmet, large room, modern. Webster 4170. - NICE furnished rooms with board for two gentlemen. Address 3931 N. 24th St. NICELY furnished rooms, prices. 2804 Harney. reasonable NICE, cool, south room. 631 S. 19th, WANTED Two or three furnished house keeping, north of Dodge, west of 18th; pre-' fer private family. Kosker, 1909 Isard 6t NICE south room, Han scorn park dis trict, one block from car, to gentleman; board If desired r private family of two. Address, C 815. care Bee. SOUTHEAST ROOMS, newly furnished. Phone Red 3fS6. NICELY furnished large front room, suitable for two. 201 8. 25th Ave. NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern; ilose In; private family.. i0 N. 17th. NICELY furnished airy room; also Inside room; reasonable. 1102 S. Uth St.. upstairs. TWO tormectlng front rooms; nicely fur nished; In private family; references ex changed. 2047 Dodtfe St. 725 S. ISTH ST., modern furnished rooms ror gentlemen; very reasonul.le. nut r is-iceiy furnished rront room, 217 X lh Mt V.r n...,-nl-n. . i 1 - - .. .7 . ...Ill 1V VVJ UUSIIIQMt XJCKLY furnished riwimi viknM..,..n nnli. 522 S. lOtli St., third floor, flat 11. LOSE IN. elegantly furnlsht-d, cool front parlor, modern, nice porch, reasonable, 3506 Capitol Ave. COOL east front parlor, modern; private home; clenn bed: to quiet gentleman; 2.5u a week. fC2',4 S. 20th. I'hone Rtd 6227. TWO furnished rooms, modern. 11th St. 1466 a FRONT room, all modern, with house keeping and laundry; will rent unfurnished or furnlhhed to suit. 603 8. 27th IJt. TWO EXQUISITE ROOMS. EN8UITB OR SINGLE, for gentlemen. In the Weet Farnam home; every convenience; must be seen to be appreciated. O 466, Bee. O. M. E. hauls trunks. Phones D, 611, A-3U1L FOR RENT desirable, modern, room lit private family. 1114 N. 23d St. So. Omaha, phone South 1156. 8TRICTY modern, first class room within, easy walking distance. Phone Red 2977. 2501 St Mary's Ave. REMRMIiKR W. F. Stoecker. of the peo ple and for the 'Deoole. IwmVmln dldate for congress. Primaries August 16. puller. want.