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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1910)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 14, 1010 D 7 one Tylep 1000 L Want - Ads Want ads received at any time, to Insar proper classification must be prtMd before 13 o'clock va lor the ertalng edition and before Ti80 o'clock of prerloae ereala for atoralaK ana Bandar edition.. Want ada received after each hoara will art their first iaeertloa oader the headlav "Too Late to Classify." Rate apply to either The Dally nadar Bee. Always conat ala words to a line. CASH RATES TOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Insertion, 1 1-3 cents per word and 1 eat per word for each eabseqoent lasertloa. Each Iaeertloa m " dd days, a 1-3 cents per word, Step line per aneath. Want ads for The Bee aW at aar of the following drop; orr no Is yoar "corner drugs"' are all branch offices for The Bee and roar ad will be laserted Jast as prontptlr aad on the sal rates as at the aaaia office la The Bee balldlac, SeTcateenth aad Farnam streets! Albach. W. C. 40th snd Farnam. Beranek, fl. A., 1402 8. Uth St Peyton Pharmack, 720 8. WtU St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cumin. Blake-Bradlah. 2818 Sherman Ave. Caughlin. C. B-. th and Pierce St. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, till Military A. Hlnterlong Drug Co., 21t Ave. and ar nam St. Crlsssy Pharmacy, 24th and Lake, t. Cooney Pharmacy, 2222 8. 16th St Cermak, Km II, 12ii4-8 8. Uth 8t Ehler, F. H 280 Leavenworth. , Foster A Arnold!. 213 N. Uth 8t Freytog. J. J., 1914 N. 24th St. Fregier Drug Co., 1301 N. 16tli St Florence Drug Co., Florenoe. Nab. Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Paolfle. Greenoush, Q. A., 106 8. 10th St . Greenough. O. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden, William, 2830 Farnam ft Hanscom Park Pharmacy. 1601 8. 29th Ava. Hoist John. 824 N. 16th St Huff, A. L., 2924 Leavenworth Bt Johanson Drug Co., 24th and Spalding. King, H. 8., 22: Farnam St. Kounta Place Pharmacy, U04 N. Mth Mares, Fred L., 2019 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 4th 8t Lathrop, Charles E., 1324 N. 24th Bt Goldman Pharmacy, 24Ui and Leaven worth fits. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. 8chafer' Cut Prlca Drug Store, 16th and Chicago eta. gchaefer. Aug., 26M N. Mth. Schmidt J. H.. 24tb and Cuming eta Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. FUNERAL NOTICE. Members of the Danish Brotherhood are requested to attend the funeral of C. Chrtstensen, from- Bralley As Dorrance's chapel. Nineteenth and Cuming street Bun day, Auguat 14, at 1 o'clock. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. .mm. 1 Births Oscar Conner, Benson, girl; John More, 709 North Eighteenth, girl; Dr. R. E. Marble, Young Men's Christian Association park, girl; Finley McLean, 1623 South Tenth, boy; Edwin Payne, 2212 Leaven worth girl; C. E. Reld. 2802 Charles, girl; WUUcon Reloh, girl; Nels H. Sorsnson, 216 Caaa, girt Death Otto Wood, 1028 South Twenty second, infant MARRIAGE LICENSES, The following marriage licenses been issued; Nam and Residence. Antonio Gullzlo, Omaha.. Maria Luca, Omaha Jullua Otto, Oak Hill, Kan Cynthia Smith, Oak Hill, Kan have Age. .... 26 .... 30 .... SO .... 36 Park A. Van Horn, Omenta. Emma Ferguson, Omaha....'..'.'.'.'.".".'.'.'.'.'.',',' go 20 LODGE NOTICES. FIFTH ward republican club will meet at Young's hail at 10th and Cnrhv Mnl. v"ln Auguet 16. The meeting wlW be vj viun i o cioca snarp. juvery one invited; there will be no indorsement W. H. CHRISTIE, President. BEN J. STONE. Secretary. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our many frlendi for for their floral offerings, kl ndnaaaa ami sympathy during the recent death of our Vfivvni Cllliu. MR. AND MRS. O. P. WIGG. ANNOUNCEMENTS. J. A. GENTLEMAN CO.T- embalmers, 1(14 Chicago. D. IKS. 8-1668 $5.00 Ladies' and Men's Shoes for $2.50. All sizes, all widths and leathers. ALEXANDER, Third Floor, Paxton Block. COUTANT kQUIRKd. COAL OFFICM. REMOVED TO 210 South 17th St Edward Johnson, Successor to BAERETT-JOILNSON TAILORING CO., are now ready to render the best of tailor ing service to their many friends and est rone at their new quarters, 2D FLOOR C1TT NAT L BANK BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN-LOW RATE, In sums to suit 210 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Daui. but. UNION LOAN COMPANY. ILEli GRAND HOTEL EZrWuiZUSSi Turkish Baths PICNIO LUNCHES ? d " T:, , prepared with . borne cooking, cakes, pies and cold mseu. DELICATESSEN &h"&7D "TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS." one or one million. Stenographers furnished "The Let teroluaist" Olticvs b Paaion it Ik. and Ti City National' Bank Bldg. Tl. D. W&-42U. EAT K08HER HOME COOKING. ArkJus. 216 8. Uth. upstairs. B. F. WURN.OpUclan, 442-1 Brandels bldg. PANAMAS Cleaned, bleached, blocked. THE HOME FURNITURE CO.. 29 per cent less than Omana pricee. Mth and L bis., South Omaha. MAGGARD Vsb Storage or Omaha Trunk. Van A Storage Co. Park. move. Store sn1 ship H. 11. goods T). 14. B-M JOHN N1TTLER HoT,"te7r"' LUXUS THE BEER YOU LIKE. " , " 1234 South 24ih St Pouglaa Ua, Red SM2; Independent A 1430. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) Look for School and College Advertising In the School and College Page Monday SAVE MONEY. Plain shirts 6c Collars i 2c Cuffs 4o Ladles' linen waists 'Zoo Bring your bundles to BARTON'S C. O. D. LAUNDRY, 1620 Capitol Ave., at the Yellow Sign Opp. P. 0. Mean primary election August 16th. Noth ing more, nothing iss. Cnunes Fields, candidate for state representative from Omaha, Douglas county. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames. W. 116, B-1016. SHAMPOO, massage. Ada Steele, 1602 Howard St 2d floor front H. west llat It a. m. to 8 p. m. THE Third Annual Harvest Festival will be given August It) and 20, 1910. All wishing tonceasions write to Concession commit tee, Bennington, Neb. HEALTH COMMISSIONERS COMMANDS Order your house and porch screened from THE OMAHA WINDOW 8CREKN CO.. A SANITARY NECESSITY FOR EVERY HOME. (24 N. Uth St Call Doug. 401 $6,000.00 $6,000. (JO Forced -Removal Auction Sale. Lovers of fine ART your chance to set your choice of the entire stock of the Rose Art Store, at one-third cost, everything goes nothing reserved, ft W SHIELDS lawyer, has moved S2S Brandels Theater Building. General law practice. ICE FOR SALE We can furnish good, clean Ice In car load lots, f. o. b. Omaha. Call Bhackleford 4fc Dickey for price. Douglas 278. KODAK'S "nd eupplles; largest stock; IXKJUJXJO AMATEUR FINISHING, best Work. DEMPSTER. 1216 Farnam 8t Robertson 's Restaurant t; (basement); cool, light, sanitary, quick service, popular prices. For ladlee and gentlemen. Table d'Hote dinner Sunday. LYNCH BROS. PLUHII$aNAND REPAIR WORK. 70S 8. 18th 8t D. 1477. BERT MEASE, licensed gulds; elk, deer, sheep and bear. Write. MeUler. Wyo. ELEVATORS REPAIRED; freight pas seoger. J. R. Kennedy. 104 & Uth. Doug. 2M7 WE wish to acquaint the publlo with the following (acts: There are Imitation sap phires of quality superior to ordinary glass, but having no relation whatsoever to the natural or Mexican white sapphire, which Is appearing In the market To dis tinguish these from our Mexican white sap phires, w suggest hydrofluoric acid test This reacts on glass, but has no effeot on Mexican white sapphires. To introduce this gem we are selling for 20 days at S3 per carat guaranteed 100 years. DeLong Jewelry Co., 201 McCague Bldg. GET your WEDDING RINGS at FRED BRQDKGAARD'S. It Insures good luok. US 8. ltith Bt. at the sign of the Crown. GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH, K fTQ A. JETE3. 1302 Douglas 8t -AO. ED. ROTHEBY iPcnl,t ,No 1 ruli Una of liquors and cigars, gafe In connection '11 a 14th. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. HENRY HORNUN J, plumbing. 1822 Farnam S. H. Cole sign Co.. D. 278. 131S Farnam. STORE YOUR FINE FURS IN MOTH PROOF VAULTS. Nominal cost 8HU KERT'S. 16th and Harney. VIRGINIA DARE wine. 76o a large bot tle. KLK1N I IQUOR HOU8S. Hi N. Uth bt Douglas (670. ANCHOR FENCE CO.. Iron and Wire Fences Cheaper Than Wood. Last a Lifetime. 207 N. 17th 8t Phone. Red 214. I(TR CRF. A M "always the best.- LKjSU HARDING'S Ice Cream. Wedgewood Cre. Butter. Harding Cream Co. DOUGLAS Printing Co- Tel. Douglas SH ENGRAVED STATIONERY Weddings, anouncsments, Kotera & Leary Co., calling carda 1606 Jackson. Douglas lbdo. SMOKE "THE POSTMAS TER." Fine Havana Cigar. COUTANT A SQUIRES, COAL OFFICE. REMOVED TO 210 8. 17th St cent lens than Omaha prlcts. 24th and L pis., Douin umtni. tie. KLEIN LIQUOR HOUSE. 622 N. lbth DV. SWUlg VOtV. LL A. RAAPKE, ARCHITECT, announces that after August first bs will be In his new offices, 1222-24-: CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDG., the most complete architects offlcss In the city. BARKER BROS. FAINT CO., 10H FARNAM ST., BOTH PHONES. Sherwin-Williams paint, 11 si a gal. Varn ishes from tl M te RW a gal., all brands of white Irad, 27.60 per 100 lbs. Low prices in wall paper, glass, glaslng and 'ranung. WHEN answering edvsrtlsements found In the Want Ad columns, plsase mention The Bee. AUTOMOBILES DRUMMOND Makes the Best Auto Tops for the price. All kinds auto work. Re pairing In wood work. Iron work. Best painting in the city. Send In your cars. 18th and Harney Sts. LIMOUBINK body for automobile, very fine, half price, fit most any make of car. Fred Feldhauser, Independent Garage. TiATjnATKK Slightly used cars. KIs. Auto Renairinir Mo,t complete plant flutu J-icyamiig , th, west Liamon4 Tires, Id-hand cars, storage. The Paxton Mitchell Co.. 2010-1U Harney. D. 7281; A-20U. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS, CRANK CASES and CASTINGS promptly repaired. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY, Council Bluffs, la. WRITE for list of automobile bargains. H. E. FREDR1CKSON AUTO CO., Omaha. Bargains in Used Cars g;gd Bluffs Auto Co., S10 Pearl. AUTOMOBILE OOGQLE8, 26o to 23.6 COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.. 202-2U 8. 16 til. I REPAIR smashed autos, mud shields, leaky radiatora. Herman Kunde, 711 S. 16th. HORSE FEED ft, - W"""; Chase Motor Delivery Wagon. WORKMAN AUTOMOBILE CO.. 207 8. 10th. Tel. D. 8724. AUTOMOBILE! GOGGLES. 25o to 23.60. COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO., 209-211 S. 16th. Bargains in Used Cars ullAcJ Bluffs Auto Co., 610 PearL WE ARE offering some great bargains for the next few days. Wouldn't it- c worth while to drop In and lo thoin over? Sweot-Edwards Auto Co., 2M1 Fu Bam. Douglas 8086. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of bualnass call oa GANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 2247. LET me Incorporate your business; good ones easily obtain money selling their shares; am helping others, why not you? Proofs, what has been done. Promoter, 610 Paxton block. BLACKSMITH and carriage shop cheap. E. Smith, 1314 N. 24th. PARTIES with meritorious patents and manufacturers who want capital to market their products. See Baskervllle, 601 City National Bank building. NEW MILLINERY STOCK at lees than cost If taken at once. Must sell, as party la leaving state. Will trade for suitable property. Hegarty Bisters, Neola, la. FOR SALE Cafe and lunch room; beet location and largeat patronage In Iowa town of 16.000; business will stand investi gating. Writ at once. Address Y 226, care Bee.' ' 29,000 nearly all new stock dry goods; a bargain. Address Y-166, Boe. FOR 8ALB Dwelling, and . hlacksmlth shop equipped with modern tools and com plete stock. For particulars, write the Farmers State bank of Altona. Neb. AN ACTIVE, energetic man wants new business connection. Can Invest some cap ital. K-822 Bee. FOR 6ALE Up-to-date hardware and im plement business In new town on Irrigated valley. Only hardware stock here. Will take automobile In trade. Address Y-163, oare Bee. PARTNER WANTED in real estate business, with from 22,600.00 to 25.000.00 to Invest; 110,000. Ot. to 215,000.00 profits In Immediate sight; party somewhat acquainted with real estate business pre ferred; salary and profits assured. Ad dress W 7U6. Bee. PASADYCO- Estate Loans and " A Insurance. 8. W. Corner 14th and Douglas Sts., Phone Douglas 1620. NOTICE TO DOCTORS-I have a long lease on a new modern 'brick building of 30 rooms, finished in hard oak, hard maple floors, new furniture throughout, five sani tary bath rooms, located in the center of a city of over 60,000 people. I want a doctor to take charge of a sanatorium. Address Y 167, Bee, SEVEN business chances. The entire out fit of an IS-room boarding and rooming house on account of poor health. Must sell $1,200. I.i N. Hammond, 232 Board Trade. PARTNER wanted in an established money making business; about $2,600 re quired, but not all oaah; will bear csose investigation; splendid chance for big re turns In legitimate merchandlselng; stock on hand and salesmen on the road. L 807, Bee. THERE are 189 lawyers In congress. There are 126 bankers in congress. We need business men in congress. Vote for W. F. Stoecker. TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS CAtH and the right man can secure management of a large wholesale storage and ware house business. Houses filled to their capacity and business is well established. A good salary . will be paid and in addition the investment will return large -dividends. J. C. Farr. Waterloo, la. T PER CENT An Investment Ahat will guarantee you 7 per cent and enable you to participate In earnings of corporation prominent In its line, manufacturing staple goods, used In every household in the country. P. F. Relnhart P. O. Box 432, New York. LADY, on account of getting married, will sell her Interest In Pittsburg Technical college, 254 Fifth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa., for half value. A. Campbell, College. CAPITAL furnished for meritorious en terprises, stocks and bonds sold on com mission. Facilities for Incorporating and reorganization of companies. For particu lars, Johnson & Co., bankers, Madison and La Salle. Chlcugo. WALL STREET offers unusual oppor tunities for bargains In stocks and bonds. Sknd for our special letter explaining. Jones A Co., 20 Broad St., New York Florida money-making opportunity. Only small monthly payments required. The proposition safe and should pay big. AH details free. Lackawanna Spring & Hotel Co., Jacksonville, Fla. THE California Oil Digest and oil auth ority. Prloe 10c Sample copy free. May be -worth a fortune to you. J. Levi, 411 u. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal WANT to correspond with party who has good sto'r room for rent in good Nebraska town, suitable for $10,000 stock of general mechandlse. Address Y-221, Bee ADDITIONAL capital furnished going roncerna; companlea Incorporated, financed; fttock and bond Issues plsced direct with Investors, commission basis. Capital, P. O. Box 976, New York. PATENTS secured or fee refunded. Il lustrated guide book and list of inventions wsnted sent free to any addresa Patents secured by us advertised free In World s Progress. Sample copy free. Victor J. Evans & Co., 724 Ninth St., Washington, D. C FOR SALE An elegant drug stock In Omaha, good business, no dssd stock. Price. $4; fine location for physician. Address Y-1&4, Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) GOOD chance with a little money to take care of apartments and run a cafe. 6ol S. 22d. FOR IMPERATIVE REASONS JKW elry atock and fixtures must be sold .by or before Sep. 16; best offer by Sep. 1 gets this bargain; thriving town 6.000, center richest agricultural district; business well established and bent location in city; cash talks. If you mean business, for further particulars write at once to X-ZZ3, care Bee. A GROWING manufacturing; concern wants more representatives In this section. You can make 23,0u0 to $5,000 a year. Start In smi'jl and build up rapidly growing honorable permanent business. Field prac tically unlimited. Men who meaa. business write The l'ase 11 fit Co.. Broadway 112, Buffalo, N. Y. "I (MADE $2,400 In about two months" writes one man after becoming my repre sentative in my big co-operative real es tate busness; no experlonce neceesary; this man had none. 1 will teach you tne business by mall and appoint you my spe cial representative. Write for my offer and free book. H. D. Hurd, Prea., 812 Dwight Bldg., Kansas City, Mo FOR SALE mall planing mill, electric motor and about 18 machine. Cost about 26.000. Win sell for half price. All In splendid conditions, and working to capa city every day. Low rent Reason for selling, too many other interests. Terms If desired. Willis R. Munger, 617 Francis St, St Joseph, Mo. FOR SALE or trade -Implement business good location and good crop. Address Y 218 Bee. There Is Somebody Somewhere Interested in Your Proposition Advertise A Ten Dollar Note for a Flyer will carry a 25-word classified Ad. Into over a million homes one time (any day) in entire list: GIVE US A TRIAL POCKET FREE. Botton Herald, , Buffalo Express, Phllsdelphls, Record,' Baltimore Nsws, Omihi Bm, NyracuM Herald, Pttlsburc Dispatch, Providence Trlbuns, Nw Haven Leadxr, Clareland Lsadar, St. Louis Glona-Dam., Is Motnea R. A Leader, Washington Poal. Itivr Republican, Milwaukee Fra Press, San Fran. Chronicle, Cincinnati Enquirer, Atlanta Constitution, Minneapolis Tribune, Dallas News, Detroit Krea Preaa, Chicago Record-Herald, Indianapolis News, Kaaaa City Journal. Consult with this office on your adver tising campaign. Special Hats of newspa pers and magazines prepared to meet your requirements. This office has built many merltortoua advertlahig successes. Can It holp you to do the same 7 References, any paper. RUDOLPH GUENTHER, 116 BROADWAY, N. Y. THE sale of our nroduct. for which there Is general demand among merchants, farm ers, schools, etc., now greatly Increased by state laws recently passed and other con ditions, necessitates opening a distributing office in unoccupied territory; we desire resident sales manager, wen acquainted, or rood character, who can superintend sales. deliveries, advertising, collections, etc., with 300 to HW to carry enougn stocx to nil orders; salary $100 to $126 monthly; extra commissions; office and other authorised expenses; no canvassing; position perma nent. Address F. O. Jahn, Mgr., Suite 614 First National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Look for School and College Advertising In the School and College Page Monday CHIROPODISTS PR. ROY, 1606 Farnam Bt Douglas 4T7. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS THE aVO UTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL STONE COMPANY. Our waterproof concrete blocks are ruar anteed. Phone factory, 8. vol, office phone w. ZUJU. THE HOUSE REPAIRING CO., Carpenter, paperhanglng, brick work, eto.. low prices; satisfaction guaranteed. 'Phone Harney 2637; Harney sviv. P.F.M FiKT Blocks. Omaha Concrete Stone V"-"" J Co. IWUi 4k stabler. W. , let. OLD ROOFS D 902$. Paxton uist Tsl. DETECTIVES OMAHA Rr Bwl T,-.... Ino. bonded. 428-$ Paxton Blk. Ind. A-1212 CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACH BLK. DENTISTS PAILKT A- MACK. 2d floor, Paxton D 10H1 DRESSMAKERS TERRY Dressmaking 8chool,20th & Farnam FASHIONABLE dressmaking at 2201 Douglas St 'Phone Red W4. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN MI.C2rJ?.1NO AND IIAIR DRESSING 827-$- City Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 1081 THH lY.m.n' -.I.W. - A .t . . . cost of living should support W. F. Stoecker .... u..a.. uio your nusoana, Brother or sweetheart to cast a vote for hlro at yiiiuaries JaUgUSl J.S. ARSENIC and IRON complexion, wafers S1""' wMU skin. By uau 60a and $1.00. Sherman MoConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. MISS EMIG, lessons in china and water colors. 22ti Brandels Theater Bldg. Try Maglo Roach Powder, Douglaa 1370. LADIES: There's only one way to buy by mall. Our beautiful free sjamples, endless varieties and up-to-date patterns quickly convince. Write today. UueJfcy. First Lace Company, New York. "WATKIN8 akin Jelly for the complexion and skin; will make you beautiful by mall 60 cents Watklns Rose and company- 2o2t 8. Lincoln, Neb. MRS. H. LIVINGSTON, hairdresser. E. Burhsm methods; resident work. Tel A 2728; Douglas 2002. SANITARY HAIRDRESSINO parlora BAiUlAIVI Hartnello creeme used nd sold, eoi Paxton Blk. Tel. Douglas 4871. VACUUM cleaners, $16 to 4. hil Far nasi. FLORISTS HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. A. DONAHUE, 1807 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. U Henderson. 1612 Farnam. Doug. 1262. FURNACES AND REPAIRS "WN VASES. Marvel Coal Chutes. Fur-?.CM- Combination Warm Air and Hot Wster Heating. Water Fronts. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, lym.g nonclw Pt Roth Pa-nnes HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents aad Salesladle WANTED! Good live, women agents everywhere to handle article of excep tional merit, used excluxlvely by women. Quick salee and big profits easily made. Address Mary- B. Taylor, Box 10, Women' Bulhllng. Jollet III. proposition. Omaha company. Gilt edge. Salary and commission. Call Monday morn lng. 468 New Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. Clerical and Office. STENOGRAPHER WITH AT LEAST iwu X)AKS' EXPERIENCE. GOOD lUSCEKENl'iS REQUIRED. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. With SOrriA lllmhAr ,vn.H.nt. . Vw.m I, ,Via in iiui essential, can Ml, iiranaeis Jbiag. . WE have 42 positions open for Immediate consideration. If you are competent call ana iook tiism over. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 673-75-77 Brandels Bldg. WANTED Two stenographers for Im mediate placing, Oliver and Remington; salary, $12 and $15. The Oliver Typewriter VO., 110 B. J.Dtll et. Factory and Trades. WHEN writing to advertisers kindly you saw tneir "aa." tn 'ine Be. WANTED Good lady compositor; must have at least two years experience. Apply I. A. Medlar. 414 So. 14th St. WANTED ExDerlences Hhirt and overall makers. Apply at once to Byrne & Hammer i'ry iooos to., f actory Mth and Howard Sta. WANTED Experienced home maid. Mrs. Barton Millard, 123 N. 29th St., phon Harney 36. Wanted Girls to work , in cracker fac tory packing, label ing, iceing, etc. Apply Monday, 7 A. M., Loose - Wiles Biscuit Co., 12th and Daven port. Hssseksesers and Doaeeetlea, LADIES WANTED Take work borne; apply transfers; $1 to $4 dos. ; work guaran teed. Trleber's 216 Brandels Theater Bldg. Wanted a girl for general housework that can also cook, no washing; salary do object 2228 Harney. WANTED Washwoman, at once. 'Phon Harney at6S. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 1116 N. 23d, South Omaha. Tel. So. 44. WANTED Cbmpe tent girl for general house work; small family. Apply 820 N. Thirty-eighth street DINING room girl, $20 per month, board nd room. Wlckwir Hotel, Hooper, Neb. WANTED Good competent girl to do second work. Mr. 3. F. Wilcox, 1123 S. Pierce. WANTED Experienced cook, with refer ences. 'Phon Harney 88. 123 North Uth 8t GIRL for general housework, 3 In family; $6 without washing; $6 with. Reference re quired. Apply 4206 Dodge St. Tel. H. 1748. WANTED Girl to asBlat with general housework. 802 N. 41st Ave. TeU Har. 2233. WANTED Cham barmaid; no objection to color. 2103 Douglas. GIRL for general housework, 3820 Har ney. Phon Harney 662. WANTED lady piano player, country circuit moving picture show; three months pr longer State term a John R, Lucas, North Platte, Neb. GIRL for general housework. 8027 Chi cago St WANTED Good, competent girl to do second work. Mrs. J. F. Wlloox, 1123 East Pierce St, Council Bluffs. la. WANTED A girl for general housework; small family. 714 So. 17th Ave. WANTED-Mlddle-aged lady, family of two, not at borne only mornings and even ings and Sundays. 4216 Saratoga. WANTED Girl for general housework; 3 In family. Mrs. Thomas W. Hazen, 2724 Spauldlng. Phon W. 820$. GIRL for general housework- 2228 Dodge. GIRL for general housework. Call 162 Wirt St. WANTED Respectable woman as house keeper for father and son, 1418 N. 2Uth St Omaha. W. H. Duncan. GIRL for general housework. Good wages. Ml 8. 22d 6t WANTED Competent girl for general housework; small family- Mrs. O B. W Il ia nis. 3230. Hamilton St. Phone Web. 3B62. GOOD second girl. Apply Mrs. John L. Webster, 618 So. 26th Ave. WANTED A good cook. 201 8. 82d St Good wagea; references rsqulred. WANTED By gentleman and daughter, lady as housekeeper, middle-aged preferred; must be of good character; no subjeot of pope or priest need answer. O. B. Hilton,, general delivery, city. WANTED Housekeeper to help In store; am alone. 721 Military Ave., Benson. COMPETENT laundress; two days a week. Mrs. H. W. Cbrtstis, 1024 Park Ava A COMPETENT cook and a second a-irl wanted. 610 8. 22d St Douglas 4430. GIRL wanted for general housework; Danish or Gerooaa preferred. 2160 Daven port GIRL for general housework; two In family. ll Cass St WANTED A good cook and second girt H$ N. 32d Ave, Tel. Harney (1. WANTED A good girl for general house work at one. 3011 Charles St WANTED A good girl to assist with gen eral housework; good wages; small family. (Lei. Waw s&tf. tout sJpeucer. HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers and Domestics Cont'd. A GIRL to assist with general housework and care for children. 211 N. 22d Ave. COOK and second girl. (24 8. 20th St GOOD girl for general housework. 2 In fsmlly, good wages. 4814 Webster St Tel H. 284L GIRL for general housework. 407 N. ,th' Bt YOUNG girl for light housework: good position. D. H. Harding, $24 N. 36th. . GIRL for general housework at 2716 Pod pletoq Av. Tel. Harney 1604. GIRL for general housework. John Has kell. 1321 8. Sith Ave. GOOD girt wsnted at once; 4 in family no children; good opportunities. 820 N. 20th! WANTED Girl for general housework' good wsges; no washing. 616 S. 28th St Tel' Harney 1762. GIRL to assist with housework In small family; no washing-; easy place. 2902 Cass St Tel. Harney 1784. . GIRL for general housework. 1811 Chicago., GIRL for general housework. Mrs. S S Caldwell, 3611 Harney St Tsl. Harney 2390 WANTED Good girl for general house work. Apply 8324 Myrtle Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework hy Sept 1. Good home; phone Harney 48U6 1033 S. 31st St. COMPETENT woman for general house work; family of three. Mrs. Shepard, 2004 Wirt St ' A GIRL for general housework. Mrs. J, H. Panotte, 4801 Davenport. WANTED A competent middle aged lady to assist with general housekeeping, a small family; easy work; good home for the right party. 2308 J St., South Omaha. Phone So. 701. A COOK wanted. X L. Reed. Tel. Bsn son 178. ,.,wNTEiJ alrl or general housework. 3612 Farnam St WANTED A girl for general housework: small family; good wages. 606 Park. Ave. WANTED Good girl for general house work. Apply 334 Myrtle Ave. WANTED Lady to do washing In home. 418 S. ZOth St. RESPONSIBLE girl for general house work; no laundry; small family; good wages. 2202 Howard St WANTED Competent girl for general housework; no washing. Phon Harney 2192 Mrs. W. J. Coad, 20J 8. 37tb St A GIRL for general housework at 1116 8, 3Sd St. Phone Harney 2398. Miscellaneous. YOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Bt Mary' avenue and Seventeenth street where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted; look tor our traveler's aid at Union station. WOMElN who work should lend their sup port to try amd a-aln votm. fnr w. w Stoecker for congress. Help reduce the man cost or. living, primaries August 18. WA NDTE D Lad y to travel In Nebraska. Good pay and tailor mad suit in 80 days; experience uneceseary; reliable firm. Write for particulars. J. B. MoBrady Co., Chl cago. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED First-class lot or stock sales men to sell high grea'e Irrigated vineyard in the famous Pecos Valley of Texas en inBTsiinasni pian. FORT STOCKTON IRRIGATED VINE YARDS CO., HAMLIN. TEX. WANTED Reliable, hustling agents to sell well improved corn farms just across tne lowa line in southeastern Minnesota. Can seal today for from li to 286 Der acre. Nothing better In Illinois or Iowa. In three years these same farms will sell fur from $126 to $160 per acre. Do you want one7 email down payment. Also snaps in North and South Dakota lands in large or small lots. Agents Wanted at once. Joseph Keenan, Austin, Minn. ABLE salesmen have the chance of their lives to sell Omaha manufacturing stock. Boost Omaha and share the profits. Suit 844 Brandels Theater bldg. : WANTED An experienced, high grade, Oil Salesman for Iowa territory, btat age, experience, eto. Address Y 214, car Bee. SALESMAN Experienced In any line to ell general trade in Nebraska. Unexcelled specialty proposition with BRAND NEW FEATURE. Commission with 836.00 weekly for expenses. The Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, a AGENTS wanted everywhere to call en business men. Every sale. 38 to $26. you keep half. New. experience unnecessary. Btarr at nvome; no money required,. Bend 10c silver for sample, etc. and aat busy. Box 11, Center, Colo. WANTED Competent reliable salesman to handle high grade line advertising signs, calendars, novelties: best line sims In America; liberal commission; reference re quired; splendid proposition for right party. Sales Dept. Up-to-Date Advertising Co., Canlsteo, N. Y. ?t Ani.i-ontni young man lor spe- f A K'T C- T II 1 1- . , i-i.iij Miuiiiiaii, s,o uj eiw a munui ana ex penses to start, with good opportunity. Apply Mr. Bogus, Room 414. Hotel Loyal. WANTED Three youn- men who have had experience In boots and shoes to work in stocK in wholesale rubber boot and shoe and clothing store. State age, whether mar ried or single, and give references. Address D-1A3, Bee. WANTED A salesman to sell automo biles. Not necessary to have automobile experlenc. Will consider a man with sell ing record in otner lines. Address E 189, Bee,' 4 41 4Your paper 41 'I have advertised my Califor nia lands in The Los Angeles papers and The Bee brings more business than they do." Thl li what John Morwh, a California land dler, gayi of Th Bee'i real estat advertising. , Th Bee can sell anything-. It can sell It quickly. Gall Douglas 238 if you are in a hurry. HELP WANTED-MALE Agents and Salesmen Continued. WANTED A good bustling ubserlptloo solicitor to go on the road for The Twen tieth Century Farmer. Call or writ man ager of circulation. The Be Publishing Co. SALESMEN wanted, two good live men to work In and out of city; salary,'M and commission, when ability Is demon st rated. Call room 614 First National Bank Bldg. SALESMEN, make 600 per cent profit selling our gold window letters, novelty signs, and changeable signs. 800 varieties, enormous demand. Catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 406 W. Van Buren St.. Chicago, 111'. WANTED-A first class clrnr silesm.m for Nebraska, with an established trade and good references. A fine opportunity for the right man. Address Flits Hro.ta.ets Co., Cincinnati, O. 7 8TATE MANAGER WANTED If you can Interest good men to enter Into a con tract with us that you yourself would, and if a high class remunerative and per manent proposition that will grow better all Hag time Intel ent you, write us fully, giv ing references. I'ltner Gasoline Lighting Co., 22 Michigan St., Chicago. SIDE LINK Pocket samples: 10 minutes. $40 commission; high grade men. only; no other need apply. Advertising Novelty Co., Newton, la. CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line. High commission, with $100 monthly advance. Permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., "Detroit, Mich. , - WANTED First class specialty salesman for Nebraska, to sell staple line to gen eral trade. Experienced man (preferred. Commission, expenses advanced. References required. A good, live man can make a fortune. Confidential. Wholesaler, 120 Franklin St, Chicago WANTED Salesmen calling on hardware, grocery and general stores to sell Easv Flow oil cans on commission; best lamp filler out Bumann Mfg. Co., Litchfield, AGENTS Send for free crCI of "Thomas Agent." Greatest agentlT'paper ever published. Filled with money making plans. "No license tsx"; decision supreme court. Pointers t n a ..n t. iTu.rv i -- -j -n , rbiu ill the I. S. should have a copv at onoe. Thomas company, 1063 Wayne Ave., Dayton, SALESMAN for high-grad ass line en gine and allied lines: state fully experi ence, age and salary expected. O 826, Bee. IT COSTS 2c; sells for 25o. For further particulars address N. M. Friedman .t Co., manufacturers, Box 970, Martlnsburg, Mo. WANTED Agents. You can make quick sales and big profits with our new self lighting wind-proof pooket cigar lighter; every smoker buys on sight; sells Itself. Rathbun Manufacturing Company, Indian apolis, Ind. WANTED First class salesman for Ne braska to begin work about September 1. Best season now open. Staple line on naw and exceptional terms. Commission con tract that will pay the right man $100 weekly above expenses. Referenoes re quired. Miles F. Blxler Co., Cleveland, O. WANTED Agents; legitimate substitute' for slot maohlnes; patented; sells on sight for $1.00. Particulars. Gisha Company. An derson, Ind. AGENTS Most wonderful Improvement In Enameled Kettles. Preserving.-cooking steaming and draining. Four kettles com bined In one. Greatest money maker for agents next .six months. Sample free for examination. K. Thomas Co., 8003 Wayne. Dayton, Ohio. AGENTS Winner of winners. The nw Quick territory. Your golden opportunity. oiuou o., Cincinnati, tjnio." y. AGENTS. LISTEN! Our "Substitute for Slot Machines" sells like wildfire. No cap ital required. Exclusive .territory. Ander son Game Co., Anderson. -Ind. SALEMEN Aa local manager, to handle r0.00"8' 016 formaldehyde dlslnfector; 100,000 In use. Also complete line formalde hyde fumigators, disinfectants, floor oil. sanitary sweeping compound. Insecticide and sanitary supplies. Good used by United States government. N. Y. Central railroad and Pennsylvania railroad. This territory open. The Formacone Co., 60 Church St.. Nw York. . T men s, boys and children's caps and child ren's straw hats on a commission basis. E, Grie Co.. 208 Wooster Bt. N. Y. SALESMEN We want blooded man amhlllnn. live wires, r(. willing to O k Ir ambition. .l -?" mnicva mmr amoiuon. J are Chicago' largest wholesals tailoring house. Our business Is so enormous we must have more good men qualify for re sponsible positions. If you have sold toll orltig, If you are now selling it, or can sell, write for our proposition, not King like It evf.r before offered, an extraordinary offer for extraordinary men. You inliMit just as well be landing a permanent sal aried position while making shIvs and prot Its dally. Equipment free; exclusive ter ritory assigned. Write today. Win. Hale, sales mgr., Dep't 43. Lock Box 4E3, Chicago. 111. . B ALESM A N Traval I n or ZjjtZTl penses or commission; splendid opporunlty; must be active, ambitious, energetic; for mer exnerience not uentiai T n a m n ., Cigar Co., Denver, Pa. BOOK SALESMEN I wish to correspond at onoa with successful book man In and near thl city. Good records and reference IndlsDensable. The beat tmnli aellinir nun designed especially to meet nresent condi. tlons, will be ready September 1. New and unique matures, no wnoiesaung to mid dlemen; all business under exclusive con tract direct with headquarter. George D. nproui, mouBiwr, inu f inn AV., Mew York. AGENTS $40 weekly selling our Suit Rav mantle burners; 10 times brighter than gas, prices defy competition. Investigate. Simplex Gaallght Co.. 33 Park Row. New York CHEWING GUM-Sell to dealer In your town; clean, profitable business built ur quickly with our brands; four' flavors; novel packages. Write today. Helmut . Cincinnati, O. WANTED Stock salesmen of Mrh aoter, standing and ability to sell stock in jubuimk. uvriiuravuun. a sare, strong and appealing proposition. Address Y-168 cure Omaha Bee. brings results. V i i V V r