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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1910)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 14, 1910. 0f iFfP his is a PiPo&pejgoTiis Business Mam readiixg" Bee WflTiih-AtTa . IHFe p'ofr Th.a First Position as a lfhroiiIi a Bee Wairii-Ad . He Secured his Help JXlow ttogaaa the Jpee wam-gl . -- OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Rmiu FURNIftHED bungalow, Seymour 15 week. Ralston Lumber Oo. Phoni B 102. lake, I lnd. ONE nicely furnished front room, reason, .bit. Phone A-1026. 723 8. Eighteenth Bt Hotels mmd Apartsaeata. THE BACHELORS toTH AND FARNAM. EUROPEAN PLAN. BRUNSWICK HOTEL 1210 Douglas. AU outside rooms. Beautiful Rooms, fine board. 123 . 16th Ave. LANGE HOTEL, ROOMS 600 AND UP. NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. TUB CHATHAM, 110 8. 13th St. THE ALTA VIST A. riiropeen. 1406 How sud Bt. ' VINCENT DIN IN O ROOM-820 S. lth St. DODGE HOTEL 13th and Dodge. All out side cool rooms; special rates by the week. THE PRATT Cool rooms with board, til Bouth 16th St. HoaaekeeptnaT nooaaa. NICE, CLEAN, COOL housekeeping rooms; gas fumlahed, laundry privileges; walking distance; rent reasonable. mi sTT. MABIs AVE. ROOM and board in private family; mod em and reasonable. Address 1111 Mason t. Phone Harney 4092. CLEAN, furnished rooms and board, with German Christian family. 1811 Capitol are. THOSE wishing home comfort, home cook ing with pleasant rooms snd bath will find them at 818 8. 26th st Rates very reason able. GOOD 16th st room and board, (4.60, at 817 N. SMALL front room for one, with board. 1918 Cass. 'Phone Douglas 1476. 'ROOM and board for two gentlemen; all modern and new house; home cooking; private family. 321 N. 26th at THE Manuel and Howard, 21st and How ard; 2 and 4 room apartments; 823 to 836; new, furnished. FURNISHED room for light housekeep ing. 604 N. 20th. . NICELT furnished light housekeeping room; private entrance, lis N, Sid. TWO housekeeping rooms, double lore, 820 per nioatn. 2469 Harney. per- NICE8T housekeeping rooms, with 118 8. 14th. ' gas. TWO front rooms, 18 South 20th. TWO housekeeping rooms, also sleeping rooms. 301 st Mary's Ave. NEWLY furnished or unfurnished light housekeeping and sleeping rooms: new management 616 South 22d. THREE strictly modern furnished rooms for II trlit housekeeping during August and September. Use of phone. No children allowed. 21S S. 25th St Douglas 6626. NICELT furnished modern rooms for light housekeeping; closo in. 216 N. lth. . SUITE of 4 nice modern furnished house keeping rooms, bath. 646 8. 81st H. 4660. FRONT room and kitchen, housekeeping, 1914 California. FRONT room and kitchen, housekeeping. 616 a. 20th. COOL. 10th St moden, convenient rooms. 811 8. THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping; man and wife; 812. 8414 Webster street NEWLY furnished light housekeeping or Sleeping rooms. 1643ft N. 16th, upstairs. TWO modern housekeeping rooms; front 2604 Davenport east TWO modern housekeeping rooms. 618 S. ROOM 3 for llgnt housekeeping; modern. vuu no ware THREE rooms for light housekeeping; modern. 1218 Leavenworth. SINGLE room for lady employed; very llgnt housekeeping If desired. 604 8. 27tn tut. TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping; modern; walking distance. 632 South lain street TWO modern rooms; no objection to chll dren. 318 tsouth 26th. MODERN rooms for housekeeping; take part pay in sewing, im Webster bt TWO furnished housekeeping rooraa. N. 16th. 712 FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing, zviv uavenport bi. FURNISHED rooms for light bousekeep Ing. 601 N. 18th St ROOMS for light housekeeping, modern. rme rarnam Bt Harney 4774. 1 OR 3 COMPLETELY furnished rooms, first floor, modern, walking distance shade, 815.00. 604 8. Sth St. ' THREE completely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 23)6 Harney St. "THREE gound floor housekeeping rooms 43 N. 17th Mt STRICTLT modern, housekeeping rooms walking distance, rtasonsbls. 4M N. 2id, TWO modern. furnished housekeeping rooms. second floor. 622 N. 23d St. r- SUITE of two or three housekeeping rooms, rirei noor, water ana pnone. Walking distance, terms reasonable. 2676 Harney Bt. Douglas 1678. r FURNISHED or unfurnished apartment modern, brick building, walking dlatanca U6 B. zth Bt. 'TWO front rooms, furnished complete for iignt nouseaeeping, modern houee. nil Blencer st Webater 6410. TWO housekeeping rooms. Bt 20u6 California IJQ1IT housekeeping rooms, 8160. tub N in-a i ron i room, moaern, gas, ice an telephone, W per week. 2116 Chicago St, THREE all modern rooms, tance. 2611 Davenport St. walking dls HOME COMFORT-Elegant furnlshe, housekeeping apartments; bath, heat te, laundry, hot water, janitor; 81 to 136. Th Manuel and Howard, 21at and Howard. inu iron i rooms, moaern, gas range, re rrigerator. also large besemvut room. j uun Bt fesi HARNEY, nicely furnlahed house, keeping rooms, south exposure, modern YVAUimu U1B l AKLE. TWO deetrable rooms for light keeping. 118 N. lth St. house. EXCELLENT completely furnished hnu keeping rooms, -phone In house. 2674 Har ney su THREE eompletely furnlahed rooms for nousricvvpins vawi ana gss, ges range lc ixta. goue veuar, uu coiiaren. T17 8. lth. OFFERED FOR RENT Heueketflsg Rftem COOL front housekeeping rooms, mod ern. 2024 California Bt CLOSE IN 2 beautiful furnished rooms: complete for housekeeping; modern; nice cool and separate porch; reasonable; no children. 2008 Capitol ave. MODERN furnished housekeeping- rooms. 1037 Harney. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single or an suite; gas, telephone. 812 N. 17tb. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. OS N. 16th Bt. THREE furnished rooms. 1113 8. 11th st FOR RENT Two large, cool rooms for light housekeeping; modern. 614 8. 28Lh st. TWO nicely furnished rooms: evervthln modern; gas, electricity, bath, 'phone, well located; close to car line. In private family, to couple without children. MS 8. 17th at. SUITE front housekeeping rooms; mod ern; fi-bQ per week. wu uurt. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms: 12 week up. 2015 Leavenworth. TWO or three elegant housekeeping rooms. U10 Harney. D. 6606. SINGLE and double rooms for gentlemen: excellent board. 2214 Douglas. 710 South 18th. Furnished rooms with home cooking; rates reasonable. NICEST light housekeeping rooms; mod ern, close in. no no. uu, SOUTH parlor, with or without board: modern. 2111 Douglas. 119 St Mary's ave., board and room; home cooking. FIRST class room and board; modern. 1021 Howard. BOARD and room, 2226 Dodge St. Red 9661. FIRST class room and board, near 24th street car line. 18 per week. 8938 N. 22d st MODERN furnished rooms with or with out board. 1103 Douglas. TWO modern housekeeping rooms. 682 a 28th Bt THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping; man and wife; $12. 8414 Webster street TWO rooms for light housekeeping; 819 S. Doth Ave. private family. THREE light housekeeping rooms; gas. furnace and bath; 86 a week. 8219 Leaven worth. Untarnished Roems. FOUR unfurnished rooms; references. 2667 Douglas. ELEGANT 8. 6 and e-roora aoaruneau. Strehlow Terra oe. Webster 428a. LIGHT housekeeping; 206 So. 25th Ave. THREE rooms, unfurnished parlor floor: housekeeping. 2603 Dodge St THREE unfurnished rooms, modern. Hanscom Park district. 8014 Mason 8t Harney 2195. Reasonable. 835 09 Five-room modem flat corner Park Ave. and Harney St.; walking distance. Tate-Ehrsvu-dt Co., Webster-Sunderland Bldg. Phono Douglas) 4403. FOR RENT One modern steam heated flat, 16th and Corby Sts., KIner Blk. En quire 840 Brandeis Bldg. SERVANTS Problem solved: 8 rooms eon- sensed Into i; steam beat; eleotrlo light mat laundry; hot and cold water; wall bed. safe, gas stove, refrigerator) Janitor servioev The Hunter, Kin ana uodge. Tel. uougias msi. FOR RENT Six-room apartment In The Barnard. Phone .Douglas 186. ELEGANT 6-room flat, main floor, mod em. w m. zia. inquire wm n. ran. 6 and 4-room apartments, new. St Louis rial, fis. inquire 1411 Vinton.' FARNAM and 80th Bta. strictly- modern (-room flat $30 par month. Telephone Har ney Z028. CHOICE FLATS. H6 2611 Dewey Ave., oholce 6-room mod ern brick, oak floors and trim. 1352419 Dewey Ave., splendid B-room brick. 832-611 S. 35th St.. brand new St Louis brick, 6 rooms, oak finish, walls decorated. 1J6 2717 Jackson, good 9-roorn brick. 1181132 N. 17th St.. 6-room flat bath. good repair. 1162321 S. 16th St, S-room flat, city water iz est a. zdvx at, i rooms. $111476 S. 17th. 6 rooms (main floor). APARTMENTS. $23823 8. 24th St., 4-room brick apart menta, steam heat gaa range, every oon Venlenoe and walking distance. UAKV1N BROS , Third Floor N. T. Life. CENTRAL APARTMENTS. Two high-grade. 6-room modern flats: hardwood, ample rooms; always nice order: shades, hooded gas range, free hot water ail year; steam heat; walking distance. Summer, one other $28. winter 83 more. Equal any at $20 more. References required. v BKM1S-"AKLB1K CO., 310 Brandeis Theater. Apartment and Flats. FOUR room 13th street modern Flat. $9.00 1734 So. FIVE-ROOM modern, lower flat, $20. Leavenworth St, Phone Webster 4181. 8604 FOUR-room apartment; heat; $18.' 2&X Marcy. modern except MARRIED couple would like to share ex pensea with another couple In a high grade nat, or detached house, beginning Septem ber 1. References exchanged, Address A 187. Bee. CENTRAL APARTMENTS Two high-grade, 6-room, modern flats hardwood, ample rooms; always nice order shades, hooded gaa range, free hot water all year; iifira neai; waiKing nisiance. cum mer, one X, other w, winter $8 more. Equal any at $20 more. References required, BP-JllS-tARLBEKU CO., 810 Brandeis Theater. Furnished Moases. WILL rent our eight-room furnished nouae ror three or six months, West Far nam district 'Phone Harney 1002. Heases nn "cottsTes. 6-ROOM, modern, pertly furnished, sun nier or longer. 140. 1UM Jackson. HOUSES, 1ns. Rlngwalt Brandeis Th. Bldg. Houses, flats. Garvin Bros. Id floor N. T I. 9-room, modern brick bouse, north part of city, $38. 4-room apartment, city water, $12. 8-room apartment, 1917 Clark, $10. 3-room apartment, newly papered, 1917 Clark, $9. 3-room apartment, 1826 North 17th, $9. One store building. 1919 Clark St., $30. One 1-room apartment for colored people, 1518 Burt Bt., C. M. I1ACHMANN, 436 Paxton Blk. Phones: Office R-26l. Residence D. 6066. 1406 N. 86th St., ( rooms, water, sewer, gaa Phone Harney 6064. 6-ROOM modern, 8. Hd Ave.; good eondt Uon, $20. TeL Harney IMa. WISH to rent our liome la West Farnasa dlstrlet; eight rooms, strlotly modern; oak finish, hot water heal, east Croat large perch. Pbene U, Kat. OFFERED FOR RENT Henaea nasi Cottages C eel. MODERN house. six large rooms and neighborhood. Inquire bath; psntry, good 1411 Vinton.' NEW six-room brick bouse, modern. Harney 647. 8-ROOM modern, full lots, fine lawn. grapes, garden, chicken house, trees, guu Fowler Ave.; Wok at It. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO., 668 New York Life Bldg. Phone Red 1999. FOR RENT 4-renm cottage, 8718 Capitol Ave.: bath; good plumbing; good repair; early new; us, Tel. Hea use. HOUSES In all parts of the elty. Crelgh Sons e Co., Bee Bids; NINE-ROOM modern detached brick, 1411 Sherwood Ave. $30. Patterson. 1638 Far am It BRICK HOUSE, Ml Dewey avenue, f rooms, modern. Uoyer Bta. to., Ikli Far- Bam Bt' fully located, newly renovated. 719 8. 17th. Webster 2690. SIX ROOMS, MODERN, walking dis tance. Inquire 2228 Burt SC FOR RENT Just completed, elegant f- room, all modern brlok bouses. They have 1 rooms with an extra room on the 3d floor provided with bathroom, besides a neat room for storage. These houses are beauti fully finished in quarter-sawed oak, latest nickel plumbing, with toilet In basement; perfect gems; right In the heart of the elty. Bee them; n. w. corner 10th and Daven port Bta, opposite high school. C. M. Bach man. 436 Paxton Block. Tel. Red 2639; Beat. dence leL ioug HOUSES FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 624 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Red 1898L. NICE 8-room house for rent: modern as apt heat 4168 Cuming street 'Phone, Har ney 160. NO EQUAL Central location. 4-r. corner Oat Apply 130 North 13d. Tlaard Block. 6-ROOM house, modern except heat: nice range in kitchen; 822.00. 1317 S. 6th Bt STRICTLY modern 8-room house. 1301 8. 2th St $36.00. 410 N. 22d &t. 9 rooms. aU modern, very desirable, $47.60. la is 8. sum Ave., b rooms, moaern, oero. $36.00. luzz N. Z7th Bt, 7 rooms, 118.00. 2008 N. 18th 4t, 19 rooms, modern, $25.00. 1808 Grace Bt, 10 rooms, modern, $26.00. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam 8t Telephones Doug. 1064; Independent A-1064. HOUSE for rent at 2402 & 24th. on Vis. 24th St car. FOR RENT Modern 10-room house, 631 & 22d St Key next door south. RENTAL BARGAINS. 81C1 Ames Ave., 4 rooms, partly mod. $7.60. 8164 Ames Ave., 6 rooms, partly mod., $10. 2323 8. 18th Bt. roms. mod. ex. heat, $16. 2616 Decatur St. 6 rooms, mod. ex. beat. 816.00. 8332 Webster St., 7 rooms, partly moo. iio 1839 N. 24th Bt, mod. ex. neat n. XT Aw. K An-na ..rllv wnnA t1 ft 415 N. 29th St. 6 rooms, mod. ex. heat IM. 4306 Burdetta. 9 rooms, modern exoept heat good barn, $22.60. 3408 Jackson. 6 rooms, all modern. 126. 1618 Yates St. 7 rooms, modern exoept heat. 822.60. 3292 Meredith Ave.. 5 rooms, modern ex oept heat brand new, $25. 1623 xates, 7 rooms, an modern, w.oo. 2048 Howard. 4 rooms, strictly mod. $28.60. 4004 Charles, 6 rooms, strictly mod., $27.60. 4107 I sard. 7 rooms, all modern, $27.60. 1608 6pruce St., 7 rooms strictly mod. $36. 822 N. 25th St.. 6 rooms, strictly modern. $36.00. 612 a. I9tn Bt, 6 rooms, strictly modern, close In, $37.60. 1006 S. 80th Ave.. 5 rooms, strlotly modern. up-to-date apartments; fine location, $37.60. m N. 2Zd Bt.. iv rooms, an moaern, cise In 840. 1002 8. 20th St., 10 rooms, an modern, $40. 2611 Dewey Ave., 7 rooms, strictly modern. 140. 421 N. slat Bt., s rooms, sinotiy rana. sto. 4103 Lafayette Ave., strictly modern, 8- roora house. $46. 608 N. 21st St.. 9 rooms, strictly modern. close In, 160. 116 N. oth Bt. 8 roms. an modern, stz.ou. 108 S. 86th St., 8 rooms, strictly modern, In West Farnam district; only $46. 29o9 f arnam, 9 rooms, strictly mod., hz-go. PaTne. Bostwick 6k Slater SULK AGENTS, 616 New York Life Bldg.' WILL rent part of or all 9-room brick residence near Benson on car line. All modern, oak finish, hot water heat north and east front, good view, porch on three sides, large yard, garden all kinds ot bearing fruit. 'Phone Benson 104. 3220 Manderson, 6 rooms. $12.60. 2616 Seward, 6 rooms, $16. 8116 Chicago, 6 rooms, mod., $30. RINGWALT BROS, BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. 4328 CHARLES Half block Walnut Hill. five-minute cars, 8-room, newly modern, $22 O Keefe Real Estate Co. 624 8. 26TH, 9 rooms, modern, $30. 216 S. 36th, 3 rooms, modern, $42.50. 2129 Caldwell, 7 rooms, modern, $27.60. 2631 Chttrles, ( rooms, modem, $1. 119 S. 29th, 6 rooms, $22.50. 2U1S Reese, 5 rooms, $14.60. F. D. WEAD, 1801 Farnam St 10-ROOM, modern house; walking dis tance; $25 and board ot lady owner. Tur- klngton, 602 nee.' To Colored People 6-room modern cottage, $20. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 658 New York Lite Bldg. Phone Red 1999. 8-liooms, Large Lot, $12.50 One block Harney oar, water on both floors. Ufiw iTi i.Avn a wn tvp rvi 658 New York Life Bldg. Phone lied1 1909. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. $302217 N. 19lh, 7 rooms, nearly new, hot water neai, oaa iinnu, newiy decorated very choice, snap. $32.601337 8. 2th St, 1 rooms, modern, newly painted, a snap. $152406 Capitol Ave. (2d floor) 6 rooms. $252315 Dodge, 7 rooms, bath. 1163)120 Dodge, 6 rooms, bath. $153323 Dewey Ave., good 6-room cottage. 114 dot b. Mm di., goua e-room cottage, $204140 Burdette, good 7 rooms, city water, $11 20 N. id bt, 4 rooms, city water. $18 corner win ana uougias, 9 rooms newly papered. $15.602707 Caldwell St., 6-room cottage. GARVIN BROS. Third Floor. N. Y. Life. BEST ROOMING HOUSE IN OMAHA. U rooms, large lot plenty shade, fins lawn. Z4iz uoage oi. isok at it NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Red 19. 658 New York Life Bldg. Three large room apartment, first floor, partly moaern; good neishborhoud block to car and torts. $11 to good tenant, 1916 Elm street Another same kind, second noor, $9. 1917 Kim street. Apply io W. O. MENZIE, 1915 Elm Bt Tel. D. $386. run ituii 1 m iwui to move in my Dew house. 4620 Florence Boulevard; will rent my present strictly modern. 7-room residence, 46u2 Florence Boulevard. This la in. it the eholoest homes In VnMh Am. ha- vrnunds are 16x409 feet with iKnm! luO large shade tres; block to ths Ames Ave. cars; auto barn 10x24. Telephone Wm. U Kierstead, Kl OFFERED FOR RENT Henaea and Cottasjee Contlnned. FOR RENT Eight-room modern house. 116 S. 16th Ave. 'Phone Douglas 4687. OMAHA Van Btorase Co.. pack, mora store household goods; storehouse, 1120-14 N. 19th; office, 809 S. 17th St T4. Douglas 166. HOUSEHOLD OOODS packed, forwarded: ebeap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressman's delivery t& xei. uoug. 394. 8-ROOM, excellent furnace, new bath, H blk. to 6-mln. car line. 4328 Charles St. $26. O'KEEFE REAL K6TATE CO.. 1003 N. Y. Life. Doug, or H. 2152. FOR SALE By owner. 6-room all modern home; walking dlstanoe, good neighbor hood. Q 819, Bee. SMALL COTTAGE, conveniently located at 920 Nortli Dth St., near business center, $10 per month. Key next door north. SIX-ROOM cottage, 2216 Burt Bt 6-ROOM all modern eottags at 1609 North $4th Bt Tel. Harney 622, FOR RENT Modern house. $26. 3614 No. nth 8t Key first door south. , modern 6-room cottagh. 1408 Bo. 17th St Opaa Sunday from I to 4, $22.66 and water. 631 So. 22d St, 19 rooms, $60. ' Fred 8. Hadra, 660 N. X. I Bldg. Douglas 4381, 2212 MASON St, 9-r all mod., $36. 1109 8. 22d St., -r., mod. ex. heat, $26. 3(110 Jones St, 8-r., all mod., $26.60. 268 Pierce St., 8-r., mod. ex. heat, $26. 1609 N. 84th Bt, 6-r., all mod., $26. 2602 Chicago, 8-r., part mod., $12. Indicates water paid by owner. BIRKETT A TEBBENB. 423 Bee Bldg. Phones D. 4754 A-17&4. TO RENT 6 rooms with 8 baths, cen tral location. See owner at $831 N. 224. MODERN 6-room houses, $12 to $16, lo cation .central and west Owner at 8831 N. 22d. BIX large rooms, modern except heat. 811 Bo. 12d St Tel. Red 4114. SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. 806 South 3Sth St, strictly modern, splendid condition, good neighborhood. Phone Harney 725, Owner. 633 So. 26th Ave., 6 rms., all mod., 130. 1128 So. 8ist St, 7. rms., all mod., 130. 804 So. 29th St. 7 rms.. mod. ex. heat, $17.50. 637 So. 26th Ave., 6 rms., an mod, isu. 2610 Sherman Ave., 7 rms., all mod., $30. 2623 Charles St., 7 rms., mod. ex. heat, $20. 2201 Pierce St. 6 rms., mod. ex beat, fine repair, $20. 2212 Clark St., 6 rms., mod. ex. heat. $18. aim Emmet Bt, 6 rme., city waier ura gss, $17.50. ... 3124 Miami tit, 6 rms., city water, 1216 Burt St. 4 rms., city water, $8. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1606 Dodge St Phone Doug. 415. 9-room mod. house, 2407 Jones St, $36. 8-room house, mod except furnace, 2642 Davenport Bt., $26. 9-room mod. house, Z7l nowara ft., si.s. 6-room house. 8521 N. 28th Bt, $16. 8-room mod. house, 1128 B. 81st St., $30. Twa nmm in ftivlM hlitMinfl' 4W JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. $13.00. 4-room house, part modern, 3614 Blnney Bt $22.60 9-room modern house, 70ts n. win ax. $8.60. 8-room In flat 1424 8. 16th St $16.00. 6-room flat, 2321 S. 16th St Robinson Wolf, 435 Paxton Block. 2303 B. 85th St, rooms modern. 4131 Iiard St, 7 rooms modern. 2310 8. 85th St, 6 rooms modern. GALLAGHER NELSON, 490 Bradels Bldg. Omaha, Neb. 2120 N. 16th, 8-r partly modern H6.&0 2126 N. 18th, 8-r., partly modern 16.00 649 S. 25th Ave.. 4-r., close In 14 w 1064H S. 20th, 6-r., modern except heat.. 18 00 10fiH 8. 20th, 6-r., modern except heat.. 20.00 mm; Swa,rri. 4-r.. with bam 12.60 611 8. 26th. 6-r.. partly modern 20.00 2641 Capitol Ave., 6-r., partly modern.. 80.00 1427 N. 17th, 9-r., all modern 36.00 THE BY HON KJSJEIJ JU.. 'Phones Doug. 297, A-S834. 212 8. 14th. FOR RENT A six room house, almost new, 4531 North sVtti street All moaern except heat; one block north of Ames Ave. car line $22 per month. Reference required. Phone Webster bib. 2412 Parker St, 8 rooms, $16. 2566 Poppleton Ave., 6 rooms, $20. 8047 California, 6-r., modern, $22.60. 2231 80. 16th, 6-r., modern, $30. JOHN N. FRBNZHR, BOTH PHONES. 4 ROOMS, CLOSE IN. Look at 2043 Howard St., 4-room, strlotly modern flat, only $28.60. 6-r., mod., 1608 N. 81st, $15. 6- r., mod., 839 8. 14th, $16. 8-r., mod., choice, 1706 Caldwell, $30. 7- r., also barn, 4103 N. 28th Ave., $15. 6-r., attractive, 4727 Franklin, $12. RUSSELL ft M K1TRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg., 16lh and Harney. 1771 S. 9th St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat. $20. 1212 Mason St., 9-r., all mod., $35. 1109 S. 22d St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $26. 8610 Jones St., 1-r., all mod., $26.60. 2563 Pierce St, 8-r., mod. ex. heat, $26. 1609 N. 14th St., 6-r., all mod., $26. mii Chicago, 8-r., city water and gaa, $18. 807 Pierce St., 6-r., part mod., $16. ' BIRKETT ft TEBBINS. 428 Bee Bldg. Tels. D. 4764 A-1764. FOR RENT 16th and Spring Sts., 1-room, modern cottage; hot water heat; rent very low to right party. J. P. Jackson Co., 16U Frederick St Tel. Doug. 4833. FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE VERY CHEAP. Eight-room house, modern except furnace; northwest corner 24th and Webster; $20 pir month. FOR RENT. - A nice seven-room house, modern except heat; parlor, living room, kitchen and three bed rooms, ail bunt on one noor. Has been newly papered and painted on the Inside and painted on the outside ana is now in first clsse condition; good cement walks; stone steps and located on the caxllne. 624 North 23d St. $25 per month. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO.. Tel. D. 786. 1612 City Nat l Bank Bldg 6-ROOM apartment on ground floor, with good yard; nearly new; large airy rooms near Hanscom Park, $17.50. 6-room modern. 214 "ilworth. $25. HARRISON ft MORTt ' 3 N.Y.L. Bldg FOR RENT-Cottage, Tel. Harney 2126. Harney St. Stores and Offices. TRACKAGE PROPERTY W offer for rent the one story basement brick store room at 914 Faman. This prop erty has trackage facilities in rear. Apply BEE BUlXiDING CO, 17th and Farnam. WELL LIGHTED store. ttxlOS. 108 & lets. Carter Sheet Metal Werka STORE ROOM FOR RENT. Southeast corner 16s and Douglas Sts., Room 18x76 feet Possession given about September 1, 1910. CITY NATIONAL BANK. LARGE pleasrnt south and east front office. Corner 18th and Harney, a a Curtis. HUM Harcey. STORE. In Weed bldg.. for rent Office space In Baldridga ft Wead bldg., I 10th and Farnam. , F. D. WEAD, 1801 Farnam St OFFERED FOR RENT tores and Of tleee Continued. Unequalled Opportunity Grocery ens' meat market, with fixtures complete; a equal. Tlsard Block. Apply 12U N. 234 i $20.00 Store good location for barber shop. 1703 S. 10th St Robinson & Wolf. 435 Pax ton block. MODERN steam heated store room and basement lfth and Farnam streets. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. Desirable office room In Webster Sunderland Bldg., 16th and Howard SU., at reasonable price. GEORGE ft CO., 902 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Store rooms about 22x60 ft, Hotel Rome building, "600" Block, fine show window, good light, will be decorated to suit tenant, $126 per mo. Store room 624 8. 16th St., corner 16th and Jackson Sts., fine show window, good basement with freight hoist Heat furn ished. Price on application. 3-story building 1513 Harney St, just eaat of City National Bank building. 27x90 feet Fine show window, electrlo elevator. building practically new, and In best of repair. Price on application. 656 per mo., 22x60 ft, 617 8. 16th St. 2nd and 3rd floors, 1408 Farnam St., 12x60 ft., entrance from Farnam street, lease four to five years, $ per mo. GEORGE A CO., 902 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. OFFICE SPACE, 600 square feet, second floor, new building, 316 8. 19th Bt, steam heat, oak finish, toilets. GARVIN BROS., S64 NEW YORK LIFE. DESK room for rent In City National Bank Bldg. Stenographer and use of phone. Douglas 6086. OFFERED FOR SALE Fnj-wltnre, PARTIES leaving city offer for sals var ious articles of furniture; refrigerator, buf fet rugs, rocking chairs, dining chairs, tubs, boiler and kltohen furniture including IdoaJ gas range. Apply 4004 Charles Bt. AM LEAVING OMAHA, will offer for sale for a very few days, household s-ooda. lncludlng parlor, dining room and bed room furniture; also fine Ice box and gas stove, nearly new. Call Monday or Tuesday, 2829 BOX letter flrs for sale, lOo each. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO.. Tel. D. 786. 1613 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. LARGE quarter sawed oak sideboard cost $100; sell for half. N. B. Riairden, 4106 jH.i.yerute. FURNITURE of seven rooms for saJe and house for rent; splendid for flret-clasi rooming house; must be so4d at once; party leaving aiy. Jei. jjoug. FOR SALE Household furniture. In quire at 8221 Lincoln Boulevard. HALL TREE. SEWING MACHINE. CARPET, gas stove and washing machine. will sacrifice. 2244 Landon Court T.lRrim . i a -w m cost loo; sell for hail. N. B. Ralrden, 4106 Lafayette. WILL Sell hnitaVinl4 avuvla nf all if I nil. 1861 Charles Bt Mrs. B. B. Inglehart Mnelcal Instruments. EXTRA fine Edison phonograph, cabinet and choice records; good as new. 4106 La- laystts. NEARLY new BeTlat soDrano buffet sax aphone, silver plated; low pitch and latest system or koys; win be sold cheap tor cash. tx. A. w., 422 Brandeis Bldg. NEW Kimball organ, cheap. 1401 N. 21st Typewriter. BUY an L. C. Smith ft Bros. Typewriter. B. F. Bwanson Co Distributers, 141 rarnam et Typewriters for RentL 1114 Farnam St, Omaha. REMEMBER It takes but a few strokes 01 tne pen 10 state mat you saw the "ad." In The Bee. The advertiser wants to know. SECOND-hand typewriters sold, rnnalrerl Central Typewriter Exchange. 1607 Farnam. Miscellaneous. v FOR BALE New an second-band billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In essay w ualwiw, 11 j iiajrmvuu, oruuiwlCi Halka-Collenrter. 40f 8. 10th "X. FOR SALE Show case plate grass, 10 ft long, it. wiae, 4 rt nign, including table, Smith Co. SHARE of original stock, Happy Hollow club; leaving town, price $96. Address M 808, FOR BALE One pump with 60 feet of pipe. 8401 California. -'Phone Harney 1846. WANTED to sell at once, one faultless hot air lurnaoe. Apply 406 Bouth 40th St CLEARING, UP SALE Couch Hammocks and Lawn Swings. These are all good bar gains. SCOTT TENT & AWNING CO., 314-816 South 11th Bt 'Phone Doug. Ill, WB HAVE on band a number of ink Dirrin wiiicn w win van (or u cents each. Tbey are ftoe for rain water o- .he, call k V 1 win. ova, ruuusiii i;o FOR SALE 6,000 shares Uncle Bam nil stock, transferable on company books for $200 cash. A. L. Delbel. . pierce Bldg- l Louis, aid. ONE PIECE OR A CARLOAD LARGEST STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY HARDWOOD LUMBER IN THU OAK. HR-'KORY, ASH, MAPLE, POP- LAK, Blttt-'H, CrPKfcJa-H, COTTONWOOD. ELM, HASSWOOD, CHERRY, WALNUT TEAK. MAHOUANY, ROSEWOOD, Hul, LV, iJBONY, TENNESSEE SCHNTEU AXLES. BOLSTERS, REACHES. WAG ON TONGUES, HICKORY HACK AND T K AJvor Wrl yOLKS, WAGON BOX BOARDS, BOX CLEATS, POPLAR AND BASSWOOD PANELS FOR CARRIAGE AND AUTOMOBILE. FIR TIMBERS. LONG LENGTHS. 80 TO 70 FEET. OAK TIMBERS AND BRIDGE PLANK. WRITER, WIRE OR TELEPHONE. OMAHA HARDWOOD LUMBER CO. FOR SALE 100-ton track scales, grinders, 6-horse gaa engine, 80-horse station engine, 40-horse boiler and stacker. Urge cylinder shelter, shaftings, pulleys, cheap. II. L. Dawson, Creston, la. A FINE located rooming house furnished, or wU sell furniture and stoves. B. 1K7, Bee. MUST BELL IN TEN DATS-Golng to leave the city and will mil at a bargain, four and one-half acres of good, nigh land, between Thirty-fifth and Thirty fourth afreets north of jfTonue I. I slao have 1.000 good cement blocks, carload ot sand and some lumber. Must be cash. HENRY SMITH. 2 W. Broadway, Coun cil Bluffs, ia. About 40 feet of 2 Inch diameter No. M gauge, galvanised pipe, with four 46-lnoS elbows and T. This was used for ventllat. lug purposes, and pipe la In good condition, Tbe Publishing Co.. 17th and Jraraaia. OFFERED FOR SALE Mlseellnneons Continued. SAFES Overstocked with seoond-haaA safes, all rises and makes; barcaina American supply Co., 1119 Farnam St HALL'S safes, nsw. Id-hand. 1818 Farnam. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on .11 $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman ft MoConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. VACUUM cleaners. $16 to $25. 1117 Farnam. Filters, filter repairs. 1310 Howard. D3918. NEW Iron bed springs, Ul N. 40ih. oak princess dreeeer. EXTRA fine Edison rhonos-ranh nMi ,nd choice records; good as new, 4108 Lev- ON account of leavtns- cltv nffarinv ,... of Happy Hollow club stock at bargain. Address C, Bee office. South Omaha. OSTEOPATHY Kathryn Nikolas, (34-1 Brandeis Theater. Alloc Johnson. 806-8 Brandeis Theater Bldg. JOHN DB FOX. 120 Brandeis Theater. PATENTS P. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7U7. WILLAKD EDDY, registered ni raotltioner In U. 8. Pat office, 618 Paxton R Ik. R. 2flfl. PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY. Message treatment nervous debility. Dr. Margartte Halloran, 226 Neville Blk., D. 776L Look for School and College Advertising In the School and College Page Monday SHAMPOO, massage. Ada Steele, 1609 Howard Bt. 2d floor, front room, west flat 10 a. m. to 8 p. ro. Im. O. 8. WOOD has moved to his new office, 438-440 Brandeis Thaaiter bldg., and Is strain ready for work. TO Whom It May Concern Notice Is hereby given that the partnership hereto fore existing between A. Houghton and Arthur schwarick has been dissolved ana that the undersigned will not be responsl- ? ble for any debts contracted in the name of said firm from and after August 6, 1910. (Slimed) ARTHUR BCHWARICK. Mvitnhwtrom combings, $1.60. Mrs. 8, OWHUUtW Mathews, lot Neville blk. D 6263. MESSAGE AND BATHS Dr. Rlttenhouse. Room 806 Old Boston Store Bldg., 4th floor, elevator entrance, 120 S. 16th. Rwitrhna frora combings, $1.10. Mrs. a. D WlllltJB Hs4hewa, 104 NevUle Bk. D. 636$. Rnhhpr Goods Lrr n Rubber XVUDUtr JUOUS q,. Special Msll Order jfj A Mplrhfr DRUG CO., Service. Uieicner inh 4 Farnam Una. SOGERS' private confinement home, 1636 Martha St. Omaha, Neb. Tel. Douglas 6230. HINDOO TABLETS will build, strengthen. (Ou BELL DRUG CO. brace, O x j-aj. v J-ttj prices. Send for fins oat alogua. MYERS-Dlllon Drug Co.. Omaha. MASSAGE Sanitarium baths. Patrons residence. "Best system cleanser." Tel. Harney 649L A NICE, healthy baby girl for adoption at 1616 Martha St 'Phone Douglas 6280. TO get real personal, W. F. Stoecker wants your vote for congress. Primaries August 16. MAGNETIC treatment Mme. Smith, 622 8. 16th. Third Floor. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit tbe Young Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth St and St Mary's Ave., where tbey will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's aid at the Union station. MAHOGANY upright piano for sale; cost new $326 (CASH); NEED MONEY; leaving town; no reasonable offer refused. Address U. M. B., General Delivery, Omaha. SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con ciliation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss AUender, 624 Bee Bldg. WB rent and repair all kinds of sawing machines. Ind. A-166S. Doug. 1663. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY. 16th and Harney St CANDY BUSINESS IS PROFITABLE. If you are thinking of starting a candy store or adding a department, I can help yeu and will mail you a list of my private recipes and instructions for a variety of the choicest candles that I have made for many years, consisting of chocolate bon bons, nut taffies, caramels, cocoanut can dies, salting almonds, mint creams, kisses, nousatines, brittle, wafers and others. Mall me your order with $1 and you can refer to any banker or mercnant Every young lady ought to know bow to make tine candies, as a source of pleasure and profit. W. 8. Balduff. Omaha, Neb. SWITCHES . from Webster 3604. combings, $L Tel. THE 8ALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing, In faot, anything you do not need. We collect repair and sell at 134 N. UU St, for cost of colleotlon, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4U6 and wagoot will calL GROW new hair by using Mme. Fraysr6 Adellgbt Hair Food. Mogeatk stationery Co. STRICTLY private home for confine ments; excellent care; babies for adoption. 2618 Davenport St. OMAHA Uiammarers Ins., Ramge Bldg. trftfiq and toupee for men. v IVJO 11 fHRNZt'H OrlffllK hlKJK. Listen dealer in wants ads: The ad I run with you gave me good results. "Fairfax, S. D. PERSONAL (Continued.) MASSAGE for ladles. Tel. Bed 6298. KILL THOSE ROACHES NOT POISON1 NO ODORI We guarantee to rid your place, large or small, of these pests In twelve days, pay when satisfied. Mario Roach Towder Co., 671 Brandeis Bldg. Doug. 1170, Omaha. PRTVATK HflVIC Am-lne confinement! babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani tarium, let 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs. Ia. JORIE WASHBURN'S book. "The Under world Sewer," at all book stores; price $L6X magnetic Srr&?18t'EL PTT iFS cured without operation er pain. J-LO Vr MMW.,U (24 Bee Bldg. D. 1424, MMH. ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt glow and massage. 1606 Dodge Bt, oppo site pnatofflr. 8d floor. Tel. Doug. tW6. POULTRY TO PRACTICAL POULTRY METN. The famous Culver poultry farm of Ben son, Nebraska, for sale. New improve ments and complete equipment Great op portunity for live poultry man. Will sen for cost. Write at once for particulars. E 817, Bee LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Morses and Vehicles. Deep cut in all fly nets, special prices on horse collars and on sweat pads. Hayden's Harness Department S""'6" "J1 Wagons, cheap. A. Murphy ft Son, 14 in and Jaossonu WAGONS, i?""1"-i wm tfo. . , ' better grade of work and for less money than anyone else In Omaha or Council Bluffs. 1117 Farnam St Attention, Ilarnessmakers! Dapple gray display horse for sale; price $60; nearly new. HIT Farnam St FOR SALE Good leather top buggy. Call Hall ft Morris, 2868 Farnam St Tel Har ney, 431. CARRIAGE and top buggy, good condi tion ; almost your own price; go see Johnson-Danforth Co., 10th and Jones fits. Wagon Um&rellas Wagner. $01 n. 16th. CHEAPEST FEED In town at SIDMAM'M. The Cut Price Feed Man, 619 8, 18th Bt . BEST MATCHED Missouri bred team fo sale at 2621 Grant Bt 'Phone Web. 6S48. Must sell. ' INB' milch cow for sale. Phone Ben- inn rod WANTED TO RENT We, Are Getting Numerous Calls For Houses or All Blsee. List with Us. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. ' 614 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. 'Phone Red USH REFINED young couple desire roomg with private family; do some very light housekeeping. State terms in answering. References exchanged. Address, D 816, care 8TOECKETI for congress means popular j congress. uemocrau, usuuiuaio. xTiinanes August ia. i UK 3 furnished rooms for light housekeeping In Walnut Hill or West Farnam district. Bell 'phone Webster 8499. WANTED-By young couple, front room with board, In private family, where there afe n0 other boarders or roomers. Address Cf 1S8, aB$6. BOARD and room, with bath, on lower floor, by lady requiring a little care; willing to pay $ per month. Phone Webster 4181. WANTED" 0 BUY HIGHEST prloe paid for household fur niture and contents. D 6063. WANTED Second-hand roll top Answer, elating price, K 806, Bee. desk. 4 BEST prices for 2d-haod clothing. D, BFBT rr.eai -. Ya-Yaiv xr kt ur a AM CltA dklA MlTuiif e)i 1 iatw Mi. BEST PRICE paid for second-hand fur nlture, carpets, clothing and shoes. 'Phone Douglas 8171. WANTED to buy residence in Omaha, posting from $7,000 to $10,000; must be well located; want to turn in good residence property, value $4,000, as part payment International Land 8c Investment Co D. 8133. A-2376. 210-212-214 Bee Bldg. WANTED SITUATIONS VI ANTED Man of both commercial and legal experience wants office pusltlon at once. Good education, writes good hand, good typewriter operator, accurate at figures. First class references. Address W. G. Smith, General Delivery, Omaha. SITUATION wanted by colored woman to do laundry work by day. Web. 4408. WANTED Position as stenographer: 'can furnish references. Address. J 821. care Bee. DAY WOMEN FURNISHED free of charge. Toll phones Douglas 1112 and A-2111. MiDDLE-AOED colored, married man as Janitor in a flat, with living rooms In base ment; a nice man, of no bad habits; no ch dien; steady worker the year round; will come anywhere. Address P 827, Bee WANTED Ladles' clothes to laundry by first class laundress. Call Doug. 6601. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE WANT to buy 8 or -rnm nt,... all on one floor, modern except heat. Price 1101 10 exceea i,Dw; must be within five blocks from 2Mh snd California Bta ENGELBKEOHT ft ANDRU8, 1710 Farnam St. 'Phones: Doug. 4379. A-2923. to what a prominent Dakota says of Bee brought ma 27 applicant and C. A. JOHNSON," f y