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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1910)
THE BEE: OMAILY. SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1910. i Council Bluffs CUPID BREAKS DIVORCE BARS Mr. and Mr. William Graff Reunited After Divorce. i GIVE WELDING FEAST ON FAE1I IMdle-Agrd Connie, Who Tried to I. ! Apart Are Ite-marrled by ', Justice Ciroprr. A simple wedding In the office of Justice Jooper youterday reunited a family which CSs dlvoro court a, year or mora ago lad Blsrupted. The hands of both the man and the Woman were hardened by toll, their faces corrugated by more than fifty yearn of battla with the world but their hearts were bounding; with the Joyful emotions that were stirred years ago when they atood before a clergyman and assumed the solemn vows to love and cherish each other's Joys and sorrows for many years. But when both had passed the prime of life end their Journeys lay toward the shadows f the foothills apparently Irreconcilable difficulties arose which ended In the wife's appeal to the divorce court. A decree of absolute divorce was granted her on March 2, 1909. The husband, silent and gray, made no defence and the suit went by default. Yesterday the couple ' entered the court house, as nearly hand. In hand as the pro prieties permitted, and ' In almost eager haste asked License Clerk Tracy Rodwell to Issue them a marriage license. The pre liminary questions were satisfactorily answered but the hands of both trembled as they affixed their signatures to the mar riage license record. When they . turned from the counter they bore a certificate au thorizing the marriage of William Gruff, Councll Bluffs, aged 51, and Christina Oroff Council Bluffs,, 60 years old., Holding H closely with the hands of both touching it, they hastened to the office of Justice Cooper In the basement of the building and there again renewed their vows, . placing the utmost unction on the 1ponse -uniu aeatn ao us part." No hap- jf xujuny yruutuiy ever jeii me county urt house. 7 Incidentally the-marriage restores to the husband the por .sslon of eighty acres of rich, Iowa farm' land, as well as the old home with all It treasured, memories and household goods. When the divorce decree was granted the wife asked for and was rkp;tn title to the land and homestead prop- Jrty- (A wedding dinner was served last night at the' farm home In Garner township, a few miles east of the city. Dlacennt Bale. Oar semi-annual discount sate la now en. It Includes framing, pyrography outfits and wood, framed pictures and art pottery. Buy In advance for your fall use for gifts and card prises. ALEXANDER'S ART STORB. -Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee July 21 by the Pottawattamie County Ab stract company of Council Bluffs: Gus Hlnriohs and wife to W. Y. Mar- . tin, lots 4, 11 and 12, block 18, in WrighUs add. to Council Bluffs, la., w. d. ... 11.800 Lawrence Webb to. Ksrab E. Webb, rH of lot 4, block 18, in Beer's add. . to Council- Bluffs, la,, w. d 1 Total, two transfers. .11.601 Exceptional piano bargains this week at A. Mospe Co.. ZS fcC Maln St., 29 Pearl St., 'o. 'Bluffs, la. ? Kasy' payments. Budwelser beer Is healthful, strengthening and refreshing. Call L. Rosenfeld Co. and prder a case. Phone 3323. N. T. Plumbing CO. Tel. 260. Night, L-1701 .11 M i-. 1 1 wLUnO Briii IsTMsTb!! July 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 Special r o g r a m Sunday Their aeroplanes are on the ground tuned up and ready for the first flight Saturday afternoon. Magnificent prizes have been put up for the first world's record broken and the most daring and 'spectacular flight during the Meet. Theso prizes will be awarded on the last day of the Meet. An opportunity will be given daily to view the Curtiss Biplane at close range. The machine will be run in front of the grandstand, and its principles and vorkings explained. This is the first opportunity given to the people of this territory to witness the evolutions of the war balloons now used by the United States Army. Lieutenant Haskell of Fort Omaha will be in charge of the "War Balloons, and the Signal Corps from, the Fort will give daily exhibitions of the uses made by aerial craft in modern warfare. CVissey'8 Pharmacy , Saratoga Pharmacy Bed Cross Pharmacy Walnut Hill Pharmacy ' Bemis Park Pharmacy ' J. H. Schmidt Drug Store Barnes Drug Store Beaton Drug Co. , J. H. Merchant Prices: Adults, 50c; Children, Council Bluffs Minor Mention Tne ConncU Bluffs office ef tae Omtki Bee la at It Boon Street. Both phoiH 43. Urn ' biirtiMr fcAip fur r,itu. Insurance, Forest Mniltli, Brown Blk. Cornguna, undertakers, 'l'houes Its. Large front room tt relic. 'Phono tiM. Perfect fit and styles. Martin Petersen. KAL'ai' BKliU AT ItOlililW BUF'1'. l oouring Undertaking company. TeL i!t Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Pnoua il. 1'iJK r.,l.n,V.Mjt, J),- Acu ualAlfi LRX SWAPS. Real eutute bought, sold and exchanged, fullest 81111th, Biow, a illK. wi; cAKitr Mali extract, j. j. Kilne Co., iuj West uroadway. 'rs. J. (J. Hollenbeck is entertaining Mrs. Luvina Brown of Omaha this week. AIIbs Harriett llolllngsworth of Chicago is being entertained by Miss Orpha juii.ii. Have your glasses liUc ur repaired by J. W. Terry, optician, 411 B way, office rtith Geo. Uerner. A building permit was yesterday Issued to W. H. taker for the construction ui a .aOO dwelling at 2il5 Tnird avenue. The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wendell died yesterday of stomach trouble, alter a brief illness, at their home, WIS South Sixth street. ' The Insanity commissioners have Issued an order consigning Mrs. Hxlnner to the care of her relative and dismissing the In sanity charge against her. John Aron, a negro dope llend, reduced by the use ot drugs to e most pitiable condition, was released from the city Jail yesterday afternoon and sent toward the locality where he said his home was.. The work of determining the amount of benefits to property affected by the Keg creek drulninge ditch Is under way In the county auditor's office, where a number of appraisers are buislly engaged assess ing ins luxes. John P. Davla of the Pioneer Implement company, accompanied by Mrs. Pa vis and (laughter, June, left yesterday for a trip In the northwest. They will enjoy the beauties of the Yellowstone park before they return. Benjamin B. King, who has been con nected with the Woodrtng undertaking es tablishment for some time returned from Ottumwa last evening, accompanied by his family, and they will make Council Bluffs their homo in the future. J. E. Stumpt), division superintendent Of the Wabash, and J. T. Hhelian, master me chanic of the road, came In from Moberly, Mo., yesterday and spent several hours In town. -They disclaimed any knowledge of the contemplated closing of the city ticket office of the company. Miss Ilia Baker, aged 22, daughter of Mrs. Clara Baker, residing at 273 Twenty-second avenue, was operated upon at the Jennie Kdmundson Memorial hospital Wednesday for appendicitis. She was reported yester day to be in a critical condition, but more favorable reports came from the hospital later in the evening. W. L. Baldwin of Bradyville, la., who came here a few days ago to visit his niece, Mrs. C. 8. Baldwin, laiO Sixth avenue, died at 6:15 last evening at the residence of Mrs. Baldwin. He had been 111 tor two years from liver troubles. He was 54 years old, and is survived by his widow and one son and one daughter. ' Arrangements for the funeral have not been completed. A large amount of equipment la being stored by the Union Pacific in the railroad yards at Council ' Bluffs. Steel rails of ninety-pound weight and aggregating 10,000 tons have Just been unloaded in the yards. It required twenty-two cars to transport them from the east. The company has about 30,000 tons ot Rock Springs coal stored here for use when required. Clifford RoQney, the twin son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kooney, died yesterday at their home, lrt08 South Tenth street, after one week's illness from stomach trouble. The little fellow was born on June 22. The funeral wilt be held from the residence on Haturday morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. J. M. Williams of the Broadway Methodist church will officiate. - Mrs. Exra K6gg, aged 68 years, died at her home. 1024 Third avenue, at noon yes-, terday. She was born at Mohlless, Russia, and came to this country several years ago. She Is survived by four children, Mrs. F. M. Chemise of this city, Mrs. I. Brown of Los Angeles, Mrs. Morris Nogg and Sol Nogg, also of this city. The annual picnic of the Fifth Avenus Methodist church was held in Fairmont' J. C MARS AND JOHN McCURDY ARE WITH HIM Government 24th and Lake 24th and Ames . ... ... . . 17th and Cuming , . . . 40th and Cuming .: 33d . and Cuming 24th and Cuming 40th and Dodge : 15th and Farnara lGth and Howard Council Bluffs park yesterday afternoon. Before going to the park the Happy youngsters enjoy el a trolley rlile to Omaha and return In a spe cial car. Luncheon was served In the park under the direction of Mrs. Hpauldlng, a sisttd by many willing workers. The children thoroughly e;.Joytd their on tins. Mrs. Thomas 1'rendergast. aged W years, died at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Frank Pepugh, 8012 Avenue 11, yesterday of heart trouble. She is survived by her hushand, three sons and two daughters Patrick nnd James of Kaylor, and Joseph of Hopklnsvllle, K v., and Mrs. Frank le pugh and Miss Kalhertne of this city. Ar rangements for the funeral have not been completed. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Burke of tfun Fran cisco, who have been vlnltlng at the home of Mr. Burke's sister. Mrs. Dr. MudK. where his aged mother also resides, left yesterday for their home. Mr. Burke was a prominent newspaper man here In the early days of the city, nas since made a name for himself In newspaper circles on the coast. He Is a half-brother of the late Finley Burke. William 8. Mooney has been removed from the county Jail to ML Bernard's hos pital for observation to determine his mental soundness. Mooney was sent to Jail by Police Judge .Snyder two weeks ago on the charge of Improper conduct toward some little girls. It was said that he was of unsound mind, and since his Incarcera tion In the county Jail he has apparently suffered a serious mental breakdown. The 16-year-old on of Mrs. Probstle, le sidlng at the corner of East Pierce and Thomas streets, returned to the house yes terday afternoon in the absence of his mother to cook his dinner. The gasoline stove he was using got beyond his con trol In a few minutes after lighting It and the explosion that followed enveloped the kitchen In flames, vjulck response or the (Ire department to an Immediate alarm kept the damage down to about o0. Manager M. B. Parks of the Grand hotel has been advised that Hayes, the young negro porter who pulled oft three success ful robberies at the hotel in the last week of his three weeks' service, has been heard of at Louisville. Ky. The fact that the po lice of the southern cities have now got a line on him, it Is believed that he will soon be under arrest. He secured about $:10 from the hotel safe, the cash drawer and the public telephone booths. John O. Glanville, representing the Webb Motor Fire Apparatus company was in the city yesteday afternoon endeavoring to en list city officials In the effort to acquire a new automobile gasollre fire enjrine. It Is not understood that the council is contem plating the purchase at this time of a fire engine, but It Is admitted that the neces sity for better protection makes It certain that such a machine must oo added to the department equlppege in the near future. Henry Druen, 21 years of age, and D. II. Hugan, 24, were in police court yesterday on complaint of their wives, who acoused them of neglect to provide for their house hold expenses. Both women told stories of privation while recounting the reckless manner in which their young husbands spent their money while away from home, but pleaded earnestly to prevent the young men being locked up. They were sent home on their own recognizances to re tuyn for a further hearing in police court morning. A common lumber wagon held up the eastbound limited passenger train on the Burlington yesterday for a long time. The vehicle was bearing a number of huge steel beamB required for the construction of the International Automobile company's garage In process of construction. The weight was too much for the wagon and it gave way Just as It reached the center of the Burlington main line tracks. The ob struction was entirely too heavy for the engineer to push out of his way and the assistance of the wrecking crew had to be called to clear the tracks. DRAY CALVIN PLEADS FOR POUND'S RELEASE Man Beaten Up In Fight Says Other Mam Old Not Give Him Half Enough. The spectacle of a man with his face so battered that his mother could scarcely have recognised him earnestly pleading for the man who had beaten him and begging for himself the utmost punishment possible under the law was presented at the morn ing session of the Council Bluffs police court yesterday. The victim was Dray Cal vin,. 87 years old, a farm hand, who had been seeking trouble at the I. N. Mlnnlck livery barns on Pearl and 8outh Main streets, and who secured the utmost limit of his desire when he entered the barn Exhibit ; Tickets will be sold at the grounds, also at the Merchants Hotel J. L. Brandeis Paxton Hotel Rome Hotel v. Her Grand Courtney & Co 0. D. Kiplinger Hayden Bros , Sherman & McConnell .' I Council Bluffs Wednesday night armed with a loaded re volver and attacked Charles Pounds, a crip pled employe. Pounds severely punished Calvin after the latter had been disarmed when he attempted to shoot P. S. Rlef, the barn manager. Both Calvin and Pounds spent the night In the city Jail, end when arraigned In police court Calvin was a very sober man. When the witnesses told of his actions and how narrowly he missed be coming a murderer, he arose and begged the court to discharge his assailant, who was charged with assault and battery and whom Judge Snyder wag Inclined to criti cize for going too far, and asked for the severest punishment for himself. The court accommodated him and sent him to Jail for thirty days and issued an order confiscating his revolver. Pounda was discharged. SELLS-FL0T0 SHOWS WILL PRESENT GOOD FEATURES Special Treat Will He Afforded AniwiiiHl Lovers Tomorrow Wheu They Come. If newspaper accounts be true there is a special treat in store for amusement lovers when the great Hells-Kioto shows reach Council Bluffs on Saturday morning for a Blngle day'a engagement. The record achieved by the mugniflcent western attraction this year has been the mcst remarkable in the history of the big tents. No circus ever turned away so many people and no show has given half as much universal satisfaction. In the first place, the Sells-Floto people believe In the doctrine of popular prices. Thy have made history in this respect, and, secondly, they control the most per fectly organized circus in the world. The Armour team, the Nelson family, the Davenports, the Normans, the Melnotts, Spader Johnson and Lon Moore, emperors of the laugh Idea; the Borslnls, Dollle Julia, Fred Ledgett, the Ouloe family, the Flying Herberts, the twin baby elephants all these and many more prove the caliber of the show. The parade at Council Bluffs will take place at 1 o'clock Saturday. The seat sale at Clark's drug store. FUNDS COME FOR ADDITION Stock Selling; In Project to Enlarge Auditorial for Corn Feature of Fruit Congress. Funds for the construction, of the addi tion to the auditorium building made neces sary by the enlargement of the scope of the National Horticultural congress to include the corn show feature are being rapidly collected. Several thousand dollars have been added to the required capital within the last few days. George F. Hamilton, E. H. Doo'.lttle and J. H. Hollenbeck spent several profitable hours at the task yes terday. No contributions are sought, but the proposition presented Is the business one of purchasing stock, with the certain assurance that the Investment will pay dividends. A meeting of executive committees of the congres and the Missouri Valley Corn Growers' association will be held this even ing to promote the organization work. The outlook for a. most successful exposition this year, with a corn show that will be ot sufficient magnitude to attract attention, grows brighter each day. The promoters are receiving much encouragement from Omaha, and the Nebraska corn enthusiasts are taking aa much Interest in the work as their Iowa brethren. - Brona-hton Brandenburg; Indicted,, NEW YORK, July 22. Broughton Bran denburg, the writer, was Indicted today by the grand Jury for forgery in the second degree because of a check for $50 on which he secured money a week ago. Counsel was assigned to him on his plea that he had no money. He was committed to the Tombs to await trial. 25c; Grandstand, 50c; Automobiles, MOTOR CLUB GIVES DINNER Good Roads, Speed Track and Auto Beg-ulation Talked Over. LIMIT SCORCHING TO SPEEDWAYS Kearly Kvery dpraker Kmphaelaed Need of Confining; Fast Uolna" to Tracks In Interest of People and Motorists. The first dinner to be given by the Omaha Motor club was held In the garden of Hotel Rome last evening, and the agita tion for good roads In this city snd over tho state, for a race track upon which large meets may be held, and for the pro motion df endurance runs, hill climbs and the regulation of speeding, was dealt with at length by those who responded to toasts. D. Q. O'Brien acted as toastmaster and gave much life to the affair by hla witty remarks. About fifty of the members were present and general enthusiasm was shown for upbuilding of the club's Interests and the advertising ot Omaha. Mayor i. C. Dahlman was the first to respond, and in part said: "This club, as I understand it. Is organized for the advance ment of good roads, the promotion of things for the interest of automobillsts. It is Interested in anything which is for the up building of the city or the state, and for anything which ' promotes the prevailing conditions to Improvement It wishes to see fair play and adequate laws made which shall regulate automoblllng for the benefit ot all concerned. I now stand and have always stood for anything which la to the betterment of Nebraska or Omaha and which improves the conditions, so that anything that I may be able to do to assist the club, you may depend upon me to do." Better Auto llegalntion. The president of the ciub, Ole Hlbner, in his talk outlined the purposes of the orga nization and in brief stated: "The purpose of the club Is to co-operate with state of ficials, the city officials, the National Auto mobile sssodlatlon, the owners of cars and the drivers In the establishing of conditions and framing of regulations which will be for tho advancement of automobillsts." Other toasts were responded to in which the wonderful growth of the automobile business was shown. Ten years ago there were but five cars In Omaha and only one agency maintained, while today there are hundreds of machines, dozens of agencies. The speeding question was In numerous cases made the feature of talks. In speak ing of establishing a race track, the oonr fining of speeding to that alone waa agitated as necessary to the Interests of the people at large as well aa the automobillsts. The Motor club is barely a month old, but already has 100 members, with applica tions being filed daily. It Is a separata or ganization from the Automobile club, and though now composed mostly ot automobile dealers, it will probably be opened to own ers who may wish to enter. Two tours have already been planned, one on August 24. 25 and 26, which passed through Red Oak, Shenandoah, Hamburg and Nebraska City the first day out; Lincoln, Crete, Hast ings and Kearney the second day out, and Grand Island, Central City, Columbus Fre mont and home on the, 26th. Knights Templar. Officers. ESTHERVILLB. Ia., July 2S. (Special.) At a meeting of the grand commandry. Knights Templar, ot Iowa, the following officers were elected for the coming year: Orand commander, J. W. Edwards, Mount Pleasant; deputy grand commander, A. L. Molyneaux, Cherokee; grand generalissimo, F. O. Ellyson, Anamosa; grand ' captain, General P. L. Severs, Stuart; grand senior warden, George H. Jackson, Council Bluffs; grand Junior warden, Charles Schllchter, Burlington; grand treasurer, Thomas Whit ney, Atlantic; "grand recorder, D. M. Brownlee, Sioux City. The Key to the 81tuatlrn Bee Want Ada. Prof. Thomas ("Daredevil") Andrews and John Waldorf Hall, two of the best, known and most daring balloon operators in this country will give daily exhibitions with parachute drops. Arrangements have been made to lace their balloons in trials for altitude, speed, distance and endurance. Not since the famous International Meet at Los Angeles has there been an American Meet where such, an opportunity has been given to view the present development of Aerial craft areoplanes, diri gible balloons, captive balloons, and free 'balloous. following points: 1508Tarnam 16th and Douglas 14th and Farnam 16th and Jackson 16th and Howard 17th and Douglas 13th and Farcani 16th and Dodge 16th and Dodge Claim Big Loss Due to Methods R. H. Glyn Says Restitution Proceed ings Will Be in Order in rills-' bury-Washburn Plour Case. l,ONDOf, July 22. At a meeting of the directors of the rillsbury-Washbuin Flour Mills company. Limited, today, tlve report and accounts for the year were presented and passed, after a stormy sess(m. R, H. Glyn, chairman of the board, wh presided at the meeting, referred to the appalling loss of "four million" as shown by the re port, saying: "It was due partly to gross dlsiedlpnre and partly to methods whlcKcould hardly be called by any other name than irregular. The question of restitution uroceodlngs will have to be carefully considered." John Macdonald Henderson, member of the House of Commons, declared that he waa prepared to find the money in his own pocket to probe to the end of the situation ff affairs which Director Cloutte characterised as "one of the greatest com pany scandals of present times." The Plllsbury-Washburn Flour Mills com pany of Minneapolis went into the hands of a receiver on August V, 1909, application being made to the federal district court In that city by certain stockholders. It waa said at the time that the action was taken for the purpose ot reorganization and denial was made that the cotnpany was In any serious financial embarrass ment. C. S. Plllsbury, A. C. Llrlng and A. C. Cobb were named receivers. A scheme of reorganization was adopted In 1909 and has since been carried out, under which the unsecured creditors amounting to about 16,200,000 have been settled with. Under this scheme the mills, trademarks and good win have been leased to a'n operating company formed In the United States with a capital of $2,000,000. CHICAGO'S POPULATION OVER TWO MILLIONS Federal Clerks Complete Tabulation and It Is laid Figures Essen tially Correct. CHICAGO, July 22. The federal census will show the population of Chicago to be under the 2,100,000 mark, according to a atatement made here today by Wlllard E. Hotchklas. Federal clerks completed their computations on Chicago today and the records have been sent to Washington, where final announcement will be made. The school census, announced yesterday, placing the population of Chicago at 2,100,000, waa declared by Mr. Hotchklss to be essentially correct WASHINGTON. July 22. According to the census returns, Muskogee, Okl., has 23.278 Inhabitants, as compared with 14,418 In 1907; Tulsa, Okl., 18.182, as compared with 7,298 In 1907, and Muskogee county, Okla homa, 62,743, as compared with 17,467 in 1907, MANAGER BLACKS HIS PITCH EFTS EYE AT PARK MeOraw of New York Nationals Treances Player for Disobey ing; Orders. ST. LOUIS, July 22. Pitcher Arthur Ray mond and Manager McGraw of the New Tork Nationals clashed here this afternoon and the pitcher is suffering from a dis colored optic as a result. When he reported at the ball park his condition displeased McGraw, who ordered htm to rentove hla uniform. Raymond refused and a mlxup was pre cipitated by McGraw from which Raymond merged second best. Later he removed his uniform and left the club house. Most Food la romai to the dyspeptic Ele:trlo Bitters cure dys pepsla, liver and kidney complaints and debility. Price 60c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. m "jsa iRyia b 'jiuiuui .nlih Grounds: 45th and Mill- Ar o t lCJLJL tr tr il ours: 3 p. m. to 6 p. m. Balloon Races Final Moritz Meyer Cigar Store . .' 1314 Farnam Henshaw Hotel 1509 Farnam "Murray Hotel 14th and Harney Hotel Loyal 16th and Capitol Ave. Schlitz Hotel 16th and Harney Myers-Dillon Drug Co 16th and Farnam L. a Gibson 501 North 24th St. South Omaha Fisher-McGill Co 24th and N Sts., South Omaha J. A. Clark Drug Co., Corner Broadway and Main Sts., Council Bluffs Healthful E2omc ESrinh lloraforU'a Aciil I'hosplmte iiinkra a licrsltliful and invip; oratinjr drink with water ami . suirar only. An invnliinMe Ionic, a dclltrlitfnl bovcrp;e and one of the lcst restorer" when the energies fin"; and the spirits droop. Horsford's Acid Phosphate aNoB-Alcohollr. 1 To-dajr and Everyday We Su Mors Beer Thsa Yesterday Qualify, SkiU onrf Cltantintn rtrMom tot Uw 3(miI iKRtsn Dffntnd For Delicious' Flavor CIT Preferred Stock r "Leads Them All" W. E. Keefer, Agt. Omaha Branch, 1022 Douglas Street, Phone Douglas 3975 H JL JQu $1.00. HI El n 3C