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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1910)
10 TTTE rEE: OMAtIA, SATURDAY. JULY 23. 1M0. Choice o( Our $1 Parasols at 39c ea. Women's and Hisses 25c Girdle Corsets at 10c Each Women's $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Drawers Lace or embroidery trimmed, cambrics nd nainsooks, at Women' i Colored Waist Slips They are well made, and worth 60c. lost day clearance, at Women's50c-75c Imported Ilose, 25c All Silk laffeta and Silk Ales saline Ribbon Also douM fared, clierkel taffeta, 6 In. dies wide, worth tic at, yd. Men's Fice Im ported and Seam less Hosiery Fancy allK embroider ed merrerlred Hole, etc.. at. pair 12Va and 19c This includes Fongex'd, taffetas, mercerized, Our entire stock of broken lots, where we have not a complete assortment of sizes In French lisle, silk em embroidered, braided, ruffled and tucked bor dersladies' and misses' clearing sale price, main floor 39c broidered, allover lace and lace boot pat terns mercerized, full fashioned, double heels and toes, double soled; clearing sale price, on main floor, per pair. 25c All sizes, with hose supporter at tachments; on sale in basement, clearing sale price 10c 69c 25c 15( 1 ! i i ! ! II ISSSSBSS Women's Fine Neckwear New Dutch and Middy Col lars, in crochet, Venise and fancy lace effects, new ja bots, frill effects, etc. worth up to ?5c, at 15c and 25c Women' Union Suits Women's lace trimmed umbrella style, also cuff knee gauze union suits worth up to 75c each in basement, at 49c and 25c Fast Black Seamless Hose .Women's and children's fa6t black seamless hose, worth up to 19c a pair; fn in besement, pr IUi Leather Belts All the men's and boys lea . ther belts, that sold up to 25c; clearing sale price in basement at, C each.. MttSESECS M rWBiiiMfTiBiSS ESataaflDHCSalBS Final Day Specials- All out Women's Idnsa piece Jacket Baits that have been selling up to $10.00 Saturday, at $3.50 Children's Onlmps Pretti ly tucked and embroidery trimmed, that we have been netting 4 fm at 25c up to IDC iO, each, at All Oar Children's Soe Chambray and Gingham stampers Bpeclal Batur day clearance lf?ja price. C All ens Children's $1.00 Dresses, In gingham and percale and chambray Your choice Cflie Saturday. UiC at S I0J LIAS Last Day Specials Tour Cbolee of All On Tonr Choloe of All Oar Women's Tailored Salts, Women's X,onr Dhantnng that we have been sell- Coats, that we have been In up to 7 PA selling up to f AA 125.00. now eW.afU $ 10.00. Sstur- 2e)aVU st v dsy. at T CV,0f f. " Ohol.. of All Oar Wome.'s sr?oW $5.00 IpMS. $5.00 now at , v ml ' QREND Saturday is Positively the Last Day of Our .EASING CI Sunbonnets Light colored sun bonnets ' regular 15c and 25c values; final clearance in Cj basement at, each JC Men's Summer Shirts 'All the men's summer shirts, formerly sold at 50o each clearing sale-price as long as they last; base- t(f ment, each . . ' . . IC ' affmagomiiiii m i n. i ... " ' i ' J" Val. and Torchon Laces Fine Val. and torchon-laces, sold always at 5c and 7Vsc a yard; basement, ; at, yard arc offered Saturday. Prices are r than ever before in ould attend. Saturday is your last The last and greatest bargains of this wonderful clearing sale rr;n rpHnrect and everv department will otter midsummer goods at prices lower tnan ever before in Omaha's history. - It will be an overwhelming bargain event that every Omaha women sho chancr t profit by these bargains. v Women's Low Shoes 5 Mia Floor Old Store $2.39 Women's S3.B0 and $4 up-to- date Pumps and Oxfords, at Women's practical 3 Pumps and Oxfords; Spe- nr clal Saturday, pair, vleefw Women's 2-eyeiet Cravenetto 13.50 Oxfords at, pair All tb sample lines of Women's Oxfords and Ankle Strap Pumps, worth up to $3.00 a pair bargain square, at.. "..$1.95 $1.59 I Boys' and Children's Shoes Boys'. 13.00 Oxfords; black and tan at... Sa.00 Boys' 12.60 Oxfords, at $1.75 Little Boys' 11.60 and $1.78 Oxfords; sizes 8 to 18 H per pair, now at $1.00 Little Boys' $2.26 Oxfords, at Sl.TB Misses' 2.00 Mat Calf Ankle Strap Pumps, pair... SUBS YOUR CHOICE OF 1,200 BEAUTIFUL Lingerie Waists Worth up to $5.00 Each, at . .... . These waists are new In every respect and are the prettiest styles of the season high and low necks, lace and embroidery trimmed, long and short sleeves odd lota and sizes of fine waists that have aold up to $5 each. Fine Lot of Women's Torn Over Collar and Dutch Neck Waists Prettily lace and embroidery trimmed cool and 'dainty styles qq for summer wear, your Aril choice at VVX, $150 & Final Clearance of Jewelry and Leather Goods Women's Finest Patent Leather Calf Belts, in black and red. They are worth sba a a upto $1,00 each-at. dUC'OtjC The John Mehl Celebrated Hand Sewed Bags, In fine seal, leather lined, four fine fit- P9 Aft tings, worth $5 at JdeWV All our Imported Fancy Belt Plna that bave been selling up to $5 your choice . QQ All our Fancy Belt Pins and Peart Cuff f f Links, that sold up to 60c at 19C All the Doran Beauty Pins, three on a card,' f P. warranted to wear at, each . .13C Women's Irish Hand Embroidered Initial Handkerchiefs Narrow hemstitched, plain and cross barred, white and colored initials worth 20c; main floor, at, 10 each... ;1UC $1.25 BtK Kus vt 49c Extra large floral and tile pattern bath rugs all colors, at, each. .mJl $2 Table Cloths at $1.19 Fine hemstitched table cloths, 8-10 size regular $2.00 values, at, $ Q each. Isle EafSSS Hosiery at 15c Fine yillover lace and lace boots black, tan and fancy colors; also misses', boys' and children's rib- C bed hose, etc., atpr. 1JC "M" Waist Union Suits Summer gauze, low neck, knee length; main ZX floor, at, each. eTC Japanese hand drawn scarfs and lunch cloths; values up ::a.t: 98c Special Basement Bargain All the odd pieces of stiver, in spoon's, nut picks and cracks, sugar shells and butter knives at, each V Bed Spreads Fringed and-, scalloped Mar seilles pattern bed spreads,: worth $2.00, at, Qfla esurv each. f. O. King's 200 yd. spools of thread, white and black; all numbers; doi. pools' 19c ;jss Buttonhole Scis sors notion Dept. pair !5c 2Bo Skirt Mark ; era, clearing ale price. In notion Dept 10c Wooden C o a t Hangers, no-1 tlon Dept.; S for E00-yd sooolsH of - "Pennant basting thread notion Dept., L5c 32C BliflfJDEIS STORES Tension Shears, - self sharpen ing, worth 76c notion Dept -at 25c Hat and Bonnet Wire, black, white and all colors; flat or round, notion DepU bolt- Dress Forms for H SKin ana ror waist, complete sixes 62 to 40 bust, notion Dept. 5c $298 Elastic Web 1 - Inches wide lOo trade, no tion Dept.. at, y . 5c Hair Rolls: bl. fluffy, wash-' able rolls old every where at $1 , notion Dept. 4Sc Children's gauze vests and pants main floor, Q at, each. ZrC 500 high grade business cards very latest type styles-Saturday $fl only. : 1 ard case free with 100 vis iting cards Satur day only. 29c DOBOING FOR ADVENTURE Thousand of Young Men Tramp the Country for the Fun of It. ' TRIALS OF BRAKEBEAM TOURISTS Hobo Who Slept WTille Riding tae Rods Another Who .Jumped from Speeding .Train and Landed. If the figures of Edmond Kelly of Columbia university may be taken as a guide, the tramp population . of the United States Is about 600.000. The same authority estimates that three-fourths of these are youngsters under twenty one., who are tramping for fun. Tliev are but youths who respond to that spirit wlthn which calls for adventure. They are the lads who have hit upon the method that la fullest to the brim of possibilities of taking one's life in hand, waging It a dozen times a day against the mere bagatelle of a ride, getting the thrill of a flirtation with the grim reaper, anu oftentimes tragically losing the wager. They have found a dlverson with dangers ten times as great as cowboylng and a hundred times as great as going to war. There are scores of business and pro feealonat men who have ridden the rods. They seldom speak of It, for their as sociates would give them the unbeliev ing ha! ha! Who Would credit a story that a man of affairs had been thrown from the "blind baggage" by a low browed brekemam Yet with 600,000 uraduates a year rem wanderlust col lege these men are to be found In every walk of life. They almost forget the wlldness of their youth until the warm days of summer coma on. Then some evening while they doze on the front porches o their comfortable homAs they era suddenly aroused Dy the distant and melodious toot of a freight engine, and wrke to an almost uncontrollable desire to scramble aboard and ride away again Into the land of adventure and romance. For these are the '.en who yesterday asked for handouts at your back doors. The housewife regarded them as poor, humiliated, unfortunate creatures, asking ' alms. On the contrary, they were the boldest adventurers that the country has ever known. The Indian fighters of early days led prosalo lives compared with theirs. Nor was their life humiliating to ' them any more than the cast of the actor wi.o plays the downtrodden behind the footlights is humiliating to him. It was a part of the adventure and they gloried In i it. The novice told the first woman from . whom he solicited the "eats" that he was just put of the hospital In St. Louls, and that he was trying to get home to mother In Council Bluffs. It was an inspiration. It got results. He used ths same "spiel throughout the season, changing th towns to fit the situation of the moment Advtalarti on the Way. But Just what are the adventures, the hardships, the haaards of these Journeylngs ct the wayward are not often put down. There is the fantastlo tale sometimes told and often credited to the Imagination of the f lot Ion writer. But the following la cidenU are blunt fact told Just as they have happened. ' Midway from front to rear of a freight car, and underneath are two parallel rods of Iron, a foot and a half 'apart and con nected at one point by a narrow board. The whole la but a foot from the ground. A man may He upon these but never with comfort. When the train Is in motion he Is safe from his arch enemy, the brakeman, and sure of a ride to the next stop. The rods are the last resort of the man who ia anxious to get over the road and can find no other place to ride. He "wings under" after the train Is in' motion. . A California fruit train - was eastbound and passing through Arizona. A dozen boy tramps were making a special effort to ride the train for It was on a schedule equal to that of a passenger. All the cars were Iced and sealed and there was no chance of getting Inside. The only show for a ride was on "the bumpers" between the cars, on- top and easily accessible to the brakeman, or underneath on the rods. Most of the boys rode' underneath. When the train stopped the brakeman chased the youngsters from their hiding places and tried to keep them from getting on asslt pulled out. The result was an all day battle and hard riding underneath. One of the lads had never gone under be fore. It was great sport, but hard work. The train was due at Albuquerque at 9 o'clock, but was two hours late. The raw lad underneath got desperately tired. The dust and grime was something frightful. The great freight train hammering over the Joints of the rails at a speed of fifty miles an hour made a fearful din." All was darkness. The ground but a foot beneath sped by like a fast-running stream. The realisation that a mere fall from a train moving so rapidly meant death was made more vivid by a mental picture of the re sult of all the cars behind passing over one's body. More Lark Than Sense. Yet so heavily did the fatigue of It weigh upon the amateur hobo that he went to sleep oh . his insecure resting place. He never knew how long he. slept When he awoke it was to that frenzy of fear that overpowers one when coming out of slum ber In strange surroundings and not being able to realize where he Is. He gripped the rods In a frenzy of fright. In which his memory groped In the chsos of the din about him to find something familiar that would make him understand.. Finally mem ory came back to the normal and he real ised where he was. Likewise he appreci ated the danger he had been In while sleep ing on the rods beneath the train, and a greater fright came to him than he had ever felt before. Being game, however, and the danger past his spirits were In nowise dampened, and. he rode on to other experi ences. ... A cross-continent express stopped at I o'clock in the evening at-a tewa In Colo rado. This, town seemed to nave accumu lated a superabundance of tramps, and all were anxious to- get out, for the "bulls" (railroad yard detectives) were unfriendly and the rock pile threatened. When the passenger train steamed out and gathered speed the tramps swarmed from behind the other cars In the yard, from back of the water rank, from along the right-of-way Most of them aimed for the "blind bag gage," a platform In front of the 'baggage car which Is Just behind the engine on these trains. Borne few who missed this boldly chose a car step which bristled no brakeman, swung aboard and scrambled up the little ladder which leads to the top of the car. This act In the parlance of the profession Is known as "decking her.'.' The top of a passenger train offers no bed of roses as a resting place. The slope Is uncomfortably srreat and the top Is broken by one portion that Is a foot or two higher than the other. There Is not room to lie down without danger of rolling off. So precarious Is the footing that the brakeman comes up to run the tramps off no oftener than -is necessary.. When he appears there Is a scrambling down lad ders, often a hurried passage through a car and up again at the other end. . The train must be stopped and time lost in put ting the trespassers off. On the night in question the hoboes were so numerous that the crew oouid not ignore them and waged a -battle throughout the night in ridding the train of them. Bouncers In Action. Meantime the amateur tramp had done an unconventional thing In trampland a thins? so simple that It 'was successful. He crawled from the blind baa-gage upon the tender among the coal and went to sleep. His hiding place was so easily found that no tramp of experience would have chosen it, . and no trainman would look for a tramp there. ' When the fireman came back to take water he saw the lad, but the fireman's business Is to shovel coal and not to fight tramps. Be be merely stepped over the prostrate form with a "Good for you, kid. Lie low," and the amateur rode through the night. Just as day broke the train stopped for water and the brakemen made their last fight in an attempt to get rid of their un profitable passengers. The conductor went forward to prevent the. dislodged tramps from going up the right of way and swing ing on as the train passed. Then, when It had gained considerable speed, he swung onto the engine and started back over the train. This was the undoing of the ama teur, for, In passing over the tender, the conductor stepped on him. Psychologically, from the standpoint of the tramp, this was the worst possible moment tor such a thing to nsppen. The conductor was in a ndsty mood because or me irouoie me tramps hsd given him. But, finally, he was congratulating himself upon having gotten rid of them. Finding the amateur threw him Into a white rage. 'Get out of here!" he ordered heatedly. 'I am now on my way," responded the tramp, acrambling down onto tne Dimu baggage. But having gone thus far, there was no further retreat except by leaping from the train, and by this time It wan running full speed. .The conductor still admonished in language picturesque and lurid. The boy protested that the train was going too fast for alighting, and that under the law he could not be put oft unless the train was atopped. But the conductor's temper was aflame. He would show the tramp whether he would get off or lot! He was six feet above on the tender. This was piled high with huge chunks of coal. The conductor began heaving these, In his frenzy, upon the tramp. There was no way of getting bark at him. The tramp had his choice of Jumping from the train or being beaten to death with coal. He chose the former alternative. ' He knew something about getting off a fast moving car. He got low down on the step, placed himself so that he would land feet first faoe front almost as flat as a board lying on the ground, and turned loose. His feet ploughed Into the ground, his legs crumpled up, his body catapulted Itself in a slide down the right-of-way that removed much epidermis from the project ing portions. But landing right broke his fall and no serious damage was done. The experience was a bit rough, but he caught a freight' three hours later little the worse for wear. Toll of Tramp Life. Th amateur soon finds that there are a great many trainmen who have a startling disregard for the life of a tramp. The rail roads themselves state that there are more trespassers killed each year than trainmen and passengers taken together something like 10,000 of them. There Is a favorite trick cf the brake man, for Instance, that is the dread of the tramp riding the rods. He ties a coupling pin to a rope and lets It down beneath the car. It bumps along on the ties and the speed of the train makes this contact so violent that the coupling pin iss hurled with great force against the bottom of the car. Booner or later it will hit the tramp and kill him. The track walxer will report a tramp who fell from the train and was killed while beating his way. The amateur may be riding on the top of a freight near-the engine. The "shacit," or brakeman, begins to work the train, beginning at the caboose. It Is half an hour before he reaches the amateur. The train Is going slowly up grade. The ama teur swings ' off in the darkness and catches rod further back. But the shack has seen him and likewise swings off and catches the same rod. The tramn notes the energy of the shack and decides that it is prompted by a de sire for "side money." - Being an amateur, he has fifty cents hidden away for an emergency and he proffers this for the privilege of a ride, But there are "spotters" on the line to test the brakemen In just this way, and the amateur looks a good deal like one of these made-up spotters. There Is noth ing doing. The brakeman orders the "cut loose." The amateur reeponds, but figures all th- time that he still has a chance to catch the train before the caboose passes. The brakeman realizes this intent. He hates a tramp and above all he bates a spotter. He has a coupling pin in his hand, which the amateur sees. The amateur follows his intuition of dan ger, takes no chances and is thereby wise. He lets the train pass, the brakeman swing ing on the caboose. He is alone in the night in the solitude of the great plain. The coyotes howl mournfully in a circle about him. He has no idea of the distance to the next water tank and it Is hitting the ties fur hi. Boxed I p. But the life is not all this strenuous. The old heads refuse to ride outside and do not leave a town until they can com fortably stow away In a box car. It Is often easy to get Inside an empty. Even loaded oara, though sealed, are not entirely inaccessible. To break a seal la a peni tentiary offense, but hard to prove. There is the big sliding doer at th side and the little door, at the end and near the top of the car. A seal may be found, broken or even a door open, for precaution, eannot always keep a long train hobo-tight A broken seal may be mended by a con federate, who remakis o (ithe- outside, so as to appear Intact Whenever there Is a haven of refuge of this sort in a train the news of it goes abroad and soon there is a merry party assembled. Conviviality is the order of the day, stories are told, and B lAMJEIS STORE Bought the Choicest Goods from the Whole sale Dry Goods Stock of TEFFT-WELLER CO. 326-330 Broadway, New York -(WHO RETIRED FR0II BUSINESS) Our Tremendous Purchase Will Go On Sale Monday, July 25th M 1he lost Sensational i IVATCD SUNDAY PAPERS J.L. BRANDEIS & SONS iargains the "dope" on the "bulls" of a hundred towns is exchanged. For days the party may go unbroken. The stores of the car may be drawn upon for food. If there is nothing that can be eaten the trip may still be continued for a couple of days, for the riding is good and the matter of the "eats" is not important Then, too, there Is sport to be had when the tramps are "bowed up," or encamped, between rides. In Colorado Bprings there is a creamery that gives away buttermilk. In San Antonio there is a brewery that keeps on tap a keg of its product for the visitor, no matter how lowly. In El Paso there is a graft upon the municipality that la open to all hoboes which has been worked by every tramp familiar with the southern route across the continent Washington Star. . . On the Other Foot. The Pullman car conductor was making a kirk at the meat market. "My wile tells me." he said, "that the lam steak she got here was so tough she couldn't eat it. You ought to give her back the money she paid for thst piece of meat." "Think so?" said the butcher. "Itemem- ber the last trio 1 made with you? 1 paid you $i for a sleeping car berth and I didn't alccp a wink. Will you give me back that t'i If I'll refund the L6 cents your wife paid for the steak r Chicago tribune. A HAND FOR HOME MAKERS Mlssonrlan Shows Mis Fellows the War . to Do a Good Deed. Men of great wealth and of philanthropic bent who are considering means pf doing good for humanity will do well to read the will of the late Peter B. Burns of Liberty, Mo. Mr. Burns was not a millionaire. He was one of that rather numerous class in this country the representatives of which are spoken of in the press as 'having "amassed a competence." generally "by hard work and close economy." Mr. Burns died not long ago, leaving an estate somewhat in exeest of $40,000. Th terms of his will have Just been made public. The entire eatate is left to the widow during her lifetime. At her death one-half of it is U go to the county of Clay, "to be administered by the county court in loans to men who desire to build hemes." Tho loans, it is provided, may not exceed $-'.000 to a single individual. They are to bear interest at 2 per cent. They are to bo secured by a mortgage on the real estate, and they are to be paid back at the rate of at least $100 a year. Half of Mr. Burns' estate will amount to sucure assist $20,000. Should the cnnt ... .. ,,,. , , , ' vi go tne limit In loans, under the provisions of the Will, ten m n muiIA v.n - ...... .. ' - """"" i.ow each, and thus enter upon a home-bulldlng enterprlxe. NhntiM & ,1 1.. . . . , ln. ioa,n, to iinj0. twenty men would be benefited, while fjn loans would enable fr.rt . . , . ... ' mane n start In life aa nrniu,iv.A.,.i. -.. ..,.,, CIUZHJ1S. As the fund perpetuates itself, t may read-e lly be seen that iu benefits are likely t,jEM be far-reachtna. It nr.,.n. . whereby a good many industrious and de- a r it nav m e ... " enabled to homes. wherMi withnut aiuie they could not hope to do Home owners senerallv - ini ma n nhA . . . ... . ", a man of some and standing in hi. . - - .i"Miuniiy. jno man who Is seeking ways and means to estab- Men- fir hlm..i - .... permanent living place is the kind of man that will make a decent. tmian, ini pnuanthroplBt who ls44lfsT 1Anarwlnep M 1 1 1 . . . . JolD grfa, ,nd servic. promoting the public welfare. Homo of our Amerlce.i capitalists who have millions where Teter B. Burns had thoussnds might very well follow his mol est example in establishing a home-buildlna foundatton.-Loulsvlll. Courier-Journal humbl Influence Tho man w no homes is r 1 i f 1