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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1910)
: ; THE BEE. OMAHA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY y, UHO. 1 you pay rent on a telephone it will be satisfactory for you to phone in your ads to our Want Ad Department, Call Douglas 238 V ' . " ' Vi S??T7 'ffyou Aavo a room to ront,reec 3 ' . ItyouiMnttrcbhleSencint Be See f 3 y ; OFFERED FOR RENT HaaseUeeplaa; ntpm . Cm id. TWO nf ' three, nicely furnished, well Mated room In private home, family of two; good location; eleotrlc light, cooking gas. 602 znth St. Phone Harney (Oil. TWO furnlahed rooms for housekeeping; modern. 200 California. TWO moilorn furnished housekeeping rooma. 2915 Mason. Phone Harney 4146. TWO pleasant' fronr housekeeping rooms; mortem, ra N. 17lh. , TWO large rooms. SOS N. 22d. PERFECTLY Clean and light housekeep ing and sleeping; rooms: Hit Jones St. Njr.'lC housekeeping rooms. 61S S. 20th. TWO furnished,' rooms for light house keeping. 4124 Douglas. - ' ? s t'uf arnl-hefl Moo ma l-ROOM. bath room,- tor room, outside Eorch. all modern, except heat. 2617 No. . ,.. ... - . . ' FOUR nlce Tnodern room, Including heat, $111.00; without heat. $13.00. 1309 8. 26th Ave. Douglas-; ' A-43M. 'Furnished Ho. I-'-:. . ... ' 1 FURNISTLED HOUSE FOR RENT. New J-roouj well furnished rrs dence In l)ut;(iv 49tl.and .CUltrtKO S,., Uate If dq W sired. $42.60. ;, , ..." , GEORGE & CO., Kfll tVinm. D. 706. lun" ii nil ixiut. .. ..,...,..... . '... j OMAHA Van st.ornitv Co. pack, move stole, h h. goods; muj remise, 1120-24 N lll; oflioo :iM H. iTh ).. 'ret. Douglas . BRICK house. Sk14 Dewey Ave., T rooms, ?!?r" Unvar Mrailonerv Co.. 1G1B irar- nam tit.'' MODERN,- l-room bouse, 216 8. 36th Are. Phone Dongla.io7. HOUSES, ' Insurance. . Ringwalt, Barker Blk. . HOUSEHOLD QOOUS packed, forwarded: cheap freight ratesr moving and storing Kxpresemen'a Deliver! Co. Trl Doug. 194. a - n " ; Chris' Boycr, 22d and Cumings St, for Houses and flats, , from 110 to 40, and from three to ten rooms. . V T-ROOMH.' moderns .hot water heat. 3901 . f. 18th. tM.00, RENT Eight-room house, modern except furnace, large and convenient; rent low If taken aoon. 211 N. 28th Ave. Call tied 6264. ' vi HOUSES, flats. Garvin Eros.. $U N. Y. L. aUUkJtX) Creleli Sum 4 Co.. Bee Bid. 1 FOR RENT 9-rocm brick, house, all mod- J ern, Willis Ave.. $26, -room apartment, city water, toilet, UUt No. lath, ii. BACHMANN, 43ii-;ff Taxton Klk, Tel. Red 2638. Kea TeL t. MVi I.,,,, HAGGARD Van St Storage Co. D. JVH. . , Pai k, store and .ship, household goods. k ! . HOUES-ri'oteriT n'usv Co.. N.y.Lare Bidg. T1 ' ' ",l TOR RENT Slx-oom houae, S 32d Ave., modern. 2u. Ihona Harney 1566. 6-ROOM house, modern, 1617 Maple St v NO EQUAU Steam heat, all modern, 7 wmi, hall, bulh and basement. 220 N. NEW, atriotly modorn brink cottage, g rooms, In West Kurnum district. Owner's Phone Douglaa WtU. (-r., new, mod. oottugc, 3011 H. 21ut SI8.U0 -r.i-new, mod. houae,, ' N. llMh 7.r,0 8-r., modi rn, 210 Grant... , fM.OO i-r., r.ii)di n. N. 2ulh $ W 00 -r., mod., 4501 Seward ..tLS.OO lit OS. W. MAZKN, 10J 8. 16th. - . Phone D. 1300. i s-rooni, modern, new furnace,. 2707 nam at 10. 7-room, mod. ex. heat, 2tU2 Bristol St BUTTON RKADTY CO.. New Iocatlon: 1216 Karnura St. .. , iiu.i.'ftom Douglas 1S19. Kar. BIIdlaa. - I WANT an offer tor tne two story brlcH Lulidlng at 1213 and 1215 Hownrd street. t Will rent for IA0 a month,' asti-rn owner r will sell cheap. . THOMAS BRE5JNAN. Room 1 New Tore Ufe , Building. . rf tores, . im Farnaro St., Rise 22x60 ft. Harney. iW. . - 'Phone CORNER storeroom. 702 N. Wth. LJOHT stois room, 1716 Leavenworth St. ( : - BRICK -a tore, cor. 25th and Cuming Sts., srtcg sture, i.M( tiurt. VX. TUOS. , W. HAZEN. 106 So. lftth. Phone D. 1X). OFFERED FOR SALE t Furaltare aad Household Goods. A NICELY furnished steam neated 14 room flat,-ilaee In, full of roomers. A bar gain for cash. Address K 7k5.- Uce. Household Furniture g.": at prices to move .stock quickly. Aineilcan urnlture Co. U) N. 16tl. . Musical jaatruuteats, SECOND-HAND piano players, good as new, $50 to $75. Call or write. Piano Player Co., old Boston Store.' ' Typewriters Typewriter FoTllent M08n Co.. 41T S. 16th St.. Omaha. BEfOND hand typewrite s gold, repaired Central Typewriter iixchange. ltV7 Farnam attaeellasiooao. CC A T AT CUT pkices sJjLl vo you from 60c to ... , l w " every ton and give better oal. a guarantee correct weights. Uosenblatt'a Cut Price Coal Co. : coal" I bmej"cr b'a: . - . - win caoie see end hund:. will sell at baraain. anniu u W. Baker. Suut. Uee Bldg.. Ornate." SODA FtlUNTAINS. new and second and; -monthly paynieoM. Deright. ii 9 iruam tM. COAT. Fumaoo lumo a ton . et MOTOIJX Ntfw n Moondhand DyT .... nainoo and Motors; also all, kinds of -eloctrlcal reunirlng. Iebron tlectrlcal Works. aU S. lSth ," .,RyUS cul P-"! freight paid an all $10 orders; catalogue freo. heriuaa .ft M CoaaeU Drug Co.. Omaha, Meb. BCHOLARbHIP on leading business vol le for aalo at discount. Address V-4 Bee., i 4 , . , . -t.LL 8 w, M'h"l- Uu Farnam' ii?fPi.' tiniunm. 6sv paym.nta Bruns- OFFERED FOR SALE Mlecellaaeeaa Contlaaed. IF It's secondhand, we have It. -Levy, 411 N. 2tth St., South Omaha. Tel. South 225. WE HAVE en hand a number of Ink oar rels which we will sell at bOo each. They are fine for rain water or aahea. Call at pressroom Be Publishing Co. FOR SALE National cash register, with tape almost new: cheap If taken at once. Address K 16V. Bee. STORM SASH Compl-te stock fur-oiuxl-u MQI1 tilhei on short notice. C. BUNDKLL & CO., Contracture and Builders, Room O, New York Life Bldg. RATtUFJ.M AVV KINDS FOR ANY BARREL CO SO. OMAHA-So. 12T. SECOND-HAND scales at 1507 Harney. . 1 TYPEWRITER Slightly used and, rebuilt Underwoods, Olivers, Remingtons, Smith Premiers, Mon archs, L. C. Hmlths and other makes. Full guarantee. Prices to manufacturers' (6 and up). Lowest rental prices. Look over our stock before buying or write for our bargain lint. Distribute) a L. C. Smith ik. Bros, typewrlturs. 1 B. F. SWAXSON CO., Inc., 417 S. 15th St., Omaha, Neb." Also stores at Deft Moines and Lincoln. ID-HAND oak counter, htnd-carved map bin caxhier ptaio; v Ira v.'lcnot about 40 ft., odd shape; will fit a room 20 feet wide. Can be seen at storage house. For further particulars .'phono Douglas 238, Bae, Build ing Co. SECOND-HAND safe. 126. 1110 Farnam. PIANOLA piano player.. 2a, cost $175. leaving city. 118 N. 22d. BED spring and mattress, nearly new, 170! North 2tith '. APPT.VN R C. Brown, Florence. J-q LL x uiuto Barreled; Wlnter.,,Varlety 'f0 Tel. Florence ' FOR SALE CHEAP-Strirth' Premier type writer and chair, 100 letter files, two elec tric desk lamps, chairs, rocker. Apply to A. C. W&kelcy, Receiver, Room, 420 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Display Case For Sale On account of alterations we are obliged to sell our Douglas St. vestibule display case. This cose Is wired for 14 lights, cost us $175. You can buy It for $75. Must be sold at once. Browning, King & Co. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INST., 418 N. X. U Tel. D. 1684 Dr. Kathryn Nicholas. 60S N. Y. L Bldg' PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. Faxton Blk. Tel. Red 7111. HUFFMAN, tit Nevlile Bldg. Book free HIRAM A. STURGES, registered patent attorney. U. S. and foreigu patents se cured. 619 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. D. 2460. PERSONAL MICH ANO-TH ERA PT U a drugless cure for lost physical vigor. Consult DR. Margarita Halloran, 2i Neville Bldg., Tel. Douglas 7TB1 Under supervision of M. D. $1,000 PRIZE I FOR INFANTS' HOME Your subscription to either the Saturday Evening Post or the Ladles' Home Journal Is worm 60 cents to Child Saving Institute. $826 already earned. UliGENT, POSITIVELY Must have 347 more subscriptions by Feb. 26. Brings $1,018 check for Babies' home. Act, for-goodness sake I Send In your re newals In advance make It 2 years If you like. You pay news stands $2.60. My price $1.60. Save $1.10. Interest your friends. Remember thU Is not sentiment, but an Invalid's bid for a livelihood In hope of business on other magaslnea. Write for complete catalogue and story, "A Broken Back," Address GORDON, , The Magazine Man.. Tel. Douglas 7163. Omaha. Neb. MME. ALLEN of Chicago, massage and baths. S. W. cor. 16th and Dodge Sts., 2d floor, room 6; entrance, ItiUS Dodge St. A rjTTT TfiTTT H1' Food. Wonderful ADLLdUIll HMr ReBlorer. urows Hair on Bald Heads. For sale by Mme. h layer at Megeatn. Stationery Co. ARLENM DPI VOY, manicuring and mas sage, uM S. 16th St., Flat S. Phone D. 7510. PRIVATE HOME during confinement; tables for adoption. Good Samaritan 8an. lui'ium. 740 1st Ava., Council Bluffs. Ia, Be an Actor or Actress N Earn from $26 to $100 per week; complete course, $7; diplomas given and engagements secured. Address at. onca for full partic ulars THOMPSON AMUSEMENT CO., Alii Chicago St., Omaha. THE SALVATION AHMY solicits cast-ofl Clothing, In tact anything you do not need We collect, repair and sell at U4 N. lltb St., for cost of collection, to the wortby poor. Call 'phone Douglas iVi and wagon will call. W'TfiS"4 toupea for men. GRIFFITH, lVlk-u and 14 FRKNZJiJK BLK. - A HOME for women during confinement We find homes fur babies u here mother cannot car for them. Babies boarded Fur Urine address Mrs. Marina A. le. 401 Banciort St., Oiuana. Ne. . 'Paoue Douglas ,131. WHO knows present Address of Charles J. Pratt, ex-Union Pacifio conductor of the seventies. Pkase communicate with Mrs. M. B. Hughes, Derby. Nev. . JOS1K WASHBl'RN'S new book, "The Underworld Sewer," sold at all book stores, price, $1,50. STRICTLY private home for confine ments; trained nurse; bnbies for adoptions. 261$ Davenport. . iwartg MoKolvy News Dept. 2d hand bke Ger & Kng periodicals. U0 S. litli. fAOKFTTn treatment. Mme. Smith iXLtt.UiIj J. ID (J;, Hj Jtn gu tnJ.d floor DR. EQOCK8' private confinement home ILlt Martka bt. phono Douglas ttt. MASQUE suits ta renL into. Liebea. Theatrical. a:r.-et tt ever lng gowns, 412 8 10 OMAHA Ktammerers Ins., Ramgo Bldg. CHILBLAINS l7(xa: ruar-td cure. EXPERIENCED nurse, $6 years; ladle's in cunrinement a apec.alty: prices reason able. iiCW U. Uth Hi, Are your tired? Does your blood clreu late provrlyT is your digestion good? If not. why not consult Pruf. U. K. Dlnjian, oriental stluntlfic masMagist, 406-4U7 B U.dt.-., Phone D. MS. bpeclul attention given to facial WMsaage and acttp treattuetil. BABY girl for adootlon. J U Bee. PERSONAL (Continued.) M"ASSAOE AND BATHS. R. $0)1. Old Boston Store Bldg., 4th floor, 120 S. 16th St. Stairway on Dooglaa 8t WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing machines. Ind. A-1663, Doug. 1W3. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. 15th and Harney Sts. MAGNETIC TREATMENT BATHS MASSAGE Miss LaOrane,-1617 Dodge St. Lower flat; hrs. 10 a. m.-9 p. m. WANTED Children to board. Ind. B-1M. POULTRY DUCKS Jesse Newell's Indian Runners are unbeatable money-makera. Greatest layers ever known. Easily raised; easily handled. Eyeopener circular free. Qlrard. Illinois. Bcreenlnga $1.60 100 lbs. Wagner, M. N. Mth FOR poultry call or write. Hillside Poul try Farm, 424 Harrison St., Counoll Bluffs, I a. Tel. Ind. 1042 Y. BUFF turkeys; toms, $3.60; hens, $3. R, E. Thompson, Allison. Ia. S1NOLE comb, Rhode Island Red cock erels for sale, $1.60 and up. J. E. Smatlan, Schuyler, Neb. OLD TRUSTY Incubators; write for free catalogue; $50 poultry Illustrations; special low prices; 40-60-90 days free trial. Address M. M. Johnson, Clay Center, Neb. PRINTING 'PHONE IND. A-2140 for good printing Lyngstad Printing Co., Uth St Capitol A.e. WATER8 PRINTING CO.. (22-624 8. Uth, MILLER St JAMIESCN. quick printers. 121.1 Douglas St. Tel. Doug. 42S8; Ind. A 4239. REAL ESTATE REAL KSTATB DBALK19. REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1858; prompt service; get our prloea. 1710 Farnam SC REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. 1201 Farnam. Ground Floor. PAYNE INV. CO.. first floor N. T. Llfa BENJAMIN R. B. CO.. 477 Brandcls Bldg. Geo. D. Perrlne. $22 Paxton. Doug. T80L CITY PROPERTY FOR SAL. 10. $300 CASH Balance monthly, buys 7-room, all mod ern, new. Price $3,000. $300 cash Balance monthly, buys 8-rcom, all mod ern house. Price $3,000. $300 cash - Balance monthly, buys 5-room, cottage. Price $1,000. $300 cash Balance monthly, buys 5-room cottage, modern, ex. heat. Price $2,500. P. O. NIELSEN & CO., 703 N. T. L. Bldg. Poth 'Phones. NEAR ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Located on California St., near 30th; this Is. a beautiful 9-room houae with reception hall, parlor dining room, den and kitchen on first floor. Finished In oak with the exception of kitchen. Four nice bedrooms and bathroom on second floor; also full attlo. This house Is only two years old and has Just recently been beatulfully deco rated, having elegant gas and electrlo light fixtures. Has full basement, laundry tubs, coal bins, fruit cellar and one of the best hot air furnaces on the market. Lot Is 60x 150, with beautiful terrace, all sodded, with cement walks and shade trees. This house has nothing lacking In It and Is Just what you want If you are looking for a thor oughly modern A No. 1 house. A bargain at $6,250. Call us up and we will show you this house at once. HASTINGS & HEYDEN", 1614 Harney St. $2,500 2104 Maple St., 8 rooms, modern except furnace; lot 33x122, paved street. Terms, $r00 cash, balance $25 monthly. Renting now for $240 annually. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. T. I Bldg. ' Phones: Bell, Doug. 17K1; Ind., A-11S4. ONE INCH, 72 CENTS , This is a One-Inch Ad. To buy a home write a description of It In about 60 words and send it to THE OMAHA BEE Classified Dept., together with 72 cents for each day ou wish It pub lished. This usually does the work. 640 SO. 26TH AVE. This new 7-room, 2-story house is Just north of St. Mary's Ave., on a good east front lot. House la all modern; hot water heat; paving paid. A bargain at $6,360. 604 SO. 33D ST. 9-rooni, east front lot; house all modern; good barn; paving paid; only $6,500. E. M. STOLTENBERG, 436 B. of T. Bldg. LIST WITH US FOR QUICK SALE Two gold last week; have buyers for twenty-four, five and six-room houses, ranging In price from $1,000 to $2,000. To be Bold on terms of $200 to $300 cash, and balance monthly. What have you to offer? W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. Tels.: Doug. 1064; Ind. A-1064. HOMES AND INVESTMENT BUY DIRECT FROM OWNER 2 large 7-room houses, full 2 stories; modern except heat; large barn In reur. Will rent for $00 a ear. If taken at once will ' sell for $4,500 cash. If you want a bargain tt will pay to look at this. 2124 and 2126 No. 27th St. Apply at 2124. THE BIGGEST 5-ROOM HOUSE BARGAIN IN - THE CITY Well located on Ontario street, partly modern and nearly new; 6 large rooma; large lot. Improvements worth piles asked, $2,100. Owner gxring away anu must sell quick. . W. W. MITCHELL, Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ONE INCH, 72 CENTS This is a One-Inch Ad. To sell j our home write a description of It In about 60 words and send It to THU OMAHA BEE Classified Dept.. together with 72 cents for each day yeu wish it pub lished. This usually does the work. FLAT WITH FURNITURE FOR SALE. Nice brick flat, containing 11 rooms, with cottage adjoliiing, containing ( rooma, fur niture of the flat goea with deal, on the southwest corner, lHth and Burt, owner Itaving city U reason for selling; great money maker for rooming house. Price ( 6M. Phone Douglas 1X9. LINAHAN REALTY CO.. 7W N. T. L. Bldg. W. O. Jensen builds homes rlhtt ni.n. fuir.lj! d. Kea. X tl cipauiding. Web. 3-9. I REAL ESTATE CITY 1'HorKKTV KOIl SALE (Continued.) Dundee Lqts $800 to $1,000 Having permanent sidewalks, 1 sewer, water and gas. Will cost more by spring time. Buy now and take advantage of the advance. Come In and let us SHOW YOU. Benson & Myers Co., 411 N. Y. Life nidg. a 'phone Douglas 746. 16TH-8TREET OTOTMENT-v'-Three-story brick, business, first floor and four modern flats above 'on 16th nt. Rente, $!W. Price, $S.5O0. Terma, $2,000 cash, balance at ( per cent. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 24 Now York Life. Red 1999. . WE MUST SELL TWO cottages, one 6-room and one six room; both modern 'except' 'heat; walking distance; lot 00x100 feet; paved street; all specials paid; these' cottages are always rerted for $42.60 per month; will consider any reasonable offer, aa owner must have money. . , , P. 0. NIELSEN, & CO., 70$ N. Y. L. Bldg. Both Phones. PRAntlE PARK rtl0'nuen.d $3,600 to $6,000; small cash payment and bal ance monthly. Paxton Heal Estate coin pany, owner. SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON PAVhJD BlKhin.T, NEW; LARGE LOT; $260 CASH, BALANCE EASY. ; NOWATA LAND ANX LOT CO., 624 Now York Life. Red 1999. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR gALB California. CALIFORNIA lands for sale In Sacra mento valley. 40-acre orange grove; bent proposition on Pacifio ooast. Fruit ami poultry farms. Write for free printed mat ter. Raises, Corning, Cal. FOR BALE 10-a ere tracts finest orange, winter vegetable, fruit anj alfalfa lands, with water, two mllea from Coachella. Write to E. G. Hamilton, 3110 BudlongAve, Los Angeles, Cat. THE NEW CALIFORNIA RIO GRANDE VALLEY, TEXAS GULF ooast lands, located on driveways from rall roud to beach and divided Into 10, 20. 40 acre tracts, , M or whole sections. Will sell you raw, half raw, half Improved or all Improved landn at- lowest prices and easiest terms. We are prepared to cultl. vate your lands for you and plant your citrus fruit trees If desired. - RECORD RAJNFLL 26 inches, but have irrigation plants now In operation on lands to supplement rain fall. If needed, and we deed free water right with land. i t . Possible to raise high priced wlr.ter veg etable crops between-the rows of orange, pecan,' fig and Engllsho wtlnut trees while vour maturing groves', 'like a note hearing Interest, gradually bring you Into a fixed Income. -' .STAPLE CROPS. Milomalxe, kafflr corn mlllei, alfalfa, sorghum cane'for forage; peanuts, broom corn, ribbon sugar cane and the "Great White Staple", of cotton. Ideal oonditlons for hog, poultry and cattle raising; no lost from severe winters and lack of shelter. HEALTH. - Plenty -of sunshine, pure artejlan water, high coast elevation, even,, mild tempera ture, and every time you breathe you fill your lungs with dry,, healing salt Air. Our special trains of private hotel cars pass through Kansas City January S and 19. Railroad fare refunded to substantial buyers. Illustrated magaslpe, maps and plats free. Write for sample of our rich soil, mailed free, and I will make you the lowest possible rate and. best route from your place. WALTER 8. AYRE8. 723 Postal Telegraph Bldg., Chicago, 111. Colorado. . HENRYLYN IRRIGATION DISTRICT, LAND HEADQUARTERS. We have tracts of land under this ditch from 10 acres to 10.000 acres, to suit the purchaser; priced from $16 to $50 per aero. Terms. THE CAPITOL REALTY AND INV. CO., Denver, Cp'o. 160 XCKl'.H, A SNAP, A fine quarter section of land In the rain belt for $1,400; this la half Its value and It will sell on sight. Write B. M. Narron, Elbert, Colo. FRUIT, GARDEN AND POULTRY TRACTS OF 6, 10, 20 ACRES EACH UNDER THE ANTERO IRRIGATION PROJECT. ADJOINING DENVER. $20.09 on acre down, $10 per month. Most liberal land contract ever written. No bet ter Investment on the market. AS A SPECULATION. One man paid down $100 took $376 profit in two days. -Another vald down $170, took $500 in three months. Another paid down $100. took $1,000 In four months, Another paid down $120. took $1,000 in six months. Another paid down II, MO, . took $2,600 In three months. And twelve others have tuKn good prof its. Prices going up riant along. Land shown dally by automubile at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. Every acre Is chock full of possi bilities. r THE ALTUttA SUBURBAN FARMS COMPANY, Denver. Colo. FOR SALE 165-acre ranch, about 0 miles from Sallda, Colo.; all under cultivation; 5 acres orchard, 8-room house, large burn and chicken houses; splendid water rlghi, over 3 feci; splendid hay, grain, potato and vegetable farm; price, $7,000: part cah, balance terms. Jo Tracy, Letdville, ?olo. FOR SALE Special eastern Colorado bargain, five sections Improved and fenced) first class farming land; near R R. town; only $H acre. Terms. R. M. B' ttes worth, Cedar Rapids, ia. LAND. LAND, LAND. NEAR DENVER. Large and small ranches, both Improved and unimproved splendidly located for subdivision or colouliiuion;' 2, 8,000 acien; ex6cpllonally low price and liberal terms. Sub-irrlgaud alfalfa tiiuils, cut ting lurge tonnage every year. Other por tions coining under storage reservoirs. Hae us fur highest claas, lowest priced- rand Just east of Denver. COLORADO UAU I tEADy CARTERS, 17J4 Wellon. Denver, Colo. ONE INCH, 72 CENTS This is a One-Inch Ad To buy a farm write a description of It in about 60 wcr4s end n1 i to THK OMAHA BEE Classified Dept.? together with 72 cents for each day you wish It pub lished. This usually does the work. S, 10 AND DO-ACRE -vegetable, fruit and poultry farma, all under cultivation; city water on tract; best soil and location; la nearer Denver than any similar tracts be ing sold; perpetual water rights; near car Una, schools, churches, etc.: shown dally at 10 a. ni. and $ p. m. H. Pike, 1725 Wal ton St., Denver, Colo. WANTBD By our plaa we make It pos sible for anyone to secure an Intereet In western slope orchards; $u down and $2.50 per month glees yoo, a substantial Interest. Write the Colorado Orchard Co., Denver, Colo, REAL ESTATE FARM AND It ASCII l,A,U FOR BAI.R Colora oatlaaed. FOR SALE Greatest bargain eastern Colorado: two sections fine farming land; Lincoln Co., only $5.50 acre; terms. R. M. Bettesworth, Cedar Rapids, la. COLORADO LANDS. Special excursion Feb. 1 and 15 $3 round trip. Big crops of alfalfa, corn, wheat and flax In this new district about Wild Horie. Land now $10 to $16 per acre. Writ for Information. The A. H. Mass Co., Dept. 2. 402 Andrus Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Missouri. S60-ACRE FARM at V5,' mile from sta tion. Address Owner, Box 14. Oi-eenoastle. Mo, WE have for sale 6 good farms near railroad town, good Improvements, nicely located, well watered., good soil, 67-acrs to nr-acre farms. Can be bought worth tho money. "gr particulars, address Moo ter Land Co.. Blairstown, Mo. .'VebraiQtK, HOMESTEAD relinquishments, 640 acre. $500 up. Western Lanu Headquarters, Alli ance. Neb. THREE FARM BARGAINS That must be sold before March L 820 aore improved farm very good Improve ments, tit! acres hi cultivation, balance pasture and hay, Buffalo county, very cheap at $35 an acre, actually worth $60. ISO-acre well Improved farm $0 miles from Omaha and near a good town. Good land and good Improvements. Prloe $85 an acre, worth $100. 3M)-acre fine farm and well Improved sec ond bottom- land on I'raJrle creek In Mer rick county. 40 acre alfalfa. This farm Is worth 100 an aero. $75 buys It for quick sale. Will carrv $1X000 at ner cent In terest. The above are all big bargains and will move quick at price made. W,W. MITCHELL, t Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE 80-aore homestead relinquish ment, irrigated under government ditch, all in cultivation, sandy loam with clay sub soil; 7 miles from R. R. station, 12 miles from growing town, good alfalfa soil and all kinds of small grain; potatoes 200 to 400 bushels per acre; price, $500. Lee Carter. Morrill, Nab. FARMS FOP. SALE. 190 acres two miles from the county seat of Sioux county, Nebraska, good, Im provedon better farm land In the state, lowest price, $12.50 per acre; terms to suit customer. Agents wanted. Ask for our ' ' stJ list. The Home Land and InVeet Co., Harrison, Neb. SECTION of land In western Nebraska, $7 per acre. Owner, P. O. Box 173, Counoll Bluffs, la. RANCH IN NEBRASKA 1,660 acres,. l.00 acres good agricultural land, balance hay land. Well Improved In every way. Cut over 1.909 tons hay last year. Low price and good terms. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 New York Llfo. Red 1999. Ofon t.AKn nirmiD 540 acres western Nebraska, $10 per acre. J. O. BONE. Council Bluffs, Ia. ' 112 Shugart Blk. Phone S14. ONE INCH, 72 CENTS This is a Onerlnch Ad. To sell your farm write a description of It In about 60 words and send It to THE OMAHA BEE Classified Dept., together with 73 cents for each day you wish lc pub lished. This usually does the work. FOR SALE 12 TO 16 FINE FARMS. IM PROVED, CLOSE TO OMAHA, $70 TO $125 PER ACRE. WRITE OR CALL FOR DE TAILED DESCRIPTIONS. PUTNAM CO. FOR SALESnap; n. w. 26-22-24, Brown Co., Neb., only $900; clear, perfect title. R. Bettesworth, Cedar Rapids, Ia. New Mexico. THE FARMINGTON FRUIT COUNTRY, FARMINOTON, NEW MEXICO, "QUEEN OF THE ROCKIES." We offer one of the finest fruit ranches In San Juan county, 39 acres, splendid im provements; 12 acres bearing orchard, yield ing $3,000 per annum capable of produolng $6,000; situated five minutes' walk from R. R. depot; price $10,000. , , GENERAL INFORMATION FREE. THE FARMINGTON LAND St INVESTMENT CO., FARMINOTON, N. M. Oltlafeosaa. OKLAHOMA Wo have 100,000 acres of choice land to select from, ranging In price from $6 to $40 per acre. This land la In the oil and gas district and you might gat an oil wall with your land. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. . Suite 624 New York Life Bldg Oregsosj. OREGON HOMESTEADS. Do you own your own farm? Are you looking for a homestead location t Wa ran place you on level sage brush land In the "Great Harney Country," that In a few years will be worth $50 per acre, for a rea sonable fee. Two railroads heading through this section. Remember that Central Ore gon offers the last of the free homesteads In the northwest. Write us today. Randall Passenger & Maloney, Burns, Ore ROGUE River valley ranch, I'M aores, house, barn, stock. Implements add fruit; a bargain at $5i0; must be old at once. W. Q. Davidson, Medford, Ore. OREGON VALLEY LAND CONTRACTS WANTED Will take limited number as part payment on choice fruit and farm land on main line of railroad. Write G Fiedler, 201 Andrus Bidg., Minneapolis. Minn. - kOBth Dakota. FOR SALE Fine farm In good state of cultivation, six miles from railroad town; also fine half section half a mile . from railroad town, which will make puruhasor $20 per acre Insld of six months. Will sell either or both at sacrifice It taken at once. JACKSON BROTHERS, Dallas, 8. D. leaaa. I CAN save' you money on Texas guif coast lands. Any size tract tip to 20,000 acres, direct from owners. H. O. Taylor. Edna, Teg. 10,000 ACRES AT $5 PER ACRB 30 miles from Houston and $ miles from good town on the Santa Fe R. R. Im proved land, eaay distance from Houston as low as $17.60 per acre, on easy termi,' Go with us on Feb. 15. A very low rounj trip rate. Nowata Land A Lot Co., 624 New York Life Bldg., Red 1H99 gO UTH TEXAS. In Austin county, near Houston, Tox., we can sell you fine, rich farm lands that grow corn, cotton, alfalfa, figs, oranges. melons ana an sorts or vegetables. ' You. are not buying raw prairie land cf uncer tain value, but well Improved farms, that have been producing good crops (ov several years. GOOD LANDS. IX)W PRICEa EASY TERMS. f Good railroads, good churehfs, . fins schools, stores, banks, factories, e c. ; 46 I inches of rainfall; no Irrigation necessary. lOur lands are rapidly Increasing In value. I Let us tell you about them. Only W to $20 'Dar acre. Write, I J. M. SHOOK & CO.. Suits 709, New York Life Illtfg. . I ivausas City. Mo. REAL ESTATE FARM AND II AX H I, tl) FOR SAI.R (Continued.) Tertaioat. 1JS-ACRE farm for sale. Good buildings with all modern Improvements, will cut 10J tons hay. Address Box $5, Plttsford Mills, Vt. vYaahl;toa. T "TIMBER AND FARM LANDS." Make 1!10 a Winner. Your money judiciously Invented now Will bring good returns. Write my land snd department For farm lands, timber lands, snd mill pror.ertlea. State fu'.y what you want I have It. Robert S. Wilson, IjM Henry Bldg , Seattle. Miscellaneous. NASSAU, BAHAMAS THE LAND OF PERPETUAL JUNE and roses; less than t days from New York: 12 hours from Florida. Tempera ture 03 to 7b degrees during winter month. The Famous Colonial Hotel Is here. Full particulars In regard to this most dellghti fill of winter resorts free on request. Ad dress Florida East Const Railway. 24S 6th Ave., or New York and Cuba Mail Steam ship Co., Pier 14, East River. New York, or local branch offices ot all prominent tourist agencies. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm and Raaca I.aada, WANTED A good farmer with suffi cient helps horses and machinery to farm 200 acreti In corn and 100 aores of alfalfa; 16 miles from Omaha. Buildings and water are good and land level. Fine opportunity to right man. Address for particu lars and references to F. 122, Bee REAL ESTATE LCA' aio MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. $109 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. LOWEST RATES Bemls, Brandels Bldg. WANTED-Clty loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith. Si Co., 1320 Farnam St. $600 to $5,000 on bomrs In Omaha. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1003 N. Y. Life. Douglas or A 2152. FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha business property. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. New York Life Bldg. EASTERN Nebraska farm loans and loans, on high grade Omaha residence prop erty at 'low Interest;- optional payments; no delay. I.' Slbberasen, Old Boston Store Bldg. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., N. Y. Life. Private money, $500 to $6,000; low rate. LOANS to home Owners and home build ers, with privilege 'of making partial pay ments semi-annually; no commission. W. H. THOMAS, 601 First National Bank Bldg. GARVIN BROS., 31$ N. T. Life, $500 to $200,000 on Improved property. No delay. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOR 5, f and 7-room nouses. If prices are right we can sell your property for you. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite (24 N. Y. Life Bldg. TKXAS LANDS. I am In the- market to buy from one to twenty sections of Texas land, preferably In the Panhandle district, and the vicinity of Kelso. Send lapal descriptions and low. est net prices, and most favorable terma of payment with sixty-day option. James H. B. Woodroffe, 215-216 Masonic. Temple, Cedar Rapids. Iowa. Wanted to Buy Real Estate We hava a bona fide customer for a ten or eleven room home In the West Farnam District. Must be strictly up-to-date and not to exceed $10,000. OMAHA MUTUAL REALTY COMPANY, Phone D. 2784. 612-1$ Paxton Blk. SWAPS SIX-ROOM house and lot; 3 rooms up snd $ do ii stairs t both city water and cis tern in kitchen; fine shade and fruit trees. Price, . $2,500; mortgage, $1,000: easy pay. ments. Want land In Nebraska. NOWATA LAND AND LOT COMPANY, 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1!?. HAVE you a standard typewriter to ex change on high-grade piano? H 380, Bee. ' GOOD quarter section land In Chase Co. Neb., well located; will sell for cash or exchange for city property In Lincoln, Neb. Address O. M. Porter, 26 Little Block, Lin coln, Neb. '. 1 TRADERS.. TRADERS. TRADERS. I own a section of land 1n western Ne braska; soli all good; only 90 acres can be cultivated; will take $4 per acre; H cash; don't offer- any trades. I want the cash. Postofflce Box, 404, Omaha. CLEAR title to good 80-acra farm three miles from town. . Fries $1,600. Julia Titus. Dixon, Mo. TAILORS $25 will now pay for a real tailor nide suit at my shop. I cut the P' lce, not the quality. TAILOR BECK, 111 South 15th. A FEW $ifi and JSC stilts, while they last only $25. MAX MORRIS, The Tailor, 301 Brown Block. O. A. L1NQUEST CO.. 236 Paxton Block. JOHN. RADMAN. The Tailor, 706 N. Ibth St, D. COOPER, TAILOR 5, N A TMEODORE, "600" Block Tailor. PE'i: SISTEK, young men's fashionable tailor, 412-13-14-16 Paxton Block. A CHEAP tailor la always dangerous. Hen J. A. Kervan. 608-10 Brandels Bldg. A TvOTWAf Merchant Tailor, Sl. 1WD X 1X J4U Harney St. Doug. 69S7. ,f. C. J ACTION POMON TAILOR. V - JUioiii l, pa: exton Blk. Rylen & Linderman thft- NORDIN, The Tailor. 1622 Douglas St A. RUBIN W.JE'i, Jrt RUFFNER TAILORING COMPANY, 324 S. 16th St. DERBY- WOOLEN MILLS $15 and $18 Suits to Order 101 So. 16th St. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for second-hand furni ture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel Doug. V71. - BALTIMORE 2d-hand store pays beat price for Zd-liand furiiHure. clothes, etc D. 4lti6. WANT to buy furniture and lease build. Ing of IS to 10-room hotel. J. 11. Blair, Aurora, Neb. WANTED TO BUY (Continued.) -'. GOOD price mild for second-hand clothes. shoes and furniture SELNER. Doug. 6011. JUST openlnr business; household goods wanted; highest price; stoves, furniture, sew. mach. repaired; writ. guar. New York Repair Hl.op. 1117 Dodg;lX 16SQ A. 4953. WANTED To buy second-hand fireproof safp; medium slge. Barrett-jQluiPOn Co,, 624 S. 16th St. HIGHEST price paid for broken watches. Old gold. etc. M. NATHAN, 211 lit h. WANTED TO RENT' WANTED-Sulte of rooms or large al cove, with boat a, on or near oar line, f or mctner and daughter; daughter employed In public school. Address x to Bee, - WANTED One furnished or unfurnished front room, with alcovft; heat, modern and must have privilege of porch and lawn. Telephone Webster 6334. s - i I want 4o rent a 4 or 6-room house or flat, Leslie Kerr, general delivery. WOULD Ilk -to-, rant nloe furnished apartment . Address. G. 121, . Be.,, , , .. TO ROOM with congenial Christian youriS) man of clean habits. A-l reference. Ad dens H. 124, Bow, , .e ,. , . WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By young mB. ptase m worg (or board while atwudiuA Buy is college. FAMILY washing Bone. Web. 71 POSITION wanted by young man as firs man In country town; can give references. Address C ,282, care Bee. . , , . BARBER, youngr nen, air worker; no student; . about a year's experience; wants plane for summer: riah wages. Address N 186, Bee.- - . v ' ' ? ; - ' YOUNG man handy with tools would like position as repair man In some lame store or wholesale house. G. J. Gross,' 1606 No. Mth St. i . . COMPETENT Stenographer wlshe poaiuon. Fust week's service gratis-. Can then arrange salary, - Addreoa E. 121, peo. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS - -. ' i. , .. i . Real estate transfers for February, X, 1910, furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonditd abstracters, 1714 Farnam street, telephone Douglas 28661 Anna Galbralth to Margaret Oalbraith, n42 ft of el07.Hl ft ef sl2S ft lot log, -Glses .v.....:.....'..n...$ I Etta B. Crabb and husband to -Ida B. Doctor, s of lot . Wock 1, Beleveder's ,.:'........:.........;.., 80 Mike Usdawenes to Adam Buckus, ', , e41J ft. lot 7, Maloney'' to South Omaha '.;... j'..;-.-.'. .... MOO Frank A. Furay,"- Co". Treas.,"-to , Frank Hamilton, b41 ft, n816-ll ft, wa6 ft. of lot 14, Oak Knoll....:....... .,... Mark M. Moon and wife to Thomas J.' Fltsgerald, lot 14, block 150, city of South Omaha 1,900 Edward Cassldy and wife to Edward Leo Cassidy. lot L block 6, Llpton Place to South, Omaha ".. 1 William R. Schmidt o Mary- A, Cox, lot 138, Jerome Park 1 F. C. Craig and wlfs to Elisabeth M. FmErTi1. 57 ft. of's44 ft.- of lot , t bl,rr- -SI. city .. . .v v. . 600 The Cltlsens Bank of -Geneva, ' Neb.. -to Continental Trust - Co,, lot 0 block 7, Walnut Hill 10 H. L. Smith to Cltlsens Bank of , Geneva, Neb, same.....,,,.,,..,..,,.,... 1 Josephine Henenway - te-i John D. Paddock, lot 10, block ," Omaha View ,v,( .--.-.j u. -r.1.. .;... 828 Rt. Rev. Richard Scannoll, bishop, of Omaha to C'atlwrlno COfftirlci, -lots , 9. block 1, St. Mary's Add. to South Omaha 460 Kenwood Realty Co.. to Louis Has musaen, lot 259, Kenwood 90 Kenwood Realty Co. to Louis Ras musuen, lot 268.. v... .,......,.. 90 George E. Hernsmann and wife, et al., to Charles Wltte, lot 10, box4, Crow- - ford's Add. to.Elkhorn., -1 Abby D. Baker to William H. Russell, lots 12 and 17, Amsfield 10 Charles F. Mender son and wife . to Leslie R. Sabine, lot 12, Dean i'laoe. 1,000 Andrew Nelson arid wife to Raamu Ntilsen, enl4 of sw4. 86-16-12 $,000 Lormla McLean and husband to- Jean B. Brooks, lot 6, block U Hanscom . P' C500 Hastings A Heyden to Oscar Relgel, lot 14, hlock 4, Collies Place 600 W. M. McElhlnney and wife to Harry E. Lewis, north four acres of lo 21, , Florence Heights I Abraham L. Reed, et al., exeoutors, to Emma E. Norrnan,. lot-18, Wlnohe's subd.. lots 1 and 2, Glaea ............. .200 Lucy Klllngwood snd husband to Tlor- . ence L. Crest, lot 6, Merlon Place.... 1 James T. Sullivan to Mary Sullivan, n43 ft. lot 3. block- 106, South'Omaha. '200 Edward Cassldy to Thomas M. Dunn, lota 9, 10, block 11, 2d Add. to Doug las 500 Charleg D. Armstrong and wife- to Chris A, Peterson, Tot 6, block . 6, Boyd's 1 260 Francis C. Welch and wife to Joseph Labent, lot 6, block 1, Hlilcrtst to S South Omaha t 200 John Janota and wife to Rudolph . Ponec. lot 4, block $, Brown park to South Omaha $ 300 GOVERNMENT. NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster, Cheyenne, Wyoming, Jan uary HI, 1910. Healed proposals In triplicate will be received at this office until 9:30 a. m., mountain time, Wednesday, March 2. 1910. at which time they will be opened In public, for thj construction, etc., of tho following public buildings at Fort D. A Russell, Wyoming, vls, (1) fur construe tlon, plumbing, heating, electric wiring and weV,'T,lc l,tlu,,e,, oc w (2 Administration Buildings, pirns. No. LJ2-F: one (1) -Guard House. plans No. ,JU6; t on U) set of quarters for four., officers, plans No. 237-B; .42). 'for . construction, plumbing, electric wiring and electric fix-turt-a for one (1) Stable, O.uaJ'termasiur'a Department, plans No. 130-L; (2 for con struction and plumbing for on U) Vehicle hiied, plans No.. 20!; . (4) for construction only of one (1) - ritorehotie fpr Powder plans No. 263; one (1) morshous for Am munition, plans-, No. 262, and ,.on (1) Ic House, plans No- 196-A. Plana and speci fications for the Inspection , .of bidders are on file in this offlc, Jso the office of til Chief Quartermaster, Department of th Lakes, Chicago, Illinois; office of -th Chief QuurlermoHter, Ieparlmeht of the Mis souri. Omaha, Nebraska: office of the (.'hlef Quartnrmauten, UepartntfttV -of the Colorado, Denver, Colorado; office of the Depot Quartermaster, St- Louis,, jdlssourl, and the office of th Secretary, of th Builders' Exchange.' tit. Paujl, Minnesota. Any bidder dnslrlng to. lait from- this of flee any of th plana and . specifications for the above buildings will be required to make r .deposit of $k00 for tha-comnlet sets of said plans and spoclfh-aUons, or tny part thereof, and an additional de posit of $5.00 fop each additional .complete set or any part thereor. This deposit Will be refunded upon the .eftf ruttuu. of th plans. The Government reserves tho right to reject or accept any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes oontalnlng pro poaals should be innomea 'Proposals for construction, etc.. of public buildings- at Fort D. A. Russell V yo to b pened March t 1910,'' and address-d uy V. K. Hart. Captain 15th Infantry, Acting Quar. termaster, U. 8. A., In Charge-ttf Construc tion, Room 1, Keefe Hall, Cheyenne. Wyoming. . FJ-H-7-2sMl The vvorkingman Is ai careful what big daughter reads as' the banker, Tho Bee Is In mot 'every thrifty. . elf - respecting . . borne. i ,. . . Ok