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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1910)
10 TIIE BEE. OMAHA, THURSDAY, FEIlItUAHY .1, 1910, See ivairiads pull for both aide- the buyer and the seller y tesriTuA ' iM oupv&s Msnvr frrfJiidss r,s ' V.-fci : ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) Want - Ads AUT0M03ILES (Continued.) EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN , II I (Continued.) HELP WANTED MALE MEDICAL (Continued.) OFFERED FOR RENT at tor eolnsan will b taken nntll IS an. editi... " ""'' a, for the mora I a a aad Bandar edi- , ti... ! Cash ( arranpfnr a)l order for want ad. .ad mm ..rrllrnl-t Trill bm accepted for lee than 20 itnti for flrat Insertion. , , Ratea apply ta cither The aUr Sander Bee. Aiwa re eaaat six wards te a llae. r.tsn rates ron want ads. BKOUUK CLASSIFICATION One Insertion, 1 I -a cent per word aad 1 cent per word for each aabeenaeot faaertloa. Each laaertloa made 0a odd day, 1 1.1 rente per word) Sl.fiO per llae per month. Wi ada for The Bee may be left at nay of the following Arum store. la year ' "corner draexxlat" they are all branch effleea for The Dee aad roar ad will' he laaerted Jaat aa promptly' aad aa the aaate ratea aa at anala office la The Bee nalldla, ''ateeath aad Parana! atreetai Alhsrh, C., 40th and Farnam. . Berwick. 8. A,. 1402 8. 10th fit. Recht Pharmacy, 720 S. Kth Kt. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bemla Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cumlr.g. Blake-Bradlalv fflllt Sherman Ava. - -""H'liiii, C ic, eth ai:u Pierre Sia. Clifton HI1 pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Conte. J. B., 81st Ayo. and Farnem. Crlssey Pharmacy, tnh and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy. 2228 8. 16th Bt Cermak. Emll. 13H4-6 8. ISth Bt Khler, F. H.. 2S08 Leavenworth. Foster A Arnoldl, 213 N. Pt. Freytag. John J.. 1914 N. 24th Pt. regger Drug Co.. 1808 N. 16th Pt. Florence Drug Co.. Florence. Neo. Goldman Pharmacy. th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific. Orkenough. O. A.. 106 S. Kith Pt. Greenough. G. A.. 10th and Hickory, Hayden. William C. 2920 Fstnam St. Hanscom Park Phar., 1301 S. 29th Are. Hoist. John, CM N. lth St. Huff, A. JU, t24 Leavenworth St. Johanson Drug Co., 84th and Spalding Sta King. 11. 8 , 038 Farnam Si. Kountae Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 94th. Marea, Fred L.. 1 Central Blvd. Fatrlck Drug Co., 11S24 N. 24tli Pt. Lathrop. Charles K.. 1S24 N. 4th St. Peyton, L. K., 4th and Leavenworth Pta. Saratoga, Drug Co., Mth and Ames Ave. Bchaefer a Cut Price Drug . Store, 16th and Chicago Sts. Bchaefer, August. J631 N With Pt. Bchmldt. J. H., t4th and Cuming Sta. Ptorm pharmacy, lth and Martha Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cutnlng. Walton. Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sta. Wlrth. O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sta, . DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. ANDERSON Gladys M.. aged years. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ander son. - - Funeral Thursday afternoon at t o'clock from the family residence, 20S Bouth Six teenth, interment, rorest Lawn. I HA ARM ANN. Mrs. Agree, widow of O. II Kaarmann. aged 77 years. Funeral Thursday at 2 p. m. from family residence. 2427 So. 24th St. Interment For est Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. BIRTHS AND DEATHS, - Births John Wisend, Omaha General hos pltal, girl. Deaths Baby Bagley, 8917 North Thir tieth; Anna Ualbraith, 2921 Nprth Twenty fifth. 42", George Daimun. Seventh and Jones, 28; Laura E. Hitchcock, 601 North uixieenui, . MAHUlIAGK LICENSES. The following marriage licenses were issued, today: . Name and Residence. Age A ron Nordien, Omaha.. : 30 Tilllo Nelson, Dayton. 0 29 Oscar Peterson, Craig 22 Marie Nelson, Omaha 21 Oscar Banks, Watisa ; 27 Alice Peterson, Omaha 18 Harry Kingsbury, Omaha...., 28 Lottie Conistock, Omaha 21 Conrad Alole Kauth, Omaha , 23 Anne M. Hlrchman, Omaha 18 Kdward R. Baratow, Omaha .tenth m, u. Hayrs, Omaha 29 ' ANNOUNCEMENTS Pi"! AT CLEAN Carbon Cooking Coal. - uoutant at rq luires. 1408 Far. D. J0. The Smith Premier Typewriter Company la receiving oia iriends and new In it nsw borne in the New Kennedy Building, 19th and Douglas Street. Omaha's Newest Cummerolal District Smith Premier Typew riter Co. U. O. Plowman, Mgr. Saratoga Drug Co., Mth and Amea Ava. accurate compounders of prescription. Free delivery, more open J a. m. to 12 p. m. HINDOO Strengthen, TABLETS -will build, brace. sue. umiu vu. VHTT 1 Tn Western Hit, Schmoller IX U U , OC, jj, .beet Music Dept. VTMTZ F. R A T n W A T J . Reliable Jeweler. Formerly So. Omaha, now 001 Fazton Blk, .TDTT'MNTTTT.'RTl Home Consumers' " w' " Distributer. T TTYTTCt TUB BEER TOU LIKE. LiUAUO tn4 south Mth Kt Douglas 1SS9, Red OS. Independent A-1430, Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 844. TATfTi K,y" ndgen. repairing. New j. ) I-IVXJ ooanon Uuk Javtnworth. MONEY I TO LOAN LOW it-All.'; in sums u suit, till H.a Hlils UMUH lJA COM PA NT. .,.4 llllro BEST QUALITY vtiitcuv iwvo id(lJ cement Btone Co. nnur.s eeiied lor er.a delivered free. manuara nnoe nepair co., tMM Farnam OOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH. A. JET Eg, Uul Douglaa St 5 CTS, DAVID COLB Creainery Ca. TU)r ''mV Restaurant. 203 Ho. lit ,"" -"'" nd American aisnea. v.nup euvj. , WEDDING RINGS Ryan Jewelry Co., MonutnsnU, 1. P. Bluoia dt Co., Uli Far. Vlaotrin Omaha Electric Works repair el r.ieCU10 .vatora. lm K. Utn. D-lUt A-IU Advertisements for the ! MELCIIER SCHMIDT DRUG CO.. Announce the Opening of Their ' . r f , ,,, , 5L., , NEW COMPLETE 17th and PHARMACY Farnam Opp. N. Y. Life Bldg., About February 10. ) h fame attention to details In the xe lectlon tit our stock and the filling of rKcrlptlonal that lias made our present stores a success wilt be the rule In OUR NEW UP-TOWN STORE. PLT'MBINCi. R. G. Hamllion. steam and as fitting. 2331 Loavenwprth. D. 4151. A-4J(.6. ILER GRAND HOTEL Finest In the west. Turkish T?nth 16th and Howard Sts. AUrKlSXl UUIIIS PATTON-BOWMAN HARDWARE CO. Announce the Opening of Their NEW STORE, 116 FARNAM ST. PHONE D. 58M. Complete stock of Contractors' Supplies. Builders' Hardware. Toola. Janitor's Sun- plies, Cutlery, etc. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and Wire Fences Cheaper Than Wood. Last a Lifetime. 207 N. 17th. . 'Phone Red 814. THE best bakery lunch.. Leavenworth St. bakery, 2707 Leavenworth. Tel. H. 6096. pn AT, s- H. Green Trading Stamps VVAAJ with hard and soft coal. People's Coal Co. Doug. 3471: Ind. A-1468. . NEW HAMILTON CAFE 4TH AND FARNAM. HAMILTON APT 8. PROMPT AND COURTEOUS ATTEN TION. TABLF D'HOTE. A LA CARTE. v D. W. DUDGEON, Plumbing and heating. ELEVATORS REPAIRED Freight, Pas- enger,, J. R. Kennedy, 104 S. 13th. Doug.2997. LOUIE AHKO 1419 Douglas St.. Om LOUlXJiUlAU aha., best Bteak and hop place. American and Chinese style. U. S. Cleaning Co., 3L& phones. PHOTO ENGRAVING Acid Blast Etching. Prompt Work. W. R. BRAMBLETT 6c CO., 1311 Hovard. D. 97t OFFICE STATIONERY Koiera & Co., 1S0S Jackson. 'Phone D. ISfiO. ARKIJT9 ' KOSHER RESTAURANT, 816 8. 15th St.. (Upstairs). LEW.W.RABER The Printer. - AFTER MARCH 1, 1910. BEE BXHLDINGhr.cDoSgCio5. Missouri Filters made, sold. 1310 Howard. YNCH BROS. ?luheatinqVNI REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. 705 B. lt'th. Phone Douglas 1477, SPECIAL Barents of Gnnther's fine candy. The best Ice cream sodas, with crushed fruits. The Bell Drug Co.. 1216 Farnam. THE Western Fur Co. will be located at 1603 Leavenworth after February 1. THE City Garbaa-e Co.. Tel. Dong. 1387, cleans vaults, cesxpools and removes ma nure, asnee and all kinds of retuse. DR. W. F. RACE, having been located in the New York Life Ride, for the last ten yearn, has removed his office to rooms 20 and 21 Douglas block, lfith and Dodge Bts. Opposite Hayden Bros.' store. AUTOMOBILES Aeroplane. OMAHA AEROPLANE AGENCY. 1102 Farnam. - Distbrs. Matthewson-Marrs Aeroplanes. Call or write for specifications. Aatomoblles. See Drummond For your AUTO TOP or TOP REPAIRS. For AUTO WHEELS or WHEEL RE PAIRS. For spring or axle . repairs. For the lowest priced good painting. For body woodwork or trimming. For Diamond Tires, Tubes and Casings. 13 u ana Harney sta. DEMONSTRATION CARS. Why buy second-hand cars? They usu ally are doctored "cripples." Buy a used demonstration car. They are usually crack cars, kept in perfect repair. Write what type you want and we will quote prices. Pioneer Implement Company, Council Bluffs, low a. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of broken cylinders, crank cases and castings promptly repaired. Ail work guaranteed. BEKTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY, Council Bluffs, Ja. 7 TISSEL SATISFACTION LONG SERVICE .VXfc MODERATE PRICK WRITE US FOR LIST OF USED CARS. KISSEL AUTO CO., OMAHA. AUTOMOBILE BARGAIN. First-class condition, for sale or trade. for farm laud or city property. E 377, Bee. Council Bluffs Auto. Co.. 510 Pearl St AUTO STORAGE. Painting and Repairing. WM. PFElFEli CARRIAGE WORKS, 85th Ave and Leavenworth. INTERNATIONAL Delivery Wagons. I.-H. C. ROADSTERS High-Wheeled Autoa 'International Harvester Co Omaha. SEND for our list of second-band cara DERIGHT AUI'OMOrllLE CO.. 1814 Farnam 8u Anto Pnintino-"Murny I1 It" Oet AUIO 1 UlHUUgour prices . Andrew MURPHY & SON. 1413 Jackson. MIDWAY AUTO GARAGE. Steam heat space for storage; repairing done promptly anywhere, day or night Tire vulcanising, oils and supplies, Broadway, Couucil Bluffs. Ind. 671. Black SPECIAL price on Automobile Robes this month at Huyden's Harness Dept (Base ment.) BEST AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. C. F. LOL K. 1MIS Farnam St WRITE FOR list of secondhand auto mobile bargain 11. E. FKEDKICKSON AUTO CO., Omaha. DON'T HAVE A PUNCTURE, w treat your tlree and guarantee them for one year. Nfbraoka Puncture Proof Co., 70S N. 11 h. New location, 23J1 Farnam, after Feb. 1. FOR best bargains In used cars In flrst rlasa condition cnll or write Sfteet-aid-wards Auto Co., 2ul Faruaut s)U REND for our lint of second-hand cam. STANDARD AUTO CO.. 2021 Farnam St. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or out of business cnll on GANGKSTAD. 404 Bee Bidg Tel. D. 8367. MY PENCIL and I can locate you. LI A MS. 411 McCaKue building. FOR PALE Hotel, with 50 rooms and bar, clearing $1,200 per month; must be sold in 0 days: price $20,000; write for particu lars. Address Joseph Dalton, North Ya kima. Wash. NORTH SIDE millinery story for sale or will trade for Omaha property. 1814 N. 24th. Schall Sister. ONE of the best paying Quick Lunch busi nesses In Omaha. Best of reasons for selling. $6,000 stock of hardwure and Implements, about 20 miles from Omaha. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red J909. JOHNSON Broa.' Grocery and Meat Mar ket for sale. 24th and Hue St. South Orrlaha LETTERS DUPLICATED in anv quan tity. 673 Brandels Bldg. Doug. 10: A 23L1. FOR SALE or rent: desirable hotel prop erty in live town of 800. Address Hotel Co., Bertrand. Neb. HERE 18 YOUR CHANCE, fl-room rooming house, modern, well fur nished, location 23d and Douglas. Price, 1450. Address K 681. Bee. FOR SALE A $42,000 stock, consisting of groceries, dry goods, clothing, bouts ml shoes, gent's furnishing goods, furniture and everything that goea with a' general store. WM1 sell for cash or on time with proper security. Trade runs, from 13u,00(. to $160,000 per --ear. For further Informa tion, write to l. Miner c son. wneatianu. wyo. . POOL HALL for sale at a bargain. In- quire at 1804 Sherman Ave., Omaha. TEN rooms, full of roomers; $300, snap. 2107 Douglas. - . , FOR SALE A $10,000 stock of general merchandise, good clean, new stock in Ovid, Colo., the coming sugar beet town of the Julesburg irrigation district. It's a moneymaker for an energetic young man. The only reason for selling Is that I have too much other business. Write or see A. V. S. SAUNDERS, Fort Morgan, Colorado. WANTED An energetic man with good business ability, and $500 capital, &s state manager. An excellent opportunity for the right man. For full particulars call or write to Mr. low, uensnaw notei, umana. ROOMING hauae for sale. 1812 Chicago St RESTAURANT for Rale at a bargain on South Sixteenth. 'Phone Douglas 1843. STOCK of general merchandise for sale- Will sell or remt store building and dwell ing. Address Charles Witte, hJlkhorn, Neb. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROT, 1506 Farnam St Douglaa 64i. DANCING MORAND'S 16th and Harney; lesson Mon,, FrL, 8 p. m.;private daily. D. 1041. THE mid-winter term at Morand's Dan cing School begins this week, Monday or Friday, 8 p. m. Join this week and . ask for a substantial reduction from regular price. Private lessons daily. Tel. Doug. 1041. DENTISTS BAILEY dc MACK. $d fioor. Paxton. D.1088 TAJT8 Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas St DETECTIVES OMAHA Det Agency, 428 Paxton. D 1319. G. A. Halterman, 432 Paxton. Tel. R. 447L DRESSMAKERS T rrrt"V Ladles' Tailor, 2922 Leavenworth Xj. J! KJA. j, tnja. Special . price until Feb. 15 on latest style tailor suits and dresses. We have all the latest fashions and fabric In stock. Out of town trade solicited. COLTON BROS. 2866 Farnam St. (Upstairs), H. 4244 announce as a feature for January at their UD-to-date parlora they will specialise In work made from their patrons own ma terial. If you have taken advantage of the clearing sales, let us do your work. rpTT-rrt t T?TQ Ladles' tailors and fur llli I -iV-LuiO Hers; 1st class fancy and plain work; fittings guaranteed; mate rial furnished by us or patron. 1913 Doug las, Red 1968. T"17,TGrrVT? Ladles' Dressmaking Col- lUiiuxiJ" ieKe, 605 Karbacb Bldg. TERRY COLLEGE, 20th and Farnam Su. M1S3 STURDY. 2702 Farnam. Tel. H. 4676. M. SELICOW. 2902 Farnam. Harney 3047. EDUCATIONAL THE MID-WINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE la now open In both the day. and night sessions. The late catalogue, giving full particulars in regara 10 me various course" Ik ready. Business training, bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy, civil service. Call, 'phone cr write for it at once. Boyles College. Omaha. Neb. M08HER-LAMFMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. x Unexcelled couise In business, short band, penmanship and English. None but experienced taachera Day and evening eKslona Most Interesting catalogue pub lished iu Omaha. Send for one today. MO.SHER & LAMPMAN. 8eveuleeuth and Farnam Streets. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 41ST AND CHARLES. Rev. V. D. Tyner. 8M8 Charles. H:23S EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers manes clear. "Lit; tkin. Hy mill (Wo and $1.60. Sherman 4 McConnell Drug Co, Omaha PANTORIUM ?pnn2NE3' Try" W "Good cleaners and dycra" CLEARING sale trimmed hats: now $1 at I PEN' NELL'S, 1511 Douglas St., upstair. CHIODO will make you a special price on tailor-made suits and gowns of all descriptions during the mouth of January, parlors. 314-216 S. lith St. CHINA decorating; order work a special ty. Lessons Tueaday, Thursday and Satur day Firing daily. Children's clussev Sat urday morning. Mrs. C. C. Huugaie, M Brand! Bid. XsL Red Mat. THE X. Y. Dept. Pi ore. 1S10 Vinton, "Sells F.verylhlng." May Manton patterns, 10c MRS. MATTHEWS, hair goods, 804 Neville. FLORISTS J. F. WILCoV CO. Bluffs. Ia.; largest greenhouces In wext; beautiful flowers for any occasion Ohlpped anywhere in U. S. BENNETT'S Flower Dpt. E. store entr ee. HESS & SWOBODA. H15 Farnam St J. H. BATH. 1C23 Harney. Douglas 3000. L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam 8t Doug. 12!S. BRANDE1S CUT FLOWERS DEPT. A. DONOGHUE 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. FURNACES AND REPAIRS FURNACE repairing a specialty. Joseph Duffy. ISO! Cass. Tel Doug. 6200. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agreata ' aad Salesladies. LADY AGENTS mnke $26 to $40Vnd over ,er week handling Mme. McCabe's flexible side and expanding back corsets. St. Louis Corset Co., St. Louis, Mo. Clerical aad Office. WANTED A confident stenographer by Ifirg retail 'attire: must he fatrly expe rienced; references. Address U 280. Bee. Factory aad Trade. BE a hairdresser; we teach a full course, $15. Oppenheln. Parlors. 813 McCague Blk. Housekeepers aad Domestic. . WANTED Young girl for housework; family of three; no washing. 828 Georgia Ave. Harney 4406. WANTED Girl to assist In oare of two children and housework; stay at home nights. Mrs. Avery, 223 S. 30 St.' Harney 4644. WANTED A girl for cooking and general housework; very best wages. 1339 S. 86 th Ave. Harney 2304. WANTED Young girl to assist with housework and help take care of baby. 2314 Howard. Douglaa 7832. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, for general housework. Apply 2807 N. 24th St. COMPETENT GIRL for general house work; none other need apply. 615 S. 22d St. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; small family; wages, $6; sep arate apartment " with bath. 3504 Wool worth Ave. Tel. H, 1849. GIRL for general housework; small fam ily and good salary; no cooking. 261314 Capitol Ave. m rihi YOUNG GIRO, toassist with housework. 2006 Fowler Ava "jTtL Webster 1338. . 11 '!" ' ' WANTED Competent girl for general housework; well recommended; two In family. Mrs. E. V. Lewis, 401 8. 40th St. ,.'.'. ' NURSE-GlRL, 10 to 18; good home and salary; light work. 8014 Mason St. GIRL for general housework; one who likes children: If foreign girl must be able to speak English; $5 a week to competent girl. 2127 Douglaa St WANTED Girl for general housework. Inquire 1311 S. 30th Ave. Tel. Harney 305. EXPERIENCED GIRL for general house work; good wages: small family. Mrs. C. F. Belman, 4807 Dodge. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; small family. Address 1126 S. 30th Ave. Tel. Harney 106. LADY, as companion, to assist In light work; exchange for board and room. 1250 S. 16th. IqIRL tor general housework; best of wages. Apply at once, 1111 S. 81st. WANTED Gtrl for general housework; 8 in family.. Mrs. Thomas W. Hazen, .2704 Spauldtng. WANTEIV-Expertenced girl for general housework; references. 2011 Charles. WANTED Olrl, or middle-aged woman, to help do housework; small cottage; 8 in family; good wages. W. H. Stephens, 2619 Fort St. i COMPETENT COOK wanted. Ave. r 206 8. 32d GOOD, reliable girl to assist with care of small child. 1113 S. 80th Ave. GIRL for general housework, cago St Tel. Red 6825. 2548 Chi- 4 WANTED Reliable white woman, to scrub woodwork and clean windows, $1.26 per day. 518 N. 19th Bt. FOREIGN girl for general housework. 629 No. Central Blvd. Tel. Red 6342. WANTED First-class cook. 823 3d. 87th St second girl and STRICTLY first-class girl for general housework. ' Mrs. A. T. Smith, 104 So. 36th St WOMAN to do washing In small family. 8122 So. 23d St. WANTED Middle aged woman for gen eral housework; small family; no washing; good home. Apply 2574 Evans St Phone Webster 4821. WANTED Expert endced nursemaid. Tel. Harnoy 890. Call 3604 Harney. Mlacenaneana. LEARN HAIRDRESSmn It pay. You can earn $16 to $25 weekly. Full course taught. J. L. Brandels Halrdrsssiug Dept. HELP WANTED MALE ' A areata. Solicitors and aleaatea. WANTED A solicitor With re and bUKgy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see circu lation manager. The Bee Publishing Co. A LARGE STEEL CONCERN IN OHIO is looking for young men experi enced In selling FIELD FENCE, Nails, Barbed Wire, Staples and Bale Ties to retail stores. Ask for H. B. McMaster at HOTEL LINCOLN, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, Tuesday and Wednesday, February 8th and 9th. AGENTS Something new; every farmer needs one; good prof i la Write today. Bart iett Si'pply Co., Brown Block. Omaha, Neb. WANTED Newf paper solicitors. Call or write Twentieth Century Faruiei, 6Ui Be Bldg., Onvaba. Ni. Agents aad Salesmen Coatlaacd. WANTED Live men with rigs to can vass for Eaton's family and veterinary remedies, extracts and spices. Address Dr. R. D. Katon Chemical Co., Minneapolis, Minn. AGENTS WANTED Anson. Tex., ausr- ter-mlllion-dollar improvements; residence lot and 20 acres up to 1.2M, $160. monthly payments; capable townslto men wanted. Department B, Anson, Tex. WANTED Live man to handle our goods on commission, as side line in . western ter ritory; references required, and state lines now handling. Write the Schaefer Tent & Awning Co., Denver, Colo. Boys. BOYS AND 1IRLS, after school. 4:30 p. m., room 16, Patterson block. Call Clerical and Office. EXPERT bkpr. and accountant; prefer man with real estate, abstract and loan ex perience, $125. Clerk, general store, Wyo., $75. Hotel clerk, $25. board and room. Stenographer, $65. Office clerk, young man, $40. If you are open for poult ion. see us AT ONCE, or write for complete list of vacan cies. WESTERN REF. & BOND AP8N, INC., ui-a in. i. uie mag. (ust. 7 years.) e- COMPETENT man to handle branch books for automobile manufacturers. Ad dress D. 120, Bee. Factory aad Tradea. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Kntest Bee Bldg. WANTED A first class tinner for Inside and outside and furnace work. Steady Job for right man, give reference. J. A. Shors, Beemer, Neb. WARNING. Trouble still on In the Black Hills. All miners, mechanics and working men stay away. If you come you'll have to scab. ORDER OF PRESS COMMITTEE. WANTED vv aker at once. A. F. Luther, Bedford, la, WANTED An experienced marker and assorter for laundry in good Nebraska town. None but expertnced need apply. Address Y. 102, care Bee. MAN to point up brick work of a large orrice building in Omaha. Address at once, O m. Bee. Uisueltaaeons. MEN WANTED to prepare for railway mall examinations; commencement sal ary $800; preparation free. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 187 L. P.ochester. N. Y. ALL thin Safety Razor Blades sharp ened, 30c doz. Only successful sharpening service In existence. Satisfaction guaran teed. Victor Safety Razor Co., 630 Paxton Blk., Omaha, .Neb. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Apprenticeship saved by. free work and careful Instructions. These advantages given only by us. Few weeks completes. Tools, given, board secured. Catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. GILLETTE AND OTHER SAFETY RAZOR BLADES made sharper than new; 2 cts. each. SMITH NOVELTY CO., R. 9. Union Blk.. 16th and Farnam tits. . . ASK mo how you can start a profitable mall order business at home evenings. Heacock. 739. Lockport. N. Y. THE NONPAREIL LAUNDRY CO.. Douglas 1812. Wagons call, everywhere. SHIRTS IN SANITARY COVERS. WANTED A man with grown sons, or plenty of help and good farm outfit, to farm 2.000-acre ranch in Gregory county. South Dakota. - Splendid proposition to right party. Jackson Bros., Dallas, S. D. MEN wanted quickly by big Chicago mall order house to distribute catalogue, advertise. $21, weekly; $50 expense allow ance. Manager, 1222 State St, Chicago. JANITOR for office building; one who can run passenger elevator one hour each day; single man preferred. Address at once with referenoea, P 887, Bee. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Ueraes and ' Vehicles. HALL & MORRIS, VerrgearyaB. specialty. Hospital 2858 Farnam. Beth phns. WAGON repairing, painting, lettering, rubber tires put on and first class blacksmith work done by Johnson Danfortb Co., lOti. and Jones Sts. - GOOD STREET HACK, little used, $1,000 value; will sell now for $150. Johnson Danforth Co., 10th and Jones Sts. WAGONS for aate. E. Smith, 1314 N. 24th. HORSES for sale. 814 North 21st ONE PAIR of mares, weight 2,500 pounds; one pair of horses, weight 2,900 pounds; two good single drivers. 2015 California St. 'Phone Douglas 6371. MILLER WINDER buy and soli all kinds of horses. 1415 Capitol Ave. D. 1810. HORSE, harness and delivery wagon; new. 264 Decatur St. LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold spectaoles with Kryptok lenses In Columbian Opt Co. case. Return Columbian Opt Co., 211 8. 16th. Reward. IX)ST Beaver muff In Brandels base, ment; finder please turn In at main desk; receive reward. JAP mink muff between Capitol Ave. and Dodge, Monday evening. Finder please call Web. 2577. Reward. LOST A pair noee-glusses, under 16th St. viaduct between U. P. track and Leaven worth St. Finder please 'phone Doug. Sb91. LOST Light-colored leather hand bag, containing glasees and some money; keep money, but return other things to 129 Park Ava, Council Bluffs, and get reward. GOLD stick pin., dragon shape, with mall diamond. Reward if returned to B. E. Griffith, care E. E. Bruce & Co. MEDICAL PILES FISTULA PAY WHEN CURED. All RECTAL DISEASES cured without a Surgical operation, and GUARANTEED to last a LIFETIME. No chloroform, ether or other general anaesthetio used. examination free. white for free book. DR. E. R. TARRY, 224 BEE BLDG. OMAHA. NEB. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sta; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night COST YOU NOTHING if you have a Chronic dHesse to try the FAMOUS FREE TREATMENT at the Radium Medical and Surgical Institute, northwest corner 12lh and Farnam Sts. BEST nerve brace for man. Gray' Nerve Food Ptlle, II a uur.. postpaid. Sherman tk McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha SPECIALISTS FOR MEN AND WOMEN afflicted with any ailment; should go to thodocUtrs longest establlNhed. most experi enced and moKl succeHsful; this is valuable to our patlents.and our GUARANTEE, YOU PAY WHEN CURED. ESTABLISHED IN OMAHA 27 YEARS. After a perfect understanding of each case a fair, honest pries is agreed upon between doctor and patient, Including all medlelnrn until cured. No MED1C1NH GRAFT HKKK. We will cure vou for LESS MONEY than any other SPECIAL ISTS, and accept the money In ANY WAY you wish to pny. All ailments of mon and women. FREE oxamlnatlun. Write for symptom blank. Dr. McGrew Co., 215 S. 14'h St, Omaha, Nob. MOVING AND STORING' 1TVr riHt,aw ttim 1 - - .. . . j v-. w - - .-.uul riiu um enport Sts.; warehouse. 2207-04 Izard St. lst-class STORAGE & MOVING. COLE' 4 EXPRESS. 1616 Cacitol Ave. D. S70. A-SK!,. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND C1IATTKLS. t$$$$$$$$$$$$$tmm$$$9$$$m$jm$$$$$$w$$ $$ MONY LOANED - on $$ FURNITURE, PIANOS, SALARIES $$ at the following low rates: $$ 0o a week pays $10 loan. $8 90c a week pays $25 luan. $1.50 a week pays $50 loan. 5 a weeit pays SIlO Unn t$ You can pay monthly if you wish $$ These payments Include Intel est and M 8$ principal; no other charges, STRICT- $ $$ LY CONFIDENTIAL. NO RED It $$ TAPE. Call and be convinced that M $$ we are the CHEAPEST and BEST. Js $$ OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., $$ 601 Brown Block, Opposite Brandels. M it Phones Douglas 20.16, A 20.W. $1 lMWIiMimiIMRI!SH MONET lO LOAN ON ANY SECURITY ' The holidays ar over, and If you find yourself In NEED OF READY CASH It will pay you to INVESTIGATE OUR TERMS. BUSINESS STRICTLY CON FIDENTIAL. NEBRASKA LOAN CO. Iand8Crounse Blk., Opp. Pomoffice corner 16th and Capitol. 'Phones Douglaa 16. A-1356. MONFY 8EE US TODAY IF YOU IVIUIN Xi X NEED MONEY. SALARY LOANS & CHATTEL LOANS. r;asy payments at low rates. OMAHA TRUST CO., 437 Board of Trade Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 $20.00 only 8100 f $50.00 only $2.60 $100 only $5.00 larger loans lower rates. Your goods are Insured against buralarv or fire in our possession, free. VV. C. FLATAU, Red ' 1514 Dooge JS, MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE WOMEN KEEPING HUU8E AND O'.'H rcnx without SMCurltv: enav narm.nd Office in 66 principal cl'.ie. Tolman. rouni 613 New York Life Bldg. Salary and Furniture Loans at positively the LOWEST RATES, quicker service ana aiuht CONEIOENTIAI. DEAL of any in the city. Patronize the BIGGEST AND BEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, 807-308 Paxton Block, Douglas 14U and A 14a DO YOU WANT to Start the NEW YEAR RIGHT? Do you want to pay up your landlord, grocer, doctor or anyone you owe and have onlv one place to pay each mon h. You'll be sur prised how easy it is. Call and see us now. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. 119 Board of Trade. 808 So. 16th. St Telephone Doub. 2296. Call us up. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 ft Why pay 16 and 20 per cent a month on Diamond Loans when our prices are: $20.00-only ....$1.00 id 00 only $2.60 $100 only ...4 $6.00 LARGER x COANS EVEN LESS. RT?in K W S Jewelry and Loan Co., XiAJLIJU X O 1401 DOUGLAS ST. ARE YOU WORRIED and bothered by collectors calling for bills you put off paying last month In order to have a pleasant Christmas? If so come to ue, we will loan you on your plain note any amount at rate like these: $10 for 20o weekly. $20 for 40c weekly. THE J. A. HUTTON CO., 614-15 Paxton Block. SALARY and chattel loans, lowest ratea confidential; open Saturday evening. Both 'phones. STAR LOAN CO.. 644 Paxton Blk. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES PIANO lessons, reasonable terms. Mrs. Fay Stahl, 2703 Spalding. Tel. Ind. B-5284. Af OTTT .TDN 'S Union O r o h e a t r a. MUUlJlUil O NeWi Cati:hy danceable Af TTQTP Rhul Moulton, director. 606 Kar-DiUOJ-V; bach Blk. D. 7745. A-4383. BIRDIE Peter, teacher of piano. W. 1064. OFFERED FOR RENT , Boarding; aad Rooms. THE DOUGLAS Nicely furnished, mod. rooms, reasonable. 2201 Douglas St. D. 6765. DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Far nam. THE IDEAL Modern rooms, well heated and board very reasonable; 6 minutes' walk from center. 1717 Chicago St THE PRATT Excellent home cooking. Meals. 25c Warm rooms. 212 S. 25th St THE FARNAM CAFE. Good home cooking. Meals 26c. New management. European, liiih and Farnam. Doug. 1240. Joseph. Hammer, Prop. THE TEMPLARS Cholo table board, by day or week. 181. Capitol Ave. NEWLY openear. All new furniture. Par lor. Good home cooking. Everything modern. Landow Court, 224C. Mr. Rett B. Johnston. NICELY furnished rooms; first-class ta ble board; bot water heat; bath. 1918 Far nam St. BOARD Housekeeping privileges. California Bt. 2300 ROOMS Private family, Willi turd... 8. 22d. ' PRIVATE family will take a few table who appreciate good home cook lug. 'Phone Doug. 4W0. 216 N. 23d. LARGE front room for two, board. 2472 Harney. rlth good PRIVATE family; single room for gen tlemen. 2514 Jonea LARGE front room, steam heat, all mod. em, wlih board. tUA Leavenworth. 'Phone Red VU31. NEWLY furnished front parlor; also two other rooms for sleeping or light house- Keeping; sincuy nioaern. i.oi m. nth. Boarding; and Rooms Contlnnrd. NICK large room, with board; reason able. 102 N. 18th. LARGE front room with alcove; newly decorated; steam heat; with board. 121 8. 2th Ave. MRS. J. L. DAVIS, BIS 8. 26ih St.. can accommodate five or six young ladle or gentlemen with board and room ho aro employed during the day; modern. Dou:f. till. TWO furnished rooms for sleeping or light housekeeping. lf33 N. 19th. FURNISHED room. with board; gentle man preferred. Harney 1712. - Faralshed Rooms. DODGE HOTEL Large outside, and steam heat In every room; rates by week. ELEGANT front room, fine furniture 820 K N. 20th. No slKn on house. FURNISHED Farnam St. ROOMS; modern. 1S0 ROOMS One or two furnished, modern, all conveniences: ladles or couple preferred; private family.. 686 S. 26th Ave. r MODERN ROOMS. 2007 St. Mary' Ave FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 110 8. 13th ht. The Chatham. f FURNISHED,- steam heated room, with board, suitable for two or three. 123 S. 26th Avel U L'., ... .1 - TTntpl TTnwnrHJ- Marti. Prop., 10th llOiei J-1UW liru,ni Howard Sis., new 1 building, new furniture, any rooms clean sweet and fresh. Reasonable rates. De Lorie hotel, mod. " rooms. 210 N. 17th. PLEASANT rooms, hot water heat, new house. 2122 Locust; Tel. Webster 2398. ONE nicely fnrutshed front room, mod ern private family), gentlemen. '3-iUi Daven port St. . . ' ! . LARGE furnished room-for rent ; break fast, If desired, in family. 271 ( i.apitnt Ave. CLEAN young man roommate. 2416 Davenport St. ... v Inquire TWO large, clean, warm front roomst. lis N. 20th. ' NICELY furnished warm single rooms. 1818 Dodge St '. ' . ONE large and one small nicely furn ished room. 111 N. 10th. LARGE front room, modern. 1814 Dodge. FURNISHED room. 'Phone Douglas 4729. 1219 S. 16th ' St. ONE single room. 212 N. 24th.' evenings. Douglas 4707.' ' ' ' Call WARM room for two gentlemen. Dodge St. 1701 NEAT room, modern home. 2129 Wirt St. NjCK, clean all modern rooms for gen tlemen only. 318 N., 19th. n - i - J r: ' ' - 1 ...... MODERN front parlor, for two; -also Hlngle. 2310 Douglas St. K MODERN, well furnished front room. 702 Georgia Ave. Private family. ONE room, suitable for two. 1818 Capitol Ave. NEWLY furnished, modern room; gen tleman. 1700 Leavenworth St LARGE, nicely furnished front ' room. 2106 Douglas St. MODERN and nicely furnished rooms, close In. 609 S. 17th St. ' v ONE large room, suitable for man and wife. 1724 Dodge St. 1822 CAPITOL AVE., larg outh front room; modern. NICELY furnished room: private family. 817, Park Ave. Phone Harney 716. STRICTLY modern room, steam heat 909 N. 17th St Phone Douglas 6911. NICE, large, modern room with station ary washstand; $8. 2003 Burt St. FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms for two gentlemen. 221$ Douglaa St FRONT room, modern. 2640 Seward, northeast corner 27th St . LARGE room, house new. plenty of hot water. 816 N. 19th St. LARGE front room, for two: close In: good location; $15. Tel. D. 7709. ONE or two rooms modern conveniences. 2640 Seward, northwest corner 27th St. FRONT room, modern. 2640 Seward. northeast corner 27th. WARM rooms. $2 Der week: free bath. L . Osden Hotel. Council Hltirfs. 7 THREE rooms, furnished complete for $ housekeeping. 626 So. 20th. 'Phone Doug. VU8. Apartment aad riata. s - i , . $ ROOMS, Id floor, KDi Reea St., Bath and toilet $15. Chris Boxer. Sed and Cum ing Sis. i CENTRAL A?A RTM E NT 8. Six rooms, outside corner, high grade. hardwood, full modern, gas range, steam hsat, hot water all year, walking distance; ' summer, 838; winter, $7 more. Reference required. BEMIS. 480 Brand! Bldg. TWO 4-room modern apartments, with open plumbing, electric light, gaa range and beat, to only small family, $14. $16.50 each. TIIOS. W. HAZEN, 105 So. 16th. Phone D. 1300. 4 FLATS. Two modern flats, 1615-17 Burt 2.00. THOS. W. HAZEN. IOC S. 16th. 'Phone D. 1800. ELEGANT furnished 8-room flat 'Phone Harney 4664. Moasekeeninar Reams. A SUITE of three tlegant new rooms, modern. KM North 80th. FOR RENT Modern basement rooms; also furnished room. (04 N. 21st. Phon Douglaa 8966 VERY desirable room for on or two, sleeping or light housekeeping. 8729 Far nam. Phone Douglas 7836. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms, modern. 810 South 23d. References. LARGE front room wltn alcove, modern?. M Burt. TWO larja modern front rooms fnrnlahed complete. Phone B-J106. 807 N. 26th. SLEEPING and housekeeping; reason able. 618 8. 2J& TWO or three rooms, modern; all base ment rooms, cheap. 614 8. 22d. HOUSEKEEPING, also sleeping" room. 1S04 Webster. PARLOR with alcove; housekeeping; modern $3.23. 2601 Dodg St. THREE room furnished for ho v lulv K.' i. ..... ... u. r u-ljep- .U ... ,M, U I. TWO unfurnished room for Mjrht house keeping. Phon Red 6V 9o$ Cuming. J..