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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1909)
T1IK BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1909. "".-"" i Don. m-oti pa or na kmo . ixs vre . a-vmi OPENING OF OUR NEW FUR DEPARTMENT SATURDAY W bog to announce that we have opened a large and ex tensive Fur Department which will be devoted to the selling of only perfect reliable furs at prices very much less than is usu ally charged for high class goods. There will be no misleading statements-made to effect a sale. Clenuine Lynx at last year's prices. Mink Scarfs, Wolf Sets, Pony Coats, Hudson Seal Coats, Near Seal Coats, Muskrat Coats, all on sale at the new Fur department Second floor. GRAND DISPLAY OF WAISTS r . Hundreds of beautiful hand embroidered "Waists, stylish tailored linen waists and lovely new silk plaid waists. Tailor Made DressesReal Hand Made Suits Capes and Coats. Many new styles for Saturday. hi ; Women's Gloves Everyone knows the value of an "Arabian Mocha" or "Kasan Cape" Glove for this season of the ; year. Saturday we offer you one of the beat . values, at, per pair 81.35 1-Clasp Mocha Gloves In black, grey, taupe, brown, tan and red, per pair $1.25 l-Clasp Kasan Capes In all shades of assorted tans, per pair 81.25 MAIN FLOOR. Saturday at the Toilet Goods $1 Ideal Hair Brushes, Saturday, each ....874 Orange Sticks, Saturday, each 1 26c Cold Cream, Saturday . .... 12 Ha Carmen Face Powder. Saturday qgI Vantlne's Sandal wood Toilet Water, regular price $1. Saturday, at a bottle gf) Imported Bay Rum, regular price 66c, Saturday. a bottle 3t)4 MAIN FLOOR E X T R A In style, fabric, fit and finish the Man Tailored Skirts we are making have never been equaled in price or workmanship. Come in Saturday and see what we are doing. Turn each skirt inside out, examine them carefully, you will find them all right down to the last stitch. NOTE At the same time, ask to see the pretty petticoats we are making, also our special petticoat at $1.98 and a choice line of colors to choose from. . Special Sale of Kimonos Saturday . at Bargain Square No. 2, in Basement Flannelette kimonos trimmed with mercerized sateen in dark colors. 'A good value at $1.60, Saturday, each .084 Swansdown Kimonos in light colors, regular 92.00 ' value, Saturday, each -31.25 Special Sale of Women's, Misses' and Children's Fabric Gloves Saturday at Bargain Square No. 2. Women's, Misses and Children's gloves in fleece lined, silk lined and knit Values up to $1.76, your choice Saturday, at, pair 2D See the child ren's hats and coats in our How ard St. windows. Special showing of Men's Bath Robes at the Men's Section. B-lG-22-Ot. THREE MEN SENTENCED ' ' I TO LIFE IMPRISONMENT Jatfjra Miller, at Des Moines, Break Record In ArtUs Uo ' ' - - " Three Caaafc.-' . V. DB3 MOINES. Ia., Oct. 21 Three men convicted of murder in the first 'decree wera sentenced to life Imprisonment in the state penitentiary, at Tort Madison by Judge Jesse Miller in today's session of criminal court. I is said this has never before occurred. 'The convicted men were John Smeltaer, who shot Detective Frank Del megs, James Watkins, who ahot John Weaver and 'William Webster, ' who - shot George Talbot. 8 Ion CUr Carmen Jleld JL. SIOUX CITY, la.,, Oct. 23. (Speclaj Tele gram.) The police are looking for. two men Who, near the homo of the Good Shep herd, last night. took possession of a' Court street car and, at the point of revolvers, took tlS from O. Carlson, motorman, and $50 from C. Norberr, conductor. The men wore masks, and one entered the rear door and one the front door. They threatened the street car men with death upon the least resistance. FINDS LETTERS IN OWN HOME J. S. Paul Insists Minivei Were Secured at Hit Home. DEFENSE HIHTS AT SOMETHING Mar Have lafomatlea as Hew They Cam lata Paeeeaslna at Plaintiff Denies Charsea ..Hade Acalast.Hlsn. Crona-examlnatlon of John 8. Paul in his suit for divorce yesterday afternoon served to give hint that the defense has, or thinks It has. something Important aa to how raul got those letters which Mrs. Jaul wrote to her New York sister. Paul's memory was poor as to where he found them, saying he "found them In the house," but would hot say Junt where in the residence. Again and again counsel made him go on record as swear ing that he had not got them outside the house. Otherwise the cross-examination was not sensational or significant of sensa tions. General Cowln did, however, make the witness admit continuing to dwell and cohabit with Mrs. Paul after many alleged offenses of various kinds. I The case has now tone Over to Mon day, when the plaintiff will have three more witnesses. Another witness of yes-, terday was Dr. Kills, whose examination waa brief. He denied an allegation set up In' Mrs. Paul's answer. Paul declared on direct examination that his wife had unjustly accused him with respect to four Florence women. Ha named them. Three of them were in the court room at the tithe Mrs. Paul's charge waa repeated and one was moved to tears at the accusation. Only one of the four women whom Mrs. Paul named has been a witness against her. Paul testified that his wife used frightful language, which be quoted. The plaintiff's testimony began with cer tain subjects covered by Mrs. Paul In tbe letters to her sister, and, In her answer, Mr. Paul denying that he had ever pro cured or thought of procuring a physician for an Improper purpose, that he "always served his relatives first," and that these kith and kin had been dependent on him for support. Then he began a history of his married life. One of the early episodes was Mrs. Paul's asking twin, he said, to make a will leaving all to her. Then came an asser tion that she proposed to him to sell their home, move away and establish a house for 'Improper purposes. ' Next he told of various Incidents with re gard to her behavior toward him. "One day I came home for luncheon," said he. "and waa at table With the chil dren when leanette she Is the youngest said to me: " 'Papa, you're a fool. - 'What's thatr I asked. " 'Mamma says "you're a old fool." ' "When a newspaper came Into the yard containing the news of Paul's filing for di vorce In July of this year, Mrs. Paul picked up the paper," said her husband, "and opening it to' the article about the divorce, laughed and said: 'Isn't that too funny?' ' 'What's funny, mamma?' asked her daughter. Mrs. Paul laughed some more and repeated: 'It's Just too funny for any thing.' " When his divorce suit became pending Paul had business troubles thereby, ac cording to his Story. He had a capital in his bank tit f59,Mr and deposits -of fre.OOt. Some people .heard of his domes tie diffi culties and withdrew their elooounts. ' At this time Paul said he "couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, couldn't' work, ' was nervous and didn't know what 1 was doing." The witness was nervous enough while on the stand. Mrs. Paul leaned forward in her chair when - her husband 1 repeated the - tirade which ended with the words, "get out of this house." Poor Man Comes to Awful Fate Drug-fed, Eobbed of Six Quart Whiikj and Left ia Low Resort. , , of J. H. Peterson, , a traveling man from Tekamah, has reported to tbe police that he waa robbed of els quart of whisky and a suit case Thursday afternoon following a period of unconsciousness that overtook him on the street Peterson told the officers that ha waa on his way to Unloit station when suddenly he lost all reoklnlng. Friday morning, he says, he found that Ml felonious aeeallanta. whoever they may have been, had drugged him and left him in a low resort The police extended sympathy. BOONE, IOWA,, MAN "HONORED II. Retlahos- TaoMa First Vice President of Railway Bridge Association. JACKSONVILLE. Fla.. - -Oct. M -The American Railway Bridge and Building as sociation today selected J. !. Lemond of Charlotte. N. C. to succeed J. P. Cantv of Fltohburg, Mass., as president. - IT. Rettlnghouse, Bbone, la., was chosen first vice president." ' CSS Oklr ftmm "RHflUik alllMtMnH That IsLaxatlve Bromrf Quinine. Look for World over to Cure a. Cold in One Day. 25c. Special Saturday and Monday -AT- BEATON'S p-JiLa said. University f . Dresses Galore Coats TKB COATS). Tbe snappiest "Co-Id" coats are like this Illustration, with long revere col-"" lr of velvet and three-button fastenings. Ma terials are diagonal eh evicts la two toned ef f sets. In green, dark red, nary bine, rose and mixtures Then, too, the same modeled "Oo-Bd" may be had to superb broadcloth. ti matters not what the shade o fabric, the "fit" will be forthcoming, and the fitted ones will sot as pablldty agents for us will tell all other Msmall womea" that only OJtM Omaha oonoera CAaT m small women, and that Till la the concern. ... At $22.50, $25 and Upward to $27.50 TBS SBEBSES. "Co-Ed" or University dresses are at their best hare we show the two-piece kinds with separate, full pleated skirts. Waists elegantly tailored and fasten on shoulder and down the aide; finished with bias fold. Katsrlala are serges, shepherd plaids, diag onals, .to., la navy, red, brows or plain reseda, champagne or whits. Garments of this character when worn by "small women" must be built TOM small wo men r the slightest inappropriate line be comes exaggerated therefore be sure to select the dress UIU where perfect fitting la the rule. At $20, $22.50 and Upward to $25 1 .',"''''wiiwww i . -rrin - -J-L-.-L1-LrLnj-.mi.ririiirir..- nr.-.-i Closest touch with favored garment producers a willingness to "buy big" coupled with an aggressive selling planmakes this the approved fountain head on nuDoy attire, uuge, closely priced stocks are the rule now. - A Better, .Better Styled Girls' Coat - Even though Priced at $10 WeTe higher priced ooate than the 910.00 nca, of course put to show that our ar-' rays are oomprehensive ones, aaluated to eery pnre,we cite in this laatenoe, ror W VaUCXS eoats tot girls a "Ten Dol lar" line. ., , . . . At this prlos one sees the ehoiceet of man nish designed I.ittle Halor" styles, ia 4 r fuli lengths, ia ohinehUlag, Shaw chev iots aad broadcloths. ' Kerouiea braid ia one . of the most nsed trimmings on this seasons' girls' coats aad the range of slaes at "l0.0O" lnolud.s "Jun ior" to Id years. i Boat make a final selection before seeing Ihe style, inimitable make , the superior materials and trim used in the Juvenile gar ments shewn here. Vheee prestige points are carried oat la the "10.00 ooata. tMrVVwVVvVwVwVVbM Ladies' Shoos of Now York Mako "Tony" Kinds at $4. $5. S6 This season's usages demand short forepart lasts and we show thenvr-ia brome, in dull leather, or patent leather. Each pair an exhibit of what the deftest New York makers are turn ing out. ri-,rirLriJ(JJ Send for New Catalog fi .- .' F ' J rctYooieo new OWN TOK New Location 1518-1520 Farna.m Street . fVr rl 1iV Showings Are Ripe Tomorrow Rubber goods re advancing rapidly and era would advise tht on purchae at the present low prices. T r . ww-. . i o nuoiMr vtiuves, every -ono tt (uaranteed Saturday and Me Monday . ; . . . ,...tfwv 11.00 -qt. Royal 'Red Rubber Inserted water bottle Sat urday and Monday . .'. . $1.60 4-qt. Beaton. Hot Water Bottle Saturday and Monday ..... . . . . . . $1.15 S-qt. Beaton Fountain Syringe Saturday and Monday : . .. : . . .' . . . $6o 66-inch Flexible Nail File, Saturday and Monday, tor ;4. ... 7 So Manicure Soiasonr -Saturday and Monday , for 760 Tlvoll Powder Satiir- . ' day and Monday : .-'; i S6o -pound Peroxide Hydro cen Saturday and; . Monaay .. ...s1 $1.00 Sanitary Ghost Protector Re member it la a duty to protect your lunga do not put It off un- a til yoa have acquired a . illiP cold Saturday nd Monday.'. wvv JBc Woodbury's Facial Cream m n Saturday and Monday, , XuC 26c Graves' Tooth Powder; Saturday and Monday, .. for Radical Reductions In Boys Good Shoos Our Boys' Shoes bare always fvernged 19 t IS per rent lese n prl-n than equal qualities sell for elsewhere tmaslne then -What an opportunity presenlv Itself to you when we decide lo quote such prices es follow. It will psy you well to buy several pair. Our regular St. as and 91. SO L.UII Genii Artoa-alze SO to 13 lor Ol.OO Ourrenular SI. SO Boya Sttoci size t to e for Gl.OO Ourredular S3.00 Uoya' Shoei Size Hoe for V M B O D Tt Home of Quality Clotltea Cloth, 75c T... $1 75c 19c 43c 43c 9c Three Sentenced . i , on Murder Charge Judge, ia Passing: Sentence, Comments on the Frequency of Such Crimes. ' v (From a. Staff Correspondent) DES MOINES, Oct. IS. (Special Tele- grain.) Three men were sentenced to life Imprisonment today for three separata murders. Iu passing sentence Judge Jesse A. Millor said If these sentences didn't stop the wave of murder passing over this sec tion, Jurofs would be found Who would In flict the death penalty. One of the men sentenced was John Smeltier, who shot and killed Policeman Delmege some weeks ago, while Delmege sought to arrest him. The other two . were negroes, James Watkins and William Webster. T In a financial statement made today by Secretary Simpson of the Department of Agriculture, the profits. of this year's state fair are shown to be 123.823. The total re ceipts this year were tl.BOO greater than last year, but the expenses were $13,000 greater. The total receipts would have been 126.000 greater, but for two rainy days. During the last year Utt.OOv has been put In on the grounds In Improvements, of which M,0M was from the proceeds of last year's fair. During the last three years, from the proceeds of the fair, $LC4,00 has been put Into Improvements In the grounds. The appeal of John junk In, who mur dered Clara Rosen In Ottumwa, was file with the olerk of the supreme court today. The case will be on the January docket. On the advice of her brother. Prof. A. E. Qoodeflough of Simpson college of Indian ola. the police here today arrested Carol Ooodenough, a 17-year-old girl, Just as she was meeting Rev. John Q. Lake, age 86, of Chicago,' who has Just returned aa a missionary from Africa. He claimed to the police that he did not Intend to marry the girl now, but has the permission of her father, who is a missionary In Africa, to marry her when of age, but that the brother refused htm permission to see her at the Indianola home, so they came here to meet. Ooaton Drag 12c Co. FAItNAW AJVD 16TH. P. 8. We are-, headquarters for fine candles, having -exclusive agency of seven of the best on tha market. We personally, guarantee- every box. WIRELESS MESSAGE TO TIIC LADIEQ OF OMAHA: ltsb Sample Dressee, at fa.eo TS Sample Dresses, at..... ,...gl8.4 110 Sample Suit values worth up to ttl.BO, Saturday, special....' gl4.80 109 Covert and Itlack Broadcloth Coats, Saturday sale. , . . ,.10-tO aad glS.qn SUk Rubberised Rain Coats $7.80 and BS.dX jong- nroaaciom January uapes fa.uv ana s.oo Kilted Parisian Skirts In Voiles, Open Evenings Till 9 Panamas and fancy worsted. .S4.S0 to f 10.00 Mall Orders Promptly Filled. vassBSBBssP SMIff lit s Removal Sale of Monument . Low Prices We must move to our new plant at 17th and Cuming streets soon, and to save cost of moving our monuments will make ex . ceptlonally LOW PRICES on our entire stock of the latest designs In cemetery work. If you can't call, write us for prices. All lettering done by pneumatic tools, and all work guaranteed strictly first class, J; FV BLOOM (L GO. 181517 Faraam Street, Omh. Nebrftsk 1bu25 LB.H? COUII CO. COAL South End I6n ST. VIADUCT (HOME OF THE LUHU I V1J Our Candy Special For Saturday Our regular 40c per pound Mex ican Maple Goodies, at, per lb. box 25c Our 60o Smart Set Chocolates per lb. box, Saturday; only, 39c Myers-Dillon Drug Co. 16th and Farnam Gts. Bis; Hetaraa freaa Farms. LOQAN, la., Oct a. (8peclal.)-lAst year llr. William Stlrta rondo his farm of 100 acres between Magnolia and Logan pro duce WOO per acre, this year. Mr. Stlrti erpeots the (arm to surpass last year. Marlon Ktnley, a farmer east ot Logan, produced nine vtfon loads of sweet pump kins and 1M worth Of potatoes on one acre of Ma farm this season. Raglan town ship fruit growers of Harrison county, In raspberries, have put the Corn growers and potatoes growers out of commission, I comparing net receipts for one year for one or two acres. From 1100, tS and at (he rate ot 700 per acre and over are re ported in raspberries alone. Bear ef BUoa Arrives. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. O.-The body of Bikhep Beth Ward of the Methodist Epis copal church, south, who died at Kobe, Japan, on September S9. arrived from the orient today. Burial will be at Houston. The Overcoat with tke M IIH B n -Bi BuB W B fLS l 111 IU GW W U IJ sr I If for veunrf men 53 to 40 chest it's called V the 'ImperUr'- its collar may lie changed to V any one of 5 open sr closed effects and the "Sampeck people make it. It tomes in grey or greenish overcoating' it's full cut has fancy cuffs vertical pockets it's the swatigerest. handiest "Broadway" gar ment ever offered at an Omaha price.". c It's an appeal to youngish tastes and a con- 1 ., .Vv: 1' -W: stant "coat challenge" nt this figure $20. "Aggressive" that's the word that best describes our larger selling powers. Very "Cleverest" Suits at $20 - - 77 . . " " " vMrKm.Mim ot inne-wi wrm -cieveresr' ceases o attract the elder ones but It's musie to the young fallow who delights in the . I?7 !L1H'?,Vb..tI, moo" B. We wlik youag man sho w 33 to B8 to IIS the knits we offer In fancy or plain aerges) la fancy ehevlota and the like: In the newer greens, or latest stone and smoke grays. These have every 'OS kink at'sao-oo.'111' rnW they're peeileea, premier, naaatehed If you've a bov. have him clad here fiet. a Knlck- 3 crboclier sult with two paira trousers at $5.00 aV 1 h affav ar at -r a sal aw Hardy Uak aoled dhoes for Hoys That' the sensible kind And get them with orthopedic lasts 'so thatthe boy is comfortable. , We have them in velour and box calf, or patent leatherat $2, $2.50 and $3 according to siae. Send for fie Catalovo h s THE YTjUIO PEOPU own CTOMC New Location 1518-1520 F&rnam Showings Are Ripe Tomorrow St. I Tea. I