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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1909)
Th Omaha Sunday Bee . WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska Generally fair. For Iowa Tartly tlnuity. For weather report page 2. NEWS SECTION ' PAGES 1 TO VOL. XXXLX-NO. 19. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 24, 1..:0-SIX SECTIONS FORTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. REBELS SALDTE T1IE PRESIDENT Southern Applaase Greets Taft as He . Whirls Through Cities of Lone Star State. Peary Flings Down His Gage to Rasmusscn KERCHIEF NO MOKE FOU W.C.T.U. Chautauqua Salute Abolished as Unsanitary and American Flag Adopted Instead. Commander Also Doubts Whether Dane Saw Ah-Pe-Lah or I-Took-a-Shoo as Basis for Letter. IIILL SURE FOR THE CORN SHOW Northwest Empire Builder ' ' Final Promise that He Wk Come and Speak. . f HIS DAT WILL BE DECEMBER IS Guest of Exposition and Entertained by the Commercial Club. HAKES ADDRESS AT E0T7STO3 Again Takes Stand in Defense of the Deep 'Waterways Policy. EKJOYS THE NOISY WELCOME Says He Appreciates Friendship More Than the People's Votes. REVIEWS THE SCHOOL CHILDREN Cardial Greeting; of the Boathlnnd Tmrhn Heart of Chief Rirra llve Coi arret a la tea State Great Inheritance. HOUSTON. Tex.. Oct. 21 President Taft reached Houston at 7:10 today. A tier breakfutit on the train he waa given a military salute and driven to the Rico hotel, where ha made an addreaa from the balcony. A motor car ride followed, dur ing which he reviewed aeveral hunred school children. The president will leave Houston for Dallas at 1:30 p. m.' During his speech at the Rice hotel, the president was constantly Interrupted with opplue and old-fashioned rebel yells. He seemed to eny thoroughly thi noisy wel come and told the people of Houston that he did not care what their politics were, he appreciated their greetings and under stood U to be a tribute to the head of a uniJJ nktlon. Mr.' Taft was presented witl5U badge by Mlsa Kate Daffan. presi dent of the Texas division of the United laugbters' of the Confederacy. Agila Alenttana Waterways. , . "My friends." continued the president, "I ant lil.e joe. in 'Bleak House,' and must L o.i. this country la so large, I t...... ....- to stay long at any. one If.-:.. rat pleasure to be here .. i.ut. ...; to stay a week It I could. ... .o. ji.we coming Into Texaa that yti... .v uiW interested In waterways. u... u. .... of the conservation of lu, . ..atirne, which la pressing for uj and comprehensive treatment" i j.rti.iuent congratulated the people of the stale In having a richer Inheritance Uiuu inont of the other states. In that they won their own Independenca before their union with the states. "You have a history of your own." he said, "as well as the history of the United States. I take to heart your cordial greet ing. Men of the south, I thank you for it. I don't care what your politics are. I remember it waa told to Mr. Rooaevelt when he was president that he had more friends and got fewer vote. In Texas than ; thy other state. If you will give me your friendship, we can afford to wait for votes. We are a united people, united In senti ment, united In belief and happiness of a common- country .and , In honoring com mon flag." t . " Delaware Goes at Record Speed American Shipbuilders Prove Their Ability in Building Fighting Craft of Great Power. from the Phllipplnea and Alaska during ROCKLAND. Me.'. Oct Si-American ! will be issued by the War department hlpbullders demonstrated their ability to I nt week. push tha battleship Delaware, the highest r" decision regarding every de veloped marine fighter in the world. In " ot th order Involving the stations to . iiandardlzatiou test over a measured 'Mcn th home-coming troops are to be ml.e course today at a speed of SLSS knots S'ned. the official, decline to make an hour. .ubiect t tidal eorrectloun In known even the regiments to be ordered .,nii.hin. .hi. feat so ooA-hnrm-nnwr .ft.. . . . . . .,.. , . K fl,-l. battleship, commonly known as tha dread naught class, was developed. TWymean of the Delaware, .maximum ru today was n 44 knots an hour, a mar- rrom rn l""n" 01 lBe ueenin. gin of .44 of a. knot over the contract with t y-thlrd and Fourth regiment., lie builders, tha Newport New. Ship Build- Next th8 rKlment of gentry will in and Dry Dock company. Th. blgjcom bck from AU,k n be uccdl .fighting craft put out t. sea this afternoon j ln tnat "llr' Probably by the Sixteenth for a four-hours' endurance run. j infantry. WEAKNESS IN STOCK MARKET Mower Coadltleaa Abroad Advanced! a thief Rcshs (or Tlghtcn ' imm This aide. NEW TORK. Oct. S3. The stock market waa weak today and money conditions here and abroad wore agata advanced as the principal reason. The opluon of bank ers continue to reflect much diversity on the subject, the prevailing belief being, however, that the situation abroad has been much exaggerated. The probability of gold exports to Europe next week has been somewhat lessoned by yesterday', lata, decline. In oxchaag. but further ex ports of gold to South Amerloa during tha next week are now certain. On the Stock exchange sentiment was almost unanimously bearish. London was not a factor in local operations, selling probably leaa than J. 000 shares on balance. -,. DEATH RECORD- Joseph Snntter. Joseph. Sautter, 13 years old. died at At. Joseph', hospital Saturday morning. He waa a truck farmer living near Third street and Central boulevard. He leavea a widow and several children. Tbo funeral la ' to bo l.i.d from St. Joseph'. Catholic church Monday morning at S o'clock. Burial will bo In tha German Catholl. cemetery. Thoasae Smith. Thomas Smith. 4 months of age. eon of Mr. arid Mrs. George 11. Smith. 3936 South Eighteenth street, died Saturday. The funeral mil be held from the homo at S o'clock Sunday afternoon. Burial will be In Forest Lawn cemetery. BCthel Ethel Jonea, 21 years old, died at Douglas county hospital Saturday morning, follow ing an operation. Har mother, Mra. Alta Jones ) Kansas City, fat to come to Omaha to tekeJchaigo of tha body. Mra. l'nU Rh. Mra, L'rsula Rose. jtar Kid. died Fri day olJut at her heme. ii South Twenty fourth Ltreet The body has ban taken to Ubkelof-a. Neb., for burial by, relatives. )H oldie Loalaao. - Mia. KJolw zingo. 11 years s-e, died at '.an O hospital Saturday morn A ing. T f body ha been, taken h batison. vr , fvk- kuriae WASHINGTON, Oct. Si-Commander Robert E. Peary, the Arctic explorer, has telegraphed to scientific friends here that It was Impossible for Knud Rssmussen, the Danish explorer, to have seen any of the members of the Dr. Cook party and that a'ny Information which Rasmussen re ceived was, therefore, not at first hand. That the story told In Rasmussen's re port of his Impressions of Dr. Cook, as re cently made public by Mrs. Rasmussen at Copenhagen, lacks authority. Is the sub stance of Peary's latest message. The dispatch came from Peary a day or two ago and It has been scrupulously kept secret. The persons to whom It was ad dreased doubtless guided largely by the host of criticisms of Commander Peary's previous statements la the course of poiar coutroverey regard the message as strictly confidential end have observed the obli gations. Efforts to recure a copy of the dispatch today were unavailing. It is known, however, that the telegram was sent 1y Peary from Maine after he had carefully read the report of Rasmussen, and that It Is Intended to discount what the j Danish official, Rasmussen, had to say In support of his belief In the full achieve ment of Cook's ambition to reach the goal at the farthest north. Rasmussen In his story did not at any point say that Ah-Pe-Lah and I-Took-a-Hboo, the Eskimo companions of Cook, had told him (Rasmusien) any of the matters he referred to In his report, but quoted them as saying they made the statements he mentioned and referred to the friends of the two Eskimos as asserting these mat ters In corroboration of Cook's claims. LAWRENCE, Kin., Oct. 23. Dr. Fred erick: A. Cook wired Prof. L. L. Dyche of the Kansas State university from Duluth today as follows: Will be pleased to have you Join Mount McKlnley expedition. The details of that expedition will be undertaken shortly. Prof. Dyche wired his acceptance. Robbers Despoil Image of Virgin Jewels Valued at Several Million Roubles Stolen from Historic , Shrine in Poland. CZEXSTOCHOWA.' RUSSIAN POLAND, Oct. a. During the night robbers entered the chapel of the Paulina convent here and despoiled the Image Of the Virgin of ilh. Cnh wltK tfa nearta t h M diamond gtuu, crown .d mtnr votlv. oKer. ings of jewels. The Image Itself waa not damaged. The objects stolen .have a value of several million roubles. Today the chapel, which had closed up on the discovery of the outrage, was surrounded with a' great crowd of weeding and pray tug men and women. " MOVEMENT OF TROOPS DURING COMING YEAR General Order Kxpeeted Soon fro as ' War Department Sixteenth Goto to Alaska. WASHINGTON, Oct. 23. A general or der governing the number of troops to and i back. It Is thought, however, the order ! will I name the datea of sailing of probably :the Sixth. Nineteenth and Ninth regiments of Infantry to the Philippine, and It will give the home stations upon their return lM0NUMENT R CLEVELAND Memorial Aasoelattow rosssaltteo Will Probably Select Prlaeetoo as Site for Sbaft. PRINCETON. N. J.. Oct " 23. That a site for the proposed monument In memory of the lata G rover Cleveland will be chosen in tha near future and that Its location will probably bo In Princeton became known today as a result of the informal meeting of the committee on alto and designation of the Cleveland Memorial association. The committee consist, of Prof. Wood row Wilson of Princeton university, M. Taylor Pyno and former United State. Senator John F. Dryden. MICHIGAN BADLY SCARED btorooctte Eleven Holds Wolverines to to B Score. MILWAUKEE. Oct. Zl-Michigan had th narrowest escape of Its career today, when the Wolverine eleven defeated Marqutta, S to S, In one of the most brilliant gamea tha Michigan eleven ever played. With tha exception of the first ten min ute, of the game, the two elevena were on exactly even terms. In the acond half th play wa. almost entirely, in Michigan's half of the gridlorn. Michigan had three trial, at goal from placement and one wa. blocked and two mlased. Marquette had three trials at goal and missed. KENTUCKY WALLOPS TULANE Blno Gmae Players Wbttowaak Now Orleans Men to O. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. It The opening of Tulane university's new athletic stadium today was featured by its first foot ball defeat of the aeaaoa, when Central Uni versity ot Kentucky, romped home with th. big end of a S to ecore. Tulane did not play lis usual gains and although Kentucky wa. outweighed, eiUl its speed won. The Mora waa made near the end of tha first half, when L. Seol back carried the ball over the goal Una, aftr getting a pretty forward pasa. Duffy kicked goat Pnsteat Stasueer , Dead. LEXINGTON. Ky., Oct. 3 Salvstor. cuuaidsred by many to have been the fast. i lumunc ran hors the wurid has aver knn. died at tha Klmeodorf farm hi-r of IJautts U. Itasln of .it l..r looay. bal' vatur'a world tecord waa IXj MAXES TALE AT RIVER CONGRESS Expected to Delirer Most Important Message to Farmers. PREPARES IT WITH GREAT PAIKS Goald Diets la HandllnsT tbo Plans for Mr. H Ill's Entertainment by ' tbo Commercial dab In tbo Evening;. James J. Hill, builder of the northwestern empire and undoubtedly the most power ful factor In the development of the north em section of the west half of the t'nlted States, will be the guest of Omaha during the National Corn exposition, will speak at the Missouri River Navigation congress and will be entertained by the Omaha Commer cial club on December 15. Mr. Hill's visit to Omaha wa. assured when the corn show management received this letter from him: I jassume the first day of the exposition will be occupied mainly In organisation. Any day after the opening day will suit me snd I will be glsd to hear a. to what day will best suit you. JAMES J. HILL. The management of the exposition has selected December IS as. the day and lie will speak on the afternoon of that day. The Missouri River Navigation congress will be in session at that time and It will ask Mr. Hill to speak In the morning for a few minutes. The invitation which Mr. Hill has accepted waa to spend a day and evening in Omaha and in the evening the CommerclrJ club will probably give a dinner In hla honor. Dinner for Hint. The entertainment of the man who has built 7.000 miles of road and opened up 314.000.000 aores to farmers and ranchmen will be In the hands of Oould Diets, chair man of the entertainment committee of the Commercial! club. At the meeting of the executive committee Tuesday he will make a recommendation suggesting a din ner for Mr. Hill which will be without a rival among the dinner, given by the club to railroad magnate, and publicists. The Invitation, which Mr. Hill has ac cepted, waa first Informally presented to him by T. F. Sturgesa manager of the exposition and Will A. Campbell of the publicity bureau of the Commercial club when they were In St. Paul. July 17.. He then told Mr. Sturgess he' -would come, if possible. When Mr. Sturgess. aa pub licity agent for the Corn show, asked authority to place Mr. Hill's same on the program and-advertise the fact that he would apeak, Mr. Hill said. "Tea, .ir,M bringing down hi. arm In an emphatic gesture. Since this interview the Corn show haa been able to advertise the fact that Mr. Hill would bo here, with his authority. He gave Mr. Campbell a photogroph of himself, unpublished up to that time, which haa been the meana of giving the ahow a large amount' of valuable ad vertising. The New York World has published a column story about Mr. Hill visiting the show and clipping bureaus have furnished more than S00 clipping, about Mr. Hill', interest In the Corn ahow. Greatest Drawing; Cnrd. , "It haa been the greatest advertisement we ever had," aald Mr. Sturgess. "Wi never doubted that Mr. Hill would come to Omaha and his letter today confirms our hopes. Mr. Hill will be here." For the first time Omaha will have an opportunity to entertain the great railroad builder. Many efforts have been made In the past to get him here. He was forced to oecune three of four Invitations to speak every day and It Is an unusual good fortune that Omaha 1. able to secure htm now. He haa taken a deep Interest In the corn show and It Is through this fan he haa been Induced to come here at all He aaya ha will call a spade a spade when he comes to Omaha and will not try to call It an agricultural implement. Mr. Hill's addresses are always .emark- able for their aocuracy. It has been said of him that ha thinks In figures. ' He w'll read hla addreaa before the National Corn association and what la given to the pres. will bo written. Ho devotes a great deal of tlmo to digging out accurate statistics ana la anxious they should bo understood aa he Intends them to be. Hie addreaa here la axpocted to bo one of hla most Important messages to the farmers of the northwest and west in whom be haa always a spec ial interest. Before ho built hla railway. Mr. Hill walked from the Falls of St. Anthony to Puget aound and Inspected every mile of the country himself. At that time the ve. - turo waa called -Hill's Folly." This year he expect, grain from th. region to win prise, at tha corn exposition and hi has offered S2.S00 in special prise, to encour age exhibitor. YOUNG MILLIONAIRE TRIES TO KILL WIFE Edward Brook, of Cartbaa-e, Ma., Tries to Cat Woman Throat She May 'Die. CARTHAGE, Mo.. Oct 23. Edwad Brooks, a millionaire K years old, at tempted to murder his wife by cutting her throat today while the two were walking on the electric lino track toward Webb City. Brook, escaped with officer, on his trail. Mra. rBuok. probably will die. COTTON MILLS CLOSE DOWN Operatives In North and Sontb Caro lina Oat of Work to Cartall Prod notion. RALEIGH. N. C Oct. XX. Tha board of governor, of the American Textile associa tion has ordered all tha big cotton mills of . North and South Carolina to close down today for a period of from fourteen to thirty days, in order to curtail the manufacture of cotton. CHARLOTTE. N. C. Oct. XI -According to a report from Spartanburg. 8. C, today, seven big cotton mills near thern, employ ing 19,000 operative., closed doa today. XYCr -V.W 4.1.- W;M ! THE SERE AND YELLOW LEAF j From the Philadelphia Inquirer. LAND DRAWING ON TUESDAY Fourteen Thousand Dakota Farms to Be Distributed. REGISTRATION AT END SATURDAY Only Seventy-Five Tbonsand Persons Apply, Dne to More Rlgeresi Rear nlntiona Concern Inn; Settle aaent of Territory. SIOUX FALLS. 8. D., Oct n.-(3peclal.) Tonight the registration for chance, to draw farms of 100 acrea each from the 14,000 larms which Uncle Sam Is to dis tribute among homeseekera In tha ceded portion, of the Cheyenne River and Stand- Rock Indian reservations, came to an end. the fiat, .for the registration having been fixed by proclamation- of President Taft from. October 4 to October 23. The drawing Will begin October 30 at Aber deen. ' . ! . Instead of 800,000 person, registered, as waa originally .expected in some quarters, the number reaches barely 75.000, but this will result to the benefit of. those who have registered, for they stand a better chance of winning farms when the draw ing takes place. The falling off in the number registering is due to several causes, one of them being the compara tively! high price which bomeseekers who draw farms will have to pay per acre for the land embraced In the farms to be distributed. Homeeteadlng of public lands Is not what It used to be when the government wa. much more lenient with hometseader. than In these modern days. Now fourteen months' residence is required in the case of commutation proofs and homesteader, must have tehlr homes on their land to the exclusion of a home elsewhere, and must make Improvements of a substantial character before they can make final proof, which la preliminary to securing a title to the lands from the government Entry Mndo Next Springe. Those who draw farms In the Cheyenne River and Standing Rock reservations will not be permitted to make formal entry until next spring. At the time of making entry the individual homesteader will be required to pay $14 feea and commissions, and in addition one-fifth of the appraised value of the land must be paid at the time of making entry. The remalnedr of the pay ment, for the land must be made at atated Intervals, and If a homesteader falls to make a payment when It become, due all his former payment, will be forfeited and hla or her entry will be canceled. Now that the registration for chances to draw farms in the ceded lands has been ended, the next Interesting event in the disposal of thse lands will be the drawing, which will begin at Aberdeen on Tuesday. October 26. Josephine Burke, the little daughter of Congressman and Mra. Charles H. Burke of South Dakota, and Miss Jeanetto Hedger, daughter of Mr. and Mr. S. C Hedger of Aberdeen ha v. been selected by Judge James Wltten, who Is in charge of the drawing aa the representative of the in terior department at Washington, to repre sent the government in selecting the I envelopes containing the namea of those who have reglstred at the drawing. Josephine Burke is S years of age and Jeanette Hedger la one year older. Since being selected for this Important duty, the Uttl Hedger girl has ben taken tuTwn with an attack of scarlet fever. Alice Jackson, a little girl of about her own age, of Aberdeen, has been designated a substi tute by Judge Wltten, and will serve in place of Jeanette Hedger if the latter has not recovered by th time the drawing begins. Kale, that Will Apply. Th drawing will take place In an audi torium at Aberdeen. A huge platform has been erected in the building, upon which all the envelopes containing the namea of those who have registered will be deposited and thoroughly mixed up. One of the require ments of the registration was that none of the envelopes should bear Identification marks, tha outside of the envelope, being without writing or mark, of any kind. The drawing will open at 10 o'clock In the fore noon of the day stated, and. "will be done publicly. The number, thu. assigned will fix and determine the order in wcicb the applicants named therein will be permitted to later select the lands they desire and present their filing therefor. For instance, the person named In the application numbered one will have first choice of all the lands subject to entry in the two reservations. tha person named in application No. 1 iConUuued on Second Pagt.) Czar Nicholas Reaches Sunny Italian Clime Hearty Welcome Extended Ruler of the North on His Visit to King Emmanuel. RACCONIOI, Italy, Oct 23. -Nicholas, emperor of all the Rtisslas, made a trium phal entry Into Italy today. Whatever may have stlrrtd beneath the surface the out ward manifestation waa a cordial and pop ular welcome to th. head of a friendly state. Threatened demonstration, had been sternly suppressed, but tha day's rejoicing was spontaneous ' and genuine, even the mayor of Rome having been sent by radical and socialistic board of aldermen to participate In the imperial reception. Broadly .viewed the much discussed and keenly, anticipated meeting- between Em-, per or Nicholas and King Victor Emmanuel opened' most auspiciously. The emperor arrived here at 3:30 p. m. From the moment the Imperial party en tered Italy through the famoua Moat Cents tunnel at Modune until It reached the royal castle it waa attended by an honorary military guard. Not an Inch of the tunnel but was examined, and It was lined wttli soldiers who could almost touch hands. Clergy Greets Uhiversalists Fraternal Words Spoken by Members of Various Protestant Denomina- at Detroit Convention. DETROIT. Oct IS. The biennial conven tion of the Unlveraaliat . church, which opened, here laat evening, entered upon its program of routine business today. Among the features of today'a program waa the receiving of fraternal greetings from De troit clergy of other denominations. Among these were Bishop Cbarlea D. Williams of the dlocrse of Michigan, Rev. Byron W. For bus, Congregatlonallst; Rev. C. B. Allen, Methodist Episcopal; Rev.-. F. T. Oalpln, Baptist; Rev. John Brittaln Clarke, Pres byterian, and Rabbi Leo M. Franklin of Temple Bethel. ...... COMMON LAW GOVERNS ALL RELIGIOUS ORDERS New Spanish Cnblnet laanea State ment that It Will Follow Policy ' of Pacification. MADRID, Oct 23. Following a seaalon of the cabinet last night an official communl? cation was lssuea announcing that the cab inet proposed to follow a policy of pacifica tion and liberty. It is understood that among tha specific decisions arrived at waa one to aubmlt tha religious order, engaged In Industrie, to the operations of the com mon law. Railroad Directors C hosen. HUDSON, Wis., Oct 22. At the annual meeumr of the stockholders snd directors of the Chicago. Ml. Paul, Minneapolis A Omaha Railway company today, all officers were re-elected. J lie Doaro or Oirectora will be the same with the addition of James T. Clark of Sl Paul and John D. Caldwell of Chlcagd to the membership. Japanese See" Boston , and Big Foot Ball Game BOSTON, Oct 21 The important com mercial and Industrial establishment, and educational institutions of Boston and its surrounding cities and towns were today thrown open to tha inspection of the hon orary commercial commissioners of Japan, who are making a tour ot the United Slates. The commissioner, escorted by various commercial repreaentatlves ot the Pacific coast arrived by special train from Provi dence early this forenoon. They were met at the South station by a delegation from the Boston Chamber of Commerce and a tour of points of historical. Industrial and commercial interest in this section of the stats waa Inaugurated. Tbo delegate, war formed Into three JURY LISTS JAMPERED WITH Strong Showing Being Made by Cattlemen Accused of Murder. COUNTY CLERK STAR WITNESS Examination of floxee In Which Names Are Kept Also Show Dis crepancies Rumors Two of Acensed Have Confessed. BASIN. Wyo., Oct 23 (Special Tele gram ) The net result of the testimony be ing taken by counsel thus far for the de fense of George Saban, one of the cattle men under Indictment for the murder of three aheepmen, has been confirmatory of Saban'a allegation. The examination of . tha boxes today, aa ordered by Judge Par melee, ahow. unquestionably that the lists were not prepared as contemplated by the statutes. The attorneys for the state in cpencpurt denied ,. that 1 : waa the result of work oi . thHr fclde. The fact that In the Jury wheel or' box were the namea of the best known cattlemen- for the major part disposed of the suggestion that their elimi nation wa. secured at the hands of per sons friendly to the defense and H. S. Rldgely, aenior counsel for the defense entered a disclaimer for the defendants along that line. The first box or wheel opened was the one known as general box No. L but before the clerk waa allowed to touch them the Judge.' ordered . the ballots to be counted first In this one 725 were found which waa short eighty-two aa per lists checked by attorneys for both sides. It was the Irony of fate that among the names were those ot Joe Emge, one of the murdered sheepmen, and George Saban, who was present In court and stands Indicted for the murder of Emge. The name also of Joe Faris, another defendant was like wise, found in the wheel. Faris Is not confined here, but in -the Sheridan county pall.( It is rumored that he and another de fendant Keyes, have confeased and that ia why they are not kept here. Tha sec ond box. No. 3. aa it is deslgrated, and In which are placed the names In what la termed the five mile limit, or emergency list, 'was found not to contain them- aa required by law. When County Clerk Russell waa called to the atand again this morning, Rldgely, for the defense objected and requested that the evidence of the -clerk be not heard until the boxes had been opened and the contenta gone Into .E. E. Enterllne, for the state, op posed this and the court permitted Clerk Ruaaall to go on the atand. Hla testimony waa damaging to the state, as it showed that th. list Insofar as cer tain erasure, were concerned, was dif ferent from that which left hi. hands and as checked off by him. He further aid that there had been no discussion, that he could recall, as to taking off the namea In question. Judge Parmelee also carefully ques tioned the wltnesa before leaving tb. atand. EARTHQUAKE FELT IN SOUTH Illinois, Mlaeoorf and Tenneaaee Places Slia-ht Shaken by Tremors Early In Dny. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 23.-311ght earthquakes were felt early today at Alton, III., and 8t. Peters, Mo., the latter place being thirty mllea west of here. No damage re sulted. sections. The first and largest waa taken to Quincy, to see the plant of the Fore River Ship Building company. It was ar ranged to spend about two boura here and then go In automobllea to Harvard univer sity. Tbo second section motored out to Wal tbam after which the party went to Har vard. The five Japanese women, who are accompanying their husbands, were taken to the home of Henry W. Longfellow, In Cambridge, where they wrra entertained by the poet'a daughter. Miss Alice Long fellow. All three sections met at Harvard after lunch. It was planned to spend the after noon In aeeing the university and attending the foot ball game between Harvard and Brown, HA5D KERCHIEF SPREADS GERMS Convention Orders New $15,C00 Buildinj Erected at Evasston. SPLIT ON NEBRASKA PROHIBITION Women Divide in Heated Debate on Prime Proposition. DEFER TO ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE Amend the ronMltnttoa to Trovldo for Meralna; f Certain Branrhe. of the Pireot Body aa Pro- PROGRAM, Tins APTinxoow. Convention bmmon lt Andl tcrlutn, Mrs. Z.llllan M. sr. Btevsns. president National Woaiea's Chris tian an '.an, prllln-. Opening Hymn inward Christian Soldiers. Scriptnro trrsoa and Prayer Btev. Edith Hill Booker, aUtasaa, nstloaal evaagaUst. Music Convection Sermon Mrs. Mary Harris Armor, G sortie. Muslo. Collection. Benediction. nsrs rvESTFO. Zsra. Lillian St. M. staves., prstl dent Matloual Women.' Christian Tetcparanoe union, presiding. Opening Hymn To The. O Conn try. fcicrlptnre Ziassoa and Prayer Mrs. Xlla A Boole, Hiw Tork, state precldent. Address Ex-Oovsrnor Bobert B. Clean of North Carolina. Music Collection. Adjournment. In spite of Its protestations that It had come to Omaha to help Nebraska to gain statewide prohibition, the thirty-tilth an nual convention of tho National Women. Christian Tenijierance union In session at the Auditorium was not unanimous In tho one aid it has been asked to give the Ne braska organization in lta efforts to attain this end. The convention settled down to business this morning, the amendment of the con stitution being the matter in hand. That every woman was looking out for tech nicalities that might prove more Important than they seemed, waa evident from the start The first tilt came when Mra. Frances B. Heald, president of th. Ne braska organization, asked the conven tion's endorsement of a resolution passed last week In the Nebraska union's annual convention, statin; that while the Ne braska union stands for nothing short of state-wide prohibition and can ask for nothing else, it does not wish to be under stood aa opposed to the federated forces of the state that arc working for the pas sage of the . Anti-Saloon league', county option bill, and will Jbe pleaxed to have thi. measure become a law. . ' Reararda It a Compromise. Understanding the resolution as a com promise on Nebraska's part. Mrs. Hunger ford, president of the Colorado delegation, expressed fear that In Indorsing It the Na tional would place Itself on record aa ac cepting a compromise also. The discussion brought to the floor soma of the most prominent Women in the con vention. Mrs. Flora D. Jllchards of Ohio, one of the national organisers, contended that if the National did not hold up Ne braska s hand In this step that seemed right In Nebraska's Judgment, it wa. not true to It. color. Mrs. Stevens, president of the National, tried to explain that endorsement could not compromise the national body, but Mix. Frances Beauchamp, president of the Kentucky union, could not see It that way and urged that the National attend to Its own business and not endorse the affairs of other organisations. Incidentally she said things about the Anti-Saloon league of Kentucky, which Indicated aha was suspicious of all associations of that name. When the vote wa. taken Kentucky and a few other delegation, declined to support tha Nebraska union. In Ian la Reorganised. The Toung Woman's branch of the Women's Christian Temperance union and the senior. of the Loyal Temperance Lesion have beea blended into one body by the national convention, to be known aa the Young People's Branch of tha Women's Christian Temperance union. This change leavea three separata or ganisation. of the Women'. Christian Temperance union, which will Include tho Women'a Christian Temperance union proper, tha Young People'a Branch, with an age limit of from 14 to 36 year a, and tha Loyal Temperanoe Legion. For the government of tbo new body a new constitution was recommended by tho official board to the executive committee and by the executive committee presented to the convention, which adopted it section by section. The changes are: That renewed emphasia bo placed upon Junior work and that this be known as ue Loyal lemperance legton branch. That the Loyal Temperance Legion man uals khan be used ill tlie Loyai idiuper aMce Ltgion and that all pleu-(l members completing the course shall receive diplomas. That emphasis be placed on work among younic people, and that as he known as the young people's brunch of the Woman's Christian Temperance union. That in organizing new societies for young people tne sge limit shill be from 14 to 26 years, except In colleges, whero there shall be no aire limit. A study course shall constitute a part of the local work of the young people's branch of the Women's Chrtxtian Temper ance union and all pledged members com pleting the course shall receive diplomas. That a committee be appointed to pre pare a four years' course of studv for tha young people's branch on the p-inclples on which the Women's Christian Teinuerauca union stands, ben:ru.inr: wuh total absti nence. Younir people'a branch of he Women's Christian Temperance union shall be auxil iary to the natiorul Ihrouch the state Women's Christian Temperance union, bv the peymt-n of the same auxiliary dues by the young women members as are paid by the m-ir.ber of the Women'B Christian Temperance union, and snnlt b entitled to th name representation; in all case, the delegate mufct bs a young woman. That the constitution be so amended as to harmonize with tha provisions of Ciia plan. Boas of Contention. The bone of conunuon In the cot.ventlon In the formation of iHs new society wa. the age limit. Some wanted an age limit of twenty-five years on the members of the Junior organizations, while other, wanted no limit j The matter as finally decided and rac-