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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1909)
AN Tim BKE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 13. 100J). Council Bluffs Council Bluffs Council Bluffs Council Bluffs 1 4 i i n Minor Mention Tna Council Blaff Offlo of th Omaha la at It Boot Street. Both 'Pheaas . Davis, drugs. CORRIQANS. undertakers. 'Phona Its. For rent, modern house, T2 tth avenu. Woodrliig Undertaking company. Tat. S3. Uwli Culler, fdneral director. 'Phona 17. FAU8T BEER AT ROGERS' BUFFET. When you want reliable want ad adver 1 ilslng, us Tha Bee. Deerlng binder and mowcn. Sperling A Trlplett, 127 Broadway. Wanted, a boy to carry Bea route. Apply U Bcott street, Omaha Bea. FALL. TERM Waatern Iowa college opena August JO. Bend lor catalog. BAIRD, LONQENECXER at BOLAND, Undertakere. 'Phone U2, M. Main aueet. Dr. W. W. Magarell, optomatiiat, moved to 206-2 City .National bank building. A marrlags license waa laaued yeeter day to VS lliiam Ureer. aged ill, of Council Illuffa and Nora Miller, aged Z3, of Hop kins, Mo. The Board of Supervisors ot Pottawat tamie county will mot today In adjourned session, at which time a number of drain age dltoh mauera are expected to coma up (or action. Walter H. Potthaat, a telegraph opera tor at Manning, la., and Will F. Schmidt, a farmer of Crawford county, have filed voluntary petitions In bankruptcy In tha federal court here. Jonas Johnsburg, aged Tl years, died yeaterday morning at his home, 2139 Ave nue D. He la aurvlved by a wife, two daughters, Mra. A. . C. Carlaon and Mrs. KUnhu Upariman both of (Hromsburg. Neb., and one eon. Henry Johniburg of Victoria. 111. Funeral aervlcea will be held thla mornliii at t:20 o'clock at tha family residence, after which the body will be taken to Btromsburg. Neb., for burial. Patrick Murphy, aged 28 yeara, claiming New York aa hie home, had a foot crushed, while trying to "Jump" a train In tha local vat-da of the North weatern railroad at late hour Wednesday night He waa taken In the rltv ambulance to Meroy hoapltal where City Physician Tubbe found It necessary to amputate the big toe of tha Injured foot. Murphy said he waa trying to beat Ills way to Clinton, la. . I - .1 I 111.. . I . , , AAWM died yesterday morning at nla home, 1435 North Fifteenth atreet. Ho la aurvlved by four daughtera, Mra. M. Wakehouee, Mra. Charli-s Patera. Mra. Fred NorgaJ and Mra. Elmer Lane, and three eons David. Edward and Fred. Blumenateln, all of whom are realdenta of Council Bluffs Deceased waa a native of Germany and had been a resident of Council Bluffs for thirty yeara. The funeral arrange ments have not been completed. Mrs. Lull May Mowery brought suit In the district court yeaterday for dlvorca from John Thumaa Mowery, to whom aha was married In Omaha on May 12, 1900, and from whom aha waa forced to sepa rate on July 16 of thla year, on account, aa aha allege, of hit eruel and Inhuman treatment. In addition to decree of dl vorca Mra. Mowery auks the court to award her the custody of their four minor children. Judge Wheeler, on tne appiica tion of -counsel for Mra. Mowery, yester day issued a temporary Injunction, re' straining the husband from molesting or Interfering with Mra. Mowery pending the determination of the suit. FRANCIS DIES OF WOUNDS Makes Statement Denying the Story of George Pride. LATTER IS HELD FOB MURDER Evldeaee Teaii t Baw lettm Hat the Asjaresso la tha" Fight aaa Waa Down Win Shot. Louie Francis, the negro shot by George PHde at the latter'a residence, uua Avenue B, Wednesday noon, died at an early hour yesterday morning at the Edmundson unrii hnsnltal. wnere ne was laaen soon after the ahootlng. An Information charging Pride with murder waa filed yesterday morning oy Assistant County Attorney Dillon Ross and Pride's preliminary hearing was set for thla morning before Judge Bnydc-r. The understanding yesterday was that Pride would waive 4 preliminary hearing and allow tha case to go direct to the district grand Jury, which will convene August 81, At the Inquest held yeaterday afternoon at the county court houae by Coroner TreynOr, the Jury composed of N. W Williams. O. J. McManus and Frank C Hendricks, returned the following verdict That Louis Francis came to his death by a gunshot wound from a revolver In tha hands ot one George i'rieie. Prtda was not present at the Inquea and his wife, although anxloua to testify was not allowed to take the atand by At tomey Charles M. Harl, who- appeared for Pride. There was no evidence at tha Inquest In support of Pride's assertion that ha shot Francis after the latter had attacked him with a raxor. On the other hand, such teg tlmony aa was presented tended to show that Pride deliberately shot and fatally wounded Francla after Pride had accused Francis of being Intimate with Mrs. Pride, llstenest of Victim. Dr. Donald Macrae and City Physician Tubba, who attended Francis, testified to tha ante-mortem statement made by th dying negro. They aald that Francis, who fully realised that he had but a short whll to llvs, between hla gasps for breath, thti bullet from Pride's revolver having pierced hla lung, begged to be permitted to kneel and make a statement. Thla the doctors refused on account of tha nature ot the man'a wound, and Francla, with uplifted hand, swore before God that what he said waa tha truth. He aald that Pride unjust. y accused him of being Intimate with his (Pride s) wife and ahot him without any provocation. Acting under directions from Coroner Treynor. Lr. Macrae and Tubbs performed an autopsy on the body of Francis and they further testified that they had found that tha bullet, after entering tha left side. pierced the edge of the left lung and emerged Just tinder the left shoulder blade. They found two severe concussions on the sku'l where Francis was struck by Pride with his revolver before the fatal ahot Was fired The wound, the doctors testified. In uicatea mat Francla waa ahot as he was arising to his feci after being felled by the blows fnm the revolver. Mrs. Lena Skalth, a white woman living act ess the atreet from tha Pride home, testi fied to hearing a noise as If some person had been struck a heavy blow, followed by two shots. After the two shots, the witness ald, Pride came out on the porch of hla house, then re-entered the house, when the witness heard tha sound of a third shot. following whlrh Pride again came out on me porcn, this with the revolver in his l and. RETAILERS HAVE ATI OVTIXO Large of Hat as member of th Hoard or Trustees to fill th vacancy raused by tha resignation of Victor E. Bender, who recently removed to Illinois Alteadaace la Salt Weather. A large crowd participated In the annual outing and picnic of the Council Bluffs Retail Grocers' and Butchers' association yesterday at Falrmount park. Many went to the park during the morning, but the festivities proper did not begin until 2 o'clock In the afternoon, at which time the band, after making a street car tour of the city, reached the park. Despite the Intense heat, everybody ap peared to have a good time, and this was especially true of the hundreds of children who throngsd the swings. The feature of the afternoon was the program of sports which kept the crowd occupied for about two hours. During the afternoon and again in the evening there was a band concert Following Is a summary of the sports: Girls' race, fifty yards: First, Gladys ttanooipn; seconm Lisale Downey; third, Nina Handrtx; fourth, Dorothy Nelson: fifth, Vera Williams. Boys' race, seventy-five yards: Fln.1, Gordon Fauble: second, George Clark: third, F. A. Potter; fourth, Sherman Fryer; iirtn, etewart narK. Married women's race, fifty yards: First, airs, u niei; second, Matti James; third, Etta Cooley; fourth, C. Kretchmer; fifth, airs, tu, k.. raoore; sixtn, Mrs. Donnelly, Men s nin-ciimbing contest: First, Arthur way ne; second, o. c. Brown; third, Fi A fotter; fourth, N. C. Oliver; fifth, A. U Fine Diamond Jewelry A Rare, Opportunity for Buying . The finest and best In elegant jewelry at prices without profit: C7C ( kfl Beautiful Diamond and Pearl Sunburst O 0 U U Brooch, 14-Karat Gold, can ft A AA be used ns Pendant POuvU $65.00 brilliant Diamond Solitaire Diamond Brooch, 14-Karat Gold Mounting, perfect, CCA 'V fl y C A A Magnificent Diamond Brooch, 14-Karat vD I 4J ,J J Gold Mountmsr. Solitaire Diamond in center, surrounded by ten smaller Diamonds . . $95:00 7 C A A Diamond Bracelet, fine hand engraved, 14 vp eJ.UU Karat Gold, secret joint' and catch, set with three beautiful " QL( A A VJUViVV Diamonds CT f? A A A Ruby and Diamond Bracelet, Roman finish, vDajUalll 14-Karat Gold, secret joint and catch, set with one Ruby and two Diamonds $35.00 CfP A A Handsome Garnet Bracelet, Genuine Bo- tPJUU hemian Garnets, brilliant ly cut, secret joint and catch $26.00 $75.00 ;mond in center $60.00 Gold. Fine Diamond Locket, 14-Karat Solid Gold, large Solitaire Dia- $62.50 Diamond and Pearl Horse Shoe Scarf Pin, ..-......$45.00 $50.00 two Diamonds in each button Diamond and Ruby Cuff Buttons, 14-Karat Gold, one large Ruby and (PM CA vjJa-r 9 iiu These are but a suggestion of the many fine pieces in our stock that will be sacrificed for cash during the next few days. LEFFERT'S TRfSTEES FOR PEIO FINDS Caaarll Preparing to Pnt tt l.aer In Operation. The city council. It Is expected, will at its meeting next Monday night take steps to organise boards of trustees to have charge of the pension funds for retired and dlsnblcd members of the police and fire departments under the law providing for such pensions, which went Into effect on July 4. Tender th statute the city tressurer and city solicitor are made members of both boards of trustees, acting In one case with the chief of th fir department and In th other with th chief of th police de partment. The law provides In relation to each pen sion fund that "all rewards In money, fees, gifts or emoluments of every kind or na ture, except when allowed to be retained or given to endow a medal or other pre- manent or competitive reward on account of extraordinary service, and all fines and penalties Imposed upon member shall be paid Into said pension fund." The question has arisen whether the prise money won by th Council Bluffs fire team at the recent state firemen's tournament at Davenport must be turned Into th pen sion fund tor the fir department. This Is a question which will have to be deter mined by the trustees. The city council has ordered a tax levy of U mill for each pension fund, which will bring In a revenue of about $1,000 for each fund. No pensions can b paid to either firemen or police officers before January 1, 110, and so far no applications have been made by members of either de partment. Several applications can be looked for. It Is said, before the first of the year. Scliools AND olio f OS Newton, Boys' shoe contest: First, Tom Pranty; second, Harry Henderson; third. Willie Cohn; fourth, Herman Nelson; fifth, Ueortie Young women's race, fifty yards: First, Minnie Olson; second, Anna Amy; third .ditn Hlnrlch; fourth, Gertrude Smith; nun, uum xvisor. women s egg race, twenty-five yards: ruse, mmnie uison; second, airs. E. E Moore; tnird, H. D. Williams; fourth. Grace maitaon; inn, Mrs. George Brown, at men a race, fifty yards: First, R. leviotaaie; second. Howard Huff: third Herman Bartmelter; fourth, Walter Short. women s pie-eaung contest: First, Mln nie Olson; second. Edith Hlnrlch- thiri Mrs. William Brown; fourth, Julia Meyer; mu, mis. vtt numore. Mopping race, clerka and deliverymen: First. Frd flliw runH a r-o.t... . third, Jordan Fauble; fourth,' J. P. ChrlstofI ferson; fifth, o. R. Thomas; sixth, Stewart Potato race: First; W. M. Nelfert; sec ond, Joseph Omaek; third, Peter Balduff; lounn, j. n. nancock. Women'a hill-cllmblng contest: First, Minnie Olson; second, Nina Carl; third. Pearl McCall; fourth, Julia Meyer; fifth. Mrs. E. E. Moore; sixth, Edith Hlnrlch. Broad Jump: First, E. Countryman: sec ond, Korenson; third, Townsend; fourth. Clay Platner. Three-legged race: Ftrst, Elmer Moore and P. Dougherty; second, O. C. Brown and A. O. Newton; third, B. Cherry and H. Dagus; fourth, F. A. Prouty and G. Fauble. Women'a bail-throwing contest: First, Nina Cone; second, A. Gordon; third. C. Kretchmer; fourth, Blanche Cottrell; fifth. Mrs. Mattheson. Free-for-all foot race, seventy-five yards: First, Fred Shaw; second, Moore; third. A. O. Newton; fourth, G. Fauble; flftb, H. Dagus.' ' ." N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 160. Night, F-1709. yOU won't find a better school for your boy than Racine College. Our wonderful success in de veloping character is the best reason you can have for sending your boy to us. "Write for par ticulars. Racine Colleee. Racine, Wis. Summer camp affiliated. Direct action gas stoves save gas. Be them and know why. P. C. Da Vol Hard ware Co. fiM Broadway. s Arthur J. Chiasm Dead. Arthur J. Chlsam. son of C. H. Chlsam, president of the Council Bluffs Coal and Ice company, died yesterday morning at his rooms at th corner of First avenue and Seventkr atreet, after a prolonged Ill ness from tuberculosis, aged St years. Mr. Chlsam was a poiular member of the Council Bluffs lodge of Elks and funeral services will be held In the lodge rooms this afternoon at 4 o'clock, conducted by Dr. Otterbeln O. Smith, chaplain of the lodge. Following the services the body will be taken to Atlanta, 111., for burial. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN HOT WATER HEATING PLANT AND NEW INLAID LINOLEUM. INQUIRE AT LEFFERT8, 409 BROADWAY. WHAT SCHOOL Information concerning th ad vantages, rates, extent of our rlculum and ether data about th beat schools and colleges can be obtained from the School and College Information Bureau of Ibe Omaha Bee All Information absolutely free and impartial. Catalogue of any particular achool cheerfully fur nished upon request Rail roa 4 Flies Mortgage. A supplemental mortgage from th Union Paclflo Railroad company to the Equitably Trust company of New York for S. 402,000 waa filed for record In thla city yesterday. The Indenture filed yesterday Is supple mental to a first refunding mortgage ct Jure 1, 1906, for the Issuance of bonds not exceeding 1300,000,000. Since that date Im provements have bean mad upon th system to th amount of tS.4ttL000 and these are by th supplemental mortgage sub jected to th original mortgage. Cameras and E. Alexanders, THE COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN. THE DIAMOND THEATER. VMmmaeBgggBSMttESBBUBBIUKtBI'l" ' i ' i'VII' fills aCSS Program far Park Dedication. Arrangements for the exercises this even ing which will mark the dedication of Lincoln park and commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's visit to Counotl Bluffs, were completed yester day. As previously announced Congress man Walter I. Smith will preside and the proceedings will be enlivened by tnuslc"by Covalt's band. Rev. James M. Williams, pastor of Broadway Methodist 'church, a relation of the martyred president, will deliver the Invocation. Following Is th complete program of th exercises: Music by Prof. Covalt's band. uvuvauon oy nev. j. m. Williams, pastor mcinuuin .episcopal cnurch. Address by Hon. Charles M. Harl. Muslo by CovaJt's band. Address by Dr. Charlotte McCluskey representing Daughtera of th American Revolution. f ormii presentation of the new Lincoln " ueeu to tne Board of Park Commissioners by Hon. Thomas Maloney mayor. Formal acceptance of the park and deed by Hon. A. C. Graham, president of the uumu ui r commissioners. Muslo by Covalt'a band. aiDlUAU AND FAMILY USE BUY YOUR LIQUORS AT R08ENFELD LIQUOR CO., 19 8. Main. Phones 3328. S3B Real Estat Transfers. meee iransrers war reported to Th Bo August 12 by th Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council uiufrs; Claus Ehmk to Lena Ehmk. lots I and 4 and n7 feet lot i, block 4. Noes' add. to Walnut, w. d I Edward McEvoy. single, to Richard McEvoy. w(t neli. 10-77-43. w. d David J. Hutchinson, widower, to Charles Kontgmacher, trustee, lot 10. block 16, Grimes' add. to Coun cil muiis, w. a iwv , , iu Carolina Levin, lot 10, original plat, Council Bluffs, q. c. d C. W. Stall! and wife to Margaret' l! McGee, lot 3. Greenwood sub nwW ae'i and s26. acres ot swV neV, i-i.-vi, w. a 3 fwi .. iinuHiiii ana wire to Kiddle's Bub. In Council Bluffs w d Wllilard E. Curtis and wife to a" a . Clark, 2 acres. In nwU u ii.7r. 44. w. d. Total, seven transfera WO M.HIp T , - i . . . uu urai-ciass worK reasonable. I make suits for 115. skirts. S5. I also do altering to sun. would you give me a trial? Th ""IU". iaies tailoring. R, H. Emlein, i""i"'ui. nicer cirkln Bros. SJ a. Aiain tit. Photographic Supplies. C. 83J Broadway. Pythians Beat Plan for Home Iowa Grand Lodg-e Vote Down Prop osition by Hundred Majority Dei Moines Next. SIOUX CITY, la., Aug. 12. (Special Tele gram.) The principal feature of the ses sion of th grand lodge. Knights of Pythias, this morning waa the defeat of the plan for the establishment of a Pythian home In Iowa. Th proposition waa beaten by nearly 100 votes. The place ot holding the next convention has not been decided, but It Is generally conceded that Des Moines will be selected. It Is possible that either a night session will be held or a meeting tomorrow to finish the business. At th afternoon session of th Iowa grand lodge. Knights of Pythias, Des Moines waa formally selected as the meet ing plac In 1910. At the last moment Dubuque retired from the race and the cap ital city had no opposition. Several Important changea were mad lit the by-lawa of the order. It was found necessary to hold another session tomorrow to complete th business. Equal to a Course in a School of Agriculture Read the Twentieth Cen tury Farmer from week to week an up-to-dat agricultural Journal that keeps In touch with the most scientific methods and latent experiments. Address TWIimSTB OXsTTVBT TAM.HZM, Omaha. Only On Dollar a Tsar. COLLEGE PH ymfaetf lor sssssss buriiint lite la s modern, siactlnl ackaoL i Wt offer anaqualM aa nnuin. Na taloaat la Llncola t 900 aixlrsu sasMSBBS UMrur. Holaensfaar Jr diplomat easunana tne bait litaatlona. W Write lot arotsecnu and set full lalonsauas. I LINCOLN BUaiMIS OOLLtOI I go N. 13th SirM, llaala, Hasraasa I 180 I 1200 STUDENTS YPIRIY N Teaetaaa all OoaunemlsJ MasMSvar. Branch!, BoaKatptnf , Xhorthuid, Tpawrftlnd. Knglllfc, CMI Sorrlra. Tl aa i Sob poi aaraphjr. OOtrlal Tralnlnc piairrmpn ai4. Wrlta toda; R. hool U. r. K. H. Taleo-ranl ipartmrnt. May work for . In, hi Ovi ;,iA. NEBRASKA fV. ! hi rotIm. Pro. The oldest school is not necessarily the best. The largest school is not nlwnye the best. The best school is the one thrt hna the best courses of study, has the best teachers nnd is indorsed by every one of its students. On the 28th day of May, 1909, the students of All de partments of the Mosher-Lampman College met and unan imously adopted a set of resolutions from which the follow ing is an extract. 1. That th Mohr-Dampman College furnishes It students, ot all dopartmenta, th Instruction of capabl and expert teachra of many yeara" experience. t. Th personal attention and individual instruction of auch teacher are of untold advantage to the students of this college. I. W know by the work done by our fellow atudenta, who hav already completed their courae of study, that the system of shorthand and method of bookkeeping taught In this college are exceptionally practical and capable of producing results that are unsurpassed. If Indeed they ar equalled by th methods In us In any othsr business college. t. Th Moshr-Dampman Colleg affords Ha studnt th I'KKSON At, Instruction ef one of Amerlca'a foremost penmen. . The Mosher-Lampman College makes good vry representation and pledge in lta catalogue and advertising. . Th Mosher-Lampman College la fair and square In its dealings, and reasonable In th price it charges for book and school supplies. 7. The Moahtr-Lampman College takes a deep Interest in th welfar of IM atudenta, not alone while they ar in school, but to our knowledge, after they have completed their courses, manifesting thia interest by being ever on th alert for obtaining higher and better positions for Its ex-aludenta. I The Mosher-LAmpman College takes a henrty Interest promo tion of athletics, not alona In spirit but In financial support. . Th superiority of th Mosher-Lampman College la all the more apparent to some Of ua who have prevloualy attended other schools. There- r RESOLVED, That w, th tudnte now In attendance at the Mosher Lampman College, being In a position to know whereof we speak, take pleas ure In giving this formal expression of our endorsement of the Mosher Lampman College, and that we hereby recommend thla Institution to young men and women of the WEST, and assure them that here they will find a school, which by reason of lta unexcelled courses of atudy, capable Instruc tors, honest dealings, and keen Intereat In tha Welfare ot Us students, Is fully worthy of their patronage. Cut this ad out and mall It to- us and we will give you credit for 11.00 t apply on your bonks when you enter School, and also mall you a copy free of "OUARANTEED HTATEMKNT8", which Is perhaps the most spicy and reliable business colieg catalogue ever published In the west Addreaa, MOSHER-LAMPMAN, 17th and Faraam Streets, - - Omaha, Neb. MT. ST. JOSEPH COLLEGE AND ACADEMY DUBUQUE, IOWA. Conducted by the Sisters of Charity, B. V. M. MTIQIP Domestic Science, lYlUulV' Art, Expression. 1 Special Courses. Normal Courae lor Teachers. Full Courses leading to Diplomas. The Best Instruction. Reasonable Rates. Healthful and Helpful College Surroundings. Woman's College, Bex 26 JackteavilW, IU. Supposed Murder Victim is Alive Congratulates Man Who Was Tried and Aoqnitted of Alleged Crime. CHARLES C1TT, la., Aug. 11 (Special Telegram.) Charles Boyer, for whose mur der Lafe Phillips was arrested, tried and acquitted a week ago, showed up here to day and congratulated Phillips on his ac quittal, lie had been at Spring Valley, Minn. STOP STAMMERING I eura quliklf, complatalr ana pernunantlr tha moat stubborn cam at aummarlng. I CAN CURE YOU Mr apaolaltf li volra and tpaaeh dataet wblck othera fall to aura. Mr malhod la tha moat aua u(ul In tha world. No lallura In II raara' prat tlca. Wrlta at onea tor sartlculara. 1. B. Vaughn, Praa., lnatltuta tor gummarara, 410-411 Raima Bla., Omaha. Nab. ). L& uJCaJgjj CffisCj, - a-fyp1 F""" ieV - aa. ' ar .. ' ffltt II aPiilflRB I I iM.tJBJsasVr Collegiate Degrees, University Affiliation. Excellent facili ties offered for the education of Young Women. Conservatory of Music and Art, Domestic Science. One mile from Dubuque. 4l2 hours' ride from Chicago. Direct railroad connections with Omaha, St. Paul and St. Louis. Extensive grounds Pineries. Private Rooms. Normal Course. Grammar Department. Business Course. For Catalogue address SISTER SUPERIOR. COTNER UNIVERSITY. Special advantages offered to Collegiate, Ministerial, Medical, Normal, Academy, Music, Elocution, Art and Business stu dent. Oood equipment. State Teachers' Certificates granted Normal graduate. William Prince Aylsworth. Chancellor. Catalogue and Art Souvenir Free, Add re Dept. "J." Coiner University, Bethany (Uneola), Xbrasa. a" j GOOD POSITIONS AWAIT 0UB GRADUATES Lineoln. Nebraska. A hi ih crada achool eondsctag by a atrons faculty nd preparing lor Ike boat poallloae. Ideal loeatlos. Ns loom In Lincoln, rail Opanlas Sapt. 1. Writs tor baaullfa! eata. logua. Aadraaa W. M. Bryant. rr., 1611 O ItraaL Uncolu. Nab. THOUGHT HE WAS MARRIED Peculiar Delastoa - Causes Iowa City Mas to Kill Him. aelf. IOWA CITT, la., Aug. l.-(8peclal.)-Imaglnlng that he was married, although he had no wife, and that enemlea were torturing himself and bride, William Dob rey, aged years, killed himself by drink lng carbolic acid while on one ot the main streets of this city. renasylTaala, afereersburg. Hereersburo Academy lor Hoys College Preparatory Courses Personal Internal taken, with aim to Inxplre. In pupils lofty ideal of scholarship. sound Judgment ad Christian manllnesa. For catalogue address, William Mann Irrlna. PH. D., Praa. FOREST PARK Xroeger. btockhoff Towera, Plaao, Piano, Voice. I COUNCIL Jl tU.UFFS.JU Book stack for Library. At the adjourned meeting of the Board or Trustee of th public library last even lng bid from thre firms for ths new steel i . . . . uuuk smcKs wer received. Th... kih. rang from i00 to 5,100 and wer referred to President Dean and the committee on booka and catalogues with power to aot. " " oooa stacks win form a seoond tier over the present stacks with a glass floor between them. Mayor Maioney announced yeaterday that he would appoint Theodor Laskowskl, cashier of th Council Bluff Savings bank, itth Tear. OoUag and Collage Prapartorr, Certiflcato admits to Wellesley, Smith, VssHar ana hi. noiyoKe Gymnasium, tsxpres slon. Prompt applica tion necexsary. Board and tuition 1266-2. lUS. AJTHA IIIZD CAZKIta, Praat I. IiODU. MO. 14 Instructors OVERSITT fS3S3aSaaS' rpwnell For Young' Women And Girls I tSTI ' I Omm m JL. Ntki 11 tsrm. isJ Omah. . Ntkrmskm High standard, attraotlva surrounding, happy horns ll(a. ColUga preparatory, aoadamlo and oollaglata oouraa. Certificate admlti to Vasaar, WUaley, Smith, Mount Holyoke, University of Cbicago, University of Nebraska, etc. Pull equipment for instruction In nm s. MAUDS, m. domestio science and domestic art. Native French and German teachers. Exceptional advantage in muslo and art. The Dishop of Nebraska. Aw Principal. 'President Board of Trustees. The Influence of Teachers who are recognized masters music, is of great importance to the student. The University School of Music X.IKCOX.V, aXBaVABXA Write for Catalogue "B". Fall term begins Sept. 6th. EDUCATION for Partlawler aSSraas roii"Tio auaaau. Q laaaaatigi. NEBRASKA WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY COUIttB OP Z.IXZKAI. ABT Qrsduates of accredited schools are admit ted to thla department without examination. I-ads to A. B. degree, with high grade Instruction, reasonable eapense. In a community and achool whose nor mal, social and literary opportunities and eurruundlnga are the best. Information regarding thla department, or The Teaohere' College, Tha a ademy, The Boaool of Art, The Bohool of Gumma roa, Th School of Saprea f.lon and Oratory. Th Cnserratory of Mnalo or any other department will be furnlahed upon annllcatlon to The Registrar, Dsat. P. University Plac, sTso. LcflcrTs Lcmctll al el sT aava if v jT aa Iiii III dpt T WTTTTH' flfiT T HTm With a beautiful campus and elevating aur tt&l,JJVUE.vUilXiUJ!j roundlng,, a Ur, ni bi. faculty, clean and aucceasfut athletics, offers at a low expense the following courses: OOLLBaB Degrees In Classical, Scientific and Philosophical Courses. ACADEMIC Preapratlon for any Collrga or University. BOaVsaAI. aCmOOI. Elementary and advanced couraaa. State certlflcatas ,rncoIIBVATOT Theory of muslo. piano, voice, violin, elocution and art Modern dormitories for both men and women. AAdsaea PaVBB. B. W. ITOOIIT, llLLlTCl, BEB. Ion Western Military Academy r..'i Ideal location near St. Louie, fix madam buildings. Plr proof Barracks. Excep tionally strong acadsmlo and military departments Hlgheaf accredited collage rela tions. Rated Class "A" by War Department. Atnietirs encouragea. waiting Hat en:iu Sana waa. ava.aa aa. m ally. Immediate application adv COI. ALBXBT M. JACXIOaT, A. BL. Supt MISSOURI MILITARY ACADLMV Educates the Whole Man! Select, limited, thorough ! The Ideal school for nice boys. No Failures! The crowded school cannot touch us Turns out finished scholars and polished gentlemen. Give your boys the best chance, even if it does cost a little more. Do not estimate their welfare in dollars and cents. That would be pitiful. Send them to the school that makes no failures! AddreaB, Col. W. D. FONVILLK, Mexico, Io. Ilog A-2I. A plac where manly boys are made Into manly men. Home life combined with aeml-mllltary discipline. Prepares for all colleges and . for business life. Location healthful and building fire proof. All athletics, and all carefully supervised. Writ for Illustrated catalogue. HARRY N. RUSSELL, Head Master, : : Kearney, Nebraska. Hastings, Nebraska TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR BEGINS SEPTEMBER 7 A. LIVE COLLEGE rOR YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN Wcntworth Military Academy Oldest and Largest In Middle West Highest rating by War Department. Iniantry, Drill. Courses of study prepare tor Universities Government Supervision. Infantry, Artillery and Cavalry iiovemment Academies or tor Business Lite. Accredited by North Central Association of Schools and Colleges. Manual Training. Separata Department for Small Boys. For catalogue, a Jdresa Taa Baertary. Bo A. t-ealaytoat. Mo. 1