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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1909)
THE OMATIA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. FEBRUARY 22. 1909.' 3 ( 4 If- NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL 0 Wcs 15 Scott Street. MINOR MENTION. Davis, ting. Berwick, wall paper. Lewis Catlar. funaral director. Thons XI. Woodrtng Undertaking company. Tal. tt. KAt.'BT BEER AT ROGERS' BUFFET. Majestic ranges. P. C. DeVol Hdwra. Cx Cut flowrra. Herman Bros., florists, 10 Pearl street. Pyrography outflta and wood. Alexan der', KB Broadway. Two. three or five rooms for rant. 131 West Broadway, upstalra BAIRD. LONOENECKER ROLAND, undertaker Phone 122. 14 N. Main Bt. TUB DKMOHTFl'I. comfort of perfectly fitting glasses. Ur. Terry affords thla at l.effert's. The annual meeting of the Commercial otfi. ar which fifty directors will be eleNrd, will be held Wednesday, March 3. O R Wlrkham left laat evening on a visit t Bart lea vl In. Okl. Knroute he will visit hla son, Robert, at St. Mary'a Kan. The first shoot for the Petersen eV Hrhoenlng trophy will be held thla after noon at the grounds of tba Pottawattamie Oun club at Xiniaa. Mlaa Beanie Beno left Thuraday for a visit with friend In New York City, Sh was accompanied to Chicago by her brother, Mr. Lion Beno. Council Bluffa chapter. Daughter of the American Revolution, will give a Martha Washington card party Monday evening al the home of Mra. Drayton W. BuahnelL A general meeting of all the chaptera of the Woman guild of St. Paul'a Episcopal church will e held Monday afternoon at the home of Mra. M. F. Kohrer on Vine street. The Woman'e auxiliary will meet Friday afternoon at the home of the presi dent, Mra. fcrumet Tlnley, on Willow JJ.enue. Dave Roach . and John Lewla, charged with breaking and entering the .chicken houae of Thomaa Johnon, took a change of venue yesterday from the police court to the court of Juetice Cooper, where their hearing waa continued until March la. Roach and Iewla each gave bonds In the aum of I'JOO for their appearance In court on that date. Prof. M. L Bowman will 'addreaa the men a meeting under the auepirea of the Young Men'a Christian association at the Flral Bnptlat church at 4 o'clock thla aft ernoon. Trut. Bowman, who la a member of the faculty of the Iowa State Agricul tural college at Ames, will take as the sub ject of his address, ."The Value of An Education." and Mlaa Martha Florence Byera of this city were married Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Landls. 2lt Beventh avenue. Rev. Jamea M. Williams, pastor of the Broadway Math odist church, performed the ceremony In the presence of Immediate relatives and a few Intimate friend of the bride and groom. Mr. and Mra. Lorlmor will re alda on the groom'a farm In Union county. . Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee February 20 by the Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffa: Julius Rasmussen, single, to Louis RasmuHtrQ, und. H of lot 10, In block II. in Crawford's add. to Council Bluffs, w. d. . t 1 Benjamin Fehr Real Eatale company . to Ida M. Bnvder. lota II to t. in block It, In Railroad add. to Council Bluffs, w. d. Interstate Realty company to Mayma Fj. Johnson, lot 7, In block II, In Evans' 2d Bride add. to Council Bluffa, w. d Boons Humbert and wife to Joseph Stroehele, lot 24, In block 1, In Gates' add. t- Oakland, w. d A. U. Paul and wife to W. H. West, lot . in block 12, In original plat of Oakland, w. 1 Charles M. Axtell and wife to Peter 1,000 ISO 650 SO Nelson, ne nw4 of 15-77-43. w. d.. J.000 Chicago. Rock Island Pacific Rail roita company to wnrg iiurn, aw'i sw4 of 26-77-44, q. c. d, W. O. Jewell and wife to Robert H. Graham, -H nw4 of 12-T4-41. w. d.. Willie J. Gider)Hn, unmarried, to Henrietta Ouderjan, und. 1-t of aV, .a n'4 of 84-;ti-40 and wH aw of 21- 0 "fib-it), q. c. d vide, M. McKee and husband to Ar ('. lewls. mek of 16-74-39. J 7,200 7.300 Toil I ten transfera U'1,453 lfyUr Old High School Sit. A p'tltliOvill be presented to the Board of EducatlihNpt Ita meeting next Wednea day night aske that the alta of the old . high achool on yilgh School avenue, be tween Glrn avenue and Third street, be cut down and a grade school costing 130,000 erected thereon.' ft Is the Intention of the petitioners to have the proposition sub mitted at the coming school election. The petition waa filed with Secretary Hughes laat evening. ' ' Frank F. Evereat, on of those engaged In circulating the petition, yeaterday aald that It Waa not the Intention to oak that th work be dona Immediately, but the people of that section of the city felt that auch a school waa needed now and that It would be en absolute necessity within two or three years. Bell Mel for Baneeaaleaaeat. Harry Bell, against whom a charge of mbeaalement had been filed . by Louis Grell. proprietor of a meat market on Weat Broadway, by whom Bell waa formerly em ployed, waa arreated yeaterday morning in Missouri Valley and later In the day was brought back to Council Bluffa by Detec tive Callaghan and lodged In the city tall. In the Information It la alleged that Bell was Instructed to take a horse to Omaha and sell It for 166. It t alleged that Bell -ild the animal and a saddle for $55 and .den left the city without accounting ' to Grell for th money. Bell, who la about Q yeara of age, will have a preliminary hear ing In police court tomorrow morning. CloalMaT '9 strait Show Baslae. The meeting of the board of directors of th National Horticultural conjrress to have been held last evening has been postponed until next Tuesday evening. The board will meet at that time In the rooms of the Commercial club to clear up tb . business of tb 19C8 session and fruit show and to formulate plana for the 190s exhibition. It la poaslble that President W. & Keellne may appoint some of the standing commit tee so that a atart on preparing for the next fruit show may b made. ' 4 Marriage I,tra. LJcensea to wed were Issued yesterday to th following: ' Nam and Realdenoe. Age. Clarence U Mauer. Mlnden. la JS Margaret ha A. Duerr, Mmden. Ia 23 Burleigh. M. Painter. Iewla. Ia... S Christ In Swingle, Walnut, Ia m H. T. Plumbing Co. T.L 260. Night. F-1701 Uad wi:,Sei!r.f k!r.i!:,i. Stan U it Sic: v Stares. Sae tt TO-DAY, it 1514 Doufilas St.. Cisaha. Lelfcrt's'SESi? Lenses ssFhf ., al As SOT UNI sal lasM ajww " ' lassl. ee Miui sart Ctwwa CoetfsM BLUFFS. Doth 'Phone 43. GRAND JURY FINISHES .UP Fails to Beindict in Sereral Cases Which Were Quashed. 0ITE OF BATTET CASES IN LIST GamhllBK Char Acalasc Job. If. Skeffler Igaored, bat Jadire De ellaes to Dlsaals Bond II I Held to March Tersa. The district court grand Jury reported Saturday afternoon alx Indictments and was discharged for the term. As Judge Thomell wm on the point of adjourning court In order that he might go to Sidney to spend Sunday with hla family, he turned the batch of Indictments over to th clerk of tha court with Instructions to lock them, up In Ma safe until Monday. No bond were fixed, no bench warrants Is sued and th Indictments will not b made public until Monday. Tho record, however, show that the grand Jury failed to return Indictments In several of the case which had been re submitted to R. On February 10 Indictments were quashed In seven caaes. It being shown to the court on the testimony of H. V. Battey, former clerk of the district court, and Ernest Lathrop, former deputy county recorder, that th grand Jury for 1908 had been 'improperly drawn. Tha In dictments thus quashed were as follows: One against John N. Scheffler for run ning a gambling house; two against H. V. Battey. one for embetxlerwrtt and one for forgery; two against May Noble, one for keeping a house of III fame and the other for maintaining a nuisance; one against George Townley for maintaining a nulsanoe, and one Jointly against Gua Volkua, Charle Perrtne and William Frailer for maintaining a gambling house. The entry of Judge Thornell In th court record shows that In the case In which H. V. Battey, former clerk of the district court, was charged with forgery, the grand Jury had failed to return a fresh Indict ment. The entry reads: "Cause dismissed by grand Jury, defendant discharged and bond exonerated." No such entry appear In the record aa to the case In which Mr. Battey was charged with embeislement, so It Is presumed that the grand Jury has found a new Indictment on this charge. Soma Who Go Free. The granl Jury failed to return new In dictments In the following cases which were resubmitted to It: Georga Townley, saloon-keeper, charged with maintaining a nuisance; Charlca Perrlne, Qua Volkua and William Frailer, formerly Indicted Jointly on the charge of keeping a gambling, house, and John N. Sheffler, charged with keeping a gambling houae. In th caae of John Sheffler the court de clined to discharge th defendant and or dered that he be held to th grand Jury at the March term of court. Sheffler's bond was placed at S400. which h furnished dur ing th afternoon. The grand Jury appeared to have some trouble In reaching a conclusion In the caaea against H. V. Battey, the former clerk of the . district court . 8hortly after court convened yesterday - momng it ap peared before Judge Thornell arid through Its foreman, A. K. Chambers, ' asked for further Instructions. In response to a question from the court. Foreman Chamber stated that the evi dence before tho grand Jury Indicated that the funds which Battey waa charged with embessling had been repaid to the county and member of the grand Jury desired to ascertain whether they should take this fact Into consideration In determining whether new Indictments should now be re turned. Judge Thornell read to the Jury th law on embezxlement, explaining Its provisions at some length. Tha return of the property, he Informed the Jury, did not exonerate the accused person. Following these Instructions, Foreman Chambers Indicated that there was some thing further which the grand Jury de sired to communicate to th court and at th former's request all persons except the Judge, th county attorney and the mem bers of tha Jury wer excluded from the court room. County Attorney Hess also left the court room In a few minutes, leav ing th Judg and the grand Jury alone. Later Mr. Battey was admitted. What transpired at thla interview- waa not made public. Hearlagr la Salooa Caso. ' Th hearing in th contempt proceedings against Hansen' at Nielsen, saloon men, waa begun yeaterday before Judg Thornell. Th proceedings grew out of th suit of Mra Ivy Goldsberry against Hansen Nielsen, In which th' Jury awarded Mra. Goldsberry S500 damages for th sal of liquor by the defendants to her minor aon, Bert 8ult. Following 'th rendering of th verdict Judge Thornell ordered th county attorney to file th contempt caae against th saloon men, an Injunction having been obtained against them in 1904 by Attorney 8. B. Wadsworth. For th state Suit and several other young men were called aa wttneae to testify that they 'were minors and had purchased liquor f th defend ants. Theso alleged sale were denied by th defendanta, whi testified that they had repeatedly refused to sell to Suit and had notified him to keep away from their saloon at 230 Weat Broadway. Th hear ing was not completed yesterday and will be resumed Monday. Walter Goodwin, the "boy nurglar" en tered a plea of guilty to breaking and en tering th Hanna bom on South Tenth atreet and will b sentenced Monday, He was also Indicted on th charge of larceny from a building. In connection with th asm burglary. Big Dolagts by Eal. Council Bluffa aerie. Fraternal Order of Eagiea, to planning for a big initiation to be followed by a banquet Friday evening. A class ct 160 candidate will b Instructed In the art of flying. At the banquet there will b a program of toaata, music, both Instrumental and vocal and other features. Among tb speakers will b Mayor Jamea Dahlman of Omaha. Mayor Thomas Mo loney of Council Bluffs. Goorg F. West of Omaha. Harry M. Flehearty, editor of th "Mld-Wet Eagle"; J. M. Tanner of South Omaha, Emmet Tlnley and 8. B. Wadsworth of this city. If th arrange inenta can ba mad th Initiation cera moniea and banquet will b held In th auditorium. Holiday Hoar MoaaUy. . " Th banks will be closed Monday, It be ing a legal holiday, and at th city ball Washington's birthday will b observed by closing all of tb office except that of th city clerk, who will keep open until noon. At th county court houa th office of th treasurer, auditor and recorder will b clueed, but a district court win b In scs sios th offloes of th clerk and ta sheriff will have to b open. Th stores. It is understood, will b open for business as usual, but the aaloons will have to keep closed. Tb public library 111 observe Ua holldiy and wlU be clod. . Postmaster Haxelton announce th fol lowing hours at the postofflce: Stamp window, general delivery window and money older and registry department will b open from S until 11 a. m. Carrlera will make but one delivery, leaving the postofflce at S a. m. There will b a busi ness collection msd In the afternoon, car rier leaving the postofflce at 1 p. m . and a collection In the evening, carrier leaving the postofflce at 7 p. m. There will be no service on rural free delivery routea OLD EXGIXEEK IS PESIOXED Iowa Ceatral Retire Falthfal Servaat After Forty-Foar Yean Servle. MARSHALLTOWN. Ia. Feb. -(Special.) Moses Arquette, aged 69 years, and th oldest engineer of th Iowa Central, and In length of continuous service prob ably on of the oldest engineers of the west, has been pensioned and retired by the Iowa Central. Arquette pulled tha con struction train that built moat of the road from Mason City to this city, and ha pulled the first train Into both cities. Ho is alao th first engineer th road has aver pen stoned. He wss given pay for th rest of his life at the rate of SfiO a month. For forty-four years Arquette has been an engine man. He began railroading on the Illinois Central In 1SR4. H ran from Dubuque to Waterloo, Cedar Falls and Iowa Falls at various times. In 1861 he came to the Iowa Central, when Its head quarters were at Kldora, and th terminals of -Its line wer Ackley and Eldora. For fifteen years he baa had tha "preferred" run on the road. In all hla iort-fr -jr -years of railroading he has never had an accident which cost the life of his fireman or any member of his train's crew or any of the passenger. Tha engines he has pulled have been de railed and have had other minor accidents, but none that ever cost a passenger or railroad employ a life. H himself has never been Injured In an accident. BREAKS IP MOURNING PARTY CHatoa Mas Retarns Homo la Tim to Stop Faaeral Arraaceaacata. CLINTON, Ia., Feb. fl.-(8peclal.) While Ma friends mourned for him, following the receipt of news from Waterloo that h had fallen under a train and come to. hla death, Elmer Cleary, a former Northwest ern trainman of this City, today alighted In this city well and uninjured. Today efforts are being made to ascertain the origin of the rumor, which was so thor oughly believed here, that Cleary'a death in all Its tragic details was published in the local papers, with short biographical sketches, and even the announcement of the probable time of the funeral and place of burial. It ia said that th rumor waa started as a practical Joke. Hot Bricks Caase Gaagrea. ' BIOUX CITT, Ia, Feb. 21.-(SpeclJ.)-Becaus hla wife laat week placed heated brlcV.s at his feet when he retired for th night, M. B. Kent of Elk Point, 8. D.. I In a Sioux City hospital, where he under went an amputation of a part of hla left foot to prevent the spreading of gangrene. Doubt Is expressed for his ultimata re covery. Mr. Kent haa been suffering from diabetes and from poor circulation of ' the blood. It waa because of this - that th heated brick waa placed In hla bed. Iowa News Notes. CRESTON Th Baptist people ar plan ning to, begin a series of revival meetings at their church Sunday, under tha leader ship of their state evangelist.' Rev. Fred Berry of Indianola. ATLANTIC Miss Minnie McAfe of Anita and Charles Snyder of South Dakota were married yesterday afternoon at the Methodist parsonage by Rev. Griffith. They will make their home in Hurley, 8. D. CENTERVILLE The new home of the Centervllle Elks' lodge, a three-story brick block, costing $22,000, which waa begun late last fall, will be completed in a few weeka and will be occupied at once by the lodge. ATLANTIC Mlsa Haiel M. Barnea and Harry Woolaey were married yeaterday at the home of the groom'a parents in the west part of the city. Justice PreeCnall per forming the ceremony. They will live her. CRESTON The Lemar McDonald farm, consisting of 160 acres, two miles and a half south of this city, waa Bold yeaterday to Al Wilson of this place for 1120 per acre. Thla la one of the best farma In the county. ATLANTIC Shortly before noon yester day the Starlin case was given to the Jury and at 6:30 they returned with a verdict of "guilty." fixing the value of the stolen property at ISO. The Judge haa not yet given the sentence. MASSES A L. C. Mitchell, who for the last twenty-five years haa been in the em ploy of the Burlington road in different capacities, died at his horn here yeaterday, agod 88 years. Death waa due to heart trouble, from which he had been suffering for some time. HAMPTON LeRoy Billings of Omaha and E. A. Calkins of Spirit Lake have been matched for the beat-two-out-of-three falls catch-as-catch-can In this place to morrow evening. Millings is to throw Calkins three times In an hour for a purse of $AJU and 76 per cent of the gate receipta. NEVADA-Dr. and Mrs. P. J. Kaynor. a highly respected and well known couple of Story county, today celebrated the sixty third anniversary of their marriage. Dr. and Ura Kaynor were married in New York atate, but they came west thirty years a-o and hav lived In Story county during that time, MURRAY Harry Dilley, a well known character of this place, is in Jail, charged with forcibly entering the home of V. E. Dantlel and maliciously threatening the life of Mra. Daniel. Tha young fellow entered a plea of not guilty, but aa he could not furnish a bond of tt.Ono he waa obliged to take the alternative and go to Jail. IOWA CITY-Pmfa McBrlde and Wylle of the State university have Issued a pre liminary prospectus outlining the work which will be done in the outdoor labora toriea on Lak Okobojl thla summer. Ground will be broken for the laboratory buildings early In the spring and arrange ments am being for extended work there the first season. MUSCATINE Th establishment of th United State clam hatchery at Falrport, on the Mississippi near this city, was begun in earnest today, when the government began making preliminary surveys of th site for the hatchery. R. 8. Johnson, sup erintendent of the United States fish hatchery at Manchester, is In charg of th preliminary work. CRESTON Frank C. Gorton, who for many yeara waa connected with the Bur lington In the capacity of train dispatcher at thla place, lias retired from railroad life, and for the last two years has been en gaged In mercantile pursuits In Lincoln, left her yesterday with-hla family for Cincinnati. O., where, with his brother, he will engage In th electric welding business. SIDNEY Elmer E. Hilts of Sidney. Ia.. hua been elected president of th senior rlssa of the Nebraska Stat university. Hills is a six-year law student and ha been prominent In various col leg activi ties, president of th Young Men's Chris tian association, managing editor of the Cornhuaker. th college annual; member of the varsity debating squad, president os the Palladlan Literary society and a mem ber of the Phi Delta fraternity. He la a son of Lewis Hills of Sidney. IOWA CITY-Prof. C. C. Nutting has announced that tauO has been collected for the expedition to Laysay Island. If suf ficient funds are raised It Is planned to send an exedttion to thla monstrous bird rookery In the Pacific to secure views and specimens for the construction of a mlna ture of the island In a special room in th New Science ball. If auccvssful It will srlv Iowa by far the moat unlqu and valuabl bird collection In th world. It Is planned to start for th Island nut February. Four hundred dollar la the additional amount fixed by Prof. Nutting a neceasaiy. Foley's Hcmay and Tar clears tha atf passages, stop th irriiavtioa in th tnroat, soothe th Inflamed membranes, and th noat obstinate cough disappears. Bora and Inflamed lungs ar healed and strength ened, and th ild lv expelled from th system. Refuse any but th genuine la th yellow packaga. Bold b aU drugglita MONEY FOR MILITARY PARE Iowa Asked to Help Toward Harking North Dakota Battlefields. HAWKETE SOLDIERS DUD THESE Governor Iloaor Reewletttea for Mea Waated at Hadar, Nebraska, B Chars; of Robblasj a Bask. --- . ".a (From a Staff CWrrespondet) DE8 MOINES, Feb. a. (Special.) The legislature of Iowa received and had printed In the Journal a copy of a memorial from the legislature of North Dakota ask ing for an appropriation from Iowa to aid In Improving the proposed military park In North Dakota to commemorate the bat tle of Glasgow Hills with the Indians In 1S63. Members of the Sixth and Beventh Iowa cavalry regiments participated and a acor of them ar burled there, th vic tims of th Indiana Th federal govern ment baa given the land and North Da kota asks Iowa and Nebraska to aid In fixing up th plac. A memorial waa laid before tb senate from South Dakota, asking that Iowa pass a resolution In favor of a constitutional amendement forbidding polygamy. Similar resolutions are sought In all tha states. Ralasbars;era Stay fa Prlsoa. Th notorious Ralnabargers will remain In prison for a time longer, by preference of Governor Carroll, to whom their cases was submitted by the parol board. Th board was divided as to what to do with th men. Two members of th board favored an order for a release which get them out In about two years, th term fixed being forty-aeven years. Th president, of the board 'was opposed to any clemency. Th governor therefor refused to take the matter up at this time, but will leave It for his successor, i Reqalsltloa Issaed. Th governor Issued a requisition for th return to Nebraska of three men wanted at Hadar, In Plerc county, for bank robbery and now In cuatody In Sioux City. An attorney appeared to re slat the requisition, but there was no showing as to why they should not be turned over to the court in Nebraska The attorneys now say they will appeal to the courts at Sioux City to release th men. There Is much Indignation over the fact that Nebraska criminals feel them selves to be entirely safe If they reach Sloux City, where the courta Invariably take up their caaes and Insist upon a trial now. Meeks ' Reorgraals. Plans are under way for reorganising the Meek Broa. company of Bonaparte. Ia. That the company was forced Into bank ruptcy during a stringency by over-xealoua creditors Is the contention of the receivers. They say the plant la worth $175,000 when running and too valuable to let go. They will attempt to effect a reorganisation. Waterway Imprevesaeat Approved. The senate passed the. Frudden resolu tion for Improvement of the waterway and canals and asking congress to appropriate a large sum for rivers and harbors Im provements. Senator Froaden, who lives at Dubuque, delivered along addreaa upon the subject, showing bow th Improvement of Interior : waterways will benefit tb peo ple, -t Troahl Over Paaetaatloa. The senate refused to concur In a house amendment to a bill relating to the soldiers' home, because, while the house Intended to Insert a comma Jt In fact Inserted the words "a comma". The senat passed: Whipple bill to provide for compulsory education of the deaf and blind. Moon bill to raise the pay of assessors In certain cities. Francis bill to correct an error In regard to officers holding over. Savage bill to give increased duties to the department of agriculture and author ise issuance of bulletin. House bill to ralae the agea at which persons may be admitted to the Industrial schools. Land us bill to punish for Immorality. Landus bill to give supreme courts Jur isdiction in Juvenile matters. Soldier Boater Cat Dowa. Th house passed a senate bill making further appropriation for the printing of th roster of Iowa soldiers, but cut th number of sets down to 2,600. Th original plan was to print 10,000 of them. The house passed a drastio bill Intended to kill off "bucket shops" and prevent their Interference, with th regular Board of Trade operations. 1 The house passed th Brandels bill to provide that tha terms ef all county offi cers shall commence on th second secu lar day of the year. New Bills. Senator Seeley introduced a bill to In crease the bounty on wolves, also a bill to amend th law as to pay for domestic animate killed. Representative Harding Introduced a fire marshal bllL Representative Hlckenlooper Introduced a bill to limit the expense of candidate before the primary to S per cent of tbelr prospective salary for th term. Representative Dawson .Introduced a bill to ereata special tile drainage dis tricts. Holiday Not Reeosralsed. Th senate definitely refused to recog nise the holiday nature of Washington's birthday by voting to hold seaalons on Monday. Two aeparat motions to ad journ until Tuesday were voted down. airt-eaa Cea rt Deelsloas. The following are decisions by th su preme court today: George Adamson agslnst Ernest Funks, appellant; from Adair county; dismissed. Friend A Heaton against W. E. Lee et al., appellants; from Dallas county; af firmed. O. E. Weatcott agalnat Sioux City, appel lant; from Woodbury county; affirmed. D. E. Jonston, appellant, against G. B. Jlckllng; from Madison county; affirmed. William Stone agalnat Ells Stone et al., appellants; from Brott county; affirmed. K. A. Elsy against Adams Express Com pany, appellant; from Marshall county; af firmed. lnman Manufacturing Company against American Cereal Company, Appellant; from Lynn county; reversed. Samuel L. Graham against Chicago A Northwestern Railway, appellant; from Mo nona county; reversed. Decide latamae Salt. The long' drawn out ault of the state of Iowa agalnat the Iowa German Mutual In surance company has heen settled by a compromise order signed by Judg Ic Henry in the local district court. Ths company took over four entailer com panies and later became Insolvent. Th receiver tried to aaaea th policyholders for 130,000 to pay the llabllltlea The policy holders resisted and took the matter Into court. Judge Mc Henry cut tba assessment 60 per cent ta the policyholders and TS per cent to those who took the matter Into court. Two thousand policyholders are af fected by the decision. Jeaee SaeaeeteeT f Wife Marder. M UbCATIN B, la., reb, 2L (8pechU.-If Harry Jones, th alleged murderer of the Vaa Wh.kle family, who is to ba placed oa trial for that crime her next weak, should escape conviction, he wilt be taken to Washington county, Pennsylvania, to an swer to ths charge of bavins cut bis wtys How to Test a Newspaper Advertisement Is it Persistent P Test No. 6 Of a series of Ten tests which an advertiser should apply to every advertisement before he publishes iL Th complete sot mailed upon addressing John Lee Mahin 125 Monroe SL Chicago throat Through th Inquiries of L 8. Pep per, county attorney, it develops that Jones Is suspected of baring been a fugi tive from Justice for many years, and that It has only been since h waa In Jail In this city for th Van Wlnkl murder that it became known that he Is wanted for murder In Pennsylvania. DAY COACH FALLS IlfTO CREEK Oa Mas Klllea aad FIt Pereoas Serleaaly Hart la Wreck. WAPELLO, Ia., Feb. H. Frank Nad ler, 46 years old. a traveling man, resid ing at 1I1S Brown street. Davenpprt, was Instantly - killed and ' five persons were seriously Injured at S o'clock this after noon when a day coach on the Musca tine, Northern A Southern railroad left a trestle over Turkey creek and plunged Into th torrent. Th seriously injured are: Mrs. Bertha Johnson. (5, Wapello, In ternally Injured; may die. H. O. Pease, , Wapello, mar die. Mr. and Mr. Thomaa Scofleld, Wapello, Injured about head and body. Salamanaka, a mank of 10, resi dence unknown. Injured about the head and Internally; may die. William Dickenson, 45, Grand View, right hand lacerated and bruised about body. Ther were twelve occupants In th coach. Roadmaster Ferriel of Muscatine, who was standing on the rear platform of the wrecked coach, leaped In time to aav himself. Spreading rails wer re sponsible for the wreck. Th Injured were taken to Grand View, with the exception of H. O. Pease, who was taken to his horn In Wapello. Nad ler's neck was broken. CITIZENS FOR LIGHT COMPANY Stoek Aasoaat af f TO.OOO lib. scribe! la M areaaJltowa Fight. MARSHALLTOWN, Ia., Feb. a. (Spe cial.) Determined to secure public utilities, such as gas. electric light and power, which both In quantity and quality ahall meet the publlo demand and at a cost which shall be Just, business men of this city today subscribed $70,00 In stock of a $300,000 corporation which proposes to erect the plant This amount was subscribed In fifteen minutes and the rest it Is expected, will be subscribed within a week. This Is ths first determined move the business men of the city hav made In their fight to either oust or bring to terms tb Marshslltown Light, Power and Railway company. Tb outgrowth of this move ment. It is expected, will be either th erection of the plant or the beginning of ouster proceedings to take from th present company Its charter. FORT DODGE DEBATERS Wljf Take Chassloashl ef Northwest laws by Defeatlav Alg-oea. FORT DODCjE, Ia, Feb. XL 8pecial Telegram.) Fort Dodge High school, with Charles Meloy, Richard Colby and Oeorg Bradahaw as debaters, won the champion ship of northwest Iowa In the state league contest last night here, the negative win ning th unanimous decision over Algona. Th Judge war David Evans of Hampton, John M. Hemingway of Hampton and 8. F. Favll! of Storm Lak. Tobin eollec lost ths second annual de bat with Humboldt last night at Hum boldt Th decision was two to one. Werkaaaa Killed by Fall. IOUX CITT. I a., Feb. a. (Special Tels gram.) Mystery surrounds the death of Caahmelr Lumkoakl. to years old, who fell five atories to hla death at th plant of th Cudahy Packing company thla afternoon. Lumkoakl went through an elevator shaft and, as far as Is known, no on witnessed the mishap. Whether It was an accident sulclds or foul play Tim not been deter mined by the police. Lurokoakl's skull wss crushed, death being Instantaneous. , Lljaer Takea ta Raid. LOGAN. Ia, Feb. tX (Special Telegram.) By authority of County Attorney C. C Smith, Sheriff Rock arrested August Bier bach of Missouri Valley Saturday after noon for maintaining a nuisance. Th spe cific charg was In keeping liquor, and fire wagon loads were taken from th basement of his plac of business and hauled to Logan. Blerbach will be tried Friday for maintaining a nuisance. Aa A ate Celllalea means many bad bnilaes, which Bueklsa's Arnica Balva heals quickly, aa it does sores and burns. So. For sal by Beaton Drug Co A tingle newspaper advertisement, standing . alone, cannot perhaps be said to possess within itself the quality ot persistency of pertinacity. It can, however, form a part of and bear out a plan which a business house has adhered to strictly for years. , The trade mark, or name of a house which is reproduced in newspaper publicity in an individual . or characteristic style, indicates that each adver tisement containing it is one of a series or that ' the use of advertising space is an established policy of the house. t . In no other way can a merchant win confi dence or establish so thorough a credit vith. the public as by advertising prudently and persistently in the newspapers. Confidence is a plant of slow growth, but per-' sistency is its sun, rain and fertilizer. When the late Frank Cooper, of Siegel, Cooper & Co., was running a store in Peoria and . needed $10,000 he did not go to the bank for it. He frankly told the people that he wanted to raise this amount of money and got it by offering them in ducements for immediate purchases. Persistency in an advertiser is necessary to establish such a reputation with the people that ho can command co-operation like this. . An advertiser establishes his character with the public the same as he does with his bank by persisting in making promises and never failing to fulfill thm. A credit with the great general public is a very present help in time of need. A persistent advertising campaign covering a period of three years in legitimate newspapers will seldom fail to produce a good will asset that is worth more to the advertiser than the entire amount spent in newspaper space during that time. In preparing a newspaper advertisement, re-, member this quality of persistency the fact that it is published as a part of a house's policy and will either build or break down prestige. ajK Round Trip Homeseekers' Rates MARCH 19 .00 to Denver, Colorado springs, rueoio. propor tionately as low rates to other points in Eastern Colorado. '34 .00 to Salt Lake and Ogden and other points in Utah. '37 .50 to Butte, . Helena and other points In Montana. Similar low rates to hundreds of other points west and northwest " If you bay never seen the rich Irrigated farming districts of Montana and Wyoming you should Join one of our personally conducted excursions the first and third Tuesdays of each month to the Yellowstone Valley sad the Bis Horn Basin. . . ijHijfi 1302 Bee Want Ads . " a . . Produce Results HOTELS. CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THE POTTER AMERICAN PLAN Hates Singlt $100 $5.00 $6.00 $7.00 Has Its Own akruab li&ncn, $3.00 live Stock Farm, $9.00 Poultry Ranches. Vegetable $10.00 Gardens, Private Country Club, $11.00 Race Track and Polo Grounds, . Private Ltvery. Wireless Telegraph, ' Art Gallery and Picturesque Golf Links, Good Table, Good living. Cheerful Service, Hates Graduated to All, Reasonable Hetrulrementai' Accommodations for One Thousand Guests, Artesian Well and Refrigerating Plant ' Conservatories, Green Houses, A Whole Mile of Geraniums. Open All the. Tear Round. 80.000 Fine Rosebushes, Child ren's Grove, Zoo, ' 0,000 Pigeons and .. 7ou2d be Pleased to Send You Booklet MELO ML POTTER, Manager 3 AND IS. '52 Mto Spokane - .nd other l. TT n, V. Isgton. . ' '27 CA to BUIlae. Mont, the m lowston VaUay. , $27 Cft to Cody, Basin, Powell, vYiimuu ana outer pom lb in the famous Big Horn Ratlin ' .,- -- , Let me glv you further iniormauon ana roiuera. J. B. REYNOLDS, C. P. A. rarnam St.. OMAHA. Hates Dodbto $7.00