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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1909)
he Omaha Sunday Bee PART ONE NEWS SECTION PAGES 1 TO 8 ADVERTISE IN THE OMAHA DEE BEST IN TlIE WEST VOL. XXXVIII NO. 36.' OMAIIA, SUNDAY Mc jBRUARY 21, 1909 SEVEN SECTIONS FORTY-EIGHT PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. IRISH TO AID TORIES Nationalists Engaging in Flirtation with Old Engliih Enemies. TEASE TARIFF FOE HOME RULE Suggested Alliance is Proving Popular with Members of Party. EMIGRATION ON THE DECLINE Reports Show Decided Falling Off in Number Leaving Ireland. REVIVE INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES Belfast Capitalists DUrna Plna to Invest Large Amoaata of Capital la Factories la Other Porta of Island. PIBUN. Feb. 20.-(Bpeclal.)-Two re markable pieces of evidence of the change whlrh Is coming over the attitude of the English unionist or tory party toward the question of home rule for Ireland were fur nished last week. The first was a great meeting of the Irish landlord class and their followers at Belfast, at which the marquis of Londonderry, a descendant of the Infamous Castlereagh. was the prin cipal speaker. Ixrd Londonderry declared with great violence that something must be done to revive In the minds of the English torlea the terror of home rule, which they seemed to have forgotten. He deplored the fact that the English conservatlvea now place a protective tariff policy ahead of the preservation of the union with Ireland In importance, and he announced that it was the duty of "loyalists" In Ireland to aee that the question of the union waa kept to the front. The second Instance waa even more alg nlricant. It occurred at a meeting In Dub lin whlnh K' - - -,l,l...a 1 T- . r - i the secretary of the Tariff Reform league, which ta the English protectionist organ I . satlon. The meeting was held at Plunkett House, therealdence of Sir Horace Plun kett, who waa until recently chief of the Irish agricultural department, and It waa presided over by the lord mayor of Dublin. When Mr. Hewlna had finished speaking, Mr. T. M. Kettle. M. P.. one of the lead era of the Irish nationalist party and an acknowledged authority on finance and eco nomic aubjeete. made the startling state ment that he thought It might be good pol itics for the Irish party to engage In a flirtation with the English protectionists on the basis of a measure of home rule for Ireland In exchange for the support of the Irish party In Parliament for the protec tionist policy. II la tor le Alliance Brokea. This would mean, of course, the breaking up of the hlstorto alliance between the Irish party and the English liberals. The Irish people are almoat to a man protectionists, and the alliance with the torlea would be- a more natural one than with the liberals. If tiie obetsele of ln lorv onnoaltian ta rule could be overcome. There are Indica tions that It Is being overcome and Lord I.ondundorry'a panic la ho doubt dueto Ma knowledge of what Is going on. The 1IK.I -.III . .umai alliance, moreover, nas been of very little use to the Irish people and the Indi cations are that the Engitsn liberals are disposed to devote their energies to the fight for free trade rather than to assist ing Ireland to obtain home rvW. Mr. Kettle'a Idea, he tells me, la that Irelaad ahould be erected Into self-governing state of the British empire, some what on the linea of Canada or the South African republics, and that it would then be In a position to enter Into reciprocal tariff arrangementa with England on the plan of colonial preference outlined by Mr. Chamberlain. Emlaration Ft a a res Drop. Tl.e Hoard of Trade returns dealing with emigration' show another gratifying drop in tl.e number of persons who left Ireland during 1908. The total number for the year was 38.HI. compared with S4.0M in 1907. In December last only 782 persons emigrated, crmpared with MS in December, 1907. This Is lideed a great drop, but Ireland cannot affwd to lose even 14,000 persons In a year, nnd it is hoped that this year will show a progressive decline. Aa Interesting example of the law'a delay has just come to light in Dublin. In l&ll a family of brewers named White of Water ford became bankrupt and their assets, ae far as disclosed at the time, were divided among their creditors. It has now been discovered that more than Satf.Otm has been lying to their credit for more than a century among the dormant funds In the care of the court of chancery. The court Is row advertising for heirs of the original creditors who will be entitled to share In the find. Revival of Industries. The Irish industrial revival movement has received , the most power! ul fillip of lis career ti1o week. It has been taken up enthusiastically by the hard-headed busi ness men of Belfaat, and it la expected that a Urge amount of fresh capital will soon be available for Irish enterprises. It has unfortunately been the habit of Bel fast business men to regard the rest of I re la i. d as hopeless Industrially, and to in vest their surplus capital abroad, when there was not a ready opening for It In the north of Ireland. At a meeting held in the Belfaat city hall this week, and attended by all the leading merchants and manufac turer, it waa pointed out that the pros perity of all Ireland meant additional pros perity for Belfast, and that a prgsparous weat and aouth would create an increased demand for Belfast made Unena and Belfast built ahlpa. In return It waa asked that Belfast peopio should encourage the new woolen mill which are springing up la the aouth and west and the other forms of in dustry which are being created. It waa announced after the meeting that a party of Belfast business men and capitalists would soon make a tour of the centers where these new Industries are being setsb lis had and would investigate their possibili ties. I was told a few day ago by the bead of one of the leading Belfaat whole aale dry goods houses, that he had begun within the last year to send his travelers into the aouth and weat, inatead of con fining hla efforts to Ulster, as had been his practice, and he declared that bo waa Building up a fine Irian business and that sis travelers made, glowing report to bin ef the possibilities of the country and of the activity caused by the Industrial re vive L : Di sir alt lee of Weddlaa- Party. An am using story of a wedding party's difficulties comes to ma thla week from Belfast. The bride aad groosa i taetr wUAeeeM arrived at the anureh ah only ' ICoaU&wad ea Beocnd Pi. SUMMARY OF THE BEE nndny, Fehrnnry SI, laoo. 909 FEBRUARY 1909 SUN MOM Tue WtO THU Ml SAT I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2324252627 28 msATxsa. FOR OMAHA. COUNCIL BUTTS AND vicimTY-Fslr Sunday; not much change In temperature. FOR NEKRASK A Generally fair Sun day; moderate temperature. FOR IOWA Partly kudy Sunday; warmer In east oortlon fiundav. Temperature at Omah yesterday Hour. Dog. t a. m in a. m M 7 a. m M S a. m 33 a. m 35 10 a. m 17 11 a. m ) U m 4.1 1 p. m 4fi 2 p. m 47 5 p. m 4 4 p. m 49 6 p. m 47 II p. m 4K I p. m 43 SOKXSTia Robert D. Bledsoe of Kansas City, who attempted to hold up Millionaire Jonea with a bomb, was sentenced to thirty years In the penitentiary. I, Page 1 Unofficial Announcement made at Co lumbus, O., aays J. M. plckltnson of Tennessee ia to -be secretary of war; Charles Nagel of St. Louis, secretary of commerce and labor, and R. A. Bellinger secretary of the Interior. X, Page 1 Carroll D. Wright, president of Clark college and former commissioner of labor, died yesterday at Worcester, Mass. X. Page I TOBXIOBT. Under promise to the queen and premier. King Alfonso refrains from tak ing a flight In the Wright brothers' air ship at Pau. X, Page a x.saxsxTtrax. Principal occupation of the legislature ao far has been to create jobs for demo crats. Twenty bills of this class Intro duced, x. Page 1 KXBBASXA. State Toung Men's Christian association convention elects officers. X, Page 3 Supreme court reverses the lower court in the so-called Coal truat and fine and sentence against Samuel E. Howell are aet aside, X, Pegs 3 XVOOAX. Greek kills South Omaha policeman and aaserts he shot in self-defense. . Feeling runs high and the prisoner is taken away for fear of a lynching. X, Page 4 Indications are that a $1,000,000 build ing will go up on the corner of Sixteenth and Harney. x, Pare Absence of one democratlo member from ' the county board puts Chairman Bruntng tn a tight plaoe. but he squirms oat ' ' - . i - S. Par Omaha Commercial club makes a move to have the Oltddea automobile tour pass through Omaha. EX. Page T Doings of people In Omaha society. XX, Pago a Gossip of the theaters and of the play ers. I XX. Paa-e OOattZXaYCIAX. AKD XVimSTaUAX. Live stock markets. YX, Pager Grain markets. TX, Fage 7 Stocks and bonds.- TX, Page T ooxxo sbotxost. Little Nemo in Slumberland. Page of Interesting things for the little folks. Fashions and other matters for the women. Buster Brown. Poor Pages ZAXP-TOVB SCTXOB. Retail hardware men and their annual convention. York county, one of the most fertile and prosperous in Nebraska. Wool wraps more stylish than furs for auto wear. Prince I to, the Grand Old Man of Japan. Harrlman wanted to be a soldier when a boy. Pour Pages AVTOKOBTX.B SIOV SSOTXOaT. Program and other facta concerning the coming ahow. Cars of all kinds handled by Omaha dealers. Some of the beauties to be seen at the show. Something about the men who sell the machines. Wealth of matter of Interest to the owner and dealer In automobiles. Twelve) Pages MOTXMXVTS OP OCBAJ btsajuzxps. Poet. Arrived, Saliva. NRW YORK C rolls NeW YORK .RolM LI VKR POOL Con! can. BOSTON Oaorslaa HANOI E8TKK Iberiaa. BA Hi' E DON A Columbia HALIFAX Lake at leal fan. LEWIS MAYJTAKE A HAND Prealdeat of Mlae .Workers Rays Con ditions Are Chaotle la Pltta fcorsr District. WHEELING. W.Vs.. Feb. J0.-T. L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Work ers of America, returned here today from an investigation of the Pittsburg district He said conditions were choatlo there, owing to factional disputes, and unleea matters were straightened out soon he would direct the national board to take charge. You- who keep your ears pricked up listening for op portunity's knock do you read the want ad page? People who now It is better to sell things for a mall price than to keep them until they are worthless constantly advertise all aorta of things for sale on the want ad pages. They are all bargains the want ad page Is the best bargain page in The Bee. Perhaps some one is going away from Omaha and wants to sell her ice box r a book casejust what yon have wanted. Keep your eye on the want ads. Opportunity it in every column, PUBLIC LAW LIMPS Many Failures to Exhibit Campaign Fundi in Nebraska. DEM0-P0PS WORST OFFENDERS Bryan'i Followers Refuse to Observe Their Leader's Preachment. NOTABLE DELINQUENCIES IN LIST Returns Given from Practically Every County in Nebraska. ALL PARTIES ARE LAWBREAKERS The Bee Has Gathered laformatloa as to Morklngi of Nebraska Cam palgn Publicity- Law ia the lftOS Elertloa. In the recent presidential campaign much was made of the matter of publicity of campaign contributions and In his speech to the Nebraska legislature last week Mr. Bryan again touched upon thla subject. Nebraska la a state which has a law pro viding for publicity of both campaign con tributions and expenses. This law has been on our statute book a for nearly ten yeara. To what extent Is thla publicity law oper ative? How far have the political parties In Nebraska observed this lawT Have the democrats under Mr. Bryan's preachment been any more scrupulous to obey it than other parties T To get the answers to these questions The Bee has collected from the various counties of Nebraska Information as to the filing of expense accounts by the treas urers of the various political committees, as required by law under penalty of arrest and fine in a sum not less than S50 nor more than $500. Chapter 28 of the laws of W99 was passed for the express purpose of preventing cor rupt practices at elections, and some of Us most significant provisions are aimed to bring about publicity of campaign contri butions. Although this ia one of the strings In hla political harp upon which William J. Bryan plays the strongest, yet in his own democratic family, closely watched and censored aa he assumes to keep it, is found the largest number of offenders. Under the two heads, democratic and peoples Independent, comprising one political en tity, are found 137 Instances wherein his treasurers have failed to comply with the law directing publicity of campaign con tributions within the state of Nebraska. A majority of the republican treasurers complied with the publicity law, although forty-one republican treasurers failed to get In line with the law. No socialist treas urer has filed any report, either; but the members of that party claim that they do only Individual work and have no regu larly organized campaign machinery. Tet tt is doubtful if they fall outside the law any more than the others. What the Law Reqnires. ' Section 14 of chapter 29, aforesaid, pro vides in effect, . that every two or more persons who shall be elected, appointed, chosen or associated, for the purpose, wholly or in part, of directing the raising, collecting or disbursement of money, or who shall co-operate In such work, where the purpose Is to defeat or further the nomination or election of any person or persons to publlo office by popular vote, "shall be deemed a political committee within the meaning of this act." Section 16 of the ac provldea that every political committee "shall appoint and con stantly maintain a treasurer," to receive, keep and disburse all moneys collected. Unless such' treasurer ia appointed and maintained,, it Is a violation of the act to collect or disburse money for any such pur pose, either by the committee or any of Its members; and all money muat pass through the treasurer's hands. Every such treasurer must keep a book giving full account of all transactions, as must every Individual receiving or disburs ing more than 130. . unleea he receives it from the treasurer. Bectlon IS uses the mandatory ' word "shall" In providing that every such treas urer file "within twenty days after each and every election, caucua, convention or primary election," with the county clerk, "a full, true and detailed account and statement, subscribed and sworn to by him, setting forth each and every sura of money received and disbursed by htm for any of the objects or purposes of this act" Bectlon 21 provides that failure, neglect or refusal shall make the treaaurer guilty of a misdemeanor, and provides that, on con viction, he ah ail be fined not less than $60 or more than S500. to go to the school fund. There Is a further provision that if the treasurer fall to file the statement required by law any five resident freeholders may request him to file such statement, and If within five days he does not comply with the demand he shall be guilty of a misde meanor, and on conviction "shall be Im prisoned for not less than two nor more than atz months." Oaly Twa Pnpnllat Reports. In only two counties In the state have reports been filed by treasurers of the populist wing of the Bryan ' forces. An expenditure of 12.27 is admitted in Frontier county, and $206.86 in Folk county. In Boone, Dawson, Hamilton, Howard, Saline, Nuckolls, Saunders, Seward and Webster, the treasurers of the ao-called - people's lndependent party resorted to the subter fuge of reporting that all their collecting and disbursing was done through the demo cratic committee. In Polk county the dem ocratic treasurer whipped the devil around the stump In the like fashion. Counties wherein no report was filed by democratlo treaaurers are Antelope, Banner, Bialne, Box Butte, Boyd, Burt. Chase, Cheyenne, Cuming, Custer, Dakota, Dawes, Deuel, Dixon, Dundy, Furnas, Gosper, Grant, Greeley, Harlan, Hayes. Hitchcock, Holt. Hooker. Johnson. Kearney, Kimball, Knox, Logan, Loup. Madison. MrPhrrson, Perkins. Phelps, Pierce. Platte, Red Willow, Rook, Sarpy. Scott's Bluff, Sheridan, Sioux, Thomas, Valley, Wayne, Wbeeler and York. It will be noticed there are some, strong democratlo bailiwicks In this list Governor Bhallenberger'a home county of Harlan Is derelict, and so is Edgar Howard's beloved Platte; and likewise York, where the great banquet was held with Bryan and Towns as a Lara, and whence it was trumpeted through the press that much money waa raised on tha enthusiasm of a tremendous event Custer, with a democratlo senator and two democratlo bouse members, is not favored with a report from either treaaurer of the allied funds. ) Is It Conspiracy of Slieaeet Coaxntlea where republican treasurers have failed to honor the law are Antelope, Ban- j; Continued ou Second Pag), fmmfww mm) -f'' From the Chicago Examiner. THREE PLACES IN CABINET 7. M. Dickinson of Tennessee Will Be Secretary of War. NAGEL TO SUCCEED GARFIELD St. I.oele Mas "aid ta Be Slated for Secretary of Comnaerce aad Labor Balllaaer for laterlor Department. COLUMBUS, O.. Feb. 20.-J. M. Dickinson of Tennessee will be secretary of war in the Taft cabinet Charlea Nagel of St Louis wUl be Mr. Taft's aecretary of commerce and labor and R. A. Balllnger will be aectetary of the Interior. This statement is not made upon the an nouncement of Mr. Taft but Its correctness may be accepted without question. Mr. Nagel waa a caller upon the president-elect Friday and Mr. Dickinson had a conference today. Mr. Taft will permit of no announcement from him aa to theaa concluslona. It has been known for some time, however, that he had practically decided upon Mr. Nagel's appointment and the interview yesterday bears all the earmarks of having been ar ranged for the express purpose of an offer and acceptance. Mr. Dicklnaon came to Cincinnati from Chicago today. He has not been under consideration as a cabinet possibility for so long a time, but has been personally and most favorably known by Mr. Taft for many yeara. His legal record and acknowl edged ability are suoh as to commend him peculiarly to Mr. Taft Mr. Dickinson is a Tennesseean, although temporarily residing in Chicago, where his duties as general solicitor of the Illinois Central Railway system required his presence. He is a dem ocrat, although always having opposed Bryan. At Xenta, O., Mr. Taft's car 'was sur rounded by an eager crowd and he came out on the back platform and asked for the support and prayers of the people that the dutlea of the responsible position he Is about to assume may be discharged for the beat good of all. . Mr. Taft will reach Philadelphia In the morning and will be the gueat of Dr. 8. tVelf Mitchell. Mrs. Taft will join her hus band there, coming from New Tork. where she has been spending a few days. On Monday Mr. Taft will make an ad dress before the Pennsylvania university and leave for New York Tuesday. Taft Coalers with Dleblavsoa. . CINCINNATI. Feb. JO.-The presence here today rf J. M. Dickinson, general counsel of the Illinois Central railway aystem, and an immediate conference be tween himself and President-Elect Taft, presents strong clrcumstantisl evidence at least that a decision is to be reached as to who will be Mr. Taft's secretary of war. Mr. Dickinson haa been under considera tion for this post for some time and that he would come to Cincinnati for a confer ence would seem to make the reasoning good thst If he was sent for by Mr. Taft It was for the purpose of extending the honor, and if he came at his own initiative it was for ' the purpose of declining the honor. , The presence here yesterday of Charles Nagel of St. Louis is likewise regarded aa the opportunity for an offer to him by Mr. Taft of the commerce and labor port folio and its acceptance. The Treasury department head, aceord Irg to all that can be learned here, is per haps the one remaining place In the cabinet regarding which no decision has been reached. Thla. Mr. Taft's last day in Ma home city before becoming president, was made the occasion for many calls upon him by bis old-time friends and neighbors, and the Pike street mansion of Charles P. Taft, a her he made his headquarters, was crowded with callers. Mr. Taft left at S o'clock for Philadelphia, from where) on the ISd bo will go. to New Tork for several fsys. WELCOME HOME HOLDS STEELMERGER WRONG Senator Klttreda-e's Report May Lead to Proeeeatloa of Steel . Corporation. WASHINGTON, Feb. Sn.-The conclusion reached by Senator Kl tired ge. who has pre pared a report of the Investigation of the Tennessee Coal - and Iron company's ab sorption fy the United States Steel cor poration, is that the' merger forms a com bination In restraint of ' trade and that President Roosevelt had no authority of law to sanction the deal. This report will be submitted to the sub-commltte of the com mittee on judiciary at a meeting to be held late In the day, and If adopted it may form the baaia of an order to the Depart ment of Justice to bring an action against the steel corporation under the Sherman anti-trust law. The Klttredge report has been printed In confidence and has been read by other members of Che special committee, which la composed of Senatora Clarke of Wyo ming. Dillingham. Klttredge, Culberson and Overman. It could not be learned to day whether other members of the com mittee will present their views In Indi vidual statements, but It is believed that Mr. Culberson, ' who Is the author of the resolution under which the inquiry waa conducted. Intends to do so. Any action taken, by the sub-committee must have the approval of the judiciary committee before being presented to the senate. : . LOSES FAITHJNMR. OWSLEY Mrs. Testlfles He Wanted to ell One of Her Railroads for as.OOO. CHICAGO, Feb. 20. Mrs. Mary Adelaide Yerkes, widow of the late Charles T. Yerkes, occupied the witness stand today In her suit to oust Louis 8. Owsley as executor of the late traction magnate's estate. . "Mr. Owsley." said the witness, "wanted me to aell my house and pictures In New York and said he wanted 6 per cent of the sum to be received as compensation for his services. He declared that as executor he would have to make some show of op position, but that everything would come out all right. I refused to agree and he looked me straight in the-eye and said: 'Mary, I don't know what la coming over you of late. You do not trust me aa you formerly did.' " On another occasion Mrs. Yerkes said Mr. Owsley wanted to sell the Chicago, Harvard aV Geneva railway for $5,000. . "I said that waa a small sum for a rail road and refused to consent, but he said he would sell tt anyway. I did not trust Mm after that" IRRIGATION F0R PORTO RICO Government Engineers Will Kxamlao Site for aa Extensive S yet em. WASHINGTON. Feb. tO.-Chlef Engineer Davis and Consulting Engineer HVnny of the reclamation service, left yesterday for Porto Rico under Instructions from the secretary of the interior to examine plans and specifications and to Investigate the site of an extensive Irrigation system for the island. The expenses of the Investiga tion are to be borne by Porto Rico. Provision has been made for the laaue aad sale of 13,000.000 in 4 per cent bonds to defray the expenses of constructing the works, the cost of which Is to be collected by the taxation of the lands benefited. SLAYER OF CASIER IS TAKEN William Gallagher Charged with Marder and Robbery of Neva Seat in Bank. PITTSBURG-, Feb. to. William Gallajrher, who is alleged to be wanted at Truro, N. ., for murder and bank robbery, haa been arrested at Oreenaburg, Pa. Gallagher ta said to have gone into a bank at Truro last June and when questioned as to a check for $3.00. which he had presented, shot the cashier and made off with the mosey, which had been counted out and placed at the cashier's wladonv EDWARD P. FITCH IS FOUND Cables from Naples for Money to - Bring Him Home. RELIEF IS WIRED BACK AT ONCE OmaJia and Connrll Blag's Man apposed for Months to Be Dead : Gives Joy to Grieving; Family, Edward P. Fitch, the Omaha and Coun cil Bluffs man who was supposed to have met a foul death In Europe some months ago. Is alive and cabled from Naples, Italy, yesterday to W. W. Umstead, local man ager for the Western Union, to have his family send funds for his return to the American consul at Naples. Mr. UmBted complied with the request Im mediately and a cable went back to Naples that will enable Mr. Fit oh to obtain the necessary amount and start for the United States at once. "They all had given him up for dead long ago, but I had an Intuition from the first and It haa grown on me that my brother waa alive and would yet turn up,", said Miss Julia Pitch, a sister who is employed with the McCague Investment company, when told of the good news. Miss Fitch lives with her mother, Mrs. Stevens, and her step-sister. Miss Stevens, a teacher in the Beala achool, in Council Bluffs. The three women were overjoyed at the message from distant Naples, for the mother and Miss Stevens had become all but reconciled to the belief that Mr. Pitch had died either by natural or foul means. Last Word Foar Months Ago. The last word received by the family of Mr. Fitch was four months ago. He wrote a letter saying he waa leaving1 for London to enter a hospital; that he was sick. He had gone to Europe for his health and this letter aroused the appre hension of his family. The anxiety be came more tenae when letters from home went unanswered. The sisters and mother wrote repeatedly, but received no answers. Finally American consuls abroad were ad vised and within no time Uncle Sam's agents had a searching investigation In progress all over Europe, especially in London, Paris and other large centers of population. Thla waa continued Incessantly for months without the slightest clue to reward the diligent crusade. Then the family as well aa officials re luctantly settled back into the belief that death had overtaken Mr. Fitch. But bow they could not tell, nor could they offer any clue, for the hospital to which he was supposed to have gone in . London had no light to shed; none of the police depart -menta in European cities was able to make a single suggestion that proved available. When the letter, telling of his trip from Paris to London, was mailed he w'aa on the train between Dover and London. But not even that clue could be traced to ef fective ends. . Expect Farther Ward Soon. Mr. Umsted. after conferring with the family of Mr. Fitch, wired the American consul "at N&plea to deliver the money to Mr. Fitch and give him what care waa neceastry until he started for home. Some further message ia expected at once, giving more Information aa to Mr. Fltch'a ex perience since last heard from, the causes of his silence and condition of his health. Mr. Fitch resldea with hla family in Council Bluffs and waa assistant secre tary of the State Insurance company of Nebruka, with headquarters In Omaha. He Is single and about 'tt years of age. When hla health became Impaired he sought re creation in Europe. Charlea Fitch, an elder brother of Ed ward Pitch, died within the last, two weeks at his home in Portland. Ore. He had just returned to his home from a visit with his mother and sisters at Council Bluffs. The strtnge disappearance of his brother was often the subject of conversation at the home while Mr. Fitch waa there. Tha family's grief became doubly keen when news of the elder brother's death was re ceived and yet no word cams from the one ever the seas, - PARTISANSHIP RIOT Principal Occupation of Democratic Legislature to Create Jobs. BUILDING POLITICAL MACHINE This Work Takes Precedence of Re deeming1 Any of Party Pledg-es. TWENTY BILLS OF THIS KIND Bill for a Prohibitory Amendment to Be Introduced. TROUBLE ON INSURANCE BILLS Edgar Howard Ronada l'p the Legis lators for Fallnre to Live Up to Their Plntform . riedgea, (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. 20.-Speclal.)-The pub lication in The Bee a week ago of sufficient evidence to Justify the designation of this, Nebraska's first democratlo legislature, as an "organttatlon for the relief of jobless democrats," has seemed to Inspire members of the majority party to get busier on the Job, rather than to deter them. Though the session Is more than half over more attention has been given to measures designed solely to create jobs for democrats than to any other one sub ject. Political Job bills have taken precedent over all. The banking bill, the physlcaf valuation of railroad property bill and all other measures have had to take a bark seat while Mr. Bryan and Governor Shal lcnberger have their lieutenants at work to build up the most gigantic political machine rver created by legislative action. Lawa governing the appointments of state em ployes which have been on the statutes for years are being changed In order that ths governor may appoint democrats to tha places. The foundation rf the democratlo political machine was started with II. R. 1 and S. F. 1. The first was Introduced In ths Interest of Mr. Bryan's candidacy for the United States senate. The second Is the Omaha charter bill, which contains more politics than anything else. Apparently no attempt Is being made either by Mr. Bryan or the governor to disguise their real object Following the Introduction of H. R. 1, to promote Mr. Bryan's candidacy for the senate, the members of the ma jority party have, step by step, laid the foundation for the future control of the machinery of the state. In addition to glvli.g the authority to the governor to appoint every employe on the pay roll of the state, save the office help of .the con stitutional officers, the democrats are st temptlng to secure for their party the con trol of the supreme court by ousting mem bers of the present court through techni calities and to control the patronage of the Stale Railway commission by giving lo the lone democratlo member of the commission authority to prevent the selection. or. the discharge of any employo by the majority of the commission. Schools In Politics. Second only in Importance to ths at tempted overthrow of the supreme court, solely for the purpose of giving some Jobs to democrats, and probably of equal Im portance, la the attempt of Nebraska's first democratlo legislature to give to the gov ernor, as a part of his political machine, the state normal schools of the state, the Junior normal schools and thoae high schools in which normal training Is taught. The attempt to make of the publlo schools a cog In a democratic political machine is found In the Case bill, which provides that the governor shall appoint a board of five members who, with the state superintendent and the state treasurer, shall constitute a state normal board. This board takes the place of the State Board of Education. The governor now has the power to appoint the five members of the State Board of Education, but under the new bill the terms of the present members of this board will end upon the passage of the measure. But probably the high crime In the at tempt to steal the schools and make of them political Institutions Is the attempt on the part of Mr. Bryan himself to make of the state university an Incubator to hatch out converts to his peculiar political theories. Mr. Bryan in his many talka re garding the bill to estsbllsh his school of cttixenshln. at the state university, haa never aaid how he threatened the regents unless they established his pet school, which he desired to be a school of politics with himself at the head. He even gave the members of the legislature the Impression that he was acting with the consent of the regents In pushing that bill. Mr. Bryan has been publicly charged that he threatened the regents with legislative notion unless they agreed to his proposal. Mr. Bryan has In his possession the evidence to either prove or disprove this charge, but he re fused to give out for publication his official and private correspondence on ths mat I sr. Not only all that, but by changing tha stale banking laws to give the governor supreme control In selecting examiners and other aaslstants to carry out the provisions of the guaranty bill, the democratic manip ulators would flaunt the banks of the stats as a political asset, Sep to Parly Press, In the house this afternoon the members attempted to line up the democratic papers of the state by laying the foundation to throw a little sop to them. The house recommended for passage 8. F. 16, by Tan ner, which gives to the governor the au thority to designate In what papers pro posed constitutional amendments shall be published. The bill still leaves all ths work tn the matter to be performed by the sec retary of state. All the governor has to do is to tell the secretary of state what papera he desires to favor and the secretary must, under this bill, send out the copy to them. Killen of Gage and Nettleton of Clay both objected to the provision In the bill, which required the secretary of slate to do the work. "I objuct to the secretary of slats being a man Friday for the governor," said Mr. Nettleton, but thla democratic house did not object and on a strict party vote ths bill nas recommended for passage. When the bill giving authority to appoint deputy state surveyors to the state land commissioner came up Kelley of Furnas jumped up with an amendment providing that the governor should do the appoint ing. Bowman, a democrat of Nuckolls, told the house he was getting tired of voting appointive placea to the governor and he believed the appointments in this Instance should be made by the proper offtoer. Bo Kelley withdrew his amendment However, I