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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1908)
TILE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: Am II. -2C. 130S. J -n i Y r f i i i j i 1 J FZIL EZTXTZ Paxu-r tt n 9 ilk. (C ittmasda DUNDEE If v t want a Neautif-il building wt cirse to cur line. ttU ritv wsrer. cement wslks snd tun , taa a Wew Fr-iarrv.Iin1re ear tn rwe end of tn tin, waik one blocs west, and theie you will eee the residence dterrVt of Oifrtee. cWwerai new house", ar- anout ti be built. ncighODrnood aanimL Pnrtm omy to 7. Very eawv tei ivm 4 tfi. ' Daeeuiwo ' at ... almost iww Vnwm. ltnrr fnm house, srrirtlv milli on. mmhinHtrm, mwmr mil aa fixture, hari oil flmeri. mantel ami grste. built for a n ie. fine snrnhierv: tTtii lw than ene-haif eaan. 4.ot fnr .rim. 2-efurv fnnw tlnuw. mrrilT mwiit, rerrtiy hwlt tn f- cla ee,nrtlt'.i. full witionl basement cmae en car line J1.3B caati. naanoe monthly. O . for ail minium enuare nnu. wth mn anil I mnm haii. i i Chtraan hair bloc to ear This is eiroeptiorinllv weil hinlt. decorated throughout, onen nickel plumbing, hard ail finisn. corn aiia il electric light ami ana fixtures, fall GOOD HOMES AT REASONABLE PRICES SI 'Via fnr 41B N. 3"h St. S- im house, all mr frst finer. Twit space for three mrma on wniil. strtctiv modern. ve-rv beer of plummnu. full cement basement hot wiw heating plant. location high and eighty Mum nil mnn. Jl.Swe cairn, balances w aj r-rrt. fnr ) drrruew St.. new T- I house, excen HonHtlv wed built ail mnilprn, herd oil finish, gas range, good furnace, hot water caim-"rrtn. ''nn tn. P ice ItJML f J2. fnr 53 NT. 2d 8t ; this tn an excerrHonallv well built all modern house, bungaiow style. fln neighborhood, close to two car lines, paving tn anti paid tar C5W fnr 343 Frsnkiin St.. prictlcallv new J-mnm house, modern except haax. hr-t ml finish. fin lawn and aoad. iromer Int. T1J1 fp"t. i urn fnr tmn. Cli" V'nton St. mim frarrr onttajn. wiui c:ty watr and an, recently rm- tmlrt. cl"w f" r barne. n.IK frrr nMr Vroom crrrtaK". juirt nort.i of imn An., on 3th Ht lot 'K13D feat; tSB caah. baionca wun aa rrnx. GOOD LOCATION FOP. FLATS COM Juuth w-gt cwi nr nf Sth ami Oii'-aart gts.. pa-lnit on hrith stdea, on car line, cicaa ta CreiBitton Coiloin and HI JO isVnonl. unimiirt nrtal Incaurn. ti.aai iMi Oei fTTntajrw on Xd 9t nrtwmi Wnhmpr and Caiifcirriia dta.: ap"naja a.1 paid, aaay wikrn diatanc from buainoaa nter. cloaa to new itii 3t. car line. ACRES SS iw arro for arra. !?4 milon wat of nontnff?r. on Wtt DortT St. pavmt roid. wttti irood S-mom honan. small bam and auttmilitlns. all fvmced and I'loaa rorl v oft arrx for 19 trr9 m Wwt tNwUra St. pairad road. Jiiat west of FAXR ACRFf. l-iratl loration for cimittrr hum. ti for iww torw hnuaa and barn. wtri 3 arnia of around, onl v 15 minutenf vlh from and of Florence or Una. rapeeially odaptad for fFardsmns purpoara. Mow your own tnmi, SAFE BrSTNESS IXVESTilEXTS E2.5PH fiT Xl-- Jarlraon 3t. 8Bit fet. with subatamiai J-storv brick bnilriinir. f!ra-riBa rwnatr, plumouij; ratwntly rerooield, now ranunif for CJh jjvr year. Hta aonablf tarnxa IU..W for doubt fronuwo lot on 31th St. and 3th A.. Jutit north of St. Marfi. wth ft frm nuildinsa. urminnf gnnn rniaia. iucuiun iiiiprovuiiui vry any. lot 74x1 J feet. Tina ta a good buy. dtw ua at once. GEORGE & CO. 1601 Faraam St April 3. LW8. 51450-Cottage -$1450 KSB Cnarlaw St.. i mnga with elnmtt, c.. awwty paUntnd and tn goml rwoaur: on nn-rnv ' Oadfl twrracw uw i InwMma; Bomia pars: fi nmarnnnr -Onod: !nt IrtxITT. (mail barn. Nar Barwnr ear tin. XT yon m kioKtnir for a barrain. a minB thia pi 'iiwrty at. one". Prtus. C&1 fiur terma can be arrausad. Payne. Bostwrick Sc Co. SOU! AGTE?TT". iLiin Floor. N. X. Life Eld. CSV- Monthly Paymeiila tKi--S-roTn honan hi north part f thw inty: oaat front. Just two niocBS from 3th oar ltna. HEM 13. PACTTTin; BLOCK. Talopnunea: Ijompaa-w. Ind. Ar-lcSS. CSV CP.TRAVER Fpfimiu onrtaaw. atrirtiy utwlrrn; built lam fall; pvmuuwnt walka, auiaiit pavod. Ttita ta a bargain ac th muni iwuaa on Grand Afv only Inult two years. A brand iw atj muni honar. walkinir dtatanm. ab-Hly mwiem. will b flmabed. Bast, axspk. Thia u aunrr a anap and muat aw. !& Ui ba appraciaiad. CP.TRAVER Phonea Hwd 473. Ind. A XTZL ( , 43-4 H. T. Ila Bids. 09V- locartrm. Baniamln K. Z. Ca. 7T iratwlaia fluig Bout prion i Q,'j. B7 Are You Looking for a Home? Buy Direct from Owner and Save From $500.00 to $1,000.00 I have several beautiful hemes in very desirable localities, nely built, all modem improvements, beautiful Lvsrns, shade trees, paved streets, close La, 5 to 9 rooms, that I TCTT.T. SELL AT A GRE AT SACRIFICE. 1 7 -raut to bny a beautiful heme cheap, for cash or t;o paymenL,, don't fail to investigate this at once. I must sell for I need the money. If you buy from me, you will not only save agents commisaion, bat you can boy a better home for at least SoOOOQ to $1,000.01) less than you eould buy from anyone else. I KNO W THAT I HAVE A HOME THAT WILL JUST SUIT YOU. Let me show you through some of these houses. You will be both delighted and astonished at the remarkably W prices at which I am offering- them for immeiiiate sale. Investigate this at once. Don't buy ontU voa see what I have to offer you. Iwili deal with principals only. No asents need" apply. For further particulars address N-421, care of Bee. i3i u-i34-:a-x Bemis Park Home Far Sia A aeat -rHim eottace. with atectnc lixtua and cm, furnace, ouaminl cellar; iare lot; larae variety of fruir; aat front; pavad street, permanent wa.ka. PHICE K M. J- H. SHERWOOD, Ba-C7 Brandvia Buddin. CSt- LN A FEW DAYS These houses win be van-ant Meantime w ulfer tnn- wwn rmmis. near!" nr. ail mutlcTO. east r-oni. e oi it - Nurta Mta ear at Weet Matse St. VnmNe is turta Jit wia auumit orw of Anutiter- sua Nortn h. -r and kail, ail aiiMiorn. paving 5.lU. ; rroiu. una iuaca nal at eew arnant ear. on a bi ana ana mm a amta at Cuming iiua. aa rwmmtu. oinra trns wi tur O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. IUi S. T. L-fa. Pounaa Liu. A EASY TERMS Fva rmcm owrtag. bain, siacmc Ugnta. Pavau atinaM. at Im aaan. lwiM mtzrnm unuma af aWnaun. ma bar atra. 9ilu BOBBINS. saaw iU . a. r uin aa Imu. FZJL ESTATE norcsTT roit nu tCmtiaiMU (3 Near I7tli and Ca.-?3. Htnw. of tnoTna. all mntlpm and "nTina' tor w o.r T"tir twiOT wants an of ;"r and w w;ill aubmit anytnlnir that la reaa ooablft. BE3JT3. PAXTTi'V BLCCK. Telpphonna; roturlaa-aBa; Ind. A-1SRS 2005 MAPLE STEET 7 E00iISt NEARLY NEW. Owmrr ia anxious to aall thia Mtt and haa cot. prica to make a quick aaiet. Houan haa receptian hall, parior. dlntnir mom. den and kitchen an tho first floor, and three bedrooms and bath an tn aacond. floor; taira to attic; ail nicely papered, ready tn mtpra Into; nicely aodded yard, cement walk, pavud atreet. doae to Florence boule vard; houaa la atrictly modern, hi every way. HASTINGS & HETDEN, ITDt Famam. St. ITTH A.TO HOWARD, cor lot -r. mod am huuwe. with furnace; beat of piumu mi: anap : !-. aOO. F. D. WIAD. lslth and Farnam. 113) EXCHAGEL "i aoraa of Uutd. Waduna. county. Sflttn. S1.5US. Twofrnwnt hmieea. etached. tn Eanaenm Place: oulty CL.w: renta tTit: on ear :ine, paved atraev S""1 bam nouatta ail mud am. - Pope-WaTerlv" e!ectr!c ' m ' perfect ordar. nod aa me tiBu. S P- DODGE aV CO.. 1714 Farnam St. OH For Home Builders VACANT LOTS, CLOSE IN. AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. Lucjtiim first-uiuas. Suutii aide Hamvy at ami an Dewey Ave. vast of Hat 8t Sewer, w.aer, g cement s.ii Jiotiing LUrr anywuem for the money ! w aak. There are only a taw If ft and if I you want mw of tiieaa fina lots anouu 1 secur it at ance. L. D. SPALDING. Phnna Duu. ZX. Oman Naf! EUuig Bids. Liar yoar property wta Cans Bitv-r. la awW tuiuim o ; jp NORTH SIDE HOME 54,250 IF S3LD THIS WEEK ji.jw -eMim. I-smji , a.1 modern ho 'Jet; i eivgftnt beurufiina and bacri. witai av lect piauihmg. Id rluwi". rpuun ha-i. jarim. ajtTiiijj r ji. aiuing ruann a aitt'tian. let f:ir: 1 uu fiuiau: mrnt cKilar. hut waier neat, a miHiei huine in everv r(Mn:i.. tttn Uit Pu.Hi at met and near - car nun; very die. uaoin usrma ui fiua ptny. BIRKETT & TEE C ENS. Baa EiiUding Pl.iu-a laiu 4741. ai . Jt. 13) r.ZAL ESTATE CTTT MfiriBTT ni ALB (CiMirtnne t Some Good Invest ments ewr an m.. on raiifrmla. rentma for a a montit (T.Toa. On 8. rU Aw.. dnuhla frame Hat. T raomt -ai;n. bT-natnk a r-ntal of 9 a yr on a Invewtj lent. Lrfxik It up. Cloaw m. a near loul4e brlrtt Pat. rnt!!ur for - a montn, ail speiuais paid 4. 1 On car line, olnee in. w ant rrmctliiiu snot tn the wjit of a double brick flat for The eomer of Tdrfl and 3t(i At. is now for sale at Sji The two cutaawB on It are renting; for .. and fie ir-ound ainne tn wnrtii aS.'W. Two paved streeta and near two car lines. Acmes from the Hiirh Stiniml. a new brick flat. rm mir for 3" a rr. with HOT WATER HEAT, ohk 'iniaii. all aperaaia paid, for t.i1itt. ' Near eh and Farnam. new brck fieta. br-inatna- in a r-n-tai nf Btm a rminth on td.jtt tnTsTment. FUPire it out AnyrhiniT tn the wur of in wmawrn pmpertiea we e gnt, and sot the beat DESIRABLE BUILD LNG LOTS Berwei Laird and Snrnine. on N. 2M. a feet front In Ptainvlew Add., anutheaet eorner fflet and Laird, on be sold for H. JuBt south of Spraaue 9t, an 23d. i-font lot . We. want an offer on those two 5f-foor lots juat weat of 33d. on W abater at Southwest comer Int tn Dun dee. cement waik 16. East of snth. aouth front on w-"eer. i;.V.. m fine oeian bnrhood. we have some good lota. See ua fur prices. In Bluff View Add., fnrtna sourh on Eans. east of lbui, StfXl24 feet Eaay terma. The northwest corner of tSth ami Blnne-F. a full ataeil lot very aujntiy. Owner will trade for colLaip up ta On). See us. But one of the beet thins wo ve ant la near ih and Martrv llxiB fpt for aHle at a barinun. Two fine Tidences am ijein built wttain a blooa of tnia eorner. THE FINEST LOT IN BEMIS PARK FOR $L250. Better think it over and mrv that lot now, and wnervei you want it. rmemor, we've ant it C R. Glover & Son 31-4-3 X. T. Life TMy A-0K5 PHONES-Doua-. 3M3. OSV- THE BYRON REED CO. 'Fhons Douglas 2S7. 22 So. lith 9t 33 Pnrker at. 4-room catlaire; lot 4ti" Goad weiL Easy terms. On rth Ht, north of Dodge St T-room. 3-storr house, all modem. Good furnace-, porcelain plumbing. Price. C?Ml Easy terms. 3T7 3o. 3th Aye.. 8room 1-story enrtaae. with bajh. closet new furnace. 3 fireplaces. Paving; paid in tuU. Cm. On Harney 3t. near 23d. S-room. a etui y eottaaw. tile bath, tile kitchen. Full south front lot Pavtna; paid. Garaa-a. tU.jHX Just west of 14th at. on Pratt, a fins S-rnom new bouae. Oak flntah downstaira. Best of plumbing- and hot water iieatLia; plant Two fine lots with fruit and anrub sery. Paved street Price. Southwast corner Xth anjl Harney ata., an elegant -rtira brtuk and tmnent houae. Lajraa roams and clothes cioaats. Quarter sawed oak Cniau duwnataira. BvautUui living and dining room. Houae la finely deeorattMi. 8vral chuice houses to tne FiId Club district, from 14. AO ta . Al. which we can mow you. t (mj) TRACRAGE AT HALF VALUE . 6tfS0 FL, Ne;ir Union Depot $4,000 Gross Income, JCTT. Insurance and taxes. "iJ Noimng in Uu same vn-imtv roe juuuie tne pruat. This u catrtaimy a ana. j J. H. DUMONT X 50 N. Plume Dou-'.aa aW. IKS Fa am 9t. iiai BUILDING LOTS TSth Boulevard. JTev rN.t twT LZFT on hh Boulevard auutli of atiruce street. Se tii .t ,lte if vou want imt teet of uieee unnMw it .ta. It is 'xImm !Wt a. lev m rear on umie. baa sewer and c:tv wter anu tile Park int pava tir sivt uiuwuvamenta. Wul ntuae terms f uesireu. .ort.M Lhui at. rT oiiii jT F1UNT I1T T.-NSI'LX'. it ia tne lust of tne ln stne-t lots t erxu bv an anu situated ruiio of new noose nomnemt 2ti Nna lstn Su This Kit u 2Tiuw feet, ailev in rear, an g a as snauH. sewer aiat city water, rart u-ram. lilt ;i and Littte. aia. H.wj ci'R.N n.ct, einn feet, with street vailu. mttLxr and eewer ertauiiy a Uar aaiii anu ua k.1 1 IE2S1 i7i sixil. aiiey ui rbiLr. just east of 'he aiH mt uo easy payuiaata. A Blii tJMAP ati and Vinton Sta ew o ji fEUv-MS. this fine lot arxlUi t.-er. uo, near IHr, and Biouevaee, Si- H 13 f it H iHTl-'VLLdj I v.iri V.AN'T A VaCA-NX LOT. Garvin. Bros ItH Famam. c faai.-JT'jt 8T UNI? i-r nuiieri ctLniit, with poc-elaln bath, coeet ei -tne llgt.t; Ji cajsu. oaj $.j "O per utti. 1. r. i, lota, an-l ffaru-m. RIAL E3TATE rvrr FaoeirTT ri sale fr"iiinu-l p A Modern Residence Section Eoulev.Tfl pTurk hs a.l of tile urtt aitvantaa-e of anv orr cii'in of r:ie city. riit vme tnut ari m culler to rue aittt-"n. It m maini a of tfi Mieeoiin ail.v an"t 'le hiiff. on tie l.iwa ir:. . -a w't.'jtn .itev wo.i;na 1:et?ini?e of tn )ae, wttn txmuna. fwnrc and mint ma. hwe i oi it i'rct ar wrv:re from trio heart of tiir rnv and naeo OirK't booiveci aitms; !T entire w.eter-1 b-iuniiarT. A.l Diihlte nti piwnin are in and paid for and include w.r. wt.r. aae. Tiot weiks and ei. Boulevarti Firif 1 buiit uo wtrt new. mwtem homfs, omtriied hv nwirn Ther. re n rn crMeing demand f'r lois at th r-e-Rnnanie prtiTe at whlrh ther in it f;rd. A t mmiti" lor mnv b ee curd fnr i. tii and ee ?ir your seif. taxinn 'he Sherman Ave. car to 9rru'ie nil "t and :uninr wt into th addition. Piua. pr:cp and particulars una office. BRAND NEW DWELLING We ofr frr quirk ie ?So. 3!" SfflU lKth St.. , -iiim. miirn houee. with- tcTl:on na.l . evT-y convenience, incliulmit une ani .-tr-c liitnij. miirnifj piumoinK. ement wiks and omy Z hitn-nn im street car CUiv, on reaeoname ti-rma. H.VST FRONT ON" AID ST. Tte new -mTn. w-1civ e?"d",'t dwellins". on comer lot and nniv one hiocs from ear. Nlceiv 3wrHi and fmiah fimnn. Verv rteiirnie as a r!!ence or income pmpositiun H.JW. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 5 acr- oniv hiock from th 7h str-e t ear. P'.erty nf ariatte nnd run ning water. An ideii incailrm f"r gardening, fr-tit raming or chicken farming. Ha be had for C,i. on terms to suit Do not f:ul to :ook rhia up and secure It before it is i lute. 4-EOOM COTTAGE tU30 A little home in aouth part of town, having 4 momn. good cedar, w:l and ctstem. Pon. Clai. GOOD CORNER LOT Good corner lot near iKh and Ame-(3. Shimer & Chase Co. Oty and Farm Property. Enioiirrmn Acreage. In luatnal SUea. lflW Farnam. Doug. A. 3t42. (!! MORE SNAPS Eight moms, modem, close in, large lot ailey. paved street tZaui. Six rooms, modern except hwat. extra lartiH lot. pavmt strr. fine conilitmn. close 1 to two car lines. XJTJ. , Seven moras, practicailv new, modern ; excem heat pev;d atrett :ioe to car ' aweii home. Cm. Blight moms, modem excent heat, bundv I to ar. goni-izel lor. v.rr cueap at :.. iu anoiner jut uaa next door on uie corner. tZJta). Four-mom cottage. lot S1xifi. plenrv of mom for three hiiuien or flats, permanent waika. litven away for tl.TSu. Five-mom cottage on 13th street boule. vard; nice lot. sewer, gas. ceiiar. cement wailta. oue block to car. SLi. LNVEST3IENT Five moms, modern except heat floored artic. with' snace tor three roomfr. rents for th: combination fixtures: fine cellar iot SoKiai: neat location in South O anal Owner needs cask. tti'.i. if auid this week. It Sx. with three houses, ail in gnnd ! condition and now. bringing J7Z montinv: oar vacant space. piemv or mom for ) tirae bouses or fiats: one oiocg t Farnam , car and waiktng uietance 4T79. This is an U- per cnt Investment, and a small ad ditional investment will miue it pay IS per cent net Two good s-room houses, north non. one Ukw h uj Hamey car: lot re ntea ror n, per mum firr an- i other house. TV- w.-tm tu taae vou Uj ' uiis and get your offers. I We have not said muirh about rr of I these pmnerttes. hut tiiev are ail grind no ! snockn among tnem. rome to trie office i or cail us up and we w.ll give vou ail tie- 1 tails. Some of uieae wil suit you 'or home i or investment It auv we nave ouiera. GLUCK &l NEWMAN I QB0 Brandels Elock. Omaha. Jleb. "Phones Bell, Doug. MM; Ind.. A Oil AN OPPORTUNITY I have Just been instruif ed M reduce the ! pries on tile lot corner jiw and Nii-hoiaa Sta frran SL tu tun. This ie-ft rrmi- 1 age n i trai-adgn and is ewii.uxe for a : smalt wi ootise. or would he fine fro- i aimiium class flats. It's a big bargain and ' ERNEST SWEET. 613 N. Y. L. Bid- as FINE LOTS Near 3th and Amas. 4 lota ut good residence UH!auim tor This is a oik imrgnin and toey muat be sold at once. Siiis:e luta uniy fc. ERNEST SVET 613 N. Y. L. Bid- )19V. ChvTi Your Home Here is a llat of fine pmpertiea. some of which can be suld on easy terma. AJ are deairahia. Here ia a hurt; bin in an emom house fnety iiH-aieii. and oara M.nn; iara- bai.i riMun: ver.-t:iin cutnuiuu ai. casu. ba.ance iu time. T-m rooms. ;i mo.ierr ennaire K mn . on first fi.Kir. rreims and hat.i on s-r'nd ' liunr Koujie is not new but m exreltent ' reiiair cimugm.ut . new plumoini; nu fur v -1 eri tur tJl ci.i. iimjuue un ; ay Usrma. j New -mom houae. dtairauly located. ' Very cheap at. the price. ! $Jl..j4'0 Nine-room ad muilem home: one of tha Aural lof-acioua in Dumiee. naif biiM-K lo -;ar. F'r.1 Lour finmiicM in timi. ae-ond rimir w'utrt enamel ana yeiiow pme. Baa mnot W)4ti laumtrv -merit w t.aa; largo laite trera. Two litis iiix!Xi. Lii h '''" mot barn, one ot tn best prop. ..oi ui Duiior-e. HERE'S A GENTLEMEN'S PLACE. A beau::til high and signtiv building sua Wltu a t:ne paiull for Karm-ri and fruit, nrsr irepi tur pave--, wt P,tv wnier to tne around. inml Sox' ft: Umaiton will suil l at. moat rKUiilnua. buil.niiu rri tiins ot: tiioi auj ..t lomr.g grriuud. An meal piai-e a (.rn.iv uia. wants u c.irn uiei tiiw uuiel .ud uxurv of me cooiitrv wiui tue eviiveuifntTvx or :ne ciiy Thn-e s swi aaiHiicr piaia Lks it m Dou.aa cauniy. BENSON &. CARMI CRAEL, "Fhuna DuugUa iat. UZ Pxxtun ill oca. F" R S.lLE-Fiur auttuKea. one dwelima- n"w - ; '-Je (Ml reaivlcftee I. Of SoiiTti .'"iir imo ei anulil I iuri.i Mil "it. I Olli-.ia - iniuio FIAL ESTATE muruTT ran sa lau iCantinuad.) Payne Bostvvick L Ca UT OF B.VRGAINS n. t"S StnnfvnM Cirrie iwif Tith and huh rn, . . ae ani mtrn. T ma ..oi y. js;u Av . 4-r. new. n.t vo t,jj5i(," fwniar !!.: T-r. modern, nme Hn. nisfi wil mantiy. SI." tr-Trnt St. -r.. gas. city watir avl e.w lZ.vvi Franklin; 7-r . new. mcdarn; lot .TNT Et.w lii. X. St ft St.. T-r. cs. mrv wtr. erwr barn, lot la'xi.. two blnea.i "'ti ear .3" N. .ih: -r. and recent ion hall. f'Ki'ri. pr 1 jsii it bnca. hot water ht hem. Ut. 5otL3i C pn .i a. .tn ni.; T-r. mndem. newiv Oi-ortd Mirm;iimit Vacant. ritv to miv into, hair casli. Thia prnp erv le nines in. S.wa ,11 cumitin St.: -r. ail modern . pevl rt. A hut barain. U. JiCi C'avennort. -r.. nwiitcm. new'y ilwnm'wt. raved atr.t; clow in.. CS1 '"11 'ieorana Av.; -r . modern, ex cept heat, paved str-et. one block to car VACANT LOTS TV- have a number of nt' building- lots :n Field Iuh rtleti-icr. tVl Farna.-n dls i tr-ct. nortti rarr of c:tv snd in Dundee. ) which we can sell at v.rv iow nnree. If i ynu contwnpiate tMiihUna. it wil pay you tu T'J BCT OR SELL 3HB Payne, Bostwick 8c Co. Main irionr. N-w T"rH Life Bldg. Phones: Beii. Douglas mm. Ind.. A UH6. UPLAND TERRACE TVhfn mil huy a lot hi CFLA.VD THTR-H-V'E you buy a fine view of two stales and fiv cities fre. w""ier can yau see two cities and Ui e lakes) ? FROM UPLAND TERRACE. "Ther- can you sew tm miles of river. Seaut:ul vailcys and h:en hilla' FROM UPIVND TERRACE. Where is rhe finest scenic view in Doug- j las coimty? i FROM UPLAND TERRACE. Wher tou can se the lakes, the rtver. the pant the cities. the boulevard. What is UPLAND TERRACE! Tnland Trrace is an acre lot addition undivided so that every lot fronts two rauei st eta. Where Is Upland Terrace f Tt is on Florence boulevard, o wtte Miiler park, on the hilisid north of Fort 'maiin wttn fifteen-minute car sei uure. T.iu onv; we furnien ail of aimve advan tages free wit a miming better ever put on the market JEFF. W. BEDFORD, r Cuming. Phones: Eell. Dnugiaa n5; Tnd. B-"TI5 C8 a3 X i 1.5 00 A nit Hye-rtwrn eoctaT, with waffr, sewer and gaa flxparea; convenient to car. I t.Udii Five-room cottage, near 3 3d and Webster Sta. $l.5i) Flve-rotun TOiXajrs. water and sewer, with a good sized lot, on South 2 lar St $ I.BO'i Flvw-room atory and a hall honw. with water and wwer, aa 22 d. near Manderson. 2.2d Eight-room. two-atary ho one, with modern bath, gas fixtures, lot 6-fL front, near 20th and Ohio; can sell thta place on S300 caah and balance t'ZZ per month. 12.300 Six-room cottage at 2113 ifaple St lot 50x122; house is mod. era excent furnace. 12.300 Sven-room. 2-etory house near 2 1st and Miami; modern except furnace; In good order; paved street 2,400 Seven-room. 2-storv hoime, oa 24 th, near Pratt: houae has a modern bath, lot la 40x132. with a large barn: paved street, paving paid for. A BAEGADT. S3. 900 aix-room. new modern, np-to-date house In Kountze Place: east front Iot 50x124. with partus paid for. $3.50i Xine-room modern house in Kounoe Place, tn gnod order; has two mantels: pood heating plant; full lot: on paved street $2.S3'J Six-room, modern except Turnace. near Bemia park; most new; lot 4Sxl27; large barn. 1 2.. 1 00 Six-room eottaae. with i iund 100x137. earner 4 7th. Ave. and Laiayetter shade and fruit trees. A very pieaaant heme. Nine vacant lata three blocks from end of Ames Ave. car line. 52x125, corners 54x125, all for only JfJoO. W. H. GATES. Room filT New York Life Eldg. 'Phone Douglas 12a 4. (131 BARGAINS Binnev St. near lt!i St.. S rooms. u:l modem, tjouiit f-OHt. oil jex.JI. navtiig pi.l Pru-e. t,Av. Want uficr. On Frwier Ave., near 'Mil 7 mom. nemlv new ml tuiMlem. uit X'Jl Pr-.te Ou. Bouievjir'l Park, near 3her tfiun Ave.. . naunw. modern, DMit tiniBii. room fur Lore iut beii rwnn on second floor not finisried. I'nmrr lut, new iiuuae and a Uarsiun at n St:t Ave., near 3iencer St. roe me. c-rv jipr, gaa. tii-let. Eerm-tneiit wiiilt. ex cellent c-m' lit ion. Price. i.J4 SI-.t) csai.. balance s per oent. Williams Ht.. near Harney car. paved eireet, iooin eot- -. nei-iia some tiair. but a oargain at ii.-:n. W. FAJLNAM SMITH CO., y;i Famam at. Ti-n-piiime buuKiia Liil. ind. A-U4. C'ji Suburban Bargain The must beautiful Jf ar-ren near Omana. 15 acres ui heartng r-jit mit:y cnemea. pnu'tiM, grapes and stnai! muta; baiancs m aituifa and pasture: buiUiinga 4 yaara old. Price. easy tenaa if desired. Special reasons fin selling. An opportunity fur a nir-fty man wtt.i atone money to get a flue nemo tiia will bniig in a good in eumii and mcreaae rapidly Ul value. J. H DUMONT SON. 'Phutut Douglas at. IlAs Farnam t. liie-at.Ti $IJS'A CASH Wiil gtvo vuu immediate possLSsicn of a new cutimto af larxe ruoma and oatu rieim. ail Keiierid. gaa uvater ia bam 'aura. c:nel. poiurv. i-ei.jr a. MO wml ouilt Hi t.i'nrl room. !-x:a. In rear; ursa front purcti. fin! .ml :i fmnr lot: bna waia , uiw-iimf uioAig ot car. Far paruuuiara aaii ur 4UUHWI " H. HifFLiV. ijr Faruaaa st. REAL E3TATE CTTT rworTCHTT Fta 4Z.K fCfwt;mtet r . Hastings & Heyden.s List of Moderate Priced Homes $ij3ito ma nocth "dth st. 4 mrnn. brand new and wrc w-il m!tf. I '.'iu cern oin naeement. gwT erm. J 'imL f ill lot. S hlock from car Itne j Iota ad nmma can imi h :he buver oi thia nmnenv TTi' caeo wil hno . die th'e. baanc. rmiit n itm-oe nn r-ni !i.7i ii north :;tti st. i nvomn: cnth amf tft trr irumtii ! will thin nijf. in wrmrt np?uf'h(triMMi, j 2 biornn fm Farnai car itnf: nnntif niui j , if n ii v v fjmijiiv ii aj n p-tiw ft rm m t niw piwmbm nt ta moftm mxc.p-pt hvac i Buy ttna ami smv- pnf. I i350 H)iO NORTH )TH ST. S moms. moiem exent hear. rmpni1 j cellar cment waika. mmhlnatum f:x:me, ; Int 6x;a fet. eeet fmnt. wll built houev. ( one block from car Eev terme. ; $i.4TiU-,1N'n, NORTH I7TH ST. I 7 rooma: K caeh and bnlnnie on montnlv oevments will huv tine !- two-mot-f nouee. wilh hem and lot 3i'xli f-eu I one block fmtn Sherman avemie ear line. j This is a but vaiue for tn" money. liiia imiay anil ae u w.m.Lir r-L4i:n.--;m)7 north mi ST. 3 moma Just comnleted. entirely mode i and complete in ever epect. bun ntc cemented cellar, cement bliwn foundation, cement wiiks tn front ami around ;:ie house, mcciy finished foor. Terr best of construction tnmughorit. large attic. In w'ucii two more moms cmiiil rm inieheil. elecrrlc lights and gne and fine rxtut . one block from the Dodge street car and ia a good proposition. $7,000 BRICK FLAT INVESTS fENT. A new St Louis Tat. S"i and S10 Siicr man avenue, opnosite the Sherman astert ment houee. renting fnr STTie a yir. This building has jast i en eomplet'1, Ih ar mngei fur two families, rented h -f.ire tt wan comnleted. eaofi f.-tmilv ennreiv eo amte fmm each other, fmnr ami hack hallways, separate wairvivi and separare heating plants. Each has i mome and oath, niceiv arrangHd. hanl-wood flnisn hotn room, pan Ti througoont with a fine eeiectton ot paoer. nve.i struts, oer manent sldewaiks. on m-lt. lot. paving paid m full NEW FLAT BUILD TNG REDUCED TO $10.700. 514-S16 North 31h St.. double brtck build ing, i moms in each aosr-ment f lushed with out downstairs and bireti nmrt.-iir. Buildlnas cost Iiv. " lo build one ye,- jn. nnd w worth C l: yeariy menme tl.iTO Moat be sold at once Office Open Monday ev HASTINGS I7TH Farnam St New Five-Room Cottar f Piped for gna. natural finish, bath and all ! mner modem conveniences, lust l-var old; I smith front near tvo- car linen and rents j fur iter month. Price fiyn , BEMIS. PA-TMN ELoCK. I Telephones: Doiuias-uisa . lud. A-iie il9e- Qose-In Investment 710-12 3. 17 St. between Jack son and Leavenworth, a few minutes' walk to the heart of the city. Lr aaxiMi. running; tiirnuxii to 17ta Ave. Born streets paved. Frontage on TTtii Ave., a fine place tn build double brtck bouses, im ITtn St. tliere are two HMroom mod em houses, which wl! rent at t tasiL Price. &3.'in. LaoK tne pmpetry over and let us hear from you. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO-, BOLE AGEJfTS. Main Floor. Si. X. lafa Bids. t.!i We Have the Customers W want wrmt hiti clam f!uta and ra. denr pmpertis for invmimunL W tixtvi' want a and fy-rorn muaern cot-tUrCi-a. wwil UiuAtetL EQUITABLE REALTY TRUST CO 2 Board of Trade. (19 PETERS TRUST CO. SI . vv-rrorn ottaaft. aw, with citv wax it &xul gz full iot;. one bio-ck Crom car. U.i-vM if M?rn cnititfi. nw. nnw biork mm oar: lull loi. Jif -EliKJii-rtNtTTi boius. with bath anu tnitft a-nutt in parior: front and baclt araira: tm 51 !; rr Wft tr arnam diuirMT and aanuy Co Lw.vtn worth clC If lt- W.MTtil icMJailiK tllta. I Ctv- hutUH. uw and modern excpt beat, but ia piped fur furnace; fuil u. i ami near ear Uhm. oaraain. Cv-447 ixarrt Thin tm an cftriu-rw.m htiHim. wttU ciiy watr and bail.. njr1r nw and sitpmit1 wnb arrvtri ami rm wnutiiwa; naa f:nt ciui'Ku atiiUM and m -rrouni ia 12tt ft, amiarw.. wttn fruit and fvmf hiuixw ttaf Dtrrj a- t4-ndinic imumi tn- iux mutt, aftftni !n a f:m virw. Wiuiit cnswiMur -ua ofTr. Sa,-"r--Thia ia fiiuin Dunii- lutrjiam: six hmhm ami rmtpuitn niiii, ia nnartv nw amt iiart a fin tun wait r neat inr piunt. u ta ji14 J:iminK n. Tht owner hvtta Uittr-t ana wiil inw vou tnmufn if inttmaitMt. OvMtti marwirv for st-ilinit. JS.iO- fvvvn-rM)iT. huua juht ttntr ?iim pfMtkid; it ia tnMifm tsxtXit mac the furnat" w ntii n. attntiin tl nmim m pini rir un. V11 crciinpit-ie wna rArnu: tur t"..'3!; an pavf-if atrvi ami nr car C.J'1 Now nnck vvn-TrvMi mini', -nt!rtv moder-i. with hot water heat and two flns- B'vf. witit mamWi; bam: tull lot; n bir rmna mmr. $stM " -i W illu A v.. n ruima all nuuiern, wilq paved strtiec mad good stable; miinmit waika ami tin lawn. 4-.iw---Triia ia n n?Htri-mmm ou-v-vntiiwIv iihulen, wt!i hri-Mnad tiarnuchniiT : !t hAa a vttrv fine aT-Tnairnir and ta tn a ttrni-c.ia.Hm nHKniH)mwt4 maaajnant vjtmmt m: nMia nniit lata .ail. $LKri- TiHrim. a 1 moirnj fcouat. in hnrt walk'.nsj iiiataii': weil .ocaieii fnr roemirrtL Thia huiuHr in m -'inmm ormil'nrr ariii w;il r-r UDrttnn. tfljlA) McHim Tmnitr-ntrtw nar tint Pttd tMuo. nMtiH an ail iurmi n! ennvfiniBOtlv amnmfi. w: i a ha;l in tn- m.uatt: nvmg rrttmi ta UiK w t i f.n bin a mnnN and f'r!Jiate: kUi-h-n ham lance nanri-r arm v-t iuui;, a a mw CM id tirJUtlOUl taa Hrl. f'mir; but wairr ntai; uuuat? ia ttnurviy nf w. VACANT Dui.de4Ci r,,vc on Wnir nnn btx m frm par. T' wi ha nn rntr mnn Av. anil ixard. ir'xlti. $r.4 Fims int a:ralv frirt. .in S'i.i, two rjmcaa norh nf far Un. STi-j Fn aHiuT:i fr.nt naif tiiin-a from pur. n ( naerwood a rtj. Vf or .titu Si., on v'amt. w- uaw k'verii Luu ujia wnici. ws aa mntV tin d-Hri)mM trrna at frvuu wi tu ttaub. Bair PLae XJl--Llxl u. biia, i PETERS TRUST CO. Graiinil Floor N. T. Life Bkig. HOUSE AND LOT ILd'l POPPLETON AVE. House sue rooms, lot f,l)xlt0 feet; asphalt puveaiect; rrroa nent remtent siJewalii. all f alil for; city water, sewer ami ca.i in; terms to suit rtli-bie par cluiaer; $XiC0. See the property and then the owner. William A. DeBorti. Riom. 310 First Natiou al Ban a Buiilin. ('.'Je-aCTH 3 vTST FARNAM j 3.r,ii wuirrn jiuCE. S rnoma stnetiv nuidcru. Tile House is giMMi. The itx anon is right. Lot aiuua is worui uiur than half of Lhj i rood barn aiao and driveway. The pi-IL-e IS OrrlainiV ngat Will mur terras ntftlt. It s Hi" Druig- sk. Dun t aeiay. tuy it now. PETERSON BROS.. REAL E3TATE . . n.Zl CORBY ST. New 4-room bouse, on full lot. baa eirr water .ami sink in kitchen, gas: otherwise not modem, has ntr oar'or. large -lining room snd k.tchen oomluncd and 3 bel rtmms on first Toor. stairway to att'.o: t-Ul eaHli will Baiiille tnia. balance monthly. i ,fifiT0 4011 NORTH 20TEI ST. moms, entirely mtelern anil complete in everv way; parior. dining mom. kitchen. ' iiil mom or den on first fioor. 2 bed moms i ami batn on Zsi floor, full cemented ssee ment haw "lecrrtc lights and gaa, fuil lot , psved street, very well Unlit $.1400 njo NORTH J1ST ST. 3 mom.t. entlmiy mortem ami enmnlote. nice arrangement of rooms, finlshad floors, lari att:c. floored: combination lighting fixtures, cement block foundation, fall eeei-front Int one block from car- buy , terma $."U" 1708 LAKE ST. room, large Snory. suuara bouse, baa nice recaption, hail, parlor, dining room, kitchen, good pantry and rar vestibule on first floor. I bed rooms and bath mr sec ond flour: rooms on first floor are nicely papered and f!noi- are nm.ihed. good ce-mi-nted basement furnace heat, onmbtna. turn lighting fixtures, cement sidewalks, xml.i front one block from Sherman ave nue car line. I77 eaan will bandla this. CHE.U? LOTS iVS) TO .$-00. flO CASH. ..00 PER MONTH. wmt nt Rntr Pnrk. i-aat nf Bnmi, ( hurtr. w ar- offHnnaT tiiew Cnr a nott. tim- fnim lla u Jt tweh. Th am turtiff tnts jint ann avnr two hioctca fmm i fr tin Buv one. a mtl wji ui mv) mnnr uit x t;i4 fmctih timt nt a huimt tyf yur twn. rirfiini fur I amah. UT0 AND $500 LOTS SOUTH OF HANSCOM PARK. W still have several chmeej lota on Vin ton and Snnng streets, between 2h .iwl Sul. tnat we can miL from Wirt to SVww tnat , are from S tn 1 hloctos from the 22d street r line and paved street Will maka a ry terms. tmings Until :30 O'clock. & HEYDEN Be Building, ilai A REAL HOI'IE EASY TERMS V-t story coruure in good location: a rormra and nui.i. modern in everv respeiTt; hard wieid dowa atain: W"U ar ungeiT. Owner neeus larger home. Price. J4.J.W. ) down, balance munthiy paymvnia. J. H. DUMONT & SON, Phone Dougiaa ISO. 11X5 Farnam ?t Q9e- $00 Do a Fine, nice a-room house, all modem, on tile street car line. Built for noma but owner oompelltMt to leave. Price Ciwe. BEMIiJ. PAJCTf??T BLOCK. Telephones: Dougius-oco; Ind. A.-ISS. 13l SEW MODEHX H' iMZ. onMapie at., of S rooms: tint floor In oaa. hot water beating plant: nine yam: get location and price, owner atuviiig ui La. it irniu- F D. WEAD, ISth ami Farnam. ilal HANSCOM PARK BARGAINS 9-RiW MODEItN HOI.'SK ONLY ST.5-. n lieiirxiu Ave., near poppieton. with. f'lll ioL Big home barsatn. iimise aionu wnrh the prtire. J'jLLS W. BOBBINS. llsOI FAHSAVf ST. I l lDr AilEItli-A.V rS"T5:;-i-ei' ris rfpr-ttATTQ eiRA.VL-e::.4 PflLX-fNiJ Plio.Ni. Lol.'GLAi Hl. DIRT CHEAP Our list of in a;i it wanna ov prooertv ia g twing conatit - anil ixrcoin. ins more mmriivi, to iniyent. iv afr.-r toe Ot-M tn (m bud in Cne nai iletics jnjper'. y . BUT NOT Lhe and itnut:aoie. tn srua liat umluiiius u hava solcndid nveainricuia. i.ltui ,o,i a pair on tr:au Trji'K,. in every oniii-t.-r uf tils ciiy ou a.l t:ie railways centering Hera. am ua wrirn in n.-u uf any tain g in me ri s- te tula. CHEAP DIRT aEHjy"A.v iNVE3,rr a. "'"R?,"r.,v.Tio.t ! ea. Biti..i't.iil aC;il l.vij. j lUi i!H M i Cte" ciing,- . me on bea.H!f,it anmol Si.. near -il.l. Buimn exmil Ural, caeaj, ,)a easy :f )H tuinrtt jlay L T, i Lia jwurr iu;k. f".oriU'B 3m : uai iiirz a 1UNTEE BAirU.U' N.inviMt ciirnf wta Ave., and Win nn.y ,r ao.d at nc... Iti Flo nr or oiuuuo ai J i. t-ti tfu. Donaee 4T5 3 deia Bllt uu 'Phnea t r