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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1908)
REAL ESTATE cttt fhopehty tor sale (Continued.) 1 Elegant Modern Homes FOR SALE NEAR THE NEW CATHEDRAL On 39th and 40th Street! Just south of the new Cathedral, I have seven modern, brick houses for sale. Here are the numbers. Sea them and make me an offer. They are all owned by eastern parties who will sell at sacrifice V rices: 316 North 39th Street. 365 North 39th Street. 417 North 40th Street. 424 North 40th Street. 407 North 40th Street. 419 North 39th Street. ' 421 North 39th Street. Two of the above houses I can sell for $7,000 or $3,500 each, and on easy terms If necessary. There Is no residence property In Omaha that will increase in value dur ing the next few years like this. Good street car service; paved streets; permanent sidewalks. Ideal homes at half what the houses cost to build. Five per cent Interest on deferred payments. Southwest corner 9th and Hickory Streets, 105x100 feet, only block from treet car line. Just the place on which to build four cottages. Only $2,200. . Bargains In improved and unimproved property in all parts of the city. THOMAS BRENNAN Room 1, New York Life Building, Telephone Douglas 12C4. : KOUNTZE PLACE THE BEST PLACE TO BUY A LOT If you want to live in a high class neighborhood. LARGE LOTS 50x124 FEET ! ! . $700 TO $950. I I Convenient to cars, stores, churches and Schools. : jcate(1 0I Lothrop, Spencer, Era " Xet and Plnkney streets, between Sherman Avenue and 24 th Street. We sell a lot in Kountze place nearly every day. Make your selec tion at once. " ; Office open Monday evenings until 8:30. j HASTINGS & IIEYDEN, 1704 Farnam Sta ' Bee Building. (19)- ! SPECIAL , WALNUT HILL HOME, BARGAIN 4155 Cuming- St., 9 rooms, modern throughout, on asphalt paved street, paving paid; fine- - lot, trult and room (or small garden; one block to two car ' lines; near new cathedral. Price. $3,660 If taken within a ; tew daya. It will pay you to investigate this property. Let ' us show you through. I 1711 in ru. uusiwiuiv. & tu, j SOLE AGENTS. Ma4n Floor, N. Y. Lira Bldg. i 09)- I South Side Bargain I Can't Be Beat Near 17th and Vinton, 7-rocm new ; house, all modern; was built for a home; 3 fine bedrooms and bath on 2d floor; reception hall, parlor. sttttnA room, dln ! inn room and kitchen on st floor; 1 double floors, fine gas fixtures; furnace 1 Is one of the bent made; fine lawn, east ; front, (round 00x1)0. Fries for short tlmftonly $3,150. Good terms. BIRKETT & TEBBENS. 428 Bee Building.- 'Phones Doug. 4734; Ind.. A1754. i ' (19) j DESCRIPTION ' The west 100 acres of the N. E. quarter of Bee. 23-21-6 E., Cuming county, Ne braska, three and a quarter miles south east of West Point. Land lays sightly, north portion level, soath part Is slightly rolling. No waste land. Will give II a foot for all land not tillable, except where buildings stand. Twenty acres good fenced pasture, oak poets and three wires. Well, windmill and tank and abundance of good water. ' HOUSE, one and a half story, six small ' rooms, 14x24. with addition 12x14. BARN, with hay mow. Ix24. with lesn to : 16x24. DOUBLB CORN CRIB, with driveway, 30x24. Place Is rented for this season. If sale is made at once the rent goes witjj the jil ace. Would make an excellent dairy, hog or poultry farm; Is Just the right distance from town for anv of these purposes. INCUMBRANCE First mortgage. $1,500; due December 12, 1; Interest, 6 per cent. Second mortgage, 12, MO; due May 3. lull; Interest, 6 per cent. PRICE. $ti5 per acre, or $6.5"0 tor the (arm; $2,00 cash and $4.0uo at 6 per cent. NELS. A. LUNDGREN, 626 N. T. Life Bldg. (191-M2S0 27 THREE BIG SNAPS $1,00 -room house.' on cor. lot, 15th and Ohio sts. Rents, t,U per month. $3,200 lS-room house at 2706 Burt St. Full lot. Rents, $3 rr month. $4,000 Prsnd new modern house, 8 rooms and small cottage In rear 17th and Nicholas sts. This Is close la prup erty. ROBINSON & WQIJP. 435 Paxton Block. (19) i A BENSON SNAP 12.2M A dandy new 8-room cottage par' -r. dining room, klu hen, den or bed r, i downstairs: t bed rooms and baih and hail upstairs; large closets and panirv. "(VTouini 76x128. IS blocks from car. r'ruii . trees, small fruit, gariien and blue grass ', all In. Modern except heal. This in cludes full-length screens at windows and tkors; new. best quality sliucle, linoleum on kitchen- lluor, i large, new "Mirvel range, all connected, aiso base bu-n.-r. lo you know where u can dup.icate trns offer? Only toil) down, baiancj ;2) per month. Located on Halcyon Ave., sec imd huue south of Heed 1.. east front, vnre the owner wjil be pleased to show It any tunc, phone Benson 45. - (19-M15S 27 H'lt KTUNTIE8 for people of small means In Waauingtt a. Wrne for booklet "A Home and Independence." Tlie Pal oiiax lrriguu ai-d l'cr Co.. Dut. F, REAL ESTATE CITY PHOPEHTY TOR ALB (Continued.) 19- SEE IT! WHAT 1 CREIGHTON'S FIRST ADDITION. It lies either sldo of 32d Ave., a block south of Hanscom park, on one of the hlgh ett points e round the city, with a command ing view In all directions. , It Is delightful and you will say so when you see It. Best car line In the city runs through the center of It and main central boulevard will go through the addition one Mock east of the car line. 35 ldls al ready optioned. Grading is being finished, trees are being set out, sewer, water and permanent walks are being, or will be laid, and if you contemplate buying a lot, don't fail to se this before you do. It Is surpris ing what you can get here for $500 to $1,000. A lot to grade, with sewer, water, graded streets, set to trees, etc., as Choice as these, are very low In price. It will pay you to look at it. D. V. SHOLES CO., ' 110 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Douglas 49; lnd.-A-3o49. (19) Mortgages , We have Just a few good mortgages left. Which one shall we save for yon? $oo at per cent.. $50 at 6V Per cent. $1,000 at 6 per cent. $1,2U) at t per cent. BEMIS, 90g PAXTON BLOCK. Telephones: Douglas-55; Ind. A-168S. .... .. (19) LOOK Best building sites in the city of Omaha. Only two blocks west of Crelghton college and facing on Central boulevard and be tween California and Burt streets, rive of these lots have already been sold, but some of the best ones are left. The most beautiful stretch of boulevard in the city lies Immediately In front of these lots. Pon't fail to let us show you these lots. Water, sewer and all modern conveniences are In and all paid for. Prices $1,250 and $1,000. Terms $100 down and balance monthly to responsible parties. Building restrictions. Two fine modern 7-room houses are now being erected and two more are soon to be commenced. All the houses In this neighborhood are new, which goes to show that the value of the lots 'will rise a good deal In. the next few years; so don't fall to get In on the ground floor and get the one you want. For further Information call, write or telephone the BENJAMIN REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 477 BRANDEI8 BLDG. Doug. 7332, Ind. A S1B7. ifl) 3016 PINKNEY ST. The owner is living In the west and needs the money. He has held the property at V. ,nd now w"lte us to. make him an offer. It you want a five-room cottage with t'.r'' b,lc; walkg' old barn, and lot at this property today. The cottage needs -VT -.ill '. 7"""u" i reins lor sio now, and will bring higher rent if repaired. ! .mi, uiui-k iTom me uodge street car !'.M'.."'r,ntt ',art erms if. desired. MAKh, lg AN OFFER. ' garYjn BROS.. 1M Farnam St. 09) FOR SALE A COUNTRY HOME IN THE HEART OF DUNDEE. This Is the Llghton property on the north west corner of frith and Cuming Bts. There are eight very choice lots In which are a neat cottage, barn and other outbuildings. The lots are Improved with selected fruit consisting of apple, peach, cherry and plum trees, (some of them-In bearing), grapes red and black raspberrlea. blackberries, iirawberrles, currants, gooseberries, etc , beslues apricots, pears and other young trees not yet in bearing. Streets are graded and there Is a cement walk on the east aide. This Is surrounded with choice homes and property is rapidly advancing. For price and terms see s Peters Trust Co. Sole Agents. Ground Floor, N. i. L. Bldg. (19)- 1N the West Farnam district, l-rooni dwelling on lot ouxi&s, tmat fron, m North !tii avenue; fiila lawn, trees, tee ment walks and paving; house has been put In first-cias con.iltion. .new root plumbing, electric light, new fixtures, papering, etc For sale lr $8.(00. or fur rent at $a0 a month. KKF.D BROS. 17 lj FARNAM ST. (1) A1J74 NEW fr-room house, $l, Saltier ft. New. 4 rooms. th and Bprague tits.. $w&. A. E. Heaak-i. JVl tiahlar m. 4-M2uE 27 REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTT FOR SALI3 (Continued.) OMAHA V715-27I9 Blotido St., 2 4-room cottsges on lot, i1W on Blondo SU, I blocks north of the J4th St.. csr line. Price. $1.S50. 1?1 Franklin St., S-room partly modeV-n cottage, iifwtairs not completed, lot 60x120. 1 ft. ensl of 33d St., csr line; north front. Price, 12.9 0. 2018 l'l."ce St., 6-room modern cottage, except furnace, lot 30x186; lot facing on two streets. Pierce and Poppleton Ave. Price, S2.W0. 18 Bancroft St., and 2018 Arbor St.. lot runplng through from Bancroft to Arbor St.; two cottages, one facing Arbor St., one facing Bancroft St. Price, $2,060j for both, or will eell one for $1,026. ' 24J7 Spencer St.. -room cottage, all mod ern, lot 40x13?; as good ss new. Trice. $3,200. lot 5x112. on Sherman Ave., close to Wirt St., west front. Price $. Lot ftxl88. north front, second lot west of 17th St. Price, ttfiO. . On Orphanage road, S 6-acre plots, one $.W. two $160 each. Northwest corner of 24th and Castellar Sts.; lots 7 snd 8. Wilcox add.; 47x158 each. Price for both. $3.0i0. Block 1. lot IK. Orchard Hill, SSth and Charles Pt.i second lot from corner. I32x.1'i0. between Frederick snd Spring Sts., with frontage on 14th and 15th Sts.; 132 on 15th St.; level with street, snd 100 back toward Hth St.; balance needs filling. Price. $050; cash, balance on time. New. all modem, 8-room house, full lot, permanent cement sidewalks; best neigh borhood, 1922 So. 34th St. Price, $4,0. South Omaha 9-room house, all modern; 4-room cottage, all modern but furnace; lot 00x160, on 24th St. Price, $.i.6O0. 33J and V Sts.. 8-room cottage, lot 60x130 well. Price, $1,000. ?3d St., between A and B Sis.; lot 00x150; 8-room. all modern house. Price, $5,000. 7-room house all modern, but furnace, lot 30x110. Price, $2,700. 25th St., between I and J. Sts., 14-room double frame house, all modern, exPept fur nace, lot rioxloo. Price, 14.150 cash. So. 25th St., lot 13. block 7; lo 60x15OM2 room houne. -room cottase, city water. Price, $S,0 for both; H cash, bal. on 6 per cent. : FLORENCE 3 acres and 4-room house, one-half mile northwest of Florence car line; barn, well, orchard. Price, $2,000. NELS. A. LUNDGREN, 625 New York Life Bldg. (19) 169 26 Several Choice Locations t on High School Hill for FLATS 38th Avenue Home. Elegant 8-room completely modern house. Just north of Dodge, lot 60x155, price $6,250. Near Bemis Park District 7-room i completely modern house excep tionally well built, full cellar, cemented, nicely decorated, about 00 feet to car, ce ment walks; will be vacant May 16; price, $2,950. On Ames Ave. Near 29th, brand new 5-room cottage, Just completed April 25, has bath, .toilet, wash stand, hot and cold water, gas and electric light, large attic, cemented cellar; if you see this you will buy It; can make easy terms; price, $2,360. . J Fine Building Lot Near 42d and Harney, close ' to Omaha, most beautiful homes, $750. WM. E. ROMANO, K Board of Trade. Doug. 1319. (19) $1,850. 6-rnmri bouse nil mnHAenN v. n Just two blocks from Harney car line. Telephones: Douglaa-&S6; Ind. A-1585. ' (19) GOOD HOUSE ' PROPOSITION $2,650. $3,250. $3,650 7 and 8-Room, All Modern' and New. Two with hot wster plants. All are south front lots, near 24th and Binney and 28th and Lake. ne-fourth to one-third down: halan easy terms. One of these three is a particularly big bargain. I have also a nice cottage property; large grounds and nice stable; fine view and re tired place, yet not too far from cars. This is off-red at a great sacrifice, being neces sary to pay claims of an estate. Open to an offer. $4500 About two-thirds the real value of the ground alone. Paving paid. 62x132, and good, strong frame 9-room house; near 24th snd Harney. This has the elements of a good Investment In It If handled In the right way. Come In and let me suggest my view of It. WILLIAM FLEMING ai So- th 8-. back of City Hall. Office Phone Doug. 179. House, Doug. 6040. (19 M30S Su Acre Lots NEAR SOUTH OMAHA. ' At 44th and Harrison Sts.. across the road from the city limits, we have eight one acre lots and five two-acre lots. The two acre lota have clear spring creeks on one edge of the lots, making an Ideal place for chickens, geese and stock. TERMS $25.00 DOWN $5.00 A MONTH OR $10.00XDOWN 10.00 A MONTH. Go down Slth St. to Good Luck, and then west on Harrison to our big sign. One of the new home owners will show you the lots and prices. Here are aonie of the people who have bought arre lots: Anton Hrbek. Joserh Hrbek, James Nocar, Mrs. Minnie Hughes William A HuKhes. J. J. Krall, Frank M Crawford. Walter F. Bates, Benlamtn It. l.emke, Peter Duncan. W. H. Pumphrey Oeorgc H. McNeill, Joseph Mickalls, Clar ence Smith. Harry Smith. Only thirteen more can find a place to buy a country home where you can plant your garden and fruit trees nd raise chickens this year. Move out for the summer and save 'rent. Telephone us to meet you on the ground or at 3uth and Q Sis. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam. (19)- $3,000.00 For a strictly, modern S-room house. This Is a new house. Just completed on a fine corner, with new houses all around It and Just at the edge of Bemis park. 3"hl house has large attic roorn, stone founda tion, full cemented cellar, with laundry room, permanent walks and entire lot sodded. Look this ovr. ss It will stand the closest Inspection. 1411 North lh hi. G. W. GARLOCH, 10 HanUltoa Bt THE OMAHA SUM DAY - UKihJ: Al'KIl, REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR 8LB (Continued.) D. V. SHOLES 110 Bosrd of Trade Bldg. Telephones: iHniglss 49; Ind. A-2049. $2,400 New 6-ronm cottage, modern except furnace, 2711 Maple St.; has pantry and vestibule; built In rear; new plumbing, dressed floors, and Is a rrarklng fine place for the money; lot 46x126 ft. $2,525 New S-room cottage, modern except furnace, 2715 Miami St., artificial stone foundation, vestibule, up-to-date plumbing; largo pantry; space for one room In the attic; small barn; lot 60x132 ft. Immediate pos session. $2,600 Seven-room house, modern except furnace. 1322 South 27th St., beautiful east front lot, 50x150 ft., with fine shade and fruit. , $3,300 8even-room modern house, with hot water heat, fronting on Hanscom park, 1743 Park Ave.; paving all paid; lot 50X1U0 ft. $4,250 New 6-room frame dwelling In Field Club addition, must be sold this week; very -desirable location and strictly up to date. $5,500 Eight-room modern residence, wlt hot water heatfsln Hanscom park dis trict, oak finish downstairs; full east front lot; fine shade trees; paving paid. VACANT $1,050-44x135 ft.. 8. E. cnr. 11th and Arbor. Or wa will sell 132x135 ft., with per manent walk; paving on 11th all paid for, $2,750. Half cash, balance one and two years, 6 per cent. This Is a bargain. $1,100100x130 ft., corner 40th and Seward Bts., both streets paved, but not all aid; room for three houses and a largaln. $1,850100x125 ft., N. W. cor. 36th and Marcy; block to car: sewer, water and gas. 8ecllon Improving fast. INVESTMENT $21,000 Block from Farnam car; 50x115 ft. of ground, with a block of six apart ments, all heated by one plunt; no , other expenses or Janitor service necessary; total rental $2,820 per year. Deduct coal and care of heater, not exceeding $41)0. This will pay g to 10 per cent net. $4,30o Four houses, now rentmg for $49 per month, one 4-roon ,one 6-room, one 8-room and one 8-room. These are near lth and Vinton, In a fine rent ing location. We show you' around by automo bile. You get your money's worth If you don't buy. (19) ' VACANT LOT WEST HARNEY ST. The last south front lot in this choice location. j J. II. DUMONT & SON, Phono Douglas 690. 1606 Farnam St. (19)- SOUTH OMAHA SNAP Beautiful 6-room ' house, part modern. In elegant shape; splendid neighborhood, close to car line; walking distance. Ex cellent very large lot, fenced; perma nent walk; fruit and ahade trees, large barn and chicken house and chicken yard. Only part cash required and .at a price that will surprise you. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., (82 Brandels Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 09) M133 I WANT an offer on the property, 1128 and 1130 S. 81st St.: two modern houses and good barn; well rented. Thla property la owned by an eastern Da rty who must selL THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. New York Life Bldg. u9)-eei A MODERN 8-room house and barn, bar gain. 824 8. 27th St. See owner. (1 M296 28X IF YOU WANT ACRE PROPERTY or a bargain In a farm or city lot call on 8. Arlon Lewis, acre specialist, 934 New York Life. (19) M298 26 FOR SALE Four $500 lots on car line, west for $300 each. Must be sold Monday. Trustee, room 102 McCague Bldg. (19)-M143 37x PEAL ESTATE TITLB TRUST fin CHA8 E. WILLIAMSON. Pres. Vv. THE REED ABSTRACT CO.. est. 1856. Prompt service. Uet our prices. 1710 Farnam. (19) 8t4 REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR SALE) Coloradv. 1640 ACRES within sight of Denver, on railroad; farm machinery, thirty cows and creamery, paying $200 to $300 per month, $15 per acre. 2.500-acre stock farm, partly Irrigated and within sight of Den ier, $30. 640 acres, extra good, $7.60. 1.6u0 acres Irrigated Greely land less than half average price. R. M. Cash. Y. M. C. A., Denver, Colo. , (20) M2S6 26x Nebraska, The Best Buy Keith county, one seMlon, only two miles from county seat and V. P. R. R., for only $5.00 PER ACRE Owner will accept (0 cents per acre cash, balance yearly payments. Don't miss this chance. If full section Is too much for you, have your brother or friends Join. Hastings & Heyden Land Lept Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. 20)-M2U8 26 IRRIGATED LANDS. Go with us Tuesday, April 28, 4 p. m., and see what "I'ncle Sam" is doing In west ern Nebrsska. Thousands of acres under government ditch, 25 to $40 per acre. See us Monday, go with us Tuesday, Double your money In six months. E. M. TODD, WITH CLOVER & SON, 601-2-3 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. 'Phone Douglas 3D63. (fr) M339 26 y North Dakota. OVT THEY Q On the new C, M. St. P. Coast Railway, through Adams county. North Dakota, which Is attracting homesiekere tn an unexcelled (arming country. Bunklmi, flee roal. pure water, sure crops, a horns and profitable occupation for you. Land but 110 to IJO an acre row. Easy tsrma. We have homastcad relinquishments tor sale. 8e Wm. H. Brown Co., Hayues oi Matt. ti-tu Dakota, or 131 LaSalls St.. Chicago, ilapa free. Mention this paper. Lt write our Maudan. North Da kota, oil ics. (2u Maui EASTERN NORTH DAKOTA. 60,000 acres general farming linda retailing from $14 to $'J) per acie. Land frea from Incum brance and title guaranteed. No equal t. this proposition irj the northwest. Owner going to Europe and EXCEPTION ALLY low figure will be quoted to re liable parties to close out entire tract. For particulars address Box So4, St. Paul, Minn. (30) M119 27x Oresoa. OREGON FARM for sale or exchange, 740 acres In Linn county. In Willamette val ley, Oregon: choice dairying and slock farm; 160 acres In cultivation, 4uu acres open pasture, buildings, orchsrd, tc. ; good fences; on main, county road, t milea to town and railroad; price, $jd per acre; will take one-third In trade. What have you? We have farms In all parte of Oregon for sale. H. W. Uerisnd Co., 1K1 4th tit., Portland. Ore. . H2i 26x Beeth Dakota, COMB choice farms In eastern South Da. kota for aaie or excuai'se. Easy lertua it. J. ailcka, Hit filoue City. s). IX I -l Uui Mis 2fi,.-l!H)S. REAL ESTATE - FAR M AND RANCH LAND fOR f ALB oath Dakotn CAatleae4L 40-ACRJD Improved farm. Brown eountv South Dakota, $15.00 rer ere. Two smaller farms at bargain prices. Sev. ersl quarters unimproved ;and. All fins Investments and will stand closest In spection. Cash or terms. Box 82$. Aber deen, a. u. J0)--Ml all v Oklahoma. NEXT EXCURSIONS. My t and 19, round trip, Muskogee. Okl.( $16.75. Write us about cheapest Invest ment In Indian Territory lands. THE PUTNAM CO., ' 604 N. Y. Life Bldg. (20) M17 2(1 Texas. a fortuneTwaits YOU IN TEXAS 1 "DOWN BY THE RIO GRANDE." Write for our descriptive list of farm land's In Texas and Oklahoma. Let ua show you now io get results. List your property with us for sale or ex change. Agenta wanted everywhere. Paul Joues & Co., 708 Locust St., St. Louis. Mo. (20)-258 26X BIG EXCURSION TO THE GULF COAST OF TEXAS MAY 5TH, 1908. Opening of the new 65.000 acre tract of land a,t Taft, Tex., located on two rail roads, about 18 miles north of Corpus Christl. Take advantage of this oppor tunity to get in on the ground floor and be among the lucky ones to have first se lection of this fine tract of land, which already has hundred of acres under cul tivation, rnrms that are uneqiisled any where In Texas. ,For further Information call or write THE INTERNATIONAL LAND & INVESTMENT CO., 'Phone Doug. 3133. 210 Bee Bldg., Omaha. (20) FARM AND RANCH. Located Within 45 minntpa hv mllriuH nf the Fort Worth packerles, within one mile oi a town on two railroads, contains 1,283 acres: ff need in five pastures: watered by running stream; has good ranch Im- Frovements; no better grass land In Texas, t's ideal as either a feeding farm, a breed ing farm, a stock farm, or a combination farm and ranch. As n ennritrv hnma tho location and natural advantages cannot be surpassed, f or sale at a big bargain. Write us for map and detailed description. Address: WINTERS, FOSTER & EPE3. ' Fort Worth, Tex. (20)-231 26x Ctah. 1.P60 acres of Utah land, 3 miles from V. P. R. R.. for $2 per acre. Owner will take Omaha lot worth $1,000, cash $500, and the balance In 10 years. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb. - (20)-M294 26 Utsssllsaseas, WESTERN LAND. large and small tracts; sale and exchange. National Invt. Co. 662 Brandels Bldg, (20) 86 DOUBLE YOUR MONEY IN 90 - DAYS Section good raw land t miles from county seat It R. town; land around It selling at $10 an acre; country settling up very fast. Relnnfffl tn n .1 i i . n ... ....... ...... ... Bin. i.i via, uh aijiu at once. Part cash will handle thia and uiuy o an acre. NATIONAL INVESTMENT COMPANY, 582 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. Neb. -! (20)-M187 27 TIMBER LANDS AND MILL PROPERTIES. Washington, Oregon California, British Columbia. 1 Reliable Estimates Furnished. WRITE US. MEIKLEJOHN CO.. INC.. 609-610 Pioneer Bldg., Seattle, Wash. ' (20) 242 28x WANTED By firm owning large tract of Texas land, general immigration agent for Nebraska, with headquartess at Omaha; good commission proposition to right party. Address S 424. Bee. (20)-351 2 REAL ESTATE LOANS $100 TO $10,000 made promptly, f. D. Wead. Wead 31dg.. 15lh and Farnam. H2) 70 PRIVATE MONET-NO DELAT. GARVIN BROS.. 1H FARNAM. (i2)-iti7 HONEY TO LOAN On Improved city Bron erty; building loans a specially: no daiuv W. U. Thomas. 603 1st Nat l Bk. Bldg . 22)-M741 All LONS on Improved Omaha property O'tteefe B, B. Co.. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg (22)-W ' LOWEST RATES Bern la Paxton' Block. (22)-7S Money to Loan If VAU hflVA ImnrAVArl rrt aka ... security and want mon?y quickly and at lowest rate of Interest, you will save time willing iu u. Garvin -Bros., 1604 Farnam. I (22)- PIU.VATF, MONEY-CASH - ON HAND NO DELAY. J. H. MI THEN. 202-a 1ST (22)-87s WANTED City loans and warrsnts. W Karnatu Smith s Co., im Farnam 8t ' 22 B6 MONEY to loan on Improved city property Has'ings 4k Heyden. 1704 Farnam Sr. t22) 4 INVESTORS Mortgages at per cent snd 7 per cent n east and west of the Mis souri river; ample security; 28 yesrs in this line; personal Inspection. Also lands ai oeorocK prices, brown Bros., Aber deen, 8. D. (22)2B 2Sx WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. 6V4 PER CENT money to loan on eastern arty in Omaha. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 109 First National Bank Building. Tel, phone Douglas TC (22) 71 . MONEY TO LOAN-Paj ue. Investment Co. f)!2 7S REAL ESTATE WANTED INFORMATION wanted from owners re garding house snd lot. or good farm for sale. Price must be reasonable. Wm. M. Rose, 1423 E. Virginia, Kansas City, Mo. (23) MJS9 2x WANTED Between now and June 1, a de. slrable or lo-room modern house In West Farnam or other choice location, for first class tenant on year or two years' lease. D. V. Htiolcs Co.. 110 Board nf Trade Bldg. Telephones: Douglas 49. Inde pendent AO. (11 WANTED Unimproved Isnd or lots. Will give my sharea of stock In a reliuble In dustrial rorporsllon for same. Describe what you have and state value. Address F. J. Brown, Rogers Park, III. . J. Brown, Roger s 1 NT ED To buy. a CJ-M3ug Xx WANTED TV buy. a seven or eight-room house, strictly modern, osk finish; not over four years' old: must be near car Hue. Address P 440. Bee. (2o)-M3u0 26x WANTED, to buy, about t or 7-room house, gimd location: give best price and terms. Address W 426. Bee. 2a So! 2rtx WANTED to buy. brick business block; must be sniip. paying good rental. F. D. WEAD, Hlh aod Farnam (2!l WANTED TO BORROW WANT to borrow $a.nm at per cent on (maha reul e:u!e worth $12.on. Address W 4, care Bee. (24)-M171 2 WANTED Loan of $;: for ninety davs from private party. Will pav good com mlaslon and furnish flrat-clas security and reference. Address W-442, rare Bos. ; (34I-M177 7x WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy secondhand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpet, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes, quilts and all kinds of tools, or will buy the furniture of your house complete. The highest price paid. Call the right man. Tela Douglas SSTIU Independent A-4971. (25) M01S BE8T price paid for tdhand furniture, car pets, stoves, clothing, shoes. Tel. Red 540L (25)-M87g WANTED TO RENT SMALL, modern, furnished cottage for the summer. Address L-401, care Bee. (26)-M140 26x' WANTED TO R ENT One large, partly furnished or unfurnished room bv young lady employed during day; no objection to distance if near car line and reason able. Address J-417. care Bee. (26)-108 26X W ANTED Three unfurnished rooms by young man and mother. Address P-4'Hi, care Bee. (2S)-154 27m WANT ED 4 or 6 furnished modern rooms or 'at for light housekeeping by couple with two children. Best reference. Ad dress M 420, care Bee. (26) M174 2x 7 WANTED SITUATIONS A DANISH buttermsker desires work as such; 4 years, of experience. Nels Beck. Bpannuth, Neb. (27-M92 25x SITUATION WANTED By young man with some experience In wholesale house. Dry goods or clothing preferred. Address Q 397, Bee. (27) M9S8 26x SITUATION In prlvste famllv where house la Included. Address Y-434, care Bee. (27) M287 ilix WANTED Situation rs traveling sales msn for an Omaha firm who would like some one to represent them In territory ad.lacer.4. to Norfolk. Have had experi ence on the road. Address Y 433, csre Omaha Bee. (27) 208 26x EXPERIENCED, competent young adver tising man seeks connection with loading manufacturing, mail order or wholesale house. Can plan and execute all details of advertising enmpaigns; thorough and f Tactical experience In preparing adver ting copy, booklets, follow-up matter, etc. Well posted as to rates and circula tions of all classes of publications. Ad dress M 437, Omaha Bee. (27) M366 2Ja BIAMQNO SHUT STUB LOST BITWBEI T7VIOW STATION AMD POSTOFPICH $100.00 REWARD fal Cl1 l6th KO QUESTIONS ABZES. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS John Liddell and wife to Fred B s Oliver, lot 3 and a lot 2, block 10. Halcyon Heights $ 2 100 Mary E. Miller to O. Brown and wife. ' lot , block 188, South Omaha...!.... 750 Mary A. McKenna to Frances Fran Manger, lot 18, block 1, Brennan Place i Unltoxl Real Estate and Trust corn- . pany to Anna Sykes, lot , block 16, ' Kountxe Place jgo John P. Flnley and wife to O. C. Gallup, lot 13, Windsor Place 6,360 William O. Clements to J. Jakl, Jr., lots 16 and 16, block 4, South Omaha, Cotner & Archer; add., 900 Louis Straka and wife to O. H. Wood" and wife, lot . block 8, Hillside 1st add a KiVi United Real Estate and Trust com- ' . rany to r.mmn. Myers .lot 7, block , Maxwell's 2d add am George W. Garloch and wife to Jose- nine Schoenhen, part lot 6. block "U." Lowe's add a 500 A. Past to Oliver P. Morrell, part lot 102,. Glse'e add 1,950 Hastings & Heyden to Albert F. Gwln, oi o. nioca 2, Hastings & Heyden as. Jd add 450 H. J. Llndmler and wife to Martin Nelson.' lots 4 and 6, Parkland Place 1.460 Emma E Norman to Carson M. Rich, lot . block 2. Hitchcock's 1st add.. 2B J. M. Weckerly to Emma E. Norman, same 1 County treasurer to Thomas Cough Ian, lot 4, Mahoney's add C. E. Yost and wife to Emmet H. Mc- Creary, lots 8 and 9, block 2. Sher wood park 1 Weatland Realty company to H. J. Llndmler. lot 12. Parkland Place.... 400 J. McMullen to J. D. Neumann, lot-12, block 11, Shull's 2d add 6.000 H. P. I.wls and wire to Alfred Ken nedy, t lot 3, block 11, E. V. Smith a add 1.500 Homer I-ewla and wlfo to Alfred Ken nedy, lot 1L block 16. Highland Place 3.2O0 F. c. Montgomery and wife to Kathe- rlne Severance, lot 16. block ' H. Saunders & Himebaugh's add 2,000 W. HIese et al. to w. Hlese,- ne4 swV,. except 10 acres, 6-18-12 C. Tletgen to W. Hiesn, eH se(4 swVi and 10 acres off south end ne4 iwii 6-10-12 J.0O0 William Hiese et al. to Henry Hlese. pU sw4 sw'i and ny w',4 se4 8-1S-12 W. Schneider et al. to W. Hlese, nw4 sw4 snd other land of a-16-l:' A. L.. Reed et a I. to Jnhn Strand. lots it and 15. block 9. van Lamps add 300 Total 37.931 RAILWAY TIME CARD UNIOX BTATION 10TK AND MAIlOY I'sUoa PaclaV Leave. Arrive. The Overlsnd Limited. .a 8:50 am a 9:40 pm The Colorado Express. .a :50 pm a 6:00 pm Atlantic Express . The Oregon Express.... 4 rOspm The IjO Angeles Llm...al2:E6 pm The Fast Mall a 9:30 am Tho China & JaDan al0:l5 am a 6;oo pm a 9:15 pm a 6:46 pm Mall a 4:00 pm a 5:60 pm North Platte Local a 7:42 am a 4:46 pm Colo.-Chicago am a 7:1 am Rulrlrn A StroiOS- burg Local pm d i:4U pm Illlaols Central Chicago Express Chicago Limited Mlnn.-8t. Paul Exp Minn. -St. Paul Lim.. ..a 7:1$ am ..a 6:00 pm ..b 7:15 am ..a 6:00 pm a :46 pm a 8:3 am a 8:30 am Cbleago Great Western--. St. Paul-Minneapolis 8:30 pm 7:30 am 11:35 pm 8:?7 am 11:35 pm 3.10 pm St. Paul-Minneapolis..., i:.lim Chicago Limited 6:06 pin Chicago Express 7:?.0am Chicago Express 2:35 pm Chicago Northwester Chicago Daylight a 7:25 am all. 48 pm St. Paul-Minn. Kxy a 7:50 am al0:20 pm Chicago Local all:30 am a 1:28 pm eioux uiy riuen,.t i:w mi a 1:28 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:30 pm a 9.45 am Chicago Special a 6:00 pm St. Paul-Minn. Llm a 8:2t pm a 8:23 am a 8:oo am al2:36 pm a 6:28 am a 8:35 pm a 9:20 am Los Angelea Limited. ..a 9:30 pm Overland Limited ..aio.uo pm Fast Mali Sioux City Local . Twin City Limited Norfolk-Bonesteel . Lincoln-Long Pine Dead wood-Lincoln Casper-Lander ..... Hastings-Superior Fremont-Albion .., .a $:50 pm .a 8:28 prr. a 8:00 ai .a 7:45 am a 6:40 p n .a 7:45 am ale. 36 am .a I. () m a :4J pm .a 1:00 pm a 6:40 pm .b $:oo pm b 6:40 pm .b 6:35 pm b 1:35 pm t hleaga, H-x-k Island Jb Paclflo EAST. Chicago Limited a 3:00 am all 05 pin Iowa Local a 7u am a 4:30 pin Dea Moines Passenger. .a 4:00 pm s 12:30 pm Iowa Local bll:40am ,b 9.56 pin Chic.iio (KasUrn Ex ), a :40 pin a 1:15 piu Chicago Flyer a 6:10 pin a 8.35 am WEST. Rocky Mountain L't'd..all:16 pin Colo. St Cat. Express. ..a 1:10 pm Okl. at Texas Express... a 4.40 pm a 150 am a 4:30 pm a 1.15 pm th lease, altiwaakee A St. Paal Chic. A Colo. Special. ..a T.28 am all :50 pm Cl. ft Ore. Epr-a.....a ( t pie m $ 26 pm Overland Limited ....... a 9 iM pm a s Do am Perry Local a $.15 pin all :00 am c RAILWAY TIME CARD -Ccatlaaed Wabash Ft. Loul F.xpres a $.90 pm St. Louis I,oral (from Council Bluffs a $ 00 am Stsndberry LockI (from Council Bluff si b 5.00 pm Mlseo-rl Pacific K. C. St. L. F.xp a 9:00 am K. C. & St. L. Exp all:15 pm a 1.25 cm all .IS pm b!0:15 am a 8:45 am a 6:60 pin Bl'RLIXGTOX 9TA. 10TH A MASON. Bnrllagton Leave, .a 4:1" pn .a 4:10 pm .a 4:10 pm .all :5m pm .a 8:45 am .a 9:15 am .b 1:4a pm Arrive, a 3:45 pm a 3:43 pm a t 45 pm alo:i& pm a 8:10 pm a 6:10 pm al2:11 pm b 9: am a!0:15 pm a 7:50 pm blO 20 am a 3:50 am b 1 30 pm a 7:25 am aJl:46 pm a 3:55 pm a 8:30 am all:30 am all So am a 3o am a :10 pm Denver A Callfornli Northwest Special Black Hills Northwest Express Nebraska points ... Nebraska Express Lincoln Fast Mall. Lincoln Ix-al Lincoln local Lincoln Local Schuyler - Plattsmouth Bellevue - Plattsmouth .b 3:10 pm a i iv pm Plattsmouth Iowa b 9:18 am Bellevue Plattsmouth Denver Limited Chicago Special Chicago Express Chicago Flyer Iowa Local St. Louis Express.... Kansas City & St.. Joe .a 7:40 am pm .a :S0 pm .a 9:15 am M 4:45 pm .al0:46 pm .a 9 15 am M .11 Kansas City A St. Joe. Kansas City & St. Joe. i.m prn WEBSTER STA. 15TH WEBSTER. Chlcaro, 84. Paal, Mlaaeapolle Jt Omaha Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ..b 6 30 am b 9:10 pm alO W am Sioux City Passenger.. a 3:00 pm .bmerson local c s:46 am o 6:65 pm Missouri Pacific- Auburn Local b 1:60 pm bll:26 am a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday, e Daily except Monday. v . Proceedings of the Board of Coanty Commissioners. March S. Board met, with Chairman Kcnnard pre siding. Claims to the amount of $1,713.48 were allowed; rejected. $:t43.40. Contract and bond of Omaha Printing company for printing was approved. Request of Honry F. Hamilton for the correction of personal assessment, and the request wf the clerk of the district court for two stenographers were granU'd. Resolution authorising the purchase of six csrs of broken stone, adopted. Resolu tion authorising the county clerk to ..adver tise for bids for file case, adopted. Reso lution authorising th purchase of five cars of bridge lumber, adopted. Resolution Instructing the county clerk to ndvertlse for bids for changes In toilet rooms, adopted. March 14. Board met, with Chairman Kennard pre siding. Claims to the amount of tl4.026.S2 were al lowed; rejected, $18.68. Resolution. Instructing the county treas urer to transfer $10,000 from the general fund to the road fund, adopted. Request of H. H. Peckham to pay his personal taxes without Interest, dpnled. Contract award to Crlss Noehren fof grading Road 21 B. Resolution, authorising the chairman of committee to purchase furniture and file casea for clerk of the district court and register of deeds, adopted. March 23. Board met, with Chairman Kennard pre siding. Contracts awarded to William Maier for alterations and Johnson-Rowe-Daly com pany for plumbing at court house. County clerk was authorised to advertise a reward of $200 for the apprehension and conviction of Mike Panjavlch for stabbing and killing of Frank Kochonowskl. March 2S- Board met, with Chairman Kennard pre siding. Claims to the amount of $1,766.60 were al lowed; rejected, $237.66. - Request of D. Conn for cancellation of personal taxes for year 1SJ1, denied. AVIlllam F. Hendricks' application for admission to Soldiers' and Sailors' . Home, : approved. County'treasurer's receipt, estate of John AjCrelghton, $164,583 40. Inheritance- tax; on . Reed Bros, were granted pnrmisi6n tot lay a gas Vnaln on Dodge road. . Resolution, changing the numbers or the' road districts in the county, adopted. Reso lution, authorizing the purchase of. Mo Millen Mortgage record and carpet for court room, adopted. , , March 81. Board met, with Chairman Kennard pre siding. Claims to the amount of $5,711.87 were al- . lowed: rejected. $37.74. W. H. Shoop, superintendent of the court house, tendered his resignation to take ef fect May 1; accepted. w , M. J KENNARD, Chairman.: D. M. HAVERLY, County Clerk. RELIGIOUS NOTES. The American Bible socletv ha eht men to work among the foreigners around iiiuianapuim, . The Vedsnta 'aociety of Sun Francis.-o has erected Mo -first Hindu temple :n America. The Colonial and Continent f-hnivh n. clety lust year sent eighty-four chaplain from England with parties emigrating to Canada. The old Firm Baptist church of Kansas City, organized In 1855, has been sold for business purposes and a new edifice to cost $1(0,000 will be built. r.f r,"8"rpR"atlon of over 1,000 at the Cr ril Methodist churcn of Syracuse, N. Y., only fourteen admitted having been converted after reaching the age of 21. President Henry Churchill King of Ober lln, (O.). college, waa elected president of the Congregational Sunday Sciiol and Put. Hailing society at Its annual meeting re cently In the Congregational building, Bos ton. Rev. Dr vVillard Scott of Worcester. Mass. oresided. . B shop Thomas Augustus Jaggar, who has bren appointed head of the American Episoopal church In Europe in aiicci-ssion to the late Bishop Worthlngton, is nearly 70 years old, and for that reason may not accept the place, as It. would necetsxl! ate his taking up a residence in Paris, which iie has no particular desire to do. Dr. and Mrs. H. R. L. Worrell, medical missionaries of the Dutch Reiormni church, who are stationed In Arabia, have arrived In New lorn. They hao come to America to attend a meeting in commem oration of the late Dr. .facoo Chamberlain, who was for forty-nine years a mission ary of the Reformed ciiurch In India. Seven former students of the Chicago Training school are among the missionaries appointed by the Bengal Methodist confer ence for 1908 to do woman's work. One Is an evangelistic worker, two are In charge of the Girls' school and Widows' home at Pakur, another has charge of the Anglo Indian orphanage In Calcutta, and turee are connected with the Lee Memorial. The new palace of the conclave of cardi nals if i Rome Is nearly finished. It has been built close to the Vstican palace in the rear. It is a huge building of five floors, each floor obtaining light and air through twenty-five front windows. There are 2o0 rooms In the palace, besides seventy little apartments which are intended for the use of the cardinals when conclave for tho election of a new pope Is held. Rabbi Landau of Philadelphia In a ter. mon on "On Moral Crisis." attacked the revivals now going on in that city. He said: "Local option, prohibition, Sunday blue lawa, morality by legislation have dis placed God, Justice, ilglneousness morality by Instinct ond conviction. 'The Kin? s business is not accomplished by fits and starts. Revivals have no more force and laa'inn ouality then snow 'under the ravs of a desert sun. The church can never re- caln its Influence until it returns to tha teachings of the man who Is proclaimed its Savior." Fortv combination school and church buildings, designed by a Cincinnati firm of architects, will be built In the province, of llinliau. China. Rev. J. W. Brewster, the foreign mlnslonary for the Methodist Ems. copal church In that part of the world, lias Just landed on the Pacific coast snd has sent a letter ordering the plans and speci fications. Rev. Mr. Brewster Is gradually working his wsy eastwa'!. timing hla travels so that he will reach Baltimore in time to attend the general conference of his church. In American money theas' buildings would cost approximately i.ojo, but in th( land of cheap labor It will be reduced to one-fifth at least. Mr. Crf w estimates the cost of esch Improvement If built In Cincinnati, at $2.2iiO, but In China $4 In American gold will do tha work, with the flooring and roofing thrown in. By ualng the various department of Tha Bee Want Ad Page you get aulck returns at a small expense.