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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1908)
THE OMAHA tSUNIJAr lifjVii Ai'lUL LM5, 1!K8. HELP WANTED MALE (Continued.) Clerical an Ofllee. WEflTERN ttFPERENCE AND BOND ASSOCIATION, INC. 721-;2 N. Y. Llffi Bldg, Partial llxt of vacancies: CITY SALESMAN for largo real estate firm, must I acquainted In oily, 11.5. MANAGER AND cnWUT MAN, whole sole tiniiB, Kansas City, ti 15. ASSISTANT M AN AtJiH AND BUYER, notion department. 1)Ql (xmRMPONUKNT, muit be Al on col lection arcounta. I1). FtRNITIRE SALESMAN, retail, $100. FIOOR WALKER, a man of (mod ad nras, with mm) experience In furniture, IT!. GnXKRAt, MERCHANDISE CLERK, Clerman preferred. (. DRT'G CLERK, out of town. $50. SHIPPING CLERK, muat be thoroughly experlenceo, STft. p I jiV'WUAr n r,u ana rr rv r r. r.rDn, retail lumber office, out of town. $10. OFFICE CLERK, young: man, muat be good on figures ann percentage worn. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER, young man, $-$v. THE ABOVE position muat be filled at one. If you have had experience In any of the above lines, see ua without delay or write for complete list of vacancies. (9) WANTED Stenographers, bookkeepers, salesmen, solicitor, clerks. Call and ace . lis at once If desiring a position. NO FILING FEE. THE CANO AGENCY, 820 Bee BMg. (9)-M347 26 Mlsoe WANTED People looking for real good homestead land. Write McCarty. Bturgls, 8. D. () M707 2tx FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men's association; helps work men find positions. b2& N. Y. I Bldg. rat nut WANTED Young man with $'i0) cash for business that will clear him $2,500 a year. Call room 1C2 McCague Bldg. (9)-M142 2Sx WANTED 800 men for lambing. Good wagea. We do not pay railroad fare. Natrona County Wool Growers' assocla tlon, Casper, Wyo. (9 Mi 29 , WANTED Experienced, careful automo bile drive. References required. (9)-M127 26 WANTED Excavating done at 22d and California streets. Grading In Brings' Place. Apply at 803 N. Y. Life Building. (9) M.42 PHYSICIAN WANTED Registered, Ne braska, good appearance and case taker; advertising office experience not neces sary. 120 S. 16th St.. room 215. - (9) -963 2Gx LEARN TELEGRAPHY Positions guar anteed; booklet free. Boyles College, Omaha, Neb., Official training school U. P. R. R. (9)-950 TOUNG MEN to prepare for exam, for railway mail and other govt, position"; superior Instruction by mall. Ls'ub. 11 yeara. Thousands of successful stud nts. Sample questions and "How Govt. Posi tions Are Secured" sent free. Interstate Schools, Cedar Rapids, la. (9)-M316 26x WANTED Young man to manage branch office. References and $$ou cash capital required. Salary $1,0410 and commission. Responsible company. Reply In own handwriting and state previous business experience. E. Mfg. Co., 2010 N. W. Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. (9) a02 2tix ANY Intelligent person may earn good In come corresponding for newspapers; ex perlence unnecessary; no canvassing Bend for full particulars. Press Syndi cate, Lockport, N. Y. (!) DETECTIVES WANTED Good men. old est secret service In United States; no ex perience needed: we give full Instruc tions. Writs today. American Detective Association, Indianapolis, Ind. (9) 260 26x AMBITIOUS MEN WANTED-Why work for a small salary when you can earn $26 to $150 per day? Others are now doing It, you can do likewise. If you desire to increase your Income and elevate your self, let us send vou a book free, giving some , valuable information, how . come a professional auctioneer. Address Chicago School of Auctioneering, Boyco Bid-., Chicago. (9) 252 26x WANTED Local manager: good position to right man. Write 307 Centurv Block, Des Moines. Ia. (9) 285 2tix WANTED Experienced newspaper man for four months' substitute work; editorial writing en evening daily. Times-Republican, Marahalltown, la. () M356 27 ntu wANitu MALE AN If k EUALB, WANTED Men and women of good qual ity and strong personality to represent Dodd, Mead & Co., to aell the new In ternational Encyclopedia in Nebraska, Sou'.U Dakota and western Iowa. Pre vious experience unnecessary. 71k N. Y. L.. Omaha, Neb. (lu M468 AJO )j' ANTED Ladles and gentlemen out of tt'Uy work, $2 per day guaranteed. Cail ' Bmurday and Sunday, from 10 to 4 O'vlock, 617 Bee Uldg. (lit) M274 26 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE p ' 1 " 1 1 m " i i Muraes a. a 4 Veklolea. tO SUPPLY the protein lacking in corn and oats use Altai Fat to balance the ra tion and your horses will Improve In looks and work. Pries $1.25 for 100 lbs., ' delivered. If your dealer does not carry Alfal-Fat, 'phone Douglas 2l M. 0. Ptlers Mill Co. 11 901 A30 TWO seated surrey, almost new, top, light wagon, made by Berg, ntw. Burglur Proof Safe. . 'Phone. Webster 1749. (il) MU8 26x Fins lot of Shetland ponies for children tZX and Lincoln Ave. (11) 16s 27 GOOD work team, sound. 42d and Lincoln TWO HUNDRED RANGE MARES for sale to dealers In car load lota. All rood colors, good bone and fat from 4 to 7. The Crane Ranch, Ottawa, Kan. (ID-M291 Sox FOR BALE 900-pound city broke driving mare, senile and speedy, woman can drive; horse, harness and buggy, $125; owner muat sell; call Harney St. stables! (11) SO) 26 FOR SALE CHEAP A fine team and broughin must b sold at once. Qeortfe a Wright. U. P. Law Dept. (11)-M2; Sx Pealtrr Bears suaa. . TOR SALE Black Minorcss eggs for Latching; $1 lor fiftedn; very tino lay eis; also cockerel for sale. Mrs. O Curl sou. S10 fl. 46th bt Tel. Harney Jj. qi)-Mu m.. RED FEATHER CHICK FEED contains urs grain, seeds and beef scraps, a scop- erly baiaiiucd ration for Utile chicks. Ak our dealer or telephone Douglas Sua. M. ! I'ttots Mill Co. Hi)- AW CHAMBERLAIN'S Perfect Chick Feed la the only original dry clilck fttd. Use this only and save all young chickens. Once tried always used. Stewart s Seed Store. 119 N. 16la St., sols agents for the city mi-iiw mi LICE powder that kills Instantly. Get Con key's sample and the best Poultry Book free by calling. If mailed, send 6 cents to Stewart's beed btore. Omaha. ' UD-M467 !9x 81LKO CHICK FOOD Is the best. If your dealer does not handle, call Doug. u Jed. B-S-. A. W. Wagner. Bui N. 16th' (1D1U6 ' BOSU COMB R. I. RED EGGS for hatch ing. Pens lira, led by winning Cockerels from North btar Poultry Hliow Minnraota; $1 60 to 82 per li. Mra. Jamrs H H alpine. Center St.. Omaha. Tel Harney iLju. (U)H'jl M2x VlfUTOH8 are welcome at the Mandy Ivultry lxm, went on Slat St., Floe noi, Neb. Call aiid see a modol poultry irin with Incubators and brooders In full upathtluu. (11) "RINGLET" Barred Plymouth Rocka The htichii'. sa'in U here ami eggs from my beet turnings are U per fifleon. Let me book your ordor. Information gladly K,n. F. C. Ahlju!, :U1 Meredith Ave., fU- MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment St Creiahtnn Medical colleae, Itth and Dav enpnrt Sts. ; special attention paid to con finement cases: all treatment sunerrlae by college professors. 'Phone Douglas u. vans answered aay or rilgnt. 031-12S ANT poor girl In need of a friend call cr write to, the matron of the Solvation ' Army Home for Women at S"4 N. 4lh St.. Omaha. Neb. (13-M10 DR. Ht'TCHlNPON-Ppeclallst of women and rhllJren. 2024 Burt St. 'Phon Ioug las Sum. (13) BF.ST nerve trsce for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills." $1 a box. postpaid. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. OJl 1J LOST AND FOUNP $fiOn REWARD for gold dollar pin. Capitol Ave. U2) M114 27x WHEN you write to advertisers, kindly mention The Bee. FOUND Ladles' stiver watch last Sunday. Phone Harney 3679, 3611 Dodge St. (12) 193 26x LOST Saturday, between Field club and town, monogram gold locket holding child's picture. Kindly return to VK Bee Uldg for reward. (12) 3"9 2ix ' MONEY TO LOAN ALATIY AND CHATTELS. MONEY, The thing that is so hard to get, but not so at the OMAHA TRUST CO. ON SALARY OR CHATTEL MORTGAGE. OMAHA TRUST CO.. 437 Board of Trade Bldg. (14) Sll MONEY TO LOAN -WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS or to 8AL- eritr,o peuuinoi gooo cnaracier wno are steadily employed. Rates the lowest. Tr.naai.Hnn. ut.,,,,1,, n,l.l. X7 I i ask you to call and talk It over with us. LltjlAAULtt UKtiDIT CO., Sd floor 3rfl-3iT6 Paxton Block 3d floor. 'Phone Douglas 1411 (14) M 742 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLP) ana otnera without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol man. room 714. New York Life Bldg. ! 14-21 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modatlng; all business confiaentlal. 1301 Douglas. (14) 818 P. O. NIELSEN tV CO.. in. kju 70$ N. Y. Ufa Bldg. ' "Phona Doug. rot. (14)-817 CHATTEL, r.alary and storage receipt uaiia. roiey uoan tJO.. 1504 Farnam St. (H)-819 GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. For r'hntta! ft Dxl.n, T 633 Paxlos Block. "Phone Douglas 745. fI4 SJO OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; a ad Rooms. VIENNA hotel; prlvats Cinlns rooms; cafa. (151822 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest rlceo. Tel. Douglas 1626. Behmoller tk lueller Piano Co.. 1311-1313 Farnam. (16)-24 ROOM and board. Mil Capitol Ave. (lo)-M416 A30 BOARD and room In finest down town .ucauon; targe ironi room With alcove; suitable for two or three persons; fur nished or unfurnished. References re quired. 114 8. 19th St (16) M431 ROOM8 and board. 1413 N. 25th St, South wiiikub. niune ou. U MS16 M5x DEWEY European Hotsl. 13tU and Farnam, U6) Hit LARGE modern room and board for two; vgh m woe. ivugias. (la) MZl 9X LARGE front room, modern, with board. "i oi. tl6) M86 60 LARGE Soutn room with alcove. May 1st, iciviBIKH, LII8I. lit,) 813 a SOUTH room, suitable for two; choice lo- unuu , mwn; pnvais ismiiy; mod ern. 627 Park Ave. (li)-M423 DESIRABLE rooms with board. 123 So. (15) 13 lx NICE room and board, suitable for two; icyuiieu, ai mu vtnion Bt. (15)-M302 2x Faralsked Rooms. TWO furnished rooms, steam heat, IKS FOR RENT-Furnlshed rooms for gentle- . . 'l,7,r"" or monm. tub Chatham, opposite Millard, 110 So. 12th St (J6 8bJ FURNISHED rooms for "rent; board if wvanvu. tun m, eoum umana. (l5)-f 65 27 NIiE co' outheaat rooms, with bay, nicriy iurnisnea and newly papered, aingle or ensulte. $S and $17. Nice homelike place for three or four mined gentlemen. 25S3 St. Mary's. I (15)-M130 27 GoloND floori ,wo rooms, furnished. 205 ""' tis) M12 lx pl'EA8ANT rooms; private family. 2213 , llOJ ilSiS 31 x FURNISHED rooms with or without houso- noevuii) privileges, idio St. Mary s Ave. (15) lttl 27 NICELY furnished room In new modern - i-"ug. a:io; ina., A-ZKO. 14 N. 2610 St- (15)-M166 tx PART of new modern house; nicely fur- 11... ou, Ooou luiniion; reasonable. 'Phone Harney 184 f. (15)-220 26x Nrff:LY furnished rooms In modern home. ...,n..,a uiamuiv. nv rrpHI nr. (15)-M180 28 LARGE furnished front rooma. all modern.; ...... ..rn,rV,, aesirea. ihi park Ave. Tel. Harney 3992. (16 MJ63 M3 LARE front room; private; modern. 623 Ih'iB lar iry south front room, every- ....... inu niuasrn, private rsmlly select neighborhood, close to car. ISl 8 "t Ave. (16)-M35 NELY furnished modern room. 214 M e. tl&) M360 M2x DEL1GHTFUL summer room. Two south in. an ri. bu (16)-M3I S FIRST CLASS, modern rooms, clean and "'' uiinte. tit w. i3J St. (15)-Mi42 $ CLEAN, modern, furnished rooma for gen tleiaen or ladies; reasonable; at 14 N . " " nun, S0UB. (15) M344 3x FURNISHED ROOM, one block north of sionmuiii para; iaay preferred Telephone Harney 23. (16)-Mj71 28 Ualarnlslied ftooaas. LARGE South room with sIcove. Msy 1st, ..tuvBi, kits v asa. tlu) tu4 s DESIRABLE unfurnished rooms or entire ricor of residence, modern, close In, reasonable. 2ofi Farnam. fl6 71 27 LARGE, nicely furnished southeast front en, mi rw ....... I i . . . . ....,urI, iawn; private raniliy, 7u$ boutn 2th 81. (16) Ws t Apartaaesita said Flats, APARTMENTB-T rooms la QUIVET. Mil Farnara St.; steam heat, hot water and telephone. APARTMENTS 6 rooms In bCAKOO. houtn Omaha; steam hsat snd bot water. HALL, i1 First Natl Bank Lldg. bed i.. A-44US. KF.W 4-rsom brick flat. Hue) N. Kd Bt, modern, si eel range. 1st floor. (lii)-M26 FOLK-ROOM new brick flat, tld and Nlch elas,, in rfern .a, Key at lilt Nertk iud. Jauereo fuiom. OFFERED FOR RENT ASMtrtasrats Flntsl-oa t laaed. SWELL APARTMENTS. We are now deiiratlng the apartmens In that beautiful new building at Hid and Pacific Sts., some of which will be oc cupied about May 1. and all will be fin ished renilv for tenants to move In between May 1 and 15. These are the richest St. Ixiuls apartments of B and s rooms In the city. If you contemplate moving at all, you will make a great mistake to decide on your place before looking these over. Re member, for solid homelike comfort, such as open fire piare, splendid plumbing and light fixtures, ec, th-ae apartments are "IT." You can pick out your own decora tlona for all rooma. See us early for fur ther particulars. W"! 8. 3'Mh Ave., a beautiful apartment of 6 rooms, to be vacnnt May 1, strictly modern in every detail and new. Tenant msv select decorations. Price only $37.60. Jl S. 29th St., 5 rooms, all modern and In nice condition, only 127.60 Payne, BoMwick & Co., Sole Agents, Main Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)- 4-ROOM Modern flat. 1112 South Eleventh street. (15)-M 81 FOR RENT. ' A few apartments are for rent In the beautiful new apartment house Just being completed at 33d and Farnam. Steam heat. Janitor service, strictly ftrsUdass In every respect. Rental tr2.60 to $'! per month. WM. K. POTTER, 301 BROWN BLOCK. , (15) 9U7 FOUR-ROOM flat. 915 North 24th St.. pries $12.20. M. F. Martin. 209 South 13th St. (15) SOS 6-ROOM modern flat at 2922 leaven worth St. Tel. Red 4568. (15) 164 27x 2204 N. 21st St., 7-room flat, modern, fur' nace, gas, bath, hot and cold water; new decorations, $25. Hastings & Heydeni, 1704 Farnam St. ) (15) M277 27 Ilonsekeeplnsr Rooma. f THREE nice rooms, comfortably fur nished for light housekeeping, In private family with no other roomers; well lo cated; references required. AddreRS L 419, Bee. (15) M136 26x Two, three Or five rooms for modern house keeping. 614 N. 22d St., Doug. 4fi7H. (lo) 813 26 X TWO' excellent modern furnished rooms for housekeeping. 2674 Harney St. (16)-788 FURNISHED rooma for light housekeep ing. 2216 Leavenworth St. (15) M372 Six CENTRAL location, 3. choice furnished housekeeping rooms, HI modern, 22 No. 23d St. (15)-M85S TWO or three nicely furnished rooms, com plete for housekeeping. 2018 Davenport. (15) MS96 28x THREE nicely furnished rooms; light housekeeping, modern; loos so. ititn, St., $10 month. (15) 958 29x TWO' pleasant outside rooms on parlor floor; housekeeping privileges; something nice; come and see them, 2001 Burt St. (15) M192 26 THREE unfurnished rooms and two fur nished rooms for light housekeeping. 1425 N. 17th. (15)-M354 M3 FIVE rooms, furnished or unfurnished, for housekeeping, or will rent In suite; fine location; modern. 514 So. 22d St. (16) M358 28x WELL FURNISHED housekeeping and sleeping rooms, 710 So. 14th St. (15)-M309 2x Furnished Hoases. 1 .BH. TEN-ROOM furnished house for ths sum mer. Reed Bros., 1710 Farnam. (151-M728 NICE flat furnished; S rooms with piano. Tel. Harney 2:22. (15) M882 30X A LARGE furnished cottage on Lake Oko bojl. choice location.! detached dining room, wind mill and 1 private dock. Tel. Harney 2677. (15) 101 28 NICELY furnished modern cottage, six rooms; owner leaving city for five months; references. 2573, Mnnderson St. . (la-M338 26x NICELY furnished modern flat of S rooms May 1. 1112 8. 11th. (15) M372 27 Houses aaa Oottaffes. NEW PRESSED BRICK HOUSES. We have the finest list of strictly modern pressed brick houses to be found In the city, among which are the following: 619 Park Ave., 8 rooms, right up-to-date, to be decorated throughout, only $45. 508-512 N. 21st, 9 rooms each, the finest houses to bo found within easy walking distance, and beautifully decorated, at $50 and $47.60 each. These are splendidly located for renting put a room or two, if tenant wishes to save expense or has more room than necessary. 128-130 S. 35th St., 9 rooms each, very fine and right in beat part of West Farnam dis trict, nt $56 each; will be vacated May 1 and must be examined to be appreciated. PAYNE, BOSTWICK A CO.. Sole Agents. Main Floor. N. Y. Life Bids. (15)- FOR RENT. 311 N. 25th, 10 rooms, modern $38 to a right good party. It is worth $40. K31 S. 28th St., 7 rooms, modern, with coal and gas ranges; cottage, full lot. Nice place; rent $35, pqssibly less. 3609 Dodge, 6 rooms and reception hall, modern brick; nice neighborhood 32. May 1. WILLIAM FLEMING, 2U South 18th. . 'Phone D. 179. ,' (15)-M30I 5(1 j. FOR RENT. Very close In, 211 8. 86th Ave., 6 rooms, all modern, $30. Other houses for rent. J. H. SHERWOOD. 616-617 Brandels Bldg. ' (15)- 6-r., modern cottage, 1324 N. 26. 6-r., modern house and barn, 2630 Parker. 6-r., new, modern, id'26 So. 21st St. 6-r., hew. cottage, ,1907 So. 2Xth St. 6-r., house, city water, 1706 So. 17th St. l-r., modern house, nice shade, 6ul go. 2ith. 8-r., mndern house, 2723 Jackson. 8-r., modern house, 2712 Caldwell. F. D. VVEAD, Wead Blk., 18th and Farnam. (IS) 806 N. 3th, 1 block from Farnam or Cum ing lines, near Burt, 8-room, all modern, $40. West Farnam, for the summer. 9-room, all modern, furnished; $60. 2816 N. Zolh, second house south of Maple, 7-room, all modern; $30. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE COMPANY. JOOt N. Y. Life. "Phones: Doug, or A-2153 (15)-M138 28 $8 PER MONTH. J-room house at 253 Ret-so St. $15 per month, 6-room all modern flnt at 8208 N. 24th fct. Three 6-raorn all modern flats, at walking distance. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. Tel, Douglas 585; Ind., A 15. 05)-M336 PAIR of desirable brick houses, now be ing decorated., and oak floors, polished, ready for occupancy May 1; have li rooms each; modern plumbing; facing Hanscom park. 1535 aiid 1637 Park Ave F. D. WEAD, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. (16) EIQHT-ROOM modern house, hot water heat, good condition, South 2th St.; walk ing distance. M. J. Kennard 4 Co., So-io Brown block. (15) M 441 FOR RENT Modern 10-roo.n house, with modern baru. No. 1117 South g'id street. Bt N. Robertson. Barker block. (li)-M557 HOUSES, t lata. Garvin Bros.. 1004 Farnam. (16) -ua OMAHA Van and Storage Co.. pack, move, store il. H. goods. Storehouse. U20-i4 N. tilth; office 16u9 Farnam. 'lei. Doug. 1C&. tlr-l HOUSEHOLD goods pa-ked. forwarded; cheap frutrht rates; moving and storing. Expresueu'g Leliveiy Co. TeL Doug. w. tl)-83i FOR RENT Look at the house, tm B. 36th Ave., it Is for sal or rent by the owner; modern, T rooma, hot water heat, on a large east front lot. Terms to suit. 'Phone Hartley 2824. (15) MUI t7x . 2416 FARNAM ST.. 11 rooms and I bath rooms; modem; $86. iu Webater St , rooms, rniKJero exoapt furnace, t-1. Din era. Kingwalt Bros., Barker Blk. OFFERED FOR RENT If eases Cottaaree Contlaaed HOUSES AND COTTAGES. 1(C1 Manderson St., I rooms with bath room and electric light, only $1. 84 S. 24th, 6 rooms, modem except heat, close In, $:U 23-3 8 lxth. 6 rooms, modern except heat; a genuine snap at $17. Ml 8 itsth Ave.. $ rooms, modem except heat, $?.W. 2'S1 California, T rooms, aJl modern, easy WHlklng distance; to small family only, $.17. 642 S. 3Hh. all modern, newly decorated throughout, $37.60. 2R.'i ImvenporB. S rooms, all modern, close In and In good repair, Mfi. Also an H room, all modern bouse In West Farnam district, with nice lawn to be va cant soon, only $37.60. Payne, Bostwlck A Co., Bole Agents, Main Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)- FOR RENT. 149 N. Slst Ave., choice 8-room, modern dwelling; will rent until Octobr 1st only. 2ai8 N. 18th. brand new 6-room modern dwelHnff. $35. 719 8. 25th Ave., 9 rooms, modern, $42.50. 2930 N. 2fith, -room cottage, $2L 3i4 8. 17th, S rooms, second floor. $16. 623 8. 29th St., 4-room brick .flat. $15. 521 8. 29th, 4-room brick flat, $14. 1310 N. 24th, 6-room flat, bath, $15. 2319 8. Ifith, 6-room flat, $12.50. H21 8. 24th, i-room flat, $10. 2'04 N. 27th, S rooms, second floor, $9. 24 S. 4IM, 7-room house, $8. 1936 8. 12th, 4-room flat, $0. 1038 8. 18th. 4-room cottage. $7. GARVIN BROS1, 1904 Farnam 8t. (15)- TO LET, fine 10-room house, near Far nam and in walking distance; modern and In excellent condition; barn; large lawn, shade trees and shrubbery; will lease to first-class party. Apply, W. Farnam Smith Co. (15) 349 26 $30 per month. 6004 N. 24th St., 8-room modern house, large yard. $30 per month, 22 Fooler Ave., 6-room modern house. $30 per month, 1133 N. 17th St., S rooms, city water, aewer and gas. $35 per month, 1616 Spruce St., new 6-room modern houne. $37.60 per month, 1601 Sprague St., new 6 room modern house; corner lot. $45 per month. 2605 Dewev Ave.. 7-room modern brick flat. $45 per month: anartments. 41A-418 ft Kth Ave., 6 rooms, strictly up-to-date, hot water neat and oak finish; lease one year. GEORGE & CO.. 1601 Farnam tat., (15) PETERS TRUST CO. $502512-2514 So. 10th. new double brick oak finish, lar re rooms, verv srtl.tle anH complete; 7 rooms and large reception hall. $42 50-719 8. 26th Ave., 8 rooms, modern. imties up. $-7.60 46th and Lafayette, rooms, modern: south front. $352428 Manderson, 6 rooms and recep tion iirii, maaern ana almost new. CaDitol Ave.. 1ft rooms, mortem. $262224 No. 19: 8 rooms modern: water paia. $12 and $15 1470H So. 16th, 4 rooms each; water and closets on each floor, aaa. $17.60606 Cedar, 5 rooms, modern; almost aone. $10 4202 Hamilton; good store room; water paid. Peters Trust Co. Ground Floor, N. Y. Life. (16) M188 26 VACANT MAY 1 2530 CAPITOL AVENUE. All modern 8-room house on paved street, walking distance, one-half block to car, fine neighborhood, $40. Inquire F.' H. Turney, 2536 Capitol Ave. (15)-12 26x FOR RENT Modern 6-room cottage, 2313 L street. South Omaha. $22.60 per month Water paid. Conrad Young agent, I6li Dodge street. (Jo) M893 4-r.. 2619 Parker St. $1L' 6-r., 2420 Maple Bt., $13. 6-r.. 2770 Cuming St., gas, bath, city water, cistern, lawn, $22. - TURRELL & CO., Douglas 1129. (16)-M857 HOUSES ?Ielei, Bon" Co- Be" B11"- ilUVJUiJO .. the city. 114 uu FOR RENT Brick dwelling 4008 Harney St. Apply to Mra. H. I. Gannett, 136 8. 85th 8t., TeL Harney 3187. (15) M327 FOR RENT New, 6-room modem cottage. 2613 Binney St., Tel. Webster 1762.. (15)-M284 26 FOR RENT Modern -room house, two blocks from 24th St. car line; south-front lot, 60x168; J570 Poppleton Ave. Inquire at 26(i6 Poppleton Ave. (15) M183 COTTAGE, well furnished, modern, one . block from car; fine location $20. Ref erences. Apply 3318 8. 20th Bt. (15)-M178 27 FOR RENT Warehouse at 1647-49 Sherman Ave., 48x150, four floors, hydraulic eleva tor, trackage; recently overhauled and put In first class condition; suitable for storage or jobbing business; long term lease. BENSON & MYERS, 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)-a MODERN 8-room house. Inquire 1411 Vin ton St. (16)-M3ol 28x $37.60, modern brick flnt, 8303 Pacific St. Key at 1306 So. SCth Ave. Tel. Harney 3283. M. Kellner. (16) M333 I NINB rooms, new plumbing, painting, re pairs, stable; walking distance; $30. Mc Cague Co. (15) M970 26x 2011 CLAfv'C St., 4 rooms, $15; 3011 Webster Et. 8 root-.a, modern except furnace, $23; 2415 FarnTi St., 11 rooms, modern, $H5. Rirwak Eros., Barker Blk. (15)-M993 26 FOR RENT ( rooms, bath, barn, 1154 So, iiiiu W. it. SUllman, 419 1st Nat. Bk. Bid! (15-& HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwatt. Barker Blk. ... (i5)-a HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bldg. . (16)-k33 FOR RENT 4 rooms, clly water, gas, 1523 N. 18th St., 1st floor $12. C. M. Bach man, 436 Paxton Block. (IS) lit 7-room brick house, modern; 1003 N. 29th BU, $20. Nice place, Turklngton, 602 Bee. (15)-444 T ROOMS. MODERN. Near Kountze Place, 1 block from S4th St. car, east front, full 2-story, square; ce mented cellar under whole house; nearly i.ew; $30. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 1001 N. Y. Life. 'Phones: Doug, or A-2168. (16-M139 27 FOR RENT 7-room nouse. 211 N. 28th Ave.; modern except furnace; $26. Eight room house, 613 N. 22d St.; all modern; $35. Apply at o7 N. lth iU. (16) it mi Maggard Van 4 Storage Co. D. I486. We guarantee moving pUuos, II. H. gooda (15-35 LIST your vacant houses with Walter Brean Company, 914 N. Y. Life Bldg. - ' (la-M223 COLONIAL residence, opposite east side Hun scorn Paxk, S rooms $40. 'Phone Harney 1566.. (16)-864 2907 8EWARD ST., $16; city water in kitchen; 6-room cottage, bath and toilet, 20i6 Grace St., $!4; 6-room cottage, modern, except hear. 3.'(tt Maple St., $18; I rooms. 3!: Burt St.. Ha. clly water in kitchen. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cumtng St., (16) 8 FINE HOUSE, all modern, hot water heat, large lot, shade, barn, oak finish, bent repair; Kounlse Place, near car, 'Phone Webster Su. t,li 9C4. 8-ROOM. strictly modern cottage, 23d and Cass Sts. Inquire 2234 Cass (il. 110 Z5X 2537 DAVENPORT St., $ rooms, all mod ern; oak finish: paved street; perfect re pair 642 50. 'Phone Harney 2L'o5. 604 Brown Block. (15) 167 2x FOUR rooms, with hsll and closet, ground fioor. city water, sewer and cistern, $13. 915 N. 26th Ave. (15)-M173 28x. T-room house, city water, gas, garden; 3237 Evans bt. J. H. Parrotte, Board of Trade. . . (ll M145 26 If! PACIFIC ST. rooms; thoroughly modern, oak finish; $40. A. G. Elltck. 6u3 Bee Bldg. (16 2 FOR KENT The brick house, 2016 Dewey Ave. Inquire Moynr Stationery Co., 1,1J Farnam St. (15)-M7i FOR RENT 4-room modern house. ISI4 N. 36th. $J0. C. O. Carlberg. Sll N. Y. Liife Bid (15j-M33f OFFERED FOR RENT Hoases oad Cottaarea ton ttooed 6-ROOM bouse, modem except beat. K33 IQ. use Bt. yel. Harney 2706. (!.) M943 Balldlncs. FOR RENT Spar In building located In heart of the business district. Trackaae ' facilities and elect rio elevator. Suitable . .. . u . . T , ivi .aieiivura ur IIKMl m.nillHCluring purpose. Address w-ja, cars Km. (25-M556 OSooa. OFTICF9 OR PARLORS- and 6-room, In QUIVET, 1809-1811 Farnam St.; suitable for artists, physicians, dentists, dress makers, etc.; steam heat, hot water and telephone. Also OFFICK8 or PARLORS, 6 rooms. In BCARGO Bldg., South omana, suitable for lawyers, doctors, etc. steam heat and hot water. HALL. $1 First Nat l Bank Bldg. Red 74o6. A-4406. U6) 5 OFFICES FOR RENT In Conservative building; modern, oak finish, gas and elnctrlo light; heat and Janitor service rurnisneo; (16 per orrice. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Fsrnwm St, i (15) M 160 26 DESK ROOM. 605 Paxton Blk. (16)-M975 OFFICES Ons large and one small office for rent en suite or single. These rooms are on th third floor of The Bee Bldg., and i lie larger one nas a norm lignt and Tiult For further particulars see K w. uaxer, eupu, iu lias uunaing. (16) MS$$ DESK ROOM, stenographer. Room 22, Ne- iiannn. auvillll uinK 31Ug., lei. I'OUg las 3292. (15) M194 28 NICE office to let In new Brandels Bldg. use of stenographer and 'phones if do, sired.. Inquire room 617. (16) M297 27 FOR RENT Office rooms. Inquire at Llnd say's jewelry store, 1516 Douglas St. (15) M328 2fiX Look At These OFFICES FOR RENT IN TILE Bee Building 306 v A large Office farina- on Farnam street Is subdivided Into three- rooms and- is equipped with fireproof vault having good shelf space. This office could be used to advantage by insurance firm wishing a spienaia location. 318 AND 320 This suite of rooms Is in the northeast corner of the building and has 640 feet of floor space, which could be divided to please. There Is a fireproof vault in the larger oi mese rooms. 214 Is 14x27 feet, with entrance from the beautiful and well ventilated court Here Is an opportunity for some one to rent 892 square feet at a small price and have a convenient orrice. 224 DOCTORS TAKE NOTICE This room haj been occupied for years by u w mm a uen i ibi ana is 1 1 ilea e$v- . .. i. i is ri I iiuoo, x WU priTttlC offices and a reception room, and the rent a tdi icaounauie. 644 AND 520 Are both small offices which rent for $20 - iiv ktj awwiej ui iit.Pt, taujiriu each other and cannot be rented enauite. k looKing- ror economical rent viiiioi w vncao win uieasfj you. Remember, that If you rent an office In Thft VLn D 1 1 1 rl 1 n o wnn ..111 . I - iniuiB 7 v is win i curivo v t-7U I " teoua treatment, and you will have a clean office. There will be no extra charge for . The Bee Building Co., ftW, BAKER, "Bupt., Room Nok 108. (16) M334 28 tores. 1307-9 HOWARD ST. Fine 1-stdry double brick building for elevator; fine repair. You can sub rent mnjr jjuii iu pariiea wo Know or now. 1814 HARNEY ST. Large store room, 30x60; new plate glass wcu uuui, on oh mem; iow rent. 1816 HARNEY ST. Small store room, 20x35; basement; new. iiniiuBomo ironi. very iow rent. 707 SO, 27TH. Store room, with living rooms In rear, only $1,2&0. N. r. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam St. 06)- $05 8. 13TH St.. $50. C. O. Carlberg, ri N. T. L. Bldg. (16)-MT1 RETAIL IOCATION 1608-10-12 HARNEY STREET. One of the best, buildings In the retsll center, with 66 feet frontalis on Harnev St., S stories and basement, over 62,0(0 square reel or noor space; steam heat, and first class elevator. If Interested! in a smaller space, , see us regarding A part of this building. Necessary alterations and repairs will be made to suit tenant. Lease for about 10 yeara at a reasonable rental. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St.. (15) BTORE ROOM in Scargo block, at 620 N. 24th St., South Omaha; steam heat, modern show windows, excellent location. Also two basement rooms In same build ing, cemented floors, steam heated, suit able for billiards, barbers, baths, restau rant, sto. HAL,! 17 Ftrst Natl Hank illdjj. Red 7406. A 4406. US-U&)g FOR RENT Large storeroom, northesst corner 16th and Vinton Sts.; $15. c. M Bushman, 434 Paxton Blk. IIS) MaOD ' $35 per month. 2127 Farnam St., 20x60 feet, good basement. $10 per month, I403 Jackson St., large store room and double basement. GEORGE & CO., 1001 Farnam St. (16) STORE ROOM FOR RENT. lOOtt Vlwu.l A l " 1 rn i . . rievaior ana nlnmoMn ttHnbla. . - m t .. . vir i - - , " jo(i. , c tan in nn n very attractive terms on this store room. Ground Floor. N. Y. Life, (16)-M1S9 26 111 SOUTH 15TH STREET, steam heat. 1806 North 24th St., new brlr-k, $25. Room 6, Frenser blk. (15) OFFERED FOR SALE ' Faraltnre. FURNITURE, carpets, refrigerator, roll top aesK, gas siove, cnnos lion bed, must bo sold In five days. Call Sunday also, 2518 Cuming St. . (W Mit34 WELL furnished housekeeping and sleep ing rooms reasonable. 710 So. 14th. (161 Mnv2 SOX FOR BALE Large slsed white enamaled 1. D ' . Ltm wit. j . , . , . nar ney 2733. (16) M175 26 FOR SALE Pictures, portii-res and lace curtains at ueorgia Ave. (W)-M17S rx Al'CTION SALE Tuesday. April 2S. ItOj. at :30 a. m.. most orautirul furnished home ever sold st auction. For full de scription of goods refer to 607 Park Ave. Uli) Mio 27x Ptasiea. Organs, Maaleal lastrasasats. FOR SALE A fine square Grand piano. r ...... u 1 . .. irili ..,1 ... . u.ii.i lo.Tiiii 111 stfii iur fOJ cash. Gil N 23d. . (16 MK3 26x FOR BALE High grade secondhand type writers; good condition; a bargain at $MX Call room . Ue Uldg. 16)-7l FOX TYPEWRITER. No. ir74; only used short time ana in Al canuillon; for sale at very reasonable price. Call for Wrlgut at lies oUWe, 11 Lh aud Faruaio. atm ; . OFFERED FOR SALE Trwrlere aad Sewlasr Maefclaiei (Continued.) ' $31.00 We place on sale until Aorii an ! writing machines, Olivers, No. 6 Reming tons. Fox. Densmore, Hlickensdcrfcr, Sun Pnilth-l-remler and Willi-,ns at tiie low price or s,u. If you cut this ad out and tell 'us th raper you saw It In we will prepay all ex press chargea to your town. Are you gameT Good until April SO only CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, Omaha. 06)- Mlscellaae-ova. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on'all fit oropra; raiaiogue rree. rinerman im Mo vonneu Drug io.. umana. is so. (16) kW GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date stock at lowest prices In the city; select now, delivered wnen neeaen. inspection invited. BURGESS GRANDEN CO, SIS 8. 15th 8L Tel. Doug. 68L US)-41 Elevator for Sale For sale, second-hand Eaton & Prince hand elevator, complete: platform about 4x5 i can be used in a Duuamg w it. high. This elevator is first-class in everv ar respect and will be sold cheap. W. H. BRIDGES, Engineer Bee Bldg. U6)-3 GROCERS' computing scale. Big- bargain. ma bu (16) M144 tlx BONDS FOR BAI.K. The City of Edgar, Neb., offer for sale $8,000, 6 per cent, ten-year, refunding ICE! ICE! MINNESOTA ICE In ear lots. A. G. Gilbert, Council Bluffs, Is, (16) M374 A LOT of stone fot coping, window and aoor sins; aiso ianiy pressed brick, for saie. Appiy n. w. uxxer, Bupt. Bee Bldg. UB 1 T niVR fn. ma ann,. nl. . . liiauiiiKa; are as guuu as new: call tti 1st a... . . 1 1 t 1 1 . . , . - j ' a vuuwii oiu&B, u see same. (16) M895 HflMTrnPATTTTf! MnwAlM nh.l.a.i. ; , - ,. i w- imu. einennan ex jnconneii Drag Co., 16t4 ana unann ma., omuls, jsbd. la) fits FOR BALE Tailor made suits, ready to wear, wims, Hi a X MUiur. asi XNOVlUe 151k. f U6)-4S4 Ml SEND ITS vour mall ordnra tn- . iieiKiii paia vn xv iocs, iuyers-uiuon vru( vo.a umana. Uo)-47 Sl RUCKER and Weston news cases and OT.-m.iuo MtiismiH win at rtee OI floe, Omaha. ' 0.6) 8S2 CURRANT plants. B. C. Smith, OOS Corby HALL'S safes, new, Sd-hand. 181$ Farnam. (!) 84 BHERWIN-WILXJAM8 CO.. best mixed paiuu onermaa m aaowonneu unig Co. 0O-64S FOR BAUD Ice. Consumers' Ice Co Bioux city, ia. (16) M83 tl VCitt RIT.H.V ml wi.i. " Z " :"i ,.vr.. ilrr " ia iu tuu. iiuni, vy isaa me woria in w. nAiuir,, wy paymenta B runs wick-Balk-Coll endar, 407 8, 10th St U) BABY cab. In good condition, cheap. 214 co, own n. , (16) M332 29 PATENTS D. O. BARNELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red T117 (J7)-65J LARSON 4 CO. Book free. 622 Bee Bldg. H. A. Sturges. Bl N. T. L. TeL Doug. 8468. U') M41Y M14X PATENTS THAT FROTECT-3 books lor lnveniors naauea on receipt ot 6c postage. R. B. & A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-39 Paciflo Bldg., Washington, D. C. Established LET us sell your patent. We have the most complete organization for handling patents in the country. Call or write for complete plan. Inventors' Mutual Sales to,. iepi. j. Minneapolis, Minn. (17) 238 V,x PERSONAL iU-aUljAASmlth m N.l$th.2d floor. tin) n A HOME for women durlna- confinement: we una nomes ror oaoies wnere motners cannot cars for them. Mother Lee, 4(4 uaucron eu -rnone iougias U8)-M365 MASS5AOE "nd baths. Room 1, 1JU4 JvioOiUXU ii-arnam St.. 2d Floor. (1) M643 MS THE SALVATION ARMT solicits castoff doming; in tact, anytning you do not peed. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the wormy poor, tun pnone uou. and wagon win can, Ua) Tas -v' - , , . u i ii, win irfai an t:invimj uineosa rree on April 25. 26. 27, 2S. S08 old Boelon Storo 1j , ill! ... PRIVATB CONFINEMENT HOME Mra. ae. Aiiia. Avi. wen. 3009 S-K5i .Al'Kfl WrilWlTV .nmin. ... ww-.- .. w ........ w w v.'ii a 11 a as i,t.Qu iu ri.ii me xoung Tvuiiici. m v ..n;i.iiin rooms, ibis Farnam St where they will be directed to suitable. boarding places or otherwise assisted. (i8) sis MME. ZEREFA, Armenian massage, lit B mil, cm .-. IIIHII UOUgiaS KB46. v (18)-a44 A18 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut crlrea. Henri for rr ... I .... . . Llllon Drug Co.. Omaha. (18)-64 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramgs MME. ZEREFA. Armenian massage. 620 Bo. 16th, Fist 'Phons Douglas 6M5. OS) M6S3M18X LApIK3' old hats made over good as new. tJo bo. sain Ave. (18) M 191 26x BLEMISHES, pimples, sruptlops, rashes uieuii-aicu Uj Daiin sain cream soon dis appear. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles iiiiianiiiir removea py electricity: con. sullation free and conrldentlal; all work guaranteed. Miss Allendsr, 6J4 Bee Bldg. 08)- REE sheet music. Wanted 1,000 pianists to send for complimentary advertising copy of The Gondoliers," a graceful Venetian Barcarolle. Clarence West lo Union re. New York. (18) 239 26x SEND 10-cent stamps for trial can antl sepllo foot powder. Cures callouses, sore, tt-nder feet. White Cross Toilet Powder Co., 60S West 66th St., New York. UK) 237 2Gc BEWARE of Pickpockets Protect your money or watch from pickpockets or loss. Simple safety device mailed, Inc. Safety Co.. Box 477. Albany, N. Y. (18) 241 2ox PUFFS, pompadours and switches made from your combings; puffs, 15c each. Mrs. Matthews, 1011) B. 2Mh St. Tel. Douglas 7iS. (1) S6S 26 WANTED To meet or correspond with maiden lad Irs. ages 10 to 46. 1 of good character, have some knowledge of steno grsjihy and bookkeeping. A 4:il. (!)-.$ 26x PERSONAL (Continued.) FOR SALE A hlwh grade piano, woull exchange for board If agreeable. Address Q4?' care Pee. (1 v M '" REAL ESTATE . REAL KITATB DEALBRS. PATNE INT. CO., 1st floor N. T. Ufa Douglas 178L (1-UI GEORGE A CO.. 160$ Farnam. ' Tel. Douglas TBI BENJIMAN R. E. Co.. 477 Brandels FNg (19) S2 . ' C1TT PROPERTY FOR, ALB. , ABSTRACTS OF TITt.E MIDLAND ' GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO., till FARNAM ST., BEE BUILDING. in-u One of the most desirable homes In Flor ence at a low price and on terms. One fourth cssh required. Owner leaving the city. Two full lots, each xl22 feet, one and one-half blocks from car; a sightly loca tion, surrounded by modern homos. Strictly modern house, exceptionally well built, about two yeara old; cemented cellar, ls 1Rx30 ft., divided for fuel, vegetables and laundry. Five rooms and bath, besides vestibule and large closet on main floor. Upstairs not finished, but ample space for three large rooms. Porch 10x3 ft. Leading; from the second story is an open veranda, commanding a magnificent unobstructed view both up and down the Missouri river. Double floors, the surface floor being hard maple; balance of Interior finish quarter-sawed yellow pine. Hardware and electrlo light fixtures are of oxodlsed cop per. Hot air furnace, hot and cold water In basement, kitchen and bath room. Latest open plumbing throughout. A good chicken house. Apple,, plum snd cherry trees. Just coming Into bearing. Grapes, gooseberries, currants, raspberries, strawberries, all bearing; flowering shrubs of all kinds; mul berry hedge; nice lawn. Price, $3.5"0. Adjoining I lots, each 60x122, $1,000 addi tional. Nels As Lundgreri 625 N. T. Life Bldg. (1)-M2S1 27 NEW HOUSE For Sale or Rent ,! $750 CASH X nrl t Vi KfllanftA Via aamo m. - UH a 1 tt buy this BRAND NEW MODERN DWELLING; has good furnace, gas, eloc- teiLiiy, porcelain oam, sewer and city WlLlnrr thiw. KAnnnma .. . i.l. - , floor; three rooma and nlcs reoeptlon hall vii iri iiwii, nioeiy paperea; large attio and cemented cellar. A nice east front iot, with shade and cement walks. Look at It. 2218 N. 18th St. Price, $3,600 If it Is not sold within a f Ha v. ,m offer it for rent at $36 per month. GARVIN BROS. 1704 Farnara St, 09)- Two Home Bargains 8-room house. West Fsrnam district. Just compieiea, oax nnisn ana up-to-date In every detail, .$6,200. This Is on 4Vst be tween Dodge and Davenport Sts. The number will be 111 N. 41sL Very sightly and a growth district. 6-room cottage, within two blocks of the 1 Barnard apartment house, house built three yeara ago and as good as new to day except that It should be painted this season. Corner lot 66x86 feet, south, on Marcy St. on east side of Slst. Look . at this outside, but do not disturb occu pants. Priced very low for quick taki; $3,39), reasonable terms. " ' , Harrison & Morion 91J-913 N. T. Life. Tel. Douglas $14; A 8144. V . o . . (19) FARMS FOR SALE $500 buys 160 acres' in Keva Paha eonniv Nebraska. $000 buys 160 acres in Rock eountv v.. braska. $00 buys 160 acres In Holt eountv m. braska. $1,000 buys 160 acres in Bovd eountv. n. braska. ; $1,920 buys 330 acres in Laramie eountv Wyoming. S8.CNO buys 320 acres one mile from a good NORTHEASTERN Nebraska town, 140 acres cultivated, 160 acres fenced, 150 acres meadow, 10 acres of grove. Very choice home farm only $26.00 ner acre. Will soon double In value. Terms to suit. Cut This Out for Reference DO IT NOW Call, write, wire or 'phone, Douglas JlflT. ARTHUR C. CROSSMAN, 18 Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 09) M146 20 INVESTMENTS Bristol St., 44x133 feet. $600. 2659 Ames avenue, 7 rooms, $2,200. '' 216 N. ISth, S0x6 feet, $2,800. West Farnam district, two 7-room mod ern nouaes; rental $460 each; $4,000 each. , - Two 7-room frames; rental $292; $2,850. 1812 Cuming, 6txlS2 feet. $4,000. Near 21st and Chicago, 8 rooms, $6,009. Three -room frame; $1,230 rental; $11, 000. Three new' bricks; $1,620 rental; $16,000. Five brick houses; $1,800 rental; 114.000. Five brick stores: $1,600 rental: tia.OOU. Frame stores; $2,700 rental: $20,000. JOHN N. FRENZER, Opp. Old P. O. Room 6, Frenser Blk. (19) NEW home on Spauldlng St., cor. lot, of s rooms; mea Dam room; oax nnlsn on first floor, birch on 2d; house nicely decorated; barn In rear; paving fu.iy paid; hot water heat. F. D. WEAD. 18th and Farnam. (H) New 6-Room Modern Dwelling Right in Front of the Field Club, $4,250. South front, nice lawn. House flnlahsit In White pine; polished floors. Reception hsll. rse paniry ana cioseis. Uas and electric lghta; hot and cold water, bath iirnai-e. full bricked and cemented cellar. On boul evard. All special taxes paid. D. V. Sholes Company, Tel. Douglas 49. 110 Board of Trade Bldg. (lSi MM il GET VALUE RECEIVED Those who buy of us, get more than thev pay for. We have a large east front lot on which are two modern cottages, one ( rooms, built S yesrs ago at a cost of $2,000; the other e rooms We can sell this property for less than it cost to build the two houses, and give you the lot which. If vacant, would be worth $1'.5jU. We have a good list of cottages, 3 to rooms. JACKSON CO., Phons Douglas 4&3S. 1611 Frederick St. TWO HOUSES CLOSE IN Corner lot. 69x140 feet, two un-to-nta modern houses, 8 rooms each. Rented Is first class tenants for too per month. J. H. DUMONT & SON, . Phone Douglas m. 1606 Farnam 'tit U8)- ARNAM STREET BARGAIN 60x132 feet, only a lit.le east of 24th St.- uua iruuna. nuy it now li less than $'!$ pr foot and double your money; or will subdivide. John w. bobbins, 103 farnam bt. U)-LJj.J U