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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1908)
o mr; omaiia Sunday bee. April 10, ioos. r" ) A GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Grain Valne. Opened Strong and Held i Bo During; Seision. mUODOLLAB SHOWXE C0JIE3 Ual ( rr Ida r ! Tkandir Might . MlMl Its Effect ia Kaslas t' th Prices Little em th Eifkiiff. OMAHA, April IS. 17(r. Grain values opened steady and held strong timing the cany part of the session, atrcngthened by the liberal decrease in storks, small northwest receipt and an txpecled decrease in the world's visible sup ply. Report of general good rains throughout Netireaka and Kansas eased prices off later, and selling became general. Values were a trifle lower at the start, but rallied on good support, only to ease off later on selling whlcti was Induced by the reports of a general rainfall through out the drouth section. May wheat opened at t0o, and closed Com was extremely strong from the start and advanced steadily on good demand lor futures and a strong cash market. May corn opened at 81c and closed SHe. Hits opened steady, holding firm with' tittle advantage either way. Cash oat were In fair demand. May oata opened 4Se and closed &c. Primary wheat receipts were Soi.ono bush els, and shipments were 845,000 bushels, against rerelpts last year of 1,460.000 bush els and shipments of l.TAOU) bushels. Corn receipts were oM.OuO bushels and shipments were 4,M bushels, against re ceipts last year of 903.000 bushels, and ship ments of 1.B09.OOO bushels. Clearances wert M.OX) bushels of corn, 10 bushels of oats, and wheat and flour equal to 246.000 bushela. Local range of optlona: , Articles.) OpTn. High ! Low. Close.! Tdy. Wheat May... July... Sept... Corn May.. July... Be-H... 0-May.. KJ 78 ei. S8S4 494 Osaaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. I hard. WflWo: No. S hard. gMWle; No. 4 hard, 84$?c: No. spring, 397c. .3 CORN No. i, He: No. i, lc: No. 4, C'WHc: No. t yellow, 8HlV.c; No. t white, Sic. OATS-No. 1 mixed. 4YH474o; No. t white. 48c; No. 4 white, 47c. RT.E No. 72S78HCI No. I 70373(5, Carlo, Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chioaro i" aa ) Vlnncapol s , . 161 Omaha 14 23 Duluth .V. 5 ... . ... CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION MMMMMMMMM Peatares of th Tradlas aa CImIb . Prices a Board ef Trad. CHICAGO. April IS. Small world hlp ments and the prospect of decreased offer ings from Argentina caused a firm close in the wheat market today. The final quo tation for the May option was 47e higher. Corn was tUSc lower. Oats were unchanged, and provisions were Mj'lOc higher. The wheat market opened easy because of rains over the parts of Kansaa and Ne braska which have been badly In heed of moisture. Shorts covered esgerly on the decline snd the market soon became firm. Bullish sentiment continued to Increase on the close of the session. The buying of May developed that the new crop deliveries had been oversold and ths early loasea were more than recovered. Heavy covering by shorts of July and September helped tho bulge. It was estimated today that the world's shipments for next week will be about i.N'O.O'JO bu., against ll,64,iX bu. for ths same week last year, and this CRU?rd a firm selling feeling at the close of the msrl'.et. May wheat opened Sfc'Sc lower, at 81-V5)91T-t,c; sold between tlHc and 93mc and cloned at 9ZV4V3c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 244.C0O bu. Primary receipts were Soi.nio bu. for the last two days, sga'.nst 1, 460,0000 for the ssme two days of last year. Minneapolis. Duluth end Chicago reported receipts of 2SS cars, againn Y.i cars last week, and 1.1J& cars one year ago. The corn market was comparatively heavy. The opening was firm becauae of the cont.nued small receipts, but prices soon weakened under the offerings of tired holders. Local traders also sold the July option freely. The market stiffened a little lute in ths day In sympathy with wheat, but the close was weak. Msy corn opened unchsnred to c lower st fcc; sold be tween 66Ho and and closed at 6iVt S".,c. local receipts were SSi cars, with 38 of contract grade. . The oati market opened lower, because of selling by commission houses snd pit trad ers, but the market rallied quickly along with wheat and the los wss recovered. May oats opened unchanged to tS'ic; sold between 53'c and and closed at 631c Loral receipts were care. The provisions msrket opened firm, be cause of an advance of 10c In the price of live hogs, and then eased off alightly frrttn the top becaure of a poor demand for the ceah product and on selling by local pack era. At the close May pork was 10c higher, at 81S10. Lard was lc hlsher. at 88.07'4. Ribs were 74c higher, at W.V,. Estimated receipts for Monday! wheat, 15 cars; corn, S cars; oats, 11 cars; hoga, 84 Cm head. . '2m..' Ths leading tuturcs ranged aa follows: - Articles.) Open.) High. I Low. 1 Close.l Yesy. Wheat Msy May I 81H,W Sept. July Bepl, Gam aMay h.vur aJulr bJuly Se?t Pork Mav July Pert. Lard May July Eept. Bii May July Sept. M 88 83 88 78 78 78 78 CTV4 1U MU 1U W i". eH ti b' 68 68 4& 49 4J 49 82H'aSj ' 84 Vs li i2 , & . 4i 41 4S I- 7Vsi 18 05 11 10 18 42 18 474j 13 75 11 8:"I: 8 15 8 18 8 KH 8 srvc 8 8 ti 1 7 IS 7 X 1 T4;h1 T47HI M4 84 62 4ol i&S 48 UJU'5?- 18 OS I 18 10 18 fO 11 8H 18 45 18 324 U .y 11 TTVu 11 62 8 1?H 8 1IH 8 10 8 .. 8 IV't 8 80 8 &-' ( B-'H I 47 I 6 f rnu o 7 22Vj 1 !i I T 17H 7 46 lil 111 No. I aOld. bNew. Caiih ouotatlons were as follows; FLOl'R fcteadv; winter patents, 84 T-Q 4 60: straights, n m-a : spring paien's, 84aX10; straighla. $I.0"4.W; bakers. 8110 ijtltv WHEAT-No. 1 rea. SIVBSJVaO. CORN No. 8. 6tc; K 1 yellow, (70 OATH No. 1 KHc; No. t white. 63e; No. 8 white. fcje. BARLEY Fair to choice man;ng, T3rgw.Te 6Ki.lj-Flax. No. I northwestern, 11 m'4 prime timothy, 84 85. PROVlB10N8-hort ribs sides (loose), Kkt)7 00. Mess pork. 8111(li'- Lard, per ) lbs.. Buort clear sides, tjoxed. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and gra'n: Becelpta. Shipments. Flour, bbls W4' 81.J Wheat, bu 86.U4 M ) Corn, bu ilU4) IS0 Oats, bu 4.,1J 8M3. Bye. bu , l.(XO 7) barley, bu du 89.100 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, lifr-Mo; dairies, ffj?ic. Eas, firm; at mark, caees tmluded. I4c; firsts. 14c; prtine firsts, lac. Cheese steady, llyie. it. Leal Ceaeral Market. ST. LOUIS.- April 1 -W HE AT-Firm-track. No. 1 red cash, KaSc; No. 8 hard. H;ixlic; May. -tc; July, 620. CoRN Weak ; track. Na cash, 4w; No 1 white. 63c; May, UK. OAltt-Lower; track. No. 1 cash, 4c; No. J mhlte. May. tV.c. FLOL'R Lull; red winter patents, 84 609 46; extrs fancy and airaJhu, It.10yt4.evi; cltf irs. tik-jlh. UtfcU-1 imothy, dull. 8JS3t08. t OU Mt A 1 Steady. Uuu. fcRAN 6'irm; aactvod tut track. 81.1Sijy H Y ?;dr; timothy. UO.Oj&itOO; pral-rl'-. i'.-!)i ' IRi.N CitnoS TIES tl 00, IA(;VJIN(J-7',.-. HKMH TWINt'-So. PHuVlFIOMi Fork, lower; jobbing, 8 1 SS. laid. I.iyuer; prime steata. I. 8ot-.iT. !.". 'ry salt u.tu, airJy; toied etr snorts. 87 ?H; clear Hba. r, 80; short clears, ptu. Iincon. steady; tmxi extra snnrt. cMr t, . ,hort ciKrT, ,s. I'OULl RY-gtady; ct.ickens, loc; tpilnrs. 14c; turkey.. LMtflJc; ducks. KV; gse, to. 'nil tH Quiet ; cree mery, Mae. EGGS Unchanged; J-, caee count. Kerelpts. Shipments, rlnnr, bbls. u, Wheat. bl. lu nrdl Corn. bu. at ji Oata,' bu. l('onO ' un OMAHA A 1.15 SCARKBTT. Ceadltlva at Trade aa Qaatatleas ea taala aat rssey PraelBM. FOGS Freeh selling eggs, caudled. lea. LUTTER Common, lc; fancy tub ant roils. lo'lc; creamery, 80c CHEti& New full cream. Wlsconslg twins, l?Vc; new full cream brick, 17c; do niesilo new Bwlse, lc; new llmburgsr, U4 lc; young Americana. 17VW. LIVE POLLTKX Springs. 8Hc: hena, loei rooeters. 4c; ducks, 8c; geese, 7Ho. HAT-Choice No. 1 upland. 87.4u: medlorn ItU; No. 1 bottom, 8E.H0; off grade. 84 0-e i.ev- It ye srsw, 87.00. No. 1 alfalfa, (U-na TROPICAL Fit u ITS. LEMONS Extra fancy, extra long keep ing. 800 to 860 sise, per box. 84; ixtra choice, extia long keeping. tM and ) alse, per box. 83.76; extra fancy. 8iO sise. per box. 83. &0; extra choice Urey bound. tuO siae. per box, K-Z&. BANANAS Port Umon, owing to sise, per bunch, SUM a 88.0Q. ORANGES Etra fancy, 89 to M else, per box, 81.78; extra fancy. 111 else, per box,; extra fancy, IM and ISO sise, per box. U; extra fancy, 11. iA, Da, 8M sUe, per box, 81-8S: extra fancy, Waahingiea navels, W to W aise, per box. 8i.v; extra fancy, Weaiilngtoa navela, Ul sUe, per bos. ll.t&i exua fancy, Waahlngton navels, Ui and 1j0 sise, per box. U 'il extra fancy, Waahlngton navela, 17. A. lift. SO aise, per box, 8V APPLES Waahlngton. Rome Beauties, Red Cheem Fippma, KUiga, 6pys, assorted, per box. 81.80; California red winter Pear pians, per box, 81.50. TKAWBERrUEa Texas berries rHved Monday and sold for 86. Anoihei lot came Tuesday and sold for 88. lTobablUUes are Uiey will get as low as 84. URAPEt Malaga, cholue, per keg, 8100; Malaga, extra tancy, 84.M; extra choice, per aeg, 84-; u fuicy, exua heavy, K.uO. CRANBERRIES Extra fancy BeU and Bugle, per bbL. 810.0V; extra fancy Jersey, per bol 88.00; exua fancy Jersey, per box, TOMATOES Florida (S-basket crstns), per crate, 84-U0; Cuban tomaloea, owing to quality. 81.60 to 8.W)l PltAKB Exua fancy winter Nellls. per box. ai.78. CAULIFLOWER Per 8-doxen crate, 81.09 LETTUCE Florida bead, per hamper Hi per doe., 810Oiil.G0. OLD AND NEW VEGETABLES. TOMATOES Extra fanoy Florida O basket crates) per crate, 83.60; choice Hoi Ids -baaket crates), per crate, 88. PEPPERS Florida t-baagst crates), par crate. tJM. CUCUMBERS Extra fancy not house, Illinois (8 dos ). per box, 84 choice not bouse, Illinois U dos.), per box, 12. Hot house radish em, head lettuce, onions, parsley, per dos., 4vc. Southern radlahea. paraluy, new beeta. new carrota. new shal lots, owing to alio, per dos., 40ft IMo. Old carrots, paranipa, turnips, beeta, per bbi, 81. 'A KUTAJ3AQAB Canadian, per lb., 1140. per ir., i!,4c. ONIONS Extra fancy Red Globe, per lb.. JHc; Wisconsin yellow, per lb.. 2c: Va lencia Spanish, per crate, 87.6u; Valencia Spanish. 150-lb. crates. 84. 8& UMON BUT8 Yellow bottom. 83 lbs. la bu , per bu., 83.75; red. (3; wblU. 88.(6. SEED POTATOES Kansas sweet, per bhl., 81.85: 6-bu. loU, U 78. NUTS, CIDER, HONEY, DATES, CELERT Coacoanuts, each 8c; per sack, 84. JSo. 1 elected California English walnuts, per lb., 17Hc- Ftlberta, Brasils. Jumbo pecans, butternuts, per sack, 12 Ho. No. 1 band picked peanuts, roasted. 8c: raw, 8c HONEY-Callfornia, strtcUy fancy. Z4 frarnes, per rase, 83.76. CBiLERT Florida, per .-rate, 83. DO. PATES Sus;ar walnut, per box. 81.08. BEEF CUTS Ribs: No. 1, 15fcc; No. J, WWci No. . 10Hc. Loin; No. 1. 18c; No. i. Uoi No. 8. Uc Chuck: No. L 84c; No. 8. 8c; No. 8, 7Vc. Hound: No. L 10c; No. i. Wic; No. 8, 8liO. Plato: No. L 8'ac; No. fc!c; No. it 80. WEATHER Iff TUB CWAIS BELT Pair for 'Sgadmr ia Hot XIach :"' , ChaasT la Tepratare. - , OMAHA, ' April 18, .1808. Rain continued general over the central valleys during Friday and have extended t ant ward over the Ohio valloy and lake region this morning. It is raining In Okla homa and Texas and rains are quite gen eral throughout the southern atatea during the last twenty-four hours. The ralna were well distributed over eastern Nebraska. Temperatures are generally higher in all portions. The weather has cleared west of the Missouri river into the mountains, and it will be fair in this vicinity tonight and Sunday, with continued moderate tem perature. Omaha record of temperature and precip itation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1308, im. 190. 1305. Minimum temperature.... 64 30 68 83 Precipitation T .48 .00 .00 Normal temperature for today, 81 degrees. Deficiency in precipitation since March L 1.06 lnchea. Deficiency corresponding period In 1907, L(m Inches., Excess corresponding period In 1908, .14 of an Inch. - L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Cor Wheat Rosrtost Ballet Ik. For the twenty-four hours ending at I a. m , Tfrta meridian time, Saturday, April 18, 1S: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Baln- Statlona. Max. M'n. fall. Sky. Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Foggy Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Ashland, Neb.... 00 68 .16 Auburn. Neb.... 83 1 48 .78 Columbus, Nob., so 47 .88 Falrbury, Neb... 70 84 .88 Fairmont, Neb... 49 .71 Gr. Island, Neb.. 78 44 .70 Ilartlngton. Neb. U 47 .18 Hastings. Neb... 71 IT .46 OakdaJe, Neb.... M 4 .26 Omaha, Neb M 48 .17 Trkamah, Neb... 68 M .27 Alta. la 61 44 .W Carroll. Ia 68 44 .60 Clarlnda. Ia 68 47 .68 Eibley. Is 49 41 .48 Sioux City, Ia.. 64 81 .08 Qoudy Minimum temperature for twelve-hoo period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rala. ' Station. BtatlozA. Vax Mln. Inches. t-nicago, ill 21 Columbus, O. 18 I Moines, Is 14 Indianapolis, lnd.. 13 Kansas City, Mo.. 11 Louisville, Ky 19 Minneapolis, Minn. 29 Omaha, Neb St. Louis, Mo..... U ii 41 .14 40 .18 64 43 . (8 44 .10 70 61 .44 73 48 .18 0 40 .11 ) 4 .48 84 (0 .24 Good rains have fallen in all portions of the corn and wheat region within the last twenty-four hours and continue in the east ern portion this morning. The weather Is much warmer In the central and eastern and alightly .warmer In ths western portion. L A. WELSH, Local orecaster. Jtaaeas City Grain aad Provisions. KANSAS CITT. Mo.. April 18.-WHBAT-T. nchangcd to lc higher; May, 87c: July, 7c; September. 77ic; caah: No. 1 hard 9iHTc; No. 8 hard. feyqi95fc: No. I red. 864 .c: No. 8 red. tittSc COH.S'-ijo hither to c lower; May, 61c: Jtly, Mc; Senember, 67c; cash; No. 1 mixed, biHic; ,. a mixed, tiic; No. 8 white, aiw; No. t white. 62rvc. CATS I'nchuiged to Ho lower; No. t wh'te, 4iic; No. S mixed, 4n3ic RYE 7lc. HAY Choice timothy, steadv, 811.603 12 j; choice prairie. 6uc lower, 88 2fg.78. BUTTER Unchanged to He lower; creamery extras, ?Tc: packing stoc k, ISHc EGOS Steady; fresh extras. 16c; current receipts. 13ie. BKAN 81.11; shorts, 81 UV Recelpts. Shipments. Wheat, bu t&.ca 71.00 Corn. bu. 85 d) sn.uoO Oata, bu, ItOuQ s H.OuO Quotations at Kansas City as reported by Logan A iiryan. No. 1 Beard ef Trade: Articles. I Open. I High. I Low. I Close. Wheat May .. July ... Corn May .. July ... 8H K, STiA T7ie 7W V 7a 4 81 HI 1S a 68 I fcl ie 68:4,0 Star Tork Prod are Market. NEW TORK. Arm 18 All commodity exihange in the city being closed today qu.titiuos were generally nominal, and hvlkly conditions prevailed in practicably all ouialde markets HAY xod to eholce, SkgeTtyo. H''pBV-tiste. comnmn to choice. 17, Jc; iJui, y6c; pacilio coast, l7, fcjc; I.. ) 1 be. liir.KS Brota. 17c; central America, 17c I Y. K1 if KK Acid. VtiAv. hi E lvTimuc, fa-r 10 extra, IV.SS'ic; OUAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET 111111; Cattle Steady Tadij, bat lower for the Week. HOGS TWESTT LOWER FOR WEEK Large af Lasaba Teaay, hat Very Few OCere4l Par, Sale , fer Week La as be Steady, gkerm toek Lower. SOUTH OMAHA. Aprtl 18, 190. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 8.048 4.141 f,6' Official Tuesday 4.r 11.214 4 6.13 Official Wednesday 8.7(3 Uf? 6A8 t'rriclal Thursday 1.6H a.?!s x,43 Official Friday 1 8.S7 1.0) Estimate Saturday .... M V 1.449 BIX days'thls Week ....i;.TP 48.477 Same days last week 14.174 87.445 86. 8 J Snme days i weeks ago.. 14.410 80.171 86.616 Same days 8 weeks sgo.. 17.941 83 041 44 1 Same days 4 weeks ago.. 17.4 44.034 87.M7 Same day last year. ...17.03 62,3 64,101 The following table shows the receipts of Cattle, hogs and ' sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last Fkr: 1. 1907. Ino. Deo. Cattle JSO.RSJ 84R.1M 84.251 Hogs 9"S.r7 71.247 178,730 Diieep 437,288 K3.17S 1S5.SS4 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last everal days, with comparisons! Dxte. I 1308. tUCrl 11904. 190j. (1904. 1901. 11902. April I.., April 6... 6 74 6 M 6 861 4 91! 7 ri 6 84 61 80 6 90 84 X 6 84 I 7JH f 82 6 19 16 4 81 7 April 10.. 6H t 71 e So 8 XI T i 7 12 I T 19 April II. April 11., 4 4?t 4 83 8 W 4 9 6 421 6 84! 11 6 4 April 13... 8 84HI 8 64"4 42j 4 88 6 46 4 61 April 14. 5 Ml 4 86 Tit April April 18.. April 17.. 6 424 889! 6 41 6 81 4 7 16! 6 95 7 07 6 81 T 18 4 96 7 14 6 99 S7 6 42 8 61H 6 49 4 89j S9 61 4 61 6 B April 18. 6 2SI 4 80i Sunday. Th nf filial ndrnK., t.9 " m.9 .w.W brought In today by esch road was: C, M. A St. P l i .. MfHsnurl VMfiflf . s Union Pacific... '.. U it C. N. W.. esst. ......... 1 C. A N. W., west ir C, St. P., M. O I C. B. A J . east ,1 C B. Q., west Total receipts........... 8 87 82 The disposition of the day's recelnts waa s follows, each buyer purchasing the num. oer 01 neaa indicated: Cattle. Hoa-s. Sheen. Omaha Packing Co 65 .... owift and Company 6TB Curia hy Packing Co 4 693 Armour A Co 678 .... Krey Packing Co lit Klfgxn 618 Roth Packing Co C9 Other buyers I .' Totals ;.;.;........ 1 1,148 5SS " CATTLE Tha market was again bara of uppllea. but that la to be expected on Saturday. The receipts for the week have been very lt;ht, -showing a considerable falling off as compared with last week, nd a decrease of over one-half aa com pared with a year ago. Generally speak ing, light receipts mean a stronger market, but such was not the case this week. Un favorable condltiona at eastern consuming points, where people are refusing to buy high priced meats,. gave the markets of the Country a down hill movement that even light receipts could not withstand. Not only here, but at .every other market, prices have broken badly on all kinds of killing cattle. A considerable, proportion of the cattle received at this' point consisted of beef teers, and as tbe season Is well sdvanced the quality during the week waa very good on an average. Prices were lower every day during the first half of the week. On Thursday and Friday the very light re ceipts caused a halt in the decline, and at tne same lime, put a little more lite into the trade. Btllt. at the close of the week heavy beef steers are fully 15c lower than one week ago and bCg-mo lower than the high time. Handy light cattle are lOfilSc lower for the week, or 25(U35c lower than the high time. The feeling la that the Im mediate future of the market la dependent entirely upon the question of receipts. If light runs are the rule next week at the leading markets of flie country, prices could hardly fail to reset, but it Is very evident that the consuming demand does not require sny great number of cattle, and with anything like liberal receipts weak markets would be very likely to en ue. Cows and heifers at the close of the week are generally 10ifl6c lower, with the medium kinds right around 25c lower than a week ago. Common canners have shown comparatively little change, as they were already selling at rock bottom prices. ' Ktockers and feeders were In light supply throughout the week, but there waa a great plenty to supply the moderate de mand. The bresk In fat cattle would nat urally produce a weak feeling In the feeder trade, but aa so few jtoraj cuttle were re ceived, steady prices were generally main tained. Quotations on esttle: Good to choice corn-fed steers, IA.Ota4.68; fair to good corn fed steers. 86.7.Vfi4.0; common to fair corn fed steers, 84.768 5.78: good to choice cows and heifers, 84.76 90; fair to good cows snd heifers, 83.TSj4.7f.; common to fair cows and heifers. 82.W&3.75: good to choice stockers and feeders, 84.7Mi5.30; fair to good stackers and feeders, 44 flow 4. 76; common to fair stackers and feeders, 83.0"g4.00. HOGS Receipts of hogs this morning were very light, even for the last day of ths week. The market opened early in- the morning and fairly active, with prices fc'iilOc higher than yesterday. In fact a guod share of the hogs sold 10c higher, the bulk going at 85 60(05.65, aa against 85 40a 1 46 yesterday. The top today waa (6 46, while the best price paid yesterday waa 86.524. Everything In sight was sold and weighed up at an early hour In the morning. The receipts of nogs this week, notwith standing today's light run, have been fairly liberal as compared with the previous Week, but have been quite a little short of last year's record. The market haa experienced a good many changes. During the first four days prices were steadily lower, the bottom being touched on Thursday, when the market was 3Sc lower than the close of the previous week. The advance on Friday and the still stronger prices psld todsy leaves the market only about 80c lower for the week. Representative sales: Ko.' A. a. yr. Ko. At. 8a. Ft. 4 1H I II 64 til ... 6 H t IW 400 6 ot 15 tl 8 I M 43 414 ia 6 44 n 1M ... 6 624 ll tit 1 6 4TH . TI Xf 140 6 t!i M IM HI ... UN) 4 80 f 3 I ' U Ill H 74 It ... I U T Ue 6 11 .' 4 M IN 81 14 its t 11 Tl I I 49 8 4 U ... I 64 .. 81 80 I M 41 64 1 U II 'l 40 i t4 U T M II? rr 1.8 lie I II , T 4 its 6 ti e ut i tv til 14 M Tt m ... 6 u 7 8-4 8 III t ni ... lu XS4 ... HI 171 80S 6 ItU, 4; i;4 ... 4 s 47. tl... 0 6 0 M J ... 6 46 It ....S7 44 I M SHEEP Receipts of sheep this morning were very large, thirty care being reported In. However, they were all billed through and were not offered for aale at this point excepting only two cars, which sold on ti.e market at 87.80 .the same prices as was paid for the same stuff yesterday. They ere Colorado-Mexican lain be of good quality. The receipts this week have been very moderate, showing A very heavy falling off aa compared with a year ago. While the market has been alternately weak and strong, there has been practically no change ao far aa good wooled lambs are concerned. Ia fact, at the close of the week lambs are selling Just as high aa they were one week ago. On tha other hand, shorn sheep snd ewes have shown more or less weakness, being luc, and In some cases aa mu h as 2oc. lower thaa a week ago. While the market haa not been especially active, there haa, nevertheless, b-en a fair demand, so that the moderate recelpta have sold in reasonable season on most days. The country will understand that such weakness as has been developed In the market this week haa been due to the de moralised condition of the eastern mutton market consequent u;xn the light demand. It would appear that business conditions In the east have not been such ss to en eenrage free buying of high-priced meats. Still at the close of the week, with the v'sthle supply of Colorado lambs greatly reduced and with proaencUve moderate reretpta, there la unquestionably a better fueling to the trade and rredlctlona are freely made that with the decrease In the si a stronger market caa hardly be avoided. Quotations on lambs: Good to choice w-vo'.ed. t7.Sfr7.60; fair to good wooled. 84 7f.j7 !S: rood shearing lami a, rarrvlng f .v.n. m. 50lr7.0rt; good sneering lambs, thtrv. H f a4.b; shorn lambs, 60c under wouled stock- Ou-tatlons on sheor Cd tn eholce llrht yoarl'nga ehorn, u; fslr to good Yriiss. siorn, in iii -k.u. wethers, srn, l(nia; falf to good Wethers, shorn, f.VTS .; good to rhntea ewes, shorn. S5h'ijG7&; fslr to gnod ewes, ehorn, 8SOjRfi); culls snd burke, shorn, 8-1 4.60; wooled sheep, 40c above shorn stock. Representative rales: C.90 Colorado Mexican lambs 78 t A 8 Colorado Mexican yearlings.. 70 TOO CHICAGO LIVB STOCK MARKET Cattle mm he Steady H ore steady te Tea teats Hlcker. CHICAGO. Anrll !. CATTLE ftecelnta 100 head; market steady; beeves. 84.5"fn .K cows sno neirera. n; Texans, Met 6 40; calves. 64.6O4i40u; weeterns. 84.006.60; Stockers and feeders. 83 2TvS6 28. HOGS Receipts; 8,m head; market irtesdy to lOo higher; light. t4.4rvb.OD; mixed, 85 Mtjf 6 2M; heavy, 8S.4f.g14.nO; rough. 8 4F;6.fl&; pig. !4 9"6.25; bulk of sales, 86 Kf.8f- SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts. 8mO head; market steady; natives, $. for 70; westerns. 65xvf?6.8; yearlings. & 36-31.15; lambs, td.00o7.66; westerns. VS.0f37.TO. Kansas City Live toek Market. KANSAS CITT. Mo., April 18. CATTLE Receipt. 800 head. Including 400 south erns ; market for choice export and dressed bef pteers. 84 15 96.76; fair to good ftOOes.lO: western steers. 84. 76(16. 80; stockers and feedere. f!.808.76; south ern steers. 14 600 6.86: southern cows, 13.1604.76; native cows. tl 6"GMft; na tive heifers, 84168116; bulls. 61160 5 15; calvev, 63.75 6.76;; recelpta for the week, 17.000 hesd. HOGS Receipts. 1.090 head; market Z ClOc higher; top, 15.75: bulS of ssles. 15 6606.76: heavy, 15f6t?5.T5; packers snd butchers. I5 E515.75: light. to 40'p 6.66; pigs. t4.154.7t; receipts for the week. 5S.100 hesd. SHEEP AND LAMB? Receipts. S000 ewea and .yearlings. '14.76 94. 60: western yearlings, lo.JMj ( oo: weatern sneep, 84.606.60: stockers and feeder, tl 60 8.00; recelpU for the week. 17,700 head. t. Loals Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. April 18. CATTLE Receipts, 800 head. Including 200 Texans; market steady: native shipping and ex- ort steers, I6.2S 7.0ft: dressed beef and utcher steers, 15.404.15; steers under pounds. 84.T6Q6.16; stockers and fM1ra, 83.00ft 6.26; cows and heifers, $1.7506.00; canners. HOOUJOO; buils. tl75$6.76; calves. 18.269450; Texss and Indian steera. 83. 6042 6.16; cowg and heif ers, tl. 7504.28. HOGS Receipt. 1.600 head: market 8c higher; pi en and light. 11766 90; pack, era, 15.25 V 5 80; butchers and best heavy. 5.75.96. No sheep market. St. Joeeyk Lira Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. April 18.-CATTLE Re ceipts, 164 head; market nominal. Natives, t5.60fc .80; cows and heifers, 82.OJSj6.40; stock ers and feeders, 83.75.fi6. 40. HOGS Receipts, 1.224 head: market 10c higher. Top, 86.76; bulk of sales, 86.6u3S.70. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, none: tombs, 88.7&37.3S; and Wethers, 86.6046.60. . Sloax City Lit Stock Market. SIOUX CITT. Ia.. April 18.-8rec1al Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 100 head: mar ket unchanged; beeves, 86.0Og6.65; cows and heifers, 84.0tW3C.25; stockers and feeders, 84 .003-4. 0; calvss and yearlings. t3.0OQ4.t5. HOCiS Receipts. 1.100 hesd: market 10c higher; range. 85 40&6.66; bulk of sales, 86 60 tj6.6a. Stock Ik Slckt. Receipts of live stock at the six principal weatern markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen South Omaha 68 160 T.448 Sioux City loo 1.110 ..... Kanaaa City 800 I CO 8,000 St. Louis 0 ).60 St. Joseph 184 t.2?4 Chicago 100 4.0M9 . 5.000 Totals 1.130 17.174 10,448 CleorlasT Hoaee Baak Statemeat. NEW TORK, April 18. The itatement of clearing house banks for the week, shows that the banks hold 841.973,43 more than the requirmer-ts ok in k per cent reaerre rule. This is an increase of 86.707,760 In the pro portionate caah reserve as compared with last wiak. The statement follows: .. i Increase. Loans ...... .f tl.lWl.72S.90) 6 8.817.1JO Deposits .............. I.26,"8) Circulation 69,499,300 99.6( Legal tenderst - W.6V9.2O0 1.197.900 Specie 19b.676.70O 8,532.100 Reserve . 1J75,iO 11,'Xi.OW Reserve required 811.402.476 6.032.250 Surplus 49.978.426, - 4.707.750 Ex-U. S. deposlU.... ' 60,666.176 6.713.126 Decreaea. . Tbe percentage of actual reserve of the clearing house banks at the close of busi ness yesterday waa Z9.35. The statement of banks and trust com panies of Greater New Tork not members of the clearing bouse shows that these Insti tutions have aggregate deposits of 619,- 710,600; total caah on hand, t08,008,000, and loan amounting to 8S06.3i2.10O. Baak Cleariags. ... OMAHA. April 18 Bank clearing for to day were tl.6tS.079.65, and for the corres ponding dale last year 11.594,773.97. 1908. 1907. Monday S LK.M 61 Tuesday I.. 210.78 l.&7.10 Wednesday I.UdO.923.98 i.6l5.0F4 U Thursday L253.6o4.19 1.866.747.11 Friday r l.M.21.45 1.868 Wi Saturday 1.66J,079.85 I.it4,771.r7 Totals tU.436.S9S.7t tin.8U.7tS.31 Increase over the corresponding week last year 8626,428.47. New York Htaty Market. NEW TORK. April 18. MONET-On call, nominal; time loans, nominal; sixty days, lWa'l. per cent; ninety day. l4jl per cent; stx months. 84i34 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 4C per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Nominal, with actual business In - bankers' bill! at 84.8i2S4-S72& for demand, and at 84.847ta 4.64X0 for alxty-day bills. Commsrclal bills, 84.84. Loadoa Moaey Market. LONDON, April 18 Bullion amounting to 30.000 waa taken Into the Bank of England on balance today. hah f iL.v tK Hteaay. n i-ica per ounce. MONEY 2(2H per cent; the rate of dis count for short bills, ZH'iH per cent; for three months' bills, SSu- par cent. Moreaaeata of Specie. NEW TORK. April 18-The export of specie from the port of New Tork for the week ending April 18 was: gold, tl.0u6.02; silver, 8M6.03O. The Imports were as fol lows: Gold. K2S.941; silver. 88 84. The Im ports of merchandise and drygoods for the week ending April 11. were tlO.043.844. Treaeary gtatesaeat. WASHINGTON. April 18.-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 8150.000,Y4 gold reserve, ehows: Available caah balance, 8261.842.100; gold coin and bullion, t23.7M.727; gold certificates, t.Oto.OTO. - Pare la a FiauMeclal. .... PARIS, April 18. Trading on the Pourse today was inactive. The private rate of discount was 113-14 per cent. Oils aad Roaia. OIL CITT, April 18.-OIL Credit bal ancea, 11.78; runs. 417,433 bbls.; average, 17H.212 bbls.; shipments, 367, 4ul bbls.; aver age. 175.461 bbls. SAVANNAH. Ga., April 18.-OIL Turpen tine, firm: 44Sc. KOS1N Firm: A. B. C tSBo: D., 150c; E.. .6Se; F.. 8.70c; G., t TTHc: H.. I SOc; I., 4.85c; M., 5.50c; N.. 160c; W. W 6. Tic. Miaaeaaolls Urala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. April 18. WHEAT No. 1 hard. tl ftVgt V. No. 1 northern, tl-Oigi 03; No. ! noHh.rn, 81.01 ttlOlVj; No. 8 northern. 9?,t!KSi,c; May, llf'X; July. 61.00t'l',4: September, 8c, PRAN In bulk. tJOuna 26 FLOUR Unchanged: firet patents. IC.IS 6: second patents, t5.uai6 V f rit cleara, 84-u3S4.U; second clears. 831008 20. Mllwaakee Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. AprU 18 W1JEAT Steady; No. 1 northern. tlflWH; No. 2 northern. 31.0lM3H: May. ac astet. BARIY Firm: 67c: aample. 441 sic. CORN Firm; No. t cash. &3ie; May, 6feaj:,4ic asked. , Peoria Grala Market. PEORIA. April 1S.-CORN Unchinged: No. I yellow, 46c; No. 8 yellow. SiHT.-'.e; No. 1. 63Jc; No. 4. 63c; DO grsn, U-'v-frC. OATS Firm; No. 8 waite. 6:a6lc; No. 4 white. Sc. WHISKY-ia. Waal Market. ST. LOUIS. April 18. WOOI-Weak : medium gradea combing and clothing. 18 iilSc; light fine., heavy fine, l.13c; tub wasiied, kaale'c. " Dalatk Grata Market. DULUTH. April IT. WHEAT No. 1 northern. 81 01; No. 8 northern, tec; May, ic. July. L.ifc, oepUuiuer, tti'O, (UliU-tin. CREAT IRRIGA1I0N SCHEMES Hng Eecl&matlon Irojectt Under GoTernment Anspicet. CQLEXSITY OF E00SEYELT DAM Arlsona Project Overlaps All Otbera Plaas for Water Storage la Colorado, Kaaeaa, Nebraska ad Moataaa. First among the many Irrigation schemes planned by the government reclamation ervlco Is the 8alt river project at Roose velt, Arlt., where the largest or;lfl:lal ressr. voir In the world Is being finished. Thla atorsge dam Is 178 feet high and will Im pound 1.2S4.000 acre-feet pf water, creating a reservoir having an area of 18,800 acres or 86.5 square miles. This ttructure will be completed In 1909 and will regulate the sup ply of water in the Salt river. Forty miles be.ow the dam the water la to be diverted by means of a low dam IrAo the mains of k system of canals, one on each side of ho river, and watering about 180.000 acres of .and in tho vicinity of Phoenix and Mesa. When the Roosevelt dam Is completed everal thousand electrical horse-power will be developed and utilised to pump additional water from underground sources. A power canal 18.6 miles long, having a capacity of 220 cubic feet a second, has already been constructed and is now being used to de velop a 4.400 electric horse-power which Is utlllxed In the work of construction. The lands under thla project situated In the Salt river valley aurround Phoenix, the capital of the territory. The valley has a length east and west of about forty miles and a width varylnc from fifteen to thirty miles. The soil la an alluvial depoalt of great fertility and adapted to the cultiva tion of a wide variety of crops, including those of the temperate and subtropical ocas, Taaaellaa; tke Canyoa. , A tunnel about 600 feet lone- has been driven through the side walls of tha canyon at the dam. In thla tunnel will be placed alz gates to be used for sluicing purposes and for regulating the flow of water In the canals In the Salt river valley, about fifty miles below. These gates, with their opera ting mechanism, will weigh nearly 800,000 pounds and will be the largest ever con structed to operate under the great pressure of 100 pounds per square Inch. The pres sure on each gate ia about 800.000 pounds. With the reservoir full tho gates are capable or discharging 10,000 cubic feet per second. To carry tho water from the power canal to the electrical power house an Inclined penstock tunnel 630 feet long has been driven. The available head of 220 feet, when discharged through turbine water wheels direct connected to electric generators, will give several thousand electrical horse-power which will be transmitted slaty miles away to drive tho centrifugal pumps. It Is esti mated that each horse-power ao developed will pump water enough to Irrigate ten acres of land. The entire electrical ap paratus for this work waa furnished by the General Electrio company. - Magaltade of tke t'adertaklag. For those who cannot visit the scenes of operation It is difficult. Indeed, to grasp the magnitude if this undertaking being carried on by the government for the bene fit of the people. There will be more than 600 miles of -main canal for distributing the .water and at tbe lowest waterfall on record the flood contained In the reservoir wilt be sufficient to water tho erops over an area of lit square miles for two and one-half years. The work' was started three years ago and will coat about 88,000.000. all of which Is advanced by the government without interest. Thla amount will eventually be repaid by the farmers whose lsnda are benefited. The Income which will accrue from the sale of electric power will applied to tha oost and when the outlay has been repaid to the government the farmers will own the plant and share the expenses pro rata.' The storage water will make the desert, formerly supporting only cacti and other hardy plants, blossom as tha rose. Haraeselns; Colorado River. Another large Irrigation project Is the diversion of the waters of the Colorado river by means of a dam ten miles north east of Tuna, Aria., Into two canals, one on each aide of the river. In Arisona these canala will irrigate all the bottom lands of tho Colorado and Gila rivers, 84,000 acres In round numbers, and in California the bottom lands In the Tuma Indian reserva tion of 17,000 acres, all tributary to the Southern Pacific railroad. A complete sys tem of levies to protect the bottom lands from overflow la being constructed and a pumping system to remove the surplug water from the low-lying areas will be utillxed later. The Uncompahgre valley project in Colorado, which Is something over half completed, means the diversion of the waters of the Gunnison river by means of a tunnel 10.580 feet In length and ten feet In diameter. This tunnel passes under a high divide snd carries the water to the valley,; where It will be utilised for the reclamation of 150,000 acres of land. The Minidoka project In Idaho provides for the reclamation of 110,000 acres lying oa both sides of the Snake river in south ern Idaho. The works, which consist of a large dam In the BnaAe river and. 130 mllea of main and branch canals-, ars com pleted and available for this year. The Payette-Bols scheme will reclaim 150, 000 acres In southwestern Idaho. Kaaaas Plaaa. The Garden City project in Kanaaa Is an extensive pumping system which will provided a supply of ' water to Irrigate about 1.50 arrea situated near Deerfield In southwestern Kansas. All the land under this project Is rich prairie loam suitable for all kinds of raln and vegetables. Tbe proposed pumping plant is designed for the recovery of underground waters and Involves tha construction of twenty three Separate pumping stations, each driven by electricity f rem a central sta tion located at Deerfteid. The electric power will be supplied oy steam turbines and alternators. In Montana the Huntley project contem plates the reclamation or 80,000 acres of land located along tho Tellowstone in the southeastern part of the state. Thla ache ma Is about two-thirds completed. There are three tunnels aggregating 2.450 feet in length. A special feature la the pumping plant, near Ballantlne, which utilises the power developed by a drop of thirty-three feet In the main canal to lift flfty-slx cubic feet per second of water about fifty feet lo the high line canaL The main canal Is about thirty-two mllea long and the high canal about seven miles long. The ultimate development of the' Sun river project in this same state will mean the discovery of 56,000 acres of land tributary to the Sun river. The Mitk river project will add about 150,000 acres mora to the lands reclaimed in lion Una. Tbe Xartk Platte P reject. Among the other large Irrigation schemes In the west are the North Platte project la Nebraska and Wyoming which a ill mean the watering of nearly 40.O acres la these two states. Tbe Truchee-Caraon project will gupplr water to BfrO.Ouv arid acres in westera Nevada. Tho Rio Grand project L! '11 'PJ The UpdiEic Grain Co. COMMISSION DEPARTMENT ' 700 to 714 Drandcls Dldg, OMAHA, . NEBRASKA , - IB IR O K E GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS AMD BONDS PRIVATE WIRES T.t.pnon fcMZl?J a47s i rrtwi VAnir aiiiahaa IlUt I WltiV Z. CUDDINGTON , Successor s Lioyce Commission Co. 1 (Xi Board of Trade nidg. Margins 1 cent on grain. $1.05 on stock. Public, god private rooms tor customers. Beet service in Omaha. A reliable company. in New Mexico and Texae Involves the con struction of a storage dam 2SJ feet high near Engle, N. M., across the Rio Grande which will form a reservoir 175 feet deep and forty miles long, with a storage ca pacity of 1.000,000 acre-feet for the purpose of raising water from the Missouri river to Irrigate bench land which cannot be reached by gravity systems. The Klamath project In California and Oregon will re claim 190.000 acres. The Belle-Fourch pro ject In South Dakota will reclaim about 100.000 acres lying In the Black Hills re gion. The Strawberry valley scheme In Utah provides for the Irrigation of about 61.000 acres of land In "central Utah. The Bhoahone project in Wyoming contemplates tha diversion of a portion of the waters of the Bhoahone snd the construction of a dam at the head of the canyon through which the river flows. The reservoir will have a capacity of 4SS.O0O acre-feet and will reclaim about 1 GO, 000 acres. It la needless to say that the success of these many mammoth irrigation schemes depend upon electricity. Electric power Is employed in the construction and but for tho electricity, developed from tho water power, to run the giant pump the greater portion of these Irrigation projects would be Impractical. "SPIRIT OF THE FLEET' Skip Rivalry Service Loyalty frosa Commaader to Sailor. In a private letter written by Lieutenant Kenneth Castleman of Krnnicxy, flag lieu tenant cf Admiral Thomae, a splendid tribute Is paid to the "spirit of the fleet" now at home ports In Paclflo water. These extracts from the letter are repro duced from the Louisville Courier-Journal. "It was three month ago today that we left Old Point. It haa been a wonderful voyage and a fine test ef the endurance and efficiency of the machinery In- etallatlon of the fleet. For the most part the machinery la in better shape today than when we left Hampton Roads. I be lieve this is due In a Targe measure to the new blood In the engineering department. I do not recall the exact figures, but am sure that the average age of the sixteen chief engineers of this reet does not ex ceed thirty. Under the old regime this average would would have been close to fifty, and the ships would not be. I think, in as good condition aa they' are today. And I am an engineer, too! Instead of old men brought up under absolute condi tions, wearing perhaps uncansclousiy a chip on the off shoulder, loyal to their corps, to their chief, to their department we have a lot of youngsters Instead with tha spirit of the modern navy. The crav ing for tha 'fitness.' the intense anxiety to make good, no matter what the odds; loyal to their captain, their ahip, their division, their squadron, their fleet. They have no staff chief, under the captain, to divide their loyalty. They wear the chip of no staff corps on their shoulders. They are most loyal subjects of their depart ments they are master of It; they have to be In order to forge Into the chip's chain of efficiency a aound and flawless professionally, no matter what their per sonal relations might be. "Every day at noon the ship, among other routine signals, hoist their coal ex penditure. These are all taken down by us, and when I go below to luncheon I take a copy of this coal report with me. Everybody In the mess wants to see It at ence. It Is gone over, discussed, picked to pieces, speculated about with unceasing and unflagging interest. If the Minnesota during tbe preceding twenty-four hours has burned more coal than the Louisiana or the Vermont or the Kansas, Its 18,000 ton sisters, or more coal than the wiseacres of the mess think It should have burned, the senior engineer has to defenl himself and explain and apologise. The youngsters in the mess "want to know," for. In addi tion to the keenness of tbs rivalry with other ships Is the Incentive of personal In terest. Next week or next month or next year any one of them might leuve his tur ret or his seven-inch battery snd become senior engineer. There Is co-operation everywhere. "Of course, there is great rivalry be tween different portions of the battery, between different divisions, between dif ferent guns' crews of the same division. The forward turret wants to beat the after turret, perhaps the crews have a thousand dollars a side on the result, but this rivalry goes down before the loyalty to the ship, before the desire to see the ship do well. If the forward turret officer gets on to a gadgett or a scheme that will cut a second off if his loading Interval, the first thing he does is to give it to his brother and rival In ths after turret. And the most wonderful part of it Is that the personal relations of the two have nothing whatever to do with It. If they were personal en emies the professional co-operation and spirit of mutual helpfulness would be Just the same. Loyalty to the ship, the deslr to see it win the trophy and fly the gun nery pennant might account for all tb!. The rivalry between ship Is very In tense and the money prizes are large, but the game does not stop there. Loyalty to the fleet and service carries It farther. If one ship gets something good, something which will give It a pronounced advantage over its competitors at record practice, H officers not ony do not hid It from their rivals, but they give It to them gladly, cheerfully. Take it all in all, it is a very remarkable spirit, this spirit of the fleet, and It Is one that will make this fleet a pretty hard nut for any opponent to crack. "This voyage 1 an extraordinary record of general efficiency, good engineering, good machinery, good navigating, good sta tion keeping, good weather and good heels. It was fat many ways a long, hard "grind, moat of It In the tropic. Wer the ships out of repair, waa the personnel wore out when we got hereT We wer due on the 14th; we arrived on the Uth. By the time we were due sis of the ships had coaled, two of the four ranges were laid out and two ship. Ui Kansas and th Vermont, e VniWHUV IDEAL INVESTMENTS Are not toons ererr 4r. He ! eae combining exairltr. HiH drains Power. Ci.h Amiability. It it a 4 per cent Gold Hond, protectee by first moiirar ea rml eeiate S"ttnette4 with TruM "o. ; H WHICH COMPANY WIL.L CASH ANT AFTER FIRST TEAR. 1,1 KK SAVINGS BANK. Soasd, wf. Writ hi foe booklet. OTHER DESIRABLE INVESTMENTS. ' T par earn pf4. stork. Industrial, company eataa IlihM. sroaperoua, Writ for "A Banker's Maaaas." fr. 10 rar. 8 per rent Oel4 B"4. ttk equal slack sonua. 10 year 8 per cant 6on4 Shares. Realty aaaeu saartr M.Ono.ono. EitabllahMl II yeara Kendall Oola. Moot. Paring 8 per seat wo. rnra ll.M. Mines Oa. Ajner. raring 8 per cent no t Price 81 . ' Mptaamg, Cobalt. 8 par east asar. Pries 17 00. portlan. Col. 4 per rant uar. Prfre Oar. Aixr. Corfe. An. Siva. Price 140 00. Saaitot Cbamipat. I rr owt soar. Price 81. T8. MIRrELLAKEOt;. t4 Lit. Florence, 14c toon Con. Piaavuff, tu tone King Sol. T. t.. Me 1M OMi. Sra4., Ua (000 K. Snowstorm, to 8o Mogul ft 4.. 44t BEND FOR LARGE BULLETIN FREE. Western ?HilH!5 Exchange 135 La Ball St.. Chicago, 111. V. Farnam Smith & Co. 4BsBma Stocks, Bends, Investment Securities. 1320 Farnam Gt riT.e-Bsll. lOtMl laasveadent, A104V4. I Will Buy r op Sell Omaha Steel Yards Stock F. W, Andrews 184 LiSalU St.. Chicago. BAVX BXwOKXTtt OVaUtAaTTSEO. OlUaen Bank 88 Tract Camp?, tat Depository. . Bartlesrlll, Oklahoma. DapMits la this bank GUARANTEED br tbs State ef Oklahoma Guaranty Fund. Vmw stats law pro lda ABSOLUTE SAFETY te our aeaosltor. The State guarantee the retura ef tbalr aaoear oa 4. aianS ndr anr alrceoMtaacea. Wa par Interest o time aspoalta. Make ramittanea In aa for at. Full Information furnishes upon ra,wt. Largest Stat Sank In Xastera Oklahoma. were on the ranges firing. This is a record of fitness and preparation." URGES BILLBOARD BOYCOTT Effective- RemedF Proposed for Plagae pets ef Aaarrlcaa Cities. Arguing for the removal of the obnoxious billboard and the preservation of the sky line for the cause of the masses, Clinton Rogers Woodruff, vice president and sec retary of the American Civic association, writes In Th Craftsman: "How can w make our cities In them selves works of art If we permit the pro fanation of the skyline and the elimination of dignity through the unrestrained snd unregulated use of the blllbosrd? Cities sp.-nd tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars for beautiful public buildings, for parks and parkways, and playgrounds, and then allow the bill poster to us them as a background for his flaming advertise ments. "Is It right. Is It fair to those who get all their conceptions of beauty and art through public means, to have the poster placed "upon a parity with such undertak ings? And yet what other conclusion can the untutored mind reach than that both are equally artistic, both are equally de sirable, or. why should they be permitted to continue In this luxtaposltlnn? Hav we any right to talk of taking expensive measure to tnak our cities beautiful so long as w allow th unrestrained poster In our streets and suburbs? "This evil blight attacks the country as well as the rlty. It leaves no part un touched. Nothing Is eacred. If the sky line of the city is disfigured, so la that of the countryside. ' The billboards flaunt their loud color, their ugly vulgsrity. their frequently suggestive or Indecent pictures and stupid caricatures In the face of every passerby In city street and country lane, and beside the railroad which skirts ths Substantial farm or lovely country seat." Mr. Woodruff also dlsfusse soma of th mean being tried to eliminate the billboard and speaking for himself, he declares: "I must confess to a liklne for the boy- ' cott remedy. It has a practical advantage- there are no provlking or perplexing de lays, no court proceedings, no Injunctions, no appeals. It Is neat, clean, unmistak able to the one who knows best, and ef fective. Not that I underestimate the valu of th prohibitive ordinance and act of as sembly, or tha great Influence of th tax ing power becauae I believe In using every leglttmats wespon In attacking an enemy but the boycott la always on hand, and can be applied without delay and without any thought as to Its legality. All that Is neoes aary la to make up your mind that thla on thing I wIlP not do I will not deal with any oae or use any article that re sort to objectionable advertising." Oa si ere t hasrs ta Heforsa. NEbKAEKA CITT. AprU 18.-(Bptx-ia!. Charles AdRlna. a younj; man from Omaha who haa teen In Jail hers on the charge of cashing a forged cheek, ties been permitted to plead guilt to a minor offense on the request of his brothers, who came here, and oa a promise of turning over a new leaf and fur the ke of their mother. lie was allowed to par a fin and was taken back to Omaha. The peopl who filed a com plaint from Julian charging hlra with Jump lug a board bill withdrew the at&a so aa to enabl bUn to gt aw. . r