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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1908)
COLOMBO FASTS FATAL DAY Kuit Spend Atmlvenary of Murder ia Solitary Confinement. K02. CAN EE EAf AUTTEETO TaU U LHtla AiirsJmnt Jads; gears Tavka am His 1,1 fa ' Bern trie Comrlet la Satisfied. Tot th rst of .hla Ufa fierrerla Oblombo m-lll observe the anniversary of the day ha killed Joseph Ftorensa by sitting .In soli tary confinement In hla cell and fasting. This additional punishment : waa decred by Judg-a Bears Saturday morning when ho sentenced Colombo to Ufa Imprisonment In the penitentiary In conformity with tha verdict returned by the Jury. Colombo tieard tha sentence Interpreted with stolid indifference and at tha close aaM ha waa atlsfled. The solitary confinement feauratf tha sentence ia unusual In tha Doug-las county court, although It Is a common punishment In tha cast. Several' of Colombo's Italian friends wera In the court room and they declared they wera aatlsfled with the outcome of the case, believing; Justice had been done. John B. Reagan, Colombo's attorney, filed a formal motion for a new trial, but did not argue It, tha motion being filed merely for tha purpose of completing tha record. Judge Sears preceded tha aentenca with a talk. In which he advised Colombo to be a good prisoner and obey tha penitentiary of ficials. He said'' ha was satisfied the ver dict was a Just one. Tha words of the court were interpreted to tha prisoner by Samuel Mancuso. Colombo was convicted of killing his roommate, Florenza, January 5. while they wera out hunting near Kast Omaha. Co lombo admitted the killing, but aald hla gun had gone off accidentally inflicting a wound on the side of Plorensa's head. Then ha aald Ftorensa had begged him to shoot him again, to put him out of hla pain, and Colombo aald he did so. Ilia attorneys pleaded emotional Insanity in hla defense. . LID GOES ON IN EAST OMAHA No Mare Saadar IIqaor Belling; Tkers , Says Sheriff Bralley la Reply to Complalata. The lid will go on tight In East Omaha' Sunday. . Thla announcement waa made by Sheriff Bralley after he had received complaints, that the saloons wera violating the Sunday, closing law and were selling liquor to thirsty pilgrims . from. Omaha. Samuel C Jennings of East 'Omaha .made ' the com-, plaint. - ' . ! It is aald a very, undesirable class of men mi, ' . " irom ins cuy irequem tne n.ast irmana aaloon and create . disturbances on the' streets and In the cars much to the annoy-, ance of people who live In the neighborhood and; who spend the day on Cut Oft lake. Bherlff Bralley haa notified all the saloon keepers they must keep their places closed 'and must not sell liquor. LED ASTRAY BY OLD FRIEND Two Well Bteaalaa; Iowaas Coma ta Orlef by Meeting Job a Barleycorn. Andrew. Olson and Paul Winters came In from Iowa Friday to buy new aults of clothes In order that the might appear In a manner befitting their station on Easter Sunday. But they met John Barleycorn, an Old friend, before they reached the cloth ing stores. AS tthey often had had delight ful times with Colonel Barleycorn, they accepted hla Invitation to go to a thirst parlor. Saturday morning they woke up In a cell at the police station, their money all gone and no new suits bought. They were discharged in police court. WOOD The Profit Has Burned Off . . . and you get the clean wood at Factory Coat. We can't carry stock oyer. Therefore, this week the "Pyrography" ar ticles (or wood to burn), useful and' ornamental designs, " are placed on sale Just to see them go. Our show window is full of up-to-date pieces to sell for 2c, 9o, 19c. ' 29c, 89o and up. Holten Oas Wood, burning out fits, only ....J8c, A. tlOSRG GO. 1513 Dputfas '5L RHEUMATISM .accirr ti uuux orrza axnro XAS- by axfeaitAjr ft aroovnu. ; duo oo. ajts qwt, nmuo oa TI8T BZOI.OXSa OXTT XXJrBXrBK. If you are suffering with Rhaumatlsm !S .lu Jy wil not neglect the liberal offer now belug made b fc.ti.nnan McConnell Irug Co.. and owl Lrug Co. Juat depuslt one dolla? with these reliable druggists and set a botile ot the new treatment for Rheumatism. If, after using tame, you re nut satisfied wlttt the results, Uiay iiii rrturn your money. Could a fairer offer be made? You really try this remedy without expense, buoh an offer could not be made If RholoM. waa not an article of unusual merit and one that would do all that la claimed lor It. ' Being In globule form It la easy and r ;, nt to take, and Is highly successful n (! treatment of la nil Us forms, Neuralgia, Gout, l.utnhago. Uim liaik, KiJney. biaddvr and such diseases arling from ximiv I'rlc Acid. tvry hheuiuatlo sufferer Is invited to accept this liberal offer today, at Vherauui At MoCoanall Drag Co lata aad Dodge BU-, and Owl Drag Co, leta aaa atarssy Bts. r.- nvm attestics i WE want local and State ageota to sail lliUt UtestadrwUalug hut ally nOTARYSIGriS- SellooRU-nt Big Front WriUfof uoerH)Uv mailer auti terms tttat-suua. NSTIONL SIGN CO. llMtMfMi(, f SiMik (hwmH a. THE OMAHA ' 'SUNDAY BEE" APRIL '10, 1D0S.' WOMEN'S PUMPS Tke SetW Choice in Footwear The most popular thing in footwear for women Ihis sea son is the pump. We have se cured a very large line of this particular, footwear and for tunately have . gotten . those which do not 'slip at the heel as most pumps do. We have them with' light flexible welt soles in gun metal, calf, 'pat ent colt and Russia calf, with ornaments, buckles and bows. All 6izes and widths. $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Brcxel Shoe Co. e H19 Farnan Street Wall Panei -Of- Gut Prices You can buy the finest IMPORTED paper or the most economical domes tic patterns at a sav ing of from . 25 to 359 Have us figure your pa pering bill. Have your home papered attractive and cheerful. We carry only this sea son' patterns, the output of the leading eastern fac tories, and if you buy here you are assured of the newest, latest and most modern designs and colors at a saving of from 25 to 35. ' SamUouman 109 South 14th SL Thine Douj. 43 lnd.A-4313 Maker to Wearer On i mod Special $3.00 OXFORDS n 4- ' ' '-rrfrml - ?ks Ooaad to be Pidir' ' MAN'S SHOE Walking or running made eas'y , stylo . and . good, hjoks, comfort and lung wear. All the qualities that go to make ut the best 1a aaoes are found by the wearer In CIT33 CXFC2DS Tha lateat style for spring and summer la the "Onlmod" a 4 "Orerair Bhoes are now here. In every else, style and ail leather. - Ail Cfllmod tad Oven!) Shoes Ara aougbt for when aoc worn., trice 0, 3 OO, 93.60, M M, ' So.uu, eo ftst af.trO. SPECIAL FOR OB DAY Until further notice', we will plsxe on sale every ' Monday some specials, way under price. For to ' morrow. It's Men's Me dium Weight Underwear, ' ... , Light Blue, a regular 60c - standard article, , sales price tor Monday' 29c a garment. GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO. 1519 anr! 1521 Douglas SL .- .r f r P. 8. We Just received by express another lot of those elegant Brown Suite which we sell for $15.00. and which sell In other stores all the way from 120.00 to $25.00 s-w; - Ti iff! isr. Whenever youe ready to take - up the Oxford question. - Sir, we are at your service. We've Oxfords that ara so good that you'll not be able 'to resist them.- -x Trus. best thafa mart and- the. best that will bo wotnr at odera t Prloed Oxfords aiBO and 4.00 Oxford luxury ' 96.00 and - 95.M Bring your feet here. Sir, and see how well and comfortable wa caa dress them att UAJBOVABX.B niOZI F" R Y shoe: co. TZSS SH0KB3 lath and Dong-tea Bts. ' BUSTER BROWn BREAD la the aqual of the VpRT BEST homa made bread. In fact, we think a little better it should be. -. It Is always made under tha moat favorable con dltlons, only the vary best flour . Is used and an abundance of pure, sweet milk ta used to make It rich, in addi tion to the Ingredients used ' by the housewife In making bread, wa us a generous amount of malt, which gives Buster Brown B,rad a vary appetising flavor that roakea you call for more. at all grocer. 5c BAKED BT THE (. P. BAKING CO. . A raanr for tha Horn THE OMAHA DEC 1st tha West WcllGS? $ Course! We have often been asked during our FIRE SALE whether our large stock of watches were Included In the 60 per cent general reduction. ow, our watches were not Injured or touched in any manner dur ing the fire, while a little smoke, and water did get Into the store. The watches wera all the time snugly packed away in our fireproof safes. But the rush of business, the whirl of quick dealing, we have experienced during this fire sale has got Into our blood we must continue. Accordingly. -starting on Monday morning, at 0 o'clock, wo are going to commence an immense slaughter salo off watches This will be no common sale of low grade watches, made up to sell, ' but a strictly high class sale, where the best American watches, such as Elgin, Waltham, Hamilton aqd others go at prices you will not experience again in a life time. Soild and solid gold filled cases, such as Jae. Boss,' Crescent and Crown, are known to every American citizen, and our 30 years' experience as practical watchmakers are your guarantee that we know, and sell only the best. x We shall only mention a few of the several hundred different watches and prices. The entire stock will be sold in the same proportions. 18-Sise Elgin or Waltham Movement 17 Jewels, patent regulator, all Jewels set In gold, with 20-year Jas. Boss, Crown or Crescent' Hunting case -former, price $23.50 now. .$19.75 ' 18-Size Elgin or Waltham Movement 17'Jewels, patent regulator, all Jewels set in gold, with 20-year James Boss, Crown or Crescent Open Faced Screw Case former price $21.50 now. f 11.75 18-Size, 15-Jewel Elgin or Waltham Movement, with. 20-year gold filled Hunting Case former price) $21.75 now .f 11.75 ; 18-8Ixo, 15-Jweled Elgin or Waltham Movement, with 20-year'gold filled Open . Face Screw Case former price-$18. 76 now. . : .$ 9.7a ie-Slze, 17-Jewel. Elgin or Waltham. Movement, with 20-year gold filled Jas. Boss, Crescent or Crown Hunting Case former price' $28.60 now ; .......'. .'.$17.75 16-Size, 17-Jewel Elgin or -Waltham Movement, with Open Kaced Screw Case, 20-year gold filled former price $25.75 now.. $13 75 16-8lze, 15-Jewel Elgin or Waltham Movement, with - 20-year gold filled Hunting Case, Jas. Bobs, Crown or Creeceht-former'1 price IHJMw,, ..... :$i5.75 16-SJze, 15-Jewel Elgin or Waltham Movement, with '. 20-year gold filled Jas. Boss, Crown, or Crescent Case former price $21.50 '. . .$11.75. now 17-Jewel, 12-SIxe Elgin or .Waltham Movement, with 20-year gold filled Jas. Boss, Crescent orCrown Hunting Case, - thin model Jujt' the watch for the young man former price $28.50 now. . .$17.75 17-Jewel, 12-Size Elgin or Waltham Movement, with 20-year gold filled Open Faced, thin model, Jas. Boss, Crown or Crescent 8crew" Case former price $25.76 now , $13.75 15-Jewel, 12-Siie Elglu or Waltham Movement, with 20-year gold . filled,-thin 'model, Jas. Boss, Crescent or Crown Case former price $24'.25 now ............ . . .$15.75 : 15-Jewel, 12-Sise Elgin or Waltham Movement, with , 20-year gold flfled, thin model,-Jas. Boss, Crescent or Crown former price $21.60 r?w : V" . $1175 Ladles 1 4-K. Gold Ornamental Cases, warranted 25 years, with Elgin or Waltham Movements former price $28.60 now ! $16.75 Onr Speelal Ladles' Watch, 20-year gold filled case, with Elgin or Waltham Movement former price $18.26 now $12.00 For Monday Only, we offer to Sell 1 Stlverine Case, with Elgin Move ment, 7-Jewel, for j , , ,$4.05 v We guarantee very Watch sold, by us to be perfect and keep same In repair free .of charge first five years. '. All, of onr Cut Glass, Silverware, Jewelry, leather Goods, Clocks in fact, everything la out store goes at half price the entire week. Don't lose this chaace to et more for your money than has ever been offered before In Omaha. REMEMBER, MONDAY MOUSING AT 8:00 O'CLOCK. AT THE SIGN OF THE CROWN mm t !; 115 South 16th Street. Opposite the Boeton More, ; ttovj Do You Like the Back View of This Varsity Model? If you think a minute you'll realize that as many ' people see your a back as your front. I I The cut of your coat, 7??? i, i ;a jrV'i mo nau it, me wayrjn It fits. Tlio hnor important point with ik You want it right, just the way it should be. The Rtlteble 'Store. Offers you the clothes that -will make it right. The "Varsity", model 6hown in illustration is made by Hart, , Schaffner & Marx-and is only one of many of their snappy new styles we ' show at $15, $19, $20, $35 If this model doesn't suit'you, we've others that will, but before you buy we want to show you the "Varsity." DO YOU OWN A RAIN COAT? If not, get one of our perfect Rain Shedders and learn some thing about Rain Coat Comfort. JT 4j rn x qf n quality and perfect, style. Prices .P 1 DU 10 D W :MYDELW MSI 9 , C&Urr. I W- I ( r I 1 : 1 )) DR. BRADBURY, Dentist r ; A AT I L J BAILEY (&. MACH DENTISTS THIRD FLOOR PAXTON BLOCK - Corner 16th and Farum 8treeU. Best equipped Dental office In the middle west Highest grade Dentistry at Reasonable Price Porcelain IlUInea. just like the tooth. J?(or 41 iror 1506 Faxnam. Extracting . . . 25c up. Crowns.... $2.60 up. Plates $2.00 up. Bridge Work $2.50 up. Porcelain Fillings up from. . .... $1.50 17 Years Same Otflce. Phone, Douglas 1750. Alveolar Dentistry n specialty. Loose teeth made solid. Nerves removed without pain. Work guaranteed ten yearB. ' '- : -V --' ...... 1 JL round trip tickets at reduced rates to the Dakotas, the Black Hills, Wyoming, and other points West and Northwest, arc on sale via Tho Dorf h Oosf erii ILiiiG on the first and third Tuesday of each month. The opportunities provided for stop-overs to examine lands and the ' return limits are all very, conveniently arranged. . Colonists ar)d Settlers' tickets are also on sale on convenient dates to a large number of , points including the Canadian Provinces. The train service is good . and the routes are direct . For rates, tickets and full informa tion apply to TICKET OFFICES, 1401-1403 Farnam Street. Omaha. Neb. iff 11 :yb You WiU Find It Jnst ne Satis factory to Order by Phone as by . Personal . Call. pr,v"te n Exchange JSs IJ ;very Ue- jjr i I t In This J il II Store. t-lU j CnrnD 01 fl ll5nnOp9 e ?oxx nstailtly disappointed in seeking something UUlllC U1U Ulltlitl new that look different and tastes different? ' ' ' Courtney's is a Store of Varieties, Scores of Table Delicacies that Can't -Be Found Else- where. Moderately Priced. , Cnmn Alfl f7vTOnC9 "re yon ways tryiilg to keep down the bills for run-" OUlliC U1U LiApCUJCi ning the house and find that quality diminishes but bills ; are the same s t -' . " . ." ' t jri Courtney's Is a Store of Economy, We Buy xn an Immense Scale and Can. Offer Better; H Things to Eeat Every Day for Less Money Than You Pay Anywhere Else". - i Order Monday's Dinner fo-ca Ccnrlney's. irs a Better Place to Day. PHI H Douglas Sts. II "SHEKiFF SAL household Goods of all description, Pianos, Bar Fixtures Etc., Etc. Salo at 10 a. m. Monday, April 20th. Expressman's Delivery Co., : 12207-9 Izard Street. Fleet V 3 See the IN . . ' San Francisco Bay IS monitor battl.hira. a Mt amiuira SuU a twsrm of torpedo boat. 11 dus to arriTo suoa t Has Vrsaciaco. Oreateet Show of American ' ' Power Ever Beheld SGGS tb. round trio to California Tlrkal. oa sals April i,l,iS&, iioarai swpuveia. VIA THE' Inion Pacific 124 raraam raona Pou. leas TO A, V: Inquire St I mS.1'Cl' CITY TICKET ifWIC office- . - N - kr; f I U t