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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1908)
t THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. APRIL 19, 1908. D YU :5 typrtr? SWS 2082 by buying a typewriter where hioney talks, not a salesman. These machines are in first class condition and guaranteed. mirkensderfpr. No.. C No. 69425. -315.00 BUckonsderfer, No. 7 No. 84221 $25.00 Blirkmrnlcrfrr, No. 7 No. 114833, UniTersal New. 940.00 Ifrmington, Itcbollt, No,. 2 No. 97912. , ...... , 830.00 Remington, No. 6 No. 23295.... '..$25.00 Remington, Rebuilt, No. 6 No. S8680 $35.00 IU-mlnjrton, No. 7 No. 178170. $05.00 Smith Premier. No. 2 No. 11101. 1 ......... $25.00 Smith rremler, No. 2 No. 68434 $45.00 Oliver, No. 3 No. 45443 -R35.00 Oliver. No. 3 No. 87880 $40.00 Oliver, No. 3 No.. 163820 $55.00 Underwood. No. 4 No. 18996.4 $45.00 Underwood, No. 1 -No. 14863......,....... $35.00 'tXT Wo Rent Typewriters $2.60 Por Month Nebraska 334 Croadway. COUNCIL BLUFFS GEO. E. rVIICKEIL,, Manager 3 READ "GRAND ON OF SIERRA" - ..By Charles E. Winter." A Tale of the Grand Encampment Country. "A western tale with character from life. -New Torh World. "Breathe the spirit of the west." Bherldsn. (Wyo.) Enterprise. "Full of the, strenuous 'life of the northwest." New York Time. '"Abounds In adventures and mining jore." Springfield, (Maes.) Republican. "A tale of the conquering of the desert Ideally western." Rhyollte. (Nev.) Herald. "Few localities have been described In a more ardent manner." Omaha World-Herald. "One of tha most notable productions of the past year." Laramie, (Wyo.) Republican. "Mr. Winter has rendered his state a distinctive ervloe.'r Blue Rapids, (Kan.) Times. "Wonderfully faithful picture of the Wyoming wo all love." Grand Encamp ment, (Wvo.) Herald. "A story of the plains that haa an agreeable western flavor from the first to the last page." Pittsburg, (Pa.) Press. "What gret , Harte did for California a quarter of a century ago, Mr. Winter haa done for Wyoming today." Skidoo, (CsJ.) News. Order from any BookfleaUr, or Broadway ma. Co., 830 Broadway, Bw Tor. ABOUT ADVERTISING NO. 12. ffi ow To Write 'Retail Advertising Copy By HERBERT KAUFMAN. x v A skilled layer of mosaics yrorks with small fragments of stone they fit into more places than the larger chunks. Tho skilled advertiser works with 6mall words they fit into more minds than big phrases. The simpler the language the understood by the least intelligent reader. The construction engineer plans his roadbed where there is a minimum of grade he works along the lines of least resistance. The advertisement which runs into mountainous style is badly surveyed all minds are not built for high level thinking. , Advertising must be simple. When it is trioked out with the jewelry and silks of literary expression it looks aa much out of place as a ball dress at the breakfast tablet The buying public is only interested in facts. People read advertisements to find out what you have to sell. The advertiser who can fire the most facts in the shortest time gets the most returns. Blank cartridges make noise, but they do pot hit blank talk, however clever, is only wasted 6pace. You force your salesmen to keep to solid facts you don't allow them to sell muslin with quotations from Omar or trousers with excerpts from Marie Corelli. You must not tolerate in your printed selling talk anything that you are not willing to counten ance in personal salesmanship. Cut out clever phrases if they are inserted to the sacrifice of clear explanations write copy as you talk. Only be more brief. Publicity is costlier than conversation ranging in price down ward from $6.00 a line, talk is not cheap but the most expensive commodity in the world. Sketch in your ad to the stenographer. Then you will be so busy "saying it" that you will not have time to bother about the gewgaws of writing. Afterwards take the typewritten manu script and cut out every word and every line that can be erased without omitting an important detail. What remains in the end is all that really counted in the beginning. Cultivate brevity and simplicity. "Savon Francais" may look smarter, but more people will understand "French Soap." Sir Isaac Newton's explanation of gravity covers six pages, but the schoolboy's terse and homely "What goes up must come down" clinches the whole thing in six words. Indefinite talk wastes space. It is not 100 productive. The copy that omits prices sacrifices half its pulling power it has a tendency to bring lookers instead of buyers. It often creates false impressions. Some people are bound to conceive the idea that the goods are higher-priced than in reality others, by the same token, are just as likely to infer that the prices are lower and go away thinking that you have exaggerated your statements. The reader must be searched out by the copy. Big space is cheapest because it doesn't waste a single eye. Publicity must be on the offensive. There are far too many advertisers who keep their lights on top their bushel to overturn your bushel. Small space is expensive. is not enough of it to lay. Space is a comparative matter after all. It is not a case of how much is used as how it is used. The passengers on the limited express may realize that Jones has tacked a twelve-inch shingle on every post and fence for & stretch of five miles, but they are going too fast to make out what the shingles say, yet thd two feet letters Brown's big bulletin board on iore they have a chance to dodge nearly so much as the sum total of Jones' dinky display. Just so one ad. well written and attractively displayed con tinuously every day or every other day for a year in one big news paper, will find the eye of every they may bo "going" through the advertising pages and produce more results than a dozen piking pieces of copy scattered through half a dozen dailies. (Copyright, liOt, by Tribune Company, Chicago.) WANT' A yd b. Cir. 15th and Harney. OMAHA mar greater certainty that it will be the average citizen hasn't time Like a one-flake snowstorm, there top of the hill leap at them be It. And at that it doesn't cost reader, no matter how rapidly r sj im busy mm wmm ERA OF HOUSE REMODELING' Prosperity of Omaha Indicated by Number of House i Being Enlarged. ACCORDION COTTAGE THE LATEST Hoase Is Sol Only Partly Fir. Isaed, itww Rooms to Be Coe pleted Tleeds of Fam ily Jacroase. A trip through Omaha this spring Indi cates that tho home builders are vary busy and also that those who built their homes In tha years passed ara busy remodeling. enlarging nd otherwise Improving their domiciles.' In fact. It is an exceptional block where someone Isn't painting, put ting on a new roof, building an addition to his house or changing Its style in some manner comforting further with the aesthetic tastes or architectural principles which ho may hava Imbibed from observa tion, reading or conversation. There is a great deal ot enlarging doing done. This does not necessarily Indicate, on architect point out, that the Injunction given to the ancient people of Israel to "In crease ana multiply ana strenuously en dorsed by President Roosevelt In more re cent years Is being carried out any more faithfully than it was several years ago. "It merely indicates, to my mind, that tha people are demanding larger and better homes than they did in years that ara past," said tha architect. "When men first settle in a new country they are occupied at first in wresting from primeval nature the necessities which shall keep body and soul together and In erecting with the sim ple materials at hand an abode which shall primarily keep out wild beasts and pro tect tho residents from wind and weather. "For time they ara satisfied with the rudest structure, but aa tha community grows, as it becomes more polished, as wealth Increases and tho people find them selves In easy circumstances, their natural aesthetlo tastes, that subtile something which binds man to something higher than he finds about him, causes hlra to devote his money to making his life more com fortable and naturally ho exerts himself first toward Improving "his home, for that is the thing most vital to his comfort on earth. "This is tha reason why you see so much improving going on thta spring, though, of course, a contributing and indeed very Im portant reason is the fact that tho people here have tho money, the coin, the cash, tho spondoollc. Wa don't want to brag, but, by jingo, if we do, we've got the crops, wo've got tho banks, we've got tho money, too. Thus may Jhe famous British Jingo rhyme be paraphrased to fit tha situation In Omaha." In addition to the paean of optimism regarding larger and better homes, tha ar chitect declared tho number of homo build ers who will start building this spring Is greater than ever before. Ha bases his statement on an Investigation of tho facta and a careful observation of the returns from tho building inspector's office. He who runs may road. ( A new thing In Omaha might be described facetiously aa "tho patent, aooordlon cot tage," specially designed for expanding families and for tha uses of tho Newlyweds, who are apostles ot tho gosple ot large families. It la In reality nothing more or less than a cottage which Is only partially finished Inside. It Is built by a firm and sold in this half-finished state. Tha down stairs is finished entirely as cosily as could bo wished, but the upstairs Is left In the roughi state to bo finished whenever the family shall hava expanded so as to make more room necessary. Ono ot these cot tages recently finished on North Twenty fourth street haa a foundation of cement blocks ' and porch columns ot tho same. Downstairs, handsomely finished, are re ception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen and a bed room. Upstairs there is room for three other rooms. This style of building haa tho advantage ot not requiring as much money at first and still giving all. the ac commodations needed. Also ot . never al lowing any apace to go to waste, as each room can be finished rapidly as It la re quired for tho use of the family. Speaking of remodeling, there are aome of tho finest homes in Omaha where the remodeling has been dona by the owners and occupants themselves. 60 delightful an occupation Is this occupation ot home build ing or homo remodeling that it la the past time, tho hobby ot some of the homo build ers ot tho city. The man of tho house, with his wife or other members of the household, delvs Into tho mysteries of new floors, of oak stains, of wall paper and methods of hanging It and Into a thousand other mystic problems which are generally known not to exoterlo mob, but In tho brain ot tho exoteric artisan only. Bill Nye's cynicism In his burlesque instructions "how to make a rocking chair out of to mato cans" or "how to put down a hard wood floor out ot old shingles" has no ef fect upon these home-butldlng beavers and loonoclastlc Bill, and those who believe his words will probably go on living in rented housea to the end of the chapter, while the independent rejnodeler will look at their reflections in their polished floors or sit at ease In their homa-bullt porches, the envy ot all who see them. Prominent among these home remodelers la H. 8. Daniel, city prosecutor, who de lights in this sort of work. One ot tho accomplishments which he has mastered lately is that of laying a hardwood floor, putting on the fillers and tha stain. He loves to boast about hla accomplishments In this respect as much as a father de lights to tell his friends of the prodigies of his first-born. Mr. Daniel is now em ployed every evening In laying hardwood floors in his handsome horns at Forty- second and Harney streets. TRADE TCUR AND CORN SHOW KxewrsloaUt Will Pretrials tho rasa f IVatloaal Kaposi Me. When tha big Omaha Commercial club trade excursion pulls out to vlslv western Nebraska. Wyoming and Colorado towns and cities. It will leave the atmosphere surcharged with good feeling and advertis ing matter for the National Corn exposi tion, besldea boosts fpr tha Omaha whole sale houses and factories. Every booster will have a dual mission to further Omaha trade and the Corn shew. Frank Heller, chairman of the advertis ing committee of tho Commercial club, and a director ot the National Corn exposition, wtlj be one ot the excursionists and will lose no opportunity to make the corn show known In every city which I visited. Already tb newspaper all over th west are co-operating with tho Omahans to boost for tho corn show. Every mail brings Gen eral Manager J. Wllae Jone a bunch ot clippings about th terra ahow. which Indi cate th extent to which Ui big" show Is being advertised. Special premium list are to b arranged for those farmer who produce grain In the "dry farming" districts. These win at tract exhibitors from aU tha Wyoming and Colorado town and counties. On tho trade excursion the corn show exposition will have a special representative who will car for tho advertising matter and visit all the newspaper in tho fifty live town and cities to receive the attention ot the trad boosters. Tho plan Is to have something for everyona and premiums for all classes of grain exhibits. . Wallace's Farmer, ono of tho weekly agricultural paper which I boosting tho corn show dsy and night, ay of tho show this week: It Is proposed that tho entertainment given shall be clean and wholesome In character as well aa educational. While It la called a national "corn' exposition. It Is more than an Indian corn exposition, the word "corn" being used In the wider sense of "grain." It is proposal, for example, to go a good deal farther thaa determining what is tho best wheat or the best looking wheat. It Is proposed to have a person in charge who Is competent to make a milling test, and to carry the thing still farther they, propone to make a sponge and baking test, using tho department of domestlo science. In tho matter of the It Is proposed not merely to determine the color and weight, but the relative amount of hull and meat. Bo also with corn. There will also be a splendid opportunity for sn exhibit of all kinds of agricultural machin ery. In short, the object Is to make these exhibits both Interesting and instructive. It Is believed that the premiums will aggre gate not less than S40.00 or 160.000. The railroads, we are told, will co-operate In very posathle way to make this exposition a success. They will send out a represen tative, paving his salary and expenses, who will un nls entire time from July 1 on for the purpose of advertising this show. Tho governors of the varloua states are appointing commissions to look after the Interests of their respective states. We speak of this now becsuee there will bo sn opportunity for the boys and girls to win some prises at this show. Corn breeders will hava an excellent opportunity not merely to advertise themselves by win ning prises, but to get In touch with tho best methods of corn production. While a successful corn exposition will be a great thing in a financial and adver tising way for Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. and will no doubt be a great thing for the railroads in the way of building up their passenger receipts,' it will bo a greater thing for the agricultural Interests of the west In the way of educa tion. There Is no place on earth where a better com ahow can be had than at these cities on the Missouri river, no place that In mora accessible to the corn growers of the west, and no place where tho effects of soil and ellmate on tho growth of the corn plant, or the effects of different methods of growing corn can be shown to greater advantage than at Omaha. Wo shall give fuller Information about this exposition In future issues. HALLER tells of GOOIJ WORK Director of Nailoaal Show Addresses Farmer at Brans, "Tha conqueror of nature are greater than the conquerors of nation," declared F. Li. Halter before a meeting of tho Doug- la County Corn Grower' association In tho town hall at Benson, yesterday, talking on tho National Corn exposition. Th at tendance at th meeting waa not large, but enthusiasm made up for tho lack of numbers. 'Th historian ot th future will have little to say of tho battles ot Manila bay and Santiago, but tha histories of forty or fifty year hence will bo filled with the accomplishments of Luther Burbank and other who hav bean Instrumental In 'get ting tha greatest possible amount ot wealth out ot tho soil." said Mr. Haller. ..Then h told hi hearer that th Transmlsslsslopl exposition wa "but ono. two, thro in com' parlson with th ''National Com slibw." Not only th federal government, but all tho agricultural college' of th country ar back of th project, and already th man agement haa baen forced to decline appli cation for apace. . Douglas and Potta' wattamle counties will hav space allotted for them, but these will bo th only ooun ties to hav special space. Ho told hi hearer that they were wasting time in raising wheat which the miller do .not want, barley which th brewer do not want, and oat which th cereal mill can not use, and in reminding them that every third kernel of corn doe not grow said that it was a reflection on th Intelligence ot tho farmers ot Nebraska to let it bo known that they ar waatlng one-third of their land. 1 G. W. Hervey of Tho Twentieth Century Farmer, urged hi hearers to make a cam paign for a larger membership and told them that ho believed every business man of Omaha would bo glad to Jolt) the asso ciation and pa) -his GO-cent admission fee, which tees go toward swelling th premium for Douglas county competitors. Mr. Hervey did not talk long on tha corn show, however, but branched oft .to tho subject of pumpkins: "Inasmuch aa th Omaha papers hav de lighted to call our fair the Omaha Pump kin show, I want every man In th county to make It a pumpkin ahow in reality," he said- "I want every man la th county to rats pumpkins and take pumpkins to the fair, and then I will build a pyramid 'sixty cubits high' that may be seen when visitor alight at tb Union station." He then dalt out to tho farmers seed from a famous pumpkin raised in Canada which weighed 400 pounds, giving thre seeds to , each farmer, and promised to place tho largest pumpkin raised from thes seed at th very top of hi proposed pyramid, making it th 'cap sheaf.'". Henry Clarke, another speaker, naturally switched easily t th subject of river nav igation. Charles Orau of Bennington, president of th association, explained tha scorecard at soma length and assured tho farmer that every on of them ought to be able to. ex hibit corn that would score at least 70 polnta and get a prise. He told hla hearers that Douglas county farmera would have the best chance of securing premiums, for they could first show their corn at the county fair and then in tho national show. A committee composed of Charlea Orau of Bennington, William Pamp of Benson and Jbseph McGulr of Benson wa ap pointed to draw up a constitution, to b presented at tha next meeting, and the fol lowing committee, one from each precinct, was named to stir up enthusiasm through out the county; Valley, Frank Whltmore; Millard, Fred Bull; Douglas, Herman Roes tig; Florence, Frank Brown; Jefferson, Oeorge Dlerks; Waterloo, J. C. Robinson; McArdle, Will Elcke; Union. Will Lonegan; Elkhorn, Peter Larsch; Chicago, Charles Witt. H03S0N WILL PUSH CONTEST ay Qaeetloa of Navy I Broader Oa Thaa Party ssa Will B Coatiaaed. f ' WASHINGTON, April lS.-"Ths fight for a big navy will ga right on." said Reprc sentatlvo Richmond Pearson Hobson of Alabama, after an Interview with the president yesterday. "No battle was even won or lost on the skirmish, lines;. we hav only Just begun. It John Blisrp Williams had not made the matter a party question In the house there would have been many more democratic votes In favor of four battleships. The question of a navy la broader thaa tha parly." Ancient Order ot United Workmen ot Omaha, fourteenth annua! ball, Tuesday, April H. at Washington hall.. Fifty cent per couple, all Invited, k REAL ESTATE MEN TO TOUR Omaha Dealers Will Look Over City in Search of Knowledge. MANY THINGS THEY DO NOT KNOW Iaaprovoaseat Solas; Mad All A boat tk City with Whlra Many jf th Exehaaare Members Ar Un familiar. While the Commercial club Is msklng tour through the warehouses and fac tories of Omaha, the Real Estate exchange haa had tho proposition up for considera tion to make tours over the city and took at tho various section which ere being opened for sale and ara being built up by the buyers and owner. The " suggestion came from Harry Tukey, who says the real estate dealer themselves do not ap preciate tho improvements which sre going on around Omaha, whllo the ordinary busi ness man who does not get Out of a besten track going to and coming from his home, has not the slightest Idea about th way in which Omaha la growing. Mr. Tukey propose that tour bo made through some of the quiet by-ways of Omaha, not over tho boulevards and automobile drives, and ho says he will show any hundred men more homes being erected this spring than at any similar time for fifteen years. Ono of tho transfers of the week which swelled tha figures almont $40,000 wss the collection of lots and acreage property bought by tho Union Stock Yards com pany soma months ago and deeded to them during th week by James O'Neill. One of tho tracts consisted of over thirteen acres which Swift and Company wanted to buy. Representatives of Swift and Company be lieve the stock yards company went to the big expense , to be sure that the packers would not attempt to build small yards of their own on tho thirteen acre tract, but Swift and Company hava given various statements that such a thing waa far from tho minds of their agents when they desired to buy the thirteen acres of land below South Omaha. Tho way D. C. Patterson vfewe the wate. worka situation Is Interesting. During the brief discussion before the Real Estate ex change Mr. Patterson suggested that no on need bo worried over the situation, as th private consumers of water would pay for th $8,800,000 plant and he could not aee where taxea would bo 1 mill higher. "The consumer are paving interest on the $8,000.- 000 now," said Mr. Patterson, "and besides the water company Is getting a large sum each year above the Interest. Now, all wilt come out right if tho present rates are maintained,' and in th course of years the coreumers will pay for the water works and they will become the property of the city of Omaha." , To this plan of Mr. Pat terson' several replied, declaring it to be unfair to expect tho consumers to pay for tho water, when tho largo property holders had th wator tor fire protection and should bo assessed a part of tho cost ot th plant and tha consumers relieved from paying such high rates. . . Th Ames estate I spending some money in Omaha. The front of th building oc cupied by th People's store and the build ing occupied by the Omaha Printing com pany, both of which belong to tho estate, are receiving some repair. Wort of Miller's park, the large tract belonging to tho Parker estate is being sub divided by J. W. Bedford A Son and will be placed on the market at once in the shape of acreage tracts. A building re striction, requiring anyone who buys acreage property to etect a house costing not less than $1,600, Is cne of the conditions of sale. Tho grading and platting Is being done under the supervision of the city en gineer. Advertising Florence property, a local dealer says: "Tou can buy property In Omaha, but'you can't buy a scenlo view as you can in Florence. From the lota which 1 have for sale you can see two cities and a. town; two laker and a river; mllea and miles of hilts, numerous valleys and great stretches of tanning country.. That you cannot equal sny place lr Douglas county." Th Fireman's Fund, a fire Insurance company Incorporated in California, and In which macT Omaha real estate dealers carry Insurance, was interested with the Pacific Mutual Ufa company In securing th Injunction restraining Stat Auditor Searla from "putting th companies out of th state." Th Fireman' Fund, Ilk th Pacific Mutual, 1 under fir of the Nebraska de partment not because of any weakness In the financial affaire ot tb company, but beoauso th state auditor proposed to keep tho company from doing new business in Nebraska In retaliation for the insurance department of California having refused to grant the ; right to do business In that Stat to two Nebraska Ufa Insurance com panies. Tha California laws arc such that tho Nebraska companies cannot comply with them, and though the Fireman's Fund compiles with the Nebraska law. It was proposed to bar It from doing further busi ness In retaliation for California bar ring tho Nebraska life Insurance companies. O. A. Scott sold to C. J. Niemann his new residence, just completed, at 1923 Lothrop street The consideration was $5,750. This Is on of th finest residences that have lately bean erected In this addition. SUIT TO KILL AN OLD DECREE Aetloa Began to get Aside Order of Coart Made Thirty Tears A so. Suit to set aside a decree of the district court made by Judge Savage In 1378 and Involving th title to some valuable tracts of land on Eleventh street between Cass and Chicago and on Tenth street between Davenport and Chicago was started In dis trict court Saturday by Alfred D. Allen, jr. Allen claims a sale of his Interest in tho property under the decree of the court was Illegal. His father, Alfred D. Allen of Jamestown, N. Y., formerly owned a one third interest In tha tracts. At his death In 1877 he left hi Interest to his two Infant sons subject to the life Interest ot Mrs. Virginia M. Allen, the widow. She was made administrator of the estate and1 se cured a license from the court to sell the Interest left to her sons. Allen, who was born about the time his father died, as sert the court proceedings were Irreyular and should be lda and a or.e-slxth Interest In the property vested In him. The suits run against the Omaha A Northern Nebraska railway, th Omaha Belt Line railway. Patrick Murtaugh, the Omaha Bridge and Terminal company and others. Deal a treat Blood fttitoa w prevented by O W. Cloyd, Plunk. Ha., who healed hla dangerous wound with Bucklen1 Arnica Salve. So. For sal by Beaton Drug Co. ATxif tmm 1 sT 1 m &moMGREATrAMERtCANi flxlmfitcd, bFbxpertenceb ' median cS Who n&vexexamfned pthem, to be benuhe.and acIenifficelylconatructCfZ bdl .bearing tmowerv.' Superior tortier'aotiU& DUNNIFJG HARDWARE CO. QUALITY BEST. PRICES fiasco' Turn tho S witcb and you have power delay no waste. -night or INVESTIGATE. MAKA ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER CO. Tel. Douglas 1002 Y.M. C. A. Bldg. ISAAC A. COLES General Insurance Room 25 Douglas Block CERTIFICATE OF. PUBLICATION 8TATB OF NEBRASKA Office v of Auditor ot Public Account. Lincoln. February 1, 1908. It 1 hereby certified that the Northern Assurance Co., of London, Eng., haa com plied with the Insurance Jaw of thla state, applicable to such companies, and Is there fore authorised to continue the business of fir and lightning Insurance In thla state for the current year ending January 81, 1909. Witness my hand and the seal of the Auditor ot Public Accounts, th day and year first above written. E. M. 8EARLE, Jr.. (Seal) Auditor of Public Accounts. JOHN I ' PIEKCE, Deputy. IRON-WIRE Cheaper than wood ANCHOR FENCE MFG. CO 07 VOXTS 17T8 STBSST Phone Bod 814. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Leader of Farm Paper. . thiiii mm 11 - - . , ir,ii-rrl""i Trfn,Tr"4 H' "j mmm xll i.h--' jl m o in WIIEN" you want a maid, a second maid or a cook, look through the Situation Wanted columna of THE BEE, or place an advertise ment in the Help "Wanted column. You can get a better class of help by this method than through any other channel. Busy housewives appreciate the advantages gained by using and reading the Want Columns in their favorite newspaper. Hours are 6aved. offices or waiting to interview rnntn vnn fnn ftrrnno-f throuarh ;r, -o- own home where all the rmitirina mav RAPT1 and understood. I . in. .. i.4 to i ALr.'a2V . . r. -"Sr. Genuine LAWNiMOlVERS beating t i.rv 1 Afovvrj ATLtASUREvTOSHOW THESE M0WCR& CALL AND SEE THEM ' LOWEST 1514 FAR NAM ST. BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN with our Iron and Wire fsnc. Trellises and Arbor for ' vine, flower guards, eh airs, settees, vase, tree guards, tl toh lug posts, window guards, barn fixture and chickea tsnco. CHAMPION FENCE COMPANY 17-19 South 16th Btrest. Telephones Doug. 1S90. Ssnd for Catalogue.' Ind. A1S90. day no MBIfll Telephone Douglas 274 i CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF NEBRASKA, Auditor of Public Accounts, Lincoln, February 1, 1909. It Is hereby certified that the Connecticut Fire Insurance Co.. of Hartford, In the state of Connecticut, has complied with the Insurance laws of the state, applica ble to such companies, and Is therefore authorised to continue the business of fire and lightning Insurance In this state for the current year ending January 81, 1906. Witness my hand and the seal of the Auditor of Public Accounts, the day and year first above written.. E. M. SEARLE. Jr., (Seal) Auditor of Public Accounts. JOHN L. PIERCE, Deputy. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION State of Nebraska, Office of Auditor of Public Accounts. Lincoln, Feb. 1, 190S. It Is hereby certified, that the Preferred Accident Insurance Company of New York, In the state of New York has complied with the insurance law of this state, applicable to such companies, and is therefore author ised to continue the business of Accident and Health Insurance In the state for the current year, ending January 31, 1909. Summary of report filed for the year ending December 81. 1907. INCOMB Premiums 11,403,13.72 '- AH oUjer sources. ...... M.",,. DISBURSEMENTS Paid policy holders....! 4H8.790.5? , All other payments.... 791.W6.M ' w Total fl.279.IK8H Admitted Assets l,67J.82.a LIABILITIES Unpaid Claims and I . . ElTnenses 1KS.M3.W Unearned Premiums... 6M.W4.53 All other liabilities... Capital stock paid up.. Surplus beyond Capital Stock and other Ua bllltlea Tnl.l 73.158.71-1 88S.164.M 350,000.00 434,660.00- Jfi,ff72.s:s a Witness my hand and the seal of the Auditor of Public Accounts the day and year first above written. E. M. SEARLE. JR (8eal) Auditor of Public Accounts. JOHN L. PIERCE. Deputy. rKAJTK . SROWnil, District Mgr., 410 Bee Building. OMAHA. Bull. Begmsr price pr year aragsiM or oy man m v i Delta CssBksl Co., lt.tosli.Mt. appli- jj7 ad- i3t.if'f. J'Lr,n I JriTV . and other drag habits sre poslttTely ",r,d..b HABITINA. For hypodsnalo or l""' r ree T j-. Uula hV BATS EH BROS OUABtA. B. r in