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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1908)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY REE. APRIL 19, 1903. REAL ESTATE C1TT PROPERTY FOR IALC (Continued. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR 9 A LB (Continued.) REAL ESTATE - riTr property ron salb (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR 9.I,R (Con! in ued J REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTT FOB SALB (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR IALC, (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY rnorRRTY poh ialh ' (Continued.) Creighton's First Addition The Latest, The Newest and Best Count Creighton before he died owned some of the finest acreage in the City of Omaha, Unplatted. Creighton's First Addition consists of about 30 acres lying each side of " ZZA avenue, one block south -of Hanscom Park, on the crest of the hill, with a commanding view to the east, to the west and to South Omaha on the south, and overlooking Hanscom Park on the north. There are two blocks each side of 32d avenue; so It Is only two blocks to the best car line In Omaha. Can be reached by paved street and will have sewer, water and gas, and permanent walk to many lots In the addition. The entire tract has been put to uniform grade and over 700 trees will be set out immediately., We have sold already this month nearly 25 lots and expect to sell nearly as many more before the end of the month. Prices are from $350 to $1,000. We are not ready for the opening, as the addition Is not all graded and the work is not nearly done, but so many having made application to pur chase, and desiring to give every one a chance to make a selection, If Inter ested, we Invite you to look at this addition Immediately. X Plat with prices on application at our office. D. V. SHOLES CO. 110 Board of Trade Building. Telephones Bell, Douglas 49. Independent, A2 04 9. North Eighteenth St House Brand new dwelling ready to move Into tomorrow. Reception hall, parlor, dining1 room, kitchen and pantry on first floor, three bedrooms and bath Utalrs; enamel plumbing, hot and cold water throughout , Including sink In basement, rood furnace, cment walka, everything right. Price, fS.aoO; need not be all cash. Look at it, sw N. 18th St. Take Sherman Ave, car to '4prague. . Shimer & Chase Co.- U09 Farnain, Ground Floor. Both Phones, Doug. 3867, A-3642. ' 09)- WALKING DISTANCE We have 8-room modern house, just four blocka from the postoffice, with a 33 foot aouth frontage. Let us show thla to you and then you make ua an offer. Must lell thla week. BEMI3 PAXTON BLOCK. Douglas ttfr-'PHONES Ind. A 1W5. !)- ONE ACRE -room house, good barn, fine level rar len land, fenced; lota of fruit. One block nest, 4 blocks north of end of Benson car Una. 1X000, half cash. Examine at once. C R Glover & Son 01-3-8 N. T. lit. (19)- FOR SALE At sacrifice, modern 8-room bouse, cloaa In: owner leaving the city. Tel. Webster 798. (HO M569 21x Elegant Modern Homes FOR SALE NEAR THE NEW CATHEDRAL On 39th and 40th Streets justfeouth ot the new Cathedral, I have seven (iiedern, brick houses lor sale. Here are the numbers. Bee them and make me an offer. They are all owned by eastern parties who will sell at sacrifice Ibices: . . 816 North 39th Street 365 North 39th Street. . ! 417 North 40th Street. 434 North 40th Street. ' 407 North 40th Street. 419 North 39th Street, 421 North 39th Street. Two of the above bouses I can sell for $7,000 or $3,500 each, and on aey terms If necessary. There Is no residence property In Omaha that will increase in' value during ;he next few years like this. Good street car service7; paved streets; perman lut sidewalks. Ideal homes at half what the houses cost to build. Five per cent Interest on deferred payments. Southwest corner 9th and Hickory Streets, 105x100 feet, only block from itrcet cur line. Just the place on which to build four cottages. Only $2,200. Bargains la improved and unimproved property In all parts ot the city. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room New York Life Building. Telephone Douglas 1264. HOUSE AND LOT 2502.POPPLETQN AVE. House six rooms, lot 60xlG0 feet; asphalt pavement; perma nent cement sidewalk, all paid for; city water, sewer and gas in house; terms to suit reliable pur chaser; $2,500. See the property and then the owner. "William A. DeBord, Room 520 First Na tional Bank Building. l) 678-1 STOP LOOK READ 25 Good Quarters to Trade We have 28 quarters of unimproved and Improved land in Cheyenne County Kan. Thia Jollies Dundy county Neb., on the south. These lands are practically all lev. 1, with the richest kind of black loam soil. They range In price from $8 to $26 per acre, abiding to location and Improvements. The following Is a description of two Ouarters. Ib0 acres, 6 miles from tha county seat, this lays In Spring- Creek val ley, luO acrea broke, readv for crops. Price 116 per acre, liio acres, li4 milea to county seat, new frame house and barn, good well. Si acres In crops, price m per acre. Will trade any of these quarters for merchan dise live atock, or town property. De scribe what you have and rive price, WAIT INVESTMENT CO. 401 bee JJldg. Omaha. Neb. (3) M-753 a CLIFTON HILL HOMES 6-room, city water, combination gas and lect.1o light, barn; room for garden and chicken $1,700. S-room, furnace, city water, combination gas and electric light-!.. S-room. with summer kitchen: this Is new and mod urn. except heal; pretty lot with cement sidewalk tn front il.fwu, H. A. STEA VKNSOX, board of Trade. Tel. Weheter S . (UJ 701 1 Mi'BIC teachers or musicians deairlng ad vancement, wanted; Si to tM per day guaranteed; snlary or roinmiksion; ter. rliory reserved; positive! no comj.. 11 tion, invectitiate. t'rrtlt-td MukI. , hit. ru. 1(11 triiin Bu . U aiTki fcl (19) $1,700 ' S-room house, with rew barn, chicken house and buggy shed, In the north part of the city. Just two blocks from the car line. This has fruit treea and considerable email fruit. Terms. , BEMIS PAXTON BLOCK. Douglas 685 'PHONES- Ind. A 15K5. . (13)- SUBURBAN 20 acres, west of Dundee, $109 per acre. Will divide If desired. Winding road through' "Fair Acrea" touches south end or this land. 20 acres on L fit., mile west of South Omaha; 15 acres fruit, balance alfalfa and pasture. Good Improvements. Will make buyer large Income and Is bound to Increase in value. 10 acres on Dodge St., paved road; only F-im per acre. Alucn cheaper than any ad Joining land. 10 acrea corner Ames Ave, and Krug park road; one mile from car line; all in bearlr.g grapea ara appiea. f ine income. 10 acrea Improved, two miles north of Krug park; 13,000. A fine piece of land and a Dargain. J. II. Dumont & Son, 'Phone Douglas 690. 1606 Famam Bt U9 $2,350 Buys 2813 and 2815 Douglas St., before we begin to repair them; lot 68x135. F. D. WE AD, Ground Floor, 1801. Famam St -19) LIST your property with Chris Boyer. I2d and Cuming Sta. (18 863 19 THE ' FINEST ACRE Wa offer for the first time the beautiful acre nleca at the northwest corner of 80th and Curtis avenue, facing south and east, Juat across from Miller park, feet from the new pavllllon, on Florence car line, has very good house of five rooms with good foundation and all In the very best proposition on the market for a country home; has a frontage of 350 feet on Curtis avenue; can some day be sold in lots. The price is low. Uo out today and see this and see us Monday morning. The first Eu60 Wlth th8 ",oney il- Price HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Famam St. Be. Building. . (la) THK KEED ABSTRACT CO.. est Ilia, prompt i service, ut our prices 17U tarnain, uaM SPECIAL $1,800 70x150, 4-room cottage, paved street, ce ment walk, all paid, west of 30th on Cali fornia tit. Thla is a great bargain. 8- ROOM MODERN $2,375 . Just listed, new 8-room house, modern ex cept furnace, south front, corner lot &0x 126. This snap must be sold. 2724 Rugittes Sea it today. F. C. BEST, 1007-8 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. r; Ind. A-4244. (.) ORCHARD HILL SNAP. T rooms,- all good alar, new furnace, hard pine woodwork; large porch, excellent plumbing, gas and elexant fixtures, housa well papered, lot south front, 5uxiai, sodded and terraced, a number of bearing fruit trea, five blocks from car, but the price, only S2.3a. Just think of It. Here's a snap If a snap means an excellent homo at about 0 ir cent of Its true value. O. O. PARLEEHO, ill N. V. Lite lilug. 1 677 19 aiio ui-ro la covereq witn beauti ful shade and bearing fruit trees, grapo vines raspberries, blackberries, currant, gooseberries and wa think it i PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., $1,750 ' S-room cottage," City water and sewer, cor ner lot, $250 cash. $2,500 7-ro0m house, partly modern, at 31st and Dewey Ave.; $500 cash. $5,500 S-room, brand new and alt modern house In West Famam district; oak finish; hot water heat. VACANT $250 60x128 48th and Grant. J $300 ' 1 83x128 48th and Military. ; $500 60x140 43d and Seward. '$500 63ixl25 28th Ave. and Indiana, f $500 40xl20-28th and PInkney. $30 CA8H-410 MONTHLY. DUNDEE 100x136, aouth front. 1V4 blocks from car; $1,200 $200 cash, baianca 120 monthly. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor, N. T. L. Bldg. Douglas 17S1 'PHONES "A" 118. (19- J. W. (R0B.BINS BARGAINS IN HOUSES $6,S00 8-room, modern house,' on Mth St., near Famam. $4,000 7-room, modern house, near All Saints .,cnurch: $i- "ah, balance monthly. 13,, GO s-room, modern, and full lot, on Uoorgla Ave., near Poppelton. No.. rcsldent owner has reduced price !,6o0 to Insure a quick aale. First floor has reception hall, front and back parlors, dining room and kitchen, and on second floor are 6 bedrooms and bath room and there la a lorjre attlo all floored. There Is a big bargain tn thia property for eome one. $2,250 7-room on 20th street boulevard near Manderson, with double frontage lot, 60xHO ft., eaet front, va.cii.nt and fine to Improve. House needs decorating and eome minor repairs, but at small expense could be made a good home or Investment. Non-resident owner has made a sacrifice price for a quick sale. ' INVESTMENTS $14,000 ft. on Farnam St., near 24th, or will divide and sell 22 or 44 ft. The new car line and the opening of 24th street make thia an exceptionally good $6,750 Corner 29th Ave., and Maaon St., wnii oou o-ruom coiiage. inia la a fine corner to improve; fronts on 8 . streets and has & total frontaga of 8u9 feet. VACANT LOTS 300 Nice lot on "8Tth'.''ri4 Camden Ave. 40ftChn1cj Int nn U.mlU,.n . . .... . l I , - - - ; ' " . wi vi rout. $1.3n0 Fast front corner, 87th and Dodge. $1,600 Fine lot on SMh, ' between Farnam inu uuugg, x-ermaneni sidewalk and hAVnmnnl. - $2,800-60 feet on 88th "Ave., rear Dodge. DOUGLAS COUNTY FARM Improved farm of 100 serea. nine nn west of Omaha, only $u6 per acre. oee me aooui mese and ether bargains and list your property with me for JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. Any Reasonable Offer , Accepted For the new 8-room,' all modern, oak finish housa at 8718 S. 20th Bt.: large hall, par lor, dining room, den, kitchen, pantry and refrigerator room and cloak closet on 1st floor; three large bedrooms with closets and bath on 2d floor. Owner compelled to sell at once and will accept much less than original cost. See ua Mon day if you want a bargain. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., ' 1320 Farnam Street. Douglas W64 'PHONES Independent A1064. (19). $25.00 DOWN, $5.00 A MONTH Acre Lots $325 and $350. Wa have a few acre lota 'left at 44th nH Harrison streets. South Omaha, and three or four 2-acre lots with clear running spring creeks on one side. The location la Just west of Good Luck on Harrison St. at the corner of 44th. See our big algn on corner. There la usually some one on the ground to show you lots and prices. Go down 8ith street to Harrison and then west to these lots. Telephone us or to J. Koplets, L. C Gibson, T. J. O'Nell or any other South Omaha real estate man. ll.iiJi A acres near 4Mh and Harrison. Il.iho 5 acrea near Benson. $2,800 House and 6 acres near Bennon. . $1.L00 House and 2 acres at 18th and Har. naon. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam St. (19) A BUNCH OF LOTS CHEAP Only $350 each for full lota on street car line and paved atreet, between Omaha and South Omaha. Another bunch In same addition, half block from car line; $.'00 to too; easy terms. J. II. Dumont & Son, Phone Doug. 690. 1605 Farnam St. tiaj BARGAINS $1,850 t-room house, cor. lot. at 1518 Ohio at. $2,900 9-room, all modern housa, 2637 Dav enport at. $3,1009-room, all modern house, near 22d and Seward SL $3.100-18-room housa. full lot; rentj 112 per mo.; 27fc Burt st. . ROBINSON & WOLF, 436 Paxton Block! (19) 3425 PARKER ST. Cosy 4-room cottaga, practically new finely papered and decorated; city water and gas, fine corner lot. Go and see the lHune today. No. 84J5 Parker fU t-,... li.iiO; $160 cash, and about $-0 per month Thia is your chance to get a home, dun t nnae it. J. W. RASP CO.. e-il Bldg. Doug. lil. A-JfiM. (19 1 Peters Trust Co. $1.000 This buys two houses, one of five rooms tnrsrly rn-wl, and the other of seven rooms. Llva in one anil rent the other. I $1,660 Six-room house, new and attractive. One block from car. A real good bargain, and will make a pleasant home. $2,850 This Is a six-room house (thret bed rooms and bath-on 2d floor), rooms all large and pleasant. One of the best locations in Walnut Hill. One half block from car, street paved and raid for, lot 80x150, permanent walks, tlood stable. Get a good home for less than It Is really worth. $2,300 Eight-room- with bath. Well ar ranged, grate In parlor, back and front atalrs, lot 80x160. Near Leaven worth car line. Better look Into this. $6,800 A bran new eight-room house, one block from car. In very select nelgh hood. This Is a thoroughly well built house, whosearrangement can not be Improved upon, has hardwood throughout and Is entirely modern. We invite close Inspection. $7,000 In the Field Club district. Just com pleted, beamed celling In living room, hot water heat, bi auttful com bination fixtures, very fine Interior finish. Buy this and stop worrying. Dundee Have you visited Dundee recently? ' If not you should do so today. It Is fast coming to the front as the Ideal residence district. Note tha follow Ing: $6.000 The home of W. R, Llghton. comnrls lng eight (8) of the finest lots in Dundee. These lots are covered with fruit and berries of all kinds suita ble to this climate. The bulldir.jcs consist of a pleasant cottage, chicken house, and other necessary outbuild Ings. Located two blocks north of car line. The lots, If they were un improved, should be worth the price we are asking. If desiring a aubur ban home, let us show you this. $3,500 This la a large eight-room, all mod ern home, situated on Lass street Just east of the beautiful home of , George A. Hoagland. It was built three years ago for a home and the rooma are all large and well ar rar.ged. This will be sold before May 1, so do not delay, for It Is a real bargain. We offer some of the choicest lots In Dundee at prices ranging from $500 to $1,000. On most of them we can make terms to suit. PETERS TRUST CO., First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. U- 1 ' AN Opportunity I have Just been Instructed to reduce the price on the lot, corner of 21st and Nlcholns street from I1.W0 to $1,250. This 60-ft. frontage has trackage and Is suitable for a small warehouse or would be fine for medium clans flats. It a a big bargain and must be sold immediately. ERNERT SWEET 613 N. Y. Life Bldg. (")- FINE LOTS Near 24th and Ames, 4 lota In good residence location for $1,200. This la a big bargain and tney jnuat be sold, at once. Single lot only $325.' ' Tl ERNEST SWEET 613 N. Y. Life Bldg. 09)- GREAT SNAP CLOSE . IN 62 foot frontage, only ten blocks west of the court house, lies fine, splendid for double flat, eastern owner has made price of $1,450. Thia will be sold Monday. ERNEST SWEET 613 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19)-t Cheapest Flat Location ON HIGH SCHOOL IHLL 33x80 Only 200 feet from High School Grounds. $1,850.00 t One Piece Only at This Price. First Man Gets It. 38th Avenue Home S-room, completely modern house In high class neighborhood $6,250. 2863 Ames Ave New 5-room cottage Just completed; all modern except heat; gas and tlectrte fix tures. See It today $2,350. Bemis Park District Coxy 7-room modern home, full cellar, cement walks, nicely decorated, about 200 feet to car; will be vacant May IS. Price. $2,950. Building Lot Full, lot near 42d and Harney, clcaa to the high clans residence district. $750. WM. E. ROMANO 319 Board of Trade. 09) EASY TERMS fcSO 4-room house on 21th Bt. car line. Thla can be bought for small payment down and balrnce Just like rent, fc EM 1 PA X TO N BLOCK. Douylua 'PHOX'KS Ind. A 155. (U- $7,000 Splendid dwelling and double house; total reniai. ii.w.u per annum; on .Mh bet. Farnmn and Leavenworih. F. D. WEAD, Ground Floor, 1801 Farnam St. tlK INVESTMENTS. S569 Ames. Ave.. 7 looms 12.200. 215 N. 1.1th. i xwi feet i.SriO. v est farnam omtriot, to 7-room modern he uses, rental 1450 each rnch. Two 7-room frames, rental fit 2 J2,;0. in turning, wxiu reel st.uuo. Near 21st and Chicago, 8 rooms K.flOO. Three D-room frames. 1.230 rental 111,000. 1 nree new oriim, 11 h.v rental JIB.oiu. Five brick houses, l.'.suo rtntal lui.ftO five brick stores), 11. tot) rental Il3,i0. FrEine stores. ti.7) rental I'Ji.tHiO. JOHN N. FRKNZKH, OPP. Ul D P. O. tl)-M5 1 Keystone Park An addition of fr2 acres, divided Into $0 tracts, tor suburban home. Contains I miles of beautiful 'drives and thousands of shade and fruit trees. Located 1 mile, west of Benson, between raved Military Road and Main 8t. No finer place on earth for country places, fruit growing and chicken raising. Lots2 to 10 acres each. Prices $175 to $400 per acre. Term. Ask us for plat. Better drive out and see Keystone park. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor. N. T. U Bldg. i Douglas 17tt-FHONES-,'A, 11S8. ' D. V. SHOLES CO., 110 Board of Trade Bldg. Douglas &-THONE3-,,A" 204P. (19- McCAGUE INVESTMENT CO. 1312 BURT ST. Cottage, 6 rooms. In cluding bath room;. hard . oil finish, newly roofed and painted; open nickel plumbing, porce lain bathtub, gas, full brick cement cellar, new cement walks and as good as new; terms If desired; $2,500. 2423 SOUTH 20TH AVE.- 8 rooms,, bath, open nickel plumbing, porce lain bathtub, gas, large cemented cellar, large double pillar porch; alze of ground 60x104. Price, $2,250; one half cash. 2627 CUMING ST. Last week we adver tised this at 12,200. Prica now $1,800; six rooms. In bad condition, roof good.- Eastern own er says sell. Good sized ' lot, all taxes pa,id. Oc cupied by good colored family. MAKE OFFER, McCAGUE INVESTMENT CO. Tel. Doug 415. 1506 Dodge St. (19) M675 10 FIRST CHANCE We are advertising for the first time an 8-room house with corner lot near 28th and Webster, east and south front, opposite school, one block from Harney car and 1 blocka from Cuming St., city water, gas, toilet, cistern. $3,000 will buy this housa before Thursday. , WALKING DISTANCE We offer for the first time a neat 6-room cottage, east front, near Webster Bt. school and Creighton college, city water and gas; alley on north side. Price, ll.7Tx) HERE'S ANOTHER East front cottage near Creighton col lege and Webster St. school, good neigh borhood, only 4 rooms, but sots up well and can be enlarged. It Is well worth $1,G00 and has never been offered before to anyone. House With 5 Acres House and 6 acrea north of Benson on Orphanage road, equal distance from Ames Ave. car; fine level ground $2,800. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam St. ' 09)- IN WALION DISTANCE Near New 24th St. Car. South front lot, 80-foot front, paved atreet permanent walks, 8-foot terrace, half block from new 24th St. car. Price. 13.0U). North fronts across the street held at $85 per front 1001. ywner waniaorier. J. II. Dumont & Son, 'Phone Doug. 6S0. 1606 Farnam St. (18)- For Sale Bargain .Best bargain in the city in a 7-room modern residence, full lot 06x120 feet, east front, near the High School. Very sightly. $4,500 $2,000 cash; balance G interest. W. R HOMAN 1517 Farnam Street. (is) ricj-is ANOTHER EXCURSION to the GULF COAST OF TEXAS Private car accommodations. Come uitu us and see the oi'T. nrtkn-r at a seasonable time of the year. Our fclNTON tract located on two rallroaas in BAN PATKICIO COUNTY will make you moty If you Invest. WRITE for to.ti. monials showing what theec lands will pro duce. Will have auction sale of ) lots In me neart oi LUKl L b CI1K13TI thia trip. Don't mlsa It. For further information write ua. WE INTERNATIONAL LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., O.0 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. rnone Doug, im C)- HASTINGS & HEYDEN'S LIST OF DESIRABLE PROPERTIES - , TEN GOOD REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY IN KOUNTZE PLACE. 1st You will have good neighbors, not ex actly the 400" class, hut a good claaa of conservative buslnss men. $d I'nlformlty In lots and homes, no col ored people living In the addition. $d No unsightly hollows or hills to ob struct your view. 4th Nearly all streets are paved and all lot have permanent walks. 5th Churches of nearly nil denominations are located In the addition. 6th Building restrictions on each lot, so you nerd not be afraid of any small houses being built next to your good house, 7th Schools are within easy reach of nnv lot In the addition and your children will only associate with other good children. $th Automobile users are appreciating living In the addition on account of so msny paved atrewts. 9th You will find some of the' best meat markets, drug stores and grocery stores close st hand, so you can go and do your own trading. 10th The prlcea are much less than you can buy lots for In other parta of the city, of the same rises. PRICES FROM $650 TO $950 On Spencer, Lothrop, Emmet and PInk ney Sta., between Sherman Ave. and 24tlt. We are selling more lots In Kountse Place than are sold in any other addition in the city. Call for our book of IS new, homes built In Kountse Place Inst year. $7,000 BRICK FLAT INVESTMENT. A new St. Louis flat, 250S anil 2510 Sher man Ave., opposite the Sherinun apartment house, renting for $7!0 per year. This building has Just been completed, la ar ranged for two families, rented efore it was completed, each family entirely sepa rste from each other, front and back hall ways, "separata stairways and separnte hestlng plants. Each has 5 rooms and bath, nicely arranged, hardwood finish both floors, papered throughout with a fine se lection of latest style paper, paved streets, permanent sidewalks, on 40-foot lot, paving paid in full. $2,4004020 NORTH 29TII ST. B rooms, modern except heat, cemented cellar, cement walks, combination fixtures, full east front lot, well built house. OFFICE OPEN MONDAY HASTINGS 1704 FARNAM BT. A Little Farm Only Block From Elec tric Car 6 acres, east and north slope, good build ing site, Just the thing for garden, chicken or squab farm. Don't let it slip through your fingers. Can be had for one-half val uation placed on neighboring property. Price, $ .1,000; on reasonable terms, If de sired. SHIMER & CHASE COMPANY. Suburban Acreage. Industrial Sites. 160 Farnam. Ground floor. Both phones. (1S- FINE HOME $3,100 6-room all modern house, been built Just 1 year and owner compelled to leave city; rorth part of town, on beat ear lino In city. Terma. BEMIB PAXTON BLOCK, Douglas 685-'PHONES Ind. A 15. ' (19)- 40th Street Residence B rooms, all modern; hot water heat, east front; very fine home, barn 10x20, can be used for garage. Two Mocks from new cathedral; near two car lines. Price $0,000. Terms If desired. STRINGER INVESTMENT COMPANY, 438 Be Building. 'Phone D-2251. (1) M757 21 FOR SALE 8-room house, lot 80x130; mod ern, except furnace; new pavement and cement walks; property fine shape, good location; no commission. Apply to owner. ToL Webster 3621. (!) M762 19x DUNDEE A hort ride on the West Farnam Dundee car will bring you to thla beautiful suburb, where we csn sell you sightly lots, ready to build on, In the best of neigh borhood, with several new houses building, Improvements In, close to car, for only $650 to $700; very reasonable terms. $4,000 for 8-room. 2-atory frame house, strictly modern, recently built, combination electric light and gas fixtures, full cement basement, on car line; reasonable terms. . $3,800 for 6-room ajid reception hall, all modern square house, on Chicago St., close to car line. This Is exceptionally well built, nicely decorated throughout, large bath room, open plumbing, large closets off every room, combination electrlo light and gaa flxturea, full cemented basement. This Is a good buy. $3.960 8-room strictly modern 3-story house, new plumbing, oak finish, first-class neighborhood, lot 100x133 feet, with cement walks, less than one block from car II ua. Make ua an offer. GOOD HOMES IN OMAHA $6,250 for 11-room frame house, strictly modern, facing east on 83d St., near Marcy St.; all specials paid. Owner anxious to sell. $5,000 for 415 N. 39th St.;new 6-room and reception hall, strictly modern, hard oil fininh, hot water heat, ( rooma can bo finished on 2d floor. Owner leaving city and must sell. $4.600 16C4 Fpruce St.. northwest corner Fpruce and Bhernmn Ave., new T-room house, all modern, well decorated, gas and electricity, full cemented basement, tin lawn. Terms, $1,500 down, balance same as rent. 3,50O SiuJ N. 22d tl.. exceptionally well butlt 7-room, all modern house, Tlrst-clas condition, bungalow style, tine neighborhood, close to two car line. $3,0CO for close In 6-room, all modern except heat, frame house, hard pine finish, close to 24th street car, Creighton college and high school. 12.960 for 3423 Franklin St., practically new 6-room house, modern except heat, hard oil finish, fine lawn and shade, corner lot. 6"xl24 feet. See us for term. $2,010 23 IS Vinton St., 6-room frame cottage, with city water and gaa, all special paid, recently built, closo to car barns. ACRES . ' $250 per acre for 80 acres, 6Vi miles west of postoffice, on West Dodge St, paved! road, with good 6-room house, small barn and outbuildings, fenced and cross-fenced. $500 per acre for W acres on West Dodge Bt. paved road, Just west of FAIRACRE3, desirable for country homes. $2,000 for new 2-story house and bnrn, with $ acre of ground, IS minutes walk from end of Florence car line; especially adapted for gardening purposes. Term to v suit purchaser. $2.iOO for 6-room brick house at 42d and Fowler and about 1 acre of ground, with mall fruit, lays high, close to car line. Malta us an offer. GOOD LOCATION FOR FLATS Southwest corner 26th and Chicago St.; paving on both sides, on car line, w J.0. - 2." ' 1"" remm location, frlc. 13,000 -' - . .....- v v. - - i w... . '"on n ruBirr ana Hi 1 1 o r n 1 a st sneclsl all paid, easy walking distance from business tenter, close to new 24th treet car Una. GEORGE & CO., WANTED CHOICE FARM AND CITY LOANS We want good loana on farms or city property for $tO, SI.OJU and 1.2Uo. We buy purchase money mortgaga. Aa we wish to buy I nunc loans ourselveji, payment will be made for them as soon as they are Improved. PETERS TRUST CO., Ground Floor. N. Y. Life Omaha, Neb. Bldg. (19) I WANT an offer on the property, 112S and V'M S. 31st St.: two modern houses and good barn: well rented. This property Is owned by an eastern loitv who muat sell THOMAS LHENNAN. Room I, Kew York Lit Uldg. ua SSI FOR BALB-Pecullarly valuable lot In Lin coln, xn . si.otv vasn. Ueairaole build ing lot In Cranord. N. J. Bargain at $.). Bo0 aires unimproved land, 4Vi miles from Georgetown, 8. C., $5 per aere. Pennsylvania Realty Co., Ind Title Bldg., I'luladelphla, tllo -oil lax $2,400 3 1ST AND MEREDITH B rooms, entirely modern and complete, fine arrangement of rooms, nloely finished -floors, large attic floored, combination I lighting fixtures, cement block foundation, full east front lot, one Mock from car. This place must be sold Monday and tha best offer will buy It. Best proposition of fered today, easy terma. Will be open from $ to 4 today. $2,7504011 NORTH 31ST ST. ( rooms, entirely modern and complete In every way. parlor, dining room, kitchen, bedroom or den on first finer, t bedrooms and bath on second floor, full cemented basement, electric llghta nnd gas, full Jot, ; paved street, very well built. ' $2,4003007 NORTH 29TH ST. B rooms. JtiRt being romploted, hna nlra rarlor, dining room, kitchen, 'I bedroom and bath on first floor and good attic In which more rooms can be finished If neces sary, cemented cellar, cement walks, com bination lighting fixtures. a splendidly built house and wijl make a fine home; IfxO rash will handle this, balance monthly pay ments. $1,5004419 NORTH 39TH ST. 1 4 rooms, brand new and very well built, full cement block basement, good coal shed, full lot, one-half block from car line; there are six lots Adjoining this, which can b used by the buyer of this property. $1,700121 NORTH 37TH ST. B rooms: $2R0 cash and $30 per month will buy this house. In a good neighborhood, I blocks from Farnam rr line, house has been newly painted and papered and ha new plumbing and is modern except heat. Buy this and save rent. CHEAP LOTS $150 TO $200 $10 CASH, $5.00 PER MONTH. Just west of Krug Park, east of Benson-, hurst, we are offering these for a short time from $UiO to $i.'(0 each. These ar large lots and none over two block from ) car line. Buy one; a good way to eav j money and at the same time get a noma of your own. Discount for all cash. $450 AND $500 LOTS SOUTH OF HANSCOM PARK. We still have several choice lot on Vin ton and Spring 8ts., between 26th and 82d, that we can sell from $450 to $600, that ar from H to 8 blocks from the S2d street car line and paved street; will make easy terms. EVENINGS UNTIL. 8:30 P, M. & HEYDEN BEE BLDG. (19)- INVESTMENT New, all modern 13-room house, porth of Vinton car barn, built for two families. This Is renting for 50 per month. BEMIS PAXTON BLOCK. Dougla Mfc-'PIIONES-Ind. A IMS. (18)- A BARGAIN IN HANSCOM PARK An extra well built 8-room house with all modern convenience and every com fort. Full lot, shrub, permanent walk, cistern, etc. This house wa built for a home and will pas the closest inspection. It has hardwood floors, a large living room and tiled bath, feature dear to every up-to-date woman' heart. Special reason for selling. . . J. II. Dumont & Son, 'Phone Doug. 690. 1606 Farnam Bt U) $1,750. 5-room cottage, 11KAND NEW, nlc bath, city water, sewer, gas, cemented cellar, lots of fruit, lot 60x126, high and sightly, close to car line. BIRKETT A TEBBENS. 43 Bee Bldg. (ID- BUY from owner, 7-room, trlctly modem house, Just completed, price tor quick sale. If Intending to buy, see thll at 40 Donclas St., It la a bargain. Call 127 North 37th St. (19) M 20x Uhln 1601 Farnam St (19) SILAS ROBBINS, 4-room cottage, with 1 lots, 30th an Corby Sta.. $l.(X.O: easy terma. 6-room new cottage, modern except heat. 8olh and Hurd. tte Sis., ll.u&O; $mo cash. 6-room nice cottage, modern except heat 26th and Chicago Sis.. $2,6oO. ne1 6-room good cottage, close to Harney car. water, gin, corner, tl.ttuo; 1:60 cash. fi-room house, newly repaired, modern ex cept heat, close to Creighton college, lot J6 feet by 130 feet, $3,000. Fine Location for Flats. A tract of ground 8H, feet by UO feet, fronting ou two streets, near 34th and Har ney Sim., with 3 and -ronm cottages that could be moved off. leaving a fine building site in the heart of the best resldeac dis trict of OoSiho. Cheap at Jri.CoO. Silas RoMiins, Frenzer Block. S. K. Corner luih' and Dodge Pts.. .' Thunta Doug. 24-'; Ind. A-2M." (19)-tf73 19x IN ' the West Farnam district, 9-roorn dwelling on lot 5oxlfi5, vaat front, 133 North 3ttli avenue; fine lawn, treua, c uifiit walks and paving: houe baa been put tn firt-ciaa rendition, new roof, plumbing, electric light, new fixtures, pu.e.nnk, etc. For sale for $6,600, or (or rent at $50 a month. REED BRua, J71j FARNAM ST. , !) U77 '