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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1908)
HELP WANTED MALE 1Jb i CffMtlewee. Ml ANY fntellte-ont vraan may earn a-nnd In cmrte rorreepotullric for newspapers; ex- Fertenr unnecessary: no canvassing fPd for full pnrtlrulara.i Press Syndi cate, Dockport. N. T. S WAirrKD-ln-il miw Iti every town In the l n!tej states no nisiririute , advertising maitpr; no rarrretmlng; good pey. Fred utacn, tOKMo. fJ) - 66 lwt DISTRIBUTERS wwntM wrrwhpm: $28 to H man lr distributing circular. MmHfW, overseeing advertising: no can vaiwlng; steady. Address Reliable Adv. Bureau, Chicago. (9) 661 1US LEARN TELEGRAPHY LEARN TELEGRAPHY Position absolu tely guaranteed. Booklet free. Hovles' College, Omaha. Neb. Ofri'-lsl Training School U. P. It R. Telegraph Depart ment. (9) M 71 1 WANTED Detectives; shrewd, reliable man for profitable aerret service, to act under orders; no experience necessary. Writs 11. C Webster, Indianapolis Ind. (9) 4l 19x YOUNG man for an da fountain; must be neat and activ. W. A. Flel, Rth and Farnam. (9 M741 11 WANTED People looking for real good homestead land. Write McCarty. Rfurgls, 8. I. (9-M7W 2Cx fOUNO MEN to prepare for examination for railway mall and other government positions; superior Instructions by mall; established 14 years; thousands of suc cessful studenta; sample Questions and "Kow Government Positions Are Beeurefl" eent free. Interstate Schools, Cedar Rsplds. Ia. 674 19x HEU4 WANTED HUB AND KGMALR. WANTED Men and women of good qual ity and strong: eronHlily to represent Dodd, Mead ft Co., to sell the new In t?r national Encyclopedia In Nebraska, Bouti) Dakota and western Iowa, fro-vtou-xperlrnoe. unnecessary. 71H N. Y. U, ciha, Nsb. (10)-M468 A30 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE . U or sea and Vehicle. lO SUPPLY the protein lacking- In corn and oats use Alfai-Fal to balance the ra tion and your horses will Improve In looks and work. Price $1.26 for 100 lbs., delivered. It your dealer does not carry Alia!- at, 'nhoue Doug-la 209. M. C. Patera Mill Co. Ulj 907 A30 FOR BALE Stylish bikes. runabouts, traps, buggies and carriages; retail at wholesale prices. Llninger Implement Co., Cor. th and Pacific. (11) 447 21 100 BUYS two-seated buggy and harness; asy terms. 3d and Center fits. (11) 638 13 i GOOD, chunky black team. 43d and Cen t or. (ll)-6.- IS FOIl BALE or trade, one sorrel mare. 4 Lrars old, standard bred, sired by pat 3:0nV dam Sliadeland Onward; one sorrel horse, 4 years old, by Joseph Sec ond; both very promising and flno Indi viduals. W. Id. Bonaflcld, Auburn, Neb. (11 J M641 20 RANGE HORSES AND MAKES. TWO hundred range horses and mares for sale In car load loi,s to dealers. All good colors and ages right. These are not ou the work oraer, but nice, shapely, active drivers. Th Crane Ranch, Ottawa, Kan. CU 680 1 FOR BALE Phaeton and surrey, rubber tires. 1034 S. Doth Ave. 'Phone Harney tiM. (11) M 740 20 HANDSOMEST family driving horse In Omaha; 10 hands. 1,200 lbs., 6 years, gen tie, lady can drive; also surrey (new), runabout, t harnesses; Mg bargain. In quire R. E. Sunderland, 10u8 Harney. (I'D MM 21 FINE lot of Shetland ponies, safe for children. 43d gnd Center. (11 783 19 FOR SALE Fins black driving horse, 8 yeara old, city broke. Enquire at Rink barn, 21-23 North Main Bt., Council Bluffs. (11) 798 x Poultry Sasa ana Squabs. FOR SALE Black Mlnorcas eggs for hatching; tl for fifteen; very tno lay ers; also cockerel for sale. Mrs. O. Carl son. $109 B. 46th St Tel. Harney 1323. (11) Mau9 Max RED FEATHKR CHICK FEED contains i purs grain, seeds and beef scraps, a crop- erly balanced ration for little chicks. Ask your daler or telephone Douglas I!. M. C. Peters Mill Co, vll) A30 FOR PALE Homer pigeons and squabs. 1512 N. 2Gth Bt. 'Phon Webster 12. (U)-M3ti4 1 nCKS COMB R. I. RED EGOS for hatch! Pens headed by prise winning cocktrels from North Btar Poultry Show, Minnesota; $1.60 to 32 por 16. Mrs. James Jl. Halplne. 4u3 Center St.. Omaha. Tel. Harney 363. (U)-MS19 A22x CHAMBERLAINg Perfect Chirk Feed Is the only original dry chick feed. Use this only and aave all young chickens. Ones lfl9'X lwys used. Stewart's Seed Store, li N. leih St., sol agents for the city. (U)-MSOO M4 LICK powder that kills Instantly. Get Con keys sample and ths best Poultry Book free by calling. If mailed, send ( csnls to Stewart Seed Store, Omaha. (1D-M467 X FOR SALE At Fred Pteror feed store. 11 Devenworth St., nice, clean wheat, 1.iS per 100 pounds. (11) 6M 22x RINGLET Bsj-red Plymouth Rocks. The hatching season Is here and eggs, from my best Dialings are U per fifleun. Let mu book your order. Inforniailon gladly iven. r. C. Ahlqulst. 2762 Meredith Ave. Omaha, Neb. 'Phuna Webster 10J8. U)- VISITORS are welcome at the Mandy Lee Poultry Farm, west on Bla; til., Flor ence, Neb. Call and see a modul poultry frm with Incubators arid brooders In full operation. (11) ROBE Comb H row n Leghorn egfrs. 30 11 iA 13. A. W. Ruth, Whiting. Ia. (U)M'i8 Cx FOft BALE 6 barred rock cockreila also for hatching, sis North lh, South O.nah. Ill) 8o6 IS Vvvrm, birds, Dosjs aad Cmta. JUST received choir car load mllkert and springers, best dmtrlct of Minne;ta. For InforniKtlon regarding same call Tel. Har- rPyl -. (11) 15 LOST AND FOUND $100 REYARD FOR INFORMATION OR RE , COVERY OF DIAMOND STUD, LOST BETWEEN UNION DEPOT AND POST OFFICE. SUNDAY. APRIL 5TII. CACKLEY BROS.. 16T1I AND CAPITOL AE. (11) 74-l LC'SV Oold tin attached to hair ribbon; valuable as heirlooiu; reward for return to Lee on Ice. (U) -t Ijx LOU r Friday afternoon, snakeskln purs containing about 4; reward. Trl Ixug. 7 3 nx . MEDICAL feia. 1 icil Attrtitiuo ald to D t utttimn. a,r, kii ireaimeiii uu ptjrviMtfa I l..;7. v- mt-m "vi vii ua vr itil. (;3)-13 ANT por girl In need of a friend call or ;: tu ii, Iniiiua of ti.e tiolvutton ru;" limine f ir Viuiusu a.1 i'4 N Hi a 4.u, Oiul., JnU i,.J;-il.i. MEDICAL (Continued.) Da HIITCHINPN flpoclallaf of women antl rmiuren. i24 ttuil BU '1'non l'oug laa 3A. (13) BF.ST nerve brae for men. "Oray'a Nerv Food Pill," $1 a box. postpaid. Phermao 4k Mcconneu Drug Co.. omaiia. u ii MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CUATTEU. 1 MONET, The thing that Is so hard to get, but not so at the OMAHA TRUST CO. ON SALARY OR CHATTEL MORTGAGE. OMAHA TRl'ST CO., , 437 Board of Trade Bldg. (14) 5M MONEY TO LOAN On HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS -wAKntiuiBia tteajKiflH or to bai ARlKb people of good Character who are steadily employed. Rates the lowest. Transactions strictly private. W would ask you to call and talk It over with us. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 3d floor 307-Sng Paxton Block Sd floor. Phone Dougla 1411 (14) M 742 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Ealary Loan. (33 Pa ton Slock. 'Phona Douglas 74S. (14) 81 P. O. NIELSEN 4 CO., LOANS. TO N. T. Llf Bldg- 'Phon Doug. 2304. (Hu817 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom niodstlng; all business confidential. l.H-Jl Douglas. (14) 818 CHATTEI aalaxy and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam 6t. (14)-61S MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices In S3 principal cities. Tol nian. room 714, New York Llf Bldg. 414) 821 OFFERED FOR RENT Jtemrdlag amV Ile-oaas. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (16-3 WE DO expert moving at lowest . 'I i T. . t , . I . im . - . i .. iii" y-j. oenmouer m Mueller Piano Co., Ull-Ull Farnam. (16)-2 ROOM and board. 2411 Capitol Ave. (16 M41S A30 ROOMS and board. 1413 N. 25th St, South Omaha. 'Phon 2080. (16) Mslg M5x MAY 1 Largs south, unfurnished room wiin aicove; reierences. 2413 Caas St. (16) fcjl 20 BOARD and room In finest down town location; large ironi room wiin, aloovs; suitable for two or three persons; fur nished or unfurnished. References re quired. 114 S. lth St. (15) M431 DEWEY European Hotel, 13tU and Farnam. (15) STRICTLY modern rooms, with board; home cooking. 118 N. 26th St, Tel Doug las 4012. (li M547 20x SOUTH room, sultabls for two; cholc lo cation; large lawn; privat family; mod ern. 527 Park AV. (li M423 , FOUR young men to room and board. pnvaio iMinuy. wi e osier est. (16) M750 20x Fnrslabad Rooms. TWO furnished rooms, steam heat, 150$ Farnam St., 3d floor. (16) 828 FOR RENT Furnished rooms for gentl . men day, week or month. The Chatham, opposite Millard, 110 Bo. 13th St, (15)-86J DESIRABLE furnished front room, with board. . 123 S. 26th Ave. (1) M606 23x CENTRAL three nicely furnlahed rooms. wiui uaia-room aajoining. &M in zia. (16) Mot7 DESIRABLE room for young men or man and wife. 218 N. 19th. (15) M438 21 x PLEASANT room In new, modern home. iruming .turner para, uentleman only. 206 8. 31st St. . (16) 443 21x LARGE front room, fumlnshed suitable for one' or two gentlemen; breakfast if de sired. 3324 Lafayette Ave. (15) 667 20 EIGHT rooms, all modem, for summer. 2WS Maple Bt. Phenlx Trust Co., Old IT. B. Nat. Bank Bldg., 12th and Farnam Sts. (15)-62 21 NICELY furnished front room. 2407 Har ney Bt. v (15) M477 22X NICELY furnished rooms In modern home, warning uisianc. im r amam Bt. (15)-M4 30 LARGE sunny alcove room, all modern irnvrs, in private ismiiy; Deauiuui location; terms ressonable. 2058 Douglas Bt. Tel. Harney 36SS. (15) 663 20 FURNISHED front room. In modern house, suitable for one or two; private family, ill Ixard St. - (16)M7a6 ilx ROOM In private family furnished or un- zurnisnen. waiKing amtance, reference. Tel. A-4;0. (15) 7 19 ON El furnished room for rent, 2315 Califor nia, lKug.H,. (16) M77 21 STRICTLY modern, nicely furnished, large. t-uoi ruvm, e winnowa: aiao irnnt parlor: good piano; two refined geutlemen or inuslo teachers; lessons taken on- rent; one small room, nice homelike place; no objection to any kind of music. St. Mary's. (15) M7i 20 TWO sunny rooms, on with alcove, mod ern conveniences, rin shade trees, pri vate family, close In. &4 S. Jbth Ave. Red 6o. (15) M7W 31 DESIRABLE unfurnished rooms or entire nuor 01 resmence, modern. close in, reabonabl. 26ti7 Farnam. (15) M773 20x TJatarnlabeg boom. FOUR housekeeping rooms; modern. 2223 Hurt St. (16) M110 FIVE desirable unfurplshed rooms. 2713 . iin ou (15) 448 FOUR ROCM8. all modarn. 2115 Erimet Bt- (15 M6W 24a THREE rooms, Wlthnell Bldg., 15th and Harney Bts., One room. 27th and 81. Mary's Ave., to. N. P. Dodge Co , 1714 arnam St. ili) THREE rooms, water, bath and closet. nrr ma ana jiowera. References ex Changed. 'Phone Harney 374. (lft) MCT1 26x TWO good rooms, unfurnished, modnni, yuviiw. ot o. na. Uu Datva lx Auartamcaita mm Flats. APARTMENTS T nvimi In OITTVU-.T Hit I Farnam at.; steam htat. hot waiar and wiepnune. APARTMENTS rooms in SCAKiJO, boutn Omaha; steam heat and hot water. HALL. 317 First Natl bank Bldg. ltd T4i. A-kj4. (15)-3ft FOUR-ROOM pew brick flat. 22d and Nlch c as, modern. $.'1; rrrem-es. Key at Hit North i-d. Patterson, lu FiUm. (i6) 773 NEW 4-room brick flat. Hug N. 23d St, modern, sue) rang, 1st floor. (16)-M2f4 . tXA N. list St.. 7-roora flat, modern, fur nace, 10, bath, hot and cold water; new decorations. -&. Hastings Heyrtrn, 17o4 Farnam fci. (l5)Mo, a) FOR RfNT-Brtck flat. I room and b- ( ment. 10 California St.; Just Completed; modern in every; o&k finish don siana; hot writer heat; rent M twr month. Apply for key 547 Biandoi Bl.l. (ii 677 19x F K RKNT One ouuide flat. 7 rooms. (PS. One inside fut. 7 munis. Iiath, sleiun lunieri in Howry bldg. orfii-e, lc'0 'nl ctgu St. (iui Cxi lx TWO excelleiit nto.)-rn furniHl.f-i rooms fur huust hc-i-!n. Zv, 4 Htfllivy b t::)-7i)t OFFERED FOB RENT Aawrtaaeate 41 Plata (oatlasjed. New St. Louis Apartments We have the finest In the city. Those at S?d and Pacific are nearly finished, ready for decorating. Tenanta ran select their own wall pap rs If apartments are taken within a few days. We have a few left In this building, which are delightfully com plete In every detail and are bound to please the most fastidious. Each apart r.U'nt has S os large rooms, living room 20 feet long, open fireplace, beautiful com bination lighta, plumbing and heating equipment of the very beat. Don't fall to see these early this week and se us promptly for further particulars. lf"7 Maaon St.. another beautiful -room apartment In the pew Lnomla building, to te vacant Mav l. New tenant may select "cnrauons. rrice 137.GO. -22l South 2!th St.. 5-room. all modem, a very coxy riat. ror only 7.BO. PAYNE. BOSTWICK A CO., Sole Agenti Main Floor, N. Y. Dlfe Bldg. (15) Housekeeping; Rooms. . SUITE of rooms partly furnished for uvuBciiciiiii, references. 1M) 1 ass pi. (16) 446 2 THREE rooms, neatly furnished, all mod ern, front and back entrance. 218 N. 23d Bt. (15) M 466 22x TWO desirable mMcrn housekeeping rooms. aicove. SDK do. ltn Bt. (16) MW a) LARGE light housekeeDlna- rooms, around floor, modern, excellent location. tC4 weoster. (16) M751 20X THREE elegant rooms, fig per month. 216 ia. ( (15) M71W H)X THREE rooms furnished for light house- Keeping, ma B. 27th Bt. (15) M8U0 21 furnished Hoties, . TENk-ROOM furnished house for the sum mer. Reed Bros., 1710 Farnam. (15) M728 Hsuct Cottage. EIGHT-ROOM modern house, hot water heat, good condition, South 28th St.; walk ing distance. M. J. Kennard oV Co., 3"-10 crown diock. (16) M441 FOR RENT Modern 10-room house, with modern barn. No. 1117 South S2d street. B. N. Robertson, Barker block. (16) M667 BEST In town, 3332 Harney; 9 rooms and bath. Tel. D. 2796. Reuhenberg Bros., 101S N. Y. Life, (U) M64 24 HOUSES, Insurance. Ring wait. Barker Blk, (15)-834 Splendid Pressed Brick Houses. 1 - . , At 128 and 130 South 35th St., the beat part of West Farnam district, we hava two very fine houses, strictly modern, al most new. to be vacant Mnv 1. These h 1 rooms besides reception hall, quarter- sawea OB.K noors and rmisti first floor, birch mahogany finish second storv. snlen- dld plumbing, heating and lighting fix- See us for full particulars. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO.. Sole Agent.. Main Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)- HOL'SES, flats, Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam, (1S-J8 SIX room on second floor veto and Parker ols., tt. w lYuiiam 01., m rear, 318. 2a07 - Seward SL. 315; city water In kitch.n r Chris Boysr, ma and Cuming. (15 M37S OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move, store H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1)20-24 N tilth; office loot Farnam. Tel. Doug. 155 (lfy-ftu HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cneap ireigni rates; moving and storing. Expressmwn'a Delivery Co. Tel, Doug. Sal (16)-83i . 2548 Davenport St., 8 rooms '...$26.00 !: N. 21t Rt ft rwiin, . nn rji 8715 N. 20th St.. T rooms...!!!".!!!!!".'" 2o!(W JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1803 FARNAM ST. . (15)- t 8 3 rooms at 1417 8. 6th St. 316 6-room flat at 3208 N. 24th Bt. $23 6-room U modern house at 1809 N. jam Bt. St. (-room, ail modem, steam heated flat close in. BEMJ3, 306 PAXTON BLOCK. (15) NINE rooms, complete new order, stable; Seven rooms, modern, 3D7.60. McCAGUE CO., 16U2 DODGE. (16) M7& 20x -R. HOUSE and barn, 2(30 Parker SU, F. D. WEAD, Ground Floor. 1S01 Farnam St. (IS) 2011 CLARK ST.. 4 rooms, owner pays . . . . . ,ir. m. n. . . 1 j . . . n rein, o, Olo l.iucago Bl., H rooms. modern, barn and large yard, 346; 2416 Farnam St., 11 rooms, modern, 385. Ring wait Bros., 306 S. 16th St. (15)-M764 20 1117 8. 2d St.. S rooms, all modern, $30. Sf Bancroft, 6 rooms, modern, new, $13. 8417 Jackson St., 5 rooms, $16. N. P. Dodge ft Co., 1714 Farnam Bt. (15)- $37 50 -room modem brick flat, 3003 Pacific St. Keys at 1306 B, 35th Ave. Tel. Harney 3283. M. Kellnor. (15 -MJu4 21 FOR RENT A new 6-rocni modern cnttaga. 2613 Blnney St. (16) 687 13 FOR RENT New elgrft-room house In Bellevue. Acre of ground, half In fruit. Three blocks from trolley line. Mrs. Kate A. Longsdorf.'K! 80. 26th Ave. 'Phone Red 8323. (U) 600 18x 2S7 PACIFIC ST. rooms; thoroughly modern, oak finish; $40. A. G. Elllck, 6u2 Bee Bldg. (16)-323 FOR RENT 1330 North 40th. 7 rooms, all modern, $30. C. G. Herring. (16) 446 31 MODERN 10-roora brick house near high school; keys on premises. 2601 Capitol Ave. Rent $50. (16) M464 22 x 7-room brick house, modern, luOj N. 29th St., $20. Nice place. Turklijgton, 6o' Bee. (16) M615 1 FINE cottage, 601 B. 2Hth Bt. 11-r. house. 217 California St., $30 00. 7-r., new. 21st and Spring tits., $J0.00. And many others. F. D. WEAD, Ground Floor, 1801 Farnam Bt. -U6) 2K19 PARKER, 4 room, $11.00 24 ""0 Maple, 6-r , water, gas, sewer. $15 00. 2770 Curalng. -r.. mod. x. heat. tLu TURRKLL c CO. Doug. 11 J). (15)-M50 19 BIX-ROOM COTTAGE Modern except fur nace; gnnd barn. References required. 6j4 8. 24th Ave. Inquire on premises early. Vacated April 20. (15) M7S5 25 FIVE-ROOM, all modern house, at 2H14 N. 2Sth St.. $J0. C. G. Carlberg. 11 N. Y. Lit Bldg. (15) M733 19 FOR RENT Tha brick houe, 316 Dewey Av. Inqulrs Moyer Stationery Co.. 1M6 Farnam St. (15) M72S FIVE-ROOM cottage, 1619 Manderson St; modern. Telaphune Webster 8itf). (16)-M7S5 tlx Maggard Van Storage Co, D. 1401 W guartuiiae moving piano. IL H. gooda (15)-o5 NEARLY new 7-room cottage, city water, gas, etc.; very convenient, Ju. 2011 B. 8th Bt. TcU Red 4ho3. (15)-&J6 TTHTTRPQ Crelgh Sona d Co Bee Bldg. (16 Ut FOR RENT 7-room nous. 31 N. 2Mh . Ave.; modern eitc-pt furnace; $25. Elht- rooia house. f.U N. 2Id Bt.; all modern; $-6. Apply at 7 N. lith Bt (16)-M7 FOR BFNT rooms, ba,th, bam, 1154 Bo. Sun. W. 8. btillinau. 4i8 1st Nat I K. Bid, . iiJiul UulifilB-fir Trut Co.. N. Y. I- Bldg. (W)-il LIST ycur vcnt house with Walur toreen Cumpaoy. 814 N. Y. Lit Bldg (U, M223 F"'U KtN'M room, city water, gas. 163 N. lain Bt., 1st floor $12. C. M. Bacn man, 4j6 taxion Block. (ii) 114 ti'iHT V.ooMS, 214 8. 2Hth; bath, gss; -t.txi.'.c luve,me.-it Co. ill) -Mj7 i,x 1 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. ATRIL OFFERED FOR RENT . (Continued) FOR RENT 2X1 Maple St., rooms, all modern... $30.00 2S14 Hsmilton Pt., rooms, all modern.$27.60 3o41 California, 1 rooms, modern except furnace $28.00 $027 B. st fit., S rooms, all modern. .$21.60 2C32 Patrick Ave.. rooms, modem ex cept furnace $21.60 8413 Jackson Bt.. $ room a water and gas $3.00 $819 Dewey Ave.. 7-room flat, modern except furnace $U.S0 PAYNE INVESTMENT 00., 1st Floor, N. T. I Bldg. Douglae I7al 'PHONB8 "A" llSS. (16) For Rent 623 8 29th Bt, 10-reom brick flat, modern will rrpalt; $36. B?3 8. 29th St., one floor; $1$. 712 8. 22d St., T rooms, modem but heat large grounds; walking distance; t-5, 215 Dode, 7-room house; $3. 1310 N. 24th. 6-room Hat; bath, etc; $15. 138 N. 24th, i-room flat; bath, etc; $18. 4 8. 17th. $ rooms; 2d floor; $18. M S. 2flh, 4 rooms; In brick; $11 2319 8. 16th, 6-room flat; $12.60. 821 8. 24th. 3-room flat; $10. 2H N. I4th, 4 roomi: 2d floor: $9. 3016 Ames Ave., 6-room flat; $9. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (15)-M561 19 BARGAINS IN RENTALS 2323 8. IRth, 6-room, modern except heat, a snap at only $17. 3610 Franklin, 6-room, modern except heat, real homelike place, on paved street, only $-J2. 2238 Farnam, a good modern flat, 7 outsldo roome, at $35. 8172 Farnam. 8-room, all modern, fine loca tion, only $37.60. A beautiful suburban cottage borne of cement block, 5-room strictly modern. two niocKS west of bank in Florence, something to suit the most fastidious, only 225. Repairs and papering will be . made wnerever necessary on any Of the above. PAYNE, BOSTWICK A CO., Bole Agent. Main Floor. N. Y. Life Bldg. (16)- $30 per mo., 210 S. 20th St., 6-room cottage. $-5 per mo.. 216 Bristol St.. T-r.. modern. $30 per tno., 2ui4 Pratt Bt, 7-room modern nouse. $37.60 per mo., 21$ S. 81st Ave,, 7-room mod ern house, essy walking distance. $37.50 per mo., 1604 Bpruce St., 6-room new modern houae all nicely decorated, gas range inciuaeo. $36 per mo.. 1616 Bonice Rt.. same a above. $45 per mo., new modern apartment, 416 noiiin ztxn Ave., 8 room, hardwood fin- ln, not water heat, very desirable. GEORGE dc CO., 1801 Farnam 8t. (15)- 8TEAM heated flat of rooms, all mod em. close In. $25 Five-room, all modern house, at S809 .norm ism bl BEMIS, 806 Paxton Blk. 'Phones: Douglas 688; Ind. 1685. (16) 66$ NEW HOUSE. Beven rooms, modern, cemented basement. pousnea rioors; an modern; east front; one block from N. 24th street-car line, near Kountaa Place; 130- 25th and Maple, 7 rooms, all modern, $30. O KEEFD REAL E8TATE- COMPANY. 1001 N. Y. Life. 'Phone $ -Doug, or A 2163. (16) M4S a 1613 N. 84TH, 4-r, water and gas, $10, 2716 Franklin, 6-r., modern, $27.W. 2M9 Pratt, 6-r., modern, furnished. 2o06 Maple Bt. 7-r.. modem. 832.60. 306 8. 88th St., 9-r., modern, pak finish. $50. ritiS. . 2209 Davenport Bt.. 8-r.. modem.- 1(5. ' 1U1KV4. Maple, T-r., heat and janitor service lumisnea, xsd. To see complete list call at office. ' HASTINGS & HEYDEN, ' 1704 Farnam St.," Bee Bldg. - 1 , (16)-M74$ 25th Ave. and Farnam Rt. f211 Rn -f.th1. -room cottage, electrlo lights, gas, fur nace. SJU. 1318 Georgia Ave., nearly new 6-room. all mwiem iiai, fjo. 2837 Cass St.. 6-room cottaae. modern ex cept furnace, $23. J. H. SHERWOOD . . 616-617 Brandeli Bldg. (15)-4S1 19 Fine Pressed Brick Houses 817 and 819 Park Ave., two snlendld hnuaea of 8 room each, possesion Mav 1: onlv 345. All xoo me will b beautifully papered to auii'ienant. 608 and 512 North 21st St., 9-roora. splen- uioiy rinisnea in quarier-sswed oak,- with best plumbing, heating and llahtlnar fix tures, tile bath floors, etc., essy walking uisisnce, at sou ana mi.du eacn. -Tenants can easily rent a room at fancy prices to reuuee expense lr iney can spare same. These are the finest close-In house in urnans. For particulars see PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO., Bole Agent. "-o iiuvi, j. , jujq aiag. , (15)- 1910 WEBSTER, 8-r. brick, all modern. $46. 1312 Park Ave.. 8-r. all modern, $40. ftTC So. 89th Bt, 8-r., all modem, $40. tiiw vauiornia, s-r., an modern brick, 346. OKEEFB REAL, ESTATFJ COMPANY, 1001 N. Y. Life. Phone Doua. or A-2IRS. (16)-19 19 l-ROOM flat 916 N. 24th St (16)-M424 NRW HOITHB1 7 rooms, modern, cemented basement, pol- inneu iiours; an nioaern, east front one block from No. 24th street car line, near Kountse Place; $.'X O'KEEFE REAL FJtTATW rnvBlMT 1001 N. Y. Life. 'Phones; Doug, or A-2152. UC0 MK3 20 FOK KKNT 6tx rooms, city water and ft as. oivo vuiniiio ci. Apyiy ou crown piocH, (15)-6CJ 20x FOR RENT My house, 2121 California, 7 rooms, mouen, newiy renovatea and re paired; $37. Water rent paid. Apply A. C. Wakeley, room 106 McCagua Bldg. (15)-638 20x FOR RENT 8-room, all modern house. tSl Harney bu .o. inquire 807 8. 17th St. ! 127 2210 SEWARD BT., 8-room modern house. 2:a I-eavenworth, 6-room modem flat Tel. Red 4668. . (U MS66 30x Baildtag. for"rent midland glass & paint co. building. 1608-10-12 harney st. CG ft. south frontage on Har ney bt., across from Bennett's Department Store, over 52,000 sq.. ft. of floor space. Reason able alterations and repairs will be made to euit tenant. One of the best buildings in the retail center of Omaha, and is offered at a very reasonable rental, with lease for about 10 years. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam. 05) 4S0 19 FOR RENT-p.c in building located In heart of th business district. Trackage facilities and elex-irla elevator. Suits bl for warehous or light manufaoluilog purpose. Address W-iJi, car haa. C--M5&6 8-STORY building In wholesale district; an other 3-story and basement. kx133, with track re. F. D. WEAD, 1801 Farnam. W) 0 3Ucs. OFFTCT3 OR PARlX)RS- and l-room, In QL'lVt T. liw-lail Farnsm bt.; sultabls for rits. pli) alclati. Oenlisti. dress makeis, tc. ; siej,m h-at, hot water snd telrptioii. Also or'Klct-.d or PARLOR ii, 6 room. in Hi'AhiiO Bli., boum (nn. a, airitaOle fur lnvitn. U tors, to ; etfsni lifat and h'-t water. 1 ! AI.L, 3!? l Usl Lnk LiJg. i.4 A-4f4. tl3 io 19. 1908. . I l.1 JU !L!tiL JISLSSL.1 OFFERED FOR RENT UfRe CosMleajet. CORNER office, Wead Blog., IRth snd Far- nsm; aiso an inside room, at lis.w. -(16 NICE office to let In new Bradela Bldx Vise of stenographer and 'phone If desired snquire ai room 17. (16) M(l si OFFICES One targe and one small office for ren en suite or single. These rooms are on tl third floor of Th Bee Bldg., and me larger one ha a north light and vault or turtner particulars see n. v.. easier, oupL, IV ii Buliaing. (16) M8S$ OFFICES FOR RENT In Conservative building; modem, oak finish, gas snd electrlo light; beat and janitor service iiirnianen; sit per office. HASTINGS & HKYDEN, 1704 Farnam Bt. (16) 1 1 DESK ROOM With 'phone service, noml h.l V , T . . r. . n . . T . lent, . 1 tiurinsun. b-m in . i. lju (15) MT81 21 tore. K B..I3TII St. $54. C. O. Catlberg, 111 N X. 1a Bldg. (16) M71 STORE BOOM In Bcftrgo block, at 520 n. wtia til., tsoutn Omaha; steam heat, modern ehow windows, excellent location. Also two basement room In aame build ing, cemented floors, steam heated, suit able for billiards, barbers, baths, restau rant, etc HALU 817 First Nst'J Bank oiag. ea 7406. A 4406. r (15) M23i FOR RENT Large storeroom, northeast twrnrr jo.n ana vinton bis.; j. m ououman, e i axton Blk. (16) M309 1307-9 Howard Bt., 3-story double brick, 1S14 Harney St., 2(x60, new front, $). 1X18 Harney Bt.. aoxftii. new front xx T0 Bouth 27th Bt., store and living room, Sit. ov. N. P. Dodge A Co., 1714 Farnam Bt. (16) FOR RENT Warehouse at 1547-49 Bhsrman tor, trackage; recently ' overhauled and Jl VSL. sMW-IPafl. ri-illt f nni hu4an i vv in nisi cim conuuion; suiranie lor storage or jobbing business; long term BENSON A MYERS. 412 N. T. Ufe Bldg (l) 2127 FARNAM ST.. JnxSO feet, good base- mem, oncK storage room, w per month. f403 Jackson St.. large store room and base mem, m per momn. GEORGE & CO.. 1601 Farnam Bt. (15) STORE 22x42, near P. O., steam neat $85 Auures u su, care liee. ia; in lis OFFERED FOR SALE fas-niter. FOUR roil-top desks, 1 six-foot standing uk, t iiorary laoies ana oiner furni ture; must be sold at once. Call Sunday at sjui turning. (16) M666 20 MOVING AWAT-Baseburner. ranges, go- can, iurniiure, sewing macnine, baby grana piano, etc., cneap. can at once. 415 N. 23rd St. (16)-M768 21 FOR BALE Herrlck refrigerator. , 1021 S, sum Ave. -fnone uaraey iwu. (16) M739 20 FOR BALE One gas stove, good else; one ice dox, medium sise; several chalra, lounge and few other articles. Telephone tiarney 14. (IP) 904 19x HOtSBMOLD noons for I Will Bell at Drlvate sale. Tueadav. the Slst, all of my furniture and rugs. Good on inspection Monday. MRS. OoCAK WILLIAMS, 111 So. 33rd Bt Uts Mna zo Typwr4trs ( Maokilaie. FOR SALE High grad secondhand type. wruera; gooa conaition; a Bargain at 150, uii room tau, iee oiag. U8) C71 FOX TYPEWRITER, No. 127420; only used non urn ana in Al condition; for sale at very reasonable price. Call for Wright ai see oiiice, nui ana r arnam. ... 06)-838 Miscellaneous. ; DRUGS at cut price; freight paid on all $10 oroers; catalogue iree. enerman Mo- conneil Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. 0.6) 640 GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Tk.rBAalL mmt nrv-trs-tin tm art r-lr $ a..i price in m cuy; vejeci now, UelivrJ BURGESS GUANDEN CO.. 813 S. 16th 6t TL Doug. 8L (ltl)-41 ICEI ICE I MINNESOTA ICE In car loU. A, Q. Gilbert. Council Bluffs, Ia. (!) M874 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard aim poui isuics. v ieaa ma world In v.... . wm. . . . . v , payment. Brunswlck-Balk-Collendar, 107 a 10th St. U e ON ACCOUNT of panic, these diamonds are len on my nanus; solttalr ring. -k, $S5; H-k. $J6; Vk.426; cluster rings W-k fiery stones, $6u; -k locket and gold chain, $20. If not worth 26 per cent mor don't buy. Call quick, 1212 Harney or veiepnun nwi-ww. U) JaodQ 19 HALL'S safes, sew, id-hand. 1318 Farnam. Ur 49 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. beet mixed paiuu cuerman at uoonneu Drug Ca (16) 843 HOMl-nPATHlri rem! K1.... Diivruisn as jBULonneil irug CO., 16t4 na vwii dlb., umiiu, zD, (10 848 FOR SALE Tailor mad cults, ready to w viim tmur, u iNevuie hllk. (1) 4tf4 Ml SEND US your mail order for drugs; iini piu vn iu iois. nay ers-uillon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 47 Elevator for Sale For sale, second-hand Eaton & Prince hand elevator, complete; platform about 4x5; can be used in a building 60 ft. high. This elevator is first-class in everv respect and will be sold cheap. W. II. BRIDGES, Engineer Bee Bldg. (16)-39 3-3 RUCK ER and Weston new cases and ianus ror sate cneap. tall at Bee of fice. Omaha. (16) 832 CURRANT Plants. B. C. Smith. 8108 Corby ti) iHM2X GOLF clubs, used twlcs last yesr, cheap. FOR SALE Five-hole gas rangs; 18-lnch v.vii, Vi e,uiM:unjr new. tau ai oran; Bt. . (16)-61 OFFICE FIXTURES, consisting of cssh- ler s cage, counter, partitions, railing, gate, etc.; almost new, elegant, cheap; suitable for wholesale or retail office. Sunderland Bros. Co., 1608 Harney Rt. otij Moii a SCHOLARSHIP for sal (Boyles), 6 month. ju. Aoares J ssz. lie. (16 Vtty 19 FOR SALE By th Chicago St Northwest. rn Hallway Co.. leamU'at "W. D. Wei den;" length, IX feet; width. U feet; draft 2 Ir.che; tonnage, 91 ton; hora power, 2J&. Practically new. Also steamboat "Jim Llgnton;" length, 130 foet; width, 30 feet; draft. 28 Inches: tonnage, lu9 tons, horse power, 80. In first-class condition. Boats now at Pierre. S. D. Immediate delivery. Writ L. S. Carroll, purchaaing agent. 215 Jack son Blvd., Chlcagu, 111. (Itfi M7V4 111 BOOKS Editions de Luxe only. Immense privai collection standard and other work never before offered. Bend for catalogue. Geo. Pope, 1U8 broadwav. N. X 1H 1 PATENTS D. O. BAHNELL Paxton Blk. TL Red Til J (.) fcL.3 LARiiQN 4t CO.-Book fre. C3 B blig. 1 ..KJM PATENTS (Continued.) PATENTS THAT PROTECT 8 book for inventor mailed on receipt of go postage, K. 8. a A. B. Lecey, room r-3 Paolflo Mflg., Washington, D. C Kstablished Va. (17 M IL A. Sturges, $19 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. 849. (l) M417 M14X PERSONAL r A nvrTTTTPfeatment and bath. M iiuiuiiuiivsmWi, ui N. loth. 3d floor, (Ml) 4U1 WE RENT, repair, sell needle for old sewing machine. iNso. vyci co., cor. 16th ana iiarney. tin) m A HOME for women during confinement: w find homes for babies where mothers cannot car for them. Mother Lee, 4u$ liancrolt et. -rnona Dougia m.i. ' (18)-M3( GOLF clubs for sale. Several first class second hand, brassie, mid-iron, putter, lofter, etc., cheap. Inquire 1414 Iiarney Bt. UK) alibi mx l A tJ'-i A CiV. nd baths. Room , 1204 JUADOilUXi farnam St, 2d Floor. (18) M43 M6 THE SALVATION ARMY solicit castoff clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. Wo collect, repair and aeil at 134 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to th worthy poor, call ption Doug. an wagon win call. UK) 766 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mr. . Dr. King, 1324 N. 34 Ul. ItL Web. 35n. (18)-e4 VOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha a stranger are invited to visit the iouni Women' Christian association rooms, lai Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwl assisieu. tit) i SYRINGES, rubber goods, by malt; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers- Dillon Drug co., Omaha. (18) 864 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramgs toiug. a) SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and mole permanent ly removed ny electricity; con sultatlon free and confidential: all wnrl guaranteed. Miss Allender, 824 Bee Bldg. (18)- BLEM1BHEB. pimples; eruptions, rashes medicated by uatln sum cream soon di appear, . . (is) MMIS. ZEREFA, Armenian massage, 6.'0 Bo. 16th, Flat Phon Dougla 6K46. (18) MStv3M18x SEND ten cent stamps for trial can An tispeptic hoot powder, cures callouses, ore, tender feet. White Gross Toilet Co., tpo west &tttn Bt., New York. (1S)-612 13x ARTIST teaches the secret art of antique metal coating on ordinary clay figure. Full Information upon request. Jolian welgart, 211) East lbtn Bt., New yorR. (18)-13 19x GASOLINE accidents prevented by anyone simply treating gasoline with nonxplo powder. Saves lives, fires. Sample free, Nonxplo Co Washington, D. C. 18 4J10 19x WORTH 825. Panama Hat direct from weaver from V'. uf"iii iia. rcinio piHji iruin 1 1 1 . i , , . . ji order, winter ft Co., Box 103 Beilge, Brit ten Honduras, central America. (18) &3 19X PRIVATE home during confinement bable boarded. The Home, 84 N, 27th Bt. -pnone Harney 8813. (18) 709 18x MARRIAGE paper; highest character; In corporatea; mtn year: 4.m member paper sealed; send 10c R. K. Dove, Box low, uenver, coio. (IS) 068 19x SEND 10 cent stamps for trial can AN llBJfifTIU FOot Powder. Cures !, louses, sore, tender feet. White frnu . -lonei i-owaer co., 6U West 68th St, jnbw org. , (18)-24 19x BEWARE , OF.. .PICKPOCXETS-Protect your mony; dnwairH, ftm piokpgeket or iobb; simple aareiy aevic mailed 16c, eaieiy co., iiox .-7, Albany, N. Y. (18)-626 19x WHAT little boy or girl, or any musically in, Lm buii, wuuia iiae 10 ao a lilt,e work at home at odd times to help pay for a musical education? P. O. Box 218, uiiisviia, neo. lgj M7&4 21 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE) DEALERS. PATNB INV. CO.. Ut floor N. T. Llf. uougia 178- (IB) eu7 GEORGE e CO.. 1601 Farnam. Tel. Dougls 754. (19) B&8 BENJIMAN R. E. Co.. 477 Brandels Bldg. UM) 3.3 CITY PIIOPKRTY FOB SALB. A RBTH AfTfl fls" TTTT UTTM a v?v OUARANTEE AND TRUST Ca, 1714 BARGAINS IN HOMES New -room All modern home' hlrh. bibi'j iL'i'mnin, ujiKs 10 car. a nice prop erty. Price, 33,260.00. 10-Room Cottare filx fine rnnma m flrat fine cemented cellar, newly papered throughout. All In fine repair. Cement walks, shads trees, south front, block to car. This Is a splendid bargain for the money. The house alone eoat originally at least 81,000 more than 1 asked for entire property. Price, f3.iM.OJ, and will give very reaaunaDia lerms. . 8-room all modern home; In fin repair. newly papered throughout, also new bath fixture. This property Is finely located at 43d and Dodge, In diatrict that la rapidly coming to the front. Property In this local ity will double in value within next two yeara Thla place will make you a fin-i modern noma ana aiao make you mma money at the price aaked. Price, 21,600. ttea aonable terms. COUNTRY HOME SITE A fine residence site with a fruit sml garden patch adjoining. Something that will piease me most ramiuious. mne view, city water, electrlo light, near street car. All the convenience of city with the quiet and luxury of the country. BENSON & CARMICIIAEL, Phone Dougla 1482. 612 Paxton Block. (1)- . A TOAST Here's to the man or woman who can look Into the future of Omaha far enough to aee the value of this Investment, and realise that to double your gold 1 easy as getting money from home. CHEAP TRACKAGE A fine plec of trackage near th nlrkla works, close to the Eleventh street vl,1,i.-( Original slse of lot, (16x132. The track cuts on a mue on on end. Buildings now on th lot bring in a rental of H7.60 per month. -Price, 84.0OO; V cah. Writ, wir, telephone or call. ARTHUR C. CROSSMAN, 218 Board of Trade Blflj. iviepnuo jougms Hill. (19)- SNAPS Five room, porcelain bath, new furnace Ine lot, all In esewient condition; clots In; i-iockb 10 car. s.iiaj; lerms. Six rooms, electric Unlit s. as. lath, good cellar, acreena for the window and doors; rerinanenl walks, alley, hard pine finish; block to car; lot buxl32; 8-'.6u0.uu; term. GLUCK & NEWMAN 8W Brandle Blk. 'Phones DS4&6 A1A34 Omaha, Neb. 18 HOL'SE AND BARN. Five room house and new 1 0 rn ... blocks from tar use.- 4Utb and Araus Ave. Sew lioO chicken kouse arid new busxy rrun rsea. l US lof 1 toilj, Would like 3.Vj0 equity In cash. Deinls faxlon Lloi.k. I-Lone 1oi;U ti lud. 1- (lui M ".ia. o !Ni8!afls?S. -.5 REAL ESTATE CITT PKOPBHTT FOR SAI49 (Continued.) D. V. SH0LES CO. 110 Board of Trade Bldg. Telephone: Bell, Doug. 4; Ind., A-2049. 83.4 2711 Maple St., 4oil2t, ft., with new l-roora cottage, !4x ft., with pantry and vestibule built In rear; all mod ern except furnace; dressed floors. A dsnJy, .nice plsoe. 13,6362716 Miami St., rooms, nearly new, modern except furnace; stone foun dstlon; rice lot, 60x133 ft., with small barn and chicken yard. Immediate poaesalon. , t2,00-ix3 8. 8ith St., 60xll ft., with 7-room hound, modern except furnace; nice location; very cheap. P,T0t Charles St., 8-room cottage, I modern except furnace; fine south 1 front lot 60x1.10 ft.; small barn; de sirable location. 3,300 60x100 ft., with 7-room house, mod ern, with hot water hea3: fronting Hanscom park, between Hickory and Shirley fit. 13,760 6-room modern, two-story qukre house, near 16th and Plnkney St., with full lot; good barn; built by owner, who 1 a contractor, and I exceptionally ell built; beautiful location and a good bargain. 84.800 On 83d, near Center. 60x140 ft; splen didly well built 8-room house, lsrge rooms, nicely arranged, thoroughly modern, with barn; east front; street paved and permanent walk; an ex cellent home, and cheap. 35.000 Block from corner 83d and Wool worth Ave., nearly new 8-roora two ' tory, thoroughly modern house, with hsrdwood finish; corner lot; ewer, wster and gas, electrlo light; east front. VACANT I 700 47xlR ft., northwest comer 8Rth and : Pacific St., Immediately opposite Field club golf cour. Thl aection Improving rapidly. I 80044x135 ft., west front, on 11th, lust south of Arbor. 11,05044x136 ft., southeast corner 11th and Arbor. Or we will sell 132x136 ft., with permanent walk; paving on 11th all paid for, 82.760. Half cash, bal ance on and two years, 6 per cent This Is a bargain. 11,100100x130 ft., corner 40th and 8cwrd Sts.; both streets paved, but not all paid; room for three houses, and a bargain. 81,650 100x126 ft. northwest comer Thirty sixth and Marcy; block to csr; eewer, water and gas. Section Im proving fast. 3,25090x140 ft., east front on 28th; 78 ft. . south of Jackson; a fine place tor two pair of St. Louis fiats. INVESTMENT $10,000 Southwest corner 30th and Popple. ..... hub imgn e-room, modern house; oak finish and floors; excep. tlonally well built. Will rent for tdS per month, together with 6-room modern cottage, renting for 326 per month, on rear of lot; both etreet paved; permanent walks all around. Owner moving Into th country. Improvement A No. 1 condition; -.w, . ,it-w aiiiu cost sii'Aluu. $21,000 Block from Farnam car, 80x116 ft. v. Bivuuu, Wlin m UIOCS Or BIX prt- ment. all heated by one plant; ne other expenses or Janitor service necessary; total rental $2,830 per year. Deduct coal and care of , heater, not exceeding 4oO. This will psr 8 to 10 per cent net. We show you around bv automo bile. Tou get your money' worth If you don't buy. 09) OMAHA 2716-2719 Blondo Rt.. I s-mvwn enttasree lot 60x140 on Blondo St. 8 blocks north of the 24th St. car line. Price, $1,860. 3223 Franklin St., 6-room partly modern cottage, uoatalr not comnleted. lot anriai loo ft east of 83d St. car line; north front f rice, siKoUMw 1 2018 Pierce St.. 6-room modern cottaa-e. except furnace, lot 80x186; lot facing on two street, Pierce and Poppleton Ave. Price, $2,600. 2018 Bancroft St. and 2015 Arbor St, lot running through from Bancroft to Arbor St;, i cottage, one facing Arbor SL, one facing Bancroft St Price. 82.050 for both. Or will sell on for $1,026. 2437 Snencer St.. 8-room cottaa-e. all mod ern, lot 40x132; aa good aa new. Price, 83.200. ll 62X112, on Hherman Ave., close to wfrt St., west front Price, 8900. Lot 66x188. north front, second lot west of 17th St. Price, $650. On Orphanage road, t 6-acre plots, one $300, two $250 each. Northwest corner of 24th and Castellan Bts.: lots 7 and 8, Wilcox add.; CfVsXl&S each. Price for both, $3.0u0. Block 1. lot 18. Orchard Hilt. 88th and Charles Bts; second lot from comer. 132 x300, between Frederick and Spring Sts., with frontage on 14th and 16th Sis.: 132 on 16th St., level with street, and 100 back toward 14th St.; balance needs filling. Price, $960; cash, balance on time. South Omaha 9-room house, all modem, 4-room cottage. all modem but furnace: lot 80x150 on 24th St. Price, 86.600. S3d and V Sts., 8-room cottage, lot 60x130, well. Price, $Um0. 23d St. between A and B Sts.. lot 60x150. 8-room, all modern house. Price, $6,000. 7-room nouse, an modern but furnace, lot 80x120. Price. $2,700. 25th St between I and J St.. 14-room double frame house, all modern except fur nace, lot 60x150. Price, $4,160 cash. So. 26th St., lot IS. block 7; lot 60x160, 13 room house, 6-room cottage, city water. Price, $6,000 for both; H cash, be I. on . FLORENCE t acres and 4-room house, one-half mils northwest nf Florence car line: barn, wslL orchard. Price, $3,000. NELS A. LUNDGREN, I 62S New Vork Llf Bldg. VACANT See our south front lot on Fowler Ave., between Florence x boulevard and 23d Bt; 60x133, permanent walk. ewer nd water; tret will be paved thl spring. Prtc $700 and 8V36, i easy term If desired. East front on tuth St, Just north of B pence r 4476. North front on Wirt, near 27th St. $300. East front on 80th St, 10x120, near Spencer Bt (37b. North front on Fort St, near 24th, 66xl33-30. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., HVt Farnam Street Douglas 1064 'PHONE Independent A1064, Fine Building Lots W hav a few of th best lot left yet In the St. Claire addition. They are high nd sightly and located In on of th best part of th city. These lot are exceedingly heap at the price we nave on them, which aa been proven by the number which ha been sold the last few days. For further Information call Dougla 6108. W. J. DERMODY INVEST MENT CO., $38 N. T. Llf Bidg. Omaha, Neb. 1EAL F.BTATH TITLR TRU8T pn CHAS IS. WILLIAMSON? Pre. O. n toj U 1 1. , i i.r One-half blork. m paved street, puvemeut all paid for, ft. i.uum, ui oarn, larva nin house, fruit trers. Prt .. !i .u i ...... k.i 1 easiest v' terms r i.-lnslv'e sale be quick. inn ifliniMAiioNAl, UMJ ANi lis VI- MTMkNT CO., 2). Mil, ., uinaha, Kb. 1'Luue D. , CS-775 1